Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, February 27, 1839, Image 4

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zt:o'../litkfatti.Y. I TeLietable :T,ife ut,r,71,:1.'
, • v
EPNRCENIX:Itrit . : 1
kO'ON.I- . lt4St: .
Aittalliong,i - rOni•ihe . remoteg stgesihnve fnl. ships,
ett ':Colnt•nbus , ,only•fothel out . the .iray to America..
ir,fletrirettii-fiiite , Of.tlie great Spanish navigator, 'pea
.l,!sl }voce j ooV e 1 ;11.d.0d fo
.paddle.about the . .bitores.
t r;isc i Bl4oy4li,titot . 4.fe:Aiedicioes. . is but f‘io . ..fe'ars
yeldiired, upon iii tinknoviloc'elin, and '1
liseorered the. lirVtiMls Cilj4t, I:V:115 iii, ieareli
tbelr 'use not., .fIY, the nse'pf r have nity p
I,.enilth`e dejected Inile .. ,.heni.ty:and no
htnilOss;,bift'coti)innstt.l,vely'•,-fivent,inif, I .
I.e.!newocl, can .with 'coutulenee to
thy o wit"' OirreriOn'Oe; 'ilavi'se 'With n . y 6;llocitizens:''
• 'l)deti-the'refidee:tratit,iwoOf that . the , 'VEGE TA B,LE
--- -- t r arro7A/D/CrISTES !WC "suitable - to his own -ease ?•
616_0: ir_ty - ,_Otlieey 546 Ryorelway, hundreds'
iilleffer - s,frOrn . some Of the'j - no - str - eiwetahl - elibiens
"lisq . notrve land,...rollintarili , offered te - stintonv
Issf tlie'rirtues of A GOCil)::lrlifir:l' 'MED&
• •
• _
. Persons whose . coolitigioo_ tioyo bseo 'nearly volo
';e'cr brtlie ist;strousstieils. Of.
•-tlie . doy, .w ill belt:: rae•witnes% tite. s .P:i le ...lied l-
AWL - such' lire the true, tourse to,tkrin?,=
tient, g,ood . halth. ' • . • •
• . • • • :•• • • .1011X4ICEPPAT.
FA:rs ,LIFE, PILLS. Ee. PIHENtx un."rEtts.
These 'medicines have Ion; been known rind ant...e
. ciat,.l - ; for there extraordinary and - in - s - in:Tdiati - .. F -,,,..:
. ors of restoring perfect: hie to person's suffering
. " tinder nearlY - eyerfkind of disease to width the'lin
• ' Inan'fraine is liable. ' - ' - • :: .
- :. . -In many.lnindreds of certified instances, they have
even 'rescued sidierers fromthe .very, verge of ad un
- ii [nay, grave, after all, the deceptive nostritms'orthe
';day had Utterly; I;tiled;•and to many thousands they
' . .. have pe'rmanently . secured that unitorm,enjoyment of
-- - . hedith; withinit Ivhich life itself ii lint n partial bles,
- sing:- So great,indeed has their efficacy invariably
- - and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely
lass than Miraculous to those_ who were iinarquainted
, With - the"beautiful - philasoplficial - principles - upon - .
•_ _ which they are compounded, and upon which they eon
.!-• :quently ace: 'AI was to them manifest and. sensible
netion . in purifying the spritets and channels of life,
. • eta! 'enduing them' with reneWed:tcine and vigor, t h at
they were indebted for their name, which was beStoWL
--- - .ed upon_tientat AliesPeritaimenti_r9siesLOLseseraL
___... •
. • ilidividuals.whosc lives . theyhad obviously saved. ..
• 'The proPrietor rejoices Mthe_opportunity afford
...ea by - the 'universal. dial:mina of the daily;Wells, for
- Iffiscing--hisiNEGETAFiL - F,..--.LIED-PILLS--within:
the knowledge and•rettch of - every . the.
• . cominuitity:Ublike the host of pernicious queeks.-
' -ries, which -boast of vegetable,ingredients, the Life
. Pills are soiclxvegetabk,,zind contain, neither Mei.,
„. .eery, Antimony, Arsenie,.bor ally other mineral, in.
.... • any form whatever. 'Fhey-aro-entirely-composed of.
'extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of .
Ni.llicli,'tligicgh long
. known - to several. lodinn tribes,
_,. ; :fifiLrecently:to•soineeminebt placianneenticaLchem-..
.I:4ts,',pe Altogether unknown to the ignorant prefc,pd
-4.l'S to IllCal - OA - science ; and were' never before - Id- -
. ministered in so happily, efficacious a combination.
. . The 'first operation is .to "loosen the coats of the
stomach and bowels, the varimis-implirities and ern
- -- - dities' constantly -settling,: around- them; atur-to re= -
• move the hardened faces. Which collect in theeonvid
• . sions_of the small intestines: Maier inedicines par
. 'tially cleanse theseiandleave such collected. masses
S --- ' -- hAiiitl, as - 1,6' pi. - edite - e - liaiitiial - e - eisTic - ens - C
- • :its train of avail or sudden diarrlicea, w . ith its bumf
,' 'tient dangers: This fact is ulell-knowii 0 all egular
.--", anatinnisti, 'Who: eNaminirig lie - limn:tn . botrels -lifter
• death: lientethe prejudice oftheie well ,ififorinei , F
- men against VEGETABLE , LIFE PILLS; is to
cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this
means, the liver and the hings.thehealtlifut action' of .
1 which entirely depends upon . the 'regularity :of the
urinary organs. :lite blood, which takes its red 'co
• . for from the agency of the flyer and the lungs before
. passes into - the heart,- being thus purified -by them,
.and nourished by-food coming from a clean_stoinaeli,
. courses freely tlieougli the veins, reneivs 'ever's-. part
'of the system, and tigumplaffitly mounts moiunts the - lianner
ho health in the blooming check. • •
- - ' The following are among the distressing ru•ietrof
human diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills.
\ are well-known to_he infallible:-:-._ .... - . 2
:-.--'-- . DYSPEPSIA,.by - ilioroughly'cleansing - ."the - first
• and second . stomachs; and, creating a _flow . ofpure,-
:healthy' bile, instead of the •stale and acrid kind ;
• ' ' Vfatulency, I'alpitation - cirthe -,-Lo-ss-of-A-ppe
- the, 'lleartbuen . and Head-ache, Restlessness, TO
lempei.,•AnZiety',.Llngiuir, and 111elancholy.; which
_are-the-generel:sympteinsof_Dyspepsia,wlll vanish
- ..:as a natural. consequenee of its - eure...., Costiveness,
, by cleansing the wholelength - of the iiitestioes with
a solvent proCess, and without 'violence ; all violent .
• • purges leave the - bowels Costive within” two slays.
Diarrhica and Cholera, by removing theilump - acrid .
' - 'llnids by which these - complainti , are occasionded;
and by promoting the lubricative• secretion of the
Joitscus members. -:-Pteance.y . of-c4//-kintit. ; by rector
. . lug the bleed to regular circalation;throngli the pro- I
cess of perspiration in seine cases,-tiffilf the through
• Seintion of all 'tritest' nal obstructions 'in °then's:. The
. ?.I FE PILLS have been known Inouye Rhennnutism
• Abermanently in three weefa, and Gout in half that.
.-, . •
time r by removinglocal inflamation from the muscles
and ligaments of joints.. Drophies of,all kinds,
' by freeing and , strengthening the kidneys and blad
der; they operate most delightfully otilliese impor
tant ' orgims and 'hence have ever teen 'found ii . cet ,
lain remedy for the worst cases 4:lE'
• Worms, by dislodging fi:om the turnint
. els:theLslizny_matter_to,_whielethesepr. ,
Asthma and ConsUmption, by relies iin;
.s . la of the Mugs from the mueue, whit
` .-- et Tels .. Broc7E.fisnifl; - IfiliirtilF7flarl. - Fitii
. • ha -defied, ' and ,produCes '. those • drew.
Scurvy; Ulcers, and inveterate sores,. by 11,.
purity . which.,_these T
Lifeillaxive to_the_blon,_
— .l:4the,liiiritOrs;. Scorbutic. 41 , 4)i:ions, and had cm..
idexions, - b&their alternative effiect:upon the fluids
• that-fecal the sk4,the morbirstittezef. which Oee4/...
NlOllB all Eruptive comPliiiiit,'Sullem;Uloudy; and
. otherdisagreeable Complesiona.'• The:use of these
• Pills for a very short-timeiwill effect - imintire --- Cdr&
ofi - Salt . Rheum, Erysipelas, and , a' striking' improve-;
. . anent in the cle,arness of the'skia. Common'' Colds.
..•,, :mil ,Influenza, will always be cured'. bi'one doiei'Or
~ • Ihy,taro,.even in.the Worst cases. • - Piles,-=-as a rem°,
. sly for this rebet'distressieg . and olistiiiate malady, the
`‘ Vegetable Life Pills - ileServe at distinct nod emphatic'
. reeemthendation. It is Welt kiaiwa - to• hundredsin.
- ' this city, that' the Proprietor of, ifiese invaluable Ma
• was Imusilf . afflictedvitli.the complaint for upwards
• of thirtg-five.,t/eura, and he tried in vain every rem
' ctly prescribed within the Whole compass of the Me
-- - ierfa Medici: : - ..tie however, at length, tried the nied ,-
. *ohm which lie tiow . OfTerS to the public, add lie Was
eared In a very short time, after_ his.recovery had ,
Been pronounced not ,:only improbable, kilt absolute-
', lyimposhible by any huinan means.. -' • -, I
• ' DIRECTIONS. FOII:USE.- , -The Proprietor of
- "ilia - Veyelitote - Lffe - Pals,ilnesnot follow the base and .
. mereeiuiry, practiee Of the quacks of die day', in :idyl-, -
sing persona to take his PHIS in targegnoutitus.. -•-ro
good medicine . psti - Pos - Sibly be so. required.: ,These '..„, IN.p_LIN'QUEEN''HOTEL''
_____pills-iirelolietiken-athed time every mghtifort. s - --;,--,-.--- ,
~, . • . -
..,,.., - . - -o .. - . -. •,
week . Or . fortniglit,'aCeofding . to the 'lliSease:: The' .zotr,l7 , ', rAulyrn-_ . . 97,TFt .7. , PHILADELPHIA.,,. ,
usual dose of these bitters ialialf-wwine.glasi . fill1;1.1 ' ...,..- . to i l, i7 . - . 1 , 0411.16L'E,:1a •.-.... ".....',.'.: * 'q
In water or wipe, and this quau l titY-may be takc . n.j.wo i - •
er three timesa day,abont lidlf,3oloiir before - Weals, , : ESPETAlLLY...inforhia..htiefrlCnilailad AO'
. .or A. Tesp snantitt trn4 , - t Pe . itnkett_ . - nt ;nII :times. •To publici'tbnijielini;reinokrd: &Ora. AIM 'Western '
40 - 2° .. lets ii-Mar ' ket'street; tO that:llAvnii'd'iininuniiiitiin:
thcosi ylto-nrF ntllictcf Nv,itb ind.igerliOn . Aftee ;tn.ri4B;' , l i• r.e..' 1.,• ke t . he-A4 ----- It:mi ~,- w... - - -ix„ t h e -_:- -.-
these, bittere'ill iik'ci,w,:inval ' unble,ne they:Very grvat z - '. J.Q.e..,... : . - ':ri..., P. ~ , , , 745.. 7 , ,1 . ,..,,,..,0-9 -- ,, v ....,:. , : : :,. ,
ix' i 4 - ci05 1 014441et , 9? gr Id i 9 * .riPSikl.'YAse-gra's.helP: -...'----•'-'. -': -,- 1114,1111111.A ., 111, .-41tv1-.EAT N. :I:0 :-, 5 - , 1
... ,,tl i 9 "" tQlie-116 " IM P Irjunc " nli ' 119(1 P l.tblPll ! °. " ° " 'Thus lager 4. nitnatedAn•pb*Fok , t4:4itr.ookn-c.•
.7, i_ rn ai i, a ; e 4 , .. : ll..e r mi ° 4,l7,,liirdis , c ; 16 0 -01• 11i „, - 4 4 „ :1 7,; -1 1-4 , 7 1 4 4 4 , e g l i o d o y i4 -: E 61 : 43 6 7,4) , ''.t.;;Ween:."tifniket andliestriat'streete;:iitlhelei.yiMiiti 4 B.
of the'binitiCiatiart or the; city; iind ;,illl, tlierefOrefie.
vads AppetitcsAstoredi-01;Altqmouths ' ol. the Rbacic -'• , iftiiiiid' , .Ve ciinV nieUt -kor ' ' ithantsiainE.binintas ?
; - beott,*en§ehiltyitorcleny4o,., toltrition , in.:,rocilitnte4, -, r -ii...... - 6.,,• r yi i „. ,--. °.,, ~ : ~,•••'1,....,.. .. • ..,...- ~ -.- . , --. ; -
- A da • strength .or .body.,enoigy- - of.. mind. ..-iire - Abo:i- ~• 7- 16 - r:l7-..P': . ",; , '-;i,.14: , ,:.:.. • .. , ,f 4. -r .::: • ..'
•_, ...,,,.... ,a, n.e onnuango nave peen tnorongiksy AUCISOMpIqe.
• ._, happy -iettlattl:LlTtlit"-:f9Ftlie.r,s-'l-:P.R......rth2,11,..Lir.'L.',%,,,,P,..,.',,„-a-. '.l,k;:i•v i i tatoniy;i46 , .'iniviiiiiitii; 'l& fii) . 'eeise...
ts•-•• . PAT..'S' I2I PTOZ A , B iiii.d. ; r.r. 21, r 4 'N. 4 • 4 ••• :, . }11 1 1 •!;.F 1 `"'-+''; betii npaeedloi':lin , angink - ':riud;fitrnishink the'ioomn :
opiAt 4 -^ AtiPAttkfra l cfmn,.c o ; ll ‘d• l6 "Bi'Oulvvti3T"-Nel.‘", 1,86'14 td,..Orintotc tike.Obthilirtnittioit ' ').' - Oer,if theist
Itork;•iltereilini'V.Plo'Can'be - Obtained for - 25. cents ) , 1••i' • - .fii -- -n• i• •-- -. 4.,....,-,Yq!trit 3 - -..,.1.„ ~.. •
o may var. lo *gunny Atli their custann -• •.,• . .
• ..50 . ,, nts, 0r.51,,,0,b0x no ~el, q . Bitters' . r 5 1 ,.... r, Gentlemen , " :. trar9. ll snitiiitltiliele : fOkiliey'fitik,Wk .
• ,la per - ifottlecjllsiu. print*. :. ecetific nteict ; o l k l yi,o l4 , l 4.*N o i,ith ri doi k t : Tl fi - n, 6.71,4i t 7 - t ika. • : 4; 1. 1
..svoliderftil7efficacrou'liothAtitifdt-eihete. in lu be ‘ohntilbel,mittoil:(ol - * .: 46'pitt ,wfieraTt ift -- T - ,i'• . Ah* . eiiioy -
.- in .some 'Obitinatirnliigh nAWlteitsroesi,of . ',Oti c.- ,•i t .i, z ; .. ii i a i t -wow- A; - AA A ,. - - 4,1,„ , - - 0 4 . 10.-L, •
- A w - And` initardat.orp"Rtietiuni.piveicifirioijii, i , if: lon g' .- ni , in i t y• f i c i ii,. - 6Z(4,A4i144:41 . , -... • ,,•-• -,•••., ,
~-, . ......0 ., ,f , 2,
Fi-ci.2.,cintl'.Aue, 13 .S 6 PP.Peini PP ) iY. ' l lTh 4.'.: l -1 1 '._ : 11 '- i f a ...t.- . . T Ile 11A 14..nrid ' .0E1:UM& liikve':ll4rueetl
- .
.froilt4e-ufre o - mercury* vcirlins,.'o l . l 4 l ;„P s t., (kft r ',4„ , e_c,a i e 3 "••• with tlie best , LlQUOllS,and,thethefeas .wiN ES of '
. - .., .~ 6.lliink steirlifitV;- it-may -'be,
_f6nr4i"iir.o6fiaal'OP:ulP :I::Uie.iiletivintionii-'',-.':''''-''''" --"'''' '
l'7"-=-both,the-Lire-Mll6-arkti-Phco4!ili4O's j!AtIP-;*-BW'' ...ZilieTrAglLE'Nr"iii' .l :l4iiiifiiia:!iiiefiiiihitieiii;tili: '
." before incommendeg.. , - v' , - -",„:,.;,-;.-, 1* , ?'•;";'-',":••41 1 :- ri•*- • •.• ' • - 7, ~,, .,., • - ~,,..,.,-, ; '
' t . fi . - If"' ';frigPill - - a-1 -Dm- -' 'if • '''f, , , • •s• ,, -- . I f•Frry., ilet l ,ooYlvincit, , tho•geago4o.,•an(r,..oporket,,ran-.-soi,
- •
..... s— ,: 6 !". ',•!. ko • • . Pro . .m,) , - '4: -. , n= er -`-'Tofil -Anil eTrorr"o.k . rtloil : ' 1 4 N i 'l i tgl aollll'. 'ooo- 64 r
.: -- . 'ciiiio.Thilt . Of.Viiystem' jafiiiite , l . 7 l'Oeufi'.4ll4lY,4 ir: Ei,.o,rt?; l •= ;-'. • - -'• -, -•,- ..'•,-....... . ~ n' .... 4 3 , ,.. ..,•,• •. `.,. • ;•-:.- ....,,,.,
I.;'' .. ;,5' l' iireri . 'neilld‘ 'nod' 'pre:O. eel. in'tenin-; •" 1 - o • l 'Lgole 4 s• -,'., .--,... ,• •• •,-, - •....-.1.• i•-: ••=;• • • •:4 , ,,,k, 4 ~,„:,,1,e,,,- . ,
~: • :, ,r ITt 41 AS-, , - , j = P t , . • k :.' tr ,. '4 . '' .l '''.: , '. - ':i:TlieltEADlNO. , ;.losol4.63'nr - e irrit fiupphed..With •
'4, ne•O I O: 4 I IB IP 7 Z,Pr loottO gie ' - Irill. of f gd'fw . F 4 'fir-fitiol4( in'ormilo,ot diPt•i:iit'biiteliiiiiqi) iii'lacii
. -. herrOaP#.olo,ol,esi4,B.ii:74‘lt'fi..B9" 3Vl4ll46e ' t a ; e lZ efirgieti. i Ortlii 4 ;llo. - iiiitiYAOtiiii'4l l o tilie ''- 3' - ' .
'. ',Pi.0are0140:6714.0141.40P14.81/.44tli'ity4l(l-*i*b,j''''-, -46 e ," URVANTS. 41 0 -- li7niiiid'nr - rfnl'nlid•• iii;'
i i„
- - -•v46:oote- fewilfr.o r - ,, ,,t103itt e -rojelginiCiln:ic,ln, 'all ~k-' 4 - - ,..-` , •=.•T -,,,t;;1, , ,-..10,: , ):'''' ,, -," . ' ,',"' '-', ""''
r.ill'e'!*4'l 44 4, Lifiti"..".::;..ili:6,,'-0.11;lie. ~,i jik. -. 1 , 1 4 7 . ii . .u , / 4 0•Ci t P0 1 -.'7. . -Atita! " ebeil tii : file hotel ire xery' ' 'titrinihre iSlikliq,S - ",A
= - ~ • Aticpt r .g . tb.p emigre itOlu'in4, , falicf TSBEPrP'I , ''''''l l l rd .`
''' ' '' li . N64;iillitt ''
. ' ' ' '''--
.' . .-' ' '-' :;ir to '6' . 4fr.,.4..' •-) - ' Ai - 1 ,1,•' ,1 ,4 - ,• I.,'SAI en tg....:49.,liennn)tniX. In - lortio r pu •
-7 '''. I",,„ra" ,i;'_'„. l !- A . -, , 1 4' , .,N . -•, . , TV , ... - f,I I IPII•o , Y : ' ."''' }finder the- stioetintendiOednt careful - 4iitt - titteiiti'inl .
.:.•-• p A!9l/1 e'-' SI P;" - ':: . '" , :`; .z. •• ....... :: - -`•Ti'l .. ', s, • -.- ' ,. :41i:. , ?:',(,-4P!.:4 - .4 l . t i a iie rs . - ;.., -. , , ,c . ,.4, - ,, , 4.11 ,• - ..."1i:t tf . .:
„.' ..- :.5" -.. ' - ' , ....:: ~.."
, ..'•:. 3 . ,''i -: ' , Y,,,, qt; ERIP - :.ot-lhq;l.OOT.A! Pt & - ptira t),T,T , ,,:: :; *, 84 . tif , i • iiiii- 1 - , ..44 iii.,; 4 i i-' ,,,, men i fO'
',lgnuaty6B 4E1,39 ..,, F'. , .. 0 . ~,,,,-.,,,,,,,,:•.,,•'.-.. "-.-:.. , T.!. '. - ,; rib , e,verp liberal encourigeinent liertartirA;;lernelvedi•
,dpi• ;,,,I, .1..' ",, • 46 ;t 1,44, ' , ''' , ` .- •'': , *' - "'''''A'''''°'' : ' l. ' . ''' i1 ... f eateling!ottiffi ttlltt; ( l4 - Itt'''' irilif4tAia guests.
, . CC:... c -.• _ -• , • ..... , ',.....,. .. ,
..:-' , ...ed:'''' 1, ,, •" . -''. -' ---- -
-'. Ata r Olf: , I r '‘' •, 5 :s.i: •
Alf till 16itor ow VeMislitiYritameretrOkir, 1
~,rroff rt - P 4 l9'neDifiginialtirlite irktiksittiti:
ill OP .Xtilt ROdairateboOplile.,./i40,1 ai:, 1 4 :14 , :dei .
Cul We , ClOtober IT:18118.....;1411 : ;416. 4 I►`:•••ti,•:.4 .. 4- 42 :
... ,„? •;, ;7, r, Mr' .r.r: R.Z,fttisla 3 'er:' . , • ~: : ,
.01, 1 ?„tea,:i lo genii• dittrOlslt
• -2114610110* Zalljaii%
''' — d' . • •
AN OPPORTUA. !atm ff•ere .cr Bopp smg
A - iolitsolves with. OCIDCOCK!S : •
: tat/1W
•- •• : .;
• ••• • PLOUGT
eB g7l bee:"ar4irle. ever °Pita 'fr.ihiParrikftitikl
• 7 "thireeetipm-of-thi-,State.i----- 1,, i
These - Plotighs•Svvill not eliolcu'imr carry ilk:, and
the draft is a bout one-third less than ihe , Plough,B here
totbre in use, two horses, doing the worliA: three, be-'
sidesn. great 'saving in time and , ,vpneyjn keeping
ilu•rn in repair. point and slw ° rerpad be put. on
in live minutes, ,aistl..hestdes must only gs''pents each,'
,Autl Om dull call be-turned anil-reOented Until worn=
,put even their wilt be fakeil in: pnetliiiy;fcir . now
••',. The !Wilt-wing named persons are nmon*those who,
Nave purchased and - used the above Plotighs duringlhe,
In't season, to whom F 111.11114% are refer retifOr
ntion respecting shein, •
•Winters,'• John Arm
strong, Supitiel Strickler; John Little, Henry 'Betz,
lilyder, Philip Miller, Mr. Asliway, John
Ktines,.Ennicm Elliott, Esq.
Letlerkeuurt;- \I Mine' Grove, :Daniel Kremer,
Mr. Shields, :hone Besore, John Miller, '..Kbraltam
[Mover; John nodes, Benjamin Hodes, Samlitodes.
Gitqford.Hrhilip .Tames Dunlop, Jas. Ptir..;
: _iiitnUe,.Mr. :Pinter, Joh t 4esliet‘7George Inc,re Jo,
seph -Wingert, George ,k ;tterhoof,' Mr. Itatigy, Geo.
Dull, William •Ilvers;,l tti B. -Cook, Sam'!
man, Henry Qeorg (~•Peter Baker,
Green.—Jacob - Oyster , Simnel Jacob
der -Thomson,' Henry Wingert,, Martin Wingert,
Charles ITetieh, Alm Smith, Mr. Clark, Mr. Soluher-
ger, Stinutel Lemy..
Soutluviiptoit.—Saniucl l'homson;:foint Orr.
' St. T7iontrts._-_74actob, Shirk, Mr. • Gallagcr, Johp_
We have also secured the right of Adams,. Chip
itcrlantl, and.-Dauphin counties,. and'-thit following
gentlemen in Adams I ine used the Ploughs during the.
- past seriSOw, to whom-Farmep in, that county are "re -
. _ .
• Xehr Two Tarom.—Sainticl . Dorborltw;
Toselih Coshun, Alexander Illtlltvaine, JaeolrKeller p
Esq., Jacob Streuly. '• . :
..1.4//erita-am.-=Frederick Dell;
Hintterei;Ton.fitenb - Gisabs
.I:o"7.7a , abovePlaligha can always'be had at the.
Younrkyqr W. SUMMIT
.8t UOXlmmbersburg,:oT
I,I'NE:-IN - Merehant,tihrlisle,
of THOMAS AARlZlS;.Meeltattiesburg. 'Wherei,
'Fanners whu.itasb,te test the Plough,- will please call.
and get them on trittlonal if they will not render full
and entire .satisfhetion,. no charge Will be made; if
they bmak -it-is at our emtense. We will also pay 'any
- Farmer for ally damages or lest of time,.he may
.sustain inArving:tim Plough, flM=does not like it at
ter trial.. ''There have been sold in Franklin and the.
adjoining countyoMwmts of ONE THOUSAND of
. theserPlOughs,
%/917N . DENIG .gent. •
Is has for many years been a. great 'deSideratar
among European and American Dentists,to manufac
Lure 7 ceth fromincorruptible materials whiekthoul.
imitate the natural living Teeth. . .
Manylmve devote'l years to unsuccessful - eperi,
meats; and others-hare, sacceeded-.in_ manufactorieg
teeth of materials :similar to the porcelain - woreibui
generallv.they have an opaque white appearance, by
which= theyare•casilY distinguished from the human
:-.L-Afteriong-tind tedious eiperiments, the subscriber
has stieceeded in manufacturing teeth of materials en;.
tiray incorruptible - 01nd . perfectlpi tte -imitation of Im
-raan -teeth,..--They- lavn-a-semi-transparendy r and ANIS
made of %among sizes and shades.
In cases where ',absorption of the aveolar proCess,
or other causesmay render it necessary, he will east
of-he. same-matetudalitttachaLto the_teethitutificiat
gums, which shiell imitate the gum and supply the
loss of substance
tt is entirely impossible for these teeth to change
their color, or cause 'foetid breath.' -
• .He will insert them from one to entire sets, iii such
. manlier that they will make articulation of the, voice
pert et, and-niaterially assist. in.rna;,itication,'and- so
that.they-cannot bOdistingiyiAied front the.most beau
tiful natural living teeth by the most scrutinizing ob
He also performs _all .tlie Various operations in
'Dental •Surgiery, according to the late "scientific im
provements 1 . 11 thq nit , .
• : F. 11: .4".W v IPP Surni.on Dentist, - -
• F ayette N.A V : cornet' of Charles kt streets,
•: . : . - '. .. •
I , IIIHE subseriher respeetfullyinforms the
'Jr tints of Carlisle, anti. , the /public generally, , that
he still 'Old Stand, inl9..ohlt Hanover
street ; opposite-Mr,& Manufactory,
ivhere be eofitinues - to,earry ou Ura•
, .oil,„
Cabinet Iliaking..
• in all its - varions rbratichesi;:lit;lns - lateli: furnished
' himself in - t t.:splendid RE,ARsE;
&c. to aeconiritoilitealVtinise.Whmay ;favor him
with; n ; call,,:'.llerreturns.his 'sincere thanks
_to his,
friendS - S 11111 l eusfetiferifOr — ilie encoUragetnent
bestowed •on,liiin; and tolicitsll-'CallthratlTlCe of their
.palronagre: ; He 'flatters himself that 1 strict .atten
tion to business and a disposition to please, to merit
and receive a share 'Of public patro.nage.
N. B. One or. ,Twn • Joarneytnen Otbinet Makers
wanted, to Whom liberal wages will her given. An
apprenticerwill be taken tolearn the above business;
if well recommended.; •• - --; • . r
Noyemlier , 27, 1838.-6 m." ,
liirliiiire'Nitieb.ritlit• •••Viith by It ottiParistm
11ii - e• • it- ' '' o, '
rl gi ")th ke ."*9."4 l 4l° ll, l f Atik li t e llll :o", itr l p Pi tr d thPir • ' i.ra , itcOi*ed kin . ' 'i . Pliiliii!eipliii;4l4'm .:
f I th I itr... ' .... ' 'o4t o - P-4 1 4- re ....- --. 4 ''ih if i ICndid'liit of tils,y ittv,lttlieo;lactjaa
!...o.lliVi,t9;- e. .. 1T.",,W :o f
. . e t;t i Vii!!! p r folii ims q "rfain a ..whipe' o f . the 'late it Isz:le, tutele;
g+o9 r bola 1 itt.
bail% t iii .1,q1.1.....),-;.;..:- i.' . ... ‘,...4, , . 4.14
~ , _
..... .
1 RA, ' -'• - fijii;lo , ,;:: '(,i , fi ., ,. - k . -: , " 0 6.: i. , . 11 i4 :141 , . /: 411
'''' 4 ' :- ' 4. ''' ' . •• . --sLi. , :.;-- '—' ,. ...;.c:,:'1.L',.....!......,...'.... .'•^.. ~ . ...
.._r - 1., : .111.*..-V - 4*44 - .01C:t.:P,..g.:10.i.t4f;i': , -4#V.'''W*o.* : l4,4 - I:.#,',#.E.'
Wntititty-and-Yruitt Uomjitiiy of lultrde—
,;. :,.. (,-, . .:,' ~., ' ;:'' fi,4iig':::',.' , ..---, ,!
,',,.-.-, , .--
'• l' • - . 0 17iii;jig,i0440hr,tiiii-eJ4 .
~':- '
eAt.t.irAt ... , 00.;'0,36#,Ci0ti.;.;7-::::
_: - ...,..:i . :. -,. ..:, -, :thiii4i;e:,:wii:iitt - l'it4. - ,T.:4:-=!, , .--, , i-1---3-,
ntim LivEs4,„„t:.!gintOtieet. innrEfulaio;
Jiienta' and make contractlqpnlei:ally that Involve
itIP -41 ;nithikPilF . Y'a, lire.. .Aeopv7l , itet ; , timuntbniized
ti y . the charter, frorn indirldnahl,`coypoilate bodie; tie
CliCu'Ra 'Cof.Jy'stiVe;and e*ennte . :theniragreeabli to the
dcikYiiiitheliikiltieill,tind reset e Deposita Of money
, in,er.nat,itnd On.intti.entL .
1.111E1_.kf8V11..t.NC1.1. , --- .. ,T1 ,tertna'at'e , its loiv 'as
those o[ ofliC6liitlie, INA" ':":'.."'"' — '7 - '''''''''''''''"'.
'Rates, for lialiring . sl.oo.l'
t' . .. 9ge , l'o r.l l'ear..: FOr 7:riars • lrhore life
' 1 . • : .. .1
. • '
-10 i ' . -Inniial/Y. .9nnua/ty:. ~
,;:20 '' 00 • - $0 '95 - '.
$1 77 , .-....
. .. ,
• , .25 , • I- .00 ' 1 12 • 204
. 30• - 1•• 31 1 36. • "2 96. •...
. •
.. . - '
- . 35' . 1 36' •- 1 53' •: 2 75 . , •
-.40 .. 1 00 . , 1 83 .:3 20
45 .. '.'. 1 9.1• 1. 96 - 3`'73 -
- • 50 ''- 1' 96 . - •209 , .•
.• '4 130 •
55 - ' 2 32 , ...;3 21 , s'',Be7--
Fui•ther information can be obtained by application
at the office. ' '
13. W. ItI.CIIARDS,.Neh,
.10111 C F.JANIr.S.; act/Milt
GEoItnE.NY. Ast!, Teasurir, •
Julie PI, 19.3F.-fiiri
u - nly AAct
lletnrnslill.sineCre thrit4a tO the citizens of aarlisle
and adjoining country, for the most liheralpatronase
which lots been . bestowed upon hini, and wishes
'form the-public generally that he. has replenished his
stock of Moods, and dithers .himself that he will be
able to give entire satisfaction to all Who will call at
his Shire, both in quality and price of goodi; as he is
resolved to sell low for rash, • . • . • -
,Caltnt the old 'Welhknowd Stand Of 'L. - Harlan '
North Hanover Street,' and 'examine his' stock of
Goods; as lie has a general and complete assortment.
of Hardware,
of o,e :beg. vantsy.whidi will he:sold at wholesale
or retail.
. He has also the New Candlerland Nails-:—but Olt
and examine, each one fbilitintself. - '
Carlisl!„May 14,1838.—5 m. . , 24 , -
• • ' uileka, - .e3aukTaa -
ttAT well-known:m(l first-rate properki , ,talled
dionnt Ropy- Iron , WOIkS, situated mhottt . Rix
unites souttiTeast of Carlislesuld the Ctimbeetand
ley 11011loadOutring.nppurtenant.abaut.8000 Acres
of line thiikelianti,andluayttuk erected thereon a Fur
nace and-• Forge, 1. Stuithshop,:e Carpenters' shops,
a Warehouse and Office,:2.Afansion houses of stone,
a Bank Barn and - Stabling,thirty Tenements for wor
kers, with a streant.of water of great power, sufficient
for-an extensive Rolling. Mill, or a National - Foundry;
and alit° several tranks of Ore. '
By the payment of a reasonable sum in liana, a lib
eral time Aral be given for the.. remainder of the pur
L Liaat WEAK!..EY,residing_nmar_Kiddermin
- aie - r - will show the place. - ' •
_: . /Ipplieation(if,by mail, pps.t pnid,) lobe nrindelo
-71; —hlarriatin )co. 31, 1838:-111 ' 5
mawmuimt wl
WILL be offered at iniblicsale`on lredneeday the!
Y 9,oth day of Pekrvaiw . n6Y, all that valuable
property, situate at the corner oflligh and-Pitt streets,
in . the borough ofCarliSle,: late the propeity.ofJOHN
WILSON, • deceased. '•Tlie Lot is 60 feet - fronton'
High street, and 240 feet deep on Pitt-streettining
north to , Dickinson- - There'nre .erectell
' dile .proilerty a TWO . STORY •
:.t'; u • • .• with q Stone Kitchen a TWO STORY
. 2
with 'several SHOPS. The lot is well Cultivated, con
taining. 'it variety of riturr•TßEEs. /Thai: is a
never fi~iling Well of eicelhmt water itt , •the- Yard.—
This prOpertv, being situated direetly4n l'rant of the.
Cumberland Valley Rail Road, ittilte pout vhere the
.7p ; it offers the most elettible - scite for a Hotel
mity; it is entirely - free from nay iiicpmbrance,
SAMUEL r.uxotrr i .
Altornii; ftietfor Jamas
Irallimorit Patriot'', .
publish, the !above • week fOr.three
aiic. price, unit charge this office.'
, „. , •
- ..1112CONAlta,1 EA=
- tSsi Pk:" OtSI47IVS4MITAW.I - 4- -
No 66. South !itlintreet
_ :CA PIITAL :9 . '.60,000.'
Open daily for the:transaction,of business from 9,4,
• 3, P. M. • .
Deposites Of money reeetved,for which the folloiv
-inerater of Interest Will be - alloWed; • •, - ;
I year • 6 per Cent, per annum:
montbs i ____
__ • . "
• On businees tleposites,,te be drawn at the pleastire!
of the depositor;no interest will be allowed. ' Unetir.
rent Notes of Scilventn,ttillts, in everYliart Of the U.
'States will be reeeived' sts'Special Depcititea, on, sue
,as may be agreed on; eackpartieular ease. .
-• •.
•=•- . • 4:l)ESSAAkiCaahitir
• Philadelphia, Dee. jr,
_ _
;Cle4nting Oa Coloring
.f lllel6:in'pes. and
' ;i : q 4 ; 01618 of all kind B , itlo
INUS:;:jkIV .
*I4 4 .TVIIT
-, itts o EcTr.tllltlefotet the eitiTees efuediloa
And,-tts-Ariquity;,tlis4:,, j 64 'cop, ruced.,the oolot ,
ipkood:rfleotrriog silks ; orapes, *49,ritoe4 : 4iitlrzli*Oyht
otwookir s `olho :DO/ ;keine!, Scattritirin to
opp'ttrinetieo . l,Y: . :Sh6 oito-pe fouitfl. At irr,rpsillerico
Church-Alley; 4'feW - doors f)elowAbpjuriiteiryAiiire
of Captain . GOorget,W4crubb,: . Nliere work wilt. 64
jthinkfullyteOefiedi 4'64 executed in a neat and
:some'ttuinner. • • tt- • .• 7 •
OctoberX), 1888.
1T irvor ils eitiftli d l:s s4 4, stm tatg ti9 :f ' Fra ll th n e kf a lthi tsite lo -d iv a iighi n :
hl 4 l , l l e 4l °A o m tb i teriPer'reli4hig Frinkfonfl
knives IP/ nil o.eraaiia faxvig e p ata!a*„4lll,Lf said estiwti
;wiir i rrqept *3. 1 1' fon: emeat ,- a,nd 19 # 1 4 e d
All,ll4.4.llty*rit_inini iatehr_to • •
Itpy S3O l g -1'
. .
~,. , iig t !
...,,114*;10 - jOhnspi i iilid oti the 29t*
i • , ' OfY , Orr g*'i!.itecite . t•totisil.subsorkben la,
4 .
dee, or Restitikititfirit , idi •liio:effikti; ihofuding 14
iikedektqfp4 . l.oco,u6i 910,„ - giii - boienitiirlie cieditork
„Notice is IterebY ViNftfoT4l l l .tliiiialiiiltbted . , to 'llia*
allloJesee H. lohnnoo; , or,to the tym of Johrogoo 41
_eltiNip , ini.bood,itowoi-bobk<aorotiiktio•mAivty;•••
rodilt wiftiotir O ia
itelnyt "All thiiie Wing ' el a i m e
millet tlm mid Joboooo,ootioipit,the arm orlaiii
so, &NCINIII/10 JO prefientlliem for oetthmient..,7.:.
~"'' . . AVI4I:IIVPO4TIEen,3 . •
Carlielti;Jitit:4oii 1839. - ' '' • "" 1 ' •
', .4.--:.-•.,'.:---.;—::4.1-'..._—_L'_ - _______:',..__ '
The Trite filches, of Life
fri,know:that:lfeallhifina thelabilitlll
abor is he,: wealth,.of ..the, great mass .of
'the people iii this'as in- Most Other coun,
. To preserbe; - :Therefore, that health
by YiTh7r17,12.11 means,is grand moral
and P ditieal; selleMe to full ll which :re-•
quires our utmost attelftirM: -
THE urAparrelleled reputatlon'Which Peters' Pills
have acquired a's o'lledicat-Restoritive, is the Most'
tinqhestionable proof that can he given: of their
_incase tn die afflicted in-ohnotit---every
•claseof diseases. Theitniniel 4 of letters: received
froth patients recovering through their means iireal.;.
_ly prod!gjeus, and they complaints which they have
cured are almost rurvorieilat they are: numerous.--.
- Bid 'tifere ore some. in - Whicii they 'are more
especiallylieneliciol than in others; and among those
.may be' named:the to often fatal complaints of the
stomach and bowels, such as Cholie, Flandenee, and'
' Indigestion, for they' tire not'. only a certain
huttan irionediatecure. , - '• .
;. I ;.ilOs..w'kD'rknoAvnAihit.::_trotn'Ahe-dliitrrange'nlent - ;OC!
.the: stoma and bowelN arise.fiine.tentlis all the
maladies Of adult and declining life,; •thAt ,
this is the
foundation or Flatulency.;Spasmodic , Poins, Indiges
tion, Lois of Appetite • etc., Anil that those in their
tuns give birth to Dropsy, Liver _Coniplaint,- Con-'
sumption, and habitual lowness of spirits; therefore
Peters' Pillii lining the very best medicinewhich hat
ever been discovered (nettle incipient:disenses of the
intestines; are neeesnril'y the sorest preventatives of
those dreadful, and also genernillisorders, which ern.;
bitter life,nnd drag so many millions - to - untimely
- in speaking, thus. Dr. Peters arrogatesnothing to
himself thathas not been cenceeded by the public:—
. Ile is no needy quack or - unknown speculator, who
comes- before thy world ae his own herald: anti wit,
ness; hut is' placed in aresponsibility ofilittiation by .
the•pattlinage3vldeli he. hats. enjoyed. for • years, and
which, is increasing to ow-extent unpiecedented in
thii somata - of Medicine, that makes him careful-to-as
'sent nothing which-is not . liorne out - by the most in
fallable proof, and hence - ho does not fear put
to the test in 11111 , thing- whichite has..promised_ re
apecting his Pills - • .
Dr. Peters :is mostirappy=to•• be-able-to- State, on
the :plitlioritv,of a gytnit: number/of regular physi
'Ciiiis,-tiiiit-rilierever his Vegetable Pills hovel:seen.
-introduced, they hnvenlinost superceeded, 'the adop
tion of mercurial experiments, for their peculiar fac
ulty-in--Sweetening the blood , anti . : stimulating it to .
sacks; end in - giving Steen - id) and'
tone to: .the nerves.-prevents-Aiseate-from_acquirin,
that strength which .must be got under, if at all, by
dangerous remedies.: - .
120, - Libinitilli•eet, New York. - Each box-contains-
40 pills; price 50 cents. . •
These celebrated - Pillaar" sold by all the princi
pal DrUggists in BaltimOre, Philadelphia, Washing
ton City, anti throughout the United Stnies, tho Cana,
-das, Texas, illexieo;.iintUthe West Inditts, and by
LISLE.; SAMUEL WlLSON;Shippenihiteg; LEW
- - DENIG, GE.ORGE CARLIN, Clunnhersbu
— DercinTicr~l~ 183:. y. •
COAS GM Prio.l cc:ERB.
- P
.Doctor CLARKSON FREIMANitIIC proprietor of the
specific?, •reskled upwardit of four years among the
tribes of North American 'lndians, and with unwea
ried diligence used - every means hi his power to ne
indre a knowledge oEthe different ',remedies used by
thCm • for the cure of the sick and wounded; and
more particularly those wfiit - h — tlirtaketo - rprevent•
and . cure the conseinption, and .'complaints . of; the
'breast and luogs.• obserVed • the: Indians were
subject to mimigous and similar coMplaintsto those
of white people; and from their mode of living; and •
heing_exposed to the-inilernen*of_all_weathem.
ninny of their compliints were complicated and
lent. Although ' mciny Of,their diseases were of such
nnture as - woul d, with ripeoplein a civilized - state
have terminated in cOnfirinetlconsuiriptions; yet; du
ring the time lie was With them, he did, notliear of
consiiiiiptitin: -
So happy are they, in their, knowledge of reme
dies, and so certain of 'their effects- 4 when`iipplied in
time, that it may be sai=l uA treeeonsuminti tea
ease never known ',or heard rem"''The
truth of this observation must be corroberatedhy ill
who have had the opportunity Of becoming
with these _people; It may - then be asked why they
arc frore these Complainisl• The reason 18
40 1 11,0W11 - because they., immediately . seek- for. relief,
nri.Wprevent Ulrike
„complaints . which insensibly under
atmn the. constitution, and bring, 'nit. incurable
' •Di Is of direction - ncetitripanj . each hottle,ol -
Specific, . pointing, out in a conspicuous - manner,AL
the symptoms in the difFerent.stages - dtltbesedistres,
sing cliegaiest also partictdat Afrectiens. respecting
Diet rind Iteguneu; 211(1'11°W latleii6 are to - conduct
thenittikes through every; - stage until health is re
stored ;Tor
.viiin and neeleOihrould be the -preficrip
tioneof the ablest_phisitian;icrompanied by the most
powerfultri'edicines,if-hutdirectionstrrenet faithfully,
ridlrcd. to; .;•
public *I e.' informed - that the-'deptisitions
two hundred and eighty.seireil"periots have ,heeri fa- ;
ken before the propnrptaprilies OC'tho
caster; IS., all comp)tteirtmred:Or thej,iiidatdeope.!'
rate cases OVeingatropliton ! '•lno*OtAinictiredelnll4 1
ed - in the bills accompanying theb,o4lK-k• ,, ,j
priee ',a uk hettle ,DPIAN.L
cite is One_lhills,K*l - erieli enveloping tliegennine
SpecifiO is sigiiiitt4lo*. , ,,Vkirkiiint/Prnmarr; and.
Ci•,,F. on bottle
be . genuine, without,
lion l=aving been`.ittOMpinir tohiiniy6
coqii.t4ifFit.4o"s4l'af this tea Yr liiiet+y.
C1../k supply of the above speafie,ie kept - c - anstietl
Ik.foreak• 1 9'4.54 4 • 111 VE. 4, V 14 4 , , !WT. of, Carl isle
and by!: Samuel •Wilean,'Shippeiistnirg. -
',XoY.4.lober •
Lu11111BER:411 1; •
THE subs/miler reisTie . cifultyl orxnal kir.friends
and the ikublie generally, that -he
CoiLand L11111601(tiell., OiEtile_bPol4-0340!1/1**1
lannsuriver, in thetown of WorTiOid#gc , •
' •
2000 Buslielto..;,oopesOk-Smith :
• , 2.. • .
aiiiii;4iriMdri ,
.130 r'4' • .
• Pop d
2000; good quality, 8 ZBf*je, Tight Bar
rcl Slav elf
All of which he- hi a i ittfpw
the moat neeomingdating Persona wnthingt . o
tiurelanie 4ould do vial : by 'balling with ; the ailt•Fri
her, and . e..4l . ackl . hin stook'heibro tligy pureliark else
' bEct:#o.lE:
pi11'9;18.48---41n,•:,:-. Y.': "19.
11.1111 , 13 in
C ' o. '.".• wt. received •
~...mi&stackaf..lPqr• •tllb•a•lot.'of Hcir
For the prevention
an - d:etire op..Conghs,
- sianptions,spittidg of
Blood, and diseases
- of the breast .and
rlungs, tke..
ieceivbd,durlogthiti ,titstyear in the sale of theirM‘.
eliinesOtidUcesi them to, tnake.4stelisivit,preparationit
to: the inCreatied'dematitlttirtlia.tirtiefe,' , - i ,•Nn.l
- tim4ltilitir.;ar'eSjiettielnutliggit-tiParett intirtiarethe2
tie'st•materiali the country can afibrd..".",Their
'Workinen, arc exPerieneediuitl otthefiritichitaeter;
Land theyhave:,no hesitation in shearing; theTartriera
that:titer titiw.tiblti tti furnish .withini article
lint dMitedly superior ta' anY' Other ,
tannufactured in this part of the country.. .
'For speedy mid clibiin..threiliitig; with:envie Ao:the
horses, they lbelieve.their Machine tO.he
Their pricehi the sane as last year, vii: 140 ; dollars,'
70 - dollars in - ask andthetalaace inidit,inanths;,-for
which a note will be required: Thema:chines are in.;
Buret! for twelve montlis,• or intil;tet 'Wall. have,
threshed. two .thousand bushels of:gain,.,..TheY; have
now Serval machines and heady fOr„sale, tivid'will at
all times be ready ,. them , on' tto furnish . them , shorteit'
notice. Orders Worn st.distance . be :pUnctutillY . :
- attended to: For.the teilliaiH 'stun Of , VOlat D9L-'
to the priee'Of die . Ataithineand
Poiver, they furnish thelarder an 'addition that Will
enable him to 'shell his goverseed. • -
. .
To ,
" •
- , o •-• •
. JR.
. •
The trobseribers, hen 1 *" demons of pnbliely.coup
teracting_. the efforts - which4e secretly Made to injure
die character of their n: ine, persons who up
per to he actuated ". hy tin 'kindly fei..lings towaAß
them, respectfully submit the: foIIoWing..CEItTIFI;
CATES to the .
I certify that I, last year, imedvme of thci Thresh
ing Machines maniiiiicturtid by .3,ll.....nrsuly_tz
and during . the season, there wits-threshed, on it
about four thousand builds of grain;;aml about
two hundred and -twenty fiVe bushels of clover,
seed, and I inn Tully satisfied that, for, the Farmer's
-use, it is to-any - other -Isehine, have- ever
Seen in this part .of the 'Country.' I further certify
that Mr. tlearylliirst, eve of mi.neh,hlicire, hid . =
wagon loads orderer • seed stuff clenmil at .n.chiver
mill, and the yield was 22 basbels, and that the same
quantitY of stuff was threshed nu my' machine, and
.the yield-was 32i:bushels: :111i.: thirst is oftheitipin l
ter lot of !Ile two.
Nini 15, 1838., • • • . , •
I certify that, in August Jest, I purchased from 3.
E. Brady & Co., one of their_ AmEiting. - ronchnneN
which l used for threshinggnain for different Farmers,
,till some time, in March last. During that, kriod I
threshed about fifteen thbusand.hiisliels of wheat,tyc
l And oats. My expense . for - . repairs of both.
AltiChine and Horse PoWer,:did not exceed five dol
larsond When. I sold them, (Which was in .Mareh,)
the rrialdiinFy appeared to be nearly as good as if
Was nt the lhne I . bought them, _The wheels in: the
horse power were perfectly sound and substantial,'
and upon. a Close examination; I could not di
',that the cogs had worn rin-the-- sliitest degree.- e l
had; for several years previo u s; been engaged in
thrashing .!with - three •ilifferent kinds - of' machines,
which if fullyiaded, and I miliesitanglyteertify that
for durabiiity, .service and speedy and Cicely,. thresh
ing,, I have never used or • seen any that, in my opin. ,-
ion, will Ay all cialiaiv with the one Iliad I . ‘st. }Teri
unless it be one
-of the - sating kind.-- 7 11-attention is given
to the Machinery, it appenrs incubi:Kist !impossible
fotftniy part of them to get out Of order..
May 17,1838. -
'I; last year, purchased two of the thresjiingtnachine
of J. E. Ilrady (01!C, of Which 7T still . - Inixe,)
and fully tested them. -For speedy and Clean 'thresh,
ing; they are', -certainly, a superior .article, and one
that-is-ofgreat-isersice_to_the Farmer.. 'I riamiletit:
the hest- evade 'eftbe:_kiutlibaNe-eser_ Bern in this
part of.tliecountry.— , ..l..taketmat-pleasure-in-racem 74;
mending it the Farmer.. _
May 1,1838..
certify that Mr. Andrew:Div:risen purchased,
ast November, one of J. EL Brady & • Co's threshing
machines, • which we Gully tested, having ; threshed
_whiutt,.l , ye, oats -4tnitclever-seed on it. I am-fully'
satisfied that it is preferable:to any otb'r 1 have seen
in operation; -- and it hi' nit article . that will repay .
is not liable to get out of order, and is, upon the
whole, an article that I crin,,'with great confidence,.
- ' recommend to the - Farmer:
•.' ABIIAI/Alll . S. DAVISON, -
Sane •
Mr, Benjamin Hamilton and I, last year,purcbased
one of J. B; Brady & Co's threshing machines, with
which there was threshed not less than 4000 bushels
of grain. It is an excellent .stetiole; superior, in- my
- opinion, to ani-of'the kind' I hive es:reit seen.' One of
its Chief excellenceis; that-it is not-liable ; to out of.
ncrlietikititei in recommending' it to
the Fariner:
- .
June 12,,j1833. . - -
Other certificates could have'been procured, but
it Arno deemed unneeessary. Persons who wish . to
inquire into the power and , quality of the machines,
arc referred to those who last year used them, and
particularly to the following named • gentlemen, vizi
Messrs. John Foust,Fre.derickllyers, Ada m Yonder
aw,'Emanuel'Sites, and 'Samuel Hiatt, of Guilford
township; Messrs. John Huber. and John Yockey, o
'Frantz, of •Washixigton township', :Meisrs.' Jacob
/lade, Jameis Mitchei,JameeAllisou,Enuunuel Hade,
Joluillinchley;'. Henry and James• Batty, Christian
Revel arid - Chrietian. Hoover, of Antrim townships
Jacob Gyster,ggi.aad Mr, Henr,y3Yinged..of.Green._
townalay; • Itfn,=,Freiliiiiik Deck, of Letterkenny
township; Metiers. John Rhodes .and Conrad Gold
smith, of Hamilton township; Messrs. William An
, gle I and John -
CapL J, McFarland and Joseph Duncan, of Peters
, township; Ifesars. William Bowers antt - J. Seserist,
of Warren'
riee, of Metal township; and David alunter, Esq.,
and Henry' Winger of Bedford enmity.. •
.. • •• • . BRADY &to.
iChamhertibuig, SePtember 17,1898..
One of the abose,maehinesis to be seen at the barn
`et Mr.- Francis
,Noble, - in Carlisle. 'Any person
wiahinpdspiireliute eau )tave.ltherup ; and if it
doesttot answer thepurpese as epecified, will take
it / away free' of ex pCnse to the. purchaser. There
',lave been upwards 0f , 1430,0f_ them nt& and Sold by
Brady lit within ,15 menthe
_past.' '41.-.11 Amt...
le 1.0 to
subscriber Meek with piimpt.ittterition:
' " "1011X1LVFNIG,'...kcet;
'CI b b
• tam era nrgt
Se . pt
IF O II in a -444 : i 0r 4 j
in s L: C l44 ,.ti ti n ire 'l4 4: -' lll ,. o lo lgi t t' l e ' S t,ti;e ipa -T' ill: i h n e, 14 7; ., - -- ,:::
tut rerlin*/ fib" the. proprietor`e4 c o nfident-.that
:L I
whenl) - ex wil l,a afr " e 117,4: of u
M ifiC a L
i llt u n ,T e d i ' not J , esi e dlylre e,, l.n r . t i:o v 1 l s t o _th ,? :fillv, : tyll_ .
of tespeptabWpersons • 'nfiect- am entire '- ~: ~ 4,
Itheumatiiand other ; paini;; It had . no% !intik tat:iy
b een 44; intention to make it public; -1n!!•• 10 3 .... ^ .t 0 11a.... 6 .4
Itio n t apitlie or his. aai ii- l T il ut t i ' 77,4 41 t o
cures It' has . ', ' it'd , hefeelk it •a T 110$, c , 0
society iit:Ntell. WAck hiiiiielfiyt'lui#P,l.lmlF'glehe4.,
',miry koaiinothd 0 the same time' hayelt :put a
. n t a i ti ,
21 - h 'nil wlthitt theregeh ofili7loo - !)47'lPOSaill s to e
e - ~., i' ',/".; ~.;':, ,-. ~'-'' ' ..
with that ' painfu l 744,'4 hi,liititliiiiit4l'ori)eraana
*tHiihdietle.or !lam.' —••• • ehroted medLelne,
i0 , _ , 14111_,-bOen,,, , pilrfsk•br , u . itis , ,,,cel. ..„. . , i .
but tie ,194101itnglmiltipjeateck;troMlott 11;ntssi ti oe.:
inariMply suifinFent - tti'ittteatitt fin'ir7,e-,- .,. T . : i lri to
jolu s inv,# ;,:, :: :':David„.ilere.,'„-iilrTif.Stibaog h
"ndenuith t ' ' 43 °‘'i hr :i t 418
”' ? :` 1 9 ( 11Kliel;VOIA ,
c . ./t*". -1 ~`!•::.'":: 404-11 „OM'''. : ... .„ ..kinuot youn ,
AarditP44o6r'-.''''"'„, ~P141 11%.,,,,,„m "tk r. , .... ;sn it ohWorliaft
itobii ' rtaZ.Lsu_siaj.---.-.- -- . - ,,... 0 ____
entipAls aglt;:,-"Lv.41.041Teti11a„ati.,7.1,,,,!'f,1.T.,-7v...)
viii.ittiati'cii,gon;s:".LibTon",,- :.... ..'.. i ..„,--.1,..-
: , ±'l 4 4aiisit . JoriAuitOgAilllB6. ' , ,,• -P '... -.
• All '
orders, tr"o4kia . A4tappe hdthrse . d to ; the anti-,
: scriber, Maulti4 6 .bi , mt‘iMk!iii t pli) i . , ;! ) .,ry,7Tt - 7,,
iy#olititlift!lkk att e n ded AV, ''' .-- -- ''''iiiibt§- . ..,.1:
~, ,V o':.uL, n
'..ti .`ll.oL
e - lr.:4A
f ' ' i
' --183 F -,4- W
i''' ,
.L " •
' g -'i s i
.The'abovemedienifirfalt„itetJoiCC,e, ''9.. . ,
ii ; qtl4, O kAAF.,r. ; ,
, _ , ' ; Cirliele S relraarY 2 / 8 3P ^ “- P ,
;. s''', . ;P
1r 1 4 :. 10 ii(o c , 4 ‘
X"*.'atltkOrt,',"o l , l tW -, • tAive --- ADDr.-
oyforni d0t01g,11.)4 e 4 roiv to Olrer to the
4 49 11 014; 1 4114 0 to °A
d O ginerullYt •
et;olAri* tirory tutel in the Drug' line:tsideh I
will,(Onto* br - Whotgaivo or Raul' at the //mot
borsibtovatei PhyaiehuiflteOutitrx Store lEeelioro=
Fullers othOn o tare ettaaectihlly united to gr(e top
ctlV4t t h e4 t i ld:# o l 4o n Y.* High Street'
, „
I,Pitiartit cailsl4 911A1. - kir rott . LOPER;arda7lo — ve
Store • (*pate, the Market Ihrta4 , :fivilirick, Mit
frilltS iiireildjyt!equired 7a
rjC.Oett‘l*ltY, to tvh 101 l few etherilierhupain so ithert
•a, tinih Oyer' OrilVed;:sied• L itii' extensise use for 4 Ur . 5'
• ';' . iti . !, , ) ,, arilius-;:partif-nfitttietietinntli;;Cities,'-iiiid-
Oimai in Maryland; :Vieginht,: VennsylVaniii, phiO:
*e.. - w, - ,itork,Lentooky, mitsoo rri sooth etirObrocAl-:
riin;Peargia ; end Nei)/ Orleans'i which has litten l it-'
~, Hundreds .of persons 'Mid -it, and.nine
,tericases havebeen permanently cured of Dylitiepsia,
Treiiiors;Lewness' of. Spirits;Tal
,pitntions Of the hart,„Uttil lhoie train of Diseases
resulting i ftorillitlisordered.condition of.the stomach
• -- and - liver,Orikleratigement-of,thilDigeitiveifurictinns,
suCh es:General debility wealcne*
.Lerssof Appetilie; Stumßduotationeund,Aciditees of
,the.Stottiacii, Costiveneas,lletidathes,:hultOri Ala"-
'tnlent Mid Cabs,
and ., Children 'Who"are troubled With
WorinS;it.Wilt:,and tholougli vet' ,
inifuge. It entirely Botanical its cornpoSition,
'and ran'y'he used 14...b0th ekes 051 'of - any,age,:iio
' • perfelit safeti; without any-change of ;habit or diet.
It is not recommended-like ,rnostputented Medi
cines its cure,•all but the proPrietor recommends
-it, for what lie begun confidence it'will and'has cur
ed, which can be substantiated' lipy'the testimony of
hundreds of persone, that have 'experienced its good
It Is neatly. put up in pqnare half_ pint Betties, with
• die name blown .on the glass thus, Girlegant's Bel;
- aim of Denial, prepared only by John S, and
his siginitere On a'label, pasted oulhe oUtside Wrap-,
oer - of - each - which 'completely secures iffibm
- being counerfeited.. ' j - ' • - - -
A full and satisfactory Direbtion accomiumies'eaCh
the,proprietor and otall his agents, whiCh are
ed at theliottom or each direction.
New testimony of its cures are frequently receiv
• ed, a few of which : follow this _advertisement, and.
Nirillnv.niord can be seen on the directions around
DASTIp. W: nijoYER: . "
There never was a person who used the
!Rho did not teconimendthem in.terms qf
the most unegitalled prams.— .
lievertheleiv:ther cotinterfeiting- drugy . ists -have
done it are tieing the characterathe.9enume a great
deal of injury's but At la : ln:Med that "Andividuals will
not allarthetosayeti, AO IP lissOsedresilloisqPer•
Suns; whoie a* 'object" te mate; money„ anti who
arepeifectly - careless cOnsetuenee is
.:a matter
Of no AMportance fodielii — vilicAer - dier - poor child is
rescued reoM a • bed of Sickness Unit restored to the ,
yearning Simi of Its patents, pr whether him on Amu
a large -family'rely solely open for. support; is. pee n
_vented from fill ing an cMIY , and untimely 4rave. The
time -MY sOUtUmlid w
u the attle's' kif their Pitt shPn
become blear. tO "their-benighted Understandings, and
„then, is,lmPed . ouileflY” to mPhel..suMP Plo•
seri by tl(o . taa4purity Oftheir'Jlyes
ll,"MithPrlS'W SWent copperplate certifi
raga agency, and has it:exhibited Mikis store. Na:
ser , lMrs.lsofetuuteSP this, i 5 'llee” Lund hive ; seem rein
gtird also Abe character ilic,sgent, bears among his
relloisittpenP;Y-114 must he a miterable - villaiti whir
would place tbe life erx fellow:Creature in " danger for
the ,PußßN,4:l24,4lt,kg
:Dr BreltuteSehti , Pfes* he%flultukAri• c .•
a:_xdrihrtitot r io.:, • ~
mina: 0060- NO: 48,101iiitatitAtinetnOs*". 7 4 0 'st. • I
kelt*. 'Calker tlktrao
nillow porpinasttl,4llY'llAns?4 B ,St Aluuts
itt4, l gOzsvAr_z'VMPS-0,0410:
Ogiti6kenutualirandretles Pills, under, any
eireattstsnoi, -Also chimp when, =you
jpiticlutsc - orsAlimh?ertised,Aggets,"thttc theyhave
Ortineate °"/ ?, A i fltiPt'.o: ll 'i'etntt b Y -14 °;
August' 8
, Juei tetsy,e ;•••
A connitlet4 . , m rp
acithiteeri 4 n4:ailit soakBo
cey l o,4 FreelClo; OW Down
Wins9r: I s o ai), for, soitititpg:o o VO4P! ,
soap for hpautifsiltik,aPO scenting..Li:
111 .0 11 0,(veityttile; sopp;fr9i l 9 - 9r,zinith
rioutrlt , eflittisok 'poop, for shavipg.utenlvegcteble eonp I
fot , Almorid'stkrili 3 O)r Mielp
121 9 11 f4MSo,l3otEjOak 'or i ellu ti'
Tohn - -,l=tlo4ierelrsertify;
that I have been afflicted withinyspepsia-for the-last
'4 Or s'yeays,',whith - has- been increasiiig an me ever
since; to such a degree, that fora or 4 weeks-previous
to using your valuable Gstrlegant's Balsani of Health,
am ccrtrin I have-not eaten one :ounce a day of any'
kind of diet, neither was I able to Sleep with 'any
- kind oftcomfort &ring- this -time, for a - severe . pain
iamy,stomach, in factl had given myself up as
amble, as I hwg,had resource to so many different re
medies without aiTy:kiiid of lienefeit; Int length heard
of your-Balsam of Health,advertised,..l
-chased a Bottle of your agcnt-Wm..-Miller- in Win
chester Va.=Aller .-taking ilie -- -three first - doses I
(*Mind my stomach- to retain. in -tiorae - degree what I
cat, and the painin. my stomach subsiding gradually,
and after using one and a half bottles, I found my
self-entirely liave. - eat - anything I have an
inclinatiOnfor,and:sleeP .well-at night. -was-sur
prising to lee the - quanlity of morbid -matter I dis
-chamed frutm my-steinach,"whichl once inclined-to
believe was thick with it, - --which no doubtrentlered
all diet indigeitable.. - • -
.Given _under Ist daY orrlletember
. JOSEPH - SNAP?, - "
• . _ Living neat .\ =herder-I'n.
. .
Certificate of - . 7llcholari - Wedter..
- This is to; certify that- I bought of agent at
Cettvnburg, several
.bottles of your. valuable Balsam
ofliealtl_t, which completely mired _ me of the
liepsia. I. had'-taken ,much of other patent Medi=
ernes, but fouhd .110 relief, until .I made. use of year_
flalmtit-ofAlealth r -which-affectedL - a=radieal cure, ,
mid do- recommend it to all those Who are troubled
with that:. obslitiate . disorder Dyspepsia:
Gettysbutt , Pa.lsrov. '2,, 83G. - ; •
Certificate from the Rev. D. F. Shaeffer, Pastor. of
- the Lutheran Church,
John S, 01111 cm—bea r Sir. --I deem it rny tliuty:to_
inrorm you that I co7asider . Garlegant's Balsam of
prepared by . you , a superior medicine. . My
_wife' has long been ma. - delicate state - of. health'imid
- of - cortrse - ntr - means - were left -- untried ref-which---we
could hear; myself opposed to nostrums and patent.
medicines-11 nevertheless consented to' purchase a
bottle of 'your Balsam of Health, and do hereby cer
tify that-Mrs - Shaeffer derived More , benefit from:the
it - than . Affifftiniiin is
that if a cure can be effectedos regards the' disease
you mention, your Balsam will, if used in the first
stage of the disease.
Aug. 23,,1896
• Tbisitridieine has been uSetl - by many Persons in
this vicinity, and invariably proved= beneficial.--- • -
:P. S. I used - the•Barsarn laMy , own . flintily and ad
ministered it to some indigent persons and" invaria
bly found it a most-eflicactous-vermifuge.----=-÷=---t
lie must be a miserable villain indeed; who
wouldplace the lffe_ofaffllowiteing_in.
danger, for go of Making ono=
tariircing and selling
Counterfeit Pills liurportlng to be , • •
Brassidfre Veiretable-111ni.-
. versa' Pills
Iste--41utt they are without solissi and Ito - sante=
_ _24—That no -other medicine -is required. by the
public or Irby' not these druggists ,counterfeit
,pills in, the same wirtl'oel 4ci
Shivkly hemline no others save Ilimlreth's Vegetable
Universal Pi 4s.ever efibeted the extraordinary cures
Olaf - these known-;-aItiVIIIMALLV
to have effected. ' ; ' •
- ..'NO r,.
Matirtiony thesphysicians ihrotighm
out the Unite&States has funk: proved the tact that -•
'Peteis'Negitable , Pitts ire the' only. triie fi eegitible,
:whichAvilt standthe test Utionl4o4lllont` hence_ •
•notfon of those 'who .have beenVirs•the , hsbitjor '
usiogiae atlitrticiuoi , riper. imitsktlie•derdiiitisrMatid • •
irritating Attack so getferally 'tidtertitredpiful
Pre ••at,best but.. idovr -
lunctiohs, and. murderous • 'agents. evento,:tbe,rand ,
hale. - At itti triM, most. ofittetn.4inditcmopfregitite---
'effect, and ,sonietiraes,transient ,relief trbut ra ;most ,
esses they ;jure :the digesti re; oTgftn s, aud nu •
resort to, theta must terminate, in consrrned , dysimp.
,It is tr ue that , cathatio
and aputiehfinedicities are
-often required' bid the:nicest discrimination ! should'
always - Im." ohserited In the tieleitiorq, and It this be '
done, nothing: inlifrions nsn - resnit 'Amin their 140
TM produce this- much desired ',residt',..Pr. Peter*
his 'made it • his ifittylir reek
Yourl `to my fin man sn . Reideristit lengfhffi."lrey' Opd
his e. • e s tatiOni. The object'of his - 1 411s is 10 - supgya
cede le necessity of 'a frequent,iecnnrie l jto ininemnif .
purgitiyes, ond to act , a medicine**, nOrtfitn4afl
pleasant in its u M peratio •,- • - - • , • . •
• •Preparo •by d 0 5 .. PRIF,STLYrgtEns p. if.o.-
19 Library 'street, New.
tains.44? Price 50 cents. ' ' . • •
. „
ileadache.. 'Sick lestut
Those who have sufrered, and are wean of stdrerint
friani these distreasingemmilatnts, wilLfind in P.&
TZR I S! rEgrrapix .px.4l„s• remedysit Ones'
certai . otiUtt lirtMeditite in its effeeti.. •
IN DY SPEPSIA they stand an valled -
-many-haveen-cured in-irte*-weeksinfteihaving -
Suffered undeitthis dreadfurvomplaint for Years:.
In habitual:costiveness - they..are , Ifeeldedly superi. •
or- to, auy , -Vegitable - -Pillsever:Yer discovered, One
besides , this they are-retotimended'hystit the emt
tient and leading members of theNediesErtieulty.'
Wit CatteM4o. - Reason*
For using Dr: Peters' celebrated Vogt:. •
• 'table, •
1. Because they are • exceedingly riopultir, Which
proves them to be-exceedingly good. ' ••• •
2. Because they arc composed of, simples' Which •
have-theipowerrteAlegood-in sir -inmtense - liorfilier - of_
cases, without 'possessing the means - .to do,injury in•
any.. . •
•S. Because they are not a quack.m lcine; but the
.scientific compound of -a regular Thysielan t who has
made his of hit life. -
4. Becausethey are, not unpleasant td.take•noridis.
tressing.t.o.retain,while they are most effective :Mop
5. - fleenuse they are recommended as a 'Etindard.
medicinehy,the regular faculty. ' '
' 6. keeping the aptoinin a natural state.
ofaction t they cure almost every. disease Which is
Incidental to the hu.matarame. ' .
7. -Because they are cheap and Portahle, mid will
retain all their virtues in full vigor; in any -
and for any length of time.'
a. Becausei_notwithatanding -theirAimplicity andi
roildness„thdy are one - ofthespedleitpargative_meil..
icines which - h as been discovered. ; - - •
. • 9. Because they are an unfailing remedy for 'pro- .
seeing a good appetite.' . .
Beentisein cases of spleen or despondency, by .
-their-healthylidlueneeon theexiittriTstiite Ofthe
tly,they, have a Most happy effect;_in calming and in.-.
iigorating.-the mind..
11. Because they effect their cures without the -
-usualattendants- of-other pillsi - siekness arid - gripipa
• 12: Because as well as being an rivalled purifier
of. •
the general . system, they are sovereign remedy
for sick head-ache...„ . .
3. Because they differ front the majority of flied-.
jams, in- the ilia that the more they are knowii the
more they are atitiroved.
" 141 -Bet use-as their, application create. o debility
in the system, hey may betaken without producing _
any liindrauc.e. to laisinesa thepursuits of_ . every •
day life. -
15: - Because - when once introduced - IMO a--famt
or a village, they altruist immediately take- the pre..
_cedence of all other medicines in generalcomplaints.--- -
16: Because a number of the-urontlerful cureithey
iaveellifcted, - Can be sulistantiated without - inytmilue ,
means . beieigyesorted to, to procure invalid testimo
.eqesilly applicable to the usual diseases of wirm,
cold, or temperate climates. - • - • . .
18. Because two, or three are in.general sufficient
'for:a dose 7- 4, tbatas is the case with thwgenemlity ,
°of patent medicines-the patient is-not compelled;,-t-
make a meal of them. .
19. Because each individual pill is put'up under
the immediate suyerintendence of the proprietor, so
that no mistake in the composition, or quantity can
possibly" occur through the eireleisness'of, a less hi-
20. - Beciniselhey purifith 7 e ,frame without ddebilt '
tilting the system.. • ."°•, • .'
21. Because, not their' immense pop- ,
ularity, no person has ever ventured to raise against ~
them - theThreitli.rif censers, Which - .would: not-have
been the case, if envy could have discovered in dices
a single flaw to cavil
22.. Bartuse-{and this:fact is of the utmost. im
portance}ladies in '.a' certain- situation may take •
them, (not morethan . two or three .at,a time howev
er,) with Out in the slightest degree 'interring 'the
hazard-of abortion.. Were.the virtues of Peters' in
estimable pills, confined to:this desirable end alonei
-it-would--give - -thenrirdechleditivantage - over - the — . --
niedicinesof all cinnpetitors;ai in' no cases is there•
more danger.to_be. apprehended; or_for: which So .few
remedies have beentiscovered,tur the one referred -
_23.-Bcosiuso-whilethey-areso-efficient-iii-their op--
erations with iidult.they may - al the - same 'time be' .
administered to Children and even to. infants, in small .
,quantitiesdialt a-pill-for-instanceiwilhout
- est danger:: . ,
24. Because their virtues are-ncknoirledgedt to • .
stand : pre-eminent, for "their aciothing . h . ifinekceuperi
Yin* ladies while suffering. hi, Me i n:slg elu t tugeif . •
of life,as direqted'hy thelawg °Mature: °
Decemer 4,-1838.741y.---: • : - • • -
:DR. 1.'.0. , DOOMItir
. /len/ is t: -:-• ' ,
• ,„ •
•11NTENDS 'residing ,
Tierriuttieittiv -, in Carlitde, - ind
would reapeetNllt ofrer. Itii pritfesidouttl sertiees
to the °Mama of the place . ,a u ut vteautty,..
He halLtalteri Orem& at, 'Coliwiet Verreeis Hotel, ~,
where fii - riisrbe found at till hours: - •
Pereon s requestirtgitwill be. Waited .tiptat td their,
• b. Pointer, •
• • 2kfcrencer- Titicrtioni. Mini;
. _VET:Vatic CLThostrrott.±
1th,1411.);# /Coml.
.NOTIOE. , ' -
heeetir rven flitch I
ethers , : _estarnentary on-tie -
catl . of NFilrgOlW.ClirlOoro, !, (104,0 . 0 clzao of
cosbor9ngn Apymiship, cumberlfulLoooOkri
active this ilaylieen in'duelOrtrip la* (if thO Oh
labiber who' iiAdeii tbir tintitiestif4 r taidii
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