fIE uu , & EXPOSITOR. 'eittqinte• • 'W P.ISI4E I SP,Ai i : JULY , 7,, 1841 .p;pl, - :-FOR.:GOVEROR, ~,„ ,r JOHN BANK.S, OF JIERKS cod,MTI. COMMENCEMENT. DickxN:sorl boLitoE JULY BTH, 1841. The procesSion'lvilTshq formed at 9 o'L A'. M., in ,the Cainpus, in tthp.following order: - College Classes—Freshmen, Sopho ,.. woes; jipziors; Seniors. , Trustees. ' . • :'3.' State_Execulivet - - ' Oilie r efa',U,the'Ar - my and . Navy. faculty and Instructors of the Coliege. 7., Candid.ates for die several degr,eei: • 8. 'Students orLaw. 9. AluMni of this'aud ',other colleges. ~ • Diekinsoli' College, , Philosophical Society" of piainson College,.' celebrated its.62d Aura= versar . the 'Methodist Episcopal Church of this . bOrdUgli, on. Monday evening last, the-Zth , lnetant . .--Although the: night vitas , .very: sultry; tiic church, was' filled to over . flowing; and- 'hundreds-were compelled to _ietirre,,net _being able The young gentlemen - who. participated in , . the exercises ofthe evening, acquittedthem-' selves in a very handsome manner, and did. • muelt to sustain 'the ancient reputation :of their seciety. .The . wns the or-, • • der of •;..• -• • ,-; , • I. ,finniversary4aaress, • • KnOwledge, aninstlicienT jpzde to in divittertdroi• Irittion altrAdu et; - deOrge_.l). 3. Formation of Character, . _ . • perley IL Lovejoy, - Fayette, Me. _ . 4. Spirit — of Chivalry, - Thomas- W.' l': - Rider, Salisbury,-Mdii 5. Impulses to Revolution; - ^ Charles P. Wilkins, Pittsburgh. 6.' inji'uenee of virtue and . knotolettge I.lq progress of Liberty, _ • W. Lee Ppottswoo,il,.Carlisle TUE BOSTON QUART.ETTE; 'The Coheerts which have..been given by these, -celebrated singers- very far-surpass any thlng.of the'kind ever offered •in this pla¢ea - The - preeision and take-With which tberexecute the.nitisic, and the judicious selection of the pieces, accompanied by the ravishing harmony. -of , their, rich, pure voicek makes:kt impression upon the feel-, itigsoyhich 'can . never be forgotten:- 'The "Club" consists of gentle* , —an . alto, Ist and 2d tenor and bass, whose voices are se nicely attuned to each other by . long practice; aided by the most perfect mnsicat'skill; that.every one.who lias heard theimellovi, richness Of their , performance, hai been delighted' beyond measure. - • This is not intended as a . puff, for We can [inure our readers that the, notes of the ‘ l 42unitette" will always pass current with - outwit endorser. At the request of many friends they have returned here, after a visit to Chambersburg arid Hagerstown, and we invite' those who can feel "the power of song," not to — lO.:Ns last oklortuaity pass, without hear ing'thern. ' , • 1 4 FAREWELL coNgEkT,L___. The Boston Quartette give a Fare well concert, at Education Hall, on Thurs .dav evening; - commencing at half past 8 o'clock. l The programme piesents a choice t selection of the most popular music., sad we,e,xliect the ,Citi4eni of , Oajliale ;will turn out in fullyforce:or:that .sccasion,.and. give T . tiwn) '•A.bumper trirting.'? TERRIFIC IIkILSTORIVL By the'etienppriot , ajriphd, we'are in formed Alta , on Monday: the sth instant, , South Middleton townehiP lit.this county, ryas visaed by a most destructive hail.stbrin. , eenntnenced abeut 3 o'clocki P. M., and iti'Vetta than 'One rheur devastation was trolly appalling. The ,atorm extended se= . ver4,imiles. in langth; taking it , course blorig tht:•,lbaltiiuore TUrnpike, ,ftllut two t(es, son Ah. ofCarl . e untilreached'e SO - oh, o,nd'then going. ; Fifteen or eighteen farina are - entirety • dhitOyed—eiety - 'aeld,. Of, krainAt, them stiitYeiti , thittiebtei,pait. Of,. the-like:li wilt flot beworth'tustinF,' the oats are beaten to th ' eiiiK • 1; k o ff an te-tire ro en o at the i 9 441 glft, is)nearlycalk4estroyedtlaq' thb*tioda end roadeinrellie*Mi and ,bronehee,,b . 680"it*d'btiv,L , fige64o:46l l 6o.l4•oPsee coin , therasti Was 'drivitt fati: ItPPV 3 tient 3ll Y:P6oktqtql siva f.ovvywahiu tee aomp," , tioweveri , iivere Pilq l 64 AA- ftvAlinOca , )ong,,Anti ' , having; a fiirliettosirepe" '"'W'e' Natti-01; I 'll r rien s . e corn r , ; who have 0 , 1 had Y~i~iF hOfies or aq, abundent bar -* , , , 0' f'•fi` t l ,V. ",ii•l''n ,fi4..i,8, _ (, ,Or" 9 f:_l,i" i,t:_l*"'l ~i..;.'.i.'',k_ . ? 4i ! t :,` : ' 1- 1i F f'. - 1 ! ' t."."1_...' i". . r' . ''!,' , ' if " t t il, . i r z al"t•l,r i I.f I_S..;, o `r .." . 7,:,..k l Y-2,.-: , .'2,;.',,=. 4 .t.:l, ,4'.•5"'‘.. ; 6 tE: k -,, ,,•ct ..:kv .1 .k l, :g.k,c. ...I ~,, k'-;jt" , ,l iii‘..41 ..... 1:'3,,,, , - 7 - ~, ..1. -, , , ,,,,,t,-.1.,,11 •',• ' tPidi oilteetvea fee 7 ,:. =~f' 2id `;z F*orfti `' dtii~' di~i' i•n4 ,7 ; 1. 3 1 K 4 A -7 . 1 f ~ i . ~~ ~ ~ ki