MP IN _ _ --- 4 ----:- - 4 ,1 , ..... . II ..„. 1 1,4 1041 ~ . . ; ~,,...; . : :,,,,...... ~ ~ .., ~,':" i , ,, ~ , q,' ,. . ~ ~...., , , ~,, , 4 IPIP•P"; 4yj El AND.PRI)ORIEfOR. • t , : . 4. z ., ,, ,4..?,•9,51,a4upt6ie., ArAs. =2'.; _,, ,. 1 , : i.;;;;Y 1 PP,N0 . RAY."-June 11; Ph ei ph i a lius as. opted the. „!P 01 1, 0 • N.69-*Ork:),,,.- .-.-Robeit Eittrrj..ESO,.. of Ren . ding, has ,tnien oppOititerlstiy.A,ol;r.,:r Shunk, Reporter -.of the decisions ot.thit7Stipreme Cotturt of . . . . - 7.l!laillrM faint it y Britigli • - %obit' lestie - Washi ngton, has pre :se'ntt.l.liis-rich collection' of plants and flow erp.,, to Major Noland ,(or. the public 'gar- VlrAtiUtit.iiitelMndreti tbnusand tons -or AtithinUitti , ,rocia - Nill lib - required to sup- VlT:g3, o idifrOP,t Iron ' establishments in and ;about Pitnritlii titin'Alresent NvillUbabrb - nearl lhfrit‘tritole eu frbm Abe:, p4bity,re, re!. • • • 1 1 :37 . 4he:PStfeml,: eNe itlbly of the Pres ' iiiicilimPligreG:iiltigli t had,been in session .ifor.:ele;ireti'days at CitMiiisikbhio,-adjedrit ; aide , rtie on thejtftertioon of , the 27th i nit. 'The riekt_rnee!itiOei:lbe Assembly is - to be in - Philetielphia:ok•the third Tuestlpy, in .:1133r,:‘1846, WM Wit has iip4Ojiit;.; T. ll , l %aior, 13 riga4 1 Vr. Pane- Geneial Gibson," .Ilrignilier!;GenefAllekiirson, . Colonel G. 13omfoid, Surgion:, - , , ,Oineral Lawson and „.„ Whiling; inspectors nf the Mil ___ltnyy!aOatietity , fbrothe present year. „They -01 meet at Wasti'ointihe first Monday iiiie.'attentl,-;tlte annual examination or - he corps: of cade-and make report upon .• diaOiplikeoMittnction, and general eon .ditioiinf the tiatiiin -yecord publishes Arrepertpftbi.exainiri:ation before a Justice,. jubez •• Beyd,,cbargeti with the - . murder Weifer fittPtt, an account of. which dye. gave week . The result; proves PPorieliiiiVtlyAktiCifoyd is the mitrderer.r - corn rnitAcc#4pptand, his at -th SP the coti - ei en --.41487-514.41*(4-44,011e*ter:t.903440P1, 0 ,fitailtleta ,ItwhiAe:lnen bnving „e4er been convicted .151 etra t*gree-withi 4- the Ores vegi-jitiiiprof-thqtroifuty.--;: IN' CnAßAbren:`=Wi{hin three.Aninptee iriqieft - 61 - the - ttarid tio:;7oam4eri .Itace . b4:111 . 5e,. on "W'eclrietlap, sloe, acid lombeibre it was artaineo it'hethk there *Oro rot tliax:iteof 4uongleiPiiiiniMOlMl4l buriedliemeath the 'their " sweat cloths" and "ro u lette. tables," s Vildclitad located undernoath and in iiheitriu;edia . te d diiiity . of rho.building, in haviOg4Cp7acell.lheir tables mid , !•iipCrKiiTt at tiarlt . again atioCatiOni-rifirciWiOg 'the "dice and toiiiiping rthi • • ,:121,7§0ni0 colored men were dis Covered ~, , out . 'Euesday; evening:llo, stilittilaltug. and' 4-euttirig'ilown the young tree:s . iO:front ofihe ihelling • oEMr.Atfred Adams,* .liarris• Adams obtained a coostible, :`who at tempted to . arrest , tiunj , but they re=s . I] . :iii,,ttici4tyMr 4 o , „`eatiple•ettutied; 4161444 - onalable viii;4dia4ik:i4v4.iii'iieimiited to' fi ei;: , reverbtit - i . erti securely kepfin MittotlYiand,the anjuries they inflicted up cinAlte'Ofrmii, - though pain - ad, will not be _4__ _ pii."27.7%(# jolt cattiest tinpng 111.4 lead -IP_-,-XIPOi!!F g .9 1 4:1 3 r1IVfissisPiPP!! 4he PoOt PflUi#• : 4.' , PciOT9VCluitnVinvPPß7` Foote;*o,fq 6l :thiN ' - dui-P* l ; l T, 611 . 4 .0 T Phir oh: is listit , ite pretti , a baa4.paypi c iitectPd , on ACeitaia iioEleicon 'oWn• • No' s tileh Felt ageiitettithertf. tlie -yentik - Man it - Stied leads' Reese, -the timbets pn,tlui top of theTreit:ios4 btidge at liar` tiebytgi.ridenift petitkoyed implot4bkz'sre - , -.eta,paii4iiiereit,crosida road, ind',Btri. --4titt(theiteimilifisettired bad- tltstAs eisteelythoped , lni'e can e Wa'rk 'A d ve t ise sarcifteie lifftljeiViite:::q#o..l6;fullegro w thz o ry,a - to at •PPRPriAlldisYYPiOilTiseek , ..l l ettemeettn• tivi,W4ibkmeasuies'l2 (ea; 0 iftehesin cir ,___•cutneerlmiT ! ATil,itillisb`ptolluees I go liusti 7 40i:a ffigt Itt of itOltY, 4 „ftFs.i: 3"' .777 4tt i!IMP tt - I:4,oo4llo4,;t:Thi:lll4r:***Wilit;:e4;':-lii WEN ; c . rOwestk.To tikAaturdn ' i;l4 ll c lest, about ' midnight,. inCthe ,stables f -17risirszPalmer_and Tetergjon_the_corner_ of , S ix t' Avenuer 'anti strCeis-, - which' distierisitigAtnw stly, that; has ,occu Eyed iMthe - eityf far al font time, , Nearly two Very fere' bloCks tween the Sixth ti Seventh AVeriuei wire entilely - aw'r;pt; and over one huodred ITI9O' - than Tour ittindred i tautilles entirely destitute,. maity"of tbeiri J iCeh of 'their zbithes. Not fifty dollars worth of .furni • iiire:itpmperty of any, kind, so far as-can be aecertabted, was saved by any of these pooti creatures, and not twentrindividuals were insured at all: 41reat.portion of the builflings hernt,,were, poor'shapties, occu pied mostly. by Irish families, and. these puffer terribly-r, The Tribune says this 'calamitous' fire was the work of an-incendiary. It was told us, on apparently good authority, that a 'man was seen•to set 'ale stable on fire and run. • hle • was imMediately , pursueill nd would have been caught•had net the pursuer stumbled, over a sleeping watch niaft—thus catnip; two ais I .escape .of. the man•mrd the waking 'up of the watchman from a refeedliinviap. ' The . spread of Ahe fire was instantaneous—every thing being very' dry, and the buildings all composed of the most combustible materi als. It.also says : -Nothing can be conceived so utterly sad pitiful - itlifiiicendition of these three 'thousatfd man; women, and. children, (for nembet:-4ill reach that) thus in an in stant-redueed to absolute want and hugger ---aheiterless,'.and ~`'many of them unclad and with only a blanket about their shoul ders.. They .ore sitting weeping.and starv ing unilei"jhe fences and in the vacant lots rfwdedirito cow-peni - t - Eid• out- louses —;the middle-lifed, the young, the decrepid aged, the helpless Infant, 'What a scene.! . A. CRALLENGE.-A few weeks 'since 'a writer in the National Intelligencer; who" , signchimself '"://forlison," challenged-any - - anti-tariff 'man to epubfic 'eicaminatioti'Of the aubje6t 77 .;;lnomtsing -to deinonstrate,- . I ‘that tholOriff be 'essentially reduced,' another., commercial 'revolution, as dfsas - -. trous - aelhat 'Of - 7087,, will follow. ,Within three, year#, causing tidy bank froti(New yorle to New Orleatts'Ao suspend "specie: "painienfirl,onds,th ;V:recinsequeotly,:, the whole businosii!Of again be thrown intit wbrseccitifonti'd, prie - o" . ttlyeireortradtrolitralirlaye y' CT lien.:found willing w accept the challenge thus eordl:y:given, pion will come 'forth:, . - Youi dielilo-npthineaWmuch - ,as a AiscintaidttA Whiclifacts andivires . • *iircli'declairriaiien, - as' fit al.u4s .th e case bf tbi:prOVctive policy. fleace they wih t4ke'eare' riot to pin themseliea in so un' comfortable a position. DISTRESS IN Mn. DLAN I IS Rammv.r—itis' announced in Alm Alton Telegraph,,by . one just returned, trem .Lenin on, the agmestic distinguished statesman, Henrjr..chty, have istely, ;been greatly.added to, by bis youngest sun be coming tleringett' - his makes the second son that isno* an .inmate the Lunatic 4iol ll l l Y.inq. - 7 0 :0Fe.IdY•VMPaPize with Ir. cit4 , ,pikoiii,,vll9.iCtlikhour of their dir4005..2, resilct, in,tripp4 'from ~the same,source, tliatlllr, clajrhari become a 'communicant in the Episcopal . churcit, in Lexington., the consolation of the, Ire limn be, has „embraced, may he, find the mealsiof reconciliatienilo those domestic' ifiiraptiAritioliliti;beVkfiajt .s t sm trot. ,„ Poptri.-ThelpeA that a new herOtefOre unii& - dOil;llnew tray itiorlOttnalbe-,bouqds o our p an- VftleT APP , 144.11a10n, rOPOrt!, - t!kat - , °no el" ) ek. O IP, 60 1.449rf,,q10,no r oletigue,,,he-paw a Comet in a ast . Prl,e4WJ.eel) 0i0F, 8 i 1 1 1 4, 6 ,0 13 W0V . , 11 9 c !PIA longer thanTths>ttilserl,thereopo 'which ha!vo,beenqisiblefierei , -tbat h ktiociel the attention ;Pt Lic Wien i•olieerved—from-44-7robserrstery4st. . ,<..:' . •,« • ; Q#E : A terriblt oa,cu!'edi:Ut , ClltubboPaliadai'• on ;the' It broke buteAll'o7elobkin the itubruitri,lettd • ragedmitb •greetlurr until midnight, tleelroyink AingiL4not*egnrf 1 Q 0 1Y.1 . inf1 , , ,450 0'. - ff erilutoediqno,-pirmberlaf tliveelost.‘, Itilivertletul bo eh e k;taken 4roet thti reineAutd ie.ennieetured.thatAtot 8s ' c:e ...1 .7s7r - ti ap i •..,. I . , • ;-- i ~."'-' t„ - „4: iticrligirl 111 , 11 1Y4,°... .1' , t -V d, _ ._IzA :#0 ~'- ' ..„. 0 bi'll, iiiii l 4 4 9c, 11 . : ,,, P0n 4 ).4i. i9dilt, ..iii,l,„suabya.:44liliiie inhjects ilk(' 'Co c al' the inconveniences which fluctuation . . in one-artiele must;cause, whereas, had they sr veiri4o.4 ittiffeitt;-WhildiAsinisheil ',the Vail; 'tit nhe Miglit'effect'Odieriliiiti Mole' iiereeriblii'lnatiner:' - natitesara'aieird't ingli (6614' io:othir Ciepslisides i eetton, an - r actor:es f or; e manufacture o their ; own staples' are sprinitng up in . ell Aireci tiolle - . l '''lii - :itte - idviidie:f Of 01'6'1 - '4li:tilt/ iihanges; the`Augusta Chronicle, strikes - Out thelollowingomusinragraph: - Speak ing of the ,i,pa _Northerners,J . m. says : .1 ' ,'.- l"fheybuild'our houtles,they,adortithem with 'furniture, and supply4hinn with' every comfort and.cenvenienee'at Which we have ever,conjectured,:hey - educate,4tar dren;;and,cover • our n.akedriess from heti to lorit with, hats, and ihoeS, coats • and shirtic=,,,we_eat-their ; fique;4eriser butter,- apples c codfish; pota to* picklep,pork and onions - we feed our catkiO, o 4ck**hayr , drive Their horses - in theirlieenesito.3beir• carriages, with their: hilig 7 ide ,walk with ' their sticks, ride with , their saddler!, write on their paper, wash widEseap,'ecrub, with their brushes, sweep with their brooms-4-- milk iti , Jheir pailsi ; Abokin their pets,'strike =with,4beir-liammereo3 low—with-Aheir4ol— CM -with- their- exes;.siew. with their. seed; reap with their hooks', pull with - their leather, whitewash. With ; theii.iiite„. paint with theitpliint r maroh hytheir til mie,:iread brtheirlights;'Atink their congress .water and rurri;:emoke. their segars=and last aid besi-ef-ihese-chleeSings,li'e.'iriarry• their 1:•* pretty-girls,- w o ma •ete . , es ,‘ wives."- - ;:rirtieneetaT Joxisios T:i4s,'has issued ;14-proclamation recomett - e_tiditig the people of that, Repnlilic.tik.eleadelegates to,:uteet at Austin, on the 4th 'Tor pur pose of considering , the proposition for the annexation of,:rexas to die United States, . Tird--anyTtthei propisittori - twhichrmay—be made concerning the nationality of the Re• u ge(' — ated ent and ,pfupsr:to ,adopt,,iiiiiiisottally, a _cctstitution teibe•sulnited to the, people for their ; ritificiatiou,,Oith a view to the ad.. 4 hisiion-ei toile% as a State,. lurolhe A ,merican, Union, in accordance 'with the twins of-the - proposition" for •ready. eebteitted„to..,this Proem went by that dike United States.". .;,. ~ 0 FFICIAL istteijs a cap!, 1181 titory,iibout a constable inTennsylvania: ened'lriMATT,eet!lftkagme: sorem a Particylarfriend of his greatly. his superior fpcafrougthilsho being - particular : ly-drunk at the ante; - rebelled against. the . Jaw-and mymidon, officer and phaking Gim alniosf to pieces; the par ties ; nieeting - 117 feiv -- diyii aim the offender. was profuse) in. his: apologies.— .-.Youknow,-Jalie.'-', says . lie,. !'-I would not hale d,Onelipif bad - beerriluty sober; Ti Was ail thederil4i,urbieike - 1 - i - Td) -The-Officer-at-last-Anolified - . mid-relented noder;-4ini f ii "As to the shaking; bear' atiy malicei'l don't valley; it a 'tent on illy . own account; but as' an officer. recollect neict tune',-lim,-whoever-me-shakes- shakes -the •Commoil&rallh."' ' ' - • OnsEnvArms - . or ~ ilart.§AßßATite-rTht Philadelphia Gazsttit of,Saturdtii eep; ,that ''Fal I ,'the 10,CI , a' on Ai,. Lehigh, , -Canal' were elpsid;liat,Sabbitli%ltinnleiiif thc . ..niana.;' gciv;,,tind,t4nse:nf,thty,ptilaware Divbsion pliliei, for,4llvitßii•Paital, -by an agree- -cnsn fthe,44 Oqtleis, with the approval ofAenanar cOntissiOners. •. We learn that the boattnen.on both of theio canals have: &sired this arraitge r inent " - tr7i 'Mormons „cotiunue to pour Ntniiiiiigz The delusionis e v ide pug, ilircad-' theiiiiiie - remarkablni-bectinse, some of- the. leading-llofatnns : l►ove admit CibiLitrii - 010.1c1f, an 4niunl i ook-syt4etb-kt N.Suiroo, tind.bitve ,abandOned the -.poen'' Society, to.Ostablitsb tot . encbeteicoVnift,t4l': motliftpd. ..A:,branch . 44„..,tbts'. , latter„ kind . luta been entablisbed, by—Sidney Rigdon at Pittsburg. 'rhe bistory, of the .Mor-; PiPPiinP o f l Wins 4, , rOlikabkoToncili phowe ,citnping,,antong t .wcakluinded. and' ,Pre:1141!!!?,,0 „. - , . , ir. - 1 .4:3l4;f:ilrillutior..—A' horse, :with:-saddle' and; bridlet';*ff recently , foutid - -w ithout ? a ridercrindornig,neat a ,country,., tavero in Ohio. Smirch - liiivingbeeiiinade, the ifen- . drUnli; found' neunied astride a wall; kiblcingrand; spurring moat furiously, cursing his sup- ; Posed, pooey foinot molting forward, ~ o av-' ing bquente. , little sohered ,he:discoveied, hie - end . ..iliinonittett,the Ale' Sinall*ReemortOcille by-aim :40p: . . . , „ .. , __: , ll9l , l?Ai Piewlrork'emrespontlept e1....1he' NollMial intelligetmer .eaxe t h at , Prefeeiter B ll 4ol. ol 'abc)9ltOillyliPir- a o4Orlo of 10011F.0.i -oa lite'r'll amen 804 pliiiolqgically anti' iheologicatly Oensidereti; when hi *ill ad duce a large air:if:lir iii . Otil;'.lmth from Tea* sow and.,SetiOtbreiliit *hi' vrolier. idea of , I the tabul;Melutles.that it a epi'riteal body,P Andiiiio . .coosAue,MlY,*tuti*aighk . goßt;)*4 of IhO•veoillpitatioo of tijowleiiiiif bob"" is, entieelt,blaeliaiiaail dermilvt. t .*- ../koqi,,.:,e n ;.„,„ • :41 ~.,..,..,:-., ~ fo, ~,,.,-,, , „2 , , :kr 7 4 - TiimbSiaiiiiihsil4ailillsOF - ceistii J il V-C .l4 : lll6o', YlkOng7 P olllDcrllol.l A 7 r4l 1414 i#:Aglicrciot ten thOlsiorth.ertc,ieige, `,of Piigol; , ait4 4ts;i.left . - upoi ltio.,,,AllautkO' kaglikte,:altiMid think Abe child would be s)t, cik4ot itotyciwo,Pro,s iirnkaiiing inl l, 6.7,' , .1 , 1: J Alouggy , , lir.siiciiiiiloso6 iii'ilioo4iitiiiiiiiff#4 40;11ilif;11101,/'''idisliOA "liiiiiZoilfe46o4iiiiil*"... .i..- r',:icritki*4 l ,llo4,o ooi to ,li***9tft 104 srAol of r ; :4 ~,. , .... t , ...., - -ri,: ,, i• , ~Y,_ to at to off yer t>r ^A: ME I,F.Lowv4 'll he democraja • .eleinktliefitet . hantelkhfOetiiheir Governor inembet both branehel - ,40 ,elegielettirthuiviee curing tri therW‘iiiiV.Perternolllll4ho next CONTrPko., • Cificinati rertyclivc 4eartlaga, was .11 village of log. itut le.:wilderness; with eve hundred .' afl } n itant~ ow tt, is a city, "of iOnngtise‘canrnerosal and.Olnuraoturing imnot'ittnee,, witit,r , large and ,enterprising pqoo ll o,n,,og,;4fpuys- 1 4pu!40 60 , 1 1.40 ted for "'doyotinif to all : gle_arta_thatqtdpko society, and leenliturize roodern;.elviliza-, - . • mop] to Dr„ „ lifietar'e,Salaanibf,Wtbd,gberry, f 6 f wh1c.6166 , , adobe: . last ,. ..oinolierm elirloyitiWni.2, kitties: at 'retail, al#l,bave beard Rona a. grytip?rlinrit of lthorn;, thei ' ' Several imperteiit eases wadi vicinity, which int Intel under ner*rional -knorledge,,heer ,been redicheierititer o ‘ ritediiii.blvd . been tried`fiir . yeire-ielthoot-*61;1; In fact we, tbittle ittspe, gebla remediee - for=conauuiptlici , or:the:lungs,and all Verentinendad;,' thu dg, vvs I i e :91:04 1 ,04. , felte la. dap, end %lake iygsqx,yri:orlcNEPPEß., Drogg.hlto.,„ • Orel' is a le by 13.-jacurorr, , Eiit iti ,Itromitr4i-The toostlo.o)larifisnej Mta of Op pba'lhs+~►lobjlsti 00*mm 0 1 0**Itiroitikkurlitifilurt , peDol . lokiiy . o4 . 4. :11 . 10 ivinedeso Anttin . ' 4 4 ' AOknit • 'rot! ff. o !=Eff !WM!! PERE 1 ,, = ...... 0fir0 ~,,,t . „, ~ Th . likiCifietenisen''': ' Ye. 'ABP . f . ,,,,,,:: 4 t erehhe r " a Z e agik-, t w atin iti a cle-ti; t;.ii-- ; ,AReso rcealfti. Peattsiliaiila;" irittetahtit4l:4ittetithai since that period the-iron and coal trade of the:COmmOnwealih has greatly increased. It 18'ittult 5 4 601 ipiAritt)l?Tite coat irWo of sihiri yeaP will eiceliti jwo Willie, ot ' Vile r greite#hroptaverneArhee, however, beep maderlnlfteiron4r,"4l3 At the ,time the irtfaii'lieferred td, Was Written' "there were manufactured hirPeimaylvania about 100,000 jmui of ion Emu y. ere win be^ • mattuthietured , ihis - yisr at !mist 250,000 tO • 1111 1 :shd irrnn chnAlt',iii 0411 to the iron trade: thi . Make dex6ear - wilf - tar 300,000; whicli c .isl`threi.fourtlis or 'the whole' anniial cliniuMplicin of the United States.' yhi making Of iron with Ant,ila• cite coil vii t io'h 'oRainfenced in this country about 4yi;read age, jiiii greatly added to The - ' -4 ' ' ' - ;d, he Ell , ^ ,aqollo r i d ƒA * k&a • #ll-1$;10'P460(14 has !dded n ,eW. I.; • TWO' State - 1 'Treriettret,'`.lVlN -,StibwiMeti,''has . issued callingire‘thti:sintiaiiesioinerir anti 'treasurers over"ihe _balance: Wpm saisiefeotentit, 0f, : 113.41.,. '43 ind''44, whiChiieyeral; . ef.the counties and especial ly , lettpendetf to, with' till alscrityliiglilY praise worthy to Ahem as eitizenehniiona to Main .tale the ;drediknf , ,the:,@tete:,,vVimgditora of the Harrisburg ptiipir,iti” referring *the a4ove'fatti;.dephire • it es' "their ninet,"`e6l - that' the lEhatii - ,lifferint will he ~p aid- in EsOfik Alts tiff... August next,. anilicontitniioe be, paid ,punctually_' 110:00,10`it! ; Whir strong-polje 'Off 'in this . buttinebaa fact elusively .thikrin clues of men have' the credit, of :the, Commonwealth .more nearly tt heart thosoiOlio - : - ially around the ,Wh y banner: .AN •JNGeNtouq . . DVERTISTEMENT.—d 1 Clast - 14 - 1F46 - o!;Piatory• Scfioolnuialei.: 7 ,—.. Jame!, what is a sale plunder ?, ~ ~-„„44, ' ',, • ' • • 'An-11& - hiPNtibariiniai what earsfire?, , S'ckportnastel'eliawißobert, what's a SalanrandeireSeribe it, and the state Where it isliking 4 7:..:' _ ~ ,;:-„.:...._, ~ , - =. --- .{ - q 2 -. . ------' '4. knew,,! z A :', 2t a-,o,hig :Imp- box, , with • . , .la....iti_oiiid4riithefire,at thigrrilitine.• -office ; ror - thirtitiiikhours,--withent:gettifif hot etwoutikto,hit' banitzbill,l , ,-,-; , it's . 'l ll l l r#Plkatea , f.?lp Al er e ree 1 1 1';'Ybrfis•`;":41h*iittati -- th - ebilliete=hiyiiiilf,=: and;*rcii.lflOikiiie‘genue — -- ' ''--: al lp . 1 - ' in - iioktr , , - . You're .`a smart boy. , Rob; ; , go:titittriliOd;''' - A. r.: ,, .:: VAJA.atioiktiOn:Widoeaday at_ Si i. tern6OnW - 'O4 dolunibili Spy, .31:r. ,is.ft.#o4s:4i ``4 , 4.81411 ) Asee, was killed. VIS - #o,.._o**id-giklohiniblii"r4road 40 1 frilWaVoin-114 - -ineiined—plane;.... l He wits-goingileitn the road, upon a bur 1 den tan, anti in consequence of a report that a steer Was on the traek, he paiied o tr the top of several care, and by some' die. groan& I l l'he irain lime t:tl=over hi if; b7(141t, -, belo vict he — lr es g r;'. — bur' liniiff his arms and instant death. The fire at rAllegheity ;Oita, an-, account Of which we published.aaKwee , turns opt to ha vo -been net neat. tio'tleittinetive tta•.:Was it.first atiptiOsed:r , ,Thit% impression ' `' went abroad 3 fiat . lthe';:.tiarehottata:Viete—filll'- - 0 goods,:and - that theloart amounted to some hundredtp,ot_theneantla ; . but,khia;,wat not the case; ° anti wi air& happr,to Warp, that careful estimates fix' the loan at not wore than fifty thOillphiq. - Opn'The Nei Ynr . liStnieWa::yr - ,e re iso-17640: nifon this iyfeiy lave al •aily fallen, it allay , :spread, alartninglY.-- - Too l dand 'ad ain, re,i;OtitiVo aim re'. ma we belieie ." 00# 8 .t,Ohi 4 . v , ,1146.4 4 t OLVoiclfirebaill i , /0 11 14; Ptilittitci,j4 knowledge of 'theeri (.. TherefoYewitly 14ard M . the subject of This .einumunicallim, tut welly. , in it important that the public sheulcioaajudgatnent upanitor at !sold % b! ) POlll74lR;_fili ,pipTipio4.9lnfoiT.yopand lriliridoi4:ifeleltipe'iviitileVei of 'Merit. it Mai ..„. ioriii'SOil - dif Mtiy, seem a very mieilt affalr'and deeerVintof-buta trivial occasion=and ' we have reason to believe it la'regartlSd,by thoie,svini ire nffi,Cliiis.• in, proctir: ins it in this instance—if indeed'they reflect Cilt*nc,44oitifiiii-401,;as 40h dlilition of a .latit pitch I • 'Yet.ith#,,Siewed , ottl, of that con neetioii there,,arii;thSse : Who,,Weulttraqiiro- the imeasuni fitrdividipg Townaltip,s,.M.lts measure, as moraentomi, as that Which : l,6lld divide Counties and States. To dieciiieruPon what the proposed riiviskin , is grout - Wed. is our, purpose.= Perhaps we need not say proposed--for although 'there has Seen asfet but a Survey apd die fixing of a=dividing linejiit"whon - Wit'itiflliai Who wisheie it dono4Mid whti era to` dolt ox. tioudingli pee - table:that the luMility, futipti end wrong involved in the chit - Sion may, weigh'for.tiM the 'thin might bo dititiehsed; : rithi.ean it be mild; our Township' fie too, largo Dickinson ' Township Ocontainslthitat tartil`aliove :700 toxables--hos p distioci of ti;' ,- elve 'miles to her vlsteistirritiiik; Iforth and South Pilhitiltion'hayo 'each-sboutlo- r na4rtitikihril tibitut:so riquiiro 7 11 V while went. r ;h nlileat while ffircf"ttennehotonghliettbut2s,.with abt - Tiit'4so tmitblea and not more than six milce to her place of voting. • Welinswer that it is not the size that demands the':.ffivlsion 1.. Then, "is it -thirt-thoreofour citizens mit:hive office.? 'Now . We have six school Directors—then we will have 12. But if we now aro obligidto keep-them, in office until they 44'6' to the west or refuse len. ger to bear the burden :because-,ethers will not take an office thit requites so much sacrifice— and here I' will say thatlf -there is an office the holditigof which faithfully, proves a man tohave &Soul it le this ono—what shall we do when we require 12? But we shall not say that the other offices that may have mono:Li:it Mfluencelielong log to them , may not be a reason for the , divisioto as the publie;7l2 thereby be taxed, in addition, to Whatitinust bear in Court }toms and rune. wayLasiyersai if to tax was a viriee. 7F 'Oraevent:hare - harrimen' . e-hittrt-burn.- ing-with-our-iitizens-because-sow--what they would the ifoll.`Of this townelgthstill produced the wrong kind ogliniocrata-reetfor good citizens —but forefather 'PurpOser. Once there was. an . appeal frotritlyi nallot-box4ortileit for our coon try's weird 'vnisy-noi. often be don!, but rather that entire.and eheirfulaubroitsimete,that mfgitty agEtit, iosy tharacferize 9yr oltizena, the . result of which received so signal rl rebukont the lost election- that nOthi r tig , was to be Hoped for from the present organise; 'I Emus W ill it im said a:l4i v 36 were will - not - nettoinly - cifongt; - pottuctil,. caste of either Townshige •We reply. um-division wis e forand-wwthinkliiii-only-one-aared for would do it. ihit what-is the evidence that thelitiole affair hua loco foconmecevrel=-Arthis name is not rel, ishediJhey: areiihe-ourielf. for we - ,wish they bad a batiet. PIK N, '.7rtia•Pfilliii9u, wWc_did pot sa itlior .e ne .did 'tht majority four citizens, appeantiTon the heels of the diVisiou of your. huge horough— ibanka to; your wise min, for . the ides, and if the Court plentseroltha zest! -,VP same; and'o ur It'll be tl spring clictitit;4lio -Were-entirhe.. ely estlefiCif.witksigned-hy-1 m . 3ecofoat ofl3-r rV.eYtki _chain carries,psoortdodgers-antiall WOre inenfocoN•as 1 Ain informhd, not a whig interesting,; arriself with it; except' to remonstrate Willi peSect unan. boil:) , against it. Now United 'With * power couuteiinnenthat;"wiiiiii.. iiiirtiffinvatimt-thateircunistaimetr:rni4einlik gece4"o-tivi!!:4l4ainly- °Y.9 .6 49.1r44 41 00 1 141FrFl!tF4 int i leaf' itainarids upon, of:the oominunity,•"withialt" any guaranty that when wilittboyask granted, that ,their.demandi will . 'net - ho - foarthlly enhanted r itopt of ILO; Horse Leech instinctively "crying '44 Thii:Contrtuit.'t "THE THUill ra 11011113WHillt." Mn . Edit.4 :—A fait; days ago, I road an arti cle lit yinir ' palier,under, the Caption of "Scisip! 0r , 1768r which ' the Writer asserts, that when' Sturg - t!iti . lroncattiv been irnprtWoned at Carlislefbr t l io Fnindcr praorno Indiang,aniii I . ° 6t7th ° 3 !" te !" . 7 1 1) Ii ii h ,ti" r „ . 1a1 +7 .1 4 15 : 1 HP I rhr:Or Stuno, hold feilowa, can pare d to litwwato hintnnd intimidate_ the jailor," to prove Which, 4ivoial lettina was antiniited. ',l , rejoiaccnoWevor, to sae this' iror corrected by 811,4te - historian in, theiiVillunteer", : efJune sth. L., has not mere!y•said,"but,provad, that if A l Y l l l4 ! r ill! lr 9VF l igq urll4 l .4 t4 l o l l, l '4 B * tabor incidents in history, he is :esAnkiph se r im:.: poster" and hie' isiipfiSsenta. tioni Your co9ttifintot.ill4i. Editor. rell%d r ,up4i; the to prove that thejailor we. intiinichited; hist thiiei4gian eh' the Volluntedr, 4304,41/04ce pfimxifetaten9pon his 'o{oll viral- t . B ! l 49i`th9 , .§ l !efq" actors in 40919 g Afr,ippi,,(os,u4rii)._4.p4i4ro9994F) from To'ShOw.yeii that "ithe'trulh'is /sines/LW/4! willpreient (me:tract Ot •?...ILifkCirei ha' Loki Ed. hibiPm 18 Gordon upon whom w o may rely, firit , utd• : o f Oif fis4 2 4°,i tifFP ; 1 4 4 144'ircfP 1 4#71 4, :gtther. with 61611 1 1° 4irl i f . 2 4°, 41 °Y1d ht i vi-FO.V:leell kiln ex- , county OuirsOriciiith iirn/Ptilid'Ao • • :•,: Yeti , would 'better MO° ytiireentilbeter correct thin into wh ich Jun hatiniiii/hrit falleiiil ?t,„; t.St'A it.t s .„, ,--,,AP,ISI_,TREgIARP-01°TrrAn Id itor sante here tne west, ,s 4; troirt , i)epfmdind ort-t.l4.o9#pc,!imii,tgo• - ,;P1 ' sell .ft,ovß, . ' `t"1,7tt,47 - tEcotio).*-411e# ^al ir -- i k:,• frobi Oicif MNia WESTPENNSBORO' '• • rcir the llerald. “awn-haw 4 4:4 aboift -350 head, 300; of 'Which sold at 6 to $0 per 1.00, lbol-,,and',„ : the,rontahl,tle'r. were .left , . pvir: until nett 1 1 1 a0BIAPV , i'41: 1 01)4YeTIO,tinot• so ,idadyulo;_tiome,lottl„havii,sOld,.,aks4:lll,. and some of more desirable quality at ss:' Fiovtt: Id , _ , city -tmills.i.we Anise • few. transaetions to note, and. thiise were at ed 02i1-for,cmall par4l4l; . Wheht..wiilt.!i,ogle:4l; Of- 0), -,Y,11.e4440.,i11e.1,0),kit;Y41913:9! Nei weok. The eillkii,Af-.„Hilait.(!atreet haie beef in mited iiiWeliti:lfltOW,laitratiii; Were. ma e a 0 8 fr ' i l'i! ' ;'lt '4,§llllpro;:::StitiiltOtOritti.haa'Cold. at J4.#?:giiriio(.?.o . ;,i l / 4 0.0. 41, iipinri - , linos' we - eMisider - tiiiiMlinid:' , '*Thilinied 7 , Lions for the Week eanaptitorihtrrollSiiiiii kinds Cind "quantittesr-viz:". Rowaid-ittteet, 4,oollybbls;and 207 half . bbls; Ci y. Mills, 3,502 bete and 1,508 half bbls; Suaque 1;545 bbIS, Family k lour , 379 bbls sea 4 lialfTeitalt.l);Bl3' 1,714 half, tibia ,wheat Boni. • 'There-Was alsoinsp . ceted 1 . 27;•bb1s Rye Flour; and-424. bbls, and 4 liairbbls Corn Mid. • • BItAIN.-I'he receipts, of Wheat have somewhat fallen off, as well as the demand and .. Aces in cense'' , uence , have become less firm, the fates for good to prime Mary laid red „Ifey,r; `ranged`_from 90 to 95 r arid fdir to Oio'd t ; Pennsylvania from ,88 to' 93 , cents ,per"blishel. Pennsylvania Rye may be" 0000'57 to. 58 cents; and Corn and Oats•at 42 cents for the former and 27 for the latter — Maryland Corn has been in better, request, and. RiCes are ratiteoloer white was sold at 98'to-30, and yellow;at 40 to 41 cents.• Oats have be.dli irire t qUesi at;2s to 26. Whiskey continues in only moderate rit : quest, at 20i cents in hhtls, , and 21./ bbls. D4Ozoge. oinopppilibtt-ziAggittfaz;,-- - 'lstFlOr.r; *iiiAllreet, in the house formerly occupied Ehrmen. chrlisle r Atiril . 9, 1845. SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE., The publishers of The Tribune have -been fie. 'quently.sulteited to issue a Somi..veekly edition oftheir'ysper fug the bentfit forth* who tcquire 'the news of the'day oftener then once rt week,und. iefare . without Dhily Mails,nr d6.110t, cheese to incur the eneose and licaVY . P6Stutilef Circumstances have hitherto - rendered 'itieli:pub. lisatiort.impOsilble,.Witheut- trenching upon -the, due issue of our Daily and-Weekly editions: We 'are preperinttoolwiatesthist-ditrioulty-in-ibe-new 'Wing-now-hong erected: for us on the site 'of our burnt estublialimenr,where we hope to be gain located by - or soon after theist. of May. - -The--New York Tributie'SeinhWeekly, will therefiire fron&iii offiee;l6o Nu - sanuat,, on or before:the 17th'erf*Ityi':and wilt bo publish. id thetiefoilvard-on.Wedbesway and-diturday, of each. week.. It Will bd•Printed on good 'paper of Ilhe_size of the'Dati,s Tantoris.,and 'will contain nearlyy or quite all t ie . master of'he Daily`. into. ding g:oncy,iiiitrkl,t;daily report of Cniumerulab Trrnsactions;Sales of stoke, City Intelligence kei Au arinialinlEditni, devotes hirisibulectimrTtiatie'ofiotelligciice;;repo rung twice a dsy. tui lire Morning rind Evenins editors= of our thiily„:::TWo reporters are constantly wute h ing the Jirsocapingopf.the43iirieui ,Courts of Our notipt,Pcerything interesting' 'Our readeiLP ,Welhope: to make thoSotrii.WeekliTri: bonen moat acceptable paPor oten, , sit of this pity and ftir all who wielia Inure prompt anOctiftedi?incip.of burly life" . thait a weekly pa. 0x_5p .. 0 ,1, 404 - ly 'be, made, .9tmapoidto . 4at.Wastiicigton during tats sea. fipP:ind OVerkinant.of... general or, tranroory interest will at times be employed' the liberal Pationage bestowed or. The , Tribune, titimuuding and jiiititPlit kcorrespandingliberolity ofout luy Partiv In the department...of — General °ratite andiCriticiam, we have.ieaured aiaistance .ofthe siitipir order, While Wirlicpe,soon an. nouns a departnient orAgricUltine and General . siiierice; under the immediate' condutit of :one,. of the moat experienced poptilir,writers on Agri. culture in the Country. In fine, wix.,shill spare no expense or Wort to make.TheTribune; whetb, cr in its 148 y, Seml , Weekly, Weeltry,, - editioni eminently worthy the 'patronage : Of the' Bniiitteis and Reading public, hut especially..of wirier.; Thet.ficeni,weekly 'name will. be. Honied every. Wednesdy:*and Saturday; orea sheet of good'pa.: perlteri'llie 7 6f iteiyally Tribune. Timass= - Thri;e 7 dot:arra yearjApe dollars for two copies; piyable. always in advance.: :Orders, enclosing: cash, arc respectfully railleited • GREELY ,&:IVIaELRATH. 160 Nassau et I,low. Yorkt.Api,4 15,1845. . - TO -- THE'TAX-PAYERS:OVEUMVOIOe7 The CountiOOSPlnitisiOners,deem lkimPernent to the attention of nue.:payerit to 'the prorisltilti of the 42nd Seetienlof, the Act of 20th April 1 for- By the provisions of;that Aor, it the whole :amount. of' to , the State-Treasurer -by any county fifteekdaya . prior'to the 15th' August; in, any year, -such'settaty,ts entitled tent.' abatement ; of 5 erneof niftlieamottoLae paid when , due.aull 'payable under the prtitisions of said.: Ant, any individual or. Corperetion *NM jay sia',.per cent : interest, thereon, until, paid,/ anil the stime. on thii estate on which it is charged ,utitil „. Tffiu Importance, and adiantake - of paying the, tax Prior 'titibat limo: . will .be .obeftia to our blastula .whettittinkithwe that tine result tiff beJttsplao . 2in the county treasury about fifteen hundred Aollara the amount at Heeled lot State perposes.*:'Under present eirenmstunoes When: our eltiaens will be subject te atriammsed:clainty Wasp meet the tlebt idreurredlin the' erection ef a Courtflouseithe sav-, ing annually would materially deereste the ta; outretilerecunty'ptirposow.-4ut slieuld,even a' teas. Our tax payers defer' payment till alter the 10th of July, the savingebnteMplated by.thtf MC to in-. 'duce, proinpinees on payment, will be defeated; ; We a r a, State-treasitrtut-itutt-the interest due in ,Atiguat and February -peat, will be pelt! , if the several . I;i:undies of our Commouwealth..Atro payment of. Allen:tore hope' that the citizens of this minty 'will feel prevail, in ranking Con berthed. witli those, town. .ties of our Comincinwealdrwhictreriiice a dritVii.,, :nation7 that hereafter the faith.and credit *lrani; shaltrosain unsullied., LA11113.•, , „ . . 4.',, , • *-' . Octramee. 3 woitTIiiNG'VONL • .Scati . istelAP t4Ol ha 45.-). • he;s6vergillialletioli - orcoliaayina'Stit4 - 440("t*re.q484440,1PaY.inlii the county •Tycasn4 ttki, at; the Bra 4 , Of:August neat, ,all taxes they Ittpacriz Q VANDrait - 7 :^ b 1111)1TILTApertorat In- operations upon 'the': eeth ,'V Itlatare required Sorthittr preaertnticm Mich is scipfkr, Illins..rhains;. fit 04. o rl_,NPl.,,gtos, tit!! lotanral#l#, bY hol#PtiPg•riolach4 . 4""4w m P,1,711" bto # f#PL ,•4 • Noe on itt ataectdi few, 01 16 0uul , the '4. - d 14 . tel • :• • r , Dr .i 11l b 4 abseutiroml.. 11 8 A1 , 4,pottntioatoAereit oposexl igheider.i , 2l4o--til . _ tear &LOG., Irall',4llSoll 11000 1 1 A ~...-'lll9,lrllll' .44 et dot* GmviAnd knowing ttimmiebtic to, Ileum: as loop lii3Ossibi be conducted by 4clui 1 ; 1 0 4 ,54 , • W , 4. • • Yirtul444o4ko*Ok;iiiii iuthinity bontain cil'iti of:Michael Ege; - dee'd. will 'offOr: at 06110 iinte On SATURDAX 1.4 19 th - Apy of JUati,Bllsi-Oii"jfiervi,piniseew , - Carlisl6:l3rOnlNTorks situated ,- 9.,:thos-F.xeildififiwokpleo,7 to mile.. cast of, Carthiiii'l'it4 o lm estate con. ' Biala of ii7fliSt.lrotii - - FORGE YA..iI4OIIERCIIANT up -of stenes, ,'malted of the 'iiiiiKeti)kniCili.tilan ! As hot ~P 0 :Cr the lend'Are tieettid 'and:highly cul" T iv itt ate l d imp , tr ,: i o ng.t a be E si re e ii itrit tithtcd ß , • - ' - r iutt H' °Accessary; Teriarit Houses = -The tidal§ are propelled hy,the Xellent'Breeelt. ea Creek` and the Builine`Sprinipahleli neither 'fall nor freeze: . "There are npanihe "ptenalata all thiiiteceesitirittrotkaene'holtselictial.hoilees,eae. 'peeler and emlthrelicips; and :ambling bent of tee Most' aebittintiil inateriale, - ; the. beat Irtality Ittrineihenatible;' ta" within - 2 miles Of -theStithae6 . -drhereie4eiharmairiniAll.orka - Tennaj , liatiiothieh,passesaea eepetiot advert tages ana'nffeittreatee inducements to theja vestmetireitaldteh'";The'lltat-peito# is lib great itinikht•kd - capin4 - e'd:ps -- * -•-- lulii Wring - purpod4.44.enedeaire pteenring he. folrlnation.rekete4othe , ahave property ;eau d cic , hji. , .atidreaain6 or aalling pp. P,eter Esq„ ' ' Teiniti - nuideltnewn.,c4.the dareeaate: • ,'. taneasterlYnion. 'effete until da4: - :ot sale and 'send hill to this. efft( , e. ,- • r _ , . FLZ=M CHEAPA3LINDS. B. et: ori .rth st.; e few &Dia aboie PhOadefphiii. VEMTIAN BLINTiNANUFACTRER 0 always on handralargeund fashionable as H eartment'of Blifidsiivhiclifor variety of color beauty and: style or.flid;ll., will eked tlibsecof any giber esiablisbuieriN.Mthe,b4y,und will be sold at Me ; very ~hierchants .supplied with any quaii - tily.St the aliiTtest-notice: , Old Blinds re- - prated anti to new. • He respectfully . invites the,citizens of cumber.. land eountyoo give, oi . ll, before -purchasiag ‘:.,'‘,..llonse and Sign4uhilivig executed as usual in peliest manner, and 0n,1.110 iuost sat mfactory ' ' . J. WILLIAMS; MorSti 12, 1a45. .• • • . Walt(Chen, Jewel ryi &c. • ' 1111111.,E:8013scFiber=„keept-ganstntly on band,othis - own rninnfitctomor impottation a large - dold - SilleiLever and Other Watches, Gilt and _EbottiPloclia;quid Jew. eley, Silyer Plated Casturii, Waiters, Silveri Piaui, and 'Th readed Foils and Stcainis, largo , and.smal. Mubielit Boni ; also, Diefeend Pointedgegi l lnet of - the beet nunifacnne,,togethor walla a:;general variety.ol Watelrmaliirs'VuOlsi. Offid maw Ordets from the' ountry are soliened, . witb the assurance tivil - every to gito satisfaction,..wholesale -- cm rctat N C. FARR. No. 1 12; - Ctmanut;Streat, May, 7,-1845. - • amtp— ALL persons arii4velir-niktifisal that-the-trilsty iilinf-Jarob-Stekty asimr,nen,of.Diuthel ;Gra •bill Alen Township Cunt - heeland Countr, - noth• P" -- kiiiiintary assignment for the; L'euelt of Creditors. - was this day presented to khe.Court of Common - Pieas-of said county kind hled..and that the said Court has appointeir the' first 'lay the A nkna. Term nexk i limits allowanceikrl that Ate same will thetitie sillowed'brthe . Couirtittlese - oatie'be shown why ikaid acenunts-tddinliekt4iektibiwia),-- TILOS, VIIISIVELL;Oro'y. .1111k-y.j4 r ,JR l 4-- - • 7 — ,PLOTACIW • ... . - THAT Lettefs of Achninistratiinswith 6,3 wi ennerri!iisif the estate -Weekly /Ate the dee:6oo;6i* been gran - e - d - Wthe — Sifb - stritnTr residing in sea l - borough.— All - iersOrri indebted tire' rerm o estrid.lo make flay. nicut.-nrd those &lying Ortt ' lini (Co Present them . fur settlement to .40rt1845. ALL persons:are bere4 that tha Trait account of Miidutel Hoover tilsignec of -thitifiriett Haag of Meoattiesburg, Cott berlntul County, un iler a deed of colonial y assigiUnent for the benvfit of creditors', WAS this day presentetlmitheCourt or Common Plugs of said county and filed, and that the said Court has'oppointed the Biro t day of the Aug ust Term next; fur its alloiance , and. that tIM atom will then be allowed by the Court, unitass canto be showit why .sitid accounts should not bean( ihred. Tilos: urns WELL, Pro'y 9i`May 14 1843 This. IF ay ! This UM/ I • : . THE suhieriberi baiejtist returned from the ei. ' with kneW , audotiplenditl . suninrtrinent *or f,ering mid fiumniert goooo;•:isoniiistinitof laiiisod ' kaney CainitaftWii:tklififitinil'llineyll.prineini, and n.penera I aniiirtinent'ot atiiffit;rand also a splendid issOrtinaidolEntliihirrtnibb iandAMerimm'Broad. cloths Of every • ' ELVSTEIN. - . Estatp of Fralice,s'Ctirl eceasod. .f -ETTERS - 0 dailetati•Mitin.4MAlM Eam 0 have beee 'granted }o tket, subecriberythiitlis i xh 4 th e to make jiaimeati'mei (hose liavihie eleime iopresent them. for'sol,l*liient to ~• • . A973Lbli: ‘, 4ll4'4:o4jtkOlien i • lIIIfi 71134 egebtiLYibitiibdfitiethelimibribination oFthese "ccerllttrol for,bble by ; - , Stet!enlCßP,;4l*(initg7/7 MAY 7084* ~"."7' fo h . :" ' •iii lultt i ectitd'a ti , 6 . gr'li i ir ifl -,,-- .-7,0 b . - . p e /47 4 1,iindq4 0 AyaporPifont.ttemc ~ 6 , , .,, . c- Bo,ketielT4'4444/ - I ~,iiyT,)o4;;- . ,, ~..,, „, . - 4;i11101:14.1t1I •A IVO OTIL hifiy!os.ArpirSt!tiro. _ e; . - . 4 : ~. M a y . 744, C qt 7..ki4c,' E 14'A Rgp,0 4 4,511 4Vailffiliff•Vi ity, jasl'rccr i ivedi~ r nd " f or idle Mcil.lllBo/! 95' 1 ' 4 rt . ?. "1: ! I[ ! , E#l.* A NP . _:a t s : lo 4 ,lll 4_, 11 3 CA NX O l;44 usE ,VM#,FEc,qt , ,:,;7l7t , :i." 4 "- kok4 .1 1 1,1 . , itcriso**&lo. 'MaT r.§l .I^7q. -, •-` 43,111/41',01rttiaht fi tin( . on ¥o zv© '4 . l.oy 'OnfON Ably, 7; ; 1840:(:) - v 45`..,7T4c, MARY EGE. —m—' '1 xo; ' 'ti'IZTJI . ' w; NOVICE. MARY WEEKLY, Adm'xs. - NOTICE. ~: p.~.~ ~. 111 le II re 4,11.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers