I 1 IregetaNe •Unwersal Pi l ls. beience slioutd contribute to the Comfort, Health Hit a Opin4s3 of Alankind." On. tlieighteentb , of May, .1.85.5, these .row trey.celebrated - were first Made known i the United•Statcs; although in 'Europe they hi been previously • before the public nearly, a cen ' tury., _ : The American, public .naturally viewed ___them With suspicion, brit - as on - .trial they_ were. -fountl.What - they :professed; it • W' 7471: ..:the!-:reatest confidende. 'ln fact the many. "'persons who have commene - eil 'With them under -r. the-mostiAryiiig.'-cii - curstanee:s of bodily afllic; tion, wherCevery other ' -beans and meditin, the e-leitf` - _. proved altogether unavailing, have been restored o health.andtiappinesss from their use, and --- , -consequence---is,--they-are-now-recomnneMled hy, thousands of persons whoiiithey.have euredOf ...L - _Consumption, Influenza, Colds; Indigestion, Dys , pepSiii, Headache, - .Pains; and .a sense of. fullness In the back part of the Head, usually the synip . ' -toms Of - Apoplexy, 'Jaundice, .reverand . Aglie, Billions, Scarlet, Typhus, yellow, and common --:- , feveritufall-kinds, - .Aathma ' _Goiit,_lllietimati_Serl, . --- Nervous, Diseases, Liver .Complaint, Pleurisy Inward - Weakness, Depression of the SpiritS," . Ruptures ' lnflammation, Sore Eyes .Fits, palsy, - . Dropsy, Small Pox, Mea46`, Crinip, CoughS„ Whooping' Cough,. Quiriay, Guile, Cholera dylor-: liik, Graver.Werms,..Dysenteryi:Deafness,..ltifig= ing Noises in. the 'Head, 'King's Evil; Scrofula,' -: Erysipelas,. or St. •• Anthony's Eire Salt,Hhettm,. White_Swellings, , lffeers some of 3 ' 6 years stand ing, Cancers, Tumors, Swelled Feet and Legs, , / Piles, Costiveness,' a ll Eruptions...or _the - __Skim _.-Frightful...Dreams,_Female comPlaitits of every ' kind, espeeially,obstruetions, relaxation ' &c. • Although Doctor B. has enumerated by name_ ~ _„the above diseases, hi is nevertheless of opinion with • his grandfitheri_thelate celebrated Dr. Wm: Brandieth, that there is only ON E . DiSease, an __,_ litmitritysf,the blood,_which_liy_i_ropeding.ffie i circulation, Brings on-inflammation, and coil ez • quent derangement in the- organ: -or- part ,where such impurity of the Wood-settles; and that it is tie - different. -- appearances whieli - this inflamation ~7 , •0r dprapgepjerktputs„oo, ,thAt_haxesauled„lineit.ki-, cal men to designate Such appearances by various names, but which are in fact, iiiity - the — same this-, --ease,- -with-more "or - less : iviolence. Dr. Win - ' • - --Brandreth was so , ftillY' 'convinced tifthe trutl*of the above simple (beery, that he spent thirty ' - years - in experiments and laborious research into • . the medical properties of- the numerous . plants <-. composing - the - -Vegetalile---Kingdom;-his- object I . being.. fo -- eciinpo.se - -a medicine .Wliieli 7 aliould 'at _. . once-purify, and -- prefdime r , by specific action, a remoyarof all had humord from the blooiLby,the stomach and -bowels, as by the continuatioit o ,the use of - stich'i-medicine; such humors- are sure to-be- carried off; , and the blood assume- a state of. purity; and whoever takes these Pills, and Perstcycresiiith;--thei* will be satisfied that Dr.,--WM. Ifrandreth fully attained his philantlio - pie object. ,It , is now an absolute. aneknown ,-, • fact,lliat every diseas, - ,Wlietherit be in the head - r --- orfect,:in - the - braimorineatiest - -memb - ertivlrether -- ithe-an outward uleer, or an innsard'abseess,.are -- ' -- .11;--ttieugkarisii3g...11;orn riiry.,,caiises,... tcsittellite.._. - t o this one -grand effect, namely impurity of the „: bleod. •-,--• . . - . - _ In alLeases they will he found .a safe and sim -pie remedy yet all powerful for the removal. of the disea4e, whether chronic or recent, infections - % er btlierwisef and what makes-them, particularly adapted for thiS country ; is that there is not 'the. , . slightest liability to cold when taking-them, in --- deed the System • is.absolutely less susceptible of . - cold” when - under' their .influence; than at any other 'timei - therefore in this climate they . 'are in- T - filitable - -= - Neither - do they-require,:cliange.,'o - -diet or care of any kind. - Ip England these Pills _ • have been 'the only_ medicine of many- families _,-_for periods varying_froin forty. fii.sixtyiyearh,-aed have_alway_s_ proviaLefectualmin-restoring--health _7_Thereveanalieration- rn it occui i ed. - - • NOTICE. - -Anconsequence_pfithe numerous_ -. .- 7 —eottnterfeits-for-sale in the Drueand Chemical. __...... §_tores,, : the.public are cautioned - against,purchas, - _ ing of -any person except the accredited : agents. Security Against Counterfeits. ' Dn. liairrnnern has adopted -the following plan to secure : the' GENUINE Drandreth Tills to '— the public... Every aitthorized' Agent must have a Certificate of Agency, and it will - be - scen'that .v.,. a ou'bte orgery MUST be committed, before any eca procure aforge&Certificate, and the - - person is mg it his possession is equally li de • ;- with the forger. . A The followiog are the appointed agents for ' this vicinity, viz: Wm. Gilmore, Sliambersborg ; Jacob.A..Winvott, Gettysburg ; OGI Lin' & HIT : NEI2, Carlisle ; and Wm. Bell, Harrisburg. Dr. Brandreth's officers for the 'sale of the above Pilliare 169 Race above .sth street, and 34 Chesnut street, Philadelphia.. - 7" -- AroTy - 8, --- 1837:=74 . f... _— • a=Em The Directors of the "Carlisle Savings Fund Society" have this day declared a Dividend of 3 per cent for the last six_ months, on the stook a and weekly•deposites. " By,order, ' •• October 3,1837.-3 t, • _. NOTICE , itiretioi given, that we the subsCriliers; re - 2 in -Silver—Spring—townsitipi--eAmtberlatid.- county, have thiszday.taken out'letters of admin. 'Oration on the estate of Henry Coover, Jr, late :=l.ofzsaiktownship;_of:Silier - Smog and - county of Cumberland, deceased ; and we hereby request all perions having claims or demands against the estate of said decedent, to make known the same to us without delay, and those indebted to the • • estate to make payment - to . ." ,L,GEO. V. COOVER, 'JOHN COOVER, Administrators. Oct 23. 1g37.,, Attention-Artillery! You are ordered •to parade on your • - usual- grouted on Saturday the 18th. • • b of November next, at 2ro'olock,V.llll. V: -in Winter uniform arms and ucc ' "i. manta in good. order. , . • By order of , • • E. BC BIDDLE, Captain. R. A. Norma, Q. S. Carlisle,'Oct:24, 1837. 14, B. The Annual :Court of Appeal for said company. will be held at the house R. &. C. Macfarlane, on Monday the . 6th. day of November next, between the hours of 2 and P. M. E . : M. Biddle; Captain Attention DfariOns; . ' . The Members of the 'Marion Rifle, Company, will take notice - , - - that the annual , - Appeal - fee- said 1"I' Company will be held at the I '' ' * hotise of George Aughinbatth. Xj • 1 the first-Noticiay, (being the t'. * . N 1 6t ," 'il4";) - Of November next, . , o b a w ac e k en A. th m e . hours of 8 and 12 -•. L.-G. BRA RDEBURY, — 0,1. , • • " ' Captain. I I ' Oct '24 1837. ' . • -• TWO STRAY-STE .ftS.; Cattle to ttie premises of. the - subs•riber. in — .Allen township,- Cumberland county,-on the 12th instant, TWOnSMALL,BTEERBobout two years old, one of Which is red, with a small white spin in front of the heads the other ia_Ri dark red, with a white head and back. • c owner is herg ' 'by.requesteil to comelorwar prOSic - priipeity; pay charges and take theta ay.,' .•• . • Oct 24,1837. - • ...' . • ' POCKET_ :B OOK ,gpvND _ . foond, iti borougli'of Cnrlisle, olt Tues day,,the 170) inst., witli•tme, five doltar . ,,bill and. -sintie receipts. of importance. TIM owner will pleirse coine foimisid„paptintrges,...prov_e..prop.crtt ty and tiara away fromthis office. YALU - ABLE' k L F 4 STATE By order of the Qrphane Court. of - • berland Klountk: . . 7.1 in purstiance:'of an Miler of the Ophans' Court of Cumberland-county wilt be sold on the premises on Sidn - rday - the - 4th - day of - Nove_mbernextittil.l o'clock A. M., that valuable,faim, late the.estate of Samuel lititiach, 107-ACRES, -More or-less,:sitifittelicStuitirMblilletonlownship, in said county of Cumbierland;'bounded by lands of Thomas _Green George Ege,„Richard. and, IYilliam Craighea d, and others, This farm 'is situate near . the 'Yellow Breeches Creek--has about sikty.five acres cleared, under good' 'fence and in's firm' .state•cif ,cultivation;. ; with a. young , - up pl elifeliStd - of - grafteß fruitand - peach - orchard the "balance of the .land 'is finely imbered I . The improvements are a Tvio STORY. .. , - . .Log . : . ~-;, - plVellin g-- - i-, , .:14,7,k. •• • . " . . _..t . ,,,e . • I I . . - -12 - 07;0 - M - 4 --- ~,17,...... , - Tenant Ilpuse, a •good Log Barn • rind a well of. never `failing • water in the yard of - the,}louse,' •This.property will sold subject to the lieu of a recognizance-in the-Orphans. Court .of Cunabee,r -laml-county_.foi;4s63,77s_cints' .4heAnterestiof Which is to be annually and regulaily paid to Mrs.- -Jane- White, formerly Jane -Rickey,:,widOwAof Thomas Rickey : the -elder ; and-at.her-Ileath 'the: said principal to be paid. to -the' persons legally entitled thereto. - The one half of themining Tbalance - :of_the4ittraltase-money to.beiaat -onllie _. confirmation of the sale, when possessiyn will be delierered—the - other halflo be paid in one year , and sccured_by,the Judgment:Bond . of the pier- chaser: : - -...-. -.JOSEPH LOIIACII, ---------'—.Executor-ol:SamuetLab s adeaeicased. qultober 94-1337: Instiratiee convaiii • Capitaf6oo;ooo -- THIS - Com a • --- still- - continues to-make nsurance-on a p s o property t troug their agency in Carlisle. The premium is regulated according to the risk. AVeraging from 35 to 40 cents, in the hundred-dollars. Desci iptions will bereceived, and policies dated from the day of survey. JOHN J. MYERS, rikent. 'Jan. :11, 1837..--3 m VILIACMAni r- 1014 - • 7 7 dent Judge of-the Court of Comitton Pleai in Lthe.-9th-district r lcomposed-of-thi-countie4-Of Cumberland, Juniata, .and Perry, and-the Ilon, John Stuart and John-Lrfivre, Judges ' of the said CoortOf CommorrPleas of the - to. of Cumberland, haVe issued their precept; bearing date the .15th day of August, 1437, and to me directed, for holding a • . COURT OF OYER AND Tn4.IIIINRR I . . and-GetievalVailDelivern - -BcGeeral Quar ter Sessions of the Peace,.at Carlisle, on the second Monday of ,Nov., 18'37, (twin the .13th-day)at tetto'cicclt in the forenoom-- -Natice-is-hereby-Given to Coroner - 711 - gtice - s -- oflie - P r eateati :Constables- of the said county of Cumber ' idtal,lthat they .be 'then' and there their proper persons with their records; inciuisi lions, examinations, and other remembran? ,-ces-to-do-those-thingi--Which-to their;offices • respeethiely appertain. And - those who - are bound by - recognizances, to prosecute against the _prisoners that are, or then'may be, in the' Jail of Cumberland County, to be then -and there to prosecute against them as shall .be just. Dated at Carlisle, the 12th day of October, 1837, and the 62st of- Arnerre7ll Indepen dence. Assignee Account. OT I C Creby-given f -that-the-Assignee account of Rennick Angney, Assignee.of J. B. Nicklin, has been presented to the Court of Com mon Pleas, of Cumberland county,'for confirma tion and allowance, and said court have appoint. ed the first day of November court, (being the 13th day . Of said month,) for its ;. consideration, and rule,on all concerned to' shoiti cause.why it not be confirmed and allowed. October 3d, 1837 JOHN J. MY ERS, • Treasurer \ I GEO. FLEMING, Proth r y. Proth'y's Office, 10th 0ct.,1837. PUBLIC SALE. OF . L AND. ---In-pursuanceof-the-last-will-of-John-Col Well, deceased, there will be exposed- to 'Public sale, on the premises, on •Wednesday -the-Isth' day of November next; at 1 o'clock 1T:1171. a7v — altrablETFaa - of ^'" LIME-STONE LAND, Situated in Southampton township,' Cum . berland county, Pa.,adjoining the lands of Messer's, georgo W. Himes, Jas. Wallace, Samuel Wherry, Christian Noaker, ' and others, containing ONE HUNDRED and - FIFTY-ACRES i or thereabotits.- The Im provements are a LOG HOUSE and Barn, with a Well 6f Water near ihe.buildings.— A proper por.ion of the land is cleared and in a good state of cultivation. The Terms Of Sale 'will be two-thitds of, the money in and, the other third part to remain prope'r s • ureci during the - -fife-time-of -the widow; - GEO. HAMILL, JOHN COX,' E)Secift - ors. October 17, .1857. /VIM subscriber offers fiat sale the fellowing JIL described house and half lot orgrotind, uateOn the north•side or 3.l4ih r strea in the hor. ough of Carlisle, nearly opposite Mi. George Aughinhanglfs hotel—thewest half of,lot No. 61, •in the plan of said botough=:bounded by Main street on the south, Dr. T. Myers on the :west;,Dickinson tdrey (231 b -et-wide) on the north, and the Wiclow_Creightoti.en the,east,-containin g_ feet.in front and 240 feet in deptb_.,,,Tbe buih dings are a • • • - • • Frame Weatherboarded I I I 'o,l; s • • IN frontingen "Main street with a larg Brick Back Buil iqg, AND A•BAI PK ST4 .131,E, . , ...., .. . fronting on the alley.',..Said, halflot ii; In a hi g h state of introvement;:;witti - p-vorlety of Onion - , , Fruit Trees And Grape "Vinci ! , now bearing. Currant and Gooseberry Burt*, and arubbery.lar different ,k7nds. An , indinpugable titT6'will be givenlii tbk;pur-. chaser. Fdrtlier . partidtilars 'are, deemed • unne;- 'eellsary,, Any persons wisbing'to purthase,' are invited to call anirriew . the premises. • The terms will be made .khodm by. , . - -••• . • JACOTI. SQUIER. August 28. 1837. ' N._ 8.--Good,. ives!ern rlatier on sol-; verb banks will ' by received in,payrnent, for-the NORTH AMERICA MICFIAEL HOLCOMB, Sh'ff. *iloce• ME : - : : 7V0-i-fitr4T1 itiA Itit': - : 7TLI)' . IO.V - .11 . - t . ti .-7.-ck.i.1).X.Z47:7,4-Valiilliik.::;7- . • VALUABLE P,E'AL ESTATE . .• - FOR - SALE, J.. ' A first rate time stone.F arm; siml ate about -6 Mes ilei. wt orCarliile, 'con Ming 278 Acfes, about 200 Acres clear an in a high state ofeultivaticin; the balance i ell li irt • , bered,-and there is .a largc !quantity . of Locust on the place - . . - ' - . — Theinriprovements are - a - ne w— • . " ' BRICKIKOUSE 9 •- --..-•- and tenant Houses, a . _ . LARGE BANK BARN ' • • 'rind two Apple orchards. — There is - well of water,. an . d• several very large 'springs near the,House. The thrnpike 'toad 4orn _J-larp. risburg to Chambersburg passes through the - farnri -- - - andilie, - :lRail Woad passes : nearly - in: sight. ' - Thisbropertr is well calculated 'for two -farms. ' - The abovdpropeyty is worthy the attention -cif-oapitaliii,. as-it-will bp- sold_law.____The.th Ile is indisputable .-- Enquire of. ,/-- •-- - .. . E. M BO B S ' S I E K: I E IM TL AN. .• ~ Carlisle, , Sept. 18, 1837=4w: _ - ,-- ,__ --Exchange' .••• nnortvit -- HarrisbUrg", 'Market street, opposite lo Wilson's satematALkti hip; and sells Notes of all kinds. Stocks bought and sold. COT rmj.ty ZES• cashed, and. all -infOrmation - given relative to =[ GO'l''l 'fsltlliS~~ • August 21 1837. • ._" • TCACfERS. WANTED. . • Several Teachers .are wanted in the bo,' rbugh'of .Newville, Who can teach Reading,/ Writing, Arithinetic, Grammar, Geography 'and 'midi other branches a 5 are generally taught , in _Common Schools, None. need y bat those Wlib- can "Ccitrie - well - recomt - Mended. . TATMEWICENNtD Secretary of the Board of Directors. Noaryille, August 11, 1837. • .. • STRAY COW, • CAME to the plantation 'of the ) 1,`40g - :' , subscriber• residing in South. Mid. Melon - township, on • or ,about the llth'inst;.,_a 'stray Cow, .of middle Eli7.COlii-of-R-41arkrett-color,-010-two-hind-feet- I are white: , The ownermuSt come forward; prove, I property, - pay charges and - take - lien away; - other; ilViSt - shirwill - trellisposed-Of-accordinw-tolaw JACOB STR ICA LER ctolief 2--183T:=4.3W:•- 01'0T10E. THE . subscriberj residing at Ctimlterlind: Mills,.irrNeW Cumberland, will at all times give the highest_pagein - cashfor wheat. • ._ David Reichard: August 21, Trustee. Account. -is•het::eby given that . the - Trustee - Ac. count.of Skiles Woodburp, surviving-trustee-or Samuel - Caldwell - an-liabititablrunkardhas-heen presented to the . Court or Comthai Pleas of Cum'. - bad:MA county,fer confirmation 'ancrallOwatiee; and said court:have appointed - life - first day or No• vemher court (tieing the ritltday_or said nionth - ,) for its consideration, and rule on all concerned to shbw cause why it "shall not he confirmed atutal lOwet---, r! - G1•10 1 FLENI [NG," Protliy.7 Proth'y's Office, 10th Oct., 1837. Estate of C6tistian Coover, deceased._ • - NOTICE. l ET ERS of administration .upon the estate r io Christian CooKer,.late OlDickinson tows)ti, counts', deceased, have issued "irrdue form of law to the subscriber, residing on the farm of said deceased,. in said. township All persons having claims against said estate.will present them, and those indebted will wake pay ment to , • - ADAM COOVEIt, Adm'r. Sept. 25, 1837,-6w. Sheriff's Sale. By virtuet of tie•tcfitiont Exponas to me directed,issned ut. of the Court of Common Pleas of 'Cumberland county, 'will be exposed to public sole at the court house in the borough -of Carlisle on Monday the,l3th day of November 1837 at 0 o'lock A. M. the following discribed jest estate to Wit: A tract of land situate in South Middleton township, Cumberland county, containing 110 acres more or , less, adjoining the the bras of dimes Johnlf j Clure; IVilliam Moore grid others; lea liYg thereon,erectecl a two storj, log .house weather,- boarded, twd small log houses, and a large bank. barniand--two-apPle-oreltards,-and a stream of :ivaier_rnnning through the same. . Seized and taken firexecution-ns-the-properly of Michacl N. Eger-" 7 Sheriff's Of f ice. 4 . Carlisle,-Oct. 13th, 1837, - _ Math=2 l Ur i Wal l in A TTORNEY - A:T - LA - W, South-East e Marled Square, Carlisle, Pa. Election for Bank Diiectors. CA R lASIGE BANK, 3 . October 12,1837, Notice ishereby given to the Stockholders in this institution, dial' anelection will be held on the third Monday. , olNomember..ll.c_',Bt, (being the 20th day,) at the Banking House. for thirteen Director's, to serve during the year then to ensue. " r W. S; COBEAN, Cashier. October 17, 1837. • :For :Sale or Rent. THAT large and well known - feat- lying'one mile west of Carlisle, .called the Steel faim, now in possession of Leidig and Mohler, containing about2so acres, : =l-75 Acres of-which _ • and under good fence, and well set with 'clofee The improvements are a•good " . Dwelling House 1 • .A. trUFZ-TOpin 90 feet lon , a pump'of never' failing water ; an Apple Orcl rd, and every 'other' necessary in or der. Thislarin is superior fo = oc 'ALSOL-Another firm in North, k.,t,letbn ship . adjoining Zeig ler - and Horner `" irs, cOn • mining about.22sacres; a large por ,n-of which iacleared. This tract is well calcula ed for stock; having abundance of meadoWitinl - water ii every -- field. The- improvements 'are, several dwelling houses;lt big barn and still !Muse. ,- • • " • The above will be sold or •let on good terms. Apply to Carlisle, co to-- , • ;•• ; JAMES GIVLX, • Kidderminster. October 2, 1837.-4te 'Flaxseed Wanted • •One,Hundred nushels of elean-Flaxseed—want ed at the store elite Subscriber in South Ilano • Carlisle, Sept, 18, 1 6 7. -B ". C ;: I q ,A N I JETI; - . Shavift . Patent , 171-RE',5lll - JVTG ZIWICHLVE: THE subscriber fading itirchased of W." Blair,;, the -.right for •Cmnbe'rland . counii, of Shaw's Patent Threshing, Machine, .Would inforrn. tho public - that. he ltas . on• hand had' ;Intends manufacturing a gotal.'m teriakthe above mentipned machines, ,at his shop in. west Pomfret 'street, *CarliSle - .; The sub= - krilier - diie - s - riot pit - tend to - sarati thing - I'6=T specting the good clualitie,s of -the ,achine, but.would respectfullyrefer the farmers of this County,•to i anY)of-the-gentlemen: whose• names are' attach&l• to the eirtificate,below, - . - from:Whew' - any iriforination respecting it can be had. • It is but necessary to say ,that . for cheapness, ease 'of horse hewer, and siMple ness of constrliction,. it bas not been 'sn.ros• sed by anyo.machine yet - invented. 6 . 0 or 70 6usliels of ----------------- /ffil• - eghed wit h one horse . in - a day, an,dsabout 100 bushels- with -two horses. - : • • The subscriber haS iminoved:the: trinehit)e so as ,to bti able `to thresh tntich.faster; with less power— Theprice,of the above machine is 70 clWilat* JOHN FIXSJING: . P. S. As. a „ ,p.ronf . of- the estimation iii which the.abov,e machine as irnproiied is held itbroattiAlie-stEctes - nt New York, Vermprit; Massachusetts, ltar e iven it the decided preference, and'the . three. °Amer.° these-have awarded premiums to..that effect. • , :rhe - lii'dersigned having each o us pur chased of Wm. Blair, of the bOrobgli of Car ane-orliii-P-ittent-Threiliirig-nichines; - - CShaWS pMent,Jand upon trial: have_ found_ itlto - •-rairswer- - -every—ex-pectations : :in ei,!ery res ect ,and'in addition' to its bet , n_excel_ lent grain thresher , it has also been found on egperiment to have the advantage of being a clover seed cleaner. • The horse power is so. easy, that it•ii'very little labor for tWoltorses, and the .construction of - the-whole , rriachine is. .so: - .-very--simple; and_so unlikelyik.get_gul._,. order, , that we most cordially recommend it to 'We Farmers - of Cumberland county, as •one of the best machines we have met with, which has given its entire_ satisfactiop, and -which - will be the . opinien..(aA we believe,) . !'nf eyeryTaiiii - ertpon.• his giving the machine a. fair trial. , '• , . . . . Jan Snider, , Frailkord tominship ; Samuel Westheiffer, Ne-wton ; Jas. Sharp, Hope well ; William: Green, Newton; Jacob I)ickin4i John :Fria, gotrtlutrn !non ; Sanet - Tritt, Wes.t Pentibororgh; AndreW Blair, Carlisle.. '• • GarlisTc;:July 30; 1857: • _ NEW TAILORING. . • . MOValabaVaTaliriV.2. -• The sobSeribcrs beg leave most respectfol ly .to inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicin -itA-tliit.--illeyLittive-taken the corner room- on -MajOA.:-.§tact_immediately --opposite, -,Mr— AugliiiibMllgh'S they i ntend earryirg on_ifinTo_v_ abe __blisiness_:in_ all its branches.: From • their. long • exprience Th •moSt;of the cities they : Patter - theriMl-ves: t - bartheywill'be - ablerto - render -- general - sat• isfactintui) thoSe,who may-favor - them Avith-a calif. They therefore solicit, a pinion of the. public_paironage._ MARTIN R. SKILES.' Cap lisle, Sept: 'l5; 1837.—tf. . _ _ - ADJO:LTRNM) SHERIFF SALE By virtue or sundry writs Of Venditioni ponas to me directed, issued out of •the Court of minion Pleas of Cumbeiland county;- will 'h e expo to Public Sale, at the Court [louse, in the borough, u arliSle, on Monday the 13th.day of. November, 18, ott Sro'cloclt,'A. M.l the follow. ing described heal Estate, to wit:— PINE GitOIER-ESTATE 7 •• containing—twenty. five thousand acres of land, more or less,.situate in DickinSon - and South.Mitt dleton townships, Cutnbcrland , county, with a and FORGE, Coal House, Smith Mid' E arpenter's Shop, n largellriek filansiml house, and thirty Log Tenant Hooks, one • GRIST-MILL SAW-MILL,' a,two story Stone Office, two large and excellent _Barn s,_one_.large_ato.ue__S tahle,_ and_severaLsmall tables,_andather_huildings,Ore-Banks,-Minerak,- 4c.—There is a - large part of this estate which is 'cleared and so improved as to'be admirably adapted to• the purposes of farm. ing! and part ,of it is occupied by tenants, and and in a pod ,state of cultivation. The - 3 - ar - Bank,-antLtiraber_for coal' are, so conve nient to the Furnace atiifFiiite;:and-can be had at. so little expense as to make at among the most •superiiii — lron establishment in Pennsylvania. The Water never fails to - an extent to require the full • Operation of either Forge or Furnace Taking every 'thing con n&led_with_the. establishment into consider= ation it has no superior in PennsylvanTa._ - Seized and taken in execution as the prope4 of Peter Ege %1. 110LC03111. • Sheriff. AOC fi A tIi..IIOLC 0 NM, Sheri Sheriff's Office. ' • . Oct. 9,1837. • • - cizpitau , 50,000 DOLLARS. Persons at a distance dipoSed.to - tri - their luck ,in either - of the following grand.Lotte rieS—one of Whieif - draws.alternately every week—are respectfully requested to forward their orders to the,subscriber, enclosing the irize tickets, designating the Lottery dive immediate attention by return id-.the-drawings forwarded when over. .tsted.) , erat State Lotteries will - be-drawn. tand - State . Lotteries draws: in Balti— more' e, ery 'other ' hturiday. ' capitals 'range from 19,000, 20,000 to $30,000 ; Delaware State Lotteries draws twice every week, Apita s_vary-from 5 to $lO,-000-; Grand CCM— solidatad Lottery draws once every...week, 'capitals 20,000, 25,000 to-830,000 ; Al , xan-1 dria Lottery draws once every other week,' capitals •10i000,-20i000, 30,000,50,000 ; ginia State Lottery draws. every Saturday' in each week, capital mites range from 10,00; 20,000, 25,000, 3.0,090 to $40,000. Tickers itf , the above.Lotteries..vary.. from_ and 10 each, shares in proportion. letters addres s ed torhenubscriber go perfectly safe; No miscarriage has ever oc cur ed. - • ' - ( -FOR SALE. A 47 handsomemew Carriage, newest style, with a complete set of dotible,,,Har nedr%ill be sold :cheap or exchanged fora second . banded one. • FOr'partictilars'entinire of the Printer. • Augnit 7, 1837. 1. ME CERTIFICATE: ,avklialUal)Ua` • E. W. ROBINSON, - . • 'Baltimore, Md. G oF.LotTE.niEsi--Order in-which notroiro liTegetiable. rips, 111111*ERS.' A CONTRAST, • „ . _All nations, from the reniotcst 'hio, hnye had /hips, but Columbus only round out the. way-to. Americ a: Before the. fink of the great Spanish navigator, monk Were only 'ena 'bled to paddle about the shores.. Just -BD _with the Life Mtdicines. It is but two yedii since I first ventured upon an, unknown oeehtiTiOld.,l 7 lta 'c t liscovered the precious object I was in search of— /I BA LTV.. Vegetableonedicinei were indeed .known wli on I , coinmeiteed my search, but iheir,use was not. :.11y Ilk use of them, I have not only ' Passed _fem.-the_ dej eetednixalid,. toilieintle,Ji carty-an' act/rennet% erbietiness,buri outiparativelv speaking,/ have renewed My youth. I can tl us, with eolithcake in my own o:perieny, advise withmy f flow-eitizelei. Does the reader wunt,proof that- the ItEGI VABLE'LIFK• M BUICIN ES are suitable to -- bis own ci e? ' I have on file tif ~Ay'Offiee, m .-- /A" - Broad way, hundrs of letters,'from some of the most r tm respectable citizens o his my native land,'voluntary of offer. -ed in testimony of the vir tes of A 'd00.1) VEGETA ISLB ItIEBICINE.. .. . I Persoa-whose nanitittitionl- litive-been-nenriy rained by the."3ll-itifullitae!' mineral preliaratimai or the day, 'will bear me witness, that the Lir, s, atarsuelt Daly, are .thelrue etteseopernutntni gaud health. ". '• - • . Joimi,l-101,FAT. • • ENERM, REMAIS ItELATfIiE , TO MOF FAT'S-LIFE-PILLS-St-PHCENIX- Bit-TEkS; . These medicines have"lon been know n and apprediteil t for their ex traordinary . and immediate powers of restoring perfeet'ilearth, to persons suffering undernearly everyltind of disease ticb hieh the iminiiii frame is liable; • • " inbianYlmiatredsbreertilientett instances, - theyhhve even reseuell'sfilrerersfrotrethe' - very.verge of nn untimely rave, after:all the .dCee itive nostrums of the day had ut- terly tailed; and to smuts' thoutanslTTlWThave in.rininis tidy securest that miliform enjoyment of health, without which Jifeitself is Linea partial' blessings' So great, indeed" has [lair efficacy hien - risibly and infalsibly proved;that it-has aims:crest scarcely less than miraculous Au 'those who were unacquainted with the beautifully philosophical principles upon whieli they are compounded, and upon which they consequently net. It was to their intinifust natal sensible netion in, purifying the spring s anal channels of life{ and I mottling them with renewed 1.0111,111101 yigor, thug they were indebtsd for their 'some _which was beitosted oasis them nt i - ltitrip - Mitifneoti --- qu reeqs of - several iinli - Vua idls mi - u - sTilift they liad,obviousty saved.. ' •-•- ' .., 1 TTVO.F.ciiii - Kfgs." -- .r.frAirc-6, ili-1 14 0: ,9.P.ll.gEltlait.Y. . al.rSFFlreli - b- * Tr: Mb universal did - usher% the daily press, for istaisilig iris - ' __VEGE-PABLFI-1.11,-R-VLL-14-withawthe-turowttl reircli.of every indivistusit-in e nbe_community.; Unlike -the host of pshnicieus spmekeries, which boast of ,Vegetableill-• .gredients, tfretli s ife; Pills nre solely Xegeldhic, and contain neither :Us:retie% Antimony, Arsenic s -nor-any other suisi era!, in any fortis - Whatever. 'They are- entirely courposed of extracts from 'rare. ant! powerful plants, the virtues of which, though long know as to setersit Indian tribes, and s-tmidly to some eminent pharmaceutical chesaists, arc alto -gether-unknown- to-the-igmorant-pretenslers-to-mestical. seismic; mist 'were never laihre administered in so happily .- efficacious -as coital fiatiow-• --• . . . t he first operation iglu loosen the coats of the stomach - an lasswels, the various, impurities anskerudifies constantly • settling around them; and to remove the hardened 'filets which collect in rise cons olutions. of than. small futestinss. Other medicines partially tsleniise - _ - thcsconst leave such col lected masses behind, is to produce habitual costiveness, wills all train of - evils, Or stidilsm slims 'lwo, with its ins- Mineist dangers. 'rids 'faet is well known - to :all regular anatomists, Is lio examine the husissin• bow eta after'deatls: oust bullet! all , rAtulie e of_thesse well.ilifurata II Its eaS against_ the quack 'actin:ant s of' the age. The second . a. fl - ect of the YL:GEZ.ILABLE-LIPIsI PILLS is into cleanse the kidneys and, the bladder, and by this means; the liter and the longs, -the healthful action Orithieli entirely steps ittls uponAlse regmlatuy of the urinary . organs. The tiltauls, m Ideas takes , jes-red - coloc_ftom - the agency of the liver and tits , bogs be -fore-it-passes-rnta-the-beruti-twirtrtlnurpainliett-hrYlif sig: and nourished_ hy_foott_coming_. from _a_eleuts._starnaels,_ courses freely through 'the - veins. realists every: of the system; anal triumphantly mounts the Impute of'. healtli in -thcbletenning-elieek. . ,_ ... Ohs. follo - wing are among the distressing variety of human diseases„ to whieli the Veg.. table Life Piiis aek well known to he infallible:- ' - -- . ' :- • ~ .„ . . DYSPEPSIA, lay thoroughly cleansing. the first and second stasis:kiss, and creating a llow - al' purr, healthy bile, trident of the stale anal avrial kind:- Flatailettyy, Pail:ltalian of the heart, Lam of Appetit.!, .Iliart•burn arid Head-aches „Iteitlessisess; Ill•testsrur, Anxiety. Languor, mid - Melon = - . -v holy, which ara , _the goal:al. iyaliptionis tot' Dytnenita.oe ill _ vanish ate a natural eensrquenee' of its curs'. CO.ailleneSp hy1211.111191107 She 0 hule length ill' the intestines -with as sal-. vent process, anal witliont Ossleinse; all visslealt purgs-s leave 11 - W lasla•Ne.sstivF . Williin tati - stirs, I.IFVFEFriI ninl. - Ondera, by renouving_thc_shorpaFrial fluids by is hick_ these cont._ - filiiiiers are_ocelidioneal; autallinfronitoting the Itibrie:ative ..secretloll-of.the_utusetts_incialiranc—Ec_mm_,Ylitil_ Almitt,_ . 14 - ra taoring• Co: blood to regtilar•eireithition,. through the, True. se elf-prripiration in-sonie eatile.-s-, anal thelhorintgli sa,- Intim, of all intestinal ulostrdelione in eedavr•"* . The LIFE 1'11.1.0 have been kitowti to more Rhoutinti-fin permanently -1-114-sa_-twee 1,04, anal--Goar-ist-lialc-41,-ab-tiow-,-Isy--removing-- local inllammatiot: from ths-noischs ntialligailients of On" -joints. liropsies o f rill kinds, by freeing anal - strengtliening the kialtie•ys asul blaibler; - theY Operate most delight:Lily oss Onus important organs, and. hence have steirfiern fassod a certain rolled). for tlicAeorst eases of Gym el. • Also, W. 1 .103, by dislodging 'from the tuthings of the bowels the slimy Matter to which these‘creatures adhere, Astlsonsuul_Con- - sumptions, - by relieving- the :sic vesselsmf the lungs Trans the - iniictis, which-evim-slight colds will occasion, whieli if not removed 'seems', hardened, and produces those, slrisll'ol _ -‘ll9cases. Sens ty, Ulcers, find inveterate sores, ley' Miss ppitchyr fect pitchy whiels t4se Life l'ills give to the blood, and all • •ti ! ,,l s ssissar.; Seortnitie Elllpti ,, ll , l nllO 1 .44 rollanleNtolls, by their alternative sill et upon the Hoists that feed the skin, the Morbid state of which OVellbilill3 sill Eruptive complaints Sallow, Cloudy, and other disagreeable Complexions. -'the ' use of lii eh, Pills fur a - very short (hill.. 0 ill sheet MI entire cure of Salt Rheum, ,Erysipelas, and a striking improve , . silent in the Clearness of the skin. - Common Collis and' In fluenza, still always be cured lay one dose, or by two, even io as tlw worst canes. Piles,-as a rentesly.for this smut slit . _tressingantlolsotinnte malady, the Vegetablelkife•Pills_dis•-• serve a distinct and emphatic recosismenslatiou• It is, well known to hundreds in this eity,qh at- the Proprietor of these 'invaluable !'ills, wits lituself, afflicted saith the comploint for upwards of. thii-tyi - A - Ce - ,;i/Clire tuisthe tried in - vnin every remedy bralseribeil within the b ' ltole - cionifults of the - Metcria Medici. Ile however, sat length, tried the medicine which hat' now on'. rs to the public; and he was aorta in a veryahort time, after Isis recovery laud been pronounced not only im probable, but absoliately impossible, by any 'human means: , • DIRECTIONS FOlt USE. - - , -1. - lie PrOprij.tor - of the rye- 1 /able Life Pills shies not follow't he hose and memento ry pram ticc.of the quacks of the day. in advising persons, to take his fills in large .quantities.'__ No good _mulleins, can possi bly be so required. "'Theis pills sup; to be takeout bed time every night-, 'ora week or fortitightioccurding to than disease. 'flee mind slob, is front 2 to 5, accOrding to the constitution of the person. Very delicate per/ohs - Should begin with but two, and increase as this nature of the ease may require: .illose_more,roliust._nr.of .v_e_ry-Amat.i KU ItabiL.May_begin_syq „3„tusil is terease_to.A.mr_even_s_ltills..and .ther_wilLs_tfeet y sufficiently happy change. to guide - the patient in lillliTifl I , they use. ;flame l'llls sinus thins occasion sickne l s sund vomiting, though - verr seldons,tailless the stonsactMs very foul; this, Ito wever,inn y be considered a flivorablcakmptom, as the patient will littil himself at once relievraloind byper severunce Mill soon recover. They tssuallymp z enste within ICI or 12 hours, and never' give pain unless , the bowels are very much encsimben.d. They.moy be taken by the most delicate fens:des under ally eireitmstances.-It is, however, recommended, that!those in Inter periods% pregoncy should talid - liattTone ut.a. time,andthus , continue to keep the bowels open: and even two usai - betakeirsilisle,lllre -- patie - if' is very costive. One pill in as solution of two table spoo 1 I fallPul Waters nay he git'en to, an infant in the followia g doses-a tea spoon full every two !lofts till`sr operatesi a ftr i i child from sane to live years of age, half a pill"mndiront tire 14 ten, one pill. ; , i • . "I'llF. PFREN,IX 111fTERS, are so called, becaffie they possess Viepowerof restoring. the eapiringembers of bealthi ton glossing rigor Throng - hoist the - esinititutionias the Plate nix is said to pe restored to life frosts the ashes of its own dissolution.,-,The Plisenix Bitters are entirely vegetable, composed % louts found only inxertnin parts of the-western country,Salsich Still infallibly curs:FENS:IIS AND AGUES of 1111 - ,kindst - willmcveribil - to - eradicate entirely all the ef fects of Mercprr, - infinitely, sooner than the most-powerful -preparations of Sarsaparilliwond-willinunediatety,Mireitie ..sleterminntion of BLOOD TO 'PIPE HEAD; meter fail hi 'the slck»ess incident to ydung females; and will be found a certain remedy in all cases ofmervous debility and weakness of the M o st bbpaired constitutions. Ai a remedy for Chro nic and Inflaininatoiii • Rheumatism, the efficacy of the Phoenix Bitters wilt - be - demonstrated by the - itse'ol'a single -bottle.-- 2 1 - ho usual dose-of these_bitters ashalf_a_wine_glass_ Bill, in water or wine, and this quantity May by taken twit orthree times,tr day, about half an hour before meals, or at less quantity marbe taken at all times. • To those who are afflicted with indigestion after meals. these Slitters will prove invalinible, as they very greatly increnie theaction of the principal viscera,,helli them to perform their functions, and enable the stomach so discharge, into 'the bowels whatever is offensive. • Thus indigestion as easily and speesti ly removed, appetite restored, and the mouths or the nb• sorbent vessels being Cleansed, nutrition is facilitated, and - strength-of-body:and-energy-of mind orellie-hatipy-results -Foe-further-particulars of-MOFF.A.M.S.LIFE-ltll.l.S,and- PHCKNIX urrrli its, apply at Mr. IdoWat's office, Ito. 16 Broadway, New York, where the Pills can be obtained j for 25cents,50 ceno, or SS per box; anti the Bitters for IS L : or 82 per-bottle. - (r_TNiatueruns - Aertilicate a uf-the wonder,- ful efficacy of loth, maybe there inspects:a. •••• In smite obstinate: sind - corn - Olmsted - raises of chronic and i nflammatory Ithetunatillib Liver Complaints, Fever and - Ague, Dyspepsia; 'Palsy, Piles, it f rorn the trte If 'intr. curs/ , quinine,and other diseases or long standing, it maybe found accessory to take both the Life Pills and Phoenix Bit. tern, in thelloses-before recommended. • - I .• I „-N.-11.-These-Pills and the Bitters - will - get alloterenry - ouf of the system infinitely faster than the best preparations o' 'Sarsaparilla, usual are a cetain remedy for the rushing of blood to the head, or all violent headaches, tic doutenrux, Exc.-All persons who are predisposed' to apoplexy, palsy, rce., should never, be without[ the -Life Pills or ,the 'litters, ' for one dose hi tim e will save life. , - Mier equalize the Oren lation of the blood, draw all pressure from the restore perspiration, and throw off every impurity by the pores of the skin.' . . Septethber 18, 1837.:--ly. . 1131) Elf RIM ikAl _ • Physic in the 1/0.1•TIAll Or Car lisle, where he will he haf - py,to 7 7 - renci_erhis - protessiothil services /I to those, who may- please to call Ilis place of in the house • formerly isachpied by_ icr,_.E.ome4locic,_ and , nearly:opposite to Air. John' epromati's inn.' '• • October 9, 1837„-3*.''.... ' -•... . , . . • .. _ ... .. • _' _ - CONSTFIVIPTI I iNT• CURED; ~, ' • . • •. , •-- The ifitidia.,.. .mbSpecitic, 1 • . -. . . , ......., . t• .• , • • -.' I -tor - fthe••PrCsention 'and etrr,e.:cif 'Coligh*,_ •• .. 1 ,. , .. , , - .. , 111R.. .. ).., E y .11.. N IE3 P . : . '\,. , Colds, Asthnas, .Consumptions, ....spitptig- __or . • - " -- - '. 'mood,. ancldiSea . Ses.OUthe:beettstand lungs, : - VIDICAL iMEPAR.A.TiOST - •--. • - •- :•-• •--.-----;:•-• . 7 ~,.. _ ._,,. the enjoyment of health depelidsOn pre-' . -DoOtor. Clarkson Freepuzn, the proprie, ...._ . p mate , unctions o, t le i or. of . .311:: S serving - the ebm I . df" f I -''' '" 'tshe_.kiecifiC, :.resided upviards - of. four, 6 IONIADII, LIVER, INTES'IINES St ,LUNGej , years 'aira'Ong the ,diffeten.t - tribes - of North ... in Ii healthy and vigorous state, Alirault the-one,' 'American Indiana, and with unwearied dill- . ~ Iratiorii - of which the body_._receives_its•groWtb, its gence used every means-in.his .power, to re, •,: nutrition, • and its support. • It can. no longer be 'quire . a knowle:dg&of. tliVifferentreinedies • astonishing. {hat ,when these viscerararederanged used.by.them,-. for tfie-"Cu re -Of the . slck 'and .. , 7tvo - u.nded - Oind.mori irTiftientatittifoSe`,Which , • - -and-CannoC nerforirr-their-nroper-tuircrions,lthe. Whole ;= Sy.terrisslicinlifsstiffer. A y ink.e_to_pr.e.V.erit - - nrid-clir e-the;COWIMP' .-- 7- !---- and 'bedtime distirder e .',... Le ._ ed. ..I',lie blood is Made from the etintetiTs•of - th . ' .tioir;:and eom plaints' otthe hreast linttliings. Ile ithiertied the - Indians Were stonaacluLliasiis_re_d_COloraust vitafdy giyen to . it. SiibrectAblitP; -•-__, 4 the action of the lngs, and as It:per-I . OMS i ts ) duty-in cireulationg.through the 'veins and arts-` merons and similar similar.cogtplaints to those of tics, has its yellow or billions utieremeiii, which -- -- mode 0 iv-. white,P.e_o . ple -3- ._ and fro_iriltiLeir_ -_('l . • . may be -termed its refuse or worff - iiiit•sedimmit, Milt' ,PClserd.. to the 10 - etemenef ing, and ciillected and discharge/1' by the liver. These of all . weathers;,,, many - of, their com plaints .: 5 • , viscera, then, are the tintimonial mechanism or ap; • Were "cirnplicated and: yiolent,. -Although, - .'• • paratus by which the -blood is inatrufaetured - and -many - of- their . disease s the of ;such - it na- - - 11!'reservd`; iind,it ii . s 'therefore obvious that the 'tore as • wouid,. , VvitlipeclPle in • a civilized -. • state of these should hP .t he 'first e'Otsldt'rml"rrilf , state have terminated in - confirmed consump. ~ the pliyalcian.". Now there are various causes thai. tions; yet,. during 'the • time he: was-with -• . will affect and derange-kliese organs' with,viiieli them,' he did,,notshear of, one whO':.dieiVo . • th blood. has nothing whatever to do. Thus the % in:tell may be 'utterly dehiliy;ded . in one mu. consiimption...,_•._. " ..' ,; . ' •_ , ~. -_....: So happy are they in their k owletlge of ' - ment, by affright,.grief, disappointinent,,heat - of .r. , 61 . 6( .. ei.t, ti arid so certain of their'effects.--. the weather,.or any other nervous action, and be ` wholly unable to digest its food. Is the 'blood to .w h en. app l ie d . , , . ... lien. in tinie, t hat it'inay be said Pa , blatne for this?--- A:NERVOUS ACTION of long true consumption is a disease `never knOWn . "-....... continuance,_willimioduce settled DYSPEPSIA,heard among them.. The truth of this„. 'or . , . _, With head-ache, bile, mental-,and physical debili observation must be corrobora ted by . all who ty,• and funeral. retinue' of other evils/. Is the have hail the opportunity- Of becoming aer biood - tohlanie f6 - r thisrliitemperanee, by in- q - itainted - with - TheSeVentillt. May they be flaming the coats of the stomach, and leaving it asked why they are,exenipt from these,eorti- • in flacid, -'Prostrate, ,, weaknesa ; -and an - undue plaints? The reason, is obvious 'j. bccdtre quantity and .continuance of puegitive medicines, they immediately...seek for relief, and pr e= nroducilig'the same streets; will Mil this organ vent those corn com plaints which insensib i rY in. almost out of use for dipisting wholesome solid dermine the constitution; and - bring On - induJ . food, and' thus impoverish the blood and D ta bl e consumption:. ip - -wholesystem. • Is - the blood to blame for.. th is?..— - - Bills of directionL•accompany,-each-: halite,_': Again, witli - fEgiiill cilia LititS, it is well known, of the Specific, painting out :in a conspicuous . ..that.a.sfiglit.sold, oecasiMied by. darrip_f_e_el or by_ tit nner all - the symptoms irr' - the different ---- •it--cOrrent/T:dflzair,•-wilt.inflamer_the •lirotterlia,.,al.l, . a • ••, ' i i, s!''Agre - § - d - f - t i llese:cllstressinq'diseases - I . alSe - par.e---- -doWn-throiigli-the - branching - siii - tiibes - ol m 0 ,. ticula r clii ections i.especting Diet and Reg , lingo, andt create either 6 - " - x - .e - esti - Ce- imuums; howpatients are to conduct them- • that dreadful - insidious dis6ase, Consul Mon, with linen, and pustules and suppuration of the lob s, which, selves through every stage until health is re. • though timely, remedies may pi`eVe n no ear th ly siored; for, vain. and uselessr.,would be - the skill can - ciire. !stile blood of the f rand bloom- preseriPtions• of. the littlest • physician, , ac ing victim to blame for - this?: So - the flyer, when cdrripanied with the most - powtrfalinedicineS . olimate r sedentai`y r habits,..intemusranceLor other, if __his directions_ are - noC - failltfully, adhered . prostrating causes have Withered away or parity- : t o ., _ -- 7, ._ , zed it With - distention, becomes unttlile-trcarry off 'The public are inforrned• that the deposi,/ the-bile from the circulation, and instead Of dis- tions'of two hundred and' . eighty seven pti,5...".:.- charging it through the gall bladder, leaves it.-to sons havelteett taken before the 'prollec,,an.` conic through 'the skin in jaundiced - and salltiw thorities of the . citv-of Lancaster, Pa; all corn , . - fluids, and - to rush upon thestOrnach iii.irregular :uul excessive quantities. - is the intrertmette pletely mired of the,most: desperate cases - `n . blend to filaine for tiiii;:A ' nil -these vital organs of consumption, sonic of 'which are detailed •_a re. never_affecterl.,h,v_the_bloMl • „Lit iiti l_.aft4.4.r-i It e _ ill_theb_lill_nO_e_Oinpany_irig.De .hottle.; ..,•• ,= --- blood blood has beeir affected by them ; tileY. ate. the • -The price of each bottle .of INDIAN_ maker's and:.trmiterSi'athl - lt is m e r e ly their w urik SPECIFIC .is One Dollar, a n d each cove(- . and their•passiv ' e agent; „..` .- : . -•` • ,•_ . -- Knowing this to be a sound mid - demmist rated Ouries'on Frrentrin, andhe initials C. F. on facts-in-science and experience, Dr. - W.- EVANS' the •SeaLol-each bottle. 'None can-be-gen-- _sYStem_of_practidii 'min lititliftit accorllllCo-sNitkit, sure wit homt-th issigpiture--;-a-base-coMposi- , -- Ile aims to keep the suimrch, the Lungs, and the lien having been_ attempted_ tii :he:imposed Liver in vigorous and regular 'action, as the three on-the piddle by a counterfeit imitation of great fountains of Ittllth.ancl_life:,_ For. this-iti.• . t hi s ex t raor din ary art i c l e _ ~ . pose he"prescribes his.beautifully. efficacious AP. .4-, . . V. - constant supply of, Um -above Spec-. \EREENT .P I LLS (tick Mowit-dged by medical men ine , is 1 ,..,,. )t censtandy on sale, by-SAMUEL' -who have:analyzed and recommended them,- to be 4.,._ ,1 :L 1 T 1 LT,..i*,,.. , L ut - i - rllsie l and hy-Satntiel Wilspi equal to any in, the world) in cas-eS which I;c:quire ' , ',opens itti r. the cleansing ante. stOmach and bowels ; ..and Ills _ , - , - celehratecl-CANIONIILF, or :-TONIC , IIILLS, . iti• 1 - Dec. 14, 1.8 36 .-Iy• _ • - - cases of nerrous - itritability - , -- Stantachic ‘realcness, . or general debility. A vast-majority of human - - disetiscatjtaving--their-iwrnimin-tlie-getteral-sympa-, thy of the principal sisters with the nervous sys-- _tem ; he thus seeks iliSease in-the niot N subtile - -fibsesof-itS-Amis r -instead-of-Lvaiiil.,Orophrg_th_e_x.._ : .tirpate it_by:plueir.ing.off---its.-_leavesMilmore-dis , , Itatit brandies: las A FEDI FYI' PILLS will do all that_any_riiirgative medicine. can- t .. 10,. that is thotiouglil)_cleanse the stoinach - and bovels. and his CA MOMILF, or TONIC PILLS, - ,combining as they also do, - the Most delight fiil ANODYNE known in medicine, will do, have donei.and are continually doing more to strengthen, restore and sustain -dre.-liiiiniin .conStitution than any other! medicine that •lias-yet-et -discovered.---Of this -I he has innumerable proof's, - and this ii . O..ilian• can . •deny wlthoutilikeliond. - - / Dr. lym. EVANS' medical preparations are ilw all Stomach and-Nervous Diseases. le lirdiges-, tion, Dyspepsia; Dil lionsA ffeetions or Liver Dom plaints,- Heartburn or Acidity in ,the4toniaeli, Tightness at th e Chest, Loss of Apprtite, Pain in the side, or Flatulency, Ilypochodriacisni, Low Spirits, Palpitations of the Ileat„ Nervous li`ri ' tidiltilT, -- NerViCiii We ikiress, 2 1 , 11 i or Athos, S eini. nill Weakness, Indigestinr4, General Debility r Bodily . Weakness, Colortrais.or Green -Sickness; Flatulent or Ilysteral Fifintings, Ilysteries, Head- - ache, hiccup,' Sea Sri..-doies,s, Night Mare, Gout, Itheurna . .tism, Asthins, Tic Dolereux, Cramp, l Spasmodic Affections, Nausea, Vomiting, Pains in the Side, L.ifribs, head, Stothach oellack,•Dim., neSs or Confusion of Sight, Noises in the Inside, alternate /1: fushings of Heat - and Civilness ; Itt- : mars, yrateliings, Anxiety, Spasins,BadDreams, Agitations, .will in•every case be relieved by an occasional dose of E.:sans' Caniontlle Pills. /Ladies, dewing the time of pregnacy, are often -trihibled , -with--Sickness,-.Vomiting,-Aleiistburii,- - 111.Titl4itive, .Tocith.aehe, IlySteTic.- -- iiiiif - iitlice troublesome sytnptorris effecthally rehese4 by_these dreparations. . • Dr.' WM. EVANS' MEDICAL OFFICE, No. ARCADE, Chesnut street, Pliilatle11)11;5.. Poi. sale. at the Iferald and Ex . -. po . .4ita 2; _ _ 0 jfi:cl3. - June 5, 18,,T7...., V altlift VOR SA.IAIII. The Su),serilier will selll - kr private sale, on the ..prernises;_o. good.Farrn in_No 111..44140m town ship, Ormberland county, for miles north of CarliSle,..on the road - leading to Waggoner's Gap, containing - •,. . . OF FIRST RSTE SL.4 E LailTll,• •' " • in a goOd• statedf cultivation, .the greater part ) enclosed in the'beit Of ,pnst fence/. i early new, and Made' of first rate Materials. , Abo it.one_hum:_ dred and twenty'acres are' cleni.hd ; t e residue 1 covered With thriving. ' ''--- - • t :11.. . . .. , . .-Kii4±-•;.':' YOUNG . . TIMM I - -- rind is also enclpsed.in good •-• fen e 7. . • r ;',.. - 'the improvements are a TWO STORY . • . HOUSE • - ,------ ~ _-,... OG , :WM .1 i • i;,l f - ,•: iNitli,' Plairitereil;_kdo. • ogidarn,with . '_,,:;.'2 : : ; , .'7f- • I two threshin rs and a Granery '; and a good Waggon s, and eproqib attached to it • all , roofed - sy.i ; 1 situ pineWgles, with other good rout buildings; n. excellent Apples Orchard, and a'variety of other }Wt. Trees. .Twb . Wells it Water near the house. There , ate—_on_the_fa e, several gond springs of water; •one.an excellent SULPEIUR SPRING; and'a creek passes through it, which renders very_conveitietit-in;stoCk-water. ~ • ALSO,—Twenty acres of -- :Mountain Land, about two aid a half miles distant. from said farm; on . Long's Gap road, with a public road. to it. If said pr*rty shall Rot he. disppsed of before the 12th day Of Pctaber neit ‘ it %vinyl) that day; at 10 o'clock, A:'M. be offered at public sale. Any person wishing to see s'aid. premises, .in view of_ pttirchasing," will pleat " on Solo. mon Senttntin reSiding'near:.l - or.on-the 'SAM I OI.I. 'MAN. September 11, 1837. ....., t 1 • . - r -- yr - rlPF:PciiiTcler,for sale it eithei ale or , reta at, the store of the •subscriber in North Hanover street. .:: • • JACOB SENBR. Carlisle, August 2i, 183 r. POWDEI. 'up 2r Lrall M: _ oat 'Sitttaird in,),31. Clair lowdship,•• . • " :Ill9llrily amitty,4 l a. ' - -ThisTirip is bc:;titifittiy, •siothtcd en the , waters id Vihrtier's Creek, FIV E Mills from the city' of Pittsbmg. The Washington turop)ke runs within a few rods of the-line _ L _ on Vie one side, and - the Steubenville turn- jpi.e . Within • two miTCs on the otlier ; the. • 'Suite' road from Virginia to Pittsburg passer through it ; also,' a County -road connecting the State road" and the ‘Vashington.Turn pike, passes the door. About 300 acres arc ' cleared, and in a good state of cultivation.— • There are near. 20Q- ACRES Bottom Land, which foi• t ichneS's and fertifi , " ty Cannot he surpassed in the .state,-a- large pottion of' this is in meadow l , and enough might be madet - o - produne - 200 tons-of-hay annually .; there is a. great abundance of bui): dingstone,&. lime stone. and St/genres of the ilest . Which can all be get out.conveniently.--. The timber, is abundant And good. The— buildings consist cf a large first rate CUT STONE • I" pii , FJ4V triN f 17 ,1 (c4l rt•-, A good spring and•stone Milk house ;_ two off' the.best bank Barns in the country ; 70 by Se- - feet and G 0 by 30, with stabling undeirthe• whole, -a large frame Stable, • • _Four-rreriant4ibuses t withstabling - attached frame . Meeting !louse: and parstinage house with various other out buildings, sucWas.cnytiageltotr3e;) .Cow house; Corn bous - e—Oee house, Snot)l house, &e:" . "These - are - all-of a better order .thiLAisually fowl) on. Farms -in Western Pennsylvania. The WhiSilefarmis abandant=7— ly and beautifully watered. 1114Mr.01 01E0E121110y Bearing all kinds-of Frnit, adjoins the:Maa.-: sion House. In regard to fertility and quantity of 4,,,M1i ., -qUaliiy- of imuirovements and - nearness to• - • - market — (being onlySTniles:froift - siburg,i ---- r rr this farm is not equalled in W'stern - Pen- ' sylvania. .It will be sold".on h eral.terms, and immediate possession *given, Inquire of. ... . COL. JOHN ROSS, on the premises - , - or J. &11. ALEXANDER, - -. No. 209, Market street Phil's, \ . .--, Artg_tist_l,_l,B3L.l..... __. --firn,_,_ - - ' ''• ' .- '" - PUBLj TIOITSE. GEO P4IN'CL, • . Formerly of Sumbury;lYortl_tumberlandf .-- • ; ' Couniy, - • . 'Begs leave respeetfolly . .V- . Ww that he has removed to 4ayr,iibrifrg, where he hasi• — •:.--g: to -ort arge.and s )ictourifiree. house formerly' occdiiielk by Mathew Wilson corner of WalnuCand Third streets, theState - Capitol, which - lie . openeiterr — -- the first day of IlayklaStatid where Ire hopeste , mintinue to reCeive — that patr Inge : so:liberally ' .bestowed onhis: est lishm fieretafore..::lle: • - will at all times, he vide ~With --every—ping . necessary to make his Kim s comforiable. • , . • . : . G.; • • llM•yishOr , - .lune •;, 1- - - .. \ 71,1g0ttl • ALL personisindebted to the.estale.of Rainper; Ruby, late of Penns , torough township, Cum. bed:m(l county, deeensekare requested to payment on or beforo the first doy of November next, to the subscribM , 4 residing in tha jokviighip • . "siti'kthose.. -- boving cloittismgainst' estate. will present Meth duly authenticatecaor settlement. • • • , _ . September 25,.1857.-6w. El ES JOHN nuvri : 42
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers