=NEE .• Ammus OramiN 'IMF,.--:Machinis)ntkioe to stimulate ing . tic,tibn;liVe• been-constructed in all afieg't.,; Archittie' of - TarentUm, an . able 41 stIonomer arid geoinetrician, virho.flohr isNed four hundred years before the C hristian era, is said to have made a rooden pigeon that could . , fly; and A . t 7 c himedes seems to .have devoted no small I ?ortion of his time to similar mechanisn. ."lohri Muller, a - German astronomer of the fifteenth century, constructed a wood en eagle that flew forth from the city, met the emperor, saluted him, titid:re turned ; he also made an imn fly,,, hich . fiery out of his hand at a feast, and re turned after sporting about the room.— It was said that these machines were nothing more than an ingenious applica tion of the magnet. Albertus Magnus •spent thirty years in making a speaking ' figure; Bacon constructed another; and Dr. Hook succeeded in framing a flying chariot, capable of supporting itself for some time in the air. Le Droz, a Swiss watchmaker; also executed very curious pieces of flying mechanism.. One was a clock, presented to the king of Spain, which• had among. other curiosities, a sheep that imitated the bleating of a naf ural one ; and a dog Watching a basket of fruit, Which barked and snarled when" any one attempted to lift iz; besides a number of human figures, exhibiting mo tions truly surprising. Another Auto maton of • Le Droz's was a figure of a man, itbont the natural size, which held in the hand a pencil, and by touching a spring that released the internal clock- work from its stop, the figure began to draw on a card ;..and having finished its, dratvin' -m, the first car ,1 reste an . their proceeded_tq_draw, differentsubjects on five or six different cards. The first card exhibited elegant psyiraits of the king and queen, facing each other; and the figure was observed to lift its pencil with the greatest Pier:mien in the tran sition from one Pct ; alt to anoitier, without makingt he slip. slur. One of ther :eest celebrated mechanics in recent ti'enr.,s was M. Vaucarson, of the Paris 'Ac .ademy of Sciences. In 17- d 3B this g er itleman exhibited to the ace emician s his celebrated flute-player, which ,vas. by far the most wonderful and curious machine ever . pres3nted to the wort , d, it wag the figure of „a man, the' of life, who played on the flute sweet l3' to t/ le number of twenty tunes. The act °"i s hing mechanism of this figure was able to produce all the motions 'requisite for ea, extert player op the flute, and wh',e ,h It'd' executed in such a mariner as to p roduce music equal in beauty to that der ived franc the exartionli of a wal l"? Acticed livin'g performer. Some of Vaucanson's other automata .fete still more — ingenious than hts &RT.; .1 ~ 31riyer. His mechanical performer on - the pipe and tabor, constructed in 1741, ';was capable of playing twenty. airs, con sisting of.minuets, rigadoons, and coun try dander. His celebrated duck was capable of eating drinking, and imitating exactly the voice of a natural one ; and what is still more astonishing, the food it swallowed was evacuated in a digested state. Or at least in an altered' state, by means of a chemical solution. The wing.s, viscera, and bones were made to resemble those of a living duck, and the and the actions of eating and drinking showed the strongest resemblance, even to. the muddling the water wjth its bill. About twenty years after VaucanSon lad astonished the world Ivith his me chanical inventions, Kempelen, a nun garian gentleman, produced his automa ton chess-player. This machine was considered more wonderful than any, which preceded it, until it was asc'er tained that a small living man was c9n cealed in the body of the figure, when all the novelty ceased, and automaton 1 chess-players became quite cdmmon. IN'OENOFFY OF THE GERMANS.—The following are some of the ins entions which have originated in. Germany ; With:their dates : A. D. A. D. 850 Saw Mills, 1550 Etching; 898 Sun Dials,' ".1527 Gun locks, 998 Ftilling Mills 1535 Spinning 1060 Tillage of hops wheels, 1100 Windmills 1546 Almanacs,— " Oil Painting " Stoves, 1270 Spectacles " , Sealing wax, 1300 Paper of linen 1590 Telescopes ~ R ags, 1616 Wooden be).- 1312 Organs lows 1318 Gunpowfler , 1620 M;croscopes, " Cannons 1638 Therm oin e -1350 Wire making ters, 1360 Hats, • 1643 Mezzotint en 1379 Pins, gravings,* 1380 Grist Mills, 1650 Air pumps; 1423 Wood 'ongra- 1651 Elactric ma vings, chines, 1436 Printing, 1655 PenSulum 1439 Print'g press clocks, 1444-Cop peep latt3l69o_Clarionet__ Engravings 1790 White China 1450 Printing snk, 1452 Cast types, 1707 Prussian blue 1497 Chiming of 1709 Stereotyping, bells, 1715 Mercurial " Bolting sp. . thermometer, paratus, 1717-Piano fates, 500 Watches,' • 1736 Solar micro= Letter posts ' ' scope, or mails, , 4753 The Gamut, • 1766 Lithography,' , 3eisides these there are, several . Ger men i 'nventions Of , which we cannot: es cort the 'datencir'ris, door latches, 11.1 j,um, deTo' screw agar; and 'gimlet,. the - *ale J: for harvesung c &c; , Surely a ~:i'A ti tiort'itti..hiCh.hits made such'coniributicns tethe_int'in ; ents.ofittimiture and the arts o occupy. a high rank in intellect arid ingenuity. • • 7 A **‘ * AriElobtiefiVegactie ie in' VadOrt . 1 7 kbeing.,cimarne .„ , „ ' Hiortir-bi fi re 'horee,powet... : pe . eieliftitre , theemand , ileondaiun fhis 41:1...613 • ••-°llAViiirf.fifteeithoetiand pounhis,an,attractqk " ' ' '''" de 4 ' et -one-eighth of un'llitcY' .17 r , • kat tautok ace'ved a Ilar;40 4- , 430 : 41 1 1 14E has;` Ug ! r jimtlimontAr., • f rai hi n eL c h o i ci p Tees, tne . t4`ll -- In3 0 - iedid, l l3l743l(ll h E l A h S fo a r t. p o r l i l ce p a rt n e d ee ft , r ti r v o o lni 37* to $1,25 per lb.,y o nd as being , equal iv a r a an 'C anfidentl y "e r n" lee'tion_in,taWa44 . t , superiarta.rY - 97ar B e j,w,Exar. 0,140414 IN i WatCheil-41/tVqeiBfititkrlN ' • r' la' ' .'CHD'ArER44,O 11. IVE— . ' :wholatinie -ittiu Retail.!;=At: Abe ti t .. '.'irhjiiidt4 . ptiiii.Witoh , tind Jtkvi• ) ' • ,t elry.Storo,' , : ..liodn-No . rot , SE,,' /. , -N .: : ..:1 C.O,ND:stroet;Ottin:ei'of - gnat :. 6-(..Ci• RAD: Ty etreet:. .. - .'.' :: ' • -' Gold Levers,. 18 k. eases, - fulljewolled, $3O and upwards . ~ • , _ • . . . . ~ Silver Lovers, full jewelled, $ l5 rin - dricpwards. Gold Lepine, 18 4.. eases; jewelled,r, .$2B and upwards Silver Lopinos, jewelled, $O - and upwards Silver Quartier Watches, .$4 to 10 Silver Spoonb, equal lo coin, per sett—Tea; $5, Desert $lO, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for. . - Constantly on hand a large assortment "of fine GOLD JEWXLRY and SILVER' WARE Also, an _ass fitment of M J Tobias & Co., E Simpson, Sambel & Brothers, E S Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & R Beesley. and other superior Patent Lever Movements, which will be cased in any style desired Arrangements hate been made with all the above named most celebrated manufacturers of England, to furnish nt short notice any required style of Watch, for which orders will be taken, and am' name and -residence of the person or dering-put on if requested. _ - novBl Iron Commission. Warehouse, No. 109 North Water street, tied No. of N milt Wharves, Philadeiphia. THE undersigned still continue the 'Commis sion business, for the sole of all descriptions of IRON. Our experience'of manryeah, and ox tensive acquaintance with dealers undbonnumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled.o s. to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad - vantages to serve our correspondents, equal -to any other house. - mar m BRICK & CAMPBELL. THE NIAGARA SHOWER-BATH. An entirely new Article for Shower-Ba thing, with warm or cold Water. lirrTHIS Bath took the premium at the Fair of he-Friralritrrlnstilate, Philadelphia, October .1848, the only Bath that ever took a premium _mullet-institute-and aleo.took the-firet premium at the Fair of the Maryland Inetitute,Novem bet' 1 8 48, . - A great and important improyement is made in this Shower-bath over all 6thers by throwing the water immediately on the body, without wetting-the head, unldss at the will or pleasure of tie bather; but a greater point is gained by being enabled ni bathe witlfwarm water, which no, other Shower-Bath is adapted toand most of all the Bath can be medicated without injury to the hair, • Many persons cannot take a cold bath—their case is met in this as they can regulate the tem perature of the water to suit their wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year witlfbut any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage .of bathing without wetting tyre head or covering the same. The arrangements are simple and complete. and not liable to get out of order. The Bath can lie adjusted to suit any height, from a small child to the_tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures nre hid and the outside-ap pearance is that of a neat piece of furniture. ,- -They have received the approbation of seve ral medical gentlemen—others are requested to call and examine them. Manufactured by the Patentee. EPHRAIM LARRABEE, 21 South Caly„ein. streets Baltimore. BAT HI N,G.—Bead what. Armstrong says: 1)0 not omit, ye who would health secure, .I`be daily ft-08h ablution, that shall clear - The—ahlicutrof-the-slritil-enough-ta keep The body sacred from undecent soil. Still to be pure, even if it did not conduce` As much (as it does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains ; 'tis this adorns the rich ; The want of this is pover y's worst foe, With this external virtue, age maintains A decent grace : without it, youth and charms Are loathsome. January 3, 1849.-1 y. J. WILLIAMS, No 12 NORTH SIXTH BCP a STREET, Philadelphia. VENITIAN & WINDOW SHADE MANUFACTURER awarded the first and highest Medals at the N. Ybrk, niiinore end Philadelphia Exhibitions, for the superiority of his BLIND: 4 , with con firmed confidence in his manufacture,) attention of purchasers to his assortm i ent';lif 2000 BLINDS of Marrow and wide slats, with fancy and plain Trimmings, uf new styles ar td colors. Also, a large and general assortment el TRA.NSPATtENT WINDOW Sa ADES, all of whip he will sell at tho'lowest cAsit mums. Old Blinds painted anti trimmed to look equal to new: . _ _ _ . . iKrD. EAbERS SUPPLIED on libel.. 11 terms... 01 The citizens of Cumberland count y are respectfully invited to cull' before buyin elsewhere—confident of pleasing all. Open n the Evening. Marelt 21. .Spring Millenery Goods. . eISTONE & SONS', Importers mid el Dealers in SILKS, RIBBONS & MILL NERY GOODS, N 0,45 South Second street, Philadelphia, would respectfully call the atten tion of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city; to their large and deli assortment of SPRING MILLINERY GOODS, received by late arrivals from France, such as GLACE BILES for casing bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cap Ribbons—a large and beautilul assortment, of all prices, Plain Mantuaend'Satin Ribbons. from No. 1 to No. 12, French and American Artificial Flowers, (in great variety), Colored and White Crapes, Fancy 'Laces and Nets French Chip Hats, Face Trimmings—Quilings Covered Whalebones—Cane, Buckrams—Wil : low, Bonnet Clowns ifiid•Tips ' together with every article appertaining to . the Millenery trade March 21, 1849. WWII HATS. FORGE A. WARDER .& CO. N. E. G conritai OF FIFTII AND CIIERRY STREETS, Philadelphia. respectfully solicit the .custom of HATTERS and others engaged in the TRADE. They manufacture SILK HATS varying from 24 to 42 dollars per dozen, that will bear a crit cal examination and compare favorably with those or any other manufacturers. As they are largely engaged in this business they can fill orders expeditiously. . 311 O. CONRAD. Importer of Watcher IMMI 2000 Premium Blinds. N. & J. 111. Rowe, . BROOM AND WOODEN-WARE Store, No. 63 North Third stroei, one door above Arch, east side, Philadelphia, manufnctur cra_and_wholesale__ Brooms, Brushes, Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets, Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters,--Muts,-Blackin4,--Eastern-mode Wood en-Ware of every description, &c, ¢r..c, at the -owest market prices. . . mar t J. S. ,T o U GH. MAN UFACTURER and DEALER in the celebrated ETSERIAL OIL & LAM FS aIso,PINE.. end ...CANIPDINE OIL, with a .cornplote aseartneetir'of.LAMPS. for burning 'th'e same. Having taken'th large and conve iiiitnt store, No. 187 B4LTIMQRER STREET, i'aialtitao,o3ooktinding thrall - Mt to Light street ifearly -- ,oppositejlie F - °intent:Hotel, ho is now prepared telopirDeslora in thOlinve lino, on the ,best terins,Aothuttilp` .gutilittend, price.— He respectfully,pski4ffital,Trent punqual deal ears, believips a‘will'bir'irt,theirsinterest.• J. S: T. te the.)soly agentfforthe celebrated SAFETY REGULATINWGENER'ATOR, a nbw and yalunble inventiOnlty whiCh Elbe; real Oil is rendere4Titerfeetif harmlesti; and the light-efAhe-getierating lantp•.as . .,controlablo as, the oommen,gas.,' , ;ts: ry. • • F e b 28-.2m0 • ,• ' oulder Braces Patteru -THE aubsikribriiiiiisjuscrezeivid .. an aesort ment,of Dr, PORTER'S SIII7ULI?PiIi, BRA. CES;Yvhichliee,heeia frituid to be' invaitiable to such atraid afflicted, ykith Mirka the back; pains in.ihe aide and bteariti spitthig 'of blotic4-&c. .Thialtrtiolejs. alaCk , feurid to' Ife:of the - utmorit imPoittiricer piedisPciskid'to 'stooping , :and lespeciekily , to :farnalos *hose ,herilth;ie,:im ,.pairedi.and often•.tatally tuirked b*rthis habit of staoping , ,:rhich is' .entirelsi:,eircrpenio byt tha useof.thkei inyaluahle I • Yeb«ithf,g , .111TNtR aserphinent,of' , the;"!eest'Aivality of Whitewash Brun O! Se 'alio' ;eyvertping :scrub= AI.IIIIW 4ettithi,fiust p 'slitie itailored,Presiems, to• geteei, -eorMi , ,broomc liFieW•and a hiindsottie essortmes of flaw Bruali es of ovary variety', FOr4sale,ntrilie store ot, I Tni,12137, +;41 . 4! , 4 , k_fg114 , . - • • Extensive; Furniture Rooms • ~. .' 1 „ , • ,, . , ,,• l, '"l'AcinrrETTEiV•.& 80N:-. " wOttlip,, reepectfully• call , the attention o House.keepers and ' the, public, to:0 - 13 ex, 'ensive stock of splendid FURNITURETMeId- Iing Sofas; Wardrobes, Centre tindiotheiTables„ ' lressing and Plain Bureatie;-and ever' vliiriety ol .labinet4ware .and' Chairs,. which they, have Just 'paned at their NEW ROOMS,, on the corner .f North Hanover and 'LOuther streets, Carlisle.' They • are confidentint the superior finish of tl ho workmanship, -tento eganco of style, in which heir articles are got. nrx, r together with,...theit; utuernuss, - will recommend them to every 'per .on wanting Furniture. They have also made tnangements for manufactering . and keeping n i ,onstant supply of oyery article in ;their iino, both lain, and ornamental, ,elegant and, useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers, They .vould earnestly Invite persons who are about to rommence house.keeping, to call and examine , their present elegant stock, to which they will y•onstantly make additions of the newest and most inodern s tyles. . .. , . . COFFINS mnde to ordorrethe shortest no tice, for town and country. Carlisle. Sort 6. 1848 DRUG • AND FANCY STORE ! ZMIZeo Eirtdel.,23:lZlWO 621 ItESPECTF-ULLY. invites the 'alien • tion of the public to his Drug. and Fartetr Store, s in' WestV4Mtlin street, Carlisle, where he has just rocpived a fresh. essortmebt of Drugs Me-. •decines, Paints, Oils, Perfumiry, Jewelry and Fancy Goods. • • Amongst his extensive variety may be found all the most Approved Patent Medicines, All kittile of Salts, Dye Stuffs, Quinine, Opium, CM - Imi kind Sweet Offs - • White Lead, Indigo, Spices, fresh grbund. Glass, Putty, Chloroform, •Shandeliers, Lamps, Wicks, Sperm Candles, - Shaving and Toilet Soaps, _ Cologne, A vte, Lavender and Orange flower Water. Bears 011 lx Marrow and Hair-Dye, Nail, To,, h, Hair, and Shaving Brushes, Fine 'yore Corn, and Shell Combs, Finger Rtugs,.Bfacelete,.and Breast Pine, Bead Bilbe aud Purses, • Porte Monnairs, --Silver.Spectaoles-and-Pencils; Gold Pens, Ink and Inkstands, Fins Writing and Note Paper Envelopes, Motto Wafers, Seals and Paper Weights, ' • Mirrors and Fancy Boxes, Musical and Surgical Instruments, Fine Knives and Scissors, Carriage and Riding Whips, Umbrollas.•"7•Lti..-, Clocks, Trunks, &e., &c. • 0 -Country Physicitins, -Merchants, Pedlars and there may hear -something to their advantage by killing .I:C7 - Ethereal and Pine received fresh ivory week. 0:7-Medical aid and advice gratis to the poor. January 17. IEOB. ViMIGHT & SAXTON, 1( MP" RTERS and Dealers in Foreign and I Do..,er.iic ARD WARE, •GL ASS, OILS, PAINTS, NAILS, IRON, S'I'EEL, &c, East High street, opposite Ogilby's dry good store, Carlisle, Pa.. have just received and aro now opening a large assortment of Goods in their lino, to which they would call the attention of Farmers, Mechanics, Builders, Housekeepers, and others wanting Hardware, ttk their stock has been bought at the lowest rates, and will be sold at n small profit. They have also received a few of HOVEY'S PATENT STRAW and CORN STALK CUTTERS, to which they would invite the at tention of Farmers. These Machines have ta ken the premium at nearly, all the. Agricultural txhilittions in the country, and are considered rwere - rablg - to Anrot hereut ter-nnwirr . user:-- et 25, A Purely Vegetable Medicine. OR , §DELL'S VEGETABLE RESTO -1 .RA FIVE PILLS nave been gradually 1 3ut surely comeing into favor, among the (ami ties of this Country for some years. past. They bave done this entirely tnrough their great worth as a:FAMILY MEDICINE. Agencies have been appointed but• no puffing and hurrhus such as is resorted to by quacks to sell their mAicine has been done. The pills are oflered ter sale and have and will continue to be sold by all . t ='e principal storekeepers. The prnprietojclaim for their Medicine the following ativantfigesiover all others—viz; They are 'PURELY - S'EGE: TABLE. They are CERTAIN :TO OPE RA I'E. Their operation is FREE from all PAIN. They can be titeii with EQU A L BEN EFIT by the YOUNGEST INFANT and the 8 ntoNGEST 'MA N—Their efficiency in Fe vers, Ague. Headaches. Habitual Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Cholera Morbus, &c. has been pro ved upon thousands. They are a Certain Cure for Worms. ••The proprietors possess a certifi cate from a gentlemanin.St. Louis who was cu red of a TAPE WORM by the use of them. TRY THEM THEY WILL NOT FAIL. Travelling agent for the State of Penasylva nia—Cunto.Es P. A MET. For sale, price 25cts a bar containing FIF l'Y PI LIS, with full di rections by the following agents in Cumberland County For sale by DR•RAWLIN'.S Carlisle, Pa. JOtIN DILLER, WE BRATTON,- 2 NCWVIIO. • W D E Mares,—Shippensbnra. S L Surrmezi,—Newburg. ;, A WEEKS & Co, Proprietors, Laboratory, No 141 Chestnutstreet Pniladelphie, Jo nuary, '24th, 18.49, NEW AND CHEAP Ulattigarollw'incectio E4Stldpirdisre NOWlrgrOW opening by JACOB SENER, who re spectfully calls the attention of his friends .and the public generally and all dealers in HARDWARE, to his new and splendid assort ment of all kinds of Hardware, such as Sad dler's Tools and. Saddlery Ware of every de scription and style; all kinds of Carpenter's toofk, and building materials of nil kinds and ne• style, all kinds of material peed by Cabinet makers. Also, Shoe Findings of all kinds, .a good assortment of Men's morocco, kld, French .straits, lining and binding skins for shoe-ma kers, all articles used by shoe .makerfs cpnetantly kept on hand. Blacksmiths can be supplied with the very best of hammered iron, warranted good, also all kinds of rolled, slit, roud, band, and strap iron, cast, shear, spring En glish and American blister steel, warranted good, also a lot of shoot iron for tinners. Housekeepers can also be supplied with every article• necessary for housekeeping in the Hardware Line. Ethereal and Pine Oil Lamps of every &serif. Lion ,test received, also ethereal and pine oil for sale. just fresh; all kinds of . paints, oils, varn ishes, turpentine; altio, &first rate article to pre serve leather shoes, nod keep the feet dry.— Look out and bear in mind. Farmers, Mechanicti and Housekeepers an d all—who_use_the_artiele of HAR IDW A ft F, call at the old well known new arranged HARD WARE STAND, formerly kept' by Lewis Harlan, in North Hanover street, next door to .John Common's tavern stand, now kept by H, Glass, and also next door to George Keller's Fancy Hat and Cap Store. Call and examine for.yourselves Lnd save money, as we are de termined to still all articles at the very smallest profit for .0 ASH and we Think we shell he able to sell a little for 'thltri — tiny other Hardware Store to town, asroods aro well selected - and are purchasectr •.4 o-der to sell low at the new arranged kinre., ' •ve Store, well-known -• es Lewis Harlati's;eld stand, where you may find a good assortm ent 'of every article in the Hardware Trade. Don't forget the • Stand, as oitielt sales , end small_ prrrfils is the order of the da Calf and exeMine for. yOureelvesn''.l ‘. , , ;ACOP ~SENER. • x.-',:iP:i:!: . 4,l , x l f, " . ' '' ' tc • 'Forwarding Genor,a,..,, oFmntaton and. Merohani;o6:l9'.):Y*,l3r:s Whait; • '• : ...Y,` `,` '; "' l3'lVL'l'flOkr,;" , ,,.., ~,,:, ~. iinib2....the sikiii,iii FlOurdiiii."o,.otoiiiiseed; i ir a 7 .' Ori,niskoy, ',l;umbOr:.'sr;c; '&o.'; Alen, Ifor-' , . wardlng::Goode, via, Tide,,,)lirater Canal /and Nainsyt villa : limpravernente; , .GilitirEe.,for, filth . itilt,-;.tPlaetar„; die. •&e."' Supplied i at.' lowest ;, linvingtliee,n,•artgairtAjK;the'ehoVe bus/hese , /4 . ; urintr..,thailrf,,f/Y2,;YPFI3/ a.cinainuntion of, the: i.atripage,p..43o.,_inem,,sl4l. - ta?, L public,jB, re :.? j.:.)PeolkaliP,B.fili94/ 3 4.' , " • -;^ - ', \ J . ' 1 " Rater to,-;,..„ ' . ' -; / ;/t..:,•t )1 1 '.,' ••• 0 ,,,,:,• / , ;„1-t ~, • ~,,,, Fitruc-&-Minr.a.;. 2 l.- '' • ~.._•`• .. ....1 ~ / i'/ ', ..-••••%'., , ;%Pfz' E. Baia ',t;• l'': I', FP, , A 11,arriebnir.-,rf:t ' , -*--TtOtrz&-,.Ziatilatis ,gir.: , ,,;aqi. - Y ;1:,,;: ~: :`A .s.l"':3.ti:coitL.Ru opt;Carlisle/Ith_ /„_____k _://4. :A::,CATucenT, rShophardetown, , Pa: / ' Guertin, eirtalann, Mechanicsburg / Pa, -..-' :Fab. 1k1y,...',„'; ~~~~~eD=~c~rie~: ~ : t , x sit 1 0 i " • • IN QUART BOTPLES, • FOR THE REMOVAL & PERMANENT CURE OF ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM AN IMPURE STATF,•OF THE BLOOD OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM, VIZ : Scrpfula :or King's Evil; Rheumatism, Ob. stinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pus tules On the Face,"Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes,. Ring Worm, or Tatter, Scald Head Enlargement and, Pain of the Bones and °lets, Stubbbrn Ulcers, Syphilitic Symptoms Sciatica Lif Lumbago, and Diseases arising from en injudiciouS •use of Mercury, Ascites or Dropsy, Exposure Or Imprudence in Life. Also, Chropie IConititutiunal Disorders. In this piepafution are strongly concentrat, ed all the Medicinidpro'perties of SARSAPARI LA, combined with the most effectuAl aids, the• most sAlidary productions, the most potent simples of the vegetable kingdom ; and it has been so fully tested not only by patients them selves, but also by Physicians, that it has received their unqualified recommendations and the approbation of the public; and has established bii its - tiVn merits a reputation for VALUE and EFFICACY far supbrior to 10iiiiiou,s_esimpounds bearing the name of Sarsaparilla, Diseases Ave been cured, such as are not furnished in the records of time past; and what it has already done for the thousands who have used it, it is capable of doing for the millions still'aufTericg and strug gling with disease. It purifies, cleanses, and strength - ens the founts n springs of lite, and , infuses new vigor throughout"the whole. ani -01 frdine: The licenses for which this article is'recom. mended aro those to whiOh it is knoWn Gem personal experience to bshadopted; and those apparently removed beyond the sphere of its action have yielded to its influe.ice, The cat. qlegue of complaints might ho greatly ex tender' to which the sarsaparilla is adapted, but experiences Droves its value, and every suocceding,day is adding new trophies to its fame. ANOTHER CULE OF. SCROFULA The following striking and, as will be seen permanent cure of an mirdterate ciao of Scro fula, commends itself to ell similarly affected. Messrs. SAKEM : Gentlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces mo to inform j4lll of the remarkable cure elfeeted by your Sarsaparilla in the case o , my wife. Sho was severely afflicted with the scrofula on diffeient parts of the body ; the glands of the neck weroigreatly enlarged en ter limbs much swollen. -After siireTflVErWWryouratrtflittlttirtro-roltof-flro the remedies used, the . disease attached, and beloW the knee suppthated. Her pbyeician advised it should. be laid open, which .was done, but wijiout aay permanent benefit. In this situation we heard of, and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsadatilla. The first hot tle produced a decided and favourable effect relieving her more then any prescription she bad ever taken, and before • she had used six bottles, to the ntitonishment and delight b her fridnde, she found her health quite•reetor od. It is now over a year since the cure wa. effected, and her health romaine good, show ing the disease was thoroughly eradicated from the sy,stom. ' Our neighbors afro all knowing to those facts, and think very highly of Sands' Sarsaparilla. Yours with respect, JULIUS PIKE., Extract from a letter from Mr. Ingraham, gentleman well known in Delaware county.— It commende itself to all similarly afflicted. Gentlemen :—Nlv• wife has need several bot tles of your Sarsaparilla, which I obtained of your agents in this place, from which eh has received such peeial benefit, that I am in duced to add mine tp the aim; dant testimn o _ now before the publio in favor of its midi nal virtues. Her father, mother, and man, other relatives, have fallen victims to consume lion, find it was supposed that she too was in clined the same way. Sho had several turns of raising blood, &a., and 'at length became so riddeed that her life was despaired of from day to day.. We were induced to try yOur sari. aparilla. as before .mentioned, from the use of which her health has been restored ;-so that for the past year she has bear able to attend to her domestic duties. • The following shows the virtue of the sars-, aparilla in removing Bronchitis, a disease which, if not speedily arrested, leads to con sumption. It allays spasmodic notion, changes the secretions; and by its tonic and alterative properttas, removea.the unhealthy action, and tho patient is restored to health. NANTUCKET, hiass.,..Nov. 11th, 1848 Mosers.Sariss—Gentlemen: I wish to make' public, for the good of those afflicted with Bronchitis, the healing properties of your Sarsaparilla. My wife suffered for twenty months in'such a manner as is not easily do. scribed ; at times she' was oat able to speak above a whisper, and when exposed lo the cold air, it occasioned 'something like spasms in the throat, the effect of which was felt in the ears and eyes, causing tears to flow. The complaint was aittinded with a. dry cough ; 'produced by the ,constant irritation and In flammation of the throat. By the. use of your SARSAPARILLA . she was perfectly cured, it being now Math than three months since she lelt any symptoms of the - dieense. YOurs, with respect, . :." . GEORGE C. H OEG . • Extract fiom, a letter'received , from Mr. N W. Harris, a well'known in Louisa county . . Gontiern'en e r/ have cured , a negro buy of mine with your earinparillo, who wee attackod with Scrofuht, and of a aerafulotuk Yours : W:lo : • ' . •N W4,IEIARRIS. FredeJleke Jaly Vri,iB4B. - . • SANDS' Satteepatt4.7ll. seethe un. n unwary :Ito Urea nitention tn nit article, so well known, and int deservedly popular, as this preparatiorwbut . ‘patlentsi often.. whci wish to use otlits' eitractl of Taarstiparilla . are . induced to trk'yior,tllle - p:*Opciu,nd bearing • the 7neme 'but containing, little, or none of the virtue of thii Sill ii 0140 . Kat' '..and • wo, think .wo ,cannot confer a.greatt4 be elven Our renders than.in I ri directing.theic att. ntiOn...to the Udvortisemont of lilesers.'SaiTdaTln:i - miiii*V r aintiii. - :;T a bottle has recontli-been enlarged to hold .ir quart( andtthosn . ..who,Wisk a- really'good iirti.• Flo will;fand'-Mincsinfrated4tit.his all the medi, e n I nal, Wile 'Crtlia iiini;' Tho,'..eiP.Pr ien Fe Of thOseandiikal.trii(pd Its' efficacy, in ',,e urj a g .the variouraditintsektiiVivhlbh li is reconitneudedi • and, at, the' piesentAn6 mot e.thatt any., other, peihapsOkthiirnialiiilutioastiful,,in preparing. ithn systent..ikv , A;,Onnilet-of -4 13 40kr - 7 1 , 1,5 " Jotintanii.lilePt4ll34ls....:l ~;: `l , '• ;.', ~. Az 1. , '-.., . PrepareAlindeeeldi , wholesale: , end, re 4, '4i4„by'Al xi.*Tii SA NDs:i.Diao4iats Plid-OhOinia*:ioo Fulton.eatie . ei, ',berm'''. of t Wi lliairl:NW i AOic: : I: SOki..,a leo',,bk.:'' , 3qiieoiEViiii6iiilliAihrookiiiiiert4o A. • Statekalroi44 - jPiiOellll'ie .,l o l e: iiitltiiiiiilfo4,::ll . . : Sold tits*:.,Ettil[4ot i r;' - fiok' ddepi '.feki, Ciitliale;A , ..':::;: - '!:;":'':' , ',,.:.:7;::" --, r 2 . ••• ~:, ,',.-.: ',l: ~;.-,i,,:-:,,,:,2,.!;,.:',-;::,;',,..: BM= - - tfalitt 443. SotrrnronT, Conn., Jan. 1, 1848 'Respectfully youts JOHN B. -INGRAHAM BRONCHITIS CURED. .;;.° TO;BUTTER'.IIIAKERS: • .• , • . •. •r THE:,sl4ecriborsjutving purches'ed the right, Lot Cumberland county for making Crow elrei_Pritent 'rhormotnetor Caurq; tticj .Would respectfully inform the Feriners and public 'in general, that they will make and offer for sale their Churns at the Cabinot Wdre-room of Geo. Spangler, in N. Hanover street, next -door to the Mike of D.. Smith, Esq. The principal advantage this Churn has over all others is, that it is so constructed that the top can be taken qif so as to gibe free access to the . inside of. the churn, which makes ktonvenient to Rut In the erTam and get out the butter. A `thermometer is 'attached io the end of the Churn so as to show the exact temperature of the' cream, which exparienCia shows should be ... GO degrees to make good Butter. A chamber or apace is arranged around the bottdm of the churn, for the purpose of adMiiting cold or warm warter, so as to bring the cream to the desired temperature without mixing the water with aie cream. The socfet in churning butter is, to have yotti cultism at, the proper temperature ; it will produce - more and better butter, and take loss time in churning ; it churns equally well in cold or warn weather—no such thing as having scalded butter. All diat is necessary to make good butter all seasons of the year, is to get one of Crowell's Patent Thermometer Churns.— Wo would most respectfully invite the public:to call and examine for themselves. GEO. tigANGLER,I tSAM'L. MYERS.' Mr. (Teo. Spangler—Sir: We have been using the Thbrmoinoter Churn I got of yea for some time, and find it far superior to the old barrel churn for several reasons; first, great saving of time in getting butter. the average time of churn ing about fifteen minutes, (all weathers); sec ondly, tho butter when obtained is much firmer than when using any other churn ; tinnily,. my folks say they would not exchange it -for any odwr churn and twice the original cost-of the Thermometer Churn. Sop. 28, 1848.1 . G. W. SHEAFFER. Mr. Geo. Spangler—l have had the Crowell Thermometer Churn you made for me in use at my place, and I do not hesitate to say that no Farmer should be without it. Fifteen minutes is all the time required to make Batter, and the value of this saving of time and labor consists in this, that it requiresno more time at any one smlt' than another; and. that the temperature of the cream nocesiary to make. butter, is pro. duced with certainty, and, without the admixture of warm or cold water With the cream itaelC . FRED'K WATTS. Carlisl.o, Aug. 17, 18,18, For the benefit.of the better'part of man (wo man) I -give tl is certificate. After using the Thermometer Churn Made by Mr. Spangler of this place, -I would Mtge none other in my fami --Wikhave been triing thp old barrel churn for thirty years post, and I must say it is not to .e compared to Crowell's Thermometer Churn, • either for speed of churning or convenience; in the old barrel churn it took generally from four to six -hours to churn the churning, now in the Thermometer Churn we ono churn butter in from - fifteen to twenty minutes, by brining the cream to the proper temperature. I eon recom mend it to the public as no cheat.'ll JOSEI'II SIIROM. Carlisle, Sop. 1848. GEORGE SPANGLER has also nn hand, and will inannfacture to order CABINET WARE of every description. such an Bureaus, Secretarys, Sofas, Tables„ Bedsteads, and 'all arjicles in his line, and will sell as cheap as can be bought tiny where in the county, and warrant his Furniture of good material and (hirable work manship, He would invite the public to call and examine his stock before purchasing. COFFINS made at the shortest mitit..e; terms moderate, [octl I ADD ICKLEg, PRESERVES—Just 'received j;" and opened by the subscriber, preserved — Wager atttl - Timr — Applerthiiitge yv-P i edeled Lobsters, Gherkins, Mangoes, Peppers, Pico!. Blii Tomatoek and Onions, Olives, Capers, An chovies, Sardines, Tomato Ketchup, fine mixed French Mustard, within very choice and pure article of Salad Oil, foi sale at • meal HAVER.STICK'S Cum* Vally Transportation House r,17- - 7 Canal and Rail Road Line, for Philadel phia, Baltimore, Pittsburg, &c. jrW. KERR, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, 11/in-nisei:Ml, Pa. informs his friends and the public, that from the liberal pat ronage extended to him during the post year ho has been encouraged to make more extensive ar rangements for the present season,and has ad ded two new, large and splendid Boats to his LINE, and will be fully prepared after the op ening of the Canal, to forward PRODUCE and MERCIIANDIZE of all kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore, Pittsburgh, &e., at th , lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des patch. Agents for Boats. GASKELL 12 nee SI meet Wharf, Philadelphia. GEISE & SON, No. 48 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore. CLARK & SIIA J. McI•'ADDENO.S Pitts'g Agents for Cars, WL'NDERLICII & GRIER, o. 272 Market st., Philadelphia. C'HALORER & REYNOLDS, No: .123 Market st., Philadelphia. SITER. JAMES & CO., Broad street, Philadelphia. PENN'A. & OHIO LINE, North street, Baltimore. Harrisburg, March 29, 18.1R.—tf. Harrisburg Transportation Line. FUNK & MILLER, ORWARDING & Commission Merchants,. E HAnaissurto, Pa. ship Produce, Merchan dize, &c . to Baltimore, Philadelphia, & c. t..te.— Coal, Plaster, Nails, Salt, Fish, Groceries, etc. consenstly for sale. Harrisburg, march 29, 1848 ~y L~SSL~i , LScZ~~ S3.a`~: 73i~S ~ ~ dllegheny house. No. 280 Market Street, above Eighth, South side. PHILADELPHIA. • - - - 'THIS large and splendid Hotel ha's beeq fur nished with entire new furniture. The Bar, Room is the largest in Philadelphia. The Par lors and Sittink•rooms are .entirely separated from the noise and bustle, consequent to the ar rival and departure of cars. The portico ex tending the whole front of the house.. affords a .cool retreat in warm weather, and a splendid view of the greatest thoroughfare in the City. The Lodging Rooms are well furnished. the Table as well provided for as at any other Hotel, with every attention of the managers to make it the best Hotel 'for IVlerchants and business men, during their stay in- the: City. The tortes _Neill be one dollar per day; On the arrival of the Cars from the west, p Porter will be in attend. ance to convey baggage, &e.; . io the Hotel, which is adjoimng the depot. Feb. 7, 1849-Gm. Atwood's Expire oo3klng Imo TN again calling attention to this unequalled IL STOVE, the proprietor has the' pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it has under ,gone an entire change—,the - piPo and'hearth play cod opposite' each other, and a ;SUMMER HEARTH AND BOILING 'APPARATUS; btiitig added, thus rendering it faultless, - tind un less there is' another' fault less Stove. in the .ther ket, this is unquestionably the •best, , as ;it-now ':.eMbraces every valuable Improvement 'peesessed by any other, bteve,' additeirto some peculiar to tself,'seetired.by Letters Patent. •-' • The,..pticcesit'of this rStoie,•since its introduc-. • tiOrita-unequalled: Nothing has everi been of fared .foi culinary purposes .thet, has 'given such • gensral''satisfaction. States have: been copied alter its form ; some dealers have even used its ,;.fundamental principles, but: the , proportions were "eo'unlike- the :originali that "thiy. bear the relative. ,tvalue that:a counterfeit does to.ttgenuine " Complete C 00 K and" other:C 0 OK. STOVES '36:grgat vOigty: ','Perions 'desiriti4 hose ii`dOiira= ble Stoiies;',fire'retfuetitedto Cull'et fife Stoje and inatinfactery 'ef; thp-:'eobscriber; ;on Mein: street, 'o,erlialei w'lidia , io , 4t. Citt4illr'r; 'hind Coufn,y,i....'. 'inaj724 - ‘...TCHNVYIJUR GAEL" L,lO T . fq .1; IS: quartet-baOraletp i'Alaßpd2 , 44 in4hole 'and half.,bariole, iirtVorefnthilir: :;:axle by - ' J • D . 1 - IALORT N0v„29,,84 ~~ ---- Mai Si', 'olllloUritnCe. 4 , .toottiliantes, FirQlngtiranCe: rrun Arrn . :B. PENNSBORGtGEI .1 Miitanl Fire;lnstirence , Compartrofl , Gum.' berlattdcounty, incorporated by. an act of Assam blirJEE 'fillly - 7organised - and7inVaralnitE7Kii= • der the_management Of . the following Commie sioners, viz . .. • • 'Cht..Slayman, Jacob Shelly, Win. R. Garin's, Lewis Ryer, Christian Titzel, Robert Sterrett, Henry Lognn, Michael Conklin, Benjamin El. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Sentl. Prow ' ells •, and. Melchoir Breneman, who respectfully call the attention of citizens' of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages which the corn• pany hold out. The rates of insurance' are as low and favornble as any company . of the kind in the State. Per sons wishing to become members and invited to make application to the agents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. . JACOB SHELLY, President HENRY LOGAN, V. Pres't LEWIS Hvtrt Secretary MICHAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer Actas•rs—Rudolph Martin, New Cumberland Christian 'l'itzel and John C; Dunlap, Allen k C Harmon, Kingstown; Henry Zearing, Shire• manstown; Simon Oyster, Wormleysburg ; bert Moore. Charles Bell, Carlisle. Agents for York County—Jacob Kirk. gene ral agent ; „John Sherrick, John napkin, J. Bow man, Peter Wo lford. Agehts for Harrisburg—Houser & Lockman. feb 9 THE GUNIHERLANII VALLEY Aintuat Protection Comply HE CUMBERLAND VARLE YM U• L AL PROTECTION CGAIPANY,miIIIn ' under the direction of the following board 01 Managres for the ensuing your,. viz :--Thos. C. Miller, President; Samuel Galbraith, Vice Pre sident; David \V . McCullough Treasurer; A. G. Miller Secretary, James Mienkley,JahnT Green, John 'Lug, Abraham King, Richard Woods, Samuel Huston, William teal, licott Coyle, Alexander Davidson. There are also a nom be r of Agents appointed in the , adjacent. counttes,who will receive applications fur h i . surance at.'d forward them immediately for ap proval to the Office of the Company ,when the pol icy w ill be i ssue d without delay. For further inlormation see the by-tawsof the Company. 'mos. c.miLLEH Prest. Alit.t.r.ft,Sre'y. The following gentlemen havebeen appointed A G ENTS L.H. Williams, Esq.,Westpenneboro, Gen cod Agent. . - .-S. A . Coyle, Carlisle, . . Dr. Ira Day, Me.thaniesbnrg George Brindle, EMI.. 'Monroe. i t. Jos. V . Menne, Can . Ne .Nurg: John Clendenin. Req..lllf gestoun. Stephen Callhertnow.Shi penshurg. - -- September 29. 1444.7 - ' I ..% The Franklin Fire Insurance Corn pany of philadelphia. OFFICE, No . 163 Chesnut street, near, Fifth street. _ DIRECTORS.. Charles N. Bancker George \V. Richards Thomas 'fart Mordecai D. Lowis 'robins Wagner Adolphe E. Boric Sirni uel Grant David S. Brown Jacoli R. Smith Dlorris.Patterson Continue to make insurance peretual, or limi ted, on eyery description of property in town and country, at rates as low as are consistent with security. 'rho company knit° reserved a large contingent fund, which whh their capital and pre miums, safely invested, afford ample protection tc the insured. • The assets of the company on January Ist; 184 1 8 . , - 53 published agreeably to tan act of Assem bly, were as follows, viz Mortgages —ll.-ea6X.st a Temporary Letrns.,_ _ 124;450 00 Stocks 51.,563 25 Cash on hand end in hands of ageno, Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have paid upwards of ONE MILLION, TWO IItiNEEF.D TITOUSAND DOLLA ES, losses by fire, thereby ;Wording evidence of the advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet with. promptness. all liabilities. CHARLES N. BANCKER, rres't. CHAS. G. 13AN.CHEN, See'. fob The subscriber is agent for the shove company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications lot insurance either by mail nr persnnallv. will be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMO UR. Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Company, FFICE 74 Walnut street, Phiadelphin.— 1 3 —en leel $250,000.—C hartor perpetual.— Make Insurance on lives nt their office in Pink dolphin, and at their, Agencies 'throughout the States, at the lowest rates of preinium. Rules tor . ktisuringlit $lOO on a single Life. Age. I. or 1 year.l For 2 years. Life 81 I 91 I 60 30 ' 99 1,30 I 1," 40 ' I,2'J 1,61 2,07 50 1,86 2,07 I 3,91 59 3,48 2°97 G 03 EXAMT.I.E.—A person aged 30 years next birth day, by pasting the company 911 cents wonld se cure to his iamily.or heirs $lOO should he die in aim year • or for $9.90 he secures to them $1000; ortbr 811 . 1 nnnunily for seven years ho secures to them $l.OOO should he die in seven years; or for $20,40 paid annually during life, he secures 81000 to be paid when, he dies. The insurer securing his own bonus, by the difference in amount of premiums from those charged by other offices. For $.f9,50 the heirs would re ceive $5OOO should ho die in one.yenr. Forms'of application and all partlepinrs may be had at the office of FRED'it WATTS, Esq, Carlisle, Pa. J. W. LAGIIOR N, Pree't H. G. tnenETT, B oe'Y• FRED . K. W Awe, A try. Dr. D. N. NIAnoN, Medical Examiner. r nug2a- Hat and Cap Store. Tstibscriber havin just. returned from the A. city, would inform the public that he is now opening a splendid assortment of SUMMER HATS at his old stand in N. Hanover street.— His stock comprises Moleskin, Nutria, Rocky Mountain Beaver, Pearl, Cassimere and Silk HATS, of the most substantial make and latest style. Also CAPS of every description and quality. He invites his friends to call at his establish• mom before purchasing elsewhere, as he is con fident that they will find it to their advantage. mrtylo GEORGE KELLER. N. B.—Highest price given for Furs, Lamb's Wool, &c. , Anti Dyspeptic Catholicon, For Dyspepsia, Nervous lisedaelie, end LiN:er Diseases. "PHIS is a Vegetable compound, warrented safe and effectual remedy, not only for Dye pepsin, but for thOse disease# resulting from and connected with a disordered condition of the stomach and liver, or dorangementaof the dips tive, functions, such as debility or weakness, flatulency,, loss of appetite, sour eructations and asoidity cif the stomach, costiveness, headache, flatulent and billions colic It is particularly re commended to those who are suffering under debility arid depression of spirits, its soothing and' renovating poviers being particularly adap ted to such eases, For'saltrby TAMES E LEMING. . 3AIEB ENILJG. , Corner of Pitt ,61 . , Dish sta. Carlisle Pi.,cffers fOr.sale oti the' most tenet', At large assortment of choice DrUgii, and Medi .einearGhtimicahr,---Pitlititc—Ctlts-&cr,wittrihe most useful Patout Medicines,, also-An elegant assortment of Perfuttery -Toilet and Shaving Soaps,. Shaving-Creami H air Dye; Nair 'Oils, in great variety,•-41air, & Cloth bruithes,-:7W;hipsln Roar variety, Uni• brellett; Canes,, Pocket Books , ,Alontbs, Ink •& Ink:Stalids,lVfoltONl7,afere & Seals,lFine & Note i ' impOAniieloppd; 'Razors,. Pelt' Kmves.,Seissors, &lie* atraillt , ',Fancy Card . Cases; (lamellae, Patent Lard Lathes,' Glohsa &,VVielui,lLard 011,:Sperm 'Daridles,'&e. An extensive nasorkineiti otlinported:& mastic Begets -TO,lniette&Slitiff; Call and extl'ininsitlievite'6l4 he, is prepared' to bffei•indueomopto Act.purehastraeror coat". Carliele,:January,!golth',o49:- ';:' ,:. !. , ':'liiiiit:T . Olia.CCO.".....-: . .;;'1' ..,1 :'% _6 A :•111-1E0S:*; - Tcpt.T uogY4:l :aiii '',4 . : I P tip). o.triii.o TObacco;f64atila.bp':. , :i . ;.K . .z.„; 2. .- , e,„ A , ,-,: , ...-: , .., , ,, ~I , . ..:FUNIC:: i It MilitinV,* Yl - liktiOiliTg,, 0ci4 , 4nv: , ?.: -,, 'i :) ~ c ,. .'‘'-,.:':.....''', '1: - .'.1•7: 1 -; : .- , ,, .- - .i':i;.:- .-;., - ,.. - 7,.. ~ ~,:---•,!, ,: .-;:', -.-.7;7t,-...7r,.7. ERE ',.7!!v0 R-4 IMM;ESM 7t. 'lllEW - CLOTHINGIiSTORE; COfiVeit of Noltalt Hitinaysn',Vin:EouTusn. • •„ • STRETS, CARLISLE,, PA. THE subscriber has received smile now open T ag a choicaieleitiVniiriyiiilerGotfilii7c - drieiir -- ing of Cloths, Oassimers and Vestings, newest stale at "the lowest rates, which he will make up into Dress and Frock coats, Over Come, sacks, cloaks, Pants and Vest s,Dress and Frock eon IS of cloth from six dollars upwaxds, Pants lrbm $l5O to $6, Vests from 75 cts". cloaks from 8 to $2O. ...Ile Also keeps shirts, bosoms. collars, neck and pocket Isandket•chiefs, com forts, caps. gloves and Hosiery • in short er:•ry thing appertaining ton gentleman's wardrebe -- As he IsAgent far an extensive louse he will be 'enabled to offer fresh goads at hart eate n month, Ile will receive regularly the N York and Philadelphia and will-spore fro pains in getting up Isis weak in the 1406 t AloVitble cod litshionabto manner. He wilLalso mkt., up work purchased at ollief storesill Me most care ts] manse . Ile will pay partieulae enemies' to Children'S Clothing He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage \V II PARKINSON, .I' , . Dec 13, 1818 • Agent for the Proprietor g, Great Attraction for the liolida3 At liriss-KiLkle!sad Quetta's, IN NORTH HANOVER F al l t, CAIILIS . I.E, PA. 'HE Subscriber would respectfully infdm the CitiZoll6 of Carli de , and those'who may visit it during the HOlidays, that lie is nosi' nianultie taring, and will keep constantly on hand, a large assortment of CONFECTIONARY, \ SUGAR PLUMBS, &c., suitable for the ap proaching festivities?, which will be sold Whole sale or Retail, at the OLD STINOII Ncirth Han-. over Street,c few doors north of the Bank, where he slop has-on hand a large assortment of FRUITS and N UTS of the latest importa tion, which wilt be sold on accenimmituing terms, consisting in part of ORANGES, LE MONS, GRAPES„, Raisins, Prunes, Dates, Citron, Figs, Almonds, Cocoa -tuts,. Ctee - nuts, Filberts, Pea•nuts, English Walnuts, &c. &c. lie would also call inlet:tint: to the ht st assortment of FRENCH, GERMAN, AND AMERICAN TOYS, ever brought to this place, consisting partly of fine French Fancy Coxes, kid and jointed D, Ils, all Mee, MI heads, fine Chinn, common &obit ni.il iwiden tea Seth, kitchen setts and Inrnnute in host Blass and tin trumpets, enky (Ings, I tin, basket and other Pcimy in) i,.u• all wDaollli and wheellairtiTs. Ile tin toys, tools in linen, games, s, &c. Pi anos, Fiddle, Ttimborineti; Hum UPI( hi h. Ae cor d ons , drums, guns, pistols. &e. Glass :• d Chinn toys,, line sewing bt*kstr. Also,'lay and dolhbaske e, and n vat iet y mliet arti: I, 13 too numerous to trention. .. . . . < Pln conmi.tion wiiii di, above - he has j' us' re ceived a pvive lot of • consistingreof pulver , zed, ern4rcd, loaf nt:d brown SUGARS. N<wlean!, "Teirided Syrup, and Sugar House MOLASSES , re l y cheap. Imperial, Young Ilya nat d Rlm k TEA. Chocolate. Winer, Sods, St.unr, nncl Pic-N lc CRACKERS. Cheese. Rice, lila, king FIIESII SPICES - , sut h eo own t go. cit.- unman, cloves, m 'Tor, ginger, albune, get mid or whole. All orders thankfully received and purrtnally attended to by I' Al 0 Elt . Nov. 29. A T the. Cheap Family Grocery Store Lf J - SEPII D. HALBERT, ICest.llla street, Carlisle, you will'always,Ond thc,best of Family Groceries that the Philadelphia markets can afford. Tho subscriber hits just returned from the city, and would 7espectfulfv invite the public in general and his friends in particular, to call and examine his stock, which.emlances all the trtietes usually kept in his brie of business, suer as RN?, Java and Srl - 6 - mlragr ratwn — r Young HVson and Block Tens, of the best quality & flavor; loaf, lolling lost, crushed; clarified and brown Sugnrs of every pilule. milli price to suit. Honey, sugar-house, (Menus aid syrup Molasses. Spices of all kinds, Ito will warrant pure and freshground. Erectus, buckets, brskets. butter' bom els, gash rablArs, clothes pins and brushes of hely vnriery,,- Castile, fancy, rosin and_rountry E OAPS. l eo, a general assortment of chewing nod smo fting TOBACCO, spnrish halt spsnish nod corn. TOOll CIG.A IIS. GLASS, QI.IF.ENSW.ARE, and CROCKERY of every description which he will sell at the lowestipossible p ices. Feeling grateful for theAiberal patronnge here tofore bestowed upon him, py n gt m rues pub lic, the subscriber tenders them his heart); thanks, and hopes that in his efforts to please, and particular attention to busines,s to merit a continuance of their suprort. Nov'r 22 IE , IB. JOS. D. 11AIBER'r. $890,558 65 35,373 28 e 1,220,097 67 I , ht times, Oils, and Soars. • AF.NF and fresh supply from Roussel's Mud other .1 the best city houses. among which arc double ~.'peet Briar, Rose Geranium, 'Verbena, • .t. 4 iouls. heliotrope. Milletleur and Musk, ttutt.r.t......y pm up and for sale at the lowest prices. Also, for the Hair, Baud°line, Pont made nux Fluure, Jenny Lind heir gloss, Bear's Oil, Maccassar Oil, fine•seeined Antique nil, Philocome, Beef's Marrow, fine Myrtle and Vio let Pommndes. Also Fancy 'Soaps, such as Roussel's Shaving Crenm. Wright's do, Military do, Almond and Palm Wash Soap, nicking an assortment unsurpassed bv..any in the horendb. may3l S 'V lIAV ER STICK --••• DRUGS! DRUGS! . DRUGS! JUST RECEIVED, Country' Moreliant.t erd Pedlars, arc invited tocall and exnnime stock of Medicines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Vat nishes, &c. Wetherill &Brother's Pure:Lead, Chronic .Pnint‘and Varnish Brushes, Jersey. Window „Glass, T•tnseed ,s, urpen „ tine. Copal and Coach VarOish, and; Red Lead. All of which'. will be 'Sold - at the - very lowest market price; at the aeon Driig and flook Store of• • 8. Ir..'HAVERSTICK: NOV . 29th . ; 1848;., • SToita, a „GUM • • • ••• Pi • • ctiv.4.. • 5 . ? WO the j*Bl;o9, l e oppyierW. f 4 iivagt!P %. AITISC6ii4 . • . • P an :• i,•;:i, 49.. ' ---•' 'lt• - • • ° •.0 . te..6,-,*-::Pliiii: Fresh Groceries, GROCERIES; GROCERIES ! "Vaiety.'s the Spice of Life." THANKFUL for the favors heretofore bestowed upon us, in our line el busiesi•-, We again would "HERALD" to our 111111,1101.151 customers, that we are in constant say t I 91 a general assortment, (which we arc it coring almost weekly front the city) of all ankles Fer taining to the business of a Grocery and Tea Store, • embracing Brown Sugars of good qualities at 5, 6,7, and 8 , cts per pound, Rirr Cofico's nt 8,9, and 10 cts, Crushed, Pulverized and Broken Loaf Sugars. as 9 and 10 cis per peund. Java n •d Mocha Coffees, also BLACK and GREEN TEAS of choice selections, either in bulk or in metallic packages, always fresh, at tram '3,1 to 81,50 per pound, together with every variety of Spices, such as CIisJNA MON, MACE", CIT RON, Pepper, Cloves. Ginger, Nutmegs, mus tard, kc. LIVERPOOL AND G A SALT, together witli Fine Salt. either in sacks or t•mal ler quantities. SPERM AND WAX CAN DLES, together wirli Mould and Dipi qualities, Sperm and Whale blenched Oils, of pare quell- . ty, as also SALMON AND 111A.CE All EL; Molasses, Syrup, Vinegar, Cheese, Clociters and numerous other articles, all of Which lot' quality and prices we feel confident on insTection will prove equally as good and ns reasobable as can be sold any where else. But a (all from our friends can satisfy them best and us to. Remember the "Old Stand," nearly epposito Burkholder's (formerly Beetem's) Tavern Main street. I WEB P. Carlisle, :)ill Dee. 848. • DRUGS Patent Medicines, Flerbs and Extracts, . Fine Chemicals, ' Spices'; ground and whole Instruments, t" Essences; Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, &o. DYESTUFFS. I „ Log,nud Ctim Woods, - • Oil Vitriol. • . , Copperas, it Ltio Dye*, PAINTS.:;, . Indigoes, Madders, SlMltle Minn, , .queens*raro,.*: ~ • . A LARGE and'generalilelecilon of tlteserir r liaise in every yarkety„lias 'peen added to oar ris tiortreenti... Aleci, a 'lot of ,Oeder el,ilbrac ind.Tfibq : Churns - Buckd,a;.gails,Ma., at usual loyeniices, tit`pie'Grocerypiora lylarelil4p.:-!. • ;••••;•• "-. .• J '.EB Y. WI MIME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers