El , - FIFTEEN DA VS 'LATER FROM EDRO,II. PJ•ff:TITIE CALEDONIA. ~,.Py the atrival at Bostomof the Stearn B 4o'l talefitmia, we: have later atlitiess.from'Efi-" . . ropa. • The only important iterase;finfotreation.aree tl at Sir Robert ‘ Peel's hew Tan Miles - passed second reading infire House, andlhit by Another victory over the -Sikhs, in India, 'the tritisit have subdu a eddrat.peOple entirely. There is very Little mention in the English papers of the Oregon questiOn. Meisme..—His Excellency the Aine rican Minister was'prevented by indispost ' lien from' attending the Queen's. Drawing-, room on the 19th ult.; but Mrs, McLane, the. lady of hia Excellency, was present, and also tins •Seetetary of Legation, Mr. Gunsevoort Alelv • WARLME PREPARATIONS. — The greatest ac, • [Why continues in all the dock-yards in En gland, and the recruiting for the.artny is still " • .going on with great spirit 6000 soldiers weic .ordered to India, 1000 of which were to pro- .ceed by the overland mail route. It is now' -stalled that order will be rescinded. Thereis .a ruincair curientAthat•an additional. number' • proceed to Cant da. . . TWO C strAT Vicrrosigg. OVER TtIESIKILS.-,... TEVILLIATION 05 TLIE Walt the 4 ' despatch of 0 paper by the "Unicorn," - our ad v oos from liomberitiform of two more great ba Isf, having been fought.in India be tween the British and Sikh armies, both .er n i rating in decisive victory to the former. he first wasmnrhir• the command of-'Sir H. Smith, and the latter Sir Hugh Gough, which •was-perhaps one of the inest bloody on re cord. In Sir H. Smith's batik, h f whole ar:u y ef.the r _eaeniy_was_d_riyen lieuftlio.ug o er the. difficult ford ofit broad rivet; his ballet, can ---tioni(-56-pieees,). baggage, stores of ammu nition and of grain—fits till, in fact, wrested from him by the repeated charges of eaval y and infantry;,and in that 91 , Sit'llugh Gough',, .. the Sikhs lost' 12,000 men, and 65 pieces of artillery; The hail 300 men _ killed 13 of whom were Officers, aiffl cd, of whom 101 were ollieers. Her Alut;es . ty's 53d and 62d regiments suffered emir • mously. Genert-1 - Dicke and Brigadier Tay-. Jor are amongthe dead, • The European Times says: 'The severe thrashing of the Sikh forces by Sir H. Smifli, has been consummated, by the total defeat of the main body by the Gov ernor General o. India and the Commander , in-Chief. The loss of the enemy in this en gagement is estimated at•from. 10,000 to 12.- 4300 men ; that of the 'BriCsli -in killed and wounded at upwards of 2000.; amongst which is a " oft r. The action. and the work of de: eleven o clock in the eigh's account of this battle proves it to have been, while it lasted, one of the most terrific on record. t'n like the able mamouvring of Sir ll... Smith, this sifitir seems to have owed its success to the daring_intrepidity of our 'Men, who stormed: • " the enemy's intrenchments. bayonet in ham defended as they were by 30400 Sikhs and o pi& es of artillery.. The.slatighter was immense, for our troop'. braved the enemy's. fire by resolving thous . shot until they got witbin their mitten( hu we. t-r The horrors of war are pain - fed witlii aptifili - iiT. power in the few brief sentences of the victo rious commander. For the details we must refer the reader to the despatch itself- It is a document that will amply_repay perusal. The action terminated in the Complete route of the enemy, the capture of his guns, and the los , sof his catty and baggage. An awful fllenilice of life took place on the Sultej, in aeempting to cross which. our troops mowed down thou sands of the flying foe, and those who escap ed the fire were drowned in'the stream. This victory has put the finishing stroke to the war. Thus has ended a war,respecting the ,011se 4uences of which a good deal of anxiety not unnaturally prevailed—a war forced upon its • by the peculiar exigencies of the case:. from which we'could not shrink, but for which we had made no previous preparation—used no arleemate foresight. The Sachs took an un generous advantage of the long alliance which had existed between us and theirgreat ruler, •- Itunjeet Singh; and thas perfidy has been punished in a manner fully conimensulate :with its enormity—punished promptly, ener getically, and in a style which promises in all future tirne to prevent a repetition of duet at once base, dishonorable and uncalf•d for. Sir Robert Peel, on the evening of Thurs day, proposed a vote .of thank a to the Indian army, which ho did in the ugliest strain of. do-guano° and mpas:.ioned l'lte beauty of the eulogy was to title harmony with facts and truth. The Cormnander-M -. Chief and the Gus cut-rm.-General—am—to-be elevated to the peerage!? Concmnact-The commercial'accounts , from all parts of the country are desponding, and glocimy. the solitary exception of The Iron trade in which great activity prevails, owing to the terhpoiary causes, there is not a branch of manufacturing. industry which is not mitering more or' ess un . er pare rms. -In many of the manufacturing towns there are thousands of workmen out of employ menti. the markets for all' _descriptions ,p 1 produce' are in a state of stagnation; mks are daily on the inciedie,.vrilli!sinking prices and diminished consumption; 'and in short, a . condition. oi things exist which threatens to susPend all the ordinary functions or coin mercial and manufacturing industry. - The Ivloneymarketis in a very 11 tisa -fitc- Mry state. .Cash is scarce and dear, and Lint 11- ing but first rate.paper, and that at shot t dates, t• stands the least chance of discount in the Lon don market. The railway projectors get their acts slowly and unsatisfactorily, and it is clear . that a large nuniber of the schemes be4lre . Parliament „must be rejected. Months will. elapse before the money which the Govern-. ment haelocked up—the fen,per cent. on the amount 'of the eripttal--eari find its way. into general circulation, and therdby . rolieve the f‘tightnesti" which prevails. We have more than once recently reterred to the popularity which. Indian CornS as an will pritive; . ere fong,:a valuable export. The • Goyertimentiemos' --- TesperSetlerte gu rtiongst. the la err .. ..scarcity of, that • Set • itilieductid. C • dadY Mac • _e British ports from .the U. States and largdAinintities have been released from bond, 4luty free, ,under tlici‘,Treasyry. - order tiliiiadyMenliened: Shops 68164yd:being opened in many tewns; : aittl. the: American, mode ofitsingi gdnerallir adopted. =_. pr: 7 :ok's„.N i*S ~:, = - • FLESH ,GARDEN ;: re4iveit roip • Mr. D . :.LADIDIETYT ;iirPhiladelphlwat lyrgif anti g peral-atipirly of , Y , .. - VARDEN: smems v compitisip r evory. , ivirrifitet &tali -717 . 4 . 10.• iti).•,• 7 1.777. • lir.-112uorp. --WANTIZION , ;• 611104,1i.g,CtitiKSII0.'s pr to tieglveti'''nt '-'l 4l • HARDWARE. CUTLERY & SADDLERY. ' • ©VALI i cr oval LYNE respectfully ! inforislia V,Jl,l'rienrisan.;: the public.igenerallYAlint he has removed-hie stock of HARDWARE,‘DIAIL RI atte.SADDLERT, to the new • house on Prtlf,Flowver street, two'dosra south of the' Metalline and nearly rippogite hip , old at od,r where he continues to keep' s lieteteitbre full and orowilskite sesortrneid, nf every thing in his ins at priers chid - psi . Mini tier. • teeters Makers ane Carrisidffi lovited to call. ,d exam 1513 irriplerrdfdlotilf-M-AHOSAN-Y -VENEERS, Pet received.' Carpenters and' Benders will find an esoollent assortment of Latches. Locks, rinks, Hinge!. Screws, and , at-reduced *very Satiety of Material ,rtr .. (S. Alen a nen' sod superior article-of MANES, warranted good irh.overy respect. Alen. run and rock Powder, warranted ; Safety fcrt4dasting rocka.'Slint, Lead, Speller. Window"Glasi of all sizes, Paints,• Oils and Varnishes; Cedarware, Blacksmith's Bel lows, Drilling Machines, and every variety of articles in the Hardware line. Personsenin !flee cing fleusakeeping will find it to their interest • to call ....iforepurchasing elsewhere. The bnolcil and accounts of theiate grm of J. P. Ly,ne & Co. t arc in my jousts, and per. inns indebted ore rehuested to 'calf and make nay nion. cn save•furlber meld°, JOHN P. LYNE. April 23, 1845. "ARDWARE & CUTLERY. INGTER SK I NER reltirOs his sincere thanks P 11,1. past favors ,and wishes to inform his friettil and the public gene( ally. that he hils a l ietweal assortment of HA It IMP A RE. and 01.1.1211.:Elti_efain.kinlis,*such ad Aces, ()I three ditirrent ntakes,liateliets, Dearing Knives of various makes, Chisels, Mill Cooper's Tools of all kinds. Also it large assortment of --Table _Cutlery, s - tzli as Valves and Fotks, from the..rneapest to the most superior quality; two', three avid four bladed pocket Kttives from .common to genuine Roger's RIO other superior manufacture t. table, ten, snug and other Spoons ; Binges of nil kinds and siZeQ; ever, description of Files; Horse Rasps of different sizes; wood and bed screws of different kinds and sizes; gouges and plaml roes; cut, double find single Irons; Augurs, black and bright of all sizes also. tftrce-bltted Amgors, Braces and Bittsof flibest makei-straw colored Mitts; Knob, chest, enphoto d and pad locus; cut s and spnrables; brass Candle `stirk-srtfrlek—antl—plasteri ng___Trowls Traces;. s,ratglit and twisted Halter chains; heavy and light 'Spades and Shovels; hay and manner Fn.ks, two, three n o d (((Sr profited ; Anvils and vices ;east and shear Sttcl ; American and Flu glish 111 i act; Steel t hand, iron hack, null will cross-cut 5.1w9 I Straw Knives; Flitt Iruittl and Tailors geese, Fire Irons. round and oval-wrought Pros, to u' handled Foy lug plus; ronglit knit ' 11, s an. -1 tinges, dilfcrent sizes, atud also the o.'dpaltioned • Cradle apd Grain Scythes, mode of superior steel .ind inferior to none—all we--ante?. good, hence the market cannot t_Mer,Lar tie..., both as to price and quality, to et ery person wit may call at the nld stand so well known as h Hardware Stole, tormerly kept by Lewis liar-' lan and nest done to Cornmait's Tavern, and also atUnitotte Gen. Keller's lint Store. ('all and see die oldliteltinited Scythes, hay and ern, Hakes, stud various taller articles whirl' we deem it unnecsary to meal ion, but call - and ex amlor She yourselves, still remember they are all wsrmutted.N. Nire arc tlettrmined to sell at small profits and-give entico,attifsytion.. 0i.k(30i3 SEN ER. '" 'Cbelittle, May 21, 1844. Sitsquettanna Line :2='" vru nuolers!gned, proprietors of the Susque- A. Minor Line of ears and Canal , •Its, return their sincere ihanksto their friends in Franklin 41111 C111111)011111 , 1 comities for past favors, and respectfully inform them that they are now prepared to receise'and forward duilj, via Tide Wwter Caal, Produce and Olerchandize Fhiladelphia and Baltimore. Produce will be delivered to soy house in Phila. tle' plan o Baltimore to which their Boats elm have access. Their agents in the cities are Messrs. 1. Watoirr & N Kell/AV, Vine v t.WharroulthL.llelaware,l'hileilelphia „%lesses..lonn Mcetn.Loven & C 0.,. , lic.,wley's Wharf. flallimore Titer will also to. 'ye and lorwarsl,ilailv, to Pittlsbura a - d intermelllate totals, Freight and Passiolgcrs also for the North and West Branch an Is. J & P NI &11,11N_ Earritiburg, May 1,1844. tft2 Pension and- Gexieral Agency. EORGE M. PHILIPS, late of the Trees: ....,TuryDepartment,liar opened an office in this city, and/ will attend to the prosecution snot , collection of claims before Congress and the several Depaftmon Ce . eminent; such as preemption and other land claims; claims for invalid, navy, Revolutionary. I ,widows,,and hall.paypensions ; for Revolution ary services, whether kir commutation, half.poy. hournynlando for stivicet, during the last wart to the sottlemirt of accounts of disbur. sing .or other olliebrs o`T the Governmenn;—. to the interest of,hiddess fur contracts; oh ruining remission of fines or forfeitures for alle: ged violations( f the revettorr_lawa4eolleetion of private claim.-, sndall business'brought be. fore Cespress or the public offices requiring tl•v a vie.... of an Agent. ensrges will he nrodorate, varying accord: ing to the nature of the business. All letters must 1.3 pest paid. " will also attend to thcsale and rpnt. Ing or .F.JuPep, lqts, he., collection of rents, ,negotinCtig loans. r. • Washi gton D. h. Jung 25. 1845. • ,Osota 'ACOUSI: lor,the'•OureltTESS; ltein-th.:' - .sire,' and also all thliae • dieagreea• u bhp yea, hurting of. invade,. fulling of water, whizzing, of- iteato,••&c: &c., which aro aym oina.of approaching lieulneaa,and'also generally attatidanttaitti tliu dispose, AN Bule by • , . • : S. ELLIOT, ' : Sole Agent fOrEarlialo. ;an 28 • .$1117 1 ,1-1!S Geography; tleogro'niiy, Smith Ilrnynonfor,.. Kilanini'st:Gramomne; Pomatuelee Philneooy, Onnunoek'n. C4eirielty; Holey ',...Alor'Orn; Pnon)•enatlo 6. Mensoratlow 01;. • .`nO,r6- I .‘ 4,;ergenn,l,4..„Parley . .!ii_Oeogeopliy.i . .. Bul.lion , e rOononr Ilurrns's Gin.mmer, Johneon, , e; Pia; ColbOrt , ,N, 't.... ,, ky ,, wittn - eitoell3)-etory - ',..lllnr,Unlird States; !p. be . school' hooks now ItAVERSTICK:-- - .0()4,,‘ aed,t. befOro, the qt , slif,Of ^POI G: V . 2.llll . llo.larther:lndulA.: . .. tine will lieOgwf'!' en and-,All,,outslanty , nc - 0.00 - Ounte. , :, nnuarlie srttlud? 1, •• - • ' w a : - ,-0 A.;LAlxta momoitonent..Of "Wing , and ' i t aiz_tiago' l Whipo on .heri •onaffueosliColioon at , the . Steroneoh,lielfohiffe'y Tfl ANI) r XCARPRW COUSTIC-OILI fliE NILS CURA.fOII DIMMESS 5 UU ..... 8• • .1 - afeatittf, 'mimeo s:s ; . • , irib AysiciAlgs , Druggists. Follerb,. Dyers; ; Jr' .;;Ilifteell ..o o44.:l4PhinitO. And AO/ Aqpil *Pr insialliarPktollotoccaneint i,lt h e!lei dc ; and extensive ,asaorffnent , ; of': DRUGS.' , MEDI 4 CIN . 01148,::,,DirEATUFFS, 01 •EAIII,AItIiaLVVEnfiI,MERY.S 9 ,APf 3 : HA Itfi wARF.,,tLAspi, Jac. latoly.feeeit;ed finterniined tOdgeop ihn:.tieid;..fargeat, ,niittcheappa arnittineaft of any_ flue borough:. Call .and ace your. STEYENOON'IIa iffiter colleen. N0v...120..84570r I. • I have just . ahte. atv for nier stock, eintiating of MED_PCINES PAINTS, DYE , -STUFFS, PER NUMF. and NA NCY A ItTICLES, which I ear either whulet sale or retail, at the lowest prices. • ' S. ELLIOTT.. Mire 21. ' • • / • DRUGS: DRUGS - 1- „Prircs Reduced. ' -- -" - 1 - 4lrgrelii - Ns - , - Ii e-r At a ` FNS and,.PEOLERS are I invited tocall and examine our itnek,Witicti is now.ful I and corn tlete, and is offered at prices as low if not lower than any ;wild's market. ____.Drug - s and 'Patent Nfedieittes, Herbs and Extracts, —'- Fine-Chemicals, Spices,ground &w hole. Instruments, Essences, . Pure Essential Oils. Perfumery, &c. ' Dye-Stuffs. . • Log and Cam-Woods. 1 .011 of Vitriol. • Copperas, Lae Dye, Paints and Vamisheg.* TutHre!, lirnzil Wood, Alum, Wetherill & Brother's White Lend. Chrome, green and yellow,Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window Gass . Linseed Oil, Turpentine, Copal and Coaeli artlsla, Litliarge and lied Lead Whiting and Parish Green, constantly for sale at the old established Drug, Book and Paner.Store of -- Carlisle, april 15 North Hanover . street.' The. New-York Oanton TeaiCo., . IN ADDITION TO T/11618. CLD STANDA, S 9 Cif K5N1.71% 2,1 door below Third street, and 4s NOILTII FIFTH Street, below Dace, Vi i ' , EOPEN ED A STOVE AT ;HARK33;HARK' Street, first door below Ninth street, North side 2 ..ip . ~: OWING to the high reputation which I ;'':' - ' their Tt.As have obtAined in Philadelphia past, the country, for several gents past, it reniains :: , ily to any (list exer tion will he Made to - maintain the liberal patron: age 'which has been accorded them. • The best selections of GREEN And BLACK TEAS are made frontesihs,tiewq and, owing to their great facilities. they. are enabled 'to offer every variety imp?rten,-conabining iii an-eminent degree the qualities of power, delicious flavor, purity-and unrivalleiLelseatineiss. (gyp Ciiv and Comary families and dealer., are re%peetfully requested to . call as above. • philinlelphia, February 111, 846.-3 mo. - . 'Jayne's Family Medicines. A N additional supply of the above valuable Meow nes, consiattog of Javoe's N'apeetorant, 1 . Tonic Vermifuge, Hair Tonic t. Sanative Pala, " Carntinvtive Balsam, Received and for sale by S. ELLIOTT. Agent for Carlisle Bali's Medicated Flaxseed Candy. A T Till'. request of many 'of 1113 customers,the subscriber has converted his famous SSEDIVA FLA %SEED SYRUP Into 11 1101011611 01111 11:1111111 MP CANDY. 110 can assure his friends mid the public generally that in its present s - shape, it pos sesses all its former virtues, and in addition thereto, It has the gt.saif advantage of being in a convenient and portable form. 11 now can be sur -passed by no preparation for the cure of Coughs, Colds Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. It is an eaccllent remedy for Crouti-- children will eat it with 111:111. ity. The subscriber is confider t, from deo impar- MINI success of his Syrup that ,thia Medicated Flats ed Candy will be the instrument of much ;ood to those afflicted with-conglis, Colds, et.c. 0:1X-41-m.14-Drupati Ent. sale tt e Drug . Store of STEVENSON 111 EH A PFEIL': Sole agents for Carlisle. CARLISLE FEMALE' - SFMIN I _ARY. uNDER_Tim-DIREcTioN uF &bees Phebe and Charlotte Paine. EXPENSES BOARD, with fuel, lighti and,washing, will be furnished to young ladies at 82:25 dur lig the:summer_ months, and 82 50 during the winter months. TUITION. Common English Mad am', as Geography, Iliattay, :Grammar. Arithmetic. Reading and Writing, per m.. . . $5,00 • Aetronerny.,_Algebre,Geonietyv, Nat. oral Philosophy and Engifill Compost tion, Hieher branches, as Botatty,.Chemis. try, Rhetoric, Mental and Moral Philos.' ophy, the Language*, Drawing , Paint. ing, Sto.wiltinvolve an extra Charge Of 2,50 L•seane in Instrumental Music, by Prof. E. IL.Welkor, for In extrachargo of 12,00, The. Tuition Will ho requited quarterly and the price of Board-auditltiffn advance; and no deduction 11111110 for absence but in case ofsickz nese. To, the boarding schriare, the. use of a very excellent•piano it furnished without Charge end ar-angeteenriihave also been made for fur. eidtig twe or threintaditiomitimardera - willr he gratuitous ustrof test•books, if desired.. The next quarter:of this Whoa' opens witF the first dtty of January next, and being:am:Mg oae whirtrvit. rhid—daughtetist4n-thisZnihool during the last year, we -avail eeriness of this 'rneens•of expressing to the'pablio, and especial., tn the: citizens= of ibis sud the , adjoining _counties, ont ruilvOnriettonLthat of a ,vpry . high order are tiers afforded for the, Od: tutationtot dead, as are scarcely 'excelled - 1i the' country. rite intelleetnal &en. is 'Systematist nod 'thott ....ON:While the, mannais,and :morels n f t he `pupils ere Most' eitiefully a r rid.;l43o%yleage, We fool iintirely f nonfideetilkreden:lnneMilflir tithe (#.Paktlint l l . 4 .l 4-3runld.:aatuire a. suitable othicating - thairtdinghtirs. , w.. , • '• :•.:Mt UALDWIELL. • • t; W: Mall ODLE, ' • ''.4....A•.•GE1114 , -• ,;• ; •J .OIIN MeCIAF,'FRIEV I ; 141tiv, 26 1841 '`` ..l •l, 4,1 ,; • , • womiprix. eicry!verlatvAilli!purchasee ifio4oool. lielegteitablishineutt in,l4lla i‘ 'thophi". t d u pfr oce ired ancrforiale' at 00 VA* i' - pyil;Ptirfpi4ir 400 'cif 'Eftiveh tbbqictMebeiffilyl— " i't- -- Vel - 40-PoNciticstAS , n 0(00 gilviii,k4piircuai im9 1 AP...,0 11 1. eiql;',;:rii!tmial444 l of paoli•villtDek.m.a.rrented.. , ; • z. I. • Etirvensiim &,AtehisZip'.'l, of ,- . --- ii01i ..i.± 1;111 ..-f ie ,, ,,,,, 201 , 0 — in :0fi 1 : , ...-. ci viiiit s -2_ 7 1.. , : ~.,. Irtire,cumereklmirD.N,Au,ex , Canityi . s e t tiiiiiiiiitmoii v ir •PnoTEcTessucto ,42.71 f, Wi ll he la i s t eriithe 'dkiwetlop ,dr.itlesSolll4Wlelablaird . 01 timers forth ariinvyeaNviit 1110L-Upiide 4 1 altitilre*kirtfiesi tt: G o i le d .P.,114111 e i,Sans. iiol GalhAlthr;Philiplipabglq, , Williiiiti , Moael; .. A Withatti Koine, Ilan 11 1 01; Ablatitl vAil AeKiatiojr. Tlieee • areal W•iiatabed-ot • Agents appointed. in the , a djinient eonntteii;Whe ialtrWeseiwealipSeattnns-for latorsinee and Ion; warddlietit iammidtatAy focir bpi towel io the offitw' tddlie:cittapang;oohen the policy will be harm& -W-1 1 41 Idydellag . .: fit! a, farther inloirsution'aee the . •r • ' A. , 0 x., - , ,dit.LETI ..Atratmest,',Seei*. .- . • - Tint' TOllO wing ,genilemen been appointee AGENTSs • 4 •rz. r. rige,eßrtish., Pr..lra Day, Ateslianicablirs. George Spindle, Eq., Monroe. L. 11. %Yitiurve.Esq.3VestpenetbursiJ Jan. M. Menns,Esq., Neiadiurg.' John: Clcnirrnia, Esq. llogestown. Stephen Colbertton,Oldpperiiiburg. March 11;184E' DELAWARE MUTUAL INSURANCE COIL , OF 141114ADELPM14%, On the :Mutual • Insurenitie nciple, conibined 'with a large joint-stock• Capital. Premi ' redmed to nearly half the usual rates. U Y the Act of Incorporation the sleek -is .111 pledged for the payment of tiny losses' which the Comm!nrynty sustain. And seen additional . seenntO to the assured, "the net re.. 'quite! that the profits of the business shall be 'fended and remain with the corporation, as a guarantee and protection to the insured against tam. This fund will be represented by' strip issued by the Company, bearing interest notes. cceding six per cent. Or annum: Tho insured ors entitled tcr.a pro rota share ofthe profits of' the ConiriaW;Tirid dill recelye - that proportion of the aforesaid fund in scrip, widen the amount of corned premiums paid by him, bears tOthe total sum of earned premiums and capital sleek. • . The scrip thus Issued, to be transferable on • the -books-40.th° Ccirepany-as-stock.---- No dividend of scrip can be made when the losses and, expenses caved the amount of earned premiums. The 'lnsured are protected from lois at the ciistpittary . rates - of . premluins, without any. individual- 44'14'0y or reeponeibility for' the hisses or expenses f .the Corporation; The assured hays all the rights of -memhership, can vote at all elections, and are eligible as Directors of the Corporation. ' The subscribef has been appointed egent for this Company, .and on the mutual prindiple is superseding every other 'mode of Insurance, lie would confidentlyrecommend it to hiis friends and the pubha. . The North American Company has closed their_Agenty,--Thosse. having policies expiring ire that office can -have them renewed in the Delaware Compan y on _mork_faysroltle terms. For full partfculars enquire either by letter or person tS JOHN J. MYERS. Carlisle, September 10, 1845.—1 y. n=llli=l OF I'HILADELFIIIA, Charter Terprtual.--4141)0,000 Capit a l pa id in Office 163 k •Chesnut sired. . • M AU:INS - UN A NCF.,either permanent or 1 im tedolgainat loss or damage by fire,on PROPERTY V Ild EFFECTS of evt description, in. town or Conntry,ob the nuestselisinnible terms. 'Apni lea floes made either personally or by letter, will be promptly attended to. ° C. N. 13ANCKE1., Prost, - • Rattled hisurance Reduced ! . - PERPETUAL RISK. Brick.or Stone dwellings or stores • from ' J.. ..,.,... .. ....eh.to 3.. p c depos do -do Chirelles -- -- el to -s • (to do do Taverns 5 to 4 do do do Barns 4 to 5 do do do StSblet ( private) 4 to 5 do do do Stables public) 6 to 7+ do •do do Grist Mills, Water • Power, 7} to 10 do ANNUAL R /SA: Brick or Stone dwellings and. Fu rniture from 30 - to 40c XlOO value do do Stores and Meridian dime 95 to 50 , do •• do do.Tavertis and Furniture • 40 to 60 do do do Barns,and Contents . 65 to 75 do do do Stables (public) )11 . 00 to 450 do do do Grist Mill and Stock " 75 to 80 do Frame and Logdwellings Ihd Fur niture 50 to 75 do do do Stores' and Merchan dise 65 to 85 do do -do Tavcrnsand Furniture 60 to 100 do do do Barns and Contents 00 to 100 do do do Grist Mills and 'Stork 90 to 100 do The subsea er s sgrn or he above cooly for Carlisle and its siemit. AU applicationsfor •uursiose either by mal lor persomills will be promptly attends.* to. " W. D. SEYMOUR. ' W . ' ' • ••" r ly-33- ALLEN & EAST PEXXSBOR °UGH - MUTUAL - fIREINSURANCE - COMPANY. THY Allen and ha stpennsborough Muinal Fire Iniaraince CompaifyofCumberland Connty,in anrporated by an act ofAisstipbly; is now folly or ganized And in operalloiffinderthe management of toC following commissioners, viz: Cht.Staynian,Jacob Shelly,Wm R Gorgas,Lewis flyer, Christian Titzel , M wheel Hoover, Henry . Logan,Miohael Conklin , Benjamin H Musser,Levo Merkei,Jacob Kirk,Melchiorßrenetnanand Sam'l Prowell. who respectfully call the Rituqiion of the - citizensofCumberland and YorkcountiOslo the ad, vantag - 0 -- i- whit!) the 'Ocfnipsfily — lailiroW. - 7 The Mites of insurance are as low and favorable asany,Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the company who are willing to wait upon them afany_time. . JACOB SHELL), Pres't. 111tettAst !loom:4.190e President. Lewis Secretary. Michael 'Cocklin Treasurer . QM AGANTS. 11,Ilohael Itoover,Gentral Agent, Mechanicsburg. Rudolph • Martin, Nilmmberland township.' M Conklin, Alien township. . Wm R Corps, Allen town& Christian Iritzel,Allen teen Jonr C Dunlap, Allen township. Peter tlarnhart,Etist Pennebeiro' townikip. • David Martin,Cluirshtowni C. D.. Harmon,' Kingittiww, ' I Iffenry_Zearing; Shireinsinsto VP Bimon,Oister, - YVorntleyshorir, , - • Dr: Jacob Baothroari; Coracle, ' ' Jinob Rirk ;General Agent for York CoutdyiNew -HenryCumberland .• " • •• . , • ry l i ,opn,-Yorklconnty. John talhe,rrink.'Nork.ocnintv.. . Johttlßankim ;York. county. : , • T" , Denier Bally. York county. " , -. 1 0 1,,Dowman, Ircir4. county, e , . • Phhip DreekhiP;Pumberli.nd cOn,ir• - Dikeet C 'Bloeret o S: township perfltlier eqents Si 3 added heeeiDee. - „ 'Jure 5r,3.. E ROY AL . ; !Xi tJ E uriderolgeed.ivonlit iispeettiilll, inform hie' friends .end the 'public. in gonerel, that f:ESTABLISHMENTp • frothiinjo i er irt;v4 le•the houen;foimekliiii.the - 646 1 40 - 03 i•V Mra. Perising,:trie: door! tveit••of tittiveniimit ,Mehtiffey!e:Drtit..Btord4illieetly opposite the ' Min lon • 4.4i150 Hotel, where .he • 'ciao and • Mair be'ffitind'W'nett npen . hile lormer th - Me'incti 'Mine to " him iiiretiMti:itrrien'eiltuninTi:•!.. would aie ava)l 'ref isiO hirt* lr tk ir to - Nor iiin&Patrtentheir •0 1 04', smioujigettsiliki,:lin#";l6llo* , the oontiriu 7 mums . of thelutilvOree' fir; ' I ,A.i.ci te p t i i i i 4ollo4 , legir 7• • ,•- • ! - "CEtt"tAiiiiiiiMiliNt""' . : .... 4 „, . , 1 , 7 It 1iii:.....-ci-vliii4iiii:::-..k6drziii*quE .. . 1 --, , ,. ~,, ..; c : ,' ORDER - ,OF,`:-TILLDAY I" • .'- .. ' 2-,-.';',,,,,-,",,,,',,,,,,,-,:u,,.‘,. ,I:c.--,...,..... - , ~ ... :Aciiavwfvfc,p.A . t. ~..xr k !wan , ' Irliiiling.:. tir; : „:ikhialfing Corn -redder, w ich entifely cliViiiiidtsfil *he videctionst here. " tefefe MIO/1090 11 40j14nd grinding rot ithA., 4n r , co Pa , Volitl iiti 4 I ini. „The subscribenstrive r, the aatisfatition'UNitintroining-tutim agviCultd.' 4 rn 41, - ectoiinitYciliitAheylitie iniiiliweed,the' , right of niabialketarint and +veridtagrahe olitiiii , .intrittiened machine dn,ConStierlatid dionfikticenti' ,alett that" it ‘ is : ii 'anehimilli ittunititiiiit et Voilic,`! • Pa,f, , ,Etiery difficdlty ..to.:its ipertketo ettieution, tiaiing,‘Mtd tallit;,iamounted; they find ' 14;*. ' i ranted' in .staiting that it hi tiles irMidelionuMiiiii and excellent invention ortbedayliir thiperf s j pose i 0 which' it , iir , thisigatitl: ,, FM.' durability . ;and. pnwer,. it ims,no:equel inAinfilltinly 'ma- i chines presented, to the publidfor:theieemn 01). 1 ,sect ; . f i nd. all scientificsnen:Macheivistsgmbehan-.1 tea and farmers, ivlio :examined. ori- meted. it: j give their verdiet in its favor. • Its seperiority: .eimeieht in this,-that it may be used -by steam, ' horse, water ur hand „power, that it is snore ea. siiy kept to ardor, and it performs its cutting and crushing by the same operation and does the work in dperfect ,manner. It is a greet i saving snachine both.tp 'odd% and labor, as by ' the operation of it the Wears con snake gond feed of tbe whole cornstnek from its root to its top. as it and grinds or. strUsliee the stock eo finethat horses, cattle, or sheep, consume the ' whole of it; consequently it, enablei thdfarmer to seed fide head of 'Unveill cattle, ur sheep, to one with theSerne quantity of fodd er, and - makes letter and.slrungar kerb . 'With this machine One man eau' cut Cora Oadder iniaßeloni, to feed ten head et ca4lle in twenty minutes, and when attatched to bogie power can. cot or grind and crush' in fifteen minutes *efficient to feed Fily head of cattle.. For cutting hay - or ertnte:tbevii is 'nothing ellin t etpuil to it. For its simplicity and usefulness, i . t, cdramendsitielf at once to the farmer, and only requires to be seen to be duly appreciated: . . . . NEE Tbe.maoltine may be etratnined and purchas. ed ofeither of-the undersigned• •At the Plough Manufactory of-Jacob-Plank, in Monroe town. ship, Cumberland county, or at the Futindary of Franklin Gardner, Carlisle, Pa. . • • JACOB PLANK, FRANKLIN GARDNER Carlisle,Decemher'l7;lB,ls,—tf. 4501.ZP,TMgVEZE30 Cotthits, Cold's, Asthma, Bronehith; Liver Com Spiting Blood, Difficulty el' Pain is the Side anti Breast, Palpitation of thelfeort;lnfluenzla,Cringt, Bro.' ken Constitution, Sore Throat, Nervous Debility, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast and Lungs, the most effec tual anti speedy cure ever known for any of the above diF ease% is Ult. SWAYNE'S COMPOUND SYR UP OF WILD CHERRY—ANOTIMIt WON DERFUL c:une, OF CONSUMPTION. ,PRovinattea, R. 1., Sept. 20th, 1845. Da.Swavani—iDesr Sir.-1 feel : collet! by a - tense - ofiluttr - 1 -- d*Vetts - liilleAtwlitntratity7terac. - knowledge my grateful thanks for the wontlerte' -effeent 4, 6l-your "COMPOUND • SUNUP OF WILD CHKIIIIY" on me, after linvia; stiffct ed months after, months with the Most afflicting of ell diseases; Consumption, witli_scarcely a ray of hope; Or a "beacon light" to guard me aga mt.. my own horrible fOrebodings. 'f he circumstances which first led me to the am ful state of Was from taking a very heavy cold, which secpwtl to, fie itself upon the lungs, a hick grinhiallv grew wbrse..with prteuse night sweetie kicking cough, oppression, in the breast, spitting blen d , a all great general delvility. My - constitution scrim d broken down, and nervous system very- much im paired, with alt`the symptoms of •confirmed Con sumption. 1 went to Philluirlphia,and w, Itrent, ed there by physicians of the ,lit A liest reapretu biiily,but still grew worse, until they slice me up as incurnble, and olvised me to go Smith, hot he ing very, poor, of . hising so mesh time from my work, and hosing spent all my money or 17:1•• Nous "Patent Me in:niers" a Win were recommen ded so highly the algh the mec'ium of the press, was unable to liik their ativire. -- Brinfra-renr , -, her of the Order , 0dAyeti0,,i b m,,,,4 3 1 1 44v me with money wialf send -me to tuy friends in Saco', Maine. I was treated by Om, clans of the highest standing there, but receive( • no benefit whatever from them, but gradually grew worse, until my physicians and myself gave opall hopes of my ever recovering, and I telt like one who Is about to pass through the valleyofthe shadow of death. At this "awful junciorg,"l hentd of your .COMPOUNDSYRUPOF WILD CHERRY,' and knowing you tp be a regular practisingphysician in Philadelplda, gave me more con fi dence in the ,medicine, so 1 concluded as a last resort, to make a trio; of it. I sent to your agent in Boston, and purchased one bottle, Which'relleved me 'very mock 1 then procured two bottles more, which I am happy to say en tirely cured me, and I am now enjoying better health than I ever have before in my life. It seemed to hove n beneficiul eff%oct at once. I gained strength rapidly, althougl. reduced- to n mere skeleton, and 1 feel SaliSfit tl from its salu tary effects in my own CAM, that Dr. Swa)ne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry will cure sesy case of tlisensed Lungs, it taken nem ding to the prescribed rules enotained In the pamphlets ac companying the medicines. Es en the pity sharps who witnessed my ease are highly recount it leg it - in similar eases—and I wish vnu to ma •e this public, so that others who nre sal•rinens have been, may know where to procure a remelt'' , at first,. which will mach their disease, without tampering with and raining their enusetutiinis wit It e many qa • . • tit-which-tit ,whole country is flonded, , perpareir by persons who have nor knowledge of the science of medi cine in theory.or...tireettee,buirare got up merely • ' with • mercenary vtew7. lam a Scarlet naember.of else. Hope Lndge of O. P.. in Providence R. I.,and 'will be happy -tq give any , inforrnation-ityrirtid-toLtlie-eficaer ofyour medicine, and can give - ample rictiar Itilillt my ease is not exaggerated in the least. ALBERT A ROSS. Toth.. H. SWAYNE. N. W. comer Eighth and Rase streets, Philadelphia.' • CAUTIoN.—The iniblio shawl(' be rn their atiamlagainta the mant "Realms" and ...Mixtures" of W Hsi merry, *Melt have sprunpip in all parts of, the country t pui porting to be prepared by physicians,all of which willbe found to be "tiilsel' by a little inquiry in the: towns and cities y they originate 7 -A li-cirtificateeatid statements. in ;nerd to Dr. awAyp_OlCompoundsyrup of Wild Cherry arc "strictly true," told the proprietor is daily recleving them•trom persons v..) base been cured by the celebrated 'remedy. Thi, (original goal only) genuine article is only prepared by. DR. SAT AYNE4N, W. corner:,ol,Hlqlllll., and RACE Sireetii, Philadelphia. Remember, - -alt permeation orWild Cherry are fictitious and counterfeit exiss,pt thrt bearing ; the written sigunttAw of N,Flainittos. The ;only agents, in. Carlisle are MYERS' tr. 'HAVER.. STICK:and.STEVENSON'It MEIIAFFY, and MARTKILI.7,4 Harrisburg. ; :; - - -- THRAtoOR , ROMPOUND SYRUP'OF TAR •.' . . - •-PiD-WOO i ' '.. ' ;'', ''' -PERSONSAti'L Philadelphia alo n e, 1 n,wonderflii C ffi cicy. 000 _ca ies I • .tify_tottui of that 'paws:fur riamedp; I'HOMPSOPS . .COMPOUND uSYRITPOOPAr.- TAR , -- AAI r i!, WCKIN:NAP:T r ifoiLLIIatiI 1_,Read.1 , ..,' fAittin -,ibbinCoure'ot Chronic Broochittil, : •t' .: ,-, J ~, 1.'.: • or ; j•4 l tillidelphii;ll,lby'23, I f1.;!4;.'1.' .v.. , ...llr:l3:!l i nowraosj-thinr!flir:' For Mori thin . ibujijo i ri - ' , ;Fiait 1. hid• hie n'divii.d flilliallibied with an affectioiiiirthelliroat. , Whiele!.nry.'pliy., 1 siciaw'pronounted _Ol. Chroiiiii:Branchitilq. cti us._ 'ed 4,:rolibiitclirfidjiiiitiiifed - Ciiiiho die. tress ardfaralls indincritabla: - ,:kis .".wont was littereilly 4a* bath" violent: coughing, leo; that liloadirould , como - froinit: ilsW - , griat' , ofipresJ . ,airmi.pairi lud:tiehtnesi at' thif;cherit iihnlfOrei- • —lnchon skill's: liwialliainntiritP L SYlWptiifs, I iihOired theinselicii;ShOwbdtharuisfreii,bausloir. ; Ontirolosi;of neceilearyiblicisciiiY throat was leenhed a!' tdiatired over .lial oVer'aiiin. - I made' trial'of eveiry 'k ii oirri Ire Maly, and at di f. Archt,pariods had ths_CdvicO of qictliisicibpq . 'brirl'ilril , fh' • no 'PaviiiliTAliiiit two ' months. Ishicej adds trial hf yinir Carifialid sykip .9( , Tdr , and:Mo.'idllfSjithii;'init borabl:Wa dis ken. the 'firif hoithil faltivilidt."ll bcatinnediiiitlll' had takanCeeren battles; 'Whieli' ConiUtably , rir‘;• t mused t itho'diseace . ...androbtpied.. ma. teare r ebt .health, and l ,ll.4lrlmly Anthil:lr 11. should not br. *Ali iln,g,i l l!d:A!.., no,!ien• ' r9r , l2Putrilvahl kh' l 1rd 1 0 11 ..:'! . .,., -- .1 . ..i . .1-, J ' . . 4 ,1 1 / 11 I p tgiigr' II : I •: ;: -,-.' .-;;; - 1-71-- - --t-;-nr-----... r i pitivat*P.o —: 4 1, , iiiiiiiiit'7'illineeq-N.-**.nslrofMitiend; ...,Rior9StitOitli.:44 3 i s 9;;RlVsMr4 o o l l o c Wt.„,,iiiiiiiiii''6iiii.tvtii; , 10.t 4 it, : tti idmtayrryi',. ~ .-..•:'?:, . .., :.: - t - 1 .'5.4;.' .Il.', ' ''. '• ' •• - - • TOJAMPESa - • to IUFt.-DJKAX.TDItIf so, you? .Bir m the tame, est anti worst ofllicaciotts affections lotiretten to all, from groafaitorsons down to the DR. I.IOID , PS DARSAf.ARILLOD .•;";•* 4 7 #4?1,&1 1 175CS c 54 . 011 4 fritiENT.' • ‘• • • • • • • - •, • • PATENT WOUNI WitLi C• •. DII.ILEIDN'S MEDICATED ..EXTRACT QF SARSAPAz •:Thii x e vire t .-rofeliciom, onixorsxlly ',known° odd 013411_9,,yed tbrcioghoikAic.4„boiied .9bitex, Mexico,. the •• - • Proimrethus they ire, by Dr. N. D, reguhir l'hvgicionTtOtrsolf to by Drs. Clini - 00, Jackci?o, - 5.41.xmc, Donner' • Here, riwick,Doxi, 'D.Civegie,.3-arcx, Abov, 'lll. lieloOrey,..Doberi ►drixO,'E.' scc., beeipOlio..ed Vith oidi e''•Mbllile'nee tlieit menial iietiptelyarirby' the iuralaiftil send iloimotot; are The .bely.,Pi I e4miet enee: corygti iißg Sersl)- AvviOilefrnitecerptroduceti by that Ilan:ie. • tiFAVAIit or st , uptots Inas prepared by otherstailed 110stialPrils,74littrify 24e.;whiett are at 'tempted to be palmed on In the public on- the reputation of "'Or. only trite mid geattine Sarsaparilla taken() Other , than, 'Ur. - , for they possess all the virtues can be cornbinkd in Pills, whether as a purgative nr. general mrifier of the I it and fluids 'en - the hotly, requiring no restriiWom oceimillion, us toll coulter lof liruag, or fear limo eximsure, and may he employed with, mud safety at ail times, by YOUNG ANI) Ohl? . MALE AN!) FEMALE, .TH ntlditinn to more then five hundred certifi c.niettnief ng Len n lierethtore iftddithed, their in evensing Maus m.ll 411111itiitl, in strong proof in their fatm•; mnre than Cite liithilPed Roses are Rotel daily tut Dr. Leialey's !feal!) Kmittwiunt,und ithnunnwistlichntit tiw United gimes. Gost--u 25-eENT9 - A Wix.-- And 3 on It ill hike one . Or more, na moo be neces sary, neenri,liuk. , to your dist...alt and the,bnigth tounli motley t, ill be &Wed in itoctors bills, nod instead ni trt ink the cnrieue Quad: itt,o furred bpbn the public by fhl an reasoning, um( nUtnuthetureil cur tinextes. - Directions in liermon nil English DR. LEIDY'S_ • Vegetable Worm Tea. is Tim MOST OPULAR. • Resides being the. safest. best, and tnnst effectual destroyer of ,worms now in use. Ti ((((( PllllllB in PilllBl,4lllR, as well as elsea here, can testify In it, as it lies been used in almost every other fem= it) in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, - To avoill - ttle great expense of publishing cer tificates of its etHeitey, Dr. Leidy would suggest to those who Intse -nut used it, to ask I eir. neigh bors who have, and they as ill he fhb,. satiified. • Parents that once inn oditei .1 /r. L.eitty 's Worm Tea in their families as ill nevi r use any her- , -- so nlettsent-so safe even for infants, and of ways elTvei • It is put up iii 125 ond 23 rein packages. Tetter and Itch Othtmmits, 'Never fails curing till diseases of the ‘lltiti, m o t nn 'Teller, Itch . ri - h t ..-aormita-ltry--$lllll- Wilk IT ill Mill 'n pf ille PIMA?, K . rek and lintls Salt-Itlictini. Scaled:l lead, ktt 'Sm • . • . li has bleu-fused Icy niunernns-Freltnolß. Facto. ties, honed of teasels. nI4IIIIIIIIiCS %.all imi ”1... ii itl,-.I limit ~.,7 ~, Thousands could -testify In it ltv cell:lie:des t ut f:el a delicacy is, Intblialsintt their names it - l)titnexion- with din tliscas,ta of the akin, some n %Nell, ate even consitlei•ed dimeneeftd, I chidell.-----;•lnatintonae-and.Aatitgtettble.--3:41,-d-I—dn,..- t • It.l d IR. 7 . :•' . • - 25 CTSi-PE.41.-BCre-T-LE. .:. • . , et '•.•.''•• . I‘.l\ra ,•• ~ 'f 4 ..i . i , - * ct i .4_ --1 ' . 1: , • 4 -C \ . ' t,' %if tai 11?/. , ,,; . , :- ' . . -,- ' - ' , •\••\7 t<," - .7.. , Zik r '' : .y . , e• - : - .....-;:fr'j'.'•• \ ' ' . , . -:•., . ~.,, ^ (IR dui little sufferer's friend. A n entirely 'I e- V,/ g - ctitlile s- preptinition, for the destruct: of %I. Orme. — A dvice te-cnoilionW.- ---.!4% Si ilt ll' ill time sags nine." .:Ktiovring our - Wiwin - Sy nip to he the %cry hest medicine for destroying wornos, noir in use, we would say to you, of your children _should attpear_pate and emacia . latest, with offemt sive breath pain itt the joints and hullos, vora cious appetite, blosteoLstonsteb, suttee starting in their sleep with fright, and servitiniog, sense ot sometliint rising in the throat,ikbing of the arms, squeamishness, fits, hatiliell, Elle., imineflititelLnlo. taiu it bottle of llobensack's worur S . , rap, let' ier ...training you will tot enty sate ..ii stitch in ' :," 1 hut bring hack joy and liculth where reit:twit so r. ISM HMI distal et hot nineli suffering sool loss cot life we sec o through to nom of proper 'Attentionn and proper remetlios; 110.rvinre, lel it he the ditty of mothers, in ease any of their children should slipw any of die shove sy mptoims, or procure imotoolei. ately• , the proper remedy-Atilt r.-needy is in Het. lictisock's Worm Syrup, ii medicine 111111 hits let t Wii It complete success. omit cures where every other has entirely Toiled ; In which 11111111•1,1119 vet I 1 ficates of highly respectable persons testily See pampltleist ' Niessrs..l. N. & C. S. 1 loliensitek o—Geolletneot Unsolicited, I send pot this testimonial concern. itog your involiiiiltle Almlienied %V rain Sp .lop.— From early itifimey , my dangling., now a child lit 111 months, has Inch here' 3. filleted it itlo %Vomit:, causing' Maly the most severe no il distre , sibpi plains. At 11110.% the would Its 01100 st frtuld'e, trill iwrfeelly tationnagt able ; would rim op and dew it ' . die floor, and knock herself unconsciously against tie wa a. • ig7time-ae-v.,..e-igtawatit-of— , Ate eituse--al length ucim; impt eased at uli the Le , lief Haar worms were the cause, we commenced giving se versil medicines tier such a complaint, from a hteh'llie child derived no benefit a lintever. . As.a,miltttr of,enttrse, she was much *retliiiird in fleih.-aiiii-liad-All7the-symptems-of-sucli. a--corn plaint. ACcidentally meeting with one or yaw. emulate,. we' were induced to try your ",raittlicine. Webad not usedf it Dili it few Clays befot e a great 'many worms were lirought.frorn her, one t full six Indies in length; vid mores, varying-inane front one to four inches, I need scarcely nilildhat the _Add was speedily -relieved, and abet too before welted used (tile 25 .cat 6(110 of your. Worn'. Syrup. si?6 is-nOw entirely lice from those lis t .essieg ludo?, soil doing well. I feel I hot it would be uokinoloess oil me part to withhol I from - -.- . . . . ~_ _ ton and the conlintlitity thus information. I Oil, ir ET " ; ‘,ll the wo od l a k e not i ce . mid inc„„ful. ilicerfore, unliesitaihogly reroonfileilit 'Yaw i‘leili .l4lnot to burthelstiger coated] improvill Indian anted Worm Sy riip ns• a • int divine polsessloig ill- Yegetable Pills, unless every box inns - nfi it the lier-exeellent qualitios.• Very IleSpeestpliv, written signature. of the original inventor and ” • • ' C. HENRY PLUMSIEIt, 'patentee. - ' n , 'lllitilater oldie Gospel, ' • G. Bdidanzi it Smi 1 lir ILL D. Mar shall St. I tleor below lirown. ry one ton' of this arthilto will .enovince the . , . These pledsont Pills unitsess poWers fh open Mod sceptical of its impreeetlitited viruses, and .Ilist,.the natural drains ol the sv stem—viz : tire the money will be rebottled .111. all cases if it , Lungs, Kidneys, fikin and [towels—hitherto lull. 511001111011 in giving satisfatt ion ~ . . ftowwiti4he'petiettce of Alt:dictum; aid 500001. , PIiI4PAIIED ONLY 11Y• . itletillasbecstaheir tritnutplt over all other nutpl-, ' J. N.A. .G. El.• 1 - 110BENSACR.. mines many.tillVe -- been little suppose tifey . , .„. .. . . .. oontiiiiiitime' poweatil itilifeild I but upon Clain: N. E.• PM& ill Bthl ' ' Green s u s - hid. inatiun by P4tors*Cliiltou,..ltundolpli, IlinitiOg.' ' r ' - mice St, CititaierltUttle;, Ain ail.othonfthitiso'ni,9o444:o4Likucq peeved . Aliberal distoOnt midetelsholeside pUreliiivers. - .''qOlt :iii,.NeW , '.7lrorli;:sit iNe..iirieliipal Of 179 • .or satilikalesalespid , resaill ti:TL1.X.'...601 - 6'. 4. f:reOoiliolestrret;t4 silsiily 111YElprtillAV. Hobensark,•Druggiiis sitill - Apcdheeprkl: N.,i - „ii.: E4STlpl,"sol.e.#4Ootii„for,prijile.. Comer of,Sreand.antLeoitositrootsitttitaileltatio, ... . .., witer:Sto!!k,OPOrsiThiAitglill..hiretiiii44).l4 'Mott '' .. '_--.' ' JA I - ........... - 2___" ',. ' '..''' ' '. - sirmere - mor : be. tOmpi r rit,wo4- - - - liiiiii,LAMic.._J. ... ,• . .. s•:w.wag.samtgge:'..;.ase. ~.. ~..... , b ,,,, , ,, ha spiriiiiithiti_ - _ , v.wiliiitidi,i -, .w.,... L ~....:•.• „,.„„.4,... - i ,,b,. - ,,5,....., , ,,• „, , el;' stir. every, eithiroirite)i id' Jhe bitilitesit, Dr.ll.V.'Atid 'l4l'iti4.' ' l' • ~,..- ,c -..'... . • 7. ',..- ' '.., odic& lowertlion 'al Only .6therestliblislituent in, Sir i:::::The, -- . bci.of Eir. Sti.bill's Sttgo'' `r, ewe; Oro titre , -., 7, ~ ,. , i 1; - ~'., , ''.1...,:. , • ~i . ,. :.._ , inttorokikini4ioyegetiiblei Pills I.poratiosedrof , •c'The. l4o, :ditifili 'Monti afroli;or-LitiletSoffer--- •• you;',l6lli6l:i#'..triontlisliOjit; Ifound la:their lip. er?. \ FriOnd, ie for :solo 41, the: li rloei pal, Drug 'placid on-to%mrsan (of aljiout. 15 . ) earsc.of 'age& Aluref; 'PA kr .i otirekeepors generolllyi pill,p , or: the- most,h4jipy - effect-oit'llie is stem.-He-had heel). '*ei i i i ii i _ t e drS t a t e " r i" 'O• - ' ' '•• ' ' ' for - soine years.very !Icite tojnalili*, • And cm "v- . l , br stroliepatitsleatribertitorotoret or-L . , , much - subject. to fever' ;Ind ",itliilll2',.,..o.ntueh,so 11, ,! 1 ,4 . -;: ! ! ! ,[;,: !,..PT,EVENSONviItAIKPArrij 't to oreite 'llarinfor ' hiii future litralith: , .And ;for • . .- • ' 409 ' '3,.;;1PL110 - r,',.' two' Or three ',•jtetaFs-iie,.lliittio„.iltecit-bint•from ' ..V Or'eale iii'H4e*own;liil,4 it.lt:.' - k.cO'LlE milli:nil. the, m ost Of 114 tinie.„,,r4pt:oow;:fOok to' likUlentiiy!etlgoi... thil'.ifirriji4iV-4,atalruit4,4,4 Illy hialtlitindm 110 ProiliucrOpis pirrtilUOutferuoy -nient-!... . Prinalpatollice;i it) Gt , epatleli . 4.o - Ntikilii'k. ..'''Ot!cUTlON:•;•.•4\s'ai'rfaisefible iniltillbli .liita il e 0 u , uutilw hi ; the usance.of Sugir Coated Pills, it 14'411uogillryritaaefuurelilkut .Dr: a -Benjamin rilt.ltsylgatiture in owit,ieliom -- 59 11 iiiit.Stvcentc ---:- .?,:iikgeourfOr Elm it hit Soior toited.tl'illei ~ 1 . .. ; . 7 ,, ; ..lioogo0own,J014.».8:•11:Colale„,/ • L.. , ::. , ...., . 1 ,,:.4,100pt0w0, Poley li.Glinsur , . I i 1 .'. , . ..sty Lnlldatillpitiil.W. , .0‘.1 . i. iiN-, f. • . :...: 'Pi. i:,, ~ii; i ~ Medicated Sarsaparilla is hi far the stfongest pre paration of Sarsaparilla extant. as has been irr fluently tested heti' 6y its elTerts :ilid analysis It is hod taking the.place of °Wolin, preparstions because of .its rflicaeat y, I tottnert•in; eertifirate• being published from time In tifni9iond becanse of its superior sleet Oh :one bottle bikihg: etrud to six junta of rap of StlrSaliarilla, or two Lutt let. of any other extract it 04 erinsetrently ;) the lieu and cheapest, requiring less lei be taken, mid root ing less. being sold at „ItOf FOR A SINCI.F. 1110 - 1 11114t.i:.;.• $2 50 Ton 1 oast'. BOTTLE i , • $4 lot Six Bottles. It is particolarly recommended or all RIR 0- 11111 i 1410!e001.5-; ItCl.oosSores nl the !Cott., Throat nr Itody ; hisi saes of the thaws r I/he:l ees of the Liter, Lungs. Spleen and K;d urr i Allections of the skin, rr n lireakiog nit of dry ; tul-water tint de-s-oLthe Pace 0• • „ d Boil Scrofula, Erysipelas, Cons' ottodounl diser.ses ay s ing from the use of tnerenry and other-minerals, S.l philltio and Venereal Afiielious,atsell us the greatest purifier of the Blood And -Fluids of the bOdy that has ever been disc:mere - 0; • Dr. Lehly . thv proprietor, offers. to refund the "munetuttisfatorrprnpriegivenolltelnefficaty, or ovvii nisiiiiona„prowwg pnti ve : . • • *nreneral - Depot for thuabovernedicinri, Dr. Leidy's Health' V.mpnrion., No. 191 N. Yull 01... near. Vine St., (Sign of the Golden Eagle and Set, puts) Pliilhdrlpb,s, lo EA ItI.ISLE by STE VEN SON at 51 EH PFEY.. Caloher 15, 1045. DP.. G.BSMITH~S SUGAR,COATLD P CAUTION TO ALL ! *.iiFRESII - 412tIFOIEN , SEED$;, , , , rliAl.fiEl,:?Aind loot itpllii:ltiitoillALAN o 1, - - Eli /Claire and chi:olio Ibi-'ot,r . te lit 'tat •v 6 variety 4 . , . qua y, rem t therlim ivsr.receited Jat the old stind , 6ll4l: - ,Htt.li. (A.gey,lide,Wptil z; 1.1146,„ .. . ..... - --• - "--7 ''. ii- - ,-DICTIVX — SW --.. 7 • COIMIKIfIiIIOKSILIVIDP- OF - ' - ''''W - AtiI . 'WERRI i. AND 'TAR For .cilre cure of .Rtorur:#s ~,'gensurni r z, 'C 0414..; . Coldf; Astifia, chit:lll6 l , illeurtsy r ktrtalitiatthin ofg, .. Yams in the Brea l or st o :Side' Spittirke M 4 C) 6 4 .4' o P p i V Wt#oll4t #0114 , ~.qchliufnhgt A 4 d. ese4 r Twed opular** 4nc?goalitthe Amogs ' The?%NeiMi icl „ atinefroin' 'respectable 'Chian* Ofirtittlinhiltibitriblly 'at* its "merits. It has performed mrmerons cures la•ievere ca. sea and , where a lt elintatil .remedies had failed to ' tive.freitel:' .': .F c. • •,, : \ -,'- 4 ' k\ "- ' '."\ -; '. •fikikatelyiklcfrapearber 20,1845. • . ~ Messrs. lipirinson,CollipalSaDo;:—Being af - Meted-het 'apringTwilii'm-very-screirreough, with pain iln• my PilVi. isn'ti breast, sorenos and weakness of the lungs, shortness of breath, Osirnr appitilsolkO4 V (,id ‘iirtiecid -remedies, • but to no !goad efient, My cough stilteontinning 1 and growing Worse,. 4ineli *as the distressing • nature of the cough. that I could autile in bed night nor day, but. was obliged to bit 6 ' p in my choir, and could not sleep - but very little at best, ' consequeditY, I was wearing out very feet, till yon • very kindly recommended Dr. Davis's ComPound.Syrup of Wild Cherry and Tar, the . first bottle of which gave me relief, checked miy comidh:loomned the 'phlegm, mused me to O. peeprrate fmely, respired my..appetite,relieied the pain in my Fidel lietiledVbe soreness of my breast, end, strongthoned.my lungs. causing me • • tOlireathe tritely. 11 briVe - nniv liken ten bottles it:has entireltourati My cough:- i have gaitield considerably its flesh. I think it a most saws. ble medicine, and case that ought to be waiver. sally known , these afflicted with, colds and • coughs may have a medieinehoth safe and Sore - to cure, it* taken properly. White* taking the medicine, [drank lively of molasses and water which I round excellent to. keep the bowels open. If this statement can be of any benefit it , the afflicted, you ore at liberty to make suck use of it as you may think ptoper. M ERR ICK BARNES' No. 6, ilroad Street. Several months nince,.my wife wen. attncked with ti severe cough, attended with a puirt in her side, which, from its obstinate eentinunneSl hegkin to Werth ber. A few doses of Dr. burin's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry end Tar en , lievr d the pain end cured t h e cookh; end. by the tirite she• trod taken halls bottleful she Wits mired She recommended it to nn nermaititnnee, Mrs. !Intimater, who was [Octet* in about the some 'tririnner us h ,reelf, end the medicine meet) re,ueily heneGmel in hr; case. Mrs. IL also reeminnettrled it In several of her f-iends, who were, I believe cnied by it. This in mYkrinwletke of .I.lr.- medicine, - nod 1 Gem 13. gidieient to recommend it es u value. hie toe. CHAR no Ot listen:l44 Ware St.' Late High Constable of the city otiPhiladelphin. Sept.2o. '1849: The suliseribere have nhiairttA i Lhe Agency for the sale of this valuable mediefAS , in Carlisle. dee 10 - MYERS lk HAVRSTICK, WORMS,- WORMS, WORMS. --- ;01 - 11fft.. YOU CIVE. WEED7.OATEtI WORM SYRUP pecatlor Sertibe of Po 14c11.,;4:eiltAgrr neeetinarrappent 'tiihvery littly Item on's , tope* , oienot edit the I hut _ekkirwt,Jf,"ll nand ) :s.ma faib ur p r i v aip notes thef inlot .441 -Ors tithe • t 'ZIT ! - 49EP,tignit25 ind 3,0 rtitst is g , t Aratobeie, de' - °— lißiA SAC
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