1 . 4 .- gVZO-Ilt=l4l , _ " -- • 1 ----,--;-,;;;--,-- - ; 111 - 44ifill,e# • -'''--. i .....----•---- - .. • _ ~...,______,,_„ '-- .; • 7 -- ' --- , lit - i 3 IIOPDV I SM4IIPPit.IIPD'Pt to '... —' Wiiib .; 6 iiitidit itir,,'Egiite t, tvi 4 .' ,I;jiii.aii,ri;rsiiibeg*4inffif.,o,l4tiletin d!1 11A..Itidlgcattd1,11te •tknbieestii, Chniplttipt,,Heitfi. aolte ; tfepressionot Spirt i n , ilipiletimpl - Plfsidletk '' w on the firde,4lsiiititill '-adstiveneil, RheliMatitdir,s ' Affections 14(the 111'0110 a tut Ritinoye.•4lllle* '•l l "evers.i , iil is a •pei•feet,peerentatldemf Rilibfit", r r ' iiiiii Viresternl'etmes, stiti-the bear remedy relyt?„' ' tisitlln resthiltik the pander; lifter lieltig'prnstrar" ' ' ' ted by Fever;_ Stet: -'l.l64llpelaitie.nlargoment of ttp - Ort.nes,'F'ter 'and • Agtiefr. Flatulency, 'Ftittl ,=:,':. stosCoggoittPleicloni Ciettm:,stl ReltilitYittrietneJ• 'i;•' it-I ttp•lratidp, ( enutteil bk , ditiviie,, Aitillicnte; or . i.,..ittil Setitt:. flitittlsoramitted in yoathi abbetimtitm of "'' kfiriffieffilfusloti'dfitletitsioss of tnemorv;ffimeetilt: ''' 'Of iiislifit,'li-hopeleis . exPresstonl-of coitithffisnetif Ina Cie' dill; elites of disease generally, illi rnqqiii ,--- einelilithieeEtviiiiitirs - eite - ili . - Gant, Giddiness ! , ' Grat'el,ittipttre Bloods Jaundice;, Loss of Apt e !lief'Liver Chniplaiiiii. Leprosy; Imoseness.• ' ((MERCURIAL DISP.ASES.--Never. fails to ' eradicate eritittely, MI the elrebts of ;Mercury In , ' ' 'finitely sooner than any , Other mediate°. Night Svreatat BeriMns 'Debility;, NerVons Complaints of all kindsf Neuralgia; Oganic, Affections;. l'al stitation of the Result Painter's °lndio. .- Pains in the head, side, back, li mini, joints stobbrgaos; Rosh Of blood to the head; Scurvy; •Sairlithelini, • Swelling; sick Headhchet. Stiffness (tribe Jtiintst Seorfuls or Kingi Evll4 , Sypltilis in its worst - tering Ulcelskri . devery description, std 'the Ery sipelas; Esphstil4 and imprittlentan in-Lite. . : ' '. PP.:WALL. • COM PAIN LTS—'.lAilosi of pale", " ' IsOmpleslon anti contalmptire habits, and such Us' are debilitated bithose obstructions, w3tich fe males are Heide twerp restored by the use :or n . ' bottle or two to blear:kali!! vigor. It .ns ity'fitt' the best remedit s iftlidiscovered for weakly bltil - dean, and 81101 itilWiliol,„,iiitmoes, - lieing l'ileiiL sant they readily bikelt. It-immediately restores . .:.,.. the appetite,,strength.tuuldsolor..., f • ,', r:r, , ' 2 , ... , Nothing, CRII Itemore. sprprising [ban its ihvir•- _•_ ' beat:jog effects - on the_liPman s frome,.. Persona,all •• ~ .weskliess anti hissittitle • befere !akin, it,lttiolleg :•,-- -beimme robust and full Of energy tinder i,ts nfitt ence. it immediately, counteracts the. neer leA r ,; news of the human leame, which is tIM great ause - the - folloWint•ere sor'neAtthe certifi este} .am,l complimentary notices that have been ;receivell ' , bins,, proprietor,of the efficacy of ;Id s Mediciite. Mr' Philip Wilcox, of tits well -known ft nn A r Wilerix & Richmond. siliPwrightl.'or• • geW 36 0 - . , ford, was entirely cured of R COlifirMMl can er br ' ' the stomach, throat and mouth, with sore lips ;mostly accompanying this disease, and his 'gene ral health mit‘h improved by 'the use of only ono Kettle - A - tr. -- Wilemt - has a afvred oe..trettf - tonr, number of years with this disease, and attributes his cure entirely to the use of the Bitters. . Col, John llavlies; tlepttty Sheriff of Bristol snooty, Alass., hes voluntiwilT , ceitirmil dial ire' what:meet! by the llhters, ofJatintlioe, Indigestion, Headache/mil Vertigo. . , ; . !Dd. Gibbs, of Sandwich, testifies / that tiversl' • persons in that town, well known in ,Itiol, Mite ' heen benefitted toy the use of the linters, }nil in .every ease they have given the most perfect suits fiction. ~„1. it. Perkitill, Ego. Attnmey nr t,1,, , , nit New Bedford, was cured of an oeplessant lusiptioit of the face, by the: use Si the Mums. ' [Front the Ibtity'llveni fig Millet; n.l - .. ••., • - It le not nor custom to puff Patent stentrittes unless we khnw them tri he really cycellent. , --- Braving ourselves a knowledge of Dr. 'Wood's Sarsaparilla and Wild Cherry Bitters, and Intr.: .ing sever,' friends who ,rave been benolitted by thew u se , we do tint hesitate to recommend them tethe public. Both Sarsaparilla atur.Wilt) Cherry' Are articles of established reptdatibif Id the mei,- held world, and,thls preparation - Is made with • great care anti eties.re to coMbine nib the metli . .9 inal qualitlecof bothinati iftiisitsl manner. For • sale by_ the proprietor, 1.1.• Thorotond r. ; AVater street, anti by the i/ruggists,generully, . Ty one suffering from diseases allot bloat!, loth Minn, oriteadache. would doswell to give these Bitters • a trial. ' Prepared ha' F. Thornton, ;Ir. SOld . Whole -. saVe and Retail, by Wt, , ,Slikt V, err et A , l, let Ful - ton street; New. Yorlivfil-MUF.I. 1 , .1.1.10'rr,. . ,Varliele, nod, Iktiggistsgettrrsdiv throughout the - I.ltiithil Statei. Price.lii, 'urge bottles, - -• December 2,1 Sift. , , The OldesLand Most Popular Medi cines._row offered to the PUN ie;•pre Medicines, Blatiy tiniel Teti Thousantl CeTrill'fi:att4 like Oal. 'following have been .voluntailly D their • VRII4IFOOE, iluring the. lent rightOon •L•ttrs.— All of Fah:tentacle's, ly Slettir loos are pro-. werhial for their cheannette and elfte•ley, and no family .houtti he without on avw( meet of them nor will thev,it in beliereti s after a trial of them B. FAFINESTCICK"I.3 VERNIIPLICIE It has met with a sittcets hitherto it hitary 1 lett 11. A. FAIINESTOdK'S VER I MIFUGII. • - - - . frequently eked Puhnestncles Vermi !Sage,, with pod effect; Out recently 1 hare ad ministered in one or two aisle in' which th e -,..fectrwerevstiviiiiiiiit. Yn ofit.ittsa frnin the. use of one vial, worms Were discharged. litul in aunther.44. pancti t lathe e rid re,reljef or 01 7 11tt soffarers. Signed • pug,. wAs.r.,Ace, n.l.Sept.'l2, 154'5. .• Price 25, cents per yid. ' Pafineidook's Verrnifuge; tiagether with ,Pelt-. nestotic't Carminative' Imzengetie . PRlthastoek's Cough , boaengett, PahnestockPs Rye. Water, Anil • Patimestooleiltubejaelent,a certain en re for Ititeu 11/Idisult/lre:l9l4in 1. NILY , IpIS.tni. ,t)•§?.t.W•.d4YX,drs3. OMSONS COMPOUND sy!l H UP OF TAR ,'.l t" \ • 1000• IIEnzOLIS in Plilladelphliktalormi oan Justify to the wonderfhl efficacy mf that. powerful, -remedy , THOMPSON'S wirguND__ SYRUP OF TAM A NI) WOOD. NAt4l - 141. Rawl I• Itesd.l. Astonish. iog Mirror Phronlo Sicohohitia! t I it , ~ ,P hiladelphillt AE423,4844. Mr. ri Mnosiescasoi-DearSir; Per thst fewlears past 1,110 beenidreadfully'ailrmied ' ton.nifeetio noftlulahretit,isvlitelt [my p . ity pitinoliriceiP`,Chrenit Ettenolitua ' calla „tad brgspested stud siegideted olden , The dot tress .0 fired leiroleseribable J throdt tied 1 11 4 0 0 1 i rftW Withirvidlopi sloughing, sothilt blood would come from it ;.aldb. ghost' etprev • ~ • nein snid tightness lit tho chest aniifelfer' —in short-all the• I,UaualpOlfifankiri'l showed themselves, showed themselres, os s gslpg i , . entire_ litre dfbetteidiftik.apoeb—my 0490 ,ivi t s leaaked and hilaterel. ovnrotiA l oypp , , , agalip• ' tondo' trial onVWfy,lttVoivii„roinetlytiond.s.ttdir. , T :fl9o i fiiilo2 oll ,a4,9#4l449 o, R l ,l9A.MysiulanN4 , ,app Wit , / no , About :,tetto month's , ninot_tAmtiolelaloryttur. COMpoundayfhp Tar and Wood Noptha, end betare ' , had thlnfif • this fired bottle I fait relief. I continumftliall , l l -had titken `severt.hottleapithlehlebrimhifilli , iak! , moved the disease mdraatered me to: ierteo • health, and 7,4 '6mill-believe I should'hot now, 1 1, , 1i v h.170 1 11400,; 1 1 ,1 ,A0t.P.n.qt! /Vox )Ititjui4lo , • 1 - to--44 „ g E halr, ''' o , qt. 4: driphittnt Oral% t , 4 7,0R9461Shi°P;opii4 • 0 959P, ,, f4F1 ft h add Ali a ~PARphrppp boitlevorl ' o w y Or rile tn,,, . 4 ,m,blcP,44tlWirma:lazt• • Fay ' 'V "T"'' --; l - i r i iS n t t ltemb % een .. j •. toFw l.. Ini 11.eofm of T.l ~,,1' ien pfi•gil.ogifiNfel , .„ 1 . •Ii 4( 11 . 0.1, - . • , .Htly . 10.44.... . .1. ""ji p.. -- . ;1 • 1/410,1043ti'.+".1,00«wq"• i i ii , .i . ,,.?1„.0i.. , . ..* , ; ___ ,,, ,,;, , iii it i t i t t . green 11• Ii. - ',l,ll4k,',.itehipbe7foutl...,. 6 ~at i ' n r fr i . n r fli-ir,..-16-tib" OrhalOULTut, .'i,,, in • Hand ~..:.....,1 :,Aiia'.!o.lll in HogrWlipth. ~."bx .c.i' , o4gis.w._,,t.ilaiivivd, ~.li .i... b' '".l ' I ~" aio.,:;,w L . .- wii it no : .u.o .. . . , t4l , L-....,9?1tti0n - eatititllKZ erth,.Dern al .. tt his •,, - ; j ,, a , n/ . 71 .:10 - 1 ei, yri'irv;qlpictreole..:"..._ ...,-..,,,,•,.• :•• ~..' • .....,,T,A..'a I,tou .?,..-•- '..• ~:',•''' '' !fi et" C1,04k .':;:' , : , ' f:•:•.:: , ...,''--,'-':` ,- • ... •,:4)*(1410.111,T!!! .....;',.• , '., • -'''' '' ' ''' - ---Instiraitc - 4 - otnpann: ~,:-7:- - - 1 ; Itiki . " ftiß"tiktiN-V—ia '-' :gfiNg' cifgp tsA f -, :i ,1' 4, •: ;;kp .4 "fk it,(4,1 . 1 ... i ie, ' . '. .. -fs ' L i'l ..i.l '''„ 1 ,n114!044!7' 7 7 9 4P# 0 40.# ' ~, M 'gg4,l ' ,'ilk 1N.,` ,13 4 , i tc f0 .16 -PAt*,o 4i , . iii •;;,..' vi - g e:triksioge tun , •1 nf M I T' 4. 1 : itt io ltteliOgg:Yili ; ..ikilt-AP. LT I Y. V t, ..,, -,,;,....iot.eve,rv,osp(ili,ipte,Ao..,t nor goir . • ,Illipiilinoit, ; , - ** 7l4sittiii4.l . kki, lirov!. Viii ' ji4O,olier2Orfoiliin '„',4P,iiklotOr, f , 1,',11 bp . qteiliiiill . 4hittatided t. 1):".. Sc 1',,...;,::... - ..0.1..c.0',..tee.41-, 1„, 1 • C. N. 11ANCKEI..,. Prost.x_ '''. '• .. ;II '' , ill , , LIF?) ...i.e/1..,.... 1,-01 1106ofInsurancatReduced : „ T, LI • • .1 , , ri 111 iggati 4Tplarl.virisK.'i I ,r, I .i„ illIPK'lIr 1•, ( 0 1 1ed.11"MlilliftlOn810,rett th: ••• I- '.. „, w ° C l , l . - . ,''' ;" . t .•'.:''.l - , - . , i • (TO di ~rl, l ,lre.nett •„,,, ..„., „ 24, t,q 3, „it o - do' ” ' - dit itver . ns ' ' „ ~,,, "to,• '4 fiz,fk (1° do ' ' ttli'Llitlrlitt -' , .1,'," t o , 's th,,,•,, - d0 , ..',' itolSititilii3 tin j ivit,YrY" '4 t o 5) ' ''' 'la''' . •do 'ith iSlobleti