• • .a- Recristers', Notice. • ILF,CISTERS' OFFICE, • • .Carlisle, Nov. 13, hereby &iven to all persmis interest . e' ; that tlmfollowing accounts have been filed `n this office- for examination, by the accountantsri • therein named, and will - be presented to the Orphans'. 1 COutt'of,Cumberland county, for confirmatiom•and allowance, on Tuesday the 14th day of December, A. tsJit, - • . The account of James R. J imeson, administrator • of Paul Gchr, late of Lisbinm, deceased. ' The account of Jacoli'llickernell, administrator of Uency Gully, lite of Alren township, deceased. ". The Recount .of Peter Weaver, administrator of --John-liefflefinger„Jate of township, deceas , • cd, The account of Robert_Laird; admiristrator of . Robert McFarlane, late of the borough of Carlisle, deceased. • The account of Robert Laird, administrator de Louis non withAhe will 'annexed,, of Alerar lane, late of Westpennsborough township, deceased. The account of William' M. .N evin, administrator de bonis non,of Elizabeth Hunter, late of Sonthamp too township, deceased. • . ', • . • The SairpleMental and final account of John \V. Nev . imailtninistrator of John Norio, deceased, who was surviving Exectitoi'or Elizabeth Hunter, de 'ceased., . • The account filJosialt Carothers one of the exec utors of Arotstrom , Carothers,late of WeStpentisbo rough tOwnship,•treeensed. „ •• The account of John Stough, jr., administrator of CuL William Stough, late of Stoughstown, deceased. • • The account of Henry Ewing: administrator of Gustavus Miller, late of .Allen township, deceased. The account of Isaac Lefeveroolihinistrator'of Jo ens Buchwalter, late of Westpetinsberough, town . sliip;deeeased. • v The supplemental and final account of.l oho Shee ly and Andrew Sim*, eiecutorsof Andrew Stately,. -late otEastpeunsbovough township, deceased._ • _ _ ,The account of George Rea, administrator of Ja cob Palm, late of Westpennsborough township, de ceased. ' The account of George, I land' I, executor. of. john .Rippey, lade of the borough' of Shippensbur,g, de ceased. _ Theaccount of/George !Email!, administrator of Maryltippey „late of the borough.of Shippensburg, deceased . - The account of Robert. Laird andh Daniel Lerkev, administrators'of John :Davidion,ES4. - late of die borough of Newville, deceased. • • ' . The account of,lcolth Moliz, administrator of Bar bara Erford, late of Eastpennsb9rough to wnshi de ceased.. The'nee,ount of Jacob nein.lborger, erculor o Jacob Bioticlberger, sonior, late. of ij,astpcitiisb6 . rough township, deceased. . The Guardianship account:of Henry Ilerr ' Guar dian of John Neidin• o l .11)11101 - son of Jacob Neidig, do , , — ceased. . . The Gua ' rdiapship neeilai4• of Tirana:l McCune C.tiai•diaii' or itdbert McCune, tiiiuot•' s9tl" o 1• Jolti 11faCttne,r4beeltsed,' • . • . : • •Giiririlimiof:Stts:ulitn ALCOUlle;' . inlaar - tralighter: 6 .Mini. 311: C u deceased.....- - - ISAAC A NGNI'N , ficmister.: Notice. - • • - • • I • Estate of Francis Ifer - ron, decd. estate of Francis Herron, late of, the horotig,la of Shippenslitirg dee'd., have been granted to the subset ibtit- rest:ling in — said diormigli:; 2 -NoTitm -is 'hereby given to all persons indetted Ut said estate to make imniediate pay_ment, nod_ tlioSe haviog claims to pre. ent. them for"setileinent. , - Nov. Sheriff's - Sales, . . _ ILIVY virtue - of writs of Vendilioni Ex Ell pumas, to me direct( d, issued out of the Or !Mans Court .of Cumberland county, will he cx posed to public sale, at the Court I louse in the ho rougli,ot Carlisle, on Saturday-the-1i th-day of Dc cernber;li. D. •1841, at 10 O'clock, A. M., the fol . low kog describld - i•eal estate . , viz: , A. Tract of . Lapd situate in South Mid d icton township, Cumberland county containing 25 Acres more or less, adjoining lands George Cart, jr., matnes Noble's devisees and others • Also,a Lot of Ground situated within said borough„eoptaining 5 acres more or less, Adjoining lands of James Noble's devisees, James Hamilton, the Walnut Bottom road and West street. Also, a Lot of Ground width, said borough, containing 5 'acres more or less, ad Joining the ‘Vainut Bottom road on the south, Wes street on the West, other property, of Jacob Cart of the north, and Pitt street on the east. Also, a LOt of Ground situated within the said borough, coot:titling '2 acres and.Bo perches, more or les , aboiniog the :those mention ed property-on the toutgls,.Webt strict on the west, K. Augnoy on'the north, and other property of Ja cob Cart on the east, having thereon erected a cider house and press, and a variety of apple trees, called Cart's Orchard. . Also ) a Lot of Ground situated within the said borough, containibg tr.nerits and 80 perches, more or less, mijoining land of Isase'Shatf fer on the north, the above mentioned propm ty on ' the west and south, and Pitt street on the cast, like wise called Cart's Orchard., Also, a Lot of Ground situated in =mu...u g h coniainink 60 rea• hi. breadth and 240 fief. depth, more or less, adjoining a lot of David Shrom on the north, the Letart sprin„, ,, on the east, an alley on the south, and 'east street onthe west, having thereon erected a one Story Log house. • Also,•a - Lot , of Ground situated in said. borough, containing 60 feet in breadth;and 940 feet in depth, more or less; having thereon erec ted a large two story Wick House, a tiro. story . Log House, R log barn and other out houses, adjoining a lot of H. Reed on the 'west,. Pomfret street on the north, Pitt street on the cast,• and an alley on the All of above property seized and taken in . ex ecution as the property ofJseob Cart. rr PAUL .11All,TlN, Sheriff. SUERIFF'S - ' Carlisle, Nov. 15,1841,--Bt. ' Stray Sheep: Came to the premises of the subscribe•, residing In Allen -township, Cumberland county, adjoining Beltzhoover'i mill, in August last, and was taken up on the 12th init., • 1.5 Head of Sheep: The marks are, a slit in the left ear and a bit out ,of the right—one of them has a boll on. The owneP is requested to come forward; prove xiroperty, pay charges and take them away, or they will be disposed of according to law . November 17, 1841.--,3t." A Valuable, Farm at • PUBLIC ' SALE t • The subecribers will offer for sale on Friday - the ad day . of December next, at I o'clock, F. M., the following described real estate, to wit: A VALUABLE' FARM, Situated about two miles from Carlisle r on the \Val, nut ,13ottom road, containing about Illtindre it. Acres, about 200 acres of. which are cleared and in a good stabs of cultivation; theltilance is covered with tltri- vino timber.',The improvements are a large and substantial • • STORE, HOUSE 11 ' -• •9 .• , • Large Stone 'Stable, Leg. Barn, Corn Crib and, Wagon Shed., with other necessary buildings, and two wells of water; there is alsona good orchard on the premises.' Any inform& lion cespectingthe properly can he had of either of • the sultadibers.. The terms will be made known on tbke day of sale, 09!..27, 284L--ttle IC=IMK=O COMPEI'ENT TEACHER itiwilated to take . 'olfarke of the achoo Lin South Middleton town any. 'Jkpplly to ALEXANDER . C.DREDG... , . ' NalSUltiO 17 .1040., -St.. ... • ... . ~. , • • - go our. Creditors. Take notice that we. have.applied.to the Judgeaol ilke,Coureof CoMmon Pleas of Cumberland county, I, or the benefit olthe Insolvent Laws of this Common wealth, and they have appointed l'unday the .14t h day of Decentbet , next, for the hearing of ue and our (wed/Ml.B.lkt the Court House; in the borough of Car lisle, when and where you may attend, if you think ""pliWer. - BENJAMIN RUPRIG HT. SAMUEL NEAL. . • • . JOHN - KELLY.*. • n. • *HENRY CHM' r . EDEIZIOK 'oTsTorr.* • ANDREW R. KERR. . JOHN WESTFALL SAMUEL GIVIN, ' ROBERT GIVIN, JACOB RITNEIL • Ex'rs. ofJ. GivitvdooNl. . NtILLIAII4 . Nov. 10, 101.7-4 JACGM FETTEIC: •: - Bers leap! to return_his thitiiks to the politic for the paironage hitherto extended to him - , and respect fall) inform , his ensioiners and the people generally, t hut.be stilt clittitmes the business of e - ' .Cabittet .Iwakti3Og, . in all its 1)1%1110104 at his, old stand in Main Itreet, where lie istilways realy to attend to orders in his. line. . - Carlisle, Nov. 17,1841.-3 m . ,D, .. • .• Pease's Clarified Essenco . of • • • - .1./Ortho - itaul. Candy. subscribvr having been 'appointed .General Agent for the above celebrateil article, respectful'''. offers it to the publineither. wholesale or retail. . cr_j"l'iireliasers are regnested to beware of-Conn ie:Wits. . . . S. ELIA:Yr/1 . •.Carlisle, Nov. 1008.11., • • MORE NEW GOODS. The Subscriber tins just opened a new and haild some,a3sortinent. of • • • Fall and Winter Goods, conSisting of salmi• black, blurb black and other' Cloths; Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Miw sty lu estings, a variety so - dt LAines, second mourning and black Thibut — bloth, Welsh Flannels. Rogers,Ahtto. 'tor shirting, GlOYes, hosiery, Edgings, Laces, cam brics, Oil Ghtlis, Ribbons, Merino Shirts and Drawers... - Alio Mens, Wonion' and Childress': Leather St Morocco. Shoes & hoots. • • H • ALSO., Qopensivare tend Groceries., spiCES',&;; witlra gi/cat variety or other goods all a .wldeltforwilt sell at it Small profit/Ay sud.the times, I)ou't forget, to• city oil • . ' • r . ' • . • thtlikli , . SoL , .. , f4 18K 0 S rev). 1411zelotof alltlestOptirms just received, and for sale very . . low ntl.he stare of • CILAS. OGILBY. • Oct. 27,18,41; . ' I 1;MON-just reeeivedawl for. sale by &.E j."l Cornwall. • • 14.1 A and Codfishler bale by . . • _ . lllt: - best of.bletteltetl-Spetle and ,NVlittle-Oil rot sale by • • J. & E. Cot imam roi• by J. Fz. ct. UG A and New Orleans Molasses of the best quality for tale by J. & E. Curunialt. .V •• OAF roil Lump Sgs. The subscribers have 11, received a • large'supply: of I.ml and Lump Sugar, whia - theV•ee nr for sale wholcsole or' retail, at . rediteed in - queC, • • J. tkc 14. Comma.- •• 0 PERINI Candles for Bale by..). & E. Corionan Carlisle, Oct. 20,1841. . . NEW GOODS. Just received at the store of ANDREW RICH ARDS, a general assortment of Fall & Winter Goods, consisting: in p:u•t of Wool and .:Cloth dyed Black, Blue, li, isible Green, Adelaide, Olive and Green • 1.7 0 1 5 -21 S • Black, Brown, Invisible Green, Olive, 'Diamond, Heaver and Pilot Chalis ; Black, Blue. Brown mixed plain and figured Cassimeres; new style. Sattinctts of , assgrted colors,from 50 cents to $2,00, beaverteens, jeno,6ords, canton flanneli,. red, white, yellow and green flannels:—ticks, and mus/iiis.- 6-4 54 merinoes,moslain-de-laine and - Saxony.cloth, figured and plain. Figured, plain, striped, barred jackinctt and swiss musljus. Fawn, mouse, black, blue.blick; slate, figured and plant silks. Bonnet silkss' and ribbons, new' style. Shawls, gloves, hosiery and shoes. Cloth and hit. caps Carpeting, hearth rugs, floor cl oth, baizes, and blankets. Color ed and o ldie carpet yarn, Fresh Mackerel,togetb er with a'general ' assortment of Queensivare mid Groceries., which will be sold i moderate prices at his store. . Carifilii7 . o - e'tober 20, . FRESII GROCERIES. The subscribers have just received at the store room lately occupied by Mr. C. Foster, in North ((:mover• street, Carlisle, a large and general assort mcut•of • OM VMUI a / 2 10 Chinn, Glass mini • E,N K_W_ A 13, E. r 4 ono 1!11 they will sell on the:Mogi lihdiral leans. They the public to call and examine. • J. & CQRNMAN. which invite Oct°her 13, 1841. LOOK HERE. •.'. - The subscriberS continue to-sell their stock of Cloths, Caissimeres, Cassioetts, Merinoes, Calicos :ttnd • !Chintzes at • •• - FIRST cosT. Bar g ains may yetbe had in these articles of merchan dize by callingtoon. HITNER Sr. MULVANEY. N. B. An excellent Cannon Stove with a large cast iron dish, for sale at the Store. Carlisle, Oct. 6, 1841. • MRS. allicalUR11.11;, RESPECTFULLY ietorms the ladies of Carlide3infilis vicinity, that she has com menced _ . , 11.11illihary in 41, their varioup ,lmanehes; at her. residence' in ChuOli - Alleyi opposite " Education Hall," All work entrusted to-her care wilt berdone in the latest fashion and 'on the most reasonable terms. Carlii'e November 1114,1. D'UNL:A.P - AD A I R. allOrney at Lani, - Has removed his oce •to No. 3. Beetem's RoW on the public square. Carlisle, Oct. 13, 1841. • . . Piles cured bathe use of .Dr: Eneli:h's Compound . 1 -Strengthening Ed•Gertnan-aperient-Pille.----- - Dn. Ilammu t —near Sirs—Shortly after.l receiV ed the. Agency from you for the sale of your medi-. cine, 1 formed_ an Acquaintance. with A lady_ of_ this, place, :who was severely afflicted with . the, Pilee.. For eight.nr ten years, this lady was subjeet:to (re . - quent painfulaltacks; and Aer physician considered her case so complioated,.,tbat he' very, seldorn Ore- . scribed Medicine for her. Through. my. persuatuon, she commenced using yoar'lllls, and was - perfectly cured. Yours, - ' l- •JAMES IL , KIWI Oharabersbnig;.Pa:. October 3,'184). ot) , PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No.-19 N'orth' Eighth §treet',: Ph where' iladelphia, whertostithoniali 'lndy - , be , :For sale by John J.-.ll , lyers slei arid Peal,Shippensburg;Pit. • ' • c.711b1 Jr - V l '4 ti.X . 'L1 . ..24'.t.* rat 47,4: 1 1T:1t - '4'l#ll. - ',lffiltiti.:9 - 6.4-*.,:iti .V 4 . ,1 Net* GoodsiNcUr Goods !.! , The largest and. cheatieit.:sto - ck.-or, DR lr GOODS. ever brought to ,Crirlisle,just received arid non , -opening, nt the star e 'of the aubscOlier, in' Main street, opposite Simon •Ny„ortilerlieli's • purchnsers will .do well., to ,citl I, is 'they may de= pend ou finding the largest stuck, the best assortment ain the cheapest, goods in.the county... - ICIiAItLES OGILBY. Oct., 27, 1841: " 1 • Onig; Betifits . Co.' &A' OPISEa . ' • L7-Ll F —r -t.'' • Y WARD- LNG MERCH fltt%'e removed to the Cllpaeious Warehouse reeently occupied by,ll. Leeelar.,Co. at the north-westcorner of Cherry and Broad street, Philadelphia. - • • Prom the facilities which the location and internal arrangement of thisile"pot afibrd, '3O lo'4o Burthen Cars can be accommodated to unload and-load at - the same-time with sufficient roonrto store 20,000 barrels of Flour, and 400 t0 , 600-ton of Grain exclusive of the forwarding department.. • Produce,of every. description will 'be received as usual onnonsiginnents, and liberal advAnces made on receipt (if required) until sales are effeeted. CRAIG, HELLAS & Co; Nurth-West corner of Cherry Broad st. • .; „Ytiladelphia. . • . ' REPEREN pE.s. .. W.. S, Cohen!), Ccishier. l!enclerfinti St-A'arker, erirhstt. Duni , / 11hpads, , ' '• '. - Sannaeraon St llo'aserman,i - :cent) S‘yoyer,.Neumille. David Nevin, ,S'hippegsbm•qc , • -.1. Llgaof Smith, Eaq. Cashier ? e hanioerso . n.rs . - Eyster ,--Ilutz ikt- Co, - - - ----5- -: - - _ - Robert Fleming, - Catlierwond St• Graig, •I'llifatteiphia. • Wni. R. Thomppon &Co. . ,Whitall Sz. : Brown, , • • Mechaniesbu rg Line • . _. . - -...,,„,„. •-.,,,,,,,,......- r fA...11. 0. ~.., , •—....—.........- - Befwe,eat ...lipelartnitsbefrkr.:oo(.l liii • IPhiltieiliia 0k,.1144 Iltinere. • ~.[B-t - R.qm:Ro,ll) 011. C.l,il:llL] -.: _ PULE subscribers gtatoful for past favors, - 4 - beg j VIM! to inform their fricialsalUl the public generally, that they still continue to run a. Thie of burtlioo'cari regularly between A lechauicsburg stud. Phi bidelphia or Bald inor`e, by whitdu. goods and pro duce (Wall desCriptioas ' will be thrwarded with care And-tlrskatteli at th e lowest rates o r r m l g ht. : .....r, . ~.. P 'riiitu . e6 will biz mcoi'yeit .ati Their. Ware -IJousC., in Iti . leolia!tittsburg,;•ioul 4iteWai'ded .4 . 0 itilika.-Pliiia,, .delidebtO.iffialti more , au:06)44; - )4 - 41.11).: ilirc(4))) =Of the osetd , r, •' .' -- •"l:lteliight!sl. iirice will be giyan for Wheat nod Flour. ' . . pitEsBACII Sc MEALY. .• N. B:' - .Plaster of Paid S and Salt always, kept-on. 111111(1,aml fur side at the' lowest prices.' • • - July , 29, I 8.10.-ty. . . . • - . INDNIVINITY 'AGAINST LOSS T -131 - FIRE. • TILE FRANKLIN I'llll4-4NSURANCE (:OM -,I • PANT' OI'.J 3 I.III.4I)ELPITIA, • . •. • apitat $ : 100,000 paid in.—haler l!erpela al, arl N UEtounako - , - lusurairee;•Mrinaiient - aint 4,) ou every descriptiou_of Property, itl TOWN AND. couNTRY, ot. the visual favorable ! -terms. • . OFFICE, 1636 Chesnut street, Item. Fifth street. - • - CRARLES N. BANCKER, Preibleit. • - REcTons. - MI ARLES N. BANCIiER, SAMUEL' GuA•NT, .I....MrsSevnurr, Pqnmrcn• Ilativin ? • THOMAS HARI% .I.term R. SMITH, THOMAS I. WIIARTON;: — GEOrWMICIIA TOBIAS WAGNER, . MIMI/EC D. LEWIS. CHARLES (;. BANCK ", Secre!nry. ,-The subscriber, Agent for tl e itfinie*Eqmpany for the borough of Carlisle and vicinity ,will-prompi.. ly attend to all applications for Insurance; whether made prsomilly or by letter. Residence Main street ? nearly opposite the Car Office, ••• . • . WM. • D. SEYMOUR. March 31, I Bar Iron, Just received at the New Store of the subscribers'. Tons BA R IRON', of first rate quality, and forqr4le very low for c.sh,,per consignmeni, 90 half Boxes 8 by 10 and 10 halfllo4.es 10 by 12 Welder's Glass, in good order,for sale to Merchants at Pittsburg prices, 1/_ nocturnal' best NAILS, BRADS AND SPIKES, at \Manufacturers prices, afsn. on band Witherow's Celebrated patent PLOUGIIS, FLAN-.SEED OIL, by the gallon, or Barrel, OIL MEAL,liretheAll Bro s. Pure WHITE LEAD, MAHOGANY VANEERS,E.4c. fem. BOSSERMAN s, nurroN.. Carlisle, May 5, 1841; , • • -GOLDEN--BALL-HO-TEL- -r- WEST AIGH.ST., CARIALE. . The subscriber, thankful for past. favors; hereby notifies the publig.generaliy. that he still continues at the old Ntandowarly opposite the College Campus, where lie will at all times be found ready and wil ling to accommodate in the best possible manner, those who may favor him with a call. The: House is located in the most business part of the town, and is near dm litoppinti - fA:Me of the Chrs on the Rail Road. The ROOMS are large and airy—she TA BLE will be supplied with the very hest the markets can furnish--and the BAR with thecboicest Liquor's. Discharges are reasonable, and he will einfeavor to merit by assiduity and attention a continuance of pub lic patronage. . BOARDERS taken by the week, month, or year. DROVERS and TRAVELERS will find it to their interest to stop with him,as lie has plenty ofstabliug, and a careful OSTLEII always at hand. - ANDREW ROBERTS. Carliile, Sent: 13. 1511 —lf. NoTiog: All persons %visiting to he supplied . with thecarlie cat city , news,may feel themselves ranch gratifie- Iv,- calling on the subscriber, where , they can havd A selection of the following daily and weekly papers, viz:--Philadulphia daily Chronicle, Ledger and Spirit of the 'Mines; New York Herald daily and weekly; New World, Brother 3 onathan, Boston No tion, Yankee Nation, Magazines, &o. &c. Any per don wishing to become subscribers for any of this above works, and all the popular works of Charlee O'Malley, as far as published, bound in bthulds wil please call. wink JOHN GRAY, Agt. New . Goods! STILL CIILMIPER. .AItNOLD & ABRAMS , have. just received a great variety of Cloths, CaSsimeres, Satti net s, &c. &o. which they arc determined to sell cheaper than ever before offered in this place or elsewhere. • The Public are invited to Call 'nod •examine for themselves:. • Shiptiensburg, August • ' CHARLES Ni'CLURE, • .• .-‘ ATT0.i?,,V.E.Y.417' LAW. Office High street ii:" - few_il*irs - . west of_the-Post OtEce'' --- Chrliale, April 28, 1841.-- . t f . • D e n t a l . • .. l ' Surgery. low., KTBSCRIHER. respectfully tenders his grateful acknowledgraentsto the public for the very liberal :awe of patronage he his received dur ing the pest year,, and would . Still "gintinue to offer illem - hts professional services in, theTi various bmit elms nt his residence, No. 7, tiiirpelo,s Rim. He files, cleqnses, and plugs teeth, and' inserta Incorruptible tnrrer tuetalie arttfitial teeth for the, meat - approved utuner. VA urges alwa;ys moderate. , - • •- . $ • ~ . J. C.. NEF,P, M. - D. • ' Carlisle, March ,25i 040.---tf, z , ••• • • - ' . • .-r - ' Ntj*:••tiibkiinig SliiiC:i JACOB ,FRIOC"O:YiNonIi Ilanover street, oppo i3ite•Cormagns' Hotel; is avid for the sale of BMW.: waye' Patent . . • not elir Cocking • which he wtrranis to be 100 per cent bette'r than Ito). other stove heretofore known. . . Farmers Tavern keekri and others are invited to take those Stoves on trial, and if they, are not:pkased 'with the operation of the Stove, or the price, they may be returned. L _._ . ,' . I= . . Sheet iron and Caliper •ware, which he will dispose of on reasonableicrins. , Orders in Town and Country, for llouse.SpOuting. Or other work promptly attended to. Carlisle, Sept. 15,1841.—1 y.. D S. L. STEWART , Thothsoniatt Botanic Practitioner of Medicine awl Obstetridi,No. 2 Alexander's Rtiw,-,near the • Rail load Hotel; • .RESPECTFULLY informs_bis friends Rllli the public generally, that (through solicitation) he' basrrmoved from Shiremanstown to Carlisle, where he May. be found at all timus,nnless- profesSionallv engar,cd. Tia v tinies - be treat; ed with purely Vegetable Nlediebies,“No Poisons," and in -strict accoetlance With the• Whiciples find down by that .er'Zcit reforinue in medical scietim!, 1)1.. Samuel Thomson. . . Chi:onic cases, such as C msnmptions, Liver Com plaints, Deopnes, ltheumatisms, and Cancers, are more pariiculaelyinforinlid that the New. System is admirably adaMed to their eases.' invalids from a distance call be accoMmodated with Driardidg while under 'Medical - ire:Ma - 0d; oil reasonable teems. TClirlisleOttly -- 1 4 id Si OCYLMEZ 0C1:Dg.43, TILE CAUSI'. O 1 coNsumpTioN.—Simple as these Comptaild a are ustially considered, no one can deny their-being the most common cause of. this fatal and disihissing.disease. It - is indeed-a melon •choly truth, that thonsands fall-victims to Consume tion-cvdry year from no Other tYttne :them • tieglecied vra.9„ ye . t.t.we find huirdrois,•Thly. thousands 'who treat couipl;tints• 11 gr'enkst tnareceUPP; . . 0111111211110 a FIIII4III`IIWAyEAS and even months with; .Cnit think!ng-of "the daAger.:, A !.-fiCst'4i - in have Whah you• may consider a slight Cough-or Cold:I - You allow business,pleasukt or carelessn(•io; to Prevent yOn from giving it any attention ; it then Settletrnpon youe breast, ynu bectime have Oink iu the.side Or chest, expectorate • lurge quantities of mtd-ter,-per haps mixed with blood, a difficulty or breathing en sues, andt.lien you find your own foolish negfect has - beoughtazur thistlistressingxemplitint_K then .y.pu -value lire or health, be warned ;n . time, an d don't . trifle with yiinr Cott), ortrnit to any quack noctrum to curii . you, but immediatelv procnee a bottle ortwo' of flin t fittuouli" reheily, tfici:"9l.s.t.sAsi . or Wan CII_ER RY," which is well known to bethe moilfjlectly • cuie --ever—knowni-a-tltousands -: will -L teitify7=w • bose -, liYeg have been saved by it. Be very particular When you CouThase to ask • for Dr: Wls - tAn's littsma OF W/ LH CHERRY," as there is also n SYRUP of this name in use. - Prejuirettiwholesale and retail, by WIL !JAHN & CO., Chethists, No. 53 -.South Fourth street, Milo delphin: - - •Sold - in_Carlisl6. l iy • SA MUEL' ELLIOrr. Price One Dollar a Bottle: Claciliee - 20,184,1 • • • ANOTHER 9. LIFE„, SAVED. By the.extraordinary virtues of that unrivalled medicine, the "BALSAM OF' WILLI) BY," the well-k now Ilimons velocity for CON SUMPTION AND LIVER COMPLAINT, COUGIIS, COI DS, ASTHMA, BRONCII1TIS• CROUP,- WHOOPING COUGH, &e. Witliantsbuii, Sept. 4,1841. To Dr. wysTAß—Dear sir, it gives me great pleasure to say, I hove found much relief from voui• Balsam that I have to send to you for• more. I have only used three bottles out of. the half dozen I pur chased, yet it has done me more good than all . .the medicine I have ever taken before. A neighbour of mine whosd wife was very - low- with Consumption, persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought. 'three bottles, which she has taken also. I saw her a few days ago, and-she told me she belieVed it was the only thing that had saved het• life. She had tri ed every thing before,but joittiingilid her any good, and when she commenced taking it was sick . in bed, but is now up, and looks better than I ever• saw her before.._As far mypself I - mn sure it - will - cure me entirely, for I feel better every day. Send me six bottles more by the ben, er, as My neighbor• wants 'three more. They sincere friend, SAMUEL COLES VrThe genuine Balsam sold ip Cai;lisle by • SAMUEL ELL10"1"r. Price One Dollar a Bottle. Sept.. 2'2, 1841.—Gm. - Acted what it lugs Done. And if you have a friend, a relation, or know any ode that to afflicted with that distressing disease, " CONSUMPTION," persuade them without,de lay to try that famous and unriveled medicine, the " BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," which has cured thousands of this complaint after . every thing else had failed. • Read the following undoubted proofs of .its efficacy. ROY BOROUGH, Sept. 10 1831. DEAR „PIE r-711 ea se, send me two bottles more of your %ilium of Wild Cherry, like that you sent me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two,'nud confidently believed this medicine will cure me. I have used 'great many remedies within the last year, but have neverfound any thing that has relieved me so' much.. It Inns .titoppoil cpugh entirely, checked my night sweats,and I sleep better at night and feel better in every way than I have for many months. Yours, respectfully, TilkIES KELLY. llotmEssuno, Sept. 12.1841. . Ftttr.xn Wiwi-mat-4 must again trouble thee to send me two bottles more of thy invaluable Balsam: I have.now taken three bottles in all, and:can assure thee that it has done memore good than all the medi cine I have ever taken before. Send ,by the stage as soon as possible, and , oblige thy friend, JACOB "HOLLOWAY. -, • . llntwrot, Sept. 8.1841. Dr.AaDoexon.• llearing so many people talk of the wonderful cures your Balsam of Wild Cherry has "male in COnStnniniOn, I sent' to one of your . Agents the other day for a bottle, and have found it to have relieved me so much, tint I want three hot- More sent soon, as,l believe it will cure me too. 1 have used Jayne's Cxpectoriint and other medicines besides, but nothing has ever'done me as much good as yours has. Senttby the steitinboat.Boliver. • Yours truly, , WILtiLAAIMIODIAS. ' • al'Besides its astonishing efficacy in Consump lio.n, it is also the most effectual retnedy Over discov ered for LIVER' COMPLAINTS, . ASTHMA, BRONCIIIIIS, COUGHS, CROUP' WHOOP ING COUGH, Sm., iisliutidreds will' testify who , have been.cured by T it_after all_ other remedies had failed. . _ DRUGGISTS and DEALERS Will find this -MC .dicine a valuate addition to their stock, and, should always keep it on hand; as it is universally acknow ' ledge' lobe one of themost useful family medicines now in use. .... ..... Be very partiettlartO aik for Dr. WISTAR'S iJA.LSAM Ok WILD CHERRY, Sold wholesale and retail bYWILLIAMT. & Co., Chemists, wo. as Soullt:Fourth street Philadelphift .• , - : . le.r'rliegenuine Biliiiii field, id . Car=:' lisle • by, SANIUWA .ELLIOTT, 'appoint- . ed kgente . -', .. --: - —.. -.' : -- -• .. 1' • - , .: Piice $l.OO a- Bottle. October 20,18( 1 .--4. • ' .•-• . - still . continues to Wind .„ eopper.Onitk'6lloet Iron and , Respectfttlly informs . the public generally that he - STUMM inicAria-Inisinussit tIiTTCHd. Stand, North Hanover street, next door to the Cabinet Shop or William C. Gibson, wherelidats" limy on liand, and is still manufacturing, every article in the line 'of liis trade . ; consisting of • • KE Pullers'_ and 'Wash • L , Tea Kettles, Tin-Avare of every description, - Strive Pipe, Drip ping 'Pans, - Drums, &c. • •• He has Mii . for sale the best assortment of Coni mon,Cooking and Parlour tatiVO are the improved Cooking stoves so stla• approved; stove •e, stove pipe; end a assortment-of Tin, • ever offered in this plaie. -Ills Mier/mon wood stoves aind'cooking, stoves are of every 'size and variety;' his parlour stoves (for wood or coal) arc of the newest patterns.. Ile has in addition the Rotary cooking stoves % the Radiator stoves and Radiator drums for parlours, which are unsurpassed for com fort tied gimylli the use of-fuel; All of which he offers On the lowest terms for hash. . . . Carlisle, Aug.18,1841.--y.' ictlier tit'. N. B. Old Lead, Pewter, Copper and Le ken in exchange for stoves, tin or copper ware. NVM,.:C -- GI 8 SiO,N" • . Still continues th .e Cabinet Making in 1111 its 1' . 161111 branches - oa' his old stand in .North aliov, the store-of .\V m. Leonard, ; .where lie is lion , -maiitifnettiring, Rini intends keeping on of :• • . _ such as SidelMards,,Bureaus,Secreturies - Xard, Pier, Wang and Breiddlist Tables,l3mlsteads,Ke., Of. the Most thshionaible -kind, all of which lie %rill diSpose -of on the most reasonable terms. Ile is also 'Melia red to lilt all orders for SPRING SEATED SOFAS and FANCY CHAIRS, Wirranted,to be of superior (virility. - • • • He-will al Hl).llllll6ll,CiaTMjit the shortest nri lice, and having rectintly_procuretEriNW:HiStEsV he is preparcil to attend funerals in the country. .• Carlisle. August-4,4 The subscriber has recently received huge addi tionalAsupplies of „. . • .-, Medicines, Colors, DS c -Sings, Linseed 'Oil, SpLs. Talpentide, • Copal Varnish, Painters' Brushes, Varnish Brushes,, Hair • BruShes; Spermaceti Oil, (very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in great variety, Glass Lamps, tap and Letter- Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4.e. 4.e. Which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants and others,:Whor.EoLE Of 'by RETAIL, at the lowest rates, itaving.purchaSed entirely for cash; he -will offer bargains - to those who wish to pufChase at :wholesale. S. ELLIOTT. •Marck . 24, 1841.. , Alexi ilardware-,--Groicerytii• RiE Tr STORE. PILL. subscriber has just returned from , the Cities of New York, Philadelphia and Bal- ' timore, and is now-opening at his store room S. E. Corner of IMAM Square and Main Streets (for merly occupied by Geo. W. Hitner,) a.generilas sortment of -• • • Hardware, tone Ware, Cedar Ware, Jiritlania Ware, Groceries Oils, Paints, Varnishes, Glass, Groceries, es, Whips,- Canes, Lamps. for. burning ..Camphine Oil, • , aud a great-variety.of articles useful and tieCessary for furnishing and keeping a house. He has also, and will constantly keep on hand • • Camphitie Oil 9 a cheap anti elegant substitute for sperm oil, and having been appointed, the agent of Messrs: , Baclters and Brother of Newark NI , J., forthe sale of Jone's Patent Lamps in this county, he is prepared to fur nish'Lamps and Oil, qt a very reasonable rate to all who may wish to use this new and economical light. Having selected his . goods himself, and made his purchases for cash,he is able, and is determined to sell I ow. Those having the cash to lay out will. Onditto their advantage to give him a call. HENRY DUFFIELD. •Carlisle,July 8,1840.-4 E. . CROUP IN CHILDR EN. I MOTHERS, BE ON YOUR GUARD.—This is the season when this destructive complaint attacks your interesting little children, often robs you of those you fondly doat.-.cm,and carrieshundreds to the grave. Every mother should therefore, know its, symptoms, watch them closely; ind always be pre pared with a remedy to cure it, as many are sacrifnied by such neglect. At first the little patient is seized with a shivering, it grows restless, .has flusheS of heat, the.eyes become red and swollen, it breaths with difficulty,and then comes that fearful COUGH that will surely terminate- In convulsions or death unless soinething . is immediately given to• check it. In this complaint the ‘i Balsam of Wild Cherry," is well known to be the most speedy cure 'ever discovered. It is indeed a precious remedy— mild, safe and innocent, ana is sureto give the little sufferer immediate relief, and quickly restore' it, to safety and health. Families residing in the country' and indeed•every mother who loves her .ch dreo, should always.keep thismedieine in the house and givelt to theM :early,, by doing, so you may Often save:the life'of-one7you-tondly-ftiVe.37, 7 Ee her this is the famous remedy of this distignishe phy sician; Dr, Wistar, which .has cured thousands of CROUP 'WHOOPING• COUGM- - ASTHMA, CONSUMPTION; &e:; after every other' medicine' particular when nu-purchase to ask for WISTAM'S BALSAM OF WILD CITERAY," as there is ti,,Synur, of this name advatisedthat is entirely a different:medicine. ' . • - • Prepared only by WSLLIAMS &Ca., Chemists, No. 39 Soutli Fourth street, Philadelphia, Sold . in Carlisle by "SAMUEL - ELLIOTT. `Price'Olia`Dollarls' Bottle. October -• • • • vuldt, - REFAux, „ CABINET nitKING. Presh,Viedicin.e - s.. • . , . • MOTICE: • The subscriber, hav'mg. sold liii'stock of DRUGS, &c. intends settling up his business; and would hereby notify.those &Idled eall'and settle their accounts before the Erst 4 of - Tanuary neitovlien his books will be left with J. IL Irvine, Esq , A. J. NORTH. • • Newvike, ELIA; D./ 1841.-81 - :DEAVITISTRF. ... DR. 1..0. LOOMIS, Denizst, IS located in Carlisle, and will perform all. operations that are Yequired in Dental Surgery, such, as Filing, Plugging and Ex tracting Teeth, and inserting Artificial Teeth, froM single tooth to a whole.: set.. li,, will also attend to +ll-diseaseaathe_numuh, giiro ,. st om ' and direct and regulate the first and second dentition So as to ren er the teeth ofeltildren Und young personaregular and beautiful. • LOOMIS may at all dines be found at his of flee on-High street,optiosite Moci'arlaue's Hotel. dirlisle, June 23, 1841.—y. . Jillisenes writhe:Eye. ',h.?"' t• ! . .2.4. . . ' tiri ' • -• •'' ' ' ' 'f& - :, - ~ • • . . • -Clllllsl 4 k.: -;-,r AI , . ': . ' . " \'‘`........,.......' . - ..1•!7 -- . . . • , . .. - . • - • • , ~.. . - . ' • D M BOSTOC.Wg . . . - 'Celebf Med' Eye - • Water, For the cure of Weak. /Eatery, or Blood Shot Eyes, elkers. Humoring, and Inflanudion oldie Bye-lids,' • Dimness of Sight, Ego. • - 'Persons hudject to any ot. -.these 'unpleasant-disor ders, will find this the most effectual remedy in tin,: as it seldom fads to remoic any of these affections by a few appliCations, without the least inconvenience or pain. Those who-are troubled with a DIM NESS OF SIGHT will also find it- a valuable reinedy for strengthening the eyes,improving the sight, and prt- 7 - venting the di mnessthatantises from straining them. It will also be found particularly useful as a: wash , for the ey es "young children, to remove iliflamati oil, d ii and the - humours to 'whi GI they arc so liable. : 'Price 50 Cents 'a Bottle with fall direc tion's for usirig, • _ • . . - , liT Sold. in Corii . ite— - . . S. ELLIOTT: April 28,18-1-1..-,li . ~ . • . DAVIES Family, nii-Dihoivs _ Pills. these valuable pills ar9 yeryzentle in their opera; unk:,tiai4coo.. hey ilti.!ecdingly coinfort and Afrefigilibit the stotutthli'and Lev . el,tr,,atut hettr , log' and -memory- oragett'petokia; by 'carrying 'Off phlegm, watery marter,puttid grassy and thick alms froin the stomach bowels. a n d. blood, _which makes them so celebratial 'for removing coughs, rheuttMtiarns, pains ikon' the !Only and litriltsigravtd, piles, sick stoinachOlisoillered bowels .mid worms. This medicine is also Mt infalible , cure for fever and ague, Davies Panacea 'Blom). Pills; ' , Or the cure of comsumptionAiseased wind-pipe, ulcerated sore' thrhat, lungs and liver :complaint, ighi-sweats,ilhabes.iifiteat,lithming=inAhe_Xtoraieli tightness actoss the chest, pains in the breast and sW,in ward panders; piles, sore eyes,sore legs, ulcers of very description, swellings, rheumatisms; they stop the spitting of bood And heal the'part affected. -'the Panacea Blood pills are prepared extlyessly for the strengthening of every part of the system and healing all ulcers and sores, purifying and rethoving, all had humors from the blood, which is often brought on from too - muclrsitting. or standing, or' by expo sure front suddcwheat-ao- cold. Weakly debilitated persons are mirticulary advised to use them, as they strengtlMn the body in a superior ma n ner; they are not intended to operate on the bowels so much 118'06 the blood, as too much purgißg will destroy anyweak ly constitution, and has carried off its thou:Rhoda to a world unknown to us. Take the advice of one who stmlieti to-save mid not to kill ; weakly and dehili tided persons shonhlmot purge more than once a year as it often times brings on costiveness. ALWAYS, BOAR THESE jr" MIND • Stafford County, Va. Sept. 7. 18•10. Dear.Sirr-1 write to let you know that the Lord has done great things forme, whereof I amglad.— When I .saw you in Fredericksburg, I think I said I had been :acted with a very acid (sour) stomach, and subject min violent pain in my head for more than twenty years', for which I took rhubarb and soda three Or four times every day for this, many years, with little or no relief, and my legs and ankles were so much swelled that I waxunable,at times; to attend to my business. But since you made me 'a -present ot a box of your Family Pills I have taken one or two of them at night in going to bed, and now my acid stomach is relieved, the swelling in ray legs has near ly:•disappeared, and I do not think.that 1 have been hindered - one day with the paiit in my bead since I began to take your valuable medicine.. • I think the Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to administer to my relief. (Blessed trellis holy name,' ant greatly relieved) !I here Aslivi i neighborhood--a lawr old woman who had been sick, a long time ,and could get no relidot length I purchased a box of your pills and gave them to her, after a while I saw heir out and about her business, and she said that the one box-bad cured her. I have spread the fame of your valuable medicine amongst my 'acquaintances, And many have purchased.: Now, as it respects my self; my mends tell me when Igo to town, that they have not seen me look so well for many years, arid I say to them', will tell y ou the secret why; a short tune ago I Met with a DI. Davies in town, and he gave, me a box of pills; and they have made me look as you now see me.' And now, my friend, I hopelhat the Lord will continue to be with you, and make you useful to your fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto done." I remain with respect, . CHARLES Bauer- • Several Femalei have been cured of the falling of the 'womb, by taking very small doses at itervala, - • Harper'. Ferry, August 11,1840. Dn. AVM. DAVIES:Dear Sir:--I am happy to in form you and the public, that I have been cured of that dreadful disease the:Rheumatism, by takingyour Family Pills. I have bmin. laboring under that dis ease for more than a year, during w id& time 1 tried the skill of the beat physician without effect; at length I was induced to try your medieine; I found relief after taking half a box, f continued to take them until I had taken five boxes; my age is 71 years, and I con sider that' none but tho old and rheumatic persons know how grateful I feel to the medicine that has restored the to licAlth, Yours, vest ctfitlly, WE, the undersigned 1 axe agents at Harper's Ferry fthe_sule of Dr. Davies' ' .1. amily Pills, we know o r neighbour, Mr. Dye, sold him the pills of which hc speaks so highly Vi and believe his statement to be .. substantially true: , Respectfully, W. & S. B. ANDERSON. Mrs. C: Burton, near Locust street, was diseased ; or seven years with a lump in the left' side, bumps all over her skin pains around the atrial' of her back runninxinto her stomach, which prevented her (to use her own words,) from eatingono particle of meat; the first doSe.removed the lump, and two b axes set herlitylterty: • . . • I was severely . diseased "with the blind pile for twenty months, and prostrated from the loss of blood; and one and a half boxes of.llavies Family Pills has made au entire cure of me. , - „ton N so N; Washington D.,C,, May 7,.1841. Manufactured and sold wholesale and. retail, at No. 266' South third street Philadelphia, and by M. Jinni Gasy,,Cat lisle, general agent for Cumberland. county-P-enna. . • Also, for 'sale,by AV: & T. London, Kingstown ; Eekels & Fireovid,Hoguestown,M.G. Rupp, Shire nanstown, J..Ltingnecker,..Wriroqleyilturgill,llren cernan;New - Cumberlatitli StephenttilbertsoeiShip.: pensburg; Wm. Barr„Newville; James Leeby, Newburg.; •-Henry'._Leas;. MechaniCsburg ; Josiah toed, Springfield; John'Hood ;Stoughitown. (Persons wishing to become agents in the villa ges In which thepills'are not sold- in:Cumberland eorinty, will be supplied with.them by palling on Mr. Jelin Gray,Carlisle, Pa.; who' Is empowered' to ap point'agents. Family pills- to those who purchase .to again will he charged . se per dozen eash.er $2 . 25 to sell on commi,ssion ; , and the Panacea Blood pills at' $4 Posh, or $4 50 on commission., 'Retail price roe family. pills 25 eta per box; Panacea blood pills 50 cents per box, : .-Full,,directionslor - using them accothpany each box. - • Carlisle; Sept. 15, .1841.;---6ni. • HaYe__Liniinent• NO FICTION. This extraordinary chemicat coinposition, the re l . suit of science and the invention of a celebrated med ical man, the introduction- of to - the public was invested with the solemnity of a death-bed be quest, bas since gained a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the-ecinytness of the lamented Dr.:. •GridlleY's last coefessi , that "he dared not ' die without giving to poste ty the benefit of his knowl-• edge on this subject," and lie therefore bequeathed. to his friend and attendant, Solomon - Hays,the secret Of 14s discovery. It is now used inthe - principal , Hospitals, and the private practice in our country, first and mpat cer tainly for the cure of the PILES, and Milo extensive ly and effectually as to baffle credulity, unless where its-effects are witnessed; --- Externang - hythe - follow - • • 1 corn )faints: For. Dropsy- 7 -Cretithipp extraordinary ap,sorptiors . „ at once. - . . • , .. .• . . - Swellings—Reducing them in afeW llama. Rheumatism----Acute or cheonic, giving tjuicit case. . , Sore Throat,--By cancers. Ulcers, or colds. • Croup and Whooding-Cough----Externally ataß over the chest... All Bruises, Sprains; and Burns--Cured in a few• hours.'. Soresand Ulcers--Whether. fresh or long stanti.,s ing, and fever sores. , • '• Its operation upon adults and children in reducing; ' rheumatic swellings, and loosening coughs and tight ness ofthechest by relaxation of the parts, hail been. .- -sarprising_beyorid_conception—T.hecom - mmi_re, `ark Of those wild have•used it :in 'the Piles , i s "In acts like n charm." '. __THE,PILES.---The rice, is - .refunded to- any _ person who Will use a b rittle of Hays' . Liniment•for the - Piles, and return the empty bottle without being • cored. These are the pOsitive Orders of the proprie— - tor to the . agents;and out of many thousands sold,not, one ha s been unsuccessful. . •We might insert certificates to any length, hut. • prefer that those whosell the article, should exhibit the original to•purchascra. kW?' • 7o Physicians and Patients. - • The Blind Piles, said to be incurable by 'external, • applications.---Solomen Hays warrants the contrary.i wi His Liniment witl curelPind Piles. Facts are March stubborn than theories. He solicits all respectable ' physicians to.try it upon. their pati r ilrits -- : --- It will do-• them no harm, and it is knoWn that every physician . who has had the honesty to - make the trial, has can didly inirnitted that it has •succeeded in every case recipe of one of theirmast respectableinembers,noW deceased. 'Why refuse to-use it ?,Beiiauscr it is sold as a proprietary medicine?: Is this a sufficient - ex-• ,------ cuse for sufferingtheir honest patients to'linger.in., distress ? We think not. Physicians shall be col vincedthat there is..no humbug_ orAnackery about -thrs'article.Why then not alleviate htiman sufkr- • s ing Iff they won't try it before, let theiri - after all -••-. other prescriptions fad.- Playsiebiasare ••• Yequested,to dothenisell'eann d pati ents Oiejitstic .7" • u Ann be : Lll4i from , the bottles - . ,.''..' ra id A lone Niles llieirPreseription if theY. deSire.. . ,"„ • • S'OLOMON HAYS: r. . - • Sold hy Conistoek Co.- Wholesale - Druggists,- NO. 2, Fletcher street, New York., ' . • • For. sole — also by - S'PEVENSON & , DINKLE, Carlisle, Pa: = OMNI %T'.01114 1 % There isliot: one case of Fever in a thous:m(l,llw • mity be.effeetlially_ broken up and reniovett - by the use of this Jt.removes -bilimia - matter - amtens7tipbalairTiii i lie stompudi ainFliilifels. It operates' gently And etieetually on ' the bowels, and powerfully on the 'kit's!) b andskin; . I! removes all unpleasant feelings after a heartxtnewl , and protncites a good appetite. It needs only a tria I• to give perfed indisfbction. It tins become-a-genes:A _ practice with many to use this article in all ease s - t colds;pains•in disagreeable headache or chillhiess. For hoarse ness, if taken througlsthe day, it completely restores - . the voice withoutprod - tieing, sickness.. Whooping . cough, and fill coughs of:children are cured by if.— The stomach is kept in perfect ordrr by it, ndatii quite impossible that any disease shottlfl e while a person is using this Syrup. • v.. 1. (si:^ If taken daily it produces a rudy, healthy , and young appearance, by driving off 'all the humors of, the system. Sold genuine at 9. Fletcher street, met , '" door below Pearl street, N. Y. by Comstooliat Co., ' and by all respectable Druggiids. For sale also•by STEVENSON & ISLE, Carlisle, Pa. • • ,J• Balm of Columbia. • ' British Consul's Office, Z , • , I • ir No' •• - Philadelplia.. .3 . PERSONS to whom these . pres- I . V. ent N' s V sh i a l l i l l e j MU, l that I, GILBERT 11011T.IITEBN i--- -- Esq. his Britanic AltijestrS Consul for the. Lily' e t , Philadelphia, do hereby certify - , That Robert Whar ton, Esq., who attests.to the foregoing Certificates, is Mayor of alb City of Philadelphia ; and 11111( Mel thew Randall, Esq., is Prmlionotary of the'Couo.. u Common Pleas for, the city and county of Philadel-' phis, to both whose signitures, with the Seals of th.rsir respective Offices, full faith and,credit is due. I further certify, that I am personally actttapite a with Joseph L. Inglis,one pf the signers o ' am terti ficates hereunto affixed, winch expTesses e/ be efficacy .of thel3alm.ol.Columbiaould_tbrit Itc.isa-person -04-- great respectability, and worthy of full faith and cre dit; and that I have heard him express his nnqua I i fi - ed approbation of the effects of the said Balm of Co-, lumbia,in restoring.his hair. Given under my hand and seal of office, at the. cite of Philadelphia, in the. State. of Pennsylvahiaohe United States of America. ' ' • head am following., • ROBERT NVIIAIVI'DN, Esq.; late Alayor — ,ol Philadelphia; has certified, as may be seen below, t the high character of the followieg gentlemen. ' The undersignell do hereby certify that we !lace • used the Balm of Columbia (discovered by J. Old ridge, and have found it highly, serviceable not only as a preventive againsttlib offofhair,but , alto • a certain restorati&.. , WM. THATCHER. ssmidri • Methodist Minister in St. , ‘ George charge N 0.196 North Fiftlitt . JOHN P. INGLIS, 351 irch at. . • JOHN D. -THOMAS,-,D.'163 Race st. JOHN S. FUREY, 101 Sp - ace At, ' HUGH McCURDY, 2413 siuth 7th 'St. • • JOHN YARD,jr., 12s Arch st• The aged, and those Who 'Persist in Taring may, not always experience its yestorat ve ou witl certainly raise its virtues in th of - the public, when it is khowtsthat three hove signers arc inore than 50 years of age others not less than 30. [From the Mayor.] COMMONWEALTH OF• PENNSYLVANIA, City of Philadelphia. 5 • • I, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said chy of ' Philadelphia, do hereby certify that I am well ac quainted with Messrs. J. P. Inglis, John S. Furey,: . and Hisugh MoCurdy,'Whose names are signed to the. - above certificate, that they' are gentlemen of charac-: ter and xespectability; and as such full credit should ' be given. to the said certificate: In witness whereof, I have hereunto art my band, and caused the. seal of the city to be lifted S.] the sixth day - of December, Sm. - ROBWF .Wll ARTON;Mayor..:, - Jour' . DIE OLDRIDGES BALM, OF COLUMBTA FOR -' THE HAIR.—Its positive qualities are as lows : • • • Ist. For infant's keeping the head free from 'scurf and causing a luxurient growth of hair. 2d For ladies-after child-birth, restoring the skin to its usnarstrength and firmness, andpreveutingt falling. out of the hair. fld. For any person recovering from ampilebility ' the same effectis produced. 4th. If used ininfancy till a good growth is started, May be preserved by : attenfton to the latest period" of -life..- I sth.: It frees-the- head from dandruff,- strengthens the foots, imparts health and vigor tti,thegirculation 'and :prevents the hair from changingeolor or getting 6th. It causes the hair to curl; beautifully Avhen. donb up in it over night. . • • ' . • - DtrNo ladiee•tollet should ever be made witholitlt. 7th. Children who have by . any means contracted vermin in the- head,: are immediately and perfeetly,-4-- cureg nf them by its use: , It is infaliible ' For sale. at the drug store of Comstock & Co.; ' Fletcher street near Pearl; and in Carlisle vensen . Bt, • Wee. 10; 1840„--ly.• . • EEO BM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers