Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, October 27, 1847, Image 4

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    • -
rya„ "^ .
7cQ. 1 1.4,t 9Z IVO
r y„Ett I)I,II3SD,AY* 4
s9ore,,lincic.oltlioCourt.:llotrse ; ;
t I
rtnikenlttEttly cl4-iiwn yetir, I ? ,btrA et. _
the yen . r • • •• • •
ffir•of,x•niontlig,. •'.
Thtioe (0 , 00 Vtriglitry.. 4d horqcl tm., .
dvertlnkinf i:inhk in; fiffeitillnek;;;•Tetto,-% , '
Ichorgoitartho rote I,l', Fhb. cOnt e for one Insertion,
•throe (aka fir 0!lo llnha q. and twenty-live castle 101
'evefy r atihipitithit Imtortioo. Nearly otivert Isere wit
gi elm r 40.1 angle Thilowindrntes :„ ' •
:thee denutltn, with•tito paper, formic year, - ft,ss
,llalla column, - • e., - taa
Vw.) i il
mitrterly rim ogre, • • 00
.•11hsinaae Cnrda,'wit hi he lii per, bit
' tw3tii r s 1116iihm, - fflrctilnrs-Aill_nvotY
y devisrlp fee of Pelatieg, executed ha omonwly Doti
• xpoilittuklylon'd•itt:t Ito 1.OW1;ST:P1.111•ER.
- --NEW - 1111POLY--OF-DRUGS4--
.21.42 v CV 1611,003D5, 'Ste: ' •
0 W. IiAVERTICK desires -to inform his
I'3 • friendstind the mild so that his new SPRING
. ,A NI) SUM NIER; SU I' PLY of ' goods, which
lance-been selected with great care by himself per
• ' spindly, null just op?.n'ell at Ida old and weltknown
'esiablishment his North Ilannver street, embrace
'a _supply or FtP.sil im.vGsoo g ethor .will ii
most extensive, riiili and varied stock or ItooNs,
{hot h" school tied'" miscellaneotte,),) , A N C I,''
't_ , 4ool - 9,PERFU IP.S, &O. &c: to ‘k bleb he feels
• 'confident inn innylivite_the attention of the itit
lie with the full assuranee.of Its Mg able to Supply
- every, nantliid ge,itify every Caste, besides elitist.-
' 'tug entire satisfaction by the very rim cone hle terms
'pon which Ilia numerous at tielcs.s ill lie dispa-t
:eat of.
lie would caftan! psrlicalnr sttention of Fam
ilies and Physician's to his 'replenished assortne,
• of. ' DRUGS and MEM:INES, which have lieen'
purchuScal titllte best houses in.Plillailelphilk, and
maybe retied upon for freshness and excellence.
Added to ihesc will lie 'found nn entire stock of
PANTS, -OILS, DyE-sTUFFs, Varnishes,
1 ,3
'Cli 5, &.c km., till or which he will ensure to be
d he best quality and at tho.,very -lowest prices.
Ile has made manyflditiona to los stock of
.1 - 101 IRS, hesikles set:airing it new supply of tili,the
_ Text Books, I lislories, Renkt s. Lexmons, Wri •
• ling! Books, fie. now in use in College sod our
_ :public schools—which lie will dispaki ofou terms
Milted to.. the cireomstances of all,
Ills stock of PA NCI'. ARTICLES embraces
it - rich and extrusive collection which it W 1 41,1 he
imposeilkle •to CimmeraM, but comprising many
iiovt.hies which cannot foil to strike tile eye and
please the taste, melt aS Indies sod Gentlemen's
i Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and PeneilS. I lair
Tooth and Clothes Brushes. Perrnmes of Ron
'selle's ri ;di nod extensive. varieties-Fancy Soars,
:Shaving Cream Card Cases, Pocket Pistols,
. • Pocket booms, t2C. &v. - =- - . •
Also, n new supply of Cornelms's elecnnt
I.A RI) LA NI ES, togther with Sperm and Mould
Candles. Baskets, Musical Instruments, Umbrul •
'111 , ., Children's To) s - ,-Ilsor,:n1 it mid other sell
's:les in the variety. line, w Idols with n 'constant
sup Ply or fresh FRUITS, nuts and Coulee. ionary
of-durricliest quality:-make-ti large and splendid
stock to which he conthlently invites-the attention
aunt patronage of his to.on and comm.) friends; at
the old stand in
. NordiHanover street, nearly op
„liosite the Carlisle . Bank.
Jame e-: I 547, -
---fir.-,Toluc-3: 11+girers
Has-just_ returned From the eily . with a large
'.nd emeldlly selee - ted assortment of
• I)ru3s, Paiptg; 011 s, Dye-Staffs,
end I'ATILNT M..EI4t6INES, Including , all
the ,low preparattons ef die day, together with .
n general asgorirne it of elmice•PF,l2 M
FANCY ARTICLES, &0., which makes Ilia
sloe; fill and complete, all of which lie mill
Lowrß THAN 811111: Call and see
fur ymmolve2-
Joy 7, 18.0,
*in I: slibsreiber, wislinig to 01 11111 up his hind,
ness in Carlisle, will dispose or li:s large and
'elegant assortment of Dry Goods at first cost ;
bents determined to sell ofrbit entire stock, he
319 , 11re4 his Iriet.lls and the public, that great bar
gains will he oared. Those, t'lerelore, who
Irish to save from IS to SU per cent. in lima:ho
sing Gods, will do well in give him an early
'call. His assortment it large, nod the goods
Lave been' purchased with great care, and em
tense sit assortmert of nearly every article nett
ally kept io a Dry hoods store.
As we are determined to close up our InOnneSn
at the rely earliest possible period, we hereby
milify those itidelitar to come ror'iiiril
Otely and settle up their respective atamunt 5, HS
longer indulgence canitor Ito granted. Those
who do not, before the 11111 of October, settle
their acconots, m ay ex pecun.l l oseThem place
tit the hands of a ustice for coltection.
I). 11. A Rg01.1).
Crirlisle'.lnls tit , 1847.
Family Grocery 1
IE bif ,scriller takes this method to inform
Isis friends '
and the public in.general that he
has : just opened the haute latelyocennied by
Dr John At matt co% and three dam. s east of ,J lac
I)llooBlllo,,Witrelmtisc . . general ns
. amid - fent of Molly Groceries, such as Teas,
46 1.; Affix,..s.tigar, Molasses, chi:mime 1111 . 11 Spices al
(Very d scriptino. ,Islsoottiarge and well nice
• • • QUI/flEilirSliFtifilE
Akllliotr-ware, Brushes,' To
barna 'or otnry description, from the niiinmon
- tohiteco, up to Wood wrietl'a , beit•lioney
e.. • ',The li Odic Ito!! respectfully. ineited to will and
liitsatoisk before 1 styli% eiseriliere, as he
natters Militia:ll thit(lic Cannot laillolilease.thep
. ;
il t - r ißj . fr.;ol: l l4o ,the t qous)lt : y.,w;llliitil
it to their' ittc,ittitgo, to ittYr. him a calk . ; Ilia atoc
kipcottnolentls,,aitup,tnilouit hvoin 11r ..,..3111thi15' liver's.'" • •
• aIi3Os;b:AALBERT4
• ~,t c arlitap..i'tiqc.:2, 1 f,47. • ~
6 UST received a lingo au ppliO f . fr'eah
lltPtieri'es,'consisting'oftcperior brown sugars
, find 'Llidf;•'Ci'uslied, Pulverized add 'chirified
U .: ; SillbAßO; all; of which will be , sdlitet reduced
gliriaCe. iCOFFEE cif every description
of of Strong Rio.
• Superior lidperic Young,
~;. I ,lyeprir 141 . 0 idol;
i:4141;54 'irorikititdbot . t,selection 0 Da..
;;1. vid whiiites heed col
' ebrated'fdt 3il yours fur sul
ling the be 0.04 ass id, i
• f.:le4; aro •
6irStigsr' sylrati, auger- house 'add , belon g .
''s . 3ficit'AsStk. ritincrior' KY;
u ar = cored !1 : 1 -
4100,1 dried
ti Eider ieß i
Macicer4l, Rut:,
~ ..4rnon,,Silad_opitl- i iring,' flop g!Ool.,
" • t,,tfirN4 orfith Or art too kiinic)soCfc . mcd',
•!itiiiil"-••'"Alt9r,O.PP l ,?,;loll,l4•69l4*liisirpricit"
gPkifiatisfactiiir4' 'call'and see.. •
, - ;,lktoll;ll.44Arriiill
4q-, r
-,- ..tviii ,. 0141 . -.. - A'.':2" , o‘k,?'"o2o.lP.C4l:sl:ll(s:. 41
aC,:s,:4' ,- ..•,%;"• , ,, , •:,<• ''
• -1,'40:1 <-• • •
„ 41:
1 1
,4. 4 319- Anntsraty. ~ -
ptraminenaroiro i prihroefiribli
0 0
11 1 4141:4.1 1 7e1,17phrTi l ly°; gilt e e a ' t
As ca illti Odrnboilp i nir /r a w Hail ( if DO !
41.01, • ' +lo4streav ta inf4nyklid, pribtle z thAt fie
rlii more A large 'took orliPeLb Orlter,s i , com .
;.7 ii t onlytortlio. chakentt A arktitiumt tilittiliktlif i ltitil
t rFOIS$19101) 1 1,105e 4 1 0tivfited IR thin cglullYi) twl
' t ` f l iwAshki.4lsApqm3o, or on tql.Pemscteemple 1 pe
4 ';tlifkteteny.Other 1 4 PriRei t Y Pi 4 1 1 colipl i, lid G .
,Fr Ir.l, , tig 11 1 6 t'ea t !th 41 1 1 T i g° l s:P t i the
, 4 4 g'?I'll,F,
~r) f I cp). 15 a airl tnat • • ~t ' I ,•
~,,,s , , IL Pi A.. 'l, oli ll K vin mtpurm: r:
- ' ol4' I Irer 22 12471 ,10 , I ';`,Pl.' 1.. .. r - , 4 0,1
! u<frk,...,_ en) , 4_ ' 1, -,
.f , 4ql i,.- prlitages, fillAA:,Cillarl' 1 1
,OF ' FULL aupply of 0 1 0 k Ifs...knot:o4nd
• '''“"'t ''' 0. a ,f or ,tomining La fen' • Visiiiie &
1 .4 ~,L • • imp .,.. _ _ ..,...,„,.....,
lois, jeet opeloali9Y - G. vv• 4- ;' 1 A 41 Ali
it 1 or .. . ~ . , e , 6 to,s7, ', , 0 y
, 1 cannot', uPlop a '.. ~
;•40g=0" 7- 47, - 7'?il; • iiyili;'l l 7 i llo l• 2 , ,
A;i4.lif v4,-„lnapvco, 4 64 , Firiii OiliiiriCal Pipe
‘ ,t - v, 4 Q 1 1 4 *, ati , I ailliAileekilitet yet,
, --) Izi ..4004. AppoiciiilnsEr A ,
f. . I P4I led tr.A. ,** , r ..g u . go , •.'"it,444o,i' ,
A . 00019 eroolo4r*., , i. 1 ..,
' i,,Ar, - 1 ,, ,•••
, ' `,'. --- • ' Air ,
0- , t' , '"' , 1-....11 - ,. ~' ) ' '' ,'• - s r
Ar c
b AIIC •-• •
VW) =
r .
has been
, 't'e'ed with'ivondiPllil 4fitc . eaifilln cute
:o'apme tiiriltia,mpatt.rephloselitadt44ati with
wlticli the horse is affected, (without destroyine
thic•lntir)'.stilb •itlib[stiainif,'.awelliPgstltill' l
boss ofjo nls,t,gallskodatieChY:litti.eellei . 6 ifil
strains of the shoulders,:stifte, ; hoof.
pastern and - 6offiti jetinfa i 'straftioirtlio• wliirl
' bone, "knee, fetlock, Poll - evil, 'fist uldsi
curbir,'splints, spaVid, windkallit„puffs, ; •
It very soinveures trat woutillsoute;
bruises, fistifiCS, jinn evil, curbs, ettii, finalities
Instant relief in the scratches, grease, ate!, mid
the diseates incident to_ horses having white
foot tiad - nosos-produeed_ny. St, Jahn?! Woo,.
which so often dtatroys the hoots and la - onett of
the feet, and resists the action of sulphur and
vitriol ointments,, and other •romediee equally
powe - rful.
'No application has herotofore proved'. so
useful in relaying stiffness of the, tendons and
joints, and producing such immediate and
beneficial effects in cracked heels, brought on
by high feedidg,spliars and sprains.• •
This Embreertidn is highly recommended to
furriers, lteeperb of livery stables,. wirsticret
stage proprietord, and private
,gent.emen 'own
ing. horses, as an invaluable rethedy; and
should be constantly kept in their atahles.:
Also fa riners„whose horses are r so liable to
kicks, cots nod wounds, will find it equally
advaptogoont. to Iteefait constantri_mi,band,
It is tqually beneficial in the treatment of
working -cattle, fur galls, sore . necks, •otits,
wounds, etc.
Fur Sabi in Carlisla by Dr. JOHN
DRS, Sole Agent.
To_tlv: Citizens of Cumberland Ca
a There is something more precious Urdu
'7l Gold or Diamonds—Ho-:ALT/VI '•
►ore some' disenses 11111! 'llia tin etsta.
• tett motors of the year 2 and which opt mitre.
quently become alartninglyfotal.thwing the s AM
mei. awl autumn inotiths ; especially the young;
there being not less than seventy thoust.nd dying
minnolly will; derangements or the stomach and
bowels alone. Does not every feelingof our nag
tore bettline enlisted in the human desire to les:
:en this frightful mot tidily, arc we not hound by
every "principle of religion to administer Teller
when in our power) am! we discharge our luty
when w e point out the greatest remedy ever yet
discovered, Ihr this purpose,to the public. If
there be oite, or if they hove ii triend, or a Child,
or a neighbor, who now chance to read this no
tice. that is suffering with Diarrhoea, Dyseatary,
thokra .Morbus, 'Summer Complaints, Colic,
Flutulency, Etc., Ste., then let them try Dr. K •
let's Contlial and Cormioutive, atur we guara ee
a speedy sure.
Dec. 11,1846
• Dr. eider —Soloed ine lost slimmer y our aged
'loft me • sonte of your hilitot cordial and Carotin
alive, urging me to try it. It so happened that I
had a case, a young child about - six months old,
whose stomach and bowels were in n very disor
dered condiiitm, ruined by_ a_ deficiency of its
tnotheiPs-milk. l'lle child was a mere skeleton,
there wins much tormiici, tenesmus and constant
evticuxtion , . I administered every medicine
could think of, wi•lt but a slight alleviation of the
cimplaint. 1 then thought of giving- your mein
cii.e a trial commencing n lilt small doses.
I sloe linweyer_ matched the child co 1 I betn'r a
full dose as recommended in directions; before
it hail taken bairn bottle, Iho stoimich and bow
els had recovered Iheir 11111 twal toile, every other
bail symptom yielded, mid the child rapidly re=
I have no hesitation in saying that yonr*tnedi
tine in the .very best rnr the aboVt cornphiinta
have initurnistered 10 a,2l.settee oraet tee.
l'ery respectfully, friend,
Prep:wed corner of :3.1 .m 08306 Streets, VIM
For sale wholesaleonrl retail by Siiu
U r.t. ELLIOT, Carlisle ; I).. MONITTROII, Harris
and by Druggists and Merchants through
nut the county.
.1111 y St, 1847.-6 m. •
An Appoved Remedy o Dyspepsia, olics
(5 . c., r 1)!c. -
T o two reasons why filth merli•
be recommended to the public,
—on is, that most persons who have so Tilt
it buy Regain, thereby showing / that they re
gard it us a valuable Family Inedicine; the
other is that certificates are intthe possession
of the Proprietor of permanent ,cures having
been effected not only in persons afflicted for a
blinrl time, but also in cases of long standing
It is composed altogether of a vegetable
matter, is perfectly harmless, can be taken at
all times, and is no hiodranee to nosiness. It
restores and revives (no onirn I I sid rits, cleanses
the stomach from all morbid tomato which
cause indigestion and. Lcidities. It also re
moves nerveris tremors, rhumatio pains, and
prevents their return; cures nllJ colic% of the
stomachs and bowels,almost immediately takes
away palpitation of ,the heart, and promotes
the free circulation of the blood.
'Phu direction accompanying each brittle
contains a number of certificates one of which
is given in this advertisement.
, Mira P.ltt :—llbollt.l.VyTyolllll - agn I was I
1 4 vercly:ifflicted with Aspepsia, which . I had
for the last fifteen years-Pra'svious to the above
nomed time, which was , yery,much increased
try my having n blond - vcsseleupturcd ripen my
lunge, necastorrad by.liftlitg—.which increased
my etunpinint; ditipepsin arid' general debility
and weakness, toeuch a decree, that two' or
three years previous to my tisiug the .thirlo.
gant's Balsam, I never ate er. Meal but; my
stomach became so painfril MAI badlininiidi.
ately to throw it up. SeeingTitarlegant's Bal
sam advertised' wins induced to try a bottle;
after token the.vory first dose' It appeared "to
'el intigtheli - thy" at °mall; oricreveryldose` of th
fitril tio'ttle..helped me sn 'mtinh 'thatt-in-• the
cirotse'ofa: few days- stomach began' to
. retriintind digest avert' think I ate. outland('
to use the Balsarri - untill used' several hotline,
, WhinliO'brii.dirielin'tiraly, and restored me to
perfcbtlicaltlooldeb I hay.° ortje3ia - dever since,
a ndtie t . be foie fo r fifteen
.onoturnend it to ii,4119119 who,.are ,atetedfil
,With,dispcpsia nr ilibility Of xlOlllOll.
• HENRY LOTTFIAN, frird'k'Co.;fa.
Prepared and sold , tha PrOjiriOtor, PUN
S:MlLLE4,oppoellethe MarlietAndrui, Fred.
crick; Md. and by SAMUEL' ELLIOTT, sole
;agent fur Carlisle.'
'loch, 1847'. ' ' ' ' • . -
• ' "
Toflountry iPhyslcians.!
YEItS 'has just - received , Ili 'di:lllom'
p tn his' lormer stock, a larea"assoitnio'nt;
of DRUGS;•AND MrlDlClAT'EP:fitlirtatitott
"pate:ca. frash• , ... soabnewhich. ore all the vb . .:
co al . oßalit r
lailitch ;he Will ss11 ) -On, 09 gOP4 jarplll as any :
s:..o;:rThyslcians'arwroquastod to'exataltio Tot .
ithotasolvosi , •
ld.uIF7;1817; ~$;• • '
e;. C ~ '
irccgjopd ii i 4t9ro, a
Air 4119)cciA1091p,o(AlickTeal
1 0 4 11.”119130!st,•440 aPd•ltg)P9gAir,i°l*i
, uuPawdPF, AOP IRCYIf 6I ; •,‘t 7
PP 1) 00 4! It;.4 ; 1 14 k • -7:4
. 22 .. 21213 heap,autca, 1111 1. 1 * - 111 1 -,-,;--4---1
'.i.7i.6ivi`d;,LiT6i9",i,44,o r ii , of ! ,,s,
ef , d.9ls Jars enei'utiblere'itillable
, feX Abe Prg!itirSingiFtectiOu.: , POrAILIA. 4 IC
tr. g0t,i ,,, ,, ..14 , 40k , ; 1 , ~.;‘', (. 1 0 , ,Atre,imp.‘,
liiihfly,M4ll#7.lo“i'll , . 11i. , , :+ 4; quitlssip . ot L
I , ;7‘:'" :i",SYtt i TWOo l o.o t ri • I'q ~ ~
ItiOil'asiiiidtliNo44lo tons
A l(4
anikehaione,Ocill'.i42olLl tano LAW e'..bu titers
'i.. , * 44 ORAfile,Altetpii?olitc•diti o t . ,ii / 0
41 - ,t;Aoiliiiin „Pit4 4 1 , ',tit ,
L.:i , sy , ‘ - lirl.4oAiamixi,4o - 4 , 3 miatlit •
Jiimiitinfittsitiop , 0g,47 k3 ). 6 ,1„i ,
, , •)- f f , .• . .'•' • • ^ 1 :',' ,
Attp)- -, ..A AAA
, P
i ... Ap
• , aoile
*Fi'l A ' .014 PIA
li . 1111'
do 0 . 'A, ni t ,
ointlllit ir e iii i ia,, 0 ,ni kk i r,i;, , , Mu l l'
MtroatOs'il ' tie iti,4OsI,IVOIM! -- 1 fA 'to
P:„*, I"' '14%1n iit,'ckidklii'ilt?!.49R.,lSs, -.4e4t
Ca ucoult - - ~,,Pa r46 Aid; ,;. 7 ..f: e ;-, , 1: , .., ; -, L ,
,; N:
I'lfiiiiii GlVterlir ~ .:1 7 .., 4(4 C4,91M,9f11A1.V
1:410-',3134g10847,4 %A l t l ig L ; M :,
,=:11 -'-.:CA111°1'7.!: ' ,. f .?, : := '''',:;?::- .. c,?:•, • ' . ' :
!; k' j, ,.„i''r ,:: .:",^:.• :,%':;:, ' - '
';;.. •-•
Yll 4.16 . 0' 3 ' I4 4 1'„: 1 ,
~;::'An run coinz,
E; tikirttA:74))
h-t - .Aul , rtare.Orik.)N , 2,c . ".mizsNyilo9f , ba ,
under! 'the'rtrullt6rine;hl4l!:•.foe
.Maheire ' , fur •ensolifirsetir,4ki-aTifite:•C:, l
iI I er,t-Preeklent Su rintef, G ittbrui h tee' Pie
el thintt t Davht 1- V. hlrlitolloughi‘frrensio:6lll
ur, Secretary, , ittmettAVeekley .lohnir;
brul unit .King;; Richard
fhtrouet. ,11 usto*, j'eaf,..,Htiott
'Cciile t .Aleithitter ;,!riterf.l:tore 11;tio , ',O
innober 'of 'A geiiti
uoinittei; whO'ttrill'reettiv,e alildicutiliiis 'lO - In •
, sorande tied ' lorithrti :Them toliettintity,foi‘Olii
.Tirointltio• the eiffirOifthe Canitutity ; when the Obt
.nty will. he ted ,, trithUdt Vor 'Cu rth CP
otortoutictreee' the 14.11 i Ulu of
..TIlt)S. O.+SI I LLEu Olt;
"A. G : -
4h6.'fcildwin g - g entlerr ! en—havel.meti-appointed
L. H. Williams, Esq., Westpenushoro, Den
cm) 4gOnt.'
- :A',.•Cityle,'Carlisle,
• Dr: Irsx',Dtly,'Me.ilintliesbnrt. , ... .--
George Hrtudle, Esq., Monroe.
Jos, , M. Menns,Esq.4lev•hurg. . -•
John Clemlenin, Esq. lingestown.
Stephen. Culbertson;Shippenshurg:,. •
. September 29;'1847.. ' • ' . ; '-
lar , e • , Apu,A.,1 . , ,k, iA. -
ca r!r_efinatf . --slo9,ooo:9aptaitioid in
o„flidel63b Gheinitt street..
itedotiminstlOsiorilsmisge by fire,on PlltOPEirc Y
Nail F..I.7.F.ECTS„ of:eytry,deso!ptioo, in town or
Conntry,on mobt reasonable terriiii.
Botts mode Miller personally. or by letter; will be
promptly attended to.
, BANCKEIii Prost,
Rates of Ingitante Reduced 1
P E.ll PET U.. 11: iSK., •
Brick or Stone dwellingsor stores'
from, 66..t0-3-p e depot)
do. do Churches to 3 do
do ; do Taverns .„ a to 4
do do Barns 410 '5 "do -
• -do do Stables (private) 4to '5 ' do
. do' do Stables (public) 6to 7$ do
do. - do Grist Mdts, Water
Power, . to 10 do
..IN:lstUa .1?
Brick-or Stone dwellinga and-Fur-----
• 'Mitre from. • 30 to 40e $lOO . value
do do Stores and Mereban- .
tlize - 85 to 50 do
do do Taverns andFurniture_ _
40 to 60 • ' do
do do Barns and Contents
• '65 to 75 fNo
do do Stables (palie)
. 11)(1 to 150 do
do - do Grist Mill and Stock
75 to 80 do
Frame and Logdwellinge and Fur
niture .....50 to 75 do
do do S ores and Morahan
. thee 65 to 85 do
Ido do Taverns and Furniture
60 to 100 do
• do do Barns and Contents
90 to 100 do
do doCidifl.lins and 'Stork •
60 to 100 • do
The subsOrther is Agent for the übovecomfiuny
foESlurliile imil its rieinitT, All implicationsfor
ustoirunee other
. by mui or personally will he
promptly attended to W. 13. -- SEY-M4314-11-,-
,—Lit0e_t_ . 2.„12.45.-- • •
F ' --
On the Mutual Insuance pinciplc, combined
with a lage joint-stock. apit al. 1
- educed to nenrl3j luqf the 'usual atcs.
BY -Old- Act of Ineor . poretion-the - stock is I
pledged for • the payntent__of_any_igrves
which the Company-may -sustain: And as an
additional security to the assured, the act ra:
quires that the pritfilei altos beriness shalt be
funded and remain with the corporation, as
guarantee and protection to the insured against
toss. „This fund will be represented by scrip
issued by the Company, bearing interest note:-
ceeding six per cent. per annum. The insured
are entitled to a pro eels share, efthe profits of
the Company, and will receive "Ault proportion
of the aforesaid fund in scrip, widen the
amount of earned premiuMs paid by . him, bears
tothe total sum of e ned premiums and capital
The sccip thus od, to be transferable on °
the books of the Company as stock.
No dividend - of scrip can be made when
the losses and expenses exceed the amount of
earned premiums.
The insured are protected from Ines at the
euvtomary rates of, preinAums, witheni any
individual liability. or responsikiiiry_for the
losses or expanses of the Corporation. The
assured IMO all the rights of membersbip,:—
can• vote tit all elections, and are eligible es
Directors of the Corporation.
The subscriber has been appointed agent for
ibis Company, and as the mutual principle'
q superseding every other mode of Insurance,
to would confidentlyrecommend it to his friends
and the public.
The North American Company has close
their Agency. Those having policies exPirin
in that office can have them renewed in the
Delaware Company on much more favorable
For fUll particulars empire either by letter
or person to • JOHli J. 'MYERS.
Carlisle, September 10,4845.-1 x..,.
LI.X. , y :EaST,Y i fAR 917 f;
EAHe n ott Enstpenneboroagli Mutoki Fire
'lin MAW ateCompanyoreumberland County,in.
entliorated by an act O 1 Assembly, is now fully or
ganizetipal to ap Ornti eit emnnagctuent of
use I'olo%ol'g commissioners, viz:,,,. , ;,.
Cht.Stay man,lneoh.S Itylly,Wm It Hergati,Leada
er, Christian Titzel; 1111 Mined Hoover, Henry
Lagatt;Michnet COoklia, Bettlirn i LI ItTuSser,Levi
Merkei t lykeoltElo,lHolcitioilirerfetnan tol'Stob,l
kipeellidly lite athntiop of the
tit*ryttafetrito,berla - tilapi) Xillitsioattfilaitty Hie ad.
.v&lttagea t h e company holtl'out.
rates of lesureeee are arta tv and fitio'rAbk.
,taany Etopaity n ot"Htoland in. tlat State ; : Forvonti
'slang Co become, members Are invited, to;, nake
,eityliettliott"o the ageara,oftliiapnivany, who are
w d Hog to vraH,tilloattitern 4 i me.
140:Presi dent.
.• ~L • , Litris flyer, Secretary.
51.iniinel;lienver,Genernj,Aecnt,Meehnniesb ur i
~MartibbN.- t Umbeirlind ten tfiship.
M .Ceelclin, Allen towneloip..! . •
In i v na bfp.
•Trirl!' toWnshipv .
; Tioten florohartinnell o ennaboro'townsliin.
D.avitl.lllartin:Clnirelitown. . ,
C. 134,Hermon, , Kingstown,
Hc,irt Zenrlng; Sliiremenamten,,;, •.;
Simon pyster;Mormleyshurki •
Dr. ;snob Baughinnn,Cnriiele;, ,, t,„
Jneebl{.3rk t deneral.Agentfor York
' Cumberland.P..o,; ,
_Henry Imenn.,irnrlcOninf.i.l . t.,..*-4 , -;';.:
Jol)ri"..herr lek,
• .
Robert CwSterret,Si Middleton liownopl o .
Cr,.9theragehltirlit.Setsidtleilkereattiir .-4—zi
, .
,chPic- 111, ,qorii!k Ar! 4 " . f4,iii*
~ ~ TTOBACCO. N SEGAnS*,4I4. O OI ' • ~,,,
tj V
8 As ' $.
G.:1 ( 4 . /Imi° t SYle t rated
1, :.,
' repo, PAlnd,',,,,c`ityviAisKtiiii4nug Luz:,
' 1 111;;Idi . Ai Ofro ,tl:lll'ini or„t:o9gio*ficlo;ta.
dies! Twist ; ami'l3pilio:` pe,mutlea xele bya tad.
iliiippge end ;cottrep, MattoshOyi eitid,Daniicr'is'
PaPPeo kindly, • ~,,- ?, , t 1 , , , .0,,0 .:k.fw,',(,.' ,
; Splendg Plantation; Areitiortiii,,La Vlotarla;
. Laprinittierao.l#Cabeintr ? PritibiliteriCheruee
,Iq.?,locitai4OboicetritAtdii cor liiippiteCitetpri g
tife_itit pith`fßektill'a";dn'tk' 40 'llo ation .
4 1001 tr 4ridllpitsFailieti'tireVais fit'iltfell'A'
InitOrth' d 'Ol d- AttiiNVEITA irPtiNitl4t , ; 1164
, *l l . lo kitlO et ib e# ll ! o rl , PrtnrAtoiell'‘ r,aii l
tiiilit tifthoi.gena ßi pc l Piltv9 MO%
*pi 10 ` ,, r 1.4 ri•V: 1 : , •-.. , ;!- / i-I. , ;') l .'4 , •4'''':`lAh.'4;i g t;it,
e 4ta pA rit l' a4l o9' i l i t i li 1 0 47t t lk lb '
a Llmi . tfreos9,,Ao,• l4 . :-!ki t1 .,., 1 ., . ~.,„,,,
, i ,i p A 7,- 0
!, , 1 4
,4,,. ~V4 , 40'.4. 6 ,1 ,YA
'.' ',:, i ',`. ~1.A, " 4, , , ,,.. .0 'lir itr , v. , ...1.i . ... , -c-z , z.f. , ,,,
, ,
• •
millEstalitYkriowti that:ro.the ' Seine.
ppasired ityfast taking . 91e,
pitteeisif,6ll others. of, the .1111111 C hese
pill eiti+e.itirito sed '0 i here the
two,pribelpat'opeslaris- Sarsapaelllttlitiel• Wild,
Clisrry, Bo unitedAlint_they..ilet together.t.the- nue:
alireogli , tta with,Other substuncesiliti ,
rify ing and purging,-while; kite 9ther-kaillettgdr ,, -
ening the, syStele, these„piCti ate at the
saute tinde'"tonle'rine'otienlitgi'n' Aleaideral m ,
long and eagerly sought fur liy medicarmen, but
, neyer;bUferodk,llTYcreil. :litetlicelordstlitsy do,
ilee'Werk'of two' metliiiined;and do' t'lniiich bet
ter than any two we oft , fur , they remove
nothing front .the..sysleret ltut the impurities, so
that ,w)illethey purgq they strengthen, and hence
=they-cause-no-dcbilitatiou r atisi-are—followed_by_ l
nn reaction., Dr. De lloy's pills IKayeit 'wonder
.iience onEtlie' Mood ; they not alibi - purify
without:weaktining it, hut they remove all' nox
10113partioles from the 'chyle before it is entire
-ned-into-fluidraisktitus-make, impure Ililood.,att
utter,',As there is no debilitation,
so there is no nausea or .slekiiese - attending the
operatinns of this 'most excellent of medielnes;
which never strains or tortitres the dignsliefutfc
tions;buteiitifies omM:toWork in a perfecitylliff
ural Manner; 'and hnime-‘pnesotia taken them.; .
not becolimpa le and eminstated,but the contrary,
ft r' it
-is the proper!" of Sarsaparilla,
untied as-it is with other ingredients, fo vet - drive
all that lit fereign and impure, it in' equally, the.
property ofthe Wiid Cherry to retain ail that is
natural and sound and hence. a robust' state' of
health is the certain iciult of their united opera
For sale dati‘rli sie by Dr. .1 - . 'J. - Myers, sale
ient;' - and hy - Enby-nnil,Kissinger i in 'Kingstown.
geiord e box 25 eta.
CarltsiFeb;.; 101847. -.
. . , 2
' I ' ' '.
* ' ' 7 : . raitai77FE :
' ~,,..- • ..A_ Ali,
.; • 11,1,4 "q- 44',?.. ' i r . F;
.'.'1.;;. :',40 3 •-•,;, - . 7. .' . . I! I N. T . lIOPk .l ,
~: ;....., -. ...t.:;:::..•.,; . ,
r....:,...........; ..
. ,
)- %-",:'.
_i,..W. I,' 4 ;ii //fi P f , 1., ;..‘...
,:* . ...i.,,,_._,
ALT.; MOTHERS having children afflicted
with any of those diseasett incident to the
trite of Walla} , such as' convufsione,spasmo•
NI !roue, cutaneous eruptions,. disordered
;townie'', and !mu t eness of 'the Anti/01es, should
Hover. be without this in fallible remedy that
las proved so Oft:melees in all the above die.
eases.. Nuinerbustestimonials might be given
to prove its merits, but a trial is better.
Sold by S. ELLIOTT, Carlisle. -'
March 3,1847. ,
To the Sick an) Afflicted,
T4ET all,those_who are coesolaTive or affec
led with Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchi
lie, Spitting. Blond, Pain in t h e side or Breast,
tir.Throst, Hoarseness, Palpitation of the
Heat, whooping Cough, Liver Complaints, &c.
remember dint it is
no ;
nPsON'S COMPoi, - Sirttl77 -7 3
NApATIIA that is daily effecting suchiwonder
ful cures in all these diseases—
, Therefore beware of alLother mixtures that
containNr -professes to contain Tar, and pur
chase of Them only who urn known not to deal
Ildad,the fnltowing testimony , totha value of
the above medicind, iron. a well known cal
-inn-of-Cumberland county. - _
DICKINON ToWNBIIIP, Nov. on, 1847.
About aids—years since. fn consequence of ,
theindeutury nature of _my business, - I - was
attacked with severe pains in the breast, pal.
pitatiun of the heart and shortness- of breath'
which were noun followed by a failure ofap•
petite,extrerne wakefulness at night,and. nutlet
paralysis of my limbs—these st inptome of a
deranged system being frequently attended
with spitting of blood. Fey about two years I
was also occasionally thrown into convulsions
which left ma in a miserable state of feeble
liens nod began to affeSl. - iny in Md." Fro nit ime
t i tune my sufferings Were more or less Severe
until at length theyintased foetid' a degree,
and the violence of the aymptoms were so nag
mented,That for a whole year I was unable to
attend to attend to any btisinese. Pot ing this
time I consulted some able- physicians and
attended to their prescriptiona ; but alt -Rica
skill was unavailing to procure mo relief, and
at length they regarded my recovery as - elli Tre
ly hopelets. lnlhie condition I was informed
oldie salutary effects of Thomann's Compound
syrup of Tar and Wood Naphtha, in n cage
somewhat similar to mine, arid though I had
given up all expectations of ,a recovery of my
former health by human .meens, yet being
strongly advised to try the medicine, I was ut
length prevailed import to do so, and I have now
to say, that by the use of six bottles m) health
Ilan been restored, and I am now able to at.
tend,,to,,business With as much facility an usual.
Printiiol Office, Nt E. corner FIFTH and
spR OK M R. Phila.
.'Sold in .Earl.ele by. R. ingney Principal
agent for:Eumberiand en.
Priea,6oe. or 6 bottles for 2,50.
lebruitry , lo,o 847. . , ,
bet the principle erecting disease by cleans-
MI anti porils'ing the Wily. is strictly , in sector.
dancewith the laws witielt govern ^the animal
economy :, nod if properly camed - out by the use
of .
Will certainly result in the complete abolition of
die,eeae we otter the following testimonials, from
pertiOnsef the liiAiest respectability in New Vora
who helve recce , ry heels Cured of the most 0)16-
mite's:om philn ts,ksofely by the'ose of Weight's le
than-Vegetable. Pills of the North American Col
lege, of
• ram Anw . ,
, WitlpHT Al your re
eomuenclatiti, Irbil of
Wright's' ?Oaten Vegettibie Pills; of the North
Atnertosii college, of Health, and eitit 'etiuseieuti
!midi engirt that for'Perifvliktlitit blood said ren.
,ovattitg the's) . stettr; hivereceiveil"niore'lienefil
li`opi their iiel than
IteretoforeboolovirgOod for.tuno to Meet with. •
I int; dear el; i•vvitli m a ny thanks, your.obliged
f'•••,•• ,Ciiilatt EN Atrfrit.TE,. '' •
r ; Hirtritirersly street, Nevi York.. ••
From artnarsitig' N 1 7 • '
Malt Sitt;-4 have, bien7afilleted for several
years with Inward weakness mid generehtlettility,
aceoinhaniett atitintas NMl:pain:in : the side 'and
othet!diatressiNVP9nl,, P!abilL , bitt lo l: l ool l obi' trie4
,variousntedietnes witnotit eirertA was Darimured
/! rrie 6 o l6l T 4 , 4 PArial - °P Pt, , Vl"l.B l, ol,:lnillin
.., ogetidde Yllli, whie t 11'84 appY.te,a'ani have
relieved me in pineal: wonderful. reanner:'Th
IL have
'liked the' We:Moine as Yet . bed a' sheet Ilan!, , arid
have no VOltht,kv , a'aerseverene'eisin the title of thii
raedleliinse4ordingto . dirottlnns, that 1 , , shill In a
short timo.bk.pstfeetly , repalredt: b 'C. , ' t , t-', • , i 1
' I most; *II linaly,meentruttenti , ,said ,dlifin.ta7 m te
persons p erns hatia t ly; afiliatpd, and In the full belief
-that-the:sitateatatip , , l 4 l 4, l o l ./1410—w,,- , their
..,L,,, - , i _• 4 ,P,f_cettie)iiiyeurs.sitiiirel:r; , _ _. . _., • ','
•., . ," ' •-. , !iWITRY:A.j . F.OI7.OI, ~,,
.! - " - fr.lh7 -4 :!f ; ', , ,Wartrorsitik'Ulster pii.VNevelrork:„
: , Ilttr'Asti itythruirrstoiarran,olfhe palate ar e;
tehttoluldi 010 100 t I hd ' num Y '
spuriousl snadhAn cA ,
which in order( del tlereive,' i are isilled, by nodule.
41.014 , 6 Wright's tellies Vegetable Piiis. -- 7 ' 1 ,.,..,,
, ~- I . l" ,Ohtleiti!OeilbS airfield. l„, .; ~
IA : ' 4 l , ifJolol% . 6tiVer; ' Meahlini4lOrii• 'A, ''"
_ ''l
' ,l :A v Ainimifetiliili'iSr. 4 iiivrrefilieWll . Wbirlent
° ' x{ . Jittneti VilaidT . , Miry ‘110,,', '..
"..,; „',
;:'„ A. J: Mirth'," '' 1. '"' ' '''
'":''''... ' .'s 1
': - ..',,1./.4.iliii,;c4ithitaitjieb*gdl4lrrl, , , ::1 ' ;',4 l c ,
f ', , , Ci .,,,: , l. li ,, A , Ait 3,, At;', " roYl e .4 9 g e !'tßAT*• : A .;- i '"
. • i ',4 ' - i liteitolftirtelif ill,lelion4:2 ii,i"r'..4."': I ~ „,,,,
;:VPIR l' 1 'titer .plid Paul, AburelitOwni?':' i:.. ','.,
k,„-„ . . , .,, : : : : ~-,: .i . .. vißtititle4.lllloll4lEltditle r l, 0 . ~,1
t P,Li 444 's :', ' ' • s '",l. 0 1 , 141 4'Ne:WbUrgi l' '''''''''' P " ..'''''
, I ' r • y' -, V: ' $0 1 0 0 1,1 1 ,:0tty.4, 4 0'„,1h.i , l'illaihf
- 4 ... i i S. • 11 dy t r ' pl i . 11 41 ; TuiroAno
-, ..... ... Bt tr. ptqlliiii, ` men,
„ 0 „_,:,,Sit • 4 ' 0,1 . 81:1, 1 1ht.
.., , .:,,,,, , ....3.,,, , y.,..,,:,.,,,,..L...-.1 , :-:,,..--,
„..v,„., ,
~,4,,,,,,q,:y,,,,,,,,..ti,,,,t h, ,,,, , ,,,..„,,,,,,..,,,,...,.
,„.„.,;,,,,,,,..,,,, ,„,..,,..,,,,,,.,„,„:„...."
..._l-;3lt 4 lntlabtiv
21ritItS ON 'abode, t o riseta, 611 CI oils;
eta tinder it very
""rcpt, eiu liar ttrer~xiseneee - arc - eo : Ligßht-ho -
.to 'net I !Gina Wheleante or the
loaaest prices They 'oantiot,fall tole
Butted 41t11 prices and the very - eltotee:neaoritnent
be oli t irsp(beetttilititapeilni t OltnerOlivtium,.
Jagratja i a Vafnittnn.Unroci:inga,,Tii grent aqiety:
anat. newrafyleit nod clotla ti11,4 , 1411415,,t0
eut.:fott_itiosnajtglia.tto, YV L 1)1 wield aarleiy,ef
Inge - 06'0161;e froni 21 to 50' neniti,'ntid:gutrf,
anti kilt* Catint't N to pb baitlit per yartl.—..
Mtio • TH1)10, itt4 Cdvera,
'Rode; ling andlinuois °gelid itig tae Sett •
•••• li II 141..1)It11)(4%
4.1 Siva wberel at. ono door aborts Chetlitt
near 24 street, Philadelphia.
, Sepfanhar 10147
Sieve, 'Riddle, Screen lititl.,Wiro Cloth M miaow
tory, N0,•48 North. Front /Arcot, between
Miirket, ail,' Arch streets', .
Sling subscribers having made grrai r . I hIjINOVtr
. J., menials% tlie.itlieve bbsinesa, e on* mann ,
factoring ef aiipbrion goal ty a i.kiniiirtif PLAIN
and ORNAMENTAL WIRE _ WORK, Stlidi 14. 0 1, 4' 1 ° 6 ;
sand, orC, snufr,itarcli, brjrkiltist Etc. • irplitidnrS'
Sieves of,:n.doperior titia lily A/instantly en band.
'vise Safes, Wire Dab ' C6ATIV,Sy . 651 it •Slitings,
I-Twilled-Wire- for-Spark-Ca
isTursery • I.:ender - 4 Garilen ' Murder
Stantia, krnrk for Grail@ Vines,
tge. Alia Wire Fencing-of
Order's , tliankfully _reeel veil,.a
elteeuted by.. WATSOII LI COX .
St ptembcr 23,1817._
. • •
B. E. MOORE. • 1 N,. nolnorq
MOORS & RisiDoN,
70,,,50uth Third Stied', iieni Ip opposite the
fESPECTPUILLY inuounce to their friends
and the Public that they arc donslanify pre
pared to. make to orderof the fiilest mid best
materials, and at moderate prices, every article
of Fwhionable Clothing cotirtitining' a Gentle
-4111111% Wardrobe, for which their complete stock
of choice' and carefully selected Cloths, Catlett
meres.Nestings; & ~ of the latest and most deal
rabic patterns, are particularly , designed.
nem own practical linowlei,ge of the husiness
And a peraonal attention to every garment,enables
them to give entire sidisfitelion, and to both old
mid - new customers they respectfully tender._an
'invitation to give them a rail.
"[laving:been tor - Tears connected with some of
the best and most.fashionable establishinenis in
this country, employing none but first rate work,
11110 being in the constant receipt of the la
test fitalliens rind best styles of goods, they are
fully prepared to accommodate customers in the
Apo manlier. -
Philadelphia August 18,1847—fl on -
THE Subscriber, of the hag fi rm of Buck &
Moore; taker this method of informing
his friends and the public in gcnerirl, that, ho
hue bolt - Or - out - the Interest - Of S L Buck; at Ole
old established CLOTHING STAND, N 0.24 4.
Markel Sireeti Philudelolia, and is now pre
pared to furnish alt kinds of ready made
CLOTHING, at prieserilticli cannot but secure
to him the patrornige'or ell who wish to per.
clime cheap clothing. I have splendid French
Cloth Dress and Frock Coats, from $5,50 to
st:; do ranta-from - 15 't.entirto - SE); Vests from
62i cents to $4; suit of Summer Clothing for
Alsh all kinds of Gentlemen'sfurnish•
ing Goods at extremely low prices.
Wholesale dealers in Clothing would du well
to call at the store of
254 Market street, Philadelphia/
August 113;1847-
At the. Philadelphia Daguerreotype Establish
. meet, Exchange, Third Story Rooms,
- N yds. 'A and '27.
THE 'proprir continue to take the above
Portraits in any me and style, Find are happy to
announce that; ey hove made several improve.
moms which add very much to the delicacy and
beauty of the portraits taken at their establishment
An examination of specimens at their rooms is
respeqlully solicited and every exertion will be
madelo give entire satisfaction
Sole agents for the-sale of Voigthmuder's A p
and importers of plates, chemicals,
Pitilapelphia August IS, 1847
IDOWAY &,KEEMLE,37 N. Wharves
. below Race street, offer for sale at the
EST PRICES - flit-the artiales_ of the bit
Trade. Their stook is wirled and extensive,
end they feel confident of giving satisfaction
to thine who call: They have nuw on hand
Pure Spbren Oil, White Winter and Fal
Oils of different qualities, Solar Oil, tV infer -
pre.sed Lard Oil, Winter Elephant-and-Whale
Oils, Refined, Raelcod and Cortimon Whale
Oil, Tanners' Oils,/Sperm Candles, Guano,
&e. &c. .
Philadelphia, August IS, iS47. .
N -B.—All goods delivered in first rate order
July 7, 1847. : .. :. , . ~.
Cheap IVatehee and" Jewelry.
a• , AT, Ilie Philadelphia Waleli
~ .. ilk , and Je'vAlry Siure, 96 North
lia, Second St, center of 9,arr.V
1 . 1 ' .. . Geld lever watehei,:ftilijvi -
-5 •
shed, 18 caret oueee • $45 00
lii:(:(*.iThiiir Suiver. Lover Macke, •
.... . •
,:full jewelled , . '-' 23 00 1
Silver Lever WittchZe seven jewels 18 00
Superior Quarter Watches, 10 00
iniitallon quarter Watches notrwarrented ' S 00.
Gold Spectacles ' . 6 800
Fine Stlver'Spectaeles I 75
.Gold Bracelets with topaz stones 3 50
Ladies Gold, Pencils 16 carrots.: 2 00
Gold Finger Rines 37i cents to $B, Watch
Glasses plain 12h cents to 181; Lunet 25.
Other articles In proportion. All goods war
ranted to be - what they are sold 'fort
• On - band aonie gold and 'Sjlver Lavers,.
p:nee and Quartiera lower than thd above
Philadelphia, Fob. 3; . .
87 2loexhird`Eitteet,
7MIE ielehrity of the Inks nninufaitered.4 the
sebierther, Orli! tite..extettobie . stiles seine
iittnt upon' the' high repidatien Which they !owe
nttuitied, not only ' through otit 'the lin l o4l Mates,
bet le 'the West Indies and in Chinn; has' induced
him 6)- make , every necessmiy arrangement to
sujinly the vast 'demand upon -establishnsenkt
lieis now 4irepared 'with every variety , nf
Bine, and redfleks,Copyiag • Ink'', in..elible Ink,
and Powdery - all prepared' under. his own
'tendril gletbartnteadeitees so thatnurebeseri,
ni*y;detteitd'uttoti,itli superion'tonlity..l:
lIOVEI . "
enPesktilirlide let';sleeding 9lass, Chinn, Cab
bwate',lsts,,-Useful Honaekee.te!l
be:ng Al!hitelittuld;e4sity neplied,ttelluetrde."
01•01irrheaf—NiNtemit04. , A ;
the tiumernis testa
menials of men of science, and otheri;o4 , lll be
!updated's° petha
4 For sfiniulhohiryewl;"Unie find
Retail,' 'Woo 81b Weirthi 'Third Street, , opposite
CherryStreetiPhilidelpldn.bye-1 6 ,
ssibirr. - iloygi
40n..27•4•18.47.—r1Y• /4\1.0
setioli essen sister-used -by ;phpiicii
and , ellites rein oral -sad liestaasot cure
_diseases prising,from re sisiv349l.o, bias
pr,blibje„ef r. tim 4ystpqi I Ala, Wirtidlo4 , ,kl.:
Ir n ial :pi , belie. - 1
Eberle 70
.: ' . .- Le
ITHEititentloirs or Teathers Rod t'Ar . oosipt!,! ~
t ii . • o i p qa ttglis tOsji I(l .ho, , largO l P , f ai linf t r
rtni i t OF , 1 9 1 4 1 q1 7 ). - P9A lai,,,„,P.toe+),
1"11w) .4 n e oir " foroo" eit tie sore ' olfl+ -- ,
1 1 .. , ,°. i,- +AL , v , ii, mr Ntygnsrferibl
11 9 /" Af h i ll t i i . i ,4 4 11 c ,'oi ' ), o9 illfkitt4lik,:li r.:b , l!rr I.
14 F,j1#1,1,".11 l''''';k64o-tilt:`lllTNZii
- 1 L+ , , r. ',' k-, , ,;),, , ,.•,\; , , , -. ,'
- 4-" - 4 .- - v , ' - ( , ',‘ ,, , ,,- '
'ltt 4Ar -
__ackeepery a rid 1 fte,putute
eiVe stoialt'Of splendid FOroittire; ikciUdtng 8 O
fee, Wardrubco,Ccotieritid toter
sineorid"Pialn Buieouot'and''eva,rilia'ricty o f
Ca4fitet-ware;and Chairs,
'which they have just opened:At their . new
ronroo, on the vorner of North lippoVer"ond
Loothor Streets, efVFy - i - treconfident-ilsiztlthe-suPerloi.finielt
of' too workmanship, and elegance of kayle,rn
which their ortlelee are got up,logother with
their 4.lllP,APNtfpfliwill' recommend them to
every.per son
else mark/ arrangolnents for'manuftieturing and
keeping d Comdata rafpply or over) , article in
th o l, p VIII jilgln and ornuMent;il,clOgant
and upOrtstoft privoti uelkir;h they 'perinot rol to
.sni(puicitsierro,. limy would earnestly ittlitto
pet/6rib who Ere n hood tu cam mince liousek9ep-.
)fig tO 411.11114 eaumihe their, present :elCglint
tbtrieff they will constantly make Ad.
or,i he 'fietviit arid ,moot
etif i rtl4B rrtude tee order iit the abodes'. no
ftir town, and
nd ciottitt . , •
.• • .
ft ;to the Work —1 Intl lia4ce '
1 - 1 Compound Sirup of tlosrlittooll•is, without
tftorittlott or exaggeration, die most Natant! spec
olY cure fora(' 1111M114411( Ani,:ing from Cough' and
t.lolds, which unfortoMidely neglected, too often
end in Consumption. If Illitice'a (hi - Append Syr
titior }ft taken nit the first stppetironce
01. Conglt it will immediately cure it and sate
the inlieret from an untimely graid.. Price 50
dents. For sale by Seth S'llance4o6 Baltimore
stint(' corner of•Cltn ries nntl_Erttif sts. Ilalthnore
For sale in Carlisle, W B FLEMING,
at - their cheap Drug store 'Opposite the Railroad
Depot. (June 2, 1847.
Superior Old Winos and-Brandies, 1
.. , 5.0-Jfedicipal PurposeB.
Pit mir CRS hasittst - selected-in - the-eitr,
on aaanrtment of the moot choice old
N i-es 'and -Brandies - ,•ftir niedieiriali and table
purposes. Those purchasing may depend upon
them. lis being pore. Also Champaign, Port.
Claret and other summer wines. - - -
July 28,1847. . • .. ,
e2nent for Cisterns,
And BEDFORD, WATER in biirrele end
till tmuli. for sale by ,
ClimberAburr, July 28, 1847-3,
Ilh`ds. tin me, Sholdierg - a miSidee
21W—for e3lo by ' • •-- .
Jun-, 9, 1847.
3 hila - da., Baltimore, Pittsburg;
INFORMS his Triends nod the public,
from the liberal patronage extended In him
during the past year, he has been encouraged
to matte more - extensive arrangements for the
ensuing season, and has added two new, largee
and splendid Boats to his LINE, and will be
fully prepared after the opening of the Canal
o forward Produce nod Meroliandizo,of all
kinds to and from Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Pittsburg, &c., at the lowest rates of freight
and with the utmost despatch.
• Agents for Boats,
Race street Wharf, Philadelphia.
Messrs,,Gl ESE & SON,
No. 48 Commerce At. Whorl, Baltimore.
Messers.CLAßK & THAW, p
J. MCFADDEN & CO, tt nurg.
Agents for Cars,
No 272 Market st. Philada.
N 0.423 Market st. Philada
Messrs. SITER , JAM ES & Co., r
Broad street, Philadelphia
Penniiylvanin and 011io•Line, N. st. Baltimore
'March 17. 1847.—tf.
WHAT is most conducive - to health ? A
TION OF THE BLOOD. Now the best meth
ud to insure a healthy state of Blood is, on lii
first symptom of any disorder of the circula
ting fluidouch as Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Gid
diness, or any of the diseases which arise
therefrom, to use dance's Ssreaparilla or Blood
Plllo,-fifty pith; itt' r a boxier, 2A cots. according
to the directions, and yen will ohiutn Mootedi:
ate relief.
One Word of Caution.—When you go to
purchase Haie'a Servapai Ilia or Mond Pitts,
be aure you get the genuine article. Price 25
cents per box, or five boxes for one dollar. Foi
sale by Seth S. [Janne, .108 Baltimore street,
and corner of Clitrles and - Pralt 'eta., Dual
For aide in Ca their, by J. &W. 3. E
I NG, nt their cheap Drug Flom, opposite the
Railroad Depot. un'e 047.)
XI for the cure nines. 'rite Vegetable Pile
Electtutry, inveoted by Dr. A. Upham, n distin
guished play Melon of New York city, is the otaly
really successful remedy for dant chtligerotis had
thstressing complaint, the Piles; ever ollered to
The Elcuttutry contains. no Minernr.Metlicine
no Aloes, Coloante, Gamboge, or other power.
-NI and irritating purgative, :No fear of inking
cold while, untlxr its inlifiencei no, plunge diet peeeisary..lf4alcen accerdiog s . l6 2.directiolls,
pure for life iaguaranteed:.`
Another.Certi &ate lidded te.thehtindredi
have already been reeeired; . of the efficacy* pr. -
V 4 ljetuary.
- •' ' ,'2.. New' Yong, August 846„'
~Messrs. Wyatt-8r Ketidniiii-vOentai, Fur, im v e.
rat years past ,I have, been troubled'Rh ,Piies,' it
very needy, !date of my enmpliint mot bel lg sr
.severe as to disablomefrombusiness, and a dread .
;hadphypielans •and • patent ;Medieinea, that
Aron: Oda aprilig , neier -used' any andlii eine Cu
applied to a phyainiatt ler relief.' The. Piles then
,att,tevere that'lallaiwed several 'Operat'.one
AO he performetEWlditad,any benefit,. Determin
ed afterthia tit try tither rnetUia;l 'read
0106;4ot oh a etre .guaratdeed ,hy 'mom), id De.
I.lphank7atllepteary.'. 1 'morello sed three boa esat
your,atone. and Irom,t 119,0*.of.whiclrIafound
myself entirely ituded.:oftlie
much improved. ;-,1 repialai , ttira. your. much I.!'
debted friend: . Pala. Diane- .'
Merchant talloro94lliiiitlidaY,OWilatria
Dr. 4 A:Uphanni Propriet:ar:
121:Yolinh dread,. New
York, GerteratAgents for the : Boothe' 01 . $teles. 1, . ,
1 4. 0 00 111 1glibZ§AltuAl , e4. 1 1 1 4T;
10 , 14 : CPM1 1 74. , TOffelallt$F,It V°Me. sl- ,Otodei.
' ,Price t
indieite leg:.
~----Drog fig -Chemkeal - • -
TEIO,, - tile Vo"rim — fidc,i4blio' "coni' r,..-., , i
rrigE:piireloVindTiliOlt pe'iflintiiittailif4:thi''
i A:, 'grew* , I nd• preaelvationlettdeC 40 itiii;
'ranted llehitiiin•ititer marrow hitt eat° il ail 1,, 4
mi, R Fit ENI!NGS tDiew_Sterii ',E.,. 0. t,ilkit, ft - :; „, ,
vr;•Ctilketk;milifi,, B4 ,7oP'ZYialrtatAY .:';2'.',i
''2' i if -,. :Ai0104, ;0001CiliPteilW7: 7
±. 4 :l 4o4idlikir . o4**:,;(l6llii- . Viini t ar tjii't
ivedjty ~,:v;., , 4 4;,,,,,,,1,411t1t; , W,...,147tNER ,
:--,A; il 1 eo;l3e j4ektiTer: 2218 ..f-'T , -,. , i,1„4,, ,, 4 ,
'''t?;".'4'-'•-•••-''''0W:4-11,,,-;-,;',',t4-,:y_i-,,,,.,, v.,,,-: . , ,- _, . .
:?, , ,r , , , : - .7,-;';!ss-4, , ,';',.... , :k5, - ,. 2 ',,, ,, .•''''' -
Cure for Life secured
• ... .' ackei r i•v %" -. 4120:(310 . cititypeisss - , ;
(talle;_y-sfilagsersotlips:-Portrs -
, -,•,, •:-.', inieraisily l .Ciiiiitiiiiip' 7 ' ~-'' 1• it
. I s l o:l4o._cheents..ll(4.Sddocitbelpw_Fifth
-. ..
• • ' 7-- ~ ' - 4 , filtAbEiAititA:' ,, ,' ,
- :1 ' • ' • ..- "(ADMISBON'.'PRRE.y '.? : • :it , •`•.:" ,
irtlip,li)io,iiii•eilkaken 'Sit :thls'eitablisinitent.ativ
'l.: 'pronoUn 'br
eitharlititit ,and" ''scientifieexiii,
aiMittallgir ter' diiil.B,or ;tone and softociiiit,ligh
and •,,, ,n -di r, *I, ite,l tkey . „*. AisplaY, MI AIM ti tled ••.
arrangenient of the highistTeffOreof the Painter,
Citizen's he stringera:vieittititlie . ?lasillqy. Oa , ,
,hive lb`eir. it 4iißthreicie..fiotrlitil liik, 04;1400 .-
:iViltiii: liV.W;' nod' 1104: setlo 'Mai'.4.,?-tcoTtea '
Oolti-.l4iisets'Or ,Breaitplaa.k.c;ini-fewlalit a tltes '
'We(inifiy.[the )(Oh:lab's,. frota;-tifiX : 11 nideVili ..
Sattirday'cciiiriei-' , .: . 4 ' 1 - ' . • .
AMV.iiicAx„svPEßronrer, ), .., ... , f t ~
'The public journals haiwit differeeitPlrititi '
annoopzedisits a•reinarkableliroof of the Wanton(
profibienov.• oflA niericsin--Artiitse thatofilsigneeeo --
types sti-etoew Made in'thii city 'superior Mile . ,
i t- respece-to-those.•_inade'_lii_any -of - the -- EaropOti
fcities. The' succeini . tr -AmWei-urTiffiiiiiira
'-aonfirmeil" in ..a very ,gratifying :Sind , ecmalusi+
• motAer;.by• ?fir. linenum 2 s_pablicity-stating.-w --
the clinic of his Tom Thumb. exhibition-lir- lift
• oty s that Mr. Root hilti 'made fifty-one gotill pia%
Mims with only a single failure. In - addition iitt
which Mr. R. has Impel furnished With the folloW-i
-' log conclusive •certifictite, signed it will be' ee,
ceircit by the parents •of Torn ThriroliMr.i
Barnum:, Ills teachers and secretary; all 01-Whem
I were with him in Europe: . •••• ." •,- : • -..- ' .
PoszAuszintilrene4.l347_-_ _,..
- The Paugmereotype of Tom :Thurnb-and his
family, including his several teachers,' focihiniii, -
delver, egUipage &c.; rititUbla*hies e,oshYsiss
rind diameters, made_ by Mi..-A-...ileoli,(FßlTY.ll
ONE',-in all).present_livdmreo',.pfiketuillerj:inn.
truthfulness to Nature, with' s bold chars% ofl
outline, softness, expression, beauty and .delieiey o l
or finish' and uniform brillianceAliii - WC:hay
never seen equalled,- They sled deeidedly superton,
to any thing of the kind witnessed, by us either in!.)
t his „enfant ror in London, Paiiii any 'of the./
cities of Pfilinge which we base 'visited.- We
:take plassuro in bearing testimony to the courtesy
and skill so uniformly manifested by Mr. Roar,
the eminently soccessforthiguerremyplat.
Signed S. E. STRATTON (the Father)
CY NT, STRATTON (the'M other)
P. Ti BARNUM . ,
(Exhibitor otTom.Tlinmb in Englandand• Asic.,l
rien and Proprietor. of the York and",
Baltimore M sisenm. .
• ' - 71 - I: I7 6iI V O F RI, S ZI' I I I 4II7 3:etPY ' i
_(.AtivettiSer and Seieetary. of Tom Thema. in
Europe) -- _ .
-----.: __II. G . . SHERMAN Chic Preoelder)..., .
This:-is certainly very striking testlnionyi Inv
favor of American superiority, comingas it (local
tram those who have examined specimens of thex
best productions in the art in mostdr the princli•
tile cities of Europe.
July 28,1847--fmio.
/TIE Subscribers, Importers and Deakire
JL. in Foreign and American Iron, beg leave
to call the attention of purchasers of IRON and
STEEL, to the new assortment of Swede,". ,
Norwegian, Coble and Common Englislklrou
which -they-now---liavo-and 'are constantly-re- --,,
ectving from Europe direct. Also American:
Ton, consisting-of Hoop, Band, Serell,
English, Russian and American • Sheet Iron;
Small' Round and Square Iron, from 3-16tha•
and upwards; Itchier and Flue Iron. HAraw
shoe and Nail Rods, Axle Iron, various sizes;
Lueornotive, Tire rind Railroad Inn;
iron,Half•round Iron, & c. Spring and Blister.
ed'Sreel, from * best r slamps of Swede Hurt
Cast, and Slicer Steel, - & - .6". all which
_they ,
offer at the LOWEST rates; for cash, ow eta
six months for approved reference, and , kr_
which they invite tho attention of pureltasera.,;
before rept nishing their stocks,
Also, l'ig twidjili am iron received on ein:
mission, on which aiiiiineee will he =dec..
Iron and Steel Merchants,
117 N. Water St. and 5., N. Del, Avenue, Phil a .I t.
July 28, 1897-1 y
TILE subscriber offers to the trade, orrbkv
retail, a large and general assortment.°
tilt, following articles, being all of Ills
Toriation or -nannfucture.
Buyers or goods in this line are invited. ta•
exumint;the assortment, and orders are ssliet.
ted, with the ussuruncs• that every effort wild ho
made in give sutisfuction and insure a contin—
uance oft imam.
Gold & Silver Lover Watches of otdinary Taal—
Do. • 1 do. do. of nupetior fiftish.
Do. do. Anchore4 Lenitten. -
Silver . dotilde cased English and Swiss verge
Watches, with light,inedium and Itenuouu.:
Gold Jewelry in all varieties, fine and common:
Silver Plated, and Silver Wares. '
Musical Boxes, playing 2,4,. 6, 8 mid 10 tines. ,
Gold ancbSilVer Spectacles., -
Diamond Pointed Gold Pena.
Mantel and Office Clocks, in gilt and other
Watelunakera' Tools arid materials of al: aorta,
Fancy Articles. Fancy Fans, Steel Bead!, 4'e,
flaying every facility. fur obtaining goods on
the most adva n ioSeopa, terms, corresponding ill be offered :npurchasers.-
• • • JOHN..C. FARA,
•: Chesnut St:, PlillAdelphic •
Hats, tiaps, L. diet' :MI is .BoalOs
cutazint: a , Intowur,"„
Hat and Cap Warehonse , and Maintfactky,'
146=i Norkiit,Stzeiit: - 4
• SECOND DOOR. SMIlf PHdADlallt 1114
ESPECTFULLAt sullen intuttfitn i lw tint
lL largo and complete stock"Tifliati. , aid
Cape, manufactured. nude" the;r own, inkniedio
ate d irection and superintendence, with ighth l it
advantages of modern improvements to mut,'
them to combine the important qualities ofele.•
rabilit,y, taste and beauty of finish 'with , ' er
irc.nie cheapness of price.
An i minimal: and boautifdl, aidortment.of a l .
variative and princi of BeaiOr,' Binih.-14i,;
Mo/eoiclo,Roasta. ',Pagoitnerei:Arodli ..Spottiq
mid 'At`,lllll hd' Hite Also n gOneial isicetmei.
of every vorieAruf Cipii.Ottah I`,.nr•Seel, Hat
Sonl,,lil iilli nit; !,Flaliiood :Farley' Cloth ;ever
style, Ili& Bliik and BrO!WtilHohaii,fitoslett i r , , ,
Gleved,'Oiled 6.ilk• and Fur cape.,4.. i .._. ...;.,.. . •
'• liadiesEMuird,' flottii,,•&a,, 'at the;v4y,llicar
prieee. • ' . ' ' • %,/ '.' ~' ,'''::: '„', tn,h .
PO era LY,tho: ,dezeg or leal,,ike . t,,ii ri d ,.,
ciiti iitscl•Jseii' is not to their iiitirest te deli, i
iiiith'uV. ~.. :- -. ; ~< - - ' . I .
Piirtioilis- - - '
• •
?articular. attention „paid to tho packing
Hate, &C. 12 , %I n -. ... .
for Mnikrat shipping For.
,196:Markol...13per‘t belatt eiattiS
Jali4ll, - ,:;1841."• , •
.:,.,.ilreiv.'isittiP 4-.
rwillP,'lubserib'er.loti l lOst itturnetifiani ittte
Al. with ii lot oh NKW TGOODSiiiiopffigthir
Lot the followlnr artioleat , / • " 1)4.r ,
, Choirtbryilllidit'Glngboolo; Plld'Gloiltilit
, t: . alow , Skyle llalieoesia large/64 - '..q (MN
ripi White and brown - Muslinso
.. ~ ,- , , 6. -9b.rllk
* l ',Whito and brown ....4.. and 5.4 lilluleilniplri .I
1 -Ibikingirend Cheats.: ut/W, • ..'% - . rs. ?“1", ,
t+•2t A107,4,3[011 Hosieryi , oll.l4o44 0 .;2 f , 1 .
' 200 lbs. whit.told.oidored_ColltoltAirp., t ‘
I Ash Llcol, front at to $1,00 .1 . . • ' ,V,.. ..._
'". - - - -Plidti 8 pat, Briti.Striff 47fild_Veit,iitli;741T,`
NVI,,Itu 40 rgney LinenotOr tenitAlitii -k.
, 1 ,1 Suntroer.dtuth and Caaltmarette, , 1 '
Coisinuires ond Vtitithigo,'Ca*oltV/1641c0. I .
„,,Tfie,,nbolv,otor„,,sicliqlcs,unitayldttbel old 1
• rrkto toyeti:4 oOmplele: "Call at 'tSeloie t S t
in , Nortk Hanover , ittoet`tot&eisninefil 4 EI I,
~, , : , i.L ,-, ." , "r -, 7.,. , S.qurcOrLr i
Carlisle,p/n1y.7,184,7...?' ~ , zle) It , - I.illt t
i , tilt ClVili t
ii3 l 6l6; , ,Whitit Sugar 4 30 da. , lllrowilr dal
,-Aur.•-florriereeiriibi r y.;-- .71 - 77 Tr - i'l"'",, - 1 - :
~.....,. 40,,, 1 1 ” , n'lilaipe‘• .1,0- 'i t ~,
q __
04 :10`50 niii v ai t e , ,t,,,,
,4 ,,,tt), hrt,
'1`,4'.1 6. , S'k Ke , gi A -0
llspice, . ' . , 14 1,n.,14 . '
1it ,, r;';' , 4,0,',. 4 , 1 rrettper , foVoole ' To ~ (.1..,it.4.t.
k',t 4 h.. 11 -,,4 , 1 , i'' , o.' , i ' , EUNK"Li IIIIM '
S' ",;.:HisiarisbOrtia l• 28 i 184 / , ' 44 " ''^v" , "
Swaim ;Okt