El . - . . Lite Bishop replie&—:•,l consider General Uarrisou's character without .reproach,—' qe has been 'thy- neighbor; I have often teen ali.itnitate Of farriily, and consider firt.house one Of the blest houses for nrinis :erd---in -all- Ohiri.'.: '' . l.`he Bishop. Well. tnowri for his. -great - prudence; .and .in . .the Tame convarsation, .wheri: :aSked how, he I thotight General Barri - Jon weithl-atlininis -1 ler_o'ay government, replied—`lbelicye the . altairs; of this riatioti ,would be as itiell. tt-. . Ininisterrid by,Geueral Harrison as by Pre !sident Van 'Buren or any Of -his- frierrils.!-- lii/tr. alining is ixteneiyelY! Irnmin - : in .'all . f-this-reg - ion of!eountry; and he had, the rnag nariimity and rnanl.Y_ independence.-to. 0037 imuiricate-to-the_m,r_i_ter the foregoing facts2_' An' Pppohent of .Cen,. Harrispn - .--The• cincinpati Advertiser,-.who bolds the' Mike Prinfci.nniler Van HurCn,,. ilnis speaks of Gen.. Harrison: . -, • • . .•. turn man.. He has not tnien to en rich .1 11 - i - ii - STA - Filifit — frin - iiy .--- of - liis — Nuf r r iest 'friends hnye takeni—ke Gas lieerilhonest . in itil his dealings--/?c has 'been faithful in. Public,Offices.he_lats liqd.a.nd he lies not, taken those advantagcs,.he ?night ha've"(lnne, liiithaUt. the , any " (lalY.: • . • • van • l'Enken. and Poor. - : Cu." • :Poor Mtn read the following and • then vote for- Martin Vanlluren if,yon..ehoose ! - Reader, mark well the following--•'-Mar tin Van' Iltaten the New loll: Conven tion • to animal the' Constitution, opposed . the:rig/it of Ppp.R:MEN to VOTE.. tftd 'delude on •that t i ties,tion, he I. u.wil "these•.l 400%1 --. •- •• ,•: • !ellut what is the - chiiiitc7o . ' - of `tLNERA.CLY • . SPEAiKIN4•;. •Vlc El ITAND."-z--•Seepage. .of flu Jo:i,uLi Of•the proceedings. .„ • hri the' same ConVention he 'advvated TilE ntoirr -or NEG ROES -TO VOTI, if:they, were pr..operi): holders, and paid .1 taxes, If POOR MEN-will support a man for 'highest -after uttering. such sentiMents in ii publie, asserithly, they deserve to loose the right of suffrage.. . . FkerSTOR'PHE PEOPLE.: . '-ecrPl!e: - Inozigily expenses ,or Van Bit- G Over . ume i nt amount to 3,;994 - ,67.80 The monthly-epenses of tbA • - of Wasbington..Atlams, Jef• . --f e rsam-and i =Mailison,,a/tok;t: gelher amounted to- but 1.',1 - 49 ;6T7 38 The pe - ople will. here . See that • the ex.: penses of Mr. Van. aurett's -Government audonnt to 531,64,060 48-2nore per month than ihe. first ftinr. . Prepidential -terms, 'of Washington, Adams, Jefferson and Adams! "'` 1 e 1 • - q - f tlh (11 ( A r asingi s i e ,' , 1 ( g: :Y a. " : LI " F' el"s ems, Jefferson and Madison • altogether to 30,567,326 67 Showing the - . year/y•epenses Presi dent Van Bureles Government to• be $6,-, 538,a 5-o snore--than_ihe._wiiole,.of._.the first four, Presidential 'terms, including all the bdditional•expenses caused by the last war with England under , P.resident . Madi son's administration ! ! ! These iviurs'are submitted tollie , people for. their consideration'' In addition to our own burthensorde , State Tax, we must • prepare ourselves for direct taxation,/to support the' corruptions and extravagance of the General .Governinetit ap adpinister- Te. dr-by-Martin-Van—Bur:en_L_Weltrust__lkt. . — people Will ponder well upow,tliese things. Exam. . • „ • 10:74. wish I could-see-this country in The same happy, coiuiition •afi the Island of. ___Cuba-_,,Speceli(if Senator: Walker.' ..• •• ---- - - -- - Dr. - Madilen,Says . .that a slave was flog; .ged to death in.'Culpa . , and that three hours .were ernplOyed in the . diahoWerd f 1 ~atop. • Fletning Livingston, an Ainc:riLn sea man, , by order of Martini.lV:ip...Buren,• re .celied-one`htindred4rit ti 4 W-04)1y- la shwith. / • „..a : eat and nine tails, in'theitarbor . of New . YOric. eke" witness says that•pieees of • I - flesh - were - 6A from his baeb - .• a elerystroke. This is but an iipproximati9u to the-hap -py condition of Cuba. When the wages of the laborer is reduced to Ten Cenls.a day, and the Standing .12rnry established, the worlang in botli • • . . countries, will doubtless be.the same: -In utlLer rdS.,th frt!elabor vsof A nie.!:leit tvill be brooglit iiottrti to .the, level of the _black—slives:cyLthe::MeStiindiaislands._ - A. 1111:411 IVSIPOW PlaVaiti . • ' '• ‘ • The Newark .I)iiily . A dvertisqr'' .. relates• . .the follow fug ' capital anecdote.: _ _ '7 -- • "'We. •learti• throngh a gil . tlernan• Ni , h9 . was presOntut ainiblic 'meeting of the Al ok , . rfe — eoup,ty'reniperence 'Society; that - ra leading Van. Buren,'politician, (Itirlr,g• ,the core.. of i=ifieechs in helm 1.1. of Ow . beneYo • i t object Of the society,, yen tured to es- ::s mueh.sbiroWthat,a :certain political arty,' which had. ad 6 pted -di e i .nse of "H a rd -4 ~',... Cider,"..-shotilti Peritue. a . conise that 'Must -',;•:,•,17-preyti,=diSaiiitr:Oivi-tii==ilie-Aentperane,e-Cause -1-I••'atid-iiiohably f throw, it.-back some- . yeara; ':•‘-',.- ~ .'with, othA-retriarki"a: the - same purport.' 1 7 hertljatingttialted• President of t • e oei •,, ..:.;.,•,...4ty4bie. whcn'the speaker sat :down; and; t,• ! :g , ,,Ol'etifarliedhst he 'hid neither `time-nor: in , 1000; - l iit*Sollipit; him . with:a reply, ktiy, 4-t0 it ' ' , lliii,fri!.l,6 relate ' , the'follOwirtgraneni 4 , 4, ,p,..ig t ip-100.0 530i0,00'he-i'.#o-6n lr,Plyaii.r.' lici,iftvr4g6,l,ol) p -#4 o.: ,birsorely 4' :griA4iiiiii*Voiitdit'::•politietenitihould .piiri Vlje j ; , 43Cieft 4 'n':biiistriielniAtiler' i. hard cider'' _pale, ?jl4).ihtOkO e it,id;'fti - *rritii.ow-rt..::_Ast.thors was, 141041e,:.-,b*:#i:e:'f.igii,.o.,:`drinkstropgitr; than: ,''': .. :o4llf-;*• - sil0r,;07i".4:pligOet.'tentiierattee,iirtan• " ; ', 4 p , 1 ,, -4;' ' .oo * - . ,tiotti:.ot brandy , and ,drank re= ':.:'i, I:it'Olt:a'OrrdelY!#ttritig'his - ,•irfe'al•;'. and r l'il i g?4 . 0 1 4iiilY" '.el 1 46 44 Toni* ed , the . Rog ,e, 'i . .,440iiiY40 - tti friend, stomach' ~.:; ' , - tt: , :' , SkeitsW:tnrned agaiitsONisid: cider. 7 a4r,feOl'ect or. this. simple' *Weil° , upon -'.....: , ,:„ , _;:;•:.4iittlienee .ii* - be . 'ye.ldilti , twilled:— . _ The , - gentlemaii. sorted :to; hie :feet : ,ltndor 1 - his euts:-'ag -When : a ppeoPriations'ire wade evident embarrassment,'' ejaculetbig; .‘ I that object bk• Law.. . • - tithe brandy only as a wiedicine: . , • - CLARK- Neiv-Notk, • • 1 :JAMES COOPER CH: F, MITCHELL, '' SiMONTDN, wy ..1 •-• P. 40; 'lB4O, Fehairman 14,;-the..:Oorrirnittee .nil tiw Expenditures On, Ptiblia it be 'comes my duty - to examine; ; nk 7 expeittli , _With tltc President's 'house: I baiie .had; the 'youeliere Jiefore the committee, and having examined the. subjeet at:' the request of , Ogle; I state . that the fa cts. published in it iS. s pooch • ore. correctly y given: -cottent---.111-the—foregeing: - ...4 31 e.te.7 2 went of Meksis. elnrk,.Coeper,, • : -Zpv. STANLEY. .• . . . Theßillowing, picl.etl up :near eehester,lind •henCl<o Us 'puliNa; - on: 839 Mn. WoDttoF •. Ili ye Jet to ja.,e debet • 4to Wnten•St tenden : tre dais . ~$OO 75 to tligin & titters_ i 2 • 6to iwediiik- & belting bred • 10 7to rpendiuAzowses • .6 8 (0 . ,01,71 :4 lams for - • 9 to redin ye glotieJor ye 6 • • item - on - this: interesting cata logue, strilteS itS IA: being a -remarkably. low charge: Any: person Whereati Alind tope-•"retlin ye-globe-for:y . on:for sixpence,: must be in rather-a " ticedin" centlition• 13}4Ite-ttray„,,tbis_vorthy couplerrivst have had cruel:in times on_the night of the — Mc . ()VW tite . Glolie . and the gin Tlie price for mending the trowscrs, is not gititc.'so melt as Gov. Martty.eherged for 'mending his.-:-/Mcit. Short Replies to - False . Chdrges .9goinst. Gen.• flarri.B6 Charge:-11v is. an. old black cockade . ['e leralist: . • • . . Reigg,Look.ut, tho vcite o f -Denzo . cr(itie Virginia. ' • • . ' . lie isr*ah Aholitionis,t.. • • Look at the :vote' of IC.entuchy, North : Carolina- and Louisiana. -- 11 - 65 in favor of selling- poor . w \ hite- men foy debt. . • seninnont iniudiaoa-for .thirty-..three yam, and at the of -Eighteen_thpusand votes in Ohio and 11... (liana at the election of 1836. lie is an imbecile and - a coward. • • - t:ook-at the clection.iiiii_Western . :Penn ! syltanin, Ohio, Kentucky, and -Indiana, in 1836, where , the soldiers who battled with him were- the voters: — • • _ . . -Ile is•ton old. - Ito--walks-better, talks-heifer, -writes bet •ter,--aud-ploughs better, than the man 'who makes the .charge.. . •• •.. • lie' lives in a Log Cabiin. . . The PEOPLE' have willed that he should remove *early in - it'd •Spring—'7sey the 4th of ' - . _ _ •AN HISTORICAL FACT. , The•.followihg 'historical fact is_ worthy of notiee Mist iioiv,.ivlien so many { ~oliticul -calumnies-are in •eircultnion , in relation to the,llerobf_the..:Thanies/ Of the tweltre New York electors who : voted for .I\lEr. Jeffers in.lBoo, tie followink survive: Jol n AVoodworth; of Albany. Pierre ..Van Cortlandtiof -- Westchester. :- ' Jautes . l}tirt;- of-Orange.— _ . • Of the Senators who Voted for„titose.E •'. r f VY'br- La $1;814 - 106t 98 - Santee - M. Wilkie, of Orange.. • Of the-members-of_Assemlly..w.ho voted •for those elictors, the ,following survive Nicoll Floyd, Suffolk. • Samuel G. Verbryck, Rockland. _ Stitith 'T,horripsbn,•Dutchess. • , Erastualloot,, Delaware: • . . James Merrill, Saratoga. , • Archibald, Wlntyre, Albany: " It is a sitigulin• fact,'that, with possibly the:exception of ..one of these worthies, ell of them are' deckled, Whigs.,' It would therefore seem : the old democrats - who• for Thomas Jelferson,•.are the same . men who with their descendants , now ral lyfor the Hero of the Thames.—./21Pany - $6,538,32.5 66 RE44111: - REJD: •• °cues , 0 V . E RN9R 1.4.1NC0LN7. TUE Locoivco PREBB. _ 1130irticsagance . _ the •blrie light friends of. Van -Buren,' •Queen Victoria, Prince John, the Peke Of. II (Isse' Cassel . and the Emperor of Russia, arc trying to; weaken the ,etfect of Mr.. -4.4115-'-s-pO-werful_exp(a_sorei_by circulating ,La fa.lse repOrt of a speech made. 13i; l'lr7. - ILincoln, in which that - gentleman is Made . • to, say, Ant ALL TGE , MONEY Was appro -primed . bi.tlie committee on the Public Grounds . and Buildings.. • f . ' To - r butthis, we produce the fUllowing certificates . from members • of ,Congress, whose veracity cannot..bequestiona, which shows.that the ENORMOUSLY EXTRAVAGANT • SUM OrslB,ooo -was expended froni the, ad jouniment' of Vongress, until • its •next•ses _ Mitt bly - theTwntrriN - o - ttnyrrs - 44m; IRE ' itOENT, his son_nd - his: factotum, ytilthout intratithority• from any emnitii4o4, .-,.. • . ~ -- ,B,..Tlielontlersignedcertify-that.-theyliave_, 'carefully - '.ekaimined . the_ voucheie Which hage•been.duly audited - !and settled by the Treasury. Department, : for: the pitrchase of furnittire . for the . .Presid'ent's . ..Honse' - iiiiice . the 4 th_ofMarcli, 18'37, and. that they .Irav,e' compared-tire said vouchers with-,tlfestat&: nicuts of the:same in the . publisheo.4eeCh of Mr.ogle,:and 'find . the snid..VoUchers 1 t tidy act 'forth in the . Said-epeedh: '•'!-- ' , . ~ ..,„ ' -A-rid„they jurther'_certifY•thit' i!Lappeirti irom.said vouchers that rne.•rp than 'eighteen Alsousand-dollar's-wereek Vended-in-faraj-fur i : fOr.tIA3 Presi'denee'fl.ouSe.betiveen_.the'Ath. •Of, March; .1837i . antrthe , 6th . day"of 'Pe „eonilfe-r7 1837-iturda , f- - an7 - 2ivhieir=ther'orn; - *bitten: On . .Public - Buildings and: GroOndi -Was appointed, and Op-Which -Mr. - . l;ineoln'. 'l‘Wris• chairman; - the' fernier: C Omni Wee 'on Ptililio,Rnildingend:Prountta . hriVing 'bees . .. , Ted - te(exiat - en . the4(l:4Y,of 'Marek . lol:; ;.The-triidersigned:, tart - 110'0(40f? that it 1 appears fitipt - 2:the •said . .yeincheiri:rili.it±the i 1.01 1 0.9 1 09Y,Y* , t004 1 i0ed :-lit„i*'iliOtilif -4. thkAmaitlent,..yl*.;4,•'hie'llian i :Afirahai*r ,Vein :1. ,::. ''pr..1...-! - isliiio; -. Stiil:'''tithetri;;.iih' *.' . .i , PA. ,- 1 - 41wit.,!ii,7:ilidcr . 'Ortheliiiitiidti t! ''''f' ''''. :dsi . c .. . ti . • ir ..f • '' l, 9 - :,..,.,:''!411 - 1 /...9#; 9Mile ; . ,-;.•,:,;_ ::,,;:•,. •'- ' '''e. :' , O - .llfiCipraisoo tverrld'furtfier.'atate,l Abet ::'' ' 'i ~. i:C'etri rit Wee. i en ' PlibliO. Buildings ' - and „Olefin (.10' have .no Centrol,...direction jurisdietien•wbatet'er l jn ;the 'Selection:. or purchase_ of ,furniture . which the President may see preperAO r pr , cure, by himself or. MI , 61 19 Ei _———.._- L v . . • otA • . _ JAI.{(/ .2 4 ,p_ALsAt. air.* c.. - 4 - ; • • ~• • . ••••,;._,., ' : . . July..-V),„1840-, " I am a_mcmber of the cfifnmiitdc o Mr.:Stanley, is 'clilirroao, 'and. tis2s.uch havO examined the'Vo - ociffrg - - - hb6 - re-roferrCtl --- tor conctir 'in the siatOnion ts of Mr. Stanley:-- , • - ) .'-• JOHN Ni.r. ALT,F.N; of OthiO'.' -- Washington, 2.0,.1840. - • • I cnctify • that t7i3ve ekamitted the vouch ers referred _to. - in ,the ''foregoing:'statemebt. of .the. [lon. Clark ;,,,and others, and haVe compared•them With-, the coPieS forth.iti.the speech . of the Hon. Mr: and •find that they are truly set-forth in the ip - neeli,:_and that upwards or 18;000 dollars, of these .expenditures for furniture dor the •Peesident's House . .were made•by the Pre-' Sident and his agent4•at a time ,When there was" no committee of Congress- in existence,': And, of course made, - 'hy the I:resident ti -Jone;,withont any one to interfere, or influ ence his . I . ..am' told . by - ,' - tuy tincolni that he -rhitre - „Matle anT , Such remarks as are ptiblislied as his in the Globe. CHARLES NAYLOR. Washingtop,, - . J91i_20, 1840.. ' Maim - -FOnomtv.7—'rlie:O lobe :has,litth lished a speech, porp . orting .to• have been delivered:-by Mr. -tpicoln,.of TM:iaaticht. setts, in reply to the speech of 'Mr. Ogle, on the subject of the President's Furniture. - Mr: Lincoln has.addres'sed a.,letter to the editors of the_ Intelligencer, in •Which.lie . declares. that - he never made,uie of langn age.- jmputed••• to him -_in--the Globe ; •We copy the following extract from theietter • _ _ . . . • - •. ~Mr,oncvaTEtt, (Mass.) July . 2s, 1840. "illes - *,4t5.. - /..ba/es - i4 - Seutorri -- , - .-' • 'I have seen-with - thq.utmostaurprise - ,•in in.„.the . __lntelligencer of 'the 23d justant, .which reached me . this morning, several Certificates from_" Whig Members of Con gress" on the subject of "a publication in thh Glolse'of the 10th - of-July, 1840,-under ; the caption of Messis,._Lincoln and...0g1e,7 and it has now become proper-for me, per we matters, to winen Indy rezel:.. i snail certainly have no . controversy with either of the gentlemen who have seen fit to give these. .certificates. __To those .of __Messrs., Steely, Allen, and Naylor I have. nothing to object. ' Indeed, to that of"the latter, in whom I am happy to recegnize.hirersonal. •ai well as political friend, I would myself niost - willingiy -- have - subscribed - the: substantive 'facts stated by all,: so far -as respects the procurement of the - furniture inVirfiresident' 8 -House; I- no 'more -ques tion than ihentselves. I have never said, or authorized to be said or reported, a sin gle word which Wise, - certificates. gainsay, and I. feel . entirelY . :eonacious of having af 7 forded no cause, on my. part, for any. in terposition.between •Mr. Ogle and 'Myself. - - In the•One' certificate, however, of Mr. -Jtiliii-O:-Clark7and-othersTtltere.7'arer-ex pressions to which I feel 'bound to offer a word of reply. I find it in,the. following paragraph t .." The. undersigned - do . not undertake to say whether Mr. Lincoln used ihelanguage. imputed to him by the Globe, .oenot - , - but . as - he has. pertnittettits: - Obli-: cation to reritain..ten days witheut .paiblic: cetntradlction', 'we presitme he now adope thb‘ language lasetibed.toliiin, if he did net originally utter, it.' ' ;If these gentlemen. .heard• the'remarks 1 did,• in feet, thaktinn -tho-occasion-eferred-telnAher..Glob_e, goy_ inust,have know.4,.that f Witt not-"original ly utter the language" ascrihed'•to me. by thatpaper in'the extract they have. taken, i, • tun any thing like' it. 'Or, If theY- heard. 'my reply to Mr. 'Ogle 'a fortnight' after-, wards; when; upon, nty•return'to myseat from . a temporary—absence,_ho__alludeil_te_ the same mi representation'Of my remarks, theymnst I ave heard my- unennivocal, de-_, nial of the delitynt -- the - Globe's report,. _and_frankme presaions_oL._what-1:did.244- -on,thainectmoti. . .... -• . - , - .-.."' ---- Thi - appliop'riattett under'WhiCh -- " . it rap- , pears front . the'Sair imicher4Aidt more. - than7eiglitee4 r ihOnSantr dollars.-were -Es-- penile& in: furniture *for' 'the. President!s lions& betweep the .. 4th ' day:of March; 1837; • and the Pith day of December, 1837," was denbileso.madhi'it - gentratterno,. With ' no direction t to 'he Specific. ' articles, or the • cost at which they were to be prheured ,•,' and.„besides hiving - 0 •*aghney myself in direetieg . the: expenditures; 1 was, in' fad; during the whnle:'lntervcning' period ~b e'-• 4.w . een-thosailatei_a4_4_,iesidenhein.,) .-• sichtniette. "I ' It '..Was for appropriations . ,-- ,siiitii . 1114 "threri‘ andit of - for - the'rnarri' -rier: - - - 4/14eirt-Optientiiiii;--thatLlrsaid•-the, committee ;were responsible. •Whatever liarlrair b'eeti' . or'Prodigalityt'erHinctrava-*- pi - tiepin the exienclitAres,liasifever been,. and:Will not beritistified- by rre-' - '*Tlie iteny in i the'bill:Whi44ilve' rise to thediseus-- sioni , ethi);teeed'only:the :daily' pay. 'of the laborers . „'„,seMe ~ ordinaiy'supPliett ” for -.the . cultivationof:thhOottiids';and five hundred altar.:Pl.'o''si'Plitkith , ,...io64;*igssitik 7 iiftin . ' iiie,iiiittrie'tihd . 'iii - Viiettriegttiet. itiftei 'thole -, and . - 4,lte*iniirltit(ifiWegle,Witleh.,' ; they. aCeined*litiVOYealled forth; 'Ti beitlen la Ily:. - Ortlyci.**.d. , *: , the'..iiiiipiioik..-i&fittitebie' furniture ‘46,llifi , ll,intee t iiiiiikled , fo , 4liegeo4; 'ON t Aiiiii*k.:(o,oole:l4ol4tibtiot Pini . .. gir,s!; . ifOrll.lo' tieei d eore - : . Of . 140:!ipspiesentic , .00. Chief $ aii a tihte: of Of etition;;-z:': , .::, :.:: Vitii:eetttii rtOit le et teith el regard s your olledie#l."eeoteit,' - ' , Y, . , 71 :*, '',.1..c,- - , ',,. ..'„ ," • , . ''- , % . ' ,•. • • LEVI ; .14N • COIL • N . . . Elecgioic We Sarin for pu6lic.ihfotn atiotiiseve ral sections of - the amended Election Law., as paised -at- the, last session , of the Legis lature.-:This la*, is intended as a kirid qualified_ registry, and yermires.the:, , nanteS of voters'to be entered .0 upon the : ASSesiora' liSiS:ii'evideiriee:pf their right tl3" . 63tdreita ihe.dectiv,e. l'Elt;• it will be . Seen,' itiophinqu'ioiTjiiii . 'MEN. :BE TWE EN :Om ,22„ YEARS 40E , ' whose name , does not appear on - , the pub lished-list:in :the ; OW tristanCe;.l.ll) l , l s . :goi. personally to the ASseSsor-,-;-haie his name certificate, and, then pay his tax, • except those -who. vote . •on..rige,: t&tlie cellector. Proper'penalties ire providad: Ott the,l3th seetirm for any who neglect.or refuse - t 9 do the-duties - required _ by. law. As-the following , matter is. : itiipiwtSnt, we :hope...that it rill-be carefully „perused by our - readers ••• • `-‘ . - • • SecTION 3.--The.bomititseioriers of eve• - •., ry9ounty within this Co - inme . tivvealth, shall - otforbefoietliefirst dayof-Au gustOrtreach_ year eanse'te - ba : delivered to the assessor Of every ward, township, incorporated triet•arkl - borough,. within their : , respective I= Counties, fof which said assessors' were re spectively elected; :. a Certified' transcript ~_under 46a1 ofi . ofliee, - orthe nantes--siattsur pames,•of all the' taxable persons_ 'returned at-the last county assessment„of_said,wards , •tOwnsliiris,' districts or boroughs; and shall separately arrange the names' r freeholders, t teliaiits and single -men in alphabetical or § 4. The assessors of the several wards,. toWnships, ineorporated districts, and bor oughs Ayilhin.this commonwealth, shall, - pn ' the receipt Of the transcript-aferesaid, pre geed forthwith to make from said transcript not less than two _copies- of alphabctidal. list's,- and as- many more as the duunty coin - - iniSSioners shall - direct; . antlin the form re -quired--of- county, -comniissioners,_ofAlie. names slid surnames :of all the.white free- . ; .men residing within their respective wardei, 1 townships; klistricts, and boroughs; . and.' said assessors shall, on or bcfOre'the tw,en- _ .fieth day of,AUgust, iri:ench.year,. -- post up -the said copies at as many of the inost pab- • - lipe places" avithin:,their ,respective. *wards; townships, districts; and boroughs, one oil whichshallTbeiit the place of holding their general elections: Prooide.d,'That when the election is not held ..:witliiit the ward; township, district, or borOugh, then ail of • said copies or listS,-„made out. as_ afores aid, Shall be filed up - within the 4300(mm - - ship, borough, or diStridts,_except the one • copy-required by_this.seCtiOn, to .be fixed 1 I u at the.piace of - holding such eleetion. - . - § 5. The - assessors aforesaid;Thlll also It ! copies of . the aforesaid lists, in their o ice - or possession, :subject avail reasona! ble times. to the inspection. ,of ,any,._white ..freeman without charge; and shall, at- any_ such time, ten days before the second 'riles; day of - October T iii-each=yearoan=the—p_ex , •, soniiTlifplication of any person-J.-ail ,afore-- 061,./.,imiwr an, he..qfirkese.d i Aitilltin Ate • trict or borough; or claiming a right to vote therein, as being between the a g e of twen ty one and . tKenty :two years . , ind'havirig . resided in the State, one -yearnenter - the name of such person :qpnii the said lists in their office or possessibn ; -and the said as sessors shall, in the -form aforesaid, make . _ouLduplicate_coliies_Of_saittlists of names_ ' and surnames of the freemen :and qualiiied :inters, ... _residing._.within : their. respective tvards,..town.shipei,_ districts, and boroughs; and,. at - least eight days beforethe second Tuesday of October, in_eith 'year, certify,. sign and. deliver, oife — or - suid-iltiplicates to the - commissioners 'of their respective coun ties, who shall "file the same in the . office ; the - other the said assessors shall hold and hand over, 'without alteration, or addition, to-pne-of—the_inspectors_oL_theelection_of: their proper. election district, ont or before', eight o'clock in the morning ofthe second 1 Tuesday of OCtOber, in pach . year : - Pre-', Vided, That where any' ward, township, incorrrated district or borough, has been,' Or:shall-lie - div ided- in --forming--an-election ' district, said assessors shill make out, cer- ' tifyl - .sigif, and, deliver, aslisil- hereinbefore ' directed, for wards, toninshipsi districts,' and borouglii, - duplicate lidti, as afOreiaid, ' of the .white freemen - and -. qqalified voters - residing . within each part of said divided ..iii . a - r - d - , -- .tti - Witialii - ptiTistriet - and - boroug l 4 ------..: 7 -1 § 6. It .shall be the .duty of -said :asses.; sors respectively, on entering the names of persons claiming to-be-assessed, pursu ant to the provisions in the foregoing sec tion,:forthwith to levy and assess on such, persons, except those, between the age of twenty ' o. amount of county laic as by fa* is levied and'assesseil on taxable - inhabitants of like standing or occup:atinaorld 'give . a - cerlifiil cote. of such. assessment' to thti - permit so. assessed, and return- his name •on said list to the, commissioners at least eight days infer° . the . . election, noting • opposite- said name' the words""tax - . -- iiet - paidl'. - and ; the. 'collector shall, on preee4ation della ear• tificate,' receive; Said tax, natl:give a ceipt Tor the same. • • - § • 15.. If any officer or officers 'required to perform any duty by the provisions - . of this.ait, shall neglect or :refuse.tp . perform l Same, .he or they; so'Offeuding, shalt; be considered and adjudged guilty of alais-: dearieniii in Offiee, and shalten • .ti r ed-irratrfatronroilerstr - than• twetttyi7, morty.than two hundred dollars; and where; the -duties requited of any., official: , iereirf hm aedi are' Aluiliame as. these.. re ' iiked - by the provisions of:the act .to which' this in a supplement, the pen - altiechrflietetr by, , said, - act,. for.violatios of such, duty,be and the' same are z - heribt, extenth - Tir. to, the .daty herein rr :BAD FOR 11.—Those vvirirrate - iitu . ?eiiiit — fttilf -insane ; howlings age., „he iced, Staten Rank of Fenitsy4laniawill •be, sorry teitear . %ware:afraid, that it sta dii so proudly, ' as lt„does now in'London,mid Nvith gueltbril= liant'rospests, „, We 9 !wive that. it • sold Ahern on the 24th ultimo at Xll.-5. - ThiB at;the,presen't,ratee iherewol,iltt . lte47s,43." Most evidently - the a- ifl 'on either 'side of the,,Atlantic, *hate, rine) , .hav;e beers (1 1 . made, by concert ` . or otherwise, ' againstrhibis permuted institution, hive failed o t ea' ._. -tiwo - years;suZh-fiii EEC 'CbjellAT ---- Hilhe sleek --..oeFenhailVitiiii-,And:l.ok..the higlitepininitentertnined* their ..re--.‘,..,,a..,,lm_t:ce_tinue• to nnirageranktteltlier?Bke ..qualitieS4bift ,1.., lierfepiiii; ~ iiiii , .a ii n be, 'on - the free' rise.":=Pliii,...o..trZ:' ,- . .".:::,-,., i have often' heard . the •---oldpeople- -te11 : 1 the' • • , - - ' .'-'.. • ' • ' story while passing :b3 the Bare." --.- • •.. - ,-„ 1 1 ,' "What a pity, it - is,. soid:T , ennant . , who ', - • ' :•:: ODD' DUELS. •• -, --• • • has - much of the spirit of an Antiquary '•• , - .4. • few ,- nigh ill;ago ,we; WI. q' "- CPmp in gf ithout'hitn, "that a AtilleetitiliChei fiet Wen: ont," . , by :tlie . .p rand Lake . , one of. a chain., inade,of :these .old•storieS,. and some.' runes connected- by. a: River that • takielte' rise , preseried.of - the ancient features of things about,Beech•:lfillai and .falle . into. Pennaet,,i. which have - passedOrarefust passing away. .Bay'.':: • The dey' had- been favOreble, cloudy !The surface changei. itehspeet so _rapidly and warm; and we had - killed-iota-4; fm!.. 4 " 4 -' in -a - ne w'countryalithings louilt of .-Wood ' but the best 'pert: of • it hid. been. Spent in . ' i d ecay lio . fast-:---and.our people are so prone reaching„the. ground;- and -'.we ;determined r to,look forward . . and not back; that-by and . . - to camp-out, and, after:eapying tho..:rePFn- • bye there . will s carcely be a trace of things fnei:lonri,:refern home on the bybill - peel - a s rilie,jr . 'wefe, - iird receidof'the - Wlieeaf. the next . day. Eerly :in.'. the.:efternoon,. l ings• and queer doings Of..thevigerone race therefore,. we laid' down' our rods, ~aiid-',., la ~ouisie. e e, a - i . . tl tfl i' I • • •d'h r 'll . II e olden time." , :*". hatchet -in .hand,,.proCeeded to ,erect, - opri . : , "One of the oddegifdifele,,larid'inoSt•Sysi , . .. •-wigwanut-r.-Borne-years-age,---while , paSsing--:-ternatie- . teo, that4,AiaVe--heard '- off"tsaid aleng the streetwhere• a new - house_WasAtyßrien,."took-place in-one of Eastern - building, I • was oniesed . ,by the repeat* . Or, i - •Tevitne not ninny years ego., gentleman, in. Indian, who, after loolting.At the --10'' ,- , who held , a situation in the i ,custome,' and prietor, surrounded by.oarpenters and ma- l 'a Apirited old 'Jersey merchant, had some sons, and' hearing him, give all sorts - of -di:: dispute: . ~The ..iterseyinan - wa s high, and - rections. shregged. his._ehoulders -and rout-• . :the OuStornlteuse:lo.llfieer_piinetiliOns", awl_ tern, "Ugh—white Man-take great trouble *.the latter sent a !challenge:, .A pair of Du= to build him house; me build mine in half. eking Pistols were-not to - be found in the ;_anThour.l",___.flitesi,.like_ilie..lndianrs, was place, or a: pair - of:seconds 'Who, k neW- numb Made in halt an' hour; and' was of mach the. about . things' either:, A -couple .of Fusty Same,-eimple„ construction=a few toles; old - horse-pistols; lietyyjand . stiff on the forming the . outline,of = a sugar loaf, were. springs, were at last mustered, end 7 tWO soon: covered With . boughs, and bark, a friends • persuaded to go"out with them, in i young s.picee- was the door- the-rear-or. the :Settlement, _on±a fine „stn!. I way, when we retired • for. -the• night and mer afternoon-•A good *.deat of time 'was' , lots ofWeod wail prepared to feed our even- occupied *with . preliminaries,. but at last the ing fire, After rearing our mansien,, and pistols_w_ere cherged,:the men planted, and palling . or things -that might :be -wanted the parties fired,. withoet ... ;any fatal effect." 1 within -reach, - we resumed. our rods, and -. "Are - you satisfied now,..llolr;N.ewtong?" lingered -by:the running waters, until the cried the Jerseyman; "No'," was the re- I deep Shadows closing around es,•the Alf& sponie;'and the:pistols were loaded *again.l r iculty of - !spelt* Our min flask , Satisfied us Niter two or three shots, without any exec_ that it wakuseless to try another cast, We cution ' being 'Atone, the -.Jerseyinen • drew- L tlien retired to: our camp -=kindled our fire .his watch 'from •his• - fob; and declared - that --boiled our lea-k'ettleroasted some . rout. lie could not Star any..longer, but', " must .'- • • uupone stick , -- =rummaged our knapsacks to home - and Toot:his: bqolis,' , - :according for bread,- butter;ham-and _cheese,.and set . -to-his invariable` "" custom; :His..adversary_ about the ;enjoyment of our evening, meal remonstrated, and the -merchantand the with appetites that gave .a relish to all we off the : ground, but declared his willingness ' touched, and which en epicure - or' an .Al: to.come out agaio• next day;.and give ,himl . dermati might have -envied. - - .- -.- - "as much satisfaction as he - wanted:" ..An • "This, , DOW;-Ntaid • Beb Norton, lighting ailiourrinTent • accordingly took - piece, and' his segar, - and throwing himself - bash the pariiei met alihe smile'spet - next morn- 1 , his elbow, "is clear comfort_oeoldAup,.i„g.... After a -sliot--pr-two,--it-Wes:approach-, I said in the -Bern:" : • • "' • • ing the•Jerseymen's .breakfast hourhis .... _"What Barn was-that,"-.asked O'Brien, watch had.been pulled out:Once or , " twice, , "andhow came the fellow "to - be so Com._ and he. was.beginning to. - evince: a determi-, fortabler . • - - -..- '''• - - •:-- --- I nation to adjourn -again; when the pistete " As - to the Barn," . said. Norton, "like being loadedtifo word was given, and off' the, most ettold acquaintanc es of ,ny. youth, went the:Custom House Officer's pisfid, -that were - , made -Of boards' and shingles, it and-the ball - kung pastille:A:wad e'f hie Viii, has passed -awaY, hut some of you. thus! a-vis. The -.le eynian's weapon snapped, remember--it. - It : Stood At the Corner el 'bin, with mo commendable Sling _froid i what is now Allison's lawn,•next the stone he - shook - up Me _priming, shut down the bridge, and was. a co unfeitable tenement.for liammer,-and noil'hiro or iiireo -1 horses -and horned' cuttio, in my boyi9ll times against the flint,- levelled, .aed - before tlays,--when the property belonged to Si_c_iy, any interference could • be.._effeeniaLteok net. • That Barn -- was the scene of . one of deliberate ainri-hit his adveriary on the an the oddest duels Of Alwottlen time—one of _ele, and brolighthini to the ground. -- Walk • in-hand battles that ever Walk the sternest eword = ing up to him he took . off his hat and mak 4aCciirred-in aid country." -_ i. • - • ing a profound bow—"Mr.__Newtong, are , ---- iqft -.gust-have-beenlbetween_a bre.se-of you satis fi ed-noroPLioniedthelerseymant :- W - thee," - said I, ."for surely- no bipeds "yes," vva, the rely. "Then lam very - • • ••••• , 4. ii- rack - and- manter;tO seine vim urtt, for- mr rtreakiast nas noun ....Ay their persona t t ...4-• -- ~ • 16T --- ns• . _ "There you mistakes 'three minutes and a half—good morning, - sthiluob-manY-L- -Si rrt"—Goloniat-Peark -:-•--,--------- - - things that -are net very, likely,happen_not-_ ) - ' .._ - withstanding. The old Barn, you must know, like other Barns or. the Peninsula, was built -before there was any house in its neighborhood—forty years ago the stone -bridge--was--"out-in T the-country, l ",-and-tlie. • old- Barn occupied a nice 'retired spot, And . baiting a bread • - thresing- floor. -Was--ot ' a' bad place for a couple bent on:miachief to - take exercise on 1 -- a frosty-morning. Old , McK-•- (I call - him old because he died _before-I-Was -born; but lie was not old. at the time) was a lieutenant in the High-: land Regiment, - stationed. in Halifax, about the year -17—. - I saw his' picture in-full. length, at the house of a relative in the in -terior,T' Some-years-sineerantin-fine-lcoking stalwart man he must have . been; While gazing at his handsome features, and braw ny limba c in repose upon the . canvass, I - Could not but wish that I had Seen. - them in the - full play of "action, - where life or death was ; in - the - strife. IVICK:—And -a brother-officer.querrelled while -at - mess,. the - trice lowa -of .-- the duello being in those days not very,Well defined or much, regard ed,-they • agreed to meet in' the Old "Barn the next Morning; and fight it out, sword in hand, upon the threshing floor. For some reason or: iithercVliteliTl -- netter learned; - they. took'- no secoMis--and when they drew theirtroad 'swords, and pulled their bonneta over their, eyes, "this, now,"- said . McK— looking round, and seeing no liv ing._thing near but an • old cow - .peering* .through.the manger withtery,.riatural -as- . Viiulls frient - "thisi." - said-MeK--- , ..,-Who-hed._ s tile : true - Highland love for • fighting, end faith in hieweapon, and who feating.noth -ing-Anit---ant-interroptienr--0-this--Alear, comfort:'.'.. ,-.. 1 . • , -.--., , .. . .. ---"At least so.says Aradition,!".±muririiired `.O'Brien, "but the word . ' comfort . is peculi-. arly ' English."' •• . •.• . - - -. •: •.. . "I am not.going to swear- to all! saYin .. . a.Conip;" replied Norton, ."hut you, have the story as it'vValvtold to me. ' .Aftereye ing, eack.:-Otherfor. a. moment;-at -it , they .went, and. .being hoth Powerful fello_WA,And. good s - Wordsmen;illetombat Was -1Ong;'oh• -itiniittanddoubtful. - • 'After - a - furious on: . ''set,:andireiriemdiritililde sword - play; bed were wounded end hied fast. ;- ' Once .01 ' ---• linstilities-Were_euipAnded.,andiht combatants •leaned against the . ende of-th , Barn-An-recovetbreath' T ond--wipt=the-blood:- and perspiration from.their brows._, ; Again , and again, they possed'their ;blades on the centre of tlt i :e_threiliituireor; and renewed , the.strifei l and then -paused.to-, gaiher ne w energies -,to dicide‘ the question,of-who wa's, the better-man, Until at ; length, in the final' PhOcki ._hOth "' were 'desperately Wounded, and reeling 'to opposite ends of the Barn, 'fell heavily - upon:the direshingilnor. Nei ther could. senses abont hitn,.W&El'''gravelY lameeth% that they,had tiot,breught lheir thini74lo4 that they might lave _or two iit.each other, byway of wind up, when; the door opeizil;Ondia.:wolited - the owner; `cif 'the Barn,' who had come :to -milk;lits cOW and turn-her' upi , nt, the common ' .: gave the 411Srm, assistance was ; . brought,' and , ' the` wonnded 'officers wern•conveyed • to the' Hospital:. The affair . ..ins: hu shed Up and they were.forgiven, in eriniequenco_ . • - Cumberland County .Poor' House; To the Directors of the Poor_ and of the lionse.of Employment lOr the County Gentlemen - ' • - I take this mode arraigning my.office as Steward C.s6. of the said Poor-Douse, to take effect on•the, Nth March 1841, when my 7th year ends, and do sincerely 'return my thanks to the community and.all the for mer as well as the present Directors; for their tong indulgence,rorbearance;and kindness during the time I .havti held said office; antlldo pledge-myself to dis charge my duties as usual to the best of gay Abilities from - this to the end of my' said MU - year, and likewise do I promise to aid and assist the that time for the good of the institution andd — the inmates tlMreof to the best,of my abilities if required by my successor or by the resent Directors or their successors. M reason or giving notice of my resignation so early, is to ford you afull opportunity of making s good selection of a steward in my room, and my bare and single reason" for lay . ing down - my office against the 20th of March 1841, is that my family is rapidly growing up, and _that- I wish to employ them,at something else which may be more beneficial and prudent-for them thaii-the employment-at:thiastation, ... -•- Very respectfully, your obedient servant • ' MIrHAEL. FISIIEURN, Steward of•said . Poor-lionse, Ste. August 100:840.,-2t . • Paletable Farm for Sate: •• • IN pursuance o f-' the last will and -testament of _ George Davidson late of West Yeansbcrough - tocVnshiP, county , diii'd;iiiiirbeitild at publici sale, on .Wednesday t he 7th day of .October. next, at 10 o'clock A. M.of said day;on the premises, the following. -described_ real estate, late the property of said decedent, viz; ~ • . • A Tract, of first rate 111/1130 1 2011 1 .18 situate-in_WestkanabOrough township, Cumberland county,. Pa. about 7 miles wm — i - CorCailifile",irMl - 70 - ao 'Mae north Of, Mbutit Rook, dontaiaing about • • • L9O AciT.s bounded by hinds of the heiri of William Davidson, dec'd, Robert McKeehan, and the, heirs of the Rev.- Joshua Williams, dee'd. There are about 130 acres cleared, in a high-state ofcultivation, and under good fence, theresidge 'is covered with first rate timber.;-- Theiinproveutentsarealarge two skiry • •, r... „ HOUSE; .- Ent With a well of good • wateenear the &Me; the Motint Rock Spring creates fetid ;arm near ly in the centre, within a few porches of the bousee. , - also a double barn of logs; and other out houses, and a good bearing orchard of 'choice fruit trees: further description. is nolnecessary - as periaatis;will OM he ,bil 'lroffice-for-collectio) "‘ • • d. : dir-ADATINISTRAWICIwthe-if tate of George G I topic, late of Frankfbrd ship 'Cumberland county, dee'd.,bavinebeiiiiiined to the aubsp!iher residing in said townahipt is hereby given to all those indebted to said estatelo• make innediatepaytnent,andthose hiving claims to present them, proßerlyaottleidicated, for.settlemeni. • ' • 4013 T. 1./11110,/Idart'i: ktgitat 19, 1840,-6C - - •- • v • '••••".14',30,04(0 1 4., • ..Eitego.:4 2 l, ; ',lokii Cie44, dead: . ~ •L'ETTERS''CiF ADMIRCITRATION the Us - - tate of 3Olin Closn;hife - of tlie -- bifriangli - OF Me= chaidesburg, Cumberland county, deed. have been • issued to the eubsetibei residing in Ens; Pennsboroush ton+oship: Nirrten-is -hereby gnmis -to. all tholie in debted-to the above. estate, .to make- immediate pay'-taunt , and all•thoie Imvine claims against. hirn p r e;,. sent them;pl'operiy-tithentieated, for settlement. • • JOJ - IN2RUPP; . August 12', 18411-4 S -.- IP .. ... , . . . „ . W':4. sord, - at - public 'side, on the premises, , on. Saturday the sth day of. September next • - at 9. o'clock, P. M. the following described „lots of • ground' .sittiate On West High street in the borough , of -Cartisle,. to wit: _ , . ::. . • , • A Lot - of Ground,. -.• • - ". .iin., . .(medialelyoppo - site Dickinson College,] : adjOiuln&lets'of the Trustees of Dickinson, on the east,-High street on the north, a loto thelieul . of 'John Fleming, deed. On fhe West and an lley. on. '.. tbe'sOutli, containing 60 feet ,in front en 'High tree:- und,24o-feet in depth,- - -, •-, .- • ... - ~, .. . - :.. :',..;,,,,,,--- , - . - . Also, a Lot of • Grdupil 'bounded an4.,de ,, .1' aoribed.as follows, to wyeheginning at the,l,ine,of the warehouse lot' of WurO , B. Murray and the heirs of • -f; John Pletning deed.: .on :High street,-thence ivesta- , ,• .long High street 2RO. feet to a point where Pomfret ', iitreetinterseets .High . street; thence along' Pomfret =.,- street 91,2 feet,Thence along the line oldie aforesaid ' • .wareliOnse lot (07 feet tirthe.place ofbeginning, con- , - tabling one hundred and-one and' three-tenth percli:;. ' .es,--Theterins ofisialearethe-poreilase-moeey . -to--..-- beimild an the. 9th November next, When possession - Will lie Overt and Deeds made to -purchasers: , ' The title to the above lots will be made to the pie- -, • - chasers by Wm. B. M ,urray,.,wliti owns the one - Undivii., ~.. . deilludrpart thereof,' andJ,ohn H.Weaver, - -Adtier. of . John Flemingoleed.who'will sellthe intermit of said decedent (it being-the. other. undivided half part) int. ., iioidlots.lan pursuence_ef.tin .order-of-Alie-Orplianat:--:-- - Court of '.Cumberland county. - l'. , . . ,' ' ' . . •G - 3' The above ilescribedlots‘are situated in the most ple+ant part of the town for residence. '• sy WM. B. MURRAY, '• , . . . • JOHN 11. WEAVER,,Acim'e. . • • • • .of John Fleming, dec'd Carlisle :August le 1 1840.—~tds . _ VQVUtalac) Estate of Afichael Morrekdec'd.. LETTERS TESTAMENTARY - en the last W ill awl Testiunent,of Michael Morret, late of, Monroe township, Cumberland_ county, deo'd, have. been - issued to the subscribers residing ,io the same township: Nome is hereby given to all-those indebt ed to the above estate to make inftnelliate payinent, and to all those-113 , 06g claims _against the estate to present them, properly authenticated, for settlement: • ' MICHAEL MORETT, jr. '•• - GEORGE BRINDLE,' • - • - Executors August 1 2, -1840.---6 t ' • .lacoteutalt% :Estate of fiehry:2friller, deed. . . 'LETTERS TESTAMENTARY - on thealast . - - LWill and Testament of 'Henry Miller, • late of Wma Penneborough township, Cumberland county, dee'Cluiy;e been issued to the subscriber raiding file same township: NOTICE is hereby given to all -. thOse indebted to the above estate to„malte. immedi ate-payment, and all those - ha4ing elaiins to present them, properly Authentic:W.44lhr settlement,- - • - • F El) ERICK _Z E I,6LEIR, August 12, •. . • * ITZVilatact--‘ - Estate - of Paul Gher; tie r ed. L • • • IEitTEAS OF ADNIIINISTIATION.ou thees tate of Paul Gher, late of Atka toUnsliiir,tom4: berland county, declL have been' issued to the sub- , 'scriber to the stiniffuotviiship riNtrrteu-iirlie're= ty - gitien - toltlllholie indebted. tO. said retitle , to make immediate pay inent", and all- thoie having claims a gainst said estate tei present them, properly authenti cated, for settleineut. - ' • . - JIMESON, : 4dm'r. . August 12, I . - Creditors take Notice. THAT I have applied to the Judges of the Court. of Common Pleas'of Cumberland county; fOr the ' 7 benefit of the Inkilvent Laws-of thia,Conimonwealth, and thatthe said court have appointed Illonany the : 9th day of November, 1840, for the hearing of me and-my, creditora r at—the Court-house in the borough of Carlisle, when and where you may attend if you think proper. • - (4-n o), -August 19, 1840.-3 t • • SIOO--REWARM . - . TJNAW AY from the - subscriber on lift evening 1.1, of the - 2d.,inst., a negro girl named .Catharine, she is ahout eighteen "yearsof age; of black cohlur (not very black) about-fiveleet, - two inches in height, - - • good form and lace: She is very lively and-speaks loud when in corany of-her associates._ When gazes at uiteaitly, s the gene- • . • - rid is impertinent in her matipeis. She has a scar on one side of her - neck which was caused - by a burm, She4ook with her a variety of clothing, principally '- for summer wear, amongst them were - severarcalicoe dresses, a white untkr dress with scolloped. skirt, a white swiss apron with Tamboard worked borders and a Palm Hood Bonnet. • . • .The . above slave ahscondeds from the undersigned iwthe town of Carlisle, Pa., whilst passing through from Kentuticy tri - Marylabil . ; She, nb doubt was per suaded to do so. The above reward will be given for her apprehension. Any communications on the subject:addressed aceb....Sweper,sqahigmatmtn,3ll,Avilthe_attendedi__ to. Carlisle,' August 5i 1840.-4 t.• 5 Valuable F.arms . FOAL' .S4/11/4 ?. 1 , • •• -. . 1 Parm of "165. acres offlea - rate --- - Limestone land, situated in North Middleton town ship 14 miles from Carlisle, adjoining the PoOr House Farm, M. Brenneman, and others..; About 115 sere% are cleared, the residue covered with iood thriving' • timber; -The improvements are it Double. Log House, - -; a new-Bank-Darn ; a young thriving orcluird, - a 40 feet deep of never failing water. ' . • g. Faros containing_ .......... of Slate' land situntedjit said township,i Miles from Carlisle, lands of George Wise and others, of whielt , 120 sores are' cleared,, and the residue - in-thritingt • timber. The improvements area large Frame House and Kitchen, Log Barn,Tenant house, a good thriving orchard, a never ailing well of water at the door, mar , -- springs in every field.' "' • A:Farm containing 224' acres - of first- • . -rate Limbitomi hind, it little mixed with-slate, skeet, ed in said toivnship 5 miles from Carlisle, and • mile-north - east efltliddfatjaiiing Caaaira guinet creek, Peter Hettrick and others. About 150 -acres-are-cleared;-and-lheOresidue - in'heavy - timlo. . The improaements are a Stone House and Kitchen? . a good Log Barn; Stone SPring-hotise, - with a - never - • failing spring running through the farm, and an- OS; chard. olchotee fruit and other imProvemenh3. ' 4. A Farm-or 265 . acres Slate land. Mixed ' with Limestone tnljoiningthe last,. Mentioned 'and hounded by the Canodfiguutet ereele. - 140 - acrek 'are cleared, and the residue covered with heavy timber] about 50 acres isfirst rate' meadow land: The int; - provettleidir,afe good.. Logi House,l 4 eg , Barn, a Spring Koine „With a ,never,failing,,spetog,Oeir the,, . door,and Crehard. .Thia raita - will afford ft lo cation for water works: - • '„ • • - • • 5.,.A -Farm of '226 aefee, .. bel --- Slate la • • -.- rnized:tvith - Linteeteneiedioining the - last 4 Carindoguinet creek. 150 acres are cleared an good timber; about 30...ilireP of whic ' Irst•tate-meadow. = The improvements are 14, • .• te - Licouse - attarn - AO-4 1 "- 71 :ENial Awith a Spring, smut oreltarito ...11ruittrees. Thelast menttooGtl three. Farina will he-tToldieparitely .or togetheras.it may suit per... chasers.' A good quantity= of Meadow, can he yet, made orthe.woodtattidong theilaid-oreek•':•'.A•large quantity of locust istrOWing on thilititihree [academia' ed Farrns'"..For forthetpartionlars apply thesub.' - scriber, \one , s iite..east'of C - 41talcidear „the V - J -• • • • - ;.,4.§ - 1 , 0-Yor gie•diotierik - . 7 • , • Aui '•!; .1-8 4 6 ;` . • ; ~ . N. B..‘..Alsti'a iituntlee.oftiOteite:Litaeitolte and , Slate,Farnisand ,Mill 'Llroperties for sale M.F.-; r • . • " Zii:ll VOTZOM „. going 're,t,ter Snaieti7i V ':will' eipito in 1843. ' NaddelgtherebY . 'agreeably; to the constitutkitiOnil.. l l . %o ,nm; that the atochbillderi3OPiithiritiotitutioc , intend npplynigg tto'the the; licit ileiftlitititte of 'the Common wealth ler reeewid.cFcbarter, change °Come, and tide to , oilhonberhsnd. Valley: Ilank,'?. increase of capitsd and keneiol discounting and banking,pri* 1464 011 'mace. 'Such , cestrictioes - as *the Legrolatuie may direq.' The, choye in sti tution- to-be - cautioned iu Parliali, Pa: • Aug. 19,1844-4 m :~, CHARLES GREEN JOHN o irMYEAS4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers