Il 1 - 11)-oni theASt, 'fork 'coin, 3,-Ivedise. . —ll37Alitt2tireatt—l'Vetitidrillt. 'I. .•,. . ~- -- -- Thitinix - VAYS LATER FR.CiAI4ESrO^I.IIND I ''7. • , . . . . The lonedfor Great - Wresterif hil - s - . the negotiations which hit 1113 W been cai, arrived.. "-SW depar s teel fi4ini Bristol - 0n her ' rying, on for eigiit, years, ! •for_the settlement :1-60 - 111 - Ff 4 iit i - • th - e -- 22d-of-Marely;-and-as2-06c-thiss_questienof dis pUted 'territorY".being;i will be seen by her:journal in aithtlier col= broiiglir to — i r s satisfrittory-,--terminat,low,j_ ~,. -titan; had a Very boisterous passage. Our ;. Lord Ptq-ini,iis . rnx stated, ~ .4 in,reply, FT - London: ntes are to the evening of March', IM had received s tint Very imperfect, hire :,.-, 22d, Liverpoorthe sem i and Bristol 23d, oration upon this subject from our- minis or "_. all inclusive. • ' • • -., . I at, W ash irTton. The circumstances._ o • r . The Great Western Made her_passag - e ' which.the' onorble gentleman. referred home in fifteen slays.:' : I were o nlrknewq.,,gcperally, , ,M thast•:'.,eity,.. gs • 1301.1NDARY QU TION . .. their details not having arrived. lt was, ..., -- .‘ • •• , "-•--• '' ", not yet, therefore; in his power to - state Fr------ -1. he"„proceedings._ in_ lloligresS_,on - the.!-what course_the_American governme,nt in- . I. 'boundary question, with the memorandum tended to parsue. He would be, however; I ,agreed upon by "Mr. Fox. and Mr. Forsyth, , full v,fus thiedin stating that the inestfriencP • Ate...'•'&o4'were - received in London' by I.hell y - dispositicidtowards this country preven t ~ packet,pngland, -on the.2oth of March.— 'ed - int.hat iinarter:, ';.( Hear.) - f SO far ea we eau judge ;from a hasty glance Rj; S. fl , --,.. ....-ANNING:--What is the date .of the , . _ at th:e,P9srs'l3o(?re Psy - thel.omPArarY-4" - - t ommunication to 'whieli Ilie'' befile 't00; 1 ' juStaient of the 'dispute , appears -have I r ef ers ? ' .: • „ -.." ' ''----. •' i' . : -' ~ . ... . . . .. given general satisfaction; and even the Lora replied that be did not "alma ultra 'of the American " journals' bare enienaberthe exact date, but that,theCom : & manifested a pee , of Moderation onthvoe i t LI .sybjeci:whlch we, hardly expected.'.:, , Munication had-reached him by aripliteoit-. *ve °nee . the Great i'Vestern: . -•H •'- could ~ . The .Herald, it is true, recommends the l 'p ot 3r '.. - , -•• , 4,-.1 4 . , •,s ad d l9 1 say whether the resnit of tile-„ scor ns ! L,-- - -methate-sentling..of ,2 , _ _rne_n_an_ s.._ _ lions reforred to'bk the honorable' gentle. :.. sail of thsline.,to the North Amerie,an coast; • ' ,man would be satisfactory or. ` but this I , and the Standard , atrirms that no.diplomaey . he could say, that both govetliments were 1 - but that of'zinnon and baydnets 'can be. re-,- animated by a 'most serious desire to obtain. . _ea 7 „ ,,' , "., .___,... ... . • .. ' lied on;;--but , the Timesthe,thunderer ,of - the British press-dis c ourses on the I liit; -such ,a_result: , (H r ) ~..'• `i , ler'in the following inoderateand reagona- Loridon, - Mardi - 21. ==A good - deal of ani - ;", Ile mannei;------------- . - -.. ... ,_. ietyprevails ain,onirst the_ leading parties We a have - heard from . ' high and grove au:. connectedWilliT:thecniiiiiieree - er thiTl.Tiiii thatities fn the-linite4l States, men whom'fed States_and'our North American colon = • webelieve-toliaire.been really conscientious his, in coltiliequence of , the unpleasant acf. 't: l "' in, their:allegation; that therecOntd-be-not-a• -counts- respecting the disputed territory.— elrldoiv'of thanbtae the rigs t of ll,lainp,te - People of the first information have to-day --. the whole 416 : Ws:Pitted territory f theSe openly expressed .their opinion that this Minis-' persons-et the same. intimatingtime2 strong -Ytipture, for Such it is, howevev the - COVICtiOII that the . bone contended for was , lerial scribes may gloss the matter, is pieg not werih to either imintry, a doien Imman liantwilliinctileulableiniechief,,not only to our own settlements. but as , regards our, re-, - fkltrieW•Atplicars - that;however <the.., : joini lations -with-the •United States, the Govern-. In ' - eriaoraridthir -- Of-Messrs.FOrsytir .andrO.te, ment Of which does not appear to have the may"bealmilated tilatiett (and GOtP*;graq, Tower. to re - Stain:the berdes of reckless, va-, ll;;lttaY2s:teeeed'i-Wdbiriftso)-ar.IY ituthediate grants that infest:the border frontiers of the ' -.appeal to violinee - ain bloodshed, the tone self-styled - land of liberty. kis maintain of the:setreqtohaltitio sPoken upon . the -13 d that ,our Government• alone are to 'be Subject coriespends;itikmiately with that of blamed for the unpleasantspoliticaV aspects - ilitsi,S.,enaie,' Wii*,zp s itt; - aside;the arbitration Which have - for some - time threatened" 'con. "-' • ';Cift.lo,l64llWariditisisted.that E,ngland • had siipreniacy :!Torsi tlie other Side of : the At noi...tlilit'te:ilieleastizytion:Of theetiii con- !antic ; with a , erippkell navy' it is not to be iP;•-' - ,iinded folV;AlthengliOherefore, measures expected that" the tiOpots of . the world, ft.'.."hniiirgis trd. ,ennaiderate;have been _.pur= whether monarchial or repUblican, :would T , Tk:2 - inied orkilii - S;Weiiion fop postPiMing - the , respect British dictation. - Morning Post, ~;" - arake d e p e geOnid.ii - iiing,7.4o irregular find - „„-From't4e Aqiitelmirrer of Afar& g.. 3„. .. 'i. pieniPitate effueion-iif:blond, nothing. has - The Cleat Western.—This' unrivalled -- ‘ , .4 7 takett place to.eneoniage thithastihop_e that ship-will sail from Kingroad . this daY, be f,';-'hY'''.Bv-F'exPedo4;4l9l'-'4utir'der qr -the- tureen 9 end - 3.o!clockLshe takes out 105 f-,''' 0,44 e subject" in:disphte, WillAis country passe - ngers;and a quantity of gOodei-cOnsist r-be 06116--to calculate on a:-rnorethan transient ing of silks, printed cottons; -- worsted Stuffs, ,_::'-_,'"4leam'asepose for her provinces in .I‘,l:ertli hardware, and a large stock of jewelry .4- metica.- - , , i , - : '. morig"the passengera are Mi.,lCity; a goy s- • ' In , this- , -journal we • - hags repeatedly ernment messenger with despatches.— - ;'-' • thrown Out - a suggesten, which witq'a uue 7 Lord Frederick .Paulett, _Lieut. Col. "'Old '' isiis' 6 : ci f.., ,i3ur a'hi . Yl 6 o T- Winillk Fletils i96-8-- - field, and Captain 'John Forbes. Judge • ' 7 ,` } - ',iii hi - ,hear'd.'ivliere great - fiatiOnal interests 'Halilbinton, alias " . taut Slick.- the-clock !, are :oortgerited, - our unaccepted 'and cordial maker," is also a.passmiger, who is going ,`'.l---leve-,iifj/Veace;,itt the.ipliitef i peace," now. home to Nava - Scotia. "•,,,,-., inclines its to ; reproduce , viz :‘,l,that as most , . • ' . . . . ri, :government are on the-point of --er-natirnial,MisunderstandiiimPar4liest healed ~,s , „-, , -.1,,, , ,, t 0 , i , ; „ „, ~,f sending out ati,expedition to the Antarctic I'.. hY ekh•Pa rt Y s acr i ficiu s , a """ "'" " pits Circle, for the purpoSe 'Of-making magnetic ,':.r,.,:eititiAti 'tights, for tbe sake:, of showing .Enzithid observations in the:southern hemisphere. iltiAlkatilfl - good neighborhood '' 1 1 9 4-a- fl „, , 4 i k! y * offer , to the l oi e : o ' f ..1 ( - 4. 4 i p , e • , The ships to be employed on this service ere the - BruinEt and Terror . . and the charge thigaretteetion:of cciun .trY/Which has I a-- (-: ' - d''' -* - entrusted' ' 'that o the,expe mon is to talent-.l44l,ebeetiinttirtgijes,fiortectli nd recogniz:e c! ed officer Captain James Ross. The other art'Of New Biniiswiekr-,Viz : that portion ship 'ivill checomininnied bY -Commander f it which -lies WeriOrthe town of St. F. H. AL . , Crozer.- •, - • :Olials„along_the_stiO# of the Bay "of Fun - at,--uittiLit mio,-tlie present Maine - friiiii - - eriArtiligglitatifiladdy Bay; including the iluile',of-tiClirlo,tte county," eitending -lortli , to What" is• called in the maps "'the . milttary pod" onthe St. John's river, and }., h Inge along_the Southern-. extremities of "- •-• "the .highlanda of which 'Marl-lill" forins ', , it' a part, until it strikes thee,meridian,. close ), to that oldlandmark. , ' , ThiescheMeLot compromise we rocom -7.--Metieed.iti-the-Times-journal-si4 or.. eight 1 ,, ..! , , ' months qgo." ,It wonld,be better for both 4--'-iriies.lst,for:England,beeause it would t.a— :the whole of th ei-,' tmviir'-liin toasessOr {:: 6_ _ _ _I - - - • ...wsputenterrttory, ono in& Interprovmma '...Ontmuneatiodbetween Frederickion and CitiebeniiiWatcatic 24 - ankiiitine ntlyT: for state :gitlVlaine, iniamuktlis _she_ would gain foriit n'fine'con'ntry, shchas may& detail-ad - OF uniting' forth a' proten a,dafraite and profitable water , tier onthe-treit,•formed bythe St. John's 'Rivet-Mid the Bay ,:of Fundy, a ireater 001i)OFIC#8 'and roundtiesi3OfteTritory,than, tpresent, and conii,deral4,roore in f?oint :,of aurface;than England could in the way :::;of mutual' cOasion,,he On any' fait_ principle' ;:calledlol-;so'4oit,F(tdehj being even. in superficial miles; considerably , beyond one balf_cirth.ejrce disputed.' We eannotfor lMehend•Oi4hat •Pietefirtlie Vpart:Wp to mI Btateor,oe shauld'bjectap ent no tine.xiii.irkeogota, Nor, in the case of ! any inr.,buil,t'lid,-,ralmerstoii, does it ap- I jo- us that• ministei could thiciii-dlißOatia_Oillio-path of such a -pro:f• f --- - - - , ' Remember; 110 Is •no 'yielding on our sidela r coznpidsion. ~,We declared this roe more thanaght months-ago..---Wn4lid ,r'' en from, ,, en , 'honest . anxiety. for national widfarO; There. is - through;,ihii ,temporary convention of,' 'Messrs: VOrsrlt•aad Fox, a i'm lea of light, :and. tlo.Ohly 9114, may, , thro' the. laby 07'',-T,.rintitr:•But:with such indiiequients , to ac. .:f611440TY40r t [ „ t l ' . , t.t.* 1., ,,, 44 'tie, iy„,,, , • I 4.i0 -- -k.._ . ~,whether , ' 4,07.., irog,o>l o, - , obf t e tio-;,tur-,Ne. ee„,,,iiiinform,„ ,iit-poisopt the ~tliiiitiAP, - - tp-obyttriimll,--34-,,,, goy:, , ii'-• , ! ......u. ilifs'srarmac ...:. , . 41 ^illitii' '''',. Y in' - iiiiiliitiOen elk 01-, , . .34,,....1..01410,r, 1. ,-, ~ L. -- Alio, tc; ti,ozmikin!",..,,:auTillig,,ol:2 c '1 Panj 4 i7,l retu Th - 011ibie 1 ~Pfl?F 77.:•:,r,” uip/rim", i 1.7-,, ', n' 4. r , iflf.4%*";;,‘A - :From the Patterson (N. J.) Intelliger, April 17. ' . GREAT' FRESHET.. • .In consequence of the heavy. rain on priday and Saturday last, their Passaic rocs to azreat hetfit accordiug to the cc counts,of.the oldest inhabitants, than bac been knewn since 3810. 'At the foot of, BridgO street, just',above .thei turnpike bridge; Alit , water Was , about ten feet alloy . © Wfwaterymrkimccerding-to-actual-Lmea , surement, addi abiirt7distance above fall, at the ,new dani4. it was between 8 and 9' feet; - - - About'half a-niile-of the-Patterson' ,- Ta - Lifil - F - Falli - T - 3 • —lli7 am, Janie _ .'ernpike roau, on, the banks of the river, was completely coveted with-water,tand-as-theLcurrent .was _very strong at that place,, and the soil: sandy, it has been made almost; if not quite' impasse-, ble. The appearance of i the,Ealls, on Sun ,day, was awfully'sublime. At noon yeaterday the -river had about three feet. All the mills on 'the banks' of the river were compelled to 'sus pend operation on account of the back water, -_, , . 1. The amount of :damage done by- this freshet' on the_' smaller, Streams, in •thi‘ neighlierho,ocl, Aboosti.if not 'quite, all the dams have been,swept away by. the flood.-MeMorrOWeloneJA,DriFrth ' Patteisoa has, twit prepertyittlitiitrinunt of nearly $3,000. , I > We understand that the Morris Canal has give u way in, three different places ,pe tvveen this•and_thi_Mtile*all gi t it is sup -ftekeittharall7can-be,,iopairad in-about =two weeks, ' ••• 7-,Mieharecifoty-AccipENTi—A. younk-man named' Clark; a sailor on board the schr. Hurcim„met his death thie Morning' . in • a shoeldnemanner; ;'; He was ' angagad tfi'Ax 'ing the nggingof,the essel, and was:l old ing' ontoa 'rope nearthe' very top .of the , main , . mist. ropo'stave Way i ;:and lie 1011 . ,ta I .the de4ic' a 4litang,c,,df,!ka,H#S•iigik-of Savenr., He lived knit about 10 minutes, af tall, The . horror .. .of scene was, Itiby'tha.preSU#aeOf Cletlekigp4tar ter whose , agnui*ing griefdrsw,tears lanY-:a'hardy; tar'Wbo* would'fliugt:E , learnilaileft wife„ and ehil liamburelii, in tills. ;eounty,l...whete tory, 'reeldild;Burn/cp. faaver‘fserr ERSE Herat .*3o—Tlie*oiNnite poi). 011 , 1ippiog,t104 ,1 fingers , a t : the : But e h, 'yielding";tieen supplide:of.fflied.Clifirring, and Reek = mmo . o' the 'hitter---weighing`over tte to • pif"74 44 .riottenp: l -Ac_cotd.,lng'; t 110whi4 wi t S49.tio '' there is atitiY: 40upom, his]. a liiii.ciitlailtlioiti:gtiiidfamelzzt: fiat ",4- -4• . . - ' - .' ...... ' - ' ..... ...... '4 , •••,' , A , '" , " .. s=gaird. ''''''' 7 -il. - ..".'' :‘,.11 - 2 - '_:_2.":: .2.17.:.1'2''=1" - . =..!--=_-___--,:.__,,_ --- ... , • . -. . _ : .. ~ ~,,:.,..:4 ~,, ~..,,,:.,,,,,,. „..„ ~„,,,,,,,. . . . - - •• ' ' •" ' - 4 , 414 , ,, I-.' , ,‘". 0 , ~ , ' ,""' ' 4 :_,' ..., 4:' ',.. ' ' 4 '''''''''''' l o:'''' : . 4 '. - . 34 4.'... t " * . , .... ,•,... ~,_ ~., '-- ''"-' - • ‘ .i",: . •.4,. --• •" 4.'*•; , ....3190:t.i , 0.0... , itlf-'O, - •'*lrs.?" 4. - •j r , ' .- M,,,: , 1 , , •' 4 : -i ' '21..g.;••.4 -, • . •-• :- *• ' • .-' '' - Av iv4„g,. f .„ T.,, ... J -", IM., ... v: . , . ..„,,, . kJ., .:) .4E. N . .1 7 : . - , .R.-Y . . -.-.• . _ -- Fr'ont Mo . XC IV- 'k' s ": 0 ) 10 -' 10 - 304 Eaql" .lll '.' .'-''''' A ' N o'r ELF, R I is; iji AN 01 7 6Iiii:i .• -, r•-: c--.. , -,Av. - -- - "' ? -I'- '' - I —.-- ...:,;',' -.-..-'''' +.- '-':A . . "`f' • •1 • 4 • A• . 1- —•2:4. .•I 4.-'7.• RIOT::=-Itiptit.-`evening,,Aust Lifter lie t.' , " •Vin,Pfttep,,idro, of as k initidlp; t Witlt' a baiitil "-,011e; w ere :eloifed, sortie . ' oft-,the LoT. - .6 - VOot 4 1 S: 1 .• i 3 iii`; / 3 4 W- I il t " / I' restilte'll , in,l'.liie '7,l)'s '4 [.....4.,,,44ltitreitzthWarcli-'whcr-were::4l.l4..ev4Lit iLltitert, aN'if,ivett in ittO - 011/Filtiitll - a i te,fo.l ll P. Ob . ' . ea a•- du3 urbane°, madt;'4l,;:thel3tb4if•iltr., ~,,or4l An-india'6'rtel.,iVrvy, 4 o - ! I ruSliifor thejAVliie . ticket ""Cotac-intending discovered near ' Sa'll.dY' - Fer'd,'.Tetl'ersol to gettup' of lot. The first Man That ..etttneltiTrst--,Floridnorll29_,o:l2.ltation t. .Up -to otritinenee , -tho' raw , Was-kicielti4cl' some of the settlers; prirsult was I larit9 li 1 41(,)wq0t..0,10, ha.yjng.therfigiveo , tlip gig•-: , Iv p..),1093.1naga 4Yo 4 ,tl?qr 9f=s Yoktis - Aft 1 rod t 6 id, frie'rids' ttWaset'sitin . (to - tlie'y r'U'slied i *.fraVellhig - a 'shit rt`d islatice tWo Ilidiit :is wel Ant araiba'cle tor the petaen 111( 41,1 Mo of the i discovered sittittkotrit fencq: , A dtrsli xv boiFes, qnati.immetk,creorge, Williannsmj ninti,tei• by-the - , 'eitlkt!', fu,NY..liN' t ,iin n"fin limey'',,hl ' - 704 'soeirliFf 4 h6' itutiii' ' wh l tti tribir'-iiiterrtidfis' 'relied 'at eie'll't(i't'yipart 'by ..6'lart;i) an er kili ' ‘t b el ertie7d-tstovPliTintiStfilgr:'.fi'irr:trrlllains'tito;tktt: I' I tv l " l4 e l i•t l l i n Sl e zi7i t ic C ; a' k l li d fc - ; l l )Al p.l i t il it ld t '= v;r i o *tr: W oFA U: rlB° e ' d ni .: -1 red to approach . the ' boxes- I ', , Tlie. whole; ' t r ii 4 l , l 6 6 i.,Y, a : d hl i tpp ra r r e e k u ate, rn " t V .: ..V r ie li ;' , Ai r g t : (l 7 a , il ll6 a r i mass dia rush on, anti be fired otliii,'::".p74ol witho , fiVeffeet, , bett , the- Contents'oft4i7,4t/wObil,so.,,Made,a-besty retreafvleaving one'oftliej ortstveriilotlßod it? the body of aiilititlitpaii,' pkty de`ad 0n',41*007d:7,. 'gulf' iks,.t more 'Yribe had:been vor.iferiiusly',g.xel aitt#iii,l,94o, tug a company o f dragoons and regulars Abe d—,:d lit.tijaill.!! , Aft ,i t kirk . ,r j l4 ,l4gli l ifi the number of two hutiiired'Went iu . pursuit. pistol 'was 'fired; -7„Wiljlarnoi*,,i't :tivided,,t,ol The trail;was. Yery.targe'ainl‘,Waipur.udd retreat, bttt , ”tvas l s itriortv'll9.(l;,," )1. ;0 i n ni r t= to the Augustine rota .The,,, of, die, ate enemieThavinir, 4 - ol him, do ' , esAt ,biii i , - , ,ndiana was towardi,pe,la:rkg s‘ vanipp lan d in most unmereirtil-marmer, Edam lAtittritn ,- to on.the'Eeptife,eiceo,:"' The r partY and itimping On 'him: . '''' - , ''•, , , ' ~I Wrii eompuletl'i.6 iittiniser, to ''',oF' ' 80 - warn,, ' While they w°,re this'atternpting,'' to kill ~ °rs-=' -.' '' - ' ' ' ."- Wiii'- "Ilia in toll s reaeue. I. . 'him, a single_ _Aft . ; ritil.. • . . • .. , and, cutting - the head orthe.rinile.a.der With .; : • CO:' BED -ON-EME,_ part, of a window p'shutter, ,Which. he, had. _ • The' WilkeSharre: F.armer • nays:, ; 44The .• ..,.. iieliedr-he large, ECM 1 lands o .trned by ,the _heirs .Of the .. _ __,...„...,_. off to" place c of 'safety, where his ,Wounds,: late nellenbaek; abou (two miles ,in ilni. rear. were-properly, ; dressed.. iri A , Wounded- I- "of dile:borough • have' been: for some , lime Ashman was. taken to .; the - residence of' ; a, I. past on fire, whielt thf -.preeent'firrie nitighbering'4lysician,' Where - he was .......... bin... Mg :with - considerable iolenne. --. . vile erly. attended:lo.. : A strong posse Of pricey veiftis,thelargest in they lialleybeing: 25 having arrived by-this time, beaded by Al- , and • 30 feet in• thickness and ,supposed-to tlertnan'Bensoft,•The rioters were• dispersed, M: tend 'at different elevations and thicknesS, and the affnir_onded. • • .'`... '' • •.• •, . es throughout.the- Whole extentef the Wy , • - From theNiiii - 64. -- aien - inx slam- _ 7 -.01/111)g:IjOEI: region -- - - ':T hellecitilL fire_is at ' •, MIDNIGwyLouo EOCOISM—Bitu r - :So great Mt 'elevatienaliO'Ve_Alte.Surruuncling, T ' AL: Ouznioi.—For some days - pasV. vile Water courses; _that Water - in any •qnantity 'incendiary' paragraphshave appeared inilie_ 4 cannot. be coininunicated to it.. • 'l' he•mou th loco_•feco "prints against-several - of the ho- :. =of-ontlets-:-have--:been 'fill-.. tels - the eifyi - chargin gAreinwith'eoldifiii 2 -o:up - f , but ~fi i ssu ras _co n tin u e . te_Te p 0 tt_. in.thei ing merchants.clerks frOm the lower-Wards-, , range of the - firer caused by the intensity of to preemie their _votes in the upper:: T . lle , the hear and thnhir.thus - finds access to the resultl6, 'that a little after 'midnight Yester-. l * . flatneantli continupti its eiceitement. • , . • 'day,:iti. the midst - ef.otit election, a' large ;• •' .-, • -....... --;L•,.. - - .' . , ,•_, , 1 ino - b -- oft 00-to-1-50-persons i -broke...iAtcatfiLT__Tne.L. - fEektre4 . PacstriAti r . CANDi.- Manhattan .house, , , late .lititger's College,' DATE,: 911. "r 111; .LIFE of WILLIAM :41ENRY' liituancitt. drove theboarders from theirbeds,;• l 11AERISON OF' -01110:--Tilis, is ;the ; work into the street, ,and . robbed others, of large, which . We ' alinouneed Seine, tfine since., as` sunlit of reoncy,'..wounding Several . .i . serieusv ; being in -preparation, And:thecither day, ihs ly. ‘Several of the ringleader's, one , it - is• about' being published by' Messrs:; Weeks, said-a_ Custom; ilouse,offder; have been to Jordan . & Co.;toSten._ ken..;Cot - patent en SitehOntrages is unnee-1, It. is :a Clear; easy and agreeable iiiiirative, essaryAtTwas to be.expected after the s Mini. e chiefly. ing of the capital of,Pennaylvania by thelocci ._ ecihtains_a view of - the aff:firs and. hidtory. of •fOcoi; and the deitinetien of thehallotboxes - ' the - States North Vest' of the Ohio; such as liy - Neiv 'JerseY,, and other,;siMilar attempts is no where eli - eto ".liefotind . in the se= on the part.oftheSedisorganizers to destroyj eoptpass: The boolt. tlierefore liefi'a merit Our_free-inatitutiene. _.--;-', .-.. ' : rand - utility.' independent of its - Connection - •.- . - Froth:the ..Ye-w Fork. 7rattacrijg. .- -. with the -Presidential - eativaSS. - r .. , • . . ~ - • . ~. , • , ' . • INFAMOUSIOUTRAGEOn yester-,1 It ' appears to be 'Written. with.candor, and day tnorning, about ['o'clock, AS some 20..,impartiality. The . author; according to his ' young men, some of_ them. - fire4ll; were ; own statement; "has not aimed: at panegy ,peaceably reposing in'the 2d story of the ric but - sinaply - at. a - clear - and candid_state-, Manhattan House, in ' Duane._ st., betweenl' inept of.. facts." It seems: to us, • however, Elm and. - Broadway--their dormitOry--ivasfthat noifedy„,,Can rise' from _its perusal with iniadedhy from 100 to 150 ruffian . .like fer- - i ont a feeling.of high - respect for the public lows, witeeprung upon them in bed, stamp-, and, pri vrte character Of . Gen. ITAtuusoN— , ed upon their faces,, bodies and limbs, and , and we recoil - I=o4 to the specialattention beat and bruised' them terribly.. A. portion; of all who fell a curiosity' upon that subject. ' of them fled in their . night clothes, ,h a lf Ira .? Such, too, as wish merely 'for • agreeable ked.. One min - was 'robbed of.loo or 170: reading;' without 'any reference .to party or -dollars: --- Andther. whs.', chased . towards '.Presidential polities, will find a fund of en- Broadway;-k-nocked-clowand-robbed •of, , tertainment •in this little v . olinne.-:-Boston his coat, which - he - had on his arm ; a third f'dlles. '' • .• ' .. - ' was thrown out of the, window, on to thel. ' pavement ititthe back,..ydid, a - height of 12 j ,We regret to learn that a most distressing feet, and seriously injured, and fourteen in) ffeefiletifeecurred•AT-Lowell,-Ms-:;7Wednes all the number, , were, dreadfully' beaten :day morning; by which. Luther'. Lawrence, and:five of them:confined to their beds; on4lEsq., was almost • instantly 'killed. - • His in Particular, is. unable to be removed. )f- r death vt. , aspecasioned'.by a fall l front - a new `ter effeeting,:, the . ..diabolical pnrpose for i lMilding;'but the . leiter:. 'we have seen' does which they came,T-the,-;rioters-left—leaving„tnot 'state _precisely in What manner - the ac the beds afid the •Walls strewed with blood. 1 eidentoccured. • Mr: Laivrence •was.'Maya, Who these men' were; We know not, but, or of the town ;of Loiyelt, and being much it is Said, a • score or .more of . them , ars., engaged in philanthropic' efforts, to benefit,. kAwn,.including a perseit connected with ! tiot.only his, own, Ow it,'but large,. the-custoinsrand.-willhe_placed..m trfeliarals --- hihole - iime7was:-eeenpieitin-nee \ of the.laws for peniSlnerit... The assigna-,! es Public usefulns'. - 11 - wtts aliou3 60 - years hle.,cause ler this - outrage; : was that those a of age,' and , ties brother to the' on.. Abbot i T wrcfnee, o'f iloaton -i - New',Yorle - COurier ward for the purpose of voting. - ___ — FROM - TEX - AS: - ---- . .. • The Houston Telegraph of the 27th ult. has heeniceeived"by the New Orleans Bul letin. It mentions the-arrival at Renown', of several Mexican traders frOm Matatnoras. They state that the Federalist"army' before that place had recently received large,rein forcements„fronn , the upper settlements of , the 14.ip''::,Giands, and-a number of pieces of artilleiffiem. Tampico, A severe battle had recently b,sen . fought near that ' .city, in,l 'which, according to the statements of the i Fedetal party, 100 Centrallits were, killed, and only-18 Federalists._ Feligula, it ii Said, had left the city, , and gone.on hoard of one.: of the vessels ofthe•F'rench squadron. ' . On thp 2.lst inst., at Houston, a pUblic dinnet• I was given in honor of Gpn. l Hamilton.--H He addressed his oapito,ble entertainer's in i a„long - and-eloquent-speech,- atiticlesedfiy 'acomplioentary_ tonstte=Tmats ---- 7 - ‘ Welearn'that General Hamilton , and Ex-0 6 ov.. Budar,ol SoUdt:Caralitia. - ; and lUseph' M. *lite, --of-Florida r tave-fileti_their dec-_ larations recording "theirinierition 'to be= COmilcitizeni 9f Texati- ' Vllo,,TeWgiaPh • describes' the Weetern Counties .o ; Texas :in :a condition remarkably , fionrishing.. 'Bp-i tweet i tle..patidat§Ups and , Colorado,' neWi, farms fare Opened in. every `direetian, 'lin& -hundreds -41- enterprisilit emigrants , are con-' and anitaddinglievebnitille*: and pnergy ;to the ;settlers i r ilho,quarw.- 7 ,1 The , :settle,lßeitte rwere . eiteadiug 7 73evea l tripisso9y&Outiaales,..iland tsuch -- witv 'the' 099fia4ar 'ilo -0901e,”-,f 1 Agyat:: , i i eg04 hat .t me. mak itigiocationsilt 'tilt up coU'l -ths',St.viVhas,-,iregtou-- thwenly a' . feW . l In090 1 00 5 '1 1 , 11 .• ,•'AC .B64. 4"o 07:i `count, c:f I dle inttiatti s ',, . , , :.":;in, i. ', • (,-, : .:: 0 l': ,!t ;1 - = :.8, ,or foi Scoundrels.-*-Ifiyou.Would , take 'but - halt the - pidns to .ImieoreemhUpiist; *oand to Olitaitt,o ii966,Ft 1ive40944i, you do tedegrade , YoillitelviiVy colimont to- Obtain property„ liirk,l4l,l4wilii* #4o . ;', A Y 0 , 1 01 1 . 14 .6 . ( - ) ,4 4 ppfk i. o l o o ol4t e ::#O I LI -,.. 1 ,.._„,, , .,-,, ,, , ,, ., ~,;,, , ,,r: - , ....4 . `-r -44v , 644 . : , :;' , -4 ,, e11411t 4 1firribtei ;4-6Ani oltt 0 add cOptlittilititiL4 ~ ._b' itth ult., at ShreevepoTilLa.) . en the Red Itive:ltil**,hie' hOhbiOn'tt.l,o44o#l, near :that place, and -,uprnedike ,:laftet , staidied . lintself.r-Thef. were 'bur),in'thitattme vor Bum 0, -- 1 . 44-4 - titii7oo, '''''witibio- ME 1:=21 IMMiI MENEM • -Great: Counterfeiter , :firrested.—A fel Ow was, arrested in ; Durington, the 22d nil. uttering.-counterfeit .notes. At the tithe of his arr'esi;fre*ae - itliedliii,and offering counterfeit,tolvne of .hie"ptirchas , lers,' caused susPicion, and information was given to the Sheriff; ,who immedintely'prOt cceded to" the. lodgings of, the, pedlar, and examined his trunk. Iteontained only a few pieces of soiled linen aUdßeVeral large lumps_ of maple tvg gr. The 'Sheriff; hav ing a taste for - Such matters, proceeded to appropriate "to hisiown use a part of 'the spells, 'and, on breaking lump, (Recover ed in the inside a large roll of bills. Pro ceeding with his eXturtniinatiOh, he found several ' . .hundied thillars ,spreted ,in the same manner. The ingenious counterfeit er was examined and committed for trial at the nekt term of the, Cluttenden ,County Court.,,nosterilTirnes. • Effqcta r a egeig 6 lo -l uP9** l2 nitili tli;= The botanical profestior, in's' lecture :-.deliv [ ered College, - "horses willtlift Much, orticiferoits.plants, '.but will feed on reed ;amidst..abundance of Which goata , : havwbeetr‘kitowit . to' ,iliary,,e and_thase 14k again W. i l l- 6 4*pd s eiiivifAt ;on the water Tatter,: which is rank • poi , son tO 'lrt :like insittiees:ptis will fee4Aiit'nheirOmi4o;,MiqtliA r k . ctil,6rettliy,:-Comnuitypopinifoaml.the horse, i,w high:. avoids - J• ,bland`turni will" grow' fat oia:Witabarlf;:t4F/jiO. • - _••••••::: 01 •••;, • ,;• Rice ( . 4rtrlaridiliyhig,, , ,,._a tienthef of - tite_ fast Oi.400 0 4;:4!?0, - :,449 . . ess, Veen almointed a Judge of :she 1-1 0 0. Aid VagrPsn stone]. delegation.of Louisiana, which will O t ivelo stvpikeil p neW Olection • ', - ;'4usTune-At,the :Gleneiar Seisious' t j: i lOolne,ouritYiAlll:Al:4:WYitetik;An'Auliti An assault and ‘ IfOstahbing with dirk sfi t it 6 .. 6 l 4 4 l4 " ( oo .o; :ik ial ;' :llll9 ."O riiiine r eadustiukitty;;.Und 4airseeleneed hy :the, `vniatf , to' tv fine Of „it witness not eff qUite' 1:so -11-le.,Vyan , ..4tiroughetp• for 'es:t.-, • - V.usts.—Wt - eopy tlie f llowitt Itrtiele fa•oni 411'6' . „.. . 't ) s' , t. • • f•-dij4'tc,i, ,CAFIL'I:SI.4. , '.EI, • VEDicf4.l l, 2,4?_1834),'" FOR FRLSIDENTi.,:. Rition , volt vfeePrtmstnitki ~,),. DAVIZiL. VrtBST223, Orcznint,itin .DF.LLITtp Elt. Wll9, on Monday the Bth io4eletyatfinittea • to kraetiee l u wintheseveral courts of this county: "-In -h aress If the linnlcratie - ,11,96ciation of and co:I Phil; to the Cif"' nnt o y au/ale of ..1"e;a tkylviutt'a,' 3 gcaUlly . ,6l.4sl •haviag the ithoe.e thielts - title ‘vas,:eeecived by at; that week, but before . Nr i plital titae !tome laud friend ‘l,htt thought Ite. hall a itettee 'Eight . to- it thatt..wo . .±.`,S'7octriii,oltteil".witlit.. -We twin that our friend who'ci•eir he ta't y 1;6; will may - Tor saine - tittle past that 'ere lting . "atiotiicr trip : Were tpitong . thoae - who were not disposed to give • credence to tho whisper. : But this Morning, all our dOubliaro. hit:en to; the winds, dispersed - amt one; for Aprtly after entering' our sanctum; and ta r !Ong our accustomed seat in our.editorial chair, a gen.; tle.tap aroused us froio our reverie; and in answer . to our "come ii—Spry-yOutaggentlryntirrentered,raud h:Mdcd us :a Scrap , o(paper,. with aluott delicious tier OOMpanimeiit , --4 portioo.'of , pcning - the dote - wc_found the folloAtg•tO he :the stun iiiid'stiGshuii's contents:• • ' • . . r On last - evening, by ~ the ttev. Henry . Auruiil r Mr.*l . lll . lAmi qpp f sm MI; tor.olthe Anrerleatt . TVOnntecr; to MiSs - 8,1.111.1,-5,12A; thnighler of Mr.:J.o4li EltebM, of this place. . congratulate opr, brotlleF , chip - on hia happy clinago_frOM'Celibacy:to Benedictisni, and wish Wein all the joy andiclicity of n arried life. :May lie; his; antltheirs "live a. thousand.years,"..and as the respon- Wbiliiica - increase; may their happinesi. inrrcase late ratio. We could say much tooor but must contMit"oiirselves with . wialiing that the inter ! . course betireeo the young couple maybe as sWeCt and pleasmitas the cake proved in its flaVour to Our_ palate. I)l,4•Nsit To Ex-Govention Rivir.n.---The friends of Jos ETU ALT ,f s titi ; iii Mroltpenn ' sbdrchigli te;i(mship, ,contentilitte Welcotning'his return to the" home et• his boyhood, by a liublic dinner on to-morrow, the 25th. We !cairn' that Alessi's. Stevens, Pettrosi,l3urrOwes; several other distinguished gentlemen will be present on the occasion. This expression of, the re lard and affOction of his old neighbors will no doubt he peculiarlyplessing . to theleclings of 11r 'llitnel', Mastuudi as it affords 'a • flattering evidence of their unshaken confidence in his worth; and evinces at the same:-time the_ high:estimation in which his services to his native state_ are held by , the indupeinlent yeo- Maury of Old Mother Cumberlaud. We have heen requested bYthecominitteeic-slate that the friends of Governoiltiiner, from . 6;ery townshiPin the county, itruiarticularly invited to attend. , , - The dinnerwiltbe given-atthe public house_pf_Mr _ John rsul, situate 5 miles west of this borok;hoari the turnpike leading to Cbambersburg. As it is expected that there will ben number of fine speeches dellyered on the 'occasion,' those Who tleign attending are re.: its-mirlY;Mrhottrrits- goested_to - ille gr possible,say,lo o'clock., TIIS ~~TASASON ANI RtOT taut cases,'ha we earn rent n correspota e for trial ou Thursday last,iutliepour,tnf 9,narter§es sions of Dauphin county.. Geo. W..llaitc . initimpeared for die defendants, Pray,_Savage, assisted - fly Me*: ars. !1.".41 rieltsi and Ratrn;Wian'ppredfrir'a.l)ortlon of thernt '• • 7-.• • - , . Mr:Barton .moved the 'Court-tii'ilutish the indint,.. 'meats on the ground-Ist. That therewns of record no precei)Cfrinl,the Coati tor arawingthi.grantl jury which found the , bill. V. That • the. venire to the Sheriff Air luinnioni% that:jtiry had not he requisite of a writ for wont Of aSeal. 'The motion was . argnetl by Mr. Alrlcks,frora whom it appeared Oa the Seal attitcheiite'the 'Writ Wes the, Seal oftlie l Court of Coin mon Pleklusteatl of the quarter;:Sessions, which amountcd,to the want of a seal. • .. • • —The motion Nes not opposed b'y Messrs. Fisher:and _ • Ayres,' who appeared' for the proiecutiOn. The pet . wise, they were very glasi to have the indictment quash ed-for several reasons.. It was , draivh by Mr: Fisher ih greathaste, ankWasy defective' several' partiOstz lore. It charged MAY:" riot and ecniisiMey.7 The indietmenbwas :al isis.! dreatcire., injoinini:so,vaahyln: ehallenge` to.:Bol.6thisri - Lad ite Go srt ilecid f 4 . o6i:kii!it to he geiseinl;''.•; , ;;;esit4, haVe exhaustesl .the suid•the,Shesol:: - ;of ; the . ; county in •selecting,ilie;talearnen;tnighe.have - Mhest cane tc!.,_e.lFct- 90.1'4 1 4 4 „. - i 4 049 ano;‘44,vir,tY:ql44 have upen.•• !,; ;.; . .•• ~ ; , .•;; -•:'; 1;1 • • • Foi , 'theseabd other' reasons it Wan important to the 'ftienaa,of the., coramonsvealth.,, - ,that.tfiti: inslietirMa should be qstailsed, arid the matter umleytiken de novo, after: full' eousliletistiots.. 'The'sSislisVits were mime. slue.ntlybouTl over::: , , -. They, will.he again tried at the Aul gust §e8f44,1• ~ the motion :gna " sh, ty . ls, I• 3. ar• t ; „ 4 ,laide re • se. our oesllln aay* Iy- . Irani andnbuilve' of , Mr: Fisher. ?`Mr. Irjaheriluil ''day proceeded i gaitist~'hitij . for:.; e . libel. ;I"ootjce fart because;the libels will' ndosilstOli be pul 'base& •,. ' '' 4taokiferspnal was ipade; uponMic‘Fidi'4, irreouitilly tone of the, - lie en - , o.4avorddlo4vgait elD:•Fisher ^ against 10.. 4 , Tv 0 th his ,two, A.6iiigainsith6 rallitiga," The Oudge.,to ctt 'ttaiOtho of # l l l ,t ' e r t Ole ,510;fi*Illi°1110*#11R1441. °l"iii°l°ll4 'they intended t nottliaresphaOk,t4o • 'Ciinct they I . , Avare d ischarged.. : 4. \ The lion..TUdgel3l7tit Jogs, has coudtictedidnuieltlike tiJudge.....llls 'orik 'brikase:F!e 11:12014?r itiiiiiteo,ooplepcnient tap!, #lo l 4trAlt#i))o fat s ' 34s7learlailitol7liFet7 nerve, ,aa 44 t t111nen; r t V 11 ! • Y.., t ".# 4 v~ DEE ME =IZI ; - vho a o d ovpil,c,:pgs . x 30.41,06; nod:f*opill.`advitel Ml)lk:4lidtlyj . .i l ) etotO ,viiiitcSr. A 444., at iTiikliiigitit9,4o4k o ko4 4d *i' 4B . ollll *l Ciot qt!itelikYarftb.lY;7 412- P u l -ii , V4I! minister 'to -the gen:7444'affectiona our suliport, ‘ 9 , !,l , Tl,thtt#,,i , Flm . ttaii:) . l% ,; ,,ohjtV. i Oh% itAtAiianrit' 07, an MEM Lodes,the_ctentions-ok:- peene - fah uli this,View'.of this sUbSectlesa valtiable than that, hat branch iifie me sublime tint preserves t wee ; i • meats which nature has made destructihh.. do an endurnik , inenaorlar of Pin loved.niul' down .the parted. .This is a !leasehold and heart eticriphed trt-.• tunpir; 'and alt wholOve and feerthat the objeA r Oe -Sl'aridT;.o l ° , l") joice prov'ea t otlitte: in'trti24. it 'accessif,le4 , Yllll who • 't.t"tij 61 Ai &sire to poppetuay:. VMS usit rum( s• -r• , vpwAr k ,qAts city, is el4ktle4 :to .grv4t.. creclit for theyerfectiou , to..Whictilie haihraughtithiSAower.: III! 11114 ieductulLtlidart'Urti , ll.iug Parls'stO shill n'lstat6.oceonvonielice, tat';'. *e'n ininntesilliont.pain, danger; ot‘ eisk.ofAny .kind; lie takes a ftill'andAyerfcct thehead'and fsice; rte LpreSenting"&e:exact.:featur'Ci ' 'toinuest 7 degred.of accuracy., tias..taken, among- Otherti,.the casts Adams, Colonel' Bd:itc;:ii:..leikte . White; 71.11r."PolI5, -111r.:-AVOodbury, Of which may, be'secn nt , bis t:o,Unt:in diearitit street.-- hey are the most perfecLund unerringtike ncsses of tire tlistiiigutibe,d - - - arikihuts.' : " You'ilgvc tic-; fdre'yon, lief the . similitude only, but the. men them rifelves....Whoeier desires' to hand down-to his chit. deco and deserndantslils Ortitial . form and fi shi~et sliould fidolit:;this vet:inaneat mode ; of doing it.. it 'depends not Oa litxts, shades, nor illusions , --it. is, the substantial, physical-eality." . • CZ A NE* G IL ETNA,'G It KEN.—The chat A'dv'ertiser says;. a. buttido-isliene`ining tltd Gretna Greea - of the Cinatlas. §careely, 'a day passes, hilt that some Canadian lad takes his 'fair Dulcinea, and' tt•ip*it.over the border to eanstinitaatlthvoltreity the. :rites that nnike the twain one pi 1716;riot fl .: l3lWil - 61 - e€ dint ranaliniiddiehes be. comeineressary to tivoid inparentariajutilfe or intee ferenert but to esenpr a Iteavy.tarilTupoarnbtrtinonyji To get married in Canada ii.ebsti . tai tenor fifteCd'slol 7 , V:acke land n'Ttle tatnenster intelligeneer states that of p. W. 11prroir,Zsg. (or" smiling,in the Senate' nowse," 'wn's:td - ttike Oro '9n Sinntlay before' the D: ilhin'Court of ComFnoli Pleas 'The editor of 'did. Intelitgence`i will reeollyet that "here are - men who" caw smile, •niiii•der whilst thd _ • Tur.:•Kwer.r.`Pmfor..—The St. CatharineS . (Up; per Canada) 'Journal of the 6th, states that fir then went . tWer-Niagant dredls on the precious Thursday . .- .The Journal: says, 'f only pailicUlars we • - .• • . • . . have been able-to learn aye, that just•befire sunrise on Thursder T inerning :last, a imi.t fmen • in it. -was discovered - in the middle of the river, abova;Thi fillbY:vitinly endeavoring, to make their why thrtingh 'the ice, with which they - ‘rre enclosedito' the , Canada shdre. exertions, roved unavailing, and in rt . -short time they. were seen •to enter the .ens When They disappeared. • In half an flour after, another boat, with three nuTn hilt;wairtliscovered - hr the -sante awful sittiatitin, and trying too to. gain the Canada Side ;. hut in a few moments shared the Me-, I:'nicholy fate of the: others. Yesterday: the Lodi of a man was picked up in tint, ivhirlpool, suppoped. to be' one of these unfortunate men,haviniithoutibis person two hundred Oilers, and a valuable ~,;, Tus LANCAWTriI iAin'ensterUnion says Koblt'Ti - iiiid:Wilmayliargeil with the mur der of Zellerbach, were br z ought from Baltimore by, Sheriff Reed, and lodri,in the jail of this county on :IV-Ottesilay_evening_lasf.:_They_ltave_siticelieen simined before theiilayor, but no particulars have as yet iranspiretl. tinbler, who appears . to be about '22 yeas old, says-he is 'a native' of DarinStadt; afid , been alight eight months :in America:. Wilmati is, 'one or two years older.- , • They seem to be in good -spirits, and theit; genend.appeariince calculated to impress persons Who see them, with an opinionlavo 7 cable to-theie innocence:' i• . ' • • ...:.• .., Bgliimore e . dl;pril 20, . -7- .F.L9 V R.=-4t the beginning -- of the-week the general enure- r:ce-wee-,57325:,--bdt-ew ing tiithe. tightiigs:of the money market the' sales were limited. Since then in - order to, effect iales,,a decline has!bee it Submitted to, 'and , ,transaetions.' have:;tnken:.plaee at V7;121...1nt:' holders.. ire:, .asking, , .;tll;2s , tog . . .e;an d ,. ., ... , day; , add !dieistc — irtaiialVS - :0 - f- dr*lo4P . . - .,,,,,- ,,, making :that rate. :- The', , rall ::road : 'Orice. 'ls:Vi; while :for_ loads - by, wagons. ::fraetioai. higher is, occasionally, paid:' .- .•: : '‘. _.., '-. - ~ GRAIN.-4Wheitt.47-ta the, early . part' of 'the 'week, sale's- of - common. te.;:4 'good • 111:1: reds: were made et $ . 1,60 4 st.:l3 . khnt..since: then sales of prime- redilo. - b:eeretiiiide,4 * 81 08 a.sl69:' We quote eninrinitZste'llilinti rods: at $1 60 aIL, 7.9.,:;,;37,ti.eie'*ai-liPiiill , port of ',- 3 . 3o . fi . TinisheileAl4Vestiii*Whe44ll,Y, itray, of New Qii9iiiikiifi . 4l.44 ) .Xo.ool?joW el4',Allis,SOnri 'red ._were,;eoqat'lllliii.lo4. And. ooc) . .b.tifi_h6tdrikliiiii)iii , J•r;:‘ , :oiry , , • Pr.Onei: -4 $1i 9 70. , . . r ' 1 1 ,.. - .. AYE. •,toci;peut.s.:;:.:.: , '4-7,Ziit: . .._.-f .„, ..• ..,...:;..., :.:., . ... • : • • '.• __—____:—._ .- -, 7• - .'WHlKET,..3tilestofhlitliti:i - v . 38. -: t44;:: 7 - -... " =:----- '`citiiiirO' - irti' .it,:iii' . 7 - ' :=---- ----- $.4.1.0?. of.-4blii. Orj l :oB l ,;ff . :k.4 . :9:c, ~, .tAdi..rxi - At.4 stooN• s• scoop; i iq.itiO';',.::;; :,„. . . ,Itt a . ;l d. t-1k0ki .: .,.; 7 : 11 c ' ' ''.,p 2 riZs i ttic, s ® s 4Ml_l 7 Lii' .. .'' - iil;4:'isii . . `, ''.':•,.. - Wagon •-fiticerol , kit Alt; 36 ' OtAticirltaille:' : •...7 -, .., l', ! ~, Os' ' - offsitzp;!i.ri...o4l., '''?,..- *:...%',"., '. - ifi:Otp harrel: 'TVs- . ) Ip.ecti6r(ig 01 .it week .. Ticir**illy..',!' . slo4i4HWeii:f s, .Quarieris,>s44o4... :.. • itimiirise'.l3'..htuls, and 93-9,1-161k..401i1811;.k'e71094:9!or!Age...0.1_,#:iottlztoord.6150,:r$, .-.11too,;:::--- 33 . 0 bbls. were .receiveil.**.filii,S.4quehaii- - ~, Doio:i" '''.:-Atii' ,,, ':: '''ti3 , :.Quiiiiii.'''... - :Oci'' "'''' ..ii''''. 4l '' „_-,[- ~_ : ,; ..., ft ., ~, •,, ..,..I , :!iyg i;:.'kl i...** ~'? :K- , - 7 ,, '1 . 17 ' ,it4':'&t,;:ii',vi 1. -vaa-f. , r. J -.. ~ , - • , - ..-'. ..,!•'. „ -7.:.:, -% - -..,, ,,- ; , -- , r , ii , . ..'''.,::. • - - I • - 1- .-'n :, pi -1 4,0 h a,, .4- 72 ..:. .......,4 , '4,111 7 TN 7 . 1 . 17 2 VI -'.! ''fi'll..."."-!..,. .• . 11:01*84,11EAU'4.:111iiii ,lon.Aptitarkett?.!":7l'(l!WW.,,„,:.lolM;'..p.,;ft,::„..-',....•,,......., rOritalititteitilibielidy,*o-ittOvtilosii!xiiiji4,:,ooo,ol-0.-,-.sit'AVEAL,OTTERV;, ,- , Aiblh for'.oxp,orti 01ir*#.0441044.1*.4y,f,A} : -'pisti)*)l** 'f.,i:it..4i.f.'kiiiiiiir';' , ::44:t‘ii , .:-...:,,,,,,4: 4 ,104-0 cii de . o4 • ', .7ig(tAfOr gOt t iasy!**flifilii:4,l!ii , ::: , :.„;'... - ..., , ..L0ttit , . - parp0r5.;&:,,, v1 ,,,14, ; ..,,i _i..,-;•.:;; , . , .. ._ *lid OliiiW,'. yrif ' loaiirippoir: . oi,#otillAgST.,..,-, P." : ;, --, 7lClass :No. ..3,-f0r,18301. ................. 'so . ll6Yloli*'el.'47,iiio,:ioX'';,;tU.:iiiiaiis 4l l4i :o:',be-s,llrgt . .- I .7% . t, i t x jat i ngs lr g":l (1 ,,,7:".! 11 17-!*1 5 t::::,1' .. . ' •tliiiilkh.B6lll(4':.)P4,reie....b 'li;i : .i. k ,,l4WlC V 7. A i I' '''' t' `; 78 ljt'lMber' Lott.el4liriiiiti- Ilitikiii: 4 ..'' - 1...'1- ''.'' a"4•Pfifi*-1,),':?.144.R1N:'.. Q.,42,04,!,:t.,&.:RY „i. . •, , f , '': %,! 91a1470,5cAP514'.:„V.,,,i...';, - „;..:, , ficitir4o4,,:!:. ,1'00.I4:0; 1 VI'''''!" ; i lt,:fia**.C .: ''' ,. :-" .. ' :-68Pit4"t : 40,',OtTiii * : , ; - '64 - iiiii. , ..: - '-.., it k i.400•:' . ..,: -. ; :. OriOitiblit4if . t*fflt; 3 '' - .. , ' , , : , .1 'f5;06 . 0,:i' s3Anni ~ Vi.s 00s iti4!! - 1144 09.144.4efr,rAt . :. , . , ., - :s . •;'69itaiti;:oll:otr,',oo4.ofrot#4'.*hoo-,-;_4214140."f51PP0R,;91.101...i..'...A5Q409.4,i ~,-..7,„, , , . I,Y oro iiti '" - 60 , 4iti' 400; adaliWO4irizig-•01,!'"44V1:00;9( .€.041. ;.• 210iii.o.t•-iq :1 - - , x- - ,i ,, . A: . , , , ~•., • . , ~ ~ ~ ‘, . ; f.. : ~..t ...-i',.,, ,, ,. i' , .- le V,i ~,, Illy, 4 3.i gslygs$53.;., „0441.V i tz ..:,',..,0.. ialiii*iftif#'alt:,-.liitiiti.:.ttitorei,:i. 9m#ollo'.'-::Cf.itifl4.N - 4pa ' 6, &,, ~., ...,„,,,,,,,,,,, 4 1 .. it v,lito , ,iitiftotielzR.9.s:04.;-,,....:*, , :tg, - 42 - ;., , ;.g.;:;';:iii.F.i ,. ... 7 z,.. , 0 6 . 004 c, ,,- ... , . , .. :;.,,,,,44450,, ,, i, ,,,, ,i,,. [ 'fts,,A.A.9,,f4:,flat: PO in.,,,40.1*;,..4PAik45itY1.'"-',indiri.*.oP),l4l:;i4Tir.g4"ckwall'Aebt4' -..,i;' ;,, 4 4 0dIvriak, ,v9:itkaalleiti::orlircititittiiibtfAtt*:ttifittliiii4:4-, . .0it:04*,,„,,,- - wie,i;,:,:.: , ;;; ;1 l'*4 - -,' , :rtificiat.o: , yl - 4.1.4*i5‘.in - d;PO . .etii:4l4l..i*li-,.0._' ~, ~_:411t,9.*?, g0e..1.1. . tivi,o4.4loii.ritocitit':4: , . , : -, , • ....*bitil•'?ii . Aliii '''iiV.ii.siiiirsiiiniii..-frit;OtiiV-92;43M,„4-7011.7.,„.f1iT,Tr! ift%t.r.F.#,,,17,:-7..ktik:'?!..?,,,' -,,,,,,, -,...',,, , - -- , -A • • •• , li , ~ ,0 , , .....i,,-:, - , ,: ", ,,,r , - ts :r , i , - .N-.;;:., - , ,. , 4 .:„, 1 4., -- .- -,: ih,..,.... -1rk,1,-,,,,,.,..-, it'2,. 9Yijfer, , ..etilly,Spr4 . 7ol44ll4 . ..VAAAr e,,,, R ;, Ct'' , :' , l','4•-f..::...1k,5j4...Nif/.,P!"1V. , .gt01t . iff9, - ... . .',i,r.toizu ,-,m,,a04,4•40,!'.,,P00ry1i0kt0g.,44Amt-,?;',,Fit, 0,....v , , • ; „,-i , .,,, - k i ~,1,•.- , .;: 1 7, , ,,,,i4W:00 1 •00,..90;R: - .: :?.i. .•.'3 1 -.'''-'r ~,.:'.• '''' ' _'-': ' • '41Mk 11 1;W, 9 •7: 1 4-4' ,, .. '::*: , : : ••j - '. , :,t.' i1,.: , i -, '''' ''.'' : ' '''' :' '' , l 4;lg3Z;A i l l ilitlt ' it i ltilliil , iiio:2 '-4 9.044 0 ? 3 *;:i ii414 i* I11eii4i kk till;'::-71 I. ' i'-' ' ~,_hfid -,': -' -I' ..iiii....;ilitir i ~ ,1 - 4 -," '...lo.i.a4.4 l ,vilishopiiti , fakiel(it rislUill,-,- -aMTpn, ... _ 0 .. -- .7.7a7n IP, .- -. .ar ..__..... ~,,. ~..... ....: , ciei..sop4wit'reiiviired ind.f9Oileby . ,:. ..',''':-; :,:.i,.:.;:::,(. ,4 !Wort Ai0'04 , 040 , 41.4754:3111..0 . y44.,- - ,:,,,,,,, ;,,.. ~ 'Alp Oa.. , ,', _ Yii..t:' , V'o'r';'!l, l 'f . .`;,.....' o,' b4,44%;;;:). 1 ::, ..., ' il , ',l , ~J.,!, : i.,..- + V.,..i.. ‘, , •1 *t!...Q11- , ,:' '.rt - .o;' , !.:'!'t. , ,:dl,- , :rp , 1 - - ~. •I ' •,,' . ' '.. ' 4 l V , 'A '.r '''l"J". vii•.,•,, , y,' , •' ', , e,2 ,. ... ' 4 :'.'l ,- . -, 4- :,',. , ,,?.?, , 44,:i t e .' - ,- : :'"„ -. ~'. ,-,-_'''.. , , ~ ~.-'','„'„ ~ -. ' , '''-' '' ,', ':''::::, ~' '::',:-' : . , - ' 41; •2',,' '.i' ' . -` " ,`- 11. :li ' l 4 , . ' CS& impor 22:123 MESE =I i .11/141_11X E T S BNM .... . _ . : • • MARRIED.; • 1 ~ • t , • .., - ~ v • ~. On the .11th hist. by thatto. D. P Rosenmiller, Mr: . l's•eirti G Eusg; to. Miss CATHAILINE litoom ir both 'or , , I V°!4 ll ii tovii:ship. I • .4 - -,-“),Ttlhell6tll the mine, Mr: SAMTELOII9tEIIy ___: 'OO 1,1910 S ? Articit GAIIDNER, both of Dickinson town.. ' V At . / ••J. , ' (Pittsbnrg, on the 11th the Rbv: S. •• • . liti'L L ls• Mr. 41 Aeon renomt, jr. formerly of this"plaee l , •• r. fo - MisFrErakr.YANl t t er of - lir:Pea:r a . . - 13trw T • . . ford,,all of Pittsburg.' '. ' . . . . • ' on Monday last,'MoNroomany L. 8011 pr:Witi. M.- Portee' Esq. aked:'2 yeais; 2 months and 18 'dsike; Cf U i'EIC WOOL DYE BLAI6K CLOTHS. Just . Pitillill e iitr e ' ( s l l l i 4s lll l4 :ti l il S r g ti l . s ls . " 44s pitticul p ar c fy s tecin tli eit tims ted as they- wilt b 6 "siohlivery C.43(41.13V . :;.• _ 41 1542 47;.* ---- t , ' . • el,Pii-Uk=4..oo,ll,ll:Lia , novriapening , a - large 4 as.A! st . artinTlt of 1101417, , F t 7),'S,Fipteiti pluipa and gylei, Itch he NY li i 8141 tVl 7 l)4t 6 ' itp I 3; Rusisio; sinft'l; eHxva, j'ilst raceivedlraixi iao4e latest fxtilL !oils attllte:"bfok9 of • •c:,ppwpc,„, • ap. 23. S' CAMOivI4I.4O Lou can. . I, A `lLAltdr. ofßyft.93' Carnmnili row s ; just receivea dike a *h 'HERALD & Ex.P.Dsrrox , • - CUMBER LANIIE-GREY,S; A 4 rTEN,TION": . , - . . . . TO_I-t nee. ordeKed to parade at.7-tlfe,.publie_hotiiie 0f... - JazolL Tie •o oullie iVirullont : Bottom 'Road, on Mond!Ey 4116 , 6tIk•ilayi Dr Slay next; at 4U o'clock, A. . A court °fa otnati , w.ill4A-held ~attlig-saine-,ti me Ft idaoe.. You will also parade at MOunt liockVor v iew and 11113110E:601i. 011 VV:Ceilleaday tile . ] sth bf.:May; 'witkarnasand aceoutrementa in good order:: ; By or , - Ale' , L . April - 2301131 - SCOLLUDWEI ID. AtiaLta ME • -7 1) ligt • . . . . WEST -iitIOH ST., CARLISLE.: fir HE ifittis - olikdrregpoCtfully informs-hie .11.- • roc:0(4.1;0TO piddle generolly that he has ta ken lied well knOiva . tas:et.n stand ast the-West end of 11 igiCsteeet. ,Cnrli slejeormeidy kept by.,Air. Henry, Rhodes, find flint ' e h nowjdepared to neennuritidate DROVERS, WAGGONERS- TRAVEL- • . E • •. . •• • antl4ll others who may favour..him with . bt•st manner. • . . His TABIX I will be constantly best the eouutry,Cau produit. . His BAR is supplied theochoiceat liquer,s,bud his sTAßLE.whichis haeehod eouvenient, wdl . be idelnirge of A eateful attebtive ostler. , . . • .. .-• Ire flatters hits .elf that, fromhis experience- as au- - lan k.t,..p reader gent•raliittisfac- . Bon . GEORGE SHAFFER. Carlisle, April 23, 1839.;• , -;tf. • , . 20 GRA.ND CAPITALS FOR MAY. 100 Pa izes of 1000 Dollars. STATE OF VIRGINIA Riclonond .10eidentY ..Logleryl • C111 4 4*), fot• 1839, , , • -I.7o'lle'il.q9va at 'Alexandria, Va. •o n , Saturday, 4111 • , • Mtiy, - 1839. 75 Number Lottei.yl.9 Drawn Ballots. ' - " , • PRILLIANT SCHEME. • of $30,00, I do $3,030, ,1Cd0.53,000. 2 1 , d0 $9 0 000; I do $2,5000 40 $1,017; 10141:izes cif $1;000 • • -10 of ssoU;2o'df SSVO; 84 of 200,8 m. 'Tinkets only $10:; Halves $5; Quarters $2 00. • - Cerlifi'svf Paidages of 25 AVltale . Tickets • $l3O • • 116, do 25 Half el° •, • Ido -----'25-Quarter* do 32-.50 • .. thCOpitell wiltreceive rirginitteState Lottery. YOr thohyriefit of therotOrsburoDonevoloot id Association. • ..„ --Class No.- 3, for 18,99. To Tie drawn sit, Alexandria, ; Va, on Saturday, 11th May, 1859. ~--;,z1,84-Turicilier„Lottery.=l2 Drawn Ballots: - intimtairr &pi:ISM& • ' ; • • $, - ,cAPrra.l4.s 35,294 $'llJ6 6,000L475,000-1-9,000.4-2; 5 00.-- , 01'50 , prizes'of 41,0001 SO of $ 2.50-50 of $ 200, Tioketia- only $ 10-11alvea' s.s.7•Quart . ers' $ 2 'BO Cdtlificatcs of ~eaclF.,ages 0f.2..5. wholoTioketss fsu 25 11011-: r 65 Doi do ',Quar,tor do 4 • To 114 ; 4i214; • - • 4% No.. CM =EI MEI =I L=lll MEI . :~~ ~~ EE El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers