. _"~°e. ~ ' i;r-.~l~r~K,~rr ',~;.V" r.~MYr, . .i:""ls~{z;r .. J.z: ~-7r44•p• - •.7;rx ~j., n. rt:t~v,+,•i~v:+~~,T~'c7v.. ~[ti F: ",c i >i:;b~;~.i :'4: »- -a; -,' `''Et : " i µ ! . : '.( . "'~ , ' 3 ~;"t~r:'~A°ak • . `= 'i}?%'cs'., r ' ... ~Y-;1~?.r."! h. £5," w ''~~ ` x ti.~,•.i~`,~~"as __~. _.. ~.. -.:.t.,vyr:ri+.3,';..y,.. .~`.~*,~~i, , e g ...„„•-• 7. '''...'!,'•'' ';'--.' $., -). MO Sl'. 4 47c1 41 :T44i. ; it ......4,,., .., -- ;-- It• ~'; ''' 5i.1. 11;-:6i)::-a.-;',Fair'INF9-PI.0!?$1; ..; ~,---• FEIBLFtb/,IPO f-dif i•: - - ... • iiiyi,bno l ,Sn47o ( Z r il ll w 4 ' `.. sotia!Weet Ingle t lf , , . ,'":-,, IOFF04:0,..1.01„,l of th t m ,P14,:471t1 e •5.,: 't , -S4llnf ' *) ' ...-- ` . " 4- ' pn3k.4, .(i ,--(;. - 1 „ill-, t., -__...,.„,..0 :oiniscm,,.-".44,mit. A, I::< 4-:'WTAUIIIit f,, N...i.th e i,T,, ;,',',, ~ . P:•`1 , '-1 tiiitiLdl V4" , v i figrt, tIiAY - t,.;,,,,,;iiir0 '.! :13 .1 ;:glier riii" . t!fl lijiii.Wallikl)4pid - cool hi l l tc i t :‘',,' '•it TtiikliflifireiK ~,Abal.di qrTQL i 4 , u „; I+,' , , theipsto4e, if' ,htd'otj'',;'"- operISOIG"I "I",a,ftc„,:e.ilAT. Ep'PF ,ADY•et • ~ El , C. etiieitleemailtss, atilan etlfiea n.thla orf adi; "'" Ao 4 olth rand' latthef rat4.:br3riftyientii:P!)emilnatiit ttkonrothroerilthatf for:St:MA-Do hod Twontyontec: ••Ositit for otto4t4tthatnittiintliiii*AonW,.'irOd,r!Stadltar-J. • .ahar_giid.aochip,lltr/Irifilnntti eas:, catiltirrmi,,, 00,171 A, ,;tCI.• Witfoldnuainnotlrhgnailtiply Ohangoai ,imp , : •-,PROR.Ps?.Ic444 I !'; Vlll4tklPtnter , :; .1' '; (0 , 5 ). • JOB , PRINT,OPSIO.F:EVERWDSDRiPIIO6.),: , . each °Very oth or'dattortpainsatPrlntiog; attecUtid liandoinnely and ',l.,,,PMittit.i°4oll7#.lloll,C•ThOlLciSMET P 1 fi ® ld Olass co F4cademy, r ; , Y x ~. `..r• .e (S'~diS'll&lJ.~.4 IQIsT'O QA` Ii~LtBLS.)' • A : -" E ' jj,604(4,g0f 1 :41r7 ' egoottwt portkingnewon ; ;Themadd,- 'dayttAi„ii-litpite4i.mid, they, go garefully•Oretilifed: Vfail.Call4f4o,untiniliousefacci;l&d,zi.l. • .153 . isquation . ,:ptecludt0.thepossibiljty;14.:ptu- Pt's. ng Nat h:• I lits:iiieforis depraved,, being rekliote from loirn viltrigei•thotmlf .i•oce.eaqil4 ,by , S.tqte.goia.o.curitborliind jtailroti4; .liokly of pat! hrough ached. , ••, &aii(per:iieer)! SIM iltti Latta. z:••,' ,- ;;i'A : 11 -j • 1000 .1•763iic . 4 .4F POtinW Lk9o. by . •• 112,4C..13U1eZ, • - ~.rirewnifiei- , Trankaie 413eminary • I' 4 • EWVltitt g I IiArISSES.Ea, an 'WHlPFE_Vriticipals.! I,VITAII-11414neliiicontTpiitTel in a thorough ngliah'course, be z tatight,-In thielnstitntiorf,l togethitirwlth'the4kMch'lltitmage„ Muiic,?vo .cal andlingtrumentel: and Drawing . . • .Arrangerneuts;havo.been anode -ton'acoinnio?. initedlialn bar 'of 41ififiliifioin iliOiance.. Thl,iy.lolll4roonamittly- - iiiideiL thtrceid•of,Ttlio' • - Prine'iptOrither?tletsuific - ivhciwillilye every .atteintrin,to thementtil L moral and physicall_ed canon of those entrOind to their care..,- , . •mF.tijyl9 FOr Session of , Fivo Alonths'.the first comment ohm' lon the Ist of M ay,---th'ir second on the is - • or•Noveiriber,:payahlt3 one half in advance. For boarding, lodging, washing, light and foal, perterm, • - - Tuition in the. Juvenile Department, 'comprising orthography, reading, writ ing and.arithinetic,..(lirst-session) 11 . 1.? Trimary:.olites;cOtiaii- arithmetic,goography,'. - . grammar, histariand Nat: Yhtlosophyi , „ ,-,....--.TOidoo:i3O", l -0•010T-X 14 int.001PAsittir • algebra, geotrietty,'nstronontY.,:botaity, rhetoric, oda:natural philosophy,(at large) $ll 'PO in the Senipi.Clase big Oheriniatiy,.physiolOgk-eleMonts of.:. ' Onticietn, Ingie,m.otgai br.,_MO.ratzse,lanaO:- $l3 09 ' . dithogrApili,:,reading, ~POnmenShin,• • " grarnmer, comp osition and scripture , tory will bin fierideil":i4lifail the pupils. ' "l'uition lii,raileig',.tinkiise of. Piano,, SI. .00 "` . drawing, , , , 'woo • ".' . • : "`, • $5 tki Rertanßctsßett."Mes.4iii. A. Sharp, R. Mc. . 'Cochran, bourn, Principal'of Male AcadenlY. l— Alist , Bo rah P. Fdater, - Principal of ,I.FashiagtOn Female, Seminary. • The,u_ndersigned Committed, entrusted the direction of the Nowvf tle_Femalo Seminary, " calteLpipastfrojnactuiiigi *Oniony to. t nent gaaligcatitioa of.thec Missets , q3ccr.. and, • 'WlirriT., ILS'liEidheridt4duides`lif, yannkJadies. They ahsAteduatee bf thelVashingtOV.Femalo Seminary; andlinve the lidatCrehommendations from:llllseSkitair IC/ FOS'ICEFL"tIiO . - Prideipal of Rhet . feel:Contideiethitt_parents: eniimatin - g - younrindidi to theftrenri; thaY assured that Weir physiial,intelleclual and morel education will'ho faithfully attended 'to. :JOSE: Fi A N NON, • • seoT:f 'COYLE, • 13. 4 k RR, • to AV I I) STERRETT, . .ALEX SHARP; 11.11174 1 SOL: Trustees wowvifle: - 11 . •n „Never Fatls, , .;,01. • • . irtURE'..YOURSELV.-I..trorn time iminemo- R.) , ritil there lots, cxisted in larger cities and populous,toWns,-aepet7ies of 'disease ; the depend once and promagaifon of which results from the violation of divine. and nioraljaws. To those Agtm&rsti,!the"A , MERICAN'COAIPOUND is presented, as being Ake - Tenet oertnin, speedy, an d . valunble . specific ever okayed to Me onformnate. It has wherever,knoWnacquiredm reputation that ,daiiy,eitperititAcei - Continuba riCstrtingthen. Thou sands tide been..cured by,its use, and•asit leaves no qdoton thlt brOathoettaire,s4isither - restriction in diet or bheiness, nor eontaine.either tnercury -or noxions - drogein injuriens.to:the eye ' tent, it is boldly presented as the .liest'reirtedy for such, diseases yet • offered. di is 'used by . phytti.- , cians and pronounced superior , to any known re medy., :Fuji'directions accompany, each bottle. For sale at N. W. corner 3d and Smith streets,' end•bk LI p T,. Perlis - lel Dr. Barniti. York; lancaster4. Dr. McPherson an d', 4., yystit,..llarrisburm Pd.:: • NEW SPRING:mid SMMIR GOODS. • TilLj and is is: 5t.411,.an. llio.Sontk west corner, of IhorPuAilic •SqUare, an 'unusq. ' a tly ,o k e gands , ,, 1111' gej:Alliacit; Silks, •::B.f.ol l , 3 4_ ol kne 6 ;;l:ca,VititVilienunlY , Canilirio;Jac.. linat",*:"..l6ll,earliajiginkand other doarriptiona of .find: ZMutilins, ..,91.4:0;06titti,„440 - " 4 A.larti i re thoe•ilgiMl4,l';lS„w`hito and'r - c143.:; v! n'iWtae:l-41iCbteaiRlii and from 4136116 p , *p_ntfds „ 7. • pliceS! 14-'; va r y ug.itYam;~t to I2~ebi. 1 • f(0144 - i . stocifzcif OOPRATED. FLUID - . 0.„ 4 E bitchy tiaea; which found loll° , by'all!...tbat,..havq.!tiledllKin - i,Alin" ;I,oolkilgonit#ol.l74l-incLidesirabl9-artiolajta-ay'4, •;-; , rosaeutznalt in Akio the,- ' yls polo agemk,o:lhle plead, rp?'ioi,ktaci of *tiiii;e:lr.ofi i to,.idriab' 10.'4 , 9 1, 5, ` of go ' od`Toa6 ;" wT :ij°utannor z trs , which they are --; , ,Plkixp4li. , e,gqlo4that` kh0:11 Riau preser ' v'ed; : for any longth;ortinioi;'bOineiricattain :lend; - -or tin= rajoilkOiii';tiliti;; ,lits ', any 4iiiiiit.itY-04*Ati.tliiir , detfu'llyulnvited'to'ashl and; •iixtiriti# , ltil,loo6'. , ber,ofeiltiisShaiLiseillimv pop, • Anqinrpili alp • ripforyA4 tiPr!.SF.P • - • azwrlarm.ll,4,.ii ~ :bytEru •L, id from Phil-; i d le 110191:1 ri d ial_,bCtl lOrkrnilig!k'it • uinnr i , ~e ... * :Ink t , t , ,0 1 1 ., in atfa 54 , . „ 1.40 , 0 4,41, lttti.vo• Ak geve!! T' relitti'l'; ,rdu ~ ~ 00PRIi-it -,-:', 7.geRt.i64141.4.* or ....41,;i1.fi`0,3,77T9,-7:47dualloxistY; )16Arapiltboi4,0-,,;4;#4 ', , ii , .. i -, I,,iti2' • tuitioftxo!4 I. - I iimy 1 4 ... ti 11. % .1 1 • , •: . '''' f' , Paingi, u gvindrngt okt 4i' . :Clititl'Ar.l4- , • ..,' i4..:ore n g ° rl Yi : Ot_shr n A / cf , :i l ti l-4,3'.• '. • 4 ;j1)31101g , ' i tt3' ,-,10ct,4`. ,9,1,t'."‘ I:' I tt • , 1 A. 1110 i.{ t rp AN 121 , —l' 1 - tit 1 . -0 ' . l'4§•• Ar n , 1.,t, Apt): l i, , ' ill;'?'" i Jr l f ' '''" '-'' ',,4".',,,,1p5'-Ai" ' •• • • , ..,_ 447 --, 7 4 11 1 ;w 9 h nil rtliEttne, , ttita„nntltreeaures t , lll . 4 flittr4 ,l Cittithat:..hna , : NS tile" 'ore io thee siiii.,;:weiite;Weiy,liiiing'*eide.,- . i4CUe pitinkfutiNlA4OßEleit'S-tiLitt will eve' , gel these Weise ieh einituly's use hes 'tbu 'bait man. ?Or the prevailing oolds:and cougbeitb'eyv.ill be fbild. o verythingi that medicine is • capable of im- Intrling:r -In Choi and initdiatrinuttren of the. bowels ..tiO Mice , and. pereeyerenee'llithe' di -4ebilene;,l/011:itirelY:,'0 theKtnedteine:dati . do to health VlP:they : PO.o44:: or f!'om , niiy.;cause or vitiation; ft:Om bad.bleed theirtheir;.nee win..prodece..theihot In all Ritual) ofith einnithini Erystpolde;'SaltAhettni; and in.:cases. tie.'6Vat nip ox,rebenPnetiVoneti, nee theArati. ,diet . gril elituVAihitta sots ,vteersoinetiMeaocc,astoniiteo.greatechange f91 . 440 1 6014er.,!te.-to, euuSil reee.therdifuln'ese.- tillAnoles-offndigestitON; I Diseases Uhl he, Hber &W ow ,- 0 1:i :the 81.600 . iliatn'il eikt - efe;'-Vie' , l3iiiideeth Pills ' l klll . be i ffiurid , elu'ovef Tailie44'reiviegi;si• ti'difehter ibese celebrated Piliq;'A e O.V. t ). 11 i414 14 ' 1 4.6i .11. 1 ....00,:69.4110.0 , the; 04 - kin:the'firit . cnOirlin:6ii#nalnitilf-aickness /hey ter ; ; . One /ilosetherile lieitUitlian:e : ilekeit 6Tter the' dianese ;has be , ,cemn,Cata IthAted, the eye Thalirandieth %Bills - me - pureiy . :itaioiii*. iiiid.sejiiinocen-b that . the infatkorte nicin tit old May use them if medieinkle rolulied:net only e - eitionty. of. receiving nil the benefit isieninthie s of _imjtdrt Fanialeeititii - niii'LthemLderineall. , the ' , braider nein:lda - Of. their I i yes. Thellrandreth. Fills yviiiiinsu mthe health,' and produce reg.',' iitaiityAn all the functions nf hfa.; Yol . . itiCeas ' "Lintysi'i. , I have. ...elitirOlv mired inyeelt Of 'the '-'Fe ier' and Ague, it;nielt I have had for six months, by taking fee'rireight otwelve of Bra ndre t h": 4. Mlle'for one;ntnntli' :; YidehisilettCt to riklinndreth dated Feb. 8, 1847.'.. ' Mil . . N.B. Theta lio . surety,thirt you get tha geoUlpe. trRA NDit Emu _PALLS ; unless. you .pureheee of the duly autherized'Agetit• llhe 11641S.0 1 1Krirs,eu.u...ntApid.for..2:5. gents per box, aL Dr: , 11.'Braildreth's'erinespid -Cliftee4 , ll-.lLirondwi . gio.Nov-ii:ork i -iiiid-by-the 11:g -lowing duly authorized'Agents: Solil in Carlisle; by MILVS - BARN sole Agent for this borough,: " . . Wm; S. Powell, New Cuniberland. C. Miller, Lisli!irn. , M llitner, Slilreinnuistown.. • .1. tt.L. Ceo. W. .4inglier,Churelitown:- -- A. Sz D. Lettliell, linilitig Springs. • D. L. Iteelmnii,Mitite !louse P. O. Rosenberg Weli Centyevale. 3.14 mos Kyle ,jailisuovil le. ". 8: L. Sentifinn . , Newbury. , " eso oo S6-oo ihe'Perrnapent Clire. Of all Diseases ari...ipg x,c...frithifitnUlapafe'italel the Blood: HIS fitefficinpii part. ipertais I euldriy upori The , Bloodeand eures..diresse .without vomiting or purging.. ft •never foils to cure.' the most obstmato;cases.orßlicuinatisin, Dia.! oases bUtlieLongri,Cmighs, Colds, i Bronch tis, White Swelling, - Scrofula,' 'UI cprs Sores of Icing standing. It is' Cheaper than any other medicine in use, there being 32. doses in ea — cii bot;le, which costs only , 71) centr; aid •to %hese using it ad. cordiu to difoction : ono' Uottli) will fist It) dip). Certificates are ,pouring in from all parts Of the count*" attesting the virtue of this medicine in cases of long standing, which' have been given up by . , physi clans as hope. loss and beyond. the roach of medicine to, WHOOPING COUGH,' Sheplierd'e Saran parilla'never White cure. CONSUIVIPTI9N, cured coo of Shop The foildwing is' from a gentleman of re., spectiible - etaMiing in 131iitimore,wito wae of fectuully cured of that dreadful disease, Con eumptionf few ; bottles of EditiplAelis . Baltimore; Aug. 29.1847. Thisis to 'certify thut I was fast sinking unders,yrn,ptome - of ConernOpticn of tholMngs, until I was renoniireniAed Bimphard!s , Sump rills, which, fortnnntplij did-00101m, iinder . the strongest that it eased . I ain now . rapidly.recoverin i z and:, hope in : a short time .tti be rustorid to perfent houkh, and under no consideration wOuld l be .without the medicine. ' , • ' .1 DAVID TIICKETTEI , ' , ' No; 441 stricl. Shepherd's Verialfage, or , Worm ti • Destroyer..' world to procidas mai-, idno,lottir adapted to the expulsion of worms from liumambody thsn,ShepheO'l Virrml fuge,, , 1,,1t ton; need c by thinotritio' 'with entire,satis ctiun: Itl , hao`hcoadvantage Of Most other Vlrrnifoios;;Asit4ter'idbiliens the' 'porson:obilig I t s hoe'cuiran Otrildrim, plat, have been sulij4Ct to Ate r for isais;„,4 that by' parents and firende.", 1,4110131 d Always be need sea purls liVe fur, :ohilaron, : as ionsongtholuCthem; anti AtAh m .:ssimi•Ardet-oarriss--nff- , thomoarsor-par mod s or fond, and ,viorme; if they, are troubled with,thein. . , • • ;;The; fallowingenertifionto• hen . : bberi' handed t o no by Juge_lCoons. of I Luxore county. Pa.' at . optike ibratsilf: ,tr. • - 7 D u akAir-4ou will • please isnd bolln tiosinoro,9f Slopherd'allarmifulte:'(!The three hoßleivpurchaved of you'alelidrt ego have , beeriAissil - 'l4l l(4 he 11 ' 11 1'00 0 o. .etql°. : 1[110 •9 "tweririicor.to rtg'phildrosrl=g one' anis 135g0worrria'woie 4 aox l6 uff?El"i ghT the 'rest bf iny'eattto .benefits 9f this mschnliM, and'AllSreffir:o„Vder, ,abOvv. w Vhis•is decid edly fhb beet AC destroying worins that has over in thls,, parr of t - po ecifiniryd have iayria , ,oaloi c ta:alUnkiesellerripk's and: MilloCskplat : tri, plat, tiny: igrodelfest,, Tn. .s— • • - 0 114 1 4 rwirifgoe'Pre . T;41 .1 ! 4171e,4 1 1 ,4 ,A9wltigtrxespentaide yworn mhordstok wpm/Aland Xsounlyt,':,P,p(and.birpy s . t wr0f,.113 . : . ylteritorb',larrilibtirgi • -4, 444 1 1 13 / 4 1 1itl'4oliiATI?liviler t . p4lipp'r'Nei hale Rbbija t pAilififi4:lslo2- 1;1'1040 oli*TbilP4' 1 ,;*•901/l044 4 .01? titiP" ~ _....tipliftif , ..___ of DRUGS and AIDOGIN, . Olilif4li,l4ikile‘e'rk; iiiiizetilired liffite:tietit *Meets ol;ifthiliiilelpliiiradd - tinlY , lieliedtriliiiltiirreihrieesc'sisid.tsiesslletice. Added to there', wIll.• beSaistut lift entire' eseelotif ; PAINTS ;'- GILSVDVE-STUFFS,',Vstrtiiilseei, JQ bait; Re. ilio. , pidtesfiarbieli blew ill ensitire ttibe,... of-the beet quality rind! at " tlie%,V.Ol44.eit 'prieesh Ile has"-tnade'valiy Rddiqcfhoo iiii 'ettitikio' I l' DOORS; heeldes'seenkhig..a . MiVeritpisty Of :a II the , Text Dooki, Iliettsriet Iteedit if,..,Lestleoess,Wri. tin; Bookri Ike, now on sisi! , iii:Lctillega and oitri I . Putilfooehoelli'' , :illeiolilteWill . dilAieofontorrni. suited to. oe:airottiplittinis6 bf 'lO/1 - . ••: , '',.' • ,i, .- ntliieiritook sif:.P.A.,Nelr ARTlC4Vein*.breeess ' trricih'en'tf eXtesiiMe 'eolleiliticift Whicy4twohld'be" iintsosesibliv:tii , "hininferate; , ..buf comprising rejig . * ' noveltleirWisieti'essiinot fell I 6' i sitrikeilfel.eieVetl; 4isleasithe.iiiist4sistilli iii Litiilie.e'ilicf . Ge'etlemeiPe' Quilery, Gold 'and Silver Pleni , iiiid'Priicilifilbili , TocithlsniV , Clifthei'llrsiibee'; Perfarser - of litotfl' .sielle's*itat and •extoneive , verieti es, FenCY Sriatis?,- Slierineeresi'en; 'Card Cares, :Peeliet Piiiiole,f Pocket bookr, bra. &c. . ~.,.. .. .A I so,' a Aidi , -'4eistsply of ~ Cciincisue's , ele . ;ant LARD,LANIPS,,togtbre will( Sisertrilind IVI 601 ; :(iiindlterllAtikete,Musiestl 1 nitrismentiSUnisbrepi., `la., Qiilliliesi!sslrele;Deor.4l.eif ' and. other ,istW,, eles.isiiilie,,furiqty,lirie;:wbitliimilthslisititillifilif ; isukilief;fresh,:FßUlTS; nate AnsiDrinfeei lone* , -of lhP P)olies(.4oality,.Mlikci-filarie,,iiii - di,opii,fiaa istiink'n),WlSickhelcinnAtiently invitetnthelsttentiorr "Mid mstronnie Of ;bin town and sernintnyirfariihsi at, tise,eld'stlsmi irs , Ndith:Hanovertgreeti'fiehelimi>T: jitilkite,lbe,Cerlielelrefilt.iv,::; or PA: , pzot•r•%.•.-0....'. • ' • 'iNl•S;:••W.•littkirgitSTlcit f',, December. 1..1847. ~ --' 1 . --,--,,, ~ - ,-,- ; A as -,411,;: ..m.,:4,14g.7,m5''', - .4,44:F.mEpiTir: ! , ' , 111r,„bas•poWer,to-eaulie SOIIO P OLOUS.huinora,' -,OISEASES'i P01§(11 , 10y.,),Y0U.N1.14;f0 discharge theirzut th,lll'nnitteri r anttfittlieala r them.• • I.t li.rightly'4llz h ealing, for there le atiareelylu -or, internal; that will', of f!:-'4,liave, used it fee,thelast lour tien and Ilier,AnyolVing 'the utmost 'danger and repporisibilify.,4 • Mill.Oedlare , before.:heaveti-ant , man s that not omf oisothircitidloci•to ben. eft when ate yatlevitoiasoyithin the 'reach** - mortal mesas. - . pilofession.! I , llaVe had ministers Of iiitlOQiikeldludgeillifilftE Aldermen, Eawyersgentleitineti the -highest,er-uditionrantmultitudes,ef-therpooeus It nit eveiy„varietia way and thf*elins been But -one 'ea=se ,— one iintveaaul voieer ,: nawnq ;.«` hlu= Alliater , ,,yiSur Ointment is•-G0013.1? . .CONS PTION.--Itctin hardly.be credited. that .a ,salve, gap have:any eireCt upon' the lungs', seated as -t hey, are within the stem. lint, if placed upon the chestilt penetrates to the-lungs ', sdpiiratea the poisonous particle* that are consu ming therii, and expels them'froMthe It is c uring . pertions•of Consumption = continually. HEAOACHE..—The salve has cared persona or the headache of I'2 year's standing, and. who' ! had it ragular,every-Weekf ao • t hat iontiting often , 1/eafnesit arid.Ear-Achtare 'helped with like lIIWMATI"S\i =lt rtitotivnilanibit ithmOl ely.the inflainstion and swelling when the Leeases.lßeatl Cheiiireetioharound the box. t9LIS I.BE'l'.--eonsuroption , • Liver . Lam rit, pain in the sheet or side; of r of the ..one:••or the „ist,htsr, a lwayi.sl,Wilsompanies cold ohitment is the true remetiy',) lt e is •e, Sign of illsea,zo to have.cold feet. • .v30°111164 old: tiiites; saltrliettoi;: • 'complains, sore -cies ' - :thront, /Casgoh‘lll3.lkstlittin„sipyiressions,liain•-also ) , ..lital,•olistweti4tantla r tstmor_s,eutaneous crud • alOilioine new rhi l ai i . ft aii t 994 3. tt L13.1-1EAp..4.0e. lisivii•pi . ic4l..:Orreas that talli'defled Overy;.thlnilinown i ast well. a s the Bpi)! 15 or g9:4ooPr4,,,Plii3iiroari. told Italie' iiii,:withool•.tay belies.; wh childr lea a , feWdbiniesplolntaiiint mired them.',--; than any other Ahng, ••••• • . ; . • ' B tithe)i:est thing in,the world for Borns. (.11.eatlAhe.ilireitiona around the bus. WORNIS.--It will drive every vestige ortiiizo. NW)', There is probably no medicine On the !WOO: ( theenrth et once so sure mil so. mire in . ilie-eikmi7'. „ • ~ • sion of worms.• . - . . . . . ; COUNS.—Ocoasional use of thobintmenj , wili always keep omits from groale , ... . People neMI never be troubieil 'with them if trier-will übely, • , PILES.--Zhousands are yearlptured by . litili Ointment. ._ . ~. . . -,••• ' •• • - i ' ' . . . • JA ALES. 111CALLISTEl2 St Co, . Sole proprietors of the above medicine. CAVTION—No OINTMENT will be gene-, ne unless the gamma •of James McAllister. or. 'names McAllister k. Co., are written a pen upon every laud. . , -Sold by, Samuel Elliot, S. Caverstick and Dr. 3..1. Myers, in Carlisle) 3, & elmnicsburgi.Singiser & Paul, Churchlown, anti John, Diller , Nowville. „ • Rahwala Medicated ,Soap. . . D - GIEAT BaCITBIdb , iT IN PITTSBURG I.!-Our agent ofthisploae„writes of a mysterious incident , .'which occurred in that relatibn to en ex.- cellent young ladyi- . but mifortunately nes: seeded a "very reptilsivaiorimlextonAier face was covered with pimples, 'blotches, 'pustules,—her skin•dark and yellow, eracked 'and chaPped-;-, herr lips in told weather would badorrie lore and bleed: •Sheilad; hoWever, Several 'good truitai One of which:was to read the now a popers. '.'One morn, ,ing-ttershe.waa looking over the: , columns of the Disproch;bhe'saw in large lettere:the itordbllign : tv&Y!.s• Ctitrinsz. MsnicsTrO , ..Sofir ..Ari a IWO ,eßVlTlßillater-01 ill eltin.bleniislieir,"Witlf a direc tionforalliadies to read - thenttpere -VOW mark the, advantago.,•••On Sunday morning'Selio, took ..her, place ,as, usuakamong Nte choristeri; .and 'to the ;utter eitiprisir of -harlilloit:songeters, ,sented a coMploxidn as fair - as ; and beathir ;fat atutho,moit , adinired , belle4ofttlittz towne-",: Strange ~ w ondering :tiridf , inuch'texcitement was exhibitedlbygie-liusi'drowd;• and 4iothing short of an esplanationtof 'how•thisliedden'tranefonna-" Ttitm from nglitieislo:bettittqr , aitainerlik3Vould, arisweriv.4Thaflady, , ilkisar. r, , iek; full tif;gen'ir, tleneatand kindness,: explaine the , ctinteoindict r ibs'groat,:grand and beneficial - eflects; - ,OtAid-' Wey'arlgedicated • Chineao &bpi-Which , . she had , keen using for, two afoeksv ittnalswardedlhe Nib apprehatton e f IlutneoPle; as the. F'reetclrer of lost, i bpsutyll: 1 Our agent • concludie , tbUs"''F Since, the,ab become ove hasecome . known,-1-have had* pet:; fact' rush • for 1 0001) 0 45 . 01 Ladleeitikgoadenim,if l o yo " u . , v • 4 •', s la**MA 'vray'ritioip;.*Ail;its,pnifty c cell,orr Seb . .FbailitN`rTo i. 2 • 1 • 4.4iith itriyi; l f t ß hitie bl disieseiet tlso • tete i tifatiti,t; u 61i o c,itugho b llN 'll 9 s . 44tniall a" 18aaanaaa Fever bo .ivithout;lh_le _ erou it pie fee, prove lie iiiiglig;:biAlf.;foill r i ue „ R , tit Sold by 1 0 X,..,1uA1t ) Lia",:ttr, / , , ,?„1....-,T I Cl' 77 korgodgpoik,', u , <l „TaynelB4 v. 4- 11.,..0Vjte.M.11r! ~, -4"l° ° 111 ~;rvtsp}e)3r~3`it ? -- . ; s, MMI; GOODS; ~.. !PurclisiekeFas i t riiitiaio . cill l .< - Viteit sfin d it-td bk: Bold ' CIIEAP. . P.! f ,frt o , t4!hilad: aprl 2 `"-- 'frretoti if ifkifiiioC , C 0.,, . !,, ,r 9 rwgron g and Genera , 11 Com saloon, era note, -o. iilNorth Whanios, N.Water,. Vii,id o 4,in. 14 I.A'snk't aida S. t itr.c6o.talitiSt ..6rl , .I.ooliitil'orkillt noes. - Adv#lo - g . 11 1 6, k - Ein tr9IPT ): 7 , ' A;i•Oror - to W 4 1 ,-19 113'114 •:F,RAIIKLINfPIiATTqcp, Thilad'a;' c,I3,U,NRER:,4 — CO>. 1 • apr AC, 5•- th ' = Mawr,. an e. CCE.;: -, j161. 1 41c. North artyyv..Streer,, pv j een yetto endex inkton,strgaiso.l3hltimcirif;, the' attention -of. Counlrt L 4terchants' ayiikpilyptittibye'tqribtally, liirgel4oiiiutt;assoxtedtook , .iSi'•cairre;-; oiiii,lind- , ' , 4oftrefiiiiirikiiitiftlierolliar foe tale, qt; tllkVerxi.l9Elinaitkotpricim: Country:; MOTUVlsEtAtikk. ce.1 01 .4. 1 L. , their, inteteir2;bir t: , ••.-4. nglieratUnerplatko a. - 30t1_ p I4 , ,STODIVA4SO,I4S; lirriporters .... ,, ,ond,dentersln'zilks',RiblitniehnitiMillinery. .6 oods r NO44.southScrednd strecipP,hile'delphia, have'reeeived-hYlektoSrqyabtforit FranaO;(Chief- - . .ly of their nwrtiotpiittapp.n).a:nbeeand very, rich assortrnent of irantrukkatir,r,ineny Goons, to which ' 'they will.,Conangtrly,bk making addition& t . r T hey have novviii`siore--- . :, *- ~:,-,... ,•:' 1‘; ~,; , ,l. .••Sillts for essitiwbonnotitaf till,Pricel:' 1 , '..n , ,,, -, 'Fancy bonnet and' cap Tilihntis t a -beautifufal‘ , sortmplit. -...--.,.. 7 ,t-d,',' r L,, , ,,,,.. ~ . 14•1.-..."- v . . 1-- ' _ r.7:..f. Plain'Mantua and snttin ribbons, 11l widtbs.l, , ; -,, - ,Frenolr,;atiditAmerleart,..artificiel , - ,flotiers,Lin -- great antriety„., ,-,,:,., i':.:' , , ,, t , , , , ',.,:.', ' r '/. „:, Parifixhip.flitts,„ - ; ;,,,.. -,,,,: ~.,,,;‘,. ~.:,.-t ' ,drapes, trope ',l-,,issca. l l ,- . 1 1'7,-:' '' '.; .' .. ' Fancy bonnet and cap Nits:l ' , '..", -3'rininting Inces e -face triiiiniiiiiii: — ' - - ;l3tickrams: - Nyilldw,•crowtiWtipijielic. , ^lAnil_olturticlett.needad_fanthe. , Millinery_trade ,- ; : er,Tha fitionticiirof. Irf.crchtints iind:Milliners visitia&iihd_..e.itY4o4articularty_requested_ to_our stock, as itmill be found 'far inorcr extenSive t hun that of anyother 'house in our fide, and t h e prices , mOrc inotleenfe, , ,-• . -., '7.. , .:, ~„ , mar '22-,.3t. • Stiirajteined SugarOanaies: Mea . Oeit iri tile •Wo . rld !:4121•C'ent6 J. 11.1c.HAZDSON,'No: 42 Market 0,14 'Philadelphia, takes pleasure in informing the public, that he 'atilllconanues hiErvery ' :aperiorfotearry-Rafineiteandy at the - lour Tiice , of $12.0 Wei 19D,filiiindA, - ritid the quality Ts:equal. to any manufarettired.ht theltnited States: • • 1 'He alio offers alt kindatif,goods in 'the panrea , denary' and 'C'erresPanding lei psi. cee, as qpicianaloit4Mamitil profits are. tho'ader Af•the . _ font , °ram*, and you cannot . fail' to. be. satisfied. Dote(' forget„the number; 421 , IVIAMIcar.." STREET, ThiladelPhiti: - . ; Sprinurashion- of Erats At tilt,- great dentral,k cheap Hat and Cap 'o. :664 Want street, south side, alit Eighth etreetoPhiltidelphia. 1111MantnieribelOakea ihis..method to _return thanks to-the :permltl'of The con nti , of Cumberland; for , the4tfrilitierarshare of patron; ago- whigh - they . himPestended towards him for last 'few - months,. and would can,. their, attention :to theittetthathe has now infrodui 'etrdltls:srttts'o sssmox,or)'-omr,TA.sstst4':.s nstilf , whiejffor.heamY, neon - lase .and 4larability,;tannots , be'-eserelled byy any other establishment-in thiamit yr '--This Stock' ramprisetiAluraetiv4 ;Nutria, Brush, Hassle,- Silk Skirl tleof stylettand ifeVtogelhar Verilitrger asSOrtment of Cloth;Lydittift4 and'Glaz Cepa.= Countikllerdhants Mlbtd 'Others Teepeelfutlv' Milted x`to , exandiud , the' stock,: which, they . - Will' , , find itlit their adimotage tote, befole Purchasing, 'minis his detersajnation,haftleg adopted the eye tern nfisellinglifteett'on ly,' t sell' at' the lowest prices.' 4 '. 4 4 FAREIRA, Jr., , -.4 ,, 121311 apiith`,Side;ati z ove :Eighth. = Iron-Corrniisgior,Wirehouke, IsJo: lop iFctra sy a 1 . 4i,itTcp f l AO_ isTo. 54 North - • -- . ve„ •• - 'whara,,PhiloPiPh!d• • • ,77117., 'undersigned:lBlll continue the Commis sion ;business, for ihe sale of all descriptions of IRON: -04 r experience ormany years, and'ex tensive acquaintance *jib ;deplore and ;consumers 'df - Irria; ihrOughout. the century; has enabled us to:nattililialt such relations as give us peculiar ad vantages to.,sortip our correspondeos, +equal to sny'otheehetiso., .„- - • • ••r • toot ;.P.I2.I.ZICK.di . C.4S.IPHELL. •. Printing Types' , I.VILL:bo IPid EitAIR.U.OE'S N. Y..TYPE.., FOUNDRY, lifter Iliad; 1848ott the fol . - lowinilverirloiv 'pricci; foikapproved noteffi • ROMAN. TITLE, 817141,AD.01C PlCil t per lb.'-3052 , cts e, 00. me.. HOMO ;Veer. - L0 0 3 r 1 18 1 F , , , .76 0 r.rIV . 160 , • llotirketorti , . ,far 108 42' 74 r . 1.28 Minion '4O ' 84 •Nenparait„! jBp Agate • - 220 ',./Thembove‘petces,thi'consequence'of increased 10 4,04a( 20 riligi ,, ttra , ma itch 'redueed. trantiorminratee.. ..A. liberal discount, for cash' id,. hand at the.date Orate Inyoice; j l'-'efealomai;•Qbases; Wdod;tryiiiil unrolled Alt , the , lowest manufacturers'lpriess, - o.theffer,carth:er. - ..; S pom erten Book! for 1848 i :is' vie* ; wady ter,distutrlttion'')td Iteteli;'Whil will adifd for 'it, and.contAirta; many:ne*Eirtiolea that we'll:lva no• vo, before Ashiblted, eueb4lB , Writinig"FrOurfehea, PrnaincAte.;:Prnarnebtal:< - I"onini , , , l l ,lrotlf!, , *hich., .we s have, An ample atoclCfer:the'proniptAxenution . ordertio,,Li.,, , ~42:7ToKealq. saves igood;e*oniP,Rild der and Ilium .rower Yiesses;%Standing - PSOlil&' ‘ SB. 4 I PPIk Ro,o,4ll7l6amiet„:ifolf , f, t il - . ugOggr,,Bl3.lJCEAro(lo.:' 4: ;OPTS"' /„R:9,11!tr0,4Fr.f.1,11.1r,i4Pt...N. ~ _.. , ,„ ...„ ,:fip:lrontand,SteeJ. * liipcivrek:WilppidlO r if • ~iii ho, _...; i r A iPtiilti l riocl 6 af il itt i ti r 4ii a nd a 'STE `,iii:4ll-opfigttprtment uf ;Stied° 1 1,<KW plitigC.oll3 ond , sop99p l Enilieh rou' Isythiq, I.4itiOlt, hilVo)kfid,are octOstantir ,re: , o1v),i 1 "-`11(0P'AinTlittlit.T,et , ../ 0 4VaOgnerleali : 33 01 1 ; 101 '0 1 004 .ortmtvoikgliAlarotiefo94— ' Vl4 Ii iiSkusin'!n iii0.',#.91 41 444, litietiOraili t4` 111 340.TiClliCtIVPITq 11 44frattir;papoi,. 0 i.. 41 , 44,43611,40..And - AZuevagiuki".Aiirose. : tir t IitIOISA itiliklltiOlsiAxlii Iron i vitibub alTeelf l oo p m pie v y,tieillid iatiiroatijli*l*3ol , I:olollpistßdrato*,xopring Arid 11,111061.• 04,-,p b . ,: f:,2 1 . 1 1;1• 10 ,P,Ilt o f A l Y adv f.t i 9 k Tit' 6 1:, h 'n 1 .,-Atrt i Vil r. "9:4 I ,v4trtlici vi,t i ll,' fvl .o,e-rd•FPISm., ,ropchie v ti : „ ,i,, z ii' ap pro ved:. o4(4iirP•ristkincerii/P 4. •41i x!.' 1 110 1 Y ' ' -kVit!,4# !, otPursi bitfjo "" - - :4,.,.. ~I~X.. ~~~, Ili Sloe forthAltird street, onoldeoin: 'Philldelphis,,mauufdeluri Aare ip,sll' kindepor,Broems.- geoay 1.!!' fId.WAII Brushes, Scrub's, ung,:gastsru t made NV,064 , lescrOori, 4c, dco,, at the Arm 1 1 , • • 'l' "%,,, 4- ",, ,, ---- i V t11 Z 0TP . 1004 1.4 4 4 000 11 1,j Ofr sl4' irklllo At 0 rrnioYat andlaOriltlßßnt c '4 141 0 : o ° F r y t h! , Ilr ,disiareis viti,thleittl d ian i 1 1 ,21 1 7 8,, , , '..; , t . , , , ,i9ll tilid kkb i t a ta* "egtilt‘l24lfritiV:"TirAn,": i._, c‘,4/ifetiebitk ocithe .t. ~- 1 .. i "forma i Cu ''' ' ''' trEcriortirit' nt,,PL ta .ienititie,, eatairlit .. , ,cd t i i - n o,iiiier e dit omio f tho ;41 fl ie de t roge a il ai l day t h il i t i leA thlOtti_,c ,.. _lth j ed „. hi e. il i ti e s .r iti oti : t n l d , ,. '.*-I.ltipittetitirbliroaf6,LEntratr„ 71cad rts , con ; ... White SWellings; .PYi in Tfromilibility,ltler 4- stuntlohal , diserders,,,, no ,f 1 , _ 2lOO 8:c. ,, d 01141110 HortditlorPffiTqwr- lace in the, ''fin e'very'eliatip 101 k T Itlel4il obOot Yy hoilMas rnamfest thin - It n cm bro ught nce. if we. "methulWavilif'daaba r t li n cr origt a allyNertect, etlPPono t he 04aaaBr • ° ri b 4 un T eas rge by the, theY must aonttano Tie a t that bears no< llttheal l ihterventibn of somethinK ._, ,d , seas , 0 , thbie thy relation to it,j , q 11. 11 ,,, 8,41.„,8m:new ingredient must be t h eAn ! ar i' al ""`",; I ;7, - ; a da64o - served to Whia"T r arlag rti ita le r foie connecte ' d witkAka modifY 1k Pri P t e ir d as talk' of spontaneous disease. body. lige abs to taking plate in orstins f pre oin vi d onsly 'healthy,,whh-, Out the interposmen o a e 0 omrocrhbaifilkettiogiornatntaracer, well might we eitpet pi c itself spontaneously a to 81astet of Pans, , without Lurie i leid.` ball diaenso there is the.aid•ol BiliP mch i ni u n t be removed,-thto' the o riat ,, Bß, h r t a it . , w- d. FOi . illib' P*0130 • there is n a g o e r n b c in i ;4 su ll r iaa r to the Panacea. In'evidence in IT i :bmitted to thelnolis the follow g B ~ • , , t,li a li e lphi tt , June 7, th el47. ''' -E ,... ~' ~'l:,:dx,ritin nature of Part. 1:1441118 k'Pn'llt"Pr*"--.1. —immure to be able to a'eaa n w afibrda tin° ' 111 1 1 11 1 r; remedy for all those reeb—mbtid it ne il v 4 un chronic,cr atili t l it 'B ,l, l 4l, Bo.. t l e lg a ad T a o kl t r il d b r e itle:-i n t r a e which his osPeolollY OOP_ d p Medicine as an alterative, pallated, alrl_Ke ..% i Y it in a more agreable, active the-if tala,forn uina to k biin i s .to be found in. the Eon. and nm -r sta re i in'several instances with de., "ca. I hava asea t s. Yours, &c. 1 ,. , , tided and signal:siteces P.D. ,ALLtsort, .... —. ~ Prepared and rsoid tre ct e t ta t l he p N hi o la r d th e i p lV hi e a s , t a c il o d ro re cr . f Third and South 0 ELLIOTT. Pot IV in: a 'led in Carlisle by Si ' fel)2 till pint bottles at $1 per lion e.' Extrabt, Sarsaparilla' - oi6 best'ainfl cherfpst Preparathin of Sat , . d i sti I itglefrom t the' first thanty ` oflitondurasSara, !tattle of !hie prepara,, lion is• warranted 'superior to two hottics of any, otheti , firiarket, and wilt retain its ;virtues unirrtpiiitabld in , -anyclimate. It is pleasant to. theitaste,aptlifroin infancy to age this- Extract eriulicato di scaiie, invigorate-the bodnitnd la tli6 beak medicine for the preventiOn.and cure et--disease= eygg,dhicevered -in any age 'of the. iirraild,•and it cm es without, aiekenigg'.or tiabilibitirig the 'patignt ! Thou sandsitave; used if liftiwybr.'itprivate,practice, and consider itthelreatestblessing ever offered man.•. It acts in 'perfect harmony with the laws natnrc..sitid has geirer • teen knOWO to. fail, where its 1111elVtli persergred into 'cure even lone sianding mid , desperate•CflSCS of Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh; Celia, Coughs, Colds, Con— sumption, Cramps, Cangerona Serefinful Dropsy, Dyeenteryißrylipclng,Peverand Ague, Female complaints, Pavers of 'all' Gotit, Gravel, 'Hysterias, lidlimmatiori;;liiil l geptiop,, Jaundice, Leprosy, -Liver _Complaint, N i iragli a ,' - - Palpiiation . of the Heart, Piles , Scrofula, Sin Pal cemplaint,Salt Rheum, Seed complifinbi;TiiirDbleigi — fx;PfiePres on the Pace; Saieligifljinhe and )6ints, Pain ' in t he iSpitting,Blood- rind all coats of_Piiiidratien Strength, slid ;General. Debility of tligilnitiian body. ;• ; • •enses enumerated:Above; Dr:Yregiha-' gaol!, Sarmpasilla rapidly and surely, restores to' heath:- A trial will satisfy ;aiticie Of the•trtith of these reprasentatiotis. . • • . ••, . • - • TO. TUE Ic;rie-Teinalee-iihtflet-frovirtlie-nlistrnez flons and debility M. Which Lailini-orieflelilliVY, liabitc,areliable. will ,by the; u'ie of line Or two lititlleaor , Dr..4ritiMeganza-SerMparille—,regiti ti their health and-eolore • Itus valimidu 7 to Ahem'. who are approacl i gig womanhood;its' t' is- cii tited•to assist nature hy,..quiolteningihe blood and, itivjgoratisiglheeyelem. . ttatliee Who:l:ye Milo -complexion's, dull epee.' .I.doreheene'lhe ; fiße' r rottgli ski it or' freckles, and are 4 4 . 1 Traphegante 'SarsainW will cleanse the blood, re - move., the freekleirepil, .blotchesinud give yens an anlinsited • wmuntWitinnee, - tlierkllngreyes, fine lip beautiful complexions. ' ' •' Children who are suffering .from bad and on healiliklit,mert,6f, the Idood i •eran be quickly re . iteised,th health, stmngth and bloom: , 1)r. 1 rap liegen'e &weal:ROM ,being very pleasantand pal•.l, ntable; Children take it rradily, and such as are thin and Weakly. eoon ti ear a•robust and healthy aripeeranCe.:;,ls can, -be; administered to Infants. w ith 4:erica: -eerily, nnil such an are suffering from .3iimmerl.:cironlaint will receive great relief.. Nothing can .be more all Oni siii ng then in , vigcreting, effects uponAb osiem. Per leseillide and - Wealtness before oikingit, stoner become robust and' healthy underl i ie n fluence : H PREFEAT.TS DISEASE. he --- T use,of bottle .of ,Trapluagen Sareap erilio'neeesi unaptw , all prevent lileente, and'ai ell and Sprhak purifier of the a,ystem it saanda wail at Ihe lamentday., Its nee mill Pre wentAMnrial of suffering alai pain. 11 all persona will keep, their blood pnrilied and .their bodies etreagthenediby the use of thia Saalasat.rilla, they will be sure to escape the attack of any prevalent, ormontagionaillsease. , ' >' - o:7Purchaserc writ bo careful to' obeettior ;bat, cwery:botilp of. Traphogoien Teleamic Extract of Sarsaparilla! bee bin written' signa ture-in bleak • idk oictin; ttio 011ie, nnd facsimileprinted in red, ink on t ivr.ptierill'"4 - o=pittagAini , ,lcounterreit,: Put up in itianiterintrr'whitit, srlairs'Auart bottles;'at liselqKptiee:oo '011E.11)(41411 per bottle: so le phelesale And, retatt. by 'POLL) ER , :I.llp , ir Store; North' .40 4 1 1 4 0 , ; 4. 1; 1 ,7;1 1.• - ......._. , ••., The j Gri34rEAggskitetrkaii.l * M : .,,,,„=.:,.,..,,,, ~, i il''' . 4lizrberfs 'Zinifiliiettr . . . 00;411; TECIEIgago • :.,,, ',lllTiiii.moitt,vhhixihloSinblhootion'hati beau which, AL t used li o.h . w ? stab is fr wonderful e. 1 1.4 ' t o: l g . : h e::: ! I :1: t h:: y er g e •• at'some or the inost•trcOletiiiino 4isiiikocii with • thri'ilittltpiktil . fikr,Vd Xtiainii irWelligisa, stiff.' . iiiii•ofjpleitof glilliiir - oducogl by 16:ciollor and . 41 - I . ll.ll,,,tiiiiii.o", oi l , Ilkil ,iliou/dops, otilth, hoof,' ''f° 7ll °Vi;s4o„offiri3°lntl'r OFaiiitt'9r!thgo whirl.. Vii:i ! turn , iPlCAOPc!ci_ poll ';'41•14- , > fisioloil Ohiboonklints, spavinovindgallo, porn.. Ate. /t very,ilßoAMitr , F - 0,R)4191 fresh woundit;c . iiyi; _ ittruiseo r notateii,,j4;sl,4) / ourb‘oit,i.,lin i tt-gtvOit- Instaiit iehoffiti the•iieriiito4e4refie ql, e.,and. ' , 414'dhiei ; Oi trp!fei ti,t s*h ol iep t ;fijrijai l w hite 1 ' ;feat' and 011ie!, prodoooyo,,st /oliteiMarti ,iihijiio , otdi•4lotroif the y ook itdebonokot the'ftii;eli.resisti,iho-action.oroulphuraO4, •Fitriol i olotooott. tid,-.44itiV.lenfediltisi4' : •Pcwerlll l -1.,.,e‘ •W ~I hit w. rt;r.q, . im , k , .2445Vilii//oiiticitt' iho's .''titi4l6''T'iii4, l l4,o:eil t , lei liteiSful I ln relattitigotiffnepo of,tho 'tendon ! mid: lcifiiii,',rtcod.,lrrqtlußiog r ouoti AintittAittoc gincl. bel)0001,4fr#011 io erio,ked,lieelavtiWgiit o h ikkiihSr„uttitig, oppit to and spraionorm ' 7 - 1 ft , " -', Irk I*-.Fm'brcmr don't, iiighly , recommended iir farriers; iteslidis Nili)liArrier rilibleir.'wesreiier4 iittlgolprppqiutivik.,o,'ltrivfo 'irnifiiihin 4"f i a, inflo-1 1 PraPti'AMPilAVE,VPitvithiethle, 't - Filtiiidg. 1 a ahoold tio,oOnstntiltlikept , in.AhsirlistiibleaL i ,'f'..l Alio forthemiiih,oitillitirriefsesi; 14 ii/41944i ;kicks; •eatsi4n4 ' vies ii de; ei+lll;tll4'clAti . ;iiiiiitily. , wciviiiiislipiotio tiVlce4ivit constesily,`4ll.4aape r e_r :I,c . •?il i ttfilfr: Nloo4) 4 k', In.QO 6 :..tr." Atintli CAI, , •119FAINj , PI9A,;' , !?f4 4 . I .(4 IIO i'AR 4 R ,, naCYOF "to M9oopii, ; Oilop t ):• : ,; v ico. ~,•. , ), , i'v,k- r li•'.• • A.,pA.,..•••.,1 1 •.... 4f ~ ..•.,,,,tritA_ littLaiinlliplit . t htlLAMlSllolk._ PR,I3; pile Agent. :., • - - ,- ,• , ,..1 ,. 2.,..,. , ,.,7,1 ,. i.v..iu ~ 1 . ~ ,I s t LL , A1itti.21,48417:::-.', , : . - • '"' , .-4',l— , i '' ''''"; ~ , r. •''t+o , c 7 :, : - '- ,, r 1 --- - ' ~ ~ 04 4 1 0 ' . ; 1 ;04. IM4P , A• 4 3 t,7 410ttlEttillt DM - II"' • - , 0 ,. 4..0., ...., .. 0...... 1k ,,, asT,9 15. 2 iAin et! tteelrisaireen - id,eliir.r , 1 4.1.1-Wuit..TA - Ai, l 4ll,ol , hrl_s _ I I , :f , • ~.,, iit buiftieilatlt' I eatit . et‘i+4 ~,,• ifdTp6r 4 ,colifillt- e,i - • ailti, Oa Oiler4tol)-- 4nallje.rtkatt'attlYntilitidn•oPie - Pleteuetareif•ot lUghir i Pt l ND ß i alolo6 oiiiihiehibtbrentYliiiittr en'clAltdriurititishipo4,lllltters'hfinpelf,J*ill - lisp, universal seilatliettattpuilliti;hitreidtkeeckotetile - or , ptiesti-pritherits;firpurchasonkinduOb t fienq i Which' ;deflects be surpassed; Witq , kither-esitiMilttpg l it, in the United , Suitep,:; ? l',,..2,,,t4 -- 1 . ; , , 'rrialtd`;' l 34::: ; '';;!-"; t ,,, n -'7'AiC,OI3,4:EED:Oi e , Silver .I)l4trtflpifiiiaiPeirthxiki gicrcan ( - 1847.)k: 111 HE follotvint testimony febriedisiiogiMit, r ; tostittitioniioioakti fo e , Wien" , •Tthitimitsrrir„oi - Jr. .11 , 41',11.; /Mt; Bev; og; tried, for some itirfle, AMC by niug rieel 4 ;:a'.l l, l'its 4 .ofelteptitfit ;from Its ehdde • eleo .we tieli pleasettiwitha . , ' ". '1717.,E 905914C11.;a.pc.Dian'octic. ' ^ '.10975.1 f 1.9 1 ,L0V1, • EN RYlollE9; i trislor,y ,1.4 ; ; • 'ftcrai.VELL'FAllK.E'Rrok - ornito . , • .• " . t i lfilosoplwaolib:ChlomibtrY 11q IV dERHATAD: Lecturer ,itiltite.• - ; ; F„1N.../,,!_l_,V ol 4? l gie.pgirtrOtihi ' t rtItfILYV.4I4IA MEDIeAL COLLEGE • NV+3•l'utiv cotitittF in'the•stione; 7 7 S re A m?,4 : . Eo L)At Oto,)T, MA . DeanOf the Pitholtf .', • , Cr.trittat.'Htotr Solioiii.`"Faibtapz4;,nii" , " A pro • • • • 2 :Anatomy . , - • , ishvimNet Co;`P ; itii.stiosimitza. FItED'K'FRALET, 8 04iXtkri' t • ' 67131.1 ?* - }lntlii.rfil , iiililitPliti : • • • - •••• ••••,••• ' ,•••• J 9 GEOR pep, Officer — J I OVER I S,ADANIANTINt CEMENT :I :, A..Supeript ArqcleilWarrahtea. For Sale;-Witolesale .ro. ory,. .8r; North , Thii-tt street; 'oppOAite 7 Cherry.; s tre e t ., E• J 0 SeirPH. , E l-11 10VEIMVIstioftiet Phiigdeiphiii,Nov 17.1847 =;: , I I IMPROVED':WIRE:MANUFACTORY4 Sieve; Riddle, Screen , and7.iretioth einuffic? • t0ry, , N0.48 - Nor tit Front 'Street ; between' Markel and Arch strects;Philafrai ' stiliseribers having made great improio" 1. meals iu`the theabove business, are now mann- • &char; Of si-sit perineritallty,4l,k,inips PL as if and OneastasrAr. Wine:Wom.ieeira Riddles,&lrene& E.frifet• all kinds ork ai n, seeds, sand, ore, strait; starolt.,lirickdoit POunfleia' , Sieves, of a superior inalify- - emimantly_fin hand. A leo Safes, -Wire l.hsh- Co!vers,ftofir Springs,' a'afiltad Wire for Spark Catehersike. '..ORXAMENTAT.,-WIRE Cag4; Nerscry,Penfloral Gardefi- Borderingr 'Plower Standli - TralnerafTrellit'Weik Feficiqgof Oery - dtCscrwion, • 13:Ortlers Ahankfullrrec'elicithoiLproroldlt exeoulediry- .7 • •WATSCroNt.e, Septembea-912;118 , 17tif, ! - , V f r it -' d. ..r -'''' ' , ..Cheali_, aces an ewelry. - s . ~, ~,„,....... ...AT , thri Philadelphitt . Watch ' A nd 30Wqry_;,Store; 06 N:drth: / faectinELSt.,,,COrner:6l"-Quitrry -11 ." ' Gold loVar'llrat - ChCe,fnllj e. , t. Irt. ~ T . \ ......., .. ..... ;,..4 'elled,lB'cirot,tiapea,„_s4s,.:llo .. .0.. t. c.):,.. HAD- • !ilirar , over-Watehea;;;, - -,-- - - full jeWellail.,,, • • -.. ,:-.. ,•-;" 23' 00 ' ,Silver'Lever Viltrichea seven jewels 7, ' 18 00, Superior Quarter Watches • ' " 0:0 00 Imitation quarter Witteliet.notsvarrentod 5 00 Gold Bpoota.elea • . ~. . '-_, •'8 00- Fine - Silver Spactodlea - ' • - 1 75; Gotd Driceletw.with topaz atones . '3 50 . Ladiee Gold Perrone' la Curate.: 2 00 ' - GOld,fliTer'llinao 37A canto to siB, IVatch Giaaseit - plain 121 1 eenta - ,te 7 1.433; "moat 25. Other articles In • proportion. All gouda war ranted to bo what they are sold -for. • On hand some gold-and fit'nea-' add Quartiera lower than'd.lie abnre print's. ril4 a , 'F . ob. 3, e. 4;, . B. E,,MOORO „.. 1400-RE•A WISDOM., • •No44.l,NouileThird ;:kiachang.3, iplES, l4 :CTnit4Ar;a r tihnance 'and the that theyira.canstantly.pre... pared to make 'lO 'cirdee.nf the fluent and boat. materials, abd at' Moderate . :pricei, every article , or - Fashionable Clothing constituting. a. Gentle-, , man's Wardrobe s. for whielt their complete •areek . •or 'choice and c arefully, serectod Cloths, Ciat3l-.: mere'. Vectings,U ; ., of tinilatest and most deli. rabic 'patterns, are partienlarly.tlesigned. ,flteir own practical knowledge or the 'lesions ands personal attention to every garinent4chables them to give entire catielbetion, and to both old i Mill new •-customers they reapectrully'.tender an, Inivitation to give them a call. Ilaving been for years connected with some of the 'becNitintikmotd.4ll4tiniible establishments .in , thia'bohntry ciutdoylag mpte ; hap firat-rate, irrnk”. the,.,ennetattirtreoeitWorf the' Isr:i test 'fa,alittlits` and goo they Ilditlitiita red 'la' ihMonktnotlate ,c u atomora in Abe: beirmabriet. •••• . Oum), Valley Trausp3rtatlon House. .. ~..,, ~...2,,, , r : ,. ..z . : 4 _ , - ~ ...:•- . 1;:2- ,Ap i a:” ~,-• : :• :17 — ' ' -.-.., : ;rza: - 1, 4, Canaand 'flail''.Rotpi'Lint4 4 fOr'F i bijadet-,, !p) i)tiid4l3l4iiiptiie, ' Pittsbure; &::C. 1 - • il*, KER.R, Forwarding arid-tonimhiaion' Merchant, tlikratsanno, Va,,infosma hia I .lrtends and the. pfiblic,‘thaufrom',the liberal pat renege egtehded to himiduring the pait'year.he hriii'been encouraged to make more exteliehie or , rangementelorthe present ;seism, 4144., tipo .ftfi l dud' two 'new; 100 anVepliindid. iloalo him iIIf.NEI ind.'will be fully prnpariur after the np ci cuing of , the Canal; to forward PRODU E go. MER6II*.I.I DIZ E- of ',nil 'itititio ,to 'a - Ohm- Thilkdflphini:Daltimbrii,rlritletwrgh, ~& iet the loWtkit•-rains' of freigtit antr . nlik the utmost dee 'Patch: --; ' . -- ,ie‘4 6`i, , •1; fx-rt,•.-a ^ ,lt' o h ' , akillivi rai: ii'iiiitir, _ ,t , / A ./ 1 , , ,, . ~ ~,,, , • cAliblet,i4 'ili , OA 5KE44 , 4 . ' ;7 ,1 , -q , .0 ,1,1 -' t , RileiivitypeeNrille i Thila4slphict. I.IEISE' de‘;'SON': ," ' . + i / 'l' i I t 141 a. 48 - conunercer Bt. WhllWrtiliiall?rs T ,cr;AII,KA7SHANYI7 , I'6II. iti 1.0 .. t...h:10 4 4 1#6PiippOg,lit g 9 9. tities'' i ` I 4 S 4tVATiCa44. `'• ': '-' z , 10 , , Sir , t‘, ~ ~ .. ~ , s 4' :4'30.19,1'M5,, 1 , . , .. . '4:4 -)/ 1 11140,ERLICED .46 0111 , E124- I th`lll 'it it • No. g 72 Market at"' ThiltidelPhia,:. ~...• . _ - C %AWARE.- & -REYNOLDS,' , 11 ,,W, to no. FNOtr4234lfirkinile.),Pftgeifilicihit' 01,v,i visiu4Bl.llllltuttkAAlESi&D 0 1 4,N , , -"'', IZ'T tit k? h.l - -Broad , aireetirlilindellphhir . -PEI,TtEAt l/c0MP01344 , '' i ',,K , 7 ii , '“3 I .'''''.l' i ( z g ORM litiltiltV npid:' a IlegrialfilrgoMaick..29,llBM4o.ll 'L ' ~ '''''lr " 77 " aosorunent of OWIIIOOE4E4 80412, of Whiiilklfi'd -tAt' on 4.f A , ..*04119 I I.' C ' '- ' 4* ' ifittioillr - - .1. b ME rti-4 . -:,3.741,10-.•.- ~-..,, ... ;,..,., • INIERIttA 'f,llit Itpulitteuritiff.,`' 1 t: 1,11i3.1P - Slit,§ . , , F,t.i, • +II ELEC"-„F VA:R.l'Viiii:jrreilOartifit*tin)f.k.thi ,b; ireiitl= '',_ • 4 04 : 0 ,r4,#tre,_4litnhillitirliti#4 iii - kulOK.- . li t he& .. ;. .1-.' . ..g5,,,,.;_t7,„ i .„,....„4..- ; ,.., , ,,,,.., n'si . tautkiiiikiniiilii9sisi r esc..regicirriOtt,eett‘...%',,, ~E6 3% .,_ e/alle,Afigile.J l 44litlO'RridittztenitstneW,':.' .• mr" srmig acrwrt eansation,ae, tAit,irtiVarly ea11, , ,, , _:,' ,. . Ittl i `f-there is ralid'it'SeitiVten's 'Wan ,th ebbing in - „- I .thep t art; toiling; front ettiehletattideOe ofthatfe',., 7 fr .isenea l lonts to, the; rrieetlestrutia!illir> etinirt..".,...;,.;• riliette . itnVoilfecitl:li:l!this'-gretit ..-1100 , biood: to; ,',-;,--, ..lhe.Per, ts.";.:"Semetimetrtheatititir,6atitt , thetbowel::.',.:, .protuttes at, miertrevaeuationi - -;„lhitaint idle( 15 , 21 ,.i ; ---; , . mailed ',l4alitpinis; of falling of . ';tbe , :h#4l xi 1 islet ..,.: the ellact•of ler* contitretett tirletitiueletd*feaklY , ',..' , . mess of thist.organ.:,. to sotnOnstanfrititha,patietiti,6,;- experiencee'nertMuevalikii."vvhieli aie,lntlasan'lntF3W,..', ble, apti,khimvir iinty.te'the-suirerer4-Nhieliennik.:;"' inetide itintediatelyLifftelen etMeuttliony - and'initi , T':f " tinua,fielp.t,hirtyMmoulealo several:4_l4SL - •tliefte , :*'' , -, .Series.osTl..ere'veryannoying:and 4 aorneilmei*gry,.`, , ,,::, iliiifrOssing:.` 'l'his•diseasti; '4e - 11'0110g coininut, , ,,r.;• artee,is attended% bY,pitin' rind ;.:iiVealtnesi. in: the' ;...". :back;eirr,itetielt 551 . MO. kidneys : ends, bladder; and" athar-Orgaity, in ,the , vicinity,,,papktmAihnnbre,se-',--- i i talii 4 egm-and-of-of, , ,etratinetur-altottt ~ thet - e.heet - ,Attidlannatitialftilfielts of' theiandoMihal -. ; 1 visceraocapempahied Miltpalpftatitin eflhe heart ~ and , 'lppreereett.: . .,:lndiyiduals ;seine:tithes ,:axperikl;:!J! I cited; .prerotte : tii; 'ari.titiiiet'ciCthe-ril.,3.,!aymps{:', 1 homiAlenotind trentrilthinie Men t anthb etreele. - ' . 41 94 l'•iihStsa:es-41;. , lense mf.'sveight eud!pressurein ~.:I ' ,, thestbdomenoyit MA I peculi,ar,,,fettlittg t er. hnerisi,' - ' mbesintheitottible; enniitiOtibit:hr,permtpuniot, •,.. tendedettithrpaita in4heqlinelraiidlohl;mintitfit;''' endiolialitypsintriiii•thei--"sternablir Ptile;lepunte4..:-..,,.. marten, confused,senationa in IliejlladOetearmessi. , ,- Mtid liturntablittbrdAtcontented i lhatp sif,:the miadr land w. 'Hen se: tif 'fitlitatts +aid Mattissievi'm the, re-: ' glen. ,c:f.,.the .stornacht, 'filieftreirehlatiiik,ory.the,' , , surface isfeeble, aptt-the.,sPrOlitAblehd Ofei- . iiiined:inivard'and'dewnWards„- •,,.,•'; • .. ~ , .. - ,, Foi.allMillieal*vii diseases_ ittite.Vihithilitte, bi.,Urna..at'a , Vtetietme , Er,settiintroures'ef•- ..-.. 'foetus*, and therefore preventegiletryl , , _,.., :,-...,,,,„. , . . .ZTLIE , ..TES,TIWION-V......'r ' .."' • ' • . 11 : 1 1D8?)4;j:1)Oilli, 184e.i:': s. G kg.rili--11 , havetieted Drijlpkatirs',Vigaifilile Isile- ,Electuary witich,,l3mieltii/t§dtliphit;aniV' :find: it one , of thevbeit •Metlitinee „InMe:fcr.the' pile o ;•end_oletatn - bititini , ntrietiohe;ainuarteeifil- - ' animpurelnate.of the kimeem.,..l Nisurs, &u.' .; • ' F..' , A4Gti%ltarblel,:maler • • -• ~ , ' LI: Si MansmtVeGrtir.;, '.l •, • '' " ','''' Deen0.10.4..-,. ,} - ~ Meseral%Wyatt S.E . Tqtelti4-4-,deitilentert,.un- : . deratentlin_eihat.,_YoU areAbeteneral-agents for Alie,atile of .Dr.lLlphative_VegetaclMPlettuary,for :-. ;the ,enni,of , Piles,r . l , have" - ileemed itMiy..dutyfo ioluntear amecommendatictitirebAblC i of that n ivaluahltimedicine. I...litirneerpitfflietit,difeema ' ely years Wit h'llles;:and hnve trted,Vanoue reraji. • • then., •44 '.,`' ' llo , , tionaleial,,effeete.,-IndeedAl shaken to'eoesider my ease' utterly bepeleas. Dui 'abottt,the iirist of September ladt,'l. weilirevailed upon by,.. a friend 'to ''nibke - ii triat'of 'the above • named In ed icing. -- JIMA: hie adviee rind iejoicefa sell that i ern;nOt anlYfrellevedo but, turlbelieve, perfectly mired. , I , most eainestly reconnatOnd it 't.o,ell who may have the misfortune to he allicted . -with thatannuyine and deneretin'tlisatum. 'Very respectfully, your obedierit.servent, , ~'_,,,.. . XIX' IVIO.ORE.- Reu,t4tir,,tinc L;rtne. OF.nais,!—,',ll,iiiii:r - Y E A lte . STANDIfiG!i• . 4 . ,1 . ''.. . Mount lynel4igttnt,• BerkehirO, Mi;:hrass. 1_ ~. • . ; , . - r.r.- ." •- - Isi_iivember.,29;ls47. 5 ' illessre.Winte&Ketchian.r ,, GonteteFor thirty del's: I. linkeJ)nen. tiffliinect;viiihz-Tilkirtienerat---- debility and inllemniatiOn, missing, minors,- had ;prolapses of 'the 'bowels; and'WhieG'hatioeidate4 • • all the medical trentment'Dr. Chatuiiiiitird:oth. , ' 'era could give.'.:,..The , insf three yearg, et:thin:time - My Befferange - defy. ileseriptienA' IF *as, :confined"' ,to• bed, unable_ ot hele'Myatilf,:imcVne - , , lear.given- . ,tip. by my, physiciarrandifiends to, detipair el ever teintng , health:AM.factjegibreo-dlays-rbef ono I commenced .. nriirte_l)r.'„Upliainte,--Eelectuary, -I - 'was "entirely: speechless , ands-triyiliuTielelothee - .wera 'itisile „ _ 2 _ , RoLunder-P-rovidemeeondlthe-iimo 7 of 121 - i.:Upliam!s Element?, tharigVan,iimi mit rt,, ' [lave the plessure•Of statieolte friet to:thi. nab. lie that thy t hetilthip:'n* . intid,:atitl-hOpe to live .many years, if it is 'ire will; to, make • known the yank:ant Dr: Vella 'a ElectutryVthld to re ..eommend,..it_to. ray. afflicte -fellow.creatures.- -It. helPed . the_ beyond, the. hx tati,ontrof t all. that knew My 'pima, livd , I-eati , 4:o y-'ty - im.oll_ders tliar - ir'tallin - m t yrobnioniTthe,,,.beit i ptedicine - -in the world for Pileri,-oranyttlrablieetiheiChiS•-- howele; hinl - if - therwill - ITsiFireacording,to iho - directions,-,-I.will myself. warranka cure to every. ease. Youie, • ivith the, utmost ~ expression of tnankfulncas, c PIM FILIU SiISP U R. Egrament,,Berks co,'lltuts. ?_ ,Noventher .29,11347. $ The abeie certificate tells a simple! and truth. fitl story'of su'Obring- . and mlier;:erwhich,:.aa PhY sininn,,and, witness tn.tlie:'edyi, I.,eheerfnlly en. dorse. it '' • ' '' O': CONRAD NOTTGG:=Tho. genuine :Memory wtmen signaturd,',thun: (0477 k, ,D.).):lltia•liand , is alopn'lonionith a; pen.-- Price 8! 8I 1):7-.8 n 1d wimleonie , aii4,lll.ol.il;WYATT & .!KETGTA , M;I2I'FfiIinn street,,S.44 - and by I)ru genernilyptanOnnObagubad .States and unnafla: " "'" , I.«6rtief a kA tUPG;T•rittei,TWAgollialitlitijSiO. n ri.KsrpN •-. • ' latlt9R,S., ' X ettllt One, .' .liCwir 1 V IS' Z.L70.1471At.11 , X, —. . .. Ile now universally aeltnekilcileirle be the . INFALLIBLE'.REMEDY : ..+ For Rheumatism; Spinal AlleetiOns; Contractions of the Al LISC tail; Soya Throaviand Rainey, Is. • • '• sues, Old Ulcers, Pains in the hack end , ! '1 ' "Chest; Agile ill tlia , Rierist and 'nice, ' '' ' " : "I'doth.aeheo'.Rpritins;:•Bilii_eiet4r'. Salt a bentii;-11.irrni, 'Crottik t h r .,,,.,- , Frosted' Feet; and ;al l, - ,_,..„..L.--....,•-•,,,.-: :44.1 4 1ervOuri.DiseaseeMatowvr. tit UN'TrS;I., INl3ldiNT,ipsiurraining a notori -1.1. elynnAnalisil ,by . aby Similar remedy. It reqUires no puffingto give'st a•repuration, it has been for:some ' tun e silently. and , surely, Securing ,ovond , noi4 wheifits‘boriellilakiAleuvr have been exporienced by so niany;rhtarpressions of grab filde,, : are 4 cent tonally- sppeiring7-sed .'tliiirie • who . 'have:been made whole by itromaanyircidbeirous , 'Mit die 'elllie4rl should,,nolonier.• reinl ,ittligno . Ilint'of lie' inValuebio,and•infallibliveffinsoy:;•' -• ~ , .. - ' 111 r. , Ge0...E. - ,Stantoni:Jher.groPr4l94.l6' con': • stantlyreeeivineraniiiicinialkOrbaPeqln l oweiVed ~ . from us use, and triziny`oflhil'etiNe IS• pals eimeted almoaVexceedjbeliel.,,ln 'Obls'vartri - A child had beep ,Uc,rippla for, ight yei.6 , oere;',4klancherl. the spine, when at the age , oflWo'Years;Ltiy, e'fall . • _ frmn .° 0 1 44 4 :r • Medical 'trearmen:. failed; tut 'four bottlee'of the f.inluranl..reepredibinP-tOsitteilgth, and , ho new Aoineyrjo l lns !playmateri4iTi their - *Otlhfill i ldA9 4Aoreob*iest of lltiftllpfinlP47sms' hurnnlirliti bock teas: mind him of 4urptglsAnllktngs.: 'price, 4.5 cents . . per bottle: ' -1---. - ' k' l ' ie ".,-;W <t. " • , • ,': - ";•,:itt• t' The .wirti-;4l:ol,"Vfief;.* c...extiToN ., §k -, 6l,i,uity - oitiliviENT Jo. ricknOWledgndlibe , die:inosi,valuable'rerne., , -,,,, dy ihin hut 'yin' bierrdiseciened;- and insy be re.: 114 4 ., C 4 4 ,, wjih,orifidiiiitd;14.4)1Aiiroiph - jpkvet no- 4 ? • .09Ploll,for.,ils.usA•in.e‘seirof.F11414 . FxlrF.tki*.tt ova ~.,;... IN riis 1 A 431'0 . §,9, 1 4f4 1 41 , 11,0W40:<'" . 4, -' ' •.. Ishii ' s. LlnflirßA* l " '...: 0 A 14 1';! ...., '.'. 4 ..- - t 4044 'lcreir o ring ill',; l",, 01017,11 1 40 1 . 40 , , _ , , rXIMO, ~d "Tik).:!,.,, nt b s d %nue ar en Ott Alatpc. , ' . q ., 4 ' ~ . 4 " G • A g : ' il •nt i .R.P4it• MP, . ' 41,1):r. !7 'nib ..„, xte.v.tYlirk::7 •01 nt ,, f •'. t.i.. , , , e- 4 .‘4 - -' - . .,, v:4)apk , , , l Vilkik . plii*:ilh . tai Pry° 51e . ,7,; - , ,- ..,,, 'Pi EdWgitir 11 1 , , Shjtii4n00 4,,,44... - ' ..,'- i: • . , :5'. :. • , , , - IT. i alYbilVdlo 'B4',Orginfi.:Pol—loxv,Tz,,,,Aoil:-4',:, :.;.,.- 't'' 'A'Zzittaft '''''.ilol t.,4 , ,0.N:5'i1 t : *,.-t".lVve/ilst .f 4007,4 . ' ' taN D - 4 , . , !V.1 . 1N ~,, %,:::, aikhrliTiffiti) ', - '*`..q - ~ , Z.', : ..' •-' , .,5, , - —...- .'° '';',':'l,42' iriL : Antitiiiil , qtal: r ' thiClV:littir ligintlmit I.' Vithitiio -- ;Or . rtlolo, `^~' MMME l'-• 417 '‘,1:- • ~~~'•`~ r~?r ~r~w:,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers