'Ace, ,‘A 41,AS, Califorui , Gold Mli s. k-" ' 'lhe,sailors.are deserting than tps.on the • coastof - Cali fertile. to - goCAPtb coun, . try and .gather goia. ...k.cornisperrentof tho Philadelphia Evenink r alleiliWitt . re , l'etter dated Washington,'WOo, l 3 7 , 6141 4 "Quite sensation has been produced in this city by the receipt of a letter by the Department ol_Wrir from Col. Mason in California. The -information in . the letter fully confirms all the wonderful ac= • coiintt kite`linVe re,Celied from - that' ebuiv try.' a caii the; gold ,mine region. Col. Masseb,,,lunderstand„says.that the wealth idielVer . I %If& received by him .•eanticit • be . ..estimated—f all the accounts ,we hate lieretofore..re-. ceiVed of the desertion _Of .creWs, of `the miepple Of the coast leaving their business, inerchatits,,echenica, laborer-7-in fact roll whO..are not maimed or blind,, !deser iffig'tliiii—,ocetipTiti-on's and-marching for . Tall river to dig for gold, are confirmed. Ile.inOntions in instance ota.soldier who . . .`abserited 'himself from duty for ten -days, 'aial went to - fhe gold region, and who; at :the-end. of that. time seturned.w.ith ~ • , ` . worth-el theaorejn_his.,...poeSeasi9,,, Six .! - ahips - were reported 'to - lio lying • at'St," `Francisco without • .a.- human being on onrd:.ProviijenS. and utensils of all "enormous prices-- , no *Hone could be engaged to perform any kind l oflabor---iliere. were. none to employ— . . in fact it was a perfect democracy, every'' one his own servant. The influence t hat nhese.wonderful accounts will produce upon emigration to. that country, will 'doubtless be great. Hundreds, aye, thou sanda, in ,a' feni `short, months will, per haps,-be wending. their way.to California. It.will doubtless be the'cause. of quickly populating diet country. In the present aspect of the case; by way of a- specula "flan,. considering the enormous price of . hardware, Snob us spades, kettles, pans,' as well as iitr of implements and provisions—thS first man who gets a good cargo of 'such . commodities in the country, will realize a fortune. All the accounts I have seen relating to•the gold region, seem to agree thus the gold is . picked up in the channel of a river. If such is the case, it can - hardly 'possess the value of those mines where the gold is (band in small particles in rocks, w.hizb_ are iltVinost valuable. It must there fore be-superfidial, and the supply cannot 'last long : but we must wait for further and more definite information, to decide." The gold mania has caught thousands the cities of Boston, Nevi York, &c., and several expeditioria , ttCaliforma •are already being fitted out:. ANTI-SLAVERY FEELING IN VIRGINIA.- -"the Warn - bnd Southerm ,, Hrolds the following language in relation to public sentiment in Virginia, on the subject of -Slavery : . - -It is -not. generally -known, yet it is -nevertheless true, that tivo-thirds of the people-of Virginia are open and' midis guisod advocates of ridding' the State of slavery ; end . after the year .1850, when the census-is taken, their views will be embodied in such a form as to startle the 'South. %Ye speak understandingly.— We have, within the last two years, con versed with more than 500 slave-holders in the State, and 450 out 'of the 600 ex pressed themselves ready to unite on any general plan to abolish slavety, upon al - any terms. Abolition fanaticisrit at the North has frat.rocluced this, but the annexation of . Texas, and the acquisition of territory -have doneit. Virginia may be put down I as no longer reliable on this qtiestion.- - •• • When she goes, the District of Columbia is free , territory • then Delaware and Ma ryland will also go, and North Carolina and-Kentucky will follow suite. 'l'uis Will surround the extreme &kith with ' free States; and when that day comes— _ .and:it will not very long—we wottld just as soon own a parcel of wild turkeys a so many slaves. . AN - A NECDOTiZ.—The inot • anttoiiiio, is certainly amusing: tl'll6Yresident elect of thisgreat Ile -.77pn-blic;;;Cen-.--Taylor, has an old favorite in the person of a negro, whose • skill on 'the. so - welt:known in the neigh ".,"•,b4ihi3bil,Of the General'h residence, that ,it ,would: be superfluous 'for us to praise ;hissrnany, efforts to pleOse his old master. habit of the,,Qe4ral..when his other; engagements pe'rert, to call Dick, , -.„.,; , (tlincognotneit Of the %fore said' negro.) ~ with his violin.•to ,while away an hour.— i'• liclity-or,two kiter Abe late Presidentipl t .ttldctien; Dick' was in his accustomed nivay for the amusement ~•.; 4 01dZ"tinti, keeping up a desultory ' rrcconversation,with the old hero. Dick , ts&tried several, times to speak of some ha was anxious should be „He lenn•th plucked up cour 't"-fs eget - ttle v dial .4.kt , ttAlllakkowtheerd de .news; die morning, O tiyloi • • , ,ThOld,',9ptieral !bolted a Moment at Dick; who fiaCcesitj,d the Use of the bow,,littid - -thqn...said "'Vol -3 .: What is it ' • ' • ) `;' &WA said' Dick. mff tde; telumg and ,„~eyry,„;kotly else, sez you ,so e nett ICS. anldent l)r4fiSgt • • • 01.11. 1 AVIT,e11,...what of that t Id;rxi-44,1!ttlisti'Dick:fiddlingustway•tor the a "Oftifreine. ~ prestdent "and "!r• firsKtaitlQVCinciiinati.' N•o' - • -, Z -4 1 raTioN. cb tvg4tir4ieSj4etit; of the the; Urkited. *idea, Pr. ,e 9 4 jettll 4- oislNtited , rktgitt.'liectuise din latter, refused , te • 'bath: 'he Frirhe'yoting '' Ilve Sat). 't •-' , z‘n , . ' - 'if 6 fMtkit.,..°P , , ,-.4 okaaiiiV",onfobiA; ' 64 ` c4r4 V- u ' l'zhir, tkr4ibt .et ! ~,,, ,---,, , f • em . werkif". , 0 $ - ii.iiiii#l l4 iirp:O. Put-IP.: i ,p,,, re g i9 "4 m.„„..i caf , ~,,;,:ne,,,wmlifi cal. dn./ l Vi i3rtit4.4o`" 'r. consp i e , K ,,, , But 0 . 1-- ''?4: 4 o;t4lßt:recrPP lo b ddlii bein re q u'es't : ~.' l,4e,Aisriatiere Mr.. Bi. - , g ,fr i. ~ 1.4 , ,,,,-'4. l ,.',; iiii, i - t n, ,,- ro ' • , nltit ip,, 11l t c aBl o ,, t - l b ,t-an9 t T r ''' '' ; ' -‘ lo . ''''& ' Aitiiiin ode' d I.tOstviiiy indivigl4o, '''/I*f;t-P,ii*'/rwrrgo,---.- iitilticidki:garii'PYCKlC9f ir;4,4,117MLAC,r,t4•11.4 , h , l , ap- wiety' - 'iin • trust:. " 4. 0 1 t ~ El i p • iivignwsirri/A- ssl' , vt -.0 ' - , C' lil t: for IY4V.,„,4, cL ,, V.itilii,:f.ticiiA4o'wikli ~ E l / 4 , , 7 , ,, rtegrunt't ' . . 7 - -zi.i.i ' '.2.l:4 'w vAf i ll .r , f stti 'likip,gbigA,ltsAFf,F,P.A.... zA , ,i, ~ ,5 r,',, ,, ...;, 0 ,4q. , .. cho s en ~,.i,,,i,. -1iv00dp,,,t.4 ~, , ,...11.,4,- , ytttetotc,,- , , 3 ,-. .....„aenc...0r ~--. rawniitlttliapoot 0( over-,... votes ~,.: , •-A...,.: .. 1- "ii.. 4 - lei? in nmt 111 nr ir „ , r i et l / 44 vriesIrriv147 , 5, , f .i t. ~ ~ ;4. , ~• ,' ior,:l"4.iviillbill`l44llr.tctrl-4.., .„,,, ,;,.. , A., ~ ' ',. +, 4, 1:':; rr ' 4 0';)':; )! ‘„ , 17 ,41,6 "''' ' ' '".. " .:;tr P 2 .4 - ."': L ' ' ' . ru.r_r..... - .== VMS= -• .. ~:, , ' r h.:: , •'' , - '' , •-v-i; ;,'•!,...,,•''''' ~•• ' l'A szeakrZlittipssittutel .--%.......14.1.,e., ....,_.-..14 l'; • 5.,:7e , Tl-.. '''...- 7 ' 4-4 p 6,:ii' ,- , , 4 , 4: N' • ' i p• ~., .. , ,s•••: ! :,-,, ,"' ~,., • 4..,,ex, • r . tvi-5zc0 , .. , ,1T;1, - • PA. EDNESDAY., DECEMBER 6, 1848 TIiMPF:RANCE —An adjotitned meeting of the new Larlisle T i emperence . Secieiy will be held to-morrow evening ht the first Prps -10Yierkr!,..citure11=1iov.--.41r Ylfratly_lllll Cromer will tlell4k t ! ... c . t . Hirerses:-,':: Geis: and sign the Pletlge..,, C. §..S.PnvAi..on.--Deprectiticgrill angry ag itation on this importamquestion, we have admitted the lengthy communication which appearsp to.day's paper, because while it takes ground against one-of the candidates it yet makes no unjust assault upon hill, VIII disscUsses the sulject with ability, candor and good temper. The occurrence of several CriqerinT pox, in a malignant and fatal form, inur borough, is an ,admonition to all of the tie. cessity of promptly looking to thevacanation of themselves and This,'it not an absolute preventive in every arise will at least reduce the disease to a mild form and bring it ti•ithin the power of the physician. A - committee of the Borough Council cal led on Os yesterday ) by whom we are re quested to state lhat by resolution of that iro dy, two Physicians have, been appointed— Dr. IP, L. Creitrh, for the North Ward, and Dr. G. Foulke, for the South Warq-who have been instructed to visit every family in t he borough, for the pMpose of vaccinating ail Who have not heretofore attended to it: Council has acted with commendable' promptitude in this, and we trust_ the Phy sicians who have been appointed will be receives) by all in the rqoper spirit.,., Mean time we take occasion to contradict the ru mors which have attributed a Wide preva lence of this diseaSe to our borough. But lour or five cases have occurred, aid the, steps now taken are only aProper precaution., lo prevent its greater spread. Feasting and Official Changes, Two of our comity officers, Mr. 13EETE51, prothonotary, anti Cept...GoouvEsn, Clerk of .the Courts, gave ari elegant entertaininent to their friends anFriday. evening last, on the . -occasion of their retiring Ironi the °Macs which they have held for the. last three years. The supper was provided at Turkholf . ler's ho tel, and is representeQ? have been elegant and sumptuoils. The' obmpany comprised the Court and all the memberS of the barto gether with tho-'•gentlemen of the [teas''-- except. onreell, i whom "circumstances" pre iented-frorit attending,, - The.evening we are told, was a merry one-, speech and song and jest following the- enjoyment=of the good things of the table, and leaving the - company at the parting hour in the best possible 'hu mor with each other, and espeeially With the popular officers — who had given the en tertainment. It gives us pleoure to say of the renting officers that their official rouise has been marked throughout by ability, fidelity and courtesy, which while h. secured the entire confidence of the public, gained als6 the warm commendation olliliose who had bus- Ines, in their several offices. On Friday the new ly-e,kwied offiders— James F. Lanberton, Prinhonotary, John Hynr, jr. Clink of Courts, , William Goutil„ Register, • were sworn in and entered upon their duties President's Message Congress stet on Monday, and the PreSi dent's Alessage was doubtless delivered yes; terday. . The recent change% of mails will however prevent us receiving it until this evening, and we hale therefore not cl ~ delaye our paper for it. It is looked for :via but little interest. Air. Polk, was a lion a year" ago, but his tierce teeth have since been ex tracted and he is now harmless and uninter esting. The , "knowing" correporideitt of` the Ledger gives us te.understand that•the message will 'contain an elaborate, afierrirt at justification of the Mexican war, and will also inform the people that in the late election they have acted with great folly r.d madness in upsetting Polk and askiiig for the repeal .of the present Tariff ; The .President will also press the establishment of a territorial governmentiroCalitornia, set 'llirtUthe slave question on the Missouri Corn prertiise.' : The way.they are picking tip gold there also, he thinks will require a branch mint in California. Whea,we get , the docu ment nous varons. : , Accipczav AT flocutisrowta.—We learn with deep regret dial while , the friends of Taylor 'hi tlogueslown in this, county, were celebrating the_ great ,victory on Saturday last,uigbl the occasiolk was marred by a deploriable accident. A small tiaskiirodcan non-Isiticti'they.ware:fitiiig suddenly burtit -o,:priabablOrerti'' being 'pvet-charged, and Liwis "htifib t an inn-keeper in Mlle . vicinity,-,lacpra.:, ted one of his feel in -a shocking': by a bm-al_tile„dasi, itecoiinfit time ; sufletd'r was 7 .H says; the'.inelicanr isterlvtia .tornr . , s . alls7 rs '-, ,!x, ouiod Old A./mimics ;NltsenAu,4,.,l?PlAYPg'it_ ihe4uipelibiltriegiatOjipptid *O•pri‘i;lo',l4lllNith?';R:iriAileii64itatt otumuu ,4 , 4 tYPi , .P,- y - "filitNjerhim,Pais, l4 fe4 ' 'f(ilndalOpiank. l!P° o oo4.' :iirgtliOAktAk4o44ooooli:W9 4l ot Weao4eifialOW:o7.)*A:94l !3sl Vtir jC" MEM o'l7l*Y ifiriagaireiale:fbiaittitiot6 14teheik..*siderakir .eatiiltdate in all. ) ttio' 're6iietl °Aid : ie'ttrriie: ,The ot - he! States will be addecfiii received. •. AGGREGATE VOTE. Taifor Cass V. B,tiritiW Maine • 35,272 :'10,121. 12,107 Vermont 23,122,. 10,648 13,837 MasiachnSeits ' ,.- 11"1;11.00 ' 1 :35;898 38;263' Crinnisclient " "30,316'• - .27;047 . • .6,003 Rhode Island 6,689' 3;600 t New Jersey 40,009 '86,830 1 849 Delaware .. 6,421 New York 218,550 114,562' 126,60 . Pennsylvania 185,513 172,976 11,263 Maryland • 37,702 34 ; 528 • 125 Ohio 138,360 164 , 775 35,364 )1 N Caroline - /9,619 34;869 N. . Georgia - 13,150 . 40,089 ‘l,labacue 30 ; 182. 31,363, Tennessee 64,113 57,981 Kentucky 66;927 4,977-43- Maine N. tiarmpshire Vermont Rhode Island Massachusetts New Jersey'. Delaware' New• Yolk Pennsylvania Marlland Ohio N. Carolina • • S. Carolina (estimated) Georgia Alabama Tenne.sce Kentucky We „Looked in the last Volunteer for that affidavit, verifying the atrocious slander which-that papeeoriginated before' the elec- lion, accusing Gen. Taylor of brutal cruelty towards oi.e of his slaves:. But-we looked in vain. The affidavit is not published, and never will be, itna thus the vile invention stands confessed before the world to be e naked falsehood, a baie calumny! This is just as we expected, and is quite in charac ter wish the course of that paper. The false hood was circulated before the election, and probably did its work in poisoning the• minds of some who are credulous• enough to be lieve all they see in the Volunteer.. But at the feet .0 the pure chrpatriot against whom the poi'soited shalt was hurled, it has fallen huttless, like other slanders, which. instead of crushing him have fatally recoiled upon their originators. As in the old "The teen recovered or the bite, The Duo it wee that died:" A Petition, says the Reading Journal, has just-gone-op- to-our-rulerri-at---Washingtouren (Wised by neatly •rwo HUNDS.ED THOUSAND' freemen of Pennsylvania, and about TWO 2.111.L10NS of voters in the United States, ask ing' for the speedy and unconstitutional -RE PEAL of the actions, unjust and oppreasiire "British Tariff of 1846." and the -re-enact ment ail law bled upon incidental protec tion to American Industry and the principle of specific instead of ad-valorem 'ditties.— Will this.sovereign will of the people, cal• sfilufionally expressed thiough the !Alloi-box es, be regarded by our Locofoco rulers—and, especially, will it be recommended by our prerent Yemocialic' President in his forth• coming message? In due time we shall see —but we apprehend it will be heated with the same contempt expressed for the remon 7 slrarges that welt, poured into Congress in 1846 against the-repeal of the Whig tariff of 1842.. Wo do not hope for a change until the new administration and the new Cop gress come into power—when we anaylook to Nee the will of the people carried out to the letter. Kr-Geo. W. fiuw:nan, editor of the "Bed ford Gazette," has written'a letter to Goverr.- or Johnston,- resigning the post 9t Adjutan t General: The letter throughout is a atudied attempt Co insult his excellency ; but in this 'the author has doubtless failed. Ills well known character of a common black-guard, effectually prevents any thing he may say Irorrygiving offence to a gentleman: This iettei is of course copied, the Penfisy/ca man, and other locoloco papers, with -com mendation. The office holders will never forgive Gov. Johnston for using jam . Atp iii Pennsylvania. • • bIVNITA NT DECI.4O N IN ItEoAab TO VIE BctiOnt.Lim.—At the Court of Coinmoa Pleai of Lancaster count, an attempt was Made lately to remove the School Directors af.Ufiper Leacock*Townlihip, because they refneeiftelmpose a tax and carry . Mit. the `law in ; - relation to it,_ The Court decided ; that according to the Adt of 1843 ; the District to consideled as having aeceptesi , Ihe School rititl - thit n is tto ay o tes o ret, ore to put the law in lorce, lulltiii,,parit,e Manner, via if the citizens , under the oidOultoollaw, by a majority ol their-votes ;,bitYileciiletilo accept. • MAI. GErr . ..SCOTT.-:—We'llipited 'amine days 19i i 63, on die . 'authority 'of tile. Coriesit'Otidopt of ihe .Ballisnore Patricit diailbiplanatioris and a reconciliadon .place ;wean I, lho Government"; and ..'Major..Getie '6l S'Ciiii;'l'Tlfti'Ociricepondeiii of tke.- , Patriot Ged,firal Scott has ociNectiiigi: , f ) ,oll: or eilfier or his Cabitie •bgr . i.rs.Mr; 'Wrk)kgrl -Colli] „on Gonsi,ral Soott,tlearoingltha(thO 1 , ;a" . '?llfified 10 'lot rooLn , oF9iiiplitirrprrirvird kimily,(pn4.9ro!keir;;lneinti,lr officos to bier, ~.) , q Po ll ei# 4l r. , ,forioe,i6 . B!!l ) Pgi mo ~t P 4 ,0 4r k11 4 1 7 i'Mka '44644' Yt4l i g i'l l 4l63°c t l l7 44l T.M*ri!OP!a4iT:TA:Cl i, " -0 4,t i t .rd li Y=TO!4. 4. P , z 4 g.fe t 411:44,;q0itiolyt~rrie ' 'rry r iar: ffMAAR MAJORITIES. . Taylor Case. 4,859 12 982 ..,...-....,...3L2.69 i,..- . . _ 12.174';' , , • --- .3.08 c10t 3: -,, .: -----. 25.912. i. - 3,1 13, 1k t 3il7' - , 16,4 15 8,681 !0,000 13311 8,161 17,184 Slander Confessed. •A Big Peation. . 4 110Treitth' %tub Can; onstitut .E 1 bw this -'96linittitipiv.ol': , robe° ooViktotit,tiaCilastregilkAlot \ alltgppociaitnedi • Yoik restinv Ors,itatuay,..tba ex. Veititiid- in a iiiiigieroiiiirntase,(ilif 15'0. olio :Ira on lice SofirsoeTik4 i:f.y,,b51i0, 77 43.f0rr French 0 , 21./fete'rs • lif.':'tigktitsiia. with Out OthTT c ondition tkiin he shall . ; in.„ : poikessioa, 3 :ol,)oS • anti' . politiOat rights.- Jn I pitiZeiitof 25 yeitie,Ol: , i rage is `ligible:r.-„.„ ReticeSeatliii v,e"s, too olloseil' ferm'T. ol • tlifea years ie.el igibil ity.' . . ' The": Nation al ',assembly :.pe'lrit tinier) t;:-- .earinothe prorogued- bydthe Executive-tire persons of the triembein are ,:invlolable— nor cdn they tie arrested , on prosecuted: even for criminal • - • oftences,:utileart.'tsiketi' in the fact—andgevedihen the Asseinbly mint con :sent to the , prosecution-goingdon, They tire 'ti or. to receive mandatory nstruc tionsi. and are not. permitted 'to accept any salaried ,appointment during theterni of Leg islature within the gift of' the...ExeeutiVe.= They are. to receive 'a ,Fitateq- coMpensation Its representatives; , They r.chimet.'be • ques -tinned .anyxvhere..fordopierons -expressed. in ilie - A - SaertrblyThe - ,siltingS'te - 11 - publtm -- The•Executiite powei.is:vested in a Pres ident—a native Frenchman bl thirty yearf( of age, who hes never lost. the . .qualityol. a • Frenchriiiiite 'be" elected for four. years, and not re-eligible till .after an interval. of four years. The: election day (tor the future) is to be on the second Sunday of May.. In case of the failure of a popular election, the. Nation, al Assembly is to chuose the President out of the five highest. The President has all the attributes of our President except the. Vela. He .may negoti ate and ratify treaties—but they me not to be binding unless approved by the National Ati aembly. tie ie chiel of the armed forces— but may never he actual in command. He, is provided with residence, and his - salary is to be 600,000 francs, ($120,00Q.) IThe - Wine President-is-to-,be chosen-by-the - National Assernby from a list'of thtee• can ilidates,. to be•laid . heforo the Assembly. by the President. ' The Vice President is, in no case; to be related to the' President up to the itigth di degree - . The Vice President to supply the place of the President when he is'disableil. A council of State, of which the V. Prot.'. dent shall be the presiding officer,' shell be appointed every six moral's by the Vanonal Assembly—to he indefinitely re-eligible— the appointment of a, representative vacating his seat—the. attributes of the Council are simply advisory ' unless invested with others .by the National Assembly. The Judiciary is to hold for life; and to be appointed by the President. The, tea 'by jury, in crurnal cases, to be maintained. •A High Court of Justice shell judge with out. appeal r nll accurratione by. the Assembly against the President - Or his 'ministers. Thu penality of death for political ofrence is abol, ished. This High Court to consist of five judges and thirty-i.ix jurymen; the judges to be - CliriSO - K - by - ballot-by-tbc-Court of Cessation from their own member. . The thirty tnx ju. rots to be taken liomlbe' meMbeis of the general I e p re - Sentative to be. of these juries. ,The verdict tri r ;require the concurrence of two-thirds.— The right, of 'cliallengelh reserved, as hereto tore, to both .parties,._ .. :, This is the butliniaif tfte 'great; depart The general provismils for the security of the citizen are. that lint . house is inviolable; that be cannot be witWawn - from his neut ral judges; that no extraordinary tribunal shall, under any ciscurnstances, be constitu ted; that each may worship according to his own creed and forms, and that the ministers, of all existing forms ol.worship k and of ony that may hereafter be recognizZil, shall tie entitled to salaries fiorn the State; the cen sorship of the press is abolished; and the right of public meeting, and of petition, is dis tinctly recognized. Slavery is abolished on French soil; all citizens alike admissable to all employments E.-merit being the .only test. The public debt is guaranteed, as is evety engagantent of the State with its creditors.— The fel:owing provision einbraces all that relates to the right of labor and of lusting- Art.-13.—The constitution guarantees to all,cittzens the Ireedom of labor anti indus try.. Society favors and encoulaires the de velopement of labor byigratuitous elements. ry instruction, proles'sional education, equal ity of relation between the emplovet and workman; by institutionsol forecast mad cieit; by agricultural schools, voluntary 118S0- -ciationsrand-thwestablishmentsby--the-Statm the departinets, end townships (communes) of the public 'works' fitted.tO employ Tumui pied workmen; it, furnishes assistance to -foundlino children, to the-infirm-and-aged, wbo are destitute, and. whom .their.latbilied -are not-in a condition.toltidi The election for Provident of ,France wil take place.oti the 10,11 of pecernber.., — T • NOTICMIES; _Messrs. Greely Br. AleF,.lrath, publishers of the New York Tribune, have issued their prospectus Mr. the coming year. We do not like till the isms which the Tribune battles for, but ith is- unquestionebly-a valuable and most interesting paper., The Daily Tabun° is ss . per annurrithe Semi-weekly is issued ) on Tuesday and Friday' at three per annum, or two copies for $5. , The Weekly T , r ibun e , e - large - tlciuble - metliurn .s h eet,closel y , filled With !eliding vintner, is - published at $2 a year singly-three , copies tor'ss, eight' for 810; and twenty for $2O ,payment in 8 0-,e,! l ' sesin Greely&lllrElratli, 154'.11:41=si'au it'relet;-New York: •-•- ifi• aßoiven'l`Ncirth'ahneheati'Fapner,l ) the title, °f! l .lYert; terge Nl4 I)enO°e4le new Weekly paper w high' hits juitbieen establish: ,ed Pliiladelplila,'tiy - Messrs. Bowen 84 . Th is nrmert w lll tie'chietly; tlevci liiil'lt'l*lolleilti.-')Vgllt MieintiSelerieet AriiiPliePileeteleei'="nf r , B ) latindedosspeiftelly'bor coeUtry,read , rete.ei srsin= lile:efoPY4tWe eePle . ( t l-41 1 # 813 ( fe'fi•-$ 5: 4 thirteen fur, iki 6 , !6 5 : -dititirriliswerils,p-Weithiqkmerican7-Farmerf , „ •-" - ' '#eitsTzte.'reOfeel . ' • r 4 t t Ry' G)Oeiteetti,;tlateft ' 2B n3inet l ; l4 ' .l °• 4o :the± , .Ib*Peelae 4 l NeW , -14414:0;t151!;Xfligtad91,0'.feilliiii`e itl&i?iPdfcefite!l" 'ffigi!filrritilfALPt,geOle i tialWflPf?l#3,o ll 4: 7i T f;.tlteff 14117., P r0tfeA.,14,10,!-,-, tf e A.,1 4 , 10 ,!- ,-, qffi , 41 1., f nA ihr tvt,Aq4;k4 , $l4 7.,poti!coortrph. 10, thriiiirip speeches in the'eanyass, than he. And why? for Not that they were more faithful; but that „ • • , Alr. Choate; being, a great lawyer, and "it A c ki a r ii : 7l: ' , insp` of:l?nsinisir and therelure having ', lal,nii . liatileas !(1 do , not time fot. ouch :, I ,t - ..tittriOe y eti: ; '.knd Yet who 'fic!es aPt,ttraw that 'is , the' if 'they Shoiild lose Daniel ~Welister, the 'ea . ' "WiSti - papilla' of - Massachusetts would at - enact : pass hy Mari, ritora - emisPiettobs for ' ' e 'party;seryiees,. and a oose l 9,,us r ,_ ,oa e p inpply, his'placein thy Senate ok the7.thiiiitii ' States. 'olttileioti the true' ind , Only - ginuaA 'Prr;:#1444:0.1'91)...0, ,!flitii'.'sjlidalti? be: . Miele bOttiiiirit d i m V.ublio.--igiti!e4:., ii , ,:ltr t ii:;t4 . ='fic , .considered, not)hat a. , parlizan..?ney.'lia,42:: iiiaiij I 'd I s iy' past 'patty teryfeati';'..lo - i., • tbat , thsi . Ittl'iiii#ltoo4 o 'nFli; l ihqk4:4l!"3 ? , l l iir'9'. -ift.olPtirittl9,t,i,64:,llll,4o,o,iikitd,4lYtitAL e '•nialt - ylskitlie',g6adf,of," , ther„';e4pulry, whicti is li'ailgtii'lif / bittie;POiiti lol illt:eb!tatil 3 fittitn "4WOY.i.;4kii-Xiit,'..:c.,ofo4itiy.;?:iaii',dp.uht in I % l o*;:lif' 6l eAlliO i i #A C #o l k*O i t • i i P-M e l s i i. ?4 , 41..31„iti"010 ,'lt'-'4!l;,44fi!)oo)..ojlol9iilBPe cii,illy.lio*,r,ilii,i4i,iflif,ll,,i-:',4-..0049!,ifkick,),!!i4- ?V'etriiarfi@4iViiil l itiY;f44,t4ol4 - 4iiia. ..,, 4 1.44', ~ '''..'t'fX; ,, r , 4: ` 4 , .'^et..6 ..., ' ; k . r, 4 . ' : i 1,2 " )11.,, ES 4 , i l :::•,:, 4)l)..s6alltf''t!b.teittt#jt 1,1, 014%,.. k-1 1 .7' lir 1 Cl 4 (ian';l : Witiktriesj(iF,:' twieiriniWiPk;, , YPJ, *lifi l f ,i qqi 4 *l t i i 4V 4, * • ' • '‘. ' ~'P)`C.l 4 l $ l 4, *4. l ZP 44 4: l' l,! i giViK , 1 'f,.. 5.' ' r .' ' . ,Y,/,';`'. l i .. ., dt ': f1040:00.:4 / .ti'' (, :t*' 4 ,-,. 6 .1 . „:'-t.i,,:mik , It 400.1,0,t 110- 4 1:1t44'.0 9 , , . ,., ',T,iot, Alr' l9 •ocit 1 01 . 0t,s4r' 1 041.. , At:)trA 1..i,,i.ki..10 51:ti1t.1.40,0,,0411*', i 0!,:i4 . CiviA4o;l!iitY.o` , , , : ,1it0t,k!r.i.,t,...f.,,...1 f-tt AA, A. ',. RI?, *k...i.''.•- •,,..-;: '6O-7 , ,',-,,, ~;-. . ,z,,;,,,, 1. ...•., !:7,,,,- 4 . 1 , ; .,, .P...-. , ,z.,, i .,-.,,.. .. 71'. .... 3 ~.,........, - 0 -'. , ' l r :{ ,' ;Z:g ?. ? 4'o'. .. i.'.. : - . ,,' ...t)i . .;: , ,i ) : ."•;•;:i6.5',...1.,'",?,,:Y.V.,',Vi",,t5!;!?=;.ri;, ,- ~ 7. „' -t.: ~ :,,,:.'„:-, .--;. '';il.., - -.,-,,,..t,....v..,,:- ... v,',.::- !.',.1.:,.,..t.,.-,cgi,.Le..'r'.:—.,.'-.',..;',',-.''.....:,, M'5lM presiiitni,et..the opinions of yoor erirres t! . , , Senatorial questie . ri";.bilr? , wnrt Ali eftgo,q9r they, and i tn!iirrnetro,:to . :,,sieali .. ..fco!te.grei.it •W big party. C u rliind .cool ity;" right of every .Whig, differfr : Viiih birni to.deny his autholitli: Asa Whig,:wio has ~1 1*XPl4114#!edFilldhe1 : 0 1 1) P orl.91 -,3 V:hg oipies, y ryho.has their Success no personfil.bilp*? obtnitti!:"diiny 'most ,emk ipinitteelly that tire "rionntnation and " eted- •Atiin 01 Mr. Criovvrt ll give 'unqualified 'Tiieninlre.lf).lWpm(rjrajcrity of the Whigs of ' this county, as Alley lerik , upon:-iiirn, as em phatically a busineini.iiiiin, rind one in whose hands'the best interests of this Common wealth might be safely trued:" Nor as a Whig can. I agree wjth your cor respondent tharilte Whig party', a party. of parity and intelligence, would or could la verlifs election, or that of any other. man., to such an . office, or to any office, on the ground that ic that the - laborer retoprili t i, of his fare." Who hall the tight,•for the people of this, great commonwealth, to hire,the party services cell'ff:Cooperf or tory (HirermThril and 'to agree.as the wages for his, services; : that he should he . 0400 to fill this high office ; which it concerns their honor, and interests to have filled with the best arid the ablest citizen oh, the statel If such a bar gain has been made, would it not be every way discrednable,- and can any Whig be found, Whe'vrill not say that services ren dered:on sucti'a 'consideration are not only . void of all merit, but that the person • Who could suggest such a bargain, or make it, ie wholly unworthy to fill any place of trust or honor, no matter what his party services may have been 1 For what party services have•the people of there. United States so, gloriously elected.our pure and virtuous old chief, boo. TAYLOR? Certainly for none, for he had not even-voted for tike last forty wears. But'the peoplit judged from his public ear vicbsfir the whole country, and from his pure and noble character, thus broutilit 'promi nently before .them, that it was for their ho nor, that it was for their interest that he should be . made President Of life United States, and they elected him,:triumpliantly elected him. We the people of this Commonwealth have great interests involved in *' h is Sena torial question. The suffering industry-of the country, the interests - . of Workihg: classes, the interest . 01 -business men, 'our farmers, our mechanics, our merchants, in short out interests as individuals, and 'as . a State, require that *a wise systent of Protec tion should be re-established by the action of Congress Let.it be remembered that there is a party majority against us an the Semite of the U. Stites; and that this will be the case for a large part, it riot the whole, of Gen. TAY. Loa's adininistration. Let us, as wise mea, consider how we shall fare in that_ body,' wfin our interests come before it ; it in an swer to the eubtilties of the great advocate of flee trade, John C. Calhoun, Per.nsylva. n i in should say we selected as our senator a gentleman whn made twenty-five, or it may be fitly speeches at party tneetinss, and he " /abated most zealously and laithfully to promote the great .interests of his party.— "The laborer.is worthy of his hire," and lo! we have sent him here! In that hour, when commrnding talents, and grave statesman ship, when persuasive eloquence and sound" reasoning will be required to sustain us, of what avail' will this argument' be I None whatever, unless :t be to close the visor of party and steel its armor against utl. Do not suppose that I design to underrate . the true , . value of party set vices. , If' these are rendered Irom disinterested motives, with nq view to the selfish ends or the per 'son 'rendering them, they have merit. But. 'such services are rendered by so many per ions, that but few can claim much distinc , lion abode his fellows on that ground. • And Isome-01-our--most_meritdrious. ditizebs_are prevented by - their very merits, apd their great fitness for public trusts, from peilorm- . Jog them. For instance, a "business man," *ttaily has . so much business to do, that he could not, without a faithlessness to. his duty wldch would -prove hiin unworthy of high . public trust, or any public trust, command to go from meeting to meeting to address the.people on political Copies ; 'as a 'man of less capacity for business, baying leis business loll°, tuight. And who would doubtthatlit the case of a great public trust the most competent of these two persons should be chosen, Ruins Ctin.lTc, of Mas sachusetts, I believe in the ,last canvass matte 'not mere than one or lola political spccdtes ; at all events, there cat, be no doubt that there, were many 'persons who repeated ,the'eame s eeelt.more times, or made more, - - r a,;. .:7;4' dyabi '63 have tlKirFeql.49ett .stu My, I :the.',,ltiegishttui*,"pt Conirerls) And` we `de atSntne the'U':cOmparilif' ts . t • ) 3 1 . among',Ahein'lis made lb& gieritest number' o 1 •stu,nip speeches? tind thus decide who is the most worthy, who is the fittest and best to:reiiresent us in the Sei, rtate' of the 11: States? Or shall we uotilither Soiitiming there alb to be faithful, enquile hoe/ the interests, of the commgnvienlth, the honor and good will be best sus tained by the ,Selection ? In other wordi, VIM an oils them js the ableit inaii;.and must competent to the arduous euties.of the station. " It is my misfortune . to differ With your correspondent; several of the gentlemen named in my judgment are superior in, point of ability to the ruarrOf his choice, and greatly so; and our interests, vast as they I are, could be entrusted to the hands of iMve k• rat , among them, far more competent suc cessfully to care for them. 4 The,great difference between us arisA it may-be -fiom-the great_diflaence • in our views as to the proper grotMd upon which the choke should be made. it is a, great, question—lei every good mani . every-true Pennsylvanian, look to it. , Deo. 6, 1848: There were sixtfbattles lought during.the; revolutionary war; thirty-eight during the Isn't war With Great 13riiain ; thirty-two, is all, during the last war with Mexico. • Ilon: James linclianan has purchased the beautiful moperty.or %Vm. M. Meredith, Esq.. near Lancaster, to which lie designs rennov. ing next sluing, on retiring front the State Deparinfkt.: . . The expedition which marched from Mon, terey, in Mexico, m July last, under com mand of Colima: Washington, for Santa Fe, had reached that plane on the 10th of Octo . ber, in fine health and spirits: So says the In Russia, on Easter day morning, every man literally kisses every man ; and the Emperor is represented to have a'. one time performed 3500 such amiable operations be lore breakfast. Theluthanapolis State Journal reemds the marriage of C. H. Boutright, ai`id adds, "this is Esq. Boutright's ninth marriage." We presume tliat the Squire is determined to 'do the Slate some service." / -•- At Zanesville Ohio a verdict was given of $3000:- agairst J. Vanderntent for bleach prennse to Mary McClelland. The Cincinnati (=Wm P ays that ledge Me- Lean' did not vote for President •on. the 7th.. instant. Jeremiah Hughes, a veherable.anil respec ted member of the editorial Iraternity, and for some years editor of Niles Register, died' in Baltimore, on the 27th ult., aged 66. A -Fiend 'in human shape *WI arrested in -Brooklyn, N: V.' a low days ago, charged with cruelly beating his own mother 1 Haug, lug Is too good for such a scoundrel. ' The telegraph tirifiniffi - c - enlre - .eleciion of Major Solon Borland l . as U. S. Senator from Arkansan, for Mr Seier's unexpired term, and Mr. ebastihn in place of Mr. Ashley. Fenix oil—Secretary Marcy has issued an order, declaring that "considerable sums of money have been received by,,orlicers of the staff and line of the nrmy of the 'United :Mates in M3xico, from irregular sources, which have only been partially aeconnted for." Thosemvliorn it concerns are requited to report in ten days. ma Items. BEAT TIBEI WIIO CAN —The Mercer Whig contains the following Card, from a veteran Whig, of Salem township, in. thattetinty : "I have heard :come tinasting of large lamily voting. Atthe late Presidential clop• Lion, myself; nine aone, and eight grand•mons, voted for Gan. 11 any can beat this, let us he - arjrom them. I have ten eons, but one of them is a political transgressor. Join.; LEECH Salem, Mercer county, Pa." ; • DIED ' M his residence in Mifflin township, on ilie 27th Koff, olt—Mr—WlLl,Lkai r STEvessam:,.. aged 56 years. • On the 23‘.1 Nov.., in Hanover, Ems ANN' wile of Samuel Shirk, merchant, and' daugh ter of Daniel Fisher decd.; late—of—CatlisleT aged 25• years 2 month's and 17 clftys.'.. On the 30th Kist Mr; GEORGE PAnxe in the 21st year of him age. ' On Wednesday the 29th-ult., Itqoa, , ann of Joseph. Weaver, of this borough, aged 3yi s .,. 4 months and 8 days. . • . On Saturday morning, the 2d.irist.,. Mr. JA51.101 R. COULTER, lOrMerlY of Harrisburg,' aged.abont 35 years. , The deceased 'was engaged until a,sltort time before hit; death, as Jhreman of the printing-riffled of this paper. His character was that of a .worthy, upright - and industri- . citis roan. The hand of affliction has, fulleri, heavily upon his family. A week..before the father's death one of his children . ; a' .right-e-y-ed-gentle boy of about six years, was carried off by a contagious diseaie. Scarcely had the grave closed over his cher ished child, when.the lethal., broken in spir 7 it and worn-down by incessant .watchingrc, caustic tfiillatalcOntegion, and was himself i i, P l eLr‘ttiri L .:,4,frtiper!dass terminated. his II Hillirigiiiii.:4rilktrs,a , veicii - frAJCife . of yr i li 7i c rillilikeirOlizt ? Aiirril4iluiTged in:glorinv aids, hOri t iool4iirArtkikai but two weeks biri l cilliNlikrig.OlirAriliittiance of content. iiiieCOinioii: . Vii9iitii t 'ii . iz tn- .-: Ai ~ , , ~, , P y-.) PP! 1e,...%. 54 ,I •the.herarted 'and fatherlesk In .their,h . our of 4ffliketion,"odi,ecimi'nend thoo'lo , in t9o 4ti gg: .iii.lifin•Who,Plettifiers.ffle,**a..o - pio,'l4oii 'll 3 / 4 61V /, , ..aed . .whope.C.itender eieralee are over all Ilie'Vroyka.':'; :'-' ' ' '' ''' I 1 IM4 I Eeateof7orih~tine. deo'4 • • . • ••. • ETTEPS tpelLiTiOtpry, „Eqtiate, N ;STA date qr:blpitros wits ip hilXszb to the subsoriber e lasiding in the same township. All lionnanititnoiring Ahemselveg indebted 'to 'said pantie tii . iiiitke`payment , immediately; and 4bose toltrtterty„tliiinkto 10SE .liqmit?o/1.),T,. .;"-,';6' , 4848.:-,6Cpd: '1n.1040,K49f .Stevonsou v dec W. Itiqtßt lestimbintify , 1119= gefate '0( ki;d 4 V ll -4: 13 ,1TVEN4 0 ,N riaw , Of: 104' 3PPi#4 1 1 40 4 oa oP;•Stall**en'grftrltt 3 o. ag!Arrotr,:vgA76lull:4:l7„vm IP aid& O'irniWwiininelliaie; iiitYWeriooo"ttibsehiititql 'Chair**. present 1.10M".).42 TAti62,P, PAPLOYAkivxlitjzt, -6. u .aff s Ti m f morpll:o**littihe Ne*,.(lheap E ,:StAbsciitiers w ould respedtfullyz T•• 'itiforut - their.,rpsnds and the public, that they 'have:pet iethrned from Philadelphia wit lirge cif,,,AEW GOODS, purchale'eat reduced - ptioah,' Amor g these goods may bd found CLOTHS, CA,SSIMERES, end SAM NETTS, low. .priced,incrlium, and of the best quality. LADIES' DRESS GOODS, such as Cash.. mores. Alpacas, Plaid Stripes, Mous. tie Leine, &e., &a. ERKERWR and• ether SHAWLS, good quality and now Also, a splendid ,assertmerit accAtt 0# at, prices frarnA to Cheap 'PICKINGS apd MUSLINS of 411 kinds, and .a large an4. - elv gnat lot of' BOOTS' arid SHOES;" tiigattif wm h n general assortment bf well selected ORO , CERIESI all of which we are determined to sell very law. • The Pekin Ten company's far famed TE 4 ILG are nlso'for sale by us at the Philadelphia Re , toil prices. Please give as a call'at tile ,cornet 4 of liunoverand,Louther etre - eta.' SDPOWELLtr"CO Dec 6, 1848 • Moro New Goode. ": '- y H Subscriber E Sucriber has just returned frorm the- P city with . 11 large supply of new - igoOds.'} M N'S.• A.R. A large , assortment of Cloths; Cassimeres, Casinetta,ltentucky Jeans, Tweeds, and Coatings. LADIE.S..WKAW—• Such as Fronch:Merinos,,,Setin Stripe; Alprica Arery — handsomer-Palm et to-end—Cobtirg-Zlothi---- Cash Meres, 111011 P de Laines,'very.fine qualities' French Cloth tOr Ladies 'Joao, large assortment of Mourning Goods; and a.gfeat-veriety of other 'goodeptoo numeroue,to 'mermen; for sabs . by G R CROOI 3 • -Remember the stand in West Main at, west of 13eetem's 'raven]. • • 'Dec 13. -1848 TAYLOR Mouslin de "Lanes. 20 pieces figured Mouefin,de • Lain , at 12i, liought'at auction, for solo .by , • • TE . ,CROOKPI _ Dec 6, 1848 . . A BE i‘U TIE UL assortment of SHAWLS just-opening and fin' sale ehenpsr than cver, by G R CROOKS Docl3, 1818_,,,Pc•,- .. • • - , • • e t, Di p • BOOTS &SROES. t - '. , "& • JUST .rirl 0 E. STOR tt every rrti ble in the - she - M. ' ng ' Men's calf, 4 , and thick boots. •r Do calf. kirtiMllid - k , ";rogans Monroe's, Nullifieereand Slippers. • - Boy's and Youth's thick boots and Brogans, • Ladies' morocco, kid, and Leather Buskinis, French ties, Gaiter Slippers, &M, &c. ' Misses and Children.s Boots and Gaiter's, black and fanny coloredrtogeiher with BUFFA LO OVER 61-10 ES and GUM - SHOES - in great variety. Those who wish to buy good work at' prices, are solicited to call. . Don't forget the pIace—PORTER'S NEW STORE, Main street,- near the Rail Road . Depot. - Dee. C. 1848. • Save :Your Soles! - • GUII'A pEunIA SOLES Wits. M. PORTER having obtained the right to- use the Gotta Pete:ha Soles, is prepared to apply them to OLD OR st.my non Ts, The GUTTA I'ERCHA possesses twice the durability of Rather, willt-thit advantage of being muirely_proof against water.. ThciSe who_ Iced the necessity of keeping ihe feet dry, will call at Porter's Shoe Store, Maiu Street, opposite the Methodist Church Dee, 6, 18,18 Gum Sitoes , Gum T Porter's shoe. store, you will nod a largo assoriment of Metallic Gum-shoes, Patent ruhaiis,- . 1 lurred rubbers and Buskins, hliese. & Children's gum shoes, all-first-rate aid war ranted. Dec 6, !Sit. INDIAN QUEEN HOTEL, Fourth street, between Market and Ches- • - nut Streets', PHILADEIPHIA. above house is located in the immediate vicinity of the Post Office, Banks. and all Plaecs of Public Amusement and resort. The present Proprietor, (late of the Ameri can House, Sixth street,) has re-furnished and fitted up the entire establishment, with new and elegant furniture, and it is now ' opened fat the reception ol the travelling community. He flatterehjEself that hislung experience in the business will enable him to conduct it in such a manner as will please all who may favor him with their - patronage. ;MEIN MAXWELL, Proprietor. Laie of the American Htitel e Sixth street. Dec. 6.-3 m. . Pablie ,Sale of .!rovni;E'toperty.. rivi AT large two story:Pl.. S 'ERE 1) 1 STONE ROUSE. - situate on 'the north aide' of West'-High , Qtreet, in the Ito wxav rough of 'Carliale;:ndjeirting the new brick stores Ca Ensminger'ist .Senst•man is of tied for sale, There is large . .. Stone warehouse on thepf, part of which belongs to the property ninV offered. ,Itnot Bald before SA T. _lLlRDAY_thec2.3d_dny_olnecomber,licat.,_itLwill he.ofibred at public vendtie'on...hat•day, nalhe Court House, nt 10 'o'clock.in iher foronoori.— Persona can view the property at. any time ,by calling on the subscriber at his cflice, on the -premises. , Dec. 6,.1148ts ' ' i CHEAP r. r,• - 6a`9Q®u'®p O W; open .'i°i.] i 5r?.00,6 'SENIR, who re. . a attention of Its friends and the - r:publiegeitfrally....,and all dealers in ARDW AREi'Whur new and splendid aseort tnent.uf:alfkinds at such as d d lees !I'Coiderisfid Vs4aalery:Nlare„ OE' every de scription;and stYle,' - all,hinds.ctirtientee ft rooloi - and building 'Materials : ; o1 style, all_kind r e'ZofAnitierliti :•,tiretlLby:.Clittinet makers. ;;Alsit,iSltbe::: , Findings",lo;olt kind. , * good assortment 'ef,..hteri'n,rnereeco;ktif,'Xzerich' Straits, linippstnd' binding . skins . for:.'shetoste kers, all Uri whit used b p shoe:roadie constantly kept on hand: •,Blackernithrt7esUil*enpplied with the very best.a. hatninered,irattoiairarited P OO 4EII B O all kindis'Ofrolled'i,:alit,.round; band, and sirup iron,.casOlietir,;:sprinepiglirdii and American blister"..eteb4,3 , Varratitod,Lgood,,,,alro lot- of sheet Iron foftinnerair!ileneeltespr fe can also be suppliedith - eVery.'4ortiel,*,neeeseary for lionieleepteg i in ths'lt ard**OMoo7fi r , ', 'Ethereal and' rip lion. jce ' t received;:elit'etheeth , laginmed for salejust;freiiialliihtudd-OrK.psthAtPOlhvarn ishes, turitentillekOW.fh T ie-fii?..t. 56-1 11 ,00 1 4 1°-1).!°- ihroveiTedid inog tiktt . Lookout'and bitir`ftf • .'Farnierellte g biiolollld 4. .Minsektieriereinid 'all •Vvho use the ardele ig;HARP,WARF..; ,, OaIf 'at the'eld' kiteiventni'•;arretiOdtiA RD - WA ItE 'STAliTDV'fhtiogrlYiltept , M in - Ishirtlf7;;LlSWet;talreep,hist:'doirtr rcr, i*VOr,ll:stgridtne:#;lterit lisp; for . :VcoUrtelvesiltrid', seire'rritiffhi;,„ev*tfetiftr.tlei. terminedio Solt olLiiftitileOtt/the,yeir,arnallist: profit ooff;MutitifiWkiven.4dulltbe able to sell tt?littlidOwee.:.thite!:tay'otherillur4are Store 'tn . ;Veleeied and are purchased 'right .41.0rdpef: haw .„.- -the-nevrarranged4HardiVare ,ii ll.knoierr - 7 n i o ri d L .`e e* bo d , ' Hardwere , T a ta s f o gWo WA !t t(M fct P i T # V 4 ;io . o oo 9l 3, o k : t.-iOT ‘q,th as ruick,sales;and ~ .m.*3orgOr; ofthe 'Bay: • CIO end iex einAiiejwoursOv ea ME Estate Pt A thltOndledeo LETTEILM'AIt ere:oo Matatii of puzA D Mon totingiblroV'cliniberland nounty. - dbn'a,rhave beek terpined,V lanbrolherepilinfiteurcisi4l inri in (Motirtie in' Elnulh All pnritond knovviali!Wennsolven indoblofflci? said Estate nre• reguly4.ll4*Ontke 'inuOdlate 'parrnent;•afid - ,tkofp A o . obsimi,itemto "" 41 ; 3 fitiN` : fa - Nntre.o. ot• E 1 i`,. , , , ,:-." ' -..''i,,!..1,Eit.,:•.:",1', A;000 ~;; El ~) d-ti'l~=- rig r.; Shawls. . ' tiVJli. B. KNOX. Ate__tor—L-Je. BMW ES 0 a
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers