HERALD AND EXPOSITOR. ~Y PHILLIPS Bt'VEAZICT• 11 cAnlasz.z• l'ateWay,. Oct°lyer. 3 .1;. a S 3/. • - The , Pe . oyiles .Cwidichi les, •.1 FOIL • . . Wa v iiti' Davi 3111.411aLtZKE)53:4*. FOR VICEPRESIDENT,_ ,• rozaavcuao avaAsilca=„ Democratic Antlinasonic Candidato , I'OIf`,GOTEI - INOR OSEPIIII REIMER% Sigh liaise thci ,We,eee by our exchhog,epapers.Altat_our_friends Ortlit." • RITNER flag to. the mast head, , nai uig tt t tem. ‘- - this.l.4 as it should be. Let every - paper i n the • stale kiendly - to RITNER A I ND,REPQPI come boldly-at-once;-and-place-the-name-of-the WASHINGTON COUNTV,FARMER. at the head Of theircolumns resolved and determined to war on stviii with . . Tlie pattioticlturse - tf•Geliernifrilittfer,iand, fus,:firmnetis and decision. In, resisting and over coming the efforts of those - who were -,endeavor . bg to ruirPthe state,• that-through. hei'ruin and . bankruptcy.:ll4eyrnight.strike a blow at him, has thrown his enemies into confusiodand They feel 'that they hare receiv(d - a : mortal wound, and are about to make their last and des perate struggle. They foresee difficulty in cou .',7,4seilti.in-8e dii . lierriZr Tilt tier's - in c,reased pa p a ri ty; and are now-in desperate straits to'nante any wan -in the ; "slighiest degree-rconivaier Nv (If So much for the hotie3t3l-M-tagrity oLthe man whose inteNigencer and itidepehdenee liar saved the Stale; - _„!t is, unnecessary to reviiw his measures u•liich have, resulted in such im mense benefit to the people, as all . m e familiar with hip . ,...ttecess in exposing the frandk and cot. irupticinoof the party previously iti.power.',. It Iyai - indeed - a - haPliy-;day-tor-Peitnsylvania .when_ she. . • 'ducted "onc s - Vitfirest land - etiltglitAett as_is_our_ - ruiner Covertior. - She - was - then 'Oll-the eve of bankruptcy, - from•which sWe t vne happily recTeein• tv.ittl4 , P4ll o -440E( 44 3 11 97•Pg 0 P 1 P SQ 1",e1 the•burdenof Oxation t of which an cx- tensive - se ieute—w•as--in-con nor Ritner by hi's measures not only put a stgli:to - this, but 'actually had those taxes hi:PEA i.ED which had already ban lard. • Our State debt ivaS _rapidland monstrously_ increased. Gov. Rimer orrested this increase, while at the.SalllC ,time by hisjudicions measures, means were provided for carrying on the public works and improvements without calling on the People for mie cent of their Money.. We might ex tend our re narks on this subject to an indefinite length, but it Is un- •necessary. The people feel it, and next fall will — slioiv llfelr•lncrealed - confidencein - Gov. ititner by their re-electing him with an overwhelming, • onqjotity. Tide's the opinion even among our . opponents, and hence their difficillty in selecting a rnan.who will not be so far distanced In.the race as to bring ruilLandNlestruction upon the irarty. With these views and feelings we follow the good example, and have .nailed the RITNER FLAG TO THE MAST lIEAD, . . . We cannot let the opportunity pass of saying a word or two about-the New Tod: Mirror, which We regularly receive - and hig,hly - prize. —The neat manlier in' which it is got up—the paper, type, ar- tangement and 'natter, recommend it strongly., ----- It — containva7goaklyaortiotol -- . - etm - ellmtt light "'reading, suitable for the ladies; together with a piece of-fashionable music on its , last page. We should like to see the uuniber of its subscribers in this:place Inct;99ae:d. As it may strictly be said to be a'lMlleapaPer; we hope the ladies of Carlisle __wi11 , ,,,,, , ,,,,,, it.. It will. afford us pleasure to send on their names as subsciibers. Our neikhbors — orthe - Villaiteer in - the de,ptif •oftheir w•iydom do not undertanil how the Uniti:d States Bunk - can have reduced tlreir ciretilatifq and at the same time have increased .the amount uF specie in tbeir Vaults., There is a mystery in this +Welt diey. 4 . ln4able to solve i and be, ause Me. Biddle has" not seen propel' tti send -• them an explanation they bebte him soundly-. We ‘Ohder . .how Mr. Biddle could 'have- been guilty of such an oversight, 'and hope he will 'T wir his error by_ sending a messenger express to endeavor to make them - undershtml, if that be poaaeLle =MI!!MEME!!!! The Reforin Convention. • This body has, for severalda3;9,.been engaged : ---in•consideriug that: partof the Constitution Which relates to the Militia. A debate of five days..c_on . .• liuilince, was ; had on the subject of excusing the fAtiakers from bearing arms. _On Thursday last; the followiiig section Was adopted by'a vote orbo to 561, • . - . • °The keemen of this 'Commonwealth shall be atmed • and organized for its defence when and in such mannerits may be .directe.d by law. Those ,Who. conscientiously scruple to hear arms„shall not be compelled to do so, but shall pay an equiia lent fos such perSonal servioe." . "The election in Oitio.has iesulted favorably to the . Deinotratsqi. e. locukepp.„l,,Vatu t r eer ."._ This is untrue - ; the editor knew beforehispa 'per was published, - that the friends of Harrison had carried a majority or members of both trolises , the' Legislature, notwithstanding the girr•y-. rnapderitig: of the dishiciatiy the Jaekeoh Legis• /- .latureof 1835. — ":"' —"• J Ohio Zloction. _ . ..„ Thlt friends of . ItiiTisod have carried every thiogliefore/them in this gt0te.,.,,„ They will have ,majoritleo• in both branthe's 'of_ the Legiiilatuie,_ Rizzo Tor the Buck , eyeti. ( - - • The citizens of Philitdeilphia - hatigelieen thrown into couflision" and _dismay by the reported cap• ture _ on ; Saturday' tlie_2lst iitsL - of:the_ Packet_ Shlp_,ptisqueltannit, by ,a . piratical Schooner, off .the.. Capes of Delaware - and M - siglof - the Pilot Beat.' There wercabout - 60 passengerson board, who, if the . rettorted" capture be 'correct,' - were probably • all murdered. -.- - We are; - .however, strOngly.bialine - il to, thililipe that dielfe is a great mistake 'in the matter, from the fact that there appears to fie a diserepancYln the statements as tet,_lfte __t:me slie,•left • the Cll iies-6fte account, _stating -that frtlte_ptit_to_pek. in:the_lllor4ng 4.8 o.'clock and anotherat . 2 tecloelc-in- fie:after . - 1 • noon. lfy /however, it should 'pr. .e to be the ' fact, it may be put down — as. one of 7tiohleot . and Mostaittlacious exPloi6 performed: on our coast since the days of Capt. . liicld. No .dnubt that ere thiti, gllyeolltient vessels are out in • every directi6n;_and*e. may soon 6. , lipect to hear, _:something__More definite. :Moser: having::-relit ' tionsalid • friends on.boar&Will be - in a state of cruel sitspense - for sometime to conie,frbin which they. wilt only be• relieved by ascit:taininkjhe dreaded dertainty; or hearing of "Iter_safe arrival .at t-iVerpool, neither of which . will probably be :known for severalweeks. • • We - trust the fearkof, the citizenS . of Philadel• phia will not be realized. • - We Should not beat alkiurprised,were we af;: i .teralOntS'been.said'an.l.dOne, to hear that the so said piratical schooner, has been an oyster boat; •whielt hail gone along sidc.of the ship to - ' siup'ply; The National Intelliginc -r .of Saturday says,— " Ernmwi 11. Fosi , En has been elected, by the Legislates e of :Fennessee,_a_Senator_in_CAngresss,_ for" six years K:iirn the 4th Nlvrch, 1839, Cu the place_of, Felix _GOJI dy,- . whose : term-or service : Mr. Grundy v:as not put. in - ninninatimr - fifr re-election.' 4tr. Foster';i: competitor was the late Gov. William Carroll:" The l'otes'in the .n.orbr . anclre s s of the i.egistaturii stood - • • 41 --- For Foster.' .For Carroll. 47'. Al 6 In the •Senate .• In the lower ilouse.., lae Poster it'as formerly Speaker of theJton§e. of. ItATl.esentaovesofAeimessee.,:, 1).044411e pAitics rongh ( going_ It heil I _rept•eieut.fai thful 7 fund imp:ar t -IAT, the whole . Stale,•lio mantridl r be found limre liTillirfiiiip2ll or the prin. 1- 1 • - e t.lic, wt ug eau. • • • • , • . Another. o/ those disastrous occnrerices accn m• panied with the great destruction .of human life, I Las lately ,:kiken place in thb Shipwreck - Al the.. Steam:Packet Home, on lieroutivat'd yoyageTrOm New 'VOA to This'vesSel was drii•en on ;shore.in: - tt liolent_gare of,-wind r -ner7dapii= , Hatteras, and dasliedlo_pieces ; Ninety (lye lives_ were lost. Much has'been said; - and N now su fetrrnts-Iterzialises^wf.trerustrttripnr-fStr counts represents her as being entirely onset'. yorthy, lief length being dis-Propoitio'neil-ferthle7 Gover MilM strength'-of Ler knale - rials, causing her to labour -so much In• the rough seti . s - ,tlMt she (Ufa- tith renderit!gj,lakecs:m&to_tunter,.upon -the MEI beach, lashed with no angry surf, as the only pos- Bible way of preventing the destrui:tion of every soul on board. Isninediately'upon striking the beach, she went to pieces, but a very few escap ing with their lives, having been so fortunate as to secure themselves to pieces of the wreck, which were thiven.on shore by the violence of the gale. - )s -- • The surviving paSgengers since their arrival it Charleston, have expressed their-opinion that"the boat was unseaworthy, and that the Captain be came incompetent from intoxication." Were then,. perhaps, is the real cause of all tharlest ruc tion of property and fife—the intoricitCon of the Captain; Which would of course;render him in caPable .of exercising that di-set - Ohm, prudence• and, management, necessary in such trying cir cumstances. When the owners -of vessels learn the.necessity of empleymg none but sober When will tra - ; . ellers / lie sufficiently eau--; 11221113 to ascertain the chara