B '.1 . -75 -77-3-- • '2 11 03WeaW ' 'gt;SI 3 tP° °% ,3 9 4 r - 't• WWI Vii(, • Vy1.7...k; Li— . tJ ~.' a 411 :EX' .1 01 /3 / *ltio WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1848. OLD4UISHIO= DENOURA.OIf, . . THE Locofocoism of the Present day would fain have the,world believe that it 33 identical with the Democracy of. the early days of the Republic, and - that - the plundering of . Mexico of a part, of her territory is a measure not less democratic and poldto than'wasthe - acquisition of tlietolintry on th-e-MissWippi -during the administration of Mr. Jefferson. lion. JOHN M. CLArrA, in an extract given slteloiv, from his recent speech in the Se nate, very happily contrasts the course of -- :Mr: Jefferson with—that-of--:Yt—PolLtlar , ing the progress of those two measures,: :The present times, sir, do not i:esem -I,le,the early days of the gepuldic,. We bear. much, especially' from honorable entlernen'on the other side of the cham ber, of Jefferson.'and his democracy.-- Vet these are: net the day's of Jeffersonian , 'emocracy. The- measures of the'Pre • :dent of the,United States:are not like those of Thomas Jefferson, or the fathers i the itepubtic:" Nr <tir; le sir, let: us recur to nil i;te history of the administration of ,Tlio k,las Jefferson, at the period when great xcitement prevailed with regard to the 't*tle to the mouth of the Mississippi, in le year 'lBO3, when the whole West in a flame lest some foreign nation —houlLoccupy_themonth_of that mighty • 'ver and impede the growing prosperity ~ i * the great valley of the Mississippi.— •, that moment, sir, when the minds of •n all -over the American Union were •culiarly excited, an effort was made in o. Senate chamber of the ... United Skates , a the 16th of February, 1813, by Mr. i :ass, from Pittsburg, I think, to induce le American Congress and the Aineri- .• eh Executive , to seizeand take posses .- on of the mouth of the Mississippi, and • le country which was necessary for our tros.erity; and hold to it'without refer t, ice to negotiation or_yeaty. Allow - me t , read. the resolutions of Mr. Ross.— They will be fouild in the Sonate Jour end,-for-the year 1803, page 206: "Resolved, That the UnitddStates have no indisputable right to the free naviga tion of the river Mississippi, and - to a anvenient place of - deposit for their pro (lace and merchandise in the: Wand of _ Z - eiv Orleans_. : ..: That the late infraction of such, their --tmq-nestionable—right,--is -en aggression I ,, T9tile to their homes and interest. • That it does not consist with the dig :rz-safet-y-of7.this--Union to hold a r.g it so important by a tenureso - uncer, t.t in. • That it materially concerns such of the _American - citizens as dwell on the Wes tera waters, and is essential to the union, rtre - ngth and prosperity of these states, that they obtain complete security for the mil and peaceable enjoyment of such absolute right. That the President be authorized .to tike immediate possession of such place or places, in the said island, or adjacent territories, as he may deem fit and con venient, for the purposes aforesaid ; and to adopt such other measures for obtain ing that complete security as to him. in his wisdom shall seem meet. That he be authorizo to call into ac t:ial service any number of the.militia o the states of South Carolina, Georgia, )hio, Kentucky, Tennessee, or of the lississippi Territory, which he may t link proper, not exceeding fifty thousand, 'nd to employ them, together with the military and naval, forces of the Union, 'for effecting the objects above mentioned. That.the sum ofifive millions of dollars I.e appropriated to the carr"yino• into effect the foregoing resolutions; and' that the whole or any part of that sum be paid or applied, on warrants drawn in pursuance of such directions as the President may from time to time, think proper to give to the secretary of "the treasury." I'have he're the speech made by Mr. Ross, in support of his resolutions, pro posing to seize_ jhe mouth of the Missis- Appi and. the adjacent territory, without negotiations; and the speech, sir, is very tnuch counterpart of some that I live heartl of.during . the'discussions that have taken place sinCe 'this -war commenced. BpseUrged that, it was' convenieot and - ieessary 'to seize upon the territory. Uertitinly' lie had a rightlo say so. He insisted that we should not wait for nego tiation ; and of course he urged that those who held the territory had no title to it Bat what was the course' adopted in those/ .days of Jeffersonian democ racy,lt bid - 'Mr. Jefferson raise an army --.to march upon and. seize the territory or to point our cannon 'into the windows of NtriV"Orleaas, and thus ,Provoke a con- Cot ? Did 'any Sucii . .spirit.4that which seems,, here; wi It an -iiribri,dled fury;'pervude the.democracy or thin par tly? No, sir; no sir. The love of 'jos tee not the,American bo , soin theillonor of the American eharac ter; mns 10. , 'Aincrican with friends, flzrep,d,,lll62.proposition . satztioin,7i4ezgouritry .on ihe„Missiißippi, .sent an Envoy,„Extraordinttry .to Join r rind tliey' ne - goti 7 .:AY4lo4.49iohki,n,i'm9,.epdeil''tit'i4isols6P -14"Vafttlit/h,r9,„:4C546;000,000..! , the.':ineans' of , pydoonds, ' "' L ION ~ * opeggitetiOki.upPlV-,th,o 'Cha;;. 'a lite/Country F - tor 1 • -racer . • From. a sruri“lenq y , 13 4 741161 Y- 1 14,t,b ) fit1,0•4 11 *./40 11 /0 1 4 iviii*;htiiv.ileafekor'mnan: here.' ',fsit:f94. - O,O;,;Ft!,urILFY fia4i.Nl4lco•l4 qW 34 raY;lif acu,faition of t ed ts, erritetr,4'at L: ,„. :',:; - ::1'0 , ',. , '; . :.:: :';L;.LT,P.,',.i1',,.1,d,', TolOh'foelt:77BUthrfktelittor atmay be raneeSeery .for' . Alin;g6Ud , rae . f 'th coixtery , Buyr . ,' it On fair:A . 6d Honorable l'shit4`thit;elijcbcficit r i': But take by' lolenge. Ition intend to do triai; I wash -my hands of sit, and have nothing ) eMS=MM I refuse to acquiesce in any suckpio• ceeilare 'on-the ground which I have al ready stated, that I hold thp national charadter'fer justice and hop6ity,of, far' more value to my countrymen now, and 'in all ages to come, than all the lands and all the money which 'could be acquired by a war of rapine, and. all, the military glory that could be achieved'in the'ways of a country, -Lose that whiCh 'excites in your bosom a proper feeling of elf respect, Mid you are a lost:man.. I.ef' 7....lose_its_selLr.espect.L.by—th folly or wi ekedii ess of its -rulers, aril your -country-is-degraded to such-a- degree-that it will require the power of better men than we are, exerted for a century to come, to restore her -to the position frOm which she has fallen. WOULD resiteritfolly call the attention o Housekeepers and thenpti blic t °the exteti -s.re-stock-of-syricindi-d1 u flan to, inelifding bo iliv,.Wardrabos,rentie and o(her Tables, Dres sing and Plain -Bureaus, und every variety •o . Cabinet-arare and Chairs, which they have ve.just opened at their new rooms, oil the corner of North Hanover and Loather Streets, Carlisle. T confider tint (Abe superior finish oft td elegance of style, in ;vhf 'a got up,- together with diet 411 recommend.thein to EIEB suit purchasers. They would earnestly invite persons w ho are about to commence housekeep ing to call and examine their present elegant stock, to which theywill constantly make ad ditions o 1 the newest and most modern styles. COFFINS made to order ut the shorten. no. tice, for town and country. April 21, 1847.. Pant ( i•oceJ•pf stibscriber takes this tuelliod to inform 1 his friends, and the public in general that lie has just opened intim house lately occupied lis• 1)r John A ' , nisi:ling and IT Rhoads' Warehouse:a large ail general as soi I ment or Family Croceritis, such as Teas , Coffee, Sugar, it Inlasses, Chocolate and Spices eve' y dAcripiion. Abut, a large and well seJec • QUEE.VSIIFWRE I "Willow-wore, BrosMs, Buckets, tic, Ste. hatch or every. description, front Ilse (Ammon sinokirqtnhoceo up to Wouo word's Itept honey .„..... !)its envemlisli. The p abl io at c respectfully ,invited to 411 and 1 examine Ins stock 1/et.vre I six logo elsewhere; as he I flatters himsell that Ile cannot tail. to pltnise them i iy. -N. 11.—iiis friends from the country w II find it to their advantage to give him ml call; the store ificciareuiently situated, ju,t a few steps from Nir Ilhoadi' tavern. CHt.lisle,,ltine 2, 184'7 orew and - Cheap HARDWARE STORE 9 - Main etteet,ono door west of Martin's Hotel. Tlll.l saibscribers have just received and are now opening a large stock of fresh goods, which In addition to their former stock, makes their assortment larger'and better than can be lound elsewhere. heir stock comprises a lull assortm't of build ing material of every. description and style, with, a large assortment of Took for all kends of Nfc chanies, which haer been sele9ted with great care and are offered at the lowest rates. Also a full ftssortin v ,t of goods for Carriage Builder t s and Saddlers, Bitch as Avorsted Damask and Unttinet - s, (Armin Cloth, Oa Cloth, wide and narrow Laves, Fringes, Tassels. Tufts, Patent Leather, Lamps, Electt•ic Springs, I .on Axles, Silver Hillis Plate Carriage Bands ; „lapilli, Brash and Silver Plate Mounting, Bridle Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, Ilante'rs of sill kinds, Buck skins, llog-skim and all description of goods in lit St-.DDLCII.I' LINE. Also, Waiters and Trays ; CandlestiekS ; Bison AH . (111'0116; Shovels and Tongs ; Knives told Forks a( every style; Fancy and common Be' lot, s; . !Limiter and Carving Knives, Steels; Pen and Pocket Knives of every style, Table and 'fen Spoons 3 English and American I I olloirr r ; had Irons, Blass Kettles &c. &c. I lay and Minure Forks; Wagon I lamers,Shovels and Spades; 'Frac : Buller and Cow Chains E.ec.F.Ve. . • Alsojtly.t. received, 11111 . , Band and Doop IRON ; 11.116Silill Auld American Sheet Iron; Cast,Shear, Blister and Spring Stuel ; Tiu P' ate Zinc, Speller, Lead ; Dupont's and Johitimit's Blasting Ponder Dupont's Mlle Powder, Shot ; Wetlierill'a Pure Ground White Lend; . Linseed Oil; Copal, Coach, Japan and Leather Varnish; Window Glass of all sizes; Putty, Turpentine; tee. CO:if-wart of 611 kinds, Ego. Sc. . They have ;denier sidellarvey'S Pnient.Spiral Straw Cutters,ivlvich are einisidered the best now in use for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks. .. WHIGITI: S SAXTON. September 22. I 24T . _ • Jayne's Family Medicines ANdditional supply of Ric above valuable Niedunies, consisting of Jayne's Extpcierant, "• Tonic Ve'runliige , • • "fait. Tonic,• .• Sanative Carudnatite dalsarn Received and foesale by • S.. ELLIOTT. • •=•• , • •..Ageitt•foiCailiele.: . . „ • . ' 5a1t:4,14 200 Todi Plaster, 300. Sauk:l'lo.X; Salt. '5O souks Ashtpone do. , • • lop • • llitpsy do. - For Sale hp . ft FUNK Harfiahurg, nay • : • ( - 11,0ERLES; ntlx b I ;3'..Witliite Ssugar ;, 50 , do: 13rOwil c‘../ 10 11). 1% - .;11.1c0, , • „ ". 50 . 5 Roggitllspicie,' ~.Pepper saje.by : MIL e LE4I: . I, tr, , . Fisk i sti.! 200"131310440; 1;9 '••„ • ~ i:lotEtbiar, ?dui* ." . q...;-. 1 199.14141f5,:. 1 11 3 FrA31gf. 10 t 4 k1e by.... „ ;liiirFlaburg hint :9 1841:. I— '7, WlllOlll7 6' 0 orrfitsra erfragriPoiti CIIILDREN •TEETIIINO,": • ' • 411; MOTHERS haring children aittleted tilt , Wiih any' , hr thtiee'diecaseettliddikit to 'the titd rof -in fanny ; such cinprultdonO:rpaejinic 001;atlooull, 5 Atfriiincht‘ind locacCatis'af'tie"JqiclCll l Bl;hatil, XL_ aver without ,j 1 ttle,yenedx Oat 4:;_d_iiEA,'F.7446lY4o;frriaggc:intsl4o Ike roved-130 oSd . 111 t A 6-41 0 0 °Pi$ 11 °• itpckfitilipt tibtbrktvon 'TiIi•AFFPB noYr 0 1 1 ,FimilJ)*; 'fiii)ro r ve 'its:mbtill'it 1, 6 ivtrialik bektik , `" , • toSpicl=lli s ,&Zrolt 4 IPTl' t ' Novembt,l. 101 ° 840 • 3211077 4 ,;' , •;... 4 `‘ - . 4 ? , • - ... . . • . ' ' 'l''' r Arri"dAl';l4 . -;dictpot.ror aver; A.:).TALIGEL a! 0 . --, 'it4,o npArklillig A'OrP 4 ~...i.,..0,4 ~,ci.4,450bi1L,,m,,, ,0.fra,...,4,„0,, ~,,,,,„.r.,..,.,„....,, , Videeirobe*"B A 1%,;1:14,;,:0;,6,..1.:4“.'.114aAN,1,:e --. r • - sr.. , =4. MTh BM ~~~ ~_: '7L~3 Y. 0. 10... t. A. C. FETTEIi, MEM Iply of cver3 , article in d ornatheld , d, clown ich they eanoot fail to NEW AND CHEAP .10S. I). 11A LISEILI 4',ft1i' .. .6i . c:1-it'e"'.6.-: , -'.';—='' . "",.'‘..':' , .; , ' -- :1:: Es abcordingto.dwectibus; a,cuas Sort.hirs is ghar, a n tee d: - ..,.,,, . ~•. -'. , ..1.t!./.' . ..q. , . c; ,•,•,2„nv . •,:i..;.ne..,:;•, Svstrtome or - Tne,litssmstl. , A coMmosi con= a geet t re pr thieliflectiost le a kinder tonep e rms,, er bearingiliiva sensitionoS it itifimilia4 nail.l ed ; there is also a heat,:tengion arid throbbing in the pari,varyingfroiroiriniderate degree of these; -sensations_ to the 'lnes( eXarutiatiog- sufierhig4-7-.. "these are cans.c&by,liho great. fl ow of bloock-to tho.parts. „ Somotimen the inner coat of the boniel • protudos lir' every.- evacuation,jortninT.what; is. called Prolepsus, or falling of the bowb e ; Wei is thaeffect or long continUed irritation and weak ness of that organ. 'ln sOniciinatanee q tbo' pane*. .experiences nervous pains,which are irdes - ale, bloond known only to the suflerer, winch cora 7 tnenccimniediately-after-an-evacuotion, and bon lime from thirty minutes to severalimurs; these sensations are very annoying and sometimes very distresaiag. - Ting-disease, when - oflong - continn. - - - ; nce,is-attended-bylittio-mended-weaknes# hi ' tips backi-irri tat ion of- the-k id heys-and-bladdeic-and other organs in the vicinity, pain rnd numbness tn - lhelegs 'and leic nense of straitner — ig - ahniii the chest, and unnatural fulness of the abdominal viscera, accompanied, with palpitation of the heart and oppression. Individuals sometimes experi ence, previous to an mulct of the Piles; symp-, tents denoting great derangement in the circula tion ; there is n sense of weight and pressure in the abdomen, withi - riffeettlias, feeling of uneasi vress-i-trtim-ima ds, hunbtipatimr.or - perinmumtat=- tended with pain in the back and loins, nausea, and slight paing in the stomach, pale' count°. nanee, confused senations in. the head, weariness, and inimitable and . discontented state of tlmmind, and a sense of fulness and oppression in the Te r.rion of the stomach. The circulation on the surface is feeble, and the current of - bleed Amer- . mined inward and downwards- . . .. ''. • For all of. MO above diseases and complaints, DT. DTIIAM ' S VEGETABLE EBEC:II.IhY-CUTCS.cf fectuntly, and therCfore prevents riles, - READ TEE TESTIMONY. ' Ifungpx, Dec. 11, 1801 GENxs:7-4. have used Dr. Upham's Vegetable -Pile-Electuaty_whieh—Lptitrehasedc_of_you,i.an 'find it one of.the best medicines in use foi the Piles, slid also for bilious affections, arising from an impute state of the system. Yours, "E. A. COLE, Marble Dealer. U. S. MArtsn,tl.'s °melt, N. Y. _ Dec. 6, 1347: Messrs. Wyatt .4.Ketcliam—Gentlemen, un .derstandMg that you are the general agents .for the sale of Dr. Ulthant.s Vegetable Electury,for the cure of Piles, I have deemed it my•duty to volume, r a recommendation in behalf of that in valuable medicine. I have beets afflicted.for ma nv years with Piles, and 11110 tried various reme- dies, but with nd beneficial effects—indeed, I began to consider my case utterly hopeless, Ilut about the first of September last, I was prevailed 1 upon by..n friend to. make a trial of the above named medieme. I took his advice and rejoice to say that I am not poly relieved, but, as I beliebo, perfilttly cured. I most earnestly recommend It to all who may have the misfortune to be ulileted with that annoying and dangerous disease. Very respectfully, your obedient servant. They have ELY MOORE. • EMA CCREOF riLES : — TRIRTY YEARS S f. 11111 is Mount Washingitin, Berkshire en, Mass.? November 29, 15.17, S Messrs. Wyatt & K eteham—G en' s: For thirty years I have been afflicted with Piles, general debility and inflammation, causing tumors and prolapses of the bowels, nod which had resisted all the fluidic:ll treatment Dr. Chapman and oth ers cmdd jvc. .The,last Aliree r years of that time toy sufferings defy thiScription. I was confined to bed, nnalle to help mysch, and at last' given up by my pity:le:an and friends its-despair of ever gaining health: in fact fur three days before -1 commenced using I tr. Upham's Eeloctuary, I was - enttrely . .speechlesa and m.y burial clothes were made. But under Providence, and the use of Dr. I I pham's Klectuary, though an OLD TIAN, I have the pleasure of stating the tact to thepnb that my health is now good. and hope to live many years, if it is kiod's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's Electuary, and-to re, commend it' to my. afflicted .fellow creatures, ' It - -helped mo-boym,a --t he expectations- of-al l-that knew my ease, and I can only say to others that it is in toy opinion, the best medicine in the world l'or Piles, or any other disimse of the bowels; and it they will . use it according to the directions, I will myself warrant a cure in every ease. Yours, with the utmost expression of C RNETAUS SPUR. wank fulness, ..ltramont, Berks co, Mass.? Novo tither - 2.9, 16.17.+ The above ant-title:lto tells a simple - Idd truth fat story of stacting mid relief, of which, as pity sician and witness in the case, I cheerfully en dors°. • • 1)11. CIW'MAN. NOTICE—The genuine Upham's Eke Wary hos his written signature, thus (in A. l'pliam, M. D.) The hand is alone dune with a pen.— Price till a box. irr Sold wholesale and retail by WYAI'T & lil•:'I'('11AM, ItH Fulton street, N. Y., mid by Druggists generally throughout the United :itates and Can•ida. E1.1.1011', Agent for Carlisle. .la - finn Is IS-1v Stanton's Externai Remedy, II U. V.l” S 1141.31WLE;VT, now Universally acknowledged to Lc the INFALL - 113LE REMEDY For It beamed:on, Spinal Affections, Contractions of the natles, Sore 'Throat and Quinsy, Is sues, ()Id Ulcers, Pains in the Back and Chest, Ague in the Breast and Face, 'Pooch-ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Blicum, Burls, Croup, Frosted Feet, and all Nervous Diseases. ITUNT'S LINIMENT is sustaining a notori lY unequalled by any similar remedy. It, requires nu pulling to give it n reputation, it has been for sonic time silently and surely securing it, and now, when its beneficial ellects have been experienced by . so many; the expressions of grail nude are continually %Meeting, and those who have been made whole y its means are desirous that the afflicted should nu longer remain igno rant of its invaluable and infallible efficacy. Mr. Geo. E. Stanton, the Proprietor, is con stantly receiving testimonials of benefits received front its use, and may of the cures it has e ff ected almost exceed belidi. In one case a child had been a cripple for eight years, having' wrendhed thnspine, when nt the age of two }mars, by a fall from a chair. Medical, treatmen failed, but four bottles of the Liniment restored him tmetrerigth, and he now joins witlt his playmates in their yOnthful gambols, as robust as the healthiest of them, and only a small hump on his back to re mind him dins early sullbrings. Price d 5 cents per bottle, • The Xurses• iPriend, STANToN's PAPIGLAILY.O NTMEN T acknowledged to be the most valunble reme dy ihat has yet been discovered, and may be re lied-tin midi:confidence by' all whO may have oc- casion for its use in'enees of MILK Faveit,..A,out IN ,THE BREIST,.BOIIE NIPPLIEI, &C. .. Phis Ointment isirdrioillarly intended for those compinints that °Mothers nre liable to during the nursing of infants, and mny bo truly called "The Nurses Friend. Prico.2s cts,.pei• hex. •' • 0. E. STANTON, Proprietor, Sing Sing, New York.• , Sold by J. Myers and Chas, Barnitz, Carlisle. Edward, Scull; Shippebsburg ',Ddrinldria4 & Green, Pulinstown • A., Cathcart, Slie:,ho!•dEtown G.' W.' Liiiinger,"Ctachiown J. & J. Riegel, Mechanicsburg M. Mom, Shiremanstown J. 117: Clem, .Loesliurg James Kylo, Jocicsonvillo' . jan 12 18421 F EMIBEI IPIP COI3 A L.—T 1110 A; I MPlTTOnlint - or klai . .! ) ; ) I ' 4B `tilt V L VF4a/ L • 11P4 1 ,k',•i!z,i ' ; . .. - . • k , 4. - ttiv4.-..., r 1. it:Ligin It e V ritt'''''' • '-.•,:,,,,:!'"_f_f,_-,",...i; H_ T,, I. ,III::' .., ".;:il4'Z'';wireil,i.rirep,i.ll4reril :, l ,-, ;.i. i :: , , ,, , , -.; -:,..:,-, • - --.....,'", :\ - ?,•. i.:,.. - , .:,,..f."::..“ 1 .4 . 1 P t f' 1*1 . 4 . 11 -f- # 4 4 . n i . iQ P : !'t : ::' , l . I ,WT.I4I4t,TST4PVE S . , - i ,:::i '".:t4t' 'l'lt.*o - 4i,,ipts*p.l::iiiiiilii'. - gii,'ivii:s4 li.hitioaphii,!Wkaliiii-iii'llitOrM , h let - frond i ern!' tite.Piablicglinerrillj,that he'etilLcontlnuesto, 'Map) feettrreand:soltthe gennino AI koIICIFIT. e.Tc/V,4iiiiith tho latest improvements. .After inany.yearrt . „experhancelp:tho, manufacturp 0f... these ; stoves; ho .ils;npwr , One bled i ; tO:offa r to ili is t custoMers. the A.ilr.l.'iglit'Stoies - -' with ciVeis;' suitablo, for dining rooms or n or:Bailee:4ln hoe' 'oleo the ArrTight/Slove cin'ttre Riidialer tPlarii , which makes a splendid and economical parlor stove„to. which c ite ,weuld. call the particular. 'ottentinn - or those *ho l ‘i , ii.nt on oleg&nt and cmfit' article folqbcir :parlors; also a large ifeSortnientiof.Coal;Parforiand.Cooking stoves;_ all.of.wliteh ho will sell at the lowest cash pri• Ces. The publid'would do well to call before purolialing_clowliere7 -" -- -.-- . . - Mr. P. would caution the.publie against Air Tight - - Stoves mode7li.V—lnoirtittiviniiic,-rsTrio thertiomut answer the purpose intunded• September pck, 11347. ,' ' • twminwiramnywrff7l3 Collins' Celebrated SKY-LIGHT DAGUERREO TYPES! • .TW.O.SILVER._3IFIDALS'atv_articd. aLthe Faire tif,the Franklin and Kmerican In etilutes fo'r , the best and, most artistical speci mens of Dagßirreetypc portraits. ''The en he made by the sub: scribers, and4ilekla peculiar to their• este bl littliminialtndolviz:..A-N UPPER LIGHT, his received Hie highetit .redontinendationis from die' liras, on - it - also written lOstiirldhitilS froth tlio first Artists in the country, as to its great - superiority over the usual side light. The peculiar advantage of. this light is that the natural expression of the eye .can be obtained inord perfectly than heretofore. _f_Cilizena_antLedr_anger_u_aru tennentfulli_in, vited, whether desiring portraits, or net, to visit our specking galleries, probably the ,larg• est and most extensive in the United States, and examine tor themselves the astonishing improvemo - nts &ado by the subscribers in this wonderful art.. . •. T. P. & D..C. COLLINS, Propriettirs of the Uily Dsguerreinn Establish merit, No. 100 Cliestist st., 2 floors below 3d, south side. September 29,107 Hover's First Rate Prethium WRITING IN Slicer Mqal just awarded by the .ehncrican Rift* Nov York, (1847.) - ITE following testimony from distinguish- , ed Institutions spotkis fur itself: . Lisixvcitst - ry or - Pit,oisicvsnrs, • Philadelphia, May 11 ,1841. flaring tried, - for some time, the Black Ink manutitctured liy Mr. Joseph K. !lover, we have found it well suited for manuscript, by Its run ning freely, tind its exemption from coagulation. lts Shade OISil we are well pleased with. W I:.llbltNElt,lllA,Sennofth Faculty anal Pt of. of Anatomy , .10111S' LUDLOW, Provost SAM'L 11 WYLIE, Vice-Phis-3,s HENRY REED, Seers:tau of the . Faculty of Arts 110S1VELLPAIl1c ppor. -- 6r Nat: Philosophy and Chemistry W W GEIII I A Ill), Lecturer in the . Medical Department PENSIXYANIA MEDICAL COLLEfI We fully concur in the above, E AIM 'L. GEO. MORTON, M D, Dean Of the Faculty C prritat, lit on SCHOOL, D Princitatt Af - McM (111:1111E, M 13, Pro - Anatomy AstEnterisi rum INSVIIIINCF. CO. PotTans t .ro ta . LEY, Secretary Ct.'synsi !loon. PmLatu: ' D qt.:URGE, Dep, Naval °Meer • HOVER'S ADAMANTINE CEMENT, ,A Superior Arliele, ‘Varranted. For Snle, holcsale mid Retail, at the :quint et • or y , No. r}7 . , North Third street, oppotilit'• - i.treel:rbibulelpbb4. by .1-OSEIM 110VP.11, Mantilbetut:or Philadelphia, Nov 17,1847 IMPROVED WIRE MANUFACTORY, Sieve, Riddle, Screen nod Wire Cloth Ninnulite. tore, Nn. 4.8 North Front street, between tarket and Arch streets, Phiind'a. 'TOM subscribers baying tootle get at i mprove .l. meats io the above business, ate now mono facturing of asuperior guality,all kinds of 111.Ain soil ORNAMENTAL IVI RE WORK , BREIII Re"RieVCS, 'Riddles, Sureties Eh, for all kinds of grain:keetls, sand, ore,snuff,starth, briektiust &e. Founders' Sieves of a superior duality constantly on hand: Ise Safes, Wire Dish Covers, Soils Springs, Twilled Wire toe.Bpark Catchers &c. Osamu:N-I.AL WIRE WORK, such as Cages, Nurscry Fenders, Ottrdeti Bordering, Flowur .Stands,Trainerelliixpol for Grape Vines, Ste. Also Wire I."Fifbing OP :Very description. .c - Orders thosloly , r 'ivetitill promptly ,us i exe'euted by . -f, r ' tATSIOON - 6.1 COX, •Septeniber".2 , 2,.l4 ." - , Cheap Wati4:,L:Aind Jewelry. ~1 j, A . to Fbiladelphia %Vetch /: / .' ~ ~,14 4e 1 i0 9 n d eW SI St., comer o 9 f Q. 6 North narry ~.-. t ~--" i 1..: Gold lever Wateltea,fulli..l - ..,. .1.'" , ....,_.- 1 ,'":::: ' oiled, 18 caret cases $45 00 ' taint - dlt. '',... Silver Lever Watches, „ • fOll jewelled • , ' 23 00 Silver Lever Watches seven jewels 18 00 Superior Quarter Watches 10 00, Imitation quarter.Wittelies not warrenterr 5 00 Gold Speetuelos' . - ,',"'.. 800 Fine Silver Sdeetnefaa 1 75 Gold Bracelets . with topaz stencil .3 50 Ladies Gold reritihr,lo carrots,: .- 200 Gtild FingeHtint 374 cents to $B, Watch Masses plain .igi,, la to 18,i; Lunet 25. Other articles In'lngeportion. All goods - war ranted to ho what thby aro sold for. • 0. CONRAD On band snfpo , gnld and Sliver Levers, Ls. rniles -and ciliiiirtiers lower than .the above prices. _. Feb..3,.1897. D. E. MOORE. , - 1 N. RISDON 11100REitt.111SDON, . itimaczzaziT TA xAckits, N 0.70, Street, opposite the • • 1313ichang.t, Philadelphia. RSPIcret.PALII . aniiounets to their friends Cud the 1)111)1113 that alley are constantly pre pdred• to make io`order of the finest and best materials, and. a ts• priceS,;evtiry. ail ole of Fashionable Clothing: constituting p which their. complete'stock of choice 'and . cart:fullyselected Cloths, Coast snares, :Veil:l44i Et of.the• latest: Mid. Most deli, rattle mitterns,:sre particularly , Filen. own prattical:ttnowledge of.the business and _personal attention to every garnienCtliables them to, give entire satisfaction, and' to.hoth old and. new customers they Cespectlblly tender au invitation to gibe thetyra ..11avitig, betai-toC. refire connecteihvith tba... best .and-rnostraildonal3l4 . establishinelits in. 'thisetiuntry, employ ing3one rate, work, mien, and'being,irr the„goilskimt;tllnelpt. , ottli6 Wit Malden*, nu& beeV slYleivorgiloo3illibr are fully pi•eseed iipidliii'modajo ctstitmeri best Philadelphia- A iigtmif I U"WNBENU'S, . I. article is now extensively used by : physician and fnrithere)norar,nlid permanent cher di Oinics po re state or habit .ortlie — sys}elp;:(timvurrnp,tc,4l.t349 manufbc(tirer tube 'fivelirO 6 O - larwrigerlN r.noY p repa.oati ou a., , o I:10113,So kikikexis t,,,st each. .4ekNeti!peetain.'e quser i.,;l'ri,S!e4ll per of lq .. • ; ;•; forsale4v., 0,1 , •, ~.;Tri!ly, 7 :0 3.4 A ; ''lsl , 4 l lA;s ~ 'ee,"l ,4 , R l Q 4 lli Ril(P'F.o.%os9r. 1.0 On t iN r ',lvect a, al Ribbons t, 48,4. PEEN The pugUsh AtoneE, 4 ' MIN 1114.:•.11ak ealYl - 7-4141iititilent TGie most hii`trbeetc - used with Wooderfuraticcess in the curo of smite `bf filo:hie - sat iintibriiiiiinddleendes With' -; wltich the,borsii kiiiiffeatcid'i (With I: destroying. - tho hair)tsuo . lt akloid -strp.o4 . citlolnts, prfiductid,ly, the'oellar,anit a'afdille; sirnirie Of, the .ihkelders,:etithi; hoof, ; vs (aril •tiicbtriff- jniritSVstraiiis'.of bone, knee;' and ' , fetlock,' ?eV ctirbsisplints,apaviN4lndgalli; puffe, IL vary soPIPPIT..9P old or frosji,woutids,but4, bruises; fistufes, poll' evil, enr,bs p rpto r , an .. cl divas Insiant relief in the serittcheS, grease, etc., and the diseaces incident to 'forbore haiink ‘thitri : :feet and. noses_ produiced.. by_St John's .Wort, which so often destroys tlio hoofoand .bones of the feet, and resists the action orettlphur and .ivitriaLointtnotits r and.:otlicii—rereedies-eiplift powerful -- No - application has Itertitofore -- ,prdyedTq. nseful in relaying stiffness of the tendons ard joints, and producingiouch itnncediate and beneficial effects in craekod ' heels, broutht on by, high feeding, splints and sprains. This Bmbreertion is highly recommended to farriers, 4eopers of livery stables, wagoners; stage proprietors, and private gent:emennwn- Ing borsess an invklginedy i _snd . shonld be constantly kept in 11 4r stables . 'Also farmarp, whose horsiSs are sn litible to kicks, CMS and wounds, will find it equally advantageous to keep it constantly on hand,- , —: Tt is equally beneficial in the treatment of - working cattle, for galls, sore necks, cuts .wotinds, etc. . ; , . . sale in-curikla -by-M:. -JOHN-3 :MY— ERS, Sole Agent • . •• • , , 'Jolly 21, 1847. To the Citizens of Cumberland Co. "There is somethipg more pacious than Gold 'or DM/novas—l lEA LTI I • 111 . 12 stime : di.eases ilni:•v,sit us at flt:8- toil seasoes or the year, and which not nufre quently I/CI:0111V - alarmingly fatal, during the sum mer and authinn months; espeCially,the )(lung; there being not les, than seventy iliouscuti dying soinually.with daraligeinents of the stomach and ! howelsatibite. Does not every (eating or our nag (tire, become-enlisted-in 91c littunin iThstre-wles sen this frightful trim Misty ,111.1, we not 1101111(1)T - ' every principle 'of religion to administer relief when iu our power; and we discharge our hay wit en' we - paint - outt lie - greatest - remedy ever yet discovered, forthis purpose ,to the public. IF, there he one, or if they have a friend, or a child, or a neighbor, who may chance to rend this no tice. that is suffering with Diarrhoen,l)ysentary, Cholera :Morlius, Summer Complaints, f_folie, Flatulency, Ste., Ste., then let them try Dr. Kee ler's Cordial null Carminative, antrwe guarantee a speedy cure. . Lancaster Cr,.,. Neffville, Dee. 11,1846. Dr.liveler—S metime last summer our agent left.'me some,of your Infant cordial aiid Ustrmitt ntire, orging,me to trr it. - It so happened that I had It cnse; 0 young. child shout six months old, whose stomach and bowels were inn very disor dered condition, caused .by a deficiency of its motlier% nill child was 14 mere skeleton, Vlore was notch torminn, tenesmtls and coristalit crime:loons. I. administered every medicine s I couldthink of, will hut a slightalleviation orte contplaint. I then thmight or giving . your meth eine it trial. oommencing with small dose's. soon Itoweer percelred the child could bear foll.tiose-as recommended in directions; before •. _ it had taken hall 0 hottle, the . stOnlach add billy els had recovered their enteral tone, every mho' • bad symptom S'ieldcd,ntd the child rapidlj• re covered. • I have nojjesilation in s - nying.tha I your medi cine is the. cry best far the almvs complaints I have administered in n 31 yearto practice. Very respectfully, your,:friel,(l,. - 0 • • 11. 13..1.19jFA, lAN", M. D. Prepared earner of 3.! aMlS:cilitli streets, I'lol - For sale whales . flea.pd'retnil r m. ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr. NiePIICTSOIa hue')-; and by Druggistaimil Merchants thrOf*, out the county.• --July 21, 11117.-11na. . GARLEGAN'S BALSAM OF HEALTH.' An Appoveil Remedy. .pf c. 71 1 two reasonstkik4y - `14,15 , be reconrmendiNahtltVivajilio, —oil is, that most persons_w`lYb • °hava so,ight it buy Regain, thereby showing that they re gard it as it valuable Family medicine; the other is that certificates are in the possession oftlie l'roprietot of permanent cures having been effected not only in persons afflicted for a short time, but also in cases of Icing standing It is composed altogether of a vegetable matter, is perfectly baribless, can be taken at all times, and is no hindrance to business. It restores and revives the unimalsplrits,clerinses the stomach from all morbid humors which cause indigestion and acidities. It also re nervons,,tremors, rhumatic pains, and prevents their retail; cures all colice of the, stomachs and bowelsolmost imim,diately takes away palpitaticnvol the heart, and promotes the free circulation of the blood. The direction accompanying each lvdtle confaine a number of certificates one of which• is given in this advertisement. DeAn :,—aboUt two years ago I was se verely: afiliCtdd with . ispepsia, which I had for the last fifteen years previous-to,the, above named time, whieh was very much inereasee by my having a blued vcssal ruptured upon my lungs, occasioned by lifting—which increased my complaint, dispepsia'and general debility and weakness, to such a decree, that two or three years previous to my using ahe Garbo. glint's Balsam, I never ate a meal but my stomach bciame so painful that I liail.iinrnedi. ately to throw it up. Sceina"-Garlegand's Bal sam advertised f was induced to- try a bottle; after taken the very first doso it appeared to strengthen my stomach; and every dose of first. bottle helped mo so much that in the uourss of n few days my punnet:lt began to retain and digest every thing I ate. I conOnud to use the Balsam until I used several bottles, w Melt cured me entirely, tutu restored me to perfect health, Mitch I liore•enjoyed eye e 'sineo, and net neltire for fifteen years. IF cheerfully °commend it to all -oersons who arti aietedtll with divpetedit orsioutsch:' „, R Y SN, nein Co. Vs. Proporini and K nld by...the Proirr;elnr,JOllN S. M I LT, , Mit Itt.t ?louse, Fred- Md. and by SAMUEL. Er,tiorr, sole agent for Cartiole, March HI, 1897. • To Country Phpticlans. Y E.RS has just roccived in addition a Br . to his tormer Mock, ti larga-asilortment of DRUGS AND , AII39ICIX Eio. warranted pure and frosli—among which nro all the re . ent popular prdpiirations of the Profession, Mach ho will ti;ell on as good tortilla a's any astablislimenfint( orPhiladelphia. (o . Physielans,arcioquosted ioexamine for themselves. . . lily 7, 1847: SUPE wonTgA • . • For..D:ppefitics and °them - .IrUST roceivad . at. Dr. nyare' DrugStoro, OJI choice article of Blaalc Tea, for Invalids and dyspe'pljos. Also Old an d .Voimg qunpowder,ant :July 28., 1847,• 'Cheap:Jar' ElEtztO .Tginblers, . lacalyed,ta' Itiirrassoitnflirt--4f-law_ Glasip=jar,s foiill6'fireservin4 Eteason. ,F,,or , , I • • ', • JSJ C)l4 1MM.M132;1:3 ' "" ijA,LeaL b• kL-200 tone :Pilie'Grove *Limo burney4 wo T O SS , 0 , 1 1.-200 tone TlVike6Vl:9°'- initious Coal,- . 1...5000 Wei Pitu • „LL for ottlikb. ttrr. FoN &, 5. f, • • 1847„ ,•„o.'ot .A 10014 :'. : liki v il ; ie it iiiiia4d4' 6 lAlior tt:4BWkiiteltEr§TOBol6,ffirOdMO EtidetiOpokiiliii'Wnl;,Giiilli*4 4illi: . Lii0;..,131000..it arid . -1i 6 104 iris' '! Q ~ i . al . - . ,i : i . .' a is :r.iTi,alqii a 1 iCI( Oi lae 4p;,,, 4.. , V >.. iiiit ; ; ,;- . - i: 'vvako;c!Ooitik , , .. • •;i I,iiuAytuNY+ gati.ol6,ifl, 'O-,.0:: ''''; '. ;. -'.•,''.:.• '', r' , '•' .'.- . - - ...-':•;;; 1 5- 1-Tr'''.... , •','. ". : :: .'.,:-:•-.. ::. - ••: • •:.!:',;,-' sti - :y.:;',..::;'.;:.',..•':: . ;;;,• , :: 7 • . . : . , -!):.:! 4 .,-:, , .s... - ,..:,-.." . .'.. ; . s:,:', -(,-,, 115-ItrAit'Q x plitfd t,t - ` 4 . -I .7I . I.H"GUMI.IEIRLAN LYVALL4Y . , • r urid aTro I lett. rig bottrO .of Ittanagres for the eneulittryettr;: !in PreiitlentvSameel e Pre , . . 9 idditti DRY' 11 11)-KN"Ftg4110g1 , A311144111!crl :A.. G. Dlillej; Green,' John' Zitg; ' Ahralintrt''hjiig Tilithartl WOotla,: Starnudlllif ill kat' , • Vial libott• Cayleollexaadett , Pathisan. „There,. 00 alp a isumbev, Agettim, apßolatetl- i qt.?, adjteent. OOlii i itOs';'itilio 'Will' recut ve ;appliCikwati. mitt in: edrmtdo ropward.theth-J•ithnieliiiadirort np troigil to.the office offhe Company ;3y ban the poi te-y will pa isiUcd g 9 t ; farther • i niVrtinitioti see the tiy:ie iit the Q . :intim fly: I • /11109:'0;MILLE11•„Preit. A. G. Al The following goat) ein en hard ' been nppoloted . - • AG ENTSA , . :Li: Hi AV illiants,- AV ettipsllt4 o ro,_Gei Y eral—A gent. .. . A. Coyle, Carlisle, DP.:li'll`llij'~,ltlualiiiiiicsbiii '" Oeorgo Drintlle, Esq., Mon•oe. Jos. M. Menni,Esq. Newburg. John Clentlettin, Esq. Hoge/gown. Stephen Cnlbertgliii7Shippensburg September - 29,1 M. 7 THE FRANKLIN FIRE *INSURANCE' u . , PHIL' AI/ELI - 44U , - Vharier - Perpetua4-540 0 i000 - caPitai - Paid - in' Office 1631 Chunk street. MAKE INSUllANCE,eitheeperninnentOrlim itetragatinat loss ordo magc by tire,on I'IWPERTV rittl EFFECTS of est. ry 'description, in. town or Country,on the most reasonable terms. ' Applica tions Made either persottally, or by letter, will be' ,itrotuPtiy attended to. . ':• . Rates of Insurance Reduced I PERP ET UAL R ISK. Brick or Stone dwellingsor stores 4 to 3 p c depos do -do Churches • .121 to 3 . do do 3 to do do Barns- .4 to 5 do do do Stables (private) 4 , to .• do do do Stables (public) 6to 74. do • • do , do Grist Mills.Vatteli,' - Power " 70°10 ". do AN WER.T. IIISK. Brick or Stone dwellings:n n ut Fur- niture from 30 to 40e $lOO value do do Stores and Merchan dize 35 to 50 do do do TavernsandFurniture_L________ 40 to Go do do do Barnsepd Contents '65 to 75 do do do Stables (public) 100 to 150 do do do Grist Mill and Stack. - 75 to 30 - ' do Frame and Log dwellings and For - nitttre 50 to 75 do do .do 'S ores and Mershon-_ thze 65 to 65 do do de Tavernsand Furniture 60 to 100 do do Barns - and Contents 90 to 100 do do do Grist Mills Cod Stock 90 to 100 ' do The subscriber is agent for the abovecompany for Carlisle and iy‘vieinitv. All applicationsror aysuranee either by snail ni• person:llk will be prompily attended to W. 1). SEYMOUR. June 1 V. 18.15. le-5.1 DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE CO'Y. PIMA I.IIIIA, On the Mataal in c pinciple, combined with a lage td (0 t 1. Find- * educed to nearly half the saal ny the Act of Incorporation the stock is pledged for the payment of -tiny basses Which the Corhpany may sustain. And as nn additional security to the assured; the act re quires that the pritfils of the business shall be litideel and roistrita With thifeurporation, as a guaruntee end protection to the insured against hiss. This -fund will be represented by scrip issued by the Company, bearing interest notcx ceeding six per cent. per annum. The insured are entitled to a pro rata shore Mille profits of the Company, and will receive that proportion of the aforesaid fund ,in scrip, widen the amount of corned premiums paid by him, beers tothe total sum °learned premiums and capital stock. . . , The scrip thus lonia, to be transferable on the books of the Company as stock. No dividend of scrip can be made4when the losses and expenses exceed the amdunt of earned premlmns. The insured nre protected front loss at tho customary rates of premiums, toilliont any individual liability or responsibility for the losses, or expanses of the Corporation. The assured have all the rights of membership,— can vote at all elections, and aro eligible as Directors of the Corporation. The subscriber has been appointed agent for ibis Company, mid as the mutual principle q superseding every other mode of Insurance, le would confidently recommend it to his friends and the public. The North American Cofftpany has close their Agency. Those having policies expitin in that office can have them renewed in th ° Delaware Company on much more favorab:e terms. For full particulars enquire either by letter or person to ' JOHN J. 111VERS. Carlisle, September 10, 1815.-1 y. L LE.;\* 11.IST 11 0 1? Otl Gi 11 MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. tn . . Allen and hastpennsborou. , ll ;Minna:ire Insurance Qompanyofelinilitivrand,County,in corporated by an act of Assembly, is now fully or ganizeilomil to operationunder the numagetnent of toe following commissioners, viz: Cht.Stayintin,lacob Shelly,Wmlt Gorgas,Lewis Illyer, Christian Titzel, M I loover, LogaiOlichael Cock lin, 13eikiiimin ii AI ttsser,Lev: Nlerkel,,lacobKirlt,Melchior Brett/Ants:lh nd Sao I who vospettfolly ck I I tile attcution of tbe citizens of Cult - Merlon(' IL Torkeonntiesto the ad vantages which the company bold out. The rates of 'tannest:are as low and favorable a a any Conipany of kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make applicatioit to the agents of the company who are willing to Wait upon them - at any JACOB SHELLY, Pres't. floovr.w, Vice President. Lewis Ilyer, Secretary. Michael Cocklin,Treasurer. .qCJ;..\'T.S. Michael Iloornr,(lenerat Ageni,Menlioniesbti r i Rndnlph''Yartlll,N. Utuberinini ton nship, ' P.l Coeklin, Allen . Wm . R. G omits, Allen townsh!r. Jam C Mien iqrtisli in., Peter liarrihart;Enst Perniehoro'lownship. . ilarmnii; KinkstOW.n,' fle;iry Zeatlitt. Shiremanstown, Simon Oyster,',Worrni,eyiburg, , . . . 3tiCobKiik;GeuentlAgelttbi• York Cminiy,N)i; .0 onstm P;O. lievirt.toßim , York eount3'. . John herr ink, York comity 'John ilankin,.York county; Daniel - Bally, York connis..,-;f.. J..liowmitn; York Phitinni i•ealtlii I I.c umbet`frnd : CAnilfji Robert G..Sterrei,S. , l4l4djoinibiunikitil. wilOo gilded hier'esitcr:: Tee:Smoking o ,- TOBACCO;.SEGA RS , - d-st s.A,s , T4tfof , Thlnut,",oo l !d!ra,t',3i l -thapolfrand Catoodlubs`Lu llo l 4 u 4 Luz. • , A 6f,„, brin4 . 6f, congress fives, wry .nerinitiro 0010111:140 dies: ?..Ptiv;Liab,sii.ogr,rianifdito I)l)!:,4l4ll7fr*.tif7f "on , .( . 0:7 1 . ' 4 , 0 0411r10041 , ‘Ylpfli 101, 'PLAIrl-TiA74,744;:!: R e 'l4 uoao, 8 0 7:0 'and finifteramsli• Sessrs.er, the, host I,4edittOVVTirloo'n loaf ; To'bacor, -,: 4114 't , h'i'ob-,thin-eubeoril oris proparol, to act!, an , 4:ilt ' ''clloooo to &IVO bite 'aiiiir‘ l o" • .9 0 1 ° , * n •Y •• • • •, • :14,9 , sJNs 4 4 ri nF t *rli f ,_l l4 / B t, °I , iIe PV I V PI PP/ 1 1 , 7 'ltlail''"4l ril Vii6Slri ? tfiaiiqiiTgA • y Aug/13,Yi8P ',' • ebitt oltll4 , • - • • EtETABLEAAPitiitat ILLS ' . „ that at*.-Ike sittne;,,S 1' mime • -purgespur ntl strength , Ate tarp stem.LefOri, d'kteWslediPlitl '-''Ay hiCh Smeared,: ltd:itf. , ,Trist ..- lncab bran ~ .-di.n.ertc.6olie inihe pills are,comp a sed,.ot.iniq InkredientOlit the two • dee- Saroparilla , and - Chem, do . onited that` hey net together; the one. through- ifttail;ni x:ture, With ol,hr,subatinices, pa • rifying and purging, while the 'other, is strength 9tung thei - syoem. - ; Thus - those 'Dina are nt the - addle - time . ,tonic and :,41p9nlak d'. ,a desideratum ; long eagerly - Ought for by medical men, but 11mi - before discovered. In other words they ilo the work eitwo medicines, ROA() t I much .bet,, ter than any, two WO icnoy•of: for they re move r , nodung Boni -the -system but the itnpurittea,44-. that ,while they purge they strengthen; and hCtlce ,they. cause no debilitation, and- ate 'honeyed-, by sio reaction. :lle. Le. Roy , s Pills Etttzn,Wtinderl 01 Influence on the blood; they not .olliv lawny _remove. alLnex. : . leusyttrtiolesdrom the chyle belare , it ideonve;- bud into Plitt, and thwantite_fwmdre_klbthil_atl__ _ nth* filpebalbiTiTry•; As there id no be there is do nausea- or *keen attending- the, • operstiohs of this most excellent of niedientes, which bever strains or. toritarps the dignatic fund. ; tiolts,but causes them to work , ln a perfectly, ant ; aural luannert null Ilene° posons lakhil Mein ,de not become pale and einttelbted, but the contrAry,` ft r while it is the property of the Sarsaparilla; • united as it is with etherdngredients, 'to removc, - all - that - iirforeignrand - impure;it — h — etputilutl% - . property of the Wild Cherry to retain, nil th at ssi natOrrill mat sound ; and hence n. robust , 'state o_ health is the cur tale result of their *united'opera- tions. • _ • For sale 'in Cnrlislc 4 Dr, J. .7. Myers, sole' .tent, and by Eibv null Kishinger,in - Kingstorn. geier(1.13443 . x 125 els: - —. •' • ---enrits7Feb4MlB4•7;; , ----- , - -', hilAtitsitß - $.l4OmENt. . . IT bas.pown• to (muse all extern:ll SOIIIIS, senoiuLO US. huinor. •• " "1N DISEA SFS, POISONOUS WC" — 4thgrg..o.thszir4Lgt_____ r ( rant ers, mil . . It is rightly , „ing, for there is Benrcely a diaease,•exterattl or internal, that i• will not benefit. have used it forthelast tear teen years for :31 diseases of the chest, Ccipsump lion and liNer L involving the utmost ilanirr and responsibility, and I declare before heaven Mid man, that not one single casein's it failed to Lett , efit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. 1 have had phYs'eians fearnedin the prpfersien: ihave_lind minlnntcrs_.otlibpGnsml,.lAtigetr of the hench,Aldermen„ La wyers, gentlemen. of the highest erudition, and pulthutimef the poor use kin every variety or way and there has been but -one voice—one univ WI sal voice—say ing,-!‘ Mc- Allister, ynur Ointment is GOOD." • CONSCM elm hardly be credited that a salve - s emi have . nnT effect upon - Me lungs' sealed ns they are tel the system. lint, , if placed upon 'the chest, it petietrntes to the lungs sdparntes the poi sass s particles that are consu ming them, and expels them from the system.---• It is curing persons of Consumption continually. HEA DA CH he salve Ims cured persons of the' headache of 13 , ye tt r:ti, smutting. and who hail it r,gular every 'Wee E that voMithig 'often took Place. Deafness .and helped with like suceegs. • I, • N removes almost imme diately the Intl:motion and swelling open the pain ceases. • Ilea . cdireetimi around the box. 'COLT) FEE . asumpti on , Liver Co - plaint, pain in th t or sic 1. of the hair one or the other al Was 4 COM ea..' (This ointment "IT a sure sign of diseaJe to have. In scrofula, old soreS, zu.), sipelas, sahrhettm, Leer complaint, sore, eies,.ipi nu, Fork !Itra t t.,_, bronchitis, broken or sore breast, piles, all PITA diseases such :14 and, ma, oppressions, pain -.-also, sore hps,chapped hands, inmors r entancons crop • (tons, nervous diseases null of the spine, there no medicine-now known as good. 'ase mit T. l rases (list ;tomtits defied ever',' tiling know a, at - Well as the ability di 15 or 80 docts. thin man told us he had spent ssoobn his iMiidrell Wit/19111 any Lein,' fit,-when a few boxes Of ointment mired them.. - 14.ALDNTE•SW.--lt o ill restore the hale sooner than an.' roller thing. HU is the hest thing in the-world hip Barns. (11 , ul the directions:ll.mM the hos. WORM S.=-It w i ll 1111‘e tA cry_ vesttgeof them -- There iv tirolothly nn modet-lite on llie face nt the earth at once no sure and so safe in the expul sion of WOrtllB. COHN S.LOccasioiq use of the Ointment a ill nlwa) s keep corns Irtint growiti,;. Prople nerd never he tvotillisnl Mith r illent if tian will use it. are yearly . cured by wig. Ointinetit. JAMES MCALLISTER & GIS:• s o l e prop! klors of the 0b.% e CA CTION --No OINTAIKNT n ill be gebu-' no indess the names or James NivAllistor or names McAllister & Co., are written mitt, a pen upon every babel. Sold by Sarnnetbllliot, S. W. Harcrstiek n ul Dr. J.A. Myers, in Car'isle,l, & L. neigel, Me chanicsburg; Sipgiser & Pr al,.Churebtown, and John Duller. Niatallle. AS A FURTHER E VI DE NCE That the principle °retiring di he:lse by clean , - iug and purifying the body. is -strictly in accor dance with the laws which govern the animal. economy; and if properly carried out by the use or WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILLS, Will certainly result in the complete abolition tit disease •we a . m. the follow int , testimonials, from persons of the highest respecaildy In New Sort: who hove recent ly been cured or the most on-ti - tithe imauplaints, solely by the use of Wright's In dian Vegetable fills of the North American Col lege of I leyilds. CERTIFICATES OF CURES. /rum Nii.w ink City . DA. WM. \VIt I OUT I . Si V,— At your re commendation:l sometime since made trial ot Wright's hullo) 'Vegetable l'ills, of' the No,ih American College of Health, a Illt eau conscienti ously assert that foi'l'iirirving the , blood and rot. Dimling the system, I havii received 'more benefit from their use thrill from any other medieine H has, heretofore been my good fortune to meet •iyith. • 1 am, dime sit, yitlimumy thanks, yonr obliged friend, ''- 'O4llll ES ALMATit: 1)e have been afflicted far several years with inward ‘renktiess and general debility, accompanied with pain, in lite side duel other distressing_complaints._ After having tried various medicitieaw,ithetil effect. 1 was pt•rstiaded• by ft friend to make Wright's lodine' Vegetable Villa, which 1 am happy .to s ate have relieved me In a most wonderful manner:- I have used the medicine RR yet but a short timer and' hate no dould„ by a persevcreneesin. the 'Lc medicine ;metalling to directiotta,thakt,slnlll short time hemerfectly,reptilre& • 1 mast willingly recommend said Tills'.,ta .14! persons similarly afflicted, titid,f that the Same b.aietiouk , resuitslulif ltieie use. Ire tnoi :1; v n4re shicet , elyi • ENVY • A. 1+0L)11 7 44•,- . / , Ayiv, ili• wittraiig,.thstcr.q, °., NOW. 1(9'!Ii. cai n lt j a , ti t i ff , , whielt ardi•r- ,!o iliceire,,m..c. exiled, by: nuliitts yekotsiO: Pith, r.Cljarlce Ogglby,l!arlislc, ,Coovor,`M honicsburg.: n & . rotivol,NAvirCiAttbelrlili n d. • ;.'.• Ames rinoro, Neivittte, ' k 't:` ' .1::Nortli;% , ; .'' plo 0 :A - Pliy le, I' s ke- einln t• •,5 " tier; 'rid John .17. i 111 in X Iroallei,e ,f S.. Soiit6ll an. T;rovvborg,. ,7.- ; , • Offices . ."lloVOt'Vi:olitta„Voly..lol` . lt 6 paVe' : ritapTONlgettibli o ilkvo eisli 6 - Hiu retail Grecri wldub:l}°tet,Ndo' lorks Otlo I 98:7.1'renni: OFIIiV:EitfALE 'a. I. hee. 4.4114 , .. tkolo,,ftir. , ;(ll.booyrril,,(ol... etteoosii4 rtit k in HO )Vice, ow,.,llhiertor t0 ; .1.04..he, . .412;;oro in:rod:AY:A Itiolltcist 154i44 ; opprk110114100IINVIY:11.1piA:liaph t .l. Orfp', l l,rcifc#leht , livii,c)c'FmOvspiel tig ~g ct ),o,3l.bit. from o d,-optooelj og;:iobotooe T O • and Ati:theiv.forp.rviierin4 to the Waith'' ; ; . `,art 00,011 I Jl6 6 ,1 )f: P '6e , :.%• 114 iluilis t, ‘POr!PA'4,014641)okolfob rll: t or, #141i1:14 t WON: t `ll4s , 4'ik,; lI :v:11110 :0,1410 11 clOtco'f* Ke:W.2ll'la ' 0 :1• ' • Y .~,j MEE No GO I v slink,New Work, . Front Wartrars mg, .1V I'. = ! ~~~'~~ ~f. litil Main
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