Carlisle herald. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1845-1881, March 10, 1847, Image 4

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    1 . 4 .- gVZO-Ilt=l4l
, _ "
• 1
----,--;-,;;;--,-- - ; 111 - 44ifill,e# • -'''--.
.....----•---- -
.. • _
'-- .; • 7 -- ' --- , lit - i 3 IIOPDV I SM4IIPPit.IIPD'Pt
to '... —'
Wiiib .; 6 iiitidit itir,,'Egiite t, tvi 4
.' ,I;jiii.aii,ri;rsiiibeg*4inffif.,o,l4tiletin d!1
11A..Itidlgcattd1,11te •tknbieestii, Chniplttipt,,Heitfi.
aolte ; tfepressionot Spirt i n , ilipiletimpl - Plfsidletk
'' w on the firde,4lsiiititill '-adstiveneil, RheliMatitdir,s
' Affections 14(the 111'0110 a tut Ritinoye.•4lllle*
'•l l "evers.i , iil is a •pei•feet,peerentatldemf Rilibfit",
r r ' iiiiii Viresternl'etmes, stiti-the bear remedy relyt?„'
' tisitlln resthiltik the pander; lifter lieltig'prnstrar"
' ' ' ted by Fever;_ Stet: -'l.l64llpelaitie.nlargoment of
ttp - Ort.nes,'F'ter 'and • Agtiefr. Flatulency, 'Ftittl
,=:,':. stosCoggoittPleicloni Ciettm:,stl ReltilitYittrietneJ•
'i;•' it-I ttp•lratidp, ( enutteil bk , ditiviie,, Aitillicnte; or
. i.,..ittil Setitt:. flitittlsoramitted in yoathi abbetimtitm of
"'' kfiriffieffilfusloti'dfitletitsioss of tnemorv;ffimeetilt:
''' 'Of iiislifit,'li-hopeleis . exPresstonl-of coitithffisnetif
Ina Cie' dill; elites of disease generally, illi rnqqiii
,--- einelilithieeEtviiiiitirs - eite - ili . - Gant, Giddiness ! ,
' Grat'el,ittipttre Bloods Jaundice;, Loss of Apt e
!lief'Liver Chniplaiiiii. Leprosy; Imoseness.•
' ((MERCURIAL DISP.ASES.--Never. fails to
' eradicate eritittely, MI the elrebts of ;Mercury In , '
' 'finitely sooner than any , Other mediate°. Night
Svreatat BeriMns 'Debility;, NerVons Complaints
of all kindsf Neuralgia; Oganic, Affections;. l'al
stitation of the Result Painter's °lndio. .- Pains
in the head, side, back, li mini, joints stobbrgaos;
Rosh Of blood to the head; Scurvy; •Sairlithelini,
• Swelling; sick Headhchet. Stiffness (tribe Jtiintst
Seorfuls or Kingi Evll4 , Sypltilis in its worst
- tering Ulcelskri . devery description, std 'the Ery
sipelas; Esphstil4 and imprittlentan in-Lite. . :
' '. PP.:WALL. • COM PAIN LTS—'.lAilosi of pale",
" ' IsOmpleslon anti contalmptire habits, and such Us'
are debilitated bithose obstructions, w3tich fe
males are Heide twerp restored by the use :or n
. ' bottle or two to blear:kali!! vigor. It .ns ity'fitt'
the best remedit s iftlidiscovered for weakly bltil
- dean, and 81101 itilWiliol,„,iiitmoes, - lieing l'ileiiL
sant they readily bikelt. It-immediately restores
. .:.,..
the appetite,,strength.tuuldsolor..., f • ,', r:r, , ' 2
, ... , Nothing, CRII Itemore. sprprising [ban its ihvir•-
_•_ ' beat:jog effects - on the_liPman s frome,.. Persona,all
~ .weskliess anti hissittitle • befere !akin, it,lttiolleg
:•,-- -beimme robust and full Of energy tinder i,ts nfitt
ence. it immediately, counteracts the. neer leA r ,;
news of the human leame, which is tIM great ause -
the - folloWint•ere sor'neAtthe certifi este} .am,l
complimentary notices that have been ;receivell '
bins,, proprietor,of the efficacy of ;Id s Mediciite.
Mr' Philip Wilcox, of tits well -known ft nn A r
Wilerix & Richmond. siliPwrightl.'or• • geW 36 0 -
. , ford, was entirely cured of R COlifirMMl can er br '
' the stomach, throat and mouth, with sore lips
;mostly accompanying this disease, and his 'gene
ral health mit‘h improved by 'the use of only ono
Kettle - A - tr. -- Wilemt - has a afvred oe..trettf - tonr,
number of years with this disease, and attributes
his cure entirely to the use of the Bitters. .
Col, John llavlies; tlepttty Sheriff of Bristol
snooty, Alass., hes voluntiwilT , ceitirmil dial ire'
what:meet! by the llhters, ofJatintlioe, Indigestion,
Headache/mil Vertigo. . , ;
!Dd. Gibbs, of Sandwich, testifies / that tiversl'
• persons in that town, well known in ,Itiol, Mite
' heen benefitted toy the use of the linters, }nil in
.every ease they have given the most perfect suits
~„1. it. Perkitill, Ego. Attnmey nr t,1,, , , nit New
Bedford, was cured of an oeplessant lusiptioit of
the face, by the: use Si the Mums. '
[Front the Ibtity'llveni fig Millet; n.l -
.. ••.,
• - It le not nor custom to puff Patent stentrittes
unless we khnw them tri he really cycellent. , ---
Braving ourselves a knowledge of Dr. 'Wood's
Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, and Intr.:
.ing sever,' friends who ,rave been benolitted by
thew u se , we do tint hesitate to recommend them
tethe public. Both Sarsaparilla atur.Wilt) Cherry'
Are articles of established reptdatibif Id the mei,-
held world, and,thls preparation - Is made with
• great care anti to coMbine nib the metli
. .9 inal qualitlecof bothinati iftiisitsl manner. For
• sale by_ the proprietor, 1.1.• Thorotond r. ; AVater
street, anti by the i/ruggists,generully, . Ty one
suffering from diseases allot bloat!, loth Minn,
oriteadache. would doswell to give these Bitters
• a trial. '
Prepared ha' F. Thornton, ;Ir. SOld . Whole
-. saVe and Retail, by Wt, , ,Slikt V, err et A , l, let Ful
- ton street; New. Yorlivfil-MUF.I. 1 , .1.1.10'rr,.
. ,Varliele, nod, Iktiggistsgettrrsdiv throughout the
- I.ltiithil Statei. Price.lii, 'urge bottles, -
-• December 2,1 Sift. , ,
The OldesLand Most Popular Medi
cines._row offered to the PUN ie;•pre
Blatiy tiniel Teti Thousantl CeTrill'fi:att4 like Oal.
'following have been .voluntailly D their
• VRII4IFOOE, iluring the. lent rightOon •L•ttrs.—
All of Fah:tentacle's, ly Slettir loos are pro-.
werhial for their cheannette and elfte•ley, and no
family .houtti he without on avw( meet of them
nor will thev,it in beliereti s after a trial of them
It has met with a sittcets hitherto it hitary 1 lett
- - -
. frequently eked Puhnestncles Vermi
!Sage,, with pod effect; Out recently 1 hare ad
ministered in one or two aisle in' which th e
-,..fectrwerevstiviiiiiiiit. Yn ofit.ittsa frnin the. use
of one vial, worms Were discharged. litul in
aunther.44. pancti t lathe e rid re,reljef or 01 7 11tt
soffarers. Signed • pug,. wAs.r.,Ace,
n.l.Sept.'l2, 154'5.
Price 25, cents per yid.
' Pafineidook's Verrnifuge; tiagether with ,Pelt-.
nestotic't Carminative' Imzengetie . PRlthastoek's
Cough , boaengett, PahnestockPs Rye. Water, Anil
• Patimestooleiltubejaelent,a certain en re for Ititeu
1. NILY , IpIS.tni.
,'.l t" \ •
IIEnzOLIS in Plilladelphliktalormi
oan Justify to the wonderfhl efficacy
mf that. powerful, -remedy , THOMPSON'S
WOOD. NAt4l - 141. Rawl I• Itesd.l. Astonish.
iog Mirror Phronlo Sicohohitia! t
I it , ~ ,P hiladelphillt AE423,4844.
Mr. ri Mnosiescasoi-DearSir; Per thst
fewlears past 1,110 beenidreadfully'ailrmied '
ton.nifeetio noftlulahretit,isvlitelt [my p . ity
pitinoliriceiP`,Chrenit Ettenolitua ' calla
„tad brgspested stud siegideted olden , The dot
tress .0 fired leiroleseribable J throdt tied
1 11 4 0 0 1 i rftW Withirvidlopi sloughing, sothilt
blood would come from it ;.aldb. ghost' etprev •
• nein snid tightness lit tho chest aniifelfer'
—in short-all the• I,UaualpOlfifankiri'l
showed themselves, showed themselres, os s gslpg i ,
. entire_ litre dfbetteidiftik.apoeb—my 0490 ,ivi t s
leaaked and hilaterel. ovnrotiA l oypp , , , agalip•
' tondo' trial onVWfy,lttVoivii„roinetlytiond.s.ttdir.
, T :fl9o i fiiilo2 oll ,a4,9#4l449 o, R l ,l9A.MysiulanN4
, ,app Wit , / no , About :,tetto month's ,
ninot_tAmtiolelaloryttur. COMpoundayfhp
Tar and Wood Noptha, end betare ' , had thlnfif
• this fired bottle I fait relief. I continumftliall , l l
-had titken `severt.hottleapithlehlebrimhifilli , iak! ,
moved the disease mdraatered me to: ierteo
• health, and 7,4 '6mill-believe I should'hot now,
1 1, , 1i v h.170 1 11400,; 1 1 ,1 ,A0t.P.n.qt! /Vox )Ititjui4lo ,
1 - to--44 „ g E halr, '''
o , qt. 4: driphittnt Oral% t
, 4 7,0R9461Shi°P;opii4 • 0 959P, ,, f4F1 ft h add
Ali a ~PARphrppp boitlevorl
' o w
Or rile tn,,, . 4
• Fay ' 'V "T"''
l - i r
iS n t t ltemb % een .. j •. toFw l.. Ini
11.eofm of T.l
~,,1' ien pfi•gil.ogifiNfel ,
.„ 1
. •Ii 4( 11 . 0.1, - .
• , .Htly . 10.44.... . .1. ""ji
p.. -- .
;1 • 1/410,1043ti'.+".1,00«wq"•
i i ii ,
.i . ,,.?1„.0i.. , . ..* , ;
___ ,,, ,,;, , iii it i t i t t . green
11• Ii. - ',l,ll4k,',.itehipbe7foutl...,. 6 ~at i ' n r fr i . n r
fli-ir,..-16-tib" OrhalOULTut,
.'i,,, in • Hand
~..:.....,1 :,Aiia'.!o.lll in HogrWlipth. ~."bx
.c.i' , o4gis.w._,,t.ilaiivivd, .i... b' '".l ' I
~" aio.,:;,w L . .- wii it no : .u.o
.. . . ,
t4l ,
L-....,9?1tti0n - eatititllKZ erth,.Dern al ..
•,, - ; j ,, a , n/ . 71 .:10 - 1 ei, yri'irv;qlpictreole..:"..._
...,-..,,,,•,.• :••
~..' • .....,,T,A..'a I,tou
'..• ~:',•''' '' !fi et" C1,04k .':;:' , : , ' f:•:•.:: , ...,''--,'-':` ,- •
... •,:4)*(1410.111,T!!! .....;',.• , '., • -'''' '' ' ''' -
---Instiraitc - 4 - otnpann:
~,:-7:- - -
1 ; Itiki . " ftiß"tiktiN-V—ia '-' :gfiNg'
cifgp tsA
f -, :i ,1' 4, •: ;;kp .4 "fk it,(4,1 . 1 ... i ie, ' . '. .. -fs ' L i'l ..i.l
'''„ 1 ,n114!044!7' 7 7 9 4P# 0 40.# ' ~, M 'gg4,l ' ,'ilk
1N.,` ,13 4 , i tc f0 .16 -PAt*,o 4i , . iii
•;;,..' vi - g e:triksioge tun , •1 nf M I T'
4. 1 : itt io ltteliOgg:Yili ; ..ikilt-AP. LT I Y.
V t,
..,, -,,;,....iot.eve,rv,osp(ili,ipte,Ao..,t nor
goir . • ,Illipiilinoit, ; , - ** 7l4sittiii4.l . kki, lirov!.
Viii ' ji4O,olier2Orfoiliin '„',4P,iiklotOr, f , 1,',11 bp .
qteiliiiill . 4hittatided t. 1):".. Sc 1',,...;,::... - ..0.1..c.0',..tee.41-, 1„, 1
• C. N. 11ANCKEI..,. Prost.x_
'''. '• .. ;II '' , ill , , LIF?) ...i.e/1..,.... 1,-01
1106ofInsurancatReduced : „ T,
LI • • .1 , , ri 111 iggati 4Tplarl.virisK.'i I
,r, I .i„
illIPK'lIr 1•, ( 0 1 1ed.11"MlilliftlOn810,rett th: ••• I- '.. „,
w ° C l , l . - . ,''' ;" . t .•'.:''.l - , - . ,
• (TO di
~rl, l ,lre.nett •„,,,
..„., „ 24, t,q 3, „it o -
do' ” ' - dit itver . ns ' ' „ ~,,, "to,• '4 fiz,fk (1°
do ' ' ttli'Llitlrlitt -' , .1,'," t o , 's th,,,•,,
- d0 , ..',' itolSititilii3 tin j ivit,YrY" '4 t o 5) ' '''
'la''' .
•do 'ith iSlobleti<lltthlitil '''o'.(6`ll -'to ' i.
-. db , 4,0 'Griot. NI din, NVotot.''.'• '' '.' ' : ~u
..., ~• ~, Tnyvert. ' .='; 1'.r. , 71 , t13 , 10'i 'do
. -. • I AA1 , 1171.41),R1.93.1. , I , i ~Y. 1 -
;. .
Brick or Stone d well iha and iftdi-.1. , ':.;1 , .
nitutre front 50 to 400 $lOO rattle i
. - , 11 0 '.'
.0 0 Ilt , r_e'' 1 91 t) )1.6ri1i0'.,..
rlize - 3 5 to SO , In• t.,
-do •".. do , 'CnvertunnilFtweitir:C , I . 1 1 ' •,„ I
, ..r.. . ,- .
.t 40 talb , '' 0 • , .i 1
,de •Ii! Bitvol kW Contbnts,Q, ,
~, , • „ 65 to 7,5 •,' -,,,40
(lo dn ,Stp.fOrt, ; (uphtitt) , , ~. . x,'ll.
' , 'OO4 , ~10„ , de
do do Grist Mill'intl Stock.
' t 5 to $O .
, do ,
Prothe'nntl Lititin:elliOin tinti'l`pr.. : , ' ' .'
nittire . " so, in 'l4 , .', , ' 'do ."
'do" '!ilil Sforeg 1 11tid 'letictiit'n'.: ''' '' •
• .• ' • dize' '" " 654,45 ''
... do,. . - tio.TavernioNVFOrhitto l e' '
' 60 , t0 , 100 1
; , tlo...lllarn! and .Contottril , :••• ' , i
, ,
do . do Gri,st,',lllllB and 81..tdt,. .., :,
, 90 to 1001
The inhsorthen'io if.,ent tar the aboviscov4ll ll Y'
for, Carlisle owl. ittt vicinity. AI lopplication l'or
,ossiwonno Itthel by mnil or, nettonttally will to"
Vtorn pp v itt tended' to. -W..1). 5F.Y;14,61511.:
lone 10,1'0.15; ,• • f ' IY-53
DLAVIAtIE MUtllALll4§ditAfitt COS Y
' u
-willt a large- jaettbsstack Capital. •Prpui
reduced io•rlearly half Uhl& raids:.
, BY' the - Art of' ineorp;rtitinn is
which the Company:cum'
dihlitional security Ili' t'e-•
retires that the peidifir of thi''lt4:iiib'fiWtdll hit
fuird . edd , and , t'ethilin 'with 'IF&
guarantee ankl . protirtion cgairiat
IbeA. 'This fund will be .reprte ohtcdby itetiyi
issued by fhb f7olOpatiy, hearingTaftireiat
eceiline six per se nt. per blintlin. The lionired
ate entitled to it (it, rata shard' dna' jiotits bf
the Onitiptinyi' and wilt robehi . c2l.ltaylictiortion_ ,
of' the aforesaid' fund 'se e t 7 ip, 'Whinn the
nMOllflt of earned premiii pald ' , befits
to the total awn' of eained . prentiu Cup capital'
i stock.
The actin tittle' taan6ll,•tri ttarlifilrahle ow
the hooks of the Cowpony - at
Nn ayislend of' tierip cab inn* when
th . g Imes and expenses exceed - the ainbunt of
- earned preminms.
„ The in.stavd nrd prOredfeil 4 iront.losi at the'
Customary rates of preiniyins... rorpiortturtny:
indivi lira! libbitpy or rispansibili/y (or Ow
losses nr expanses nrAtt. (.`wen/114. , The
assured have all the'. rights et inemlietahip,—
ean . vote at o).6lot:tinge, ond,aroleligible era
Ditefors , •of the edrporailon: " •
The subscriber has 'been - appointed Figent kr ,
ibis Company," and, as the mutual principle
q •sisgiy7idinit eysry miler Mode otlbSortonte,
taw ono Woolly recatuniondit tuhie Priends
antilt lie public. •
The Nhrils . Ambridirti Centrality hits efoned
their limey,' . nitro having eiblittee papipirm
9h rh;if office - can thern rehesetil
Delaware Couiptin'y on Medi more 'fa;;Orable
. ,
For full partkulgas pnqniro eit,horl.y.lett
or person to ',JOHN . S. MfF.llS.ti r
Corliele;Septonitwr 10. 1 .045.-4 y.
-1 14.114 V & P &XXV/ 0 /I, LT t.: //
Allen null t.,,nstlientislioi•ongh littOti I blri!
. j, IttanraneeConittlibtaConiberhitid Coluityon !
corpora ten by an nerd . ..Vase:lllly, la now MI): qt
go o I zett,and in °permit - monde!' the mninigetnent of
toe following commissinnersi•stv
. Cht.Sts)ntan,lacobShelly,Wmlifinrgaspivief
I lyer, Chtisimit Titzel , inhael Honvet , , Henry
Cot:kiln, 13 ettjs initillMOsser,Levi
Aferkel,lncobKirli,Melebierllrenettionantl - SamS
Prowell, who resiteeuully call, the tittLniion ol the
eilizens of Cu mberland and York countiNsti) lite ad
vaninges which the company hohl out. ,
Ihe rates of inattrance,low sifl favorable
an any Gompany of tha. kiln! in ihOttitc.i ,IParsoni
to beet:tsp . !! !Panthers .are,ntylled to PIA°
spitlitat lon to the agent!! come who are
Willing to whit upon,' tf e.
jAbOtsllp,ll..)r . ,.Preett
AltcttAttAlooviit i Vita Prekbleni.
, Leidik
Minim 'Cockllo', Teetahirlk" -
t I I chs 61 !looser, GtinciraliAiient`;Nl sclihnigstoir g
ltndniph • Martin', N. 'Cu rilberlinitt iiiiiiiihip.
1I Chelilin, A lido t64 , iisliip„ '"'°' ' •
.%Vm it tiorio's: Al I On' lOwn ehtp.•
Christian Xitza,Allonsollonshlrs,'• , ! - ~
, Jcitin C , Donisp,iAllen tositishipi , ' • .. •
J r 'retei.,tittsnlitint.,Enstllennsboro'township: L
Onsitl i N artAit •Asigootown:,,,..., o • •. ; •i.. to • •
q, ,p,„l Rim9 , ,,,,F0p10tiaw.i,„,,,, ~, .;;. a 1 „ , , \
,fiev,r.v'terr,,44 , s)yramelusilmi
i e 1
Simon plies, NI , oeniteystoirF,
•-4 I iici cnc c
lir: ;MOM, llntiOnktinS, eiti*OlO• 1 " •
thilbb Kisti ;Motet's I vtgen itifr iri)W6i46lily:lqi4"
: ) .1 ,Cti rali•Orlitifir P.. ffi. L. . .'. I , .... ~ ~ .. i.. i
floury logioi, York county. • -
John . .Slierrick. York conht:fr I
. . . . .
.1 oho,lpink n , York ()minty.
' 1)(100 .floily. . rot* qpiiiity.
0 1.01011ml' 01PP41 0 10,1 i:at '',)-ei
-Phil i (rTll4iikbi I rAtmlieffa,d4hfinty, (bn ,
rtiotivrt,c...sterreN 'M tO triph „
~ rfint heir u :vitt te i I 1-6 o guided eriittqer'
St .1145 •-• I •it
1 ' ,115,Ai,1,, •snll ..! it
T THr '''' CV rNifigitt ) A Nr.) -I , I Yi , fot•Lir
..h id., .
.MlE:twat *Protectien"liOnifk:r.
YrFir:qlll l A,ll)tfilL4Nl);tX, , M , txrtl,:
' lc A l l "I v ildr E0 1. . 1 ,0i f P911 1 4 , , ''': 4llll ' b 4,
, .
[ldyl tlvittiC"l ilidil,(inii, „R ,i4,rq ISlit, , Ark Hard tit
I° l'affak'eilißcol,lo.
,ti,Bl4l9;,yeti 11, ypi, 7i l,li9rntli C.
,Still6o`„PirAkilitrhiAS'arpsr,oolop,),, Vice I I T:
a IplN'!lAvril , Yrat,V:rlilliliflPfli nt!""v e rs :A.
1 A. l I r i . . i.§ e l ) r.c",lFt,v.4 l4 ,RVl. fry,eY , ,t4. l PC
po l y
.r,„ , 4 + , , t rt ( o atrpy. aptal ~ Tr. II ° 1 , 11 1
1. ; 2 ' $1L,a_. 1 T , "K101,, t, .. , ,,v1. nr difsyspoit, lb ea i
'%1,..,,,,n.,,',110•,,f4. 5 ,,i sydne,R9atity mir 40:trt:taate)
mu i mrl,Femos
. flitiltilt,e,c Atri.44alyli
it',91 1 4 ilaliio.:t ll ,rl7,imflo,p4 1t1.44,94
,Pll rivii.F.9ll Flaim.l, l 2,mlmui,vo.3.,9e,ilqr,
, r 0,,,, A 1. 7 lt,,e_itio phvlvr,,,,improarnmips
ey,:?Olv 1, ,, ,,roaem.A g tror,faa a. m.,r,i
,fti.,roi4l#rl,#'9 O. -liviv?f,J., ,Roltan3a. - -,
~,,,, : , ;aa lo 111,64. , 0.4111.41.bEil p i l•Ff!,,•,,i l
„,_A.:}; jiik4,l,Eiv,Sto,4l 4 l- tt•t , e.riitrvvi---7,T,i' l , i,
Vie ' ftillowittgt entliindn'tielvd )104# ft 0 oirit g d 7
;,,„i 1 ~, d , (4 19c i rie f qg t , 0 . 0 • tp , ..l ; i f ~, , ~,
" 'l'l4 ; -.1)- ' 112 t 4' e ° /1/ 41 1 - f . '"'. u . i ii ii ;,:‘, f- 1f :1 :7 4 .m ' 17
.li9-1)1 ':Ii 4 k it;' MW 4 filin,li:', ll ltt, 4 1 k.”,,i•Ji;.
' ' .l Ggt t gellr drkit'llip c : 1 0.14ht„, , ' Thl,ll. -, I
I t: ,'t • Will Of !,1,,!9,431 r Vi4M OOFfPf,. ), 1J
' ll t !Imir fli h I dlii i ril i rr. ri,, iui.l„
i oi,a abli mai t 1 1 mi k 26 I( 1',9,• , t, -..
4 "'''sit' in Vi, I4 JP/ PIAIPPPIII NK• k • r i -
ohi tti v t ~ . 1 4e . u I, .1114,. ,I
. ,
Of. A. .1. .I...._r_lAtfif i e_.) m •4111.1•1•1, _ , ...
),,,,, ,
1M l' i 1 .1.3. 31 1 : • tairt11 1 3111 ''' t I ''''
Ifill fk , ''lll4 tit ',gre,.r4o a t ,ilet.. ill ki • 4 t
r l a lb t i tV d r , clB*2 ol o+oollft4od fiti 9 na
Nctithin s..ikt 0w,4u1atui—....4.. 1 -
, A - tit VIR.VSIri AAA:V:•P• W. H 7114111.,
.pttlitM u l t riiitMftrii 4iliti:l-14 , i I 7`,,,':',''n'
'V iVa
ay, or
Mr: '4
, •
„," r
' ;4*l .6 4 'ilf
OA* 'Ol
.1 l
- kit.; 1 ., , i i f , , 94411
•• a rug 4119/if te l ; ir • ' •
...... 7. ' •'', ..„ , .--,,--- .:- : _ c
----Allot . corto4---- 1
„E Q .. , . . „ . , •
titwl-px,rE f t
~,,c .4,„,„.„, j,, .5.,...)( L ,v,,w„.„,,,,
Tn i et il'is'lliulitivetwiiLreVbatiniiiriirlit
IT iit4litivibitiedr caw, n'airthviCiOn
' etietoY/ItlTtiVe.ntiliMiiiintliPtitittitakpak
: -WittV,itn'thetleit'Ai or Main street at th
corner formed ,by'llie Nowydle koadAndi ii
(iltiVnitike,Niih"diti ) kalliAlrlit'zill lac wo9: 71
hutia &town'? Ruoiforapitubtw pi" 9ri
H a im& 1.30 oi 3 o -rim] k 1313.3 3, on , int)
:#4o P4 X44ooWWl ll it j A l fi l
1 .rTo i rk e ir 00kiq “ PNA9
-whiehnviibbelsolditanhollotiitatilititter , , '4l
3 ,, ;Hist atonal dfitarn bilr ttitiiiiata eflalllllllsaortx
Mtn' arattballovrAmd ) White-iPinnoPtikthilz and
Cber4 .Boaidil out flank, (Vont eltithittithith ntll
oltinadlitptindingidiffirent fthtdt'n'eattp Mao 4.A .
Plilfilif, IVillitannil Yellotv. Piney Fri lidell eb /
iiaal,!iiiid Ma ple•SEraniltog,o4f aft sivith filkni I),'
,aLtislG..l7 tu
.8; 1 ata& fa II I aasinitaiinrottririelaticl'
Oak Shingles; also llitil!lingl. Tionlattritnr any
length and thickness ; lowa and 'Zapata of fdll
. ititOrAtnil kitzBflailkalfidritittlifekAir.othar arti.ii
919 reliiiitchtmfemo,llli braerlYino.',ll,3'
irll) alpo csw Ful,i9PiptlY,P o .u 3 filiatiPiniTl
4 e yte'r:iitit kinds or , 44. d: ti,, :oupilil
' Pi tita p‘f • ll9yilkkiborrp Elll 3 o. ,tiniqtii,nl for
I"drnir,y,,,psci,,,atid,,tipicfp4nA'a inid tillftipsitlptithrit
' coal br 66116 4• (1 0 1 .VY,t ~4 ( Al l 'OMA t :,EpC es,,,.,
, Gfriwul l fot, Ripi). °wits, he respect ully•ati-,
li'dits a continuance of the• public patronage,
l a r ,d 3P D P6 ,s frot , t9 .lt. mtpAtlyn 61 , 9 IN,jBfactibn.
t 4 !PI I‘P3 I, 9FP'") ' f . llo' . Ati6V ERI :
• ~. 71 1 1 . •1 8 1 ?II r- a i'Vli I 4 Pto I 1 // t, „ w , '
.4 .
I, Nag institultitMowilmdi isidositedindherpvAlJity ,
EtinaliterPind . cots ntr, wil ;f ig,
opened fer Eqnrintig,or seholars (ARAM; ,op
NP"' l ) . o S tj.M .6 •'"l. • •
The sit ` inn hit'p tetim idtpsin for thendim
.li.'prhientd ih being : rtiregMqvetlfrOM:t4ehrti'se at'
it life,.3 2 ht most' chttienretiti . V itacessible by
'd r or i Stitie EMI d, being',withiii. miles
West of Carlisle. r • • '•%tt
The Int ilding, nre nem' And convenient, the
KleptirttiMftt hiktlnhl beetl t it/reek/4, this,
summer. The, number of students will kbFErnited..
Ortiett• tinit . proOriety Wel the klistingtliphing
reatures.throtighout - the' on. Every tt-,t,
,tentsontwfilkitie given tdthe mental and morafinj
proventiMtl thesttit tritit - S;Are - ompetelif /timbers,
inl.,Made, to. secure the .conf (lenge
' Anti twit the t it.Rtirtnign,n(np,eFflightped
Om year . 4 , ,pll be divided into two sessiotis
'five inoidhs each, commencing on the firs! Mom
drip!. in -Oct ether The ps.xpiiithei for
EttstrdineNh.; "reatinn in nll EtigEhli bromhes,
w i tti semi() it. •
Prensitti,l;eivitati, Erti* nig or MUbic , (mob, IQ t
i !i t.) •
..,(E7Arrtutgernents cnit-be made to care at nay
,time Tinting OM. sessiint nt ,proportionnte ex
pense, .Pturther ittlommition, references, &e: fnr
ruifited by Implicit:Mit persoimily or throngit the
Enid . ' 'ale Post Office. -
• ‘ MIMS. _Principal.
Septenilter 84 et. ' •
, do
n 4 , N,71.1)3p0u: iy,ATUR.P. AND OF
cOASh plc th,44,tiku,naguy4l vego.,
il6 productions of .eke;ly cqup4'y'prei it pro.
perly applied, ainjly sufficient for the•ccre df
every inalcdji loci - dent to, each'peculiar Climate.
, luazux Vgo - oai3le Pills,
of_the-Nortlt--Amerieart-College of health ,aye,
-posed of plants which t iow•sponianeolialfi
ion hen own•soil, and are therefore 60W-step
, ted 16. our, constitutions than medicines con.
eocted - fronyfoceik iitlrttgi4 however. well they
litay,'bo•ccatipounded; and as they are founded
upon the principles that tho'ha al an body is in
titith•SU •TO- ofilUT CONE DISEASE,
viz,,,doetupt humors, and •the,t said 'medicine
cures tirotlisetwe on . • • . • • •
" Natural - •
by - clennsing and purifying the body ;Tit wil
bo rnanifestr-that if the constitution itio no
entirely i exhauttuth‘-n •porivevereireFe in their
useoccordilig, to directions, ie absolutely cer
tain to drive disease' of every name from
bo Whet we wish to restore a Mvamp b motaes
to fertility, we drain it of the superabundant
waters: in like manner .if we wish to restore
the body to health, we must cleans It of" Imps.
lily. • ' I '
Wright's. hid inn Vegetable Pills
trilitbefoupd one, of,tlie bestofnot OW very
lest medicine in the:tit:mid for earning nut
becaer,c they expel fri in the, body all morbid
sod corrupt humors. the CallBo .of disease, in an .
,easy and naturly' manner; ned tvliiie they
,every day ,give WO and oplexe.;re, disenru of
every. name is rapidly drivin from the bodY:
fistriss dr COUNTEP publMare
caotierved agninst.the many sporioue medicines
tJhichWeider fri rl4:ei re, are ea' led .tly names
Siiiiilhr jk, AlUgutsble. -
,Tliiionly or iginal: and genuine Indian Vcg.
ciebid Pllia,,Jiave Abe a 'wisteria of Win—Wright
written with n pen on the top label of each box.
1 1 none .is genuine, and' lb .couttterfelt this is
forgery, r •
• • Charlba. Ogilby, Carlisle.. '
John coover. Mochnilesburg.
I firenemart&ProwCT,
. i4lex,CptlippitiSpnperthaawn 4 ,• ,
$, A, Coyle. Hogoidetva
"anc.narlain Lisbon,.., ;,i .!, 7".„, 1 ,
J. A Clippenger,Shinponabarge,
John M Clever, bees X Roads,.
Rusael and Dica,,Hoidsaysville;
" olih ,/pportirm
"- NinkinstOwn,'
""'"Etiltgise and Paul..ChurelleOwn..
. John. Mimics IkAltßi i n, Roads{
" ' I" tl`k TleVqo,4ll‘ I '
7 rrku ~vi /till 1 ,11.1,1 1 I
114 I 111 , 1 a JO )11.111 ..111/1 4 ,. Lid, lit, r
14.. - ...
:•1 • '••71 , 1 1 ;, , , , . • ••:
1 .
cli: c c 1101 1 91. 1,111 I Ic/ MI , 0 I c, i 1.. , / II r cl
Icr ' 1., ' , ',• 't
VALt! gt l4lsllol9lalS .l44 P lillent.
l! ' Ytar kl I? ic i 01111: 1( i0 Vt/j , .. 1 Y - SAJ}Ii.
LIEVREE6 I "CARYASIA• I.',A, . • , . :-.
firtliSilialortitetar , hrhs!lVretkeit.triitleiptilly for
At htitribtheueuttisth; , (tiedoid the! tan i externiil;
're Me* teeir4betit km Iketi thieeta pertinen:i.
tigy,119,4:13/KIiAINIS j*LEYBII.IIKINO-4 , '
~ JtellaTif,killiqttlinfilhoth*.nikinglhotal
stetire eompheete,eniFFittprilipomvhentlibsyratii
totes are Britt olf , velopel, and-innumeriblirether .
frnMttfilr. It
Yla) t aaak i lt t itt e l 6 :re=
RonflytnA toupie Kee fort I !WI Sf %ileitis to effect
umPf t i-Viiflni-PArtfAn ii4A-ZIRRR:. rPOlt'he.4"
",911SturilllY91 .5,0)1 1/f 3 41 ill Yineoqhis
t p.
beir i ' . cu n eg4 eetye 4 reeictlydey,r t, reeving ithe
Too iioi&ilif, ii:,. ,p t igne,6 iiiivrtl it ou ref
itinite.lkiVeittitiliplif 111 4 nii#lll it oVik)iii6Ue .
letle.t Willeiyofebie'llthe4nlit'ile , tirp inei:nisising
Ti•dbiNiettle or other °noses. The ettirtber ..ha t
the'esieriefore - thitr eu one after herto used the
AdblirniVltiiiiiiittetkeillgt it eleffem ug,'" , -, 41 ?,
letnilleitiblittpnropriatel l y appkiekl lathe iery ifgny
, SiA/44.0.41110A Y. hich linsttottterlt WINO put upon
1 4_ltl4l9{Fl l ln,l)tcpbept 41 , , PtatonkMedieinee, 77 1
1 1:1,prierttiAln itrp4iscTrridivii.e
T, tei R 1 111 Nit 41,PrrInihilipelotl i pi itee
.ri .1 4 1 1 ,i5rigt.,, el r Tem i - ma'
tit' e t . 's6, een eiife . I 6
_. . Ramutbruci
IfoAikkaillri iiiiiiillitirig titt r igitirinriti 3 Orp%
16 1 4410.110 1 .0/ 1 0h , nr.iliormt. of VI an 4: ~ , ,/,‘ ,
,), „ 0,
.Thornael/Steveitevi silEllsobethVhfelo •
iMbiltr4llllo,l4 'Ho ~,,
...insl943ll3ooirli n6.114124Y1 Rata
E,AiiiiellAiioi,l o l, ,epkilleabtibrfltikec t ,,.. j, ,
t 1 addi r VlrlAirstingn irisniefirebedp4 i .7.4 , .-
Ape , %oil lei#tiemeceetip qv em h up r
4 . dittei oC ectileee'.lifei, teem , I $F , .. go o,Pke.
ind will . be sold 'by . ktri.;l3l9 l V d t etibkiereer,
,thee inliest.Pombr a et eteeet t fi ALe . ~ F r,,,D#p„. 4 ,.
lign;--- - -c.l a -- . 4 1 ...; : . ..... _
goaftt , ,, ,, ). , . ,. ...1
i;1 . ;; . ;;Iikl1:‘, i t 6 4,1 0 ).A4. t a1tre ail '11.11"fq
r**iiiioo.miitilit . weal
ii ilto dio4cipsedisfinidkro yorp‘.44i.
? f,. lib I.eii.'•'.eflp. - ectßididdi4e i tiii 4 1 01,Tir
-4" •,,or, .21 . Ad. -
' .....
tat is Writtett
{: r'.
•Ci4 . tav
4 -- .' -.- '—"-'' - •• . •
x aTtlittOrtßAlOtikftl, h.
y.coiiidstlokiabirvotititiv , 4iieki) e ,;
1.,,;:, 1,
i„ft;i , „t,.,,.w,y c o k
:,,:) ~rlt
,reitqat-vviiiieti: tit Plains:64 tibddtifiii ,
rtfstliFiftk!P k_. l i9tljitAlF/J4Plitllth'al Unit 4
1 Pi9Pt tiParli° ll Jl l l?”4 4, 9,9Pg: 9 o o fiftiKtfOtra
dpny,dalelpitttn,,l4:anPaelalAy9rar Com'etal;
titsaailfiTaStActillTlY,r,orilitYlAvd.' ;a , . •,.1; ~, ' '4a
3 W TiW P‘i4ai4lo,ll.ort ortill,:ttehindsoMe,RailT-
Ingirat , Laurelllllll,MoniunentPatidoiliettleelet
AnatddVernetatiestatiaNai s afyitint-4"oilaty, of
cilPf‘i4VPllll,llllt!Orllo,l9Prii;4ll.l4y extoll:
In eft,f i , i l e ft ir T: 9,A , , , :i.!..rf,TR.:rw,c,94 , ~* thi
r4{ ,, ,,, if i - 1.1% .. I 4', '; : 1 JO :,:: ./
71 IP t ~
. J., :., it I I
,n Krt:Agit:,7, i tsl,9,m,{dß.APßlAClcigcli Atil It the
e 1t 5. :4 1. , " tt P ,1174 9 Z . 1 i tt.e ' W n
P i) C l P r ' eed li Xtt ' re " l:o til n il ita tel7 lin li g.
13rttaraenta) luny •Setittjaef,•,Dore ahnirge . i iew ,
atTleplain Land i ernamett tal , ;14dn' • Petito,,twf th:
an extensive assortment ortronlltcrstivPottos.
,t 111, 1 1 t ran Etnits,An.; . Mso
c in xrgat var ie -
-4yr 144001 Calt I7°" n TßßlPPNar.anitablo
PAPl , ittg 9 ....tuu gthr.PnFilrO!, :.-.
, t . emanietiner , wPnid
also:states that-m, his
fattarp,and, ;Designing Department, he bas ,
employed some of lbeebeer. idideto tha.Potn±-:
tcy„.vyinpae r whalo attention is, devotjed to the;
blififrikesi=lfaltrninga itildiethar ,iatient lha. Most
'eduipletci Vild.eyeteMetteeeriblielit 'lht the
i e "
!•i d . 1(
i " ~"i l .A ibU h Find p (
3 - " 1 '
:' ,'' ' '
l 'lt°P?R. l ,":°9kt l4 \fiPtPr.
'' -I n : nse'..', ,, i,tpna... ,,. itnoNnpd.Stieet.
i frdlatetplit, Fab, 3 M 8 11:1;-1 In . L t
. .- l'"--:" 00E270g1323320417 ' '. , •' " ' '
. ;1,
itisiiii.*eitiaiiiiifix iioii?il4 Attar ho es, Ace:
• . iIE siaticriber' hereby drintlietticlinwiftii'
,i, li
ltic ,
.. ,tiblio !hot he 'has 'fob; Ale it Ca tn'tio
a ien,'W,,ithout tlia, use of 'lndia; Irbber 'dr .
i Otini,'Which will tender Debit and' bees and'
teatlier Of . evei Aeseription .Wai.dr , Tithil,
—permanently Water-Pleat, again st -wei:-er
dardp,A/Y piopYr applicaflon, beside ti softening'.
and kroprovingit. .
, This.Conimasitimiis ' , patented both In this
craintry and In Europe, Inlaid bne tiftlie'great
and-truly -benefiCial illecovariea eftlie,4,.
I Prlen per dozen bnie's, 142,09.singgle box 25
'cents: "As a guarantim of the 'character and
g-unuineriess of the, coin position the subscriber
:will refbrid the mitneitthiaull it flak i ye entire
rstaisfactibar , .
'Ho is also,prepored . to render clotheh nf every
description,-' Angling, Suifeleth' and roam]
'Duck' coMpletely water proof and, secere
against milde'n a and rot. ,
Apply at the United States Water-Proofing=
roinpany,,No. 11 %Valeta, Street Plillatl'aa , . ,'
.-, , STP.PITHN'D. litt.,llA.RDsoN,..-
Cry-One Agent in each of the towns in thin,
Stifle Will be Appointed 16 dispose el the Corn.
position, to whoisi ,libetAl terms will Ire wade
on Application us Above,.
Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847.
Ititige hondy nhave spring
.-Gnnti.7l 'SFr&
rplus establishment is erected on an 'repro.
j ved plan, and me 'did of Steam Power
manufactures all •kbide of Marble Work in a
superior style, and at the 'lowest- prices for
cash: .
The largest and best assortment n(Marble
Meath+ etteroffered to the .public may be seen
nt the, Ware-ttomn, to which tb'' attention
.ofpurebmsers la resyietefily inv
Imported Garden Statuary iltid Vases of the,
most tasteful design and patterns, made °film
finest-and handsomest descriptihn of Italian,
Marble , ; Tiles for Flobring, imparted and al.
ways on hand, and fur sale at the most reanon.
nide; prices.. • '
_.-Illisrlila..Cotters ono forsupplied at,, all
nuns 'pith any -panther of finished mantels or
Tibia Tope,'Fit reeneed- Wholesale prices; and.
_th o lrod e.w ili he--furnished at the shortest
- notice wit/11'1AI limar - of Marble itt the
oreht:toilierfarill'ontiments,.'s a. • •
.1011 N BAIRD
• •
• •
Rand, above Spring Grrden St
Philecleipbia,,Fab. 3,1847. •
Cheap Watches and Jewelry.
Ac,AT the Philadelphia Watch
0- 4
. end Jewtilry Store, 90slorth
Seeotol St.,. corner of - quarry
4 1 ,, , • Gold lever Watehea, NI jew
,,....- 0 :,...i1• eller ' , IS caret :lases $45 00
:.., ON. • ', Silver Lever Wetchee,
full jewelled 23 00
Sirver Lever %Patchett seven jewels 18 00
Superior Qu'artor %Vittches 10 SO
imitation quarter Watches not wsrrented :CO
Gold. Spectacles 8 .po
Vine Silver Spectacles 75
Gold Bracelets with topaz stones 3
.0014 .P.rincils 16 corraiti.L 2 Q 0
Gold Finger llinee 37' cents to $B, %Vetch
Glasses plain 12}, excite to 161; Gunet 25: 7
Other articles In propqrtiun. All goods war
ranted td be what they are sold lor.
_ , 4 0. CONl't.o..
On liandnome enbi and Silver Levers; Lo
me. and Quartiors lower than MO, above
prices. ,
Philadelplibt; Feb. j, 1847 . : -1
HOVER , S.-fipsttPßtlishiuiviiNKid
v 'ii.iii kii-iiihird - i ' . f -1
... __o; , , . . reet ,•;,,,,
••• • - ' l "(i l ,l.2 o 4%l i qrk , ' •
/VHF. celebrity of,t he Inks manokactui•edhy the
,11. subscriber; Opt -iliii,eatriii,lre ' "li'3, "Ibm,'
flume .upoiettlie: high,rephiatioirwliiiin lin !Inv
anal tied, Mot only , throughout the .Uithril sintes:
but in t h e West Indicerniul iii,ClOns, has IMlnctiil
WM to make , every necestuirryirramement' 'in
supply, the:4mq Alcmanilviptin , pin estlibligniienr
He is now prepared with every variety hallllsiiii, ,
Ellec, snit red Inks, Copying. Ink,. liii.elible,liiki
and Ink koWder, , lull. prepared 'under' his,owii
personal,' superintendence, iso • tliiit.,plirelispers 1
May..Apendupowits:superior quality, , „ ~,, 1 ,..,,
.•, ',OVER'S .ADAMANTINE CKII 4„.,,, a.
tiaperi or tartlet's foe Mending Glaavellipa, 11 11 ;
,illtt :Ware. Stia, 'lndult , tty..avery,,•llloubelit f t iii).i.;
4g•iiita White Ihtuid im
lamailyplibiliatid , taii MM.'
lest bporillnary(hcab—lntrigittdt iii,l '''' ''lnv.
- . 10-Pamplibitiviintiainiuwahentinofrenteteeli-'
!" 0 1iiitio Orinierr"or. ,',34.ll4,iliiiiitiathert • wit Viii
iurnisheitlo-Puithasers. --- •,. - r •,,,, 1„,„1
015)Kiiiii d th e mipaiitirotsinvovh*4„,. ~,,,t
iti l4 tie ° ril7:l44lliratilrlri"Uiii 911 R" iC ' 1
' , tl , ll/1 'lll
'.l6tlfillf. Ey ti9YAI;i Maim ct,t3l.Tir• I
- - : • '''Pg4 tititititt't
!: 1. :A1:11U015 1'1 ‘-lAtitIS;tilligS ! - ; -- -
" . 'TiiONI,I!ktONIQ:I6 tiriV} . __ P,iVVISW
li t
o,,,,dislttkfr9Oryti, .I. HI . 4 , '”liii!rt_Sirptl
In 1...1 (t4604' g i i t t7,..' f inl r ot! .. B:e# rtiqadelplo a .
J O - ae t idgligid," O,4RWRIi f?o! , ,t) i ,pri , g4,Ai 0-
is„,i f ,A,,,, ...p.y ,7„...A„q„.„,..ii..
4,.„t °TIM! f'!lt!lt , . 84:,4 1 .aPtlltii4, r , 1 11 '"a Ilfkl .
trgPe&E' Ptrviidloion r „ ey 4.' iiiii fvt '
. otte u , t 1 t 't t.. #9,,,, A o Ato,
jrWlV6r:f!itlllinilrV7illyr?•bityj 9 no
tiPt li Pcir-tv e gm: .ii„lo ,;,31 , , , 0, (timq°o7, , thin
~ , , .
...., i , .
allu - Tp,Vivetropre,toph , oethefailiii :
[ Veystliii ,D 1 ikl , : e, ..tot! iltrougliout ,- thde
1'0,47.ii a mb - Op i liKOnukoftef,fictinlmitt lifepitis =
iiitst likis MaO3l4lOE eonha .Colitt rAtilittisi!kiP
hionej , reruuded in every instiocoo!horbifoiehei.)•
il t iroone„ , 1.!..1 , i.,100 :,i,int I bit.. 6!)4 ,
!1nai110.4.01 " 4iAn•A IN”.e4nl I b,1i..:,,q,,
-- 77"
.14' i . c3 F .F.MNR4W - 1 11 - -- 0- Pl l '"-.)--)
f) ?,
141111N;pli•AIN.M)24. 1 .imit. Tcoll.ltitili'
etre ' ‘ e
P 4 PriV) 7lllll Z
'Si,. , 17 4 at..A 4 ~. 44' .2.14 and
0 4 : PX 4 dr , r, 1 , 1 911 R 14r; woil MB,
(411nlelt i o,:i*,iii., 'NA e,l nHYSRAWITtinnntI9(
Rocurg in linrilnllB,4oPsql ,, Agnri , Rl4:9ll 4 _L.lP ClA'sil
p4,rkqtisAl;upyßlAll*l l .lf,plVlSAVNAPhriliV,
11 ( n 1 1 1 AvnitAii4 • • fivi) t . •
,- 11 firilis9 11 41iVR. 0 . 1 1FIA , Y#P , 1 0,41, n 4 / 9 rnial pY aii i t .
tit.o . ty prkoh•• • Al.' ki ,s'••• ../.1;1••,.1.3 1 .1, {
',... Coirli*l'aliiimembarials4d.'. -
141 .f1,,..gia1iA,49( " 71 - rx:r7r1 , 1.
.b . • ~, ,ijiliai I.PF ; ~. .., L . -' la.v-t3 - ail
, r 1 ;'. !t4PpIoTIPRI, kir QrAiliq.algoJil... .P11514,3v
,nd:* 44 lsooloo,4oo.lor t ntoi.
lifilOttlipOitieiWpiriAllifONA, iiififftniPtniii,n
4 . 44. 1411144.Tarlic,lind'Olidrojitrif iso•-eneap.o4
, htnkny'Ork.. pOsoit'.ooilo fistre'4iii.; , ..'l , . , : ... • •, , .., ,- 1
‘[;::::-.e''• :'.',..-:,c,','...1'.,;;;••': . •:%:;-., , e , '-....'••.' , sok: .•:-:' 1
1,1 r •'
#1110hi41:-'-' , •
per_"'"" t,
mo, . ' .. 1(
~•—••G01d6414,1 7 1,11.384P0W1'1 9fi" ,ii5 00
‘,*B 00
lig'olifLdpiftee:ce47l4tlrt' 417 00
`' - gilddi•ltelYragfeAlijertr,l l 9‘:` '” 1 "1 751 00
.1 ,•• Gb i- c fy vtitofel i . r ingit i l n•• . ••. • op
• 75
..oarrefrdil'et• '' ' .'. . I -.,
Gold Bracelets,'• •'''' ',
" ';, '
' , T
4 A lso,on hand; nlal i tbdifitirrme'n'enedoidiane i
Hair Brucolpts; finger -rings, breast pins, loop
cur rings, gold - Ronsodtt,rardpiibus, sugar tongifir.
147 bli')ltniO4fillAt'liaVoEt.iti(kuPpVinuret
6:7 ac t -1 ,k e ll e it pr . ',pliiry descr,iptin 11,,
equallytlairpiiiint , :-ALlTiliauf is n cell to vis
vindo.mustbmer.,.. Al rill i n dd ,, of , IVtilesi did
, i Clntdzie repaired , tibd \verrented' tii li it gocidl
- time forono Soinni. Old'atila'Aid kilti'bi tibuglit
for &
aa pshr'3 4so'y t t
b a b Vp l i rli:olTkPg; e
Ci ll liaot, ', 1 .',V . 0i; rale, 8
- -- .
„,,. ' •1: T 44Ptill ILAqq'MUSt:? f 'l
'watbh,'CjideK iin,d Jewekry %rim, jgot 4 1 9 i
..34ndkdt iirdbt;' eridt , e 11 Ili Chdith el i 6) Phdlt
, ndellilda: fp' .t ~ ~, ~ ', I , J f , ~l e . 1 ,
[; L yjart 41 d V hrtidifo' 'oil Ilion ll' 'fiaide, 'U iild'iipil 'Hit
'en rl I.,, edtinV tlin is 1 liisit liirI.VIOTCOB.
1 ~,iNtliPA,cribtiettl'lli*etAitie'iifidet'p."o-priakom
turtle VOrtihed . A, *4lluftrniln..."tidhiiiiii,sFtlt.
'. Vliiddeljiifiii-Mby 6, 1846. - '•'' .". no
. ..._....
tb. Tllllolttitilittiii
.1 ll}
. 2,5 d , Mitrket -Street" Philadelphia
_4P , 0 .h,eoll ileeeripti6n
"'0L0111,1,11 , ' ;70:9,f wilmN pee;e4,t tel
ta be l it. ,
Weeoii , 6 een Med tot lie' ttni ; qu
:elf .6 bielt ere 30.1314:tither the
Unitml*tites , !Also, e Veil" dessk:o' 0 ftGFtt.
etxmAit'l • F. 1111N11011 Na' Gootii.
Timm triskink Ibeyit,y millifinti , loiwtheirtilteVest
Aorellimiimeey4teektiefoe.elmeehailit relsewhere.
254 Market Street;.Philldelphisi.
September 30, 1846.
11.1titr — ETAPOIUM::: .
lil v .iiTcT's'''' . (l7,P i StiT' l gArl:iitHlV Pig .1;
F.1.1R LINE, No-292 Market Street, l'hilnWP .
Ode r who , bmtjußt 81,411101 One of the iti..gewalvd
lontA,notoidete oriel:1)0,01s of tatdl
'ITAL, 0.01111 M; Oi l city, tr o llaiSili•R 2f
bresi Coatp, Irani, $lO lo 1,14 01)
dn. do . :: Prdelt Ccdits 1,0 0. 14 (a)
ilti: do: ` , llThe Drees do ; tti t 4 (R 3
Solver blelieli'ver BetheittiCotiii, Btol2 NI
tio.• eloth do. do. ' 10 to 45 nu
do. ito.• ah. ' I: in
Pilot Cintli.lSuntztip Coats
Suit4ellittyl,:j:tok Coots
SRA Cants""
Tweed Coats;
Cpso t s
311 - s - cit. Clotltlks t ,
Ittiiiinvis . t;!cutkit,, •
Black Citsst mere rttnt
Ptittry Onisithere .
Satin Vests
lei inn Vests
Silk Vvls.,et Vests•
'Gentlemen in want of 4:11,01:111X.G lour tbliebil
upon tieing suited-in . every respeikri*34c licX ih
termiucil not to be nutlet:sad byaey competitor
in the lin shins. An gomis , tere liar
?Sll, which enables us to sientt /itc/e/osecr than
those who deal or the ervillt -, 4lMinti , it being
sitlf-evident &eV thin MMUS, - sixpenee is
tleliNLi . loits the blowUON' 1' FOR-
Pl-14..{1A11.i'l RA. „ , M. 1110 CY.
iet ober 14; 11,4.
NationalDaguerrian, cia.tiery
Iftiotograp4pr',i rutpishing Depots.
••AviAI3HED theZrledal, Four firl4 uremiy,
.ums, autl',Two highest Honoraby the In
akitotop of ,Massachuletta, N. York, and, renn-
Ivania, for the moat beautiful colored Deguer-'
'reglypoo and beat A ppaptus ever nxhi
.Erfortraito,takewintexquisito style, with
ont regard to weather..
Instrptegans gi ven,m the art.
Il,lat'gaaeaortmentof A pparnturOnd Stock
always Q.11.411,11:1, al lowest csalt• prices.
.• New ,York, 4,51 Aroadway ;.
1.16 Chesnot St.; Boston, 75 .Court,' atitl . sB
l!annvor ,Sts.; Baltimore, 20.5 Baltlindrif St.;
Washington, Portilyivanla A•vcrtue;' Peters
know Va. McGlianic's Hall; Cincihne - ti,Fonrth
and "walnut, and .176 • Main .814' Saratoga
Spring's, Broadway.. • .
rrrtwin, Orr •
. 'VOW% mo ! iird ' Ibve foh,l Advil Did;
And if you ironltl keeplui. herr Itsurfint, '
:VIAY Nod .mt HourAm o ol from Hoped. I
ANCF.',S, 41')We AN •cmgpx' s k re fp ,1
satefl i rtatiMore
Sold in Carlisle by V, MEILAFFEt-,
, Apent:
‘ 1,a 4 m..7_,v8,(5351v, ,020..qm0. JoDuar s 8. 1 , 147,. ,
No. 97, South - Secohil &Veil
viT lIES to inform. Hoods stril
VT getiernllyithathe - slitriifiliitti:ltlimiititifue-,
ttii 4 e Heti did keputoe' -Ttui ry STOVE,
with 't helotest finprdrpmehl. '
' 'Alter trolly rears ** - perleoceiti`rire. mottorse
tore, dohoie Sloven, he tseoly onitoltql to offer to.
I.llis.oustorners .the:A I it4rlGHT,sfrov
o,7rrOsiAtittSfile for iiinitiaironms,oentiiscries
Aie Isok.sloo tho 'Wow., oft tlig.lifritPwr;
of *40 1 ,4 80 14 °nom left I
tro.e,lo oviitekt.lialroptot . ,lo
Aris¢ egoictottitl
foSottriTOti:' ro;t11;)end:Iti 51t ,01419
'Wei; 'Of Cosi' rf oM:l'44l'c:lo9 4111113. All of
I Trilt ililidieWMlttt ' AO'Weit. to 'est) lofore pur
• Stroo(iiiiltie,wheittim..2ll,lla 11 A !' •uto
asotiiio that rotiblire against
sioNtivnuute , with oast iron doors,
IttlY ItiZfl A spariotikartioltt AAA !titkillot rooky/or.
.. P l/I:4 ‘ l7lsZiilto .4el.lgObE';i'tio"ftftlar"''''
) {l(l**olt4tittilVitik
Alb VDOOTS AND 1111041AN.9, - ernitabla
:11 JrtheiraiLkeneon,juit redaired at PORTER'o
8 :STOR aomptieingh r
I.•.MenTeliandilloylirelchatobta,. ' 1
iron 00.11,1fitsi . diro,B/4-1101141.1
,ulDb, 46,44(illoBtiotig 0
)at `-.•jlfl I. ban -
i.This Work, toi !Worm nted , 78eperior tq
anyeevek hermit hll...hefe b fdie,tantl
.w ill be
odd demi fell iiA — SßP 3, Dtml"nirget"`t fgAirri 6 r
IblitieiltelheMeithedialOherehtb . ;tk , I'
ql:ltitilole,Seqtembeirllo;lB46, .1i1!
a adm
ai rP L M 41 514 1 " .. P i41 . - P 2
40- V11114,6 3 r i11-1,11.
.13, 59 peff i dliri
i 2
12446054.Ti . ..194j.ks tkls,lAi„-_ . lrttroq , ,o to .c
m„.„.„,t,„.p.,.„,;„..,„pitimpi , A,..,.,,,
~.,-...(.l?,..tia w q i fyri :v „,ox,filgiii,
liTErtli'Af . lliP , lf' k i
d Idi ,t 4 'al:,
I:AA:Pi? . IPs'eligi(VMA grEittp-dITY:?' ,, ...
1 !":Ctill ' - o,'SefiVhil*"SO;t,'l'"'P'i , '''
1v.:;.(,...r. 1t,,,...,'1,;, 1 , 11 , t7 ,9 I
tiTeffaNYPlTAlltilv oiroltiV '
LfiArP,to,e_,P e ß. 4ilbißi•ttl' 4 9tßlis
in, 0 4 r.:,s,R4Aolii ViviS
rw i ifil ' . fre ,lt)
1 'st Idigitl*fifAig' ''!gg i ii k z " 1
~.„ 0 iu • ~,,,1 ..- , r v, oi,vtirru ..
1 'Yt 4 i4iii l 4 4 4Sgiiittoi A1 .. 0 46 4 I
.-' ' I
I In ': hn tMaDgra a ait4o:EilEa l
1 rykl y VI ilfl uin 1p . :12 , ,. Q1241:4,
1 8A741 V OWI r • j kgeT.
AfllklyWttilf4, 4 l4 ? r i iih i tg itb)i
I :0 13 415AWi1%4 t i t II
oitt, nt,rvio i l, v. a l
" unr " e s u°l6 er _ .0 , , li than
4 itAIN '''''''?''''
--. 1 - ;:: - .,; - :,;,•, -1 1 1 . .110 ki . .—,. ~ .
1 - i4 1uat 0 56 4 41 1 1; 0 4. 4 ii - , '' ., ;Pli_ t eiretoak
11g1 i,4
)1' , t4ifoaaahtatiroaiiAliasiti,,, ll ' A t' . a a bl,gin°4,
/. ioßldnaelv#o awl, 44. r • Mb ,
I ,IV, 1 . 11011 them at. vry ratfutie4l , VtioPa. r .351. 1 h or
approved v , aquae. ! Cll-ilitalttrA s
Cat4itle,lanuatil4;i4r.? - ; , ' , ,' • -,: ".1
3to 300
• r 0 to 13 00
. ; 12 00
r i ,r,• 3bo 'h on'
. 3 id
.G 00 '\
11) to 18 00
6 10 700
4'ta 5.00
10 AOO
'2.51)1°4 (4W
10 4 00
C. ' J.. WWl:pit ItilENO
I NE.--jult
aall,ae it
t P. I$llR-
a certain
I ilkanevicall
i OW
, 'EY, are
lila Vale
trifia 144
TRah 5
et I
1 L :~►'Yi'i~~lN~ IYV ~~L~
rif f 7 ,iitl "P lgi ;OX IJt t but:
tfliol 6%1 r'6 l Ji ) %41g6FiV i titi`fili
--brough t-to-CEtrlisle-!+!
TiOlqN P. LYNSErospectfully info.ros his
r 4
,q 1) friends and thc public. encrsdl4ittitke totA
just TeegiVenifh"tlia iisli ) r o l Anrcirtillt L iA Cilif
HAILDW'AktEI S O I p' ' r .' - 'IOH WY,
eseit, PainWollV Mil h, .dtcliolth el(ltiP i t s
,deternrigilisdrttroillibiiioWthfiittlfsV.i, ,°l 't'i"
,1111 s. stock co nsio ishol ink Strli VtiefidNititiltk.
t . flfailking materials, such as tkelfsortirigeii;
eitt6ScrOives.n9ilihand.T.Pikeal . Wiadow gft ,89 ; 401
A ti.,,t ses . l ,,ci l sirtisengiooltnafstil ids-indli,airels 1
VilifitucasstlyfitrirthiliollfltillAglttosirsadeastild bits,,
°9ll3l°4lB94il4lP9f4Pl3pefßiilt;POPPronBaddlery, a
tun assortment consisting pi dl lAs s ett plktod and
.t imanned Harhoss triountiAge,dl3)eitrimip, bites
stirrops, troche's, hog sklitir i , , rgr u kidgi whir
iiieks, &e. Cabinet Malec{ri,;;•t}tq i eri,alf, ench
iis MA-NOGANY YENEERP.„,Wormpd Ma. l
hagany .knob s, drawer anfl c CliestApOrp, lip&
stead l'Odiiiiiana - iota? Mid; ti4,Yeildtil assort.
'titian t of line pen and pocket k nlier;;liiln kniyes
Teind forks Vfhitt xtieltiitiiii' ' diiii b sWeiti's, sheep 1
tehears; razors ,iiid!irtiiiil"islYfit rt''i(iid tfluiiing
rititeaht,.. ,, A4sopednialditlistik`nif iiiiittets, shon i
•stt end-lomat. betishotc.of rill':liltidiatlills.Aah;,
I ucliatirothosbletand , ppothis, ail ritiOt iiktn 1
Yorks, halter and trace 4boiln'N, ',2ctifree mill.
1190.1,,inkillifitteethiind,Idoking,grais.tpliibs Of al
,, mill and cross AtttianwsubterOurna, round:
Lind hoop iron, cast, pliStlri ' l linill'hlliteristeel.—'
:Also, rifle ikinclrop piisoprv-OillitCbeSeluellity
"find s j o t reß ,r,.?.,, rap artielo
I p . suallylkept in "a a rev wapp Ahlt.l,,
'Cap , and vtantir.9,l3clbro, mchrising • else 4
Nlshers diiliiiadPiermi &II notkoho ri bpat.. '
- The books and accounts•of,M)FA!,l-kr° °I
.1. P. Lyne&:Co., arq in MY ,lIIHJItt,Ind.,Per•
eons knoN Itti rftrieigiehig ll' iii'dkh ed to call and
beide as the b66ltieliitilleimi'lltit f4ll'h iginei ,
II inteirtitherivish didilii WlllAie'lliiiiiiNi ed 'With.
out respect to personi. - )0111s1.'r. 1, NE. '
I April 29, 1846. .." ''''' "`" '''''
ifisgc~Pc.n,PV;rpMeti hgloOliiiithe following
ti etter rom - a lady, fir respectii
bi I it3 l 'l. tinierqto'n; a
_Youpg merchaoi,
Ruing business in Baltimore.' l l3 ol iffe' litic„le the olil
lady: dila der, to,,we ,
CBS 11(kA It-
Iti I)SY It P and Itith is doing
Avonilerai Ate way.pfsneitig Astlemis mid Coughs
. ,
I)k,94';;Vitomws, , you ktior my allictiodi •
The cold that I Gill gt!Lik dente,-
So I lin yon wgierAtupp'holo,.
Of fLOAIIIf 'VA ,ekfraetei byliAnE•
11:frs..lnlioscw, I dare say you knew her,
the story will sound like romance,'
dins been mired at her 'dough of long standing,
Ity buying sonic S 3 roll of !lance.
the (factor, too, bless the oltl . fell ow,
• - roc his health, wt( a travelling to retrace,
land came home to be cored of ettimistitilon,
Atol lays it to I loarhotottl mid Hance.
Mrs.. - Martiu,xour fakber's first consjn,
Lay‘K 4 nt 4 theis6..days ih a trance;
Anti tint fit Alktiting:tiltntaid upon witking,r, .
Wats " send for some Iloadnaunt to II mice
I esterdny seat fqr the doctor,
Who said,,"4 can see at a glance,
Tliere's,but one thing anivAre.youe disorder
A ut! : 14,4 is some I.ioarhound frqp alum,"
iso you see, dearest Tots, my condition,
nit would me enjoyments enhance,
ho not fail to hors and to morrow,
A bottle of Syrup from,Hanee.
Do not tr u st it hy Peter,
For fear of some ugly nihelininte. .
For whoa shall I In, dearest Thomas,
If I get not the 1-lourliontol 1 . 1 . 0111 Ilsaite
Our battle for roe, lota another
I lon't forizet to direst to your 11111118
Tbry - seil it ntt ,, anda . , I terknu -
hut be sure 'tis the gendiiie
Nita. !frown was bent donhle'Wbb
1.11111 ahes 11R straight 119 11 11111111 1. 4" -
And the ahange has bean wrought, she assures
Me t , •
Ity tuktng , the nourlibind frbm — !lance.
51. went to the store bet Nst Fridnf, •
Mr: 13Mi email eyed me notaries, '
And oliistierMg said," Nlr.s,l)otio,
You must send kW some I I oerlkound to 11:Inee.,
3fra. trtlai ivlio airbscribra.b..." the Napier,'
lu that Journal eneountrred by cbanco,^
Vcry looky,Tho firm atheriiiienwpt,
been at;eu iii Igi• 1 Viltiusr from 'lance
. THE. eIIES . I • ' • •
NA!, •liit:NIEDY .
',Jljr kn. 11:e cure ot Tilles. The Veget able Pile
Eleetuary, invented by ltr. A. lipbant, a' distin
guished nittgiehin NoplOpisi, le stip only.
really stlecehrol remedy for that dangerous and
di stressitmcenplaint,, l ogrorotl
tliO.liirrienllloil+ll4: " •' ' ' '
I ''Tli6ElBetiiioryidotitaleir Ind kltriprat
rio , , A I diti Obloayflui t iCombbge.' or. 'tit tier.potrer+ l
WI and irritating purgative. ~:11tartir, o 1 biking
: 014 104 . 1 g nnilerliwiona tate; no change in diet
imestArNiAc hilkynN B earding to directions; a
cure Inv lire Is guarantee'd.
Another Certificate guided td the hundreds t lin t
have al rently'heen reeel vett, of the efficacy of Ur.
„q 0 i!! 1 ' ";- k -WWitrYt; , 1-r r'r • -.)
• ' 'New
att lls.t/tOtiltato-4•Getitlit *4.61%1
rot years post I hove been trontileti
very costive state of my ,comphi not'bel ig to
i g y m . ). , , , A to Oipokle . ll , o troybosiness, and %A real;
I 'hd
bittiP aft`ringj'Yik4'er ,
1010101 td h physician ifottirillori The Irilevitieti
'Winkl) se*errothablettemekrriseristlie,ortleitos
to be performed withom tiny benefit. Determin
ed otter this to try other means, I read an adver
fit ement of a cora gUaranteed by the•use of - Dr.
Uithono's V.lectuary. pgr . ehased three tiottes at
yob rriii&c.e, ) ,liViil"ll•Mii l 6.111,6 9 11 f Nitiothkrfonia
inysiel I entirely-Mired of the Pites,alftl my health
moult itittwoorbd.blirdtnainitSintrmahlt tiniasiat,
Ilebted friend. Eau& Diont.E.
Merchant Ta110r,194 Broadway, upstatrs.
Dr. A. Upham, Proprietor. •
l'itiA,TT itt Kszccoast, Fulton,
krObV4l4l , 41f6 4 113ditlhtilihtht
dSoltl in Carlisle, by SAMUEL ELLIOTT, and
Druggistsgeberally throughout the United States.
Prifsbsllll ova ;10 1,1 ;71 h I .71r iffict
..._49vrik9Brm ARM pt -3o . liTtallit
4.7 sant article for cheap smoking. boil' pipes a
-6 nentaperAszeo, for sale v„,ille Cigar Factory t
of the subscriber. i i ,ll 6l 4tifAliAlWgii.l c o,,
Carlisle,32,etnber „ • , • -
• O! 10.1/11_111C
Jayne's Family ZottitiiiMout
1 11
AN additional supply of The abOve Talus!) e
tiedoines, consisting of,
;0 I C law( nilti
•00 ot-Uiliefot rliniectrly 1410 I " - r ni
AG I .4vc,aftillibutysfOreklikt: iffiAl - I . loirot
Carnonstivn BalstunaS •
•• , • AS4' ELLIOTti
-• .
•, Vt'l 401
CLO It i
" ' 'lod2l ~
•A fat; tierrect
A,TV/01 . 1
. t i fp s
he. T99:I"fPIVIIM:
tp e foand tize o wk k t o cy
Store. • 11%
1)eo. , ' •
. e.
;41` IVI/VOO
ittrrEtc)l(L._ _lciAnolt
oent". , For
,solo at ill.rhiStote of
41)0)14 1 VIBM,
so; is
zrrs7 -- ,t , „ *Agree.
..41 4 'tyn ladt a' • t
..ta: will be :014 virsq c o l : call andLi tt
• ' GIf•RITNIC t
AT& .t 4 tt ‘ '7 CI
jA I"MOO Vid4 01
itt gloiiiidttilliicitif 1 21/180 ,0,
*BO WO..
Hs stock, and is pr..lareil to hlve bargains
Of Cloths, all collourillfitmodties,
. CusimeV9 ll / 4 9h190/.Mtlf ttitanl mil;moo ma c'
Csainct r at o o4l d o: ,,L
Sc Ci ‘ s:Tail; • .' • , . 1 " u "
‘ lO OPlitinnl9l4firaaigvai,l3,l m" .O "nib inocon,
00 011 , 1 . 04i/I ,A oi lialoilinD .b'sm dam'
C fbilicocaantsiigeniikswatihroil lbtusi Ma itioll4e.
Alltronthp..d'l"26i,(ll9lll,lQl ydi'd In.oorota
la ix 'Pica, — 7laJ has wello T„0 •••
Mena 6r. orb no tmool
Stthdliblisbusg, Jan. 13, iwi'sgoS c l virtin lot •
7 itE,AP .iIARDW
I 3 b :'"" ADDITION to'4l'4Ji r lll4;d
f,petion „
‘ s e a fresh asitor me Of.
ggully are, Cutttefyaseinit ,ONFf i x • • ,
01116 old and well Anusivii
lanbwn as llorlan'a cld StwidtaltiV6rthifflaulo."
vGt titres • to which he iniitcs tbreatteiwtionlof
141ecirlaqiw ready to accommodate all who
- may favor him with a cull, with the 'following
artiales at the lowest cash prices, viz:
350 lbs. Wetherill's best pure ground White
Lead. •
200 Gallons Linseed Oil. • •
. 190 Gallons of.Spiritii-of Turpentine....
• 407 . 9, WWI tOs rtment of Paints, tens, Var- ,* ".
nit:4;onm Cope}, kc. gotioriment of
Curpe7ter's Tools, Building materials, Nails of
6ll.sites,4Mt ndhnuannd other articles which- it
would he itnpossiblb .to mention, but all -of
which he will take.pleasure in showing fothorn
who favor hhn with a call. Don't forget the...
.old stand before purchasing elsewhere, on we
cum determined to sell cheap. J. BEN ER.
Car'islo, Dec. 16, 1846,
At the Cheap Hardware Store 0 1 1 E.
I I igh Street, opposite Ogilbv's Dry
Goods Store, and one dJor \Vest of
"Martin's ilotel.
HE subscribers ore nose reroivinra F lame
simply to their Stock, which
nioortimitit very full nod complete.
and to whielt they wutild' Invite the attemtion
of nurehasern: •
tflitir atneiCcoinpriAbn spltilltrtrealinoitt,4ff
'fae l a; l et j s ef
and Brads. Also, alt 19 oda ohkeirmidbotoillan
ics, farmers and hous,,4ppern, nll of which are
freali,und buil& lowest cash pricer, and
vvilthi.dlepused of Oho aniall profit...
Thitty arc ieccitinraintintandf Ifoppfing-Cola•
staidly onl-liand,a.goatral pseprOntnt r 4 - 1B• r,
Band and...Koop,iran, RuasinimarylAanerienn
Sheet Iran, ' 'prt. apd Spring Steal„ littglArli and
: Arptu ie a (nisi di Plate, r
I'ig and liar Lead, Spdter Iron
.F)laN-Rnspe,&c. &c. •
Also, Wet licreWo Pure While Lend, Linseed
,Pil,l!orpentine, Co; nod ni yii i niath.y .tii i
a eenetul asurt nt' of
iViridoikr Glees, &e,
"Purchaser. will find it lo their adent.tage've
eitAe?innrine gttr areek. ne rre are een6led
tb privve-.'"
Novenifici• 1-8,1P411. 0. 11 -;
aft a 3,,.
1 11tChdatertta14'gire4. ‘`,
Fling subsetilr I.)Fp.s ieove to inform
1 I4di,i've.d . ii.pletittla r eg.. 2
soitrbetil di 1." • •
and Wirter Gcodr,
aro.rnspeetrpky kilvitee Limp to give him eel
he:` re' piircllueing' elkeWlec h.. Ilia viocl; con.
mi:le in part of
Ottti Vl . 4,6l s l rgt e , Cgs: ,
A . , •
t• att
,4'4l l ,isvlNlatit 8 04 ic,4ftt,1, 1 14 1 t,4,.1- 4 ',
AIT.P.. 1 1 9 i• 6 .14Pn1q,n•th1uiqe,11 , 4411,11) 14 :
mutoocrls ;k!Npfi k pfp.PlolC3 1 ,. hip iTege, outfit foei-
N Fy, , Rf
I_ ;imp ,54411, Glove
riolt•otw,rom V . 'ol6tY'SfiergiqdrtlBl66l2
it of which I will gel l at the loweerprices.—
c,i3ll6rtd , eenl ,, x •••1,';‘,•‘•••1 1 H. GROVE.
Carlisle, , Ohmhcr 28, 11346.
1 "I • t../. .4E7, t
' tc. tAY ct ip
H• j• • • ;;•
p c • e ,!, v *;• l VA ' l i a o t , ' A
• hi. 0P+.(300:0)rt ;Snit o hie for the sea /.1 4 / 1 :.
and uhiali he .is determined 111 sell CH DA PP.It
FY!' t‘iV4;M9'lWhFSili V.trt
,;11?; 11 ' 411"1/1/:
'HA i ts • I 'kM ;."
5 , t " t 7 .7, 4 .1
,sloaCitsbniirnklas Insat ••itift!,/s1 0111444 p, 4g, ; ! r aise
tlo Cashmere' !tithes, Dress Silks tin,
ile4l-Xleritiotto r .Oittbro
110. 'V ei hare Shots Is I kr. nab) 1/INIII Nl.O
11111/01 SIIHM Is, - Donnish iNlitia Is. plain
Stitt ins for bonnets, Silk A el sets do. faishionatilo
Pall :Ribbons Prilphylotlers thatsitie,
"4 iTit:eoA t ' v' ' flitttfgit§,
aIU 11/11 II OM'
assorteireohirs, encli 141 ;114vt s,ltustirs. Blade
lVtittated Fringe, skatteil do. Fancy Prints, tutlies
Ties, Polka Con ha, Velvet MU:ens, I tea,
DifttnitlUrntsl4...iintlitilkl,.°lll.llliiir. ' Fa/00') tj 01 , /j/ . . „
itin 10,dlarnitnfrosrbstsCitiftf11714sOrfr
1 1 .11V11141114 , ;,1145Y 1 6 ,, If_viii)eq404 , fiT4913itlitthwiA
JeflP 'Ott 401 I ;viil44ll , : vVylivo t hisi,liqp-91, 1 ,9r,
n) e, n ti ta 'y sir at pert
any ever offered r PH nue inttiViW l Citiqliht:
Call at lute store in North Ilatiosar street. opposite
Coinman's Hotel. D. H. ARNOLD.
/II illubtlisteDotaberi :Dna a 4 oft sci oil in 11111(11:/"."
,Zl/ P.lPAtztemlld dew:Pupa ' led
Onl/ 4 31:'
VIRANKLIN MEHAFFEY, ( of' the late
,le i tiv,PslllVe§i#tYkof , fitittfingldififTeff;o igt66Nkt
irliggstA 1,4 1 / 1 ), fvflollonsl l ,4mc istrgibiwrooti
ment,i4o..Losq trib4uo 7 hoe ,Lisyrattiosib
Drugs, Medicines, Daints,Oils,.Dy
r i
'll o BqiNaihqUiri*
_PA; 10 7 1.fiR
ing In the abovW.WifiWiallt e lls.[ and
examine his before they purchase elacwherer
-414 (hos boo& tOi6ffigitorerrottiV. 4 lM4Ki.
thirliragfiFts ysiCianr-in-the county •
1018044t:,..9,11i4Osibit*det AforPhi.
20. es; Sulph Quinine.
VKB,—Blue,-Hlackv'and Red-Inks.-
r,,b9:llol4fortracti,Aleiwf _
aliigivrerott - tiftrit
_ I9 IIVigSTIVIB icertre.rvai_
rook:a lona - making a neap. us ra. •
lima and-for sale at the Drug Store of
. . •
o,itraliiiletrNlMlntlierii 3 OW4ifft AV ,
' . O l / ‘4
1 1vVithi
41, -44/to
e *
OgOtvtli7LtEdie"i! 'a Pure Ground,
WO Gal Rtio . (;011.'
Rio Giti,:,;,,i iipitite'of Turpentine; ,
-200111ibe._Neveociotiee Grliietunes. -- - ----
040410161911111iikVieoltfifilifallbna eiff ,oW •
4',*loll l lol9ll 4ol, 6 l4 4l9ooolteMietairerdle.. •
, Wildirrir.,ll4lol4l42o,iitritittik AtexilatioOna _ .
ihreteerestitirlabbk(l Venue Nee f ilth o ai ii si i ( ,
no t treihm # ollo4lllo .diadiri-**4 1 1,,, , ,'', ....
'cell before pureboiffickeieWt *Amiiikir -.; i-.
die erfr ..eltilre's.l fa ebriltif iiro(44o : “ 41- .
carliele, Septeffiber.•3l; l ,;••;MK,•:•••':"' ''''T'-' . '
,_ e,r.- •
CASH altlE --PLAT t
put .sitliseribe r '
of Caehmere,Cireatiscan and.6itia risk
lei &cages, • Seprge'AVA'Hi(!io.474`4C r :-..';'••