Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, November 12, 1845, Image 4

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Talroviti iiiiik4
the Hotal.,P4tiCiNtlikit'a:- , lttithee S ett
difiViirifr of
1;1 4 9 6 4 1 r tia l in in OF4rnil
thatit-ptotoets one class of the eommtih
ItTI4 nititrinn,n 3 nfictther — thinit. inStureethe
tostegifileptta 044eiolo"the fegier r ,
that it'Obteetiso e' sr ttz aridi)t)te
'rhiP 1;;•ct '5lllll Of VV01 •
. 0.1 5 :1 4 (4 ti v e
'Olt Akat-ever was ma ihy. Jvh eee ere
6itilppolte i sgainst' the At h6le Pro:
innLiv r n - rYntton). I,wtitt to furnish OM .
___friendswith the arguntept in reply to these
-7 ' - 't" 4 l -i teitire'llii - m - #6117:3 - "Cb(l'
--7 1icoiirof
, Statea,,•conaiiri"tiidt liaiWoon tiiikr and five
censtis ,
, five years-airsMerated the Miehanics
,5t.890,,069. hitow to be. truth
• : rii4o4Niiititi: omitted—one
million Wchilt.hilVelieeti nearer the faeti;.— I
_Thetr.. f0ri.14.4 : Nio,liset) coMpotadat'spo
ti,;Z • l4ro.4itartherefore iisfely , 'say now , ;
• ~_.:thiathitiigitifiCatiiiiiiniaticn— t liossi %003 ..
- -"d4l4,`*fisAlivelihood Upon : rneehan
‘;:f.';'!iiiiil'Oititent4are:above.•four millions of
•:.-; • tiersTlP: "
• . is,:popui#tiod aiesiv ns 'conS'Ume.
auimat.,food, vegetables , cotton ar.o wool
for elothinkitObacco,litimpOlax, - litinber,
4c.,--a4average of 121 cents, a day :each
pers. 'This little,MOre than ' 8 4 5
our . -
persons, at this
consume $1 . 50.006,000 worth
of agricultural products every year::
Now hero are.ones.hniulted - and..
- • -
'millions 0f f ,40 mrs.--,worth of the .products
of agricultio4...Which are purchased and
consumed by the mechanics of the United
Statietiviity year, aq,purchased (mai the
. farnierir-and planters of...the , United States.
BUt it:-is said, if thise four millions of me
. Cliatiler :andr,their ;families were - not me
chanics they , ,yrould consume as - niuch.•
That is not so certain. It would depend
upon what sort of employment they would
- could find which would• enable thenvt-o
cOnstMlsatt trmek.aS. they,dOlow4 ; , ; ,,lf the,
million of median ' •S'Were'.44;Meell4anics-, . nrly , , ill
_w_ a n y
noonin!tion.trouldbit;osrl4oclicd'4.:stul as
farmers, 't ey ;could ;'supply theft:' oarn
the . . four_ million_of cusso f _
marsAolllkfarmer, w,Ould be cooper — laid:
to ; dour: millions of ---competitors,:ror ri
*4lO.,q)iiking.-s\vay, his mhrkm from-him;
and wing higrxiothing, by--way of dom
-Nisv/-doei:not.•,4syery one see, : that• it is
the greate'siiiiyiportance to The:farmer,
duMher of- mechanjes • as
much as possible?, Every farmer taken
out:of . thefield•-i-irdil ramie -is
the,.ii,Nition_of a new customer to the far- ;
uteri:lll(l;lhp' substraption-"of an old
frojp_ blink. •therefei
is tv‘pfold. ,Eyery. mechame taken from
the,Nterks,hop . and.,MOS a harmer, is. in the saineldaioi ;wo-fold•loss to the farmer:
agricultUia PCpulatitrn•
haileabe-deetia9 ataheld 'the 'accost; of the
polOy-thatlroteete the- MtTeffiloie; .„ They
have the greater"riartibtbneThi,adre
eighlyAnilliori `of dollars=ayrLnr=depeiiJu
on it. !, t,
aboiie if we
riginftrinne - rnii . er. is the inscri lion upon
• - a
.itin—dial initaly.- It inculcates . a beam'
tiful leeniM - ihfch too many are prone to
.ilisregar& to-ch ua to . samara'
be'r."tltebriitiollye of life; and. not . fo . . r•
. has . •
it is trne, is, not all bright and liespilitul..
it has ' Its ligho. - lifnivlill: A Kiki.
shades, and ii je neither viets.'t!ot,', ase .
to dwell ‘i96- much
.L .r t ) C i gh!.
etlirthingi teint
.." '''man :`tlian'''iltose;
• I#E.,', l ,idniifin'sl occasion fur col4iplainCitiol
*ienaiiiiiin every thing_ they. meet•withi4.:
' '
f.,pseirlukt,iisiTistivi•-•Sometime since
llaYliCfdre . :694lm4nt of the Doe
toti Air sc : 7 i ,ll,sliiii (1 .4 41:1)Iyer„ to stand
ar e
it t
fioniA f toe ',„..o.ofighli bi .' \Vei. 440
81 1 °r litneW . itit01 4 101: 4 4 6 -4 - °P - -
tirki,je lit 0 .1. 444 y e t*,: i iiiii*tletl,`lho
- - .. - MisiderOtitiSiti tOtips'llits which the
~ T iAtt64o9ll l o:ollsfg!Atitlit,he had_Pit. .
- - ,:4iitihittlioiliii'aiif eutli t t ) lllkp rr eity.
irilW la'll•"l',iiiiiiteu g hi him
, 44 1-altie°t/00i '+' .. 1 0 . M.kif i J# 111 14
I 'anoloazseiting 4 thaf riadin;ip!ffitl4lo,44..
. ) 1010 1 1:1 4 itliii t ;1 1' 4 - iiiiie ; :liteiilicialki 11(i 'lad
‘f:! 10f.0liik-t0 AllO
I° ' 51 Y i e" 4119 ..07 ,6
,TfI I. 9 4I AV , °I C44 o o o :hil l M et°l4 s
t `6l4-IVil;plxghhiiilsibtiin theiitl? r
- ;t!l,it,' ?-4N',10 - " ° • ",;;;•.:,,,•, , ,
" :,,,e f rg.,.,4g14 4 1 50 717-t 'ecip .. Pie l 42io are:
.:.vttit :Vattis;cfigiN! . / .. pn ill siccosme or
~ .ijl t 'y i l rk) the iiappinesii,iif, Gael) otliir;,
7 '"::: : :.4Viiiti,l!,AY,Ogl
-: 4 ilOciplilf - V,4l l fildellY 4 Wteo 3 lo, ll ,ltife l
.7Ao Aglitirr 4 V: ITP.M B :O 1- i° lo 40 410 .4 1 tkr
111 0 1 fr g 1
141 14.1§, 1 9 1 4 - 1/ - 0: 06 /Pird.#4 1.
. .
:sin s _ hp! *ION 4141fIVT. p.EI 0110a lly
liQ'oliOt_APOy, r dl,
•r - ecilf
:.lionoyer st.) * . .hore. ho k
and ordir,.';3; kt . Y.• , • -•-••• • •
• S'ecirttairti , s;'-atia . .iti trs'
• , 2 . 101 •
.aVg:tire 644i*u_46criptiilriPlcitittmOVaumlyi
tiof:loo . p.;will 80M obey') for.cnsti, pr:onclutomp,l
..for_dountri-pruduca_aLtunlket_pricp ‘ s44te„will 7
'also Cako , Luutbcr of ull - .i.ic , llßr.ilttiCtilP•rflexcltultlle
Tor work. t
-001P1CIINS.nidu.'ciFygtOreen. ronsonnblo ;at
short notice, a tuCjip,wlll: , :ottcurl ,funcrata with_
splendid Hosrne,,ln town .or country: A Helium
will also be kept for, .
.110 'ronpeetlully • solicits ti share of public pa.
tronake,cuilficini.,tlint'lic dim render general afit-
Idtaclion. • . • •
Mdroli 2G, 18 , 15
• •
-1,.1. UDOITSH. L . •
I'HFI Subscribe', tow days since reeeived
from the. ei ty general kssorfinelit 'or School licks
o 11/41 4 y iliell•lteladendeto-iiel;litredueed
• Ptieithiiiiers can he supplied ttc.
4t.the:Tollowi lig mites. .
. • ..
• limn' School Bibles, • • •-•
• : Dont! Seland Testaments' : 12-2 •
, • Pocket bibles morocco gilt edg es 1,110 -
Belioal BoOkti• lan the - gene' al kinds twine protior
tionabit low. * lris Statitiiiary is of . good
son gond asSortment of Lithographic Prints, Toy
Booksand Books suitable for olithys: • •
lie also marries on the Book Binding business
where persons call have their old books mlsol'll'l,
711140 Blank Brinks, Dockets ke. made to
The subvori bur in con n neetfon with his
Stationnry Store, has eststblishetl.k.-±,
. A
lIE has now on baud Ekldege and gene. ri
,c ,-. 7 . 0 ,
ral nasortmont of fresh Groceries, spices u g h .' i
&c.-uf-every descriptiod and of the abet ~ ' 'At
quality, selected with euro in the city, mipd v.
end which he is enabled to sclUat reduced cash
prima to suit the times,.
' Thankful Qm• the patronage extended to him
during the few days he hue beon - in the business,
he hopes by afteivieit and, , , endeavoring io'Planse
rd merit. a enntintinfice thatenfdtis stock iatpart
consists of '
Strong Rid and Jaen Coffee,
Best and.24l ' •
Havanaand crushed Suns .t •
Young Fiison, Imperial and Black Teas
Sugar House,, Syrup and New (Moans /Wks
Best and 2d best Sperm Dilo, • • . .
Sperm — alfd - Sfegt d Candles. Spices of all kindi
Fresh ground and unground, Cheese and Crackers,
,Lemons, MtiOci'Citron, Indlgo,Stareli,`Saltpetre,
Logwobd, Atherledn 41/ . /eindonlnyistirrti;'Ripe,
Homeopathic and lialtorit'bosi,cliartelata;:Raiiiinsi
'Almonds ano Filberts. " . , . •
Crockery,, Citin nd• q lad: - Br tisk,
ea, I.lridnis,. Bed corr.'s,-
Hailers, Platighlibes, :and' .Ca rpentmis
'Lines, Market Baskets, Bad: Cavendish-and other
cites:ring' and smoking, Tobabc6 t: Spanish, half
-Spanish god Cbminon Segire. •
A gener a l assortment of good SPdar,cotton,
thread, tapes, titimbles,liooks.&-b-yos,-FearF but•
tons, pins and:needles, tooth brushes, holy broshel
combs, pewter rand, alum backing and n . Vl,lot V
Of other useful articles. Also NO. I & 2 mackerel,
smoked Herring, Salmon, Cranberries, dried Beet
December 11,1844. ••'•!' •
Agvacy.,Tpitcrlig.. 01.1.145,-l a te of -the,-Treastiry
,Dcparttneat t lhai,imiiie an ,Office.iri..t.iiitieltyrand .
will anent:l4o tie - proaceatitin and bolleition of
claims •befor7Coligress rind tint several
-five Deurtmonitruof the Government,
'pre.eniptiorf and. other land claims; claims far 111-
RavoltnionaryovidoWs; smith
tor.Revoltitinnory services, whether for
-commutation; tiffiffitily t 'or•lirlittitY lands; for sti ,
-vices • during . fhiclaiiCtiraftlitia4ol.lfrincal'oT
accounts of disbaritingt or .other of of tha.
Government; topic ititerest of bidders' far con
'fornileged!',vio!Atidnspe the revenue
Lion of 'privalc clainie;'utidnil burrineSs lirouglri
tefor,e. Cangrotis or 'OW, pulilic offices requiring
the geryieee nfan Agettl.
Charges will . bc moderate, varying, according
to the nature ofthe business. All letters must be
past paid.. •
Q•i-Pni-trey.r.ffiAPiplillenktoliitisotpind renting
offitiiiiei:Jet4:&64 eellectilititiOrentic hegotitt
Ling loons.- ',":L.I
Knsl~inglan D G~Tune~2rrlB4s --
W • AVONES , e
JE 3 - '*:". I IO . ' , ARIDSIt'VER WARE. '
oP dot(' •
vet, ITittelilis 'of their bWn .ti
Foricajeo - Setta and
ante gF~sllv¢r z .work,; o •
Mail; Nt'atoli , thaios, Seals
and' INeyai-- Piaci •Coltl.llreaat 11,1 - n - ga,
Jtracel.4a, Guard Gold, and
Pencils - nod . • 7.
‘ ,.. Rl*llloll4.lioiuntekl•Oolil• Pcns.;
together wish a goner-id iisiort Meld of I..ailica jew
Aley,,,Plated Citatio*Ce 'B.Uaakets,:Uan Ile Sticks,
'Fano)+, flags, Pursea r Faus,.l.lri(tatila ,Ware, in setta
-Hod atiigle l'OraeClaapa,
Pioa r ritticy tread Ornamsiitifke o
8410 . fitilie I ewgetiriata49 . . - •- -
• . - , lic 'W. L....WM11).
;106 Cbeanut street; !louse.'' ; ' ,
' , - - - . :PhilAilelidila" -- Auguat - 13'164X,
.- •
::. : 4,t ' ... ROBERT t . 8,.. WALKER, ~.i.
, jvw . 2s'ivoi•th : 1 9.40i/iTe::%/liosit? 'Christ C'hzirch
' • 1 • " 4 .' 1 .- 1 fhstailelpliiiiT ------
hollNit'reodiste4,4l4llirtio 4 . ope!lii rig ft Very extensi iv
iiiiil.tleiiiitiriiNisiniint ;or cenrwrnycis..?-
.Ijue; Ilioilii 'tirtilres i ane.tif new si i. lee; u lid' 11(04
pintlinseil , :princlonl y , roe C AS 11; they-Will to-sold
it the. IciwesV-prianii i list 'consist in' piirt tif splendid
;Mussels'. (risk., imilie its;) llealitlftil Imperial 3 'ply',
Valierq. c ixiiii‘ingrai ',.. 31 , 4,.4-V. 4.41, Twilled Veld
-1 ilso 3-4 444' 5-S e - Milli tlo Colprories' kinited Ikea
-1 .41c_
Stl lk,
. iff ef.. ings..% .:"•,..sti...‘
P.el!OL chile '...6.A.Anglliih.t.llnak;: - .
'filo otu.Olc o wall stilloool,ol Cloths of 011 within,
`ling', Pinn acid :role pct:pr.., Slinp . ,skinsiSiiiiy ,
liorla r tUrrOlinks:Bo3. ; *llll ipt.pstansivo assorttiient
at :14r0.)!I'incli•Ci . iiiinii.000, or, ltil.llsOirl it oni I.
grtiiii4 pi pt.:id inittiffiltinitimilliip 40-14,4.1
iivi t e
per y a rd.' l'un - dinscrs Jiro ~ i•pqq . ~ to..osiloitol..
*.7 In:l7, ;. pmt Amitsrikptkizic p '. ockilognoils
! led
14 , 1; . r . ;. , ..... Ifse ; l* .• .1... •
!, -I Z ' !' .'
' ll 0" 04. , Xt ;;NKAAKt.ft•
:. - Naiiii .44,1A45.". :..: , .k . .i...;, , ,i4.1:"1..' '. / •
1....,, , ..„0itur
; 1 10Nt,. , 1!. . i11kit.t0,0.. , .., •
virout,D..-riiiiiecitlbllylinfioni- her-frienai
suckthe pthliolfibitritlhot d th e
s Or
l eciq"4l . s ll.4 ADitt.P.4l o CO LORING ,4" pig
1 Awl) wooLuNs ori t ualliii , ii cGars } ellat
' ''''' it 1 7 1rtfdi't ' - d'' ii Er 1 4
ppos_tte Edliciitio • 4 ,... , ow oo , .
pr tlio,n,ew , .../X1 1, 40 1 42 - 1.1
ho,tencterffll4 . ,- . _ ii ditnalti,fo kkaPl, "
iditraPaio, Opt% : - lilt y for, 4 C4)(0))144
9( Mief i r fikvof. ' t • A t ,monuAtal,
-'; ;i,
, • :.. , , ii, i 71' ...t:D;?)1F/Z - V4r' . " ...:Lc. TV737777.21:
5 i
41 ." ,:: 11' '.
1 4 ' ‘‘ iio ‘ll ! 71 A' 3 "
14 1 : 4 A1t -f !t , pi JZ I ,
'''' . ' , lilt'' t tilts *'''' Rs Akr . V .. F7'. - ;:,:bA
mate, iub.ivibQr -, beg,A.-ki4Y ..zt alintlif i a
tfAciloliowtOittliklit4kbAftt to it ,11 -. 7,
ment , of , Wittolteeatit j4'sve.
r rs7,o6l,Nie " lit, ix'
diaostuilit iivAnitii •eir'et,,lilipusiteilLioudiiiitsll3iiok
Store and.n . 'MI& Westkifileetent'ii alAtrAtitikistt
keg' 'or_ Gold:PotettiLoVer:' :,:y.,:,.: A ~, .f . 7" .
Sand. Levi not ;WATCHES; I - rt.:7
the - , - 'li*sr, , il,4ol:yV, - .l44,itt*": i )-( ~ AL ,
1 eheopeat he hes evikplfered-,; '
, tu.tlic eitizelismt;Cuteber-
iSilititilcioklt -ilins,:tkeritoloted lOolcils;,Wsklcli
lkylf,AVlach:Cfiakos,/gpOCiaalelii,ko.,: Also 111ifila . -
tiled,*(tkic 0 oaCild, Clasps,lsoo,fielbalsiriPlue; Ear' ,
rbt4;t7l tiptit::ll tip, Mcdttll36;mittl4.4l6l•Of It t,try alk:io
pyr,.....t 4 t •- • ••-••••%, •I' r:+ ti'; I ,';. it . 3 . :1 , ~..: 1:1't
?y r
,• . iti!ltond OdisitOd: entiv,'
ik S . M . S . delirlilijk:r.tiere , fcii — iiidii , " .ifilellieSi•itiifillt ,
—rally; okittlicewtile - tucit)o3ctlit ilit)detittliitt-lhie
:or 4titA9p_gtt,ttimeattattarrttetifeig 1511:, ....t.. , 1 , 1 • ; , =' i'it t-',.
7,Y0t.804 - ii lilii:Ii: to piliCliii6iiii7eirilieTiifiiise:lii 4 '
ticrog woulirdo ,wcll4o call sopokaalt-is ,tfiellialol!;.
- inrOCst;Or - CliCatiesiAsortoyeat Ov:Olfficesl - 15671:14
(lain nittutty, miil wi a .liit. 'sold.. low,cr, for, Cash than
tI4 coolie vocalist:alit relollifirtloi OKes:."-:----",-
'l'll.o*A cION LYN': '
. . ~
.1 tily' IS, tB4S
1,8 Melt ore invited tPJoekt netlic spleAdaildieles
for the toilet Jost reeciv&d by the ettbseri*, 001-
posing , (I,c 1 , 1111 . 1 . 0 W, Roussel, e Pomade, Phtloect4e', -
French Bondoliner; the 'celebrated 011iodieV1041.7
mg Sonp ; Roussel 's Aliened and ;Otber sotip4;.,oll•'•
nine Bootqa Oil; nonoserolhilitiMie rliAtr for. the
teeth ; Alba OsePo 'A Mad in& for cheptica;' ,
'Minds . ;
ItotissePs• Extract for the• handkerchief, beehreti''n
lorgevarietket - other fathionahle s perfurnto 'Which
cannot lath fo please,' and which Will' be'etold very
low for Cash.' - •
'Jane 18, 18L5
, .
accommodatel.l4-ffiends oFTenopcfalme
I L. this county; and „who:
may visit Carlisle, the. Subscriber tri . :itiduced, , ,ati.
'the Instance - of trittny decided and,rcipcotablo;
frie'nds of temperbnce in this borough, to optirilffi;
house for the accomrhodation of the public, Wlicie
lie will use 'every exertion to mtdre the
'dailons sueli as 'shall merit the patronaga or. the
fiends of the Temperance CRIp3P• •
t llls House is largo end
gibly situated upon the corner uf.Nnrth ./.4tOOVat• •
itn d •Lo u the r %trects,. one square - .`tho
public square, and very donventent tu.thebusinesi
vitt of thu town and the Courtdiousu and county
offices. His TABLE will always .bo.- supplied
With the chOicest productions of the market, and,
the house. has-sufficient. STABLING - MK - died
to it for Putting up a largo number of horses. , —
Jurersethers attending Court, and traiiellers
generally, any rely upon every pains being , teken
tosesuroiltoot handsorne.mid.comfortableAssffm
nierlatfonfr. The patronage of the, friends of tent
;wane? is respectfully solicited.
Carlisle, August 6, 1845,..
At tha "Cheap.,Store,"-41.,StrawbSqy
Street, Philadelphia,
viTE would ealLthe'aitention Of mersspislioennj
- rr --- 01 new Carpets, &d:, to the fact of bur -bein g
01%1161(4W todtgnsola at - very prides, beeasse;
in nor realm!, tittlfillon our root and ? they...v ; (oE 4v ,
- iire - rory;light, and, we offer - Pr tlas'adithoft an es,
aelteht sitsnrtraeot4f
• •
lkithitiriirl.lipeaal lnaivtri ` entl'''{'etietir ` il `of
ever. _tall ely._ . ,
Also; F1..0011 Oltr'C;io4l4§; - ti.'nni 710 , 2a fvej
wiilc,envie'• fir rob' 4 - 15 - 7 liiitri;fiffi".;iiiii - beartiTi 6ga
floot baize, table pill Veil, stair 8ti1N.11011:-
iiale. oFrelail, atibe lowest prices:
irj-AA supply of the low priced Carnets; say from
.31,tentsper yard, always Oa Valet, -
& 13120-tllkli.
\TO; 4.1., slvwwberry Steeet,onn.ii ,_por abeveChesnut
meal. iti•eet; l'ltihidelp
-Sentanber 2+, • ~
' 116111.48 worth .§ Teller, Msolesale -
. Dealers hi-Foreign Dotrieglic
- - - -
INprei, Howard swim, up stairs, S thiors from
1 1 MirkeLst,stirerto.Country Nlerchants - Goods
on the following terms, viz goo4sit. cost, I
per cent witted; 6 montliii 5 per cunt, oil for cash :
habitable rands, or its etittivaltuft. I .nr goals being
- , r egularly hottilit at auction, lowest rakes, the
tering upon which we offrlltern must meet the stp-,
probation'ortleaters. On no aceotit. will More be
' , sited ( Wien tokqii,
ihvticl to calt estuntne our gootls,mtil- judge for
thetnsiAres..- 7 -Ortlers prompily attentletl to, on sante
Baltiniort‘Jitly 23,
7F4ilicep 8 quiet House.
flower's infailt-Corilini;for eholie,
toosenesi of the bowels, severe gripi?g'.violl pains
occasioned from Teething is so delig ht 01 to Abe
tastp. that , - thililren".loeto take it; for solo by stc l ,
,reosno elitiffey:'
:4111Ulleg - litailfilllav -, .:
Ski rl A 41.43 LOGIC , siiitt7ot‘f,tlFtf frl s l ll the
:‘,..7blty,und lipoiril e largestot tid.nsosigen
oral initcli of Di , y Goof) ,ts i4les, ItOots awl Shoes
e•••" , r 6 llloilitio'C.4 4 ,Jel . rtikrt of villas' he boa par
,chnsed•ij, Abelion sfndisali'he sold loWerillan.her7
toforei*d'irtrultirespeetfulty in% Ile his friel4hiiind
theltyiblinegenerally who n lab to ' la}'' out their
• oney_ti3_n_goodad_vantige,taltesnreandßil'Otittlit
-4:411i before parchntingi all they can litpe.thelargest,
most choice and freshest stock , of,, ' geolls, te,ieleet
'from thaVituln Carlisle
,•':',, '
liis stitck 'topside Itijiailinl ffriOelirillti frpart
,01 . ,23/tof,7l'pr yd.' Cassanieres !Ai* . .. a fts l, o "
vil. l .Citisinetts from '.57i to sl',WitlT74 . lpts Tweed
1 ,Clothirind Coast merCrof the rnosffaskictnahlCklitlis:
very lritlyßistings from 19'to*:1; pr,partcen,itiw.
est stile t 4 P laill• good/ . for Children's wear Oral!:
kinds ancYprieesl. the line alio, reCervC.l a lirgC:,,liil
'of , Oress irtiods; inch 'ail Orgainte' end; Ehlizorinc.
'Lawns 1 l'aris printed ftlsrcinise of A reti and iiiltlE•
.ricir attic s-PomssatlOin Salio!rittes 011li'le and 4)IA,
hl 'lc ' flombirlincs i 'Alpaca liniurcs asiorfed.oll)ll:l).`
and Q 1141 1 .142. 'Avery generalasiortaaMit Of BoOk.
Swiss' k Mull, .lacimet• 'mid Cambric Muslincl. new
• atyle Opera Jf A nCe s NlllBllll6 for,firbsses I llobbinett,
arcrianett, l'ickneff iiitt;Wseshislomis from 10c to
Si I'pr phi French ll:tunic SCarff acid Shawislatest
ilinporlationt also; 141rtrge assortment of ..Shawls,
Silk Handkerchiefs Imp l'leS tor ntimeroustis,Msat. :
(irk and White Fillet Shawls with bliflictn Priiiim
hiark•Barazerlialzorlite All& la nil. fo r 74011rhing;
French, Scotch and A merican-Ginghams felliiiiiiort
mutt cicgaiii plain spicik Ilg'd Silks. Alio, ti large
tend general ; assortment \,ot Swiss, •Jaconelt:.ancl .
rhrflitl. Edgings and Insertingss ftlontl,-VilentiC
14 l'arhi.Leeelis. a ilarge.und. very fine assiiikutetif.
of ;le l . , eql_tilyaltlem Vepenee front Ole t:Mc`il inicic,
Fallr - icr sand .stlierclictici factories; a tremendous
stOitErif all kends DI Sonnets. . 'llle largest stocklof
hosiery ever• offered iu Carlisle, comprising all
kinds awl colors; 10110 pa boown sod, whit;s.:lluallfiff
and Sta l ed ekl . 4 . , ell i llualitiesVantr',pirjeie4 lower 'Than,
iierl'Tictitigti fVoni it 4111ft:rent laitinlisj:a . ier.i_
prtureelectlerref rArtltEe.qtareckird •Tili - Orifesert -
ell ;colors esitud:' quiditie!trfnlns. best - idieerfmene'bi
Me...u!4 011 k peck e t Aviifirokrgefs anl'ers ta tit ha tgii.
beer64.keretl.oiliiepylego" , &verilarge alool6f
!If vii4l4 (s,Nerfiy6f,ell,lo4s,
()utilities; .
efripqs;•lArfh..tolltntaiNetArtio cm!. fi owerk.amh
Ihfinvitl 044 . 4if1he Yranch,,Engliall And ... A:tnerieen;
make 1151.1,sty!.ce. ' Thu largeet steckitif,llootsi stpd,
Shoes:ll,k. have "dvii , otro're4l:ttitliediiib ieoW,Nll)lliflk
thibltiee: lie :ti*nlliteLster.4ll4:4ll4,l46i:NapOi ß s . ,
• quilltleiatid :prices*: •.:,"*"` !...''!:,...':,,..: ':a' IT •%:..:....,i.ii
; 2.'"i . 1 !•A ' •.'
, .A. fresh lot oeis, Cofreeis;.flogiiiiitifee-Flpleik
'of all icititli.wlilsit will be e 01444 eety,Smalf Profiti ,
to Sul( theiimis- Iri'slitirt lie Mikan AlmiCnntl••tie
pcdplions of tootle and le inslotis to give good'intr
onktoall'who,o,l2l.rat,,e ca 11... Ifeeol;
iect this littepa hufrits,,stere:lielcq . trio t.44erken
11666'14 Illpti strce,Varig ngetely'oppeelte4beli*,
Tet Wlt; lift. acid 'Nfttrifiifermllrty.lNquiiderl,Tcpsi; ; ,*
'•' .4iitr.y:,Merebenti , terr I;tt. seirrPTl4o',,it ti& - sti I
•liiiffain - reguestrd .fo call beforis putiftaims.: :
, • filerluly-9;7184071--r -- - -,- - - .. - 1 •
%;..,,..? k e tt S.ti,.,,Er 4 l if '.. , ' )0 4 44 _... 04 ''
' r g -A"'"PP"tt l t uv 8- 1 WaisiAreruatleor,4l.
•e ' oreeium Jo,
.atioltei tlipteges;qelttleie lot
- ; tlee.',et.:lll,l,4liila, iieip•byl ilui ,- Pio, JUef.recelrell.
'and! tbi sitti,g'il.t. the.lcl! p PrO s aorc af2Siveasou
. 4: l PWitrfil•,:l Tnt4it.:- . 9 e . foli.- . .4'4 ..434.:,1154'...
.ip:,:. , ~. 8.1;1.0. iIiNiSf4r.PAIMY: 4 :-F.:4'
• . . ... ..
*. -N
9 - <2;
4 1
r,. ' 'ar ..4 oo I n o r tr' 4 nen
.at 01),TeiriN41(4 ro Skid •Aciip ...l o
:Pk_BllT. l l,9r.k 41147 ,
.L 2 "
"“" :01e.SODA4e,
,I ,lMw:m
• • _
. • • ,•
r~ rm~a
A.-r 7. 7 -77-7 71
44 4 0 .f r 151,
, u pe
tiz'fpntsifriblior;4B.-FiticapeptL dip: romp'
qr,frocillebOtipiewb Yulll 1km1..1-AvGdqo)th.Oe'
ifii t A4 pii4;l4;ijr
inereif;Eatdhetti.l:Arieth*,,tiatiiblO9ijs;" -
ClOths; , V.eatinkt;f 8 11 1 cii;9 1 dildiitgoeSi-thi.oo 66 :`
Fihie WO' Or ,tilfal Oa,'-..t . ,lifiioga
• .
koodi M . 4114664 idlOOC.carkt afar!) itaCottOO,
Yiirij;;Ohibiihakl'Arisiila;StinahtitlesiQlo'kea; !Aar
stoek of":Gro,.
seal 4N:41...t!CC.9.1f3P1;ggi
iro - trilovEfirtiael
ho ofrers for_ctiale
-yeryqlow.pricei for. cash.' " He "realleettully
hledrlendß Oiarthci Public general
loalli.,i_oaarnuelti voile leen; atingdent (list lieitetiti'',el,l
- as loiy.ap any other bottle in the bilreatetV .
• • "
Atiin 16 • 1845.!
w." C ROSS';
7,Vhbks areikn: and clo,thotte
_VcibtrStore Nol; 30• Bank
(lat . st, ignitiltg. faith frir,n'Ma Market et behito: 3d.),
)(;1 gpoltsatw spit at '
•t'ackage orrAuction cost
.priceitcr-neWeaSKer it on . 6 months ,cve . d4
s . per ceidll added
TIM subscriber to,lieep-what is -strictly,
cal l'eci -a!,` euc firstep,;itere" and t'o
,sell his goods
nt l'aekage or
„Motion cost *pricei for tiett cash, or
on time fur OPPiit'aei:edit, aria Witl-lhen Mid d pr
Imams ihdss On that principle and finds it gives gen•
end- satienction: Customers catrrely on' btlying
aril; gouda at the coy lowbsCruarket:rttysj•ah•the
14;TWie - St 'PWarVask7ed first, bY whick,iime Id saved
to kith litttchaser 'nod 5 . 61[0, moil, do eleemitY for
heali»evlo*U . : :Helms constantly, on hatul,and will
stipplied with n good tissortment of
seasenablepry Potplll, ileslp,ned 'for tutd adapted to
the ndar"Cortiitrytratie.tri'whiON,he 'now invites the
attention 'cit'ilre nierilltants of this neighborhood, im
pressed belief they like many others
writ , Tirtironfiejlie,ayste t ti of transacting business
tulOpted and stactliltdhered to by the advertiattr.‘--
Call anti see,,
No. 30 Bank et, Phila.
• i i oly'6, - (943. • • '
• ' '" -•
Manttfact red front [lie ptirot and finest
Materials; anw ii:qrraillid free
from all delderatii druga, by
L. I. DEMUTH, ' - •
Strut; Latieastei;:PaL
1 1 4 - "DDETE - above . uniivalled'eauffi arelaulidied
g=l ) the trade and others on liberal terms and
all cullers promptly attended
cAv•tuop.:,ilbwi lrg
. ! .of a - . sp.ortoas - lertiele.
cnlladL¢ncasto~ Snub thu;putt= -
Ir 6 for tlat.genuirse Eemathia Snuffs, wliialr die
ivholesulod.only by the tuatiaraeturar,in.Lar;caa
ter,.r.:';':atig,lbje::i3iniuger" and Cozzens c h 10.56
Vesey etrapt,.'New Yorlt.; Stabler 'and; Canby,
Pratt street Whtr,(;-13 1 alti uteri. ; Aptit
Na.,ID~`NoXIIi 6th sCreet, Pridndelphie-ttadJ. &
E.,o3itil4.W.ast.Penn street,,,Pa.
"Sepa:a4s .-3in.
OA . 11-1' :11'110N1• r1ONOR:1$
k - trUly'• '.
,that ito,onc. -
ever been se auccesla -
iii:.:COMpoCiniliiig a -
f medicine; which has done. so
- to ieve the Emmen faielly,to rob
sitlisea se of itsterrors, nd-to restore the
Invalid' to health and comfort, as the
tenant! Pliti . pideter of that niast - de served ly p
ulae fattilly medicine - 1/n. Stv.i*tvt:'s Costrotn , tu
SYRUP. OE , NS itio Cninnv • and 'unite' s9_
patfonfie - trb - 5; - ilie d
hodilii this Cohritry nitd in Berofie, Inti there
ever been, so. Vent -x effort lo the short space ,of
Tittly9ilk-or severr yeers, to deceive the. areduloUS
and unthinking, by putting up Nostriims of tar)otts
by various indi vidnals, affixing the ondlo of
,chorvt,,...q.ns much of the dente of 'o'rlsbtt
firepaktliolt itti'w,lll.sti•ceti them from the lash of t he
law,viiidene of the Itapoilors who outsout the com
mon p'arrgoric of the'shop and cell it the lhalsim of .
-Wild-cihers•-y-impudence-impudetice- to caution-the
public against the Original' preparation, Dr.
Sweyne'sDotripound Syrup of WII4I Cherry, which
is doing so inu h goodin the world.
f,<TBEW ABE OF SUCH 111 - POSTER3,..a -
And' purchase none, but the original encl.:only
r 6nninexii N itils Dr . ,...ltysiViig. which
is the odly - one compounded by a - regtillicElksichie,
and 143 1 / 4 11111 from year.r. 4 oloielittentlic'te":the
Prat:dee of
_the Profession; and w lead to this
great discovery. Thousands and tens of thousands
or the beld testimonial! of thoMipariiiieled success
of.De;. , S,waYtte's . contlmund Ayre ,of Wild Cherry
for the eu're:of , . : •
.1. ,
• CtiNgU.NlP;ll6si • •
Cit .CDlda t :Blood,.Liver, Cam plaint,
'lleklirdf: l 4 l SlVittlfel'ititoatTNorrotinsllebility, - ;
%Veldt Ilea: of 're ice;-Pal . pitatien Disect . m. cit, the
Heart, pain iii the .11rOtten Odn'ati
-ftition(froni-isrlott s pauses, the a bit* of calomel &a.,
Cotigh, ttot.,, were
declared to tiny ettir-iirnp 7
a ratiowni W The ,mist : ekep:;
tidal tititytin tt_trutll
there, by a ntinfohia. '1 he
gennine , tartu ?'y Dr..stenyne,
-wtiol# , :t;frakt"asTo..,. I vtiwifel Au-05..VV% -o
stli:;stid . Ititeg;ititiiti„Pliirtidn.-Jl,feJ;llsliant .
`Oilter.e'ArrousiiiiiDles - tif WIN Cljol, - litilbeEn itird
gilt and ie4iOlilbut, and tpe 'titalitrietors are'obliged
to *rpitort.,to Faldeliolid'adtt.Stkittekein'to make their
()nib out of? -It , rt....The'geliaine' article le Out tilt id
pleliOstyle , lit'„iigeinr,%tiottleisf . envereil Ii
wrepperiwitlVa.yelloti- will) the propeleterhi
minnturcittephetV • • 4 1 .n ,, i• - •••-
7 '.;4rr•Tho - Public are requ'elited Ao• remembr thht
- Cornitiitinut.;:gyrtM•iDU
herrY,that - MuKanti - itti.epeatedly, Derforminketteh"
'nilmottious,Ditres of _diseases which have battled iog ,
skill-of the l'rofetisron, defiance . .tkenvhOle
'catalogue of ratent.,A,o4/eitte's...,.„Which
thrOugh A!to orool4 Ilie,press. l ll'llerefore.
ask for. Di:- Systyneld,ciantbmintKByrtitecti .S
Cherry, and Ddreltsse
- S4 l ll inc4kailidly_lll.itrAtSBi.:llAVsll3l2llBli t
side Agents for tide borotgh,•!:
February 12 1845 ,•4,:•-•
- r.' r`ir..~ .. `z
, • pArroNlsd,r TENktr , ‘ , Ir , -- ,
- Shutter,'soattith 'and-80l
TIE sut49riber.agoint for ilia - Late or Patton':
.W.nilnw-ShtitteriPitelt-4ind halt, wnuk4re-.
weetrtilly inrorm tkie;puhlie that the above-I:telt, is
superhir to 94 article of the kind tia,yKilsti;.bpih
for siinplielly soil' , 'durability. TheY , eati her. Nu ,
Menet! at J. P. Lyno's or Jacob Sener'il 4 Haiilhofire
Store, !;:tfeethkflaneette.stcset. be
iri,l l %*; f olittier•alreitfCsit3litiii=-1111i, Ird—owl
ba.sAls?ittPti.ittOlifotr •
• • _ • . ,MMES citey Agt,
April3o; 1345; git-e. " • ' '
. •
. :;'..'SH*V al;4:10 •'.l - 1
iii w re
r!tßaumr,voiPsompogniiiip ',d i ledeliablfill
1 raide o .
SNionposi*MgebiliropttYbik al • 2tl.:iiiu. oicii
imitprbilf4rts 7 1 . ,.1.- . .iF t tel X i ;444 ,:t.• ,:oo:Za.e.l6,:fjuli
,of a handeome qualltitpult,itepaititid(atrfor.ual
ut Lilo Drug 'lord of •
' .- 4YitteriltfiriFt?t*mrih e f - 0 . ,
_ft4 immipon:Ai l it f ormuctot .,,,,
:Nilitiiiliii34l:; , (foksiitipi'lii`,.4o,itisiii . 4,,
Ful,iii - ioui;iii'v",_illA'usiV; bi '
it`" ... FULLtf:ECAt . .I . _
'-nilliiilolo .- Appil 2. 1a,06.:'"-- - - ' ‘'..i..._.2:-.,
77- 7 •••• • 1-
c, -!•lave just receirffd9i7;
Rao . 1 0.Xggitc
mq,l4l4o,,r,editine s e :
gsppli 'or ihe
J;';:) . 4•: 4 , e'stknif :1;40 1 # 41 • 1-7 " 1F i ;; 1 4
• •R. , .,••..1 V.. 77.11'71 trt
• he .p • sire mivir• rot_ 19 .. 1 / 1 1
torPprepatatlorilaftreigiiialng klatliorgretiar.
apparel •vritla) filo* ifyil,hm,
Ingth lot '° f- PO° 4 fie
- tit the St • • tilitist
q - -•— .c,...,... ,
1 .i..,,,p1 lied '
".I(ale i gH tte, 'ilisitetlf:VOritiliteettil *F n. ...‘ l4 ,
- d •
o. ' tfive'nvoilc . :slll l loNtr • A ,
- •.,,MgM#FIMMIM
.rof'llo . % :;**OThrittclaa ,
I filr'm
:Nailer; t
.20A,Ittol$stilis,Ncp; - nittplimsesisrk ' Sstsrdim;
ited;tigfiiiiiilad ilernitgeliy,, onTROVERTIL:
no EFFECTS'• 0 r;cices 60, h
.COttoftyPiint_thiPnioevretteiinaldet toinoe.
p'rotuptly.atle6~lvdSo.r '+ - -
- • i',O444.:IVANOKEii :MCCat.
. 2 4(v..
Ra ts of, xassur,stssco, Ikteducesv,
r.1118K:'...-,. •!' ,
Vrfok-orgAtknOitiw_6llingsor r stOreab4.•:•:' , ...... - .;z_. „, •.;
from- Y • 1 . 26.6 o o:6epo w sit.O.
do • ilo_itrai , erutt'L• t to'
r • 47.t0 4.* do'
' • --do Stables (itilvnte);'' '
:trtdo- do Shades (publie t r '• 6 1'6,7_4. • • do '
•do db Grist'lllllls;' Writer
to 10 -±-•-dit'•-- 1
A rnsivAeittatt: l 7:
tetek or Stone d well ings‘nod Var. • ,• •
*cilium; from , '3O ttr4oe $lOO Valta—
;""ito do Stores statilliereitan
• ' dine • 95 to 50
do do 'lavers and• Furniture •
' - 40'tO 00 "
-do Jo. ite:ti,ie.(tod.Coutdus
- 65 to 7 , •
do' do: i •
• jOO to 150•• do
•• do '
- . dorG lint MI Bind ' stoulc .
Frame nod LOg dwellings anti Irt: Ara.,
do t Stores -and Alealeltan ,
• clize, 65 CO ••
. 6o,:l'averno and Furniture
60 to-100' • 'do
90 to 100 do
do do`Grist:Zlills and Stock •
90 to 109 do .
' • • , ---
The sub niet ibcr • Is 6 . gehi-lor the nhovneorapany
for Carlisle nod its vicinity. All applications for
assurnoce either by moil or porso,Elly will be
promptly attendetkto. S • YlllOllll.
June 19;13 2 44. , : 1y43
_ .
rinTIE Allen niattAstpennsluirough Miguel T'lre
Conapany of Ottniiherlattd:CoUnty,in
corporate,' by an act of Assenthly,ia new, fully or
ganized, and le operation Mt4er the management of
Cht. S tai'm nto it cob Wth R G Orga et,Le w is
flyer, elwititlan Henry
Merhel,„leynti, 4 qiiit Snavely, settr, ,und John
Rankin, irlin;espectftill," 'cell the attention at the
citizens of CUmberlantlitnil Work couoticatmthe.atl
tantages *hid; the Company - hold out. •
The rates of lii6oneg • SIM! as tow and favorable
as any. Company oltlid kliul In tne pixte. Tenons
wishing to become members are ditilitid mat&
if "wi Aitiention to the agents Or the tiotonalit:iilke Are
to wait Mimi Mein' at any tittle: ;,..= t.
. JACOB gltEir..p)(A;Vres i t,'"' .
Lewis Mier, Secreiiry., • „-'•
,i ;Al iENta— .. -.. ' ' —,
' 'llir.iiiiel IroOser,tieneral ik'gfent;lll'eolinninhind•g,
'udolph Martin i. , • ' ' ,-: '• I .l .4Luroberlitnd.
Al CoclsHn, ° 'Allen. '
Win H. Gorgns, . . _do
ChrisiiiiTirzer; - . '" '''-',-- Ad ' . ' '' "'
Jour C Dunlap, -. ": do. .•• .; ~
l'e.ier Barnhart,, .. . . Jiiiiit.:±Ploinsb.oro
thivitl'Stilitiii - s. ' - - :---- - - -Clitticlileiin;.
:', c.. A... lia r g stoM. ~.:, .._.- .4 _. .. .- -
' I.irnryZenring,.Sliiremankows , . - ,
, Siision - Gyster, Wornileysburg f .
.. 1
Dm' J tfigratanimmil, Ciffitelli;..,,-.-• -- -- -- -
'''',liiiiotiaciel4,P.qpertil /kw:atal; York Como. ,N en
l. 4 4:rd:t.C t iiiiiretaii4 P., - .0.. , .
_s. : _ •. .
-fenny Logifit, . -: .: , . Tork.couoiy.
Jblin Sligyaliek i _ . _,' dn .
,John Haakiii; ; . Shy-- ' -
'Daniel 'Hairy,. do
:1: lioii_man, . ',
• do •
.Philin Weekbill . •
. Ctirnlintland co.
Crryhor agent's will Sn iiddedfiereaft,er.
July 51,184'4..:, . , ~.„, tf-4.0
- 1
rated hy on act of the Legislatture•Oftli - e present ses
sion,and fully of gfutited and in ope'rationitnder the
direction of the following heard of 111.attagt , rs,viz:
- I‘homatsC; Millgelligninr - Monre, — Davitl- W, Mc , :
,CellonFlt „Is cr. t i p 3yokly , William M nore , Sound
Ealtiraith Thdittasq'wgtoit, N. Cr.".•Nliller, I hilip
SPaigir4llinitielAVorids, Abraham Kurtz. treiirft'e,
litirlt e;Scoltll4l6,iittilthe attention of the i tillabli
anti of :Ckiiiihiiidand Vtilles
. 0 the cheapness of their
rateaand.iilie Many advantages, which this and of
insuratite'lles titer any:other.: '
tst: Eveiy, person itisitred becomes- a m, - ;mhz.- nt
"the widipiiiiy and takes part In the choice cf t. .errs
4eirtli4 dir l etran,.(4t. cppoeva l ., ~.• , -,, :. ~, ,
'2a.. E.'iii , i 3 f3iiranee ao incite is demanded Alt 'r 1 is
n eceSitAry,3o, Mee t LI le; is pen setot„the Co in patty anti
todeinnits• ago kit losses-which may-!tappet.._ .
..,• '.3il,..The ioconretdenee of .frerptent reneimals , i,3 a-
TOidtd, hy ; insoying 4,.. a teem of (Ire _yes :a. •But
kiin . e!es- onnl!c 'ettor -- • Iffy period riO:n ma to
7t,:e.vears. i .,... , . . • .. .
,If,',.A . iy person a pidyinglor in vorn Tice must g' sn
hialitretihttmOide:ror the cheapest class at the rate
'Of 'Rio iici4d4iittiro r which. skattle IS9° on
for:"Silileh'ilii . 4,4l - ,hsty.o,: 4. WI t ' 2 , 50 , for five .1'61.4,
anti,sf ,Sji:iiirtifiricilio . tVtiotlcy, sit uiiti Mt VC 1111ae . /
be iliiksciiiiiiiifdisO,cgrkate'ratrusaiitthani'a-ftiTin--
(71Whlidt..lifit'OCiliii . ill MIA .thili no oiorh will I orequitt.
0401w:tulle*: l'otiettlive. - - l'hepo rates i els;";ritncr.,
cheaper elfittn those of compOn!eii;einl)t , ,o6ll ,
as are incorporated nit the sante principlet • •••,:.
,_ -7 . - i - r7,! :: .3frips. - C. fILLEII - P.ealt
A. G. 111it.t.ra;See'ly. , . .. • .. ..
1 • "rho following gentlettien haro• i;een.fitniptistiiti
' AGENTS:7.... ' ' '. , • I • ..? .' , f ,
'' Dr.' Iril Dny, Afe.ifoinleidirg • ' '.'•;•?• -:, ' 1
1 F ' • - littnes It eliti;lly,l.4(4 . pq'w . 111i0...,,: ••
• ' • ' '''' ''''
Geo''`' II 'l' il '' ''' A - " 'e''''' " ' ./
rgq., r til C,...0:1 , 01., Oflra ,
. .i4.0 .
(siemens AleritiliiiffiGsrlisl4." . ii.:?.
.liiii'idi Rheern; ...... ' .. do ,„;;',.: . - •
' L. 'H.IV i I ljatut;F:Sq. IVeilpee,n tiro.' ~.'
~. .JtgirifOthWyl6;..New.tnn. ~- '
.;.,/":. •,. • '' '''''!,
''...i;', ,, c."...Ciingiiit r i ., Chestniit, Lee's „X •Roids. . ' " '''•'.q
.',...,q;,...s,J:OP , lgr,,Weans;Esti. , 4llewhitrg i '-' ''. ''' , I,' ''..t .
:,..'-'."" ;I'ollllo.sier, Esq., N.''o"iv comborkilidi , '..-..
"., ' -:v 1141). OlentleDini ENV ' . kilogestossii.
r' . !... , At . Stbithit;.ql,lbekson, Shiii . p6tsittirg. , : , •':
' , ;:!,.,.Reter Mc " ihollo,SiAptidlogni.. . ... '
:Oiler, 1844 - .41 , ,
..14,„, ~'''! 7 ' i.ii ,.
.-.- ' :':'.l , . --.., .. ',.".3 - - '' :. : 4 ,- . 7 -40, ' , .-. - ' , '' •
I[4 yz ., jut e
p v uar v
Ie e i t4di
(re Opi"1,
--..'•-• ~
'';',;,' eaf:4 3 ar - Pe*Pg, Pk° g 1 . , - -' '' i , ,}
4 1.1
mli foil IWil fsll;l4 l ,phipidem ' !, , ,.iiiiteiilivith the
,d(!i'Optip.,f .s tfig,f l viktit.
,0 4- -" ;:kfttlef.:_`.7l. •';:,' !'
VVIVI4,-' ‘ 7 -11f1YA RAY. , ~.
....;.1, ~..-.. ru...i. ,, , - ‘ 4 , „ 4.-.• -, .
A 0 ) •,, ,-...,--- ..1 ),,-; r ~-. . ~ ^ ."..'---',-- 4.,,..
NIA ItVl iher'eVy ntr i r,ll ,
tikillinin*yiNkninfotelgned,.ebAlitheri, fe'tilte`' "e.:(
tigishit(tt - e'tiitthe - -qoinni - 64011iiNt egtlinXl% .
for-the In*pOratio kriiffirtninytiii stteil
"0444,00ifi.), - ' - itatritittatltt lattp
it 1i:1444it lit- trio Boma); t enft,NtiAltnii
- neinitv_t. that, it eh ill I ' nre it Ctqs)taL uk•
flew? or increpeittg it
- -
Litotes., - -
ep Mic hael n
• ;It otcrt.(r."stetitt
,NOWA hittiti*e4
toi ) e 4 l. - 16 4 / 1 4AVVV.i
Ir. 0010 , 01;LEsolpsygglet, - .
1::213if ii— ip l i I **o - 1 4.61716-11 If —I--
4 4
PliVrt,Viird::,',ll 9 417111t.orese. -
, ii.l4io, tk.*444strt;;:,e 8 4 ES;o e_ 0 :! 1 ' 101 !., 1 .e kl b tat 4 . l ',l'
;Ai e;l,.,itt it;:t;i:6l,7ViAeliikatAllo4 l
. 4 Y.tiar i lo l °!.P4 l 3sWV,: - 17,41if t Pitriln - i'ilr W; - i A
,'!*,lPPR , igrA946 , 4 l ikl o olk4o l P 4 ' Votoße-lirell
R .' 4 041 1 4 11 r4; 77:1 "3 . - - PlVatl
„ i: 1, '1 , 14-4;siii:
mistoomithmkororoooidlitiowifor,',o .
,gooi t , l ,s4v At the ' vit !temple llfrittit's , •Rokr b
, itextYttottelte 10,Gulliple'rr y Nieteltmelterirti,,21:2
' CatlieleiVebrtittry. 5 i-tt/tstpah,”' ' ' t!" 4 ' l ' `';'
. 111 R,V 0 .140 , recelyed:n.lnigelidtlition SO inifiiiiner
stook, consisting oral EDICINjWsLAIMNTs
.DYFo-ST,TAITSi - PETCHlffikihat.Y -, Rite' TrANCY
..A.RTIC4US,Ashietr.l offer , eigierishulesele-or rek
roil, ht the lowest
Mys 4 tithaltna ':Line
.• t .0 , 1•44.. - " V i- --.;:, 4. e '',7 ,-.. . , i.--1.:4 1 4.a . •.--' -
--- 2 :.1. - -.7; . • , . , ,'"WCZ.''''
. .. .
fri FIE. A I) deeai gi,i , ......t, pro pi.let of- a ut:the S tmtilpinna
A. LI neof Ouri alio ch nal Boats, reoiii'n r Oleo( :,n
-cure thatika,to,their friends Qt Eraiikliii and (;um.
beAtild CoutiatTUCOOr. postfOtri,anilrcapectru*. ill.,
forrrt theVt' that 'ti)ey stNe- tia l V.tillittreti to recOye.
anitforwnrd stla 113 , Vltillde ' lYtigr, Cant!,
irrifdl ce,,and illerchandi I.
,-- ....n.,,..0- - .TO AND YROM. :. .. ,
, t • . , .
I " ,,11 , • .
Proi Cee'li4.ll he .del i rereil. tunny house in -Maude , -
phi pr,l3iiiii wore to 3i,hich their Beata ellti hove uc
co a: 'l;heir agcnts kii the,citieu qii, .... f '
~-..,,. , *...
NI essrit:l'N :' iirittoiti . 6 , iirirn .„ ihv; ,- t: . .- .
Vine EL Wharf on itieveiaw 4 re, Philadelphia'.
Messrs. Juult At cert.i.orrutr,:kGq.,_.,, ,
' ' ' . ' 110444 E 4 1!•a- - Wintrfrlkti . re.
' The!'wil I Ol siirece,iii rol lOrworil,diti I r,to,Pittta
burg and hileriniorale'poats, Preight anti , Piisfen
;era also, tor the Morlla - ahil ` Vest BriinOi Camila:
- • ,-'' -' ' ' .1 „IS; P. MA . lO.llq.
linrriulititi;' IWO. 1, 18 , 14. ' . :try
do —
r do
1000 PCIPS.OOB:. amt Ptltil~llivl.
can testify to the wonderful efficacy
of that' pnwtirfill remedy, TiIOMPSON'S COM
NAP7'IIA' Read! Read! Astohlshing cure
of Chronic Bronchitis{
. . Philadelphia, May 25, IM4. •
Mr. S. TlttitiPsost..-:Dear Sir.' For more then
four years past I had been dreadfully ..afilicted
With - an affection of- i ht: fillroat,
clan pronounced . "-Bliotik, BrotiOiffti„erinsed
by repeated and neglected 'coldrk- :ThTtlisfresa
suffered is itideseribablev My.throat was litteral•
ly raw tvith violent coughing, so that blond wellbld
come frOld it i uiso„ great oppression, pain and
"tightness at the Chest min faVers - -Att short all the
usual pulmonary symptoms showed themselves,
showed tlreinrielves,. causing -entire loss of nodes.
sa r y.repose,4o, throat tv us lea thud and blistered
over and oyeibga in. I made trial ofuVery known
remedy, tied aldifferMit periods advice
Of six.phygiciittp, and all with:no-Avail: About
two motithssinue I made trial ofyitink Compound
'Syrup of Tar Mid- lyo-M Isloptlftr , ,Ond befcre .1
hod taken fliff - first hOitle felt ret
seven until I had taken se boill Vlach com
pletely removed the .disense ;Old Testirreti2 . lne 'to
perfect health,` and I lirnily bolleve lidiould not
now belivirigl had it not,beeri-liir yoni•
blo JAN
• " ' - , ,,61 )120714111:C 'RI red.
Islv , ...Be*iner` , Mf --- Firth and
Spri)en,afroolyri bow lobr 85
per. ii,o,zeo r • •
-- .Por 'sale 'in .artiste by T. C. STEVENSON.
January - 2`2 1 1844. .
:Vett G ENT% 13 - 111 EN. -
_TIe - t_Sebserlier.hsayta'receivell ttotl
pepielk at his , bledttreei;twO deers Inoin
the jiohlie twelve; ti large still - Meg - pet lissom meta or
tirttaletrior gout t !lihnts nse Ahtl WVIII . . to which he
ref : pet-trolly hrkites their uttvotiott. I (teasel's MI
-6 WllllO. .11:11 - 1111g Gres hi, in large- and sins II Jars I
Oils "(I rci'lltilkes (or the flair ; it hn•ge.t•nrirti or
Sonps f FhL 13t ltnhea , tooth, clothepAtill !psi!. pry sh
es, of all prices I nit*tori .
eletztott-astipribleiiitt irtnee-ott.os
the hest most 61%11h:oast& bls.le tutu ss 5t0415,
111.011StIcke:, all or whirl, tt ill he a 'ld at
• flirt. Irebb:
Jotte 18.1/1,1;.
xiiiolC6l3,ll,t 1.15...81 AN CoSiiElrie,
The Itet art tele ever tlisenveted.tu cert.! ft. lire.
vent- Baldness, elettitse 1114.! )1.111. and luttke , tite 111;iat
81)ft , fitr.attle ta the Ortipt---Siore-ret Ste.
vettlem Meltarrry,
lialloclps Casio, Oil
Is so e'*rellevd mil,stkititt: for Canto , . Oil—el.ildren°
tire genertilly tumble to:detr el either the thMe , tir'stifel
of this ittittSectits ortiele, Joh( received ahil For sale
by Sim - ens - 6n Melodrey.
• II Anil 1118F1
fletv!,tk;elebtliied rlimimstic, nerve ifia bone
liniment; the
I?cintl9 ntor eliriMfOlietrtnatistn, for "safe M. the
Drukohd IloOk store of Myers & itattetrtiric.
hare yet nn n .sortmen• or soni)s,
capl cases t vituting curds, pneset, inoturtetl,ivith
YCr nod , fleeL tuck and side cow rt",, utotto,. ;seals;
(y‘ , llltdevicca•mtifable.inr.ll l 9SC 10 -fillirtsiitpul hi- 1
Offitlat'st, le) all
, : fynin the togs
• hotises in
- Ir2Veiottltl Inn Ile tin! latch
qtrNrlk Fil'ArrEV.
inerrostog ever:r . itoy,
for ziale.
trot 1)41(11;4 more -of Stevenson Et 11106,1111,1:0:
0 61. 1 s itpmg Bone Clire,
A All C e. destructioor^ king liona sprom; , -Wincl
Galls end Cullino.iie !wiles; (or sale .6v. Steieebon'
Meledrey. • : „
. . .
7 it.• . i , ..=A[PitESH A RRIVAL...
I ~ by
Pitekberil lee,ecivedAt ,00w
min .rieghrs;All• of *flier
4 , 1111' than I'lltey'et4ti lie lmught else- ,
For said 14 SteveiiVio-k-Nlelinfter, .
Tad stiade.ucr tnriely
or -W rietif; 010 -
el I o , !,Nylgo Alke;:74.(nnjoia,ajwing..Scslll. ;
tDOIIO3 ,W,11,1t klkg,pol.shileic'.vOl'eq. or, iudira'
anti back rout, hoist , *ttittlijie'otrera at;
• Webb.
4tinet 8, , •- . • ,:“'
I; eq,
, •• ,•
s 744SONt'llo`ir'et reM4
ler")Sittk b • iei6,11.,
61(014161 ut 74. less e h tiil sr,iti mg
to the~pob~Csher. `; "
Vaiioittittois'tor :
11147 , trumif . y . Poi(ar:l4eWsiir,tile;",e".i:iit - hie, 4hepp
110oit 'AO istei . tetAi
to;ditbetiqbeii 'ii"thel rut '6141.25' r ippqnt.
I4di 'til!.6o.4oViiti',.c tintlolo,llCitiiri
e ill tat!.
subset-11;e' it for . ? riatrycn,i, 4 i
- • ..
O .
OLP. '&4%1 $ . l
0" .1 ! 0 11 , # 1 ,k41, 1 1. 4 1. 4 1 5 ,,1'Y
s '4, ,t4l/44
en • ,
t66) .11 , 1 4 :P;- , re V1114.,9 e k-C i t e l! .1 1 ) , !t.?!..' „
tlag . So opt,A. frcAl
kreasol , Pflrootik4Vasit-
TutiCfaraived,ii :girik
'ms ILA 0 w ,44.3g1t,-,f
et4AII I 7OA-14eir4,, p - p„
'Agtp i crerlf k , OR;
4 A:. ',cono6int:anpi) y: dr tilk Above,4oo 9 #vi4 L , 9r
1: 4 141 ELUOTIOS
. ,
- ,•4, ir l, '' • i 7," ,„ ,
) ?I , ) .)e 1,111 0 . !I•too, . ~,
.1,,,,,4,t'1414,,,i,d` fit,e,sd Ajuagwv,,,B4lkAtt"ii
I 012:45ene: 't*onliorsep:44"94 t„. 1.1 / "Att 4 ^Bi4, i
1,4-I, ''.:l,', P' ,9 4 6.‘ r !' it4,:;1';',',... -m:3_.,-74,7;.„-,., 44,,tk',-
11yr9,18 11 4 : 4' , , 1 ,1kr' ' .k 4j. t'lr . !" +,.`.
l 't.
--,^ - - :•:" I .' : 4 PA 4 ,, ,g,,,r,,; , L;i., --.!-,
. i 44:Ageg.54,,,, .1 lt ‘ Ir••si .. 1 0 ___
-"r i c o „. . .• ..-.., ..-:.
:- iii:Offgetp Sr :00)3cFstUit'.4
"•CHEWAYRUW:fiiiii),.. :, BOOK:4TOBtr
a-large• au pili tet DritivPailliit; Oile;kiElitato,-
-Perfnmery 1.A.1e6- ,- V i i- ',. ; ', 7 ~: .. - ,.,i ,
~. :, , , ' 17,0 a i'liaV, la f - 110 2 tz ." Nr)l 'l '' ;' .'r.:,
all ..of yrhicli will' bii sold wiioleatila - 4(iiii" . 'fitliP,
CHEAPER OHM they can be.bittViliewhisiitikvie
cCnint.f. '- -i. - .:.,,.. El ` - ,..°3") ,, ,t,t;. , i , :re,ti. el,i'V ..f. .
Mar 2 / 1 / 845 . - -; , : , -;,Afi..5'0.. , ,+0;!, . , , ~, 1 . , „S A...
• .
, •
,:'. : 'r, •, ,, ,t-„, •,, , 7t--- 4 , , ,,,. , - "* . t • ' •', ,'' ~.- . ' ' l '.'"
.- . NIABERtr= 'l5 : ,, NOINiYER '
-C444=23(01r43412/111,40..E1 ..
urr OULD intot.m il.pir r ,friemdsAplitiitifiubli e be
- 11. — WeiaT;ikat ihey have'retitovedilteir petal,-
.lisln'euttle.,the Groom! latelitialliriied by Toh,n.P.
Lyne. Ett. Ci. and ‘ntitly.oppositittthebittetittivlitit
flag of Arnold & Einatelnialhit'JarStbre-trillOktla,
Hanover, streetovhentktliby ttie:fiirgilsiltgttr6 Alton
facture sad BupPy OW pistotners
,and the l tubili,
both at home and fromit - dhitaliaOeitli'all kinds of
CANDIES •- -., ! ' ' f. 4.
at the shortest nottae and'bf t , t at qualify. `,.They
also keep eonstalitlf kin IWO.' MT; etabiaein ti • •
all the delieasica' on the , . diffet , hil
..ticasbne ; besides
-NUTS of, every kind. Thele.4 otkitioinprissa in
,PAM ,pe Buell si ••
sleh:origes,,lGerrionso,littisfofr,,Figs, Al-,
mends, Filbe , Prunes, Ditto!, CrettiA-Ittita, Cocoa
Nuts, Engll Wiltnita;.Giotittatgliftailid ) . ,:iiiielY
br'all-kinde of :Confdotionary, ustfilly . l4t,tp.stlei t ' i
an establishment ; all - or, itittehilttiy - we 1 steal' the
tat reesonable
,prieos foe, G,,A4i1.... ‘`:,74 - , t . ,
teellng enconkag4ll, bY,tli6'ery'ljber4 patronsig
heretofore beateiseirtipoo them, they have been in
(lilted to old to thelibove stock, all, the various at
libles eoiniebietf Willi" ' ' ' .-
'.. •-.. I
. _
t ire:- 11.-.. u.--r
toonleoing•inmart of Sugars, CoffheN:,,notp,'Cloodl
Crackqrs;Molostoi; Chou)hit 'o,44aeli of oil ind
Coniho. togeth`Or with O lorgo viiiietk,orßtieenowsol
'and othee,orthlei too pumekolis to miNtion.
- qc-"ites Tobacco anit'
'el the besilind .clicnpeit gitalitiee,alWhje,pn9ttuitl
owll 11, kilt Misr 'tylor ntay tailtr thditt *llll a nal
Frays tiesLrlption ir:6l)Ciliteteet
- on hand.. Fo'e eitentled
therinv , 'the; t• 'feienthi 9tnd . ebgtomefe, they -eetuktt
-1•1411t iltiVere tlO. - nks,'Or ill vet. in ,
.tnniit a eentiottane - ..r their favors- by
k,iceelloas to Nolte: flute eatabtiehmtnt .an ag+eanble
retreat.. • & 511:
Ceellsie, April $O;..
. . .
. .. ,
.- .1A COB - SIEMER, .
a.r.lit,axs..las shespre thattlet' rot.' joist tirrits
and wishes tOntorin his ti-scads aid the public gets. '
..eralln, that-Ise. has had 311 a general- tasortment bl
I - 044)11i;AU r. and c tytm.t:ltY, ti r a II kiollsistkeif
af,, , Afets, or throO 'different makes, liateltets, Draw
-iiii-hisli'es'or various
.nsiskes; Chlselsond Cooper's
Tools of all kinds. 'Also a'!ii' r lisstmitik4iii of •
' . Tble auttlety i
suo, ....:,,iv c . and Folks, rro.tts the - ottrapfvolhi:
nsost suprri or quality I t wo, three iteid fourbtajliiff
runkel Knivt.s Pram noltianni to genisisseltogiiios and
other al/l:rink Itnintifact.ure ; tattle, ten ;:- fintvasid
o h er Spdilisr. ; !tinges of all kinds And sie, ;•eyery
Ilesia'flithOigt`Files ; Horse Itidps ar differoi,size . K,
wont! . amid heft screws :it different kinds assdisiiirs ; -
gouges and plant I Toth; j.ent,_dosilde initilsAilitti..
irons; ''..l'ugurs, black Dill bright of all sizeiXOliii _
three-hiked Augn i - u —liraces.atisl Butts of the- hest;.Z . - - ---
nut ke ' straw-colored Bits', Robb, chest, eons's - hut sl
and ow! - loess; cut Tack ' s and spairiddes; brass
Candles; iel; s ; In lel. Uild plaiteriog Trawfa; Triteesi -.
Stralght and i ali stet! Huller elsains ; heavy and light'
Spades and Shawls; lmy nod inausure rOxklowo,~
three and four pronged 1- Ato-sla.uoiliteetk;esit r ,and -
'filfeui-Sleel; - Ashqriesin 'and English 131iiter7li`te,e4 j •
hand, iron bark, mill and cross-cur Ssiu:4";..%i'rii,iv
Knives; Flat _ll'ons.and -Tailorsgeese,-FireAronsr- -
round and oval-c. rough; Puns, look hasklkAir,thA,__,,
Palos, wrought Iron llooks and -1-fiiikeiVififrerunt/-
sizes, and also the , 9'dfiolliotted ..c.1,, , ,r!„-!•:• - ,. -,' • ,
~,, "
Cradle and Grasi4
made Fir Superior steel PrOl iort;lior to ) no—all
tl limtitedgrrod, bent r the tntsrket„ifanpat produce.
Entire satisfaction a gites s in tlery-anliele both , -
as - to In ice and -totality; ta't, eryAfertion u ho. 'lnay •
- cull at the p)(1, stand sn wrll kir woa as is I lardm are
Sias tf, forstiei-ly - kept Ify,
. I,, ornalliiirkm antl ;Ala
`lolif lin - CnAfiriO'sTai rip; suskoMi_tadjoitsing C eso u
KOli-l's I lalStore.' 7 ,q-.;if,l.
.tali and see the - old tin ,` ff,sey.thes, bay and
ir,rnln Rakes, antlys'itrinua el, iiicraks whirl; w
tkrintib 0 talerc;s try to meld iik . .fidettli 'and ex 4111.
iqfpir .I!ci,t,"di,,,,i, and re unani*Theeire all war
rai;(0,1,... At e fire deft rmined tiiikit iit,inimil: 'profits
aniltexeentire satisfaction.. ; ' . ;: : -,._14--y . -:'
/“-''''' '' '• ' ' tr,4.OOAP . • ' ER.
z, , , ~
~/Larbsie,'slo)^, 4 ,-4. R tj., !.., • , ; ';' .4 . ;; ;:1 4 `;. , 're,..„5' 11.
- oal3/4' rtibilEtti*s 4
9[l"TP'remarkable diecovery)liti,ieecived • the
unit, ersal niiprobattun - o he:Medical pro.
fCssion of Great 11 - thaliciff,.. i now been stati
c', ntly long htifbae ,the A :A , ll l l' .‘ io6blie to give a
..rutr.tot_.ol_l4lttwer-and,-;. : :1,,. ~„: a - Patent -
Galeanielliege liiiirebein l !IX: tO ifiewer all the
purposeafor , ::#ll4lloheNta , ~, ry l iatilvanic Bat ,
wry. „pl. Elcejrfeztertililifa i k liktriiiciiines arc
m od s be t ate' without` any -13 ~ iliiilninriries shoeka
,actofripany the rtipplicifyleirea'by those in.
strurnOititgjiq-in mniiy otliciiiiiplet.frafe more
fibre lief in , in ucconspliabiritkikdasirecfeb,
,lorti - ' '-'43:',...: 0404:4,i- •
~.. fthe•*l - I;anie trip:6, bairn beekpeed With p,er.
'lett itheeiia in' alLeaaes a ß heinikit,tiajo, 4l coto or
'eh , onfe, fipplying , tO (lie, gelid;fitc
'a)or, limba;—
Goel, Tie Delotenx,•or Tmithr,cliej)fßronellitis,
Veotigo, Nerroua of Sick Ilsedeekir 4 odigratiod,
Paralyeo a ,"Palany, EpilipaCy. Fa, qTarnp, Palpi.
'lntlet of tbe' , lfeart,'Apoplexy, Stiffneini of Joints '
Luinhlign.'SPiaia POlnPleintsii•b4fdll 0-R.onor
al belting; Debt:tenet& Nerebus „gtie kii*nd ail
Nerveiia Diaorflere, Tbcif 4 1 tra9r0 Iklitielroct
noon tt:e`agelem 'mite!' be wilneaadd icililbeliev ,---
ed, and as a certain pire:ientlye ,fni, the preeelding
cattililidn't4 they tire,enutilly to be reemnincniled.
Tlie `Gillfailie Rings are in eycry way-perfectly
ltihilaitli ' tielil . 'ltfe sold It 4o•wirbio the,
'reneli'of 'ail;";Cliriatin'ti Stagnitie Fluid Ja , used ,
in connectiog withAbe b jtlngii,:te,render their, ef
fieffift.liietioni:ferfalifleitiktiidtioct tiro Galvanic._ i nil ulicc;te, p:tatictittr, Otto - i/high are iffected, ,
, n•Nifirrerotta - dertificatee of the henefliki effects'
of I)r:Chrjstio's Iltirik,lnct Fluid cii,4.lic idicivn.
:',:•111/ liilicivving-!. caiition` ii
~.,Stittii 311 )
P Rii';k,llicliAutly ipcognizoo Ok
P ti V l K°e'rfr•ri , 4 l o4 - fili on! ioiiiatoii,attk ihreihiitii,.. and , atio 19' -
' ,t ' iil lidtt.4ei.he,.-i 7 eille•ri,V?:e feet It a: Aotiiiq .
,ftlit'flori'„iltb, publio;e:gaintit,pufilmaipg any ofAhlr;
l iv dl i i li -04 '4Ac:pmck r a,cfAvanic t i,b,iritio ATIO(0 - -
Rn,piio,:i9RlC f l acr,49kya, are, , , cticinptimglo ti.itkuPt -
a . - .'„,y‘riuu'ii4dtia,sp,, tilivigliout theAfillgro
° a Rt 4l o, l ;49o.4clie9lAits truth, thil ; 11 1° 6-
lm !Elttoli,c`ii,i , otlfs' iiii - ,'kaKkalicial, inflptiOefibit4
! Ora ) 1 (1 1 unifiiplioded:iii„ito citiviiot A 1 1 , 1,0
igifliqc.rtiald, '-gz',;., , -. „',. ; : '7 , ',..: ,i,o-- "m.P.c.'''' , `-',.:::'
A OiLuE4, 7 xf.iii . w k ia e i z , , , .„;!.r. , N•41111°
orlikriiirkbrtovr.tAsitirt . ', '...•) J 4 .-.--
I •
tutle at the aftiiirOrnlo,lfl?
. .441*iff4,11'4... ~ • - , ....Lie. , ~..
,' - i'.•l l o l , l o,4F.N o Y 4 . (l Y ,, anflyS'Alr l uP. ,, , ,-
- 7.o4ll'.ll:ge.. ll P.Orcinidylvid.i4 - 4 1 ioldit' -----
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