- THE BUTLER CITIZEN. VOL. XXXXII. THE MODERN STORE- Best Assortment and Flnst Line Christinas Goods. Prlcrs lower Than Ever. Call for Christmas Shopping Booklet Suitable Gifts for Every Member of the Family. Gloves, Neckwear, Mn filers, Hosiery, Underwear, Novelties in Jewelry, Back Comb*. Newest Hand Bags, Lmbrellas, Silks, Dress GoocU, Handaoioe For Scarfs and Muffs, Dolls, Novelties of all kinds. Toilet Se.s, Manicure Sets, Smokers' Sets, etc i |II f»n»«»ir All millinery 1-2 Price IHfr Week. EISLER-MARDORF COHPANY, sovra Man STKZXT t N(|4 {" I Samples sent on request. A Remodeling and Sacrifice Sale [< H CONTINUES. f< ►1 Great Opportunity to get Your < ri Christmas Furniture. * 14 Stock Just at Its Best—The Most Complete j f 2 This store has ever shown ]: J The whole stock—nothing reserved —must be < A sold at earliest moment possible. Goods from fac- > J tory at almost fra-tory prices. Come, take your A < choice of the entire stock at astonishing discounts >1 > from regular price. " 4 A ► Every Yard of Carpet to be sold % < ► * The entire stock of Ingrain Carpets—Linoleums I —Mattings at COST. Thousands of yards of best i J all-wool carpets at loom prices. They're going; J come quick, or yoy miss a bargain. N m { \ Bring the measure of your room and we can } tell just what it will take. , i ► BROWN & CO. I 4 Hp. 136 North Main St., Butler. ► isBSSSSSSSBSaS222& % A Call for Underwear tSo many people put off buying their winter under wear until the first real cold snap, that In tjieir harry they do not use discretion in purchasing. Underwear should fit snugly, thus assuring yon of comfort, also making the outer garments fit and hang well. Elasticity is another thing. Be sure that toe garment has "that give" to it so that there will be perfect freedom of movement and no tug ging or pulling. We do all this "joftfclng ont" for you so there is no fear of inferior goods at this store. All sorts of material— all best of tbeir kind i La lies' splendid fleece lined underwear, 25c and 50c Ladies' fine wool underwear, ft.oo i Ladies' union fatty. ftOc \a 13-50. Children's warm underwear, l»c up. ! Men's heavy underwear, 50c np. WINTER HOSIERY. Jnat at the present time oar assortment of winter hosiery is very foil and complete. Splendid values in ladine' and children's hose and men's socks, at 10c, }*c, Mfc. Mc and Qoo New line of fancy neckwear for Christinas trade. Pine Far. at special lo*» prices. L. Stein & Son, 10S N MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA 0 I, I I 111 ■ ■ ■■■ IMILUJU. ' ' ' ' 1 1 AJt i WHY You can save money by purchasing your piano of W. . NEWTON, ♦'The Piano Man," The expense of running a Music Store is as follows; Rent, per annum $780.00 Clerk, per annum $312.00 Lights, Heat and incidentals . . . $194.00 Total $1286.00 I have no store and can save you this expense when yon buy of me. I sell pianos for cash or easy monthly payments. I take pianos or organs in exchange and allow yon what they are worth to apply on the new instrument All pianos folly warranted as represented. MY PATRONS ARE MY REFERENCE. A few of the people I bava sold pianos in But]er theifc. Br. McGurdy Bricker Dr. W. P. McElroy Fred Porter Sterling Club Fraternal Order Eagles D F. Reed Epworth League Woodmen of the World E. W. Bingham H. A. McPherson Geo. D. High Misg Anna McOamllusi. W. J Mates . fl. A. Black J. S. Thompson Samuel Woods Joseph Woods Oliver Thompson S. M. McKee John Johnson A. W. Boot R. A. Long well Miss Eleanor Barton J. Hillgard Mrs. Mary L. Stroup J. E Bowers W, C CJqrry 0. F. Stepp 6J. Bancs W. J. Armstrong iss Emma Hughss Miles Billiard A. W. Mates . Mrs. S. J. Green W. R. Williams J. R Douthett Mrs. R. O. Rambaugb E. K Richey Chas. E. Herr L. 8. Youch PEOPLE'S PHONE 420. POSITIONS GUARANTEED We suanuitw to re ometul for pulUota, »ll »t«- •wna uuMnnx I C6l' dent* OLteriuv during ilie pnwaut term Actua ACTUAL BUSINESS COLLEGE 306, 308, 310 Fifth Avenue, ACTUAL [ Una* B»fln rlyht »»»y ' /-PK BUTLER (J) / ' /> #' _v-V // New buildings, new rooms, elegant new eqmpment. excellent courses of Btudv, best of teachers, expenses moderate, term? \ ER\ t , Over $2,000.00 worth of new typewriters in nse (allowing advanced student from 3 to 4 hours' practice per <lay.i, other equipment m proportion' Winter Term, Jan 2, liKMi. Spring Term, Apnt 1, liKMi. Positions secured for our worthy graduates. Visitors always welcome! When in Butler, pay us a visit. Catalogue and other literature mailed on ap plication. MAY ENTER ANY TIME. A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa | Fall and Winter Millinery. | 4; Everything in the line of Millinery can be'found, ?g jg the right thing at the right time at the right price at !j£ I ROCKENSTEIN'S § || Phone 656. H8 S. Main St jjj Don't You Need An Overcoat? We Closed out a Manufacturer's Sample Line at One Half Their Value. In this lot of 218 Overcoats the;fc are all sizes. In the Men's overcoats they are sizes 34 to 44. In the Boys' they are sizes 6to 20. Not 2 Overcoats of a kind. For want of space we cannot describe these extraordinary bargains in these Overcoats. But will just mention a few of them. 29 Overcoats, Regular Price $22, Sale Price $11.98 33 Overcoats, Regular Price $lB, Sale Price $9.89 28 Overcoats, Regular Price sls, Sale Price $7.45 78 Overcoats, Regular Price $lO, Sale Price $4.89 23 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $9, Sale Price $4.62 27 Boys' Overcoats, Regular Price $6, Sale Price $3.13 Have a Look at These Overcoats. We Will Show Them to You. No Trouble Whatever. SCHAUL& LEVY 197 South Main Street, r r x r .».*.»» - Butler. Pa k\¥\u?f mEIN A' jw" \i Won't buy clothing for the purpose of JI) i" VX! II spending money. They desire to get the lTll aI/s II beat possible results of the money expended. !jl j •'jVj/ \ IJT).] j| Those who buy cngtoia clothing have a r I iff \rr^WJ Tl to demand a fit, to have tbeir clothes Xir.l xAMMEI correct in style and to demand qf the X 'll H * seller to guarantee everything. Come to jCyIK i us anil there will be njthinar lacking. I Pw have just received a large stock of Fall • Ji |1» - and Winter suitings in the latest styles, 1 an( l colors. Ifr J J G - F - KECK, | n | /MERCHANT TAIfeOR, JjjUfJ 142 N./Vlain St. f Butler, Pa[ : Bickel's Fall Footwear. | largest Stock and Most Handsome Styles of k4 > Fine Footwear we Have Ever Shown. T4 ► SOROSIS SHOPS. Twel,t Y Fall Styles -Ix.uKOia, Patent WA i V"V.'Snll kid and Fine Calf Hhoes made in the V*V { latest up-to-date styles. Extremely lar«e stock of Misses' and Cbil- BJ dren's fine shoes in many n*w and i»retty styles for fal). f A i MFN'S Showing all the latest styles in Men's ° OWVi.O' Fine Shocß aII leathery nn ,| jjtfj. WA Complete Stock of Boys', Youths' sod Little dents' Fine Shoe*. ! Bargains In School Shoes. K High-cut copper toe shoes for B<jya and good water proof School Ll 4 Shoes for Girls. j l Large stock of Women's Heavy Shoes in Kangaroo-calf and r J " Oil Grain for country wear. L I V i Rubber and Felt Goods. N H cloleT^siH' 8 ® 'placed ß Jo JSte very • J prices and are in a position t<j offer you the loweat oncea for kl WM best grades of Felts and Itubber Goods 1 for IJ fi th, vtry low«,t tl When i;* nued of onr ii De g| Vena a ea j| yi M Repairing Promptly Done. II fi JOHN BICKELfj T4 128 S Main St., BUTLER. PA. W fi* fi? fir I J.G. & W. CAMPBELL, jg BUTLE, PA. BUTLER, PA., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21. 1905, PROFESSIONAL CARDS. PHYSICIANS, DR. L. R. HAZLETT. 106 W. Diamond St. Butler. North side of Court House. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat work, a specialty. n M. ZIMMERMAN "? • PIIYSJCIAM AND StTRGKOJ* At 327 N St. JAiWES C. 50ybE,iW. D. PRACTICE LIMITED TO Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. OFFICE HOURS—9 to 10 a. m., 1 to 3 p. m., 7toß p. m. Sunday by appoint ment. 121 E. Cunningham Street, Butler, Pa. BOTH PHONES. DR. JULIA E. FOSTER, OSTEOPATH. Consultation and examination free. Office hours—9 to 12 A. M. , 2 to M., daily except Sunday. Evening appointment Office—Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But' ler, Pa. People's Phone 478. DENTISTS. DR. S. A. JOHXSTON, PROSTHETIC DENTIST. Teeth extracted absolutely painless. Take Vitalized Air or Nitrous Oxide. All work satisfactory. 127J S Main St., BUTLER, PA DR. FORD H. HAYES, DENTIST. Graduate of Dental Department, University of Pennsylvania. Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa. DR J. WILBERT McKEE, SURGEON DEWTIST. Office over Leighner's Jewelry Butler, Pa Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold fillings, gold crown and bridge work. DR. H. A. MCCANDLESS, DENTIST. Office in Butler County National Bank Building, 2nd floor. DR. M. D. KOTTRABA, Successor to Dr. jobn&ton. DENTIST Office at No 114 3. Jeflerson St., over G. W. Miller's grocerv ATTORNEYS. RP. SCOTT • ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, Office in Butler County National Bank building. AT. SCOTT, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office at No. 8. Wept Diamond St. But ler, Pa. COULTER & BAKER, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Office in Butler County National Bank building. JOHN W. COULTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on Diam ON( J, Butler, Pa. Special attention J>iyen tp collection* and business matters, HH. GOUCHER, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office in Wise bnUJiug. D. McJUNKIN, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in Reit>er building, cornet Main and E. Cunningham St», Entrance on Main street. JB. BKEDIN, • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. near Court HONS' WC. FINDLE?, • ATTOKNEY-AT-LAW, AND PENSION ATTORNEY. Office on tioutb side of Diamond, Butler, Pa. (1 F. L. McQUISTION, V. Civir, EHCJWKKR ANO SURVEYOR GFFIU* near Court House EH. NEGLF.Y • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office In the Negley Building, West Diamond . WU. WALKNIT. CHAS. A. MCELVAIN WALKER & McELVAIN, 307 Butler County National Bank Bld'g REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE. D»ti PROPERTIES. LOANH. HOTU I'UO* S INTERNATIONAL S ) Stock and Poultry Food C 25c, 50c, SI.OU and $3.50 > r packages. ? \ ALSO ( J Heave Cure 3 X Worm Powder V I Colic Cure F f Silver Pine Healing Oil \ f Pheno Chlor f r Louse Killer p \ Harness Soap 3 f Honey—Tar Foot remedy N J Gall Cure f C Hoof Ointment 3 Redick & Grohman > S <O9 North Halo St., $ \ Butler, Pa. L AyvwvwwwA FALL SUITS We can save you money on your fall suit and fit you as well as the best and highest-priced city tailors. New Fall Goods Just Received Write us. C. P. JOHNSTON & SON CUSTOM TAILORS, j PROSPECT, PENN'A OSTEOPATHY. TURNING THE TABLE By VIRGINIA LEILA WENT 2 Copyright, 1905, byVirgiuia Lt ila Wentz In the beginning CJreta had dreamed of romantic love and army or navy Officers. Thnt was Tvhile her father lived. When he died, failing to leave either her mother or her a red copper nothing but the bi« mansion with the enormous mortgage on it Cireta, prompted by her mother, was ready to marry anything eligible, provided there was a good substantial bank account. As far as his physical appearance went John Selwyn did fairly well. He was deep chested and broad shoulder ed and a bit above medium height, llis chin was firm, his mouth was sensitive and his eyes were dark and quiet. In big, practical things, iu the financial world, iu mines and stock markets be was at home. In the arena of more circumscribed things—society with a capital S and the Infinite trifles that mnkc up form and manners in that arena—ho humbly acknowledged that he was out of place. As for Greta Weston—well, the young creature whom God permitted him lo call wife was to John a being from a world be had never known! She was rather a pretty girl and cul tured, but to him she was fairer tjian lilies, sweeter than roses, more pre cious than all rare gems. Her lovely, delicate face was to him the face of an angel, and his love for her was a mute Idolatry. In all his life, not even on the dear old New England farm, had he known anything like It. When John paid off the mortgage and settled a princely few hundred thousands oil Greta, Mrs. Weston saw no reason why the patrician feelings of herself and daughter should longer be repressed. "If I may make a suggestion." she re marked haughtily one morning at breakfast, the morning following a din ner at which John's Ignorance of table etiquette had markfd him as an un speakable kind of skimmed milk among the social cream, "when you have finished a course it is customary to lay your knife und fork on your plate side by side." "So sorry. But you see I'm not much used"— began John humbly. "Oh, we know," observed Mrs. Wes ton Icily, "but we'll do what we can to polish you, at least to save you from being ridiculous." And then, with his permission, she began to point out to him his remissnesses of the night be fore. For example, It appeared that he had offered the wrong arui to the lady whom he took In to dluuer; he had shaken hands when he should nod and failed to shake when he should; he hadn't tak?n the right seat in the car riage; he hadn't risen when the ladles left the table. In fact, he l\f,d been a bull 111 the china from beginning to last. "Give me n little time, dear," he said to Greta a trifle sadly, completely ig noring her mqthep-"just u little tliuo— and I'll promise you won't be ashamed of mo." If during ibis scene the man ap peared undignified and weak It ni'Ast be remembered that lie \vas idolatrous ly In love Tyith li»s wife. But that very Idolatry helped him In other-ways, for love is a famous school mistress. He had mastered big, practical problems In life, and he was quit® oonfldeut that he could conquer these smaller ones. Pathetically euough, however, his rapid dally Improvement passed nil uu noticed iu the eyes of his young wife. She grew prettier and prettier, her cheeks more exquisitely p'.uk, her eyes brighter Put likewise she grew more anil more capricious niffl manifested Increased annoyance at his presence. At first Iu; wondered helplessly, l.ittlo by little t|ie HCUIOH benttn to Tall from his eyes. There was a copy of Sicliel's "Ma uonna and Child" which hung directly over the hall mantel. John had bought tlii' picture became ho fancied the Ma douuit reseinbied Greta. One evening, following his wife Into dinner, the fan cied likeness struck him with renewed force —she was so richly colored and beautiful! Absentniludedly he stepped on her train aud ripped the waist seam ever so slightly. She turned on him contemptuously when he apologized, with an anger born of her condition: "I)o you mean to keep 011 'begging pardon' all your life?" "It was a little accident, dear. I wouldn't get angry," he remonstrated soothingly, ot heart very sorry and very much annoyed at himself. "Don't call me'my Uoar|'" H 'h t , uasheil buck, "1 you first as last! I" "Greta, Greta!" cried Mrs. Weston warnlngly. But Greta, for the first time in her life, was beyond the con trol of expediency. "I enn't lienr you! I never, never, never loved you, and now—l can't even breathe where you are! Oh, If I could never see you again, If I could never see you again!" She began to cry and sob violently, and her mother led her upstairs. When Mrs. Weston came down a half liour later tho dinner table, brll /antly lighted, gleaming with damask und silver, was still untouched. John, who sat bowed in surprise and crushed grief, slowly raised his head. There was a pause. The thought that occur red to Mrs. Weston was that be was sitting while she was standing—a dls tlnct violation of etiquette. As for him well, lie was thinking of other things. Wewllderedly, he brushed away a henvy lock that bad fallen over bis forehead. 'She said"— he stopped, his voice was husky—"she said she'd never cared for me." He swallowed hard again. "Nev er is that true?" The woman was frightened. She felt the sudden iron of his will an«l was speechless. "Answer me. is It?" His command rang out like a pistol shot, awl a <lan gerotis gleam lay level In his eyes. "Yes," she admitted, utterly thrown off her guard. "At least," be said finally, and his voice sounded nillc-i and miles away, "we have the truth at last. Now we may understand each other." From tlutl time on (Jreta wax us completely Ignored as If she had been the bisque shepherdess on tlx* drawing room cabinet. From being cverythlng lu (lie bouse she aivl her mother had suddenly becomo nothing. It wan al most u* if they were remaining there like tin* mold* on two weeks' notice. Oue morning tiie.v told lilm that his wife was culling for lilui. They lei him Into a cool, film room When lie be came accustomed t > the hair light lie saw that Uretn, the pink rose, ha<l turtle'! to an exquisite white Illy. He spoke to her gently, considerately, an the physician had bade tilui. but as to feeling—liud not she herself killed It? #ll tjfce dupjiued yi> lovo lu Up man's nature wont immediately out to the liuman tritle iu blue ribbons and lace which the nurse held on a pillow for his inspection. John's son and Ueir grew and thrivetl daily. I.iff for the first time since his marriage again became invested with a meaning for .Tcbs, and <lod existed after all! The father directed his household with the power and the su porb Indifference of a king, nnd the women folk were treated almost as ci phers. Mr. John Selwyn. a man of af fairs to be reckoned with, well dressed, well mannered, polished in speech, went to his otlices every morning. In the afternoons he drove out with his son and his son's nurse in his son's landau behind his sou's magnificent horses. From the moment of her child's birth Greta had felt a tenderness toward John—the tenderness of a wife who has borne a man a son. Now she was beginning to feel other things. She smiled as she renieniltered her irrita tion at his social derelictions, his old time lac;k of etiquette which had seem ed to her a hopeless stumbling block in the way of mutual happiness. But now—even if lie hadn't mastered those deficiencies, which obviously l>e had— what were such small matters compar ed with the power to face the realities of existence? And how big he was in all big things: One day she came to him, a dumb, pathetic question in each purple eye. "What Is it?" be asked generously. Iler short upper lip trembled, and wiih out warning she burst Into tears. "I—l want you to love me again," she sobbed. "Love you? As the woman who bears my name, as the mother of my son—why, I could scarcely help but do that." "No, no:'' she v-ried. as one who really suffers. "I don't mean that way. I want yon to love me as you used to. I'm just longing to have you come and kiss me—when you don't have to, you know." He stood precisely where he was, gauging the sobbing little figure for a long, long while in utter silence. First he measured her severely, then tjues tlonlngly. Last of all, a sudden soft ness stole over him nnd swept him off bis feet. Without a word, but with eyes that were wet, he crossed the room and took her proteetingly in his big arms. Just then the nurse fetched their small son in, crowing with delight. A Ministerial Doubt. The new pastor of the country church was an eminently practical man as well as a gqod Christian, and on the occasion of his first sermon he pro ceeded at Its close to test the practical Christianity of his hearers, "I should like to know," he said, glancing over the congregation, "how many women In this assembly have not spoken a harsh word to their husbands during the past four weeks." There was a stir the auditors, but no o'Uer indication that the shot bad told. t "Indeed," he went on, "I am so aux ious to know that t shall ask that all the women who have not done so rise to their feet aud bo couuted." He paused a moment and waited. One rose far over the corner, then another near her, nnd soon they had Come up all over the house until there were at least fifty on the floor. The preacher counted them carefully. Then be added; "Fifty-two," be said, "Well, really, dear friends, I bad 110 Idea there were BO many widows In this community."— London Tit-Bits. A Deadening Habit, A fault finding, crltldstug habit is fatal to all excellence. Nothing will strangle growth quicker than a tenden cy to bunt for flaws, to rejoice in the unlovely, like a hog which always has his nose in the mud and rarely looks up. The direction In which we look In dicates the life aim, and people who are always looking for something to crit icise for the crooked and the ugly, who are always suspicious, who In variably Uvak at the worst side of oth i>r«, are but giving the world a picture ff themselves. This disposition to see the worst in stead of the best grows on one very rapidly until It ultimately strangles ull that is beautiful and crushes out all that is good In himself. No matter how many times your confidence has been betrnyed, do not nllow yoursolf to sour, do not lose your faith In peo ple. The bad are the oxceptious. Most people are honest aud true und mean to do what Is tight.— O. S. Marden In Success Magashie. BETEL NUT CHEWING. It la (he National 1)1 vrrnlon of th* Hlanifif l'eoplr. Betel nut chewing Is the national di version of the Siamese. Every one from high to low is addicted to Uie habit, and preparation of the quid for those too poor lo own Ingredients aud boxes is in every town quite a busi ness of itself. In the smallest settle ments one sees peddlers squatting be fore their trays of little boxes holding lime und seeds of tobacco and pack ages of syrab, or green betel leaves. The betel tree Is among the most com mon In Slain, sending up a trunk some times full sixty feet, always, like the cocoanut, limbless except for its bush of a top, where, again like the cocoa, the nuts grow In closely attached bunches, to harden and redden before gathered. The cardamom seed, or clove, is an extra of the well to do and especially of the women. Tho common habit among men of the country is to add a pinch of tobacco after first rubbing it over their gums. The bright red saliva from chewing Is, iu the town house, carefully deposited In a haudnouie sil ver receptacle. In the up country house silts between the open bamboo flowing obviate the necessity for such niceties. But always on formal occa sion, even in the Jungle edge, the betel nut cliewcr carries bis box for the free ly flowing Juice that stains the teeth a deep red, which among the better class with care and attention becomes a highly polished black. And this Is true even of Slam's most enlightened classes, whom contact with the outside world appears not to win from the betel nut and discolored teeth. In Bangkok I talked with ono of royal blo<Kl und his wife, both of whom hud lived several years In England, yet the teeth of each were black as ebony, aud the woman frankly expressed her dis gust at the white teeth of foreigners. l>o«s aud other four fooled animals, she declared, have white teeth. Bless e«l Is contentment!— Outing. The Il»-»t Gnlde to ItnxlliiK. Of all the gifts-an older brother or Ister can conici' upon a youuger child lone can compare with the taste for rfood l ailing. Uls an easy matter for the elder to the right bock to thu little reader at the right time, and no lusting benefit can he given with so little effort. See that you are able to act as u wise guide when the llttlo brother'u or bister's hand Is put so con fidingly In jours.—Bt- Nicholas. HE AVERTED A PANIC/ A REMARKABLE CASS OF BRAVERY AND PRESENCE OF MIND. Matsukl, the Juggler, Held an Audi ence Spellbound While the Theater Attache* Were Fighting a Bad Fire Behind the Sceaea. Satsuma Matsukl, a Japanese juggler and acrobat, was filling an engage ment at Burlington. His marked abil ity as a magician caused the opera house to be crowded every evening. One feat in particular Interested his audience. Lying prone upon his back, he would toss a long, light table back ward and forward iu all conceivable positions to the time of lively music, his tiny feet keeping the table perfect ly balanced. It was Saturday evening. Satsuma Matsukl had been performing for an hour. ll* had astonished his audience with a score of wonderful achieve ments, but as yet he had not perform ed with the table resting on his feet Matsuki passed into oue of the dress ing rooms to change his costume. Scarcely had he closed the door when be heard a sound that made bis heart stand still for a moment—a crackling and a hissing—and the next Instant a long tongue of flame leaped from the stairway, enveloping a window. Oth ers in the renr of the stage discovered the flames at the same instant, and a fierce battle was begun between the attaches of the theater and the raging fire. For one brief instant Matsukl stood irresolute. The fire was confined within the dressing room of the right wing, and as yet no one In the audi euce had an Inkling of the grave dan ger that threatened the house. Those fighting the flames knew that a terrible panic would ensue the moment that the spectators realized the danger. Matsuki understood the situation, too, and in that moment of hesitation he Eaw the part that he must act. Matsukl was before his audience, lie had placed the rugs hastily in posi tion that he might rest easily. A mo ment later and the orchestra com menced playing. Matsukl bad balanc ed the table and was gracefully danc ing It back and forth, keeping perfect time with his dainty feet. Shortly the measure of the music was quickened, and he was obliged to move uiore quickly. At one time the table would be at an angle of forty-five degrees and again at ninety degrees and the next moment perfectly perpendicular. The long table seemed fairly alive. Meanwhile those fighting the fire bad worked bravely, and success was crowning their efforts. They beard the music of the orchestra, and they know that Matsukl was doing his part to hold the attention of the people. A few moments more and all danger of a stampede would bo past. "Fire!" Some one had seen a puff of smoke issue from the right wing of tUe stage. "Ye ar, Aire!" And Matsukl sent the table nearly to the celling, turning a complete somersault in its flight. The audience shouted with delight. For twenty minutes Matsukl had been In constant activity. The veins 6tood out upon bis arms and temples like whipcords. "Firel" Another bad noticed a puff of smoke. "Ye ar, Hire!" And again was the ta ble hurled aloft and caught again with the same dexterity. The conductor of the orchestra knew not wbut It all meant. At first he thought that Mutsukl had gone mad. Never before bad he dared so much. ■lf he was mad, surely uo one could deny hlB astonishing skill. A moment later the stage manager walked across the stage and whisper ed something to Matsukl, at the same time placing tho table on the floor. Matsukl was unable to rise. Attend ants lifted the brave fellow and car ried blni behind the scenes. Yery shortly the manager returned, and when he spoke bis voice was sadly broken. "Ladles and gentlemen," said he, passing his hand across his forehead, "I have no doubt that you have great ly enjoyed Satsuma Matsukl's perform ance this evening. He has well merit ed your generous applause, more, per haps, than you Imagine. I have to In form you that Satsuma Matsukl alone bns stood between you and death for the past twenty minutes or more. The danger Is past now, and you are liberty to leave this building, but permit me to say before you dopart that our friend Matsukl has lost bis entire magician's outfit, which cost him over a thousand dollars. Fire has completely destroy ed his property. I leave It with you to do what Is right, and those who de sire to show tbeir gratitude for what Matsukl has done this evening can meet me here on tbo platform," There was uo hesitation. A long line of men and women was quickly formed, aud for an hour the manager received tho contributions of those who wished to show their gratitude. When the amount was counted, pledges nnd all, something over 11,600 was found.— Forward. Sbr Thought of Him. • She—Oh, Mr. Borem, how do you do? I was talking to Mrs. Nexdore Just now, und I couldn't help thinking of you. He—And was she discussing me? She— Xot exactly. She was comment ing on the weather and Just asked me If I could Imagine anything more tire some and dlsugreeable.—Philadelphia Ledger. The steamship Korea, which arrived at San Francisco from the orient re cently, brought the moot valuable con signment of raw silk ever landed In this country. It was worth $2,450,000. It was dispatched east In haste the EQQ3O night, 3,300 bales of it. MOVING ■ Wlirn Zoolaclril I'nrk Hlrd» Uo Into Winter Quartern. The Andean condor in the flying cage at tho Bronx Zoological park. New York, turued his scrawny bead to one side and squinted down at the ground beneath him over his broad white ruff. Evidently something was happening on the ground that was unusual. The clumsy pelicans were shoving them selves off for a heavy winged flight with an expedition that Indicated that they were Iu a perturlied state of mind. Five men had Just eutered tho cage. They had nets with them. Evi dently something of Importance was about to be done. The men distributed themselves about tho cage, some In tho middle and some at the ends. For a couple of hours the scene reminded ono of a chid:en roost which bus suddenly been disturbed. For ull their appearance of wisdom the birds soon displayed tbo fact that they were easily "rattled." They figuratively, as well as literally, "flew all to pieces." The birds, tired out. one after another, were captured aud carded out to a smaller lnclosuro In a closed building. The condor dis- No. 50. proved the paying of the Spanish sage regnnllug tlie catching of old birds with chaff. He left his perch and de scended to get a better view of the trouble. Finding himself too near for comfort, he flew back again. Then be lost liis head with the others and, flap ping hither and thither in bis unga'niy fashion, soon fonnd himself upon the ground again. One of the men grabbed him by the bead. Another threw a pair of arms around his body and held his wings closely. Not without a phys ical protest did the condor njccßm»- to the inevitable. He tried to spread his wings. lie tried to wrench bis bead away. The men from previous expe rience knew what to expect should he succeed in doing either. On one occa sion the condor bad bitten the forearm of one of the men, cutting through three thicknesses of cloth with the fa cility of a razor. They did not care to furnish bones from their persons for his loathsome blrdsbip. Moving a condor, or any of the other birds, for that matter, from the out door flying cage to the warmer winter quarters, and vice versa, is a Jol> re quiring care. The condor must DO»- be squeezed too hard, for that would in jure him. He must not have too mucb freedom for the play of bis wings, for "better one fcyrde in hand than tea in the wood." "You must keep your head level when carrying a condor," remarked one of the keepers. "Yon can't let yourself get nervous when you feel -his wings pushing out under your arms. If he should get his wings loose, why, - you might see him climbing the sky. And if you press them too tight you may not only hurt him, but In your ex citement forget about his head. If his head gets loose, why, you have a fight on your hands, so there you are." While there are many tropical ani mals at the Zoological park and in Cen tral park which nAist be housed through the winter, yet with the mod ern equipments of the two menageries the animals do not have to be moved when the season changes. They are simply shut Inside or outside of thefr winter shelter, as the case may be.— New York Tribune. BIRTHPLACE OF MASSAGE. Qutr Nubia, Where the Inhabitant* Merer Take a Bath. The masseur had just returned from Nubia, the birthplace of massage. "I didn't learn as much as I expected to," he said, "but I got hoid of two movements that will eradicate wrin kles and remove fat in an Incredible way. "Nubia is a queer place. They have BO Utile water there that they never take baths. The 'masseh,' or kneading, whence our word 'massage,' Is the bath's substitute. You strip, He down and are covered from head to foot with a cream made of mutton fat, mink, sandalwood powder and certain plant juices. Then you are kneaded, you are massaged. I studied the Nubian movements thoroughly and learned, as IK say, good tilings. "The Nubians are a handsome and queer race. They hunt elephants with the sword. A hunter steals upon a doz ing elephant and slashes him in the back of the leg,ten inches above the hoof, nils cut severs the artery, and the elephant Meeds to death. "They cook meat on hot stones. First they build a fire, then they put big stones on It, and when the »tone* are hot enough they clean them of ashes and embers carefully and throw, on the meat. This is a better way of cooking thun the broil, for It preserves all the meat Juices. But greenhorns don't know what kind of stone# to use. Most kinds heated explode. "The Nubians are shapely and hand some. They never wrinkle, they n<":>'er get fat, their skins are smooth «nd fine. They Impute these graces to the 'masseh'—the massage—that they take regularly three or four times a wuok. Ever} - masseur ought to go to Nubia If be wauts to learn his business thor oughly." GLOBULES. One-third of the land surface of the globe is covered with trees. A Birmingham man named Batchelor has just married n young lady nr.nied WidUow. A penny Is estimated to change hands about 125,000 times in the course of Its life. A paper chimney fifty feet high ond fireproof Is a curiosity to be seen at llrcslau, Germany. Cats are licensed In Berlin, and ev ery cat In that city must wear a metal badge bearing a number. Gibraltar may fairly be called the land of tunnels, there being over sev enty miles of burrowed rock. London has only one rnllc of tram ways to every aO.OOO of her population. Manchester has one to every 5,600. The China Times of Peking is ls-ued in seven languages—Chinese, Japanese, English, French, German, Russian and Italian. The Nile Is noted for the variety of Its fish. An expedition sent by th« British museum brought home 9,000 specimens. Glasgow has the largest tramway, system of auj town in the British Isles. Manchester stands second, while Liverpool makes a bad third. Lion tamers frequently perfum® themselves with lavender. There la, It is said, no record of a lion ever having attacked a trainer who had taken the precaution of using this perfume. In FIJI the coinage consists chiefly of whales' teeth, those of greater value being dyed roil. The natives exchange twenty white teeth for one red one, u> we change copper for sliver. Where Vuarla Have Urea. Painted on the prow of nearly all the Junks, or fhlnese sailing yessels, are to bo seen huge eyes. It is believed by tho superstitious inhabitants of Chl na that If the eye, which is ralseu as in relief, wus not thero tho vessel co'ild not see where to go and would there fore come to destruction. Eve" if when nt sea the eye got destroyed o» dumngi-d nnolher would have to be painted In at once. No Chinaman -.rill Hull ou a junk which Is not adoried by an eye, and oven an English pas senger boat which plies between two Chinese towns has a huge eye painted on each side of her paddle boxes. Whitman on Enenon. I often say of Emerson that the per sonality of the man—the wonderful heart and soul of the man, present in all be writes, thinks, does, hopes—goes far toward Justifying the wbolt lit erary business—the whole raft, good and bad; the entire system. You see I find nothing in lltcrnture that is val uable simply for Its professional qual ity Literature Is only valuable lu measure of the passion—the blood muscle—with which It la which concealed and actlva^^^^^^H Tralibel's Whitman In Canuleu"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers