Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, September 03, 1845, Image 2

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'.. . A ~AINLS Il c~.SLLL . U'"iu~l•
NVEDN,E,§lsAlkSvtember 3, 1845.
:.:o:7ly_,El.,,Partirsit,, Esq. No.. 59 Pine street.
Philadnlphia. and '169 Nassau street, (Trii.nne
;Itniidingii) New York, and South.eaat corner of
13altiinore and Caltiert streets, Baltimore, le our
- authorized 'Agent-.46t.' receiving' advertisements
•nd I subscriptions Moths "Can LIRLE HERALD
rosivoi," anti:notice:log and receipting for the
Oug advertising columns show where a
vast smooßt.of valuable, property—ift up for
--- purehaftert,*wiliell we•refereapitalists.
84111ZIET, D. KAANS, of paophin
_county, his been highly spoken of as a
- suitable llTliig. : eancl4a.te.loc Canal' Coat•
snhisieeer. • - • •
- Orin publishing the 1121121C8 of the
Standing Committee, appointed by We
Whig Cciunty,gotivention for th 9 ensuing
the borough of , h'iiiit'irtsbiirg, was
ally- omitted. Our friends—will—plesse-to
cot:skier the rueeetlings thus corrected:
- .
7The editors of the, 4 Voluntece•must
be aware that the residence of Mr: CriaSwell
and Wilson is but temporarily in this
borough, existing no longer than while they
occupy their several offices, and therefore
to say that there are flue persons from the bin--
()ugh on the whig:tieket is a direct faleifica•
Callia, and Samuel Hahn, who were in:
clieted lait week in the Court of Quarter
_Sessions_of-autphin-zoonly r -for-tm-rtssa
and battery upon Washington Brooks,
which resulted in his death, have been con
victed of mans/am/der, and sentenced to
two years imprisonment each in the Eastern
Penitentiary. The pritoriers formerly liv:
, g etl in this borough.. • • , •
Iti:jr•The finest Peach*tve have seen or
eaten this season was given to as yester
•day by:oaf-friend - Dr.- - 111yere. - Ite - WEight
was over nine ounces, and ite circurnter
ence_between ttn and eleven inches; this is
as large as-any we have seen noticed in
neighboring prints. The Doctor • ha's a
ireefull_ortiw-same-kitit4-and we should
suppose might keep hirneelf in a fiery hap:
py frame of mintrae long as they last! -
burg 'Register: in 'noticing the of
Mr. Sqllivan to serve as the whig candidate
for Canal Commissioner, takes -occasion to
introduce the name of a worthy gentkrnen
and sound wing of this borough, in con
flexion witijtliat office r in,the following
ccitnplitsSntary terms : "'Whilst ive regret`
the disinclination of Mr. S:, says the Reg
ister, wears pledsed to say the party is at
no loss for good men and true, whose cir
tumatancesiWill permit them to suffer their
»isles he-be tised.- 7 -Should Western - Penn=
syltania [lSt elaitiethe Man; we would
gest the name;of Josa.prz : 'W. PArrox,:Rsq,.,'
of Cumber:land :County, 'Whose_experience
. .
on our POlic 'Works, and whose enviable
—reputation pr. konosty and integrity
tot wilich thei,Voldriteeii;nti
it!Oc'*atitvf`,.'4,ttlentgi-eaCitryi gnalifica
yoking:4*de . to•draw theloeo foco ticket
into;i4Oinporieen with that case .
the , conclusion of every , intelligfnt man
would be verronfOnnate to thelocio (ono
nominee& . - 10. $11 ),t t i advise our neigh
"bors- that j'itkinital. Nit.4Sr that sob. ,
~ • -‘•
, ~, .. . - .7..4 , .;..L
ilar'rlie.o4miPatiOO of O P. l !)*P,iii< g fOr
the-oftice.cikiiiettly:of7 , tttnrnei v .,-;insietid,
ot -being iitifintienaiiif : seettli t*teqie _Of
ni r tistiiiiiio - liiiii# lo i*Po - 40 ) ilse
l i
is tile refugejfe,ihn-ileitil tit; illt-sillittl
and the , tps:eiiratfi;inti ftlit ITCpal , Aii!los.
of -a liiroo*r.,4„6:4t:, , itiO , Inetitiiiiiin , a4?o,o,
throin 7rittiinf *tip; epljln : e..':6l:94 in'p ' Orcel
- proreeffione44l4li : 44i,,fliarding, tho pro
feasion of thly'irli.itOrpifiet ps a,n,OtijepOoni'
- * - ,'"e Wallbe;-snititiiiiitivir , rie q q".:•or gi - e:
county dd 'l . '(4" .!l,6,particuiltr. Aesop
. fOylia eleetkon.' '
• THY , statement' :tha:hol Li t;Yalaatear that
..ihe'Preeedi optio* - ofgOkiendeired, per.
°alai OatltOi tudthey
real never stein Wjlifilethe . "people for
fisco .
theokt 4 livit'4:6*#lttir.kFtrori , l' l o
our - iieiiMoviv.44lao444moceP Penton:,
`iii)ieelreiriiisl34o:ll:i*r*ght to bee este.
-1-1 1 111; ib",e3f4iol4:yetidefe . BCCieations.
_ vitiate and foviiituto: onset
made bi ttel;l ' lPpluatoer upon 4inticketlatt
to beat In nyO*Weiliioke‘theiiiiiii
L.... , . , .. . . . . . , .. ~-,
AP itat She Maga astido if theV
..: -,:.---,.:. ...'•.• ';', - •.
.`lirlt,;i4 . 'oliPee!':ltid, 'Ohl ' . tilkitantlti . : , thitt iihe,
Whigii!TVievoe'hlttl:fja. btftietteporti4ritty.,,to
ettiablisti-ilie-edittidittley - =Ottheir=niesi - ,and -
Principles hi dumberlatil county, thin is
-now-Offe'red.—TheLlocofueolieket r if Wl
' 1 it' ' ' "'
iwe eiteetiiiMdie4iMpiati-'
per 1 ps-one-or- . -
tally a weak o ne, s
and' ..eitnnot' rally the,
dtrength'of that party. Several of the per
sons .nominated .on the loctifoco ticket are
utterly incompetent to discharge the duties
of he o ffi ces - to which they areproposed: -
whi °on the other lnsntl the wbig ticket is
comp .
ed . of men who are experienced,.
and ,w a are of tried integrity and-faithfel-i .
ness. The present county' officers are
iknomn to be well qualified, es welt f as 'in-:
(Newtons and attentive, and not to etintinne
them would mince an
. rindiffehece with
respect to the men whoareientrusted with
our county_records, which would be really
culpable in every, good citizen.' If, it is
important to havetrusty,and attentive men
in three _ offices, -,then-every--good citizen- .
.ought -to
.hesitate 'long before he consents
to Tomerve the_ present incumbents.
- But it is to the whigs we must "Cbeiily
look to standby this ticket and give itlitic,
, cess. It is too much tbe . habit with the
Whigs after making a; powerful rally for a.
Gubernatorial or Presidentitikcandidsts, to
fall back the next year into a state of apathy, 1
which breaks it their organization • and
; r - f e
loses theM the advantages of their previous
success. Shall it be so this year, Whigs ?
Shall we let ourselves be defeated imp
county which we come within the paltry
amount of thirty-nine votes of cariying
tact fall ? Shame on us'if we do . ? SIMII
any. disaffcctihn with portions of the ticket,
Or s any disappointment of intliidual prefer
ences, seduce us from the straight path of
dutY'or prevent us from rallying in a firm,.
united anti harmoniousphalanx in favor of
our ticket, and our whote ticket? We
trust the Yings - Of Cumberland are . too true
to the great whip party for any thing like
this. What If the whigs were defeated
last fall;? What if HENRY CLAY was pros
It is tor us to rise up again in our armour,
and "once more .to the breach i" If We
sink into apathy we are again'defeated—if
we remain in indifference we are disgraced
;--but if we do our -duty the aloe![ be VIC
Keep it before the People.
The present : edi.tors4:tf the 'Volunteer'
ere young and oPconrse lionest, as the . con
cluding paragraph of a long disertation
upon the abstract merits of: "dcnio3raey"
in theirlast paper abundantlY - .pcoyes. The .
article, which-is a well written- Leader,
opens - whir - stating - that - " - Dentoomerlirn
thing that has IVe, meaning, spirit and en;
ergy." The way these elements of De ,
mocracy have been brought.into most-active
participation in our atreirs—especi
allY into The management of The PiibliC
Works!—is shown in the following para-
graph :
,'.„LThe 'people of this State have been
PLUNDERED, and that too by those
professing to be theii best friends—by those
-who "kept the word of promise to the ear,
but roke it to the hope"phindered by
og-r ling legislation--pluntle z r,d - by grant
ing (Mous bank - ehart9rs—plundered
by monopolies of all sort.s(shapes and sizes
—PLUNDERED by faithless and profit
-gale PU,BLIC OFFICERS, elected by
.Democrats, sitstained by, Democrats, and
'nirZlimocus.Ts I:'— Volunteer of Suittst
: 48114-2 • -
I .Trut---true--every word true l —antl'le
pray the , people to ponder well tliikleilest
con ession; the pepplik - nie - been - pl , n-
Aired and the consequenclii,,iov' e ~,,, k . .t vo a
State Debt of overF9ltTY - MlLLiofis!
We have been fora long time urging
side oCtlui public works to stop thii) .., plUti 7
- tfainTblifetra age to say, iii - the face of7piii
crinfesaion, the T'olunieer opposes Ilse Sa,e.,
If it is in this.continital wholeiale plunde r
ing that DemoCiacy i,liows its "life 'an.
mediling",podenergy" we think it is higl
Itine . titeo . ppressalTax 7 pal: . ers of the Stet
i ripTrit Vilt,iOf tlidiCs'6tilecti of our Slit:
, 'will-sCicii,lie Eden trilent to furnish the mon
stet., enAaf with provender I ,
, ;irl.- 7 -1- , f . ,f; ',,,, Ar.vre , ;
'''ll(7 . ..The yolginiettaltea.up the cudgel.
most lustily in favor qft otation in o ce,
which- it pronoVes" 4 .a wholesome, prin
„ ~,, . , , There';,abeautiful exeinplifica
jionof this whOlOsome principle in theca'
6 .k99 0 of ijit nominees `on 'th e e lo4i NO
Tiree:', Mrf•lieetCm the,locordcp candidate
.iliose , milted age...among,..!*. !mike i .
about iweety.fivelio dotinianied his am
biiimis career upon. ; a clerkship in the, Pro,
thopotary's . offiee-4front•this: he was "ro
tated”. tato 4;_ , clerkehii in: the 'Peet Office,
!--liiit'ileit "rotation" Was - ,the ' office o
Deputy-- ; Siiitiff; - .aoti, hp ?will very trit:ch
'regretit, we know, if;the wholesome 'Orin
ibiplei4ifttitiele!„_iit'„cheked -tiefo're' he 1
reaches t e, rot °notary i s , o
. . 11 ,., I .no
OliolcPxotix,:, TaPi4..;AYPIPP, Pr ;"ritriSjon,,t".
.m r :-Beetera•ii.,epr e tty:''clev e r fellow, [,and
Sie4Oultl:not eay's : ,fiaid thing -of hiria,tor
the v i ode]; 6 - no sitieti:ieerivis it hfiecilY
1104 1 . 1 .1 4 1 1 . 6 4) n ; i 1Tiktile*sivd7#": 11 0:,
disP 6 od" 4104 9,4lotoirooppioos tii
- ipialiesi.B4rips* if ioits-r, -'.4. , ,,?: , ...„,:..4
: !--; , ..., , , ,, ,,:.-t. ~.,..,,,„_, ,:., : . r : , ,
1 '' .1
'titP:B 4l oier i Wiiiin' , liiiiniaNve,
1 1 4 ;P r : t1 ‘*::V*: : : E k i".i # i f i f ifil 40 1 ili'l ; i4r:
i..§::.€T,:hk:,4Y!p,;:oo::ifi*,l44i:V; . -yvaie - ^
gicixtit!ii-'4#l.eireulio lo l l o'igilliOWl*4
Ifitmlo • iittibi'' .. el ": :i l 7 I ..,.
, _;I:4" -fr
2 4 11 igile'iti4ite44*:.n; I Y.VA .,,1 : 4 4 17
..,,,..' • ' 4 . 0 %.7 ~".4.1',-'
9 4 '. , 4*re ' . PO t AMO. I S' N inicrl YATlOh,7:.
l ' i i rt 4 t:'•;th 4 o4 lll o,„ l Mi4ilia,# 4 li: . *iie(!
# 1 , 14 444;*; 14 04 - ookite#ooevA
iwb h itiibiliitiiiikiffaft. , 4wito . -,41.: , !);. ,
~.4.,...... ,t,, > :.....„, :x ,„.,...,,,,, i: 4.. , ,,
,1 `.. ) ,l f‘r , ^, ~, i V , ii' V- ):- * •',..'.4 *, ,''',l!, 40.:.1,1j,:'....; ?,,....,.
"~, ti
ail ease injustice
, i . :e ..'
0 , ..'1:T.., Fi1u.5..,...,: O:llOOB4f,.fMN. :
r ,o fibiaigeineaii:of tiontiniting" Tick eti
I?7,Priielpie potinitions isono6 atropte4
tltere` - ip - rre.ohci,leMlTSo 44t Voi , ilui ine4k :
benniftlie — raitibut at once to : se&nit.tii.
and abide by the • decision's 4. each Oen
ventiem--A-ny-course is at once de-1
atitiOtii - fe=of -- the'integrityttiO'ltfthe'l
harmony, and' of coarse the success of "the.
party, , ' ite-itutg., , of selecting' eandidate
where - -all_are 'worthy, and present strong
and equal claitns,is one not only oLdelica,
Cy, but great difficultyomd-Wieldom ac
complished Without' causing disappoint
ments,. or creating ? dissalisfiction on 'the
part - of ilia' unsuccessful 'candidates. and
their fxierids: . To fairy .latiiify all is he
yond human. means. What then is the
Course of every true and sensible whig f
If he values the harmony and welflo4.f.,
the "party, tie will at once a l4arty r, and
cheerful submission to-the •nominaii4s- -
and wait until the future' turns up arc
favorable opportunity to peel %his oivn
claim's. -- "Picit•your - whigllitit-and try it,
c c
again!" was the advi e of HENRY CLAY
to a political friend fter 'defeat, and such
ought to be the dete ination of 'every one
who is disappointed before a convention.
Such fi course will secure-a respectful re-'
gard to his claims when afterwards surged,
while" an opposite . 4:ourse can '<tidy raise:
up enemies.„ . l3lnehis the : course we would
_urgc_upon_eviry--WhigLitythe - -county-raeitr
—let' no distraction nor division enter our
ranks.- Let all dissensions be ' healed up
and leteus all 'Unite ai one man against the
common enemy. Our' nomqtations • are
now made—leLevery Whig yield Ahem a
cordial suripot, and their election is cer
,..., i ,
Tiro Vottuitcci.thinks that , in putting
two Physicians on the ticket, the Whig
convention - unlit Ita*e'itritia/y
campaign." NoLexactly;leod friends
at.leaat on the part of . " thEr Whigs, for. our
,it is true that We Jmean to put lecoforoism
under such:a desperate' course of treatment
• . _its_!.!.wounds,__bruises-and petrifying
sores" render necessary. By the way,
they do say - that - tire - loco focia Convention
had no less than SIX Doctors before it as
applicants ! That caps the climaic
Wir Texas will prove the dearest Whis
tle we ever purchased, if the sighs of the
timea, — elient, can' be taken as anaugu
ryof what we may expect. in future. It
- will prove to- the Treasury a ”second_etli,
tion ofthe Florida War" whiih cost our.
Government millions of ,dollars: - Tlte
New Orleans Picayune-of the 220 July;
states that the steamboat Undine'`hadbeen
chartered Ps a ?ightcr..for_the _troops 4-
Texas at-three, hundred andfifty,' dollars
a day for thirty days certain!" It is well
known that such exorbitant ,prices were
paid duriagthe Florida service„ and indeed'
du many_ cases, the prte paid for hiring
were enough tohatre purchased the vessel
three_limes pver, and such wwexpect-in
to presprease, if the above is a fair sam
ple,Alut "hip hurrah for Texas!" cos t
what it will, is the cry of the "Progres-
TRIAL FOR SEDFCTION.—The first trial
for seduction under the set of Assembly,
took place in Dauphin. County, Pa., last
week. The parties were a young man by
the name iirlieury7M.Todd, and a young
woman by the name'of Eliza Eli:oy. After
st patient :investigation , of,!tbe ~whole cpse,
.thes i -Ort - of Messrs.
Runkle and Fisheo,aqe:,*and for the de
err-cc-by AlestirsAlTorhsickqWriibTaffil
Alricks, lqsqs., was subMitted
'lifter an Impartial chargestby Juilge Eldred_
to th . 9,i.jary, who <hav i ing retired for , Koin e
limO returned a verdict of guilty, On
- Midhy eentenced to ono
s,years l, imprisonment in the County. Prison,
ply a fine.cifiiine. bandied dollars 4d,
the co : ofsts prdie' cutioni''. • '
:',-.A x imautiful and .ro-
INvttir;•- ASYLUM
rnplag..,tiftp . *,,loected about four
iariClialf.;mtlee,;:friOttrisburg, Pa., for
it c!,
tend neprOtifrOttqlidtfOrellase has
already becn'ilditig:lo4.',l*Petition of a
amber- of -eitizetietiiie Grand inqueet.of
4!),tiplitn 'coo ty -last week recommended;'
the appropriation cot §3looo'by the county
towards the_pufrehape,_atid appreprin-:
iiqn will; in all 'probabiliiy, be immediately
made:- Thtti,..with the :Om - tit taised-by
subscription in . Dauphin and other counties,
Will amount to 01)4E4,000, lerilF.-6.4*
about $l,OOO or $1,500 yet.tO be raised: .
pal See derives one of the largest . rbvenues.
At - our last Presidential election the clues ;
tion, of Texas annexation, and' par. cense:
quenco, war with Nexleo, was made- a
politicalOne 7- Nr. - Pent. being avowedly
in favor,, , and4r, Clay. ;against it: 0 The.,
fiomeni , Cattolics of the United Slates, the
..' ..7
rain - Wised Citliens mare particularly, flew,
en moose; to the standard of Mr. - Polk;
and he. was elected. That side .of ' ihe
question triumphed, and "Telma is ours."
A-;War;lrith ;Mexico—an entire subjugatiiin
- Oftlirti'Ciuntry, and ~a':riiiiting out of :the'
Aupetice of the Roman
,catholto religion,
0(1 cutting , off its witilik- I may be the
result: , According- to tiente._it certainly
will._,. What an an omely;
circumstances then; does 'this
, circumstances presentt; The , •RomatiCatit''
elks of tho United States arrayed agair,st
,Al- the late Court ol'„.o,tinitiii;Seesitine t . ) Patitolies of Mexico—uniting to • Sub!
m Chem'berebtir4 iweniji;Yoting men and intiatn'one of the most! thorough' Catholics
countries in the woritl 7 ;to 4 cnto,eff...ii:large,
youths were- tried, for' ricit in ilietirbini a
d share of the revenues, of Papal See, :anti:
i:invitation' o 4 Seicntkvday:f:',Sainiats; in'
tbe,: neightiorheitl ';orlQiiirkey`..,'Frtikili . ilits ll) iessea OH ! gailioliOi7ealtil'sinfilnr,ao
county, in their religious _ worship :•• Lucy and propagation nief Ots•WEoll.t01.0 i - • - •
werrroll. found guilty butYwi)." , Siernn of ; : In this point of view,` llip,4latiyll),:l)si''
ihim - were' - $lO - - tiOarnil - i*U II ,M -,- Sniten - int r ilallOOilar, - *
' jaff iir thii, days,,and four of,thenbliree ;OOveQflatare in. the ' hciter&cliiiiiaiitt4
Of wbii *ere'bgri) to'ia7 AOIOer:. l t6 : fl i ii te')4Ve B i-ibliing'o lo. egrtin# 66 o,
This : decision.:(remarks the , ' Repository) 0 . 01 s 0". )4. a.ffoO!;001, 1 )1 ‘ 10 4 6 4 ioi,i,b,
:We-hiIVO tie:iloub4 4
'will'hee'Ost hippy linliboughlibi)rwitil - anxraaa tintialit l (-
iivid ililukaiy, effeCiln' ibis county'.l 'lt ‘ iiil s ome of the plitiojitimit*iiiai ere ready
. :
iliiiiiitin - 6, 7 ' Ln OficalTiV - fibt'spirit 4,10t .. ' a' .4 ,d f eagaani l warrinli l o7 - °„41,"c 4 , ;74 11 aitaak,
Wenceilititttaiiiinatid. riot; which o ,4 !f aii ,gOrkZirk i +Pi`# ll :' , :/ i t'Or'*"" l
haainleatWProv,' at iiiP s ii ll 4 o i TO someliagPF l 6 o,, OrgielaiallaF*4447:,',!o9l B Wak s .:
Yeil,iiiiiii'iiid 4 iii iiUlairliaail ink' feat- lt, 1 ! 1 : 6 P 4 !09. 1 ) ialuli fai;'iaai•.ii!a iiiioablit
- ala
If! 1 )'•/O;90i;000p•;. , ''::" , ',::::,;A!!'` ,, ' -j.: , , - ' itiee';iiroligOtAii - --•'''-: : :':1,'- i.',?•4',:'T,o` , .;'''[.../.
, L ''., '' - • ~,:, •• . ' '••-, '.. •' ' • ".,'. - '''-• , i o*,' . • ••,,:,',•-
:.;‘,,; i,,.G'•`•:' 'Wright of New `:- - ,0:r•In. look in - :eior it; Cinnitis , iiipop,
V 3, P.a,.! I 'YrPOIV"A!PIY-d0.0. 1 .PP, • ~. C. 0 04, 4 , '11 0 " there ' :DP about OOP:WM* I M). rs
iV i t kris - atte - fiiik -- r — , W11 . 404 4 .fir tho — trnifolt 3 34tee r•itiiiiii - ein':
0 ' 8 81 8 1 4 ' ^ B' lB4 ~. 8 8 1 1 .,,,_, 8 8 8 8 !8 1 )!' 4. r ,,, ,i.. .• , - 1,4 .-' ~, .!,. A... ,' --'4,
Y a
f(iiiiit:lff l'i '; '* lii'"ll'in t- ii) .-- - i'' j ew if pla - Oenctii'aikatf24o-hiiiiilif ..' - ititihiii .
14soloRigrAtfi,-_), , ;ililt ! i*t,frprg),9o4#l!,giro7 Priqi,till tia,**a!lts R 1
-. oq)*tPui) . o,i)t, ,O;#!)te,,lir:Ffiiipy:t*# : . 2yojoiy - apiiii 04 illt114#0, 9 ;:..,:pel !! „.
,1 1 40 . ‘1, 1 * , ., , 10pAliskAmooieti;:=_,. Ao 6 !iiii'; - i*itriiiiiokinti 1 9*t: ' 1,
', lll P'eX9fit '' ' AktithWl.:XV.,"*ol, 40.0.0i 4 4:1 3 ‘* : '';'' '' 'l4;l `'` ,
1 , 100 „,
'it;•; : ‘.l' ,'c. ' 4 ,, ,N.,-4.'t,,144t'': : ,1,'..5,;;,0,A5tg, ; (.011'...Vit,w, t* ;...:-'''. '":,SJ;::•:.•,t;,;:'?-,''' -',;, •;','
A: ; , '1:: ~..' ;',.';',l','W"'Z' 2 -Vi ) ,,Fgt‘'' - '..1% - s , !:l l A'l*': i:.; ~, t, : i,,,'',;-;%,,,f',Y4''.%'t,"i'f-',c;:‘,'''
-4 teteiitig* 0%10
dAntelligenee Avelleeeive.of 4 , the
oountyi thougliSk • lie
. bnen;a,lieTy
short time before the peOpleAs most . oheer.
Ang andeititits: the mops Patriot' harmony
and final suecess:
,0" Shippeniihisrg
sionro'hifit4iViiiit end Orikciocsinty;
an tbi*llowjng paragraph • •,..-•'•••
.Naos 1 414.110::‘ .
another column
or:inff palest Will l be , foond t4.:psoceedings,
of illeneMoCrathi'Mht:g County ; . onven
'itiparliele;On Monday fae},=
°f . g9jl -14- acid veor '
IhY 'ouenpinion;!'„Otie - which
i3houlif and donht CO!. will be itcceptatie
to the' patty and secure a coydioi support..
the ICWCiontl of the con n the feeling
in favor of the ticketititiotints to entliusi
ann: The , following is in• extract of - a
letter from a staunch . W hig,
Shepherclstown, Aug. 30. ISO.
Mn. EDITOR was exceedingly re
joiced to find, on opening the leaf number
-'our paper, that the Demodiatic Whig
County' CiinVention; whieli met on Monday
last,! had plrced in_nomination so good and
strong it ticket to be electe( October next:
•by.tlioscitizens of tide county... The fart
Mere aniJ workingmen of thilt
pleased and-delighted , and &est.-diem-0H
you hear words of vongrandation and joy,
particularly At the nomination of their pe
culiar favorites, 4ntrairs: and WAsoN, both
of whom being"extensively known in the •
lower .-etid;''are Om:Y .- FM[l(ller. _They . _
'will-liatia-theireOut petttors - Tar in the back
ground. • The balance of the ticket is also
highly spoken of, and from ite knowledge
we have of the men composing the';entire
ticket. n o• doubt is ltid•but that'in
our flag will be hoisted with victory perched
thereon F - Yours, dec. • ,
Extract from another letter dated-----
East Pennsboro', 184 b,
DEAR SIR ,—No actflit --yob - WiSh to.
know !tow our ticket takes with the'peOple
in-this-section of The county... I call assure
PIER. IVILSON and Instrik are strong men;
not. only carry our full. vote but
-more: -The - rest-of - the - ticket -- we are - not
so intimately acquainted ."with,_ but .there
are , no objections to the men-and I am con
fident , they will run with the rest of The
ticket. The people here know JOSEPH JR
VINE. He was far a long-time a resident
.f - N - sw - .Cutriberland fisManager for J. M.
Haldeman. Esq. and his general good char
acteiand.sound businesi habits, have won ,
public estimation to an extent that will tell.
in the ballot-boxes.. We-shalt give an-4 - ni --
eiTased vote tor's:tor-ticket this fall- 7 70f this
You may rest ifinncli •
whigs here feel very much 'gratified It hay._
ing a ticket 'composed or such sterling,
Meritorious and coepitent men for- .the:
several offices. The enemy are cowering
before us, - and hatsjittle hope of Sustaining
that. cause.-• I am satisfied the :selection_
of candi4tes by the Convention Was well
made; . their_ discretion - . under the circum
stances -was - worthy of them,.., Although_
some-at their favorites and other
preferences all now. - see That the thing was
done for the best. We.irerinxious.for the
onset, and -the -Anti 'Para, Sub-TreAltry
sealed ! ' ; Yourso
ICPAIF thatis required of - the Whigs
this fall is to inti(e:a perfect trAion in favor
of their ticket, an 4,17 will be - elected If
our ticket receives the vote of every whig
in the county it cannot be defeated. Who
is there so destitute of patriotism and party
pride as to endeavor to distract and disunite
our ranks, and thus defeat our hopes br
success I Let the motto of every Whig he,
"the ticket -= the Whole ticket—and node•
ing but the ticket I" f
• 11'021 lay !V '• •
The Philadelphia Daily 'Chronicle, in
with Mexico, presents the following new
ideas. •MexiCo is perhaps, eays that papeic
The mostitlntrough Roman Catholic ,count
tr.on the -face of the globe; that •in which
the religion • is moat generally acknowl
edged, in which the forms--and ceremonies
control the_people, and from %Sick the Pa'
• Atoo,,
for:Seale been_fiehlfshitig a pa.'
of the : sufkject :it - has finritty,
called upon:. him Vie vengeance
we Stated thatit' Meeting - of setitlCY
lied met irid , serithiml,riAhreateningAries.
deitieCfrOM , thir , 'Priblicatioit.
this tittirtied:.rtbcf- Spirited reply:' Al
&met uPetir,niied;ef siekneeis it, this time
•helleterMitted.lo - tiesiat , inyvitrilaviftil
tempt to itupp).e bisliiper,Latid according
tri armed himself.± flis;tiply to their first
te - the callfor4neeting of the
inhabitants of the-city and county oft Mon
day ffith, In • the_ meantime. rite -pro
slavery Party worked themselves up-into
a perfect fury; they imagined the blacks,
• ,
were about to raise in rebellion, and patrol-.
ed the city on Sunday ,night The excite
ment was faitiediup to the lour of meeting
on Afondar,..wheri• a. great concourse of
people met, and were harangued by Tom
Marshol, - Who merits ,to . have bad a: per
;wig pique against C. M. Cliy: Mr. C.
wacconfihedici - hie bed,. and yielded to 14
late with the best grace , peasible. The
Meeting appointed a committee of 60_ to
proceed to the office, and remove the Mate
ohich they did, and sent them oui
_the staits7.'
at Mr. Clay , was rash.and•too Warm,,
he admits; bill...lids was. do excuse for the
.outrage.; In allslaircystatoa-the law is 'ad
equate to'the protection of slave owners'
a,ptl such acts only tend - to strengthen, the
abhorrence with which the itistitutliiut is..
looked ttimit - by the multitude -who are not
slave gwn - ers': "Slavery Is the e(iiiier
• •
stone of freedom," says WI/utile. Bow'
strange that freedom, and freedinm of the
press cannot exist together!
Admit alt that the" Committee charge
against Mr. Clay, in their rejoinder be
true v(th ou gh vilent. di at A I i e-y—nt i
take and misunderstand him,)admit him to
have been - provoking and violent lit action
and.language; still this wawa high handed
,—a terrible outrage., Viewed in any light
either as adeclaration that freedom of die •
cussion 'shall not b 4 tolerated in the Slave
rpgion, or as regards he coneequencek upon
the Free States and it cannot be too 'haish•
ly censured:- The blood of free Men will
tingte-in:tbeir.veins ae-theyhear Of it. and
the_indignation_of patriots besrousedasthey
realize the tyrants imay-of the pro . lslivi;ry"
polVer.l, If a freeinan under_ the constitu•"
don..-and lawe-may .not speak out of his
thoughts; his;.fre.rdont wortlit .If
for speaking out he shall be crushed - bi a
lawless timb„where the difference between
Othircrespotistur =7l
Seed sown tiius in storm a - hafhiptia and
be teaped, amid the,,whirtwind.- God 'nest
et yet toloratetlAucb wrongs without bring
ing IAN() the perpetrators of themn
- fearful retribution.. That ,retribution
cur, e. Where, or when, or how, we
itnovi not; but history has written out this
Jensen from the begituting.of all time, and
there arc no criminals high or low, rich or
poor, who hare 46ped it, or «ho can
eseape it, 'or,,wlini)ugfit to escape it.
ft is thought)hat.the.publicatifin of the
paper 'will be continued at Cincinnati. „.
litj'A Religious Exciteatept,
:Millerism, has broken out in tngla4, un
sler " the duspiCes of late„tninisterkof
-Established Church, whapreaelt the sec
1(2 weir
is the.Jlev. Mr. Prince. His associates
are the . Rev:. George Robinson, Thomas .
tewiS - Price, -- William Cobbs ! , and Mr.
Siarltie-the . latter being the only layman
that has taken antictive part in preaching
the new theory. They„have all been sus
pended by the Established Church. Mr.
Prince was laboring principally in Wales,:
He visik!d most of the towns in Glom*
genshire and Cermarthenshire. The sec
ond corning of the Savionr,.litOtates, will
-take place in a few, weeks. Three of hts
reVcrentl..companintis were Married a few
.ivec`ks ago, undc;r peculiar Oleomstances,
toiliree sisters who were repn istf to be rich
heiiesies, and who .hav?,.,pow enrolled
themselves anton,g,the,u9noher of followers.
.. • Mir The solemn sentence'of law was du._
ly executed at Ilelvidera„ , W*J.;:on'Priday
upon Joseph' y.,parter.and'Peter Parke,
~: c onvicted Of murler - ofdltbCasiner 1111110.
The - iulpritti •died „proteiting their.- in iiii ,-
cence`; The exeitition was attended 'by ten
thousand, persons'.' ; The, scaffold, wan ele
vated to the 'evil: of the.''top of Ahe 'fence
which the law requires tobetereeted ht . Or
der to render,the, execution. privte.' - ' , It
Was rather.a:'•pittilic spectacle.. :The pris-,
~ '. Oa re: int , iiiiiiitltid, - AcT the iciffold bY foui
clergynen'and a few:of their friendi. ...The.
Rei..:.itimee filarb, pr Abe, ,Oresbyteriatt
church; Offejed jp:# ffPrY,OO. Pre,Yo' , o i!le,
thrOne'ef lilraee; after 'whielt.lhey took :au
- effieliiiinatelelie pfeackether,"iii,td:4ltini of
their friends;:whill 8 1 J - b e !!4,ad.i9f l ,o , ,iit,,
en, apPobited:signal, tbe rope
,wakbiit, and,
Ciliteriind•Pirke - Parke n ow beyond the conw,
" ,, . .
fnesi.ef this
7hert;ow tiorld; , .They,
said only. a few'
- w9rde - ihel.tatrolat.... „
...Ismyti4tandin t (lief . ; died protesting
. L.L.a..._.... - _ , ..,......_..:,:-.—_-......t.-------
31iA - dr . innotienceotte public ot Warn coun
iii 0' oliO lb! bloody deed A ( '!iii•'6l . llin!ii-,,
*i 4 o4!t"A c qk!io9l l 44lNr,i6ooo' . 2 4l o
all, be . conrteillrnm ibeli4lA .
" -
rest ktii i.
-..r. tb '
e;j: :W '' V.', 2%,74? J .0 54 8 V/
,;7, , '• 4 't
:k$Pi4 lll 4 A W '
(' q 4 c0014,0i,.061,0**01‘,A, 4 , -
..m..: , ...::: - , ,, -:::,:,qm4;r,,;,5„.
~,,- - .11. 9 n,..7:;13,m.fibiiii..;00(ii;#051,4:0i'",
. 14loniiiodakoAhiXiii,*0 Anieigi*:
..„,,,, ~,,,.,..., ,„4„ . ,,V 7_ , ,:;,,,
~ ~, 0 4z .4.,
Y . M l F,.l'P! l :Ar .4l mr . P. , or its !,9"rie ', 9Rtpr...
r-03100 : 1010,11titifqtiliegii , ;i: - ; , i'44\twi
.., ' , Yi. ', l'll4[ l ?'
i ~,,•:".::, f 1'.:,; , - , :.. - 7•;: , v; , / ; , „ :, ~: , -,:..,. ,„,, -,,,, ~ ~, i,•,,,, •;,,,,,.?.. f„,,,,-;
I , e -
l itir ,!." t i r
. •zok , • c •
` , 4:Cc;• - •• • •
- •
Elojartap4ortirso.N4l; am Nen.
10 - SEP.IIFIR WI - SE, Newton. • _
Prothonotary-: •
Tnos. Ii CRTs WELL, tiapponsburg
I ,Recordei;:
ROBEWF WILSON, Mechanicsburg
• • --
JACOB • BRETZ, Carlisle.
Director pith 'Poor.:
DR. J. J. MYERS; Carlisle.
- • siudifor:
JACOB RITNER, S. Middleton.
v irta3tfrer;r.•
OR. IJ. N. MAHON„Carlisle.
Congress wilt consist of two' hundred ttnd
and seventy eight members without.coont
ing Teicas,fifty four. of WllOin will•be Sen
ators 'and two hundred and i"Wenty•fottr.
Representatives. The Senat pd at' present
consists of 26 demoerats and 24 whigs,and.
the States•ofMississipi, Itulfana, Tennes
see and Virginia, have td elect one each,'
and , will send four demderats;
give that party 30 members, or a majority.
- Of 6. .1
already been elected, and may be classed',
politically, as 128• democrats, 76
and (3 native 'Americans., Fonr,vacancies .
are to be filled:viz: ene from-Kew Hamp
shire, one from . Massachusetts, and one
from %inc. Aisefisitippi hiS four to elect
_ll.asyland has sir anti Florida one ; . and we
thing that they will elect leightilemodats
and three - Whigs— Whielt will:melte parties
stapebemocrats 136;,',Whig5.,79, and Na
tives 6. The Ailministratinn•• will, there
fore, hare large majorities in both' Houses
to Commence with, and when Texeicomes
BALTIMORE August, 29 4941
. FLO U R.— The markeilias been steady
throngh the' week, all descriptions of new
superfine, of standard brands, selling at
$4 50 and fine at $4 25. per bbl, the -aggro
! gate of sales
,comprising soine-8 to 4,000
bbla. - the -larger porti,on probably -Howard
iliTeeetacir Which dealers have been settrint,
at $4 37/ per_bbl. There have been op-
'erations in - extra brands o City Mills for
shipment South, at d 5 • per barrel. The
inspection for:the, week_comprise
,the fol
jreet,_s_,2.6lELbarrel s. _an _bar-barrels;
City Mills, 5,701 barrels and. 1,127 hull
barrels; Susquehanna, 314 barrels; Family
Flour, 733. barrels and 4 half bbls. Total.
12,1110 - barreis, and 1,135 half barrels,
wheat (lour. There''waS' also inspe'eted
24 barrels rye flour, and 10 hogsheads, l i
880 karrels and 211 halibarrels corn meal.
GRAIN AND SEEDS—The receipts
for wheat have no 'eqaulled the demend s
are higher; at close we quote inferior to fair
red, 70 to-Wapd , ,pod tm c prime 86 90
cents per Ilia joinl — to prime' White
93,401 e New Pennsylvania rye has
Old at 621ents - Corn hai been up in eon
'kequence of the limited supply, but et the
time otinaking up this report, both white
nlid yellow may be quoted at. 5 to 53 dts.
Oats have been steady at 30 to 3•.. Thefe
has bee
and large parcels, but mostly during . last ,
week, were disposed of at 5 50 toiso -per
tusliel; since, however,.thero has not.been.
so much animation, but prices probably are
_ll '
: 1. - 11SKE Y.—Whiskey - is fir Mer, and
221 aeries for lids., and 2Ga for bble more
riadilrobtaMed. • •
t 4 IAIEi:Ii;II;.,D,
'On the 15ilt of July last, Mr. GABRIEL
Q. MesSnesistTit, of Canal Dover, Ohio,
fortnerYi , r,4 4 .tliis place, to Miss MARTHA.
Cor.i.teit;'.4l . 4liictstown, Maryland.
^o "
V On Thursday the 21st inst.,4 the Rev.
J.4.l:oritchey, Mr. PAVID 11. SWILER,
Miss ELISABETH EMMINOER, all of Silver
Spring tow •; --
)41:Th . -yesterday morning, the 2nd inst. by
the Rey.T. Moore, .JoilN Re.t,
of. Kittsning, Armstrong county, Pa.. to .
Miss ANN, daUghtrf Col. esi.*Mcreely;
- orthis' Wormier.
DIED, - --
V On,the 28th ult., in Alla township;
JACOB, son of Jacoh.and Sandi How, aged
1 ;ear,' 11 months and 21 dys.
/On the .27th Meehoeshurg,
N. MARIN only daughter OfTE - m dwarsl.and Mar
girt Lamont; eged 3 years end 4 months.,
,1/00, the .21st,,ult. in Monriie
JOIIIIITA . ,MVERIO§geti 86 years..
Brigade O'ider
-IDROM the grand appearance and beimilful dia.
.1U play of the , field oflicere who: cornposed,the Pa
rade in the borough; of Newville, on,the 2let of Au
gust late, and the kindness 'of the' platoott.ollmera
and menitogether-with the-Newvilletraislandtwll
of whom hate on that`.day, done honor to the Bri
gade in which they belong; and 1 Om , authorised to
saittutt"--they-have received , the thanks of-the lif44,
jon'orikßrigadier General, for their punctuthiltett
danwirind-that-spirit which corletitrire the ~-014io'r,
concluding a field officcra parade on Sitinday, the
20th ituitir in the Bprough of
,Bitippensburg. 1., ~ • ,
' , Fhorefore, ttisk Field ' Qfhotera; flatoon'Oftlimi:
and the oiveralcompanieece_Progoons in the bounds
of Chia are moat fcapegfully invited , to, at
!te'S a ', ?Ohl ,Oliliafa k , , PaTaAol, Jo ill& borough
. of
14 41 4 1 1 ibufOrGO - k1ad4: 4 _1 711 , 4 44 , 1 9 °31 , 01 , '
, iki4 ti.t , 9 iMaakt'AJ 7114 - of 74 rof i'.:l' , " '..
ceoirtoOOl;el ,, , , t , -;2 4 : -- - ...- ' ~..
, 1
..,';',, 4 ~-'• : ;„ r 3 A. , .,;.EDW4FID AllnflOtr i , ,
' v .: , : ,,, Ptigtli'lt's4 . 'N l 9 ll4 ' ol '9l ',
;-,-, ,'' 3 ''''' i: t .'' 3 • ` tr, ,, , . r ; e • Opqngt.:r.
i 7",„. . ' - ~'',.l...3 '' ' '''- ± • / '' t lkl ri., - ' 6 1; 11 0; . • '
1 ,,,
~,..,,i,,,,„,,,,1Y P. U.': : '' i l - ' %`,-,
f 1', , ,.. Ciififtiep: ; gtot',..,' lB4s . ' t; 1 , '..• •'..,, ..„ - ',.... ~
'lr-'l l, ' ~,-',', , '4' , • -,...:44 -..;" ''., ''', . .
• gobeffitripectioo.with a Commitiorr:appoirited
i tiritlirwn Council of the borougli'Cif .
for nialirpg.;dod. putting up
':;34ll TetV2ll .- 43/lilbSsS r -f, -
in thri;:t iipola 'of the new • CoOrt:,Hotrad, , no'
erecting in the. borough 'of `Ctirliple:, - .lo.Clu e k
is to ba of guird.AriatertriVtr
antvcriki I: ntinshipa.ter
have foin 'faces of abairt.fiie foot - diametar ouch,
on the Cupola :viittgo,r, - ,Witlictet minute hands, as
may be haven
drop of 20, feyWr , ,4lo":o:argion 'receiving. this Con.
tract will larki§ijg4tilo give 'security, fo r the
faithful perfii ' fit*Cir,..cifhis,,confract, and guaran
tee his work.Waperilt ono
Pruposols'to.lio; footed
to thi''C6tiri4itti6il6lit •
office, Carlisle; Pa...
.Commiaelonerti of Cumberland county. •
. Corn tnltlea on part of Town Council . '
• •
, Sept: 3, 1845.
ailing Lots •
f Sale.gfallT 13.171.6.
•' l . I N a. • 74),,,TAi g the • licirough Cy
crciiiitifilled r liii,4' . p?pilloue;part: th k norno o ,
loa,::p1-06111-41Ininpig;:qach:oth e . 5 .•- f rinn t ir ig bR
Pomf}ofriud - ped f;did 'streets tere ie " •
'a- anintr tWn STAIINE-1101[1.1D
'On one' of. nOtherin'ti;
good well efwateewi ,.
Persons wiehlag; . ;I:intOiasiiin!ill Please:to Call'
upon nio,'of..up. : JOHZ•rf:lTAßP.tit, Ee9 t .who
is authorized/ID - attend •to • riiiiitiiig:the sides, and
will oeJtibtla plan. of the time and 'ith'oyv . .thein on
the p6und.' rho' titi'dti'aiter and
an,,, r near-ori-possible-to4uitlittre
-•• Sept. 3, 1895; ~ • ANN;BRowN.
ItHE mnileriagnegi'being appointed Executors of
Cthe last will and testament 'of Sitringel Aleian
der, Esq. gleceaseti,anskhaying lnkeik,oat Getters of
ktlmignstration thereeing,.reinest all periwigs imlebt •
agl to the estate,ln nrittelgitymenfingmetliately, anti
those )(giving Onion lii ttieient 11 Icm to Lemuel'
Tothl,itsq. at Igivoliiee in CarliSle,Ter settlement.
' -- NNW - S.,M;,F.,AN DElt.
. . LEAgitJEL. TODD,:
September :3, 1 BLS. is Executors.
Estate of.Jacoli Kissinger, deceased.
- To•rier.'is hereby given that tettrri•ofanmio
nitration on the estate ofincob Kissinger; Into
el West l'entii•boro' townsiiin,tumheino_d_cmtuty_,
ileceast 4,1 i -five tioildfilheen granted'hy the Regis.
ter, in and for the anid county to the subscriber who
resides in the borough of Newville, in 'said gnomic
All persons having claims or demands against .the
estate of the said deceased, are requested to make
known the same without delay, and those indebted
1 to make payment to
• Neurville, Sept. 3, !845. •i;• Administrator.
ALT'Omens are hereby-notified tent the admin.
istration-oh the climate'. of Samuel Andrews,-
tete of North iddleton township, Cumberland.
Cattniy,deceased, have this tiny been tamed by the
Register in ant) forilie Mideoisiity, Co theithtiseii.
ber who reed - flea to the said township of North Mid
dram: Sitlieving* claims or d'Lmands
ofeocatki.rir the said deceased are requested
to make known the seme without delay, and those •
indebted to make payeaqat
• - . JOUN COOYER, Jr.
§4,1;1, Administrator.
ORPHANS' coyiti.T..4ALE.
By shine of an - order of the Orphans Court
— of - emrrlicrlirndtrountyrwill be-ricihr op Me
premises, an Saturday:. the 4th - day of October
next, at 12 o'clock, noonroFsaid day, the one un.
_divided fifth - part attic, estate of George Leidigh,
deceased, late of South Middleton township, said
county, in the following plantation or tractor-Imnd
situate in said township of south Middlariinoind
county aforhsaitl, hounded by lands of Rilin Lei.
dlgh'a heirs, Christian Herr, Margaret Miller,.
the heirs of Michael Ego, and others, containing
_ .
. 95 AGREES,
more or less. About 50 acres are cleared, and in '
caltivntiret, and the re, tdne in good timber. The
improvements are a large two story
1 1{.. , and a half story log HOUSE, a new
I . 1 1 , 4, Frame Barn, a first rate spring near
the dwelling,'with a spring house, an
Apple Orchard, Peach and other fruit trees. The
terms of sale are as halms : Fifty dollars to be
paid on the confirmation of the sale, the resid a ,
of the purehasehioney on the first of April ne
when possession will be given. Said parch ea.
money to be secured by Judgment.
Administraters of George Leidtgh, deceased.
Sept. 3, 1840.—ts.
,IrN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court
I 1 . of Cumberland county, will be sold at Public
leade,; nn the premises. 011 SATIR DAY, the 4th
of October next, at 1 o'clock, P. Al. the roll wing
described Real Estate, late the properly of Abra.
bam Relfanyder, deceased, to wit :-- - • • ,
A tract ofland sittillto in .West PennOorough
township, in said county, adjoining:flan& of.
Thos. 11. Knight, Widow,,Byerly, Nothdp W ood.
ernilvid.tlear, cqltalninient!out.'
The Improvements are'it:largnaivo slpry•stone
dwelling HOUSE and kiirhen;-e.log barn and
• 25 Ameba.
black smith shop, an orchard of chbice fruit; and
ii well Owner poor the ilookThe 'Stater Road
from Carlisle to Roxbeirr passes . .iinniediately
in front of' the imprescinents:.'Thislroperty iu
situate in a rich and,popiileirs nefghborhood,ssid
the location very eligible for7iniy,ltind.Crniechun.
foal business. •
The tenni of x.iilottreisl,3o . 'lritet;piiid on' the
confirmation of thenali , * -- 6 - eCourt,'Orie, htlf
the balance on the let of ,Apritilgig t , mi en - pea .
session will he giv:inc-niid'a-deed'..lsl4ee,te,sho
:purchaser and the 'yesidari: . in . :t.WOequid.annnal
payment4bereaiter;'Withent itttorie . QTkemkole
to be secured hy'reaegtinirice
Court, with approved' security ! '
. 7 '. 7 ; t : 4, JACOB' PLtANNi
Executor of Abrabim.Relfenvder deoeutoode,. -
Sept. 3, 184,3, 7 -..tx. • • 'r .; .
Orpnans.d . -Coutt
h ''c rc
B 1( en order Ito rn . ails, our ,nm r.•
• land conety,T esOcolc will on
the 'premises, on" FR IDAYi l the: 3d day 'of OMM-•
ter, 1343, at-.f 1 n'OlOo1r;''A'1•111e , • •
ZraThlit: s4 •4 l. 4 4 d i tel AitS4t2lSO .
situate in •North Middleton hiikolthitieitetherirint
county, almet;lffiniles frOm - Carthrlikett - .llth'We::'.•
goner'sOriip',,,.Yead,•.:contsiningr..ialtegethers 244
acres 14 perehus;abont 200, acres of- which
the best quality,or• limestone end the. remainder: :
slate land; or which', there aro. about - ,4l) . seres
woodland and th e residue Masted aa 'JO rifferilF"
state ot .nultiiiition , "•-The'oimprevarnentir . :Ore'lll 4 ,
Fargo two. story; - Itie dwelling , 1 1 . i43[1,51F4' Torre
rame. Bare," wagon ih ed . a 0 4 corn Owl bit,••• - ,Thergo ;
ii a liage•-limastane spFlne*Mck: risie ; neat.
and runs through ',llMian4.• 1 09ri0ig
near the dialing hatiariiond /artreVrekstd..,,•;••,
Thtir hai,heiedieldod 'into Toni,'
89 aoiesi3Eptliettio,','lloores
acre. 147 'ffeele.so4r~
o 444
na—mi n tidoOir r e k tir k t i ll *liihetwiteditiro`upoq, /
it, the '
second buildlll4 ; •
end IllelearAl"
tanJ, the fbulth limestone Worilaruf,,
;he gold rieporatelyUr altogether ae
pl3l.9hpiers„and brinirtho hest price.- • TheSe•hr.tai ,
Jiirge - growth of locust ail ravacjhci%fainat
""•'•••The terms will be made knOtfe 011 .440 t. •
'•fr • t JOllH'FlBliimp*, ;A;-:
thi,tlitil of petoa
• am% 'open n'
lishi4lll eilC, And lbrwire tikth
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