~~~ ; ,r. +‘i Si $ll /1,./11S.111 (1 ) .; 1 : 111 1 1 vit 10.,.1.>a4f1 • • ,4;1 4 , 4.111 AV. 4111 alit .r.111 , ..t ;11.1 n.. ‘l,; • ;;; zAcijil4.:ll, 0..1;. 4 1 ..ion I :: ra ydia.aad 1,.11:11111111' 4111.1 =UI tin" %.1. 1 1' ... AT ,)r 41 - t , M=IIIM vOffW' .I.Setstel st . tt . s t tart .tt :ttt ste-4 , tettrbto:sitit T. et. . -- —. - sz..ist - ' , ieziAki:.o4444„tascolpettri, ' • • - ThOCTOR . 4YERS-has•assoelated his Er oephearynoTilcildA CKSION.,hi his Drug and ttkok Business. • • ' ay thiVU'rin&enlent,floctor.MYßßS will be enabled to givetda updivldedattentlon to theild- - tiws of Ida Profession.-, ' , ' • ' Carlisle,Septembei 30'' 1 fac: !3, !la e t • JDZikOV6/620.6L851EZ3 5 3 ) 330 , HOMO7iithlaThtliie.lB,l4 OFFICE: Maid itieeti"inlhe bowie foi %merly opeup,koirblor:riiid. Ehirnftn. - ,• Carlisle; April,9, 1846. • i; . , . . • 20 : 1 411G 0 44 . 134PPW1M9 ;; • • • 4.4PillsT • • I,lr[LL e e c f s rni i Al rf ,,p irr ation V V Teeilt,tAaciikrogairetl.fOr their preser 7 ration', suabsiaAssfitit io ,P7w.gginf, sir will restormattsiosardthein , , by inserting At ' 111i3ial • Teethl , frota Irtioth,,to a tall sett. al"131% ad , dit`PlSMrsAt: e ii 114 doors Sou th o t the Kai MoTrilfiiity, N. 8, - Dataffibillii-Sitllltatibsent from Cstr.-;; iislc the last tend ap, is nmsh, snor.b. „ ; 11 one , ii 46. ' ' PAaso.N . 111 D .• I . ttigngi OFFICE _on ft:takn Piirtl4,lldjOirling the , store ktAkioiiiii;jr; ihil j diieetty oiposito Eieetoiree Haw: t , ; ,. • •". Jun 24 - KNOX, OtliPH " I,T0,111•N EY AT LAW, Pittsburg, Pa, 11 I from Carl!slo, to the •practios . 4.1.!7 Pittsburg, Allegltehy •volitily, 'Va. . . Feb. 10, 1847. • • .:1111NalrIMCIAlt . 821111 0 1121, .ATTORNEY AT LAW. MUILL iirtiainti in the ieversii Conks tirCum hountte and at *ad to;all piefessionul , htininees entreated to his @nee .with.pronipteteis anti fidelity.- ' 0 lice in SOUtll FIRTIOVEr street, in 9raliatals n9w;buil'dipf OPPositt!the Post,olfice., VNILAP AtO)AOR D , AttOrney at, Law. nkFFICE in Solith IlsOlover sireetok few door .below , J. 11. prithicro,'Est i . • July DtNTISTRY, , . ZatllN W. IZEINDEL, • 1, - 40ECTFULLY intorms the 'public, that IA keying opened .an ollice in South Hanover street, nearly opposite the Post OlfteeTheds-pre-' pared to practiCe DENTISTRY in all its bran ches. 'Good Teeth are essential to health, besides ristural at' artificial ones are not only ustful but *Tr lattatedntaliund add materially ti the comfort of the wearer. It nredueot be staled what can lie nfune to the-teeth, mace it to say tlmrenery - rftleet ..an he remedied, en 4 new Teeth' furnished from n single one to an entire Set. Having And cmisitle -11 title practice for at nutniter of,years,good" refer ences will he given to anal as require them, but the hest prootiS the °pelicle'', wilmicsdlt_iißll times be performed in the most careful manner amt et rice, to snit the occasion and the times. Persona waited on lit their residences, cit.r in triwn or country, witimitt worst charge. de may always be raand at hit iorme - ,q 4 above, ruvtat.his Teki.lence in Pitt Street, onetloor north of liendePs I ivery 4table. He will dam promptly attend to the repairing of 'Wateheiand Jewelry, at his.office In South flan rev strcet.—Alsa r EN/ZRAVING neatly esecs4 • ltd. .11y attention and skilful execution of his, work, he'llopes to reeelve and hereby solicits a share'of public patronage. • Carlisle, April 8.845. • HARRIS, TURNER, & IRVIN WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 101 • Markti Str i ct; ' PHILADtLP:II.IA . Vihellesithis DealetA," jrz leines,Surp,ical and Otssfetrient instrnmeilts; I) r u gg ists•iniassware,Window Glass,Painti,olll 'llyes,•Perfamery , i ko, ko. ••• ' 1:/ruzglats t qopotry.iMerebantt;arnl,Physteinns ImMtPq.'firiiiltike.jab,^vc,filltjel;e on -the•,mrist ~,vprauie tamp!. !t.r,idt rod prompt ateentton paid 'to oiLdet4 Yheil article Warranted. lotht gtitis,ll. P. JAMES A. TUOYER,Intety of ViPgfntrti Wtut-Aw !TWIN, Itt:-D. _-• PIO ill*lptlllll,!_Sept.3o: . 846.7 y.. . TH ANS ON' HOUSE HOTEL IfitiyhEon,!_icieoorsi Killer"? toe Glainduzgirapipz.o , ti:AM'Et kept by Gen. Mite t'iak,haslus b the aphicriber. It le i newlY f hoe ' reparred. ' cant' iitraiidera, revellere ;:itYki'ttisiWriiltie,erliele,' ,' lkre ‘lnilited'tti ' ineilerate; inferytattetit ion paid tWilit doinfert and 'convenience of ' thole who :"!Patitiitte ( the'tetabliehment:' ' • • At...WINROTTa ,""' Catlislev APrilll6, 4845. t.,.. 4oneowmetr: . amitaWaVa t irive g , ", - ClFFEOtfilitittinee to the public. tiny . 19Cluql,leirel,yeerioxpetieppe withhic tr e ,puljte7ing 41, hl , e value,, .111$103,1110.rPAP0(911!"11 fain; e h o ii eo y pip , :ipt#itel : lNltY 'to iebtitin'a Ohara of ag e . ,1 7 . ,• •I 77 •)7 77111 ')• Office in the public efitukie,"imteedfittly,lti - ,"''tihuilikri..f,ttisPou'it uu ,00t1 . 0/1. : ./ -- --!!-11 . 71 k ' 614 . 130 T URING:' , _;:;,' • ,n,,,lcirplazzasatucopci,Pigphotauccit,A,--• ~".,: ?rA bit L .:,OIOUT HE R;S „ Tti ir;!near the Voll . e ot 4 dOs batiei.Aud-GAnOrdcleaAPPArel,l -; s ob ors,and wArATM,PiII yßef „.,ppA r r,td „ , An 014e.ST t mtor , ;, :46 : ''" , .1(v •,. ..Iraf- 6 16 • at:4 othersOire respectfully larica Ull d peed epi . n Offing .4!ticiali estreprieltiow :pa the Out , ' " , sa,Licorr. '--•-• • „,:,,,,,,, 41 ,4„ 45 ,- - ~*,:.,..N, ,. , t •,, ,; , ,,9 ,, ,, 70yT.i.-qo.rk, h , n ,*s,tvr.tjtkt?- r p. . ”, q .or-71 - 6 . .-*q.t..7„9,t_„A.m.-, , H 6 1- ,••rP.f.t9pr.•:..s!•sn7!,Z.r.;,4'"gfz:-"4.:" , -V, , ...",!_.7.7- 2 !_ , „T!sf.&t"?P......rlt: ; i,f = ,2 • V'',".'rt'.',„:. - ',4.;:-.:.... - ., - ._._... • ' :::„;,,.,:” ' ....; 11- ...,;.:.•:;'....,,,, ' ','.;.. -- - ,4 " 6 "4.xwasoaa4eaar.--axes,r4:44o . 4e•ruko. ''' al - . :." ;• :,'''' .7 :''''..•T'''•'''• - ,•: . :. ' 4.:.:7: ' ,. . , T ., ; 1 7 - ' : ::'• ,:44 ' •••'' 7 "-. ; : i , '-': : - .• ; • -• , ; . - - ..,. ' - ':': . !:' , ••••-•- • • , i , ''' .. : : :"I• i ' .. - :;' , ... - ; -: -- -. i - i . i , ;l‘t - :.•''r •- ' , •''.. 4•--- ::-' - ` - '''' %.•-,,",. 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'''l' '^' 1":t1 • 4 , , ...„ „ ~. ~„..5.,,,,._,,,„„, ~81 i .. 11,a. a . . a. ,a, .1 ..., • • • ,k14);To "40.9111v 1 • 11$$U1 ).f‘ fitito ,.-.,,.,, &Ir . .iitgs•-_,- , ./. .::,. - 1 -er '''. , 5 1 ,041 ,•r. : ~,,; ..,,-„!-_.„.......2,H, hi.. 1.1 „., , •,,. tits3 , ..4),ag-laug)csol2cult , - PIiBLISHP: vg4I7IV,PIMP4 I r.;. . , ~,. )FrittE -in the Sada ' 4 mi.' o4ol l '6Y/he imbli ... . • Antare, hack of the COW -Hints,- ' . • TERMS ' Llt 'SlititeTPll46i. . SSuel/bllitFatill IFltli M r i ita • yean - tibvetias. . ' .. .clvo "Pl!ari , lrtti4.ltrithtb theryettr.- ', - t ' Aye' Dann i RI six menthe. . • • . =he thorn; w Illib'itiOidty'ii ciliated i a . .' ' • ' ''' , FS'br ADVERTISING ' ' ^t Ati4eitleirittate - maleiltihfle 'n Ilneatitlesa.Tivill be betked et tht 4 ret4 of.' Itty.'calts Menne them:llan,- braelltneept (leo Oat t`i and twantypilie. cents far. Very 1104010 PM Ineert bn. .11;eatly.advartisets wit! b'eillitik d at theffolltitv literatee : ' " " ' ' ' On*Colu e bib, WI th thtettnOt r; (Ili tine: steer,. -..... • 02.1 110,ca coisappi, -.,...A19.; r! ',, I ~ do. •, . i !.. - ~ *l3 'Twe'S*llniett tyllb qtuttlerlyclaatigee. , . , 100 .813tIbesec.Coydti; With tlietapi'll; '.. • ' I;, '''' ' ' *5 ' ` ''loB PRINTING', 'OF EVERY,I),(4,b,O4),:rjOIi : ''.." thoelvttelliantll{llll4 , lllltitifg 01 , p - blotted tid a a } ; othp. ;bap drectiptjawaliPrlittlhii rele r tattakhenimauily. nth ; I) .'q Ii !I ni4 !??I ,a !IAMi.fht.I9).YRTINtICP I 4.• I,; ~ ‘, . . L, :::. : 1 11 q0 3. 014. 4 1 1 . 1 10)Att* ' • ! ' , •-•—....... ' '. - — ' :-. . , ^^ -1,7- 11" -, ' , •' - '1 ----= r " -4 • For tbe ,Iterttitk*.; EFITaJta!, t ettres. Apnivetsaryl , °trine,- Belles _ - ..Spciety,. ._ ' • • • . . :-71 - laving-been-praent at the recent celebration .of the sixty-first anniver , eery of the Belles Lettres Societyy of pickim son College, and having heard with almost unOttlifie,d - delight ttiers'everal addresses of the youthful speakers-, will yau allow me a a short space in your.paper to give some de scripiion of this most agreeable evening's entetlainment, as welt as a slight sketch of each : of the add ret , se ? The exercises were opened with prayer by the Rev. Prent. Ettioitv, and after two pieces of music, delightfully sung by the choir under direction of Mr. LOBACII, came 'rite Anniversary address," by CriAar.r.S J. T. MCINTIRE, of Bloomfield. Thi- perfor mance was highly creditable. The youth lul speaker lion:took 4 Linty though 'down, prehensi ve glance.* _the. early...career, sub sequent fortunes, final triuMph, and "hicor ruptible eLaracter of Washington,; and after a brief interval agreeably filled up With Mu sic, he ap f 'i.illd iliFiliierniTcif the oration. "A Natio . gl re efierity dependentert the yir ! , p p i tue of its Oitizens." By a, train of miumerit clear and conclusive, it was derrionsirated that since in this country all iv:Aver:ls lodged in the people thcp must be eirtuova, if _the _ma, Lion would continue prosperous . Liberty and license are not the same thing, and the con dition of the lowest serf in the old world is: pre.erable to that et a...citizen under ..a_fre- Comrtionweh unless the govern:nem IS, a moral agent: t4tlerives its sane:ion from a virtuous people. The thhiresSen to the So cieties We.rechaste, neat and appropriate.— Any one who has atteinpted a variety of ad dresses to diflerent,parties on the some oc casion has learned its difficulty : and though Mr. MClntire may have experienced it to the fair,' fie May congratulate himself on his success, ,• j:, -:, :: f ? : I ;1 ' :). - . "Thitiga te be'Sthilled tin well as" hoOks,'l by BArucni. A. ILAWLINes, LOULIOIT CO. VB.— Two irresistableargrinents, were adduced' by Mr. Rawlings l in support of his' positiont. rii•st,if the Mind i:tinOi directed to some prat lical , end the results of: Its action s will be -vis ioriaryp. ail7cond t ly a, Alla m !whole,, Yankee, Notinrd' r.e, : trliv.ingiaird coneyOni example of the happy uniolll of theory and practice. The Aspetikerfiisclairtted any design of underval nitig'ilin'study'of book; and the sound sense with. which the entitel speech was fraught gave us grounds to believe that in his own education he has acted consistently with his motto. s • . 4, Tritunplis of , Peace," by M. WALTON, Shenandoah co. Vit."Beyond question, this was the most grateful speech of the l eveningl and Mr. %Venue displayed ; no little 'tact' 411 the selection as well as in the. treatment. of, his Subject, Theo. picture Whichlie drew of . industrious, :intelligent, nioral and , hence happy' million of men, ;a ; omen and chi dwfe,n living•in an age and count!) , whole the hoc- Tor and •noise of war •are fled forever, cetild not 'tie offierikiSe' than' sootbing. ' Alp = giipq to the Ster' . o.(p,,l . Asybo„ i 'soti ,i0,e.,,,it the simech,..was, not only„heutiful,in, itselfy '.bat so exquisitely moriaged - that not , withettie4 , 'ding length gaviPurtilveratit' ItUtit49L: •iti m tfintainingupbroken ki!t ) me, a! ' ' IV .7 . g,artijo l gie l yirespit,i;!yrar, o toncit „r 7,43 gained criticism was iliaartned• at the Depot, and Ahoiextritence Ofithl , ,tlettican; contest con' t d 'tibt , helegarded , as,fatitl , or Oven greatly prej-4 - 494 ipthefluitr:fittiOhectr poitee.”; ,aO4l/uitoo,.ai!iirpg_frompqr , stitatione,". by JOHN I'WOetier , *cohld ?Bernath pionriettin:eith-, ''e'i/Wi464;llPli;iibiiiiit i e mph:44:l'o:s 0t ., w6 T i Ni i n i 9rlo ll it .tlitioe!fi l i though from • causesiiw,oulck tinVestiiitte; the tirstitetittmL , .r. ,rrt rum .miitipic,)yo l fmkiliti`Tr7.7l ,extende.,Onlyo-M over; iginiteihitveittiontr6lseythol 4,, P`i101 , 1 r ,4 1 4rg, At!...,F 2 ,FRtm intjhaandbhattinglitnnethieg.. ••orisiirlfirietni6 v iiiiiVrie'd • ••• tith did not - hiiejiater,rn let its aiji hp • elt ° .11 r.F t ti C ,}9 . !ll.4t i ri t i l ,Ti°°)..9?,olp, • the i c i Ws g ,o9ll,, •GrAfi 4l h4 4 .444oo . 4in',. tion otioarldlleatalagf,and. ow , t~r*al y.y P i glia*//4,11C14401V06.4 iPlitht ithorOfilati*°. fie**. idlikeUeitit'Wde he.- eughf entire, oration was very' hippy.; ~„ MIEMBESIII 1: 1 1 1 . 1 1tY Joni .k P9l n e PR SI III*.j) It Y: ioctraced- iatjeun3e,length,- 7 11,1e, , e1re-1 31, philosophy, as,ltforced its i way fluough the.; ,ancient schools, ,Mr, r6lAvhlloottcluded that nothing. daserved the narne s qf that ticien9e witio,h had not its foundatioh in , active benev-',l olence. We give, heart nod. hand to the sentiment, and iodeed to the, soech.throughl out. r ...FKi o Crime and eonte of : iti,ottuses,v by Wl4* p, Conn, Baltimore, Md. ,Leaying , out of sight the topics :which would. naturally fall uttilei this 'eaPticitil we:Uiere ' struck -mainly 1 : 1 9n iif.4ritOe hod corr'eleiiva.",TA did' hot comport with, the design of the .exeroises.te thet"ofire,'or' to 'Oplaio` , how, ot4ifizaiiop' in ht bP improge4 to its highest, Ruin-without-any coriespqnding increase j in. wickedness; but surely the.subjWt interests every member "Of soci 'and ' it' WBB . no 'trifling''nierit in Ili. Conn's speech, that it, ,suggested, I nquiries in that'direption. - " Ldve .of • the. Marvellous," by Levis;` Delaivere Ct. Out . remarks . have already_ transilmiileil the litnihi r we had origi nally. proposed; : but there are other reasons why we prefer stopping, short here: Those Who, heard the speech do not need to be re minded of, it ; and those who did not, would not appreciate a • meagre abstract. It may suffice to say -:set was admirablyfitted toilcist4 . the entertaloment of the eve ning, and though .Mr. L. came "last" he is by no means " least." E. E. E. Carlisle, February Nth ; 1817. A MELTING STQRY. One wintry evening a country store keep er in the Green Mountain State was about closing .his dbors for the night, whilst stabd• itig in the snow outside putting up the win dow-shuttem, he saw trough the glass abatin ging, worthless lellow•withitt, grab a fresh pound of butter from the shell and conceal it in his hat, The act - *as no sooner -tletected,than the revenge was hit upon, and a rervrlew rnin. utes found the Green &fountain -Store keeper at. , ence.indulgiwr his appetite for-fun-to the - ffillest extent; and paying off the thiet-with a facetious sort of torture, for which he might fingie gained a premium from ff.° old inqui sition. "I say, Seth! said the storedieeper coming - in and closing the door after hirn,slapping his hands over his shoulders and stumping, die snow oft his feet. ----Seth had his hand on the door, Medial on his head; and the roll of tauter in his hat an xious--to-make-his--exit--as soon- -as -possible: " I say, Sethoit downt I reckon, on Snell, an e tar•na! tliggras this, a leetki sotnetiting, wouldn't hurt a Milani • Seth telt very uncertain, he had the butter and was exceedingly anxitaisto be oil, but the temptation of something. warm sadly interfered with ,his resolutions to go. This hesitation. however. was soon settled by the right owner of the butter taking Seth by the shoulders and planting him in a seat close to the stove, where he was in such a manner cornered hi by the barrels and bases, that that while die grocer at before hun there was ti i possibility of,gettirig Out, 'and right in thiA place sure eiroughthe store keeper sat down. • ."Seth, we'll have a.iittle warm Santa Dili ) said the Orreeo Mountain grocer; so he ope n . ''eci the stove UMW anti I.liiffeti 'as , alloy stiOks 'the space. would ailmit;,. without 'it you'd'freewe g. Nine, such, n ight, as fhife, Pj rea4. it* } h e,Nutter, setting down closer to Ms hair, and junwing up-declared he must go. .• • "Not till you have-had -something- wahn, - Seth. Seth, come, I've got a story to tell you too, sit down now; and Seth was again push ed into his seat by his cunning tormoritet. Oh! its (lamed hei• here' said the petty= thief attempting to rise. • • • 'Set doWn ; dont be in'such a plagoy hdrry' retorted the Wooer, pushing him back in his ' .ut I've gotthe cows to fodder, and some wood to cot, and must,be coins' said :the persecuted Chap.' iliut you musn't tear yourself away Seth i. , l in' this manner. --- Sit - down; - let the-cows take I Care' of thentseives, and keep ydurself, cool; you appear to, be fidgety; tiaid•the the roguish 'grocer, with a wicked' leer. , d'. - •'- . , ,Ttl'e't!6xt•thitv , ° whil , tperpialuction- of •two arp °king: glasseis of hot , htm; toddy, the very Siglit"'-ot which,' 'in Seth'S prekiit situation, 'would have niddelhe halt stand erect,tmim 'hie head; litidltitbt been' well oiled and kept ddiFtt'hy'tliel . hottity.• 'i •' " . q ,' "-?l , t' , '" " 'Seth' •Pjl'gittd' ydivictotist noia , - ; and you' 'hatter:itt-yourtalftlictid , ttia-grocer with4n. air ‘bt'attaVerfitstifnette,stitiplieity that.POOr Sethi still bellav i iChinipali - lutauspeeied:' Opkit 1 'fferit'it'''a Chtisthias' gokii6ire If I %tasted aod basted eh? I tell ,you it's the T i eateslteatiug 'ili'Ciiition'.* ' Anti ' Setif , ddrit oil:never nee 'hogite fat chr'etirritned Or/irking b tier-=I Medd' Settf , tiike ciire'br'Cuti , toddy. -., ;. 1 • ,'' ' "'i Poor Seth now began to smotteas wall WA irialittitl'hili*at --- haririetidaliisealeil - diitil !tat thoittili -had tieenttitn doinb:i !Streihk. rtl ter at rt'ale citaii7p6l3riitt froth , undiFtiiiihie: Iris kap k erchief Was alrdady soaked wirftlig• '',g4itiifoliiiitillo4l—.Trilkidk ' - 'titvaY l 14 if' 31ilitiil.' iti&' lia'Alittete,'grOarkaptlitSttliffg the 4610 Teo Atieietifie'; , 'Wftile 'poor, Seth m4' 4 1'0611. tcright)iivithtftis ititialt•akiiirii,Cticti' 'aliutiidi:',iiipdl,ll6 . :liiiriesorilifibit 4 totioNnd:9ll±l } frriid'hht)ftlialee . btifeilo l ~f r-,. ‘r . b../ .“',. i -., ' .l irtagnid 'n . itlil 'Wet ifilikettid" tlie.'g'dee? ) li2, Mittelirliiirtii alaehi 4 pentpirirtial. - On . , WeitAviiidiraNliy , tlettlt i , ou take'lbni-likit i "O'fil ''f-efilei tilitilbtit"yrthiliat'ilkvai'P' s "` i !sii`P 6koliiiiiiidVoar'trdth"With'iti?spasr , hibilc_iffiACfilltlits tifogini'lbod!rjelftpphi: ntiiiiti his,lutridti, pciit.huf'hat:' ,": 4 146,1160 K but,'#.6,illehiiii " I iiiiil.t c iittlir let 6E/go lt,'"li "kiiiiiti'dy'Oitittihilti'ilitlittiitiw' putted ildefit' ,thill Qiit...fon,Militielikilt iikdkVantl_tritliNgt 7 11 1 . IliAltiihils "iii'd kridkliAgilevitl , hiliiiiidy; in il'itijiiclilinitio'ffilirldfikfisliteitilty'lri ' i 0 ti' rfild'halli blibill?' i° ';'''. 1 ' ''''fr' ; ~,, , ' Well.; gaitil'aight 'gtilfi,l'aitittliChattatf.t. i ' V i' cirri,. wiq b " rid d utputi gallon or,- , .. a a - 'ding' ilk Id !WV', t'sig,gh tir;' f 'tdc 'on die fan 'l'Leh'4,d'riteof Skid 'a W'Orthiaiittipionda, so I. oitiNalilititig )#6tiltirtlitiflOtelett 6f iblifier l' w i , I,•vt , ' ' ' ' ' ' - . o, 7i:ti'; it ovrnit.4 1 . :D) vi .;f• Iv lillial r if - th'' 1 t Pan litv% RITMO Ate IiPP PAW.„ ,$i n 0 . 49thviwikia'tuidigor F e t its* Ii ppe0) :L. - ,I,, , ,il.o?ohto:tifq ~, •,:, ity ie,:t 14') teig 40 k , : 1.4, ,IniTegi , stettifte(thiftiat":ool,lupbpti 1 : l a g akisek;ihot, 123'4061i, iiiihreill diif 1' ' ' . COnpnittie.'' „FF.LoW.e,CItIZEUS t. T r : Ele,lor.ging,,tqlbutl• pwn nut bet and ctursely.es acknowle ging, all the re'spoitaibilities WhichitietiOblttlirrge, upOW:tion, We lifitiii essetliblettiti conselthttoit ', on aiubjeet:oitvital importance..mourc)MV mon , righte,, one, j eopturniff i kiatnunjtiss...anti., . our common ditties. Antniated 'l,',' , illt iPhreas. ,3 :ed.interest for our mutual wellare,Verfteel . dOnsfiacineillo rise the privileigtosCfree en and of obristianspto, proton; ,to Plirqs me „views, which hayeengaged punott e ntirin eh& some results'io Whieh,hu'r,:tielitidiailittiti a, tlifete'd "'Vets.' taldisel.yhn'''atilh&6 l 4 ont , the 'Creator : has itivateill with the ; , ppwe cii moral egents, arttlf . to w,,ltom.hq•hus L gta red' tree 'institutions . ; as those,. on who he has' 'aiii/olVdit thif Iligti'bit. arduntiti' datjr 'ilif 'self', 'govtirnmient.. , No dbspot cottiroteene civil interebts;lno bigot has power to infringe Mit' rights Mconselence. We. are' as ypt„§,Otti4 ,i,n the enjoyment of hie, liberty and the,por.7 'Suit of 'temporal . happiness undet . thiS 'prn 7, .greasive lights of reason and seidnce;-ind'in the prosecution of our higher. our irnm'oital interests according to the dictates otour ciyvn consciences, none daring to molest ust' Or' make' us afraid.. Both these intereslS how ever, need to be guarded against dangerous enemies, and both are materially ;affeetedby the institution which has engaged our delib erations. We therefore need tio tipohiOJOr ..tkressing you on the subject of the C/e . r.st4lif Sabbath. We are agreed on the divine obligation tol consecrate pile day in seven, to rest from secular tuil ) and to exercises of religious VO votiorr. This was enacted at the end of the creative week,for reasons eqoally applicable' to all nations and all generations. " IJattatiee in six days the Lord,created the heavens and the earth, and rested' on the seventh Irdth' all the worki Which he hatLibade And 'ail' tie created the'heiVens and earth, not fur the Jews °nth hut', for all, nations_so the .exitr7f= ,ple of his resting ,and sanctifying the seventh day, must also have been designed 16r >4.l= We claim not that the,identical hoots inn'A' be ooservelover the whole earthy 'for enter the night were. employed, this woukElie_ physically impossible. Had the - occular the ory of antiquity proVed true, that the earth is an extended plain, the same twelve hours might have been observed for the active - de.' ties of the sabbath by all men. : lint how can' the inhabituoto of a revolving sphere, illumid meet from one fixed point, 411 have theit sabbath day, or any other day, at the - same time f We • need scarcely remind" any of you ; that if colonies had simultaneolisly emigrated from Ven, and proceeded half -round-the globe, they 'would-have been volved in midnight, whilst the menditin.snn iliumined their starting point i• and ' they,. conthined their,pro,gresstilLthey completed the circuit, eac having,faithipll the se4Stilli day US h ' liattbath - 2 - ghOr wo y uld kept finil themselves observing ditleront'days. Since the Creator has made it physically.impossi ble tO orrserve the same boars, or, even, in some cases, the same day; does he not thuS evidently teach us, that it•was net Unaltera bly the seventh day, but the religionsiebser venue of the seventh. portion of, time ) twiich essentially constitutes his sabbath ; whilst, in the old Testament dispensation ; the sev enth day was. confessedly aPphilited.' ' During the Mosaic' dispensation,; the same' dayand 1 proportion •ol• titrie'Werti reiterated,••tvith.va rri.us ceremonial inhaled:Ms, and this'hubblith lifitithe 'rainbow 'isf old„, 'ehiployed tie' a (flu) 'or '44 ? tethri'litta'elifesl ; withobt ilifeting its ;pritifittVe rtifsitiOri 'to oth•et eiiktionti. This typiii.al • character and tts derenroMial appen dages PAW tells the Colossians (ts; 16.) 'Were aholished in' the new teettuitedti With' the other types and shadows Of the ol d bin the prilitive design and obligation retimined to sanctify the seventh portion oCtittit. 'l'he inspired apostles, doubtless for wise•reasons, seleoted the day of OurLord's - reSuri 4 ectiOn, the finit day of the week, fatMelt' stated seventh day religious services, perhaps to connect the Saviour ' s triumph' 'over &ISOM' and the,postref perpetual' public devotiM. of Chrleunne, antl•to•pre, vent the ceremonial aspects' of the Jewish, sabbath hom cc/phoning ponnectett with that of chriatians. io,whtch there wonld have beeri it eimstaiitiendenoy ? it the Beni& diiv, •hatti been retained.•••• • • • •'• •‘.' l Thatctheinspited.apostles, arid prirektive, shrieti,ana,under their,guidenee, , aetected the clay, or t hCiclegu)crwkii3(4.ll6' d- ercises, weitOk i needs 00 lured argurnetit/ Like; evatig6l44 , itieFelf ;thar.the distliplea cant ei together orr-fhe,Ar ti a : thanco NVik'ttigildi,Jhat.4 B l:l o c,htbade the cconotitnion)'hut he FttA op the, firat i daret 'the' week itilialliey ca r e ' together 'or. this , purpcise i Paul preached to therii;kidiplying, 1q,09 , 4 0 4,1;ra01.4 1 ,9 4jreCts the hrietiana of porinth and gidatia, 'lii 'held 'op OM' tirjlor.itt U ohrinal Is it; It! the Lb rd'a tlay," tfir the obalonrwattottohat then they were 'aheembleitt'•(oo.lo , ;• . t: l o2:y l Thaiithif 114' wasufeilgiously•obietvedr•byl Chtlelifinspiti re,galarisitecesltien g the that tittee cemi Iflurise-istecithrnt-TromrthletedtliOo4,eflopw tinhv'tlotin 'Martynti r iTertulltaiikeltkent tonttb r seeetuty; asvthstl4l)Viettlihe I were/ so kno'wn to; thS''fadt ilbsiirvittg, , thniLordfrallay;that the heiltildtiriilied khießf'tiethetotink , itetitelic 4 ofte . ds loiplebtAil ; I deokigtbylhig , tineiktit , t&ttilk in4ilol7fgat mialrobsetrosithS tirliTitftl4l:; fr, tlittstatitittoVilhn !kin; , ohtittiatilEmptidor, •iihrtotatEr loitlngleiblttlnefidetirotticktiultir fabbiiiin the, atul lrrrtA•td~t'tl+'ne td Pairitilitogiohibitlnotr-atte elide idf+4biety)Chriititiftrititittrt.hi rtitittlitw ticitik& oilttittiegTaitfed Statitrforrn an; tiopit haVibr p,tkiVititail L hethittc , ilettigNst OW II toot"s i stablisiVati:tet+Oligioripnittiteviliptscog o , nition (Ohs ottiiiitiatt,liabblith4lNollfiettatner trent , tatdriltniteitltnat+tnttninntitiniVittually did iii , byUtlttelheinActilatt tholllllllll6 :ithPaitmalitit tif osea on - 14 at dailL'inikio6l l bWit-teottinttinirvealtl44 thttiliagartatiiisidoniiiiiiioonettatille 'satisfy otily o tup negi 4011b146tViii6n 1 010 liabblitht.ol47 l netrbe trbrtigidettiatel4§ • o4i fit olvil EfovOm , meat h4slikiittbtlittWO.,loi4littrAfft Itteihkyji wheti,obViislehilWf•iiitete iltation of any detto(Act ' the?.atteirripttiiiirtle ,- 100a;i*olt st :if(Not idtlielod.to de. feat it. Whilst yet' a British oolOnhisMarly te servica,q ,etyi •ttrecesw,Wamprp, / ylinv,, find ~a out ten years alter out: i . clenee *tie lie iiiN , Yed,lh 1194, - ,a , inin. altibitiod-oflttlb4orltilyweditilityZent -3113ord's day- Watvlltninitticl. i,,lbientaine op, ,fellow .pitir trl , ,give i efhemy to e lattis iis vvell y i yds# oxvik, faithful ex tpli3,ele by thein actutti l ist ttidir peiValtieti A transgrtAtioro: '' - ' ' ' ''' ''' ' :Mid• ChM iii' be 14iitst iorie'd; at , thisilatetdaY; Whether,Ns recpaphion of:the Cbtistiark sab-' li all' itins I 4 dictate of wisdom in oar / hithii "Bri'r CAR it ' il'ait b'egn dig iehulelif weillfr • hittilleditliperstitinn; Or 'rilthili"Whe'it h a m tte produchqf I,maturetl eivik,wrikdomy and II: Aightermii.,p9loeliphilqsiipin,-1 ,An_Wt3 not recognize in it the action of mirtla capable • of rititi,eillioginfie`bliiiiiig%rilreiellfee and , sense, and enjoying teelPtil.llaricljilit'pelCep'-' 1 tion of therhighesteneveesta of humanity, not only o gicrptempittoppileAticoatl eternal.— Tii - dccide this wilstiori,let,ps inivire, c) whath alli f thel l infidencel orthe gabtietli on, all the Pardintilliriteketits Ortrilifiliii blitpliykiditil, in 4i3llectual tendirnpial , naturtti 1 What ire call ,ep nur f ,phyAlcal,Wiinte twat comforts,,zunsti tuie 13y 'car the lalAypoillon qi,lhe ne,cessi `tree' find haufifridss' of the Mass 61 the corn miinity, • Whbthee'llici''ciliebrValice 81 the 'Pabbatit twills Ito, I relieve the ene land iset.6re .the ot her s Om:talcum presents ifsell.,,,as a ; most pertinent inquiry to every friend of his coml.. tty'l find' litithanity.' Thie ig not sihi‘lsly l a theological bepolitical , qttestidn, but lii vital topic:Al ,purepital,anct individual_teconarnY, l'hysicial,of ,great,eminence and, number . have Attested, alai necematypt asabbath is li'lcati' 01 our physical, nature, 'written by the finger of 'God 011 . our mental, and bodily constitution. 'the sabbath is emphatically the poor man's boon', it rellevelirthe ) laborer from worldly. , toil i from corroding cares of busißess, and from ,incessant physical ef forts, !bps pompting health of bodyi- and I arigot of mind. k,kpitriende has proved'the universal necessity of something hike a het?- diimOal recess for pemtanent health and -vigor; has evinced the claims of theseventh day of rest to be lounded inmatUre as well as revelation. The , bo,w, never unlitrpng, loam its elasticity. Labor omen:titled monsumes , the vital pe yera cif ptAly arko ROT). fill there ' NIP,: wet has no r,ighl lP.q O fP Mil §eiCht -, he IS not authorized to labor on the sabbath.,for eqy so dolpg be mult.n.bridjle hiti life. God, 'who /1,19 s What ts in man, compels ; us , to (190y,Itittnert . r.pion ofl,abOT,,by the alternatinn of day h apcl 941;10. I.lfitAis-beiagtinatifficient 'he has also appointed one Alay ol rest in seven, hy l which the, rectiperalive powers,of the ,ayst ynon e preserved. and. Vie prolonged. Dr. Harrison says "Incessant toil,weais (hit the enewloeijimisl:, - .Drnited streng•h. 'MI ' experience,,s expresstv,e of dna ,unitiereal propositicu ,1 thlit a fonger,life and a greiger , .7,gree of heriltiipre . the t i ure—reaults of a 1 cale p hil retlf tio the CoMmantlineut, Reurtem bar'the'Vreealk day to hvp it hoty."Dr. ,Alus 'sey, of Nilo ATeaicial College, a closel l and onii, , litineil ebserier of, nature , afftrr si,-- "i'llere cannot be - a rtakonahle ,doubt, that pullerthe iiii due iif, obseivance ~ l the Si alh, i t i literwonlif, t fie — iiverage - be arcilangeil ore .than one selenth elite' where petibil.n . 1) Farre, in his testimoriylieline , lhe Co i - tee of the.Llfitish blouse of Colorant's main tains these two_posittons, I. "'lint melt Who labor but six days in a week, will be mor e hoidthy and live Ifirtel-, than these wlio lit boor teven ; and 2. That they 'will' de imore work, ancl.du it in a better . mariner." ' Anil the distinguished Dr. Win reit of 1ie..410n, cop-, lessedlY Stan'diri,,ii in the' foremost ranks of his prplessinri, nays, "'"T' enticiir entirely' ill 5... .1 the , opimounexpreasediby Dr. Farre,whpm I keow tope a,pliyaigiati,ol the fuglieqt Tea. tability." Scores oi colter ,et,,:plekanp l , f alo, rahle iti'our'ittittary acid 'pliant!, hay tea tilibil to the same litiell lone.' finis it 'ii evi debt,. that ahairel4ion of the' Sabblith s 'tires. ;T3,4; 1 191 10 +4 as , tiyiftliaa the,sparituacinttresto , 0 rnan. hy.reinytgorating Ns phyAinal , iler gfes. II at' i. also all4nnces the same Object by moreicted niceit.f itimulte." Willi 'mOtives dralvo from eteruily, , it - enforces thatie habits uf lutegiay,,inilujitiy, Jiiigality St furetlibught i in ..proviiling,fo! the rn that ace iti ,onr, own 1 household, which naturallysecures die,co n- tort of tarnilieA;abil the pruaperfty citsfaxions. Dues the amount of- our 'profits depend on; the labor performed-by-Us and thosiv in .our einfiloymentl - It'is the observariiiih of the Sabbath- , which , enabled •us , to aueeniplish .4 1 ort:.0 204 it4 , negiel'L .Plles t h e fluci:o BB ,gt our usiiiiesi depend on the honesty - anil ' .ttliiiitVolifitnesa Ol the.ie lb Vhiiiii portlAns of it'must be ConfidAd I What bail better prl4 .mote, this, object than the ordinadtett‘ ot ,0110!:..1 §Ablfttli ip.lvitt , tlitl),e , Y , and, hit IlloblAlobil through hie week, are auftedly brought' in. i ' rillirlhe filgiciiil'efe'orieh'ovAli l ,arlil fidelity 'lesiva preased,,otiqhetitiby "the tunialpitteil rel.. ribuitou.ofeternity.? , fl - low , inank,thepi3an t la, 4 1 Cipiiflryl-c1rP,10,4 4 Crol , ers, in WO pet: ' i ty . ,,,t3ofirp, ptifloined, by ahorera aii,i clerks 'wild Wall, nei43VhllM i theinseli,*e's Allah lib: thliefAV:lfllleh'efilti.efellbek ftVeri3''tinie/fetletil , by Ilte.atottell 'runtistrationst of, the ,, Sabi)atAl And . 1 1 9 .1 v, Taor , tikilh'iMldttqf .W(ls,P,I EIT9f?, • kilionesty, or arcdny and even roblr may ' 'll'it'ceirititbii"hliglectidf din ibitrill ilkeibl ifittenee ()lithe Sabbath? ' , Thia , SaOred histita ~. aloft has tharoinre , a , ,inot.atiti,higent elai re l err , I ' ll * ,hl§Pcillg. 11 40-,0 1 ?Rt1PM , .9 1 ,W, fa , tw,d, ought to receive . tudir he ray' and e lent ' support. , , .14'..1 -10:/' i' A l liMi n te S ui tt lAp l P C l9ll tel., avpll a s a angels benigi he r Ries a (the mute ?I' lieuit'ell ali'd 'thii loiiiiiPahliiiitle, r o d it'boCtombEinuet asighilltrithevietaleLthit cluilat: , liatiLlo.ipquittit.tww,4l4llsaaciad donartinnq, o gliPlic i i,l„ gT4 t flOt-ili f l9l494lTVP4VOlitl . af ki 90 Illtintite IS tle connexion etween Bola n l ildll taiily,l6 , 4iiiiWialk# 411giiiiitiFiet:eciii=..- , rtieg tod i:ltifiduiickau oA opoiiiihebtrieci mu doilintr i a , led'Ontßfishll? guentrildpthatAr all thd PAlTlrsifgifligOVippliii) o 4,l4Fi l ingY itcctreaten 'afi one. lou admit ini, 11,ta„ IthilbiliiiiiiallbttdityVhfott iiit edi3s 'not atfitniohat inaittivandlaitiNthav neolli iiii& , that/0%41ra thelaame,Ahe antlitutay ,of their '97l)l3llltibleiri4gf 1 1 1 4 ) 09iillYinrkilitii 'anti cons toy ri ?il., remoroca An..tv• liSii '6,,t ) . 4 1 fiiittl'a ofilli ,yriMiiioactier :' Mee' notitoii4flzielitirakiktiesinte , boilyrolooi 4511- tqlt6ilifrilluweitvl if*guitical, ,A,tLisuot pp : , SPlMiqatfi 18.*1P,P41, IT ffotprififidbig" p,itiA long p•sesputy, as veep y en rav,ortortei ididittWf hittunglirlditifcGlYd Bil'AllaLklitiinlmilfk., - 6f - tha - min - d - as ofthe - body'? --- Altiher,tsz menrwe have-adduead-for the necessit' landte4vant4e , of.bedilytkastytti"o4oalll,. AP 04;4171sh1pittioimmir,i.kritOndilif Ithgrt gl , i , 21.2 1 411201174,6 ) :4p4iedivii 'l3alifiallittillit Inn oaktir Pliiiit'A l'effidiegizy . 1 ibflthoitifiwtia'areiguiltyval viblenoe ,to' this. lanrcif.tivisrinatillY3 ibuq*fictfotareiflibillged 1 111135498 1rtrillrstetifften u v , e x a m om , ; 0 ~., litatatureolalei ,,,.o.llslltetfiel 'rthiirl ',pa; Ittinifon r ia rapx 2 l 4 l lll ll l , l o P Lot aal eitats , , , a --: tor, If itir!z are righ ty 311 rmaclia ate iarni+ Wird iana‘ of •rr orTASttaerp*hoia tireatTings seemitolave beeiternippedr-tension , ti tiMP • Vg2Vr,iliiiMi •• 4 lll ‘ 100 6 0 g 0 0 .1 , 'Dr ) tiotauch seteran Citeesireiseia, a, Phri&lbl' -appeal-to-the sone-01-geniusrin-thet,differeht profermieest if they, neither feat- Gkic! Or 're!! Ygfier l dieir dWri sekes ought they not tosegard this diVihe'iiislittition ? • Nor Ve4ol..alliaze,a,.TherAtervouriksystern especially:m(o4es rest. (vrimd sacred quiet:' ntIYR "5f tfiel'Salabilfh; ShY.4 TlM•rison, takes' •oft am`ihe'billinithat exe'eSsivb . fulneas ot ,blood r which -Iliellneetal arid badilyesereite of,si i jiapi t scaleulate4 to.pro,deee,,'? .4*And' • the working 9f the mini!, says, Dr. Earre, • lone' eoidiribed. triad Id is je • of life in the most distinguished blesSltil Sot , . cietv„and Senators themselves, need,reforin. iii 6i ~faiticbltit: "'f`liaVe bbSerVed nianylef'• I them tiestioyed bjt in life."' , But,the whole of yylati-1., trot dissuaded, I„it hetr sail ) intelfetikasal l nature. Jatabsreu.iviewed:,,,The higliestfibmtiablesti the rninal,powets yet, reryatit; ,thos,e„.w • rightly irhprOv'eri ) Make the good man kin to' angels, thostr-W•friergivwproper direction o alChis.perytigjeoaeurth o opol qualify for . taking liKtilace in the rattka of, reiejstering Hpitibt'il'heaVeir: If IS' flte l se P'ovre ) rs~ that the .Sabbath is'espeeially elileblated 'to eallivate.) .Theatkil ,elevates:! arid, links .in sympathy' zith,theithrene pf (Jod i and : by , diets !bring ing ors whole life him near relation ~wifh ' 'fortify 'grid heeVen; ilifluses lira 'flagrance o'f • •the better-m odd \over 'the' octlnPfitinne ,and) . enjoyments of tkis.•_ The faithful cow eeta .1 -tipa of the Sabbanutvema, higher. directibn to the etforfs of the triervaMal, it purifies arid' elevates the' intercourse` t ad eujoyMents the domestic amt' social- eircler, a MAL; mice wheel to the nation.arnid, the !leavings and eninmotimis of the political ; elements, it promises to bind nations together in the bond 'of one united briatiellaied,• and 'it Aonducts the church - universal;. as' the light of the worldj, through the wilderness of that eternal Sabbath in heaven., of which it is on 'earth the 'delightful emhletti. Let us con template these. influences "somewhat more *detail, , . . Must we not all concede, that man as an individhal hita various adverse influences to contend With Tl7DernitiTtlis passions natural , . ,ly tend Ip/earth? lje..noti in, danger in the purseit of earthly enjoymeefs, i mal pcisSes- . •_ slim& (c) . toidei his eternal • destudYl • Amid. the laseiriatierie+til • plestAute the delusions and inlatuatromottvpaltb and honor-and pow:' ft!ii4 l 4tit 1 1 .0 11 1.4artger pf regard ittg these 'as ends instead of mistaking theni• fo 'hid chief gond'? • Ilove'fieueSsSry amid sal utary Ito Min mest be the' influence• of 'the Sabbath; ,which brstatedly interrupting-his . career, and inviting him to the house of Doll teaches him. the guilt and danger ()this error; shows 'him the proper use of every — marthly. good, and points hint to thalliereatter,where he must render an account not only of all . the earthly advantages- he.possessed but also. the manner in which he acquired therd? 1•16 W many individuals ihrough neglect of Sabbath ordinances, hatre ! nod the sense of — moral; - obligatitifteded • apt' in an hour of temptatien, have fallen in , 7te dishonesty, ievolvinn• ,thempelVeS . and' their Tarriily'M ruin andlisgrace In how many Sabbath breaking amili9s are there discord and envyings and jealousy ' ,' which the ordinanees•olGod's.holy day mould al , .lay? What cad be better caliitilated to com mend to husband & wife mutual forbearance trial alTection, to teach children to love and ' obey their parents, tolcultiVate mutual aline . tide lore otheri and thus to make the raml ily 911 arth, iu • some humble measure, re- ) , s eg le, the . family.sie.,benyenq .11•1 . ay net many utiliappy families here see Alm, cense ) •oftheir misfortunes?' Neelllparents thunder • atillie diirobetfiencre; or dishonesty or diS4- ..pa44,m.pf their, .eltildrerb, it they•ihrive, ith , held, f!ce them the restrajeingouliag,iir firienee of Sabbath ord i nances, it they have 'tatightlthem by their•oWn ekatnrild; that the 'doctrines andAluties inculcated by religion ;are of na itnportatreci/.. What better correc-. ,t . ivp call be applied to c,9rrosions of envy, Jealousy and Strife in social circles, than to have their numbers statedlyeon vetted in tile house of God and to sit - under the purifying, diarthortiting,'elevatinginfitre . nce of the gos pel I :There. lire' ricb, lad pop are. , brc ught together, where the d:s‘ittetio pf ricthea are furgolien. There all ate MOM humility irl , tjto prestffetrolletfritrat,' whilst. the iidiaim •Tublimity• anil ele'vetion, ot the retemor over, ;11 - i.37ol4TrtliffiKthyrtya iiitconeshtuittthe - Hele hair,shreaddi dillerenets bhtwe r en,,the crew.; area iherinieNes; 'There' rulers are tailght, le feel dti ali-equallty with those they govera, to feet that they have a ihler over. them, „to_ .w borimhey must.rentlOr. , ageolint for. their pellicand otHeild po Jess theft their rivals aeti qs. in pilfer! the' Interests 'frail infltience hf The 9abbiatlittie ) identittal with those of re. %xi? Well • did the , fireaefimiefsillettedimuderstatal this i ever, ',neetionpiwlain dtiring,,theinliteigppl terror, Ot_PY:=l l Tlietted,?4,9,,Sittt4lll7tetiii ,"!41A4Ptituterl Me tenth day fora liroir,? . rest, as the ster,ta, tlfi.mitidet of' inetir. - 4,li , fi t•o; 11, mi Jiro). •„„.„ tnft ) (l4B, eOVi4AIeA Y e t t hat,it b a th. Yet it cannot , denied; rill s otfißoWli6'aieggethripp„ theynettramytundormincp,onicor,thottmo- .epts. tatigt—oxseetyt.._ .ugh oly ~` ,oagilig o ly,,k4e, tigt„pfl,l,t4) f • to,r t thigot .`the fights of the worldly it qfkprt t , j us,,it,,t) k o lly-, thesstate if ie l or ,r s .d a iet h oi , the glirip ;tin o uro 'pp ,ishep r quilex ritlti , iiiiiiitaighlihrlitily ii_illthipPs rif-dio i pn m Mityp bOdetiolaiitlectihd ittlard3), itif igri, Nil , , to, , inenh andtglioryqoiGtrdin thullhighe t, by dflhiehdh9.tielY4llMl l l i11)394 .4 1 x ! one muyersa? rotnlioqi; vitoh .pl olercellitrOlai h iotg l ittaWitl. Rftli of wars are eventually, to by baniplied ~ O ilii 'fheViiiitiVtginTnihiik viiiiia n t9f sfhlaif m - r i D roltbegooughttuntlerittiftilsnignamiii;fl 1)0 MN 4111QrStillgeghlifeerollAure)rn hen, ' • ... 1 11910AYP0411011F1filliiric i t , RNA ,r, I g-,1 s-proper-opnsecra ioit-p - e a Ilkho '. .I' diiti'llebd't LierchOlililliitliNili fig, t:p os i, iriinutYvhatilidoottitnioelifialreoiiploi litij a , vainly toftritt+ferwitilo‘bring into dist.: piue Ilia roixiinancer,oleibeavdallSSltdritfinbe _ the AbOirtliP dalaklfAifilffilY-'!..i to li .0/ii vi, '',-"" ,1t these wows he correet, tei ow ea) etfdll likedir i iiftilidif tell'lo 4 Bif'dtkilbrilf, tliEttill't . ftti,i in our laid' yetliktiroviahmucti'Detuuttit 'ot ttie, copenly-vitiouerwir' sp_end tho' LI yin f ribfingiultfliftin It iddiel,ttie leo iiiiii! libw ,ii , air, I Theyticacbttnefitptined,ao4l.4o**o ' ' Rh' Ae IniiifigliAM7" l 4llMV 414 r , 41c :' moat ;nom, tot geed etasetue, 4 . — I holy , day I' • fiavr rangy trierohrietet ettri or frorii•the inert& tottatSlrOtst, , ll* ~ a I Y , ' ''' -.-'- , ,, ,,,, ,,/, ,, :z:?:::• '',.l? ESE = 009' 'xwil .1 ' th 7.; •td. j j ° ‘j . j 1.. !Jill I , .17c, , • I ,•,I• .1 . '1117 , 1 lfl LAIN . 1, i t 1 f,,,.f ihtliiii , oh i tiiii , filgiiWitikA . e6l4s; vesl , taiii itibii ted , ins, that i r dst.WhibhGqa'We's gn •-eid 'ler therti?and Whieb t e h i i i ?,Y Piave` ho'ilft dna - Withhidd l froth - their - brifi' 1 ., : ' YeticraFe f ere - , 1 1 not grelit men 'who havelbni theit'hilluence Id Sabbath desetratitail 'D6 not"Soriie:dig billed. j4dges, 'etri ploy the eabbath ' in' reach ing their Matte of birsineas, tithe f Milling, their TOltifititil• eliarnplid RV pt*note (llintlintticirali, t• tyovhiclitheytire Wotit tiffitlially lo d'epl'ore ? Yea;• - nre there', itOt Sotild• prblessed - diseiples of'; hint ivliti Was 'Oki LOW, of'tag ,ahlitatli, who 'allow th'efitelyere,'l):lr•ottier'lhan j woitt ar ncideSgity art & tithicy, to'revaile'tlie , f acreff fhtfureiof llihti hot). d ay ' . '"l['q likilqorpi of ettery eltigs ylieleel, gnillY,t'O"rel46t ,ppon ttlfe•lnfh iniench' 'their eriiiittliftt" Tit 11')5 al ,ktiWablei lot ybir'icr Elislitirtard•'iliis' I% ,day; _Ni.h*;ii it : nntiettliallyl;'llWie'riilt'aillilVkl," . A in/ - what Witicilcl I.hije !dee:6lllli ' o'f ihe'Pefill'e; day, '•tit•the•ritkret t of.'Sbefeiyi,'fir lliti sfti,blllllll our iliv lll. ihs ` tifatiolis . ,'elf;lfier'hhiir'clfl l. lll d d, of ahl3 Iliest . ltitereS,ls 6f, our faVe. r '"Tfigiiiinser- • ( Vdto l ty'ibfi t uenue •by •tvli nib. Mani 'MO sabbath teen 'lie reeened ' frOth 'Cohlitruird ile.4hliation 'cannot 'lie elkiiiticied to . 'lettuttial?, hoio the. 'Unprincipled and 'fi i rdlig4tits: 'leis thbrefore • to-thtge• tiahVreitiee itiriuohi:Aidlic dielOes of Christ aetteStiecllilly le' irlinistere of the gos pel,"thuf We hi rtlib our appeal: 4Vb beseech yon•to'rinfte'ytitiriliffitence in Strstaildrig, - the laits•tvliith prot i6it all 'Sethi fa r• lithoi"9ll the sabbath, Mal to •eifend 'min 'deepen tHe pop ular Con VictiMY . Of the ittipbrtneite; beil eve lence 'and salutary , tendency o 1 the!. 'proper observance Of that day Of 'rest:. ' • - • He/rectally alio lihoidd yOu'excif yOur in i fluenee to•resctie our public 'werkgiroin be ' g_Pervetierto sabbath desecration., : Is it ° of a melancholy fact, that• thelphat of moral anarchy which is abroad in the . .Wbfld, has seized the' gran dest 'inventions of : Mai age, and Marie the d isCoverieS bf science i ribqt ary to the cause of iniquityArtelead of holiness, rii - fSitatt inatead'of God;' and' instead . of erec ting them into pillari to support the fiiii' tom- MP- of our liberties, has &inverted them iiim battering ranis•to shatter its walls. Yet is it not true, that Out public works are vast en gines of sabbath desecration? 'A•ritt not onr railroade_mid canals so many stet cliOnnels thiough which' II I•egolai'etrearrt tir.stbnii, tiesecratibn;Week drier , - wbek r povslir, ugh ()ht. the •lengni - atitt'brehtith 'of : chir 'tine ? Ibis teed nb't' and •otight not to .ber: SO. The laws of • ,our Coinition'vrealth,'We think hei • ther require, nor jfistify it; and illTrlinds of • tint country, should unite in 'telpbettul but 'urgent appeals 'toliur Canal CorinhiSPionets and Rail load Companitni for acteiatty• YeFloim. If further legislative action is dcetned by them requisitegove Witrcordianfeo-opetate in obtaining it. • , . i ..........._ , Amongst the most fruitfursonmes orcrime in our country is Sabbath deseerathip. Of +(the hundred' themadinitted ftilhe.Altissachu. 'setts State Prison'in OneTyear.ttine Otlt'of ten Hid been habitual violators Of the'L-ras dav -and-negleetors : of Iniblie. - worship, and the - keeper affirm that hundreds Of 6 - Convicts have lamented their Ilisocratioh of• the"Sa t :bath.as their first and fatal'-if-ep-01_:_thelejdowilivard yffogreasto tilimSell'iriteresf therelote as well as patriotism, philanthrOpli'' , mid ' tel ig ictiliatdron us - to be iftitive - in re loVingtheie • prolific •sOnrcee 'of 'human miser 'Mid 'crime and public empfinditure. ile_prnter bhser sl •vance of the Sabbath will' 116 more hi sup press criminal offences' arid to' Scene° the rights of person and ' prOperty thw a all the jails, petlifelitaries and gibbeis,l(i the land. For the sabbath was deeio c ned•drit Only to vindicate the rights' of Gonto pur a i doration. 'love and oberlience, but-els° tri'liThiMnto the security and Irappines 61 i man, an the re quisite rest eien for irrational rittirnials in 'our etnployrrieetOltltich if pet - mitred' to rest brio day - in"seyen,',Will do more tvOrle in the reittainne 4 •siv,• Will live lotitvel and •enjoy better health. . • . • ••• ' • • '' Nor ate we' withefetenbouta%leebi l t in this •enterPtiSb: The 'God of the ;Sebt : ath has smiled on ihd•efrorts of 'his• Clillilii:o.• '/ Great •filogrea,s has been' made in vigil:nig iip vu b. Ito atiention. Numerous eon vcniro li g hero been lieldln iillfriffelltlialls Of our counny, and •the first intellects Of , the nitlion bavil r:hrouglit the tribute of -Mei: • iti Amlet , and prayers. Sabballi biotin have ,beet siiiii r eil on„aboilt 100,000 miles. ot rina.),„ ( aqd dins tbsitrialyi Pl.Pcraulk, tlitari'loaeriii MA Nl l6 Sed () On:, Lord!s dt,) , have..huen memos! ! to • its •• reste,aso,,pdvileges. Sabbath, brgaliing. by .travt?ilnd4,aiiil Other secular intl:suits, ,i ,, ba xotrting °more ilistill9 l ,Adqt • ~i l e. i l ‘n )P ill6 : Cs- . 11 4! )(lat; s ) - anti ' -,-- -. - 7,es la re bpoir;thAoontilitirtl „op tiorpoloutes, 4:4 titre is erect: reason to Licligiie„that itthe,wase,, ancl, , goid,. and pa 1091i4•Ri Nur ,lued? Perse,yerq,.4iiktismei;illY 11.ot i ntlAterd--til .inq -gotipel,,getigtel,ty L bi mg, ,ilutirillupnee, • 4l.4g, pulpit. to b,ortr• ock tilts se b -091149,4°Y. 12041 /9trllintil B l49; tem t riy the N9 s Ogii4thfi; (l ,9/ I :9,i,ltqtlY'RKl A l k i j. " . ' ll. es_ . partpf onr nation wi ur at le.i.st extern ally it S41)03111 kedpiog_peciple: lint or us remeimberiatemety,AcpWif 0)4 n of/gess that ,abdtinenne frontiMivitilak wiellay.toow dues rloopprilitutegte '4rheleit Pf 4 4 bPOIllIcons.'- enttfOn, fhough ktiis,andfistitir,,itlllit P• 1 civil iffPffiiPtlll, 9/,•(l4lllttitgeof9tee•ti it , ,i,o, ~;I;ll43.ue.piligt saute thuwe"hydtirofiglApf our )4gt(tPle:•3•o4; byrlbtli, kjAilly m iuggemes of ,ntorol iiusiourinvito etkr foliew l gitAF,ens to lit4P,Atighor,ltheittpiti4l l 3l , o99PiertA4ll.-.4f the . lit l 4Y 9fAiedl.lthlt;PCll3ll.l.lttl.eikthelatqw,tive in „Amen- i,of the ohrtoireit, pu lpit ; smell their ; emgre' blesotd ,W6tric, by !Rep, i jiyihitinklorktiog cot: 1 4, 1 11 t 0 Pgb 'Weigistipl the' i t . t,.,lo.. t alwi t 7,34and:__ lgli Peti40311144 1 3.e1i„ 1 .1001 wei toz--,Thus,-Neuehttil,*--oxter- mltoll ol ffiffetitkiaartirßlhall, - ; ,y,jelidiacqnptablopllfidiertgelp i lho,atid of,4ohoyok,itoolijoreerilber4lte.ls4l444ll clay , -1144500A1 hulys 100 iv,iiiv ill'y.groi,,,loo - nedtio N Aeiiionom 0,41 ttkitliffmne4,:tiir.fAuh9ut• our • , thlfotoyrohn,pilmo,pf.:Atit , goveroppotil•will ;14tAreugthirtitt4i(And',t 1 A6ibttothrtif,f e'd' in : fil lekilailoichtiti„willi , lPP.wfv). , ,g l l.oll4r ~9al iorf eqjp,ylilho icikeilicttillefqr,olllthilt4lteople , F4940.q0t,1 4444 0 1144 I: , t.i . IP h . •,164. - ct;' , ~ • i. -;1,4i,,.y,:, ..1041,,,1',00-,?4.. w chitf rramiw,giojitig.utilievtlF , lttittßhistips' 'llilfs . l3ehVeuti 'l;l . qt:,t4i.i i) tyltiYi4444sl . !••tlifi''',. 'Wrlllii* 8161:. hi ilOg(oll? : • '''-.° 6 ' lB '" . `i .• , - • ~ A oli . • ' In 0. atieetablii.hov4l.4hioh, he.entered;, -110,foiiittlia - matt; - ..,lyigrtieetirAit(typoinicof -- tthorftimiyygititutiltrii4l7lWitlifikurti.o __ r i o* itteoroep,4llooup.lo .‘ll4lAlbeitig: . -4 ” -. blidogrooralmmetrig 01try , Yery chi . , , .hdtbip i deati.lolo ll llSijoet . ' . cant .: 54- - 0411'eiztlitpC'vqp,gp,t*E91,y , neri11 - ,:. .: • 1 itir, 141 1 1 el k ,"0 31 174",f r IV i e t T r i r ''. '-'. ' . • rk..tit, „it or . A. , b. •. • -;(•:-',•.--, " 7 ---'- ~, , ~ (4 , rs 4 .nt . I ,gh.. , , . It - ,?t0pi1n.f,17. e.. t 'nNiissj.7-, ipolvtat 43 o**illOVl .0 ' , I . 3eigturi'itf.3obWeba-,ano, enda.i4.-iron chyme. , Thro*teittil*delsooagithiukttitiolhe, !nom . . . 40060ititlkiitii*IdOp,ltf4iidabitjearner to ,• • *tinkiblitiOr*iooo‘...4ltirroiskoitutOtetaticOs..-„,,,•, %Itoiineola.f,- . • ' •diiiiiiiiiioOi r Odih* . aati,Y(lrOwTtlitA?fto,: .. : .:. s olithiiiiiii4:ool4oistiliftdants he' besi , oooimitsifor Its unftl 4miles.'• . ', '..,:,'„ an 7 .'.'. ?',"' i 1 f i•,(C moo
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers