Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 31, 1837, Image 3
HERALD AND EXPOSITOR. ~Y PHILLIPS Bt'VEAZICT• 11 cAnlasz.z• l'ateWay,. Oct°lyer. 3 .1;. a S 3/. • - The , Pe . oyiles .Cwidichi les, •.1 FOIL • . . Wa v iiti' Davi 3111.411aLtZKE)53:4*. FOR VICEPRESIDENT,_ ,• rozaavcuao avaAsilca=„ Democratic Antlinasonic Candidato , I'OIf`,GOTEI - INOR OSEPIIII REIMER% Sigh liaise thci ,We,eee by our exchhog,epapers.Altat_our_friends Ortlit." • RITNER flag to. the mast head, , nai uig tt t tem. ‘- - this.l.4 as it should be. Let every - paper i n the • stale kiendly - to RITNER A I ND,REPQPI come boldly-at-once;-and-place-the-name-of-the WASHINGTON COUNTV,FARMER. at the head Of theircolumns resolved and determined to war on stviii with . . Tlie pattioticlturse - tf•Geliernifrilittfer,iand, fus,:firmnetis and decision. In, resisting and over coming the efforts of those - who were -,endeavor . bg to ruirPthe state,• that-through. hei'ruin and . bankruptcy.:ll4eyrnight.strike a blow at him, has thrown his enemies into confusiodand They feel 'that they hare receiv(d - a : mortal wound, and are about to make their last and des perate struggle. They foresee difficulty in cou .',7, dii . lierriZr Tilt tier's - in c,reased pa p a ri ty; and are now-in desperate straits to'nante any wan -in the ; "slighiest degree-rconivaier Nv (If So much for the hotie3t3l-M-tagrity oLthe man whose inteNigencer and itidepehdenee liar saved the Stale; - _„!t is, unnecessary to reviiw his measures u•liich have, resulted in such im mense benefit to the people, as all . m e familiar with hip . ,...ttecess in exposing the frandk and cot. irupticinoof the party previously iti.power.',. It Iyai - indeed - a - haPliy-;day-tor-Peitnsylvania .when_ she. . • 'ducted "onc s - Vitfirest land - etiltglitAett as_is_our_ - ruiner Covertior. - She - was - then 'Oll-the eve of bankruptcy, - from•which sWe t vne happily recTeein• tv.ittl4 , P4ll o -440E( 44 3 11 97•Pg 0 P 1 P SQ 1",e1 the•burdenof Oxation t of which an cx- tensive - se ieute—w•as--in-con nor Ritner by hi's measures not only put a stgli:to - this, but 'actually had those taxes hi:PEA i.ED which had already ban lard. • Our State debt ivaS _rapidland monstrously_ increased. Gov. Rimer orrested this increase, while at the.SalllC ,time by hisjudicions measures, means were provided for carrying on the public works and improvements without calling on the People for mie cent of their Money.. We might ex tend our re narks on this subject to an indefinite length, but it Is un- •necessary. The people feel it, and next fall will — slioiv llfelr•lncrealed - confidencein - Gov. ititner by their re-electing him with an overwhelming, • onqjotity. Tide's the opinion even among our . opponents, and hence their difficillty in selecting a rnan.who will not be so far distanced In.the race as to bring ruilLandNlestruction upon the irarty. With these views and feelings we follow the good example, and have .nailed the RITNER FLAG TO THE MAST lIEAD, . . . We cannot let the opportunity pass of saying a word or two about-the New Tod: Mirror, which We regularly receive - and hig,hly - prize. —The neat manlier in' which it is got up—the paper, type, ar- tangement and 'natter, recommend it strongly., ----- It — containva7goaklyaortiotol -- . - etm - ellmtt light "'reading, suitable for the ladies; together with a piece of-fashionable music on its , last page. We should like to see the uuniber of its subscribers in this:place Inct;99ae:d. As it may strictly be said to be a'lMlleapaPer; we hope the ladies of Carlisle __wi11 , ,,,,, , ,,,,,, it.. It will. afford us pleasure to send on their names as subsciibers. Our neikhbors — orthe - Villaiteer in - the de,ptif •oftheir w•iydom do not undertanil how the Uniti:d States Bunk - can have reduced tlreir ciretilatifq and at the same time have increased .the amount uF specie in tbeir Vaults., There is a mystery in this +Welt diey. 4 . ln4able to solve i and be, ause Me. Biddle has" not seen propel' tti send -• them an explanation they bebte him soundly-. We ‘Ohder . .how Mr. Biddle could 'have- been guilty of such an oversight, 'and hope he will 'T wir his error by_ sending a messenger express to endeavor to make them - undershtml, if that be poaaeLle =MI!!MEME!!!! The Reforin Convention. • This body has, for severalda3;9,.been engaged : ---in•consideriug that: partof the Constitution Which relates to the Militia. A debate of five days..c_on . .• liuilince, was ; had on the subject of excusing the fAtiakers from bearing arms. _On Thursday last; the followiiig section Was adopted by'a vote orbo to 561, • . - . • °The keemen of this 'Commonwealth shall be atmed • and organized for its defence when and in such mannerits may be .directe.d by law. Those ,Who. conscientiously scruple to hear arms„shall not be compelled to do so, but shall pay an equiia lent fos such perSonal servioe." . "The election in Oitio.has iesulted favorably to the . Deinotratsqi. e. locukepp.„l,,Vatu t r eer ."._ This is untrue - ; the editor knew beforehispa 'per was published, - that the friends of Harrison had carried a majority or members of both trolises , the' Legislature, notwithstanding the girr•y-. rnapderitig: of the dishiciatiy the Jaekeoh Legis• /- .latureof 1835. — ":"' —"• J Ohio Zloction. _ . ..„ Thlt friends of . ItiiTisod have carried every thiogliefore/them in this gt0te.,.,,„ They will have ,majoritleo• in both branthe's 'of_ the Legiiilatuie,_ Rizzo Tor the Buck , eyeti. ( - - • The citizens of Philitdeilphia - hatigelieen thrown into couflision" and _dismay by the reported cap• ture _ on ; Saturday' tlie_2lst iitsL - of:the_ Packet_ Shlp_,ptisqueltannit, by ,a . piratical Schooner, off .the.. Capes of Delaware - and M - siglof - the Pilot Beat.' There wercabout - 60 passengerson board, who, if the . rettorted" capture be 'correct,' - were probably • all murdered. -.- - We are; - .however, strOngly.bialine - il to, thililipe that dielfe is a great mistake 'in the matter, from the fact that there appears to fie a diserepancYln the statements as tet,_lfte __t:me slie,•left • the Cll iies-6fte account, _stating -that frtlte_ptit_to_pek. in:the_lllor4ng 4.8 o.'clock and anotherat . 2 tecloelc-in- fie:after . - 1 • noon. lfy /however, it should 'pr. .e to be the ' fact, it may be put down — as. one of 7tiohleot . and Mostaittlacious exPloi6 performed: on our coast since the days of Capt. . liicld. No .dnubt that ere thiti, gllyeolltient vessels are out in • every directi6n;_and*e. may soon 6. , lipect to hear, _:something__More definite. :Moser: having::-relit ' tionsalid • friends on.boar&Will be - in a state of cruel sitspense - for sometime to conie,frbin which they. wilt only be• relieved by ascit:taininkjhe dreaded dertainty; or hearing of "Iter_safe arrival .at t-iVerpool, neither of which . will probably be :known for severalweeks. • • We - trust the fearkof, the citizenS . of Philadel• phia will not be realized. • - We Should not beat alkiurprised,were we af;: i .teralOntS'been.said'an.l.dOne, to hear that the so said piratical schooner, has been an oyster boat; •whielt hail gone along sidc.of the ship to - ' siup'ply; The National Intelliginc -r .of Saturday says,— " Ernmwi 11. Fosi , En has been elected, by the Legislates e of :Fennessee,_a_Senator_in_CAngresss,_ for" six years K:iirn the 4th Nlvrch, 1839, Cu the place_of, Felix _GOJI dy,- . whose : term-or service : Mr. Grundy v:as not put. in - ninninatimr - fifr re-election.' 4tr. Foster';i: competitor was the late Gov. William Carroll:" The l'otes'in the .n.orbr . anclre s s of the i.egistaturii stood - • • 41 --- For Foster.' .For Carroll. 47'. Al 6 In the •Senate .• In the lower ilouse.., lae Poster it'as formerly Speaker of theJton§e. of. ItATl.esentaovesofAeimessee.,:, 1).044411e pAitics rongh ( going_ It heil I _rept•eieut.fai thful 7 fund imp:ar t -IAT, the whole . Stale,•lio mantridl r be found limre liTillirfiiiip2ll or the prin. 1- 1 • - e t.lic, wt ug eau. • • • • , • . Another. o/ those disastrous occnrerices accn m• panied with the great destruction .of human life, I Las lately ,:kiken place in thb Shipwreck - Al the.. Steam:Packet Home, on lieroutivat'd yoyageTrOm New 'VOA to This'vesSel was drii•en on ; - tt liolent_gare of,-wind r -ner7dapii= , Hatteras, and dasliedlo_pieces ; Ninety (lye lives_ were lost. Much has'been said; - and N now su fetrrnts-Iterzialises^wf.trerustrttripnr-fStr counts represents her as being entirely onset'. yorthy, lief length being dis-Propoitio'neil-ferthle7 Gover MilM strength'-of Ler knale - rials, causing her to labour -so much In• the rough seti . s - ,tlMt she (Ufa- tith renderit!gj,lakecs:m&to_tunter,.upon -the MEI beach, lashed with no angry surf, as the only pos- Bible way of preventing the destrui:tion of every soul on board. Isninediately'upon striking the beach, she went to pieces, but a very few escap ing with their lives, having been so fortunate as to secure themselves to pieces of the wreck, which were thiven.on shore by the violence of the gale. - )s -- • The surviving paSgengers since their arrival it Charleston, have expressed their-opinion that"the boat was unseaworthy, and that the Captain be came incompetent from intoxication." Were then,. perhaps, is the real cause of all tharlest ruc tion of property and fife—the intoricitCon of the Captain; Which would of course;render him in caPable .of exercising that di-set - Ohm, prudence• and, management, necessary in such trying cir cumstances. When the owners -of vessels learn the.necessity of empleymg none but sober When will tra - ; . ellers / lie sufficiently eau--; 11221113 to ascertain the chara<ter for temperance, of into Whose care_t4ejeopard ‘ thean ably? Yfsliijrowneis`will nordismis3..from_their. employ, those who are in the habit of rendering • i. thetngelves incompetent by. intemperance, the only remedy is for every ' eschew their - vessels, .*hen their own selfish interests, will compel 'then' to do that which is' right. It is 'high time for something to be done by - Which — Captains - of eteamboati will' belteld re -sponsible-forilto-liveS,of—all-'whcr-May'trav-el-otr- tious, those their boats. .I.: , Tlie — editor - of — thifilarrisburg Telegraph has received the•oflicial returns from all the ceuntie's in the State but seven, and finds the majorities in the poi:play vote Ao,stand:thus: . Derh. Antimasonic*Wliig, Fed. Loco Toe°, 'Van littren • The boiintitts to 1.) e received will not materially yaly ill/ . result. to some off' there. were no candidates in opposition td-the-Fechial ists; and in others tlime but volunteers, tin Connec t-0 %Olt' our party, or the result would e 'been - rnore - atispicioils to Democratic Antimasonid principles. -I.lnt our triumph-next - year - hy - twelity thous:OW EXTRACT Or .4. L.E.171:11. TO THE ElilTol*---11ATE11 N - A - T - IE - Y - XIDP;7NIAr Yon October 1.1,1337. . Intelligence 'WAS given to the commander of this station, shout.three o'clock this morning, that, the packet ship, SuSi l idehannati, was CapttniF.d by pirates, off the Delaware capes, on Sunday night , last.- The Commodore immediately ordered- Capt. Stringham to man the U. -S. Schooner, Porpoise,- and give immediate chase. She left at 8 this 'morning. The ExplorinL schooner,; Ac tive, is preparing to leave' Allis evening. Some. thing professional for o 1 lice rS. Pin e4timier,Anill, coNnIm:PLATED:INKIRIIEcTioN • ' By t h e B ••• moihme, arrived "at New-Or leans fr . km- Aleicandria T inforinatiorOuts been re ceived'of a - contemplated insurrection of oNves,- *hich ses - Co - have' taken:place at Bayou; liapide, near Aleiandria. Abotit fifty negroes were ar rested...on the 10th, 11th, and 12th. Nine hifve .been himg, among them - the chief NvhiltorifeAsed On the gallows.' Three free negieelhave paid the .price of their crime ,with A Spaniard ,Whe was concerned inkthe plot has es --Caved. Two. campanies — of United Statet treeps• -- have' stationed along the district, , EMI Fed. maj.. thus far, IBEENI fr/zof._ ea y Itot*L.:7o.tiqck ti - itolgii 47'1114 ' B . 6*. Dr. lEcartholoinewls An agreeable cordait, and effective remedy for Coughs, - Hoarseneis, Coldi,Tninsin:tlinstreast, Card „Breathing, and Difficult eXpector4on..--, , For Adults E?: Children id eiddellinales and' warm. • . The proprietors are,aWare that there are Many remedies' for . ..coughs and' disease's of din kings ; o some n doubt lar . egniadi .L but it his remairie I :t o a late day to ;discover an arlibte ao.admiribly —(l tra .to - these complaints - tfso `pritire HP I • and eirectti . , and yet so perfectlyinnocent and:Mild. : . . Let not the pablmc.lass the scientific . result of :a-learned Physician indlliVihe tvit lithe nostrums of the day. - Letithemtnake a - Careful perusal of theevidelmes_attendingthis'Lartielei} heir" - re-. spectability, and' the•decided 'manner in which. they speak, and they cannot withhold their ie.,, lief 'to some of its virtues. Let -us assure then, that a single . trial.of it will do' more to-:aonvince all of its . ipeeits than all they ean - . - ee - or hear. on the. subject. ' It isAnite 'certain • that no injury has e'er been known to arise from its fi•ee use. :-. ,-An uncommon: fkg is,. that this remedy is a syrup, as. palatab,l3..., i1)44 'pleasant to the taste as' the'rnost popular-French-cordials-.-and-children Mite it always with the . greatestreadiness...... ~. . The proprierors are no* making rapidarrange, tnents to 'have this•ariicle in the hands of - every . druggist-and apothecary in the country, It May be known to be genuine - by the following signs tureras-6-elisivof-the--Itevr-GelitleTritin"tititl-Thy' sician who is the author cif it - . , • - ' . . Itls with great. pleasure that the-pro - p iefors c .h..m.1 are enabled thus to bring' forward alt artic • so truly meritorisilis as this syrup; and from suc h. - source; and they trust the community. who 'have occasion for its use may always find it within their reach, prate us to places at Whioh-it may be found, and the row price . at whichit is-suld.:; A great number or the thuit wonderrul...Ctifea may be seerrby-callingtm-Nlr.-- - S- Elliott, - Carlisle, ir Wißrse - itorell is `for itile. — SFe — lVii.: : Mtibit'.4' papers. LIST OF CAUSES For Trial at Noveniber Terns First Week,,eonpencing Monday; Nov. 13, 1837., Abeni-WaggOner& — Jos Hunter's ex'ors.'ivB-.4ary McFadden 7 -Ino - Citrothers,•-exlurs -vs:-A-'w- Carothe rs' - ad Stockton - ---' - - --- ' - 'im. Moore-Mahon,--co- Woods -Mlhon Lco - . 4 , Woods ' vs 1' Ege et al r ' .. • Weise for use of Me- • • ' - - n Lanahan =----- „vs Cronisters' adm'r Stair. fOr use &e - Vs Zug3s - adm'r -- Gray . • ' - vs *Wilson . ' • , 'Camp - I. vs-WoOd - s -- 7 ------- -• / ,- Beatty -• • - ' .:-tis , Sample's ad ';r - Totter Vs, Sa - nn ----- 7 o En . . . _ -• . • Secsa ad — Week, (S'cinze Term . ..) . Comrw'lth fcirtiset '64-grim iiOt `-- ', •- • Ilicliellfeller - £4. "%Vile,- .-vs , ll - upiA-exte'rs-- Zearing" _ viHoo_yer .. Geese • . - ',/ 71 . 4 . Wonderlicli . • - Whisler 80yife •• / . vs" Bear- . - Brackenridge ; - • / ._ :W. Clarl vs Earix,t7aufrilap Batteigiy • • , " vs, Bennett --- Bennett:,/ . .vä Battersby . - - , Gorgos ' - ,tr . vs Gill. . _ . Carlisle Bank. - ---7vs - GenEge co-drave'r 1-Alexander . -vs Sluraffer - ~, 'McAllister-`--' - • vs_La.Ve4y.--,a__..-'-, - . Saie -- • - vs Same _Same . , • ._...vs.Same . _. _,,_. Clever - . - k___ vs Patton. :- ~ , §...114N...-,,,,,,,,,5,-1.: , 2,,,,,VA15anie :' _ . _ 11. Angney . vs .I.s A & M P Ege Lnirthii_Al_cabs_____. _____ve_.N.•__ltatey's exs - __ Gaullagliei's ex'r. vs Stockton -. Kirkhoof_ - • - - vs Bishop • --- .- TS-I .6.-11-Z I.5'T ' • - - FOR:A.DJOURN-Ep COURT, Commencing Monday, .Aay. 2 7, 1537. Ramsey .. . vs Harper John Martin & wife 'Z . vs Andrew Brown's for use,-&c - 5 . executors T Creighton & wife do vs Sa e- Harkness al of .same vs 1" - __ les_l3rown'et, al. James Martin • ' vs arrie; . 7 Mary Martin- , • -Same Martha 'iVlartitt 7 . vs Same . . • Jane Martin __. , _.vs. Saute— E Martin by his gu7dn vs Smile John - M Wilson by do vs Same . • • Seth Wilson by do vs Same . • - ' Margaret Wilson by do vs Same Dinsmore & Kyle, in- . 'Zees, fs'c. - , , vs Ege and others. _: Bell and Stirling • ~ vs Weakley - Alexander • vs Fetter • _.... Blymire for use, &c , vs . Moore , Fettrow's adner vs Pehe Maxwell for use &c vs Same • " Clippinger - -- • vs Moore' . Same . vs" Patton Wightrrilin's - Ad'rrit - v_S Cle_ver Sanders. - VA Anieehan.-constl. Gtindyear •Vs Lehman Harrisb'el'lt ind'ee &c vs Mahon ~..;. Christleib fOr•use eie — . vs Sturgisi• • '''- vs Kell Shannon ' . . Robinson's 4191 d Established • . LOTTERY & EXEIiANGE , 80 Baltimore Street.-- Q.P.LEN Dm__LurrEittEs_.kon_No_v 1.; NI-. LiElt:Orders' from all parts of the United ttites respectfully solicited.' . 6'300000-capitai. Ritainfoxn ACAORMY'IOTTEIIY,""' ; Class . C. for 1837, r. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., SATUIWAN: f , • November 4,18:1 SPLENDIDSCIIB: B. $30,000==10; 6 00- 2 =6,000 - •= 7 5'0004,000—'3,000- - ' ;2,500-2;120-2,000-25 of' 1,000. Sce.' 10, 314 1 12;678 1,834 Tickets $lO-Halves ss—Qoarte+s Certificates of packages of 25 whole tickets $l2O AO do 25 half do 60 do do . --INiarter do. 30 The Most. ,Spledill 'Vet. 50,000-20,000-10,000 !!! qII4ND CONSOLiIDrITED LOTARY, - C.lass bC drawn at Wilmington, - _ - _ - Del:,_tii:.:S37.7l.7lif • - HAY, Nov. 18 , 1837. _ srosT sPLaxniv rritiEs . l prize of 1 do 1 do 1 do 2 do cs .do 5 1 do • 10 do 20 di) 30 du' G 6 (10'. • Besides many of $257-200—:150, .Tickets sl.o—flalves . fi—Snarters $2.60. Certificate of_ packages of 2. , .ydinle tickets $l4O - do . • 25 half .do 70 Do do . 2.5 qitarfer. do •. 35 84 -Orders for ticket's ihtl'slialles-or certikeittek of, packages in the above magnificent' schemes. will receive the moSt.„„prompt attention, and the oft cia r aw i ng. of caph.sent iminediatelypfter it is over, to all who recptest it. All ordersstricil confidential. Addreis actoSer It is - an biternal application, and •for" many other complaints enumerated in the• wrap per is _considered. remarkably. effectivei - fint for AP...Rus idhas .no,eq!ial i .and : t he agents:ire - Inm= , bound -- tb , refurrd - inr-all-cases — where.itdces"not-• . • , It ,is being used in Hospitals d our principal cities with 'great effect , ' _No Fiction..-t•Thip e:kiraoplinarychemical com position, ihe.restat of science and the invention of a k.eletrrated medical man, the imp, ducticin which to the public .wits invested with the . macro, Mty doth:besl'l)c q uest,_2lias- since gained ,a reputation unprlleled, fully sustaining the. cor• rectnesS of ty. - lamented Dr.. Gridleys last ton _ lession, Iliad' "he dared:not- die -without kitilt_to posterity he benefit of his knowledge op this subject,'" and he therefore . bequeathed do his &fend and and attendant Solomoni lays, the secret of hisiiliScovery. • • /".'. It:id now used in the principal ho'spidals; and the - piivate practice in our country, first and most certainly - for the:. core of the Piles. - ant.l- . also so _rex_tensively,ancLeffectually!_as_ta.baffte_dedulity,_ tmless•where-itseffecta-are-witnessed. lyin thefollowing_complaints: 7j. 1:or propsy- 7 -Creating extraordjnary ab.. C 4.). 'rj - sirption at once.' d/irms- --- 11educing.7them - ih : efe: - C, hours. - • . Ilibertmatincpte or -Chronic, q[iick ease. 'Sore Throat,---py cancers, ulcers oreolds; cz i 'Croup," or IT'llooping:Coirgh—V.xteruAlly 0 and over the chest._ : 4., au Bruiscs,..S'ilrains - and Barns— C.:661N in -it few botirs. • ' • 4 '!" • Sores and Peers—Wl!etherriVSo'9ng ' • standing_and-Fel;er MI& ehirdren duc. g rheumatic - swellings, And looseing'cotlghs Ti 'tightness ortlfe' chest 'by rehtxation the i parts - has becnsurprising beyond : conception.— Hie c'ommon remark' of thoie avlio haVe used it in the Piles, is, "tt acts like n clirm."• - , used-only as an .ext&nal: - application, and its Sovereign power in curing the ,drove named complaints, is - justified:by , Out of the many, warns 'recommendations this Remedy haS received, the following only are sub joined. They are generally extracts from &Alt:vs from persons of the highest respechibiliqf 'whose names , are not published fiti• obvious reason.,, though the writers have nut objected to have t hem shown fa such as wish to see,them. , • Cine;nnat i., Oct. 91h,1836., "Of all the remedies we sell, none gives so decided satisfaction as flays' Liniment We can prticure, if you desire, the, best recommendations frbm some most worthyidizens."-• Boffido,rsgprit WM, 1837 - ; -- "I have sold all the Hays' Liniment and could have sold much more. JUdge—is cured by it, Sc has sent at least twenty persons hereto' bus , it." Jinntar . 9 qd, 1837.- We are in' want of Hays' Liniment, and the sales are uncommonly good, and the article thus far, unrivalled. —lt is used for a variety of com plaints, and apparently with great effect in. all. Mr. C.---.., a.planter. now here, has Writien near half - utpage about the - 'cure he has experi •enced-by it, not having befbre leg his house ,for months. Ile' was cured of Piles iii forty•eight hours; we trill send you his eulogies which maj• -bet& servicb to-Mr,Hays." • • ; • Charleston," S. C., Dec; 28/11, 7 1837. 7 halm been - distressed - for for_years_with:.thel l'ile - Viiiraiff&ings have been intense, and my physician had recommended - an operation as the only means of tclief. Ilays' Liniment was. ad vised, and I have nsed one bottle, and so fat as I can judge am fully and entirely cured. I cannot refrain from expressing my anxiety to have its qualities more extensitely known 1837: • • . 3d, 1836.' Hays,--lhave damned Qoack-Medicines, Calomel Doctors, _Lobelia Steamers, Vegetable - Doctors,md , so-on- to the - I'm4 - last cif - all myself, lifi.t.and.every thing besides' having all sorts of an idea.shout a heap ot: comfort, in .exchanging life - for - thatplace - a - Tight - snmrt -- clanraThwtff than - any about in these parts.--I have had the Piles for eighteen Omnths till I ght .3 our Liniment. three days ago, and now I alli well and have thrown Physic to-ttte—dogs." • • - • St.. Louis, May Rh, 1837. •'Wc dont knOIV what-the--people - ,do with nitys' Linimenti, sure they cannot— all -- }five the Pile's, we reckon , it'iS used fin. Itheurnatiam, and coughs, Ares, swellings. We have sold a. large quantity - this year, as you may know liy our last purchase.; w hick is all gone, „Please Send us two gross" mdre, and also the articles ordered last week, if not already shipped." .„, • . - Yours, Etc.... ' • We migheunultlply.stielf as the above to any in.. definite,. length, hilt prefer that persons generally 'who sell the artielemlitallriZexbillit to their ells oincts the ortinat_eerlilloteLtlfey_hax t y_or k hand.-leis for Sale by. S:C..IIO.I.ANDIM, ' EEO DR. SIIURAEL BEWES7' • Celehiratied Rheumatic, Nerve, • ,• • . and Bone' . • 50,000 A. 0,00 0- 10,000 '7,500 0,040 2,500' 2,000 1,500 1,250 13000 50 500 300' Applied morning and night, ,. has -cured -hun dreds. gii•es relief in...the iiVelling or the giant4or the.throat, and relieves the numbness and contractions of thelirnhs and-viii — take sweV lings down, and hdlamations out of the . &sit, rheutnatisin, Insiises and sprains --It gives jinni& -4liate relief ;. it titrthigthens weak limlis, and ex 7 tends the cords when_contracted.—A few clivps on sheep's wool `applied to the( ear of - deaf - tir 7 sons; trill Eby constant application,. cause ihein to hear in two,.monthsi time. • . A great number .of.. certificates •of the. mb , ,t renspertable.and-deCent. character nuiy be exam. ined.vhere it is sold. Please cull on S. C. llohottlkt Carlisle,.Who will give fOrtber inforniation; ni' E.*F -Nlr..4.lo.lancler's papers. • • 'Carlisle, October SG, enw.. . 48.• A ... FO iWN E. —The attt=ntion t•irill!gf and' all pei:soos. tsoee is respt.t.elfallS, (hreefell, 11011INS,ON,'S A DYEIVVISPAtiIr,NT in another .'phytthis , ps=' pf.r. , -;s3o,ooo;:so,oloo,.id'ai)it:E , dsAthittid :the ensuing month;'Nnyerober. , • • :1 • . : October 30, 184.7,. • • E. W. ROBINSON, • .10 in 1:1, • 0n PriAny•Tast, acOnsuipptroli; Ciatentlee Ir _vine Hackett, second son of the lato Capt•eotiti.. Hackett, in the.J.9th.yeae...of his age:. b1.41.41;Rt-E - D j- • .. On nib 20th-tiß..rit Norfolk, Va. by the Rev. ..lohir smith, J. 011enbockeizodeno:fireng'aphens leirier,-:_DiMi Consul :to:the - United States, to IV.lrs,-Jlelary . .N.a cure no. pay. • PRICE ONE , DOLLAR. • • ! •It is considered:-olgrent.,ll7loortance _RubliCAO-know-the-foliowing-ilitetst__ About fou' years ago, Solomon llays,.the per son to wham the celebrated Dr. Gridley had, on •lits.death-bed imparted the.eecretulf making ti ,Liniment-fit cure the Vile 'ituthorizerit to b • put up and sold, iintle,r fire - i liatife — Ortfajg r litit; meat; and erioinetVlhat all „Who would use one bottle for the and return the . 'empty bottle, should 'have Wein:ice refunded. Since that time,: tipwvds or fifty_thonsand bot-. tles'have bOcti snbl, - oot Of whichtnot. ten have returned,. and these only because the persOns did . siotttae. it properly!! - Such wonderfill success, probably t neyer attended any other article. It - is now determined by' the.proprietor, that r virtuesi so that those suffering Walt' that .dreadful complaint may avail themselves of its use. There are Many thousand certificates of the most respectable and authentic character, many . or %Aid') may be examined where the. article is I sold. P-ILLS . R. 1 1 ,IEIZir.A7En.i:: • , ..•• aeneral agent for ilenidylvania,*arkland, rjs4.wareiL&e., Nolisoutliith at, three doors below lqa3,,ltet at., Philadel-. and , No.lo North - SG; Etaltin t.l for ~ near. e'Post or. • SECIIEFD- ; E OF TUE - If YODiASt •1 6OFTd BLE TN! MiDICINES oB - . . . Yr l llClthave. - :obtaineA the Appro.lotion-- and ItecOmmendation_ of l'housan.ds,.w.hp...Ba.Vekeeu.. ctireiridTUdiiiiimption,_Choleq Morbtis„ . , inflania tjonqiiiternallymr• externally,, and all diseases or - the -----, Liveri - rlreilinir'Pefer; - GEitif," -- Itli'efinTatismi Lunibagic - ric -- Doloix - .7llr . iipsy, St --- Vistits's Dance, Epilepsy,'AppoplexY, palay., - :Green Sisl6. I mess, and .all - obstructions to•which the Peinale torin is so distressingly , liable, and w.ligh send•sti. many-o f the'fairest portiott - ofAltelereation46:their. untimely iraves; $ all Pox,. Measles, Whooping' Cough; Scarlet' Fey Asthma, Jaundice; 4ilravel,: Stone, an Urinary 35tructions;TistItWiles, Strictures, HiNiViires, :in Syphilixin - allifs stages, 'er... o4s, _Constipatedilohels,..WiarmsrScurvntrching of the- Skin, .Ithig's" EVil,Mtd . all Cutaneous DiainclerS.; :in short, cverY .Complaint,\_ which the liiim I( frame is so direfully subject. under alliheir v led y a -forms and - tia" es; as the .ilygeitin convicts 9i5,.) that 71 15 mailed to only one real . diseoeo, ; that is; ' to , the - :impyrityof4.herbtoodit - from-whenee=springs-si every complaint that can possihfty assail his com plicated frame, and that it is the perpetiial strug: gle of this vital, pure stream pf . life, (the gift lir Almighty power) to disencumber-itself of its vis cabs - acrid -humors; . with which. it has become Commixed. • • . . . .. ; -.. This i - a hlable medicine, being' OOmposeci only of vegetable matter, or tne'dieinal herbs, - lincl war ranted on oath, PS con!a;ning mit bile- particle of ••=mercuriat;=rnineral,-- - orehemieal-substancea;—(all of .ut ielvare.un6ongervistlci the , nature-Of inan, - -atul—:thotTfo're-71-eatmettvoliolrcluirria-irfearifey . is be fierfeetly hailnless to the most ten- . der age, br, weakest frame, under-every stage oF human. suffering, the most pleasant and benign-in its operation, and at the same - time the roost cer.. Sefil Clibig out the rci:it - of - every - comillahrty Tfewever deep, and of perforniinga cure that was ever offered to the world. This wonderful effect, Cod is.produeed - by the leaSt trouble to the pa tients, by merely swallowing . nber-ef pill and . _being-Called-a few- extra times-to-the purpose of evacuation, with the least. pos s ible Sensation_of pain, exhanstion of bonily strength, and without the, fear of catching cold, or:atten tion to dress of' diet, in any_way_ different, from their accustomed habits.' These pills cure in all cases, and cannot lie...taken to,excess., Experi ence, which is the'Anuchstone of all human knowl , borne_teStimony to the fact;' and extensive-tise. of them has alreadr - verlfied its truth _ • . • . - These medicines cure by purging, and yet the. weak; the feeble; the ;Whim the 'hetvolts, the Alelicatelare feW bei r operation, because they clear the.budy - of its bad humors; and • invariably produce •soiind .sleep, _..711u..,y arc the safest-and - most- Ofie,icious Medicine to talcs to sea %preventing scurvy . , costiveness; tke • The' operation of this mild Medicine,, which_ conveys hnmediate,convietion of its utility, from thc'f,irst`its _beneficial to the'..rnind as the hody; ..first calming, then curing all Mental de- PutgementS, - Eccentricitit..s4,..lcervuo Affection s , liritabilities and IlestlessneSs, Fr -whatever -SOUrCC' • ' ertrrMit - Weii". pr'oper v um ers nor, as.the' I fygeists . have, found: tlfe 7 tif tfrUe e frontacrirtfoniousliti mou?Siti' the - blood,. nd,.happiii for_ tlie,:prpseut 401 d fti hire raee ormmkiod, di:corow cheap iiniver= sal mode• of purifying, curing, and preventing .:„ - The being cured of iiny disease, infirmity, or "sore,' - more dubious of uncertaiirpro cednre,--,--p mew. rancelnil ve - VegUra ble U hive rsa I Medicines will always. restore nature - to her, due: The litera'rrand sedentary, of both s.excs, whose pursuits so Much impair the facul ties, will find a s sure remedy-in--the UuivcrsaE- -Medidines for preserving the energy and spright.. liness, of the imagination, mid: improving their health-4,01d age will 'be 'attained by the itse_of them,.and passed4'ee_ froth pain-and-infirmities; They are not .enveloped with the mysteriea o other medicines; they 'only requ're to be perse vered in with sufficiently, large doses' l and the pa tient 'will come mff well when a iisease is ob stinate, patients fre tently do not take doses large , - - enough. -- -The-medicines-are comprised inthree-differeht articles only, viz: in two - kinds or pills, of differ ent strength or power, designated by No 1 and 2;, the first is a powerfid, but nio'st mild ;Mc! tie apetiedt, or opening.- medicine, detaching and partially removing the billions ropy humours, whilst the No. 2 Pills carry off Oise and the serous acid and putrid humours, incidental to the body; and act together as a-ferret in a warren, never resting. until every avenue of the human frame is dtoroughly searched, and cleansed of its impurities., The Vegetahle Cleansing Powders nre of great assistance to patients and facilitate the e'racnatiOn'' of - bact:humpursc - they - softem - cleanse; - and - detaclr. the acOmonious._phlegm_t,sre,.cooling, and Allay theAlkst. three,_pnwAerafinae take' triranghont- the day;- mixed in half ajfim , ,f- ter-of—Wit r. -"r - The are sold in packets of, $2, mid $3, and 25 and 50 cent Goxes— the /wo former consist of three boxes each, viz. one box of No. I; and two boxes of No. 2-r-the latter, one larger box. with a divisitin; the powders are in separate boXes at 37} cents each. cOln consecinenee of the repeated solicitatiOns of the agents,- . DOW- the convenience of the Vublie - in general, boxes of 50 cents, and 2 .5 cents 4;.ach, can-now be bad of all the Agents, • CM= 11101RISONIANA:itie - ninily Adviser of the Brit lilt-College of lealth, 3d tdition, priced $275; and PRACTICAL: PLIGOVS . d the F • ian system or physiology, inducting of L ir o. . , T r 6li se .d , „ sin:4lF tdx. ," "Utter on Cholera. Morbus," and many attested cures effect ed in this'e ''''''''''''' as well its in Great Britain, 6th Edition, -price 371 cents, •;. The Tiygeiam Medicines are all imported into this country at a great expense, - notwithstanding whiclWvey•are sold - at the same price as in Eng land. They have been 6 years before the Amer ican - public; their preeminent. Success in the relief of the nffiidted, thousands can testify • CAUTlON.—lii:cocarcicrocc or the high estimation in which Morpisoil's Pills are heldiby the public, it has induced an innumerable host of imprinciPledcounterfeiters tn•atteinpt imitations; under deceptive termsthus tri:delude the unwary, theitnnstrntritiforitheA3eptine. itlygeitin Medicine; in consequence of which ' the Agent has. taken the preeautionarypeasure of having an • Yeilow Label tixed on each Packet,-signed by theAßeiit of - eTeli State and - Mania; and by their Stib•Agents, in — every County; the imitation •of which . will subject the forger to the severest punishment the Liiiv Can inflict: and: it is further to be noticed; that none o 6 the' above Medicines can he obtained in_ any Alirtig' Store., throughout the Udion ; flue ,Drug .Stores being the principal source tlitottgb which the. Counterfeiters vend eir spiirions articles. 7 CNtespectable parties may , be appointed A gents on liberal terms, by,applying to the General Depot; go. ai Sou n LSEVIIINTLI STIOCiT, thre doors helow:Market street: Phibilelphia— and at iski. 1.0 Nerth Street tialtimnre; nearly opposite the Yost cillicei—Where Atte Genuine r4,s.licine - may. always be obtained.. . - Forsale in the store DY &, - , Withieettinnied!laitelly. FrLIE übseriber desiimis itf ror 4 grind MASONS, and also. 3 or 4 carpet), leis give cl , nstaitt itoploytitent" and the iliay call upon him. Foi - Vioili"F • • • ." • • • SAANIUEL.Nf4DIG. C•. arlisle; QC.t. 30, 337,1,--;31, 4 t . • • LS RITIB+ cimwas o}. 1;;ONDON,. Etl3 _ . • - • 4)P ". - • • op• TION SA I3 - 7 11 2 :: it • -:" -,-LiS_ _ It_ PUBLIC gALE. Bir virtueofa tl"eed'britss':;nment -. mnde - by Samuel Neadig toihe_subacri}7er_g wdt be_itold at publics le, on Tuesday the 31st of..oetober next, at the ,dwellitig house' of Samuel Neidig-,' in the borough . of Carlisle, the . follbriring... personal' pro perty,„ . ' . .. . •... _ . :-.-I__LF‘ aftlite_Wds,.-.11 - edditirg--------- ..... and Beilstvalig; Tablen,,Chtors; Bur6ttns i i re Sc. &et:try, Knoking::.oltoisf.s,' one Telt .ylate. Stove, one I.'i one Carpeting, &c. -•,. O.PCSRPENTEIn 7 1 00t.5• . One j' tent :141ortichig . .11achirie, 6 IVasidng ebities, made on the most approved plat;!; .one ,rent Cutting Box, 2 Gigs, '2 Wheelbarrinyy, r;ne Dearborn Wakon, one Horse; one (ow, - 2;flogq, and--lot,..oLLttrphetycop-slging-M-Boardi;-Scan littg.,,Sr.c., riame nuildhid, • • On the .Market Square; formerly' the . Weigh tionse,.whiCh might be: to n verted into a l'cry comfortable dwelling, together with a variety df articles net here enumerated.' • ••• - Sale to . ,,sommence at 10 'o'clock. of said clay, Apo doe attendance . ankl_a_itosonable credit. will • - . Ocf,: 17; 1837 .------- - IZOBINSOVS OFFICE,' 1 Ball: st. 4. doors'below the Fignklin flank. S 13 64 61 - 10-62 5 4-63175 53 Are the drmt•ni orimherg of. the ,greni $40,000 leper}! elass 8, Arawn-Oet". -- .1,. lowest prize $lO. Combination,lo,s3Bs $l,OOO priie • -' -4,3764 '• --------1,000 do" ' •• do 1.3,6175 l,ooo' do 6164 9U, do -Besides a xast-nomber-of—small-prizeq:--------- The'.second-cOital-of-8,009, nnehlge-259i—in in Arirginia Wheeling .Lottery, No. 6, drawn 7th .October, was a Bostonian. The capital prize of $30,000, a share paelcage*_of, 5k6 ; iii the LottetT. N0..7, drawn 30th Sep !Cmher, was sent to LouisvillF,lcy. . Attention is respectfully invited to - the two splendid 'schemes for November, $30,000, $50,000 high capitals. - Seeitobi moil's advertisement.. Oetoberl3oi-1.837-;"—td6-. ILegislerifire Ideystonc. D URING the ensuing session o the egts lature; the - Keystone will „1,), 'published twice a 'iv&k., mid contaiir fulfreliortricl the pi - o - ceedings in boili'llonses. ' It - iv ifihiai eon - . ..tain.zan. :Moonlit-of- the- 7 prOcecclings- of-rite reform convention, which (judging-Irmo-sim ilar haclres in other stte.i'atidthe_convention_, that famed - oui. ; preseitt cOristithtion;) %VAL Tirrir IlfebirieTilKl , Zelcsiivii - bairifi t t. . • - illie:political Complexioßef the legislature andifie imphrtant subjects which-will neces sarily come- before it,-will render the next session peculiarly interesting.. All,,eyes are.. -turried:.--this-way-,ftir,speecly reform in - -.our preientslefective currency, Decided action relative to the improvement system - is' ar dently desired in many quarters., These two . -matters-of-thenfselves, forni--subjectrof intense interest to the people at large. Oh the 4th Of - March; a democratic con- -_vention will:assemble here and nominate a candidate for governor. An account of this, - together with the, preparatory movements of the party in all quarters' will be faithfully detailed. From these- ircilm'stances, there vl, never has been a tim when a paper from the seat of governmen) i sof such indispen sable value to all tli citiZens of thecorn tnonwealth, _ivill be for the eitsiiing• . six Months. . . . The terms of the Keysfone are the same as beretofou, During - thession semi-weekly • £2,00 For the year 3,00 Any person forwar4ing us 2 dollars, shall receive the Keystone from the'Airtie 'of Sub scribing to the . close .of. the se"ssion—oi..Six copies will be sent to a . ny_one office for f,lO. All Post Masteis ure invit e d to act .as agents for the I{eystone, in receiting subscri hers and remitting money to us and any shall receive a list of our, subscribers in his townand_peighimhood, rt.s-of agency. -- 7 —,--- T , Packer,_,Barnettorke., - Harrisburg, Oct. IS, 1S 7. Semi-tittelzlg • Telegraph. • LEGISLATIVE - REPORTS. Tlit PEN'IIkyLVA NIKTEL F.b . it. A . PII will be , published semi-weekly during the ensu-i ing-StS5lO3l of the. Legistatore, and contain full.reports of the proceedings Of both . bran clreSi aken by coMpetent and faithful reper tots. , .. _,/ The acts of the coming sessionorthe Le gisktn . c will be'lneked to with 'filch inter. est.l "lie people expect the party 'that have Obtained a majority in the popular branch to carry out their. promises of reforming the currency and battishing shin .plasters from circulation. • This subject, together with the Improvement SysteM,"" independent of nume, tons others'of nirerest, - are of themselves of sufficient magnitude to create a desire in the mind of 'every intelligent% citizen to - take. a _paper front the seat of Government.' In addition to this, the .proceedings 2f the State Conventions that will assemble-bete on the 4th of March to nominate candidates for „Governor .will be kinked to With interest, and. given With .fidelity. . , The'-proceedings (if the .Conventiou to ..amend_tlie_Constitution will also - be given until. its final adj turnment. • And - als.sefire= - ted portions of *the most interestini, 'on gressional- proceedings. c . The Terin - it , ibi the Telegrapll arc, .. For the session; Sthni•weekily $2 00 - For the year., , 1 ,• : •. Lfl .00 .:.• Persons paying two &Mars' in .athiance shall receive' the Telegraph train the pre.-:. sent time to the end Of the-session, 'and six, copies will . he sent to any one place .for $lO paid iii advance... Competent person's willing to,4tet as agenks in : their neighborhood, flicthe itstial compel); . saPon, are requested to inform us, and if strangers to us to state reference!i., v - . '• . • • ' THEp. - FENII. . ,: 1-larrishurg,',Qct. 25, 11:37'... • ~ , . ~. , 'to Cri , ,ditoi•si' . 'rake Notic e that we have applied t&. the liii4, / ea of the coin* aeon - mum pleas f C . . -- • cot 'lily for the benefit (if tlte ansalteritla, 9 ‘ rn vs, 4e. o r l ia tl n lit . rir ; 114. A ,, , F; D A 43 : l ° , m ij an il i f. , rti tw iE o 1 1 ( 1. ,! a ( !f A T i g i : -l E i n :, l and, conananwealtlh - anti .they; have .appoiated . Mon- , i -z- - belonging' tit,' Wai. H, M o dn urn , ,n r _clay,...the:.l.l3t4--clay of -Npijelinber; 1837, t until positively be sold.atradilic sole, on'tlre j)iem. emu t.hoase - in . Carlisle, Tar-ile hearing of us nor i t...!!...ditta , s, wlien . u , n 8 .eifie;re,3 oil may attead,, hes,: on .Wednesday tle.22d "day, of Nov ern bery,e4r. For deseilptioli Of property -- ao&- . ‘ i • - ❑ ihird(Pl.°Per• ~., . . '.; - terilia 4 side,. referto _ale Carlisle }lc rald. 6: I 1.1..1A31 I'dli:lNl.ti: x, J WEIYRICHe 3 tCOII BACA - JA COB S SUI LIV N - ~ k.:14-)psitor. preykais Co.the:2ld init. - JOSEPH'' ' ' '' ' ' ' ' • A I.. A .e oll ...swis t y.p df i....„„_. • • . : " ' ' -As s ignce ci U-IV:tia.. - 'R. WocarairB7... I -3-A-,t , --Cj- .1 ? - 1-‘ll- ;I . :l l ' l7 l'ER GO . OD IVII: 14 t% 11 .1 . 1 " .. "--"7141 ' Neviale, Oct. t 4,18,.)7, , . . ..-. . , Oct ,. 17; 4837; . .., : ~.,,, ...:.,7 . . , , , . _ -------- -_------~c,~—_ _ , ---- Will be.s'olkat, lknblid Side I)ii 'Friday the day!olNoveniber-neat;' - at 10'r - o'clock, - A. lig: eqi.cl_Aay.,. on the premises, the , t'olloying.cle parihed lea] _estate,- late--the- property of -Joint Hetrick, seri. deceased, ' R TRSCT "Oj_bbiIEST I ONE- L. 1111.1. - 'Situate in - ljick inson - -township.—Cuniberland_co. Pa', aboutl-milevivest . . 131 CR . A E'S Bounded ,bv lands prWili%nm Woods, garntiel Beetem, and John Gallv6ith's heirs; there: are 100Pates-deared, 'innaitigh-state-of-pultivation and-tinder.:good• fen - oe7 - 111c , residue , is covered - with tliriving Yciung_iifriber—i!heLimprovenients - ore a !wostory : „. 4 4,Nyt, ; - .S 1 41.111 . 1)-4 Ei TO' 0 lig ;!; i' , 70- 7 !..;::- . :, --_. STCDITE 11'07.TPZ . ' _. - -, - - 2 -- .7 - adjoining, ' .1110:e-are I wli . neVer. failing .springs' , Hl' wai . g rutinin . . near the house, also a Splingt -ileire and a D 0111111.1!: .LOG TWIN'," and an_ apple orchard of choice fhlit. trees. ..41.80„ :• • , . A LOV - OE - G - 1101UN - D _Satiate _ a')cint bat f-a : Mile..lion_ the...abtiire_de-'• s.erihed farm, adjoinjog the YellOw 1466ches • -Creek, and. lands of Dr %'m: t'lharobers, Henry : Shank, it% And elli'ers",. containing ~.133-10,e5,. all eleaVed_and under. good _fences;aiiingLtherems_ . ereeiecia ;•• • - ' . • -•._._ _ - .. . ,• . wag pouse.4. ,stit ie.. - 1116 whole Of the above property will-he sold together, for' the Lot sold separatb to - suit' pura chasms The terms of .sale will be made known! . .on the clay. of sale. . - ... - • . --.- ----,..„-. .--.. -' : CATHARINE_ I - TETR ICE, ExeCHttqf ' \.,.... 1 ABRAHAM HETR/CK, .." : . 0 . - - Iwrit lc K.-- -, --:-.- -ExedatOrs.---_— I,, , :flisolict-H-g-za:KKI-- - , .. -.- ;' ,2, 5.•` .. " 1 - 7'l7ElN'it r307Ti337.- 7 -3w. •--- ~- - B itEs gig neeg. F - l[ ESH 0 STE • , • Thefsphsciiber has just received a supply or . FRESH OYSTERS, ixhich. he is prepared to • Aeryg t elrh7est - sl,yla4lnt --- Ro Ilarper's Itovi".." He invites his oil customers and friends to g;ve .him a call and judge for - them; selves; rJ.ACOB ZEIG. CarlislN - October 30, 1837:—.0: 48. D 3 OU RNED- SALE. _ Viiittaige tiroprtiv 011) ,Titt Will--be-e:nme4-to . " - P-tibliC-Salejat-the-Couri---. .[ionse, iii,the'bornaghof Carlisle, on 'Wednesday the 45th day .of Novembei nest, the following' described property, viz: I .7T=-A - Valua;bhj - .Parrti,t situate in Dielemson township, Cumherliind coutt. ty; on t i he Wahiut Bottikm' t•od, actioininr lands bf (te'nrge Lee, - • Myers and others, and about tool• roile_dcatrt_2iirlistO,-contining • . Liniest9nO:Lantil - alJout.loo acres of which is cleared and bye good stye of -- 71,1mimproye•metiN BTC a TWO STORY' STONE Y _ ms 1.1..i•'! IMOITUVA zo .. • • iintibiettig• I3arn, and ether -out buildings, nether ieith a well or water at the door -there - on this fariti en excellent -- - APPLE - 7 ORCHARD. The Sittiation - -rif-thig-in.operty-wmild aft 4 otti - ari -- excellent opportunity for any person wishitig to Commence the _mercantile liusinesl; it would also" be a good scite for a blacksmith shop, Attendance will he given on tht. day of sale by Jambs S. Woods' • 5 . . Eeecutor of Swim' Woodq, Sm..dcc'd. October 23, 1837.--4. -The_ Lancaster Volksfreund tvill .publish the above three weeks and charge this' office. SPLENDID LOTTERY FOR NOVEMBEI3. $56,000—$2o l o0o—$10 5 0,00!! Grand.fonsolidated Lott Cry. • • Class B. - • To be . drawn at Wilmington, Del., di atttr-,ooo _3 Prizes of $2,000 • 1 • do, 20,000 5 . do , 1,509' 1-- tlo. • 10,000- 10: do - 1;250-- 1 do 7,5 00 0 2O do •, 1,000. 6 1 • do • ' ,114°0 do . ' 750 2 -' do' . . 2,500 '3O , do 5OO 60 of 300,- besides many of $250- 7 5200-1 ----) $l5O, &c. &c. - • .- • . Tickets slo Half ss—Quarter . $2 5 Cer. of Packag,es of 25 W. Tickets 140 d is ' dd . •do • • 25 Half 'do 70 dolls do do , : 259r,,, do 35 dolls 100 --prizes of ' • Btaillavidble' 11.011erY , CLASS, No. 23, fth 1887. , '1. 1 6 be , • Baltimore,- 1 N0v . .12d. 1837- $'30,000-8,000-4,00043,000- , -2,500.-;-ICO prize- of *sl,ooo, Ltcc. &e. - Tickets $lO- r half $.5-Quarter—s2 Cer. of packages of .25 W. Tickets $l3O do .- -do 2.5 1 - half do do do 25 Qr. , do 32' 50 $35,294 nOtt $30,000, ST - ATE LOWERY, For End sving—Leesbarg:Acadefily and .for . - . other.._purposes.. • • _chlkss • N 0,7, for 1837.. To bo'drawn at Alexandria, - Va.'on Satur , . day, Nov. 25, 1837. SPLENDID CAPITALS. , ... $ 3 5,294-11,764-6,000-5,0p0-5,000-. • _ • 50 Prizes 4.81,000, Btc,•&c. • Ticket slo—Half- ss.—Quarter $2.30. Cer, of packages 0 , 25 W. Tickets ssq., do - - -do - • 25, Halr,- - do do 25!Qtr. d 4 '32 $ll • d..7"Orders for tickets and shares of certi cates of plekagesia the above.magaiffcent schemes,. _will receive the.tivist prompt • qt tentipn. and - an official at i count of eaclfkaiV. ink sent immediately after it isoVer to all who order fr,om Us. ,AddreSs GRE . G:ORY El C,. itlaiw , P.ra. . I. lEasit_glT . s . g i ieD. C. Oct. 23, 1837. CM FOR SALC, ' . l 29-ACRE.S; more or less, day; Nov: 18th, 1837. ' - DtosT SPLENDID PRIZES eti• ) Ell Si,ootin I=