ME iiiiiiili:_'o4.,o4o,o.. • C. BEATTC EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. '.. . A ~AINLS Il c~.SLLL . U'"iu~l• NVEDN,E,§lsAlkSvtember 3, 1845. :.:o:7ly_,El.,,Partirsit,, Esq. No.. 59 Pine street. Philadnlphia. and '169 Nassau street, (Trii.nne ;Itniidingii) New York, and South.eaat corner of 13altiinore and Caltiert streets, Baltimore, le our - authorized 'Agent-.46t.' receiving' advertisements •nd I subscriptions Moths "Can LIRLE HERALD rosivoi," anti:notice:log and receipting for the same. Oug advertising columns show where a vast smooßt.of valuable, property—ift up for --- purehaftert,*wiliell we•refereapitalists. 84111ZIET, D. KAANS, of paophin _county, his been highly spoken of as a - suitable llTliig. : eancl4a.te.loc Canal' Coat• snhisieeer. • - • • - Orin publishing the 1121121C8 of the Standing Committee, appointed by We Whig Cciunty,gotivention for th 9 ensuing the borough of , h'iiiit'irtsbiirg, was ,accident ally- omitted. Our friends—will—plesse-to cot:skier the rueeetlings thus corrected: - . 7The editors of the, 4 Voluntece•must be aware that the residence of Mr: CriaSwell and Wilson is but temporarily in this borough, existing no longer than while they occupy their several offices, and therefore to say that there are flue persons from the bin-- ()ugh on the whig:tieket is a direct faleifica• Callia, and Samuel Hahn, who were in: clieted lait week in the Court of Quarter _Sessions_of-autphin-zoonly r -for-tm-rtssa and battery upon Washington Brooks, which resulted in his death, have been con victed of mans/am/der, and sentenced to two years imprisonment each in the Eastern Penitentiary. The pritoriers formerly liv: , g etl in this borough.. • • , • Iti:jr•The finest Peach*tve have seen or eaten this season was given to as yester •day by:oaf-friend - Dr.- - 111yere. - Ite - WEight was over nine ounces, and ite circurnter ence_between ttn and eleven inches; this is as large as-any we have seen noticed in neighboring prints. The Doctor • ha's a ireefull_ortiw-same-kitit4-and we should suppose might keep hirneelf in a fiery hap: py frame of mintrae long as they last! - CANAL COM M ISSIONER.--The Holidays. burg 'Register: in 'noticing the of Mr. Sqllivan to serve as the whig candidate for Canal Commissioner, takes -occasion to introduce the name of a worthy gentkrnen • and sound wing of this borough, in con flexion witijtliat office r in,the following ccitnplitsSntary terms : "'Whilst ive regret` the disinclination of Mr. S:, says the Reg ister, wears pledsed to say the party is at no loss for good men and true, whose cir tumatancesiWill permit them to suffer their »isles he-be tised.- 7 -Should Western - Penn= syltania [lSt elaitiethe Man; we would gest the name;of Josa.prz : 'W. PArrox,:Rsq,.,' of Cumber:land :County, 'Whose_experience . . on our POlic 'Works, and whose enviable —reputation pr. konosty and integrity tot wilich thei,Voldriteeii;nti it!Oc'*atitvf`,.'4,ttlentgi-eaCitryi gnalifica '.otia(tliihteitriVinifitetnetW whip-tkokilonight-bave-the--effect-of-pro . yoking:4*de . to•draw theloeo foco ticket into;i4Oinporieen with that case . the , conclusion of every , intelligfnt man would be verronfOnnate to thelocio (ono nominee& . - 10. $11 ),t t i advise our neigh "bors- that j'itkinital. Nit.4Sr that sob. , ;cot ~ • -‘• , ~, .. . - .7..4 , .;..L ilar'rlie.o4miPatiOO of O P. l !)*P,iii< g fOr o the-oftice.cikiiiettly:of7 , tttnrnei v .,-;insietid, ot -being iitifintienaiiif : seettli t*teqie _Of ni r tistiiiiiio - liiiii# lo i*Po - 40 ) ilse l i is tile refugejfe,ihn-ileitil tit; illt-sillittl and the , tps:eiiratfi;inti ftlit ITCpal , Aii!los. of -a liiroo*r.,4„6:4t:, , itiO , Inetitiiiiiin , a4?o,o, throin 7rittiinf *tip; epljln : e..':6l:94 in'p ' Orcel - proreeffione44l4li : 44i,,fliarding, tho pro feasion of thly'irli.itOrpifiet ps a,n,OtijepOoni' - * - ,'"e Wallbe;-snititiiiiitivir , rie q q".:•or gi - e: county dd 'l . '(4" .!l,6,particuiltr. Aesop . fOylia eleetkon.' ' Mffl • THY , statement' :tha:hol Li t;Yalaatear that ..ihe'Preeedi optio* - ofgOkiendeired, per. °alai OatltOi tudthey real never stein Wjlifilethe . "people for fisco . theokt 4 livit'4:6*#lttir.kFtrori , l' l o our - iieiiMoviv.44lao444moceP Penton:, `iii)ieelreiriiisl34o:ll:i*r*ght to bee este. -1-1 1 111; ib",e3f4iol4:yetidefe . BCCieations. _ vitiate and foviiituto: onset made bi ttel;l ' lPpluatoer upon 4inticketlatt aiterk,pord to beat In nyO*Weiliioke‘theiiiiiii in* L.... , . , .. . . . . . , .. ~-, AP itat She Maga astido if theV t4g ..: -,:.---,.:. ...'•.• ';', - •. .`lirlt,;i4 . 'oliPee!':ltid, 'Ohl ' . tilkitantlti . : , thitt iihe, Whigii!TVievoe'hlttl:fja. btftietteporti4ritty.,,to ettiablisti-ilie-edittidittley - =Ottheir=niesi - ,and - Principles hi dumberlatil county, thin is -now-Offe'red.—TheLlocofueolieket r if Wl ' 1 it' ' ' "' iwe eiteetiiiMdie4iMpiati-' per 1 ps-one-or- . - tally a weak o ne, s and' ..eitnnot' rally the, dtrength'of that party. Several of the per sons .nominated .on the loctifoco ticket are utterly incompetent to discharge the duties 11,3 of he o ffi ces - to which they areproposed: - whi °on the other lnsntl the wbig ticket is comp . „1 ed . of men who are experienced,. and ,w a are of tried integrity and-faithfel-i . ness. The present county' officers are iknomn to be well qualified, es welt f as 'in-: (Newtons and attentive, and not to etintinne them would mince an . rindiffehece with respect to the men whoareientrusted with our county_records, which would be really culpable in every, good citizen.' If, it is important to havetrusty,and attentive men in three _ offices, -,then-every--good citizen- . .ought -to .hesitate 'long before he consents to Tomerve the_ present incumbents. - But it is to the whigs we must "Cbeiily look to standby this ticket and give itlitic, , cess. It is too much tbe . habit with the Whigs after making a; powerful rally for a. Gubernatorial or Presidentitikcandidsts, to fall back the next year into a state of apathy, 1 which breaks it their organization • and ; r - f e loses theM the advantages of their previous success. Shall it be so this year, Whigs ? Shall we let ourselves be defeated imp county which we come within the paltry amount of thirty-nine votes of cariying tact fall ? Shame on us'if we do . ? SIMII any. disaffcctihn with portions of the ticket, Or s any disappointment of intliidual prefer ences, seduce us from the straight path of dutY'or prevent us from rallying in a firm,. united anti harmoniousphalanx in favor of our ticket, and our whote ticket? We trust the Yings - Of Cumberland are . too true to the great whip party for any thing like this. What If the whigs were defeated last fall;? What if HENRY CLAY was pros , It is tor us to rise up again in our armour, and "once more .to the breach i" If We sink into apathy we are again'defeated—if we remain in indifference we are disgraced ;--but if we do our -duty the aloe![ be VIC TORIOUS! • Keep it before the People. The present : edi.tors4:tf the 'Volunteer' ere young and oPconrse lionest, as the . con cluding paragraph of a long disertation upon the abstract merits of: "dcnio3raey" in theirlast paper abundantlY - .pcoyes. The . article, which-is a well written- Leader, opens - whir - stating - that - " - Dentoomerlirn thing that has IVe, meaning, spirit and en; ergy." The way these elements of De , mocracy have been brought.into most-active participation in our atreirs—especi allY into The management of The PiibliC Works!—is shown in the following para- graph : ,'.„LThe 'people of this State have been PLUNDERED, and that too by those professing to be theii best friends—by those -who "kept the word of promise to the ear, but roke it to the hope"phindered by og-r ling legislation--pluntle z r,d - by grant ing (Mous bank - ehart9rs—plundered by monopolies of all sort.s(shapes and sizes —PLUNDERED by faithless and profit -gale PU,BLIC OFFICERS, elected by .Democrats, sitstained by, Democrats, and alas) RE•ELECTED'ANIG AGAIN SUSTAINED 'nirZlimocus.Ts I:'— Volunteer of Suittst : 48114-2 • - I .Trut---true--every word true l —antl'le . pray the , people to ponder well tliikleilest con ession; the pepplik - nie - been - pl , n- Aired and the consequenclii,,iov' e ~,,, k . .t vo a State Debt of overF9ltTY - MlLLiofis! We have been fora long time urging side oCtlui public works to stop thii) .., plUti 7 - tfainTblifetra age to say, iii - the face of7piii crinfesaion, the T'olunieer opposes Ilse Sa,e., If it is in this.continital wholeiale plunde r ing that DemoCiacy i,liows its "life 'an. .. mediling",podenergy" we think it is higl Itine . titeo . ppressalTax 7 pal: . ers of the Stet i ripTrit Vilt,iOf tlidiCs'6tilecti of our Slit: , 'will-sCicii,lie Eden trilent to furnish the mon stet., enAaf with provender I , , ;irl.- 7 -1- , f . ,f; ',,,, Ar.vre , ; '''ll(7 . ..The yolginiettaltea.up the cudgel. most lustily in favor qft otation in o ce, which- it pronoVes" 4 .a wholesome, prin „ ~,, . , , There';,abeautiful exeinplifica jionof this whOlOsome principle in theca' 6 .k99 0 of ijit nominees `on 'th e e lo4i NO Tiree:', Mrf•lieetCm the,locordcp candidate , ~ Tok.Prothciniatary,,is_a_ybu'ng-gentlemen.. .iliose , milted age...among,..!*. !mike i . about iweety.fivelio dotinianied his am ,`. biiimis career upon. ; a clerkship in the, Pro, thopotary's . offiee-4front•this: he was "ro tated”. tato 4;_ , clerkehii in: the 'Peet Office, !--liiit'ileit "rotation" Was - ,the ' office o Deputy-- ; Siiitiff; - .aoti, hp ?will very trit:ch 'regretit, we know, if;the wholesome 'Orin ibiplei4ifttitiele!„_iit'„cheked -tiefo're' he 1 reaches t e, rot °notary i s , o . . 11 ,., I .no OliolcPxotix,:, TaPi4..;AYPIPP, Pr ;"ritriSjon,,t". .m r :-Beetera•ii.,epr e tty:''clev e r fellow, [,and Sie4Oultl:not eay's : ,fiaid thing -of hiria,tor the v i ode]; 6 - no sitieti:ieerivis it hfiecilY 1104 1 . 1 .1 4 1 1 . 6 4) n ; i 1Tiktile*sivd7#": 11 0:, disP 6 od" 4104 9,4lotoirooppioos tii - ipialiesi.B4rips* if ioits-r, -'.4. , ,,?: , ...„,:..4 : !--; , ..., , , ,, ,,:.-t. ~.,..,,,„_, ,:., : . r : , , 1 '' .1 49r14:tIENI!,Y..94*lkeelliiit.htintefor,thp' 'titP:B 4l oier i Wiiiin' , liiiiniaNve, 1 1 4 ;P r : t1 ‘*::V*: : : E k i".i # i f i f ifil 40 1 ili'l ; i4r: i..§::.€T,:hk:,4Y!p,;:oo::ifi*,l44i:V; . -yvaie - ^ gicixtit!ii-'4#l.eireulio lo l l o'igilliOWl*4 Ifitmlo • iittibi'' .. el ": :i l 7 I ..,. , _;I:4" -fr 2 4 11 igile'iti4ite44*:.n; I Y.VA .,,1 : 4 4 17 ..,,,..' • ' 4 . 0 %.7 ~".4.1',-' 9 4 '. , 4*re ' . PO t AMO. I S' N inicrl YATlOh,7:. l ' i i rt 4 t:'•;th 4 o4 lll o,„ l Mi4ilia,# 4 li: . *iie(! # 1 , 14 444;*; 14 04 - ookite#ooevA iwb h itiibiliitiiiikiffaft. , 4wito . -,41.: , !);. , ~.4.,...... ,t,, > :.....„, :x ,„.,...,,,,, i: 4.. , ,, ,1 `.. ) ,l f‘r , ^, ~, i V , ii' V- ):- * •',..'.4 *, ,''',l!, 40.:.1,1j,:'....; ?,,....,. MU "~, ti ail ease injustice , i . :e ..' 0 , ..'1:T.., Fi1u.5..,...,: O:llOOB4f,.fMN. : r ,o fibiaigeineaii:of tiontiniting" Tick eti I?7,Priielpie potinitions isono6 atropte4 tltere` - ip - rre.ohci,leMlTSo 44t Voi , ilui ine4k : benniftlie — raitibut at once to : se&nit.tii. and abide by the • decision's 4. each Oen ventiem--A-ny-course is at once de-1 atitiOtii - fe=of -- the'integrityttiO'ltfthe'l harmony, and' of coarse the success of "the. party, , ' ite-itutg., , of selecting' eandidate where - -all_are 'worthy, and present strong and equal claitns,is one not only oLdelica, Cy, but great difficultyomd-Wieldom ac complished Without' causing disappoint ments,. or creating ? dissalisfiction on 'the part - of ilia' unsuccessful 'candidates. and their fxierids: . To fairy .latiiify all is he yond human. means. What then is the Course of every true and sensible whig f If he values the harmony and welflo4.f., the "party, tie will at once a l4arty r, and cheerful submission to-the •nominaii4s- - and wait until the future' turns up arc favorable opportunity to peel %his oivn claim's. -- "Picit•your - whigllitit-and try it, c c again!" was the advi e of HENRY CLAY to a political friend fter 'defeat, and such ought to be the dete ination of 'every one who is disappointed before a convention. Such fi course will secure-a respectful re-' gard to his claims when afterwards surged, while" an opposite . 4:ourse can '