WEDNESDAYifEBOU.ARY - . 18i18 . 48: .k: • The WWI: repently, publislied froth Gen. rftvton to.thti . War Dapaihnerit,admirA; ble alilce for its dignity of. tone and force of ebinalitS'alf:alVeSliiii Which tit first sight may not, be ,o 4 ."The tiOtent deterinination , of the Depart - 4teny t " says Gen: Taylor, ~, to placenta art: attitude antagonistical to the C.l'ov __ol)Ment, has an ttp!C sillostration_holtte well-known Pablo of ~Esop.l ' The pal tiinere Americaii - gives:us the following 'b' -- tIM - Fable - referred - to • • • .. VIE WOLF AND 31113,1A11!D. 130 e het,sultry day, a Wolf and, Lamb, happened. to come just at the.'sarrie time etrqUOnch. their thirst in the stream-Wu Giro*[ that fell tumbling down the side of a'rocky,rnoentain. The Wolf stood up on 'l,he higher ground, and the Lamb at somedistance below him. HoWeyer, the Wolf, having a mind to *lc a quarrel, with the Lamb, askedhim what he meant by disturbing the water, and making it soMuddy that he `could not drink ? and, - • dt the same tiir - Wrdein ed satisfae,TicTri. • Thel , ,areb, frightened at this threatening dittrge t , told, him, in a tone as mild as possible, thht with humble stiFanission, he could trot conceive how that could be; isince!the water which'he drank ran down from= the Wolf to him, -end - therefore 'coaldriot be disturbed so far up the stream. 13e this as it may, replies the Wolf, you are krascal, and I have been,told that' you . used ill language concerntng-me be hind, my black ; about half a year ago,— Upon my word, says the Lamb, the time you mention was before I was horn.— The Wolf, finding into no purpose to ar ; gue any longer against the truth, fell into it great passiotOnarlihg. and foaming at the mouth, as if he had - been mat and drawing' near to the Lamb, sirrah, says he, if it were not you, it was your father, • . and that is the same.' So he seized the itiliocent .helpless thing, tore. it_ to pieces, and tnaile d meal of it. , _ ...,.The,njoralWhicli is appended to this table says, "when cruelty and injustice are armed with power, and determined on ,`oppression, 'the' strongest pleaS -of inno . cence are preferred in vain, and nothing is more easy,thnn finding pretences . to criminate• the unsuspecting victims of ' • tyranny. -How many of the degenerate, corrupt and arbitrary .governments," it • adds; '"With Ahrt - tivilized world ba'Sbeen disfigured, have, exercised their vengeance - upon'the honest and virtuous, who have dared in bad times to speak MORMONS.7=rheSt.LOU is Repub lican publishes a circular addressed by the lorwelve Apostles" to the members of the, Mormon Church. It ,contains an intdreSting history of their privations and stifforings since their expulsion frOrn Nau voo; and their future prospects and inten t , tiotth. "l'hqr principal abiding place, hereafter, will be in the valley of the Great Salt Lake, occupying n central position hetween the Padific and the Mississippi. Theit.nembers will be greatly increased Jy emigration the coming season,as many' thousands of the scattered members are in expedlatiOn of joining them. TILE WILDERNE 9 SS OF TAMAIiiIPASe-- telTiOry between the`rivers - Nueccs and Grande is still_, .the same ~,stupend ouS'ire-sert" fie whenproelaiiried C. J. Ingersoll to be a neutral . groutid which neither the United States or Mex ico would attempt to it;ppropi.tate or cross f , uefil . the spirit',of.Conqueet • The u,AtiteriCari Flag," published at Mettimorae, co:ill/it:4 ander date of .fin'y f 3 t l kft ( 4raft:Af:;& - ,,Titeitterittl to,the.Senete ; and House 426presentati vaeoethe State settled do 4AP",.,'F.P2'Graitilei from which: ,wavxtrae t t,thifallOwing statement: • - Faro. Ilm ; ,settlettients, pr,Litie Rio; atantle.loAlitt'eOtiit'iSr . z l seiti - atetiorps , Clirleiti,4tll:l7lllllvel dayalatirri4iSr,` - ,tihro' 101 , lltlerneps . coantry,,almost destitute of water, NOT A anislawrios; IN THE porr,ssoa,iand dangerous to .;travellers on: itteeount.of the Iridium; an& bands of' , ltiv‘r-, less Mekierias. ,, ; ,k7Whea . ,'fietbania - resictiag, aVleast,.taii riieks to comply kliiiloitsticiawlietildesasubjeetiog,Ahem to 4tltieditrtoxilljekttadt,lattars - .6l , the toads"' , e‘ rt t,l4gt • ..ji;TintetlleeMive I- - -RQMOVA r Vt. a ,,4A • t i .Vie 13EE E ban, • "•.• 4 1 $:t.letliorit otO tho boost! • *it ocoboled by Da: vid H. Arnold, on N t 5 nitharldriltrCiitnallhiq 7P 7m1115 7"=- i 9 ono of, tholuoat- con. 1 iray 01016 ` , ltiyible'llYttfrici'littbnpon"t6l494. '..11144.3ct'liPoloccit'airtiotbitO' nitly 114 lto3 . 4vitti'di eir•isuhtotits' , . In qddition to to lbontir btookof Inl4O IstotTracedyecka cionOraLsomily.of)D.Kr)C4 0 0134 Nivlr ff°3l l l9 Pl 4 ll ;VII WYA,good Qo443.s9oAP94,filrivaerlftri''' l ialf ' --- • ' '---7 '' ' h 'il , ,r4) - 1 I :bill iro4repre die.glaastijrilil ' 1# • • "• ‘ ••9 1 1. il 1 .II 1 „ e 4 4 ~,,..,, ~ ,4 „,,,,,,„ Riel if • .),. P. '. 114 . •-;t4 , 6 a atat'? . - 'l3 : I lit le.-t eig.‘,.r. Rivooqes' ...e , , , ,, ,14 k tth rt'qk ..o , , ~, 40ftett I 0 QUEEN NYAREIMARD4• _ WA Ain ointiltop*llicifilialtilieolt selbdOft• s i trAthgror cate;•luidtveliiiO4thatiti lietettriisid4 to . . PA 41tilikok.ktif ci4,41a0/1:11.' *API , t rl'fn; 'TiEtri :is T " trf PRIPIIMAPIPW 4 yr si l iNglit IV t' , . it' '. ,no a tors I=l6l 1 t e . cm, At v • '•'• ; nducementips will 111 0 ,3 "ItIt 1 ) 131 „Rtintef t9,P4 - - ‘.t . 131:4,.... .... ~ ;........:......„..... 7 ~ fiirtif •AiiileirlYiy tiooas , at vory•lor pride - 'OW t4E I ; I I 3 6, 4 OARNIONY ; : i'r.,tttiicilgOP4Wl - 4.404,8 afa." - itO y.01.11c, i?t11-,,, 1 Igt r '-'. t/ ^ II! WON! 'fotY! ,3l 4/104iF a kt t;op;s6ii ' f , ..* - ' • ; 1 10 11 0:1 5 . 1 4rrOtefOTL „ 11/,5t "'-•: ; :;'-' ,4 '. •• ..,'-,....wv, , ...3.-,....11.f., , .';.i , ,,1,.0, 1 .„ ,,, x - ,'7 „ ,!:•ii-4;;) , ..•,.4,-, , ..--2,7-. ', ' ', •,-',‘, ; ,,, ',4.;;..,i, , ,.,'::. , ‘-',.:. -A' •?,--. i• - •:,•,)•..••••, , '. , . - .•?. , ': , ' , ,:•-. , ' • ,',' '• • . . - r f- s4-^^ ME , aviir6N.ArEWll.lol4 - 3... • j J aallAltw tontion • V V 11 elis 'd it ee pe raf t publialcdji e wale tr-' • ttire,4 ri el tia I n h• Su. las,llVardrabes,Cen tre arid other Tables,llres! sing and Plain'Dureaus„and. every,VSiittty, . _ . „Cabittet , 4vare-and:Clidirs; -- which, they have Just dpeped dt their:Pow!, rooms„ on on the bdrocr of Nottli s llanover,and• Loather 'Streets, Carlielih, They arc confident that the superior finish of the workmanship, apd clegance.of style, in • which their articles are got up, together with their,CIIEAPNtS.!, will recommend them' to ovorypersott wanting-Furnituic. -,They.-havo also made nrrangementa for manufacturing and keeping a ' constnnt Supply, of every artielo in their line, both Plain and ornamental, elognnt -and-usefulrai-prites-Whitlrthey - eanuatilitliir suit pitreliasces:' They •viriaild earnest!) , invite persons who are about to'commencaliouseiceep ing to 'call and 'exninind their preeen,t elegant stock, to which they ivill tonstanify dttione of the hawestaWd•most modern - 41bl: dOI'FINS made by-bract at the shortest no tice, for 'town a nd 'country. • • April 21, 1897. NEW AND. CHEAP . 1 Fainitil Oroeerff (...) ----. • ' subscriber takes th i s method 'Win i orm sit f inside; nail the'ptiblit in keneral that:tie Tii, lias just. opened intim house lately Occupied by - 1)r-John - Armstroug and - three doors dast,Vl - .I & 1) Rhoads' IV.arelinuse. a large and general-as-- sortment of Family Groceries, such as Teas _Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Chocolate and Spices o evely.d isoription. „Also, a large And well seleel. „QUE:E . Jr STIVIRE, IVillow-ware; Itrushes, Wickets', Sze. &e. To becco of every descriptiOn, from the common smoking tobseco, up to Woodword's best hooey Dew cayendish. The ;milli° 111 V respectfully invited to call and examine his stock befored flying elsewhere, as he -flatters-1i Mtge' hi hat-Ite-ci tlail-to-pleatartlmM hoth in price mid quality. N. friends from the country w'll it to their advantage to give hint a call ; the store is conveniently sittiatmCjtist a few steps from Mr Rhoads' tavern. .0 .10 - S- D. lIALIIERT—, ..Carliale,Jutic 2,11847, • ! !W! rin d - - d (*tap _ HARDWARE STORE,,, Main street,one door west of' Martin's Hotel. THE' subscribers have just received and are now °petting a large stock of fresh goods, which in .aiddition to their former stock, makes their assortment larger and better than can be found elsewhere. heir ttotik comprises atoll assortm't of build ing material of every description and style, with a large assortment of Tools for all kinds of Ste chanics, which have been selected with great care and sire the lowest rates. Also a lidl goods .for Carriage - Builders and Saddlers, such as Worsted Damask and Raithietts.Curtain Cloth, Oil Cloth, wide and narl'ow Laces, Fringes, Tassels, Tufts, Patent Leather,. Lamps, Electric Springs, Lon Axles, Silver and limas .Plate Carrisige..Bands; Japan, Brass and Silver Plate Mounting, lividle Bits, Stirrups, Buekles,.lilitiners of all kinds, Buck.. skins, II og-skinti and all description of goods in,. the SADDLERY-LINK. . . Wailers andlTraysi Candlestiels ; Brass A ntlii•orist Shovers and Tongs Knives and Forks .of every style . Fancy and common Bel lows; - Butcher-and-Carving Knives, Steels; • Pen and - Pocket Knives of. every stfle,, Tab te - and Tea - Spootin ; English and American Hollowri re; Sad Irons, ass Kettles ku. &c. flay and Matitire• Forks; Wagon Hanters,Shovels and Spades ; Trac, Halter and Cow Chains Cdc. • Also just received, lla !hind and Hoop IRON; ' Rossini, und,American She I r oil ; Cast,Shear, Blister and - SliTifig, Stud 3 Tin Plato Zinc; Speiser, Lellli ; Dttpont's and .Itilitisou's Blasting Powdery • Dupont's Rifle Powder, Shot; . NYetherill's Pure Ground ;White Lead; . Linseed Oil; Cops!, Coach, Japan and 1 .ca titer Varnish ; Window Glass of all sizes; Putty, Turpentine, Re, Cedar-war; of all kinds, tee. Sze. 'They have also for sale Harvey's Patent Spiral Straw Cutters, which are considered the hest now in use for cutting hay. straw or corn stplks. WRIGHT & SAXTON. September 41. 1647 HARDWARE- AND PAINT: NO UUMDUG! I , lllllErettention of the public is respectfully invited to a NEW. AND. SFLENDII) STOOK OF • Hardware s, which [have just received from the City, and which I am determined to 801 l at the LOW— EST .1 RICES I do nut pretond that I Import any 'Goods myself,•but buy: them in,the.City,all for CASH, and of course got thorn at the lowest ratea.— Thopublie i, therolore :invited to' become• acquainted with , . priCesiiind tlion cull on ma, and it .1 do not sell bolter goods as low andh' little loWer than the Importers, 1 shall not rink, thorn I will iStrlijoin the prices feW . ' Ono .hundred, Kegs . Nails at 84,50 per 1411':::600,..itindred,Kriglilrits Lead, 10 per Keg,oft46 1 7 2-. ,tot cents-per 114-and .all othar goodsAt Ty . Call andseo.- - at hal Old 'st;iiidln . llrinoverrStrOot,'Sign of the Bit Mil . -Sow: J x t]llN P. YN E, Carlisle, Aplll - 1;1'1341: • bf tlie - abovb. vat9Able bbibfisti Ja b g of • • reotomtit .?0 • Sunative Pills • ;•—; daleami , Received and for sale by ELLIOTT. ,f• • s -Aitentldis 310 r,i/i4ll. ••••;•Sidt 200 !Eons Pikater; , 'soo Sgoke-G:A. , Salti - q' 50' Siaki'Aelittiti 100 ti, ..t;Dioy ; 1.4 Fi j i..Bo 6 'lo . lle'rees l itopcp'l . tlMl' 4 ; .; 113 riftt'' ; 1110 t, •;.1 ":, ~? I Kege,Alltypiee, - ;„ *.,1 • Pcpppr . • . , 111.1.11111111.44 tit. Miquil d n '—iscr. „ , • lAA: - •• I TE:), .. i , .2q0,' bbb, 'X%O. A.P;A:94414 . 00 . Y 0 11;iull ' .: . - f .6lo„;bw.o:sf44sllSli.pdigo* , ,zii-I* l oil 6/. !: . iiilrhalebbyqamydqud:4;:Ni7:l.t..f, ,13 v f qt s .‘°-....... gair—asia-waimpr ',,...-..,.„ 4 I '---- 51to oaf { • o di '"" Asa AmtNarligYo o.iiigrin iv id GAP% otiKVairatilltMoi o oll4olgoitirxr. ,mingillre,Mn POWnI 4IOII PY, lvAlitt*Vn"'l' - -,-/ :'p , i 1 , 7 1 ; , •,-,.-e, , ,v; s,, , A, , 7 'i.: ~'~~ rX, u.'7 ~`~; r ~~,'. . •• • ..... . ~.... HErmitßatp!. 05, 1LEt3t , ..0 , i ,, 13, 1 •: `•- „:terc.',l.:' •:.'' ' "'7OY - Pl ~ : t.`Y4l- t Vz'.ol,4f. l U NTER..IqAt -- 6/ External, perifintienili:eilittdi by Dr: UPOIVI'S VEGETARLE ELECJ. ' 'AR,Y, ancjiminsaiPdealkiitlivhiehtilliread. according triAirbalkins, a .etrae, gettptaa tatiqua t ut (filme d... ! -•• ,t, ~1 . (r...•••• Aet, of ItaFxer,;:,,:rna ar.ereesM '''.iSiritivoloccors7rni - DISRASE.^A;CQPIITIOC con sequence of'filia affection,is tikind'ef - janqinittiti• or-bearing down as it is familihilyiealli ad; there ts - also a heat, tension and•thlobbing: in „rho part, vaiyingfirffli a moderate:digra itnthese, sensations to'ftlict , :fiboat excrutiatitigieitrffoting •;..-: Anse' nro catiiiiialy the , great flos7,efiblood 'to the parts. "Sehilefilines the inner coat ofitho bawd . protudes. at eiteey.:ovtreuetiivderifflng4wlraois, .itlfefflProlapatie r or-falling of 'fflo bowels; this is the effect of long'cominued irritation anti wank ness of that organ: fidatometleStances . fflorpatierAt experiences ncryous pains, Which are. milescrilet ,kle,,,,and known offly to the auflbror t ,yfflich.cont-,,i mence Immediately after en evacuation, and' can: tinucfrotn thirty minutes to severed bonnszfhese, sensations arc very annoying anirsdnietitikii3ort distressing. This (lipase, whartilf Jong centinut' • mice, is attended, by pain and %Neknoas in;:ilie' back, irritatirmOr, the kidneys 'tnid r bleidder:elfd 1 other organs in, the vicinity, pain end putudikai in _ thc. legs er:Vont, a sense of atraitnesi-butitic the chest, and unnatural fulness of tho abdominat; viscera, acconmenied,with palpitatjekcif fife hear! and opp,ressiort. 'lndividuate delnefitnria .OXperi, once, previoukto_un .attaet of midno , p r i v :, 'tome tlerfetiwgrect - tlerturgenrarn - M - Ae - mrceltW: tion ; there It3lt sense of weight 'atel - .Prdssuie,pi the abdomen, with a peculiar fecling'of . unman, 'noes in the bowels, constipation,or mine:tem, at.. tended with pain in the back and loitts.,,aansee,. and slight-paino.itt the.stornaolv.pide coined:l-I nice, confused settations in the headoveariness,.. and intmitableand diacoinentafflithtdof theiniiik' . and' a sense orfulnoss and oppression' hi the iqi , gion of thin ,stomach. - ';'Plie • cirnitlatiOn• ori''th,i, surface is feeble, and the OurinniOf blood 'deter:: mined inward and downwerd's.. - • ••-• -.. •. ' 'For all of the above diseases and' complaint. 4, Dr. UNIAIkI.'S VEGETABLE IiLECTTIARY cures ef fectually, and therefore prevents Piles. • - ' ,'• r • ' : READ THE TV,STIIVION - Y. ~„. , IleasoN, Dec. 11, VW,' Gsirs:Ll-fflivo-used-Dr.,-Dr.-VeirePildri , -fflle-ElecittervAddeli-Iptarolitts - oil-Of-Youi-and fiiid' it one of the 'best 'medicines in use for tiro Piles, and also for bilious afibctions, arising-item. an impure state of the system. Yours,. km. z - E. A. COLE, Marble Dealer: ' ( U. S. MAESUAI:S CIFFICE.•N. Y. • Dec. 6, 1847.. , 3. • ," . , .-. Messrs. Wyatt 'S . :. Ketcham—Gentlemen, uri= demanding that you are the general news-for the sale of Dr. Upham,s Vegetacla•Bloctudry,fou the cure of Piles, I have deemed n.niy J intir'!o. solemner a 'reccuumendatioolialf-of-that-in— valuable medicine; ...I have been afflicted for- ma ny_years withlPilea, - ated have tried Iftfri - ott rota: - dies, but with , . no beneficial effects—indeed, I began to consider my case utterly hopeless. But about the first of September last, 1 was prevailed upon by a friendAo mtike a trial 'of the above. - .1 1 4.Med medicine.. ..I.took_hisadvicounctrennee•to:. say that I am not only relieved, Mikes I . believe, perfectly cured. I moat earnestly recommend it to all. who may-have the-misforturtem-bo-offlittod with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, ' ELY MOORE. REMARKABLE. CURE or PILES !—TIITRTY YEARS STANDING !i . . Mount Wdshingten, Berkshire co, Mass. Noveniber 29, 19 , 17. S Messrs. Wyatt Sp Ketcham—Gents: For thirty years 1 have been afflicted with l'iles, general debility and ,inflammation, causing tumors and prolapsus of the bowels, and which had resisted all the medical treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers could give. The last three years of that time - triy., sufferings defy description. tI was 'confined. to bed, unable to help myself, and at lest given up by my physician and friends'inlespair of ever gaining health: in fact. for three 'days before - I Commenced using Dr. Uplinm's Eelectuary, I was entirely speechless and ay. burial clothes were ninde: But nutlet Providence, and the use of Dr. Upham's Electuary, though Aan OLD MAN, I have the pleasure of stating the fact to the pub, lie that my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it is God's will, to make know& the virtues of Dr. Upltatn's Electuary, and to re " Commend it to my afflicted fellow-creatures.- - It helped mo beyond the expectations of ill that know my case, and I can only say to others that it ts,tm toy. opinion; the best meiiiciho in the world for Piles, or tiny other.disease of the bowels; audit they will use it according to the directions, I will myself. warrant a cure in every case. Yours, %vial the utmost expression of t nank fu [miss, CL) II NEI,I US SPUR. Btframont, 13erks co, Mass. November 29,18 , 17.- S pl'he above certificate tells a simple end truth lot story of stdkring and relief, of which, as phy sician and witness in the case, I cheerfully en dome. DR. CHAPAIAN. NOTICE—The genuine Upham's Electuary has his written signature, thus (Irr A. Upham, AI. I).) The hand is alone done with a pen.— Price $1 n box. in • Sold wholesale and retail by WYATT & KETCHAM., 111 Fulton street, N, Y., and by Druggists generally throughout the United States and Canada. II (LIT' S !Is now universally neknowletled•te be the INFALLIBLE RE'MEDY For R licumatisua, Spinal Affections, Contractions of the Muscles, Sore Throat and Quinsy, Is: sues, Old.-Ulcers, Pains in the Back and 'Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face, Tooth-ache,. Sprains, Bruises,. - Salt Rlietuif, Buiris; Crouii, • Frosted Feet, and all Nervous Diseases. HUNT'H. . . S LINIINIENI' is sustaining n notori ety =equalled, by . any . similar remedy. It requires no purling it.givc it n reputation, tt has been for Boma time silently and surely securing it, and now, when its beneficial effects have been. experienced b y . so, many, the expressions of grad rude are continuelly appearing, and .those who have been made whole by its means ore desirous that the alpicied should no longer. remain igno rant of its Invaluable and infallible efficacy.::; • - Mr. Geo. I.l l ,§tonins. the Proprietor; Is: con stantly receiving insiimonials of benefits received from its use, and many of the cures it has effected almost exceed.bilief. In one case a child had been a cripple Tor- ' eight years; having wrenched the spine, when-at the age of two years, by a fall from a chair. R aiment trefitmen failed, but four bottles of tho restored him to strength, and ho now- . ins. with his playmates in their loothful.gannbolsias robust as the healthiest of rintfoilly n small hump on his back to re mind him of his early sufferings..7PAce 25 ecrop per bottle. ' M=MM BEI • Thei*, urk.s- STANTONiS2TXPILLARY OINTMENT. 177 acknowledged to lie, theAriost,vatatibleirerrie dy ihat has'yot been discovered, and irfa,rbafre:.: .fiedon with confidence by all who. may -have oc casion for its use in cases of Mnba Fayza, 'Acme IN TILE Bnensr, BORE N lents, &c. This Ointment is particularly intended Kir those. ,complaints that Mathew aro during the 'ndismg of inftints, mid may be truly called "The Nersers 'Friend. Price 25 ets., y:ltprirsk:t . •z G. E. STANTON,. Proprietor, 'Sind . 6ing, New. York. Sold by , Di. J. Myers and C'hae. Barnitz; Carlisle. — ' • `Edward Scull, Shipponsburg • - Donaldson & Green, .Pithustown . . (..A..vCittlfeart; Shcr.hoidstowrf "'`Gi'W-.-I,feinger, Chun:Mown ' J. & J.•Riegel,. Mechanicsburg, • ' ll.Bitner,Shiromanstown • "-- 171 r--- - , tv:.:l7-:•-,-.-1,, , , 1 1 1. ~ . .t 1 11 „,,, J1 14,t , ' ' l, , 1, I I ' 4 ill I r iMI:04110 4 1J 1 li di ' te,,‘ls 1 \ tip ', ' " •••••1-kr r'' _,..„...... _ '.' •' ‘ oe .. .,i - il - - kit y\. i) P i la , i e ,i,,,, ; „..., ..:., 0 c;',lls.oll' , .,6ri:titt , At)? ei, VA 1 ~, d :i 6 • ,111 , 1 4 pt. •,‘''.• l k- . • 4'''''' 'll IltrasNANßlClPPBoloo l rritrto . sTauPv6ll/ 0 iiii_p t if yd leillUmuagnteriarrigiNat r l to 1ii...,y rat 'IT ii/Ald lINOVIEReihFidtpgION 11 drOnlio/141011; ! with aitriaPAllioneiljormsocirrisidinttOhe I,4l,loelintisoppAsolvia *OhOtillgitiftktipkaick , . . • , dio r.tolAp,,•l*l9Plui!' Prilllti ( mh;•4l 9 ,Pitderca MOHO itheaVirjboVitioVartmilbtrgglefvfieuto g Ift 1 iii , ter:lo,:Nii!i4uoliw • • .444, tit4t ,gsio is roiled ow !e(ffitfoldif , '#abilsoa dlo `4llllPAOMlONOlitiriliciii ik4O itiV(3,o O - liiioni lel ineritif alio& ' ot ipi, , .2, t f iscild,by,'P;',..ErotT. I:llMillisiie t ;'-', , '•-' -:), '''' ' 1 , AStiiMill'. 2 P47; • V.:'''',,', ' ' ' , : •''''' ' ? • .. i. l 'I, '' ;•-•. ,:„ • .:.' • "..` ,'• ' :tDc}es BA3II I EI, ELLIOTT, Agent for Carlisle. .lanunrw 5, 18.1.3—)y Stanton's External Remedy, CALLED J. Cleiaraiosburg'•• • • Jaipas Cylo, Jackaonvilla'r jan ]3.]848:!` MIMI , . 1 d , 4.;-(Crs 4.111 *OW - 411i). - 1 . 3.01110:4 V,Y . 1..7...."i"+Z0.?.?,6111.6;n71qt 1,.-MpttlrPtierigrlitaP):4lo.lol2,sll34ainitil tiikitth i llel4lll 4. • rintVi"ni?ftadtitillsi4+d'irt., tat di c tittl• th4i public generally. that he still coritinune tot , ,PArigfaei.tire and Bell thogenuine.A - IfterlGHT.' STOirt L iv,ith tho latest improvgnente. - After. .MAnY...-Xce,re.fxPekifnFcriP;She , fnapirfocture theed.sto'oooo - l ooibleil , ;le,eifimtir cuetomere the suitable for_dinin g rewire 6; He , h gig which makes aiMlondid and economical parlor,l ptpvcslo, wArelt ho. Would 'call thO partioular.' usejlkurticlo„fm.,their ,parlore ...EllaFrlrf aif6VittiOtit 'of Coill,l'ia•ior Ind Cookriigel ivo e:. l ull ermine - it he wilLeell at the lOweet oath prj• ccre. 'the public would dO well to mill before pure gidoWilere- :14 " T.-would ' caution the pears 614. Air Tight f,'Stoi/cor, mode - 2by; molt stove ma , -..reiqin Ither do , iMl antwer the',Purpospintended..l, '....5e - ptembrif 29, 1,84,7. L '4,Setitre thz:stwfloT.,e're tto sukstance:ibde.7' , . . nouinsLeeigloted. - V,Y.StV4IGHT DAGUE RREOTYPES ' ! SKY- LIGHT. Tatwo SILVER - MEDALS awarded at - tho • Fairs of the Franklin an and Amorican'ln:' eii , fcir the best and.most artistiCal.siPmel inena,uf fiagtterre,,portrails . i„ 1_ yThe'reCent iinprovement made ;by. the seh: ear ini , r;sl end which is. !fail, to 'their 'mita b: lialintent Shiite,' viz; AN UPPER LIG HT; reeeiVed the highes t i4eorninentititieris..fiem the press, and also written testimonials from the first' Artists in the country, as to its great sOperiority over the, usual side ljght.: .The pectiliar advantage of airs light Is that the, 'natural - exprosaion of the eye can be 'obtained' inoriapertectlythan heretofore; • 'Citlie.hintLatrangerSLore reSpootiblir-tn vited, whether desiring portraits or not. to 'yielit our sp.acions galleries, probably the largr eSt'llnd most extensive in thm.United States, ond ,exarnine•Tor themselves the astonishing rrniiiiivOmonts Midi) by the subscribprifin this Wojiderrnl, art. T..P. & D. C. COLLINS, Prop~~ciore of ill%) City Dagoerroian Establish: irottitcNo.',.loo Chesnut st., .? doors below • south aide. opteßa.b . c . r . W,)B4,7 Hovel . % Firiat Rate ..Premlum • WRITING INK • Silver Aleilaljust awarded likthe-Americatiqh, itilote; Nab York, (1847.) _ . DR following testimonyfroni dieitnguieh- T edspeiki . UMW/MUTE OF rE/I/INTLVAIII•ft, Phi 0847. Having tried, for some time, the Bled: - Ink Manufactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we have found it well suited for imuntscript, by its Nth ning freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its shade also we are well plensed with. \V E HORNER ,711 Dean of th Fatuity and PI of. of Anatomy, JOHN LUDLOW; Provost - • SAM'Is B "WYLIE, Vici-Prevos HENRY REED; SecratarY of the ' - Faculty of Arts -- • ROSWELL PA It RE. Prof. of Nal. Philosophy and Chemistry ' W \V GE It HAR D. Lecturer in the Medical Department PENRLYVANIA M EDICAL CULLED E • We fully Soocur,in the above, EAM 'L. GEO'. MORTON, M I), •• 7 • Dean of the Faculty I.:ENTitat 111011 SCHOOL, Pin LADELPII A.D BACHE, Principal MCMURTRIE, :A - El, Pro Anatomy -A PtEll ted...q - PI IA Co, Put LADELPIIIII. FII.ED'E. FRALEY, Secretary deasslst r llduse: IP.IIILDDE mum J - 1) OEORGE,Ik p, Naval Officer • - HOART'ADAMANTINE - CEMENT I A.Syperiartthiele, Warranted. " For Sale, Wholesale and Retail, at the Mat.ti at ory; No. 87, North' Third street, opposite harry street, Philadelphia, by JOSP.:PFI E IR/VEIL Manufacturer Philadelphia Nov 17, 184,7 IMPROVED WIRE MANUFACTORY. Siere,Aititile, Screen and \Vire Cloth Manntbe tory, No. 48. North Front street, between Market and Arch streets, Philatra. MOE subscriberi having made grail improve meats in the above business,are now manu facturing of a superior quail ty,al kinds of PLAIN ' and ORNAMENTA L WIRE WORK, such as Sieves, Riddles, Screnes&c, for all kinds of grai n, seeds, Sand, ore, snuff, starch, brickilust &c. Founders! Sieves of R superior lushly constantly on hand. leo Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers &c, ORXAMENTAI. IV RE WORN, such as Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering, Nowak . Stands, Trainers, Trel Ii s work for Grape Vines; •btc. Also IVire'rencing .or every description. o:yOrilers thankfully received and promptly executed, by ' WATSON Ed' COX. SeptemberW..lB47. ' • • Cheap Watches and Jewelry. . oi,'„ ' '3 . - AT thd.Philadelphia Watch ...tilk) \ and Jewslry Sumo, 96 North • .7 :: Second St.; corner oFQuarry ik..l 0 ,f.t.,-' , .•.. • :‘,,, ' ellad,,lB Carat caeca* ,Vl5 frO ''...ti:Ci - .C.•;; . (i.iir Silver Lover Watch CR . . i • ••• ' till jewelled , ,;.: ~:.. .. ‘ • ' 2 3,. 1 D Sjlier-Levcr. VtratChea seven jewels 19, , 60 , Superior : Quarter Watchea „., ;.. ' ,; 10 00 Imitation' Oar ter. Watcher! n o t w thented .500 , Gold SpWetaelos . . , , .1. . 800 Fine Saver Siviete'eler • ..." 1, 75 Gold erneeleti , With ‘ 350 Lndiei'dold" bdrraiv,;:' : 2:00 'Gold • Itirina•37l'Onii ta $t":!; 6ilisibal)kairiYl/ ;4kl,n,tp,tif!%i'Lunot ~00,4da ,wpr. raided do, bet what they.are sold ,lov.; , A lir cOlgrtA:D. Oni hind porno guild , and Silvor,Lovcre,,LO pines and - qoartiera lower than the above pripetk Fob. 3,1847. • DI t f /40041k .8 4;RISP(IIN.i". Itt*llto. 2 ;#. . 0 7g '1 04IP9X t ql, ' i 4 . 4 - t.b; ;feel; the • ' 'Eseliang.t • PhilatielPhia. •ppI:SPE militias/Cc to their .friends rind tli public that' they are constantly pre pared to' maim to order of the ripest and 'best 'ntaterlaiactind' iiricesi-AVery ;article of :Fashionable, Clothing, constituting a Ibr which'their complete stuck of choicd and earefulct , selected Cloths, Petal. pterchAr,CatinOtA.4; , ,4tAinfitteAt iptchtapat, t deai ruble patterns, aro particularly designed. • "'heir own mantleal knowledge of theltusiness srii'ersUnufattentiop toAcery,gityr,sent, enabls them. o give entire. satisfaction, and ,to both old. and new customers they, respectrolly 'twitter an invitation to glite them - a call. • • . Having been tine yearn connected With somg bf tltpi iiiihicinable.eataldlaltmenie flit; country; employing iionit hist iirat.rido . tuebotntkbeiurittitic: , colistint;Teiseipt.ofSholla .testu ca oh ; stud ';.liett attylea;l;Ott?tlier *Fe 11.111Y,preparniiii.0 atiocimmodahr.Citsto ra (the' heittritintiOnv;ii•di phlladelpld;• Auguit4Bpitit' • (intim _ , iletiVOingliW§Ait§la k littt'Ul. 4 lll3 - - , iiittito - iCiiii* e4tensi,vialy lictiby phi -1 411in 64 others foi , the retiriorta and ' , ulna nvn t . mire' Al seaser Plitifilgr`Ordith• imp .ti gra glade iii 1130, brii! :Ilgiol 0 t or, 00, :Yid ern:l.i tA it;a puerile() by the manuritiftrieltayillbeseifteoliffelethith.itit Trlllo,r4o44,:o:tpeNput ..kio . extml. 0 ti,d cab ; Yg i n!!!:4 l ork ( ii i l) e .q.'•,,t', o l . 4s. l _ ,, , :tk : 0,5 , i-,l4tit i :\;!i -11i4**e446, , \,4 1..- -,iai:kt"i4o.'"'":'•l,'':''.,!!,,Yl:PlT,,,;l:fit....4 z, ;„ nc " ajiir at tsrp,t, sp',4!Dlo,n!sm Orr t‘ urii<ll r! uars **lei ov;•? •niq TItIO) I3 XPHE.- , -The 1 1 181 4cl u lPTilv° l uert 01 ' 11 1, 1 ° °'l!!!rAt 4 l, lll4l rDYct • rie meadt,trei . 4 ; ‘, WM i. liba 4__ s ' - ' ' fi ly,„-- 4 -• .„ -- 2 --, 1 1 • ti .•:_itg'' mat o pt Dr.' Bat! I', S ' p n 7 ment t:; 7 A I3,II OO9rOVINDMIE '' ';,:.` ' ' roThis most valtiablogiii6edintieiikaiheg ..: hoed with wonderful success in the cure .4 nonitY7'ertliVindift ( tVoilblitiitiinViliiidtiee-with ' biolithie:',horsli t itiaffeo f ted4.(wlthhurslastiorwg 4 itte z4a!s)auCli,l.K.tritAlikddrphs;iswidiliiigs, feitr- A , 9 ko,9,( ! ltit f , : gall a p tl rdti s ad t hytho c othinptl e kiddie , strinkit. isCtliel ,riliphyder,s, atille„ . .,lNClrs i iiiiiirli . ti \t lo6ffiil 191 kg; #1.1411160 'lke Whirl. diimo i slkfisooluiPletidlik, iblit....iiiii,r c liildritel . cUrtni, splintga pavin,'w indgidlis; ptifts i - dt,d. , I •;, I • t i 4, 4 1 Y,erY.; 1 0 0 n , Ougcti :old 04 , froshrvgailda;b4ttY ',br.uianfli.¢stilc.a, peg. qvil, chrhs4 pler t iarid 0.1.1,0 p. nitrintfeliefin - -the seriddhiteigyenile .- "Wiltd, the diseases incident to 'horboa` lidank idi e -1 !het and noses produced by St John's . Wst, 'which so o ft en desttoyii the hoofs and bones of the foot, and.resista , th,o tictisitccif siulph:ui: and vitriol 'ohittriciittc'elid - Othei idiadies' eitially powerful. - -- . . No application has heretofve ,pyoyed ao !tactful_ ntrelaying stiffest's of lhottendoiikalid - joints; and producing. such immediate and beneficial effects cracked bode, brought on by high feeding! splints and Ottani. This Embizertienis high recommended to. - farriers T kOperaini tiyory stables, .wagoriere, stage proPT,i4 l o l , and private:gentlemen' own ing horsesi:Tair an — invaluable renieHy~; and 'should be const4ntly kept in their stables.. Also, farmers, whose boriesare-soliable to kickscute ' , end wounds, will , find it •equally ' advantageous to keep it constantly on.hand.-- ft is equally beneficial in. the treatment of working cattle, for galls, sore necks, cuts wounds', etc. ; , • .• Vcir sale in Carlisle by Dr. JOHN MY—, ERS, Solo Aient.•' •Ju1y.21.0847. • - • To the Citizens Of, Cumberland Co. ' Thai. zs something more precious than. • . • .nriumin,simsomeiliseases ain't visit e& at sta: 1 tad sensors of the year, and width not upfre-• quently become alarmingly fatal, iluniig• the aim, mei• and autumn months; especially the young; there being less than seventy thousand'tlying annually wltht . derangemenls of the stomach and bowels a fone. Does not every-feeling of our nag tore becomeeplisted in the human desire to 10- sen this frightful mm tality, arc we not bound by every-principle rPreligion to' administer: when in our lower; and we discharge our lusty. w ten we point out t ie greatest remedy ever-yet. discovered, for this purposeito the publit. If there he one; or if they have a friend, or a or, a neighbor, who may climate to readthis no tice, that is suflering with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera Merlins, Summea-Complaints, Colic, Flatulency, &c.;&o„-then-let•them , try'Dm Keel • Cordial and Carminative, and we guarantee' a speedy cure. Neffil let;--Deftll7l-846T Dr.Keeler'--Sometime last summer your agent left me some of your Infant cordial and Certain alive, urging 'me to try it. It so happened that I bad n CSISC,kI young child a bent - Six Monti - Wail; whose stomach 81111 botiilds were is a very disor dered condition, caused by a deficiency of its mother's milk. 'tile child was a mere skeleton, there WAS much.tormina, tenesmus and constant evacuations. 1 administered every medicine I could think of, wlthlilit aslight alleviaticin of the complaint. 1. then thought of giving your metll cir•e a trial commencing with small (loses. - soon however perceived the child could bear __l fall - dose as recommended ioilinTaiims.; before it had taken India bottle, the stomach and bowr els had recovered their natural tone, every othe bad symptom Sielded, ai n O the child rapidly re covered. 1 have no hesitation in sWnglilvitlektrifiedi chic LheAery,bett for the above complaints I have administered in a 21 years' practice. . Very relmectfully r your 11. B. BOWMAN', M. 11. . Prepm ,;1 .:.0; tier of - 3d and South streets, Phil ntlelphitt. For sale wholesaleand retail by Ssm oat. IP.t.tor, Carlisle.; Dr. McPherson, -Dorris. :botiTrand by Druggists and Merchants through out the county. . I July :11,1847.-111u. - OARLEGAN'S OMANI OF HEALTH.' An Appotfed Remedy of Dispe i nia, Colics c two „rocs° - •t his medi: bo rccorniti deil to tho public, „ . . —on is, hat most 'persona Who have so ignt it buy Regain, thereby showing that they-re gard it as n valualds Fancily medicine"; the other is that certificates aro in the possession °foie Proprietor of permanent cures having bean effected not only in persons afflicted fora short time, but also in cases of long Standing It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter. is perfectly - harmless, can be taken at all times; and is no hindrance to business. It restores and revives the abimalsplrits, cleanses the stomach from all niorbid humors which cause indigestion and acidities. It also re moves nervous tremors, rhumatic pains, and prevents their return ; cures all,l cones of the stomachs andhowels,ohnost immediately takes away palpitation of the heart, and proinotes, the free circulation of the blood. The direction accompanying each bAtio contains a ifflinber of certificates one of which is given in this advertisement. • DEAR Sin :—abnut two years ago I was tic 'Vesely; afflicted with ~.ispepsin, which I had for the last fifteen . years previous to the above named time, which was' Very Mach Increased ,by my having a blend vessel ruptured upon my lunge, occasioned by lifting—which increased my complaint. dispipsia and general debiliif and woolillbss, to such a decree, that two or three years previous to my usiu.g rho Garle• gant's fialeam,,,, I never, ate •a meal but toy stomach 'Meanie , so Painful the t I had itninedi. -ately to throw it up. Seeingllarlegant's Bal sam advertised I was induced to-.try, a bottle; after taken the very first dose it appoor6l strengthen my stomach; end every dose of:thci,. first bottle ifelp,Od mo so much that in the course of a few days,.iny .rtomaeli,-,began-,, to retain and digest everythiug/I ate., J wetland: to Use the Bulsam—until I used several bottles, wide!: cured mo entirolyqincl ,rcelored nip to, perfect health, which I have eirjWyeiFever .und netborde for fi ft een years. 1 cheerfully "oemmend it to all porsonrwho are sictedfll with dispepsidlnyfilbility firstairilaeln ;:j HENRI( LOTTIIAN, Fred'ic Co. Va. Prepared ftild_by tha Propriotor, JOHN S. MlLLEE4olipositetki , llarkct llnnge, ProiL crick, Mil. kfid SAMUEL nliL)OTTailici. itgccl. for Cnrlielu.• MariAl 10, 184°Y.7 • • WO R.NKERP.:itas just rcccived in addition; R. to It ialOinier H tooli f ,a,large:itseortment of DRUGSe,AND .141,tD1CINEEI: warranted. pure and frealtonong which , ere all ..the re cut pcipulae. ptleparallona : ettlifi 'Prolet#ion;' %Melt he Nylllieel) establishments UL of PlAilddalpiiii;; . „:„ • acj• Phyor9liiitsgreroiribeiod . toexartilOn:for i , • fitly 7,'11,.."6 . • • • - 14 suregloß BV:4lloirtth4t 46r Appeptice and Were. ' tr,4.30? 0 I.l.W.P, , ,renerind Ikt Dr,Ayere..orog Storo, a , cholco article of,Black And.dy411400647' - 411691diiiii X~ooiig ' eons' Gunpo'wdo,rr p and.ligporjul.' r JulY 29,,,}8 . 4 • • • 040.1arg• apd•TiMblpre; • T raa9lsFcr a large.aelanapitubfilriwi cadlikiss,larS',l'uni,blpre, edittible for.tholircecirvinceeiukTi: Firi - sile ti " Te•ariatrie.2lliVia July 48,1847. Mow ettopt,.• •;• • • • 0041. 1. 1 6 fr / ffik. ; T wa • TO ." .1' • stOola b • 45114 • WilgolirarrAL 7.„ n ik91,01,. al-4000.40 , 131turnitious COCIIj.' for'44lo by.... ' • • '•,' e .."' FUNK fivitsbni ."'Alititi 9 1847..tq. 0117,ka4 .. , ' . 4l3l . 4.::" l l,' . i . ii i i •i;:''' - . ~ • ,• , •. , , .. NollitE , Arrival of f"--eirli r g°° 44 -41t.tli t NEWitt - nditt 3 KAP'o .ll :l4NlrilWeßUMPn ar;rao,c, 411 . 41I'ValitLawne,' o...l6,lll4,m r ij d 4; 6 4 a g il tl i g h tn, ir l .LO.Joe,..fitglid 1De,:, ,, 44_-..un,b odziL ti3soitt,ftirfl pa' I* . t '1 28:Ch oo IS Nil gry - No4 goo ,a Iva •B, g• , ~.. •" .. •.-,.., ;.•• • • ,;.: I ? .t v i° ; (4r° ,:.°'?,, 1-4:s#•;ll4l°'3lo'*feAr.Pltif4, 4 ~.., .- .t.,,, 1i i.i, 7 . 9ii i rf i i ; Ai.", ~ , ~. - ,-0, ..., UM j i t i itta ltilittliftilhitifADlOAßTEßS , '• Cith t ran i- ign - withitie closing your, ' 1 " rn all•with a,spulp,te,none,witlf at arr. f eareTrifinitlio 4 `iF gldd6oii lilt heartikiheit'irditenitieay. 4111 HE subecribei tak'tni thlis metbod;of in .friends.and.rtheQpublic in gorro), 94. 40 8 . eiPPlagt.tliunnEV° ll4l4 1; 5 - rilvOY., B . 0 0 or.p every, i vit`rict 2.114101 for. quaht.f.cenri4t h'esnrPassed 146iitY Thiiiiefaelreil ;in A tliErStat)which 'he 14 Alir , wil , Whrilos !ft cit4Retail2'aththe OLD 1 31 • AlgPt$ in Northillatioitor.strest,,*hgre ho AlsoAcepsporsiguptillTAand NI/TBofthe latest importation, winch will be Sold' 'at the lowest pricey for cash. His stock consists in part the following: orategeir,;,Limans, Gra:ett, .. Citron, Dates, Figs, Cocoa nuts, Cream nuts, Pea nuts. Pecan , nuts, Almonlis._.e,nglish_Wel.. nuts, Filkerie„&c. &c. &o. Hi - wettlitalso call - the attention - of the pulp , lie to his stock of Pancy.Arrioles, suitable for the approaching Hollidays, consisttrig;ol ; , . . Toys,:Dolla I. Fancy Notions. hirefrrforficaut - k - and , . -- varietriarpaspa uuy Thitt of thii kind'everniferod tcrtho eittions 'above her ' • ;'". ':raili ' 49;‘. 3 r.CkOdeSt consisting sup.eitor. 'or:naked . and ~ .refined, , , LOAF SUGARS, and a good•quilitynf BrOwn : sugars; COFF.E,.front 8 A0..1.211)ts per potiqk a superior article' of Imperial, V,oung•lfysOn Itruk , Black. Malasies .'of kinds; Chocolate; - Cracker*, Cliccee t - MCC; Blackleg; Matches: ..Brushes,- &o, .FRFSH,..SPICES, eLt Cinnamon, Cloves;;Nuej . lard, Nutmegs, Ginger: . 4 supply ,rit, Indigo, (best quality) Alum, Starch,. Washing Soda, Sultpetro4c, trhich'will be sold at reasonable 'll Subseriber.returne his sincereAtinke to the public.for.Oe liberal patronage extended to him during,thatinwhis-bas bee.. in Ibnsitiese and hopes by attention At. • business and -a de, sire tuplease; to. merit a centinutince , cf the same. 'All orders 'frame distance promptly attended to. Carliale,Dee, 1,'1847. • :_FAIL- AND--WINTEIFVI . rwiEloE subseriberi.hailint received and is now opening at his store, - on: the South west ' corner 'of the Public Square, in unuatv• ally chealistpek,of staFonablespods, , such as Clofhs, , Cassimeiresi - Satlinetter - Flannels, Vestißgs, Alpacas, Silks, Bomba zines, Shawls, Muslins, Gloves, • — not A splendid stoctt-of CALICOES, at - prices varying from 61 to leg cents. Also, Graceriet of all kinds. Also, a fresh stock of the CELEBRATED FLUID LAIIIFS, which he has lately introduced, and Winch are found to be be all that have tried them, the most econurnical and desirable article in every !velment nnw in use, Also the Thu. Pela ta Com pa ia 3 0 6 Teas. Heinutimen_appornied rk-th is place for thesalc of the atiove Teas, to which he would invite the special attention of the loveta of good Teas.. The manner in which they are put up issueli,as that the flavour is preserved for any length of time, being incased in fend or tin foil. Families eon-be - supplied with any quantity put up in this Manner. The public re respectfully invited to call examine his stock. WOG .purohaei ng elsewhere inasmuch aa ho feels'canfident that his variety. and priceswill be satisfactory to purchasers. " ,ROBERT IRVINE, jr. Carlisle, October 6,1847, TIL L' 1111%, rHE subscriber has opened a handsome i stock of FALL and WINTER GOODS, to which ho wuuld• cull the attention of *lie citizens of Carlisle and the surrounding neighborhood. I will nut go to the trouble of enumerating articles—it would take up too much lime and runm—=l will only name a few of the lending articles: Cloths, Cassimers, Satiinclts, of all kinds and prices ; Velsdt,Satin and other Voatings; White and Red Flannel, liish Linen, Canton Flannel, Tickings, and Checks, Gentlemen's Gloves and silk Cravats, white Linen and silk Handkerchiefs, Muslins,Culicoes, Lincies, Plaid Goods of all kinds, for Ladies; such as. Cashmeres, .1 ala pa, Cale. dcina, Mans.. do Laines, - and and plaid Alpacas, Bombazines, Shells, Glove and Hoskins thr Ladies, Misses and Children; BunovisuiCaps for misses and children. Woolen• Scarfs in great variety ; Gum Shoes, a very handsonie article for !Adios; Gentlemen and" children's Caps, of all kinds, such no Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Spices, &c., After looking through the market, just an. char at the BEE HIVE, in North Hanover street, and for the CASH I will give you a good bargains as can be got in the State. S, A. COY LE. Carlisle, October 6,1847. Drugs; 4111"edicinfs. S\V. fIAVERTICK, having jiist opened i his SUPPLIES of GOODS' I.oesires .touall the- partioulat attention of - Easo Mei - and i rlaysieinns fri his rilifeni shed assoritn' of DRUGS and.NlEUClNFS,whichti . oee been purchased itt the Lest hous6iin ma be relied upon for freslaiess and excellence. Added to these will be found an entire stock of PAINTS, ~D yE.:STUFFS, ; Varnishes, Glass;l:c Stc.; all of which he will dionteu tv he, of the host qualikrood at the, very lowest Hw hap. t omtit: inany additions to, his stock of BOOKS, besides set:tiring a new suppiy of all the Text Books, IllistOriOs, lleutlm s, 14,Nacons, WO ! . 1ihK,130010.14V.7,00w to use in College and jut tic schools which be will dispose of on tensile , stilted tceslievircumUsances of . - his stack VA tNCV A IiTICI.ES exubrare, ridle.a'ail extbahlive.Oallection which it would be itanisib!e 'to rayparate but earn priOng aarclties.ailliell'catfnoefitil strika 'r the ayeatal .. the : thate;.finnit hi I.:adii,a null Gaptleriiblea, 'l:titiary;GOltl'atOl Pelts alai) Pencils; Bak TtiOtliatia Brushes, Perfainair or“ltau l Belles rich and extensire varlet les. Fancy Soap!, Slowing ~C.rrotn, . Card Cases, Pocket - Pistols, Poaket 14,56a5, &a: &a. 410,0 neme !elegant: .LARI) LA sitarta apt! 4loalit Captllei,Tl4het B,MtiiiattOitstrato,aot!i,ll9"acilirii.. lar, Children's Toyd,C,Or Atattf;,hut),,,pl..liar tita " - variety,,lina,,:aihichk . l. with uctiatta9t supply, at ftestio4pfeatibliary; "ef, the tielie,at.quality;.inake stai,) 403010 stock h tpl),!e;',(ingfk‘l ently nyjtes the ittiFnii o ititilstatieaage of ; hi it,town and, eptintry Ili:antis, at AtaniTiti NiKth:ttanor?r: 3 trect, - 040, the BpOC 6 S. l ,flll)ftcatitheallolo47, • • " • Ja•riva ;„ -r i --- „Thr, el,ived from: tieiti V •I!AIIiTA:P,POYIN'Aig•tiFttPX . irl'ieLiElS, 'froAe,lol.4tripaiii;b4fitt ) qatql/: sate qutl all,,*dtrantedltcltito,t'attilitrae ition, littitt'lityredtietiti4•''raliOAßd;Ofitipt't6 all who.3vill.faioithatn'tttlth' • ' AlitOpthi,4llo..oldjataptii apposite:: jlie • ittedillllo44: • - '.• ap (4181 1 l p )ti,iel Li ) RA laitptiferrill'erihnlery. 1 ' aralionif j "„,:ii ' 6 tad liiiinirtimutN%r"° Vi V r Pß + filly by' '• 1 ‘ - r - " , " i nriaie - i qictri fir+ , o n , ~ t e 4ht vilikili.V,rhlgloll6‘,,invoilidigetti'k!'wt•j." V 4 I -I r e ' Vr . - - tweio nkplit irylaving,i, ip, t t ia 0 , ft-% 16iAnklElemi!t011'irdiet"41111 fin V . ibih' • FIA4;-dind 1:01 . 41 1 ,Ped 1 1 V) 1, 0 61 11$ 111" I VP6 t i‘16 84 161 . 0ti , ' . r id 1,1/ na 'tMk • 9 , 8 1 tHett: a( , , + 1 )6{011;M:Deco li !IsfA,_, .. } 131acksk ;42tioticIptlielp 131 A ; 4 ',. 3 Pf?tili.7ttlu i 1 46;}'6;41i; , , EMI a~r_~v~ ----~- Groceries. MAT - TER SUPPLY OF . .;:iii'itf.t - PA'kt,tng.*i . ..; - '' 4 - ,''' .. : -- -' . . - .- '.....VEGETABLEANIVERSAL nriligtotililinciiyn. medial ne t the Pine rrlt;iUtile the .tysteitt.' ,, .l3i.:.'LeAtors' , Pill are it new: 4116110113 e - .hfchluia luit , appeared;:andAs , fitit takiniihn . places °Calk:others:ld . the , !inmeivitlasinruor hese pillsare compused of Manylingredients;:litirlthe.- O/d:Ohl - 61Pa Vail! Snrsaparilla and Wil d' Clierryi,lio.ainted.ilint they act together; the : one • threnOikti)ndridlititio With other substances, pu.;., the'othe'r "strength p;, - enmg 04f:4m:441'110f "those pills sire • at' the . istifee,liiic:.:tintic.iduli' opening ; a desideratuin longand digerlY•siinglit-for by medicatirietiOnit .naver.hcfOre disooyeeed. en other words - they do -the work of ttvo'ingolreill'esi'kindide.'s I dr,Melf .;bet , • tar than any' tiAlotittel4iiiiii skikb fur' they remote ocithingfrcdoitheiiiysteirilitik the limporjtiesi so that . nhpe'thcfporgeilicy . stiengthen.,- andhence thCy,caiise and, , ar e . iin-reactiniii.. l .te liars Pill's hare aliontler- • lit influence on. the, ood; ey.not otily,pur y , weakening' it,hut they • reino re •all nox Prthiltilfrom'the e •beforeir ponre .. . tied IhtiP."fitiid,tind thus Make . impure .blood , an utter iinp6ollnlity.': As Were so, tlie~e is:. no datiseaTiir attendink.the ciperatiorai cif thi mast . excellent- of, Medicines, which never strains or tortures the digaidie.fiine. • ,ifons;but eauBololem . te, , niperfectOon'at-' 'Orel manic tid)once-itoritonertaken4bein..;-do___ .nokhechnio,piilebnl entisciated,bit the contrary, furi,iikiile;lt:ps'lgd;propertyi,of the.:.Sarsaparilla, :OnittLii s .it to.reinore ; •is,,-equally,• the proppittilftY,e•Yiid,, r etain alktharia-. nattiralanirsoundt..iind : henee, a., robust- state of • 'health kethe4loiii resolkorthelC. unitedepera .!n ;Carlisle by. Pr; .1: .I.ltryeri, sole Xent, 7 aiiii.hy.,Kaby Mal Kissinger, in Kingstown. geicrd e box 25 eta. - • ' • . Capita I rot, et:10184r; WALLISTEV,SOII4IIAtiIL I r :ha's power.ta wan. ali external •SONES. SCROFULOUS• !Minors SKIN •.DISEXSES, ilP_OlSlANALlKAKOlLNDS:th_dischargtl_their-put-d_ trld matiers;and, then heals 4.. is rightly ,termad-All-healing f for Arre is ,stateeli-u-tlfseasexterital. o,lmm:4oW i will .1-have used It for the.lasurour teen years for all diseases of the chest; consiiMp und :liver, insulting the utmost danger. and responsibility, and I dech,re befdrelleasest and man, that not one single ease has it failed when efit when the . 'patient was within the reach of -tnortal-means.- — ..,lllave - InuephyS•iiiinns Warned inthe profession. limy° liad mnrsters•of the Gospeldedges of the beinthi Aldermen, wyers.• gentlemen of the highest, erudition, and multitudes of the poor use it in every• variety of way aitththere has been but one univeusal S. Mc- Allister, your Ointment is•GOOI).t' • - CONS lUM PT10N.,..h. can hardly be credited that a 'mil ye can have any effect. upon the lungs seated us" they are, within the ..a.) stem. But, if -pliteed-upon-the-chearOrpriceteliCeli tirthe Tuligs ailparstes the poisonous particles that are consu ming thein g intil expels them from the ay It is curing persons of Consumption continually. HEADACHE.•—'IIte salve has cured persons of the headache of. 12_year's standing. and who had it rzgular ever) week no that vomiting often took place. . .Dearness and-Ear Ache are helped with - like SOCCREI. RHEUMATISM:removes almost' linme- . diately the inflaniaticiscatud,...sw-elliiig -when the, pain ceases:" 'Read the ilirectloicaround the boxs i_XPLD_LEBV,..K..,-_-Consumption, Liver Lam.. plaint, pain in the zlicat or side:falling off of the hair one or the other always accompanies 'cord feet. (This the true remedy.) Ilia a sure sign' of disea..e to have cold feet. . . - In scrotbla, old sores, prysipelas, saltrlieum„,. Over -complaint, sore -dyes ipitnay. sure throat. bronchitis, - broken or sore invest piles all cries% disco ses.such as satipun, oppressions, pain—also, sore lips,chipped hanilsousnors,eutaneous crup• twos, nervous diseases and of the spiiie,_there-As - -no medicine now known ad good.' . SC ALD /I EA 1/...--Weliiive cured eases that actually -defied every thing known, as well as the ability - ul. 15 or fill doctors. One' titan told . us lie had spent $5OO-on his children without any bole. fit, \viten a few boxes of ointment cured them. BALONF,S.S'.-At vi ill restore the hair sooner than any other thing. , I BURN S.--It is the beat thing Willie world 100 11111.1i5, (1P11(1 the directions around the box. . WORNI B.—k will drive every vestige of them away. There is prohnhly no metlmine - on the lime of the earth at once so sure hell SO safe in the exptil sion of WOl.lllB. COIINS.--Oecasionalthe of the Ointment will always Iccp Corns from griming. People need never be troubied with Item 'lithe, will use it. PlLES.—'Thousands are yeaely.eured by this Ointment. .1 AM ES NI C A LUST ER St Co. Sole proprietors of the shore medicine. CA OTION —No OINTMENT will he genn ne unless the names' of. James SleAllister, or names McAllister Sr. Co., are written with a pen upon every label. Sold by Salptiel Elliot, S. W: finverstia, aid Dr. 3.3.. Myers, in Car'isle, 3, & L. Iteigel, Me ehanieshurg; Singiser & Panl, Citurelitown, tool John Diller, Newrille: • . ASA FURTHER EVIDENCE - .That ihe principle of:coring disease by clean.. itig and purifying the body. is • strictly in accor dance with the laws which govern the animal economy; and if properly curried out by the use of WR lima's IN DI-A•N•, VEG ETA B LE.PI LIS , Witt eetttliot:, TeM‘ltit ills complete abolitio n of disease; we offer the following testimonials, from persons of the highest remit:childish. in Ne'w Yoru. who have-mew ly been cured - of ilte.most obsti. nate complaints, sole by the use, of l n. dian Vegetable Filled the North .. . American Col . , lege of • CERTIFICATES OF CURES. '• • • front Nnie Turk Cify. Pk AV Will G lIT i—Drar Sir,-• At re leotninetitlation,l some time since Made Irisi of Wright's Intlittis,--N'egeinbie Pills, or: the . North Ammon billege or 111 mirth, eel, est it' i- Ottsly :assert that for_ PitiM Mg the bliwittstinl",i,,rrii, nesting the systetn; I Itsse received more bendi irpin their me 'll,w, from tow other mini WI milt has 'heretofore been tny'gooil tortuittelo.:nient trills.. ‘1 . 1,4 to, dyer sits with miry ' " A RLES Ati;TATE:,' Noi GO Ihtstimersly'sllnki Dietr;;Yotl. Fileitliititrt.rarririg, .11 1. : Y. • ' ' Dr 4 Sie,Lli' Itite' Ce';i,, elili4e4;•ftt'e‘ itt'real .. ' '' '; I'i ''' '' I ' I ''' I '' ' I n 1 6'r y 0 ,,,e5,, 1 ,c,i,,,.ep0pc , ,,,,pr,ea p,eso .?,9I . gouyra ,t . , t t 1, tt,, , ttecolninPlitidAl!lne' -Willi VP.44 , te lite' stliq,ilbti ,oilier,itiftreas,Vßg ettniiilolol.• ..kllyr ?Ariipg •,triotl ' s virtpuctileclic,ippi iv,ithatli. eireei,,l,m,:tte pprOatletl iii, - kr,riaiti4laait!ke , trial o f • .p,,e..,N.V.rigll'. 1 41 0 a 4 0 . V4plo4k.;),illts,,ifhtelt:l.'4 .p 9 PO. 49, .4, 4 0.4F,k xe rAteriti,rne - ,ln„ - eamiost - w,cititle; 4 . l„..mattotr,,,Alptett ttiletiAe.,mcilluii!e ap, yet.....liet, a ,4,llcort,tiree, Heil• tlist‘c tte,llotilit„-tre, a. ikersei'oreo!cctkin!ilicm ac at:(11µ iniC.Akittß.ti'ecbrAptao:dyge,ticp4; thfidt,44llpo,4k_ _ 0;611 tir9p,r)e..'perieflOtit!qoOro-;' . .t4 4 .:,• ‘ '' ,i 'l , r ..i,miist'willitiily.recominxia,mlik riliel ci ell persons .aiieilarly afflicted,- aittl•itir lel I - ,.eliel "Illatititittipiell44ll.4litktietaulfrOtt Ml6* .ikeip . . . „ . , , , . ~ . use., ,' ~, ; ,; ' ,•.; p. , j . .... , ''!' , k ~' `ir ,Li -, iif . - ''. ' ' ' 4. ' ; 'II remain; t ogre' sea rerelY,_. ~, ;.! ~,, • c.., t, . ):..-•. 4n44,,,, 441 1. 4P 5i. g 4 ;4 1:11 4 19 4 T 0 a 4 1.4 0 0 , NFCeIvPPTWIFo.. c• , r eD'AVAREotVQII4NERriNIIMIbiic , c inOtivi r momilsol l ltio_ l4 o. l 3 , atmtiert',llietiiiieti wltiell:lttlia.rtier,..tebigleterre,'grgval ed,,by,),00.c4 ,almilar ta NYI•isIitIAIIIiIi/ituNcge.taktp.,Pillsi;,, ~,:,,.,,,' , il. o . o l,Ticol. ' lglgilby,c , Ctkr)ll•lo,,, , ,,i *p6,. I‘,„ 1.: ~fi,i'l ..n'l4ciliti..,C M 000Ner. ee/sunioelmeg. ~...,1! ~: its:-4,ij r .tnr c h i p tri o 11.74 ,-- 40welMdiv10,441/13kluifil ' _.. ,Ilitiicfri GII mop; New v 1110 1 .. •''''','"''t i.. '.'. 4) ' II: ;) t , ,Avf: Ni..,i t h 1. , 1 tc :-.k 'lt "''', '',.,:"; Y:' .'''' l i.'!'“'AtiiirCapipli . S,Sbillhidifiaiii'r * 'T` , ..!l . '''' -- ? ' '' . l'''di'l l' S' Wile, ite,ge'rOiln ''. tV• i t'-: - • ..:,..,- 1,.•4.; i o 41 4 1 .! P.- AT; -.1A. , 10 rf! , .ir ~k., • • 4 . • . ' &lc' IiCT LiSd P4441.A)144:9114.i.4Y.D.44 .... ;.—. ~ • . - - Jahiii):qiiiiiktii;;liiiiiiin,i - 4 - Iteadt!,; 4-,-1- H , 5.4. - ,lisolitculeirr;N:siii66rk i . .. dm -- ;'.• ‘ otravf3iiiiiidl'exitifiiiliViatet _ , ale or • . NV rlglief bOigin .3 1 :sgcptIfIgi)IIIIsi , ,wliolenle.tiRit . . retail, 14 -1 1 y, ittcePrect;ill4li4l4looq,t.'2 • W 6B,Cirerk .. `wrl ,.. itiM'''et_ . _ert i', ..,: , 1110011iltiElikaitEr4rni / 13 4 1 4/r : itriptS.', l e ll t i l l# , .'artteltt - „eye.r!tliettoret tit ;top _,. '- - 7•;.°l.ViltFilke,"iiilNAtil..4' ii,iiiir or. 14" . . tai r o ~,, f; • ••• re; ...s— eot:toi ;#19,4, i,/,,11,111.00041...40 itmpegpe,e'Vtlielemil. ii,,pok;•; 1ii,01k,4 1 .4)4 1 .4iP,f1 4 44 11 .1 4 4 41 . 14 .YRV 4,41 4 5.1at,ir. - 1( " . 'is il . fq 0' wept!' cut arlico.teitp p.m egAitillawal... , iod;lo4,frifire,wrile. , A iikeilietri' etpollije 'altos.' . 7 w,, ri t eronijialits a nol ,oliteckiti,94.24oitaitees;•:.., lo pi-ii.therehiPezleiPteikie-.toOle•iiiptipp...eb . :tlfaith ',,.. L . ri- o iedwa Boiwp6.: , i‘N'o,r i we r milAiniflipi`"lo: ll ,o ,''.i ,, , ' Ivrtiele"iilV :l 4.wijiiligtoi3O!ilfol6l/A446,6'' •-•, vio.iily NA:!eiita..r.wistiopk: yi 'llietkilie ovi? . 4 ?, , ljel I ~ '. 1 itkvn'im,T, bY1414 4. 1 . 41, 1 4.f.iii,K411444;jerpiitil iiilii,ll,',,',,' .1.419 '4 Pi- 1 4e , •• 4 Ne4 1 1 1 4.74 4 , 4 1w:01:+ittei1g. ti . ,:!; . .,..- - 'o'; ile 'it :,;:*t . •A. it, ~.• ..14!'4,,AV II llri. N.p' . .. - - , ''' , ..1,!;,/ •.•:, twilit., 4.:V.1.eber,...1.3;,18..;0::' , .',';';','.„.,::,'...,, , ::11 . / 1 / I AI - 2, • -.. . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers