Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, July 07, 1841, Image 3

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    fIE uu , & EXPOSITOR.
• 'W P.ISI4E I SP,Ai i : JULY , 7,, 1841
.p;pl, - :-FOR.:GOVEROR,
~,„ ,r
DickxN:sorl boLitoE JULY BTH, 1841.
The procesSion'lvilTshq formed at 9 o'L
A'. M., in ,the Cainpus, in
tthp.following order: -
College Classes—Freshmen, Sopho
woes; jipziors; Seniors. ,
Trustees. ' .
• :'3.' State_Execulivet - - '
Oilie r efa',U,the'Ar - my and . Navy.
faculty and Instructors of the Coliege.
7., Candid.ates for die several degr,eei:
• 8. 'Students orLaw.
9. AluMni of this'aud ',other colleges.
• Diekinsoli' College, ,
Philosophical Society" of
piainson College,.' celebrated its.62d Aura=
. the 'Methodist Episcopal Church
of this . bOrdUgli, on. Monday evening last,
the-Zth , lnetant . .--Although the: night vitas ,
.very: sultry; tiic church, was' filled to over
. flowing; and- 'hundreds-were compelled to
_ietirre,,net _being able
The young gentlemen -
who. participated in
. the exercises ofthe evening, acquittedthem-'
selves in a very handsome manner, and did.
• muelt to sustain 'the ancient reputation :of
their seciety. .The . wns the or-,
• • der of •;..• -• •
,-; ,
• I. ,finniversary4aaress, •
KnOwledge, aninstlicienT jpzde to in
divittertdroi• Irittion altrAdu et; -
3. Formation of Character,
. _ .
• perley IL Lovejoy, - Fayette, Me.
_ . 4. Spirit — of Chivalry, -
Thomas- W.' l': - Rider, Salisbury,-Mdii
5. Impulses to Revolution; -
^ Charles P. Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
6.' inji'uenee of virtue and . knotolettge
I.lq progress of Liberty, _
• W. Lee Ppottswoo,il,.Carlisle
'The Coheerts which have..been given by
these, -celebrated singers- very far-surpass
any thlng.of the'kind ever offered •in this
pla¢ea - The - preeision and take-With which
tberexecute the.nitisic, and the judicious
selection of the pieces, accompanied by the
ravishing harmony. -of , their, rich, pure
voicek makes:kt impression upon the feel-,
itigsoyhich 'can . never be forgotten:- 'The
"Club" consists of gentle*
—an . alto, Ist and 2d tenor and bass, whose
voices are se nicely attuned to each other
by . long practice; aided by the most perfect
mnsicat'skill; that.every one.who lias heard
theimellovi, richness Of their , performance,
hai been delighted' beyond measure. -
This is not intended as a
. puff, for We
can [inure our readers that the, notes of the
‘ l 42unitette" will always pass current with
- outwit endorser.
At the request of many friends they have
returned here, after a visit to Chambersburg
arid Hagerstown, and we invite' those
who can feel "the power of song," not to
— lO.:Ns last oklortuaity pass, without hear
ing'thern. ' , •
1 4 FAREWELL coNgEkT,L___.
The Boston Quartette give a Fare
well concert, at Education Hall, on Thurs
.dav evening; - commencing at half past 8
o'clock. l The programme piesents a choice
t selection of the most popular music., sad
we,e,xliect the ,Citi4eni of , Oajliale ;will turn
out in fullyforce:or:that .sccasion,.and. give
T .
'•A.bumper trirting.'?
By the'etienppriot ,
ajriphd, we'are in
formed Alta , on Monday: the sth instant,
, South Middleton townehiP lit.this county,
ryas visaed by a most destructive hail.stbrin. ,
eenntnenced abeut 3 o'clocki P. M., and
iti'Vetta than 'One rheur devastation was
trolly appalling. The ,atorm extended se=
ver4,imiles. in langth; taking it , course
blorig tht:•,lbaltiiuore TUrnpike, ,ftllut two
t(es, son Ah. ofCarl . e untilreached'e
SO - oh, o,nd'then going.
; Fifteen or eighteen farina are - entirety
• dhitOyed—eiety - 'aeld,. Of, krainAt, them
stiitYeiti , thittiebtei,pait. Of,. the-like:li wilt
flot beworth'tustinF,' the oats are beaten to
th ' eiiiK • 1; k o ff an te-tire ro en o at the
i 9 441 glft, is)nearlycalk4estroyedtlaq'
thb*tioda end roadeinrellie*Mi
and ,bronehee,,b
. 680"it*d'btiv,L ,
fige64o:46l l 6o.l4•oPsee
coin , therasti Was 'drivitt fati:
ItPPV 3 tient 3ll Y:P6oktqtql
siva f.ovvywahiu tee aomp," , tioweveri , iivere
Pilq l 64 AA- ftvAlinOca , )ong,,Anti ' , having; a
fiirliettosirepe" '"'W'e'
Natti-01; I 'll
r rien s . e corn r , ; who have
0 , 1
had Y~i~iF hOfies or aq, abundent bar
, , ,
0' f'•fi`
t <I
the storm commenced. at Three Square
ollow,- and - - extended — its ravages .to - ,the
east hnd:of theenuneyi from
3 .tp,4 l miles. It has, been the most,de
structive hail storm; ever 'knewn in thii
county: - •
,E,Wifoi.--In - Piirsuanceof previous
arrangements,-the_6sth-anpikreary'of Ame
ricahliidependence *ad ehlehl•aihd• on Sat
urdaylik3d, by die Citiiens bt this bo
roUgh vicinity, with a bohlia!ity, and
unanimity bf sentiment • becoming the oc-
Thi3 day' was nattered in at sunrise b 3
the discharge of cannon. At 9 o'clock the
stores and sh(ips of the borough,were closed,
and all business suspendecl during the da3r.
__LALl.o_o!clock,•the citizens generally as
sembled, in the. Presbyterian church, where
the peclaration 'of-Independence wad-read
by . Mr: . WILLIAM BARR, and orations de
liveied by JAMES B. and Di%
4 ,
After 'the exercises in the church were
ender' . ieion waslformf
direction of the Committee of 'Arrange
-menta by Colonel - William - H. Woodburn—
as Marshall, and moved to the Cool Spring,
where an elegaiq and sumptuous .dinner
was provided for the oceasion. -
After . dinnerolhe company organized by
the appointment .of- Oeorge M. Graham
as Preside& of the' Day„;;John Reed, Jos..
.Mebelmond, J. S.. Morrow, Jacob Zigler,
and Paul S. Pierce as Vice Presidents;, and
Robert McFarlane, jr:,. Jackson_
and7Rohert Hays - as Secretaries; . When a
. accompoio with'inusid and the discharge,
of aftillery. ' ' • •
Every . thing was conducted on isitrietly
temperance-principles, and passed off the
joy and gratification .of all, and well fitting
the coin' e linoration — of that , memorable
event; *hie freed u 8 from- the - galling yoke
of foreign ine'ssion, and gave us a name
'among the na ions of the earth. - X.
For the Howie& Ex . politor. '
• •
. Mr. Editor :--Private wrongs ought4ot
to be' niqde the subjiict of publicity in the
columns-of-a' newspaper, but kujury done
to the public , by its ,chosen sEi•yants, may
with every propriety be animadVerted upon
by the press. -
That something is wrong in and about
the public buildings is indisputable.
conduct of some dignitaries of office by
whom the business of the people is there
transacted, is becoming every day more and
more the' subject of convertiation. There
is complaint about the commissioners hay
ing granted, to the president judge, who ,
wears the same political stripe, the room
in the public buildings, and the enquiry is
every where heard, "Does he pay rent?'
Or is he located upon the.principle'avowed
by one of his brethren in locofocoism,that
he is their judge, and that they would find
him .a room ? aria it. because his honor's
aristocratic dignity has been offended, by
persons calling on business at his dwelling? .
It did not use to 'be so when - we had a I
. , ,
. .
But that-which has lie Come the miliversal
topic -oCconversatiim• is-the-queer enema.
lies exhibited by the duplicate of the tax
colleetOr for 1841. How comes, it, it is
'asked, that yoUng professional men,' who
_perhaps. scarcely yet received and et
pendeil their first fee, are rated at $5OO,
and ministers of the . gospel at the utmost
farthing, of their , salary, whilst the three
county . office-holders; .the Prolhonotary,
Clerk•of Courts; and
,Register, are permit
ted to escape With a valuation .which•every
body knotvs, is far below . the real income
o MeiCospectivtts . itu' atioo; < Few, 'coin:
plain of taxation if it be equal, , but whew it
is otherwise,' evety orie . ha s s a right to ItiieTv
why it is,se. Where tieri• the fault, with.
ttie.assestiec ? cir Witlrthe 'corn missioners,?
Icy• .. •*****, 3
atevery:eoiner of-the street these
things are'talked,abent.,,' Our pen,was ap
proaching•the paper r,o write of them when
we . received,the communication of durfciii
respondeht.l We, !mow . not ,upon - ..what
terms, by what tenurei.or • f r what reason
his honor"sits. aloft," but t is. we. ,Ithow,
that when our - cotirts‘are in. eision.ittnaY
4J )
:be necessary , for iurV deliberations •to be
had in a tavern. , i , As ,to I the. assessment,' we
;have beard -m o o of Vila, and' have . .made
seine:enquiry to , tweertaiothefacts. i We ;
learn' than thil:,eMOti nt At *,bjeti o)iiidliro-,
fessional.mernd ministers of th e tosprel .
i are, . rate& IS:, igreptly stated, by. one corres4
..pon4e.htl:4lfat'‘,PeOite pan'tlitientt,go;:
'thenetary and , .Editiiti" !is rated . .'atso,oo; ,
"-Uha'e "-:Anitief; fi geiisiei,',', ',a t :Oki,' and
"Willie: , Podlk,itedofderi'apd . :Cleo;- . •'ii.,
$3OO. '' What ifiii i:4 all.:wrongisonanifesL
The Prothonotary's ciffied,;‘hi Id s ado OIT hitt
,prinor.g establishment;i is ,
1 ,11 $07. 00- 9r, sBo(rrr,
, the:ROortl e r d
.sBoo'' Or ifc 0.0;'
and ,theltegistees $7OO Tor $800.: f„lf, then .
1.. • • .
! , et, one blase of toetety• be the
, amoantt of, nay tnocer - Alititi'' their In
conerlt mould . ..seem knight that all -other
rule. - ,
7 0 61 .70 . 011J ' AVe
tlcl the Pt4nlionotery's office htll7oo and On
yaltuition''s4oye l o!Acci:!!)e"i6 , o ! a4 ,
eitc),,,e1e441,...ft(1,0010 the:regieter , et,4Boolr.
NERTVILLE, July 5: 1841:
tbir Var/i STI valti anti leleVooltior.
undlhat- ibie-iaet-tvas-the stun. returned by
have heiiidi too", , thili k ts s he a sesSer avers.
that' no alteraiion: . vas • made, in these a 4
mounts in his ~preserite or, by his consent,
Without whiett 64nge eould legally be
Made, and , indeed -it ig .hal* to be pre
sumed that he Wouldhailehattged the val
luation of the :itegibter to aleab aunt, than
that ofoeer himseir returned.' .We' think,
-that 'these thindS -require some explication,
and we should - be glad to have it. - ,
ONE 'TERM. •.'
13Y fir ft?lioiving lettelorr Judge
BANKS, in answer to a, committee, our-rea
, .
dere . will obCere' that he recognizes' the.
One Term' principle, as 'necessary to set
cure the' purify of eleCtions, and the vvel
' fare • Rilit happiness of state::
_ •
Gentlemen:-I received , yOur 'letter on
Saturday evening; in 'which - resolutions:of
the Democratic citizens of Allegheny coun
ty. were enclosed.. By, thosti. resolutions,
my opinions' and , views in rektticinlo The
One, Term' principle ere reguired,.arid•lo
this demand I no iv give". a hasty, and brief
reply. _
That Our State Eiecutive should be
liMited to One: Term - „is an opinion which
I have long.-entertained.. In observing the
operations of our system of government,,
the necessity of this principle was sugges
ted to my.,nrino,...and has become , roore ap
pfirept_bv, the practice of everyday. So
fully was I convinced of its practical utility,
that I urged its introduction .and adoption,
to trnor% titan one member of the late con
volition to amend' the constitution of our
state. Although this*ametidment was not
then mai*, the ptkblic 'demonstration's' in its
favor-are 'now - so strong,thafthere remains
no doubt of its adiiption,. as a• .part of our.
foinio will perinit.__
• •
As . regards.thC presidency of the !inked .
Statbs,:f look upon the :060..Terna Arinci
iile as having heen firmly settled by the
election p(Grepeiat Harrison; and; that_in
Ahe,opinion of the Democracy of
try,:it is 'now-as sacred.and unchangeable,
as if' it formed pait of the , written donsti
Whether we regard the-welfare and, hap
piness of the state, or the purity of our
elections, the propriety-of= the ,One-Term
rule is equally urgent: •
When anindividual has, been placed:lff'
the, highest Executive oftce"of the'State,
this salutary limit should be placed to his
- ambition... Acre-win - be nothing left
for him to do, but the discharge of his high
'station for the - liublie - good. His oivn fair
-fame, the, lasting. esteem of .his-fellowciti
zens, and the happiness-and prosperity of
the country will then receive his uudi.vitled ,
attention. His deliberation's will be no-
longer disturbed, or his honest purposes
and judgment distracted l or suppressed by
anxious reflections'wliether a measure, will
increase or diminish hie vote at tbeelectin . .
These considerations are alWays exceed
ingly annoying to the individual, and pre
judicial to the public interests..
.This one term principle will•do much to
relieve the Executive from_all undue party
obligation, and the power of every impro
per sectional influence. It will put a ter
mination to the toofrequent, and often vio
lent 'contests between the office-holdeia and
the people, by which states, and even'wh
countries are sometimes most deeply e___
vulsed. It aciords.also with the principle
of rotation in office,
.which gives our will
digested System of ilemocracy„tlie most
Naluable advantages over every' Other form
of government. „ .
• This, one term'doctrine has my most de=
cided approbation : I have laid it down' as
a fit rule for ; the gov.erturienkcif others, , and
under all circumstances will .be willing to
Conforni to it myself. Yours; &c.
The • Harrisburg Telegrarill !announces
openlY•its preference to General Winfieln
Scott as a.candidate for :the Presitlency,,tb
succed President Tyler`. ' That paper:Says:
"We therefore - proclaiMoiir-deterniina l .
tiott ito,hold up•before the Anterican. people
the name 0f . .W1 N FIELD .s.corr,, as the
,next candidate for their Presidential Biafra
ges. We do:thie without it'Avisli to agitate
at so,,remote .a;perioil;.the,vered gnebtion ;
but in order to line full time to place be
fore-the nation his serVites to' his Country,
and his claiMs to their fa6r4ble COnsidera
' tion. ,', We fling,the ccitt,.. banner, to • the .
hreeze—may it wave*tig ,. 6nd-'proidly,
and, never be,lOWered'Ontil it Ileats ever:the
Capitol, bearing beneath, its: folds , a , con
servative powerlo rescue.otir'couittry, froin
the galling yOke' of 'errer,, and introdUce
into eveirdepartinent of Govern ment such
reform as
. the people ' desire and ' without
Which the); 'will'.i:dver. be satisfied." '
' -And -in. another
.tar icle,,TC — cills i for 'the
establishment of Chi 'peWa:ClUbi3. - ~ ,:1 , ,,,,
' We think • there is ; disposition general
ob the part of the 4i timisoWic'portion of
the'. Harrison ',lirt . .}r iv' thitt.'stite; le,' \ *Sheo
perterat:Scott their candidate;' . It,ivas Sta. -
l a
led',"to . 'tile,. e.,feii';;;dail(since,,,iliai `'Mr, Ti
;Stevens openlyproclaimed, while in 'Wash
•it!gtcrpl,ibus,pFelierence.'fOr Gen: S';'ae,: their,.
- PYPOikrOfitii4 :-, o4o)oo 4, ;:*'(.L.lf‘;'lfirgijitlike:
net;the ,GiteasterExaminerlas more.then
Once'vaveiWedsimilar opittiOn's:' . • Tho;heing
'i l ifi'Ot"..tcllitficdli'9ll!'ctll, o !,ilici';ff4rilklo
luiriy 49 ixox. around.'and ssee;the ',position.
:liihich , tarelo demi py i re ; itioritM.: likely.
t'1 4) (0 ) 00 1 , e':ctl? ll .o4.ol,i''':4 4 : 6 atidi4ood. '
'perhaps with unusual w ar mth,-G.,S.::Ga.
g eigel; ~ ',':l . ,;:';' , 2:l r!' ~ • "fl, :, i ~ ' :; 1 ? ~ :,,,, ~:•!
, ~') A .11
Pennsylvanics Slate Lodni- , -Thev Wink
0( Penntlyly,a,nip 1 014gly k ewnPlice t4pttl(o-
40riptiontto thOpileligr renl - .).telitr, - Agr,4ct
.the tarot AVlErlowt, l #lllqiei hpi,v'ea;
' 'l#l 14 11 ,9 f
iHohlerm, laste Rea.
, viisly Co , au,bef
gil . ifpk;jinu txansmtringiholtameitiitte,
ccimnipmweilthir wi/Faboiliet'ettiticiatew,
to:the 'assessor.
While in Wid,hingtan . ten days.,agoohe
frdloWini.etatement,; from the • Loutsv,file
Jo&nil Weslput intO our hands.' 'Notwith
standing all the knoWn'atta:imknOwn'in-
Jt4n'des •of oftaial Corruption under, he late
administration,,we• could scarcely•tredit
•tale•• of suck-tintiluihing'•--Villany; arid : =ode
straightway applied to ,the • general Post
Office, for. information. , We were then
informed thatit was•true to the letter.
When Mr.- Barry was Postmaster Ge l
petal, a ;committee was appointed by the
United States Senate . to• investigate thof
fairs of the Post'OffiCe
,i'lepartrnent. ~The
, investigation resulted in °the very 'able -re
'port made by Mi. Ewing, •in which divers
.extra --allowacces, and other corruptiorni,
werei - duly made known' to thi people 'of
the 'country, •
. •
__- To parry the jeffee'tS_Of
port, Mr.. Barry, it 'May be' remembered,
pablisheit-a pamphlet; La'. vindication,•so
,called;lof his conduct. , This„PamPhlet,'
was, of course, an individual and not an
official document.
, • Nevertheless, he agreed
"Co pay to the editors of the Globe, Messrs.
Blair At, 'Rives; $1,500 for printing it, ' and
charged the amount to the Government.
Fr . 7 - 7' ien . •
.mos ' mite .:e3ticceeded Mr.
Berry, as PostmasterGenerakhe
. glanced
over the' hooka. of the - department ant saw
this item of MO. Afraid that-an other
investigation would soon take place, and
that this eztraordinary item woulihtlts: be
brought to, light, he made Blair. tt; Rives,
refund the inoney.v-et least he entered it - as
refunded. on the - . - books. 3 -'l'hils the matter'
remained • till the 3d.of Mareh, 1841, -the
very lasetlay of gr. Van Buren'S
iStration, .when Mr.:.Niles, the successor of
-Kendall as PoStinaster General, paid hark
trio sl6ooto...Blaie .Riees and an . ea
try-ivas.. the:•hOoka •'lO ,
the facts, daubtless,,eonstitute a 'fair siteci=
memo( the conduct of the - Post Orme ------
.the twelve .years _anteee
dent to the 9th of . M,arch -last. • Beyond all
tlopht..that department,has, duringshat-pe
riod, heen one of the foulest dens_of cor
ruption-thaHwer-existed in a civilized na
:dem From.:. another,. but4ell_advisett
source Ave were informed that, being
ftjbds, Niles drewupcm - a Pennsylvania post-
Master, in favor of..lßlair-for.the athount.— .
The latter was itt great haste to obtain the
amount-before- Mr. Granger - got into povi=
er,-and • propoSed:sending an, -,.eZpress . to
Pennsylvania -for the money, to prevent
the - possibility - of - defeat-.71,-C4-11i-ere-h-e—a
reiolution of inquiry_ in 'the House - of 'Re
presentatives. • "
• The 'following.' article. from the New
York Express, - is - deserving Ole calm con
sideration of every 'Whig member'of Con-
. _
press :
• "THE NECESSITY OF COMPRO impoisible thaitheee c'ati be,
in ariy 'party', any union,, unless there is a
spirit of compromise and concession; for
,union. There certainly can be no
'success without onion: Thus, when the
frienda•ef - the different Whig candidates for
the Presidency, 'coneeded their claims to .
unite•upon Gen. Harrison, the same spirit,
of compromise and conciliation that dictated
the nomination; created a victory for it also..
'Upon no subject is there a greater ne
for -- ilk coMpromisd..than upon the
. of a -U. S. Bank,. or - Government
-Fiscal Agent. • The project frir banks ere
almost as 'numerous as individualt4And
upon no.project are individiials more self
opinionated. or obstinate. Thus, out of
chaos, as it vvere,'a system is to be . ereated
by the
. mutual 'surrender. of individual
schemes., ' • •
It Seems to us, that L egi slatorsga when
about, to . act. upon this subject, should - look
'first to the 'country, and See if it demands
a • Bank;' satisfying themselieti of which.
they ithWuld.tiot: stickle' on, the itemi, but
'start . ' for! the end. If • they cannot -obtain .
what they consider a. perfect bank, they_
(mist take the etat., bank they-pan get.
Certain it is, the 'people of this country,
asking', for;. and demanding a - bank, will
,not be repulsed by ttie'saly3lwer,—!'We.dotild
not agree upon the details, aMl : lidve, there
fore,. givon.Von none et' all."' Nor . will it .
do .to - .tell them----We-cokild,'htive 'createil
a banl‘, but we were afraid capitalists Would
not take:the' stock; 'and therefore we did
moulksay- r.
''o,wby:tilt:rill: : you tryn
11 disagreenient. is iti.take place-upon
a . • constitutional'
principle, ii.wouldmotibe wise in thelfriendS
of a tbe,,whele , bill,'itrtordef
when, ut. , ,practieal, result is to come ,
rain usi:tipen,. - the disagreement pi,
to the pottier of Cengressto eitabliSh brantili 7 ;
es iit•the• Btatet c withaucthe.asseut-Of!the
Stntes',. if - , LegfelatOrti ?Avgrei satisfied ''the
States:: tv O uld`,:netY'rellien'thoir aisent;,it
would be' 640 the 'whole; bill
merelf"fult": - ?.abitranti l tiffirtnatio*. that
4 " , The „. pe r.", WA"
p (Drips]
that power, ?with-Flinch more !'force .. -Eind
selemnity than any act of Congress
obtain this - cof 'States, iit ne
cessary, _
Congress ; solemnly b us .
'atfiFim, this poNygr,V Ve think not t lt is
so' iinitidy:fo:o6'litiererit or "eataie,iek, httie
the brartch:_nt Bank, ibat if must
~Y ,TYii l l 46.oi:,i.OAir'. (Avl.l„ good,,4ntrlhe,
tnerpatitite;eommpnity Nary t forgethil of .it-'
'nelf, -. luul'istrYlittetiViiteci, thei,prepetaid
to ;,etitablitili;;;o4 ii4traticji rernSed.,Af
fojr entilee . asOu :the7Opposition'• sue
eifed could btflut for ' a season ' only, in
nsmuch as all the interests and,..iptertiOn#,.Of
ineirmieuld ,beti atoused , o:
'SW& ;!' -. ! .0 i
,iitio„,*iiira; ol ooo.oo*c4l44.
b4,4oooo(faitt better f,hat:More,.be.,sil6 - nee f ..
to this
._ecniit4 Wry C ase 181100 o,f! t rr,
and, ifAlie:Statitutefuse,.3be:Judiciary can
'he called upon to decide. .Sri e ) yyihlg''caii*"
be willing toliiiiiikkx , allii„4dipiary,iO4tb.
judge add 1404-
_ , .$•.3
~..'• • •• • •
lonfi' , bearing 6 per, cent. inte
Front the New York Ooktmeitittilitivertiser
.A.I.ILEL. •
there, too
est rim the
.hott , zt udiciaiy Would, decide; titith such
a preeedetttAirect as it has. before it
At aliji fate, theugh, leLthdre be d gpirit
of conipfdillitle and doitdesSiokktiWatihing
tont- The edutttry'rooke semething,
and let it Ile the best that can be'got: Mem
bers,of 'Congress, ( if the y stUir till beceni
bet, must.,.not come home, till ' 'they have
fillfilled public. expectutiOn upon ihe,pointo
no"*.befere„thein. f ' • '
i--,Shiftp/ititers.We-notice ;that tieveial
of the boroughs, rail; road
,cotnpertieS; iftici
other'corporatiOns of this 'state titill eon
linup, to issue shinfflastere, in open deAnee
of the dawn-prohibiting them, under severe
_penalties: . ' The Yardleyville Delaware
Bridge Company,, in Bucks county, has
just issued notes of the denomination of
. one and two dollars, signed by Patterson
Van Horn,. President, and C. Yardley,
Treasurer. - The - .shinplastere . isseed - liy
these corporations are at a very heavy dis
count, which generally fkills upon thobe least
able to bear theloss. We hope the people
will refuse Ao' take any of the shinplasters
14(....t4 4
Witted 11:1 , these orporations, and that the
proper'officer ill take immediate .mea
sureq to . pu ' ' this illegal currency
beforeA covimunity is flooded with it.—
The . law should', be. strictly enforced.—
.anierican Sentinel. '
• e • ` . ' EAMBOA'r.
The follo.Winiv,_from_.the2New-_.Orleans
,ult,-,-hasLreferenee un-
doubtedly to the wreck of the steamer no
ticed '-in our • paper. yesterday, as- having•
been seen .olf Cape Hatteras.. -The ."Bul
letin'" 'gives,' the -longitude and latitude in
Which she was fallen in with by the ',North
Bend,' corresponding. exactly — with . the
statement of Capt: Sawyer, of the A.ugusta,
at this S.
_Gazette. ,
. ship N'ortti . :Bentl; Fen
A.'Crolier,: master, arrived : at Thie•
- enine intelligent persons
onboard, - , may -have -fleet". a portion of *the
w.rte o ik •of. the ill4ated=steamship President;
The following . ...was - eittered in4ahe loo'
bdok at thetimet-7,"At half past_l2
(3(1 June) passed the broadiklio of..a large
-vessel;.-her desk .beams burned off. in the
coulee-and canted up, so as'to present two.,
.fast the lower deck of some large vessel. •
Her *Water ways.were painted red.,.and the'
upper part of 'the kola - knees •shiiiVeicher
_have,!beett,,a three deck. vessel: Her
waterWals were apparently new and not
long in the water."
Swartwout is said to be living in great
'obscurity and want in London. ,The Way
of theiransgressor is hard. - •
IZETURNINO ENEROY.---Dr.. Kitchiner,
:to.tihow how, the stiength• of. man may be
diminished by, indulging.. indoleime, men
tions the following ludicruous fact:—
,"yeeting a gentleman, who had recently
returned. from India, to my inquiry after
his I=lll4lle replied; 'Why, better—better
thank' ye; I think I begin to 'feel some .
symptoms of a little British energy. Do
you )thow.that" - the day before yesterday I
was in such high spirits, and 'felt so ,strong,
that I actually put on one of my 'stockings
Myself.' "—[Traveller's Oraele. •
The Philaiopher; Outdone: 7 qt learned
philosoplier , beingiyery busy in his study,
a little girl .came .to ask •hirri Tor some 'lire.
'But,' gaystkin, doctor, 'you have nothing
,to;' and as he:was..going_toletch
something,Tot. the purpose, the
,little. girl,
stooped down zo the, fire-place, and taking
some cold ashes in one hand, she:link live
embers.on them with the other. The as
tonished domcir, threw down his books say
ing,' with all my learning. I should never
have found out that expedient.' . • .
Dyspepsika!, Dyspepsia !I
That triinblesome , .and4esce•destroying disease.
Thousands and tens, of thonsands suffer tram that
:continua and, distressing complaint.. DyspepSia is
frequently caused by overloading or. distending the
stomach by excesske eatingor drinkiag,indigestible
and acrid substances taken into the stomach, or from
long continued constipation of the bowels,a sedentary,
life, fear, .grief r anxietv, a copious drift of cold water
'drastic purgative medicines, qsentary ; miscarriages,
ihterinittent and spasmodic affections of the. stomach
and howeis, irregularmerds, late hears, and too fre
quent tise'Of spiritubus - .
The symptoms of dyspepsia may be described 'as a
want of apaetitc,oe/in unnatural. voracious one,
nausea and sometimes bilious ,vomiting, Sadden and
trarmient distensions,of the stomach after eating, acid
putreicent 'eructations, water 'braskpain in ther e- gion of the stomac4cirsiiiieneis, &lodation of the
Itearti.dizzinets and dimness of the sight, disuirbed
ater?tous,irritability, olullitiess, sallowness ...ot , corn='
plexion;:great , oPpresition.liOr 'eating, languor and
general debility, sieklirad ache,
CURR , --At the head of remedies stundif
Harlich!s'Compoimd Strengfliening , Tonie and Ger ,
matt Aperient •Pills,which act greatly upon the lie
ristaltic.motion: of, the, intelitinesi thereby producing
regularity. of the ib,owels, attliedattne ,improving the,
;functions of the debilitated 'organs'. thus invigorating'
anti restoring tile .digestive organs ton healthy action.
This medicine seldom fails lu producing relief..:: •
Full and explicit directions accompany the above
Medicine...'l ikewise a pamphlet which describes
. the manner of 'treating; Sta. : .
I:llGe'for:flie United States ; No. 19
North . Eighth Street; Phillainhiri., ' • •
Alloyoriatle ,by,Joldi J. Myers &' Co:, Carlisle;
and Merit, Peal, Shippensbarg Pa. • •
, .
° COMllllllllliCallollllt
This is ioTierlifj thiier
Dr. Parisi,.sontiting:SYrmi, and being. eopetodett. of
dren cutting teeth, I do conscientiously . recomMend
it as hn
,pfflichoinns andipyhlinqninedinonh....4,3eive,
of gratitittieiialle fcirtiCthis testimonikly well' tis
; desire, to reader . .general' service. by this publid.
. .
.. I ,N. ,11.'lletsareful'iiiitt prooure tJie above at No: L 9
.North Eiglith'Street. .. (1
~• IWe . are, -well- sequaibied- w Lilt' the writer of-the
,above artiote,ntll3wthald,Viot'hrlillitilt Ilibtilent to
endorse Itla , sopinWri•grkj;irtfriesopthing Priv - ---
{Ed. Daily Chioniole.l-. .:. . . ~1' 4 4!A, -4,,
We have used the Soothing Syrup in our family,
aticlit'll'inintatedibYlllto:c4fSitigtotifiF . r.).- 2 1 . --:‘,
POl'litlii by Dr. J,!.l'.',lti'yers,g,
,scqestillitleL ink
Win. Peal, Shippetiabtill;Vt. , ',; ' .. t ri.-i , '-, -,- ,-,.. ! '' ':
.t-...; f-. 9. if *lt •. i ......,,,-.1.i . „,k,: : ,-,,.....„ . 2.,,,,_,5 ,
*on untty.;47,/sporianV Ckifin,--tir.l3,6ioe, qi).4
.11e"01,1114;PillierPal-Pitlq.lintnitAnet h -no,.
Aiiorky.4 .- iti - o - -s , oo,7* . xb,PerfOkElt, ' , POP , kW,.
Pledi' , Q.e- ilOi c tit'n?ltlinpie. f;p4,iv*..there4e . „4„etit 1
war fo" i;lljTiTy:, it!;:4 6 .oeireijlkpmflui, il;th,e:',,t i
aki, diql. i 9 „OrttAq'. MgdlVArt , A 4, 9 0 :; , P-Fliir;li'lavr#,
1.9. 41 1' P 4 thAl#'#o4o4 ll etleiii , Polnull!e,Y,ltgelabkg
U ' 'ent.,corv,noitto;tlbbt,loe4.ol:,l,li,Yfiaif,r: 1
%f.iii olite,`.*o9Y-OrnilltiL.:4*--'llostPrialyiellirt.
:$lO illiSSied' to ollt!itet . uttuilielkandi*,fi'il,Fikv ,
-161hin-rtilli r tintiet-finy-eiretintAtan6ei — ivhatevel : *ile -
Serj , earectil,illl yB, tilt& want die • genuine' gad ob=
serve elev.' when yOtt t . hiatlase 461Vertised
igerda ~i 'at ,they, the agents, have an .eatgimved ear.'
tificate o f agency, aiined'hiroy own' Itedwrititg, '
• : . B. BRANDRETAL, ,
. . . .
• • : • DRANDRrtH, M..D.
filr For &quite II evck W. 1-111'NER,
arid iri Crlintießand County 'b Agents published ju
arintheipatjt of this papett . ,
. . .
_IMPOBTAN't • TESTlMONY—Consurnpfion
...qr the Lnogi , cured.7-Mr. 'William
Alteptfilid;re.aiding in ,Beaver county, Pa: near the
italic line, follows: -"In the month of May,
lastmY Wif.SW.ns taken with Bleedip.Kli•orn the Lungs,
night linieatsThatie leter,..bte: - : She hod
taken a violent coldi having .previously given ilyrop...
fonts of , the , , approach of consumption, I felt much
alarmed' and made immediliE a licatlon •to a phy,,
ifeatitfent Woise, in
stead of fidget:, until the first Jiine,, when 7 heard
from an 'intelligent •man _ of . 37h. Szoayne's Syrtip._cf
Wild Cherfry,:and from Itis• earnestness in recom!
mending ft ,I,.was,inducedto try'one bottle. The
effect 'exceeded my utmost evpectationa—she felt
immediate 'eelief.' then mounted my horse rind
rode to the 'office, St. Clair street, Pittsburg;
where it Is f ltdpt for sale; and proeured'ait. bottles'
more, which um happy„to sgy fad effecteda Verfect
cure. • Pleaselifiblisli Odd cektiffcalic'With iny name
in full, that titheri niny know where to find the great,
est , bleSSlng on earth.
' Poe stile by John J. Myer's St Cnrliale; and
Wm, Pefd ppensburg,-Pa.'
: .%The proprietor , respectfully inform's' the public in
general, that he is now ready to accommoflate.a large
number of boarders - and visitors. • The Springs are
situated q miles 'north of Carlisle, and 2 ,i miles.
south •of Sterrett's Gpp, on the road' leading from
Carlisle to Bloomfield in Perry to.; in a fint,healthr
iiil- - 4orrianticEplac .. .o , --=Ttni-Conti - dOgninetlereek:int
North Mountain, which are, eaeh :about :tworMiles
distant, viill afforit amusement wail& visitors sis are
Mod °tingling;an - d - gunning.• In addition - to . the
Most ample accommodations, there. is also an exten
sive bathing establishment, both warm and cold.
• • 4Sa. . D. COBNMAN.
C:j'A Thrroache will lrun from Carlisle to t
Springs daring ihe•stason, fordlte accomnrrodution
visitors. '
July 7,1841
Bolate •of Jacob Aladin; dec'(6
; Erl'EltS TEsTAMENTARY on the
•'7'" estate .of Jacob Martin, late of -Eastpenns
boro' toitishili, Cu m lierland county,deed, have been
issued in due form of law to the subscriber,: Norms
411eFO,y,Sitto.P.Itilliersons ba' , o4.chiins4iitaNst.j
IbinAgligE4Aftl4akig,a,46.:ir .
reSetit ree - Seiv-:
tlentetit and - tin:lse indoibted •to make immediate
• • • lo" my Creditors.' - •
Take notice that .1 have appl led to. the Sedges of
the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county,
for the - benefit of the Insolvent Laws of this GOIIIIIIOII..
wealth,and qiey have appointed „Monday the 9th dap.
of Auguatmext„ for_theLliesiring—of.. me - and. my
creditors, at the CourrHousei in theborough of ear
lisle, when and where you .May attend, if - von think
proper., . .
July 7,184 t. --St
Situated •in the borough of Lewisburg • Yo'rk co.
Pa., 17 miles from Carlisle, and 13 from York. The
read between Lewisburg and York, has lately been
considerably improved, and is now in good order.
The thankful for past favors; respect
fully solicits a continuance of patronage, and would
inform the publio that lie has enlarged and fitted up his
house in a very superior stile—SO feet in front, with
piwtico, parlors up and down stairs,.heds 'and
bers clean and well ventilated.
Ilia ethic isoomplied with the best the market tun
afford.'. • i
.. . .
In addition to his superior liquors, and variety of
wines, he keeps kw 'summer use, ule; beer, cider, soda
water, ice, Ike. te.
Good stabling and yard for drovers, &c..,
irrchargeemoderfilb; and in accordance with the
July 7th, 1841.-30 •
And persons Building repairing
Dwellings, I ke. Bs-c.
H , H Patent Upper
.mid imProred
. LoWer Withlow-sash Springs, which have .
1)CCII recommended by many of the best Carpenters
in the country, and took a premium ai the exhibition
of--the TAtnericao-Inatitute"-in-New York; October,
1838. For sale at , the Hardware -stores in Carlisle,
Newville, Shippbnsbdig , Chambersburg; Gettysburg,
York, Harrisburg LandisbUrg, Stiekney St Noyes,
Ilaltimore; Darr & Keim,. Livingston & Lyman,
Philadelphia. • • • •
These springs are, labelled, warranted, and have
with them necessary directions for- putting in pro
perly, and can tie hiked to all. kinds of 'windows, for
letting upper sash down.
They are a superior fastening to ,windows that are
hung so as the lower sash may be fastened down, and
the tipper 3;151110. down a few inches without a pos
sibility of operiiilg,it from the outside. ,
July 7th, 1.41,- 7 34" . •
• ,
Proposed ,Antetadntetit . to ilic
' " - Constitution;
-Resolt.itfon relative to the nalendment
the 'State Conetitation,
":13: - ESOLVER by dm Senate , and House of, Re
:IA, pretientatiik Assembly ittet, , That
the Constitution'of tids.Commonwealtirbe-amended
in the third section of the second article, so that it
shall read as follows: • . -
"That the Goternor .8101 -bold his' office durin gi
three years; from • the third 'Tuesday':of January,
next ensuing lira election', and shall not be capable
of holding. it longer than a single term of three y era,
in tiny term of infie.years.". : •• •
: 0 ' , . . Mr:lf. CIIABB, ..: •
. • Speaker of the Mouse of Itelnveentatives.
• i ;-. ; Speaker of the Senate..
Petuta:yhiania,ea:. .'t • • .- , •
Szcnrisnr'a Orrice. S Ido herely. ,certify.
that the:. foregoingAtt.a• true' Resolution
'iircposing an amendment of the Lonslitution, which
was agreed' to last Elision of. the Legislature,
by a majority of the members elected to eitchliaiise;
tihe,original of which remains filed in this Wittirantl
in compliance athlftlttlyenifflllitle'of, the Constitit
flop of the conillibititeilliN,ldobM.eby cause the
same top!, mtbliabedi',,latliretited.l4 tli‘s said .article.
, . ;Ig.
• heiTilhipiiit:lnky:hu4Et t'e/I Lot - said
• 41h : 4:4 of
; c : ~•
:.PTIS. • tt. .
• - g Secretar3.o the'.(..etnmenl'veatth:
Anne 30; - ' • '
~ S heriff s Sale.
virtue of a orit of Fi. Pa. PtistVentlitioni Ex,
It pones, tormeAlireettil, iesubd out l ot Court
o Common PliaitootiCettlberlalile'Ountyi trill be ex
posed to i pubtie eale,.at the; Court.,House in On
rough of Carlielt4 on, Friday, the 23d day . of
D. 1841; at ,11:1 o'clpekg4 v ill., the fano w lug de4oxih
ed real estate,•vim ;r. , ~
onqd sitlOate, •
Newton )440 . erlatal ailjolptas
!atlas 4/ 1 Je eA ifritinnin Esq. on ,lib %lint 7 - 1 - •
MPCan(llisboNt hitirs'no du? TiFilem---,»
on f tha !tumor. J#Kirgt Ourolitik Writ ott , vie #9,rutir
aonutimnr, iltre# avi4 • bidt acres „ more or, 1444,, , 5-..8eize(1,11..„60-A3lnnittl
.. 8 eize(1,1 1 ..„ 6 0 - A 3 Innittl 4elecul,„ VOn a 5. 11 19, PrilPer42
0apiu...4,..v.Pb0,4: -
And tube luddnne,,_„ 4;
PAUL.MARTIN, xliterdr.
V4lllllloolsl s, • •
• „ ; , loiretirt y *A ... slornts --,- „-,,,,,_
ffie4)blirl'aiiMau9Vgioi iiit 4 .•
e rir
V w l p r,,::s i d i s l , t _:_; ..,,,L ~.,. tl,l`;i
—4"-i--;weAtril§w9W4l;S.t l l_l!,,l4 l o , l;44
, useg 4741. - ` , .s 1 r, -, ,:_ y. 1 ~ .
„1.1. ~..,,.. ! ~. . ..r. , . ,"%. ' i , :1..., ; 7 , , , ~ , , .1 , , , f , r, .)14't *, ,' 7 ,
; rf 7 , , I.i tr. , 1. , 5114'. 1 r.,,t/ •
By an oitlef of,ti a Orphans '- Qouit o her
iandeoiinty; to tile diliEted; ruhlk -
Sale, on the ,161:engaeti, 27 114 1 4, tr,
August, 1841, at the. ,
desciibea fed take, to ' . • •
./24.aige..Dotibte Two Story
! • •
• • , ,•
mulaousg auto:maze. : j r:::-.
.Itileip in lite horoNgh of, .IVieetanicabeig, er-
Jaiid ,_.street, adjoining . [ he'. Union.
Chur.f.kips k atin lotorVitlentine Vigekiheing the
irate Mainlion 1-161116 61 John Cloge, 'dee'd: Alai;'
cline ":' ' '
Double Tied
laulavat arlaisome
„ ..„.
LC4 - OF-"GROUNiiii.,7
'ill the same. Boro,iigb,- Situate .on Main street,
.ounded by issao Kjini4 and Virpliain Bigley. Also,
A m4l'6l'l :
Contrutungabot.,2s feet front oii:the, rail mold, tte • •
86 feet in. dept ; bounded,by, the road; by that -
first described of and ,hy.. ; yoenlink i Shock....• This
lot will bp 'sold togetlier sYIVi fhb ltilinalaklickusi . :.
-propertyaboYis describetl;. --- 7Boih.properficttare,v . eryi
adynittsicibu'ilir . situaiellto`r An/ kind „of
.Tbe.teitiii'orige_tireieti,po Ot.thii,pitrchispii • :
money to te . paid lithe Confirination Otifie sOC,ttits;.•
yesidue of tiip on% elf of ,trie.pOchni:ef.ronn . ert 6 , 3
o .1
paid On•the fif of pill, 1844; when possession. will
be giieit,.and the oirie,r - Ttatronihc..le!,.of Aprit:i.B4o.•!
vbith approveireeparityl iTedUtiing the.ivido*!s „
inierest,.viiielr shall be Paid'annuallifixtli
se'r,nnd tlie principal at her death to the heirs.-
. . ••, Adiu'r. , of John Closei tlec'd.„ .
June 30,,184,I„;--,Gt. • '. . • - ;
7 Sheriff 8 .
RY virtue of siintlti writs or.Venditioni &papas;
JED t'o m'O diivecied, issued out die Calk Of Com--
mon Pleh's'of
fo ptibli6 Sale attife, genii franc borough Of
Carlisle; on 'Friday [he A. D. 1841 4 '.
nt o'cbitrit, M., the tbllovilui deicribed - rea p
estate, Yii: t - : i • . •
A Lot: - af sitriaie: irr the:, .
borouf, , h of 'Mechanicsburg ; Cumbirland 'cot t. inty; •
boundd on (he east by Williaw Peebles; on the •
4 - e E s t -by John Close's heirs,in aller . on 'the South,
and Alain, street on the north, containing :th irty4our •
feet in breadth, and two hundred feet jwilepth, InOrikr'
neitissOlaving thereon —ere.Otatttg:Anty,:jyft&ttit”2:':.
..Ito:6k,afi4irlgeS.4k,:,TittF:s - ithurtorziai4-boti7tifg.
Selied and, hikeu ni Exedution as the 'tit , operty.ol''
William Iligley ''. •
. •
. . .
. . .
• Alsb l of .
-in the - borough — ci - ertelisle,. ooiiiAimn4 six ty fat. ,
breadth, and two hundred and foilty..teet. m .depth;
more or-less attjoiningsi,loe or.lohn IlizneApn,„thd
south, a -lot-o f :iiarrtUel : Alexander on thp,-ndith, tEtii
Vratie Yard on. the eiit;aud the Baltimore'..turnpike
on_ the west, 'ittiving_t heimari erected a -two.,stori
Frame }louse, Brick wash house and Procne S,tak4e.
Seized and "taken • to execiition , as- s tite -property; of,
George slntheye.
"Aso,. a Lot" of Ground, go: 571.
in the borough. of Newville, On the Corner of High'
street and Church all ey, . and ikotlndecl 'on the
a lot ofJease DTA, confainiiii - 601eeTinlireaddt on ..
High itreet;. and one hundred and :*eighty feet Au ,
depth on (. c hurch alleyiliaving'n two. story Log..and .
Frame 'Howe thereon, Ind
.stable and slaughter
- Also, - an 'lin Mproved lot in therajd'4lsrougli t
gn the road leading-from OW to - the CU - tuber"
hind Valley licumled' lot of JoiePh._
Odd; Itoadi, and Thomas Pai,ton, oontaau
ing forrY::thiee feet in trent', nud two hundred and •
twenty-seven feet In deptli,Ugtlie same more or leas..'
Seized and taken hi eYeentVoll'id the property , of John'
And co be Sold' liy me;
• • . " . hIARTIN, Sherifr:
Sheriff's Office,
Carlisle, June 23, 1841 •5 •
LL personcwishing. to be supplied with theesir::
liest city news, may feel themselves much grafi
fied by calling at the subscribers, where they ran
have a selectiob of the following daily and weekly
papers i , viz:—the Philadelphia Daily L'hro, nit 4;
Ledger, and Spirit of •the. Times; New York Dail
Herald, Weekly Herald,. Brother Jonathan, New..
World, Yankee Notion, Beam: Notion, Magazines; '
&c. ka. to be had at the store of . . .
at4isle,May 12, 1841. ,
the.-Old Stand' 300 :yard's - above
• • • ffin•lisburg Bridge.. -
The Subscriber Surrag.purcliatod, tti
-excellent-ipsorftrieli?giscasoti,ed --
PanneliCommonAloatds & Phiiik
6.0 1 .1010 i td q 2 inclYeit.tideks,.. arid froiy.Wpiiii
• • • Pt,t lon
Ash Plant,- •
from t to 2,.3 und4 'tidies thick, seasoned - .•
Cherry, Curled, iipd Birds ,Eye Ma- .
ple; White Pine Rails; Joke Raft-,
ers'and Seautfing; and shcirt.:. •
Shingles;'White-Oak tlagaheatt,,
~.. -T
ad liatl i er.s6:i.ea; .• •
The subcritiOr, thankful
'for pait ki do bia pare"
to iecuro.again their patronage .`' GalC:anti
exaiiiine - bis•assoronent.,- - •
\Vormlc•yßGu g, June fti, 1841.. 9t. . • ; '•
• •
ritriaershipr . ;:. •
T "E.
cp; s :AtirrNiitsine between - S.' DBEs .;
, lie M. Mrity, of - Mechanicsburg, in . *hi -
For Warding and Corr mission business, vas trissolved
14 mutual consent,
.on the Gth of April,, 1841. Tim
tice.are engitgitd „hi fire same . Gnsipesa ;
MeV : and f•disfintitiv S. Atlesbach .oc4upying.ttai
HOuse ease- of . Mechanicsburg, nod Id. Meily
house at` the water station. .
psi, DO:SLIM/4
Mechanicsburg, June 16,1841.. ,
• AAvAlrittjUiS
11 shiait itodk orrlbritliehtl Sticief, slilf "ciit Bind;
and will be *old etlett tbAu slop ll't,tWititiseiiberi?
' "ril l NElt &r. , MULVAIIit.
Jtine 9,1841
" '.110T.110E:: ••• ••
" . Esrdte of o .Saidreut
.E'lrrE RS TESTA MENI9I:ItY ki,lls'
a-a °Anti; of drew 6 tvtihellt 661'4 biiitolllo
of nedlianiesbet.Cembettlabli
:beew is4,uetl,to4be",'sdgbet,lft4 . ll.4 . id tlit abiAti;
becoiithi'Rettdil lit•fdav pendia:
indlehtiil tyy idaestbtfi,tb 'makt , immediate payyten . 4i ,
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