••; x•xv- ri ln Wirt.zrAr• •.s..troa n_Jri 1 , 043. - 07023E11... YOtjg - 01(1)E.RS EARLY. CAPITAL $3O 00m0v - Lottp.O. . . Vor the benefit .i)f the Nonong•alia Acadelny,, , • CLASS, So; 7,for 1837 . . .Alexandria; Va:Lon. Satur.- ' • &Sy, Oct.• 14, ,1837, •.Gr,and Capital Prizes: , • 110,000 doll s.-10, • .4,000=2,5d0,13,00.0 doll u•s'—`4sof iOOQ 25 -:'- -- 01500-2 - ,8 prizes Of 300-2.00 priZes-of :200 a .. dollars, - ecc. Tickets_sl.o2.l - lalf $5--:Quarter s s 2 50! . ' Cer. of Packages of do . .flo 25 : 11a1f ' • 05 lulls -do- do • 50 - • • . Capital:prize 5 $69.0 000. ..-.• 150- ptizes.hf 1,•00.0 dollars - !! V.IRGINIA STATE LO,TTER For the-ben'efit of the' Mechanic - fit - Benevolent Society Of Norfolk. • • • -.To - be - drawl) •at Alexandria,...Va_oh Satur, days, the 21st of October, 1837":'"' PIIZES. 0:10,000—$10,000M • . .i. - ;000-1,000 7 -1,240 7 ::75 of 1.500-5 of 1,200 150 prizes Of 1 of 100...764 of ' 90 . ,•'• dollars, ecd - • Tlercets 810,• h.tlves 'and quarters in propor.-• of packages.of 25' , W.holeTicicen $l4O Vo• . -do • V 1 -2 - 1 Half . •79 do • do, 5,',5 Quarter • clo. 3 e2P.1T7.7., $36000- . . . . , 112.'giinia.. 4 4ilaile .114ot . tc,1,1: 1: : . . ._ . Vorrthe ? .beilefit e,f the - Towntof Wellsburg. CLASS No 7, for 1837., To •bd drau;n at Alexandria, Va..on.Sattir '• day,:Oct. 28, 1837. . _••• -. --. , ' , v!IIP.;:11E: . - , ' • .', • 30,000 - - !SO. dflso dollars, ic is kliSi shares iii propra Cer. of packages of 9.5:Ws Tickets .8130 - 25 — (l6. 65 - do _ . do 32 ,50 foi.__t_icj:ets.._an_cLsh arcs .n 1 cates of,packages in the aboVe magnificeat :chp&will receive. the most prompt at . -- tett nu and an official account of each draw gc. . ing kilt immediately after it is over to all sw Ito _Maier froarals...._.:(cddress D. S GREGO : aI C". Managers. :71Fitshinglan-qty, C. Sept. 16. 1837.~- Miaines-VatOnt -17:1111111.7VG" - ALICILLIVE: - -_ T sulicrib.er having . pu - tailised of .W. 7 - 131tur„.t he ,tlglit. tor _Cumperlan. -county ; o • ginkw!s Patent Threshing: - Mathine, tit . oult.l Oat he fins-on.lntint . _ . intentis manufacturing -1 good'irraterial,. the'l _liihoce...apentaitied_.rnacitine; wet.t.:Poilfre_t_Street,_.' The sub , . sciitier•TtlitifWt 1 - ifetkritrtu say any:thing NiectUlg . .,t he goodqualities 'Of the machine !. but woultr:res fectfull refer the. farmers o f this county, to any of the. gentlemen whose, namC s-ar t fast: lit?ll'AlYt I fe-c erti fitate-beloW- 5 - ,' front whom:any informationyesPC - c - ting it can' • hut -•necessary to say that for theapness;_ease of horsepower, and simple . nes*of't construction, it -has not. been .surpas sed machine jret. invented. 60 .or 70 bushels of gi•ltin can be theesheci horse in - a'day, and about 100 bushels - with . " • I •- The subscriber has improved the thhchine so as tsi be . able to, thresh much faster, less power than aslieretofore constructed The price of the above machine . is 7.0 dollars, JOHN FLEMING. - " As, a proof of the" estimation in which the above machine as improved is held tthroad, the states of New York, Verinonti Oliio and Massachusetts,' have given it the tlecided preference, and the three former of these have awarded preliniumg to that effect. J. F. . „ • CERTIVICATE;- - undersigned having each of us pur chased of Wm. Blai4of the borough of Car ,- lisle, one of his Patent Thre*shing Machines, patent,) and upon trial have found to answer every expectations in every* respect, and in addition torts beingan e*cel, lent grain thresher, it haS also•bdn found on experiment to - have the advantagir of being a cloverlseed cleUtber. The i hotie power is so easy, that it is very little labor for two horses, and:the constrifEtion oldie whole machine ii so very supple, and,sn unlikely ,to get out sf order,--triat we most cordially••recoMmend it ,to the Farmers of Cumberland county, as • one of the machines.we have met with, whith,has givqr us entire satisfaction, - and which Will be the opinion (as we believe,) of fapner upon his givinzdhe machine fair 64'0: - John Snider, Frankord township ;* Siunuel W eStheiffer, Newton ; last Sharp, Hope well ; William. Green, Newton; 'Jacob flershe, N. Middleton.; Christian Dich itwon;John-Tritt r Solithafupton;Sainl • TiittAy eat VennSboyOrglii Andrew 131 air, Juhy 10,..11137: • '• , „Estate of decdased . IVO TICE • ErrEtlS.of-adminiatratton_upon the . _edate. la of Cornier, late of•Dickinsoir-towm ' shirt; Combe-houl county, deceased, have issued. in due form' of hiw to the subscriber, residing on • the crrnol said' .!ceaseil, in said township --All :persons haring claims against - satd estate, will 'present them, anud those indebted will make pay. mentlo ADAM C 0 °VDU,' A d m'r Scjit 25,1837.--6 w Notice. "UPON,the application ot.Davici S. Runslia, --:-AdMinistrator of-Alm:estate-of—W-011am-- W. Clark; ,late'of Southampton 'township, . Cumberland county, deceased,,the•cirphans' - Court said - county' have . appointed theun _ dersigned, Auditor..ta .settle and adjust the.. • 'rates 4iid 'priliortiotw of the aSset4.of the said estate,, to and arnonr :th e respEiWeEreth . 'tors; according to . 1 ie. order - established Jaw. % .The. under:signed anditers ineet at • ,the bon se, Of la cob ,Englev Innkeein!r, Sliip • _ Penshurg. -otr_WedneSclajr the. , llth of Octo ! - her nt,.lo'o'cloek,'A. N., when all per - • suns intere§ted•May• attend.' • ..• • 'ROBERT S' .111 TUNE, •. • • : - &YAWL' L IC.CLSO, ..- ; S.IMUEL - 7WILE.RRY; • . . uditors September 18,'•ig37. ,MoririsOn's: Pitts. " further ihipplyfif 'the aboile Pills jwt rp.cei; yeti 25 cent. boxesl atlhr,ltgre or - "- ; O . GILAY Sr. 14.ITNE - 11.', Aiigust 28, , ( • ' , .‘ -131`0.14111 1 eib 9 t4 Pi fl I>` fuTl auppiy of Ifripaketh',B . Pule & HITNER.- =MNi ortnizi. - Ns!, Count': SALE, . . Iti pursuanar of an'Ordelof-the: Orjihans' Conti. 6f S.lumberland 'county.; tfie"f6 'wdl be . exposed to public sale,'on Thursday threl2th:. OCtober next; the following desCribed pro -1361Y,. Plantation or • •-u , • • oLang . • _ situate; Sprit% • township, CumlietSl, land county, 6ne.•halt mile. from Kr eider's, , Mill,betAsteen'earlisle'hndt - Harrisburgvach u l join ing-•-land •G enim Buttoif, James 'Crreaso6;.the:beirs of Win. l'and,e,nin and others,' containing • 0 . 1 I poi leis," of .262 ACRES • late — anti ,L9estone — land - I 150. acres •Ibf which As cleared, and iit a good state of Cultivatipii;,, he improyeinents are a , . • • ' STONY; • .. • • '- •• ' • • . :To :Two nyoic Log: Barns, i a,Spiing - House, Amd:_othet_„oucho t.s:___Aliere;lare several , -springs on the- rm,• and • a small, stream passing throng! t , recellent ; . • AP .1.4 t OttCll-1 Ant): • Any pet n wishing , to view the preniises, -will' call: pen eitlier of thei - SidiStribers; or John . istrong, on the farm. ••, 4.—Throe hundred - dollars of the purchase money to be:paid on the - coafirmit-- tion' of the sale, and- the one-half . of the residue, oirhe first of :April, hod the' balance in two equal' aliqUati payments, With ' out interest;_ • - . ✓adatinislrnlors of ,Stuntel IF4ugh, dec'd. Septeinbir 18, 1837. V &UM. IF oit %A.LIZ: . . The 'Sn'a4cribei• at ju'ichte - ,tale - , — oly - the premises, n good k . “rrn in North Middleton town•:. Cdmrlerland county, nibs .north tot . .Calihle,-on the road leading •to Aaggener:,.s Gap, containing . . • • ' . , • • • - 152 A IES 6F i f.msy . , „Rd-it -s./...1.278:74/7-ND, In a good state — of cultivation, the, greater part enclosed in the bet of .post-fence7l"nrarty newi aiul tinule of first rate .rnaterials. " About one hun dred and. twenty acres are cleatc4 . 4.,the residne: coverel tvith Ihriding - ' . • , ,YOUNG and , ivalso enclosed in good ferfee, The improvements usr-e, a 1: Wrfgt(s2N . OUSIOI IVO t Fires! s'itnd iit -Waggon-- shed !Ind -.Cornet ih: attached -- to it :ill roofed with white pine shingles, with other giind out buildings; an excellent Apple OretiT4 amt 1.-variety of -ot cv.`of HAVii.ter_ncar the house, There are on the f rin several good springs oil wiiteti Siltdrini stritlNG;-, it, whi.• •,..der - s it very _convenient _in stock :water..._ . . - ---- Ats - o,==iiity acres .or ; Mountain Land, about two and a half miles distant from saitliin;n, on Longs. Gap road, with a public - road to it.. - If .said property shall not be disposed of before the-12th day of Octaber next, it will on that day, at W o'clock, il. m.. be offered atpublic sale. .• Arty perSan,iwishing to see said prernises c in -view of- pin chasing, will'please--to call on Solo mon Scntman, residing near' the farm, or - on the subscriber in Carlisle. • • SAMUEL L. SENTMAN Sept embee44-,-48,37. PUBLIC SALE -OF REAL EST ATE. Will be exposedio public sale on the pre mises on Thursday the 26th October next, a tract of Land situate in FratdcfOrd Town• ship, bounded by lands of John Ernest, Geo. MVers, the heirs of Hunter, Benj.'s Burk holder and others, containing-one hunched and - fiftyseveh acres, more or less; of Slate Land, about IQ 0 acres of "which ate cleared and under gMtl fence, and of which about twenty acres are meadow: The improve ments are a Log • HOUSE AND LARGE BANK BARN, an Apple Orchard, with other fruit trees, and an excellent Well of water with,a pump - n it. The. Farm is calculated -for grazing, having a stream of water running tlrough it. The - terms - of sale will be one-Third of the purchase money to remain in the hands of - the purchaser during the life ) of the widow, the interest of which to be paid to her,, and one hundred dollars payable nn tire confirmation of the sale; one half of the residue of the punch money on the first of April, 1838, when posgession will. be de -onelyear there . from, without interest. . . HENRY gUPLEY, --- . ..ddmintttratoi , of Dayid. Crefis, deed. September'lB, 1837.—t5. FREDEitilek -- .IEIII - 11111 - 1 - N -- / 5 e , • 110..csirnme:nceci:.114 pilectice of Physicin the Borough pl . -Car. ''''..-.. '''. l l l ....' - _,L---.=- - _, lisle, Where he.will be - hap'py to . ' • render his PiofessiOnal services --1.-./ to those who-muy please to call - -- .-,-'...-...-_1....- --' Lopon..hi m-lis._p lace„of resi,. .%.dencelliin North-Hanover at., . in:. house formerly occupied by ~Ur , P . :Wm:Mock, 'lQnd nearly opposite tckAir. t. John. Cornman'SJon• -October 9,11137 , —.`.;v. -'' .- . , • . ; BATTALION .ortmons.. ,11.1 E First .Ilattallein, Cumberland Volunteers,' ' 'parade in the - Centre Square, in the borough'of Carlisle, on Saturday th — e - 1 - 4111 — daral netober next, at . lo o'clock. in the forenoon, in. ,SUMMER UNIFORM, with arms and actoutre -merits:in good-order.. By prder of Lieut. Col. W. FOULKE. ' ' • %VM. 13. MURRAY, Adjutant. . . Regl: Ctulublgl • Voluntee,rs, will • tad 0.1,-.9i? Pin add. 4n 'rue e 17th of October next, (in stionner titakirm) com vletely equipt for 41611 :it 10 o'clock, A, M. By order, &c., ; .. - • -----011%,11,k1150, Adrt. • her 18:M. , •-• • .Ncitide • - AL&Orsints indebted to the estate of &Mlle. .11uhy, late of East PennWorciugh township, CO. berland.'connti,o.deceased,.are.requested to m payment on or before, the - first day of ploiiem ,next; to the. stthicritier, reSiding.tn•the towns ,aforesaid ; and-those having, claims against'sa estate, w;11 present them duly authenticated for settlement._ . . Selitembe2:s,, 1837.65 v. TiESICIIERS lireiXTED. - . . Several good teachers are wanted by the School Dirklofs of' South Itinbileton township, Imme diate application.should be made: Apply to the lion. John Stewart. or • • • . .THOM.dgcIidIGHE:4D, ' Augua 201/p7:4 • • ROSS .1.3 R TO N, ill ES GIW.OSU " 7 :4' JOHN RUPP, -42 (. 3 -:i l ii . ...:e 4 ii t t - L . i te..: L)-: t•t-i. I