• - • • rya„ "^ . 7cQ. 1 1.4,t 9Z IVO r y„Ett I)I,II3SD,AY* 4 9P1160-vt—ilic--SotttlikrVestAtzgleiltiltiPA. s9ore,,lincic.oltlioCourt.:llotrse ; ; t I ~ T ERMS SUBSCRIPTION.I , :• rtnikenlttEttly cl4-iiwn yetir, I ? ,btrA et. _ the yen . r • • •• • • ffir•of,x•niontlig,. •'. Thtioe (0 , 00 Vtriglitry.. 4d horqcl tm., . • 4 . • 'RATES OF ADVERTISING tig dvertlnkinf i:inhk in; fiffeitillnek;;;•Tetto,-% , ' Ichorgoitartho rote I,l', Fhb. cOnt e for one Insertion, •throe (aka fir 0!lo llnha q. and twenty-live castle 101 'evefy r atihipitithit Imtortioo. Nearly otivert Isere wit gi elm r 40.1 angle Thilowindrntes :„ ' • :thee denutltn, with•tito paper, formic year, - ft,ss ,llalla column, - • e., - taa Vw.) i il mitrterly rim ogre, • • 00 .•11hsinaae Cnrda,'wit hi he lii per, bit JOB PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, ' tw3tii r s 1116iihm, - fflrctilnrs-Aill_nvotY y devisrlp fee of Pelatieg, executed ha omonwly Doti • xpoilittuklylon'd•itt:t Ito 1.OW1;ST:P1.111•ER. 0 a)air ri 'TIM OLD STAND: - --NEW - 1111POLY--OF-DRUGS4-- . .21.42 v CV 1611,003D5, 'Ste: ' • 0 W. IiAVERTICK desires -to inform his I'3 • friendstind the mild so that his new SPRING . ,A NI) SUM NIER; SU I' PLY of ' goods, which lance-been selected with great care by himself per • ' spindly, null just op?.n'ell at Ida old and weltknown 'esiablishment his North Ilannver street, embrace 'a _supply or FtP.sil im.vGsoo g ethor .will ii most extensive, riiili and varied stock or ItooNs, {hot h" school tied'" miscellaneotte,),) , A N C I,'' 't_ , 4ool - 9,PERFU IP.S, &O. &c: to ‘k bleb he feels • 'confident inn innylivite_the attention of the itit lie with the full assuranee.of Its Mg able to Supply - every, nantliid ge,itify every Caste, besides elitist.- ' 'tug entire satisfaction by the very rim cone hle terms 'pon which Ilia numerous at tielcs.s ill lie dispa-t :eat of. lie would caftan! psrlicalnr sttention of Fam ilies and Physician's to his 'replenished assortne, • of. ' DRUGS and MEM:INES, which have lieen' purchuScal titllte best houses in.Plillailelphilk, and maybe retied upon for freshness and excellence. Added to ihesc will lie 'found nn entire stock of PANTS, -OILS, DyE-sTUFFs, Varnishes, 1 ,3 'Cli 5, &.c km., till or which he will ensure to be d he best quality and at tho.,very -lowest prices. Ile has made manyflditiona to los stock of .1 - 101 IRS, hesikles set:airing it new supply of tili,the _ Text Books, I lislories, Renkt s. Lexmons, Wri • • ling! Books, fie. now in use in College sod our _ :public schools—which lie will dispaki ofou terms Milted to.. the cireomstances of all, Ills stock of PA NCI'. ARTICLES embraces it - rich and extrusive collection which it W 1 41,1 he imposeilkle •to CimmeraM, but comprising many iiovt.hies which cannot foil to strike tile eye and please the taste, melt aS Indies sod Gentlemen's i Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and PeneilS. I lair Tooth and Clothes Brushes. Perrnmes of Ron 'selle's ri ;di nod extensive. varieties-Fancy Soars, :Shaving Cream Card Cases, Pocket Pistols, . • Pocket booms, t2C. &v. - =- - . • Also, n new supply of Cornelms's elecnnt I.A RI) LA NI ES, togther with Sperm and Mould Candles. Baskets, Musical Instruments, Umbrul • '111 , ., Children's To) s - ,-Ilsor,:n1 it mid other sell 's:les in the variety. line, w Idols with n 'constant sup Ply or fresh FRUITS, nuts and Coulee. ionary of-durricliest quality:-make-ti large and splendid stock to which he conthlently invites-the attention aunt patronage of his to.on and comm.) friends; at the old stand in . NordiHanover street, nearly op „liosite the Carlisle . Bank. S. W. HAVERSTIOICT Jame e-: I 547, - ,„ ArRESII ARRIVAL. ---fir.-,Toluc-3: 11+girers Has-just_ returned From the eily . with a large '.nd emeldlly selee - ted assortment of • I)ru3s, Paiptg; 011 s, Dye-Staffs, end I'ATILNT M..EI4t6INES, Including , all the ,low preparattons ef die day, together with . n general asgorirne it of elmice•PF,l2 M FANCY ARTICLES, &0., which makes Ilia sloe; fill and complete, all of which lie mill Lowrß THAN 811111: Call and see fur ymmolve2- Joy 7, 18.0, GREAT BARG ‘INS f SELLING OFF AT FIRST COST! *in I: slibsreiber, wislinig to 01 11111 up his hind, ness in Carlisle, will dispose or li:s large and 'elegant assortment of Dry Goods at first cost ; bents determined to sell ofrbit entire stock, he 319 , 11re4 his Iriet.lls and the public, that great bar gains will he oared. Those, t'lerelore, who Irish to save from IS to SU per cent. in lima:ho sing Gods, will do well in give him an early 'call. His assortment it large, nod the goods Lave been' purchased with great care, and em tense sit assortmert of nearly every article nett ally kept io a Dry hoods store. As we are determined to close up our InOnneSn at the rely earliest possible period, we hereby milify those itidelitar to come ror'iiiril Otely and settle up their respective atamunt 5, HS longer indulgence canitor Ito granted. Those who do not, before the 11111 of October, settle their acconots, m ay ex pecun.l l oseThem place tit the hands of a ustice for coltection. I). 11. A Rg01.1). Crirlisle'.lnls tit , 1847. NEW AND CHEAP Family Grocery 1 IE bif ,scriller takes this method to inform Isis friends ' and the public in.general that he has : just opened the haute latelyocennied by Dr John At matt co% and three dam. s east of ,J lac I)llooBlllo,,Witrelmtisc . . general ns . amid - fent of Molly Groceries, such as Teas, 46 1.; Affix,..s.tigar, Molasses, chi:mime 1111 . 11 Spices al (Very d scriptino. ,Islsoottiarge and well nice stock • • • QUI/flEilirSliFtifilE Akllliotr-ware, Brushes,' To barna 'or otnry description, from the niiinmon - tohiteco, up to Wood wrietl'a , beit•lioney e.. • ',The li Odic Ito!! respectfully. ineited to will and liitsatoisk before 1 styli% eiseriliere, as he natters Militia:ll thit(lic Cannot laillolilease.thep . ; il t - r ißj . fr.;ol: l l4o ,the t qous)lt : y.,w;llliitil it to their' ittc,ittitgo, to ittYr. him a calk . ; Ilia atoc kipcottnolentls,,aitup,tnilouit hvoin 11r ..,..3111thi15' liver's.'" • • • aIi3Os;b:AALBERT4 • ~,t c arlitap..i'tiqc.:2, 1 f,47. • ~ 'CARLISLE ; FAMILY GHOCEtiY. 'SIIIJIE, _ 6 UST received a lingo au ppliO f . fr'eah lltPtieri'es,'consisting'oftcperior brown sugars , find 'Llidf;•'Ci'uslied, Pulverized add 'chirified U .: ; SillbAßO; all; of which will be , sdlitet reduced gliriaCe. iCOFFEE cif every description of of Strong Rio. • Superior lidperic Young, ~;. I ,lyeprir 141 . 0 idol; i:4141;54 'irorikititdbot . t,selection 0 Da.. ;;1. vid whiiites heed col ' ebrated'fdt 3il yours fur sul ling the be 0.04 ass id, i • f.:le4; aro • 6irStigsr' sylrati, auger- house 'add , belon g . ''s . 3ficit'AsStk. ritincrior' KY; u ar = cored !1 : 1 - 4100,1 dried ti Eider ieß i Macicer4l, Rut:, ~ ..4rnon,,Silad_opitl- i iring,' flop g!Ool., " • t,,tfirN4 orfith Or art too kiinic)soCfc . mcd', •!itiiiil"-••'"Alt9r,O.PP l ,?,;loll,l4•69l4*liisirpricit" gPkifiatisfactiiir4' 'call'and see.. • , - ;,lktoll;ll.44Arriiill 4q-, r -,- ..tviii ,. 0141 . -.. - A'.':2" , o‘k,?'"o2o.lP.C4l:sl:ll(s:. 41 aC,:s,:4' ,- ..•,%;"• , ,, , •:,<• '' • -1,'40:1 <-• • • „ 41: IRE 1 1 ,4. 4 319- Anntsraty. ~ - ptraminenaroiro i prihroefiribli 0 0 11 1 4141:4.1 1 7e1,17phrTi l ly°; gilt e e a ' t As ca illti Odrnboilp i nir /r a w Hail ( if DO ! 41.01, • ' +lo4streav ta inf4nyklid, pribtle z thAt fie rlii more A large 'took orliPeLb Orlter,s i , com . ;.7 ii t onlytortlio. chakentt A arktitiumt tilittiliktlif i ltitil t rFOIS$19101) 1 1,105e 4 1 0tivfited IR thin cglullYi) twl ' t ` f l iwAshki.4lsApqm3o, or on tql.Pemscteemple 1 pe 4 ';tlifkteteny.Other 1 4 PriRei t Y Pi 4 1 1 colipl i, lid G . ,Fr Ir.l, , tig 11 1 6 t'ea t !th 41 1 1 T i g° l s:P t i the , 4 4 g'?I'll,F, ~r) f I cp). 15 a airl tnat • • ~t ' I ,• ~,,,s , , IL Pi A.. 'l, oli ll K vin mtpurm: r: - ' ol4' I Irer 22 12471 ,10 , I ';`,Pl.' 1.. .. r - , 4 0,1 ! u