• zt:o'../litkfatti.Y. I TeLietable :T,ife ut,r,71,:1.' , • v EPNRCENIX:Itrit . : 1 kO'ON.I- . lt4St: . Aittalliong,i - rOni•ihe . remoteg stgesihnve fnl. ships, ett ':Colnt•nbus , ,only•fothel out . the .iray to America.. ir,fletrirettii-fiiite , Of.tlie great Spanish navigator, 'pea .l,!sl }voce j ooV e 1 ;11.d.0d fo .paddle.about the . .bitores. t r;isc i Bl4oy4li,titot . 4.fe:Aiedicioes. . is but f‘io . ..fe'ars " yeldiired, upon iii tinknoviloc'elin, and '1 liseorered the. lirVtiMls Cilj4t, I:V:115 iii, ieareli tbelr 'use v.as not., .fIY, the nse'pf r have nity p onlassed I,.enilth`e dejected Inile .. ,.heni.ty:and no htnilOss;,bift'coti)innstt.l,vely'•,-fivent,inif, I . I.e.!newocl, can .with 'coutulenee to • thy o wit"' OirreriOn'Oe; 'ilavi'se 'With n . y 6;llocitizens:'' • 'l)deti-the'refidee:tratit,iwoOf that . the , 'VEGE TA B,LE --- -- t r arro7A/D/CrISTES !WC "suitable - to his own -ease ?• 616_0: ir_ty - ,_Otlieey 546 Ryorelway, hundreds' iilleffer - s,frOrn . some Of the'j - no - str - eiwetahl - elibiens "lisq . notrve land,...rollintarili , offered te - stintonv Issf tlie'rirtues of A GOCil)::lrlifir:l'Al3.l.li 'MED& • • • _ . Persons whose . coolitigioo_ tioyo bseo 'nearly volo ';e'cr brtlie ist;strousstieils. Of. •-tlie . doy, .w ill belt:: rae•witnes% tite. s .P:i le ...lied l- AWL - such' lire the true, tourse to,tkrin?,= tient, g,ood . halth. ' • . • • • . • • • :•• • • .1011X4ICEPPAT. INE ril GEI'..TEIt AL - REMARKS RELAI'IVE TO 'MOP FA:rs ,LIFE, PILLS. Ee. PIHENtx un."rEtts. These 'medicines have Ion; been known rind ant...e . ciat,.l - ; for there extraordinary and - in - s - in:Tdiati - .. F -,,,..: . ors of restoring perfect: hie to person's suffering . " tinder nearlY - eyerfkind of disease to width the'lin • ' Inan'fraine is liable. ' - ' - • :: . - :. . -In many.lnindreds of certified instances, they have even 'rescued sidierers fromthe .very, verge of ad un - ii [nay, grave, after all, the deceptive nostritms'orthe ';day had Utterly; I;tiled;•and to many thousands they ' . .. have pe'rmanently . secured that unitorm,enjoyment of -- - . hedith; withinit Ivhich life itself ii lint n partial bles, - sing:- So great,indeed has their efficacy invariably - - and infallibly proved, that it has appeared scarcely • lass than Miraculous to those_ who were iinarquainted , With - the"beautiful - philasoplficial - principles - upon - . •_ _ which they are compounded, and upon which they eon .!-• :quently ace: 'AI was to them manifest and. sensible netion . in purifying the spritets and channels of life, . • eta! 'enduing them' with reneWed:tcine and vigor, t h at they were indebted for their name, which was beStoWL --- - .ed upon_tientat AliesPeritaimenti_r9siesLOLseseraL ___... • . • ilidividuals.whosc lives . theyhad obviously saved. .. • 'The proPrietor rejoices Mthe_opportunity afford ...ea by - the 'universal. dial:mina of the daily;Wells, for - Iffiscing--hisiNEGETAFiL - F,..--.LIED-PILLS--within: the knowledge and•rettch of - every . individual-.in. the. • . cominuitity:Ublike the host of pernicious queeks.- ' -ries, which -boast of vegetable,ingredients, the Life . Pills are soiclxvegetabk,,zind contain, neither Mei., „. .eery, Antimony, Arsenie,.bor ally other mineral, in. .... • any form whatever. 'Fhey-aro-entirely-composed of. 'extracts from rare and powerful plants, the virtues of . Ni.llicli,'tligicgh long . known - to several. lodinn tribes, _,. ; :fifiLrecently:to•soineeminebt placianneenticaLchem-.. .I:4ts,',pe Altogether unknown to the ignorant prefc,pd -4.l'S to IllCal - OA - science ; and were' never before - Id- - . ministered in so happily, efficacious a combination. . . The 'first operation is .to "loosen the coats of the stomach and bowels, the varimis-implirities and ern - -- - dities' constantly -settling,: around- them; atur-to re= - • move the hardened faces. Which collect in theeonvid • . sions_of the small intestines: Maier inedicines par . 'tially cleanse theseiandleave such collected. masses S --- ' -- hAiiitl, as - 1,6' pi. - edite - e - liaiitiial - e - eisTic - ens - C e-Wittt.-all - • :its train of avail or sudden diarrlicea, w . ith its bumf ,' 'tient dangers: This fact is ulell-knowii 0 all egular .--", anatinnisti, 'Who: eNaminirig lie - limn:tn . botrels -lifter • death: lientethe prejudice oftheie well ,ififorinei , F -- - men against VEGETABLE , LIFE PILLS; is to cleanse the kidneys and the bladder, and by this means, the liver and the hings.thehealtlifut action' of . 1 which entirely depends upon . the 'regularity :of the urinary organs. :lite blood, which takes its red 'co • . for from the agency of the flyer and the lungs before it . passes into - the heart,- being thus purified -by them, .and nourished by-food coming from a clean_stoinaeli, . courses freely tlieougli the veins, reneivs 'ever's-. part 'of the system, and tigumplaffitly mounts moiunts the - lianner ho health in the blooming check. • • - - ' The following are among the distressing ru•ietrof human diseases, to which the Vegetable Life Pills. \ are well-known to_he infallible:-:-._ .... - . 2 :-.--'-- . DYSPEPSIA,.by - ilioroughly'cleansing - ."the - first • and second . stomachs; and, creating a _flow . ofpure,- :healthy' bile, instead of the •stale and acrid kind ; • ' ' Vfatulency, I'alpitation - cirthe - hea.it,-Lo-ss-of-A-ppe - the, 'lleartbuen . and Head-ache, Restlessness, TO lempei.,•AnZiety',.Llngiuir, and 111elancholy.; which _are-the-generel:sympteinsof_Dyspepsia,wlll vanish „ - ..:as a natural. consequenee of its - eure...., Costiveness, , by cleansing the wholelength - of the iiitestioes with a solvent proCess, and without 'violence ; all violent . • • purges leave the - bowels Costive within” two slays. Diarrhica and Cholera, by removing theilump - acrid . ' - 'llnids by which these - complainti , are occasionded; and by promoting the lubricative• secretion of the Joitscus members. -:-Pteance.y . of-c4//-kintit. ; by rector . . lug the bleed to regular circalation;throngli the pro- I cess of perspiration in seine cases,-tiffilf the through • Seintion of all 'tritest' nal obstructions 'in °then's:. The . ?.I FE PILLS have been known Inouye Rhennnutism • Abermanently in three weefa, and Gout in half that. .-, . • time r by removinglocal inflamation from the muscles and ligaments of joints.. Drophies of,all kinds, ' by freeing and , strengthening the kidneys and blad der; they operate most delightfully otilliese impor tant ' orgims and 'hence have ever teen 'found ii . cet , lain remedy for the worst cases 4:lE' • Worms, by dislodging fi:om the turnint . els:theLslizny_matter_to,_whielethesepr. , ---. Asthma and ConsUmption, by relies iin; .s . la of the Mugs from the mueue, whit ` .-- et Tels .. Broc7E.fisnifl; - IfiliirtilF7flarl. - Fitii . • ha -defied, ' and ,produCes '. those • drew. Scurvy; Ulcers, and inveterate sores,. by 11,. purity . which.,_these T Lifeillaxive to_the_blon,_ — .l:4the,liiiritOrs;. Scorbutic. 41 , 4)i:ions, and had cm.. idexions, - b&their alternative effiect:upon the fluids • that-fecal the sk4,the morbirstittezef. which Oee4/... NlOllB all Eruptive comPliiiiit,'Sullem;Uloudy; and . otherdisagreeable Complesiona.'• The:use of these • Pills for a very short-timeiwill effect - imintire --- Cdr& ofi - Salt . Rheum, Erysipelas, and , a' striking' improve-; . . anent in the cle,arness of the'skia. Common'' Colds. ..•,, :mil ,Influenza, will always be cured'. bi'one doiei'Or ~ • Ihy,taro,.even in.the Worst cases. • - Piles,-=-as a rem°, . sly for this rebet'distressieg . and olistiiiate malady, the `‘ Vegetable Life Pills - ileServe at distinct nod emphatic' . reeemthendation. It is Welt kiaiwa - to• hundredsin. - ' this city, that' the Proprietor of, ifiese invaluable Ma • was Imusilf . afflictedvitli.the complaint for upwards • of thirtg-five.,t/eura, and he tried in vain every rem ' ctly prescribed within the Whole compass of the Me -- - ierfa Medici: : - ..tie however, at length, tried the nied ,- . *ohm which lie tiow . OfTerS to the public, add lie Was eared In a very short time, after_ his.recovery had , Been pronounced not ,:only improbable, kilt absolute- ', lyimposhible by any huinan means.. -' • -, I • ' DIRECTIONS. FOII:USE.- , -The Proprietor of - "ilia - Veyelitote - Lffe - Pals,ilnesnot follow the base and . . mereeiuiry, practiee Of the quacks of die day', in :idyl-, - sing persona to take his PHIS in targegnoutitus.. -•-ro .„.. good medicine . psti - Pos - Sibly be so. required.: ,These '..„, IN.p_LIN'QUEEN''HOTEL'' _____pills-iirelolietiken-athed time every mghtifort. s - --;,--,-.--- , ~, . • . - ..,,.., - . - -o .. - . -. •, week . Or . fortniglit,'aCeofding . to the 'lliSease:: The' .zotr,l7 , ', rAulyrn-_ . . 97,TFt .7. , PHILADELPHIA.,,. , usual dose of these bitters ialialf-wwine.glasi . fill1;1.1 ' ...,..- . to i l, i7 . - . 1 , 0411.16L'E,:1a •.-.... ".....',.'.: * 'q In water or wipe, and this quau l titY-may be takc . n.j.wo i - • .. er three timesa day,abont lidlf,3oloiir before - Weals, , : ESPETAlLLY...inforhia..htiefrlCnilailad AO' . .or A. Tesp snantitt trn4 , - t Pe . itnkett_ . - nt ;nII :times. •To publici'tbnijielini;reinokrd: &Ora. AIM 'Western ' 40 - 2° .. lets ii-Mar ' ket'street; tO that:llAvnii'd'iininuniiiitiin: thcosi ylto-nrF ntllictcf Nv,itb ind.igerliOn . Aftee ;tn.ri4B;' , l i• r.e..' 1.,• ke t . he-A4 ----- It:mi ~,- w... - - -ix„ t h e -_:- -.- these, bittere'ill iik'ci,w,:inval ' unble,ne they:Very grvat z - '. J.Q.e..,... : . - ':ri..., P. ~ , , , 745.. 7 , ,1 . ,..,,,..,0-9 -- ,, v ....,:. , : : :,. , ix' i 4 - ci05 1 014441et , 9? gr Id i 9 * .riPSikl.'YAse-gra's.helP: -...'----•'-'. -': -,- 1114,1111111.A ., 111, .-41tv1-.EAT N. :I:0 :-, 5 - , 1 ... ,,tl i 9 "" tQlie-116 " IM P Irjunc " nli ' 119(1 P l.tblPll ! °. " ° " 'Thus lager 4. nitnatedAn•pb*Fok , t4:4itr.ookn-c.• .7, i_ rn ai i, a ; e 4 , .. : ll..e r mi ° 4,l7,,liirdis , c ; 16 0 -01• 11i „, - 4 4 „ :1 7,; -1 1-4 , 7 1 4 4 4 , e g l i o d o y i4 -: E 61 : 43 6 7,4) , ''.t.;;Ween:."tifniket andliestriat'streete;:iitlhelei.yiMiiti 4 B. of the'binitiCiatiart or the; city; iind ;,illl, tlierefOrefie. vads AppetitcsAstoredi-01;Altqmouths ' ol. the Rbacic -'• , iftiiiiid' , .Ve ciinV nieUt -kor ' ' ithantsiainE.binintas ? ; - beott,*en§ehiltyitorcleny4o,., toltrition , in.:,rocilitnte4, -, r -ii...... - 6.,,• r yi i „. ,--. °.,, ~ : ~,•••'1,....,.. .. • ..,...- ~ -.- . , --. ; - - A da • strength .or .body.,enoigy- - of.. mind. ..-iire - Abo:i- ~• 7- 16 - r:l7-..P': . ",; , '-;i,.14: , ,:.:.. • .. , ,f 4. -r .::: • ..' •_, ...,,,.... ,a, n.e onnuango nave peen tnorongiksy AUCISOMpIqe. • ._, happy -iettlattl:LlTtlit"-:f9Ftlie.r,s-'l-:P.R......rth2,11,..Lir.'L.',%,,,,P,..,.',,„-a-. '.l,k;:i•v i i tatoniy;i46 , .'iniviiiiiitii; 'l& fii) . 'eeise... ts•-•• . PAT..'S' I2I PTOZ A , B iiii.d. ; r.r. 21, r 4 'N. 4 • 4 ••• :, . }11 1 1 •!;.F 1 `"'-+''; betii npaeedloi':lin , angink - ':riud;fitrnishink the'ioomn : opiAt 4 -^ AtiPAttkfra l cfmn,.c o ; ll ‘d• l6 "Bi'Oulvvti3T"-Nel.‘", 1,86'14 td,..Orintotc tike.Obthilirtnittioit ' ').' - Oer,if theist Itork;•iltereilini'V.Plo'Can'be - Obtained for - 25. cents ) , 1••i' • - .fii -- -n• i• •-- -. 4.,....,-,Yq!trit 3 - -..,.1.„ ~.. • o may var. lo *gunny Atli their custann -• •.,• . . • ..50 . ,, nts, 0r.51,,,0,b0x no ~el, q . Bitters' . r 5 1 ,.... r, Gentlemen , " :. trar9. ll snitiiitltiliele : fOkiliey'fitik,Wk . • ,la per - ifottlecjllsiu. print*. :. ecetific nteict ; o l k l yi,o l4 , l 4.*N o i,ith ri doi k t : Tl fi - n, 6.71,4i t 7 - t ika. • : 4; 1. 1 ..svoliderftil7efficacrou'liothAtitifdt-eihete. in lu be ‘ohntilbel,mittoil:(ol - * .: 46'pitt ,wfieraTt ift -- T - ,i'• . Ah* . eiiioy - .- in .some 'Obitinatirnliigh nAWlteitsroesi,of . ',Oti c.- ,•i t .i, z ; .. ii i a i t -wow- A; - AA A ,. - - 4,1,„ , - - 0 4 . 10.-L, • - A w - And` initardat.orp"Rtietiuni.piveicifirioijii, i , if: lon g' .- ni , in i t y• f i c i ii,. - 6Z(4,A4i144:41 . , -... • ,,•-• -,•••., , ~-, . ......0 ., ,f , 2, Fi-ci.2.,cintl'.Aue, 13 .S 6 PP.Peini PP ) iY. ' l lTh 4.'.: l -1 1 '._ : 11 '- i f a ...t.- . . T Ile 11A 14..nrid ' .0E1:UM& liikve':ll4rueetl - . .froilt4e-ufre o - mercury* vcirlins,.'o l . l 4 l ;„P s t., (kft r ',4„ , e_c,a i e 3 "••• with tlie best , LlQUOllS,and,thethefeas .wiN ES of ' . - .., .~ 6.lliink steirlifitV;- it-may -'be, _f6nr4i"iir.o6fiaal'OP:ulP :I::Uie.iiletivintionii-'',-.':''''-''''" --"'''' ' l'7"-=-both,the-Lire-Mll6-arkti-Phco4!ili4O's j!AtIP-;*-BW'' ...ZilieTrAglLE'Nr"iii' .l :l4iiiifiiia:!iiiefiiiihitieiii;tili: ' ." before incommendeg.. , - v' , - -",„:,.;,-;.-, 1* , ?'•;";'-',":••41 1 :- ri•*- • •.• ' • - 7, ~,, .,., • - ~,,..,.,-, ; ' ' t . fi . - If"' ';frigPill - - a-1 -Dm- -' 'if • '''f, , , • •s• ,, -- . I f•Frry., ilet l ,ooYlvincit, , tho•geago4o.,•an(r,..oporket,,ran-.-soi, - • ..... s— ,: 6 !". ',•!. ko • • . Pro . .m,) , - '4: -. , n= er -`-'Tofil -Anil eTrorr"o.k . rtloil : ' 1 4 N i 'l i tgl aollll'. 'ooo- 64 r .: -- . 'ciiiio.Thilt . Of.Viiystem' jafiiiite , l . 7 l'Oeufi'.4ll4lY,4 ir: Ei,.o,rt?; l •= ;-'. • - -'• -, -•,- ..'•,-....... . ~ n' .... 4 3 , ,.. ..,•,• •. `.,. • ;•-:.- ....,,,., I.;'' .. ;,5' l' iireri . 'neilld‘ 'nod' 'pre:O. eel. in'tenin-; •" 1 - o • l 'Lgole 4 s• -,'., .--,... ,• •• •,-, - •....-.1.• i•-: ••=;• • • •:4 , ,,,k, 4 ~,„:,,1,e,,,- . , ~: • :, ,r ITt 41 AS-, , - , j = P t , . • k :.' tr ,. '4 . '' .l '''.: , '. - ':i:TlieltEADlNO. , ;.losol4.63'nr - e irrit fiupphed..With • '4, ne•O I O: 4 I IB IP 7 Z,Pr loottO gie ' - Irill. of f gd'fw . F 4 'fir-fitiol4( in'ormilo,ot diPt•i:iit'biiteliiiiiqi) iii'lacii . -. herrOaP#.olo,ol,esi4,B.ii:74‘lt'fi..B9" 3Vl4ll46e ' t a ; e lZ efirgieti. i Ortlii 4 ;llo. - iiiitiYAOtiiii'4l l o tilie ''- 3' - ' . '. ',Pi.0are0140:6714.0141.40P14.81/.44tli'ity4l(l-*i*b,j''''-, -46 e ," URVANTS. 41 0 -- li7niiiid'nr - rfnl'nlid•• iii;' i i„ - - -•v46:oote- fewilfr.o r - ,, ,,t103itt e -rojelginiCiln:ic,ln, 'all ~k-' 4 - - ,..-` , •=.•T -,,,t;;1, , ,-..10,: , ):'''' ,, -," . ' ,',"' '-', ""'' r.ill'e'!*4'l 44 4, Lifiti"..".::;..ili:6,,'-0.11;lie. ~,i jik. -. 1 , 1 4 7 . ii . .u , / 4 0•Ci t P0 1 -.'7. . -Atita! " ebeil tii : file hotel ire xery' ' 'titrinihre iSlikliq,S - ",A = - ~ • Aticpt r .g . tb.p emigre itOlu'in4, , falicf TSBEPrP'I , ''''''l l l rd .` ''' ' '' li . N64;iillitt '' . ' ' ' '''-- .' . .-' ' '-' :;ir to '6' . 4fr.,.4..' •-) - ' Ai - 1 ,1,•' ,1 ,4 - ,• I.,'SAI en tg....:49.,liennn)tniX. In - lortio r pu • 4ti -7 '''. I",,„ra" ,i;'_'„. l !- A . -, , 1 4' , .,N . -•, . , TV , ... - f,I I IPII•o , Y : ' ."''' }finder the- stioetintendiOednt careful - 4iitt - titteiiti'inl . .:.•-• p A!9l/1 e'-' SI P;" - ':: . '" , :`; .z. •• ....... :: - -`•Ti'l .. ', s, • -.- ' ,. :41i:. , ?:',(,-4P!.:4 - .4 l . t i a iie rs . - ;.., -. , , ,c . ,.4, - ,, , 4.11 ,• - ..."1i:t tf . .: „.' ..- :.5" -.. ' - ' , ....:: ~.." , ..'•:. 3 . ,''i -: ' , Y,,,, qt; ERIP - :.ot-lhq;l.OOT.A! Pt & - ptira t),T,T , ,,:: :; *, 84 . tif , i • iiiii- 1 - , ..44 iii.,; 4 i i-' ,,,, men i fO' ',lgnuaty6B 4E1,39 ..,, F'. , .. 0 . ~,,,,-.,,,,,,,,:•.,,•'.-.. "-.-:.. , T.!. '. - ,; rib , e,verp liberal encourigeinent liertartirA;;lernelvedi• ,dpi• ;,,,I, .1..' ",, • 46 ;t 1,44, ' , ''' , ` .- •'': , *' - "'''''A'''''°'' : ' l. ' . ''' i1 ... f eateling!ottiffi ttlltt; ( l4 - Itt'''' irilif4tAia guests. , . CC:... c -.• _ -• , • ..... , ',.....,. .. , ..:-' , ...ed:'''' 1, ,, •" . -''. -' ---- - , -'. Ata r Olf: , I r '‘' •, 5 :s.i: • Alf till 16itor ow VeMislitiYritameretrOkir, 1 ~,rroff rt - P 4 l9'neDifiginialtirlite irktiksittiti: ill OP .Xtilt ROdairateboOplile.,./i40,1 ai:, 1 4 :14 , :dei . Cul We , ClOtober IT:18118.....;1411 : ;416. 4 I►`:•••ti,•:.4 .. 4- 42 : ... ,„? •;, ;7, r, Mr' .r.r: R.Z,fttisla 3 'er:' . , • ~: : , .01, 1 ?„tea,:i lo genii• dittrOlslt • -2114610110* Zalljaii% ta ''' — d' . • • AN OPPORTUA. !atm ff•ere .cr Bopp smg A - iolitsolves with. OCIDCOCK!S : • : tat/1W •- •• : .; • ••• • PLOUGT eB g7l bee:"ar4irle. ever °Pita 'fr.ihiParrikftitikl • 7 "thireeetipm-of-thi-,State.i----- 1,, i • These - Plotighs•Svvill not eliolcu'imr carry ilk:, and the draft is a bout one-third less than ihe , Plough,B here totbre in use, two horses, doing the worliA: three, be-' sidesn. great 'saving in time and , ,vpneyjn keeping ilu•rn in repair. point and slw ° rerpad be put. on in live minutes, ,aistl..hestdes must only gs''pents each,' ,Autl Om dull call be-turned anil-reOented Until worn= ,put even their wilt be fakeil in: pnetliiiy;fcir . now ••',. The !Wilt-wing named persons are nmon*those who, Nave purchased and - used the above Plotighs duringlhe, In't season, to whom F 111.11114% are refer retifOr ntion respecting shein, • •Winters,'• John Arm strong, Supitiel Strickler; John Little, Henry 'Betz, lilyder, Philip Miller, Mr. Asliway, John Ktines,.Ennicm Elliott, Esq. Letlerkeuurt;- \I Mine' Grove, :Daniel Kremer, Mr. Shields, :hone Besore, John Miller, '..Kbraltam [Mover; John nodes, Benjamin Hodes, Samlitodes. Gitqford.Hrhilip .Tames Dunlop, Jas. Ptir..; : _iiitnUe,.Mr. :Pinter, Joh t 4esliet‘7George Inc,re Jo, seph -Wingert, George ,k ;tterhoof,' Mr. Itatigy, Geo. Dull, William •Ilvers;,l tti B. -Cook, Sam'! man, Henry Qeorg (~•Peter Baker, Green.—Jacob - Oyster , Simnel Jacob Alexan der -Thomson,' Henry Wingert,, Martin Wingert, Charles ITetieh, Alm Smith, Mr. Clark, Mr. Soluher- ger, Stinutel Lemy.. Soutluviiptoit.—Saniucl l'homson;:foint Orr. ' St. T7iontrts._-_74actob, Shirk, Mr. • Gallagcr, Johp_ We have also secured the right of Adams,. Chip itcrlantl, and.-Dauphin counties,. and'-thit following gentlemen in Adams I ine used the Ploughs during the. - past seriSOw, to whom-Farmep in, that county are "re - . _ . • Xehr Two Tarom.—Sainticl . Dorborltw; Toselih Coshun, Alexander Illtlltvaine, JaeolrKeller p Esq., Jacob Streuly. '• . : ..1.4//erita-am.-=Frederick Dell; Hintterei;Ton.fitenb - Gisabs .I:o"7.7a , abovePlaligha can always'be had at the. Younrkyqr W. SUMMIT .8t UOXlmmbersburg,:oT I,I'NE:-IN - Merehant,tihrlisle, of THOMAS AARlZlS;.Meeltattiesburg. 'Wherei, 'Fanners whu.itasb,te test the Plough,- will please call. and get them on trittlonal if they will not render full and entire .satisfhetion,. no charge Will be made; if they bmak -it-is at our emtense. We will also pay 'any - Farmer for ally damages or lest of time,.he may .sustain inArving:tim Plough, flM=does not like it at ter trial.. ''There have been sold in Franklin and the. adjoining countyoMwmts of ONE THOUSAND of . theserPlOughs, %/917N . DENIG .gent. • • SILICI9US., METALLIC,: Olt MINERAL INCOI ROPTIBLETEETIt. Is has for many years been a. great 'deSideratar among European and American Dentists,to manufac Lure 7 ceth fromincorruptible materials whiekthoul. imitate the natural living Teeth. . . Manylmve devote'l years to unsuccessful - eperi, meats; and others-hare, sacceeded-.in_ manufactorieg teeth of materials :similar to the porcelain - woreibui generallv.they have an opaque white appearance, by which= theyare•casilY distinguished from the human teeth. :-.L-Afteriong-tind tedious eiperiments, the subscriber has stieceeded in manufacturing teeth of materials en;. tiray incorruptible - 01nd . perfectlpi tte -imitation of Im -raan -teeth,..--They- lavn-a-semi-transparendy r and ANIS made of %among sizes and shades. In cases where ',absorption of the aveolar proCess, or other causesmay render it necessary, he will east of-he. same-matetudalitttachaLto the_teethitutificiat gums, which shiell imitate the gum and supply the loss of substance tt is entirely impossible for these teeth to change their color, or cause 'foetid breath.' - • .He will insert them from one to entire sets, iii such . manlier that they will make articulation of the, voice pert et, and-niaterially assist. in.rna;,itication,'and- so that.they-cannot bOdistingiyiAied front the.most beau tiful natural living teeth by the most scrutinizing ob server.. He also performs _all .tlie Various operations in 'Dental •Surgiery, according to the late "scientific im provements 1 . 11 thq nit , . .._. • : F. 11: .4".W v IPP Surni.on Dentist, - - • F ayette N.A V : cornet' of Charles kt streets, •: . : . - '. .. • ,Baltimore I , IIIHE subseriher respeetfullyinforms the 'Jr tints of Carlisle, anti. , the /public generally, , that he still 'Old Stand, inl9..ohlt Hanover street ; opposite-Mr,& Manufactory, ivhere be eofitinues - to,earry ou Ura• . , .oil,„ Cabinet Iliaking.. -Bulibles • in all its - varions rbratichesi;:lit;lns - lateli: furnished ' himself in - t t.:splendid RE,ARsE; &c. to aeconiritoilitealVtinise.Whmay ;favor him with; n ; call,,:'.llerreturns.his 'sincere thanks _to his, friendS - S 11111 l eusfetiferifOr — ilie encoUragetnent bestowed •on,liiin; and tolicitsll-'CallthratlTlCe of their .palronagre: ; He 'flatters himself that 1 strict .atten tion to business and a disposition to please, to merit and receive a share 'Of public patro.nage. N. B. One or. ,Twn • Joarneytnen Otbinet Makers wanted, to Whom liberal wages will her given. An apprenticerwill be taken tolearn the above business; if well recommended.; •• - --; • . r RACIG,L2 ' Noyemlier , 27, 1838.-6 m." , liirliiiire'Nitieb.ritlit• •••Viith by It ottiParistm 11ii - e• • it- ' '' o, ' rl gi ")th ke ."*9."4 l 4l° ll, l f Atik li t e llll :o", itr l p Pi tr d thPir • ' i.ra , itcOi*ed kin . ' 'i . Pliiliii!eipliii;4l4'm .: f I th I itr... ' .... ' 'o4t o - P-4 1 4- re ....- --. 4 ''ih if i ICndid'liit of tils,y ittv,lttlieo;lactjaa !...o.lliVi,t9;- e. .. 1T.",,W :o f . . e t;t i Vii!!! p r folii ims q "rfain a ..whipe' o f . the 'late it Isz:le, tutele; g+o9 r bola 1 itt. bail% t iii .1,q1.1.....),-;.;..:- i.' . ... ‘,...4, , . 4.14 10,. ~ , _ ..... . ..... qual34,,zirrx. 1 RA, ' -'• - fijii;lo , ,;:: '(,i , fi ., ,. - k . -: , " 0 6.: i. , . 11 i4 :141 , . /: 411 ... '''' 4 ' :- ' 4. ''' ' . •• . --sLi. , :.;-- '—' ,. ...;.c:,:'1.L',.....!......,...'.... .'•^.. ~ . ... FARMERS TEETH. .._r - 1., : .111.*..-V - 4*44 - .01C:t.:P,..g.:10.i.t4f;i': , -4#V.'''W*o.* : l4,4 - I:.#,',#.E.' aziaoalisanolitaAziloato-. Wntititty-and-Yruitt Uomjitiiy of lultrde— ,;. :,.. (,-, . .:,' ~., ' ;:'' fi,4iig':::',.' , ..---, ,! ...:; ,',,.-.-, , .-- '• l' • - . 0 17iii;jig,i0440hr,tiiii-eJ4 . ~':- ' eAt.t.irAt ... , 00.;'0,36#,Ci0ti.;.;7-:::: _: - ...,..:i . :. -,. ..:, -, :thiii4i;e:,:wii:iitt - l'it4. - ,T.:4:-=!, , .--, , i-1---3-, ntim LivEs4,„„t:.!gintOtieet. innrEfulaio; Jiienta' and make contractlqpnlei:ally that Involve itIP -41 ;nithikPilF . Y'a, lire.. .Aeopv7l , itet ; , timuntbniized ti y . the charter, frorn indirldnahl,`coypoilate bodie; tie CliCu'Ra 'Cof.Jy'stiVe;and e*ennte . :theniragreeabli to the dcikYiiiitheliikiltieill,tind reset e Deposita Of money , in,er.nat,itnd On.intti.entL . 1.111E1_.kf8V11..t.NC1.1. , --- .. ,T1 ,tertna'at'e , its loiv 'as ...„ those o[ ofliC6liitlie, INA" ':":'.."'"' — '7 - '''''''''''''''"'. 'Rates, for lialiring . sl.oo.l' t' . .. 9ge , l'o r.l l'ear..: FOr 7:riars • lrhore life ' 1 . • : .. .1 . • ' -10 i ' . -Inniial/Y. .9nnua/ty:. ~ ,;:20 '' 00 • - $0 '95 - '. $1 77 , .-.... . .. , • , .25 , • I- .00 ' 1 12 • 204 . 30• - 1•• 31 1 36. • "2 96. •... . • .. . - ' - . 35' . 1 36' •- 1 53' •: 2 75 . , • -.40 .. 1 00 . , 1 83 .:3 20 45 .. '.'. 1 9.1• 1. 96 - 3`'73 - - • 50 ''- 1' 96 . - •209 , .• .• '4 130 • 55 - ' 2 32 , ...;3 21 , s'',Be7-- Fui•ther information can be obtained by application at the office. ' ' 13. W. ItI.CIIARDS,.Neh, .10111 C F.JANIr.S.; act/Milt GEoItnE.NY. Ast!, Teasurir, • Julie PI, 19.3F.-fiiri u - nly AAct lletnrnslill.sineCre thrit4a tO the citizens of aarlisle and adjoining country, for the most liheralpatronase which lots been . bestowed upon hini, and wishes 'form the-public generally that he. has replenished his stock of Moods, and dithers .himself that he will be able to give entire satisfaction to all Who will call at his Shire, both in quality and price of goodi; as he is resolved to sell low for rash, • . • . • - ,Caltnt the old 'Welhknowd Stand Of 'L. - Harlan ' in North Hanover Street,' and 'examine his' stock of Goods; as lie has a general and complete assortment. of Hardware, Ai—ROB-and-TINE, POWDER, of o,e :beg. vantsy.whidi will he:sold at wholesale or retail. • . He has also the New Candlerland Nails-:—but Olt and examine, each one fbilitintself. - ' Carlisl!„May 14,1838.—5 m. . , 24 , - • • ' uileka, - .e3aukTaa - ttAT well-known:m(l first-rate properki , ,talled no dionnt Ropy- Iron , WOIkS, situated mhottt . Rix unites souttiTeast of Carlislesuld the Ctimbeetand ley 11011loadOutring.nppurtenant.abaut.8000 Acres of line thiikelianti,andluayttuk erected thereon a Fur nace and-• Forge, 1. Stuithshop,:e Carpenters' shops, a Warehouse and Office,:2.Afansion houses of stone, a Bank Barn and - Stabling,thirty Tenements for wor kers, with a streant.of water of great power, sufficient for-an extensive Rolling. Mill, or a National - Foundry; and alit° several tranks of Ore. ' By the payment of a reasonable sum in liana, a lib eral time Aral be given for the.. remainder of the pur chase:Money. L Liaat WEAK!..EY,residing_nmar_Kiddermin - aie - r - will show the place. - ' • _: . /Ipplieation(if,by mail, pps.t pnid,) lobe nrindelo • - ' WILMS AMY -71; —hlarriatin )co. 31, 1838:-111 ' 5 MO mawmuimt wl WILL be offered at iniblicsale`on lredneeday the! Y 9,oth day of Pekrvaiw . n6Y, all that valuable property, situate at the corner oflligh and-Pitt streets, in . the borough ofCarliSle,: late the propeity.ofJOHN WILSON, • deceased. '•Tlie Lot is 60 feet - fronton' High street, and 240 feet deep on Pitt-streettining north to , Dickinson- - There'nre .erectell ' dile .proilerty a TWO . STORY • • STOVE'HOIUSE,:- :.t'; u • • .• with q Stone Kitchen a TWO STORY BRICK ROUSE'''. . 2 with 'several SHOPS. The lot is well Cultivated, con taining. 'it variety of riturr•TßEEs. /Thai: is a never fi~iling Well of eicelhmt water itt , •the- Yard.— This prOpertv, being situated direetly4n l'rant of the. Cumberland Valley Rail Road, ittilte pout vhere the .7p ; it offers the most elettible - scite for a Hotel mity; it is entirely - free from nay iiicpmbrance, SAMUEL r.uxotrr i . Altornii; ftietfor Jamas ,N...1171,r0n. Irallimorit Patriot'', . publish, the !above • week fOr.three aiic. price, unit charge this office.' , „. , • - ..1112CONAlta,1 EA= AND - tSsi Pk:" OtSI47IVS4MITAW.I - 4- - No 66. South !itlintreet _ :CA PIITAL :9 . '.60,000.' Open daily for the:transaction,of business from 9,4, • N..to 3, P. M. • . Deposites Of money reeetved,for which the folloiv -inerater of Interest Will be - alloWed; • •, - ; I year • 6 per Cent, per annum: montbs i ____ __ • . " • On businees tleposites,,te be drawn at the pleastire! of the depositor;no interest will be allowed. ' Unetir. rent Notes of Scilventn,ttillts, in everYliart Of the U. 'States will be reeeived' sts'Special Depcititea, on, sue terms ,as may be agreed on; eackpartieular ease. . -• •. •=•- . • 4:l)ESSAAkiCaahitir • Philadelphia, Dee. jr, _ _ ;Cle4nting Oa Coloring crapes,' .f lllel6:in'pes. and ' ;i : q 4 ; 01618 of all kind B , itlo INUS:;:jkIV . *I4 4 .TVIIT -, itts o EcTr.tllltlefotet the eitiTees efuediloa And,-tts-Ariquity;,tlis4:,, j 64 'cop, ruced.,the oolot , ipkood:rfleotrriog silks ; orapes, *49,ritoe4 : 4iitlrzli*Oyht otwookir s `olho :DO/ ;keine!, Scattritirin to opp'ttrinetieo . l,Y: . :Sh6 oito-pe fouitfl. At irr,rpsillerico Church-Alley; 4'feW - doors f)elowAbpjuriiteiryAiiire of Captain . GOorget,W4crubb,: . Nliere work wilt. 64 jthinkfullyteOefiedi 4'64 executed in a neat and :some'ttuinner. • • tt- • .• 7 • OctoberX), 1888. ,:NOTICE. 1T irvor ils eitiftli d l:s s4 4, stm tatg ti9 :f ' Fra ll th n e kf a lthi tsite lo -d iv a iighi n : hl 4 l , l l e 4l °A o m tb i teriPer'reli4hig Frinkfonfl knives IP/ nil o.eraaiia faxvig e p ata!a*„4lll,Lf said estiwti ;wiir i rrqept *3. 1 1' fon: emeat ,- a,nd 19 # 1 4 e d All,ll4.4.llty*rit_inini iatehr_to • • • IiTAVOrIVIOUNTZ; Whir r . Itpy S3O l g -1' ME . . ~,. , iig t ! ...,,114*;10 - jOhnspi i iilid oti the 29t* i • , ' OfY , Orr g*'i!.itecite . t•totisil.subsorkben la, 4 . dee, or Restitikititfirit , idi •liio:effikti; ihofuding 14 litr iikedektqfp4 . l.oco,u6i 910,„ - giii - boienitiirlie cieditork „Notice is IterebY ViNftfoT4l l l .tliiiialiiiltbted . , to 'llia* allloJesee H. lohnnoo; , or,to the tym of Johrogoo 41 _eltiNip , ini.bood,itowoi-bobk