Carlisle herald and expositor. (Carlisle, Pa.) 1837-1845, October 10, 1837, Image 4

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    ••; x•xv- ri
ln Wirt.zrAr•
•.s..troa n_Jri
1 , 043. - 07023E11...
YOtjg - 01(1)E.RS EARLY.
CAPITAL $3O 00m0v
. .
Vor the benefit .i)f the Nonong•alia Acadelny,, ,
• CLASS, So; 7,for 1837 . .
.Alexandria; Va:Lon. Satur.-
' • &Sy, Oct.• 14, ,1837,
•.Gr,and Capital Prizes: , •
110,000 doll s.-10,
• .4,000=2,5d0,13,00.0 doll u•s'—`4sof iOOQ 25
-:'- -- 01500-2 - ,8 prizes Of 300-2.00 priZes-of :200
a .. dollars, - ecc.
Tickets_sl.o2.l - lalf $5--:Quarter s s 2 50! . '
Cer. of Packages of
do . .flo 25 : 11a1f ' • 05 lulls
-do- do • 50 -
• •
Capital:prize 5
$69.0 000. ..-.•
150- ptizes.hf 1,•00.0 dollars - !!
For the-ben'efit of the' Mechanic - fit - Benevolent
Society Of Norfolk. •
• •
-.To - be - drawl) •at Alexandria,...Va_oh Satur,
days, the 21st of October, 1837":'"'
0:10,000—$10,000M • .
.i. - ;000-1,000 7 -1,240 7 ::75 of 1.500-5 of 1,200
150 prizes Of 1 of 100...764 of ' 90
,•'• dollars, ecd - •
Tlercets 810,• h.tlves 'and quarters in propor.-•
of packages.of 25' , W.holeTicicen $l4O
Vo• . -do • V 1 -2 - 1 Half . •79
do • do, 5,',5 Quarter • clo. 3
e2P.1T7.7., $36000-
. .
. . ,
112.'giinia.. 4 4ilaile .114ot . tc,1,1: 1: : .
. ._ .
Vorrthe ? .beilefit e,f the - Towntof Wellsburg.
CLASS No 7, for 1837.,
To •bd drau;n at Alexandria, Va..on.Sattir
'• day,:Oct. 28, 1837. .
_••• -.
--. , ' , v!IIP.;:11E: . - , ' • .',
• 30,000 - -
!SO. dflso dollars,
ic is kliSi shares iii propra
Cer. of packages of 9.5:Ws Tickets .8130 -
25 — (l6. 65
- do _ . do 32 ,50
foi.__t_icj:ets.._an_cLsh arcs .n 1
cates of,packages in the aboVe magnificeat
:chp&will receive. the most prompt at
-- tett nu and an official account of each draw
gc. .
ing kilt immediately after it is over to all sw Ito
_Maier froarals...._.:(cddress
D. S GREGO : aI C". Managers.
:71Fitshinglan-qty, C.
Sept. 16. 1837.~-
-17:1111111.7VG" - ALICILLIVE: -
-_ T having . pu - tailised of .W.
7 - 131tur„.t he ,tlglit. tor _Cumperlan. -county ; o
• ginkw!s Patent Threshing: - Mathine, tit . oult.l
Oat he fins-on.lntint
. _ .
intentis manufacturing -1 good'irraterial,. the'l
wet.t.:Poilfre_t_Street,_.' The sub
, .
sciitier•TtlitifWt 1 - ifetkritrtu say any:thing
NiectUlg . .,t he goodqualities 'Of the machine !.
but woultr:res fectfull refer the. farmers o f
this county, to any of the. gentlemen whose,
namC s-ar t fast: lit?ll'AlYt I fe-c erti fitate-beloW- 5 -
,' front whom:any informationyesPC - c - ting it can'
• hut -•necessary to say that for
theapness;_ease of horsepower, and simple
. nes*of't construction, it -has not. been
sed machine jret. invented. 60 .or 70
bushels of gi•ltin can be theesheci
horse in - a'day, and about 100 bushels - with
. " • I •-
The subscriber has improved the thhchine
so as tsi be . able to, thresh much faster,
less power than aslieretofore constructed
The price of the above machine . is 7.0 dollars,
" As, a proof of the" estimation in
which the above machine as improved is held
tthroad, the states of New York, Verinonti
Oliio and Massachusetts,' have given it the
tlecided preference, and the three former of
these have awarded preliniumg to that effect.
J. F.
. „
undersigned having each of us pur
chased of Wm. Blai4of the borough of Car
,- lisle, one of his Patent Thre*shing Machines,
patent,) and upon trial have found
to answer every expectations in every*
respect, and in addition torts beingan e*cel,
lent grain thresher, it haS also•bdn found on
experiment to - have the advantagir of being a
cloverlseed cleUtber. The i hotie power is so
easy, that it is very little labor for two horses,
and:the constrifEtion oldie whole machine ii
so very supple, and,sn unlikely ,to get out sf
order,--triat we most cordially••recoMmend it
,to the Farmers of Cumberland county, as
• one of the machines.we have met with,
whith,has givqr us entire satisfaction, - and
which Will be the opinion (as we believe,) of
fapner upon his givinzdhe machine
fair 64'0: -
John Snider, Frankord township ;* Siunuel
W eStheiffer, Newton ; last Sharp, Hope
well ; William. Green, Newton; 'Jacob
flershe, N. Middleton.; Christian
Dich itwon;John-Tritt r Solithafupton;Sainl
• TiittAy eat VennSboyOrglii Andrew 131 air,
Juhy 10,..11137: • '• ,
„Estate of decdased
ErrEtlS.of-adminiatratton_upon the . _edate.
la of Cornier, late of•Dickinsoir-towm
' shirt; Combe-houl county, deceased, have issued.
in due form' of hiw to the subscriber, residing on
• the crrnol said' .!ceaseil, in said township
--All :persons haring claims against - satd estate, will
'present them, anud those indebted will make pay.
ADAM C 0 °VDU,' A d m'r
Scjit 25,1837.--6 w
"UPON,the application ot.Davici S. Runslia,
--:-AdMinistrator of-Alm:estate-of—W-011am--
W. Clark; ,late'of Southampton 'township,
. Cumberland county, deceased,,the•cirphans'
Court said - county' have . appointed theun
_ dersigned, Auditor..ta .settle and adjust the..
• 'rates 4iid 'priliortiotw of the aSset4.of the said
estate,, to and arnonr :th e respEiWeEreth
'tors; according to . 1 ie. order - established
Jaw. % .The. under:signed anditers ineet at
• ,the bon se, Of la cob
,Englev Innkeein!r, Sliip
• _ Penshurg. -otr_WedneSclajr the. , llth of Octo !
- her nt,.lo'o'cloek,'A. N., when all per
- • suns intere§ted•May• attend.'
• ..• • 'ROBERT S' .111 TUNE,
•. • • : - &YAWL' L IC.CLSO, ..-
• . . uditors
September 18,'•ig37.
,MoririsOn's: Pitts. "
further ihipplyfif 'the aboile Pills jwt rp.cei;
yeti 25 cent. boxesl atlhr,ltgre or - "-
; O . GILAY Sr. 14.ITNE - 11.',
Aiigust 28, , ( • '
, .‘
-131`0.14111 1 eib 9 t4 Pi fl
I>` fuTl auppiy of Ifripaketh',B
. Pule
ortnizi. - Ns!, Count': SALE,
. .
Iti pursuanar of an'Ordelof-the: Orjihans'
Conti. 6f S.lumberland 'county.; tfie"f6 'wdl be .
exposed to public sale,'on Thursday threl2th:.
OCtober next; the following desCribed pro
-1361Y,. Plantation or • •-u ,
• • oLang . • _
situate; Sprit% • township, CumlietSl,
land county, 6ne.•halt mile. from Kr eider's,
Mill,betAsteen'earlisle'hndt - Harrisburgvach u l
join ing-•-land •G enim
Buttoif, James 'Crreaso6;.the:beirs of Win.
l'and,e,nin and others,' containing
• 0 . 1 I
poi leis," of
.262 ACRES
late — anti
,L9estone — land - I
150. acres •Ibf which As cleared, and iit a good
state of Cultivatipii;,, he improyeinents
are a , . •
• ' STONY; • ..
• • '- •• ' • •
. :To
:Two nyoic Log: Barns, i a,Spiing - House,
Amd:_othet_„oucho t.s:___Aliere;lare several ,
-springs on the- rm,• and • a small, stream
passing throng! t , recellent ; .
• AP .1.4 t OttCll-1 Ant): •
Any pet n wishing , to view the preniises,
-will' call: pen eitlier of thei - SidiStribers; or
John . istrong, on the farm. ••,
4.—Throe hundred - dollars of the
purchase money to be:paid on the - coafirmit--
tion' of the sale, and- the one-half . of the
residue, oirhe first of :April, hod the'
balance in two equal' aliqUati payments, With
out interest;_ • -
. ✓adatinislrnlors of ,Stuntel IF4ugh, dec'd.
Septeinbir 18, 1837.
V &UM. IF oit %A.LIZ:
. .
The 'Sn'a4cribei• at ju'ichte - ,tale - , — oly - the
premises, n good k . “rrn in North Middleton town•:.
Cdmrlerland county, nibs .north tot .
.Calihle,-on the road leading •to Aaggener:,.s Gap,
containing . . • • '
. , •
- 152 A IES
6F i f.msy . , „Rd-it -s./...1.278:74/7-ND,
In a good state — of cultivation, the, greater part
enclosed in the bet of .post-fence7l"nrarty newi
aiul tinule of first rate .rnaterials. " About one hun
dred and. twenty acres are cleatc4 . 4.,the residne:
coverel tvith Ihriding - '
. • ,
and , ivalso enclosed in good ferfee,
The improvements usr-e, a 1: Wrfgt(s2N .
IVO t Fires! s'itnd iit
-Waggon-- shed !Ind -.Cornet ih: attached -- to it :ill
roofed with white pine shingles, with other giind
out buildings; an excellent Apple OretiT4 amt
1.-variety of -ot cv.`of
HAVii.ter_ncar the house, There are on the f rin
several good springs oil wiiteti
Siltdrini stritlNG;-,
it, whi.• •,..der - s it
very _convenient _in stock :water..._ . . -
---- Ats - o,==iiity acres .or ; Mountain Land,
about two and a half miles distant from saitliin;n,
on Longs. Gap road, with a public - road to it.. -
.said property shall not be disposed of before
the-12th day of Octaber next, it will on that day,
at W o'clock, il. m.. be offered atpublic sale.
Arty perSan,iwishing to see said prernises c in
-view of- pin chasing, will'please--to call on Solo
mon Scntman, residing near' the farm, or - on the
subscriber in Carlisle.
Sept embee44-,-48,37.
Will be exposedio public sale on the pre
mises on Thursday the 26th October next,
a tract of Land situate in FratdcfOrd Town•
ship, bounded by lands of John Ernest, Geo.
MVers, the heirs of Hunter, Benj.'s Burk
holder and others, containing-one hunched
and - fiftyseveh acres, more or less; of Slate
Land, about IQ 0 acres of "which ate cleared
and under gMtl fence, and of which about
twenty acres are meadow: The improve
ments are a Log
an Apple Orchard, with other fruit trees,
and an excellent Well of water with,a pump
- n it. The. Farm is calculated -for grazing,
having a stream of water running tlrough it.
The - terms - of sale will be one-Third of
the purchase money to remain in the hands
of - the purchaser during the life ) of the
widow, the interest of which to be paid to
her,, and one hundred dollars payable nn tire
confirmation of the sale; one half of the
residue of the punch money on the first
of April, 1838, when posgession will. be de
-onelyear there .
from, without interest. . .
. ..ddmintttratoi , of Dayid. Crefis, deed.
September'lB, 1837.—t5.
FREDEitilek -- .IEIII - 11111 - 1 - N --
/ 5
e , • 110..csirnme:nceci:.114 pilectice of
Physicin the Borough pl . -Car.
''''..-.. '''. l l l ....' - _,L---.=- - _, lisle, Where he.will be - hap'py to
. ' • render his PiofessiOnal services
--1.-./ to those who-muy please to call
- --
.-,-'...-...-_1....- --'
Lopon..hi m-lis._p lace„of resi,.
.%.dencelliin North-Hanover at.,
in:. house formerly occupied
~Ur , P . :Wm:Mock, 'lQnd nearly opposite tckAir.
John. Cornman'SJon•
-October 9,11137 , —.`.;v. -'' .- . , •
. ;
BATTALION .ortmons..
,11.1 E First .Ilattallein, Cumberland Volunteers,'
' 'parade in the - Centre Square, in the
borough'of Carlisle, on Saturday th — e - 1 - 4111 — daral
netober next, at . lo o'clock. in the forenoon, in.
,SUMMER UNIFORM, with arms and actoutre
-merits:in good-order..
By prder of Lieut. Col. W. FOULKE. '
' •
%VM. 13. MURRAY, Adjutant.
. .
Regl: Ctulublgl • Voluntee,rs,
will • tad 0.1,-.9i? Pin add. 4n 'rue e
17th of October next, (in stionner titakirm) com
vletely equipt for 41611 :it 10 o'clock, A, M.
By order, &c., ; .. -
• -----011%,11,k1150, Adrt.
• her 18:M. , •-• •
.Ncitide • -
AL&Orsints indebted to the estate of &Mlle.
.11uhy, late of East PennWorciugh township, CO.
berland.'connti,o.deceased,.are.requested to m
payment on or before, the - first day of ploiiem
,next; to the. stthicritier,•the towns
,aforesaid ; and-those having, claims against'sa
estate, w;11 present them duly authenticated for
settlement._ . .
Selitembe2:s,, 1837.65 v.
. .
Several good teachers are wanted by the School
Dirklofs of' South Itinbileton township, Imme
diate application.should be made: Apply to the
lion. John Stewart. or • • •
. .THOM.dgcIidIGHE:4D, '
Augua 201/p7:4 • •
ROSS .1.3 R TO N,
" 7 :4'
(. 3 -:i l ii . ...:e 4 ii t t - L . i te..: L)-: t•t-i. I<o ' 4ittti.:**.obtk-fiti*-;
- . .talitiorble -- VrOvrrtg
- ILEr be exposed - to -ph le si e-on •
day the 53 . pth Octobei•Aext; the
foilowing described.KtipertY;
. • • ~ ~,
. . A Vbatiabie Fatm., . -
fitumb•in Dickinson to w ',sill pl . e timberland
chuntv , - on llre Walnut ilo; roffd; adjoin-
i fig. lands. of . George -1,e,..,----; ! -.Nly.ers. lira
otliet4,7.and atiotit four mires from Carl6le,,l
-containing.. " -....-- .-: :. ' '-- ~--' 1
120: . - ACIR.U'4S.. V
Of firstiralc Limesfisab Laud ;
41iiiirt 100 iier6 of whichls'oleat : ed
good 'state _of culiivmloo. The improve-
ents area
. • .
„.,....i• i i•-•_ .:-..- TWO -MR -I
~,E --:--- ••.-- .. - •.. . . - •
4 , ' • .- -, -Stoirte-J-.House.
a double, Logßarh,, and other 011(1)101(1h - 41S
together With ii well or:wa"ter at the.A . eor
thei' this fa no an excellent
The sittLit.ii (it' this- property , vould . afThrtl
atfexy.elletit opiim:tunity for'ahy
to comniviice --- the ntercsottk. busihess
it moiild,also be .a good scite. for a' blaelcsatith
Jarnes=S - . -- Woods,..
Exrcylor of
,Sunittd TKods, Sen. dee'd.
Sept.` 11; 1837:.!—t5.. • . •,•
Attendance_ will
sake by
. . .
'Also, i . i/ill . be sold on said day, • -
-- ,- .
inore•or lesS;of goocl LI A• 1 ESTONE; LANEt
idffit - e - no - theTWirtno t Bottom Amid ,-'ti bi0rt,....9_
miles from Cal-lisle, 'adjoining lands Of Wm,.
WOrds„ George Beetem . ; Sainuel - Cnrother,
and others - .. abolit thirty - acres of which is
cleared-iind i -'n. a kni , (l_ , stAte , of cultivation, I
With-a--,sina -Log-Dwelling--t-hereon-erected.• ,
The ter :6f_sale will be made known on
day of saleb - YtheSiiiffi:CTilii.rr. •. ' . 7 -
3 - trics S. Woods.
. , . .
Sept. 11, 1837:. . . .
' iellennsyteruda.Teleg.raph, and I,ancas
er Exaini net. will iksert the abt..vci until day
if sale, mark, price, and cliargc4-hi-s-nffice.
----- - 7 ..
" ~,; •
I:iiiil eiiuhty`,-I will eSilaiselopublialiale
on j'hurstlity. the-26th _day of_October next,
nn the premises, a trii it - of hist rate
situat e titiont.hine. mite yt hf echatitcs
a hunt 30 :X.c.rei, more or less, • boundhil. by
or i . e ti3iti,
lOr's lit irs 7 rDavid - .Spiiirsler, Vreiiit;
and uthers.libout four:act es. of widch is e.
ered. with first rate - _ _
T I 1112 M •
and . the residue is epelosed with: exGellep:t
,fences. The imiii . overeents are a master),
Kitchen, and a-Double tog
Darn, 'ffirgon . Sheds, Cornseriba, c.
A first • ate iNpple Orcliar - d, ancETCwell oft
good wate The property is near the Trim
die Spring lend, eight miles from Catl a k
nine from Harrisburg, and half a mile
the Cumberland Valley Rail Road;
Terms made known.on clay of sale by
-Main/dm/or of Jonas 'tearing, deed..
Sept. 18; 1857.
WILL be exposed to:; - public sale on the
preniises, on Wednesday the 18th Clay
of October next, at 10 o'clock • A. NI., in
Dickinson township, Cumberland county, the
following.described propel ty; viz: The un
disputed part of the Sawroill . .4ract of the
estate of Samuel Woods; senr: deCeased,
200 ACRES,
mnr,cor less, Adjoining lands - breamp Eberts
and alders. Ab .uf 15 actes,uf, this - land airs
cleat ed, and the lnilance is . •
The improvements are a
and a good_Saw_ Mi aboutAltree.
miles from Mount Holly holt Woit.s on the
Gettysburg road
AISO, . another tract ofLand
. ,
0-11,7 M-S •
- , __more tw less, .
about 60 acres of which.' are . - cleared . . -- " . " 1 "
...m;joitis the Sawmill .traNft,-4boe '
.scribed., The - improvement 4 "are TW 0
DOUBLE LOOT' BARN,. with, an.
Orchard thereon, and d never failing.
of 'Water near th'itto
The land will be' 'sold entire; or the im
provements and a small lot of timber land
by itself:and, the remainder iklots from 8 to
20 oi• 20 acres, to suit purctiakrs.
ALSO,—On the same , ay, • acres o
Chestnut ~711mber .Lan d
situated on the line betweenCurnbarland and
Adams Counties, about 4.. miles from Mount-
Holly Iron,Works, adjoining-lines with Lud:'
wicOValtemires and-others. This land will
be_sdld_ quire, or in lots to suit purchasers.
Sale - tocomMence at - 30 o'clock ofsaid dairi_
when due attendance-will be given and terms ,
o sale made known by • , -t,c
• , James S. Woods,
• Executo . r of Simuel-Woods
Ser.- 1, 18 3 7.
dettvsburg Compilei will insert the
above until day of sale, mark price, and
charge this ,Oltice..
‘l • -; POWDER:
<V, FF..FFF. Powder for safe at either whole
.We or retail, at the 'store of the subscriber in
'North ilanover . street. . •• • -
.. . . .
. .
Just received° frorn .I.lwGety.._one.' „case White
and `one case 'Mixed. , Tuscan- }Sonnets for sale
low aftlieStOre. cifilre sobacribera:. ... .. i
'OGILISY Br. - tifffsiEli,
. ,
June 12, 037!
• nolpiNsimv,s OFFICE, '
SO Balt. at.,
'"4 '" doors bekw the' Fianklin Bank.
,_1:. ,::::•-eapl:ffio . : ...]-:_
60800 i:.-DOILLAIIitS:
Persons at diStance cliVosed - tO - try their.
Ittckirrsith4-14 the.following grknd Lptte
ries-,-(Mepf.-which draws alternately every
week_-t- / nre, respectfully. inyward
their;orderS , to the 'sulnicriber,-enclosing-the
cash or prize tickets, designating the Lottery
yvilLree.tiye 4974 - late attention by return
mail, and thedrtiwingS forivardedivl)eti over
(it' reciuebt-e-tr.,)
NV: -ROI3,INSOIsr - ,
. . .
DIiAWANG O F. LO.TTFRIES-0111C1' which
the sever&l State Lotteries will,be dy•awn..
m,,ll, l lar'ylati'd,State Lotteries draws.,in Balti
ore eyery :other. Monday. capitals range
fr 100000,. 20,000 to 530,G00 Delaware,
State . ? Otte' les dritivs . .twice eves yr. iveek;,
pitats_vary:frmni_slo_Sla,.ooo.4lirand - Con
solidatad Lottery draws ,POCC every week,.
capitals 20,000, 25,000 to S 30,000,; Alexan
dria Lottery draws once every other iveelt,
capitals 10,000, 20,000, '30,000,50,000; 'r
.weelt, capital prizes range from 10,0 0,1
20,000,•• 25,000, 30,000. to 540,000. 'lie els
.in the above - Lotteries varyi from 5
and 10 each, shams in proportiOn.
Alf letters addre sled to the subscriber go
perfectly. safe.. • fsio,miscarriage h ase'et oc
-f1014._ SALE.
i t .
subscriber move from ,
. for sale a • ;
.t,44:"' -
situate in Main street, - acl . - now__ - itrt - cct
the same-lot, a •
now in•the occupancy •c.f - the — Curntrerland
Valley — Mir Road•Compaoy.• These houses
are. near,the - Mansion House dote), I(9t by .
e;. Augloinbaugh.: . . o
Any-per . son wishing purchase the obove
property, will betolcl the conditions no which
it witl'be sold, -by - upplyint . lolbe subscriber
at:the - Jtfutasoid Imre! - who-yill - sell
accomploclating ter4.
- -
Sept. 4, 1837:
of suobury, .11 7 orMuntberlaod
- Coienty,
IKepa lewe respectfully io inform the publk,
:that her-hasiremoy-cto flaritihig, where he has
spacious three Moly' brick
for:wetly occnpied - hy Mathew IYi6un,
corner Of_ klont and ThirdOreets, •
Further/11 -
pitot r whichAte-opelted-o.e.
fi:Nt (hty of... May last, and where be - hopes to
coptintie to receive that - patronage 'so -liherhlly
ht-itowd—tV •his- establishmen t —lle
.will atll titbei be provided with every: thing'.
necessary to ma kel Itis'gnestscorniertable. •
• .•
fly virtue of. sundry writs of Venditioni
ims to me - directed, Mucci out of the Court of
Common Pleas of `Cumbeiland county, will be
exposed to Public-Sale. at the Court House, in the
borough of eirlisle, on ,Monday the 9th. day of
OctUber, 1837, at 10 o'clock, A. , M,l, the follo3v.
ifig.clescribed , Real Estate, to wit:—
containing twenty - five thousand acres pf land,
more or less, situate in.llickinson and South Nid
dletun: townships; Cumberland county, • with a
.11 0 11a1MilIal
and FORGE, Coal House, Smith and Carpenter's
Slop, a large Mid:— Mansion house,' and - thirty
Log Tenant Houses,
a two story Stone Office, two large and' excellent
Barns, .one large Stone. Stable, :and several small
Stables; and tither buildings; Ore Banks, Minerals,
Ste. .proprty is, undoubtedly -one of the
lie'St in the State of Pennsylvania, and in excel.
lent- order.—St.:iied--and--taken- in- execution as
-die- rn iert of -Peier_Ege.. • • . •
, Also, A tract of land situate in
Silver__ Spring township, Cumberland county,.
bounded by lands of the heirs . 01 John Bossier,
dec'sl,..antl; the Conodoguinet Creek, containing
idt,tritire: or leSs,.of which . atNut 120 acres
are cleared,•haying 'thereon erected a Log !louse
and a Le l.: !tarn.—Seized and taken in execution
as the property of Martha Cunningham.
. • ,
MICH AEL:110LCONIB, t 3herVr-
Sheriff , s (Mice, Curlislefl
Sept. 11, 1837. j
Fellow-Citizens,-•-I-respectful . .apy-cline
being considered a candidate for. the sheriff
alty at the ensuing, election. I return my
...,incere thanks to My friends for the exertions
Fr. y have made, and feel disposed .to riaake
' n my' behall;, ,, butcife - Urnitances rEcit-neees
-Iyto-mention induce me to withdraw my
, e,
ailisk, S'ept. 1671837..:, . _
_SEVERAL,' teachers are wanted in Frankford
townshi who can tea • t .._ivi."—itingacith
metie. and such other branches as are - generally
tought in country school?. Good recommenda
tions will be 'required—application should. be
in September,
Secretary to board of .DirOo'ra
Augu,st 8, 1837.• • • -
Aniiiseed 'Wanted-
One 'Hundred Bushels of clesn'Flaxseecl want
ecro,t the store of the Subsoritiei• in South Nano
!kr Street ., .tr
• 'St C. BOLANapt.
Carlisle. Sept. Is, _1837*. •
. .
IBE3W - WlltalleillaZlEVlN •
The subscribers beg leave most respectful:
ly to.inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicin
ity, that they have,taken the corner room qn
Main Street, immediately opposite 'Mr..
Aughinbatigh's -80te1,. - Where. they intend
carrying •on the above business in 'all its
branches. ' From their 'long: exprience in
most of - the cities they flatter themselves
I that. they Fill be able Co render ge . neral sat*,
;Isfaction to those who mhy favor thenn4lth a
call.- They.therefore solicit a portion of the
public patronage; .... • • •,,
C arlisle,Sept. 15, 1837..i. , - , tf.
• • •
Superibi P6:rra,
Cora - a b outtitiOitts - 475: acres.
SituatetLin Clairlouinship,
• .allegkeny-Cpualy, Pa. - •
Farm is • ii•eoutiftilly "situated on the
waters o,C:hard er,s"C C;eck, FINK Mills from
the 'city of • Pittsbtirg....L _The VV'isliiiigt
turnpike rtin'iwithin few rods of the 011
on- the-onerSide F -UpdAhe , -,Steubeliv.ille7 , turn;..
Pike - within. two
.U6144..611 the other.; the
State .road frorn"Virginia to:Pitrsinarg pasSe'g
through it County roadconnecting
the 'State read' and the Wasitirigtoti
pike,-intsies•the door. _.Aliont 300 act;es are
cleared, and in a•good_statesif,cultiviition.—
.There are — near. e :• • . .• :
200 _ACRES
I Ilottbm _Land, iv hich fgr richness arid ferti)i-•
_ty cimnot'be surpassed in the state,a large
might be made in pl'Oduce - 200 tuns-of-hay
anntiallY . ;- there is a great abundance Of buil-.
ding stone, & lime stone, and 300 acres of the
ILCituaiti . noies Coal,_ -
AVllicli 7 Can..all be get out coUvenienily—
The •titilber is, abundant and good.' 11:be
.buildings . .consist of a large first rate
1 .
lef. . • • . .
' - .1 - g - oonriring and 'stone.lllilk house ;. two of
thg_slx§tivnik.-Liatns-in the country„ 70 by:-38
feet and GO by SG, with stabling ithder the
- whole & iargeframe Stable,
Vour...Tenaltit Houses -
with stabling attached; a frame Meeting.
Iqou : e and_ parsp_nage. house with various
other out buildings, such as Carriage houses
tpw ,liouse, Corn )louse. Bee house, School,
house, &c. These : art all of a better order
than Lusually: found. _on Farms Western
enn'sylvania. - The ‘Vhole farm - is abundant
ly and bear .
w o funy
211 1 . - LIZI tlatrek:TVlLV`
Bearin g n i l kinds of Fruit, ad j oins the Man
. '• -
.11i-regard-to fertility,and : quantity.of lank
quality of improvements • and nearness to
market, (being only s.lliiies from ritcsburg;)
..this farmis_not_equalled WvstonPenn 7
:ssl van I t will_be,solcLoniibe.raC_ternts,
and immediate possessiun.,,g,iven. Inquire of
2L- .
- A - Orgri - aetale.
W-XLI. be sold in public sale ;
:on. the pref
mise3 in .Newton township, Cumbe'rlisild
county, Pa:, on Wednaqay the 18th daffy of
A V A:LIT ABLE .17 A' it , .
. _
Containing 150 Acres, and allnivance, bound
ed by lands of Sanel M'Cune's heir ti, Abot 7
lLaniGioxe,-L'act:Exitt ana6.1.11 e oy Cep
60 and - 70.atres of whichis . "--= --•
.. .
- Ctrs( Rate Ibinietgone Land"
. ..
And the balance' Slate, of a goodignality—
about_l2o:acres, are -cleared, and in a good
.state of cultWati6E - , - the reniaiticlCr .is well
-Timbered.--Tbeimproyern:ents area - , -
LOG 11011TSlt, COG WUtN,
Wagon She], Corn Crib; Ltr.c.;-a.Weld.uf..a
never failing - stream of Water at the door'
Besid6r - tirere - are - several - §Prinprorriite - r
mises, one of a very superior quality, There
is alSo ayoung bearing APPLP, ORCHARD
of about 100 grafted trees, besides a Variety
of other fruit trees. This Farm is.adVan-
Jageously situated, as tq matltet,, lying mid '
way betweeaiNewville and Shippensburg„
5 miles from each, 130 from Philadelphia,
75 froth Baltimore ,
and one-half mile from
the Cumberland 1 1 :2 Iley Rail Road. t'
One-half of the crop in the ground. will
be sold on the same day.
Also,- K 3 Acrcs Wpcid Land,
situate in Mifflin township, near the' Three
Square Hollow, adjoining lands of David
Sterrett and others, and five miles from the
above farm.. ALSO,
100 ACRES,
Wood Land; sitilate in Mifflin township, in
Dubin pap; near the Sidplfur Springs, and
aboUt 7 tulles . from _NeAvville...Adjuining lands
of James Woodburn's heirs, John Harper,
Esq.; and biheas„ The terms of sale will be
250: - OrtlitlitirchaseTTMoney ttr be - paid at
the confirmation of •the sale,_ and one
half of the resichre";"ilicthe Ist clay of April,
108, when possession will he given, and the
other. half; on the Ist day of April, • 1839 1
without interest, to be secured by. mortgage,
- or - the'interestAeducted-for_Cash,_asit4tiay.
-best suit purchasers,
Assignee of Wm: H. Woodburn.
Newville, August 21, 1837:
-131 7 1TiiiitiCeiti act"
ROPOS'ALS-:-_will- be_ - recciv d ^ by;-the
CommissiOners of Cumberland: . county,z.
on Friday the 22d day of September, A./D.
1837, at the public house of. G. --W. - Wdod-'
burn, in the borough of 'isieviville,,,,feir_gro-:
ding the State Road from Gettysburg to
Perry county; from the mail - rend of the
Bridge over the. Big Spring,-itt Nevrville, for
'the distance of 3CO"feet4rom said Bridge . ;
said' road to'be made i r 'at an ascent of five
degrees from-the Bridge' to the distance 'of
300 feet: ..; • "-
' H er •
II • -
. Jas. Willis,
• Commissioners
Attest—JouN'lmiN, Clerk. ' •
Comnaissioners,Office,. •
:Carlisle, Aug. 1837. . •
• 1 1 11911,Til AMERICA;
... , Compa ny
. .
Capital 60 ,00 0 Dollars.
THIS Compa .still continua tg„make
Insurance on_all Inds of property through
their agency in arlisle. '. The premium is
regulated accord gto the risk.% Averaging
from 35 to 40 ce s, in the.hundred-dollars.
Description's wi . be received;- and policies
dated from the t y of St/ rvey.
agent. 1
. 1
, ..
Tan: 11, lasr 3m.- -
7, Slot* ltd Extiiki ige ...' :
E 1
OI E ,i' 2
Harrisburg, DI , et; street, opposite tio•Wiliiort'A
• alli.S -- On ZajaVilkionii -:- 7 -
Buisimrsella k tea of all kinds:. BMelcs bought
And sold.. - Lt? VERY PRIZES:. castled, and all
information gi. v relative to. LOTTERIES.
August A I 17. ' ~
. -
' - •
' Vallimblo tteal lOstite • t
rrii asubscri )ei• benartlesirous-A remthr:
- A." . ing IA the west,- wili,;sell4U - Pilvare SitlC'
the following valuable property, viz : •-
___No.l. An excellent Fatin; situate in the.
.township - ,t'. Newton, and county„ i of Cum
berland, r miles west of . the .borough of,
.New ..e, at to -head lif•the.Gre . en Siring,.and one mile from the CumberlanOValley
•KaiLlioad. r'' - ' - _
-., _
. .
. ..
.1,24 AdAtZ.... • .-.:, ..
fir first rate Limiest One •Latuf,
About 10p aci'es.of which - is.cleared, and in
a god , state of, e . cultivation, 'the, vesialue is
covered with G 4 0D.14M8E12, -Ate lit
proven - tents - are a Double Log House, - Log
Bank Tenant House, Sluing House, 'and
other, but , buddin 's, This land is,welf wa , .
tered - by . the (ar e .n.Spriiig. .". '
.146 - . The ri -Iu If of - a
- Fulling Mill,
'iiii - d - a - i - i - laTiif Liii adjOiiii - fig tlfe üboVe..
Thainonrovemeats area large . -
SIVICE• ft •
Smith - , Frame -I3Lirni and ether:build
ings. - • -•
No. 3. A tract of Mifflin
township, containing 10.A.cres, cor T etcd with
first rage Chestnut and Chestnut Oak Tim.
=No. h. -One other tract of Mountain fund,
situate in tow ,hip, containing
i'2 Acres;
,covereclwith the'liest of .Chestnut
and Chestnut Oak Tirnber. The
props. ties will. either be sold
. separately or
togetheoVas may best suit purchasers. Any
person desirous Of purchasing, wnl call on
the sabscriber r . ebidit* on the premises.
• - , I ESSE. KILG OR E.
August - ,28, 1857. ' • ' s'• •
—.,1( will sellut tit - did — flare in the town of lir.lifirn; -
Ettiiitic , iland 6 - ountv, on Thorsday day or
October"noit,-iit. 10 A. larni
adjoining that town, b estate of
ATailtew Carother, Esq. deed, containing.
2* acres of EXeClielit Land,
a large part 7 6rwhich Nfr. dew, epiin ih;rtel:
luiv Ifreeches ere*. - - The -- vrevenleeis• are 41
good - Two story — . .
Dwelling Hon'se
a LOG BMW, aml a small-Orchltrft Theie will
bt 'sold at the same time, a I i•act of about 15 acres
Chesttmt - Timl , kolauitl;Arlitcfpli. s about two
rroalc's Irmo ihefriitri •
I. 1.-;tiff,--11 - &-41irAyekt - rPho:ltiteitirtfralt , ' Gei'netl; - . ,
rf the Court Ilousejit'
".t.:if h • TWO STORY
IS ,1
" I Brtek, House;
vol a lot a ground, situate in the-south side iif
I Street, a few douts west 01 the Courthouse,
in Which Andrew Garhtlairs, ESq
exculleat STA BLING - ttyartlie lot, and
ai oh - tins
property il,one Of the molt'desirable, - eitner for a
tprivate.FeSideirce or public business. terms
(Assn; of tne above propertieS_will be - tiitide easy.
Frederick Watts 7 - Ere 2'
' -of .-Vdrew Carothers: Esq—cleeth.
August 28, 1827:-•
.Esiate of .friVani Alanamilh A
- :NO.1" CE.
e- betters-of Vdminist-i4km--uptott—th -
.Adam Manesmith, late or Allen township, Cum
berland county, tit:Ceased, have _issued in.
form .of law to the subscriber, resitli said
'township. All persons haVing-: claims against
'said estate will present tlient;;'and those indebted
will make payment to
August 2`2,1837.-6w.• 39
ffiut sate.*
rWHE subSeriber offers for sale the following
_EL • described house and half lot.of ground, sit
(late on the ninth side of Main str6tft lu the bor
ough of Carlisle, nearly opposite Mr.• George
Aughinhatigh's horelthe west half or lot No.
61, in the .plan of said borough—bounded by
Main street on the.south, Dr. T. • Myers on the
west, 'Dickinson alley (l:3 feet wide)'on the not th,
and 'the. , widow Creighton - on the east, containing
30 feet in front and 240 feet in depth. The buil;
dings are a ,
Fivme Itegtherboai•ded
\ • a • a
I tk
fronting on Main street with a.liirge , 4 •
Brick Back HDuitding, .
fronting on4i,e alley. iiil half lot is inn high
.statLainiprpyerpep , r adii a variety or 9hoice •
• es"and Grape Vines,
iearing,,durrant and Gooseberry Bushes , an
bery different kinds. - •
nn. t~fJlyPut le_ tiileiyill.~e.:snei
'eliaso. 7 `htirtilcrpartietilars - are: deemed-uni
eessary. Any persons: wisiting_to_pni chase,
.invited mill and view thepremises. The te
will:lio l frra4c known by
• Atitist - 28. 1837.
western paper . on sol
vent banks will .be received in. I)qt - tient
foe . .the above
play and no gauging.
JOHN. 11iYAH, Esq. at Shippensburg, ever
willing to devote his time'an4 talents to the 'ser
,rci, -
vide - lit tile public, oilers himselilo the c, niiide
ration of the good'of the peOple of . Cumberland
county, for the oifice.of SHERIFF, snd pledgeli
himself,-(aCcording to fashion);il - elecied; to (lbw
Charge. 1. duties better than ever 'they have,
h leretofore' n, or ever will be after hint, .
lows &c. ..
lie tel
. ..
- : - ---. JOHN I%IVAR.
. July 30,. 1:... ^7.
~, •, • • -.- .... -
S EVER AL teachers are wanted in Monroe
township, (to whom, liberal wages will
be given,)_wh - o can =teach Reading, Writing,
Arithmetic, Grammar, olography, ' and
uch other "branches as are generally taught.; ,
one need apply but such as can come well
e.commerided: - - •
• . I,ecrtar,y of the . Board of Direelorst
ChurOtt9 , on. 1•,
. .
'Seigral Teachers. are wanted: in the.ll9-'
rough orNewvine, Who caw teach' Reading,,
Writing, Arithmetic; Grammar, Geography'
. suCh other.. bratiches as are,.generply
taught- .in---Gommen% Sc he4S. ": Lorne reed
aply but those . aiho 'e,in-'citie -Well iecohrt
ended.. . ;- ~. • .: ; JAMES . KENN-PDVic .'
.. ~; Secretary - of the-Saard_ofl)irect*st.
—Newv - ille, August-0,1837v - - ~ • ,
--Po the voters of Cumberland county.
: _
.I.ofre'r. myself 'us wetindidate tor , theonices,.o
H.E 4? IFP at_the next'general elections
lib Quid' 1-bos' favoi , eti — wiih-4,majority-of-your.'.
votes;l. shall . ende4vorip dischioVe the duties
~a rlisle; Ap Hl7, 1837.
.• •
To_ the free and independent• Citizens of
CUinber/antt Cotiittp -
Fst.Lovil Ci - rizczcs,......l hereby! offer myself td
your consideration for the office of . 511E1111.7,,f .
at the.-next general . election. Should yOu tidal
proper to give me pair suirrhge for that office, t
pledge :ifysclf to dothe . utmost to discharge nri3Y
duties with - pt!omptness and impartiality.' ;
, . , • - gr.OIItGIi.RUPLnY.
. . .
_East Pennsliorouth.townslitp,
April 10, 1837.-te.*
To the Voters el -Cumber - land Co'taity I
• .
. .
„ 4.
I:take the liberty of ofreriog m y s elf to yourr
consideration for.the °Mee of . -,-. ' •
-• . .
. . .
- .Sheriff; •.• • •
• .
At the ensiling 'general election. Should' b
elected 1 pledge myself toilo my...tAmost to di9s
charge the duties' incumbeot - -tipon me, with
tioctuality told satisfaction io :11l concerned'.
__._,... - -..
GEIMtGE W. 11131 ES. -
' Soul!tampion township, • :..: •
Juno 12, 1837. • .S . •
. . -
0 i ' llri-TEOI./ E'S CAPII , IIIATi."
To the 'free anil independent. electors of
Cumbertand Count j.=
eiroar --- • • .• .
- the iolicitatimi of a number of my friends
in varions , sectiotis of the county, 1 offer myself
I to your Mtsuleration as a candidate. fur tbe of.
fiee_of SliEfil.FT at time ensuing generarelec
•imo, and respectfully - solicit-,your votes for said
office. mild you 1 - 4vor me - with - a - majority of
.)lour.Offiliges, I shill be extremely thankful
fur the.same, aril shall .diseliarge, the atlatious .
duties of the office with impartiality, ficlelity ;
andlenity. - • •
'the putlic's thimble servant; • •
I‘l7thrro... 17,-1837-L.te.
To the -Eleetere' of *Cuinberland
- • . •
PgLLOW CITIZENS-1 hereby offer myself as-d
c nth ate for,the office of. . - -
at the next general election, and most respectfully =-
-solicit-your-votes and interest. -8110'11(1-you-thin k - -
Inc worthy of yoTiFelloice, by electing me to said
- officeil - promise - youiliat - I - wilruse - rny - best - euz - -- -
ileavors to discharge itq arduous land responsibla
duties, -faitlifidly : and-honestly towards all- con. ---
cersietki,!N.-91m : htlintderart;
: -- "; , j6FIN - - MITERS. • '
Dickinson township, April 141837.—te.*
To tki -Ctlntbei•land County,
• .
. _
' .4)f3F.i. myself a as comfulatelor-the office'
or sr/Bk./Tv, at the next gene'ral - elcetion, and
shall he ir I .raAoved With a Majority—
of your suffrages fur said office, •
Silger township . Z
April f 7, 183 . 7'; j
Fellow Citiiens:rof Cumberland County.
buffer myself as a candidate the office o
SfiERLPF, this county, at the next 'general
election, and respe'ctfully„solicit your suffrages
for the same. '- '
Newillle, April 17,1837.
FELLow eiriztxs:
tht - libirty - cif ufTeringinyself as a t.andk'
,41ute for the
of .Cumbertand county, at the"n4t
Cm, :old most respectfully solicit your votes for •
the same. lfelected I pledge myself to discharge /
the duties of said • otlice . willt humanity, impard
tiality, and fidelity.
Very respectfully yours, &c.,
•.' - ANGNEt,
Carlisle, April 24, 1817.—te.• 4
.71, the Electors of CumpOr and Couoy
FELIow Crrt v.:Ns:— Bt)pg encouraged by ma
ny 01 1-- -- friends throughout the county, 1 offefn
mys i a candiclatcyfbr the office or Sheriff, at
du gerieral E,k ( ction, and respectfully so.icit
701 es. Siyiiil,ll, he•ideated - 1 pledge myself ,
to 'RI " tit e. duties of I.lrb_:office_with' fidelity-
an' 7 :, i 3Y•
~ • ,
SlllOl l / 4 .1 WUNDERLICH. • -
Asle, April 17, 1837, . .
/ 7
A I hereby otter myself' as a candidate for
the office of,StlElt RIFF, at the next general
election, and Most respectfully solicit your
vines and' interest. 51)0441 you think me
worthy of your choice by electing me to said
office,l pr - oinise you to discharge the duties
Of sai'l office faithfully and lionestly .to al
Silivei• ding
May 15; 1837. to
Fo the ludependent Electors of Cumber.
.7-- ------...L=.4and-couiffy,-. - • --, . •
. . •
T Low Crytzli.Ns:
•-- -- .7. - ileilig,encnitraged by a- number of my
lends in the upper end•of theLcounty and
elseWhe're, I 'hereby offer myself as a can
didate for the 'office' of SHERIFF; at the
ensuing general-election ; and , request your
support . for the' same..Af you elect me; I
pledge myself to fulfil the duties•of that im
'portant station with strict fidelity and Clem
-my, and to the best of my abilities..
-The public's humble servant ' .._• ..
- •
timtlstimptriii tOwnship, 1 te.
' April 17, 107. : • . . -
o the I/ dere of Cumberland
: • county:. -
nuMber of Mends Ilirouglf ,
cut the county, I place myself before the publid
as a candidate for the office of,#II.E.RIFF; at the.
ne / xt7ooeral. Election, unil *could. feet thanitfal
for youkaupptirt.' •
. - -.- G EORGE •BEET)itt. •.-,
71:07;,* - ,
To the lid Jendent Elotors of Cumlier ,
• . • lan co unty. ' - ' -
,G_ENTI.mEN.. , _, L •
. ~
(- Having bee. • enco raged by a number of
my•friends, I o er myself as a candidate for
the - office of - SH -RlFFcat-thelfext-generill
•eustring election, and,.will be tliankfill ° for
yoUrgepport. , • • - , . •
JOSEP S , LOliktit. -,
w bar'lislC,'Apeil rT,- 11 .=te..
AttezitioW Artiller y
pre ordered to para u de 911 your,
usual 'ground on SaturdayAlig'l4th dzky•
:or'Otober next,' it:10 ,o'clock, A. MI
in, §umr,ner . uniform i .arnwand astoutrie
;mem. in , good order.,
By bider of . •
" ' E. M. 81D8i.,E, , captain. •
Carlisle,.Sept.2,s, 1837.