• ~✓~~N Talroviti iiiiik4 the Hotal.,P4tiCiNtlikit'a:- , lttithee S ett difiViirifr of 1;1 4 9 6 4 1 r tia l in in OF4rnil thatit-ptotoets one class of the eommtih ItTI4 nititrinn,n 3 nfictther — thinit. inStureethe tostegifileptta 044eiolo"the fegier r , that it'Obteetiso e' sr ttz aridi)t)te 'rhiP 1;;•ct '5lllll Of VV01 • . 0.1 5 :1 4 (4 ti v e 'Olt Akat-ever was ma ihy. Jvh eee ere 6itilppolte i sgainst' the At h6le Pro: innLiv r n - rYntton). I,wtitt to furnish OM . ___friendswith the arguntept in reply to these 0 -7 ' - 't" 4 l -i teitire'llii - m - #6117:3 - "Cb(l' --7 1icoiirof , Statea,,•conaiiri"tiidt liaiWoon tiiikr and five censtis , , five years-airsMerated the Miehanics ,5t.890,,069. hitow to be. truth • : rii4o4Niiititi: omitted—one million Wchilt.hilVelieeti nearer the faeti;.— I _Thetr.. f0ri.14.4 : Nio,liset) coMpotadat'spo ti,;Z • l4ro.4itartherefore iisfely , 'say now , ; • ~_.:thiathitiigitifiCatiiiiiiniaticn— t liossi %003 .. - -"d4l4,`*fisAlivelihood Upon : rneehan ‘;:f.';'!iiiiil'Oititent4are:above.•four millions of - •:.-; • tiersTlP: " • . is,:popui#tiod aiesiv ns 'conS'Ume. ---:of-4.1*.productet•-o-ag.riculturo4treittleitiff auimat.,food, vegetables , cotton ar.o wool for elothinkitObacco,litimpOlax, - litinber, 4c.,--a4average of 121 cents, a day :each pers. 'This little,MOre than ' 8 4 5 our . - persons, at this consume $1 . 50.006,000 worth of agricultural products every year:: Now hero are.ones.hniulted - and.. eifihty - • - 'millions 0f f ,40 mrs.--,worth of the .products of agricultio4...Which are purchased and consumed by the mechanics of the United Statietiviity year, aq,purchased (mai the . farnierir-and planters of...the , United States. BUt it:-is said, if thise four millions of me . Cliatiler :andr,their ;families were - not me chanics they , ,yrould consume as - niuch.• That is not so certain. It would depend upon what sort of employment they would - could find which would• enable thenvt-o cOnstMlsatt trmek.aS. they,dOlow4 ; , ; ,,lf the, million of median ' •S'Were'.44;Meell4anics-, theroknulcl..ne . nrly , , ill few _w_ a n y noonin!tion.trouldbit;osrl4oclicd'4.:stul as farmers, 't ey ;could ;'supply theft:' oarn the . . four_ million_of cusso f _ marsAolllkfarmer, w,Ould be cooper — laid: to ; dour: millions of ---competitors,:ror ri *4lO.,q)iiking.-s\vay, his mhrkm from-him; and wing higrxiothing, by--way of dom . -Nisv/-doei:not.•,4syery one see, : that• it is the greate'siiiiyiportance to The:farmer, duMher of- mechanjes • as much as possible?, Every farmer taken out:of . thefield•-i-irdil ramie -is , the,.ii,Nition_of a new customer to the far- ; uteri:lll(l;lhp' substraption-"of an old frojp_ blink. •therefei '- is tv‘pfold. ,Eyery. mechame taken from qs•• the,Nterks,hop . and.,MOS a harmer, is. in the saineldaioi ;wo-fold•loss to the farmer: agricultUia PCpulatitrn• haileabe-deetia9 ataheld 'the 'accost; of the polOy-thatlroteete the- MtTeffiloie; .„ They have the greater"riartibtbneThi,adre eighlyAnilliori `of dollars=ayrLnr=depeiiJu on it. !, t, the aboiie if we riginftrinne - rnii . er. is the inscri lion upon • - a .itin—dial initaly.- It inculcates . a beam' tiful leeniM - ihfch too many are prone to .ilisregar& to-ch ua to . samara' be'r."tltebriitiollye of life; and. not . fo . . r• God . has . • it is trne, is, not all bright and liespilitul.. it has ' Its ligho. - lifnivlill: A Kiki. shades, and ii je neither viets.'t!ot,', ase . to dwell ‘i96- much .L .r t ) C i gh!. thioki etlirthingi teint .." '''man :`tlian'''iltose; • I#E.,', l ,idniifin'sl occasion fur col4iplainCitiol *ienaiiiiiin every thing_ they. meet•withi4.: ' ' f.,pseirlukt,iisiTistivi•-•Sometime since llaYliCfdre . :694lm4nt of the Doe toti Air sc : 7 i ,ll,sliiii (1 .4 41:1)Iyer„ to stand ar e it t fioniA f toe ',„..o.ofighli bi .' \Vei. 440 81 1 °r litneW . itit01 4 101: 4 4 6 -4 - °P - - t e, tirki,je lit 0 .1. 444 y e t*,: i iiiii*tletl,`lho - - .. - MisiderOtitiSiti tOtips'llits which the ~ T iAtt64o9ll l o:ollsfg!Atitlit,he had_Pit. . - - ,:4iitihittlioiliii'aiif eutli t t ) lllkp rr eity. irilW la'll•"l',iiiiiiteu g hi him , 44 1-altie°t/00i '+' .. 1 0 . M.kif i J# 111 14 •- I 'anoloazseiting 4 thaf riadin;ip!ffitl4lo,44.. . ) 1010 1 1:1 4 itliii t ;1 1' 4 - iiiiie ; :liteiilicialki 11(i 'lad .', ‘f:! 10f.0liik-t0 AllO I° ' 51 Y i e" 4119 ..07 ,6 ,TfI I. 9 4I AV , °I C44 o o o :hil l M et°l4 s t `6l4-IVil;plxghhiiilsibtiin theiitl? r r - ;t!l,it,' ?-4N',10 - " ° • ",;;;•.:,,,•, , , " :,,,e f rg.,.,4g14 4 1 50 717-t 'ecip .. Pie l 42io are: .14,01 .:.vttit :Vattis;cfigiN! . / .. pn ill siccosme or ~ .ijl t 'y i l rk) the iiappinesii,iif, Gael) otliir;, 7 '"::: : :.4Viiiti,l!,AY,Ogl -: 4 ilOciplilf - V,4l l fildellY 4 Wteo 3 lo, ll ,ltife l .7Ao Aglitirr 4 V: ITP.M B :O 1- i° lo 40 410 .4 1 tkr 111 0 1 fr g 1 141 14.1§, 1 9 1 4 - 1/ - 0: 06 /Pird.#4 1. . . ..~~+.i :sin s _ hp! *ION 4141fIVT. p.EI 0110a lly that taiiiinimpuslings. liQ'oliOt_APOy, r dl, •r - ecilf :.lionoyer st.) * . .hore. ho k and ordir,.';3; kt . Y.• , • -•-••• • • • • S'ecirttairti , s;'-atia . .iti trs' • , 2 . 101 • .aVg:tire 644i*u_46criptiilriPlcitittmOVaumlyi tiof:loo . p.;will 80M obey') for.cnsti, pr:onclutomp,l ..for_dountri-pruduca_aLtunlket_pricp ‘ s44te„will 7 'also Cako , Luutbcr of ull - .i.ic , llßr.ilttiCtilP•rflexcltultlle Tor work. t -001P1CIINS.nidu.'ciFygtOreen. ronsonnblo ;at short notice, a tuCjip,wlll: , :ottcurl ,funcrata with_ splendid Hosrne,,ln town .or country: A Helium will also be kept for, . .110 'ronpeetlully • solicits ti share of public pa. tronake,cuilficini.,tlint'lic dim render general afit- Idtaclion. • . • • Mdroli 2G, 18 , 15 • • -1,.1. UDOITSH. L . • CHEAP : 800 STOREi• I'HFI Subscribe', haii..tt tow days since reeeived from the. ei ty general kssorfinelit 'or School licks o 11/41 4 y iliell•lteladendeto-iiel;litredueed • Ptieithiiiiers can he supplied ttc. 4t.the:Tollowi lig mites. . . . • .. • limn' School Bibles, • • •-• • : Dont! Seland Testaments' : 12-2 • , • Pocket bibles morocco gilt edg es 1,110 - Belioal BoOkti• lan the - gene' al kinds twine protior tionabit low. * lris Statitiiiary is of . good son gond asSortment of Lithographic Prints, Toy Booksand Books suitable for olithys: • • lie also marries on the Book Binding business where persons call have their old books mlsol'll'l, 711140 Blank Brinks, Dockets ke. made to The subvori bur in con n neetfon with his Stationnry Store, has eststblishetl.k.-±, IF.IOI-.1-E-P-GllO-erilliM . A lIE has now on baud Ekldege and gene. ri ,c ,-. 7 . 0 , ral nasortmont of fresh Groceries, spices u g h .' i &c.-uf-every descriptiod and of the abet ~ ' 'At quality, selected with euro in the city, mipd v. end end which he is enabled to sclUat reduced cash prima to suit the times,. ' Thankful Qm• the patronage extended to him during the few days he hue beon - in the business, he hopes by afteivieit and, , , endeavoring io'Planse rd merit. a enntintinfice thatenfdtis stock iatpart wp consists of ' Strong Rid and Jaen Coffee, Best and.24l ' • Havanaand crushed Suns .t • Young Fiison, Imperial and Black Teas • Sugar House,, Syrup and New (Moans /Wks Boa. Best and 2d best Sperm Dilo, • • . . Sperm — alfd - Sfegt d Candles. Spices of all kindi Fresh ground and unground, Cheese and Crackers, ,Lemons, MtiOci'Citron, Indlgo,Stareli,`Saltpetre, Logwobd, Atherledn 41/ . /eindonlnyistirrti;'Ripe, Homeopathic and lialtorit'bosi,cliartelata;:Raiiiinsi 'Almonds ano Filberts. " . , . • Crockery,, Citin nd• q lad: - Br tisk, ea, I.lridnis,. Bed corr.'s,- Hailers, Platighlibes, :and' .Ca rpentmis 'Lines, Market Baskets, Bad: Cavendish-and other cites:ring' and smoking, Tobabc6 t: Spanish, half -Spanish god Cbminon Segire. • A gener a l assortment of good SPdar,cotton, thread, tapes, titimbles,liooks.&-b-yos,-FearF but• tons, pins and:needles, tooth brushes, holy broshel combs, pewter rand, alum backing and n . Vl,lot V Of other useful articles. Also NO. I & 2 mackerel, smoked Herring, Salmon, Cranberries, dried Beet Elams'Bl.6. December 11,1844. ••'•!' • , Agvacy. ...sy,Tpitcrlig.. 01.1.145,-l a te of -the,-Treastiry ,Dcparttneat t lhai,imiiie an ,Office.iri..t.iiitieltyrand . will anent:l4o tie - proaceatitin and bolleition of claims •befor7Coligress rind tint several -five Deurtmonitruof the Government, sucli.as 'pre.eniptiorf and. other land claims; claims far 111- RavoltnionaryovidoWs; smith Italf.pay • tor.Revoltitinnory services, whether for -commutation; tiffiffitily t 'or•lirlittitY lands; for sti , -vices • during . fhiclaiiCtiraftlitia4ol.lfrincal'oT accounts of disbaritingt or .other of of tha. Government; topic ititerest of bidders' far con -tracts;ilintininoe.nilsolan-Orftnes-or-fdrfeiturcs 'fornileged!',vio!Atidnspe the revenue Lion of 'privalc clainie;'utidnil burrineSs lirouglri tefor,e. Cangrotis or 'OW, pulilic offices requiring the geryieee nfan Agettl. Charges will . bc moderate, varying, according to the nature ofthe business. All letters must be past paid.. • Q•i-Pni-trey.r.ffiAPiplillenktoliitisotpind renting offitiiiiei:Jet4:&64 eellectilititiOrentic hegotitt Ling loons.- ',":L.I Knsl~inglan D G~Tune~2rrlB4s -- W • AVONES , e JE 3 - '*:". I IO . ' , ARIDSIt'VER WARE. ' oP dot(' • vet, ITittelilis 'of their bWn .ti linpiartatitin,SilverSpponsi Foricajeo - Setta and ante gF~sllv¢r z .work,; o • Mail; Nt'atoli , thaios, Seals and' INeyai-- Piaci •Coltl.llreaat 11,1 - n - ga, Jtracel.4a, Guard Gold, and Pencils - nod . • 7. ‘ ,.. Rl*llloll4.lioiuntekl•Oolil• Pcns.; together wish a goner-id iisiort Meld of I..ailica jew Aley,,,Plated Citatio*Ce 'B.Uaakets,:Uan Ile Sticks, 'Fano)+, flags, Pursea r Faus,.l.lri(tatila ,Ware, in setta -Hod atiigle l'OraeClaapa, Pioa r ritticy tread Ornamsiitifke o 8410 . fitilie I ewgetiriata49 . . - •- - • . - , lic 'W. L....WM11). ;106 Cbeanut street; !louse.'' ; ' , ' , - - - . :PhilAilelidila" -- Auguat - 13'164X, -. .- • ::. : 4,t ' ... ROBERT t . 8,.. WALKER, ~.i. ~ , jvw . 2s'ivoi•th : 1 9.40i/iTe::%/liosit? 'Christ C'hzirch ' • 1 • " 4 .' 1 .- 1 fhstailelpliiiiT ------ hollNit'reodiste4,4l4llirtio 4 . ope!lii rig ft Very extensi iv iiiiil.tleiiiitiriiNisiniint ;or cenrwrnycis..?- .Ijue; Ilioilii 'tirtilres i ane.tif new si i. lee; u lid' 11(04 pintlinseil , :princlonl y , roe C AS 11; they-Will to-sold it the. IciwesV-prianii i list 'consist in' piirt tif splendid ;Mussels'. (risk., imilie its;) llealitlftil Imperial 3 'ply', Valierq. c ixiiii‘ingrai ',.. 31 , 4,.4-V. 4.41, Twilled Veld -1 ilso 3-4 444' 5-S e - Milli tlo Colprories' kinited Ikea -1 .41c_ Stl lk, . iff ef.. ings..% .:"•,..sti...‘ tliza P.el!OL chile '...6.A.Anglliih.t.llnak;: - . 'filo otu.Olc o wall stilloool,ol Cloths of 011 within, `ling', Pinn acid :role pct:pr.., Slinp . ,skinsiSiiiiy , liorla r tUrrOlinks:Bo3. ; *llll ipt.pstansivo assorttiient at :14r0.)!I'incli•Ci . iiiinii.000, or, ltil.llsOirl it oni I. grtiiii4 pi pt.:id inittiffiltinitimilliip 40-14,4.1 iivi t e per y a rd.' l'un - dinscrs Jiro ~ i•pqq . ~ to..osiloitol.. *.7 In:l7, ;. pmt Amitsrikptkizic p '. ockilognoils ! led 14 , 1; . r . ;. , ..... Ifse ; l* .• .1... • !, -I Z ' !' .' ' ll 0" 04. , Xt ;;NKAAKt.ft• :. - Naiiii .44,1A45.". :..: , .k . .i...;, , ,i4.1:"1..' '. / • ... 1....,, , ..„0itur ; 1 10Nt,. , 1!. . i11kit.t0,0.. , .., • virout,D..-riiiiiecitlbllylinfioni- her-frienai suckthe pthliolfibitritlhot d th e s Or l eciq"4l . s ll.4 ADitt.P.4l o CO LORING ,4" pig SILK :Si; L ' lLWak MEII.I44;IIEIVA 1 Awl) wooLuNs ori t ualliii , ii cGars } ellat ' ''''' it 1 7 1rtfdi't ' - d'' ii Er 1 4 ppos_tte Edliciitio • 4 ,... , ow oo , . ,all, pr tlio,n,ew , .../X1 1, 40 1 42 - 1.1 ho,tencterffll4 . ,- . _ ii ditnalti,fo kkaPl, " iditraPaio, Opt% : - lilt y for, 4 C4)(0))144 Li 9( Mief i r fikvof. ' t • A t ,monuAtal, -'; ;i, , • :.. , , ii, i 71' ...t:D;?)1F/Z - V4r' . " ...:Lc. TV737777.21: 5 i 41 ." ,:: 11' '. 1 4 ' ‘‘ iio ‘ll ! 71 A' 3 " 14 1 : 4 A1t -f !t , pi JZ I , '''' . ' , lilt'' t tilts *'''' Rs Akr . V .. F7'. - ;:,:bA mate, iub.ivibQr -, beg,A.-ki4Y ..zt alintlif i a tfAciloliowtOittliklit4kbAftt to it ,11 -. 7, ment , of , Wittolteeatit j4'sve. r rs7,o6l,Nie " lit, ix' diaostuilit iivAnitii •eir'et,,lilipusiteilLioudiiiitsll3iiok Store and.n . 'MI& Westkifileetent'ii alAtrAtitikistt keg' 'or_ Gold:PotettiLoVer:' :,:y.,:,.: A ~, .f . 7" . Sand. Levi not ;WATCHES; I - rt.:7 the - , - 'li*sr, , il,4ol:yV, - .l44,itt*": i )-( ~ AL , 1 eheopeat he hes evikplfered-,; ' , tu.tlic eitizelismt;Cuteber- hind u iSilititilcioklt -ilins,:tkeritoloted lOolcils;,Wsklcli lkylf,AVlach:Cfiakos,/gpOCiaalelii,ko.,: Also 111ifila . - tiled,*(tkic 0 oaCild, Clasps,lsoo,fielbalsiriPlue; Ear' , rbt4;t7l tiptit::ll tip, Mcdttll36;mittl4.4l6l•Of It t,try alk:io pyr,.....t 4 t •- • ••-••••%, •I' r:+ ti'; I ,';. it . 3 . :1 , ~..: 1:1't ?y r ,• . iti!ltond OdisitOd: entiv,' ik S . M . S . delirlilijk:r.tiere , fcii — iiidii , " .ifilellieSi•itiifillt , —rally; okittlicewtile - tucit)o3ctlit ilit)detittliitt-lhie :or 4titA9p_gtt,ttimeattattarrttetifeig 1511:, ....t.. , 1 , 1 • ; , =' i'it t-',. 7,Y0t.804 - ii lilii:Ii: to piliCliii6iiii7eirilieTiifiiise:lii 4 ' ticrog woulirdo ,wcll4o call sopokaalt-is ,tfiellialol!;. - inrOCst;Or - CliCatiesiAsortoyeat Ov:Olfficesl - 15671:14 (lain nittutty, miil wi a .liit. 'sold.. low,cr, for, Cash than tI4 coolie vocalist:alit relollifirtloi OKes:."-:----",- 'l'll.o*A cION LYN': ' . . ~ .1 tily' IS, tB4S LADIES 1,8 Melt ore invited tPJoekt netlic spleAdaildieles for the toilet Jost reeciv&d by the ettbseri*, 001- posing , (I,c 1 , 1111 . 1 . 0 W, Roussel, e Pomade, Phtloect4e', - French Bondoliner; the 'celebrated 011iodieV1041.7 mg Sonp ; Roussel 's Aliened and ;Otber sotip4;.,oll•'• nine Bootqa Oil; nonoserolhilitiMie rliAtr for. the teeth ; Alba OsePo 'A Mad in& for cheptica;' , 'Minds . ; ItotissePs• Extract for the• handkerchief, beehreti''n lorgevarietket - other fathionahle s perfurnto 'Which cannot lath fo please,' and which Will' be'etold very low for Cash.' - • J. R. WEAVER. '0,21 'Jane 18, 18L5 TERPItRAINQi MIOUOIEn. , . accommodatel.l4-ffiends oFTenopcfalme I L. this county; and „who: may visit Carlisle, the. Subscriber tri . :itiduced, , ,ati. 'the Instance - of trittny decided and,rcipcotablo; frie'nds of temperbnce in this borough, to optirilffi; house for the accomrhodation of the public, Wlicie lie will use 'every exertion to mtdre the nedorltitio 'dailons sueli as 'shall merit the patronaga or. the fiends of the Temperance CRIp3P• • t llls House is largo end gibly situated upon the corner uf.Nnrth ./.4tOOVat• • itn d •Lo u the r %trects,. one square - .`tho public square, and very donventent tu.thebusinesi vitt of thu town and the Courtdiousu and county offices. His TABLE will always .bo.- supplied With the chOicest productions of the market, and, the house. has-sufficient. STABLING - MK - died to it for Putting up a largo number of horses. , — Jurersethers attending Court, and traiiellers generally, any rely upon every pains being , teken tosesuroiltoot handsorne.mid.comfortableAssffm nierlatfonfr. The patronage of the, friends of tent ;wane? is respectfully solicited. WILL I A 111 EGOLIF. Carlisle, August 6, 1845,.. CA R PETI NUS, 011 C CLOT &a At tha "Cheap.,Store,"-41.,StrawbSqy Street, Philadelphia, viTE would ealLthe'aitention Of mersspislioennj - rr --- 01 new Carpets, &d:, to the fact of bur -bein g 01%1161(4W todtgnsola at - very prides, beeasse; in nor realm!, tittlfillon our root and ? they...v ; (oE 4v , - iire - rory;light, and, we offer - Pr tlas'adithoft an es, aelteht sitsnrtraeot4f • • lkithitiriirl.lipeaal lnaivtri ` entl'''{'etietir ` il `of •c.trier:TlNas., ever. _tall ely._ . , Also; F1..0011 Oltr'C;io4l4§; - ti.'nni 710 , 2a fvej wiilc,envie'• fir rob' 4 - 15 - 7 liiitri;fiffi".;iiiii - beartiTi 6ga floot baize, table pill Veil, stair 8ti1N.11011:- iiale. oFrelail, atibe lowest prices: irj-AA supply of the low priced Carnets; say from .31 to.so,tentsper yard, always Oa Valet, - & 13120-tllkli. \TO; 4.1., slvwwberry Steeet,onn.ii ,_por abeveChesnut meal. iti•eet; l'ltihidelp -Sentanber 2+, • ~ TO.SOUNTAY;,M ERC AN TS ' 116111.48 worth .§ Teller, Msolesale - . Dealers hi-Foreign Dotrieglic - - - - INprei, Howard swim, up stairs, S thiors from 1 1 MirkeLst,stirerto.Country Nlerchants - Goods on the following terms, viz goo4sit. cost, I per cent witted; 6 montliii 5 per cunt, oil for cash : habitable rands, or its etittivaltuft. I .nr goals being - , r egularly hottilit at auction, lowest rakes, the tering upon which we offrlltern must meet the stp-, probation'ortleaters. On no aceotit. will More be ' , sited ( Wien tokqii, ihvticl to calt estuntne our gootls,mtil- judge for thetnsiAres..- 7 -Ortlers prompily attentletl to, on sante - -lIOLTANt'S-WORTIf-k WELLEIC' Baltiniort‘Jitly 23, 7F4ilicep 8 quiet House. flower's infailt-Corilini;for eholie, toosenesi of the bowels, severe gripi?g'.violl pains occasioned from Teething is so delig ht 01 to Abe tastp. that , - thililren".loeto take it; for solo by stc l , ,reosno elitiffey:' :4111Ulleg - litailfilllav -, .: Ski rl A 41.43 LOGIC , siiitt7ot‘f,tlFtf frl s l ll the :‘,..7blty,und lipoiril e largestot tid.nsosigen oral initcli of Di , y Goof) ,ts i4les, ItOots awl Shoes e•••" , r 6 llloilitio'C.4 4 ,Jel . rtikrt of villas' he boa par -014 ,chnsed•ij, Abelion sfndisali'he sold loWerillan.her7 toforei*d'irtrultirespeetfulty in% Ile his friel4hiiind theltyiblinegenerally who n lab to ' la}'' out their • oney_ti3_n_goodad_vantige,taltesnreandßil'Otittlit -4:411i before parchntingi all they can litpe.thelargest, most choice and freshest stock , of,, ' geolls, te,ieleet 'from thaVituln Carlisle ,•':',, ' liis stitck 'topside Itijiailinl ffriOelirillti frpart ,01 . ,23/tof,7l'pr yd.' Cassanieres !Ai* . .. a fts l, o "sl.ir vil. l .Citisinetts from '.57i to sl',WitlT74 . lpts Tweed 1 ,Clothirind Coast merCrof the rnosffaskictnahlCklitlis: very lritlyßistings from 19'to*:1; pr,partcen,itiw. est stile t 4 P laill• good/ . for Children's wear Oral!: kinds ancYprieesl. the line alio, reCervC.l a lirgC:,,liil 'of , Oress irtiods; inch 'ail Orgainte' end; Ehlizorinc. 'Lawns 1 l'aris printed ftlsrcinise of A reti and iiiltlE• .ricir attic s-PomssatlOin Salio!rittes 011li'le and 4)IA, hl 'lc ' flombirlincs i 'Alpaca liniurcs asiorfed.oll)ll:l).` and Q 1141 1 .142. 'Avery generalasiortaaMit Of BoOk. Swiss' k Mull, .lacimet• 'mid Cambric Muslincl. new • atyle Opera Jf A nCe s NlllBllll6 for,firbsses I llobbinett, arcrianett, l'ickneff iiitt;Wseshislomis from 10c to Si I'pr phi French ll:tunic SCarff acid Shawislatest ilinporlationt also; 141rtrge assortment of ..Shawls, Silk Handkerchiefs Imp l'leS tor ntimeroustis,Msat. : (irk and White Fillet Shawls with bliflictn Priiiim hiark•Barazerlialzorlite All& la nil. fo r 74011rhing; French, Scotch and A merican-Ginghams felliiiiiiort mutt cicgaiii plain spicik Ilg'd Silks. Alio, ti large tend general ; assortment \,ot Swiss, •Jaconelt:.ancl . rhrflitl. Edgings and Insertingss ftlontl,-VilentiC 14 l'arhi.Leeelis. a ilarge.und. very fine assiiikutetif. of ;le l . , eql_tilyaltlem Vepenee front Ole t:Mc`il inicic, Fallr - icr sand .stlierclictici factories; a tremendous stOitErif all kends DI Sonnets. . 'llle largest stocklof hosiery ever• offered iu Carlisle, comprising all kinds awl colors; 10110 pa boown sod, whit;s.:lluallfiff and Sta l ed ekl . 4 . , ell i llualitiesVantr',pirjeie4 lower 'Than, iierl'Tictitigti fVoni it 4111ft:rent laitinlisj:a . ier.i_ prtureelectlerref rArtltEe.qtareckird •Tili - Orifesert - ell ;colors esitud:' quiditie!trfnlns. best - idieerfmene'bi Me...u!4 011 k peck e t Aviifirokrgefs anl'ers ta tit ha tgii. beer64.keretl.oiliiepylego" , &verilarge alool6f !If vii4l4 (s,Nerfiy6f,ell,lo4s, ()utilities; aglor.ir . efripqs;•lArfh..tolltntaiNetArtio cm!. fi owerk.amh Ihfinvitl 044 . 4if1he Yranch,,Engliall And ... A:tnerieen; make 1151.1,sty!.ce. ' Thu largeet steckitif,llootsi stpd, Shoes:ll,k. have "dvii , otro're4l:ttitliediiib ieoW,Nll)lliflk thibltiee: lie :ti*nlliteLster.4ll4:4ll4,l46i:NapOi ß s . , • quilltleiatid :prices*: •.:,"*"` !...''!:,...':,,..: ':a' IT •%:..:....,i.ii ; 2.'"i . 1 !•A ' •.' , .A. fresh lot oeis, Cofreeis;.flogiiiiitifee-Flpleik 'of all icititli.wlilsit will be e 01444 eety,Smalf Profiti , to Sul( theiimis- Iri'slitirt lie Mikan AlmiCnntl••tie pcdplions of tootle and le inslotis to give good'intr onktoall'who,o,l2l.rat,..crfiltiklyl.th,e ca 11... Ifeeol; iect this littepa hufrits,,stere:lielcq . trio t.44erken 11666'14 Illpti strce,Varig ngetely'oppeelte4beli*, Tet Wlt; lift. acid 'Nfttrifiifermllrty.lNquiiderl,Tcpsi; ; ,* '•' .4iitr.y:,Merebenti , terr I;tt. seirrPTl4o',,it ti& - sti I •liiiffain - reguestrd .fo call beforis putiftaims.: : , • filerluly-9;7184071--r -- - -,- - - .. - 1 • 4 %;..,,..? k e tt S.ti,.,,Er 4 l if '.. , ' )0 4 44 _... 04 '' ' r g -A"'"PP"tt l t uv 8- 1 WaisiAreruatleor,4l. •e ' oreeium Jo, .atioltei tlipteges;qelttleie lot - ; tlee.',et.:lll,l,4liila, iieip•byl ilui ,- Pio, JUef.recelrell. 'and! tbi sitti,g'il.t. the.lcl! p PrO s aorc af2Siveasou . 4: l PWitrfil•,:l Tnt4it.:- . 9 e . foli.- . .4'4 ..434.:,1154'... .ip:,:. , ~. 8.1;1.0. iIiNiSf4r.PAIMY: 4 :-F.:4' • . . ... .. 111 *. -N 9 - <2; 4 1 r,. ' 'ar ..4 oo I n o r tr' 4 nen .at 01),TeiriN41(4 ro Skid •Aciip ...l o :Pk_BllT. l l,9r.k 41147 , .L 2 " "“" :01e.SODA4e, ,I ,lMw:m *‘z • • _ z . • • ,• Webb r~ rm~a A.-r 7. 7 -77-7 71 44 4 0 .f r 151, , u pe tiz'fpntsifriblior;4B.-FiticapeptL dip: romp' qr,frocillebOtipiewb Yulll 1km1..1-AvGdqo)th.Oe' ifii t A4 pii4;l4;ijr inereif;Eatdhetti.l:Arieth*,,tiatiiblO9ijs;" - ClOths; , V.eatinkt;f 8 11 1 cii;9 1 dildiitgoeSi-thi.oo 66 :` Fihie WO' Or ,tilfal Oa,'-..t . ,lifiioga • . koodi M . 4114664 idlOOC.carkt afar!) itaCottOO, Yiirij;;Ohibiihakl'Arisiila;StinahtitlesiQlo'kea; !Aar stoek of":Gro,. seal 4N:41...t!CC.9.1f3P1;ggi ouakleSertpttotiirantl iro - trilovEfirtiael ho ofrers for_ctiale -yeryqlow.pricei for. cash.' " He "realleettully hledrlendß Oiarthci Public general loalli.,i_oaarnuelti voile leen; atingdent (list lieitetiti'',el,l - as loiy.ap any other bottle in the bilreatetV . • • " Atiin 16 • 1845.! - w." C ROSS'; 7,Vhbks areikn: and clo,thotte _VcibtrStore Nol; 30• Bank (lat . st, ignitiltg. faith frir,n'Ma Market et behito: 3d.), )(;1 gpoltsatw spit at ' •t'ackage orrAuction cost .priceitcr-neWeaSKer it on . 6 months ,cve . d4 s . per ceidll added TIM subscriber to,lieep-what is -strictly, cal l'eci -a!,` euc firstep,;itere" and t'o ,sell his goods nt l'aekage or „Motion cost *pricei for tiett cash, or on time fur OPPiit'aei:edit, aria Witl-lhen Mid d pr Imams ihdss On that principle and finds it gives gen• end- satienction: Customers catrrely on' btlying aril; gouda at the coy lowbsCruarket:rttysj•ah•the 14;TWie - St 'PWarVask7ed first, bY whick,iime Id saved to kith litttchaser 'nod 5 . 61[0, moil, do eleemitY for heali»evlo*U . : :Helms constantly, on hatul,and will stipplied with n good tissortment of seasenablepry Potplll, ileslp,ned 'for tutd adapted to the ndar"Cortiitrytratie.tri'whiON,he 'now invites the attention 'cit'ilre nierilltants of this neighborhood, im pressed belief they like many others writ , Tirtironfiejlie,ayste t ti of transacting business tulOpted and stactliltdhered to by the advertiattr.‘-- Call anti see,, GEOIiG E . , CROSS, No. 30 Bank et, Phila. • i i oly'6, - (943. • • ' • ' '" -• RAPP - Eg AND. MACCABOY.SNUFFS; • Manttfact red front [lie ptirot and finest Materials; anw ii:qrraillid free from all delderatii druga, by L. I. DEMUTH, ' - • Strut; Latieastei;:PaL 1 1 4 - "DDETE - above . uniivalled'eauffi arelaulidied g=l ) the trade and others on liberal terms and all cullers promptly attended cAv•tuop.:,ilbwi lrg . ! .of a - . sp.ortoas - lertiele. cnlladL¢ncasto~ Snub thu;putt= - Ir 6 for tlat.genuirse Eemathia Snuffs, wliialr die ivholesulod.only by the tuatiaraeturar,in.Lar;caa ter,.r.:';':atig,lbje::i3iniuger" and Cozzens c h 10.56 Vesey etrapt,.'New Yorlt.; Stabler 'and; Canby, Pratt street Whtr,(;-13 1 alti uteri. ; Aptit Na.,ID~`NoXIIi 6th sCreet, Pridndelphie-ttadJ. & E.,o3itil4.W.ast.Penn street, Roadt.ng,,Pa. "Sepa:a4s .-3in. • OA . 11-1' :11'110N1• r1ONOR:1$ • k - trUly'• '. - ,that ito,onc. - ever been se auccesla - iii:.:COMpoCiniliiig a - f medicine; which has done. so - to ieve the Emmen faielly,to rob sitlisea se of itsterrors, nd-to restore the Invalid' to health and comfort, as the tenant! Pliti . pideter of that niast - de served ly p ulae fattilly medicine - 1/n. Stv.i*tvt:'s Costrotn , tu SYRUP. OE , NS itio Cninnv • and 'unite' s9_ patfonfie - trb - 5; - ilie d hodilii this Cohritry nitd in Berofie, Inti there ever been, so. Vent -x effort lo the short space ,of Tittly9ilk-or severr yeers, to deceive the. areduloUS and unthinking, by putting up Nostriims of tar)otts by various indi vidnals, affixing the ondlo of tVild ,chorvt,,...q.ns much of the dente of 'o'rlsbtt firepaktliolt itti'w,lll.sti•ceti them from the lash of t he law,viiidene of the Itapoilors who outsout the com mon p'arrgoric of the'shop and cell it the lhalsim of . -Wild-cihers•-y-impudence-impudetice- to caution-the public against the Original' preparation, Dr. Sweyne'sDotripound Syrup of WII4I Cherry, which is doing so inu h goodin the world. f,