etitaDA . 1101P1litgaSit ; s 01111*Brali - r 4. WEDNESDAY,' JUNE V; 18119. . STATE CONVENTIONI AT the last meeting of the WHIG STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, held at JHarris. burg, in pursuance of public call—it was' on motion Resolved, That the friends . of the National and State Administrations in Pennsylvania be requeated to meet in the'severarcitier and coun ties in the State, and select Delegates - equal in number to their•representation in the State Leg islature, who 'shall meet in Convention at the ;cony. House inIIARRISBURG, at It o'clock, on THURSDAY, the 16th day of AU GUST NEXT, fbr the Puiooso of sgotei_ai a eandidate for CANAL C 0 MM ISS 'ON NR, and to do such other business as the interest of the country may,require. • . By order of Hie Committee. • GEO' ERETY, Cfiair'n., pro tern D. W. PATTERSON, Secretary. -• _ - "COMMITTEE. Morton McMichael, Alex. Ramsey, Thos. E. Cochran, Robert Iredell, Wash. Townsend. • John_ Francis N... Buck; James Fox, • Benj. Matthias, 4 George Lear, H. H. Etter, Patti S Preston E C Darlington, George F. Miller, David (Armor, Lot. Benson, Wm. H Seibert, • Joseph Paxton, G. V. Lawrence, John Fenton D. A. Finney, D. Wetmore , John Morrison,. H W Patrick; Satn'l W Pearson. Alex. W. Taylor, Whig County Commlllce. . We are requested to ask the members of the Whig standing committee, whose names we putilished lastAieek, to assemble at the •-• public house of John Wert, in this , borough, on Monday, the 18th of June, at 2 o'cloek/O isdopt - such - measures - as - the -early organize. they will all be present:. • . • ' Organization of the Whig Party. • We'agiee with the -Harrisburg Telegraph as,tstbe absolute importance of a tliorongh organization of the Whig party, and the in pansable - necessity -of exertion, if we would succeid•lefthi3 coming - contest. Thi lid and. vigilant, we fail of a trium phant victory.; but divided and careless of the result, we cannot hope for any thing but . :_kk most disastrous and overwhelming defeat. Our opponents are-every where on the alert, watching with intense anxiety every move ment- ci) the - N big party,•and rawly at ali times to take advantage of the slightest in discretion. They must be met by- a -firm and unwavering phalanx Oben desperate as : satins must he opposed by.a from as -solid and impregnable as their own. "To-this end 161 - us organize in season, so 'thin we may be prepared to give the enemy a IViderloo defeat when the day of battle comes. • PROSCRIPTION WITH ...1 VENGEANCE 1.- The Town Council Of last ,year, about two weeks' before its term expired, passed an 5 Ordinance for the improvement of the public grave-yard. _(a measure greatly needed) and appointed Mr. James M. Allen, Curator. Mr. Allen mem ried the votes of all the mem , hers of the Council, -including four who were his political opponents, and was ap pointed !or one year.,, , On the present Coun cil coming into power, id which there is a booboo majority of one memtier, they repealed that section of the Ordinance which appointed Allen, and thus turned him out of offige, for no other reason that we know of than because he was a Whig. Believing that they had exceeded their authority under the Borough charter, the case wes brought oy Allen before the Court on a writ of quo warranto. Atter a hearing the Court decided. that Allen could not be removed "unless. gdilty of misdemeanor in-office." But the locofoco majority of the .Council determined not to be thus beat out. A special mewing of the Council wag held, at which we are informed one of the members gravely rose and moved "that James M. Allen be remo• • ved, for misdemeanor in office"! The motion was Carried by a parlif vote. And thus without a specific allegation against him, or his being • notified of any charge, they remove him for an imputed misdemeanor ! Sensible men—nice discriminators of right : these five 'losohicu Ccinterrnert! They deserve to be handed down to posterity as the . 'cuteet men of their day at beheading Whies.• They 'cannot however expect a worthy man to submit in silence to • this pet ty persecution while he has legal remedies t o'resort to,,and they will find probably that Mr. Allen can't be thus "bluffedoff.l, CUSTOM HOUSE •APPOINTMENITS: — .abctut twenty-ave apppontirnents in the Cuito,m Housesat Philadelphia„is an nounced in the city papeo. Among them is Henry J. §onreiner, el Adams caunty, ..and .Charles.Troxell,ol Reading, both well known Whigs. Tluvremainder are {item the city • and county. The whole number of appoint ments is not yet made. Mr. M.T. Ege, of this place, whose appointment by Mr. Nor .tiat Surveyor of the. Fort, we noticed some time since, has. entered upon his duties in . that office. &tubmed's Museitta"l- - -The fiir:famod • Barnuin, - whoSe Ntiw York Museums Wide= ,ly known; ,liatr °Oiled merit in Philadialphir; as will be seen by'his (U:llo , '#'." - pft'ie`i: = ` The•Sity papers speak'. pi' t openitiO itartiu nit is ilie 2 eOntinueci . exhibit)iirrof l'eed I 'net' kill to pay it Mr WmylVl.; 1113 9tATAPSbeeri, to rl ii n he ( ,; .( 4 1 !sle t-PePoOlict . ' l'ank; in. .admiinbly qualiliett for, , ,thri place!' , The re r,Pv9 1 11450 0 F 9 x :I'oo4 ger, leo,olopo Iriptele seem ' ne9 , an , !rI,3RP'F'" belin , tA196.8 „hip or_sorr „ r,., •-ikeein,D.irvri .01 14.J0upp000,N,.., d y g adieerllo ugh ~r sem:alt . /0 :Iv ' - *ph P 7 e. ii`riPP4,4- °n " ebco 04,.r,,!) 1 1, 1t*iii'10 Arma 7 Ho •, wilwarni di - „ The.,,Nood:Thitlolaing,f-;: 7 -';''%: , .. ‘,..-,,,,, ;- .-7-',- .. '" f : :n ~,, '' In his circular•the'eammira -stoners of the neveraf -count*, on - 1 e PU • ' eet of the prompt yayrnent el the State Max ., es, Mi.,Ball,'lho : ;newelnitl -, energetic iSlate • Treisufer:spys— '.i:l , ,' ', ^.- t':', i':.... (abet thei „present ithoment • iti•.A .crisis it would-tie wropg to corieeal. If we ; criblhirf sewn; overeamwthethfhitithier(„Which en ron 'ins then rici huirlarr agii.nCY cab endanger the credit or cripple the resources of Penn-ii Sylvania. Before the year expires the treas• . ury wilt be in receipt of revenues, provided by recent legisintion; which are estimated to be more than equal to the late appyopria-- lions, and will leave, after the present year, near the entire revenue of the State,Jess the expenses of government, to be applied to the. payment of the interest on the, funded debt, and the surplus towards the completion-of an imporumt public Work. From the fact, mentioned, and•other causes of moment op eliding, the public rivejit 'will ' hereafter- re pose on iymorerellaßle revenue. . The General Assembly, at its trite session, acting under the patriotic and salutary mom- Inendatron of the Governor, established a sink ingfund, with a revenue sufliciertly large to make-it practically and efficiently useful.= Under its. auspices the State debt will be'reduced; the public credit permanently restored ; and the people at no distant day relieved from the taxes now levied upon their property. Iti-the future we have everything to hope. A. brighter day is dawning upon Hs. The eventful year is the present one. It is the '-ebange Irene an old to a new system—from a slate of inertness. to one of progretis ; anti to meet the exigencies in the time the State expects every citizen to dis Charge promptly the duty imposed on him by State pride and patriotic feeling." .: This is , cheering intelligence for the Tax- Payers of Pennsylvania! Heretofore they I have borne the heavy drain of taxation with out any hope of relief: But nt brighter day' harudawnectwith _the ascendancy of Whig ... Minciples! Under Gov. Jobtrwron's Wise I and judicious adMinistration the , veduction of lk_ eSicrunencAl___Tho-Farmer will now pay his Axel': cheerfully, for he has the assurance tterpthe burden will every year become lighter. There's uligood time com ing N-A REDOCTMIi OF THE STATIC DEBT !- a revival of the prosperity of Pennsylvania! And let the Fanner and.Tai-payer remem ber that to ourr-Whig PovernorJOHNirON, do we Chiefly owe this auspicious change in our public' affairs.. :- Under the guidance of his master-mind our ancient CoMmonwealth is destined to, renewed prosperity, and the Whig party to continued ascendancy! ' Cholera In Philadelphia Three cases of Adiolle ,Cholera, all which proved fatal, were reported by the board of Health of Philadelphia, on Wednes day evening. The first was an Irish Erni. gr.iiit,just arrived horn New York, and 'the. other two, the Captain and a laborer upon a coal boat plying between Trenton and Port, Richmond: Every precaution has been .ta. ken by the authorities, to prevent the spread of thei malady._ - • . , • Cholera in New York.—Two_oases and one death were reported on Friday, May 25th ; two cases and. Ope death on - Saturday ; eight cases and:rout deaths' on Tuesday, the 29th; seven, cases and two deaths on Wednesday; and eight. cases and two deaths 'on Thurs day. Among the victims to the disease was Mr. Lawrence Hill, long . a reglieciable Abut.' merchant in New 'York, but a resident of Brooklyn. He.had been suffering from di arrhma for a day or , twe' but had negleekil it. . THE ."RUNNINO" of .SLAVES.—At' the anniversary meeting of the Anti-Slavery So ciety of Boston, on Wedneaday, Brown, the fugitive slave, whose .extraordinary escape from servitudimond, and almost mi raculous arrival at Philadelphia, created such a sensation about two, weeks since, was in troduced to-the audience: He was transpor ted three — hundred miles through a slave holding-country, end by public thoroughfares iii a box, by measurement, exactly three feet one inch long, two . feet wide r and two feet six Inches deep: He arrived in Philadelphia after many hair breadth escapes and the box was \taken to the house to which it was directed. The panting inmate heard -voices whispering; afterwards more men came in. They were doubtful or:fearful about opening the box.— He lay still, not knowing who the people were. Finally one of them knocked on the box, and asked, "-Is all right here?" . right," echoed ;from the box. The finale of this simple tale was received with deafening shouts. THE OLDEST MAN IN AMERICA--Gpo. Ruckert, Irving in Harlin county, Ky., is one of the most-extraordinary. men of the age, andis - perhaps.themltTest man — now - known to be kving. He is, says the Bible Society Record, one hundred and fourteen years old ; was born in•treitinanteWn; Penneylvania, and has lived lot several yearn Ma hollow syca... more tree, of such lirge dimensions as to contain his family, consisting of a wife and five °rem children, beds and bedding, cook ing mensils, .&o. The exploring ngent of the American Bible Society, in his' travels in Kentucky, recently lound,him, and dm saw several respectable gentlemen who had B rent One or more..:night!) `with \pint-in thin singular .home;, He professes, mimic! :the 4atberao faith r tbeing of , tt German lantily, pad, received , the, bible .with peculiar mani -lentations ol.gtatitudo. Wine a life' air' ohe Men to spend ! a long traits of.everns • haa:lurked thin.coni s ury, through which he has, drawn, the thread. of existence I RErcriNibui A DYE N iILICLEAB. •=• A Irtioi t over paper front - qie„ West recordivthe re ferai of CilifornkaaePenit!roie o ; their,eC 7 , giieyneeee,:*Siiity of ,these' dis a . " •. 'lie . . Cnors:•=Follotrilig 2 sAvei,l: 'raj' freotiiii.rnithr eilternccn last rith:n beyere, h di I Monn,'which we,nre informed hatidonclierf considerable' kinjurylo the grani.flakis in:varinniltlacee: ' o477.o 66i n t ol a t' t. PlPlija;quicklY recdr. Mt.s*lTkifl.)9l'Pk4tsl4,l4, aloarpd, PPU%PrffPili*A9CJ o o l(lin g .l urn otsYOPiate,o4rilki $400,000 has beam tlikcitifilt l 3;Pi.,Ottitunkti 9 ci , st _ n e w.aseit i'fititirei4 ll o . l4POOS64pW4 4 : 4 ' , JARI )., i~:f"~:'~'s ckji:Alil l .9 l l9o44Qo::Zis , **;4'en.l)lkav' , ea "Ch arter: • .• pu to e -a ''b h . (I Oa' lirk'.Conn. and tiesigoakini it uis4 ' lt.e'?l • • ,• -aArn etg• the killetli ; "fore iholcity 01 INexicoOs'Coloriel rtariseini, of therNevv England Regiment. He took the sword. in ail : unrighteous causey,ancl,pbrished 'by We regtEtt his•deuth ofdrai .we rugiel.-,that of olhert hpFnicides;whose. cu .! : reer of - blood isarreii6d - by the ' He line periihed inglorieus . l3,-:-lor he; has perialied in an inglorious cause. Il oily A merican lives are to be - sac r ificed in the in= lernal war which our Government is vraging . for the extension of slavery, we prefer it • should be•those of the officers rather than the privates-of the intelligent dopers, rath- Atr than the ignorant duped." Reader, mark it and make a note of nit; everlasting remembrance, that when the to cofocos and Free Soilers recently succeeded id securing a'•majority in the- Legislature of Connecticut, they elected the author of the above 'fiendish" paragraph STATE PRINTER t . SLAVERY EXPIRING.—HOW curl Shilve7 ry continue it miserable existence much longer, with the moral sentiment ,of the North solidly arrayed against it, and bold -BARRY CI.AY and .the indomitable 13Euvox trampling it under foot in the very "house of its friends"? • The ITeveritst blows it 9,9lx receives are in fact from men in the Slave States. Mr. Robinson of Franklin; Ky., in a speech delivered 112 the late Emancipation Convention at Frankfort, Ky., hit ofi' the de ' fenders of slavery in that State with a good deal of humor-and point: - • "The opposition to Our views inconsid :. able `f • iv:• .ii. but few who admire the slavery of KentuOryi arid Many Of (hitt levii it is a sentiment rather than a principle. Their birth-place is Old Virginia—there they spent their youth.— Slavery was there, and everything in Vi'rgi nia was perfect. You know, - sir, the strength • of this feeling among Virginians. - Trie emi grant from even th - cise slavery has desolated—trom.theensteritsand here -the-people--subsist-one--hid f-of the 'yeat oiti 6'4 and 'oysters, and the-other half on pdst recollections—amid all the fertility' of the westsighslor the sand hill's 'and fish • and oysters Virginia. With others this love of slavery is neither a sentiment nor principle—they, from mere habit, cry out against us, abolition ! danger to proper ty !!—and those-who cry loudest are those who never had - a riegro_to abolish 4 _anti.un ' less their habits of industry shall vastly change, never will;- while the largest portion -raise the hue and cry merely for political el feet, and 'for tear of 'mere party interests." . Lieut. Beale - 4 161P0 U.S. Navy, arrived in New York iron Cagtornia,on Tuesday, com ing by way of New Or leans ant! Charleston. He left San Francisco on the - 14th of April in the-Oregon, and reached Panama on the 10th of May. Lieut. B. remained at San Francisco two weeks, daring which time the weather was •wet and cold. Not much digging had in that time been done at the Placer.F. All ac counts from the mines confirm the reports dl the abundance of gold. The Oregon 101 l with about $120;000 in gold, and the Cali lornia had a large quantity on board. The, l Oregon and Calilornia would return in about ten days. Lieut. Beale . brought with him one piece of pure gold, weighing eighty-one. ounces, worth 4161500, and others of smaller size. There are but fitly, women. in. San Francis co, twenty ol whom are Americans. Should a ship load of females arrive, all the single ones would, receive offers of marriage be fore they landed. Nearly the whole ol Capt. Slitter's 40,00 bushels of wheat, at Fuller's Port, in Cali fornia, had rotted in the field, for want ol hands to harvest it. , Lieut. Beale. says That the only punish• ment for all, crimes committed there is hang. ing. '\Vhen a person commits any theft or outrage, he is brought•belore a jury of twelve men who go thrOugli the regular forms of a trial, and if convicted he is executed at once. One man has recently been executed for stealing - a horse. Among the passengers by the steamer Se vern, at Mobile from Vera Cruz, is Mr. Par rott, the Ameridan Consul at Mazatlan. He, is on his way to Washington. He found the road from Vera Cruz to Mazatlan lined with travellers to California.. A perpetual stream of emigrants and'adventurers, travelling by every conceivable mode of conveyance, in wagons, carts, &c., on horses, mules and'on foot—some without hats or shoes—was pouting norm the country, intent on reach ing the gold. region of the West. The •op. portunitiokli of conveyance in vessels from, Mazatlan a San Francisco were abundant.:- Mr. Parrott has,recontly been to the latter place, and was of opinion, that unless some active.measureswereaoPted byTour gov,- ernment, the inhabitants would ofgcrilize,a governirient, for tbeinvelves. They. com plain gieatly of lliNto,lact of. Congress, at the last session • to give:,thern a territorial ,government. , .t,h9e,glttjp . ,itifOrpatierfAvatt.notilefittitei n9rdeflainir si City elMexiCe papers'io the lith tilUmo MIZE wr--firb) rc-1-101Y. 0 • ; 914.'1% in.11.:,- h tbis t arrivalt . A PY...", ril11 ) n news'' . " ' , San' Fianbleccii? tiro .. 6 .‘,,... ,'illtie 446 . 4"i0iis 116 T: 11161 a 61 : th(i ' l .. un .;',. I"anfjrin : ' . i ':' f t '' , t.l'liii - 6ttse• A loin, tne a a., ~ , . ~, •Cdancii'bfttbilAlf-e, • • 6 i ..- ' 1 iiioiw#4l - IV; !ni t "- „r. , ." - 1 - : ~ ifie •soirciiti%o*intemliatiiitt'lMtlp!r :.‘latarit.llb ,---, . -.-— • iii. ~i..trihiiiiiicorp 1 ob'riely:t I,Picwill! he ti ;7,: , , , ~ ijieneral 0 ..__...3,-., ~, . E.-,- , - , - _ - _ ,;.-.A7), , , , ~ ~, • ' ' .'6111ini0rbi1t1V1YTa9,P.1,17,73.,,;,,,y,*ni...' ;''''iiS'lT"l.l,4'ol4.4rl;:7l"),,,q,p9,o4,or,it,t)lP, ~e., Aqin,P03.5.4,.,A.,3,11:0,1Crt:1- I , l ' ri'ti - rh, .:,,,,ifteijoelirtfie.4lF.4ll!;,.`l,frapl,',.7l.il6;rideatqiiiti;ll4l4nTr.V7,''': 1, . -'l fi rcle , d '7,+Fiz - __:,"- -- „_ , ',.7 7',3: '4, qi , ..,'.-....-t.'y,f:.ol( r , .41 1 % , ,.... '"7 -. _ :,, J,44;0141, (1,;,,,,;;,,•,- ~7 , 1 - - ,;.t.,.., ...„.., appointed hriom ,;;410'ffieM91''," =IYI:i.,‘ .; ..,,:, ~, 4 „P•4. . 4 •.,F. ,-,Z,Vi,,,`,le.''' '-I"Za.'l'':'" •7'''''' l'-t'iiihtii*loqiie9ir,S--,. 7,*, 4gl;,:ri z fi;At' 1 ..9, 1 .i:.6 , . .<•! 4 7 , `i-- — : ,l-3: .5: 1 t i ,.,..:,,:,.es .....,,..,, • r. ::." i,',...: '.i ., .. , ) , ;' ,..3 ,. ,,,: 441-;10:1•'4--, . - N .,- 'r."7-is'L' ; f.; , ,,: ' ',1" , - :;".,' ' "-• ' ' • ' Itl'.':l'o''' ''J ,,e ,;t,' , ! . .,';' ,, :', •, ;' - ',,';', , „•,,,,p,, , , , ; ,., ~, _ ... . ----- Later from California A rumor.renehect, Mr, Parrott, before leav ing ; Mazatlan, thnt u, mutiny had onourted'on the,y. S. stttp,P,ltte, in consequonee okthe• reenphire,,nmi T attempled.punishment ;o1 number ni . deimrters, had thtenipted to go Ao.tite go,o, : regiost. , Couttnottore done„a had siteceededin ; :queilingfirta ~,mutinebriE and pOng 11 , vetief bekieved that some of,them would . 13,0etipitalli exec.u. • , I MOthi . #rortior of ,o,rev911,10111e;:Beoon „.., ~c;tl, r,.r},i:~,.,~. 1 . 17. SprVau; orb, SENATOR . ; ' f&NTON .— Senator 1 4 0111OrOatitiegetitly_made.a - ipeech Jefrfeti .61 it is deick= littlOWCelhintii:. , :alicL . tiii. inconsistency, .PuttibliterlyJO:COnrittiribii,vrith the Shivery-. 'with his accustomed bOlthiese aniLderitness, declaring tliat it is . 19,Ceitgtesti. the right to legislate thsrsubject of .Strivikry,; : irtthisTetriteries..Congresii bee direr exiiitoised'AiS power from the founda- Boit ciVthe government. to .the .present lime, and tbetapPtovalkor all the authori. hi:nibs:4h State:and,Fuderal. No citizen of any' State . min' catty aTiy . propitity detiVed *wive: Itivrof: that State an inch beyond the boundary line against ermsent: blavet property 'Mt 'this lesson cannot be reiviOved ,to California or New Mexico,. nor 'ban' any legal establishment 01 slavery .be looked for in either Tertitory. The only el .leet of carrying slaves there would be to give them their liherty t tt.e people at 'both Terri tories being unanimously opposed to its in troduction. The late Mtesoini . Resolutions Were copied from those •of Mr. Calhoun- in the Senate of the U. S. in 1847. To knOw their design it must be known that they aimed at the .harmony and debility of the Unton, add at the members trom.lhe slave holding States, (himself, Mr. Benton, partien lady,) who refused-to follow the lead of Mr. Callumn. Nineteen new cases of cholera have been reported by the -'Board of Health for the twenty4our hours ending noon to-day.— Seven of these cases proved total. Jtma.3—P. .M.—Theret have been twenty.; five cases and • eleven deaths by ctiblera since yesterday noon. 'the ship Princeton, arrived at this port from Liverpool, lost her steward and nineteen passengers by cholera during her passage. VVAMINGTON,JURea. Colone.loseph Ottinger, of Penneylvehla, has been appointed Special Agent of .the Paqt Office. Departmentior the detection of a contttor for the departmenrqualifietrnim lig the - pest; • • It was stated yesterday, on high authority, that Mr. Butterfield, a distinguished htwyer of 1111 note, and formerly United States Dis trict Attorney, Will receive the appointment of Commissioner of the General Land Office, -vteetoidgertoung. - OALEANa r IVIay SO. The flow of water into the^ city still con tinues, and has now reached Carondletstreeh in the first Municipality; But there is a hope, now, that the crevasse at S.auve's plantation N•ilt be subdued during the next ten days.— Capt. Grant arid IVlr. Guiltier are exerting their utrnoat skill, aided by a large number of laborers, and it is confidendy believed _that_lhoitoffots will_be successful. The &lie eisslepi river is slowly _subsiding. The dis .•tresses of thi3 - peofin the stibtheited disnict I are deplorably, increasing, many persons scarcely havOli house to sheffriFtbem. Sr. Louis, June 2. .' The conclusion ot^ the treat speech which Col. Bentqp delivered at Jefferson cityi on the subject of shivery, Sw.. has just been published. ' It -is very voliiminouif. - The principal point in this issue is his advocacy of the Wilmot proviso, which he characteri zes as true Jeffersonian doctrine. NnwnuaeJime _ The body of Delia Avery was recovered Jrom the ladies' saloon of the 'steamer Em pire yesterday. afternoon. She' was from Preston l Conn., and in company with the . Ladd family, of Stoilington, Connecticut.— Her nee' was. 23. Upon her person was found $118,48, chiefly in gold. Hbr brother Oliver P. Avery, is here, and wall- take the remains of his sister to Preston, for interment. In the Ladies' saloon, horn which Miss Avery was taken, there are yet several feet of water. The atter !Aver cabin had not been•reached. When the boat will be rais ed so as to float, it is impossible to tell. The work has been slow. The whole number of bodies found is iwentY•three. Messrs. Brown, Kimberly, Cole, Robin son, Faquhar and Keller, clerks in the See-1 and Auditor's office of the Treasury, were removed In-day by Secretary Meredith ; and their Vacancies filled by the appointment of Messrs. A. F. Sin iver ot 91a6.1aird,G'ondlpw, of North Carolina, Beard. of Virginia, and three others whose names have not trium phed. • BAP.TIMORE,IIIIIB 4. Severn! cam of - Cholera have been re ported to-day, bpi none officially. The market tmclay is active, and prices are in favor of the seller ficyvard street in held at 4, 7 5, but no sales haVd Wen reported. — 7 Grain—There is a good deal doing in corn, with an advange, and holders are lirm ; prime white is quoted at 52a53c, and prime yellow at 58a51110 per bushel. Wheat is held firmly. There are no -changes to notice in other articles, • • The Boafd of Health, at noon to.4ay,"re portod wanly-three now eases of,Cholere, pine of which proved fetal. PIIILADELiI6, Monday, June 4. --There-was-very-little-inquiry - for - flour to— day, and I:te Market is dull; we are only ad vised .of sales of .abent 200, oi Western at s4,sl4hOldere generally ask more. Small , sales of Rye Flour ar'.4 reaking at $2,75. A bout 800' bbls 'Brandywine Cdrti Meal sold at $2,87 whir)) is an-advance. Wheat is tn., lair demand and - about.: 5000 ",bushels were disposed of at 105 e for reds, and 111;eits for whiteT - The - demenills — less - setive - forComT 10,000 bushels flat and round yellow found .buyers at 604,191s..0ats.about 30 els. Divortoss...4he system ,o 1 granting divOrea runs to a fearful extent in, some of tile Stelae. ,We see it stated . that in ,one,ease belore the, Conneetient .t;egisiaturs, the,,hus-, bandesked rt , diVrime l lisertuse,his wife, was insane when he married; , her. ~.In another, •the wile asked, a drvores,,hosause herr,. hirp_, band was „ uppornlort4ble,fellpyv any, ttritv"—"Mit dead obleicene in her tea. pot" — (!teent,l9 bell 4'llli6,ik ,11ci9q 4 , ittlilis Wilt case the divorie .was granted —in cit!ter,tindoiceri v alit pqdl69ationa.-- 'lt IS inne infasureS, were taken to cheek legislative dtsposition to grant divorces Sotie sivlr,e,thperapoei it! i'ieyk Weans, only ,three have led ' , Of the ehotera. One of lh'eee lard 'heert _ a triornber'l -- ;ihe- prder •week,. stnot. era mpnt htitl thaAhlrd wait' attacks • chl4r3ll l 44:iii;Or.i', 4 l)9'ak:'pt: the'. llriii.rifoliv'ziii'opoi.!-. , ' ,,,. ..--- -,- imi*ta#V,Litelligi*-44111Turope 13y: tlae, aitival'of 'the .4tehmiihii Niagara,. A' at ~.Elalifaii'MOrlday daya' . lofer Eu'rope,: It is interesting anil.lartpprianO t i 1 ..1n coinmeinial-offairs tkere ho material aterial amenilinerit: 'Flouvand- Corn market hive.slightly improved. • Ireland .continues quiet, and us miserable ae ever. In England, details of the out. break - in Canada, - were laid before Puna. .ment on the 15th, which-'elicited some dia. cussino of no. importance beyimil the fact that the Government evinced a determina tion to sustain Lord Elgin. •Eall Grey, in al. tutting to Lord Elgin's dispatch, said it would 'show that he acted throughout whir his ac customed imfgernent, moderation- and good sense, and That he was fully prepared to jus tify, and take the responsibility. of any step of Lord Elgin. No formal discussion nf Ca nadian allhas, until aher she receipt of, later intelligence,' which left/Liverpool Prohabiy on the 20th, in the Cambria. The elections in Prance on the 12th passed oil without a single viohitioti of good order. No definite opinion cart yet be formed as to the relative success of, parties. No doubt is dritertained but there is a large majority ill favor of peace and order. The Constitutionel states that the election in 52 Departments known on Thursday night, gives the follow. ing particulars: '453 Representatives, of which 298 are Moderates, 81 Democrats Or Sotialists ant! 75 friends of Ike Constitution. ' The French expedition In reinstate the Pope had not effected an entrance into Rome at the last advices. The Neapolitan army hits not been more succesaltil-having been defeated in an attack on-;-the , dth lust: In the meantime, Gin. Ondiiint has been reinforted by many thousand trgops, and he has now ,erobably. a -well appointed army of 200w00 men under his command, nut the enthusiasm of the Romans is raised to the highest pitch; and if n'single or combined attempt to bombard and take Rome by storm could be made, the defence of the city by means of barricades, anr l by the courage of thoi n NEW YORK, June 2 the Austrians are by no moans suro o A letter in the Times announces the land ing at Finirniso of a Spanish force, which was marching towards Rome Pope Pius, on hearing of the restoration of., the Ripens, is said ro have. deelareo.that he ould-not-return - to - Rama - nr — Such - u — Fgketirr and Wrote to Naples, and to Gen, Oudinotjo . forsces, • All accounts concur that it will be 'tit—pos sible to restore the imperial power .of Papa cy In any form, . We have before _us, most frightful details of priests being dragged forth by the popu lace from their hiding places and put to death. Their bodies .litive been hacked into the smallest pieces, and thrown into the Tiber. ' -- erfit btriro — ttfill scarcely be able everlo - let hui - hedinbas again on the throne of the'Vatican. The tide of feeling hart overflowed' him, and the -Romans-seern_pow bent on excludnu;sacer dote! and political authority forever. WASHINGTON, JIMEOI New Yonx, June 4 :Cotsvt.exion.--Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills Ore the besi cosmetic in the world"; because they cleanse and ptwiry.Alle hodysif those morbid humors' whlelf.- if lodgedin the cuticle, are the cause not only Or vet', low and swarthy complexion end roughness 'of the skin. but all kinds of eruptive diseases. • Wright's Indian Vegetable' Pills also aid and improve 'dins. elan, as well all'Cleallis and purify - the Mead, end, therefore, give health and vigor to the whole frame, which in turn,Will be mute to given cleat - and heal : thy complexion. . . 13•11ewere of counterfeits l Purchase front the • agents 'only, one or, ,:more,of.whdtw.will he Ibund in each village and town in the United states. ;;• . Pelleware - of connterfeits'and.lmittitiotte."llemeni; hit; that the original add only,genuine Indian Negeta, Pills'i,ble - have • the 'written slgekture of "Wad.lost •WitOnT 011 the top label of exalt box.' •••'.• IN; 'The genuine, le for sole by'' CHARLUS 'OGILUY; 'tole agent farCotllele,andgeneral agent fdrleumbitl land county, by Whom country: d ealers' Litton ledlvit4hesPitilintotpliitviee . . •. • , Contapo ieeqscs..4lt Wet. adept:oo;4(i , th e natur e of ' the : tjearibiiii: will be. no' prepogntloo of The.iyeeles;l:, , The , e o l l must be 'adapted to the seed, or there will be, I'lo inerealle. keel" Ohio. epblelolcel ", , poleone,, they r‘become,limtlogulibed,‘lloo - es. . that Is tiosuppllod wllO - ,9lll,.,oo.,:ft,itT,lllieydeo , 2 ; -wltliThe-fitiottlN rn -FraetiTTeenetiTOOLOIOINTITITIof ~,footed by elildeelleel or; contogloos dola ledjes. 'OO lee. .. ;Ahem .be Melee - r.'neittliti tio4ll h', iii the' elteU lan' ebleh atTerthe,approtriamilgoli;" --9 7 ,20 IIIirTIng Fair TO•1511 have ens. ;Ilty,;' with, ibeetiletOurftieititian `tvblblT"crnli ve l P lT . i . .i',Uodlt.yree,,neti! always feeTjecure:rebeteeor, ea . g, ,• regtTuroutortte. , :,TnieiVio', - inny have'. It, IniT 111,eoonla:orer.anicallobiteiltalLKIIII10 8 .2.01 1 1I i id- 01 .404 ortvefo, , ,,whlle'Tlioaeofbe,have . .. eon foo , w .t Itlttml(t.o/04' AllCOOolleot.)teniegYVollooT , 'Oeb . /' of. . . 3 lovi'.wooket-pOrhaptiouothq.or v.;• Sol& Iri.:001 , 1106;0 , 115 celoo , :yer-boKbY (AMBLES • FeeltbilTZ 44 by '0 O'olliettzet 4 T''Ablpretieboryt , 11 o . lo,7,(Ttibin ey&11114 -- -$ 11 1Pir;', 7‘14 '' ' Ircoaopto,N 4'l - • - The %get in Himgary arisiirnerl- no new feature, the Fighting goes on unre.nittingly„ and the fortunes of the Hungarians are said to- - Gar in- tile ascendant — They 'nFe said to be within a few days march of .Vieinna, to which point the Russians are passing:lor wardsis rapidly as possible. 11 thought that the strong protest of France seconded probably by England may have the effect to check the advance of the Russians. • The Emperhr of Russia, reoched St. Pe tersburg from Moscow on the 4th inst. The troops hiid •entered Gahm, en route for Hungary to the 'etsistance of the Austrians. Their force consists of 1.20,000 Men.and 350 cannon and 25.000 cavalry. Gen Bern is well prepared to give them a warm recep tion in the Transylvanian, and there will be hot work before it is over. The plot gradually reveals itself in Ger many. The Sovereigs have evidently corn biped for the overthrow of the Liberalists. There has been a formidable disturbance in Dusseldorf, on the Rhine, but' it has been' suppressed. At Frankfort the riot was be coming more revolutionary and anarChical every day. .A'.l the moderate men have, in consetpence, lett it. Seit•tty is nail) in a state of •irisurroelion for the liumlieth time, Irrßhubard, or pie plant, which is at this season of the year generally used for pies, should be for tbe present excluded horn the table. It is considered by physicians to bee fruitful source 'of -diarrlirea, and at / the present time, when symptoms of cholera are prevalent, should be strictly avoidOd. Per- sons cannot be too cautious in their diet and habits at die present. 111:70.11rs, Partingtoe says she intended the c o nsort of the females' cometry last even ing, some of the songs were extracted with touching pythagoras. The young ladies surig like syrups, and looked like angels just out of paradox. She only regrets (hat during the shower of applause she remembered that she had forgotten her parasol. The Boston Post is the organ of Mrs. Partington's ora cles. _ . , _ _Mr-Reports horn Missouti-ony that to Benton will be sustained in his position. • Tit OilleON's Compound' Syrup of Tar and wood, Naphtha—This excellent medicine has ly established its reputailen throughout the country o most certain cure in coneumption, obstinate coughs Spitting Blood, Brooch itle, Hoarseness, Loss of Voice Pain in the Breast, in short, all diseases 'Odic Throat and Langs. • Numerous Individuals . of the Bret—respectability - certify- to - its beneficial — effects • when nothing elsu weuld relieve. • ' Principal Offieb, corner df FIFTH and 'SPRUCE . streets, PMindelphia. Prepared only by Atroxyv dr. DICKSON. N. 10..c0r; nor of Fifth and Spruce streets, Philadelphia, , Sold in Carlisle •by JAMES FLEMINO;Agent for • Cumbarland•count.a. MEM •-• Ealli - saysAits.4 jam not 'generally know,M, that ; there,are:tWO .pierte,itt a potato, audit ectparatedliitl,PliMte*at hie sante time; ona 'will *dace Whet titlor the'libie:. eight or ten Jaya - sooner than the othei. The small end of iltO ; potato,,whiiih is gcmerally. eYee, MO' earlier, the mi~tdle or. ,bodY'of the Pcitato produces a larger kind i arid much later. The Iron and Coul of Pennsylva nia, no doubt, yieldo at this time 120,000,, ,000 per amluin. ' It is likely that in ten years this BUM will have increased to $50,000.,000, and our coal and Iron hade, eventually, make Pennsylvania the yiehest Statetin the Union. . ICII3 '2lllicrtiscinents„ 313,.p0. • CffAIVIBERS' INF. OR RATION FOR .THE PEOPLE, in Two Imperial Octavo Volumes of 810 pages each', elegantly hound.— This Popular Encyclopaedia contains a set Ms of articles on the most important branches of Sci ence, History,, Geography and General Liters tore, illustrated by upwards of 500 Engravings and is sold at .D R. RAWLINS' Drug .kml Book Store for $3,50 • (June 6) BARNUM'S MUSEUM, oOrner of .Chesnut Br. Seventh Streets, • • PHILADELPHIA. "For this 11115 PCIOIICe snio:;11t; on - wenry By ehoreand "nen, each mote nod living thing." 'FRE Proptimer of the A mdrienn Museum, NeW York, having immense facilities At his command, has opened this Magnificent, Estab• likliment in order to furnish a pleasant chaste And instructive place of amusemennfor FAMI• LIES, CIIILD R.EN and others, and especially to personi from the neighboring towns, when visiting the city. The edifice is large; airy and comfortable. apd has been fitted up with a de gree of costly elegance unsurpassed in the world: He has also filled it with the selection of curios ities that could begathered front all se ct ions o f the globe; and h i s facilities for Adding io this mammoth collgction protrenter than any • nUrV Tm. .n 3 E — tro - traa - a correspon.ence with Naturalists and agents travelling in all parts of the world, whose sole business is to procure every thing curious and wonderful, and let the expense be great or small, ho will con stantly add to this unequalled cabinet, as eingu , far and interrusting developementit aro made in the kingdom'of nature. - In addition. to this, the'Splendid LECTURE" --11-crotWwlll-be-tire-ttteml-crl-mzsgrlnstructiVe; Musical, entertaining and agreeable penorman cos: This apartinent pill accomodate Irom.l.viro to-three thousand:- It is finished in-a-style:Sopa rior to the best British or American Museums, and is well adapted to the comfort of visiters. Among the permanent attractions of the Mu seum, and to he seen nt all hours, are LIVING GIANTS AND DWARFS. the largest end' smallest in the world. LIVING ORA NG OUTANGS, ENORMOUS SERPENTS, I SCRIPTURE STATUARY. Groupe, size of life, reptesenting THE INTEMPERATE FAMILY. The Great French Scriptural . Parrifings cir - T DELUGE:IIND -MTN AND HIS FAMILY. THE ALITOMA-' TON Will raft. being the most-astouishing piece of mechanisni in the world. Grand' COSMORAMA. 'FANCY GLASS BLOIV- I NG, Statues; ratlfrate - tind HALF A MILLION OF CURIOSITIES, The-inquiring million- come not here in vain.. They learn, they laugh, approve, and came again. Jimi._Ettfigmatices_inLthe_ LECTURE ROOM, consist 'of Panoramai, Ynkee Stories, and Imitations by that comic Genius GREAT-WESTEpN, Comic Songs. Legerdemain and Ventriloquism, Is:cgro Delineation , Electri cal Experiments , &c, &e. The - Manager pled• ges himself, that no profane word or vulgar gee taro is -ever introduced here, at d that nothing is ever seen or 'heard which could be objected to by the moral and religious portion of the com munity. In fact be intends this to be the FAM ILY resort, where all may - attend with pleasure. and profit, accompanied by their Brothers, Sis ters, Wives and Children. The Chickening 'GRAND PIANO , FORTE used here is from the Wareroom of Edward L. Walker, No. 160, under the Museum. The Museum is open every the year, except the_Sabbath. from 7 o'clock A. M. till ' 101'. M. Such regulations' are established and enforced, as render it perfectly safe and pleasant. for Lsnies and Cntt,nnere to visit the Museum in the DAY-TAME, though unaccompanied by gentlemen. Exhibitions and Performances in the" Lecture Room twice every day and oftener on Holidays. Ox THE FOURTH OF JrLY, New and extraordinary Attractions will lie introduced and Pertormancia thke place at intervals throughou the day and evening. June 6. Fresh Medicines, Iwould respectfully call the attention of Physicians to a large assortment of Men- ICIN ea and C ante A 1,4 which 1 have just receiv ed, and which I will sell as low if not a little tt'wtn than the same atiality can he purchased out of the city. Call at the Old Stand June (i S. ELIA wrr. Dissolutiontof Partnership. • HE firm of Horn St Sipo has this day been T dissolved by mutual consent, and all the books rind papers will remain in the bands of S. Sipe for collection. W H JIARN, The S. SIPE, The business will be continued by SAMUEL SIPE, and he hopes by strict attention to butai nessio receive a share of public patronage..,— His stock of Lumber will be of the beat so. lection. COAL, consisting of .ifineltsmilbs Limeburners and stove will be keprconstantly 'on hand. Building Lots For Sale. I WILL offer for sale, on terms which will be mado reasonable, Four BUILDING LOTS, 'on Pitt street and Five LOTS situated on north street in this borough. They are situated in a part of the town which is rapidly filling up, and where property is increasing in value. If not sold before TUESDAY, the 2ist of Aug. next, they will on that day be exposed to public sale on the prehlises. Indisputable titles will be .given ion° .._._._ JQ.UN_A_ILPIRIGH..._ FOR SALE. IrrIHE Subscriber as Agent for Andrew Mare • 1. 'oilers at private sale the following descri bed propetty situated:on Pomfret st. east of:Bed. ford street in this Borough: 1. A Lot of ground 35 feet in front by 290 ft. in depth, having erected thereon in front on Pomfret street, n TWO,STORY FRAME HOUSE, with a Brick Kitchen; and'in the rear on Chapel Alley a one story LOG HOUSE,` , 2; Alto,t of ground adjoining tho.nbove 25 ft. Went'in 14140 feet in depth, with a t+}, story FRAME, lIOUSE and Kitchen, find a convey, nient`Stale thereon erected. '•• ' The whole of the above propeityls in geed condition, and, will bo.sold ,011 , moderate and easy. terms. • Jll9. u.pARKEir.., . . . . . •-•• Brushes:l •••110tehor I • .•; • . • A great . .the'sn'iniefer articles, is , cif. Teredini eisnai.sting - ol Whiteweelt, Sweep legi'Seruhbinif; Sha v ing, Thor, Teeth and Nail,,Elesh'erid.draining Brindles in great variety;pqr ef:e hich G, 'raining the beet qua. , Ity.atid will be odd at:the jowestprices June, . S..ELLIOTT • Casic:;iti.Pilß HnN Ey; jus °Aria tinci for ii n i e layy.iit:.'•! ; ' J uno 6) • ELL; OVI7/3:1 - • I:ORNE111,: ., 8 1 SON111:;:: ; .',.::: - ::1' ,, . - . , E ":Dienir=Stiimi 'lof ' ' I lio'i:' , P,ll3B4 teiria 0 14i-rkii n'i'ittilUl ~t ' , ig-ifmkti • - . laid; Provt ence permittnig:cmSiir - w. ay, one 9ih; , :nt 1 o'clock, ; The : Order Of.Niasor3at' 'will be preaarit,on tha occision: rPsollet oll.inviled't&detenrl: 10. 'BUILDING' COMMITTEB BMWS.. ' Thd D DLIAN HO VS ' I ) )3t IV Ir4 I It t u r t: t ergin e-Y- PO e s c a u o l l e i d i • given immediately. ' is • • FIGP. MaY 2 i , ..'' I A, iiniertif nEcsoftinent , of,:thOi'lieit *Alit ii , : of -W4ltomiileh Alitiehpi.iiio:elecritriieninfr, *i'oeuti..;:. 'bipg,',:liiiti(iihi'dtjet;-*lio'ctilidlliireei:.llrombeii,'td!: gethOr:with'„;ciiiii'y.broFiirip;4.lo4,:cciiiiii':i.chilioi. 11ilectipEtkIlOild0101:itilici(mticittlitiir.;piipki:.1 eliiilor,e4ery-intriet y.t-lf,ori-4;o" , :at !lie-a;firf,iiti.:l ',-..l''',i'llre.B„ - , - . , r;rtr• , 1.. -- ‘ -.,,:. . , : ,. .'„ ,,. '.,":';' , „'..t'.-' 4 '. , 14',,AV:. - iftilri ",'',,; „;,, -.,',..,•„.,.:-, '.7.7.'_ , -,-,...?....-;,' , ':.', - ... , .. ,, '.:' . 1i':::''',, ,, ,;: . ,.P.,, , i',....i;c:C..7 . ',":i,1,: . .r':,',l,'A::'''4l...!:'!•ri ME MIM=OMMii . RIM Xiu" • '' '''' -.• -A; cuuts; - • lI ...' E:HCBIJIN GAP WHITE SU I.,PHEK f,isi.l ;SPRINGS; situeted in Ctintberfand roan :!.mi,Pit;•.ih •ft picturesque portion of the. moon ',:litinyeight miles 'mirth of Newville, has recent :'....l); beeni-fiitedialp lonth new• and commodious ''.buildings: Tho subscriber haiing provided hig l ibir, with good cooks and waiters, hopes by ,;- oloie 'rand personal attention to hie Immo and 'inshore to be able to give general satisfaction to a I who may favor him with a call. A line of HACKS will be always ready nt he Newvillo Dopot ; on the arrival of the cars, to carry pas ! imagers to the springs. May 30_ • __ SCOTT COYLE. _ • A Valuable Work. CHAMBERS' INIFORM ATLON FOR THE PEOPLE, embracing ill.-thot-liton ches of general knowledge necessary to sottiti,_ tuto n Well-infortned man—containing able trea tises on the most-important branches of science physienl.'matliemarical end morel;, Natural His tory. Political History, Geography and Genevul Literature. It contains five hundred engravings and is elttioantly.bound in two volumes. For sore in ERB'S gook, Store for $3.75 n copy INPOiiTANT NOTIOE TH.Er public ore hereby notified that on im. mense stock a the handsomest and cheapest dry goods ever brought to Carlisle have just been received at OGILBY'S Cheap Wllb and Retail Store. .My a ork is very large, and I run determined to cut goods atthe vet y lowest jumr.b. I have some of the cheapest Cloths, Casslmeres, Vestings, ever seen. Mlle. line and calicoes from 2c upwards, Lawns. Do Laines, Ginghams, elegant end very cheep.— Stockings from fil to 50c. Bonnet ribbons from 4c to 25. Pantaloon stuffs from 5 to 25, alpa= Chas from 121 to 506. Come one, come nth and get good end cheep goods nt the old stand, east Main street. Car , lisle_ C 0 GIL Y P S. Country Stores supplied at city prltyr The Cheapest foods. F the season have lust been reeefeed at the If store of the anbscribers, being the ateond Jorge arrival this spring. Among thid large sup iply may be fonnd a variety of LADIES DRESS GOODS, Buell as' lawns, 'Ginglianis, Mons de Alpachas, Linen Lustres, Calicoes, in heaps, Checks, Muslim, very cheep;, Tickings, Flannels, Cambric, Book, Swiss, and Jaeondt. plaid and striped Mullins,—a large'eupply of WEN AND BOYS' WEAR, 'Needs. Cash• infirette, Cloths, COSSIMOJCS D -11 r Cr - ewers, 011 Cloths, Groceries, 5z,6,, Hdrdware, and a general ar d. complete assortment of V E li Y C A P GOODS, which cannot fail to please both in quality and price. We invite the public to call and secure bargains. nt the.old stand, titreelloors south of the Post Office. May 30 I have just received from Phi!edel• 'thin-rind New York Very extensive _ a4lditions.t6 my_former-stoek ,onibra• t't clog neatly every article of Aledicine now in use, together with Paints,' Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery; Soaps, Stationery, Fine Cutlery, Fishing :Tackle,— Bruhes of almost every description, with an endless variety of other articles, which I am termined to sell at the YERY LOWEST prices. All Physicians, Country Merchants; Pedlars and others, are respectfully rtititiat crdTVot to plies • thu OLD STAND, ' lle they may - rest assured --that every-article-will--be sold-of- a good-quitlity 7 -- and upon reasonable terms. Mnv 30 DRUGS, FANCY - GOODS, HOOKS, &C. AT ITAVERSTICICS old etthlllished Drt,g .and Book. Store, on Flanotriir sir« t, a new atiVOTY - or - Drugii - and- Medicinei;fri - sliiii - cd carefully selected, together with irrich, varied and extensive assortment of • Fancy Goads, Books, Perlumes, Soaps, Cutlery, Gold end Silver Pens and Pencils, Cornelius' Splendid. Partin. Lamps, Girandoles. and FloWer Vases Ethereal Oil Lamps, Fruits, Cou lectionary, and a variety of oilier articles which it is intposei hie to enumerate, but comprising the largest and most splendid display ever offered in Car lisle. and dt prices correspondingly cheep. - The attgntion of his old friends and custom:m.llnd the 'public - generally is particularly invited to his present stock, with which they cannorfsil to be pleased. Meytt'49 S W HA VER STICK. SPRING reiSIIIONS, ---A TilE subscriber has just Tel•dved -..; --- another Imo( the new stole of spring - HATS, is prepared to accommodate \.• both his old and new lriends uith an elegant article. besides every 1 other article in his line. His stock is large end va rious, comprising fine Mole Skin and leaver, Hats' with Nutria. Fur, Summer and every variety of Slouch Hats. While he cheerfully record's his acknowledgement of past favor. he would respectfully solicit n cominunnce of pub lie patronage. at the Old Stand in North Han over street. * GEORGE KELLER. May:fi'd9 Stationery and 'Magazines. A LARGE lot of Post, Foolscap, nhd Note Paper,tby the ream, cheep. Also, ihd leading Magazines (or June, Graham's, Godey's and Snrtain's-25 cis a number. Also. nil the new novels. us soon ns published for sale by ma 23 JACOB EBB. THE subscriber invites the attention of pur chasers to his extensive varitiy of 'WALL PAPERS, samples of which may ho sten at his Book §_tore. lie is enabled to cell at city retail prices and to furnish the ankle at the shortest notice. (n ll O JACOB EBB Spring A Summer .I.,tylcs, TusT receivttif - Vitifl and conpfele bunk of Spring and Summer Goods.% suitaile Inc 4;exiilemen's wear. Super Bl'k h and Fancy Golored Chubs of all descriptions —Brk and Fancy Cussimerca of. all Mimics and mix tures, also Cashnreretts, Tweeds and Cruningi tons of all colours aid Sating, cashmeres, white and Fancy Altirseilles. With a large assortment of Cl,tra, ClOlll6, Stocks,. Linen and Silk Handk'ls, all opt n ut d ready for inspection at my old stand oprrosim rho Roil Road Office. T. U. SKILES. May 2 Estate of Fletty Rainsey . , dee'd: -- ETTERS of 'Adrninistratinn with-the-will itA annexed, on the Estate of limn; RAMSEY, MO of Booth .Middleton township, Ciimbetlard county, dec'd., Intro been granted to the subscri ber living In the Boron? hof C.'erlisle. All per one having claims °gelato said Estate, are re quested tb present 'them -for settlement, or.d thou.° indebted B to make iturnediate payment . - ANDREW LAIR, Adm'r. to 'may . 28-6 t-pd • . . To 'Whom it lilay .oone ern. THE Books and 'Notes belonging to the firm of Alms& Snaska, are now in tho hande of David Smith Estp,for collection, those perform who know th.entselves indebted to said firm will , call and , pay off their notes or. accounts before the let of July n'ext, as after that time he Is In structed to;.bring suit on' ell'unnaid'riotes and accounts " MYERS & SHEAFER. may 307-Im—pd . . -7-7 iffood ChoniervilWanted. THE 'subscriber. con :igive , 'empinyinent. to fifteen or tWenty',WOOD—CHOPEORS •if,sp pficetion he made . itrnedintely'el Minuebello Eurnace, Perry rottniY.'. Price , 35 cents per cord._,.-. FISHER. MORGAN' dv CO. Estate of ,GEORGE 'RUPP,' •iik-roriciE heyelingiien that leitcre of Ad: • lr 'telaistintiOe on the' Estate , of GEORGE ; :0•ILIJ IN -deed., late el 'Allen toweeltiVeCumb: • co, have fide issued 14:titclteiister •II . . . ieliaoo 7 rolioioOdon-towOoki.ootOd4o.ol+: ; , ;. iviisOiis g' o bovior:deioord4..itgotnetc. the, ost coo of the ,so id' derodOiit,ore 0 . 50 kled • knOir 'indOkted make, im payment - ---7 - 111471 - 301431:. • • . . Cod • Liver7oll; , • , • l'UST,;•reeive4 jit' .I,,, l on ? . qprpg Store enatik,.._,;_cf__L-4,• • • lirpotsl d,uaCieceive..nt•the,chpat),skqe of: C. 1.• 0 Gl,LtiY.:•,.•c.• • .• [1 11 36 m leflefi lot of` nshionabliv.•;: l) :•Ti.ol)nolei•Eloweys anct Ribyon nnw npcning' " At •:' I,14.;';•, 4." ‘,..rOGILAY,tp ta:r, Dug 4 1 ;-: '• • ' S. ELLIOTT, Main street, ('article. lIIST OPEN-ED WALL PAFE ~; , 1 , : .:- , ,':,", . ., . ,, II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers