to ax' Lahr from Vampir,o. Vitoria Occupied hy the American Poops, un-, de Gen:Quitman—March of, Gen. 441. from Tampico----Engagement Anticipkteitith . Mexican - Troops—Mexican Force Ps 4 litrate(F. at Fifty Mexican, at Beak! Luis. • Washing,tbn, 51-8 o'clodlei P.' The briK Georgians, horn Tarttpico, bias arrived at New 'Orle_rms, bringing dates to the 14th instant. tc/I. l Xatirney arrived at Tam pico on the 12th, direct from Victbria, with despatches from Gen. Taylor to Gen. Shields in suspend operations for , the present. Gen. Taylor had entered Victoria with 'General Quitman or The 9th. lea. Qiiitetan—had. driven the Mexicans before him for'thirty or forty . miles.before entering; .Victoria._ The :Mexican force was very reluctant to give Op the place,. and only retired at one side. --t. Gon. Quitman was entering on the other.—. Having no cavalry, lie could not pursue the retreating enemy. Col. Kearney part ell with Gen. Taylor at Monte Morals and pushed on towards Vie tinia with Gen. Quitman. thence,proceerling alone to Tampico. There , was no reason to suppoie that General Bugler and Worth had moved , from Saltillo, though it was so report. ed. The r liev,t(nia ba not far•off, though the 'Mexican soldiers seen. in the neighborhood of Saltillo am now sup.' posed to have been' the advanced,party. of some 15 or 2000 men kept in position on this side of the desert, between Saltillo and San Luta, to destroy the' water tanks in cage the American army should mope in, force in the direction of San Luis: . • Froin the contents of private letters receiv ed, however,-there is little doubt that a large Mexican force, consisting mostly of cavalry, were at the .Tula, at the latest dates, under Gen. V aleolia. Gens. Urrea, Romero •and Fernandezelvere also reported to be in the vieinitY on the Ist of January. Gen: Taylor had sent forward Col, May to examine a mountain pass between Monte Morales and fabradores, and in his return he took another pass, leading to Linares, where he was at tacked by a large body of the, enemy. arid his rear guard cut off by rolling scones down into the pass. It was a dangerous spot, th e pass being scarcely wide enough for The horsemen to go through in single file. Col. May, however, managed to get away with his main body, and reached a spot where he was enabled to 'ili;frititint and return on fool to succor the rear guard, but he was too late, as the enemy had retreated with their prize. At one time the dragoons were almost at the mercy of the, Mekkans, had the latter iischarged their. pieces with accuracy, as they occupied It position directly over the heads of our troops. Col. May's loss had not been ascertained, or whether any of his men were killed. There -can be no doubt that Generals Taylor, Twiggs, Patterson arid Pil low were at Victoria with a large force.— Gee. Shields, with 650 men, marched horn Tampieo on the 10th', toward_ Altamira, it was suppesed, for the purpose ofopening a communisation with Gen. Taylor at Victoria. From two to three thousand Mexican troops were between Tampico and Victoria, with which-it-is-supposed Gen. Shields might have nn engagement. The force remaining. at Tampico was 050. 'This market. was amply supplied. WitliAmerican. merehandize. This-fact precludes the idea of any serious Week upon General Worth or. Wo'il rug meditated, the objeCf orthe 'Mexicans only to keep a watch upon the Am ican forces, and retreat before any. advance to Clll otl:the supplies of water. Col. Kenney brought a rumor to Tampico that 15,000 Mexicans were to attack Suitillo on the 28th oh. and verbal newwwas brought to New Orleans by the Georgiana to the effect that Santa Anna had placed .hirriselfbetween Generals. Taylor and Worth with 35,000 mon, and that a g eneral action was immerli atelyiexpeeted. This probably was merely a repetition of the rumors .before received by way of Matamores. Col. Kenney states that the Mexican force at San Luis was- 30,000 strong, and the whole force in the field was estimated at 30,000. The capture of Ta:npico, he stated, had created the greatest excitement through out the country. Generale Butler, Worth and Wool had 8000 men at Saltillo l considered to be the flower of the army. Col. Kenny 'speaks confidently of their success in case of an engagement. Generals Taylor and Pat terson with 6000 men were at Victoria & wai ting orders from. Gen, Scott. it was nut sup posed that any movement would he made against San Luis, but that the Mountain passes would be retained and• Vera Cruz subject by land, which it was supposed would be attacked tm Gen. Scott taking the com mand. FROM SANTA F;F, STARTLING RUMORS. Thp following startling news ie extmeted by the Si Louis Reveillelrom the St Joseph's Gazette where it appeariiin thelhape of a let• ter from Santa Fe, under the date Nov. 12th, 1846. • SANTA Fr., Nov. 12,1846. There is a rumor in the city to day, that the Spaniards hive poisoned the flour and meal used by the army, which is said to be the cause of so many deaths. The poison cdnetists of some vegetable substance, with not enough strength in it to produce in stant death, but just enough to ,derange the digestive organs, and prevent medicine from operating oh the system• If rumor should prove true, it will be .difficult to prevent sets of violence. If true the ,wretches must die. Somethtng Istraeze must be the matter, for the mortality of!Ho volunteers is inerera, sing at en alarming rater We are dyingl oft at a rate of 180 per month. • Dillies,: Niws.—There are so meny Con tradictory reports in regard to the doings , of the Mexican Congress, and, so much flu's that comes by arrivals with often times older 'dates thanahose - already - received; that it Is almost impossible to keep th . run of things. For instance the Mississippi• arrived ttt Nap• folk with Havana dates to having full proceedings of the 'Mexican Congress, and not' a *Ord is said about any, proposition for-peace-being - rejectedi‘bukoirthis - torttniff, there - is an - express-decimation that-nti'aeilen bait beenaken-on - Me matter. TheH'en:nes • ahing'some three'or lour days allertiside, a New Orleans Mail; with`itclvices of an ,arri! *al fram'Havanwtolbe sauna date (the'7ll)), gad' with TIO later IVlekchn nerve; one Would as' a' matter 'of Ntotirsti,: and , yt t 'we t , have atannimneed that the Mekicau,Oongniss • hayiii•novonir a/sled 'Upon r a Propositlert , ileace, hut duvet:ell id it - by .rejecting it ' ' !kW SPIFFI SiAT OF WAR .—A cur , •,,ieeligiukit of ,the - Fpw,Chlettni ~lijng,liOS"Matalligracftlfii.:- =:if iv/ ill be dIg!IMIIY.!ng I°liiiiirighd.eCoruen, , Seott to teem ne te - very Wellieceived by the ti 0008 , 7,,, His commandipiwitzaihtery:attearance, cote., ...bleed/milli the; suavity: of.lus maniesraphei, ; dispelled ; the p~eludicee and opiekinagtmatiSr, Nwhillinlive hover aeon r ~,!. ' • Gen. Yega iftiled - of iiiit'eity of Meitco,! • woo tlfeak Petrie', Oil the' leth joume ; ,was:a perfectititimptilvllletola !people that we Were4iredoff-the•war t - a9d if; 'pay wotild kield'oet; we Woula•Oes ferjteece ; ,.: t ioz)«Tyrnel, notenone pruletes,.npleg. 'Sickort, the penalty fpr 71uPh "selor,iped tbetf, Miemieheeelle, I:l*filitsiclr... 100, Plair, for,. adultery :*litBriiiitAli4AllOotksl l lntAk r-44 ; 41111 4p , 1):" AltP 9 ~W~Slio' f I / .0 ES . . The Nereid and Expositor is noir , offered to slalom bets nt ONE DOLLAR AND FiffTY'EFINTS ,Ten bat only Mimi, paid IN ADVANCFL, dollars I not paid in advance. We beg our frlehdste remember that what we mean by paying in affiance is paying at the time. of subscribing or at, the hettnplng of a new year. We hope to...find none _meith kit-Ungenerous moveto ask for it at the reduced terms , after they have let their subscriptions run several months over The-Herald-in now-the--aide p est-paper in 'the County, and Airiainhes as ,nnteltrea Mg matter as 'any other.- Its lint arse bscrlbers in elee ily lemming, 'which renders it n ern: m ble advertising medite. JOILPRINTING o very description executed with the utmost nehmen!, an at the' lowest t rices l with new and fashionable type. The parronige of our friendsapertftilly srehlicited: ' 'Wanted, in a Dry Goods Store, en active, intelligent young tifari; abontin, years of age. Apply to the Editor of, this Mc Gen. Taylor's letter, Which has so knocked the nris,e'b'ut 'Or the Polk Adminlo tratioh will be found on our first page. In order to avoid any ,MlrtaffmgMt.of our usual amount of reading mailer, we have had, lte statement of County ikeeeipts and Expenditures printed as a supplemental sheet,.,whieli every reader of the Herald will find enclosed in the present and several sub• segyent publications: . • (,oVaiir---TlllB distingdished young Temperance lecturer delivered an address in the M. E. ellUICII ; of this borough, on Tilers day evening last, and astonished and de 'Heed the immense throng of listeners by his it•onderful eloquence. He spoke again last evenina to an equally crowded audience. Ills addresses here have given a new Impet us to - the glOriolo3 l Tempe.rance movement. The bill for raising ten regiments tit troops to serve IR the war with Mexico has at length passed the_ United States Senatei but will have to go back to the House for ceneurrence in amendments. . It will doubtless be a law to-day or to-mm row. But three Senators vo ted against the bill. The law providas that the trooPs sli - 611 be "hegulars," and. one of its provisions secures - to the soldier after the war 160 acre's of land or an equivalent in 'money. For this proviston l the troops will be indebted to-the untiring efforts of Senator Cameron and Corwin. It is understood the President will grant a commission as Cap , lain to-ally one w_hu presents a complete immter-roll of a company ready for inune'di ate service. Active eflorts are being made by the friends of Temperance to secure the-pa gage of a law allowing, the peopl t of the various Wards and townships to decide by vote w 'tether 4hey will-have spiritous- I iquors sold among them or not. It i= haul to tell why so republican a proposition should not be iiirotripily passed, in a country where the majority governs , : • - al- The 'martens in Congre s s seem determined that. " Old Rough and Ready" shrine the Whig candidate for the Presi dency in - IBlS—see Olivet Oldschoors letter under the IVashingion head. It he is, woe betide. Polkevy ! It Will never be hetird of more. , The English papers sm - fillet - I with shed:- ing details of the misery caused bys want of food in Ireland and the highlands of Scot land. We can scarcely realize the existence of snail Suffering as is described, and - which is brought upon the unfortunate victims by no fault of their own. 0::7 The P 4 resident of the U. order• ed the publication,of the army order which prohibits the writing and publishing of letters by officers of the Army, on pain ofdismissal from the service. In itself the order is good enough ; but its revival now only shows the President's malignant hostility to General Taylor. Serino:sawn OF Gmunutsp.—A bill for the suppression of Gambling passed our State Womb of Representatives on Saturday last.;-- the'succes.s of lho owing chiefly to tho niforts of Mr. Green, the .Reformed Gambler. We learn from the Reading Journal that the Hon. John Biftlia teas to leave that bor4gh on Men day fait - for,. Harriebuti,7O enter upon the datieS of State Treasurer. He htts appointed Mr. S. S. Jackson, of Reading bhioreferk: 0:7 The remains of Watson, Bidgely, Thomas, Pierson, Boyle and Graham arrived in Baltimore on'Saturday ev r euing-Yand.‘Tpl be buried with Military honors. • Otr- The Committee oft‘TWs'and Means of the Maryland Legislature have'reeommeril dad the resumption• of , the payment of rest on the state debt upon the Ist of Janu• neat, • Quite astir has, beeii enuiea .41 the mar kets by the inteligancelkMEuMacieetiivia by the Hibernia steamer, -whiehr'siriveiLear-. ly lastVeek. • See the report O l e the Markets in another politmn. t f. rnoiernehilief4 beett:eliesilyvtiindd Irnenx,m!Theßpt the SetiitS:titittilPtis'e' 1 1 0* 1 , ( 4 0 ,ngt9 1 )), ; GP , Teylooe:name to the' w4ig,ilsTaticlititlJXcoi Ventloit 'es le etindidaieloi the : Pttleidencj; WAGONS WANTED?.-.Weft itnif intact, foi the ieriefit any number of wagoneen t rl t t ipW,ptt ptipp - .. :4., , • l c d With freight • from..Cikantbereburg to PittOtirg . . • --"•• , rrinlEideilithians , have ittlittngth if "stiliktOtan' ifiat'„lliAq'il.4.3.64: : 0044!! , irVA.€ 09444, • rrEf..rm7,4l4l4lAriu`tw,R7-0", ate fixing 11* Oititol,4ii:9'f, tiolig4io4l . 4ii of adiournmehtv; 7 q,, , -, , t,:tk th:w Kt; Any,' • , , ; , .(07;i7 1 46 tOTiLedki!itOioreParqgl.""d ittokielo'AhiP pld Aokh - ur Reduced TerYet The Army liilli ERE ~~ cdigiert -- -- -v - --- ---- -•- .- L .- 4_ alllL .. lllliVitiatV . -,:,.; , • - 'On Friday corn last the:first train' of Paseenger-, 'Cars es•?! . . l 94,4lo7empiriterected Brie of tbetritufibe tandi'alltly .164 Reßoad"-, Oryptkitl4s. It, ft will be a matter bf, reitp)tila,A4bile of this county 'espeet talVo kn*tha,tlatt.uninterrupttil rail raa co*th u nlicawn* again established to.t ) he 4 ,,0. eityleerketcy,:reVyvokyears past merchwft"; ch . zii t prOduce In our flourishing valltii havidt. ffered-a4ery considerable bik"le' make up the diadvantag,es occasioned by tlit, lose tit the'ifiiViciad blidge. ' : • The lornier bridge •Was destroyed :by fire on•the 4th-of Deciftnber; 1844. ° The corne puny immediately issued proposals.* constMetion, eaten-or-about the tat-Uf-Jarr . 46; the'bililairfiiraliew bridge allotted to Messrs Ktrkbride &Skinnor, ' knoWn and experienced contractors. Owing to the difficulty of procuring sufficient timber, on 'account of the low state of the river daring that season, the progreSs of the work was necessarily slow, and but a le*,spahe were put up before the great 'freshet in the sprkng M 11146. These were of course swept away, and a similar casualcy occur red a Month or two alter, which again im peded the progress of the workmen. Against these sbecessive misfoiturica•however they boldly perseilired, and in the space of not quite eight months they have completed the entire structure. The bridge consists -of twenty-lbur spans, restiag on twenty-two piers and two abutments. The super/Miw tore is made upon an improved double Iht: tide plan, the invention of the contractors, end the execution of the work coribmes c. great skill and durability, • The bride within eight feet of four thousand itr length, and has two carriage ways. Above these and immediately . Under thtiroof is the rail tray track. It is intended hereafter that-the loeomoti ve•shall be dela - cited from the trails, and the cars in every ease drawn over the bridge by tomes. The -entire cost Mille. bridge - ire ate Mfdritieil is about 496 ) 006, of *loch at least ,11.5,000 Was required td re= plate the Werk destroyed by the several am eidentS, The coMpiotion ef thwbridge is a sotirce df triumphant satisfaction td the Company, .vhb have steadily prosented ti;e Work tinder a series of disasters and discouragements, while tht3 structure itself stands as a noble tesaneltial of the skill, enterprise and ener gy of the contractors and workmen: The kcal Go4rnor, Sinai our last the whigs df Franklin. Ches ter di:(1 Lancaster have appointed delegates to the State *Convention. The first are friends of Cooper, and those from the two latter are Instructed for Irvin. But'hionly eight dale; gates are yet to be elected to make the Cony vention full ... The Ilarrisbdig intelligencet presents a li'st of the delegates which hai•e keen appointed sb far, from .which_ it confi dently claims a clear majority for Gen. In viti, in aftill Convention offoitriOn votes.— The Intelligencer gives the following reca pitulation of its list : Instructed.lor Irvin . Recommended for Irvin Uninstructed, but known tube Irviirmen 21 Irvin delegates _ • Instructed for Cooper Recommended for Cooper Uninstructed, but known to be Coop& men, Cooper defecates IS Instructed for ForArd, Instructed for Michlei, A correspondent of the lutelligencer, bn the other hand l preseilts a very different state ment, and one which is more favorable to the prospects of Mr. Cooper. He sums up the delegates as follows: For lrvim recommended & instructed, 43 For Cooper, . do. 16 For Forward, do. 5 Poi Michler, - do. 3 Unlnstilicted, who will support Cooper, 26 do. do. Irvin; 12 Doubtful, . 3 , tpon whit!' he remarks, "you will thus Peiceive, that of the delegates now appoint-, ed, den. Irvin has 55, and , ,11Ir. Cooper-42, with•the almost certain prospect, as I 'think you will admit, of gOtting the support of the Forward and Michlur men, which will In ereaSe his number of delegates to 50.1 pi- The killoWing is a correct statement ockthe occupation of the members of, the House of Reiresentativesilrom which it *ill _appear that the Agricultural imterest is well represented, having not ,only a large prepon derance over every other, but an absolute 'majority over all Farmers 51 ; Lawyers 121 Mereltahts' Di Carpenters 4; Surveyers arid Scriveners 9; Piinteri 3; Cabinet-Makers 2; InniKeepers 2 Shoe Alaic 2 ; Tin-Smith" 11 Convey. ancer 1; Sa dler 'l'; Miller . '1 ;''Arlist 11 Tailor IL. L Tihic sr 1; 6,trine-Manpn ; Cab. per and Gouger ,1, 1 vadant. ' ' :'" ~,nie,'t,im'ofJtihri. l l4 4 o3 , ;, lot themilrOt of Moto hoir Fordney and .Catherine Trippe; was concluded_ It Ltinoarteron yedteedy . ;' ; I he _in tiiii-first dggYte,_—_ • P-tr,tetters frem the•Pallqeuntems`at Welty ad( ene. represent ,ttiqir sufferinse `` as' almost inieffitettle' made, for Oeir, subsistence by,,tere gevextv, 1;2, ‘543. 4 it 117 'r iu Mq!!rin.PlA,l o ,w Pfp!prit,4l44 Virginia Legieiaturti prepostng.ito , grint :the. Righeot Wtti tit the gtillittlo4 l; fititfOhib Rail w 1, in t ill tirotiatiility: paw v "' 17te'Ilon ,• T China, under PC 9Pl lO ', stoned Cotonel,of Mentor Voluoteere l for Metticto`•by ClotrettitiEl ' : , •I:ll,etteritters' frog!, Nashington2toomi berifideiitly'eflbitieeeitiltTfa extra session ' btlea «AeotidiO sepias, by the Legiefi:tu!i oft . oiii.latilfiliiiirrit,giolioct-Aoi:asider , lii i i4Col6 4 '4 6 ; 5t0,40100P14 :Nll l .l-1 bibb4 itiAOttrii.' • `.? ENNA :sTeitisitlastintilng the 'itumbet: of Medical Collegeb !AriiAly in - bilstence - iirThiledel; - pitik,'We lOWA %Ulna &reeler , es - that 'additional iiiike,t4;llL'r'.i.,,flaNliV7 46 %. tahlisitek aed,:OMl4::i4eittesiitences 11f fitly filvOtOP:ti(lini6seVoinag 4 l '6l * -65 i:The ' 6 oo o t4sesiablie,jiik')Pll.4li-ivlitcho4l:4/14•i.o.jfie y be eat Legislature tieriug , theisOeurt Weelc tiegSlai;ekiii;t the Fec'uffi s3tS'd course of iiiiiiructiAarel Ulreaiji , atitioilii`C'ed • the public TM!, Faculty; ariwe the fs'te i mpose'd of ihe'liAletiirie gfii- • tie *:, • 'iTneigtAtt b, M. epry arid Practied blMediisitle, and ical JUrispredence. A.i:Lar, A. M.—Chemistry. M..D.—Materia Modica therapeutics. MEM 'll/POLtirrocir, M. D.—Analtlitly, • l'hYrsiology 'and o grirgety. 8, GonEMerm, M. D.—Demonstratbt' of An. n •T'mY • • • ~,With,the high character of, two of these gentlemen, Prof. Ar.r.Ft M'CList pox, the' public here are tainilihr.- Their names adord. sufficient ' assurance that. the Vabhlty is chtuposed of . gentlemen„ amply,gibe reputation to the institution 84 sustain its efficiency. • ' ••*3 . first course of Lectures will be cemT. _mewed in the'new institution, 'on Monday the ltth of . March hut, and Lectures will be delivered annually- in the months_ of April s , May, June. and July. In the old colleges the Lectures are delivered in the waiter months, The new college possesses all the powers whicli•belerg, to the - shy and other Medical Colleges in the :State, and its students will enjoy ell the privile= ges of attending Hospitals, .'Dispensaries, Museums and Libraries, which are extended to those of the other Medical Schools. The Object ellhe faCUlty wilt be to make the courseall practical as possible: The new colleps' presents many 'advantages which commend it to the attention of }feting gen tlemen who have entered upon the study of Rough and Ready and the Adtdinis The,Washington Fountain of Tuesday says That the. dav before, Hit the vial's of ' Loco Foco wrath were opened upon Gen : Taylor's head. Those high in authority - ariethose low in authority, those M. office and those out of office, &indented the hero df the Rio Grande at every Street and 'cornet', in every hook of the capital, and in every Coterie of Ficklinities and Tircimpsonitei.... Ordinary asseveration was too .vrtrik, lb ecinvey the indignigtioa of the brave man's 'slanderers ; and you could hear on every'side denuncia. tidHs'of old " Rofigh and Ready" clotherr in dal language of oaths, dnd profiffilly. The Fountain adds— It id now admitted, that den, Seort — iimm sent to the seat of war to sbperstale GoWoral Taylor—not to a confiner a p'eace" with -Mexico—and-the justification-4A this itxtra- Ordinary. act is Mid in ttie. allegation, that General Taylor's correspbndenee with the Department pf War Mats so, impertinent ant so unbecoming a coimmando necessary" to Of the inpreak. command. The ,Administration declares that General Taylor's repiesentations of they want of trans portation, Supplies, &x. Asti aIL untrue, all false—that he was Armed with every means of making an earlier and mote successful invasion than he dyl makti, and it asSerts that the records of the department will move the truth of what it alleges. . Great eiception is taken to the Old the Piesftlent by his proper nernd-:=111.r. Polk. ..cias* gn so far as to say that he ought to bb tried and cashiered for treating the President so ure. ve'rentlY and disrespectfully. But the climax by all this Inky and anger against General Taylor is to 1)W found in the wicked insinitatiOns throvirt bat in many quarters against Ms bravery ,as a soldier. , -- The dastards wird have dared to lilt up their filthy voices against Tayldr's courage, will find to their cost. that the; American people will vindicate RIO from stibh a foul aspersion to.the eternal confqsfon. Of, its authors. But die end of alb thiefhing is not yet. it is but begun. • .• , TIM NIXT Prictitnekv.-Cfn • firn Bth o January the Democrats irt the Missouri Leg islature, held a. meeting in ttie capitfil at Jef ferson city, and adopted resolutions reCom mended a nationalconyentioni to be held in Baltimore on the first Monday in May, 1848, to nominate President and Vice President of thelThited Slates. Hon. Thomas Hart Ben ton- was recommended --by :the.: meeting td the democracy o: .the nation, as. a proper candidate for. the next Posidency. A whig meeting in Missouri, has nomina ted the lion. •Jolut J. Crittenden for Presi dent. ~AitrAtin Con!roai..—The Democrats of th'e New YorkLegialature voted, a,gainet theap r'apriaileri',opo',to the 'Yoltinteens, to anneeenenee of preareble, eharging the re therar upon Ihe,Preanlent. _Thiiiiane(ealpneing,,__,A'parii_Who.eup•- 4thel*iiilant tp appeintipg .Santa Anna tO, lead the fyle,xleanti)reeei spinal us ) cannel ti?yotp.iepi . enripliee tn ; den. T a y. `ler, Whiniii fluty! tt anCeeinfuer tiOtri., be _Kertretra ti,eod.:. •• • • • The amiiial theeti'rig of the kmiricarr Citl, ,an , iiiiiiiitr , SiSc - lislyriFiiis'heliffif"'Wnetiirt . .gt‘in on the evefiitig ,i,:i,t'llie 49th' ' ineitiqit 2 -'-thii fitin. lighti-Whittlefiely_iitojhrtf!',! iii'lliti''ilhiiii: - . - -Ii iits`pe d rit'frorii.thkrotibiliF ttipiliq'lt6 at' tile' iii.i e6iiitei - of thdl 310600,f¢ les s (Nan iii - 1845]ilii' II i Ifi feiide biiiki fitiliti fly'in iiiidacied, VihiOh 'in, 1846)k,efe.$1 / 7,1195'44;'aiid /lit "1846;511',407; In ' Oiiiiilaitifr i Soliiifeli t iliiii OriPildriiiiiii 'llii(iiii);' thYl'znitikliiiill ;11obfrWiti'''.iiiia:A!ii ,i ~ fy,,,,, , in a lifi.k, , ,ii!!?..itiiikolfio, u io stiChiKdA ip; , rend veil the Jdebi l .pip 'lilii t 'illtiSlk.klifil, Ati ill' ilia' iiiiiiddiiiii ViiebViiiiiiif,thil 1 Wiwi', .1 Nri."Ptilk"4llll4 . oo 49 :"l:iiiiiiirthiii . 'Wfilig I thitiki';''thiieaiiiitibto' dribt'tif i'lii.l)?t,liiii l '0ut0tv,:,f,111,..01';,, ..'LL'I;I'LLLYWL - L , .WL . .a . ..:LL . ,,LLL„ ,, 14 9/11011,/ ii;O: 1:7:1•V HO , 'I ri!W I i , LI7 - i' ,. 4 , Lr''''t 'IL , C*( l o4 i nllleli:Pt iilaWidtidt, tOWA L :ga::19: iptfocini4Oinc,peosion;wioo;l 4 ,th,insti,lPlAlol ,Ul.gifSpotoora(l,, \ Ipis)imlbil.b.lo,nolt,thg 1 ne , #lollo'44'o/ •takiii.o l C. , ell ~ ,th4t, , itte Aide' • *lllilbcrilligikliso.4lllb.m..fPrici,vpArsi-to - : egt#4l,,itiveino**lolot.tliti - 4lo4rd not 4110040g.sPinuPtil.tqa,f 4 0 1 1 1 $ 140,70,1.:1:: , :lt tUT:olyrovp+F;..4o', 61 '1i:1'301; 1 4, Sell' . 4 . 1 04: 11 4 13 VP.14 1 0,ik : f 0 lir 4/ , tht. o lYli" 4 * Plhtr i t , ' Wi t h' : Pk id i /iY i n. 1 144, , I h e 1 •• , ‘i. ,, pi , stewlii.2iittitiii..deSiilitiliffit tote ill .... IPaillottinsliditilECciiiiiiiiik .`:" 7 , ‘ ''' ; " .7. 011 w.rr,mix4pTp•,)_pLo.T, , o'..,,o4til!flit.t.., ~, ;‘: , ,144 . ii4 ' : ' ' '' ' ,' L:L ,' ' ,...l., :`, , ','1,1;•Tt;,',.,--%:;;;-:—.. MEM!!!! tration. 4.1 dtiprivit him . tile rules were suended and the resolu tion received. Mr. Ashmun obtained the (leer anti told the flouse very plainly what its pores° evident?) , was. It was apparent fioni the-tone and articles of the official or gan, that the War was to he, and was being marled ue by-tliti oilfnitiistmtion against Gen eral Togo" he referred to the old obsolete order of the Stpr Department,.published this morning, in relation ( e the Writing of letters by officers on others ledfn the army, as one of the signs of the time's. The revival of this selete order l 'rWas inte'nde'd also to eastern:- sure upon General Tityfor; for writing a letter to Ger.eraL Gaines, which (he hiller .ithpra dently; as some think published. tie refer.' red to the remarks of Mr. Wick or taihina, made some'days ago; irywhich he declare( that no whig ought to be permitted to . be at thetead of the arnay.__ This witethe_feeltrig. of the administration , and all its satelites.--- Geperal.Taylor was. to .be destroyed 'if ho could ibe r beCause hers a trhig, that was the head and; front of his offending: , • , Mr. Ashmun sent tethe Clerk's' table., a resolution: Which', was :read,' and;whicii, he proposed - to move as an.- amendment..to_the ene_offereithyAlGLirhompson,_calling_fitr: information,integard tothe negotiation which -NVltecartied on ~betweeniMr..-Polk, arid Santa 4nnai f whichirestrited in-thelatter being sent to Mexico by:the former. It ivas Anown that an agent metesantleHavana by the Gov .ernment and that,SatitalAnntwas permitted to. ass theportkof ,41.exino, to enter themptiblle.andr.laitO Win 411.tiodt of, her nrmy;agginatme t andLforione t he :iittqbet)•:..lo.l.clintflw.ko#OrrOugometfl,hailtivan entered luttoWcyfetribilAsientk,Mr. , lP,plk; it MasiinfOrTaliOtOghlohithe..liftuPle 181Poiltle .8kO049,110.watilOcl.lho•rlictio.efOreSporititillue ; 41iXti011tihil,ipveltimPel.altdi§allifs.Anoo in .refereitiritiloibitt anier,iPgMexicA.; 1:1; ;pi -Hi iriMr-lAirblerun was followed t1 , 11.1r: Douglas :.lefpuite. of, gist administration. ,Plo ; yote . • iellfl.,ii,kprg w,lieri!l.Was obliged, to ,close aiLiittsr, '.,,, .: s - ,.. , ,:7 1 , • ; ;.i; , .•.,,;., t Z 1,. ~. iiib:lrMlßPulf ).efff/TlCata r Wig', Itlado ~ 1 1 ii go neFt4rnOengters of the. Cabinet,; i lo. induce tbe,ntifilletp,4cps.,tn. c fprbear' pressing: Mil l . ixtstVo proyor . ,Peihrt . questionpli,afittrety, ht. ,ilT l 7* 3 ,llPP, l )**Steti9f 3 1P detriltiTY. tiii4l - Pi,. 1,0 8 . 0 4e11t StfitlVA4tco;,9ne- p ..",theite hmi Fil.4 4 ,oolAtit #o 4l 4eAlKeiVi*Pk: , /EMI va,, ~,., A liel ' a * i ' d gl r e;R°O..lnt:r ~ #l,l?filtr, SI that ott ItbAo r he' pp, l i'v;lpi l .,Wkiittot 4 4 0 coin or bommcklity r liiiii notiriloiinedi but R e lag an P. the. f ildnainistretion7l l o*.iomel 3 s' and+ eentreats Y ttf ,itlispostionytindaral unro "strLasi atiliitr their itteilient_.sottio(i i plineiple_ or eoes—'aviirl&..nblello oiiqUE. 7 • Thelfatrolial Mane 1 -- -' a ' r The Loan and Trees, .N . cite. b . ~w.,_ 1911 ,. passed the Howie b t entitti -- sWF3 ., to g days ago, and in 'the nil o n Tii . ay,M, 7, I . vides for borrowing sorrl . •'• Wentylkhkiil; 1 lions of-'dollar(!. The"; ,its,gli tog i . e..% tinp proposes, 'indeed, to-fiorr6lifilY ikventY three rilllNile, but a section is appended in. corporating the Act ot July last authoritingan iiiiie,ol.iieaaurtnkr. ete...l4x4enclidtitAthlt.,agt, . at least,;a 4 gives the_adilitioilat privilege, bk . l attAssue of ye_mi ions. -1 _ , - The c f rgbncr with. Wtibh lid - sit - 0w loan till &time ii(on-Congress is somewhat in ton- , t.riist - kkelh_tha.:99.l4 foq j lib.4 3 „-C.nditiPP -(4 til l . ' Treasury asAsetfdrth by the Secretary in hig abnual repprt.„yhebiational,yeelligencierPl iesteraay says.. ItTe :Wlthin thlrebelliittlm of every reti er thilt . itt the xecutikre M essage and t 1 Aniiiifil l'reistrYl4porl,l'cr Congress, 'oeVeti wiekErttge, it watvery 'distinctly stated, that if the war, with,lVlexlco,nhetild be continued until the 80th of June, 1848—being the end of the next fiscal year2 , iiii fidditiontil than ill twenty three millions of d'ollars' wont& be required - to meet .the expenditif res tifthe,Go,- for Abe present and next fiscal year, and lave a balance ot folir millions or dollars ebrieittint ly inthe Treasery. • It may be rerrietuti'eted,•alig, Orli 4.'e aX pressed, at thn.lime, our apprehension . that the Treasury,Estitnate had both overrated the income, and undetstaled the expenditures of. the doveriimeht for the Period tnentipited: 2l •Atready, the .fact has bedbme apparemjthat, if the war should b 0 bontinued until MU Elate' mentioned in the Message, out .estimate of Filty:Milliore as the probable deficiency of the revenue (instead of 'nineteen aiilliens or twenty three millions) will be rather tlhdet than over the mark. It appears by the boiiibseidris of the Chair man of the Finance committee in the Senate that the' governments at this moment on the very__verga_oLpecupiaty_destitutinn— discrepancy between this state of things ttini the flourishing statements of the Secretary rif the Treasury in December last, has called forth some pointed comments in the Senate: C,oh•espondenie of the Gavitc, Sayings and totilgt at Wasitingtoth • tVARITINGTON,JarI..3O, 1847. ANOTHER ATTACK ON GEN. TAIIOII. . Mr. Clarke of Tennessee, yesterday offer ed resolutions terule,ingthe thanks of Con gress in General Tailor, and the officers and soldiers under his (mainland, both regulars and volunteers for their courage, skill, forti tude and good conduct in stnriningland tak ing theteny of Monterey, 'defended as it was, by a time of rabre than double their number requesting the Previtlenttoenuse a gold med al to he piepared dntl presented to General Taylor as a testimrty .of the high sense en tenanted by •Corigiess Of his judicious and clisting.ffhthed•enntliict to thalltielit ortible and the said, restilutithiA ttv btu com municated to General T.tiylbi and through him to the-army hinder 1114 k,em mdrid. White these resolutions Were periling Yes. , today. the !louse Mini:WIWI, riff!? they Came tip`of course this inornhig and Witaiattiended (on motion of The'mpsort.of Mississippi) by adding a proage, thatnothiiiGtlierein was to be construed ,dtt iip'proying of the teinis of surrender' Of Monterey, and iiertt also amended by appending a declaration that the war is a just anti righteous one, brought, a bout by the aggressions of Mexico, &c. The whig`,A etihrse, voted against' lie'Se liniFi ' l mertht• hill bging made many of therif decifii ed votftg.jit allApon,,timption aine_res,_ nhitiap dfi'amended. Alter they we're adopt ed, Mr. Cooke moved to amend. the tit:e, sn' as td entitle them resolutions to (-cider/ Gen: 'Taylor, the , officers and soldiers undef his command, such being the real intent ofi s liose who haul amended them. The nu' lie must so understand them, and General Tailor and no officers and soldiers under his celtmand %till so understand them. It is a cffwardly way of doing a malicious and nuileVoient at tempt to give GeneraKaylor a stab, and by no. means a manly mode of justifying-t war with Mexico. Why this necessity of declar ing again and again, the war was instifiett by the aggression of Mexico, and commenced by her Can the frequent reiteration of false hood give it the character of Utah I Can they make the world believe a falsehood by again and again asserting it? Probably they •.• thinkso. "Mr. Thompson, of Mississippi, afterwards oflered a resolution calling upon the Presi dent to communicate to the House all the correspondence of Ger l Taylor in. the War Department, not teretelore published, and the publication of hrCh will ho t be Ind Itirlatts td the public interests, and moved a suspitmsion of the rules to enable the House to receive it I . . .. .., . _. . t*ltiettrovibtilltitleileiV~lloo° . het, and labeltdd Air aide& j, _ • ) f The Segtary ' ritiejreasury,:l4, is yet, prase* - 0 sok "fi tOrlha CoinMitMe of -Ways an ltkehne Vitiereasing the laven 'll3s of th e WI I ~ N0‘., , 41, „ .Ngt.. , ,TWe h ~ ha . foaling ' OM .1 4110, i t Oaten id ori) "d the roe 1 Of, fatal 1 , pier,. ' 1 imp ? they ayAka fe*iire=`• inatuke. , l o if he -4,64, t Inift 3 :- hoi paltt,ll _ittuNgottpude ttfithhling4lll6re, dire pot. ' ' -' . ' - ' 4 3.IVERIOLDSCiIOOL. c -.7- O The Washington correspondent of the North American ,tells the felibwint good UHU. :ZAMA/ , k1.6 . .44.. , There is an anectiote told in the pcilitical dasertee to 'eliropiefebt. As the story goes, it appeatii dint or. one ni• - the recent reception evenings at this White House, !It? j'resi4ent toek,eptiolon, : txe,xpresa, iniiiiiencer,iiiii-rniltea`ceinpiity 4 great an xiety for the termination of . the lA'ar,, Fitiahteitinttiiitcl 'elicit suggestions and aping'. ions from those 'around him. Mr: Wescott, who besides ,being att, itiveterlde;,w,Og, has reeerdly immonalized.himsell by a sntincal letter to•Mr.,Seoretary, Mason. whicl).t W1511)11 do &edit to,ißUtlet, and which the *brill ought ,to It keen tualpuitgent happenning 'tient' by. reptied,hit , mode lifitf,iiiggBslBa .to nem .4; which he was coldidetit.the war be most• expeditioliStly" binged' this hope ar.Piedjlihg , inna deeti!upen eistriaW, the' President eagerly intitilred,' sir; What Is SOtiatot. froflo, Floticli,•Oftef. flausreg si4ciently• Icing, to at., tract general attention,' answered:" 14Nou ltl Robert'!. - TT/ter tb Alexteo to 'manage Alines I b:EnteVe His :Excellency did not stnicit the advice oftihii . ..tnoteof hie • coristi reflood that evening. _ lb the, chi the it3th hli. . Werilcin bnieaVe l , - Made a speech Witddent,.lOr having pro posed the creation of the office of Lieutenant General. The plan he said Was hia,*fot the Ptesitlent's. In :September last the. Presi dent lied oßred,liiip the mission to France, which he hap positively declined. Doling the, nineith of Novrttber he had sent him and sked his ooinimi relative to the inure conatict of_the war,. •quely,, Mr. lient,on,hatt.priy,?ril and afterwards redu ced it to wr,610, : its i features he would +uld not filiclose r bui i ,fte would say, however, that plan req(iirpd one, head' for the whole army, thiprosecution ; Rp ihe war 'witty vigor, living onlei/ring contributions from them;enernfJack'sdni he said had offered him a eciinmand, in the army. in 1836, in case of ,war with Mexico: In 181'2, be (Mr. Benton) was rnifftgrysti petior to evpry general now in the services and had only mention64these thing tb vin dicate the l'resident. The Tfeasury Note Bill was then taken bp. . The Resolutions of Mr. Cittri s r, recjiieifing ~he President to withdraw our forces to the • Rio Grande, were taken up on Wednesday. Mr. Gilley, explainedthat his object was to withdraw our army to some placti in, the United States, there to perfect its Discipline. increase its force, and then' mak_e_rt.polkertut dement upon Mexico. - The witty in which .we were now proseauting the War-is useless. IVe were acting in detail, widen - it — any elit e tual rtsk..ult, and the men were filling victim. to disease. • - The Resolutions were, by, a tmanirribus vote, laid on the table. Canal - Commiseioners' Report. We Mae from the Harrisburg lute'birdied:- the subjoined Mistral of the Canal Commiss ioners report for the fiscal year commencing first of December, 1845, and ending 3001 NoveMber, 1846. The following is the gross statement of the receipts and expenditures: Thd receipts for . motive plm'er. _tharges,- 1,61 for IS'se of State trucks, on the various railways including fines. and for old Mate rials soli'?; we, 6'8391,397 6,4. and for the tolls rents, fines, &C. $904,097 11. ' The dxpentlitares for maintaitting motive power on the Coltimbia Railway, including management and repair VI trucks, $157.946- 23. For maintaining same en the Alleghe ny Portage Rahway ) , $14260 p 2. For re pairs no the variHs roads and divisions $383;14378.' . For coMpensation of coilectors, weigh master's, book-ieepers, inspectors, &c. 865,080 28,.i41dbh ia'mstip— Total Receipts' . t.1.2,9t 7 .494 76 " Expenditures . ' 709 930 91 Receipts over kxpehtlitures $585,583.85 Deduct tro`rn this contingent expenses of Cansii Cortimilisioner office—such as pay of Caner Corii,thi'ssionem Clerk, dm. $5,041 72, which will leave 080.522 13, as the net' rvenue produced by the Canals and Railroads of the Commonwealth daring the period ppecified.. This alinement dinbractie the cost of main milting • ketive _piblver on the Philadelphia and Cofribbia still Alldiheny and - Portage Rail roods ;,;. the' CW4I. .otrepair,-ordinmy-antl . extraordinaryoipon thd'Canals and Railroads of the State; 'natl.-aim the compensation of alt the , officers and aghlitsdiliployed on them (hiring the year.. - Thosuinspaidlitr damages _under general and special Acts of Assembly, and the halanee,ol a - former appropriation for the purchase of new trucks. Thareport represenissthe general condition of the public - improvements ,as good. Oh the Columbia Railroad there has been dclS -nateh and -- tti,,ittilarify, ar.d the expenditures hare been reduced. On this riled the ma chinery is represented as in good condition. On the AlleghenY and Portage..r.eflrial; and improvement are needed, according to the report. c , The damag,esalone .to the Canal by last gpiing's freshet, were"great, and their natty has required by far the heaviest,ontlay ,for the - year. The Boarcl-hrits' awarded in thesit repairs 5ia,68.44,0(1hn payrrientbf_Which.hod :tititpttipriatto r n has yet been, Made. yho,,BOard complain of the injuries, Otte malioiouti persons, anti Vegiet 'that there . is no trietins - ,.at their . ditirtOSal; to offer 'a suit able rera'rd for the apprehension. of the 'offooders. They Sts• gee.; to IliV,,teklelature, as 'the best,mode,ot preen ti e_ditug of au s .Offence4,lhatit svidireelitingent Nind fie pl4ded the dia. f The kir ati apptOpriation,ofs223, ;aim Or, tie info i n g Stale ,proper ( Y r kii i k e; - /lbe S l YRar,;,Pol9g t 3 , 1' . f7;;:i!;1.! , :4-t-Tiff:lPOPE 7 .3. ; r o Ev777llfiflpiV.,eoP9, Nth alek ishediThe suslom ol kissing : 4lot, gross on .his sliPPers'Alothtn.onlioelled.lciepiriatheYorfele. toe, and in lieu thereof exiendi his hrind to. he. kissed.- This 4s.rrs.wettil,444srm and hand semely done. . 0.:1; m;110“ 6 66., 6 66, tile` Alfe,i4oolll3 , • t V M . A 411t7r tf i 0A 4,91dP 0 1 0 . tj 07 1 . 1 ?;` A W • i i .: l o lt i• a r -1 -*M -1 , 1 4/9 . •-• V • . r‘t 41i 'Piiaay, ti6 - 206 4 1i4:4'etis; tag ' Q f Pine,giom,Dl6l;inoon,toy!nalO p iCiuthegi: 14d C43uit6 i fled 7 f'YOolii: • ' ' 7 ''" `iOnlliitlid the',lid Peaiiiabbeiiiit i ll Plitiiiiiboroigh EMON only son of GiNti VraniP4oliii l ;97,o%• 11014 aged 2' y 4' 0 1/ I °, : i s' ' '.l' suad e aty; a t a er lit a iila-044 T 4awt0w.104, t l ixii4tifie.,'6o4oo4l.olo l Y# • I • Oifiniary Ist, FLO •!: 47 demand rather more limited toklat volt les of several email lots, •ttome • ,15,01 qt..bls at sq, and 2000 bhls: good , rat at •} a 96124. Com Meal Ogt I ' • rted at 64 62i, Wheat ?filit ic ertlfs t 1500 bushels very prime sod *, 0. Corn rather drooping; a sale is re Variactearly to the day of round low at 96c; since flat sold at 92ic, and closing at 90 cts Oats sells at 37 a 40e• • • Rcutew of the 11.fe'rket joi the week ending Fr . itay the 29th ult. FLOUR ANDIIIEAL.--The market . since _tarty, pitit - qrhie s iiielk - tilibeelfin a 'very animated and es- Flied state lmy;the eget It the .forilmin ntirrej,dad ttl wipid advance hail la ell' place 1141estiripildni'o *044 .111114. ~, Tog, M arketfor.,Flotic openetton inlet ;ay rather quiet but firm it 155. Op Monday morning ~590 barrel, sold at g 5 a s'llll,fif the cour se of th e at. ternoon and evening 11,000 barrel, laid at tsso a p 75 mind Iff Munn ftteedii fe . libie'leto 0575, and some - 6'oo barrels sold at that to during the day and evening. , On Wednesday tipt rnititit opened firmly at $5: and &both' 10,000 burghs; fenhands at o at gslsl, and teed at VAL--; ba Tlittrinliy,lbe demand woo lesinetive,- and Oriels ieee4led4 -shade; sales of 6,00 b barrels are repotted of .- $6 101 a 06 121, Meetly at the latter - Mice; at *high there Were fteeLsellers,lnweri generallY Offeili4 hhaa To-day prlemtarosprnewhat unsettled and 6,000 sold it inn 1 1504 1 4 -41 8 131. the lett:v.lir iliandywine Including seeli,alMtreeltilakkli lh the ik fteeniion at 06, at which . tati the poon, closed 1 ; sties farchy. - com. nuinOthum to a Iyr ollent.,were, madent :05,754 000, fqr pod iebillipg, itnit..gfl, 25. a 0450 .for, - Western brandot. Rye Flnimi ls implired for, bet market,LS bare, and it is Offered at 11445, to arrive, porn Neel also had ao Wile In ~ .barreli yold lit ißmii 114 ... 11 /oeirilhitternand contin lag,s,ooo barrels'Addlianbi.werakken -al 114 25, in cluding Brandywine - at tare ,same rile, 04.;91hteguiyth sales and'reoareiof 16,000 barrels are reported at tiltrsq 11 g 4 75, mostly toarrive, the latter,being paid for,hrani mlyrrino.„ Reports for the week, '3,242 barrels Flour and St barrels Corn Meal.' to ithtiaimol is NOW _RECEIVED FIICIM. ARTER,2I OP TUB „ GLOBE. Tia follow bp letter Is presented with q 'view of.. more fully showing the opinion of Phyidelans In Mho. tint to the Medienkralus of DR. RWAYPiE'S COM POUbiTI litritUP ne.-stor kg—. et re t'lltavlng Xis& year , tem pound Syrup at Wild4L'herry, extensively In my prac tice, - 1 was requested by your Agent, Dr. Creteher f to model,' hpinloh ih Writing, of hi pinpettler ati remedial' spelt 1 moat eimeerfidly comply, as I feet' h ao gluing, I vtildiseharge debt I owe the ennimunitr at large, and Phyeichms in particular. As mueb se I - Meet .9pack Rentedies and Patent Nostrums, I was Intilieerlfrom a hailitie of the most potent exnectorents• recommended Inn* materia medico in same turssagn 1,111 , 1qm, In try .. your Preparation of Pntntur l a iginia or Web) Crignr.. ° It is suMeient to say that I was en much pleased with the remit of that, and sub, eequent.trials that 1 now prescribe It In prefertmee to all other Remedies where an expectorant Is Indicated. hn the much dreaded Pnetimonia sir Disease of the Longs. in tfill.einrmilig form In which It appear. lia), Kentucky, 1 regard firms an invaluable Remedy in the treatment of that (lineage, To all who know me I have' Rani enonnh, hitt as hie limy be seen by persons nut of . the iftetnlty at hlcibrt , . will briefly add. that I have ' been eagtored In an active ptamice of my profection Of IR years, and em a'Regmilat Grefinnte ofTransylvanin, and tine is the first Patent• Medicine I-ever thought ennittth of to express an (Minh* In writing. EL,LIIBOIt,/,. n. Franklin County, inntia:y 7th, 1847; r., . . Frankfort, ley., Jan. 7th, 1849. The above certificate la from One of our Physiciansi few. miles from here, hilt doing a vets. gond ; .pro ct Ice. middy cons flared a amid physician, and stands fait ; he is, an he says a resitlatltatinate. Da, 14 pl.. CM UTCH . Druggist .and Apothecary. . ;0; Sincei the introdnetforeoklnpuithle to the nubile thtfe hove a number ofoulP/Anrilfied Individuals 8.1- itp nostrums, Which Ikeyslsert 'roptaln. WILD' CHEN av,solor lure called "Baillutsie," .. 111Itera." anti even. 13.yr01l of Wild elterrk, Mit mine Is thS original and en. ly atm/he otertn ration ever. introduced to the public which cah be fiftrVe,rl by she public Record, of the, Cohinninlteolthof Pennsylvaale. The only aatesuarel; natilnet imposithin is to see that ;my Ai:nature Is on da h Int. 11. SW AYN.E. ("inner of!j; ttle and riep 4. 41,..ii.: Philadelphia, Poi j,nlr in Ceflisle ci . fiTy by EP 01, Ilaterstick and R, Med trey. 074,14 y i eca.:TATlma Pr. 1.1.7 in ail, (linen to being Eire of ilia best nambillaitis medicines in thett pOssess a power in. removing pain, which astortishing.—.. Four nr five -I said ltorten Pills, taken every, night - co going to bed, itch in a shoo time completely rid the build of ,those morbid hit, morn which, if toed 0; the liver,..nre, the; cause of pain in the side., sometimes rxten ding through to the slioaler blade, diltipiltx j of breathing, nausea and sickness, pt appetite, eoStivenessiMtligestinnr, flaueney, swarthy ei yelloii Complexion, and other, oymptens 63 an itiffetnination or torpid state of the liver. Wright's fridittie Vegetable Pills also thor. oughly cleanse the , stomach and bowels of all Milner( tamers, and otheriiimptirity, and. thertiOre rite a certain cure for cholic,ilysem. tary, cholera morbus, and every other disor-i der of the intestines. They also aid and. improve digestion, and cansennenlly grue l health and Vigor to the whole frame, as well, as dilve disease of every name from the body. • BF:WARE OF COUNTERFEITS.—The public are cautioned against the many vinous medicines, Admit m order in . deceive are called by name, similar to. Wright's India!! Vegetable Pills, 'Fran reTinglitittpluty fATEMEfir °fib..ASSETS of the Company, on,. Musty Ist. 1847; pohlished In ennfornflty with the . provision. of the sixth section of the Act of Assernblyj • o( April sth, 1148. . - MORTGAGES. , •••41iiing first morgages well secured on WA:state flee of ground rent, are all In thewlty and county of Phllndelpfda, e ate 9X $43,150 in Ducks Montgomery, Atlittylkltl. and AlielfflanY eptintlet 4 reOttlianfa.. Alto 97,500 InGAinAm tt ly , secured by real '• „-e :1 hale inl'hilehilliffila:' • it7a i• 1,2211 II 141; I , dt/chided a eh in. sales, Under • , montage el , yds t, • ~. M. ' Int, 70 by. 140,,nn Mel. I Southwest corner of CheaniYi and , Schuylkill Sixth s „ 4 . • A Ilt hit otellty acres .whh mllik, oven- • ings, and barn, In Germantown; known i as " Sheffield Works," A house and lot, 13 3 by- 100' feti: Na, ' 407 Chesnut Gelid, A hmise,994 1010'2 1411 rOt. air rlckiiiit li Ohl. or Spruce Street, ,Welit of Elev- enth street. , , A lintiti-and 101, 111 - 1 0 feu fief di ' - Weweide of, Penn i Square!, South del %High street. Tao housed and lola, each 7EI try , 20 feet; , , ow:tenth side -of Sp een greet, near Schuylkill Eleventh street. - • Five houses and lola, each 17 9 by 00 feet Noe. 131, 133, 133, 137, and 130, Dil*ln street. Three houses Arid' lot;4lirhylgriket.• Mt Emil sitte4okifloty/0410211Witithalt:' BAki , 6lllo94ll . otit;- • Z: -.. "'- , -,4 . ._1 re it tlettai':Ml II hY, AO.. e 1 ,,..„,...„ 0 n "2 1 ' sit4e, r,Thlyd-litreetr!;;;;;;”.2 street. -- . ^.,"; ‘... 0,4 4 ,. . A ponesyind 103.10 by I • lVelet, on' . 802 th • '*;*:, oiptiony Ylllliirt wrest,Welt of fithult- . i,ll.*.if, km gayest!! @tree * l -1,„ . ~ :, 4 .- '' ? de a tottitil I. 42 by 1211:1Sel4 on the ,'''',„ iH' 4 ° taeni '11171441441414112141711.? , esti,' es 2 ,',of e 11eir re4 ,7 11 . ,1 , 9t ' i2f . ! ; IttonAeostO ) ,;..,:,_'.: ot , , ', Alm, 141 = 1* : tot i",l PY ,I4T. ton 011 ..o , he wee flooThlltrost Ib r :et Ti:trz e : ' , - fie ik BO feet, No. Ott • ,,r• • • l l e,„ I tt l iftillelt Pl...l ° t.r.i4wAtti' i % , '' r 4,' . "o:loatiVor,:imSANP•i k1a4, 1 Temporary I.lsninVeh t Mlatilialtiddrftlesj _,,, empty secured 4.0,4,4;422aq ; IR thII / 1 4 388 we , • Borouge of Harr 2 J1,44 ft :IV ' ' ' _ , k 70C 12. , . ,I,tii ,i tt fid,tpoo IT. S tates Slide eitatlititereat'rrol I: , ~, f. 10,000 Alm a Musa LOCO; S pet; mat! (10 T 1 , ' ,, , terest 0n.k . , • ,, ,;,,,,4 f 'Ts'.l Ail 1 , 4 J f .41 !Alp WOhatei k - of, 1 •,:, i, x • ,1.. ,•," d., , o orthattkilf -i ir c 'qi - - . 7t "- -- Mittiir"- - I do ldoiOn Idank, Fat ,12b._i.;,:' , , ff , ~.,...1.1:. I 3 da'lhiusadi.e . oo regoltf " r r 7 . 7,',•• ~ ~, 1.„. Sod do southsthrinwolltbdd , Vo. , ..., I, eit st dot 00 }, : o t i re tet . end Ball Raid i A T.' o r‘',' ..,, Dank et Vicksburg. ~, - •, c gl do FraullOsAlTlLlkkaugocci,74.,, , . ~ ' 3B:l° Mertint = a4 I ideli.'-' I I 10 /" .''' ' 1 , 4 r ith l ii " 7° ' , / Atli sql , lo# 6 o l iii i il l ~p/ s 0. , 7, ~ y ..,, ItoMsliod 61111;tliseetvistdoii , ,/ , /i tit ~ firet l 11 181411140 1 frelVh I is ', li 00. on t / 7:0i11ii,1',17: lioil • ••' ' 2 • ''` l ' i .h i s-?: ', t 'A m. :;: v .. ' 1 17,w,te,. i• - .:' ,l ltvi.lo7 ) ,F: ,+:;-"R::...": I* ,,,, qouNP%4l4 l 74 7 itAt t iiiio444 lA.4llo l 4iiiii - MlitittEl!, l 44 l , ..,0 111 .1 , •:_. , 1 7istcy....';, r .-t-MI" , ! ',' - -- . - , --At't , r , rtA iet, tr MEE MR3 73 MO At Cost 1^17.1 ST --- ra% •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers