@®E§3"‘I£3TBT£I{BJ .L . • 'Elle subseriker wlll 'rent that well 'known, large and convenient. honse, for :nanny yearS,occuined by Christian s llriint more'reeently by others, as 4.1 • PIE IL I'4E 0 USE. „ . . . . . The lions . ° is reinfirkriblywell.calculated for-enter tainittg BOAIIitERS; there beingAree stair-ways, and Fire places in most of the roo?ai, 71.11ie sitkimion, is very pleasant:7mM_ desirable, being , on the north - west cornell of 'Hanover - and Lembor streets; while, , tor conVenienees, it excels an,) , ' other house ilt the be rough'or country. It possesses the unusual advanta ges of ti 2 'Moms an the first floor, 14, roams on the second, and 4tmoms out the third floor. TWo, wells of water ; (one at the front door on Louther street, with dpninp' therein; the other in the yard at the I:4r:hen driest) tiCi!itern Made to ernitain eighty-five. togsheads; large'and convenient stablinVw ith car riage liense. and sheds; large and excellent garden Attached to. the buildings; besides many convenien ces not sinicitied.. For particulars enquire of . • CHRISTIAN lIHNIRICII, Carlisle, Nov. 9.5, .At a stated' Orphans' Court .I)c . - .gan-and held on.-Monday the 9th day of November,. 1840. nt Carlisle in and • for Cumberinial (Minify, be fore the lion. Samuel Hepburn .President, a n d John Stuart. and John Lercyre Associate judges:of the, same, assigned ts . .Q.- the following proceedings were had to wit: - • • • . • Upon, the Petition ofJolui K.l.ongneeker, atl:' 11 , 1- istrator of Henry I.:ongnecker dectd., ‘t,respetni , "Y ,representing that. Your . petitioner was appoi,"" a' l " et tnistrator of the estAteof the said I (envyr".gPeek er deed. That he hasfiled- his a d m i n ,,trattem ac count abd there: is upon-the settlement e'srati account a balance overpaid hy accountant $2,.1! 8 ,•„?-9•„: are no funds belonging to the estati 'the re cog,nizance, entered' intoliy.lohn K. Lon * seeker; lot farm,Micen by him at - the -valritioM Ile therefore Drays the Cella tq grant a ltuKt on the heirs, to slum cause why the Amount overpitd.hy him should not be' credited on the said , recogrizasee us or the Ist April, foth-Nor. 1840. nude granted personal notice to be•setred on those in the county and- notice to lit given' to those out of the county. by publication in two newspapers in, the county for six ;weeks returnable at the January Court 101. By. tic Court: f:umberland dounty;•ii. . . . .. • . • • ,o, x 4. • Court-in 11 . ,AVillilo r tilk,(1irk id t of t tbe l O o lipl t i , a . r i i:: Icertify tbe forell l ig.tr'uPc ' opy 'of 'rt.- tit ex p . ,, cord. . .• '.., ', . Vt 4 ,„aver.{s , Witness rny hand and seal of said court t 4 .. .x.c ., at Chrlisle, the 18111' day of - Nov.• 1810. , . - W. FOUI.K, • , . . . . , • CPk. O. C.iit.. Nov. 23, 1341---st. .. ~ . . . . . . 12.13)1141k: •T 04114 -~,- The snlisnriber hereby informs-the eitizensvf.Cni- lisii.owAlte . publie 'generally, that lie has taken the shopearly oppnsite the Jail, wkiere he will be pre hiartsi-to7-inaounfotoro- to firde4 - oil ihnitost - rensmni, tcrntS,any,artiele . in his-line or tininess, snch ns ••" - A:cefr - 11111 ecks.i7 -c. ire will 0,30 attend to Steeling and Crinding Axes, Ito solicits a share a public patrottit,ge. JOHN ruims. . Gu lisle , N617.-5;18-10 • .. . . . ,-Notice..... ... .. .. ~_ - V...E r l : EIt:S•OF - ADSIIN tsTit.vrio_N lave been - M- 41 knitted to tlte - ifinSiiiber resuliTiffinn - Fdl!ain bornur,lt township, nu the estate oflateob noltz; late or Eastpennsbrirough township, Cumberland county, deceased: • All persons having claims against. said - estate, are requested to present them properly au thenticated -for settlement, and those indOted will . , ... . make payment to . . JOHN . MOlA' Am'r: November 11, 1840,—fit - ' Z. ---'''A - . • . • 101 . )T . 21191a110 LE I'TERS OF ADMINISTRATION on the estate of Jesse DMA, late of the. borough of ..w4illorCurnhonlartil-county,doold-ha.ve-been-is sued to the subscriber residing. Inlarrislan,: No -- - TICY: is herejty y giveuithat the subscriber will attend. • at the house of Mrs. Elizabeth Duck, in Newville, on lyednesday and Thursday the lrith and '2 6 h of • Np‘trriber lIIEL when all those thatare indebted to -said estate will please make payment, and all- those having claims against said estate will, present them' properly authentmoted for settlement. AVM. DUCK, Executor. - Nov. 1,4810.--.6i. ---- - - E - 11 - EuELN - 6 ----- 0 • First Cost ! TO COUNTRY IVIERCEANTS • .8 ND O T~II7r S. jam Subscribers, intending to leave - Cmitsleof, fer Their ENTIRE, sTocE, compOsing an ex tensive varitly of every tieseriptionuf DRY G00D5.,.. for sale rit FIRST COST! ' . • • Country, Merchants, and the public gencirally,nill find it decideilly - to — their Mc:image to call, exainine . , and purchase —as they cannonbliiin goods cheaper in the city. •"' _ • ..• . . . - • Call_and se . e 7 -call:alul purchase. , 'Depend upon it, Bargainiare now offered to every One who desires to purchase. - •' . •' 4 .• ARNOLD - .CO. Carlisle, October 21, 1840. . . . ISt .0 —Tersons indebted nre,requestcSliosall.and . settle before the first of January next. _ . . , • -VIII Ea thit, .1 3 FIE a The Chl,Stimi of tbe Subseriber, opposite Simon Wonderlich's tavern, s pow crowded with the ldrg est and most extensive new stock of the. cheapest ,goods ever brought to Carlisle; as the. public may satisfy themselves:by calling and seeing. • Pilot, Beaver and other cloths, $2 and upwards per yard; Cassiineres and cassinctts unusually IOW. A large assortment of Mouslin Dc Laines,fi•oin $2,50 -- toll merino,taglioith'emb'd. silk and satin chenpy, satin damask, .blaukct and cotton, from 25 cts. to $20.. Elegant plaid , and other „fancy cap and ba . ons rom 6 IV .75 cents, with 'linings 'to match.. Enal; l 'sl. silk, satin bet scarfs and handkerchiefs; ,every variety of ladies and gents gloves and hosieri ' -&c., with a variety of other svaluable and Seasonable articles. .. 50 cases Boots and Shoes, have just been 'opened and added to the before e:4tensive stock,' among which are Ladies* hnd Misses gum cloth, lined -muf fin. gum, Morocco, Kid;liiE - TMen's and Boysßopts and Shoes of every description for the Fall and Win ter seasoiit.. ' • ' . A general stook ton, of Men's and Boys Fur,Cloth and Seal Caps, with a .few .fine., fashionable Fur:Hats, all of which will be sold cheaper kin ever by. CHAS.. OGILIIY. • .Carlislc,,Nov. 4, 1840. • • ' • - For Sale; -• The two Story Stone house, occupied by R. C. Esq. on East street Carlisle, with the Lot' of Ground-90 feet front on. said . street, and extending 250 (bet back,to the.Letart spring. ' Therehi a Stone Stable,.a Carriage Haase, and - a • welt of water on the premises.:he'whole property is - enclosed by a. substantial stonewall. For tbrther particulars apply to - • ••' r,DwAttu WATrs. . : • . . 'o"Ok..46lo 4 irit: "Cautioli"? Is the :Parent. of Safe hi.' A N attack.of the!!Pitmall_may.be_positiveiy pre 7 ,vesttedlbfiltaing (When'the premonitorylazmp ;toms ai'd felt) the'celebrated tjAySE LINIMENT. There are. more' ,ohe'hun,Ore'd . people in this city, and hi the tUnited States an brimenae number, who "lade; ffered , beyond endurance by tido 'dreadful complaint, , wlie keep themielves. wholly - free.froria. Attacka ht . ,tiptilying this Liniment when they feel any:. symptoms of Its appreaChl' this there is the moat •NoneCiinuine-wittout the tinffie o f oataine,a- , &? CO, WMt ritten- itrima;- ' • 2 i 4 s • -;ii• • - , SOLONIO,aI •HAYS. - field at No. 2; Fletcher street; N. Y., nnd by Ste enlonli„. Pinkie, Carlisle, Pa. - . ' n„..i6, 184A.-4t.. „Vplendid IPecenibii• texiseo. • • . PARI: NEIR . 871 P.. • AIK anderali'aeti have tanned:a. eb-p artnerattip , under the firtrt - * . 111. , Ai. G.. W. .BROW;N: , 'f n' the partible of traniatetingapeneyal goibreitision and Yorivardiay Xttiaincii.• • • . • • We . vieuld that we have fatten the . rions.FireProof brick iWaretaiuse, - altutteed on Idle south . Nles ;t corner. d r proad and Vine; 4reeta, where we nre'Prepared to recehe nod 'fOrwaid „Meridian= diee, end receive and 811 iilads'or county :Pro= ' respeetfulirsolieit a Flare or the .puhlio ttat 7 ronatle (075 PEI ca _ 6 : f 10,000 .1 'Drawn Ntia. out of 75: •• " • • 'lVirg - tßatia State ,11404 !cry, For endowing the L'ecsinrg. Academy. r„ b e other.purposta.. -. Clusli No. , ' O. for 8•4.44 e f haws lit.AlcXlllllll . 4l, N . a; on Saturday, Deounier, 1.840; , (;1;..v.p C.% VITALq ? • es 5 Prize 'of $lO/80. prizes $5,660:1 o'f2,sor ..of 2,P20. . . , • , 25 Prizi , s of • I,oi/ Doltini. • 25 of $560-:-.2041.1400. &c. Tickets only p o _t he z's $5---R Carters s'2 50 Coq i icatce of ni in ck:v.l-25 whoierickeis.o9.,l 0. (1 - 0 - • I In I f do • 60 .1 ) , . du 2,5 quarter do 30 ip l izes of $20,0001 ' , MAKING 7), ®OO Dollars.- AllexastelltiA Lottery. Clans C, Tor Htio.---To be dritait at Alexandria, . D. on So:bull:1y, 10th December, IMO. .• • Gmisn - • •. 1.0;000" . $5,60(11 50 Prizds of - $l,OOO---50 of tpoo---00, of. °5O Dojlars." .• • • ' • ' 13 Drawn Nos. out' of 78.* • • • • Ticicc6 $lO-11alves $.5---iattarters :$.2. 50. Certificates of l'ackagesol.26 Whole Tickets $l . lO Do. ,• do • '26llan do -- 70 , • do 26 Quarter (16 35 VIRG/NIA STATE LOTTERY. For tbe . .bei-atfit of the. Mottongitlia Acadenty. Glass Noll for 1G =To be drawn at Alexandria, Yaz:Sattellny Dee,l2.6th 184 b.-. . niuLLimsT scITEDIEr - , • 30,000-10,000 6,000, 3,140, 3,000, 2,500, 2,000 . • fr.," sa_Prizes of 1,000, . 26 of 500---20 of 300, " . Tickets only%7llo—llalves ss—Quarters—s2,so Certificates.of Packages of 25 Whole Tickets WO •Do. • ~• ._do" •tn Half • do 65 tkr• • Vi quarter do • •..312 50 Err Ord(Ts for Tickets ,nd Shares or Certiftentett of Packages in the - above 'Lottery will be promptly. atte.nted to and the tlttiwitig sent immediately after it is over. AtliliTss; -. , D. S. (IItECORV, & Co . .,3lanagers. Wioltingtoti City, r. C. Nov. 23, 15-10 WHO LESA LE RETAIL : Vied . 1ro41; and. Tin Irare The subscriber offersfor sale, at his shop, in North flailover street Carlisle, next door 'to Wm. .11..ccon, aril's store, (or will " rnannthenre at the shortest no tice) the following arficles, to wit : • , . (. 1 3 TYZ:I3 VANta22O I NI - STOVES • -cf• all descriptions, ° • of %%Melt he has on hand 'a large assortmeht, 'which -11e-will-self-lowertlian--ever,for-Cash,--11e-also of fers lbr sale any quantity of Stove Ripe; - 7 'fyr woodsual coal ;• all sorts of ' Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ifirre, stick as Wash kettles, Dve Kettles, hatter's Kettles, Druins, Dripping l'ans,ifouse Spouting, & c.; all of which he will Sell on better terms than usual. • Carlisle, Sept. 3 , 1840.--tf. BARGAINS, BARGAINS. Dry GoVds, Groceries 4: • Qtie ensware. •NV ILL he sold.lifilie subscriber, very reduced price for Cash, in the room recently occupied by. 4scob Itheent:nutl :Adjoining the store of Samuel It. .NYers & Co, • . The stock is new and consists in - part.of broad clOtlis, ca - ssimeres, cassinetts, blaiik ets, merinos, bombazines, flannels, vesting, muslines; calicoes, tickings, silks, linens, table.,covors, plain'and, figured. swiss mos lines,••inSertings,- laces, silk and - cotton liandkercbiefs;:ribands,glo_ves_aioLtstocks - ,lionnets; beaverteens, &e. Also, If - small . lot • of GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, arid a ,feiv • GROCERIES. business in Sliippens-, .borg,_ snd seliidved that entlre_stock _to this: place, I. am 'desirous of closing tip the con , certi as soon as possible... Purchasep will do well to call °soon . , as great bargains will be given. .• CHAS. OGILBY. Carlisle, Sept. 20, 1840. • . B A Pa, .0 N S ! • Son,Meimep:A'• Lztulauer,," At their New Stare in tantmerille,lutvWjtire eel red and are no' opening a very large and splendid itssortraet.t of BRITISH, FRENCH and DOMES . . OR V.GOODS, which 11114 been selected with much are in the cities of NEW 'MM . and PHILADELPHIA,and whieli they respectfully invite the citizens of -Centre*.ille and vim', ity to call and examine, as they will be:ena bled to please, and. ell decidedly cheaper than any . -other establishment - in - the county: ',They :will be happy at all tines to se„customers who are desirous of having . • . . 4 New. Cheap . and' 41Rood f -Goods. mung their stock will be found 'Blue, .Black, Drown, Green, Olive, Cadet, Mulberry, Dahlia; Cit ron', Claret; Mixt Drab, and a variety of low, owed:. Lti.ca-U % 31.0 SUPet.inr:stripetF and - 'plain - ILlOndonand: Ducks in Cassia ergs premium and low 'Priced Sattineds; su perine Silk, Sptin, Velvet; Valencia, Corded, Strip: ed; Figurthl and Plain ;Marseilles and. Cassimere Vestings.'.. A - general asiortroent of all'qualities and colo'is of . . . , . , . . . ~ • Pali and ift•inler Woods.' . suitable for. Gentlemen's -wear. SuperiOr Black. Italian Littestrings, Gros De - Nalis, go Be, Sivas, Gros De Swiss; anttSensiiii iii Silks; Challeys, Chint zeli,Jiicconets, Cambrics,Dobhinetta,Plain, and Fi gured Swiss, and Book Muslins,Shawls,Dresi'-• - - HanAkephiefe; Seaifs, 'Vein', Itibboo ' & — e . .. A lame and excellent assortment ocOne • n ' Clic priceirealiebes Irish, Table, Towelling' a - 11th 0 Iti c ii Dispel., CrasVAltams, Tit:kings,: Cheek rds; Beaveroientr,Vc. :A general assortment of Leihern. and Straiii Borineti, Umbrellas,Pliasels,. tic. ,Also, an extbnsive aiisortracAt of .' . .. ,', '.... • •,- •,,, •:: .. . • . Groceries'anxl Queens ware,. • of the Most approved Qiialities '('he public. are.ro 7 kpeetfully• invited to call and judge for. themselves to they are determined to sell cheap for cash or country_ produce. • TAVERN.ICEDPERSiiiie respectfally, Invited tecerilr.: - luSal _examino, their stock-of Liquors. before - purchasieg ,elatiiv,here, , , . ,' - ,:5 . -• ';.,.• ,- _:' Cent.coVille,.Cim-,:Gk;Qat01m':14,..1,840.... ',,.... HQN,EI Y—ofa Aim qualliy;fai; sale by, ••• - 1 ,,,,, ‘: - .. ,, ,1",..e • . • V.: .: 11l -,. r . : -."--.. ~ :..,....., --,„,,,- -.- ,-,- , .- 4 , - ;,, -__ '_. _.':„_ :;;;T__,7 - :.__.... .: - .*7 . .-7. - . •. - :..• .- '.•:-.. •: f • .:.' ' :-. :,..- •,;.. ;:,', ,•,,„ - ' ' ' '.: , i .', ' 1 0: _ , 7 ' ~. ',..:„? J:' AI. lIHOWN . , Of F1.1%111.116 • o. • • and of the latkfirin of Agnew, Macurdys&Hroivn. • • • 'G.Iy. BHOWN,of HarperaFtary; Va, .• • • REFERENCES. . McLanalum AcCo.;'C.aleb COO l;r: Co; &A. Wray; ,George Bandy & Co; C. Houston & Co. , . • 11ancaater Sample; Capt. John Steele; S. Smith Piiiterion; d. ' Ferree. • Hiirrisburg.—Tbomas I lot, Henry Buehler.. Cor/isie.Geo. A. Lyon, Wm.-. Leonard: Xeloville.—Wilimm 'Barr. Frank/hi- CO.—,Geqrge:Chnmberni:Datitl Fuller ton; James Camiibell ;_doliti. .• • Pittsburg.—Murphy & Chamberlain. . II ilshington Cn.. 1. S. & D. White. • Bedford Co..lames Agnew.. _Hagerstown Md.—Win. M. Marshall. - • Ferryira.—G. B. Wager; E. Lucas, Jr: Oat 9.8, 1340.-;-6t . •. • iMittabie Old IL9ts For . , -WILL exposedto public sale, an the premises, in pursuance of an.,order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland coutity, on Monday the 14th day of .De cember. nest, the fallowing described Out• the estate lif . gobeel Armstrong, dec'd: • • No.l adjoining jets of ilrtn..M. Biddle Esq. and L. Keller; Loather street continued and the College lane, containing one.and two thirds acres. . " No. 2,.Bounded on the'north. and west by lands of James Noble's heirs, on the east by a lot of the hors of James Moore, dee'd., and on the south liy,lots of inmen Armstrong pod Mrs.. Cooper; Containing 3 acres. 9, Bounded - by lands -of Baughman's heirs, Andrewßlair, Patrick: Phillips and Others, - being Psrt of additional out lot No. 15, etiMitining two acres and forty 'perches--all situate within the Borough of Carlisle. . _ . The terms of sale-are---one half of the perchase Money to be paid on the conlirmatinn pf the sale,and d i die residue ; n• °rid year thereafte' withoint interest, to lie secured by judginent bonds. Sale to commence at t 9 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, when and where due atteadatiee will be given by ' . . :JAMES ARMSTRONG _ • -011 W 60010"ig, The subscriber has just. returostl from: city, witlrafarge supplyitfsuperiur new styled • FALL AND WINTER • • G 0-011 S , • - consisting in part of—Wool' dyed Black, Bltie,'Clit -retr-Daliliai-Browri,lnvisible-Green,and Mulberry. ' • • Tll . Z . , . - Wool dyed 'Buick, Blue, and figured Cossimeres; Rani netts of.all. description% Cords and Beaverteen% Ticks and Cheeks; imported Stair and' figiireckCar- t peting; Savony;Prince tuitl-Mmise LainesOlom _bazines,,Merinoes, blue blaels,pacl Mantua, Fawn, Brown ; Figured and Plain.Bilks;, - _.7Figured, and Pittin-SwPs and Jaconet alusilas; • Creels Baite - and Flannels of -diffeivtit colours; Cloves and 'Hosiery; Cloth and Fur Caps; Broshe and 'Merino - Molds; Mackinate, Rose' and Point Blankets; Leghorn and Straw-Bonnets; together - with an cssortment of - • - • Groceries : AL illiieensware. All of which will be- sold on the most reasonable terms. Person are,invited 'to, call :and examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. ANDREW RICTIARPS. MI TH S 11 INC - MACHINES - .-11,1 h etliilitaatls TIIE- great„eaceuragement _heretofore • recttivek from the sale of his machines,induces him to of feestethe public a new and improved Horse Power, which can be shifted in val• or mit .of gear by keys, mid shift the band to give Wave different revolutions. And he has no hesitation.in assuring the Farmersthat he is now able to furniskthem a ith an article fur su perior to these manufactured heretofore. For speed and clean threshing and• ease to the horses, he be lieves his machines to be unequalled. . • Ills price is-$l4O---seventy-dollars to-be-paid cask, and the todance in six months, for which a note will be required with interest. ; Any person purchasing n machine and upon a fair ti not being pleased, can return it: Ile will at all times. be ready to sfurnish them on the shortest notice; orders tro'm a distance will be punctually attended to.' lie will' also repair machines on the shortest notice. aBEL .KEENE Y. SAITIC 171711EREAS the Carlisle Saving Fund Society; .V V • will eipire,in 1843. Notice is hereby given, agreeably to the constitution and laws of Pennsylva nia, that the stockholders of said institution intend ipplylng7tinlie — Bali — pt - theCbmmoit , Waal for a renewalTifiltihcelintige•tif rinioTityle andlitle to "Cumberland• Valley Bank,"- inerease of capital and. general tliscomkting and banking privi leges,all under such restrictions as the Legislature may direct. The above institution to ,be continued in Carlisle, Pa.,. J. MiT.RS: , . Aug.19 4 18 , 10-- , Gin. 7 • Variety, Store, &e. TIE subSeriberi thankful for past faiorsi respeci fully informs the public that he still 'continues to "hold feth”, in Chard' Alley, near "Education Halt," where lio has now on hand a large assortment of notionajeonsisting in part, of the following: Bread, Cakes, Cheese, Bacon, Hams, Flour. - Soap, Cider, Spides r Fruits, Sweetmeats, and ' other necesiaries oalcnlatcd fiye - tlits meredian. . . N. Bile alsti continues to keep au Eating House where ntlemen can be accommodated with Tripe: Pigs Feet, Pickled Oysters, &c. at the'shortest notice. JACWI SIEG. Product, Nratited- Immediately. CASH will be paid for FIVE THOUSAND bar rela of Flour; TEN THOUSAND btieliels of Wheat; TEN THOUSAND Militias of. Rye, and TEN THOUSAND *bushels of Corn, by the subscriber, who can at all - times be iiiund, at his Ware-house on the canal between Walnut and State streets. OWEN MICABE. ' Harrisburg, April 1, 11140.- T -tf: _ .• • • liesvO yogi: a. Capgh? . . irkanot ner,leet is! Iliousandsliave met a •pre ? ' jy maplre death for the want of a little attention .o a common cold. - Hare you' a 'cough?—Rev,A)r: liartholemew's Faßcetorant *Flip, a safe medicallireseription, con taining. no poisonous drugs, 'and used in an extensive ppitide for'several years, will' Most 'positiiely afford relief, and save you from that . awful.dhease mimary' consumption; which usually "sUreepa into the gravediunilreds of the "pining, the old, the fair;the lovely and the gay _ - - , -Have you a tiotigh'?-13e'persuaded tospurclitise bottle of this Expettorant•Syrupto day !!—To-mop; row may be too late. ' . • Hari, you a cough l—Dartholemew'i Expectorant Syrup is,ther only, remedy you should take - td cure For lids plain reason.:-4 That iu 'no . one .of •• the thousand cases where it has. been 'usctlilhaa it, failed to relleve.;-..'•• •'... • . ‘• Fort tdii the.drus. store ,of Comstock & Co., 2' Fletcner street near Tesirlyand in •Carlielo' bytSte iveitiptiOt L. . ..! ' 1,. [Not 45, f , • ~Tloarugoa{•lmmo, Madder, Moroi Cochineal; °to p pporas,lpitigo,Oil of yit. riot, Nitric Acid, Morottio dii., - Sol4poll of TIO , I . ttio .stboTe tie'oold . forAr c"ohrtly: • :oLuciTt ajlm'r. of R: Aimstriing, 001 Nov. 11, 18•19.---4 t ' • • • „ WILLIAM B MILLIGAN Nciwville,luly.go, 1840.—Y. , Sept. 9, 1840:-1'year •I 1 Arlo Zinc ofraTight Cars, • • • •,.., tOAPHILADFAJPIIIA.; THE subscriber s 'gratetalforrstrovors,respectful lynehusiinbihisTrtentls and theyeblin,that he hail put intwoienitiedi-On-the , -Ifarrisburg • - • .. - Jurnbla •• 3 3. %Vast 'n. .0111 - line Of new Doulam CARS; which Will rub rep- . lady b4ween lltwrisburg and - philadelphia, by which Goods nnd 'Produce of till descriptions will beferwar- ded with Care and despateh, itt ilielawest"rates of freight . • ' ' • ; • .-Goode will be received nt the Warenonse of MOS; J. MAXI,VM..L, N. E. coiner, of .Rrond and Vine streets; Philadelphia, and 'forwarded to IlturTisburg, Carlisle,' thambersburg, and' intermediate 'places, by, the subscriber. •. OWEN ..;tf!C All El. Ilarrisburg; Feb, 5, 1839. •. ' 'Otr",.YISEI,, SALT AND PLASTER, constantlyhand. • 'Cash paid for Chnost allicinds of &Autry pro- lechanic§b.arg . Line .6fr, . r itelvvecia..ll'.goplatehicsfigtrg and ,ff'ltt3~srtclelpiLia or 13,all4nsore., • [BY JMIL #0.41.1 .OR -C. 4X.11,] • Pr"' subscribers grateful for past favOys,. .. beg leave to informtheir friMuls and thdpublic generally, that.lthey.still continue to run a line of hurthen Cars regularly betvieen.•Mechapiesturg mid Philadelphia :orl3althriore, by which goods and Pro duce of all descriptions will he forwarded . ..with care and ilespatch at the lowest rates of freight. Produce will be recriled. nt their Ware. Houses in Mechanieshml,•ritid forwarded, to' either delphini or Baltimore, necording• the,tlirecjion the owner:. - ' • The highest price iiveit for 'Wheat men lour • DRESTIACIt N. B. Plaster of-Voris and Salt always kept on liandaind for sale at the lowest, price's. • - • July 29, 1810.---Iy. • . ' , • • - Croig,,Mellas Co. - • - -r=tt. r , - • • e.. „ A s._ COMMISSION Sr. FORWARD ING MERCIIANTS...-' • klaire removed to - the capacious Warehouse recently epenert .oftherry -hod Broad street, Philadelphia.. From thefiteilities' which the locatiomki.o intel*clei arrangement of this depot afford; 30 to 4611iii:fiien Cars can be accommodated to unload and load at the same time with sufficient rOdinto store 20,000 barrels'l lof-Eloiir; and 400-to 600 ton of-Grain 'exclusixe of the - forwarding derdittiiient: • Produce qf every description will be' received as usual on COOSlgliMellts;.llnii liberal advan>;ep made on receipt (if required) until sides are effected. . _I .• ' - • CRAIG, ftELLASIk.:Co. -..-- North,oest corner of Cherry k.s Broad st. ' • • Philatlelphyi . _ 'REVERENCES. \V. c S. erCsooilrakii `-' - I l h en ,,, ry-Rlioads,- carhstc.- .. . • Satinderibli.ft Bosscrman, . • Jecob Swoyer, Neulvilte. . • David Nevin, Shippi.niburp „ J. Lop!) Smith,f.sq. Cashier 2 Cliambereala*. Eyster, Rutz: E 4, C CO, • 110bertnel101Og, • CatiltrWOOCl - 8/Crtlii , , phir a d e r p h ia, Wm. R. Thompson Co. • • Whitall & Brown, • • IMPORTANT,TO• MILLERS "& - • MANUFACTURERS. • • Rota's Improva • Water WheilL TILE Subscriber having:purchased of the on Patentee the rig& of the aboie Water Wheel for the state of Pennsylvania, will dispose of individ ual rights er counties on advantageous terms. This Water wheel has bqen fully tested . and - proved to beso far .superior to any kind in. its power of propelling machinery., having a greater force than any .other j wheels i!iliropoition to the quantity el watcrapplied.• It is calculated to he more parttcularlYusehil at mills, having from two to eight feet head : and full, : and tvolgreatly obviate the inconveniences experienc ed from back water. It is considered by those hay ngthem in use as one of the most important improve ments that has ever been introduced for its simplici !y, strength; steadiness ormotiOn and durability. It is constructed qltOgether of iron and not so expetisive to ,akeu as an undershot, and operating with 'about half the water and not liable to be obstructed by ice in the winter. Thi, subscriber will devote his atten tion to calls for these wheels at such places as may be required. MICHAEL rsr'MATII, Harrisburg. • .. - • . J . ., • [Co'rx . .] ' • _Ll — ltislitoserlify,llint I itexuni. in one of .PatentLeastiron_Direct:Action_Witer_Wheels, in place of a .Reaction Wheel , that the Direct Wheel I does not flood the tail race as much by three inches. I as the reaction ditl, and that I can grind seven lash-• els with the • direct action wheel an hour; miotdriie two run of stones, where I could not grind four bush- - cis in-the, tame tiine.with the_reactiJn:and drive one run of stones. v • PETER PAIINESTOCK.' Eupbtatn, Lan. co. Oct. gin.' • • • . AllowaYMay, : s, This spay certify, that I havefiecn engaged in put ting in S: B. Howl's cast iron direct action water wbeel, both in the State of New York and in and !tan give it as mrdecided _opinion that-vvitiL . 8 feet helul or under, rightly put in, it will .do , more, business with the same water than any other 'water _Wheel:which I have yet had any experience in, and in referenceAo_baclzwater:,is seco_nd_liest_to_none4liat I have yet tried. • In reference to guarding ftgiiinst ice, there can be no better operation, nod it as very, easy -to-be , kept-iwrepair ' _ STEUEN AILES, ' • . • Alloway, Sept. d, 1838. .This may certify that? haVe had in my Mill one of Mr. Howd's direct water wheeli for the %pace of - tine It is.a.fivpfeet:Whee -14nd -I have-had•-a re action in the sameplaie—l.have alio had Wheelet"s Union'Wheel, yet I think Mr. Howd's will do -more business with less Water than any other I have hied.. It does well in - backwater... I have had froin to' 6 feet head. I think we could do as much work with half the water as we used folio with the undershoot wheel, which has also been in -operation in my mill. LAWRENCE RILEY; , , • , Lyons, Sept,,9; IBS% ..' This may, certify, that we haie used one 'of ;$. Howd's patent water Wheels since December last,by the Side- will re-action -wheel , and we think Howd's do double the bUsiness with the , seine Water that the re-Action will do, or. very near. 'We never hive-but three: feet head, and can grind 'with that eight .bushel per hour, -: - We are sultectto hack. water. ; This wheel will dg as good business...under back=water as the re=action, and, recoroinend it to the attention and'patrenage of the public: - ' . ' . -SIMON BURT!' , . • ' • MILES' S LEACH.. WAI. W. ' i3EUGSTItESSEII,, milirwr Wit; is agent for the above nientienett water 'wheel in the. ' counties ofilauphin,Cumherlaiiti and York and will at all timealierady_to:attendloiheitattlettet. tion*, shciifOr-ootiiiii, , :tirsuldreseing - hint .at 'Shephertlitoii*Ouinherland 'April:B 2 lB4o, ..• • • 4 • AS repstued to Carlisle and ifill aelicrelotore, attend to. the wpraellee moo b 9 ciurid at Ccitonel •Ferrpealtitel.. — Persotis re." questilig it, , bo waited upon t lhatr'reslidedce. 2s 14, gsioatlE D. roPuto ta,R e fi er . 4o 4 . F Da mAnD i.N4.119 . 4%, Y. r Carlisle, March 113 11140;'• , ;-,' ..--Dental:-Suraqry . HE §tBSCiIIBER respectfully tenders •liis .111. grateful neknowleilginerits to The public for , the very liberal : sluire idf patronage lie Ilan voeived Our:, ibg thepast'yenr, and would. still continue to., offer tlicin'his . irofeasionnl acrOetain their.variotia bran-, dies at residence, No. 7, _Harper's How. - He fileE4 , clognses, nud ,plus tectliond . , inserts incorroptible .tarrer mefnlie iirtificiattcetli in tiro "most nOpriiyeil innuner. Cliargei alWays. *moderate. . • - •C. NEFF, y 25 • IMIRiErr STQRAEL THE -subscriber has. just re ttirited, from, the Cities of New York; 'Philadelphia 'and Bat , ' timore, find is now opening, at-his store room S. E. Corner of Market Square and :Main Streets (for. merly ocetipled by Geo. WV. Ilitner;) general as sortment Of . . Haiylware, Slone Ware, :Cedar Ware, Brittania Ware,' Groceries, Paints, Varnishes, Glass,.Brush=. es, Whips, Canes; Lamps for . - burning-- -Camphine :mil a gFelit variety of •artieles useful and ,necessary foe farrushing and, keeping a house: _lle has alsoiand dill constantly keep on hand - • ' . • Ctimphisle . . . . is cheap ' ankelegant subititute foe sperm oil,Mul having been appointed the ii - ,.,.'erit of Messrs. Backers and Brother of 'Newark 'N..I:,Tor the sale of Jane's `Patent Lamps in this county, lie is prepared to fur . -, 'ash Lamps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all who may wish to use this mi* and economiehl light. ' Baying selected his goods himself , and made his purchases for cash, he is able, and is determined to .sell low. ' • • Those having the cash to by out will and it to their advantage to give Win a call. HENRY DUFTIEEb. Earlisle, July 8, 1840.--4.'. . ' ' .... _____ Jayne s Hair own. . Pot the growth, preservation :And: fetdoratitird - -61 the Mir. This is an excellent article; and has, in flu, merous instances,' produced a frne. growth _of hair on the he:utile& persons who h6l been Laid for years: LADIES ADD GENTLEMED,--.DO yofi wish elegant, luxuriant andheauttful hair? 1 know you will answer yes. Hear, for ode moment, the cause ()fits loss; why 4 it, turns gray, rusty and coarse, harsh and mipleasan in itirappearance, and finally fitllit off: " Each hair has a root in the skin, and isitself a hollow tithe, through which there is aeonstant circulatiod of fine hlobd.'--- By this circulation: the hide Is- nourished- and held, fast, its glossy' colour is given and preserved, and it is covered with the finest oil. Now any thing which id.: :theca the. shin of the betid, or diverts : or-takes away the blood frothit, Will prevent or impede the eireula- Hon:through - the-tubes 'of Alie and .cause IMF ofr Or turn gray, or - both. Hence isthat any cause that obstructs or weakens the cir culation of blood through the skin, or that divCrts the blood to other parts of the system, will take away tllo lively, fresh and youthful appearance of the hair, .ar rest its growth, turn it gray smian; or Inter, and in thousands of instances cause premature baldness.. For sale by : • , S. F,Luorr; and STEVENSON & DrSRLE, — .' - - - Cftrli 610, p:10 `May 13,18.10:;-..1i . . Hair Tonic. , ,-We can: thi 'ftt.tootion, of those af flicted with premature baldness. to the excellent Hair Toniii prepared by - Dr. Jayne . of this city. !laving used it ourselves, we can speak ()fits virtues hi: expe- . rience, mai we unhesitatingly pronounce it an invalu. able remedy to-prevent the tilling off orthe b to restoreit from a dead; to a floe; healthy appear ance. We also speak, rs from peonal owledge of the cases of two or. three friends who were predis , posed to baldness, who by the use of Jayne's Hair. Tonic, have now luxuriant hair, - We haVe no dispo sition to Puff', indiscriminately all kinds of remedies for all diseases which flesh is heir to, but when we have tested the virtue awl iirticleove are free to ray it is good.—Saturday h cuing Post. 'Tinllea //air have,heretofore, num tieretd ourselves among those who believed that the )lair Tonic, KC - faired by . pr. - Say 'lc, - was' one- of-the .many quack nostrums whose virtues arc never seen beyond the fulsome pull's of their authOrs. We are willing, at, length, to make public acknowledgment of the error of our belief. An intimate frienthsome two or three months since, all the top of ,whOse cranium was ns bald as ti piece of polighed marble, mangre all our jesting and ridicOle of the idea of attempting to cultivate so barren a spot pm:chased R bottle or two_tif the Unit. Tonic from Dr. 3ayne,tuilLaccording to Itis.direetions applied it. During the pres Cut week the sante friend ushered himself i ntaour presence, and uncoveri ng.hiShitherto naked head, astonished us with a thin,though luxuriant growth of hair, from one to two inches in length---upon the. very premises'we had 'believed as unyielding to cultivation as the trackless sand that skirts the Atlantic. This is no puff, but is religiouslytrue,and to those who doubt,the gentleman can be pointed out: What is more in. favor of this. "Tonic," the case here cited was not one of tempora ry sudden loss of the hair--but was one aims! . standing, though the the gentleman is but forty-five years-of age:-.—Milddelphia Spirit .of the • 'WAR !.WAR ! \VAR !=-The Wig maker; have declared.hostilitiesagaiust..our_neigbitor:Draayne,_ •-on acconid,opiis flair Tonic,-which is knocking all their business into n "cocked bat." Ladies and ben tlemem—old and young are•flocking.to the Doctor's standa r d.. Heads long divested of even the first rudi ments of hairoilter, usnighis Hair tonic soon appear with new and flowing locks, Which Absalom himself might' have-envied.- "Beardless- bons-are- seen With. large and ,bushy whisker;; and . tidies smile again hrough their own raiien ringlets more beautiful . and -bewitching than ever: Bald heads pre doffing their wigs, and thrbwing them to the "molis and the bats," - while the Wig makers stand aghast as they behold • the demolition of their business. i• . What Will be the consequence of this.war-we know not', as the wiggles are outrageous, and the Doctor re- Imains - firm - and -declares that "some-things-can-be- Alone as well as othoril,"and that bald heads may as well'weartheittiawn hair-as t tat of iithers.--AWeok- I'ly . lll . ' ' ' . 9 • merger. • . „ irntir meet at almost every corn perambulating thd-streets, men-wearing long And glossy hair, which they seem td be proud -ot, and others who have raised. in tifew:itggics, a crop of black Moustaches, that would vie witirilicAloisiest hruin that ever walked the forest. : It has Tainted as . to know-the secret, of all those wondrous crops of hair;, but Messrs. SANDS, 79' and 160 Fulton street, have got..the remedy, where all who i . }re 'curious in such Matters may learn ... a valuable secret;—:Are-ro Sold in Philadelphia at 20. South Third Street RIRCIPAL REASONS WHY -DR. 1' ..COMPOUND STIIENGTH- F.,NIN G. and .GERMAN APERIENT .PIL.L.S arc used tivall . classes'ef_people, in_preference to other Medicines. y. . . BZCAUSDtheyare prepared frons.tilturccxtract Of herbs, a whelesotneMedicine,mild io its operation and - pleasant in its effects---the most certain preserver of health, a safe and effectual . cure -of DYSPEPSIA 'or'INDIGD,STION;and all Stomach,Cotattlainto,it preserver and purifier of the whole syMetit. , BeiMuse theysooitie - the - nerves of sensibility and fortify the nervesof inotion,:imparting to.their most Subtle. tlitid its : pristine tone, thus giving, strength and Clearness of mind. ' •• , "'.Because. they 'neier'.destroY 'the coats' of. the etc-: mach and bowels as all strong purgatrved do. . •:- Decease science tinA,experience . ,teach us , that ;no Mere purgative alone will cure te disaies of the. Stinnachand Nerrei..WealMesS lithe prirviaryc,ause• _of a host nfdlieasesounl,:by continually resorting to DRASTIC .purgatives L you Mahe theAliticase ,nutch worse, instead of better. • ; " . Dr; Ilarlieleti Medicines are - put up'innin the cOnnuon - sease prineiple, l4 to 'cleanse and strength-, eri,7 Which is the only courseto,purime to : effect a' cure.' ~.• _ - ' Because these reedicluel'ileitili di; 6URE the ilia eases for which thefare:recinninentled: •, VP.FAcESopthe .[ ln iteil States, No. 19; NOrth tight!, stre,et,:rhiladelphia. . 0:)-The above writhed medicinesare far Sale at the, Drug. Store of JOHN:I,4III7Ii S CO:, Car; lisle, and yvinil Peal, kdopen sbu : _ And nt thd4threlif eefei4, trariisbnrgOCiannet ' 164- T!,!,"Pg!k!ln,qrs,Y, o 4 0110,NitpOlatti int; CON mbin; a. , • . ' • • .Balsam, of rr .1. , I EHOUND. :An iinipatialieled Asthnua;lntlateriga,l Whooping : Cough , .and All diseases 01 the .I.lresst , - iitail Lungs, leading,. to ConstimPtiOn ; composed or the concentrated virtues of Horehotind, , Boneset; Blood Rent, Liv.= erivort ands several oilier vegetable substances. • ; Prepared only by J: M. wILNSLOIV, Rochester, The bcei n adinitted:lieciOral virtues; of the Herbs from - Which theBALSAM' OF HOREHOUND is -made, are: too, generally-kn Own: 'to,-'require recommendation; it is.therefore only ne r 'eessary'to obserVe that, this ,inedesine contains the whole of their 'medical peoPeeties,bighlY concentrat. ed, and so •linipily.combined- with several other. ve getable substances, tas_puenaler it the most speedy, mad and certahi remedy, now laiTtliser,Tffr the .Com plaints above 'mentithaell.. • ' . ,Children, this Baliam is of inestimable It is a speedy.remedy for. thejVhoopiug Cough and Croak, nd affords Certain relief in .nowel Cothpkints, Cholz6Veethin . g;P•to. It is pleaititiat td the taste, and' may be safely given to the tenderest infant and should he kept.at all times in every.finnily, as, it. is, much better for the coMplathitshicadent to, Children, than 'ParegOrie,Goilfeys Cordial; or the COrdiali so com monly. used; as. hundreds •in this City have,thstified.. .Read the following.-1 hereby certify. „that . early in tian'spring of 1838,1 contracted a severe. COLD, which settled upon my lungs, and threatened a hasty 'Coniumption. .1 used several' preicriptithis, but ob tained , httle or no relief; I wits much 'alarmed:— Happening to be in ItitcheSter, Liras advised by my friend, Mr. Winslow, to-try a 'bottle of his BALSAM - .lloncliousn: I id so, arid to, my surprise Ob tained relief at Mace—Mal by the' Use of that single bottle was perfectly restored to health. To those afflicted with Colds Or Cotiglii, at this inripment season, I say "go and do likewase.? , ' • • -• ,LEANDER CHIP.MAN. •• • i Pittston', NlOnroe co.; Nov. 9, 1838. Mr. John AL Wit - 1.6.191K; Druggist, • Dear Sir: I htive been for a series-of years afflict ed with an affection of the Lungs, and a hard Ought, and hare many .times - anise •in•tlie • Morning as com pletely exhausted • by ext`cisire coughing during the night as a person would be by a hard days labor.• 1. bave tried most - of the popular remedies of the day, .fint never fou n d relief until I met with your Balsam of Horehound.. All the other remedies or, palativeS, dint I have, used, leave the bowels. in a congested state, while yours:leaves titans soluble and tree.-This I consider a great desideratum. - On taking a dose of your Balsam when goidgito bed,-1 rest Oletly thro' the night, and` my sleep rs refreshing: 1 take great pleasure in recommending your Balsam of Dore bo-und to:. all those afflicted with ptilmonary corm= plaints or any disease appertaining to the l u ngs, and I take this opportunity to thankyou' for the great,,re lief and beneflul have experienced through your in strumentality. Yours*th much respect, . _ . • WM. • • COGSWFILL.. • For sale by • . -.- S ELLioTT, • A. 3 NORA II; N ws 11 le Also, br . DruggistsnAterally throughout the eoun teY: 71"iice pe - rtiiitil6;- - • - • • 7 . April 15, 1840,---ly. '• • Pres . h-DlEedicine. The oubscribe.; lins recently receit s ed large sldi. 00110 stipplieii of - . • . . • . _ Medici — nes; Gollors ; nye-Stuffs, 1.68 e -ed Oil, Spts. turpentine, Copal Varniilt,.Pain ters, Brushes,-Varnish Brushes, Band Brushesi-Sper tnaceti (veryiine)_,Spet to Candies, - Soaps in great variety; Glass Lamps, Cap and-Letter-Papery Perfamery,l4.e. Ste..., which he will sell POysicians, Merchants and others, WIIOI.EALE or by RETAI L , at the .lowest rates, hitting pui•ellased tardy for cash; he will offer lairgains to . thcise who Wish to purchtise . at Ni•liocestde, • . S. ELLIOTT, August - " .The Ifiegettible Pills. Area purgative medicine, to natural ,to the 'lnman constitution,-and withal so mild, and pleasant in their operation, that not theslightest dread of pain orsick ness, need be apprehended front their use, even by the most delicate: at the same time, if used. in such a 'manner as to operate freely by' the bowels; those morbid humors, (which deposited upon the various parts of body are the causeof every ache or pain we suffer) will most assitredly. be removed; and not only - Will pain, M.distress of every description ne dri ven from the body, but disease hinny tbrin will beim- possible.' For the same - reasoniWbeni from the alOdell-cluing- - es of atinosphere, or any other cause, the perspiration is checked, and thoge humors which should pass off by the skin arc inwartllt,eausiagheadache,nau scan,Anilsickness,pain'sinn's in the bones, watery und in flamed ryes, sore throat, hoarseness, eoughs,consump ti onotheumatic pains in various parts of the body,and many other symptoms °leaching cold, the Indian vfg,- ' etable Pills will, invariably give immediate relief.— Three or four . pills, taken at night on going to beil;and repeated a few times,' Will remove all the above un pleasant symptoms,and restore the body to even soun der health than before. _ • Thelndian Vegetable Pill s, (Indian Purgative) are a natural, and therefore a cella iii , ture for Costiveness: because they cleanse the .stomnch and bowels of those bilicuis humours, which not only paralyze, anti weaken the digestive organs, but nice die cause of headache, nauseam and sickness, palpitation of the heart, flying • pains in various parts of the body, and many other disagreeable complaints. The ; same may he said of difficulty of breathing, or asthma ; the Indian Vegeta ble,Pills will loosen and carry off by the stomach and bowels, those tough Iminora - which stop up al ttni r cells of the lungs, and are (because of the above dreadful complaint. —heall.dis icred,lnotio4afthg 1 1 101 4iicalled interi!L mittent,remittent,uervous, inflammatory and putrid FEVERS, the Indian Vegetable Pills will be found certain remedy; because they Cleanse• the stomach and bowels of all bilious matter,and purify the blood ; consequentryos they'Vemove the cause of every kind of disease, they •iire absolutely certain to cure every • • kind-of Fever. So also when morbid . humors are drpesited upon the membrane and muscls, causing those pains, au flammatione and swellings called Ithelimatisrit. G out, - Ste.; the Indian Vegetable Pills may be relied on as always certain to give relief, and if persevered' with, will most assuredly, and without filil, make a perfect cure of the above painful,maladies. FVorrt three to • six of said Indian Vegetable" Pills, taken every night on going to_bed, will ; ini ashort - time; completely, rid the body-. Of all morbid and• corrupt humors; and Rheumatism, Gout and pain of everydescriptkin-,will djsaplipcar as if by magic., smild be remembered that the Indian Vegetable Pills are certain to -remove pain in the -side,-oppres-. sio4neausea and sickness, loss ,of 'appetite, costive ness,a yellowlinge:of - the - skiwand:eyes, 'and - :every other symptom of Liver. complaint; because: they purge from the hotly these corrupt - and stagnant hu ' Mors Which, whou depositlphipon the Liver, are the cause of the above dangerous complaint. They are also a certain preVeetive of apolexy and sudden death; Because-they-carry off those,humours which, obstrue-, fling the circulation, nrethe cause of a rush, or deter, mimition of blood to the head—giddiness especially„ on turning suddenly Pound--blindness---drowsiness 40489 of memory---inflaimmation of the brain--in ! sanity, and every other disorder of the mind. ' ONE' WORD TO THE SEDENTARY.. , I.' . 'Those whofrom habit or occupation,are kept touch . within doors, should remember that they frequently breathc.an dmosphere Which is wholly unfit for the prc . iperexpanSion thelinigs and at the ininetime, owing to want of exercise;ttieeowelsarenotaufficient ply etnicuated-i.-the blood 'becomes- impure, and head ache, indigeation, palpitation of, the heart, tint)-,many Otherdisagreenblesympinhis, are surc..to follow. THE: INDIAN YEGEITABLE 'PILLS, cleanseriof the stomao howeisoinda reel. Purifier. of the blood, ; are certain not only to (re-. s9nitoSe pain or diStress of every kind from the the body, botiif used 'inCeatiionallyoas as to keep the bodyfree kepi thosehomors whicharo the eause of every male .' dyunder heaven, they (rill most assuredlypromote fuels a just and equal .circulation orthe blood, that those who lead a sedentat'y life, will be• enabled to enjoy . souiuthealth,and ,disea so of any kind-WU-be, absolutelpiroptissible. • •- , _ For sale by ,• • ' - _ , 7 CHARLES - OpILIMA - kent; - ' 7 • t , Carlisle, Pa. Oar Office. ;aid General Depot, ~No. 169 Race street Philadelphia: . ' [May.2o, 1840:—ly rOR,Sis WORMS!! .frFORAIS!!! Terentore these tronbleio'niiitualtlaiigerotis , inhabitants of , the stomach and bowels, which so often' healtlrand destrpys the lives of children; Luso.layne!a.TOnieYetiniftigei.a (TOM it and asfe_pret._ paration forthe rprmiyal 'of th•e'rnrions kinds of. worms: , dyspepsia; sour stomach; *ant of appetite, infantile fever anti ,14pe,.and dihilltY. of the atonmeh ,anti hewn l l elsomtl driFins of digestion. To; be Ind:at No. SouthThiril street.Vhiliidelphia. , '• ;. • MO to he htt.4 SmmteA inid Stok•M#Pli & 1 I ; • •••'- • .••• . ,Errifiyl3 - 41340 ": 7,1441147-141M2DIOTIng Pr.,41044. Oraf#.lll.Dr Initieritor and,- soles proprietoi.;'.l) 7 6. - South Thin , 'streoi;Thilcidelihice, and may be had o also of STE SPIV - 4V DINKLE , Drug gide, .Car , • tide; - - - These niedicinch aro recommended and exiensit ly used by the moat intelligent persons in the Unite States; hy.ntimerinua Professors and Presidents Colleges, PhYsicians - of the Army and Navy, and ( -Hospitals-and-Alinahouses,4ld-by-more-thanthre hundred Clergymen of various denominations. : • They-areexpressly prepared for family , Use; as have acquired an .onprecedented popularity througi out the United States;' and as they are so admirabl calculated to preserve HEALTH and cure DISEASE, I family. should ever be without them.: The pioprli tor hi tliese valuable preparations. received-his .edt cation nt one of the, best Medical Colleges in the Un ted States, and lois lad fifteen 1.e:11.A - experience in t extensive and divers' fiedpracti ce, oy which he hash: ample opportunitiei of acquiring a practical, know edge of 'diseases, and of toe remedies best caleulan to remove ' - • ' • These Prepare ions coosia't of - • • JAYNE'S ,EXPECTORANT,a valuable rernet for ' cough, eoldS, consumption,. asthmv,.spitting blood crowhooping cough, bronehitii, pleurisy at inflammation ofthelungs or throat, ddliculty of bre thing, and all dideanes.pulmonarp organs.—Pri. one . .• . Alno JAYNE'S HAIR TONIC,,ToFthe presery , tion; growth and beauty of the lutir, and which , tv positively bring iii new •linir •on .bald heads.— Prit • one dollar. . , Also TONIC V}7:II.MIFLI6iI ; a cc lain nud pleasant remedy for wormsolyspepsia,plic 'anti many other diseases.--Price 50-cents. Also JAYNE'S CARMINITIVE tIALSAM, certain cure for bctivel and summer compinints„dia rho:, dysentary coolie, cramps, sick headache ;sin stomnelt, cholera mdrbus,snd all derangements of ti'-‘ stomach and bowels, nervous aCeetions,kc.---Pri, - - , AIsoJAYNE'S SANATIVE PILLS, fo'rTeinn , diseases, liver 'complaints, costiveness, fevers,infl n =lions, glandular, abet ructiotio,diseases of thetski &c. and in all eases where an alterative or purgati =clientele eetpke.d.-1 3 riecf25, cents a box. May'l3, 1340.-1 y CURE YOUR COUGH .before it: is to late. Remeiiiiier:delaV's - nre-dir gerbils. 'Tim pani's 'die annually from that dreadful 'disease cc suniptjon, which and have been checked .at cdminenceinent and disappointed of its prey if prop , means had been resorted. to The very many :id Lave dais been snatched from that fatal ravager, I the timely use . of D r . Swayne's Componial Syrup Wild - Cherry - Omar - testimony to this day, annotmeir the cure4the wonderful cures, performed by the u of this invaluable Medicine. • • t* -- Far sale•C/NLY- Not th,Eighth Philadelphia, and respective . agents. - • • For sale by John J. Myers El Co., Carlisle . : , Keefer, Ilarrisbut•gl• Dennet bt Timngardper, , For and Jannary g; 18411. DELAYS— ARE DANGER6US.--.5 is it with those who neglect tladi• COLDS m COUWL At first you complain of having . a col 'which is negleeted:; after which n soil-Tess is exp_ rimmed in the with .a..lineking - finally the disease settles upon the lungs,- whirl; patient Will soon, perceive byrii waking' away of ti body, attended with hectic fevers 'UM' spitting up 7 Asirid blood and - matter from niters omt he lungs; - 'pain and weight is also experienced at the atfeeti ~partotthelmigs; the functions Of the animal enomm grow languid; the body keionies dry ; the eyei'sh - deep within-their 'cavities; lit length , the patient pa . . the debt ofmature, when he is flattering himself u!i the hop e s of a speedy recovery,. To obviate afillni7 distressing symptoms, ...Spare no ti mu" in procurii Di;.-Swayne's Coal - Mum] Syrup of Wild Cim•ry, - the very commencement of your colds and cough .wherebyinany nights of siimet repose will lie proem% anddimentul money savtd, and secured—Therefore, Remember, Delays are - Dange oils! . The above medicine can niwafs be obtained at Principal Office, No. 19, North Eighth street, Phil: delplua ; anu respeetivenents throughout du Una: States. Also nt the Drug: Store of John J. qlriers & Cr, . CaTrlisle; at the store of — X. - KlT!ef!lF,Tliiilaslituet net E.T. Honig:miner, York; owl _NV to. Mathiett, Cr lutubia, Pit.. • Jan. 8,1840. JVER UOM OLAINT.r--This dis — e - as; often terminatesln anotherofa more serious tore wproper remedies are not resorted to in tim In all forms of this - dise.ise; Dr. ii ,net's Compoun Streogtheninghfid German Aperient Pills will pe forni a perfect cure---first, by cleansing the stoma( and bowels, thus iremovinglill diseases from the I_ ver, by the use of the _German Aperient Pills, aft, which the Compound Strengthening Pills are. tali, to give strength and tone to those tender organs requite such treatmeht 0A7,1' to effect a pennant.. cure, 'Clow pills are imatly put up in .8111811_ pact ag f es, with till directions. For sale; at No. 19,N0r • Eighth street. Also, by John J. Myers & Co. Ca lisle ; -at the store of A. Keefer, Harrisburg; - Demo lonigardner, York; Mid Wm. Mathiott,Colon bin, Pa. • • , [Jan. 8, 1840. • TIR. - :IIARLICH'S COMPOUN] STRENGTIIENING AND GERMAN Al ERIENT PILLS are a safe and efficient medicia and„ can be taken by the mobtdelicato female. Tilt seldom fail in 'curingDyallepsia Liver Complab pain in the side and breast, Sick bead:tube, Loss Appetite,Palpitation of the Ileart,Nervous Tremm Lowness of Spirits (which_too many are subject tc lypotlintrdri atistm - Dysterienl — FaintingsrVomitin &c. Use theseldlls acecording to directions, and - perfect core will-be the result, For sale at No. North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also, at the Drug Store 0f..1011N J. MYERS CO., Carlisle; A. Reefer, Harrisburg „ Dcuuct Dontgardi er, York', 'mid W. Mathtote,Dolumbia P January 8,1.810.. . (41-18i-GONS PTIONS, AN] - SPITTING OF 8L00D..-- 7 .1../r. 1 EVE' Compound Syrup of .Wild Cherry Bark • is found be the best article for healing the ulcerated lung 'stopping night sweats, and relieving the cough, tic ever has been iII4IVN .Thoes.Who are nfilicted,woul Abywell_to procure Oda medicine before it is too Ist Certificates of many cures can be. seen by applying: N0..-19,..Va;14_,Eirth.Street.;Thiladelphia, Whet this medicine can a ways be obtained. Price VT( Bottleor six, bottles for V: . s For sale At the Drug Store of JOHN J. MYER ER CO., Carlisle; also, by A. Keefer, Elarrisburp -Dentiet 4 - .Bentligardner, York ;_ and Mm. Mathiot Columbia, Pa. Jan?B, 1840. AFAYNt'S EXPECTORANT.- 7 --Th CIP Medicine has already proved itself to he all th it has been recOmniended, by those who have givi it a fair test in this country, and the demand for it b crases daily. We have just heardof an imports cure ofAsthraa, which has been effected. by the use a neighboring town—die case was that of a male who - Jiad for a fang time been underdhe - eare - a physician,hut had rece ived no relief, and her ca: was beginning to he considered hopeless. As a la resort she purchased a bottle of Dr. Jayne's Expect. rant, whi ch Caused hereto expectorate freely, gradua Iy-eased her cough, and is rapidlrAntoring her health.. have no-hesitation in saying' liiigVireii;:.! .ration of Dr: Jayne; for' he cure Of coughs; cola, is fluenza; Asthma, Consumption, B;.e.iiole moat vain. blo Medicine ever offered to the American public.- There is no quackery about Jayne is gne th most skilful ,practising physicians in Fennsvlv: and wherever his preparationi'llave been iho Mighty tested, he is looked upon as a,great bei efactor.--.[Somerset (Me.) Journal. " For sale by Samuel Elliott and • Stevenson & kle, Carliale Pa. ' - (may 13 1840 . • • INGIRATITIME • •is 'the 'haseat crime ma. _ _ . n -• Mt . hot among that class of Editors who for few dollars will; (at the•expense of truth and hone -tylifernok hp'"lM artiuleatitt 'Fills it into "rapid sal neat e 1 are we willing to remain silent, after liavir tested, the utility:of art improvement or discovery' • 'seienee . orart • Out' readers will reeolleet, , wo to them,,wq weft& unwell, with sore thenstAn4 cold 'some few weeks ago. Wellcwe: Purchosca bo 4 bottles •of WIFISLOW'R• BALSAM OF 'HORF .HQEWD.and,so sudden:woe:the cure, that weforg, we ever, bad a .e e ld, .Ttrose 'who Are Rifieted; Ms .47,it.40olont;Lieeenme:titlOtIon:—Leirfsfoitoi• Tel 9r A. 1. NORTII 4 4tso, by Detw — hits'OnerallY tlingtgjiotit the,coin !" . . ci v et nir` t 4O b61t144.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers