mzmd':.WAAßzf,imOtlzamth t4 ,AI n- ~ .4 4002saost Wedniod&r.tio*.nivigi Ati7ll2i'AlS 43 4 imP I IptVoLNETIL PAI,SIARIWAi;th#PhiIa -410:14 Agotit tor Pito his44 6l6 caiiiT l 4 l4 V i ii i **, lllll;t 0 4 4 , P 1, . 1 / 4 " ' , lell4tiiio . o , .ili / - 404 ; 44 1 .4, , N0, 69 * §tryet, I:io'liiti4Tflol . l,#9;4 l o4. l oS,b 7 liti oftbir Pxcipitls.' ri'locitiObiiiitAtikireliiiini to atlvortiis,t4ytth,`, viill:o44se 041 'OW ithoritW to 'act as out Agent. . I +,•, „11:k Tki Sabbath. . - sn'Wo arc reklizested -•to givo . netice, that •_the -second et, a ieri'Ca acrerna which, haze :for . • thpir object, to promote the better, ebrcr_reteo'of the, berrilidiLyered Mr. 'Moons, in the Metliodiat.7PpfaCepttiperUh: .of thin borouih, on next! SatibetiVin'ienilii,--titi ! ik o'clock: , We are authorized likthc,ceirimittetr*heiT I** thin pubject'in hand, to:l4,iiiii•the . ottior.ciiiii•eir ea of bimiuth w(ll'tie.cloaed on i.hat occasion.: COinikmencenient • otrThCaurtual CoMmencement at Dickinson 'Collett:ln thie borough,.tikce place tomorrow; exesilses commencing at 10 'o'clock, A. M. ' This - morning, at 10 'o'clock, •the annual:ad• dress, before the literrrry 'societies of College, will 'deliO3rcd . 'by Rev. Dr: BETIII:INE; , pf Philhdel pbia,,in theMathOiet . Episcopal Church. This evening the Baecalaureate •Address will be delivered' in the same place by Profeeior .I.oltrztti of , the College. —The-proccssian.lLL linortow morning, (Thursday) at half past nine thloct and remove from the College at aquarter beforetem Citivs and strangers are invited to join, in Alre pnacessibe ;. scats will be reserved for them in the body,o the church and on the plat . form. , , . • Union Society Exhibition. 13! The : 'Oratorical exhihition of the Union Plithisophicei Society, in 'UM 'Methodist Episco pal Cliarilt wt. the evening of the 4th instant, at tracted a very :large and fashionable audience, Which mantfested by its attention the lively inter: est 'felt in.the, camases. The speaking was ex tremely treditahle, : exhibiting a high degree of übtlity i in the young orators; whilo; the singing, by a choir of amateurs, 'was of surpassing rich: nen of veicpunti . skilful execution. The foraed ix:treat : of infi ordinary character( - Reorganization of the Cabinet. Presitlent Vie has reorganized _his Cabinet by the appointment of Mr. Upshur, Secrctury.of StatOi David llciishaw % of Itlussachnietts, Sucre. tary of the Navy; and John Neilson ; of Maryland, Attortrey General. Mr, Neilson,is u Baltimorean, and is trait! to boon eminent lawyer. The.Cabi• !let, complete, will therefbrestand'as follows: Abel P. tirsiier i Secretary of State. . John C. So:titer,' Secretary of the Treasury. James M. Porter. Secretary of War. Datid ficrisliuw,Se . erehry of the Navy. Charles A.•WieklifTe, Postmaster General. • John Neilson, Attorney General. Canal Commissloner.—.- rl.3Dr. - st %%loon's, of Pittsburgh, in iu- Vorably spoken of as a pimilar. Whig candidate for Canal Commissioner, at the electihn next full. n'The Lancaster,. Intelligcue . er, nne of the ablest "democratic" papers in the State, appearrd Ina hew and tasteful dress on the 4th. Brother Forney,'deserves; as he receives, success."' 0 -Anthracite Coal, the vein of which is sol pnved to be very extensive, has been discovered i Paradise; townithip, York county. ccOlueli injw.tice has been done Mr. Clay by aft:limiting an advertisement .signed H. Clay, sr., which offered a reward for runaway slaves, to that great enatestuan. After a long and bitter controvSray between the Pittsburgh papers about it, it is ,now satisfactorily .uncertained that. H. Clay, advertiser, is a fanner of BOurbon county, ffinincky. and in:4,th° furiner of Ashland. f4r R v ; acorge Beecher, Pastor' of the Second Presbyterian church itt Chilicothe, Ohio, Was SuAdenlyki l lied in that town, lately; by ac: , cidental diachargo of a gun. His loss is deeply deplored, Allentown caTra Ea;tott Whig says; learri tiem AllentoWiiihat'Wben the committee appointed to take posS'esei'ou of the effects of the abot;e bank entered tint baalting house to peripim the duties Of their epieir: r inent, all they elruld find Was a few emptiglikei,'Old desks anti'ehlars, A rumor lhatri!Ottia4) . lotitown'-,that the , President of the : 'ffinatii;ndOd 'on TU'esitay . la3y and committed to the'..ehigli caulatyjail l 'charged with elnbet2femenle'to a large riiii.otint, A New,Turit at liVashiagtoitt • .....VAivarpoto in the United tilaies.Gazotte on nfoVements,sayn in enneluding..-- VrifeeedialiVed very groody 14. all fridrontionsi . there fa, a good underatsnding between John C. BEiiiietiilitulthe Van;Buren party,' and' we will )rentore . one. further. suggestioo, , , that Porter 4fit a l ho be drawolato the support of Van Buren, 4,4 cNit:qi!i`,'Fir'ca.(sial the VaO'Bure'it OtvardtiVir , , P. will he Irmitened its Bpeneeir Artvethhit into the Vin Miter' relate.: 7 Pisio6c,i)citween" inexic'if& Teitis • . , •r711,0 hat Js{o..? oil c ans papa s contain thn di. t'ectinithu peinitinnniliontiii tips agaiTok Mown, two fi;t thtinnintilishnient . of permanent poach.': upon , Paitln, to ' .1.• . : '.'' ,''`llClViiirnint raillHOge / 1 114 11 40 0 ting of about 800 mew from several )otlollll' i n X!TiciPifr , cl the !Po: It: a! 1 ,41 ,14 1 44:- 4:i4,; , amir s et, fivrlo, 1, 4p.l9,lo7'ikcifi!' the 06f i l `,i o r: 6 / IMO . at o" tith° P t ' n ea" Ili di, $4:06401i; ) 4#,*(f 'lgo i'vii:iwt ' i * cp., 0 1.10!.-"c ! , 4** ~, , L x-oiel9l , 4,aild hi! howle4te AIM .60cfr. o t i l tlie etiMA*ihinibliki'Alliii li 1 O r r ' j : ll 4Z4=4,lAsemifeut, ''' 7701****TOKAel4f1:zici;$!-lii ~, 4. &iilifeenadh.',: 1. 4 4 4 1 4 13 : 14 ,1i 8 41 24 '''''' 'le*: cOlije i teOPtiitiO*l4 I*. t y 44 — lO 4'rioilißtm4tAitoito T. ,' s ;t t ri e oil -,.. --.-. . - - _ .... 4 .- ' ' •,•• . • ' 'l4 l it s t i p t irk VIA - 4 d. Y"'` 6. it 21_ . .4*lt o ‘ iiiiit r.took 4‘, tmeeti;'. 'O - iiiiiiti tt;liiii i .ii'f tid . "le'itiiild ~ , ,r.; 7 4§ .. .. 1 ,! I I ' The 4PPili!!;ink,,,it*:4oi`",Skl#ttit,o*!-: I ;t3r;.Bthle,'-t)qo4l.,',itiire '.helifi:in:ifir4ft.lD A VEl;Pir, (thutOth illeitlti tthe , v Iffettfij#BC . * l t kl ,I c hlj'ah f tillii-b0,109i1wRi.. 1 4.07 5f t . ..1 ,1 *3- 11 ° iliinuteinitilie -het !tielitil44,ll4l , otik nfillitin. Wagers Ware yeed; ' froni.*ltioA t 4lppeuiedtArnong 'other tOnge, that fill .., the ;plergy i !)ll”thenuttfr '',tyerii reimested-t o pirlieh-4!Eiertribildfifitiikre. ,kpee'ti've chmehm end Meke eolleetiontArkheltalf egthe IWO:titlee during the fires'erit suinhiteK- - o*-motic4he;':grMiety then priMeeded' 0* 4 . ,iiiV,li:sool4ii). ,, : : , , :::::;`k' l '::Y* t , :16.ti,,,kki,i6• ; 4:ki3`e wee then earrieifii.:Mikrolei . : . P f ras . ‘ ti ,t111.4!` rkuP t O'l'4o'm audieneiiirroo:l4oo.i.loe i_ . ,#1,1iit, 4 , 5 ' 161 :itt45 4 0 9 iiit kOl ei g 74 r a r .I°,4P3VOLIII'‘qiiocilfAtii4t4iiiieEtilliti;t, .!.4iii3O(i'PrillitiOtip*4ollloq - 1ik:i . ,0 13 Plg!s*; tiill?,;:iiiiiiiiotitAkitiiiiiiiiioo444o46l• l , -.• '“ , • +2;- , ,;+, PF . (~ , ,,;:1, 7 , 4 ~;,),,,,..;. ~',, 1,2,1 z, {... . • 2;„ , f:P9litttrljtllo PMP E naptqlgt*Ongt9449rrap 111.00.041411461-4:;V*;, i -' •ii'4 , 1i; '. ..1.. - qA'; . ki? 1 4 . 1*.i te'4olji , 411iliflriliio 41071 iiiii l d jiff ' il& i of itov..-i-1 - Pirirriiretiy:cli;ik:W. l ; %,k,:*.f;,-„.::::..1; . • •',-',"''',-, ~: • ;;; ; A- - 4, W , 1 , ' . . .. . tt ' r I T im ! d PtC 4 iy 4l ''P xell P!' c rY l i t !l• o AP l O l' : ;eatd . the IllayoWe(i.tet.X?"rh*r4,hirtipt; , 4:, they •Wero viewing the ineane.riaiilMlVi,;,l , ./ i . ,', ...It suite me exactly—MMetii,!"reisliiiii iiie:*; cidency. ... - 4 4 `?" . .%- I' • ';*- BEEF CATTLE.—The 'supply Was much jar. ger, than usual on Monday, but the demand at this season at best is. but limited.' About 120 found purchasers at from $4 for fair, to $5 50 for the bast, per 100 BIS. The lialanco remained un. sold. Hogs remain at former rates, 4to $4 25, according to quality and quantity. FLOUR —City Mills has sold . fre'cly at $5 50 which' is the market prico for fresh ground.— Sus. uehaana is not in request at holders' prices. will be formed to. ZED Howard street bus sold ut $5 50 for best brands from store, and dealers are paying $5 376 per GRAlN.—There is leSs animation in the Wheat market at the close; although it looked pretty well at opening. A lot of 1,000 buslicisnew North Carolina sold early; at $1 25 .per bushel, and old Pennsylvania at $1 16_; but nut over.l 15 can probably be obtained at this time fur prime. Pennsylvania Rye has declined to 58'ectits ; and Corn has sold at 55. Maryland white and yellow have sold at 53 to 54. • WHISKEY.—IIas come down t 0.21 and 22 cents for bbds. and bbls.. FLOUR.—The sales during the week have been extremely limited. Holders are asking this day, 05 3n fir superfine shipping- brands. Rye 350. Corn Meal,.2 GRAIN:—.We notice sales during the week of Penna. Wheat ut $1 15 a 1 18 pea bushel.. Soles yesterday of 16011 bushels afloat at 1 15. Rye, 65 eta. Corn, yellow round, 55 u 56 cents; do flit; 54 a .55. Oats, I'enna. 32 a 33 cents; Dela ware, 31.1 . a 31; Virginia, 29 u 30 cents. -/ OntlO.l 20tli Jour lost; the liev.J. Mackey, 311 . , .JOHN STrvitot to miss FAN:: r ' LEsor.o, bOth near Curoberbool county. On the 4111 inst. by Ili sante, 31r. .loottox. Tlttxs to Miss DELII-All Ihro both at tibillpensburg. - DiED. /On the 15th ult. hi Ashland, Welthind comity Ohio, Jon?: CAIINS, ii eil 4S years. Mr. C. was fot litany p.. 41113 among the most respected citizens' of thin borough WOOD WANTED, PROPOSALS will he received fnr de liverkg 3DU CORDS OP OAK WOOD for Iliti nue of Diekionon College, hefore Deeembee'oexl.. Apply to G. 11.. Cll.ooliti s w., Ut the College. TO FULLERS, DYERS AND DRUGGISTS; Call soon for great Ratgainfi. UsT M4lll.lfileltlred and for stile, a first-rate ,(polity ne CoppratAs,, will be sold hi quantities to bait purchasers forest thou it colt be bought in the Cityt fiw cash, in Owlish, tit Burkhold er+ lintel, linanter Wert:. II will be put e- Lushly attend to by Cat lixlc„ ly 1 4, 1343 IKTTIte l'orry Ventnerat.lnsett 3 tlitee times anti sem; bill to this olliee for collection. . . TO. FARMERS. t L AVING lii:lszinl'oil f ! e qtal i t i e l s, th n e vin te y l li ‘ o v t s ie p t:s l newspapers of acci dents that havo'.hapinote'd . lig . hining to Fanners, by not havitig . Oontltteting hods, I respeetfuliy call pail' attention t0..t0) advertisement of April last. I hare, II bellevi,, - Dhsceil two hundred lth. of Hods in this thainty, and in no inhtunee has them to my know ledge • inoyareident happend; I woidtl thereto! e Solicit o s11141•C of public patronage. JOSEPH WIIAICFE. Carlihk,July 12,1143. • • PaROT FOR SeILE. . • Vir 1" be sold arafridiate:stile a FARM of first ram LAND, 'Slittre t outli Middieldn townsluti, one mile West of Carlisle, Cumberland . county, Pa., lying on ,be Waltnif Bottom Road, containing 110 ACRES, mokf or loss, haring thereon erected a two story • • STONE M (3133E 0 ' - • • ._ large frame Barn, n well of first rate water; a young and thriving . apple pi:ICU - 44R 0. _ ,Alsom he sold with the above tract live acres of th'st talc Chestnut •Timlier.. " • .• The Walnut Bottom road passes through this Farm which gives a market for lilt the produce raised up on Italy droves passing, to the Cast:, , • Persons wishing to purchase will please eall,tipon Mr. Andrew Blair, in Cattlisle,ohop the subscriber at his Mills, 4 miles West of JOHN HAYS. • ,Jitly le, 1843. • :.• 11-37 Lincester Union titurßtailing Adler; ids sert until forbid, and send bills to this office cot , : leotioh: . • • . . Sheriff's- .. .' .. ~ ,' • . ,iSale.' •:' : . • .., Y virtiterof a Writ of Alias tering racist; to nip diPeCted, lisned 'out of the Court Of Corniannu leas of ConiberlainCeOunly: will be exipiedtO idlii r PI lin pulp , at the Court House; in the liorough'of Cdt , isle, on 9AT URDtittie 5 lit 00y1 Of August, 1843, at 10 o'clock. of said day, d& following described tient Estate, viz: - -...-- • .' , -', • • , :.1.. A: House alid, tiii Or Eakoiruldi 1 - . • situate on the Prea•th.tast - Oorner :Of the pe ellettre, the borough_ of; Carltsl4i,',honuge(l Creigh, Mum anil4 teretkty thecaltey,'ltayjaii Oreon sornarTlOlise ariit.etht alotratiateApe eti'in:exeChtlon ita, the kr . aiorliti, TOCiArkitPo% 1 0, to be ' ofd ' , R,144115;"413e1j .1 ).,;, , JulT 12, 1843: 4 . +a+s'« i :04's roi•• 4 1 9 1 ' u , 4ithp:St'99khijr, I r4ohn .S.O.qoAleethr,tb WE 2141MICAritili BALTIMORE; Ju1y.7,843 PHILADELPHIA, July 7 1843 MARRIED, ALFBED B. itEEVII.. 3t-S7 :Islp;!;7,thumit,4lollbt. .06 ,100 - sdhAikOdti' I vie tiMi" - 'l4 - ''' - ~ 6- i s N . , pi t o , - G....+,,,,-Ac. ,„,,-7..ri ~,,„ ;:il;,''''f p - l: is,ojt .I:pr.. ;, et" 9,,,,itAtqam 0 , , fr.0,., .0‘ ,.. .k, , , ,:au . 4tr , ,, 0t x6 . :. ?'4f . ,40 .L :i. 41 1 M! #' l AMiti: , ii lm k; , •!,... 1 P3,0, 1'1 N 3 .1"10 i ~'- z :i . ,l,Vk. ~,,, t .., ~.,., ,..,•:, -:. .'.i'v t ',: .'. ''',•, T": f t t i . g , Vr, ' ','' ' -!' : . ' '. 1 ' 'fi&„ .. , , ,...; *tS ) Ol i i,4 ' :' ' ` 'il Wo'' ' . ' , t-jPi etl l 3 l l4 l i : :' ,P 1 ))0 0 1 0 1 ,10 ., , , p..,...: - .4. & Il Fplq.4,:t.;‘,i , oi34,',s4j • 19:k, > ~ ,: e hdoftwekx,httoicosoloo, A l ''Vir dna VrTetto'lBo4.o4 4. .., liirgo:iiiiiiiit :AilliNiVitifiliiiPitAie 7 . =4atidJo#iti Stub oroLU "poi_ yp , .f:i ' i ;.P - RgiVol4 4 . 9 „nri!-CP.1.9 4 ) 4 ..y.1 . -.-: ' P, r i l /If ?,' i.; . 041 ' 49:4, 4 1 6 11 ;: igi0 4 , / s l fre#4 l oo:) 4 fA t , • . :..,igoil* , l4oC,:.or/Vtooir3q'', ' . ) PPft ' OP;i'Ori ' i .' : S . - `'orfkilifiy - Eifttb,§Bt . 6!OiAii. *166611i' ". lfiri.4l66' -611'iiiii,te.ita. iiititional ': , .. , bi,Ptg der by this ',;:' , R,tieß rtt,tioti.•ziv. , - ., - . - . Wiiiiii-Ao , o4lli*,6Sitil . de s S ar saparilla i n it 4,..f . . : 4iii " „ -'' . •4 t i , (1 r; 1 #0; Conn. •• :t:.o . 44,soli,e'lblleiviii ,, ;f,o 6 Mrs. *rn.Philiips; - Who . itatilletigletiiile4'itt'the < Falli. . The, facts are well . ! , ititiol',ttriVir.tlid!Old residentsin that part of the city. LAsiiteds.` , A:Jti.•Sm•rns si . co,.—Sins: Most grate .fully,, 011. 0 (embrace this opportunity for , statin g to you We' o : , l ; tti:ii: 4 f Tobtained from the use of your Sae saliarillh ' I shall also, 'be happy, through you, to publish to all . whe are Milt:Wl, as I littely we s,the :to dollill ef spy' uttexpectsd;. and' even' for a long while despair of Ore. Mine is a•painful story, and tryin g . and sickening tut is the narrative of it, foe the sake of matly:4lto play be solely relieved, I will briefly yet accurvely,„ State:it., ..''...., ' .. . ' • Nineteen:Ye:tea tagolast.April a fit of , sickness left mg with ;nn Erysipelas .eruptiou. , Dppsical • &Hee tiail3 fmnigiliately. !Oak Age •ovegAlte entire surface of my bely,'Causing'suC4 an catlil•getrimit that it'was 'necessary to add a halryard to the size of my dres scsitround the waste. Nex t , followcdraiion,my limb; ulcers, 'painfid;beyond description. mitigation years, both in .summer and winter, the only mitigation of my suffering was found in pouring upon.those parts cold waiter. From my limbs the pain extended over my . whole body. There was literally for me no rest, by day or by alight. Upon lying down these pains would shoot through my • system, and compel me to arise, anti, for hours together, walk the house, so that I was nimost - entirelyitcprived-ot-sleeN—During•this time lor e Erysipelas cora t utted active, anti the ulcers en- rarged, awl so deeply have these eaten, that for two antra half years they have been subject to bleeditra.. During these almost twenty years I have eanstote ' d many physicians. These have called my disease— as it was attentlettwith an Obstinate cough and a steady and active pain in my side—it dropsical constunption; and "hough they have been ak Wel . practitionerT,they were only able to ORMd my case a partial mid tem porary relief. I had many other difliculties too coot , plicated to describe. 1 have also used many of the medicines that have been recommended as infallible cures for this' disease, yet these all failed, and I was most emphatically growing worse. In this critical coutlitiou, given tip by friends,and expecting for my self, relief only in death, I was-by the timely inter-. position of it kind Providence, furnished with your, to ine, invaluable Sarsaparilla. • A single bottle glove me 111..1155111 . 1111120 of health, which for t a enty years I had not once felt. Upon taking the, second iny en largement diminlslietf, iind in twelve days leom the, flth of October, Witco 1. commenced taltingyinir Sar-, saparil la, I was able to enjoy sleep abilvest;by night, as refreshing as env t ever enjoyed when in pertect health. - Besides, I . ' was, In this short time, relieved from all th e irs excruciating and tmalleviated pains that haul afflicted my days, as well as robbed • me of my night's repose. ••The ulcers upon my limbs are healed, the Euripelas cured, and my size reduced nearly to my former measure. • Ilium mulch do - I feel it a privilege to testify to the eflicacy of your health-restoring Sarsaparilla. A thousand thanks, sir; from line whose comfort nod whose hope. of future health are due, tinder God, to your instrumentality. And may the same Providence that directed toe to your aid, make you the happy and honored Instruments of blessin g . oilier!, as /oh .. . . despair . eased and ing as sour flinch relieved atid.very grateful friend, ASI. 7 I,i!ATII M. PHILLIPS. NZW 141INI)O1t Cn. SS. Norwich, NOV. 4,1814. appenred,the above-named Aeei dh NI. Phillips, and made oittlime the lets contained in the foregoing statement fieforemir. !LUPUS W. NI ,ltistice of the Petiee. nein pi aolaahltetl v 9. 110114)4, I certify that the ithavvasstahal Gets are tvue. \VILLA AM 11. li 101 l A 111)S i • .Afittir.ter ol•the Gospel ht 01'17101, COIIII. Prepared mid sold by A. 11. Sands & Co., Iblig gittts mud Cl:end:dm, Grauite Imiltlittgn;t2i3 Broadway Clutuffiers street. New Vork. And for sale by Driwili t ds tlirptip,pput the United States. Price obt per bottltt, hix . bottles for 63. ho pithlio ttl•e: respectfully requested to'remetn her that it, is Sands's Sarsaparilla that 11:isititil iscoo simply iteitieibig tm . ell remarkable cures or the most difficult class of iliseasrs to which the htmutit fratrie is suideo, and ask fur Sands's Sarsaparilla, tutu take no . . . S. E I,LIO'IV, Ap,rot Lc spreini appoi , ntment fui• Ole Proprietors, for Carlififit and vicinity. ,July P 2, IS4S. ly-S7 Panmhlo' Laws. Pamphlet Laws passed fit the last session of tile Pennsylvania Legislature,have been received for Clintherland countyond are ready fot distribution to those entitled to receive them. July 4, 1843. T. 11. CRISWELL, Peotllt'y. 11 1 111311211113 5 fr UE l'reprietor respeethAly informs the imblie in general, that lie i now ready to ae commmlate a large , number Of ITO artlcrs- utliJ Visi tors. The Springs Aire silte'iti;l •4i miles North of Carlisle, Comberland comity, I , sr. and S miles South of Sterrels Glop, on tile .north :tleuntain, in a lbw healthy and 'monodic place; there is an extensive Bathing establisioneol Loll warn; and cold, attsOlaal to the stone, till eveff akomtamlntion May he re- COIDIMAV, .Illy 4, POO. . . , N. Ilanouclie will rtin froniiCarlisle to the Springs (liking the season, for the acedninnmitliion nt itvi.l o 7v7iodriioS raf4nt Upper and Improved tower WINDOW SASH SPRINGS. - can be ihsei to lows;r the upper• sash, which may be left a part way gown iilthout Bossiuiliiy being oklicti any. further Irons th'e outside. They took a premium at the Aitigrican , lilstitute in New York,attil have been recoitilitended its a very superior article .by the best carpenters throughout the country witereVbr,introilucesh. ttN vettryooted, ooh to lose(licit' elastic:lly break, 'for pre serving thil ,notelies, in the sash,. and , directions for selecting the upproPriate sizes and properly putting thein into wingo4k. • For sitle - at the - ll' art waro• tores lo Cr . ll 1" s e, anti 5411.0 selling - 11iirdWara Slilpensbuii,' 31eicerti 'burg, Churelitowo, Meclnitgcsistirg', lingueStOWn, Greencastle, Ilagbrskiwit,'Waynestitir,, ,, ;Gettysburg, Newv,ille, Harrisburg ../ifsis at :IVliolesale and Re filll stores int New l'i;rie; Philadelphia, Pittsburg, chit:hula:l, St. Louis, New Orleans, &c. - Kr - Prices to suit ;1.3.: Windows should beinsitebarrow,high:with parting •stripi amt both, 'sash Ike same. size. These' springs cam be put to windows in old buildings. July 4 I'B4B ; APPLICATIO N will he 'made by the ft or the Cidilitle ...reonts,to the next peg .iciattire ot the'Comniet t wen,lth. of Pennsylvania, for A . renewal of tin ° 6horter corthe Old Bank by the, ryame"audstyleof the Carlielp thititee , It, Is in tended that it shall be located in Carlisle, Ctunber• land totiiitY, thall ante -Qapitttlit riq w.hca,to win Three hundred 'tltgusitiut ttollitys, dis6ibionit purposes.;, 13y, order of ,thelloard orPirtmter,sitf.k •• CORHAV, j un 7 , 28.1843 v '7 ' • 0111,7 r! :' ''fititiner-Itwahged 4 , ( .- .., . - , , l'O ' UßNEV * M 4 A',lqitiiitgii,' , 44;;:buisi - ' 4a. nesi,l4o4d.inthics, ittiii find , iiii - st - 'i I " Iren4,6o4otovetreibothh, „., " P °Y' A uesd,fte ~, I ; ili) o,e ,!-• ~ ,„ -T 61 c ,,,. ,1, : a .j. e sil l , i(t,'"" 11:',C'cg ,ll ,V ' 47 11 4414 '',' 4Aool.Ailit: ilocagi,!s,L6t '',, 4., ' tllevdt 4 . gi' l' t np a , lAailtivii 4014;,,q itt t :,, It g lirr)',/" '. #0,.. ; MP ,% 4 11 4 it ~,,,.4 f o i lit ;: ~ ..,,,:,,, ~,1,?,/0.A,,,,,,,v.z ,•‘'.•'‘.h . --'.',,,..-? , -;: , `• ,••'•%` , S-,,,.•'?-r.liss' 7 .' , • - • ,-. . ,, ..7. - ',';'c•rt. 7 , 4 4P. l P.'r# l o4et . t.iffl 3 ll , 4l-K8,04"- ; ''f``t: : =:• ' '-' 11/70010-10'^iiitti : , :04411t.i.tiphns' l''' lift',t 6 li irl ' s 4.9.,i0.••••° 4 P,0ieT,04rrer. , . 0.ITI!' f_ apokig . *i_ny;;;44o-00 . .0. -, # ; 11. 61 0 talrb , Ofel fth tlaais . Itol4lo,Kirthl4 ll Cti' 'iugh,OfAlit klisOl•Bs%, , Alik , lttiOth.daY'ef: 'A.IiCIUSrt '1 43,141.1f.iiValclai4fhistAlliinving; l!'shilorlh'it44MfrEifitße:i4A:'loS?iW,i''. r,,• •• • , T ' •;",,-. : s ft444'oi *, lollo)ititti'..' , ":i : ilifil ‘ iii4.ilii;theiTiNik . ;,4040:gliVrOiiittnitsa'nitvoAlleitiiWilishikbonnsled -04 lites"*titilio o ,4 l o. o : , W e . i 3O); ; Aß l n t lelANurA4 ;II I,ll4'.l44.l4PAilrYri'-,9,,fißy ,i,iritt,rentirtnfl,kts,O:hrfedlitigetAlsilkY,l4S, 4 4049,04/edit!tWo'itor liiiiieStistb,s.gotosiai,d (' trestOW, ,selling HO. spi'uco9ygieoo..:,.;, - . f l ,e.:41001:1 4 0t..of Gri.).o . l.4taitP4o - lii, shiti.' iiiiii,'4 - *All4i iownellip, hots led SVOti) hi‘tileit:' v - . ~. iiifitr-o,,Weitf,by:Hasitstili Sltiretusitl;Atr Eitst, lit 'Daniel, Maiwell,•contsiluitig' fdridAsevenreei fronts: iititt iiiie hundred and eighty three'NiSt. hitlistillt:'• '•';":.* N''l.l9o, 'A Lot ofpround; eiinate in Sh ir e. 'inanetown,•East PennsboroUgh tOwnihip, .bistintled North by Kali Road street, Etat by Joseph 6Strohist 'heir . si and Jacob and Henry Rupp oh the West,cod.: ' tnining.seventy.five feet in front, sted one hundred and ninety feet in depth, balsing,a blaughter,.House. therposvereeted. Seized_ and inken in exeention as' - the property of Martin•G. Rupp. ' • ' ' ' Aisb; A tract Of Iran& sitita'te in ?Alien township, Cumberland county, codnining seventy 'six aords,more or less, adjoining 'lntuit of John Bich, elberger; Adam Eichelberger, fleets Rupp, Jabal) Long,Johis Shupp and others, having thereon erec ted a two Mary dwelling HOUSE, Barn, Still house and otlier.out houscs.'t Seiied and faked hi eiecuz.. tion as the property,of:Tiederielt Long:' ' A150,..A. Lot of`Ground, situate in . .Silt;er . Spring township, Cumberland ethintyseontai isi ng five neves ' more or less, adjoining lands of.loseph Eshel mansn'ederlck Myers, ftfrs. Abort and Mrs. Mos ses. having thereon erected, a two story, house and stable. Seized and taken in execution as the property of hams Livingston. , . Alta, A Lot (if Ground, in the . borough of Newsille, containing .40 feet in breadth and 240 feet in depth, snore or less, bounded by a lot of John Wicker on the East, By a 20 feet alley on the South, i by south& lot of Joseph Otto on the West, and by Rail road street on the North; having thereon erste tad a two .story Brick HOUSE and Frame Back building. 1 • Also, , A Lot of Ground.' situate on the road leading from Newville to the nail roa I Depot, adjoining a lot of Paxton and Galbraith; other pro- Pert,: of Joseph Otto, containing 40 feet in breadth nod 200 feet in depth 'mar or less. 17 - Aistr.tA - tiot-pf-fi'lrottrulTin - the -borough or Newville, containing 40 feet hi breadth, and 200 in depth, more oriess, bounded on, the North by rail road street, on the West, by.Hezekials Roadsipts the South, by a 20 feet Alley,and on tip East by the above described lot, having thereon . erected a frame Shop one story high. Seized and taken in execution its the progerty ofJoseph Otte. .A Lot of Ground, situate in theittorough of Carlisle, Cumberland county, containing 60 feet in breadth, and two hundred and tbrty feet its depth,. morn or less, hounded by the public square on the .West, Main street on the South, Thomas Creigh on tt:e East.and sit Alley on the Not•th,Jiaving thereon erected a Brick two story Stone House, nod eight Briek two story Houses,called Harper's Row. Seiz ed and taken in execution as the property of John Harper. . • Also,' Two tots of Ground,. situate in Worntleyshorg, , linstpennsboro triwitship, eneh lot coidaining fifty eight feet in breadth undone hundred and fifty feet' in. depth. more or les,, n lot of John Black on the Nati), Pine Al ley.oll the West, front street on-time East, mind -a street -on the Booth, having thereon erected a two story frame Shop, rrallle Ruble. , , , ' • 'Also, Two Lots or Ground, situate. in the said town and township, each containing 58 feet in breadth and . l.stl feet in depth,: noire or less, ad joining a lot : of Reid:oohs Erb on the South, front street.on the East, third street on the North, and un 'other lot of said Reese on the West. Also,. A Lot or Ground, in. said . town and township, containing 58 feet in breadth and 150 in depth, more or less, adjoining other . property of Said.,Reese on the East., third street ()odic %Vest and on dip Smith by a lot of Samuel Denning. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jeremiah Reese. Also, A. Tract of Land, sitnale in Mon roe township, containing ten acres and fourteen per ches, more Or ieSi with u chapping NUB, part stone, and part flame, a Clover Mill, and a Saw,logdwell ing, !louse, ``tea stories high y and a log tout fratne Baru, a ith other nut houses,adjoiiling lauds of Joseph atshaw, and Michael Male,. on the North, Chins thin Layman ou the. East, Alartitt Itraudt's heirs on the South and .West. • Seized and taken in execution as the property of George Meisel!. • Also. All the interrat of Edward IL Leonard, to a lot of grottnd situate in the borough Or Carlisle, containing SU feet in' breadth, and :BO li•et in depth, more or less, teljoining a lot of Abe! Kee nee on the North, a lot.of Rufus B. Shapley on the East, Bedford streci on the South and North Ilanover street on the Wegt, hating thereon reeled it large three story Brick !tonic, n brick kitchen and n two story brick house, and frame shop and frame stable. Also, His interest in a lot of Ground, .sittude in the borough of Carlisleyptaining foOfeet breadth,'and t 240 feet in depth, adjoining a loft James Lumberton, on the West, F. Watts on the East, mi alley on the South and Bedford street on the North, having thereon erected is two story Log House, weather-boarded and a small Log llouse. Also, All his interest in a Lot of Creand, situate in the borough of Carlisle, bounded on the West h}• —, lirackenridge's heirs on the East, the turnpike on the South and a lane on the North. Seized and taken in exeention us the proper ty of Edward 13. Leonard. And to br,sold by We PAUL 'Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, June '280843. TIM property advertised for sale by the Slicri as the proliertv of Edward B. I.colutril, is tun his propertv, lout belongs to me; ti's I have many )enrs op, paidoused•lhi interest in this wholi eState of our ultes . (ird fatter; Cfiri'stian Lemmas!, and paid hitn tor Ain full. W3I. LEUNSftI.). CarHalt', .luly 1'2,1943: 3t-37 littlattalN rfl 11 E subieribefs respectfully infirm the -M- piddle, that they have •purclutsed the votive stock of Lloods'of Thomas 11. Skiles, coosisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, trcstings, Gloves, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, Linen. Collars. fientlemetis Hose, Cravats, Caps Ste. Ste., till of whiCh they offer for sale at the old Cats, of Thomas 11. Skiles, to West Maio Street. They •assure the -public that their work will be_doac itt the hest - Man= tier anti most faationahle , Geptlemen furtti,,h, log Cloth,, may rely upon having it made up with equal care.- WM. A. LI NTIIURST, • . \VM. SKILES. • • N. IL Thomas Skiles will be continued its the establishment us Cutter. L. & S. Carpde June 40 184 . 0 •• • -• . •• , . • ' • Clutoper• N ano' /Ever. • - I-kvi j fist veceiviug„Anotker •supply Of .summe.i. Goodsovtdeli will hp aold Cheaper Wan, ever.— Among the gbods recC,lirng dtis'vreek; will he found rvlarge iof or CalicoeS frinn 4:to I , t .cents.., Ging ham from 10 to 20 cents. Pant tittalroni 6} to 25 costa. Lawns front t2i to sti; itotioritoos and !Muslin de Glint:a ai nit prices; Stockings & Gloves froruo4,tol‘ and n largo lot of seasonable 'goods, that cant !At/peat, (rer;olleet that) Bud be frire to call at the old sholi, ; the. third :door eant. , of t 4 market house. • ••,? • • CHA5.:0.1143y., : ,June9..l 1843, .• • • . tr. 34 v.lbterre'.iffitet Gooetg ern i .- B u:8 g rit i fire. j eei ; n 9 44 9 ipg tfprther Rimi9 grsclombifOOTe rpiikeqh non, otrprising an the , nesortmeni ofMO DS' DE LAINES, DAL/LORING; LAWNS, CHINTZES, CALICOES, &o. for, 44,048 appaiFej,lllllo, it teueral assortaiia•ef•Gentlemen'lNVear r vibioliaire offered woo f before, 11.,1!, pie * 'Yd . ° ' ' • 'V )iCtir Jude tf-S 4110E5.' , . • ';',llllllurvi N. ' ' dd f ''" Shtia L luY V* tP 'a!! .13 ) ? *N / t / ' 9 14. . - 1 ' 4 1 , 1 1 f ; 4'l 4' S.V.,* Poor A lyi, Z 4.01 30 I?Y,, 1 , 44,'.. i dot. --'1" b , . a ._. . and , iga .1 2! -11AI-',:, nii kt i foutT ~„ N iv A. 4 ,..„. , '''=: ,- , 7 ,, ,4',, ~,—,, - - , i.1,, , ?:;g' , _,--- _ ,- 4 ,:i: _ - ', '...:," /----•,.i., - 4,../3.:‘, ~, c_.- _ ;„- ~.,-: , , .•,----..., ~,, t . . - • , _;1.:`'.%‘,.;?/jati.' A L L. yo A O O" ;wish ditt - your . fi.pj*,.ll) first's-51514W1t.. carat .0 16 :tiptiv.Atitt.MtkilufietoFP#/so lll ilibtit±o; 014,100p,oRtistoreoxliipp:IJestitelidligitillig.;e004' MaillifaattiVtt:Sf'Ketlfir:Ot . , l the'heatilliaterials Bud at theWeeystartii4t,.a . utiee,% Yeti 17,81 Er • . " • , • , latititta o iirevery , descriptioniiirthe'rMatest'sind.MfairfasltiOnl able warranted to linve,as good antrOdidddlillit d,color as any of the Huts adanulitctidied ' ties. Also,' • • .. • • ...'•4••'' , ' Chaptia . .ue and ol t every esev'pt.madethe best style , mid at ,very moderatc.peices.. .; For CAsii, lie will sell lower thnn ever Hats have been sqldthis BorOugla—and t indeed, his vrices generally, wilt tie such as to suit the depression or th e times.... Although he prefers selling•lor Cash— yet-he will, as usual, be willing to take Country pro duce at the market prices in exchange tor-Hata. The sub Scriber returns his _sincere thanks tan generous public for the encouragement he ceived since he first•commenctid business about three Years ago,in the old shop koLouther streetand hopes by strict attention to busioess to merit and receive a conti 111.1111113 C of their patronage., For the.cOnvenience of•some of 11113 customers, he still carries on' busi ness sit the old shop—dud those who ,Wish -to have "pick and choice" would do well to call at the new establislument,•No. I, 11ml - wt.'s Row. , Call and judge fur yourselves. .• • • ••, „ . WILLIAM 11. TROUT, Carlisle, May tg, 1843. lf-90 • J. IL 131:4.71'7' 1 • tORWANDiNG COMMISSION MEOCHANT Ilarrisburg, Pa. R ESPECTFULLY ! I meta, %lfilets, lllerchants and the public gen erally, that he Is now prepared , with.large and corn moutons Ware Houses, on the Penni* Canal', near the_foot_ol Wahltd_strert in tfareisbarg,to-rcceive, in Store for Shipment, Country produce and Alex eliandize, for Philadelphia,l3altimore and Pittsburg and all intermediate places,. D. Leech Mid Co 's Line, and the following first class title Water Catisq Boats, will run from the Houses iu Harrisburg. Boat, • .T. C. AleAllester, Chesapeako, Mary and )lartlia, I f • • Pal: May Bi, I f... 1.1 ..Boats (Mid -6hoev. A NEW addition to the forneh. Stock 11- of fine calf, sewed and paged Boots, Meiis and . Boys Kip !Wotan!' wiod quality, Mims and Boys Kip and calf Alouroes, Ladies, .Misses mud Childress kid.and morocco slippers, Ladies and .Misses_ Bile Morocco welts, all of which will Lie sold uncommon ly low for Cash. WM. M. MATEEIL Carlisle, May 10,1843. Slierill's Sale. • •Y• virtue-pf -a. writ. of-Venditioni Ex pouns 10 1111: directed, issued out of the Court of Common Piens of- Cumlierlanil county, L will ex pose for sale at the Court borougli.of Carlisle, on SATURDAY, the 0111. day 91-11.J1,11, 1843, at 10 &cluck, A. AI: the following .described Real Estate, to wit i , . . A LO'[`. OF . borough of Shippenslourg, cont . :titling (C•et in breadth, 140 feet in depth, more or less, bounded on Ike East by - 7 , or roast, on the South by a lut Or David Kenower, on the West bi it lot otahtvid Mahon, andAni the North by mi lot of the Strongli, hiving thereon erected a two storyßitiCK 11011SEATIII . a brick Kitchen. • Also, A LOT OP GROUND; situate in the township of Shippenshurg, - bounded on the East by Dr. \Vol:. Rankin, on •the South by Samuel Nl'ettrdey, on the East by Sumner Llngle, mid on the Nortliby Alexander Mateer,and the ,:atholto church, having thereon erected ac small log House and Brick yard, cunt:lining two acres timid throe fourths. Seiz es! :hid taken in execution as the property of George Hard ineond to he sold. by Itto Sheriff. Sheriff's Olpce, Carlisle, 2 June .21, IS i 3. 5 is-3t WiIiOLEISACE GROCERY AND LIQUOR STORE HARRISBURG, PA. T . HE subscriber having stepped the re tail business is now prepared to sell to Coun try and Town Storekeepers and the trade generally, Sm,qtri Coffee, Bacon • Tea, . - -Molasses, Brandy, • Choenlatoi Rine, Gin, Spines, • • '. Oil, Wine„ Sperm Candles, Tobaeno, IVltiskey, Visit, Salt, , Plaster, .' Paid), . . .... ,Ottkum. and a general assortment of GROCERIES, for ;life by Ntity et, 1 84,3. . tf-9l • Travellers take Notice, rrVlA"{' Families mid their furniture and passen . gets generally ;coil be sent from D. Leech and CON onl.l 1 9use at the font of Walnut street, lowee than any other house in) I.trrishurg, to. any of the Cities and all iotertnediate places ; \ow Yuck, Cincinnati, Philadelphia; Louisville, , ts•Bs ISultituote, ✓ Grand Cuiro, Pittsburg; . St. Louie.' May 31.1H43. SHAD acid 3lb 11113T.5.. Prime No. i Shad Ai' met of. superior ipinlity, eheaP for uush, the “or.e, of \V\l.' M. MATELE., inS. mu vet. st Curlisle, :11:12y iO, Ma. a y_LL 2000 BUSHELS OF RYE; for which pay the nia rket . price in L'AFH . CHARLES OGILIIY. New _Cheat, .Storea subsciiher xi:oujil inform t he public , that he Las. bitten, the store roan) recently oc cupied by Messrs.. llceberinan and llutton, in Ncirth I 'allover street; Carlisle, in. which lie is now open ing a haze and splendid and clieap aseortintatt of. SPRING & SUMMER DRY IVA GROCERIES; HMDWAFIE;&Ci fic,ol of every viwiety and (wittily, .which.he' i nvites the public to call and examinC,conlldent that the quality. of l,iQ . goollsand their low prices will give,satisfac tfen to tdl ivlto nal favor hint with a cull. • • ' u CHARLES SEED; „ Agent 'for Joseph Reed. • 'llftiy 17, 181.3. - • . tf-2.9 •, cUCE)=-- 4 Attorney . at. Lave 3 FFER, hie . psOfessionat 'soiyfeas to 111.5 the public.• 0:7-Odic° at,the Into residence of Mr:dneoli Zug, n Mnin street. April 5,1.845, . :::.i:ltaizo i ts : rEw pgi ilf the tifoiletilileeditrkile - 4 geode ' jun received . eel telling filo: tiol Caloor, 0.141 At.astouighingly, ipy yriqes ~e! ( Air ,S totei, 'o'ne'doot 0.,e04, of opr,F,l!eap 0 Ir,11400r ) „0 , 11p in ',rill° bejit , ip nelling cheip goo 4 N* are hp,vor,l, /te d iO?li fie ilths,Orge: eed,!e! , Waite, . : , 9410 ,,,yo4w!ll lirel'Y " ,le ! ° 11?I '' , : 7' t C h ti l iT l l3;iliNlTZ, te 66: i .. : :,.fiiiriige, - ;,f!i'e . e 1,3 i. 143,.,, „',,,.:'-...::.,',;,* ~,?f-3,4 " 12.1trit'ti.rilbielc,l' to be had A 4,lo;otity.ticiabr_tv.&.loll , rfy I he' etta Cheiie CWIIOI4IB. 014;tiliodeWth'eicc1(41016Ane.w:Itridlus loi4a firy4cl V #. ; k i adike DkeeKely receivetLby dr. .#4l)eit,% 4Aft -101 r4 8 c 90. r,,104 . , nyntameaulfidt'oralip 0.04,:.010 • iro t tolosimai",,preseio. peptliilapeta'a:o4.o.l, sltlingtit .50,',4?1 . ;,4,9k1/01v441141A4 t irele t e iq4Z1"10N0N10,3':.MAY',1%,4.P,1044 *Aff— '-- ''-- ft r:5i 7,, i...:,4 , , , , A1g ,40,,',44):1 ' ,1 " . ''''' ,3- ' -,1 0 4 . 4,- , - ,‘......? , :g0 , ;•::! , .., , ,,, ,, .: ,, , , ..k..-,„,. 4 t"iii4.R„4„,...,... , 4.,_,.,,4i4it ri5,. , ...,,,f.,,,.,„,,,,,,„c.,.:c..„....,,..."., V.04ti„,....!.7,,i0tg,,:iT,- 'i , „ .',: ;%:', ; ;;, ,c if'1 , ':`,..:, - ... 4 ,:'‘. , 2i.:,7 ~ .•)'?4 z ,'. : .7 ..,' .:,::::),.._ _.,, ;,., ~,..,.,,, ~,,,, .. , .....:at,. , ..-,1,:,,-.....,,-.....-------- ,---'-• ~Z~ `f .0> 14/$..4.2,4 lags (!' , . 4 (17114.101 j 0idi it chieritifo'B4pttlj tlt'6,lalsitot 01;.43944e0OgroA`tiq0,014.0fi'fr, 'lOl4ai r l,g c i 3 9 •: n';(9'R4rollel'4sl-'ki ' o o tke attigtelA " r* Ft r N. 11 .PrLoPm . s-Vi. 3 entfr° - ar f egOionth:' May 24 4849., j . ;,, tf."'SP 'CO.NEECIIONARVIROITgi":4C; 117 . OULD.„sliform their Inenkle And iw ohlm thaftl4•haVc thiliatike :14 Bighistreec,Aext door to, • Bpetena's a large; fresh,,:ind Clegarit assortment: of Elivas ; Anw other. articles .iwtheir) line; Which thpj; ore ready,.tq dispase,of,.wholesale and retail; on' the Most reasonable 'terms, liisorfenent comprises die_loßlowilwvarieties;,4ll are 'of the choicest quality: • CANDIES.,--Mintthrls, Allied,' spear , czkces and rolls, ,einunmon, sassa fras; tediattp,boarhounll, Clove, CMesm and hind-eye, ThoMpSoMan.or pePper candies; Jackson mnd,Clay leMpq„,191111, French, and ,coininon Neugo ; rreheWi'coinvrisia;and ciplocling.seatets; mint drops m k t , mal candy ; sugar and hum:, ahnonds,; &lily toys, liquori6; • • • • . Iherts,Engl hi: walnuts,shellL ha rks;cliesuuts, and Brazil, creu in, cocoa and ground . , FlWlTSn—Oranges; lelpplut;tidsins,fign, elides and citron. Altidtluf.keV., - • ' . Cavendislt Toliaeca, , 4t.nd'Sdigaitit such ns Rept lia, Prirdalktt,4l,lnViinit';;Trabutinit — iftid segars,fif . Their nsSortoielit in t:epi conittittib• tutiplied BY , tre§li cptiodry utercd ‘ initt,s'are invited to call, as they can be supplied ,on. fertia :is ndvnutage ouss his city prices:: The patroziago ;d:the - public ie respectfully anlioiled.. , • Carlisle, April tIG, ' . : ILeathery,Oloko6to ittur uthib -I.44d)Zta.ZP3d' ,WDE: L. PEEPER; MOST respectfully informs the citiiens of liar ylsburw. and the public in general, that lie Ims remove) iis '----- L l (T . atlirrAcAlorocco-und , Finding Store, to,North Second street, a lidodoors üboye Henry ßeehler's liotel, where he will .keep Constantly on. hand a general assortment of the following named mlieles,.viz: . . Spanish 416 filialeter, Sole, Shirting, Harness ) fait` ttlai black bridle, lynx and grain upper, -Milli Mal collar leather, Is :Ix and grain Call .. Skins, S punish It,-top-and- - lining leather,hellmis Leather for Fin , , naces and Blacksmiths, and Bark , Tanned Shiam • .- • .. - • 4111.80---4.2110R0C05: MI Comprising Men's Morocco, Women's undressed red not black straits, French kid ofdilTerenl colors. Red roans, , Bindings, Linings of all colors,' Book binder's ILatber,,Clinmois' lindlier utkd _Buck skies. ALSO--SHOEMAKERS' KIT AND FINDINGS; • Such as boot keys and breakers, shoe keys, ham mers, pincers; roluts, stamps, size sticks. punches, knives, rubbers, files, rasps, thread, boot webbing, 'sparatiles, hoot cord, pegs, awls, &c. Yea. All of which Ile wilt sell at the very. LOWESF CASH ! • W, L. P. vellums his aiocere thanks to the pub for the liberal . patronage which has,huretoldre been extended to him, and respectfully solicits a continuative . ortloil favors: liarrikibui•g r Alay 17,1843. Forwardiog ,& Coontnisioai DUBiliNLESn'l GEOUGE E§PECTFOLLY informi the public, that he 119 Et, prepared to receil.e ,• fotuVard and. dispose of Produce ei r 6if . d,escrlOtion, eitherni. the Philadelphia or Baltimore Nfarkets, or at any other Point accessible by Rail Road. As he will uttend in person to the delivery and sale cf all articles entrusted to his care, the most satisfactory and speedy return% may at all times be expected,u ud ut the utmost promptitude in the transactiou or allbu siness entrusted to him. . • Farmers and others having, tiny artige which they wish dispesed of, Will do well to call on hi to, •11. n-. inediately opposite the Mansion Rouse, tool Rail Road Depot, West 111 , •11 street, Carli,le, . G. F. is authorgzed to purchase several hundred bushels of Grain, for which the highest prae will be given. Carlisle, May 17, 1843: . • • tf-9.9 f i nal subscriber tlitUitatil for past favors hrifis I leave to inform his frienth and the . , public to gifactlal, that he continues to carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS; in all its , various , branclies at the room ntenpied hp him for the last two years, in I ligli street, west nt the Court House, adjoining N. TV. Wood'S store,where poix prepared to exettote all kinds of work in his ultheintst nod most thildotatble in:inner, nod upon the shortestmatiee. Charges ,tioule to suit the times, Dr strict attention to business lid still solicits share of the imblie . patronage. • • McI'IIERSON. Carlisle, April 5,184:3. - • 04).11 ot ;011A111 . 01 V. WIIE . IthlAl the 110 . 11.SARIUFL HEPBURN PIC- Hukut Judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the Ninth Judicial district of Peurniyl vaida, and the IlOn; JpuN STuszur and TinitiAs C. P4114,f3t, Judges of the said Court of Cominon Pleas for the county bf Cumbeiland, have issued their precept LicarinOlate of too 14th day of April 1843, and to me directed, for holding a Cciurt of 'Oyer nod Terminer, 41cneral Jill Delivery, and Gefic(lll Quarter Sessions of the Pence; at Car, lisle, on the second Monday of August, 4843—be, ing the 14th day—at Di o'clock itt the forenoon: 18 11E,11E13Y GIVEN to thcfeoroner, Justires of the Peace and Constable& of the 'said County of Cumberland, that they he then and there in their, proper persons,,,,.wilh their Records; Inquisitions, ExaminationS, and other remembrances, to do the things which to their of, lice, respectively appertain—and those, who are hound by deogrtzances • to prosecuto against the prisoners that are; or then may ha in thp_ said codify', to ba then and Ahem to prosecute against them as shall be just and right. Dated .at' Carlisle; the Bth ,day , of , June, 1843, and the sith.year of Ant erieuti indepen dence. • . • PAUL • MARTIN, Sliarlft • June 91, 1843. • • •. • tc•l9 TO HOUSEKEEPERS: 1911WENTY-FIVE ~TUOIJ.SAND Ra. PIATHERS for sale very low; in, quantities" to suit ituroluisers, for CASII; at prices frontlo,ls, 20 anti •25 cents fief‘.pottutl. - ,•• - • • Ready nude Betli,•llolsters • nod - Pillows, 'Curled hair .Nlattressen ai.d Moss do., anti aii.other kinds, to Idit aliv.iklial•likutmllB/17,,,111,`1V4 lion 4. es w i t ,' hitirquid New Cirle.ans.: . .luds 'Late or suigl pound. StoyekeperS WO,A4 find it to their OdOix tap by 61144 on the titilisoriburibehre Ourolundlig. PINLEYtv:..kIO: • Cornqn *Seuoud.4 Walnut streets, Sin-26 13-23 "°- geinsh .4jr Val l ey .Limehprne,ra - c-04 3 .4 1 10 "ion, titina and from . :'n?b!lii:ES,VFi*,, 3 1. %—ince9- , an L''',l4l 4 / 1 1,0rSk , ", :, • ' -'. .'. ' ' r c' •! :-. ..:-.:J_, ' ,' ' 1' , ',' - 1 .: I 'r ; t . , ittcGOOD riss'oitni;Ait'Offikeit6;4*,.!.auom viri, French :. 'Cocitue'sti 6 11randiee, tiel;' i atilt 0414 gotiougallett. end commort,Wlilakey, ir prime article' of,. Accrual:la . : Pew* liy,larlyil'94 aud Lisbuta Wlnes. .- ' —.;, .1.. : i ' 'l'''' '' '. l s,Killti 1144qt•ER• ' `,art, 31=EZMI 31 UrM ih01,02.61 Ao.4fir,l ca ',l,k •.; 1 )/# 14, S e A r :' ieAiigi.t,ifirvA t ijb:i.ii - i-4144, , ,,444.74 j and boirels fron?.;lttptlk.4lo4l444l:lxiStPT.P47:: niers whittit,,#ce;':lo 1 1 / 4 1pit4tifiwier olies i Itheuituttiiitilnd 1210qtittt or every mllitd~: diini 'to Man.' , S.d/A.lfYlirarN V4 0 ,4 4. 4. 11 ;LtP.471:444:' 'Aie a certain care,' foe; irate rtten}, ; vemitEcnt, Her voeti,,hillatutnittory ttn!l itittei4 ; reiereqi,heeti,u7Atlift eleitite the body frolp 114 - Incirt! p .whielt when coufincd to,the eireuhitio44e ihetause of:Al kiwis • PEVEI47.' 2744," . „ Bb;.iilso; d lihll , ILb ennie on the nieu.hrauw and mascL :, cnuSiir~ ' lreniw ;: iirflnmma= (ions ..• , , • R//EU.344775.,11-17131K14".&.''" The 'lndian *eke&bib Tiffs be re1101:04f as". l 4 - Was certain to give reilef,49,l iPperseryed:trith ac: Cording tp . directions, , iti,lasilitaSsuredlyjcadw,l9l l • out fail, make a perfebe painful maladies, ,From unres t to ,eix of Said,iegiAns Vegeta ble Pills taked evei'y night on going to tied will-in a short time so completely. rid the i li - ody'Srpny,evary thing that is opposed to health, the Gout, and pain of every descrititioa,willbeliterapy. 1719.11,1'11,E For the Same reasons, when, from sudden clianrs of'aimospli'iny; or any • oilier cau s e, the perspiration,. is checked, and the humors which should Pass offby the skin are thrown inwardly, causing, '• '• ' 1.1E3D.W.1.1E, . . Nausea and sieknelts, pain , in the bones, watery and inflamed e3es,sore throat, hoarseness, coughs, con sumptions, rheumatic Pains in cstrious, parts of 'the body, and many other symntcims ofd _ ' ____ THE. INDIAN. v. EG "'AIM VlDtß;yvill . ably r.,iveimmetilaite relief. "VEOin ' three of said Fills taken every night an gait* 4461; will in a short time, not only remove all the Above snot symptoms, but the body will, 4'l4*i - wet :tiro; l?!, eestgred to evea soinoler health Viotti beforrho_____ same may be sold of •., ASTI' NIA ;OR DIFFIPULTY,CiIipREATHING; The itultan Vegetahle fills will loosen and carry otT by the Stomach and hdwels those tough phlegini, humors, which stop up the Air cells of the !unmeant' re the eausettot only of the abevedietreeging'oece, Idaiuy but irluon oegleled, often terminates in_ lLat still more dreadful malady Failed • CONSUMPTION. It should also be remembeml that the Indiats Vegetable Pills arc ncertniq.cutefor 1 7 . PAIN IN . TO silk. Oppression, nausea, and sickness; loss of iippelitaa costiveness, a yellow tinge of the akin sad eyes and, every 'other symptom of a torpid, or diseased state of pitrge from the body tlmsi impurities which if deposited upon this ;rapt:taut •organ, are Ilie cause of every variety of - When a Nation is Convulsed by Riots, Outbreaks and Rebellion, the only sure menus of preventing dm dreadfdl eoilsequenees of a ' • qivii, WAR, is to eapel 'all-traitors, and evil disposed ones from the Gonntry. - 1n like manner, when pain or sickness of siiy.kind fat; body in ' struggling with internal foes; the true remedy is to , . . EXPEL ALL McMinn lIUMORS, (Traitors to liftt,) and BEALTII WILL BE' 'ffilt CP;I2 . , 'Clint the Principle of miler, disease; 1# viNinsiee k and Porifying the body, is strictly in accortlante the Laws which govern the animal economyrand,ic properly carried out by the use of the above natneif INDIAN I'd:I:TABLE T 11,9 .4 result ht the complete,,ftlitqardu of Bibease; we offer the following tesiimoniplS, from persons of the highest. respeetabiliti In Is*w York, who have recently been cured of the Anest . ohstiUntet cordpioiniS, solely, by the use' of Wulogi's ittotAx YEGIT.ALI.f. PILLS OF THE • ; .• ' .-.. . . . AMERICAN GOLLEGEOFBEApTII. .)ft1)1 JAMAICA, L. I. no t .... • '.. Dimity William Wright-DM:''sir—.-1( i 1 with . great satisfaction. that I inform you,of, nsys . hplqox been entirely Form' of AVapspsja,l, l ffore.years atamk , iin , „ by the use of your INDIAN VEGETABLE) PILLS. . r. Previous to m6efini celebrated medi cine, I had 'been tinder the hands of several ,Physl.. cianc, and hail tiled carious medichiesthut all to Ms , Alter using one 25 cent Lot of your, I experienced so much benefit; that'T,e. solved to !lei:Severe in the use of them according to you'. directions, which I am happy to state,l44,re., a,perfeet cure. In gratitude teyoufe,„the, greet benefit I have , received, and ills?, in the hope that others similarly afflicted dray be induced toniafze trial of your extraortlinimy Medicine, I ',send yeti, tide btaterlient With full liberty to publish the same if you think proper. ~ ,Yours, , , New Yorte, Juno 113, 1841. O. C. BLACK.. To I%IC. Bichnrd Deilitis;!Ant foriVriglit'S India!? Vegetable Pills, No. 288 Greenwich st; Dear Sir—At your, recornmendstioti, I some tints since made vial p 1 INPLAN,I* , 6 FITAiILE PILLS of the North American College • . of I kalthf, 'and can conscientiously fur. Purifying, the ,Blood, and rettaTatingthesystpr; • have received more benefit from their use, than froni unit Other ntedieine, it Lisa herctofOre been mrgood fro tone meet itit It; • lain, tlat; sir, with' ;mini thuuks,jtiur,obliged friend,. • C. M. TAPE, „ _ Mr. Itichard Dennis, agent ter . Wright's .11 4 11 a, : • 'Vegetable Pills. " ' " - Dear Sh 4-1 have heetr afflicted for' several years with lawaritl:wettkeess and pikers.), debility, acgoiTil ponied.' times with , pain in the side ano oilier ,dis tressing-complaitits;•.After hav tag triethatilcies et ocstiv ithouteireet, I was pertiuutled.:.,l)x q, friend to . make trial of DrOVright'iliittitii-Vegetablef!,i l ) B i tibial/ Lain happy to state have itSittietki4te.ta. most wdcderfut ,mittiiiier. I lutse'r,4seo the ;•ItirtVeme(aa • yet but a short time; ataFisiftS,;.96 Ad09i6, 1 liyilsatitaittn 'iteverinice in the tase",, directionsohat gtallt. , :its.; talifa4 'restored, - f most w litimily . rectirevettitialtf sous . ..Si tuthirly alit teleth,-;ao4o:thtlop.vtuecolit .: %,• same bctiefioi,il xesukts • yoertilthAraliy , o • AgFit."'..EV.'..voiperp,,,..,„,, • Waaharit'ine . , Ulster Col'fslevi " Nztd 'Now; se 0.:9911,1141;; , :" whie,ll4, dertif itmt !Julio:Wed Ntri*tpi itti the greatest beai6tsistylitg en= ti rety. titre of' the frittent., .441(41431W Ile4aioe, to !NO% ANN MAllik,•,ft.ComT4olit', ,, . GYvi***ol 6ll Vlikvill'' ' Riallitol t, c-,AitivrAirvAt'oiitAr , ' ,oo t*o. , ,inaily,en ,, l g ed in -selling Il'ettalate!4444 iteriftie4rotielflitzlOtittOgrattl*'PW,li 4ol 4. o,, .. thitie'tle,speAte Fou r ttitire, iseopibsticbs;lliai iiletit*lfielleiy 441 cipselleeekkor4f l Pll4eiVfA l l. , .. ro l ,, 4 to o . 7 otfidta i t• ,i t ublie ere 'esittionet net; r ere... l #ittg . I %stileiVeit leg hi fatted:* T WRIGHT'S • ~t44.04,1.0T41440.0.,),' BM LIVER COMPLAINT. ' .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers