Yz' '77? •9. • ,+. t~akib10k.4.4444L : " ;: . •tr:•.•., • :!, ' ' T' lr " ; ''''' ' • , • #V,Pr4. I • ~• is„ok r ~,, • ' • .::—.Adiiilliitif iiiiiti li 'A'o:- i — ii 1 ....,...A;;a 7 . , . : ,---, , ,- . f r .,,,,pi. , , . Arr,„,,,t,„....., ~.s . ,f ri ? . .. • r .ov, I ...„„: ::: t : ...„ a..;(..:::(.1;:-A;"11w '• ' ..‘':',..':.-;.:'''..',' ''''' -.- '' ~;ez '';',...ri.i;;;..1 . ',' , ' . 41s . . ..on , 1 I A o r8 d0Ofillnootoror10 , .14.olino.:: -: - ,-," ?,)- l i cy. ,, keirsAil , it4 l / 4 , ..o:PARte.,.r4tonmoib.ol,),_ .., : ..,,.:-iy ere ti 9 slo,their tri9nde in • Frstnklin ontl it;iami - •:: bet.iiitikt itt9iptib forithit.ftt.t9i.B :tin( I;9ticatrullt , iit ' ''fqrit4citi: -, thrie:tli - ir. - ''"'• --1 '.• • ' -- ir''' .• '''' -, 4 - 11 ,- I ?,4, , TRT.',Vit,titiiiilli4 . 't ' r; 9 Z lleD g a" ` l l P ' 7- Y k . ...*.s,,fti ,1 1 , ,I ,M,cg.,,. tv, 4 , ,,G.,.,.0., ,;.r. 2 - I' ' clit i iod 663'4114 C lidOlibitilltilitdit6 :1 . • , 1 , 10':••:)A.i 4.r, , ,t:';', Vr,c),Ato:Trupti,i - ,.;. ,- ;;;i1.cr:'1:1 . . - .. -A •:, , . • -:' ` .PHTLADE - L * PH . lX.Airtil!'"kitTiMblitr - , PrOtlutie 91)1.10e3deliyet , etrib an 7 It9utiVin.philtidle, - - jtha -or a tinritirti t 9,01011 thetr.ooiith'ut tame i tt l i . r.. ..;,cc6i.i.r,ligie. 9 910,19Alitt oitien aye' -'.-...,-; - .'. ; .., 1 , -. littT'Yilie,„ l . l.k - Wit.iii o 9.ttie J) 9 1 9 949ii Olifiait9lol4ll.! - • • ,:,iplitrAttl,,r4.9sa 'iGrtit',lk. :C9.. ; --'' . 3 - '-,': -. ,:. •-'-?: ~,',.- . -. ....--'....,: - ',.'i';' - ':•*o9i,nittE , r9e et: Wlinirr liiitititoriph ' '.?:ro,- , 9:TiLltiftp . 9iitettittl tkit.tittt4lity IT;lo,l , ltttpi r 1,1 , 1 , •jiii. l *.iiia i itoppti;RieTiiitd i , Pi•eiOtt. a (I, r2P - 015t41 , . ...,:dO l5 iiiis . iitstrit lip Nortta_antt , iteFlt.' fililool'oll . llllB, s t " 4 , ';', 1 1" . ." . "' • 4 "..":. 4 "4.. /•;"q.,:„6".. , P:4I:XILTIISre ' .•'' ::: . liiirrislireNnyt s - 1814. - .•-'2,:-. —' ,AU -11 1'6 5' 11-1.711..16 lonsdhl b y pulilloksele,•4ifyligaSLOWY., o •V V ;din of-Sihoteinher next, lit- thu -fete ilyellitigliousevOthristiet; ftielo, of Allele., 04- „ . sloop, Cutnliellefott . eßuini..:llke r esell,about one ietle noel a hall S.:Olith,Ast:O . l !Nreolisnlesbfirk, the follow leg proportylii'v: : TwO„ . .riMobir of, first-rote'.. :: . • . • • • /111.10216324.)/7 1 / 4 1 • f. with'•to. 31 't iprd Slfell' ; - )weler fregi: - .llontlooe, elan t I ori Or',lite•ol Aftth 1 0 0 1' . :Ille% 011 Ond • ~ : •.!, • - b rii:-i2l'ef.,:inta,ailailw i e' o o ere4 of . gefoolici tele* Ladd it . batoehtie orthe. above tlese'ribetVPO` - - Any person wi slot uig to vievrilOe,Abeve:, properiles -tho-sio Tee • 'Hale 'to commence at 2 o'tloek;oo soli terms of !hoivo bi;lhelinlersignyof. • • • ' 13ENIt: • ' • 011 S • '- _— - • ”" .:!pf,sl file chargé ahi s office... ' • • ' 1 op 110 114 Ar - ..Ci -21tri-OFANASHINGTI3N''.ADhitK§ • --- T .',., , ,,eilitietliitet *build iettlieet(4l :r inroym Isis'. Ir t e ndo mid thsinhilegtat i litigtn ritiencettknitti — '' : ?ititOitittitiffid clitWeAtitl-1 - efreet,toilitillublieliOnee litTAly - Wrif.li r rtriiiiiiill.lltiiiiinouttirliiniiiee strt;ei, Titilliti bur9ugli sifzit "tif Weellingtot,lnitf. .Innksbn.• .?, NV:lfeet; lie 'will lie el svnes' . .littl to stir his fiienils trine T:ilin:Country an'll.Trneelliireinnd accommodate them : in the bent anti most' cortifiirtahlum'imiteri : i'c'elq4, ~ "His BAR:yehalLhe constittlipenpplieil with pie ebocesumiii;sifouid Irls'TAßLE'teithlhe beet he: r,:innrket..iqpni'lluniiiiti. - ..A;-eneefiii , 09'111:1111..nlw ys -,.4eptiiil 7 .agen)Ediuk,....rmul tiiiihini shall be left tint! ne ' 1 'tit 14eitsitill.,tilio e4 l l' with bitn. '. 7:1,T-.....!tf• 1 • .. k ..I3OA.R.PERP ,ittkett by ; the week . ',lrnonth oe ,yoi. - -.•-- - - ' • ANDUEW litilAElt'll'- S. .. ttt2s IMMIEM .--i'.. ', • - 7 .",. - , , ~ ilENltie''S - IttTT,Et - -irir , ),§-I.iii;t.a:iii.';iNiaiiiiii., , :titii6ii , ,A,riiiiii,.t.±4,,t : " - -tini. — iFffecth-e - , ieitiriicTi'aCiii—pfddG3.%.inlibtW- Rnbeatsriti"-SOuth:HanoVer street . , arid diffect)y pp vosito,bis ftir.merteiti &nee, ivliet'v Wain-be plealed ,___to_tittendialbitiblOustonters aniktlie:publie,gen`er-- .. ,•fillifir,:•,Fhin-:..hiti„extic%rience . in.' the business, tie is •-7l's4* . isfied that he will be able to, pleasP all-.who ay,ol _.fiivor..him.with their-oustom. - -- -- I. • . The latest- ci . ty: - ."0.0.c0ns willisy be attended to, and polliiti,„,m shall be , iiniiiied-bin his part to nitirit .is reasonable share olpatronage. ' ) •,. The subseinbei would also.avall himself, ofhe: • liiieseili oPritirtiinits; to - return his thanitaliei hi t s r- • i j ) • , oAlier pations•for tbeir'll berill ity, and holies by nit int attention to' business,!anil aAisposition - to , pletise'; to :...ineritit - continuanee - ofitheir - patronaga.-- , -..:....'., ' •••••', : -. 'L7vitiiisie, A 011.4 ), Utilit. - 1 •.. '• i'. tC.,. . , • : . ...k.l:-.51D111.0 OIL' Et 0 - 016...%. 1 -- •,,,,.• • s m ith l decgrapliy . and Atlas, 0 Theo 110..$rnifIts ` ‘ P.',:'!riMr.kfttitits, Hellions and , M ttimae,slo V nif k Mar % ' n it " ' !.-' ./liitltir . . Uilitell S'intes,Yrcisurdo. :11.ite.liells Gefogya. `•ph)f am' ttail; linerivt - Giiitraplir - of the Heniene; .;' , ,Maffets:Joimsent's.t!liilmaiphy atkreheinistry, - Smil= ...,.kicsiPliiiosophy, Comstock& do: Cothstooks -tilt m _•,!.,.zj ytry,Parley's common school History, lindens Si e1"...1er "...ler Ar. Definer i Ivitli,alEothee spellers that are tit , se ' fur wit ' ' ' • 111YEItt .11Alr'Eatits1 1 'EY/4 3.71!..,1+ . 4 .. ....71,./ . ..• •; t .• • ‘: 0. 41 .. •• i . _ BOOTS AND SHOES: - • ',bevel just received another supply of BootOad .14 Slicks,' whic,h I would call the attention of • Harvest' Hands, `and all 'others w. min • gaud find: • • eihrAp aloes • 411 - Det Heel:Meet the 'oldrehiniii:. wh'ere you are' **lip! to get good bpriaiits.. , ' ' • • `' ' .l l • -.dos duly 10,;1844..::' 1 ,13 .1. •;-'...r..1.0ri 4.:* • ;.- - 4.4, -::t . 1-i- ,, " ROCERIES.. •••ft • :)6eult lot oi.Sitgaii , dofft;e.-Tell i :Mulnitei at. ,• .• ' ite .c. joptireceived , ,loid.Bellink as.tua.it iati be 14 Atiekor?igl, cull ar the chetp.store.of.. I Z cJARES CGILBi. IJiiist.lW • la s irzcit 4_lo' Cl 4 : IS? j. N'4- I . l Atio'Va4ciirnrqiiiik.;fifi l l %gni 16 k : `: ,0 . , . . -T9l7o . !refekit getoctikv . iika ZZero & //siverstiek... ( ~ 43 1. 14t i..,<5e,r41 0 ''' I • .1)411:';' 1 . 1 . 11 14, °0 •8 4 4.. 4itha C4naillonienisrpidnibttz.ine. qiii(me . 446a4'6.fa : eisii GeiitlemelecCoitic, Veep ~4ltPdntnlobns just o¢Cn- - • •"-• GEO. W. L1LTN412..& CO. AP P4199Ar.;.t.111r P k4 •:. • . 3 ••At-Ptiilh rt '• i OattY Coo 1 q 1, 40 0 /grat CI t • /awe akiIita6IIISCOOANIOISSIOMOM • ~ ~-_,_, ..,..; - --r•'"•-• .-,.. ,',,.'"' • , ,•J':"..1.:;1'... L ...-, ~, . -,,qp o .lytiwA; ...-L-1-c--t,-_-,4 .. 1.0-VA4:iosl'ilidassortmeilkjust..triveiveLl-Fild„if9l7‘,l°J .. ' 11 ! 1 .-Aitiiiif26; 18 . , , ~.- . 1, , -. ~ •• ~ ,_-. • --- ---,---"----- -- -..,,,, .......• • ~ • • ~ ..., 3 ? •"- ~ - . 1:MITAIIII, _ ',. .... t! . ~.. 3 1.113T..4 1 eSetirefsaii lilrit. Vile VAlusliliyinellia '..'.'.14.-.1-.,..1i11,T • ,,e, ii i i e , cui• x/' -loFtieleilligii •ii,•soloPAgefiribt . 1; n4Ble. 1 - 4 4 44411i1Vi1'aiii.41(3, ';,,',,), t:' 94 M ) t.!.; ) " • toiiikt4 l . 4o i44 l4 - 5 .-: 0 - ..•'''''-'' .' ' ' .4 'i rr : l i i • . 1 • 'w-- Fi • ..t WM-V.; ; - "Nliit.ll v 14:1: iff ) 0 . trife.o4lit 0 - 00,161 - o*(ce9,. ked . ,licid liibl)OrittsTl' 400.1110,1144 q!”:0* ibh foit6hiiik'Ohnhitilil6lols7.l6 l . 4 ._ ! !. tKoht. , staihumi;lhabh . .Sheh.t;Whi Ittiptiihi LegetriUlehher.Ceekliir i lliejerniii Mnieer:;Le)4 , :Merkel; JzierkAtirl4:Joleilinitilethiefir.4luithSclie' •Iterkle4iiihri.reetieelfullf , '4lll'Ftlip: , ateentrop br.l l t Cumberleikt e nd: ork t 6 the a 2, Af 1 1 ; frkeirete? , of..ineureilee;; lir:citric! fitiorible, ;Warp Pomjiany. tlielkird ', , Persona,' wishirk. to,,he'oemel mernberto are„rjnaited:ttOnake: ap.pliratlor to3lie..egente-erike , :ennitetnr;irkwere ,willin: ,tom )oh.them-ht4ih' t,A - GoB •• 4 • • MicrrAciMpovir.‘ Vice Piesidtintt `=`: -- --,-,,-,•••+•; __ ~--, --,-,----;,4GENTS. - • . it t ' 'Getie'n . il Altyft qv (*wilco , rgi . Michael - ficiriver, , , , , „„ . ,“?.?..4,4,7,414ant1i1; •rtildOipli:lo4l,l!', ‘.: , ; c . li , .. l _,Alteili,*, , ,t ' ~Nv c.lnekliiii'--1-:!-- -,:i "",k,•,4 ~.).,,,,....,,,...,, • ,„ PQ r g lit ' l .1,7.1 J '.., 't ,:: ".! doi':-" . ..,N.- • ' .thefelihill.ll2..., . ',., ~,, et do; 7,1-,,, r Sm.n - . o4 hukiaN' '''' •• "-- •'' ".p.oit. Pemoborp '.. petev. ibc o dort i;; .: : -',/, •!-. Churcktown. .!... Jiico `...•t"701 O let ' l P l ri ll. T . - '_i. pr-: ' ,'York Vonnty. -1, I) ''' ( I ' ..11k..141Cli'e"-ne-mil Aidbt t° :I,3, , l" . nrke , o , untje ,r ,"Tv,, John Sliertiok l ' .1, ,-', t.' '• '' ...dn ~, , -,,, John Itinkfn,',, .., ~ ,„• , ~, I, , , ;. ,. ,(0 ~..; ... ~ iS , , Atiniel iittuy : , i, ~ : A , , c "" tir i nh ;' con '' o ' 4. ccw r Philip Ilt'et.xui'9 . 1 1" , ,' , 1111,tdd itimmftr• • . 1 2 ';` ' '4O . ; i r-p othi t liwze . " ll- `Y':s ! \,, ~• -- . •-'. .Ar - - ~ T. 61.9 31 , 13 " ' ' - _ ----ett K itp ± „..,lll' 7 li.e..nri iection - nr-}tiv o, e• , nnre- n • : . . . . „. ... ~ , ' .4 '41: 1-. VVltOtibt l .Plit4!iiiti:- ... : . .... , 4-, . - ...k r.' P.RIVATW.SALE: ~.....i.:,...'. .!. T-iIRE aubinrlber will.sellat Piiiiiifn - .., Snilhe'inl-: '," '..' - inbie'Pitiiii On' niiietoi iiniiilivelisilnitedln' A iailliiiilirpUifiiiliei , liiiiiriT'aiiir..naii(Teliiiiiiiii. if-CO' ....., .....-- :thal - a.114 6 cae-0 1 4,1ath"LbAITW9 state , orcutait T froriF7 - 1111 - 11Tace ailynna rarairor Dgv idpet•lrrlFtetliirldr-C3srret. 'and otheys. AhOut ,fiet•A St-rateXi The-iin ..nroviTmentalnre:Utc tif 0 , 1110i1:' MCK msysi.,l4,NG Q.a.siri..aroutkrutogi- „ 35 feet deep, 'and built 111 the. best, altYlo , • throujil. ioutTAlso-ttlar.ge TAIIN; with 'WOgii i Shel, porn ,Prib,."7 - 7,:7', -- 7 - yV'agli House, Smoke irOu's.ri i'very neres wiry n theM Most substantial atyle: LThOrettili two neyetafailltig•Wupa Or4ater, onetz,e- I fore the House and. the other t in the barn yard Also: . OltC.i/ARD of Choice Fruit Trees. The where Blatt is considered one of very best'. rairmp ilt Cuinlirrlatid county, • leatitnrr a tif , fittialtillOpCrsolinlty or 133141. fer • to.the subseriber - a - ShepherdstoirtizP. - o.' • . ' .IACXII3 M trMMA. - : - 5tn , t26 . .134.4 ".'-- :: ) . LEAD; Witheriii!..fittre,,Aviiiie Lead in-loia for sale is &:Hevereti,9k. • . , .- • • Faintly' Not • . . A J ayne's, I.l9ectorant s • • 'glade Tanieji • • • . " , Sanative • • - • "- - CarirtinntiVellaisatri, . Receiyed and fee sale 45, =I . Ft , e'sb, roi' en e by Miere Ai 1-la4eptick. • ' • ' ~Jay;SOAlt.', , , • ' • • • I . • • . . - . 1 • MIA Lill: 1)r: ,4i(iiio.Blcind Pills RIO, Worns.Tesif' sabi by - Myers te:Haverstisk. • „.• f luly • • . •• , '. WllO tvEnt Ernattriurt !" • Leidy's. celebrated, Ointment • • n ln iurethr • and Watreq ,Pimplsikot the face niid.body;',..lcaly . .EruPtions and nil llisenintrof ihe Skin? - Of the'niniir thrinsand bottle& sold, (it is pot in bottles'' with' words Dr. Lehly's 'Vetter mid Itch Ointment" blown in the side) never - 11:18,mi Instimbe. been known ni heard from•whereit failed. A num .ber•ol ,refvrences elm bE,mode, whervit has been used; in schools, hictories, ml board of yeesrls, and in fandlieii, and.. certificates could be published of them . , but for tbe'delicaoy in. having names publish edl.tn ponnection with so loathsome mid disagreeable , nffections.. By using pi., Leiily , ..s Sarsaparilla blood. anti.this .. ointiner.t. fogether„ the smobirieffef fectS.Mitsf be , ell so outer. Man. 'ltinwis•the time to and:Platy: the amid: mak e' smooth, clear - and clean the ikin Prico'2.s ei ute n bottle. '" ';"—:t.'•! ,, t - •• T. P. °STE VENSON. Sole "Agnt 'for SEM Juno 26 1844. ,y,s, 't t r,An te l- o ntme Tt II AN. infallible remedyfor various affections of the Skin c retoo - ving Pimples, Pustules, and Eruptions, of-the Skip,rand particularly, adapted to the cure 012 Tetier.ind the Itchii - ,•:• , „. . • This ointment has been iniesi)a Ounireas schools' ilirougliotit the 'oily and "einisity; Factories, employing 'numerous 'gists and tioya;` , atid among[ the Skin, prevailed, with•the most , unexampled. Int liras.` • 'Names of Schaol Teachers., as well as intendants and Proprietors of Factories; (multi be given, confirming the•above, but foe the dellesoy they' feel in kaving their names published in connection swith such kathsorne and disagreeable affections. , • I • Price 2S mints a box - . For Wile in Car lisli b j. •". •• : Jiin0i1411643.5.::1)0414,1.1.:1fir5:4•Wip IT cANNOTRE ) 1111111 ED - -,--..-.,-- :f.,:firlilifkiiiiitiihir") .-; ihhi. 1 - •' •- • 1- " - .,.. i 1.:,;.:1......... . 4...”•...- "...., . •- • . - ~.... ... jjoi,(aDIiNidatAINVAARSAPARa..44I4#I" : • lithe jrnktiiiPstiongest.snil.nrost - offieacionsof ant . ther•prEpintsloweeSsrsopxrlll.2tho - tainew" k• r itil,Non.ohtiPl tos.Po•stronger thun'.6 bottles of 084",:.others—stronger. than • four. of St , ME;nittl skivsor,lhan three. of the Sl. ON Glol,'. Kepstred ; . 10.8 y.olspr Jo the United States. ' . • 1.„ . . IN: :iltalre'Sarscipari lls' is redonnieiiiletlb);_ ell 1 rs fawn lis:'etikiehtne'lli Vere Fence to any ;AI •• ? t#l butte tleriseil'inbOY!ene- . ~fti feom 'tine , b'ottle thin' threelo' ten of 'othetutf and 4116016' 'iv ho, after limvhigused other's prepennlons, without: benefit, will use :Di. Deltly's, , will. Soon lie *onyineetl. (tiethoussods.base already been) of ,t.he , foregolng,asseril9o.., ... • ',,, ~,,, , ~ • ....Ilia. Ripparoftfit.fillt); cittieli 'Dr. Lehly's extrikets '1,40 in , hikirrepariqitto of,2ShrsaptrilLssts gtp2'l 13 : 1110 - 6 10.t.Ctke fn-t4a -United §4 , 4 I 4,iPPPJI P. 14..lismfelffrOn?sli0)4timivljtotiso pt`WR iiis'luav94lQuilK•PAl :l 4•lll,ll Krsit oxpp*, moil' Is ta l ;! iablii'o.f.e'xtriluildilJle miatchi‘.iittues itcsaiiapw-c ,kilia ilid ;Otliiiitg/te;:t . iiiis: eillibtio il lyAlipp'bY any otlitr - tirousiif , ' - ~4,, .i , ..:, ..1.1. g,il9 0. .1 , et .., `:,..:4,9 '3EVEltle 'TillATßEli''l6l9l7l7Fl l . q.CATES Of: Oritarkibleiuies;'.ind roabripiietklii." thilli 1 :. from': tlergypain 41111.1 physibitths; haie . hien' 1 •;r6iii 0 nui ,to ,t) rftf!!!Puta 1 ahva , io.roiff . erent 7, lll#Crsl,lj, ji 401)-41w,pghtneorpotT,i0XeepAlle pubkits4e4o4lll7 Artf,io.otere;lsll.:m(o,A4lo.Patilla'wq , be ob: I , toitnett ink thhi eltyigeoinne, paipeiy,A(Dt;l.failJef, *W V& ,EMP9riVIV; 101"..nortIt'S'eetot'streCtoleqr. Ar.lWso(SlAtt'of thit Golden , Esido • and. "serpetiqt o , 6l.tataioAlliiiiavuoiA% Rod Vreick•Mett'artilig W...PribixONE4)o l .W. Vei , 464t101114We5 , !f0r,... ~*, .. _.4t4r.o, 4 .lC.lC.:;s7*Evezfescati-i, '' tWii!,:o.,4 .. T. , l*l4,Attlthoghtd.. • . Ak*E 100:•qt11' 'to :''''' --4 •41 , . ... _ , *T. - - ' -: • 4 4,14 1 1:ti ....).clitr, MI ..~ .. In i T ROPP .41tutlife irioui • ; ;fill* 0 1 4 * . , *till i atteinlOilt " •! I iirtrif 0% It CO: , 41,-4 iny t i, L) , I • v.tho ". 7 0 4 :V! Ai. • •••f, , . r . z.:<- ~.,01:0inissf'; ' 41 - ' ',. '-, , • , A 9 ', - •:IA IT, . ~&. 41,', ' .-0011,47111? !figg:t ' Nimid,4 e'brePkar 4 Mg ' . 4 ,1" 6; A . 1414. *PM** nint' 131, . -'4ll4** - —44011.44,61 Ara in : : 1 toiiikUip, . ta • kOtbAl c, i 'llikii t N o n 4, i, I •-vi% 0 7- ' l4l o* V:OA • 0, 0, , ri' , :0 , ‘r; -' ,. ' '';•%. #.,,.' 131613 S. tiAjort. A ~Y,Dt", 4 . .` tile! ttit obit - mop ;7442tt Watt • tiigALDr'l4ol,l7,*°WtcnkTgaki?lglii4ilicir.,Yefefabihd: 'given ogder ,Thltotitmotulitommiuy, eft4lritapbettrAme.kogel t Ellir'lr, tATe:FIC go,to ortz given t tern Or )VOrmS, ?ill lou! rettit, , ftitiolt (s , iilibbiti; 111 ' 19% tett -4,004V):404Tf 01 0r..ligt , Prelheilith;an4. 1 theYttire - more less, de tbotkiirer after. Yrdlikriold unne..;!, COsatiri;whenllnk ti , ) Certain yourl'ebilclibit`:hare. w,groggiv9 pr, , fAiity,N Worn. Tea, to Oil tb4 . ls nebeokory. . , ; klalmAtukbstk..i.ioritl-41Midimi rentkin city ypd MuMly(bf, the..effioaiy ol Dr:l;elqy ore! Ten, onfl you will be , MitA , lneed.^2.„' )-' eenti Vit." l4 r 4 ifo• 9.4.1 e fiiisiae, - ; : ingdWKitnit t‘criii, eoltli Emporium, rip, 191 :Nail), Second',street; lielod Vine',Ts!gti of tlult den'Eaglepnd Ferprets,j Plulodelpina.l:::Tri: .4or ottlejti 4 STEVENSAN -o.lune . "s -- ;00, - Plti417 - 6:11ttit iiitiiens of die 2plibliii• tiiOt North .tfifiuitte.iiticep, aiiiilloveiiitick'a Dive atiirOianit nea r ly oppoint i tlie'stOixOtihilatel . k' On IlitiniltuO,Olaree'ioill:eni.irely.hoo , omiOrtoitkit of pplentliil r. ,;,. liflti„ 01), 1114 AoutimoillettitioyensirnentoLiiins,Giiigliomo r ;Ditl.PkvihOO: . solket&l stoolr, ; of . . -.• rites , „ • . „. . , . • ..K,UrVtfiAt • ••,, •,.• • - • x.•=13,, ~; oPecribersiite - n I uiljbining u n t e l i lt: 4 6 -4 e" a b rd io W irq .e ici' S ierift elß 'n.: n(l‘ tire, New Stook of Fonerspil..Staplet ZZ)I22• • C 23 - ?fa containingAugeiteralkassciitmentotLiidiel.'*ta Gen.; M r tteiActah4is:Balziorineti;;Berege4;Meus, de Or„,owioly-LatteXusli Os ; jiattnliiChi Sties Calicoes, .Clutha' Casahheres,Stunmser , Cloths * i i leit ll )illitigit and, -Cetbii4-5-oisaitilet:es'tif-tittii*deliti*jititailof , - which will stila ht for eiaut ' ~ lik c e 0; ". ,I•May 2bi.i ; ; 13. AThe the - Louie attached ' tri.theBtere=room will be At ANOTEEIftIiANCE FOR- . BARGAIPI.gi; THE. ~ subscriber come tOf Lite: _conchisionto chlingethil'lbutiCeifs;.TofriCs his entire stock' Or.gonds'in exchange fora gOod Saha, well;imprortifl,-or .i for astiodhusinesa stand eatinti . y,witit'infficietiCawellitigr a large : ll*k,', tugether , witti - ii - reilacritkattfictled. 'jibs stoik - efa", gist of Impeding ..and Cassimerei!,' Casia'Ct,' Cords, liam'Citic.GpOds of all.kinds, tiriei,lo: W6,-1,111061, acrieii;%.llOziery:; .. , '-=' Handker and h varlet:Y - 6f faucy.arcicles.' Also; Bouts' Shoes; Hats, Ctips; , Chliectes;"&e, with If variety , t , other gouda Comp_risingitgene'rabissortriienttif...., Rardwre, rocen a, •• ea SplceS,Dye.polfri . ,.Cotiou yaryi, poKerietitsii.n4re uita which he at reduced' prices rOr Cash rroin ail:darter this untita general safeis efree: , red:. Cobatry'Sfortykeepersainl others would doWelt to. give him a call, its he intends there 'shall be no`, ttmistake," distort - Wiled to'chieVhia'huaiifesit during the present year: ' ' ' The Store and Dwelling - can tkrented from - the I Ist of April. I books rtrolptisted. up to the hilt), and' he re.:' quests all those indebted to him to settle their ac= counts .without further notice:. The first day. of Iprit *lll he the last : day-of grace, .eitter which till accounts worth collecting will be placed' n the hands „ . . ~ of proper 'officers. . . • F 'WU by thellatirel, always outland. • . S. ill. HARMS. ' • F l ebitaryt4; 1844. • i 1.16 • ~fariat tot• =CI tiL. , ffliold it prirate,mde a WARM of kit . rmte `' ;ithcstone Land . Situate is South Middleton township, one milelw,ear of C rnfi arlisle, Cuerland county; Pa: oa the' Walnut Bottom Itond,eontainhq 110. A.CILESAttrir or lees, having" thereon ereeteth a .two ;• t - t ,;7 • story, STOgC ItIOUSC i lnrge fitmd Baru, n'Vellfor•first-rate water, n ?Deng ; and thriving am e OItCHARD. r I tt; ~ Also to he sold.' - wi,th 'the abovilivet five acres of first Ade 'CHESTNUT TIMBER. ,The.. Bottom. road , paeaep-through. FirillNilliChAlres a niurket reran the p roduce fair eit•upen it;'bv . the East. t. P4rtons vrialting,to purahase plrime eidt *On : Mr, Antlitsi , Jilutr,in Cirliole, or on the subskibet 4:MihsarWpstdr 1. - . '``:'* l 4'• • JOIIN Ji4PP-St /844:l .." Y r . 442 4 - :::lt'Oti*Or.O.:':Aot*i..i:;' , , 11211=1 v intbseilber sell'at Private Sale; the vettu • .able PARISI, on which he.now lives, situated in Dickinson townslilp„Cumberlmid , county, ten miles wesfec.Ciirlisle, on the Walnut Road Dining 107 /seises and 40 Perchjscirtiist-rate_ • “: - . .,42:12/21112Prtg13 * Untlei• opd 'retieea and well watered. 9'he pines; adjoins lands of Welieraohn Kissinger and oUiere.. About 40 acres of it is good aimber•land, the-improvements are n•• two story trick 7 . DWELLING HOUSE, 48 by 40 rem, .' • to. which hvattnebed 'n'large'llricV Kit- 11i': I when., Also alUrge• Stone Bank. - Ottrii i I iOO with Wagon SIM(' and - 7- - . • COitt ibuf• rtnisnt, HOUSES.•'Thero,,are•two never' yells .waterione'befare thq ihootherra 'Mkt - disiptleev!; - :likta . lwiwp • , ,• • • ” • WILLIAM ' G!LLELE T N. , 2-18.huzi • 'lo- orph ant.s.:Po.. ~I. iitoile , of ' 11311tatteltioaQ4litriliiiil, 1011YTlittla etall °Her of the_ 0111 1 .18.11 . 11X011tt Or DO CUlnlierlanii cou n ty, will he sobd at public sale, . un the premiiee on SATURDAY 'the , 10th day of 4 ugitst next, in the',borough of Mechanicsburg, qemberland county, it 12 o'clock, noon, the fulpiar- 1 ing piopdriy, viii 4 two , aloiv,4 4 ranie Rouse and Lot of Ground. situate L on Main*ltreet in !AK Porou4h, contitinini 44 rein - Ifi front' and-154' feed in'depth, and conipria. iiiie all hue necese irj to' e. frhe'vrettertylv In liiiilii °Mari atul in en eligible situation for a mechanical or otherilmiliell•l'' Terms mado known on the'day of WO.' . ='.. ....,--', , s 4:-.. ,t, , pEoRGB:HOIAANGEtt. ) , ; , '" ~,, . .. %anti* 01-111fiutalr:VIril$;$1°°'d 1 • I Si Pie;Coort, R. WilsodClk;s4ll .o. I f 144. ' l'7o/rWar4olll/1 . 1 . 41P'' b -. r issiqii ; ii,r 4 ; , iii,o4 - . E. , 41 , 0,tp9 . ![pc'R , 11.4Te1 , ,_ n!i,i ) ," y'c i owaskt•pl,t l ..-• 1 t l i. 4. 11 * . •••••;44/ . . • • ?ft: . 161...1 . . " 4 1 9 1i .4: 13 ti1e OKI klra EN i Ifill . 7 ''' ' '4.t' : ThripEorro+ igliMi IWO! 1101114141,10 ][11111:60114t1 10 4 ' - ki, I . 9l l ,liircl 'll itllipOlO or 7 . produce ipir,.evlr,t Aooft ots, lllfilictiat therlii).4 I T, thi 4.8411100 or ;pi iiiif while 00 will attcod , lir k the delivery iind iiiiii o Alll, 11 v; iitfoli4"Ailiftille _ " Is on'eco.lo lo t AViorial 6 ; l %, iu‘d,APlelil Tutg'fttefTeiiiiiktkllrillot i xr..Od , RA -th tititiewviiiimputwiletior Lae transits, oi l ot , alk ha ; sinesa'ill stwlto him. . . • ~' 1 ,C. , - t n , "'lr s antrilleiiiiitri?!g a pyrfe - siMetitlo" oish di $ IS; YglillA 11. on Mint itlin fi rSe i of ?ittauoltat vuO. 4a4=114 1 ‘,Ldtier-We itrcetArilalo. 4l ^' ;"" a, v vAttroti ibiu Woe **cal 6 tl btilbeiro.,9ro poisme 440101*.wthe 'il ' Anirkpowitatttyl i k.,p t u,,,ol l ii,-, 00 ;;, 4 1 u , .rodamoriliili**4lMcli Alttr:iffsW AeillqifalittLe Ail igifiV ViO's ttioisa+i wpaik.lp,,t,.i.o,gytoirikrupk, ~,,inenkr, ~4* Atif,' stA. , Og o ' ,_ r, ; 7 : , ..riVea4 7l 44l . 9lsllterilretial;Vr:Zittta* pt." . #o . llci oisihi'ol i feurag;lPrrka..kg,ofglf;444oStfr' ininPr.Y.,,VAPR• 141170.RVf§ , !QA , V,' I'l • eoropoun alsainiatkeeparationof thePrunea dr..l!.',VV:iftVphprgyd,kll:l4!,‘,Ocehintik.. the,Akii.4o,6f, .77or„preilmAbtnP3,nwt'Ohp,9d-:. isi[pioeeis;aff'preieif and . recommended 4;thiflrlil• ditatoguished_pliyandans,Jdid;,tililia4ll4lLiatinowl--- 'edged thiiifiest valuable tite44llMticiet., diseovered, NO QUAd KgR y 11'1 '-'.Nl4llllg6t ETIO 4 1irin(ibrtfOillallib'iv kr ties offly . a :gr med. , iothc;wehave no' desire,to••deectve'those - Who:aie laboOriOgnoder affiir4lnni nor., do:moidenl4)o ',0u16.41 itrradeotbnif,# Aret 4 lo/164.:a:e rook around and seethe vast. amount Of indfqini and; distreabeessigied'by:Annriy : f the AbionnOslnmhiah this' me'dic'ine linn'provid so lii~hly . ; auauessful, wed feel that we ciaanot;orgeita.-elattosP Q strongly' or : say too . • ry §onbi.indef4,are Ot this Baliato, that den , iii• the•ailyinted,etakee':df. Corrsoiteriotr, after all dt6 Most.' tdeettied..eoredi e , s t : of •physieions - etrein nay. change;'the' use ; of this racitleinolias peso produittve-.Of thcitinit' aStoniShing..fe,44;:tititt,estuallyeffeetett ou'res'aftee all linola of-iono,vorYi.balfthbeir,ll6l3oll4.-trof.. , ..:z bna.begn;usdd,with..uadet ia d sg•.: sues d li e ' sa anal dkc restOrall)3lll of the& health to thjs,tayalinthle'n'tedieine'aletie.4-=;; 14 that. form of„ConsisTptioni:Bo`...preyalentitnionOttl i#iitEiiiim-feilfdes, ovnonly , termed-debility; Apo Outfit .d arO. lingerie - 6 has also,,Xo*.ell_bightylisticessftt4a4if-tintonlylwsB-: aeafeeithelicitidi, Jigs a•:' lam but alio-. eire_ogd , Witiantlinitikc tt. we i,::: rotaaAlroVntertaimo'ff"Elfelifiralky •• • particulars,oi: , F4 l o lol 44llk4:4;oo . e!Dr:, , Wisinion:-, pninp • •:•-,1 , KcES , :4 B .:ll4.ll6ll,olitllille.i iretor 'Clituilti • r ti • • ' , Solomon- Oswald.hs Arioqt•'• ' Angle .1 :•• tt.E . GENVY ." THE.FRA • ;: •pl'arter. ; •• 31tAXE idstillANCE; pernianeat by. 1 frn itno; nail oaane po r , wr Y.' and EFFECTS , ameny'lleaciiptinn;, in: toti ii Connty_, f nn,;the, mast ;reitsofiabro:4eetna:-' , ;:! . Applii* - -;- dniiii parandally.torlbpledeni,willibe iiiippipuy i otedded - • • ' lt4lieli• ltikOiriiiic.e_llpiluctatti--;1 , , ERPE TVAL - 711iiih77 • Sito 31, ekdepoidte. 11 .:° 1 I.66 , Taver6s'`' ' • : ,'S to '4 -;•C‘pci. " , ado do'Baral - ' ' - 4 to '5 .., d'0 .do • do ; Stables (private) 3.4 ',1.. do 4 'do : :AO Stkbles,(public)- , .., 6, to 7+ :.do - do' do' Griot: M.ille;•Wfiter - •.. . • '''Pow6r . • ". 7.4 M.lO ' ''"' AT,Gi.OAL Rlsjz. . • -; 3lit(ire' s.lop volde do" '00;66.4'0 'Mid 11[6reholl.: . • ilizb ' `9s'to 50 i~o do:Tivere nfid Ffirolter6 • . do. 60^ do' ° do 116 re's and"COotens„ • `65 to 75,,, ,do , do do Stables ItmbliO) ; - ; •• ; 106 to 150 . .de t • -dos Grist 111iltitid'Stock ' - 75 to 80 do' 'Frame and Log dwellingsmul , Fur-'; '.=- uiture - • . 50,t0,75 do .6---L.-416-StoreiLoritt-Arterol • • .-• • • dize ' 65 to 85 ..; do do do Tavermfand FornitO re; , ": . I it. 415 do Bina anti Contents' e,:•• • • : • go to 100. •• • -.do , do.. Grist Ali Ili and . . ' ‘'t a iubsoliNer'.. s k.saiiit: for elm- abOrOoolOP 2 4:: For Carlisle atielti Nriabillf. — All ilpfiliaiiiiiooTor' asounoloo either by • moil or fiersoonllv *ill:: bii• PromPti.Y our o led :toe: .....":iWil D; SEYMOUR; ' ': 4 u1t012,1r44. , ,_ ,i;...4:::;,.. : •: 12. ... • , ., 1 / 4 "._ PREMIUMS' , 1y 7 ,13' 1 . UMS.REDUC DI •:':'-' i - • • _ . ... North. inieriCan , lnsuianoi-Oompansi . off ad Iphia: -Cap 600 000: •,.' 41 i Atilt , ... . . . • .UARLISLE AGENCY. • • •:.; 1 . IHF, direotors of tbis eoMPany an.order to suit lb l e tittles, have determined. o reduce the ratOs preminms, on Prattle and Log Buildin g s, to give en opportuttity t99l ( l9ioPertiltottlers,l ogruil-t4unii es . : selv of 'it ! admit agest ... .. „ . ; .;.;. tt. t ‘,.. ;•. , On Fram e oiLDl,Buildiniii..: ''.. - 561114 Mi.llloo ' Ow Brick*dit Stone. '.: ..•-.4(reti,:g*oth• On. Merelnindize" or.Otirnieurn In ' :11.' • -''.'-".:. '-1 . i . • .', SW e or Brink Builtlings,- - .. ,. ...sty:etif_lti .'••• Tint(' Ri'Framo,.. tr-. - ::. .• ....._ ,50 e t ts ,i. too. .. .. ... JPE'RPETIIIoiIfL 'lllS.iitS j i ). ‘ .. . 1 -' • tiStokr or Drink Buildingic villqutitq ert.;91104: or f 0300 ; the price, to. bd'returnetV!!f r ilie:ooo.le n , surangupon demand ; eductin g five poiltill4-1104 . amount of premiutn paid. • ..: . . ,•=t-lutt. r e r ... ~,Appliention ..eidter,in person or by letter wilt fe.: poyikitiomilio . .plic o .ll 9 o. • • ~,,• , • •,I,;st .J.:: • • • ..• •• , •.: .., . JOiIN:J. atr.ris.o., Tebr • ary 14 I . ~ , • tidet, a4=4: . . .. ... . . . „ . . . .. _.. , . , , . , . . . t 11TEREAS,',untier, trio pretrnee oft title, 'tie. • 1 A 'vriveitirol t ..',l m lyritiettenuittiDeedi..andi . qi eitonatierfox',lefea,, winch lby ..repeateti:Adjutlion tisine of the, Court ,of . Petonion .Ploflo, of Cumber. laeq o!orip,ty,fand . .thti Seßteine,court of •thii.Siatte hire been iteeturitifi?andtdevi qn4toid,lsirge:otil no titiet 'orehertnut ' aid *tokbet cm I nable:lfekberlipirie ' been euttip.:rthe lends . ..known: . eq Ore :Went Hollk ,Enittq t the pniliie urn therefore herebfaiiti fled jth ..• the repitl, estatp, Omitting, pf 011 ihestrd.ctitloll hilitteit ' iiity time_itsea,eppq Or, iirarlBl.oc hi ,comie4ionlo#l.k. Pie Amid golly iron Irpiles; (exceptipg.iluch iioNi . oiiiii Fili %deli neo beeutlettrby.the:sybeetlber ) 'lint •theiVretwirty'nfthe Fiertriers' lie.Mialetnirii. *Wi ll .' by virt deaf seedfireYinig by the SVriftrif ita al 'nenty t : tyr jin! .. .tugutt . l,ll9o t that , nit 'Oretlq not , •reenrcleri, within opt pnenthifroro,the.tillig of•lheir altimildp, rt:re:',.t(Y Air ,'y- Act Of:einbly;4oo -4#4 4 . i .klityri.r . toilii , 'plated frirdidefitntirl 'Void itgalipt ,iubseqqnc . pirr; phitteEttthit Chesnut eq'ytiv. 6 erksivaiirly3Al - 110 4 . on every trabEfqrining qoart, ‘ fifjattl . estit - :f • Voe• artit. otouptititin - up lci , the. intent "to nitii9 ' .*: of••A iiirribly;tlat ed 1 40th , liforeli,:lB24,4lt,ittplet . Aitielidt introbitieg; erfempleytng ,elnthersto eel , /whin ;ger ti4ber., tree , epqn ter Anivibt'lntt t. qh qnptheri . : withont, the- 11 ben sq, of.the triqz , owiei lie. ible/e Int I ntlianblq'ti fre n t d ijtilyr itniethe,'tittiteribeirl krill'ttreee , cetelll 'petit iin ibiftledlilkiirqinst ut.thile nomnitter guider whit fred aI in ereniqe , ri.SitiOV 2 ; II on'istitterno ed.r - ~ 11 64111 :rile:l 7 'o,6 , Tß rii •Or 11,41, 1 / 1 for ico, Inform ml an at roiY ieritlA lit 11 ,PPL:ck . ..e 90(Itia !TO 1511 anf-. 4 19 1 .0r . ..11 . 014#1.` 4 i Lion m•entiltquitt ersmqff re 4 ... i ' ! - -iNtin ....••.: ~ r . ft.ZA :' . • ..-t r ' 1,;!4 lb .l' t . .., ~ . ....,...„,,,,,, ~...,,,, ~, ,,,,6.0...0..1...;, q:ool : oo l l s l.l. Pir•Pleg ll 4,AtittVEiltrot.',' , -• Ak i : , e l VAibAi t . i i?i'it4.*,4#o . ti'Yi.4ftr a ' ''' 410 Climaitut 11 9— taroom MIMS:A NU thw**4llroliPsual Iltart t 101. 4 .W440, 41 1 0/11 to n a • elm liPPrisith - 'edAspkt Rrq r oar- ala 4 . 9.4,75vM. 0 60*..14!-, all l - { Om~l felt le, 6 1 ,4 43P °1• "ff re llin'Y cprriliakif dr; , 1-4 , 1" l ) 6 'o s,ty t 3ytithoAigi4erre ' 4011%. idditiorl Z , l‘ :tractiii - tfit :enl; ji,efet . aibl Ott • f•xi riiiii-Itt-illtrittiiti;igte4ii i ittotl4ltytro al I ;olliaiLkned `4 l ieik,ti ,4ll l4reifirPP PubllP tiootlialta orilioik;Altrtlior,ml3jir r ation_4( therfi qido4; l lol ' *v,•Pli! , !: Olhe thar.1.1.00,130.00 , 430x05.::' , 4; z , „ have beeit hltie;lbblintses4 , ary tilde ettOtring,thot: hi the place,where th6i ore ivanu d aoFeid, -.they liave-a-repiltaticti'2greaterliian or artses tiMirget diAt Aiorpo'ai or re' lir 4 Pliyaiblinii andhispillsaredoneegoeotly.'eniplo er-.OiifidOnialtliitizany other !noel to their ' ffi known,eonm v i; ) .d;., ; ljetit. i•ernerilUeieo „,' Iltja not y l ou oan tet foFtheiititie"iiiiltml la:;li•bekt . :o,;a I pest; tilt. P k . ;pillar optirso,getAitil.(iiit r ) li iiirtoo.iro . lpdh46l;t6 . take the'mok.; , the.f,rpfitiaT9 11,4140 ;tiom IlirAliitly?iillootl•Villa aPlreme6 ,TiOn s eNr t,fluiPni4 t y ;add: )111' • b . br,4 n:th eir itptmeatuaaliala rckT44,pariiiitlictrextracts7rioiltatadd ialikipilliiiiontlbg,3Q•tt tirgtheuatigfdoligigi.;*:-.= 25 , reottiti botti'W't 10:5-They4are: • Retidirati ) t . 146 (IV's +I ettitia SitiVoriOV; 4 .l4 191) North ~Veimaiihsfretkaiotii'Vitie•at'' - 1".0477%,•:',-;;;.',S7;.I7rt7i7,7',7CASTEVIeNSOI4I:: .1' )1' e• Tookw.SONWAOM BONDI SYRUP. OF TAT AND .141 , C • f tF TORO 4614166.'161d. _ . tonm7,7 opputnipi • FOIE , :none so tihivoitsal mml•af ther_stilme sidious and fatal is' Coniumption.''ln'thie.cotlittry t espeohtliy. , Pultnonary. COnsurhption ii etnpltitticitlly' saifturtr!,'arid - miteraisttesiraifeef'iMeeethiitefift land as a des — troyli - g 7 XligaTiliiiingfilt 7 iefetigi. less.Putd.iite.erotige4Yand fairist of our rime! klittp: m to all efforts to arrest this dread iliseusehave ed in.ivele end nirthat power ens atliet of Ouffiirring;retiderini , iamie.i :wltateniollmi_th4 curtain progrtsifto.the tomb .Thu. Compound ;3yrtip of fur: is a -coinbinatiost. hertitofure.unknoem,.exiTtfrig {tower over the MS- . ease ,ittluivelyi . , coneelimble; harms a - spat:arm nation nn tint :mucous tissueMnd at.the.same,ututikrligini the whole system antler itrpowerful infloncelt cant- OelelY-M.adlcates- the-canseif-discasc-beititerml tory, or;othersokset:atidnthus.byil-st rikilfg et tlierroot• of tlitC complaint, import* toll° to debilituted.orgaMs;" affords, renewed %Igor to tht gentral' systeta'and thus restores the' patient: o.permanent health- , , , nvalttalilc , modieine• is put up - m . but lag the following .wortls blown In llieglaspr'llinton sines , C`cnapountk Syrupof Tar Tor-Consuroptioni atithOut whiehmotto pneline.;l,'%4 1 74VrIoe750:1:41.!wikef.baltle. - iSistboideilogtOoi,- ' .For aide in enfliele.br : ;., T. - CSTIii/VENSONeSjileiAgenC...r , • -I BEM • • • • - e ilEt av ag arhs :10M r - 000 EPUR ATM - SYRUP; -• For Obstiniiie,ErlirtiAorninf the: Pirsiules.en..itie 4 . 64 •Z,,;el c bt4ly). Bonier. amnia . ' Itlieumatisin; Totter ; Scrofula- drailigisgiill • 'Visite . I.Stret-' Eiyol4llou - Siririptoms;.;,QAll.dis:' ,riles. 141,ring:frets). an, i nigtire State r 'of the , blood i .s.itherby"s long fiesi l leitee in. clone, use tillifeicury, . .. frequ, highly beribirciiiritv:Chionic Coughs, or • ; Collis, of lollg.stnntling. • - ••• exteninvely used_ itt.,tlie %hilted Stittes with tleilled benefit m Scrofula ,Itler;: .t. uriaLtliseases, and in all'ooserof ureerited acter.., As, ,sin alteratiiu aoahu. spri a; • .adiriali • sew. sous, it is unequalled.. It possesses totioystitleanta ) ;es ove.r.tbe decoction, slot i ittrotliteed as tuortipsr lion more portable, not) inble to iiijitry lty k ruug . ke'ep: inn, and better adapietl.o the.tisr, ofimirio!is ceuvelr do . . . tilt; tiroprii.tor begs' I sive to dill attention to the I followhig.pertifintites; s . , n o ted from is4itithem' Le approving Its Draws' er, ' .'• , •.. .:', • 1 , ....; : • ,', f.i. • - • . , --, ,: . ~_... • ''': ' ' ': ' ''• ' ,- ' '. ' ..: 'ltinollth 3initlifii ilfi'l This' - ctertlfealhat livfwite iNt i irelleedi, Led :for . 'nearly eleiin, yeureisidferett frOrd ilsei.Pfulotileriipi tioat resembling•tktter , Which :ins deep• holes ill lier face •neck and-arms:did einistalit dlaelinrge of ;Adak', destniyeid her lieslds,and frequently confieed her for .different.perltols to lier .lied;:during• 14 Weil time hie sufferlogs,,were very grest.. The hest medical sited dance wits obtained, sod, all -the known imitates were tried wittshot an stlevintittn of her complaint, which always returned witliinereased notligoi(y..-.• Haviog lint all fi,sprs sof' recove'r'y, slip: had Almost ; e sp... determined to g the use of n sh y other itierillolopl, she was tin'We •r, - by' peihetichtim,lntleit4.tO :try".: Oakeley!s_D funtiv:-of Surattfiri;illc*lbi6uiis* five bottles' et :Which has removed. AIM' diectisa, gip restgred her. to 'perfect lic s alh. '-- , i , 4':.') , ?%f ' '.''.i: t ...,"i:"..s? • ':. :r.i.,' , . THOMAS ,DEENIIi i 4.i. * t: • ' ' •, , ' , ', • ..., PPPOiitaidiedepot, - Rottlliig4•l4 , .. , .---• --'^•:!(,;::., ,•:4-' , ::tre;•i•-• '.-.1% • ~-,:••;.•,; 4.,,, -1.• This is Ai'olti:V : ,goiftst 4 litt . iti:l.soti, tfipfit:..elklit yettri . 914, had s t' dkritifrOrß/ 6 010 14 n,i Igh??eitOns sive'seres Witte, 'i.iglit'lttide sad 14,, se ppmfed to. liive . becn'iliteilwelling, , whielf I rattail ilopeisilble to.',hent,'eVen bv - thi.••kid•of this 'inttt 'iresti . ocistle , , medical advice; inUil I vras'reobirithendeli to use *u l . Chikeleyht,Compotthdl , Syrup'of: B,scsatialillit e 8 . . Is-, ties-of-which-not ofily.beitled•the+sorettigmt-t, -- r. restored the elitlit's health: which han'sdlferearte • •ti. In consequenco of ;this affebtion.P•,-4::','•,1 :,0.41 , , , q; •? . ..: 1 :, • ' ~ ~ ,CATI-LitItiIIkI ,,, BLNGEMAN • ,-,'" `" -- '7diiihovejttain strceriteTtdi t , __ ;;..-. ierf--' Tne'ibnieialie with •pitie . teill . lit'ine tiptt.hdpetf , ji l i and afiiiithestit4.'of'fifr,' liiiicifiti lili,r4 9f: t*lii ,, " parlllsi mull' biliqf iliolkilltiiiiils. ' l 4 l finkitiitiii was the agentor Ma' reittotatiell. '.: o l'N'trllt'"?;..... 2 -Wit: ... -.. .--,n ~ it:4OkINWH ..r.ra l -44 4 .0 i: ',•,,. .‘'' : - :i4Niti.PYWO - ?*OvAit..it!.p,.,l ••; • . •: , •ii - pdtreq,4“*Lsii•Aptit,;Notawc. lii 010E;14 i ,1 1. 441.•'•f V " AditkuPtl4o4 l ,r . * l . 4 itii`• surufuliOnjhoeleß acetlurP4 all pd ,, Waol6g4 l o l fIP el e Or kr threOgio,'&ll.l'.. wii ~, lip#o,l i s# K orlVed ix th& m. 11,760310, h 0 11:4 1 4dAIMy -: I sl Were Sdvert4lWittiidititir , p trlefl iiinp, ii, r.... out oternidiesNiitVArtilitig( 0 1( 0 4031 0 6 ' I 'Y I r.'2',lotkreirrilef liferirl Wiriij jtiidOitliel D r. ... a• • fileitif„'nfrifteaduse youketlePitrilft: • pi of Soroolitirilloi4 trAti th 1 . 001161 a liefe*lltbottlie;' the use of ,whts,bilit9.Milte.'"..ilitiente'entirely out of his system , th/7!toritic•hialed op, otorl the child di' rli°".(l.l°.PrretOtt4ltN*htelh SO 104 inlayed ish uterrotimig.Ctitr '' " ' th.ft,4'olo.. l ,m it i,r._ , ti''' nrpoilloos ith6 lif ~.I, n g nie A Kt!? , 'I. hikitelhhot4 IC' ',lPUUtl• f yiiii Mite , t . ‘ 57i 1 P14A4itPi if*ltnitiefil. l ,fik , 4affil rrttY, (i lr . l rx n! il z , ,/"' ' ittlf. 717. T A,. i , v. gfpidi "': Dtcl!retki iiilvi'iiiii mtitiiii' , Potkibilii ? 4,' iiiidip, 'Aiii , t).)t44 , o; .44e/ ~ . ME= 3 ii - al 11 4 ,4 2 /4 r i Av fm ..)r tiaol. imnpf-tkern thione, ....onfprent obtioi OraWeitirtEditaahtv Where a r . ra ._, e . r .. b ._ eitu udge theiv.P* ll e4;o4)4 3 l , ,l/1 4 MtwilAl?e10#4' 5 1. 10'f: eordattmiatitthe tonn . , 3. !le Vesifitio to ptit p'stmpti o, in Many prthe 04Wio,ploe00itmtpd>nutiorthet Count 4 i., 61 its quality, wilLoost but)ittle.- Like nil tither pa,lptis it ilo4i'betif itli lititTPi• Ukithirerbiinten. Ppl bnr i , or , brngltli.C.l 4 lo l .v ( ll , l l .4 l :itti.o6ll-IPON intll4 - , - ;or evfo — witkr iidterps more elotiely,thin lioke Di any Ailthd petglib,brllopil eenirmlip.o 031/e wittitnitk; ethers with *heti, and are now„ brighte gs ifßfis r tiPtitzpiltl9egin• either prpotprpliervittive - 0, _ intier 1., , t,„ fug ..rebruag ;1,401. 1 , - 1 114 i .Arse inarif.• oronsumptios, • "•-.4ll.4tOittitiot,•Deurinir • THISIIPSONS - itOund, flyetTp. or Tort“the Ilia' moat werful remedy known, fiur, itui cure or Coutt;rssialltilyi pill its etegee,r ilr4nolit tie Chronic Cough BPhil'!" of Blood Palpitatiou of tlibi Suitt CPronie Affetlions of IheiNldreAs6 , t Ithf I ilattli‘fitivther prolits—its l 6 It Wotka Proalaira it , rltecld the wing.l!l , •• , 14 ''' PI II delphiacJan 3;1843 ,261.43 P I 1:111:01PeOlf--De tSir:cFvortra',lleitie 0 - grlitlttttle to you Odd ..drat the ,nfilicted they lave ecoourstio - your truly iiiitaticble medicine.. I. sttild state like !len,e,fit I. • s..ettpet.leneadfetrn ,‘Par tlinti_jus ;mat; been utlllett;tl with, aViAteeSSlagraelting iqtti a gri.ar oppression and difilaulkj- of breathing witita,senste, lio n of tightness at the elicit lieemilingetAtii: alarmed Inul-beitPrmich bene your mediLine rreptuntvnd,ell, l fie lu try ;t I done so and In n` short shOrtlfme tivery!thiruting symptom slitopuentieris ray eitieeteiritiuti beam* Iree.stit precision left me My cottglilveised and In a few days I Was able to go almond attend to my business a well mard—Ankfurther-iiiremation teichetrfut.ly given the alllittedjorAlfilling at mjtocesitlence No .; T.; . cr• 91 - 7 'Mike strotfaik • • • • 114 " • 1 4..vdttaitttrno t... 14N61.1 . ;unillkrintypopleliskv thi•y• nn; tlir.lio= ininteitAintt"thost ellerithire .nisil taint: in tiK , :••: flout gum it ns aresolilflatit ihe is tit Treciunet I lulil , Eap,o.lltor Of. the It2t•nlonnuttl4tig-' • azi nu, Istlit they-unveil iiisi4.enughLio.:n...foss..JUnirie--... the - ..ittv., me, Dnulair, it Olio. sweet, Ittiss Mr. Aittlroity, - nr tan siMrinl.of '';8111:101.4.I.PS With I loi4.l•lthitiird .I..liiirtee; I fon:•III 11. itimis,:w lint they Mink . of . Sherman% LarizenOs, anti thep thriy: two. tisupllaht. 7 -tlin,only filenliaini: known. • •• . . SIII•111.‘14.N!S iire moil Utathlotes t.. lanulaclan,pntpitstlnnotes stialtneas, tinOtunni of;spi rite and Anspoinlents':•;ite flie tltictit kir Copt:_ Clout WA ok,_ Mr. kokernittii,the' Oat Sign ittitl'almost"eters• hotly' kana: theYetilltie,...; ; ' ": . 1 4 0011 J ANIS rGts'rEft—'ght;TdriAliiite'fini.dn —co • 76ciitiViiiiiris intro to. cure. r scurontien4 lumbniC7imln Or.welskneig in the breast,.. side, or Intuk t also pilcs•—and they .611115 WOI c An the. port.; ,Ack Ape% nr, Cny„ontt, who. itrt; 14 and.w•ou.l,d coo ;stioncr:tlittt five; cants for 01.9then . plittaiM.,: -•• • • '• • • , tC*.KRT,#•:FR ; S: ook stu~ ~ r list : kli rot. : - i‘• *7" • •-•'• • !:••••••:—. • .-.• •••• 32.14 e t k: lit FNit,DE i P ' , iN A: f . oo 4 : ••• : s., 2 . IfE . u FY.: ti 4, TlilS•linig 4mtublishril Killi ato,nlKta,io le ' Cum* no iill preveall....l I' Chtlfi,odi or my . if the impels vill Lira, trio Ivo Vi e iiiptaidCalikl dot . 0 0 41 .killAttilftld,i4:lo . CI I 1 1 t111,rfiddROY4014111 , ,ctilylot, .4 rtlilligoi)l,ritUrt. / 3 lirnft: Will'. liquvtoK+4 , Pi' 1 Alt9ii , E,44l).r.tapilks 3 0 . 111,11 Y MATS tw. , riAtivcii ffisrioltip spi 1 1 nut It . q aji . ~1101 kk nail it p k tilt:ye If so wil(ilpfornesf Art:. it #41,11 renitAvirrinreslita inberPßipii9io4looxVi" 1010 1 7 04461 tiit; Ail Viiimiti, -, liiitt 14%1:444? .„,. 4 ,.. tants,' kir"; 1, iiitrilllritiPeititrt:relittrcitV [NT' rt. hrokrn,WitiVreti Ifnielnel'iltiKNeloiW - - Son% Tirradtst sod itti,thllknualgist.or.inootives.,4 ipt3 01 , :nill.citgle-Pk4 ll lel 'atm- - SOFAhvid"b l 4 l .lthit% 13'911^111.41NittlicryfilakRrb ipirritrolirit ju t tome., )4,101 ...( tteter,bosit py ot t,it in Iheir 419)106i:0i 4111 11 0slitlirS00 Tr.etrtopfti.gli. 4 lniffile)in3 ttsg*tl?`4 ll " , -- 111 '7'7! 4 7r . : . • ,dipoilts,l4o,a. lo lg, )!;, ..,5 ..,,„ 'Sari ~.iStalf Oft 4fart;• , •, tio-,,vbv-iwlint ='Ararktl'sfeirt • Alimilidtiltisi:OPV„,, i . 1MAr t . 61:,.:•4; ~, , ,orfo ile ke ub il a '#illstif MiilkwitavlNßlL•liAel 7i 'Aoki by-,Chtimlito;Lii,Vitisiskr t ottediNfas 3 t,- , MAN 407.4844. 7 '1'' , 1.40..1.1. 1 136: 0404 4 41./ 61104 .4. 1 t 7, N. , B:. -A nr.Yi liberal. , 0 1 ,/n/IfelYcgto P..14110.1.jr • .i.41.....".4.47,01., .......„...„,,,, r , „ 1...14 , 4. taitrator, r f omni lon - ii • . r . ./,,t. g 4g2ii) of 154 'k• ji ' , ; i ; ,..; , , 4 ',,4X1 ''''' ' o " ( Q.',4 $ 'I V. , f ly:. eliapiiit 414' ,Fe , res4- .0 It DS , . • , i. .. r , frvir.h. pl i fori. llln.. ‘'C'ln Z Vt nitlll gus 'to' II lige i itikl.M.P. 6 . l lf. P4itrii ? Wli*rtilib,Etw,”/OPylarlunmq , ItcPlYlux iijlratoqin 119 W.6l‘ 1 44iiimfct, letike,ip t. ',e , 1643'14`47 . OliiiMalifiMiritit - boio7..l.!ccm. ikt if* ff. t r • Nkcioiritkoviltilmoo..-,,, it Av .i..t:i' , `P''''.: 1 "". '-',', illit1111 1 105"'fl - 10 4 V, t APg/if CPS *".fiqgfif;rit t g. ritliile., - 4, ' e•i•-&;Alt't'rANi , icie 4 .10. 4 .-k 1 ;1 0}- (' ••I''••''''Aia 4, l, ,.. ' 1,44m9'92.; - mittliN4lll44t o :7,w'r -• '...•'... eustd 7- , ,:f• '- •,. -.' ,--,, .. ;,, „,. MI '" : $: . :4•. , , , 11L1 r' 111,1 76 — M - I, r 1 , :; 7, - ; 7 - 1 . , -, J.47' 1 4 ,i,., kit:;, J4,44016'1, Wici - 4,441:6 1 4.74ig 0 4 X f ': 4 1.4 0 4 9 04V4 1 -KW U CW"t l i kirr i tt tt 4 V,Y1. ( 04:?0,.31 0. 4 4 , :Ert*" 7 46 el f 4 4 1". lalniitesi , drilie 119wttA 'h.OVItY% tiPt4nutoetP4)*MastiMP , et Aucßit,r.ctif,,ndfo" $0 1 *". . _ fr ...watts ;Rddriii,Patt, NV,' file /emelt iVealrly,lVilllamMOore, Samuel liipanglgr*Sainuel,WOofis,--AbtalunAurtr.Genr g e rindlr, Scott Ildyle.eall the attention of 'the; inhabit - Nilley. to tholeltettliniell'of their rate. and the muff. a4vauttilles;w4o4lllla)4.4l4 of Inauntnee hay-ever any other. lat. SFUomes a m;,t,nojr,lr of Ille.eosiipanyamtltakes•partin the johdlookft.!....etre 241.• Fot• tid . 'tncire' Is ani'ktillete t tli4 la neeetaary meet the expenatii of ttliettittipktaylsd—', intlemnitv agalnatiosseswhinfijuar happet. - 3(1. 'l'helnetufroletre of ffetpteot renewals is it voided hy . ilitsuridifb - r 4 ternircif , five Jena:. — p ol i aiiiot isf i ;b efial tsis; (o VADYoo ll od•fkollribll , :,to rCl7*.l.e .1 1 I Ath. person applying Tor inshrs nee innAt g've his premium note for diel'olieapest 'elatis llstf sate _of five per evitumf whiely , f ill be ssl' on t r VI/30i for which he ,will hare So, pay. PAO; for. g t 7.3 _ and $1 1 ,50 for survey end poll nii ludas, be:slraiutitained to- a grmter%amotiOt Watt ' its,funtla' on hanliMniil3Soveriatill then nOrnore I t. e.tptir tiro Istia Theite rates ' s 'tpurh elm:Apar than alines breilietielittlpitidei;i X iltilikifh! • of tut 1 ecorpareted' on the time tieln/Ipk'tolo4% a , . • • , • 'lllo9p Siiiira;Sedy 4 ; . ' 4 • • tr. • The fellowing„gentinmen been ; j e t • 1/r. Ira tiny, . James •(‘': George lliintlfu;Esq., 11 r 1onrock. • ,„ • Cleteeei' Mirlitiene,‘Oftnele, • -!••:,.•:' `: 1 :* ' • . • tekt.l.... t. -•,:- , . • • T.• 1.1 1 : Willionte;•.El9, lyeeßietetibil t i •• • . • .latnesAyle,.lToktter ; . . ••• ~. '- (*Col: Jett,etteliteiftl. tAft;''s X 4 'ffeedi);4' ll 6 !- • • • -,--.--JON.AWOUercittlry - .--Diew - Ciimberlan t , ••••:, Atepheii;Ctillierianui -leter• p x yyt - Vei 1 iyi1 13 i 1,441 9@°P 4 i4;h._,.., , 1 , • . • • 1 -., - -,. •••• ••••• t i tt r. l 7. lt , l • ... . 4 - * - ' - D i-Wrot-STEEti " • -••— •• , . . • _ _ey: }:-:-, ..i i iiiiiitiiiiit aiiStlL--- _- • . 4 1. , .iff.14.,95.7140xviomnowii.twAPon.Nt • ~.!. .TRiSD;Afi_I.YILPIYAPPITsigirVis.pi,s I 4::: • 41011Pc.i. t , 4•; • • ...fi,..hitl .s , ..i:hdon ~,,,, , , i,i ,. /e br. sieelize axed °Ha i ry, fiyf rip •• - ; : c6 . 1 40, 12 1 , J! e ,7lfll,sl.rmgrOnag-F,Yr#Stve '''iriiiietiio..fpr•.qgfts'..d . ii/ jiArqump .N _ 7 .7 -I V' t liMN:fillf4e °rt Ni -. ?°P B F !"3 ecriiiii,.yoltiei4im, Apt% 0 3 "liiiiiiilliii:Piitti l i t likai t illr,e,aBt l Side ": Viid •Vil l .`7ltiiiiioVllii - "PitiA;a}try , i , :1 1 646 1 8;4r.r.it0v. , 0.4") . 4.T . ep:p1y •:.- ! ..i: . * • 5 '1 . • 7 ~c12,,•i,,,, .nA:.;-.1.),•i1i,it . !Wijii§qiiiik -Nils- eep_Ase tpnd- 115-804 •-IL, roiniailfiC4u!:' GekattakiiffAkifto.f,yminy • pftitt:e iottotireope6tottlennktOuplaYeittlif States. ‘ V q" ?t•'''''" l : l 7•Viii , iintAltigp:tot.4 l oktlttylilLAt2EN 'll O A't,El ' QUAAJK;* itifolibil!y; tor °yr, t teedicieti i biii - Nacine'tistellfiltilii:Oittothaf ittitiliith it of the ii. , psifnoitg.ry ; qs:yrtipit, Ili iinoritenhoretiOclitititiril meilicai proot tee tor'. nahttyleitrii,ovitl i ,rerntiryet I e elleoeeiFoe'AilliQiiiiitiiiklf:proootiOee if iilie 01 the **bust , I'llflfitltf(a ill iilOttOrili 1151 . .Pdialti6iiiibiti- * einiai: -. A totiklit (ilia ill I ' tlibionghly. !tot ffty/ n ot one thot if is - not onO. Of, the cp,bm on . Quack. N.4= trellis of the ITATti•litt Mit if It , o medietue- of rent vato4 tkotrqp i . ttilie.VDotorri.fo Atitlyrt.deen 'Tyree- . ilentitllc4 prik..4.trtilter.strpreo!itoteiuldtiorle irrlinitilltlitiPt6tl lir Piitqfiiiiiii.v TOTriiitit - ire lett in triir.SLCV:Pt oi:91.0111:tk..• GifPl , t l l,4lt)N 7 ( A il: .sxitur.A4 Ii rny,..pis .s.ve,ea,:p.tfhpitir::. • er iiir,:imiii, i t tility Itidiiirtsi n , lit SA.M.UELi F, I,loTT'gril tins , lifoi , KttACll i ti9,ll:ool:l . l.lirrios ttrg ak KNl.:llPit.lo'Sttiteeet:S(63thetti f !heft riect: etructe. f-Alro- tatA-5417-Futtia..tiWg 'Sfite: Shipti6olptrir. • ~ :444:bethiry'141 .4 18tt:+. •••-vi'ili7r 71901,41 tafer.P# Nome atidTontifßltptitOtio TAlilneht, •••••••?atidlizdiiita4Preklteilik,ls*o:ll4 . yir : 5 - - ;_. 1 .-40 IP" suItArrgi)CUItEI(OIIIIKEUMATIt:II! titilii 7 ` B 44l:6l6ltiiiA6 . & I#'l l.l lll ! IjDECU lAA If:LY in Oti s , • • tlurraiili %limp: *Writ' in- Altos . ekin es in ie eflialicy. 9f .. Ow ntbiiiii.,trilikunitta mightAttl. pro bon.the r 81115 Itli/li x,ll 1 1 , f Nonoenuine,wikinklit .tltl3 • J-80141 4 ' t • r 4 .4:s zlr-k , orvoii Jets ENSON . vs. :• • • ' : %warm •, m tk •Odviip • r.Akitiiii.44,l4l.4 nilo t tr, IUta&I , UO4. kort4A . 01t:4 1 ' 1 .9%41r :411 1 T;M:v . 0,11fllidRim,, 1 litipiiofr . #l . 4ll* ' AssortTpit Op zn: - -., , .444 . 4-'7e- f o x,- •• ' • ritia ,w,...„ A „, ll „1ft,14.4; : ,14...../it k.p . ...” wo • ~. • . NIZOOICACS, 1ay,403 ~ .. (::;-':.:VAtAkisi4:,l, , ,, i ; t0v0.., witit,'..;0;.„.... gattiwift4 Tifie.to s , p.i . , b., 0 ie - 116M, Lititil'et. tr$111tobli);•' - diet &mei), slllrtir Pelicils,r6viiiig .. 0: 1 ,1 : , ,,e 1 ,1 1 1;2' liC ' IN per. -.,S cal in t .......22'. 1 1 , 'WI4I . 01, PCllluilvea r ,nl, p.(190 1 . --' - • qiinlity, Pnilitil tiruslies, trri%'=• 4fe.. 0 4,)„. , ,,,.in g do: Sleoro. • do.`..l'eeth do. :.; i' • '. • • i.i. ' ' Fleilli ( ' 1 r'n and lbeki7i4 4 . •...,_.„. , 1c 6 . t ., • lu ig ; r; ~.;,..,+„„ , :,-„,..... ~ , ~,,,,....41 ~., 1 ,'..'1:1.,-- '' , l` f 6liiriO'Nskinitti:T'. 11' T: ll •if,.- - . .. IStirtetekerni4ailarlirg*OlitA(' - . . :3'osetllir liitlis.iwOry o,lltirmili:teliotltifirliiglll).ee • i h e vieidia Of Iffilithisius;C4N*Aktvlinsiwkia . ZiViii',irtillettill klilyitil'ilitiW. Itio tirlikaAVlry ttwOireAilliincklai:S :Os ,20'6',....tqtlixikik ..: ‘Cifrii 46 o 4 rlN 4 5 /i144•1;;S:k 4 : o 4 f4.l l iri;tr: • .0 1.14'"j illitireiiii ; Aite l lit ' C '''?' 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