Ideal Clothing: and Hats For Fall Are Now Ready for Your Inspection. Ideal dress is not so much a matter of ® money as of judicious selection. Our garments have all the distinction an ex pert knowledge of refined fashion can give them, but are not loud or vulgar. They express most perfectly aU that's All the new things in Hats. Young's, Stetson and Ideal Hats, Our Children's Department Is Worthy of Your Inspection. Remember. We Clean, Press and Repair all Clothing Sold by us Free of Charge. . I i Ideal Clothing AND Hat Parlors. 228 South Main Street. FLEMING'S OLD RELIABLE EXPORT. AH Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention. sf. Per Qt> 6 (its. for $5. On all $lO orders we Prepay Express. Are yofl using It. If not. write to us at once and get particulars of Its merit. Our Stock of the Highest Grade of Champagne Vintage is Complete. # Qtss2.7s Pts. $1.50 Afcb THE READING BONDED WHISKIES AT $1 00 P6R QT, PER QT. PER DOZ. PTS. P; „ . ~ HI . rncm „ As a tonic we quote imported ales Pinet Castillon Cognac, this Brandy an d Stouts as follows: especially recommended . . $1.50 McMullen's (Bottling) White Label Hennesy Brandy, One Star . . . 1.50 Ale • • $2.10 lj q j t i -re Ross (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Two Star . . . 1.75 Bur ke's (Bottling) Ale 2.00 Hennesy Brandy, Three Star . 2.00 Reed Bros.'Dog's Head .... 2.00 Cusenier's Creme de Menthe . . 1.75 Imported Stouts (Bottled by above firms) ' _ . T , __ will be furnished at the same price. Old London Dock Imported Port . 1.00 A superior grade California Wines, Old London Dock Imported Sherry 1.00 per qt 50c On All Pnrchases We Save You From 25 to 50 per cent. Jos. Fleming & Son Co., Incorporated. 410 and 412 Market St., Pittsburg, Pa. The FamilV Drag and biquor Store. >——■■■ «a— TH6 ESTABLISHMENT OF A GREAT MAIL ORDER SYSTEM IN CONNECTION WITH OUR RETAIL STORE $150,000.00 ADDITIONAL STOCK AN OPPORTUNITY for the Farmer, the Mechanic, the Worklngman, the Buaineaa Man and the General Public to Become Shareholders and Co-Operatora In the Leader Co-Operative Department Store The Largest Co-Operative Department Store In America. Capital Stock $1,000,000 This Company lias achieved the greatest success in the shortest K possible time known in merchandising iu this country. A STORE OF f\ * tinn THE - RESULT— that the success of this enterprise has been so THE PEOPLE— X > *® U ****., __ phenomenal that the Company is obliged TO ESTABLISH A GREAT MAIL BY THE PEOPLE £t ORDER SYSTEM to accommodate thousands of its shareholders and cus- MEt " p tomers who cannot visit our retail store. LmBGNSU. K To properly establish this Department and make many other improve. . ,J\ ments necessary for the convenience of its shareholders and friends, it j require * qqq qq ADDITIONA |_ STOCK THE PLAN —l* is proposed to sell the preferred stock at par, Sjjetf 9!JM|lBr7 slo,o# per share, and give as n bonus one »h ire of coramon stock with each •VgA share of preferred stock. Each and every shrire of preferred stock is guar- ' 1 ''ES J?BSBDlBS -anteed s dividend of AT LEAST seve per cent, annually. I First Seml-Annual Dividend Paid August Ist, 1905. Owing to the immense earnings of storea of this character, the i tock ■ of such enterprises is always at a premium. This is the only l>epartment Store in the City of Pitsburg in which you can purchase stock. ADVANTAGES OF THIS INVESTMENT First—' The stock of this Company is as safe a* your bank, and brings greater returns for your money. An in vestment in the stock of this Company brings you a return not ot less than seven per cent, dividend on your stock, aud also ten per cent, on nearly all purchases of merchandise, making a saving to you of seventeen per cent, on all money invested. This is not a "wild-cat" or "gold mine" scheme, situated in parts s« far distant from home that they cannot be conveniently investigated. t9»A VISIT TO THIS GREAT BUSINESS EMPORIUM WILL CONVINCE THE MOST SKEPTICAL OF ITS ItCLIAIILITY'*^. OFFtOERS AMD MANAGERS UNDER BOND Officers snd employees occupying responsible positions are under bond. THE MANAGEMENT of the Leader De partment Store is composed of men who tor years have made a study of practical merchandising. St-s-k aub«cr!ntion* vt" 1 . be received In any amount*, to be paid for in fu lon s.fiiinic of u'o -ription, or in the following manner— -10 ptr ctut to V.5 P"" d r -Mj .ng your aubacription and 'JO per cent, per month until lull* paid. Wiile immediately and have your *ub acriot'oa recorded, othe niieyou wny be deprived of thia except ional* a opportunity tob: . -jinr .jterc-ted lo tha world'# greateat Mail Order «nd Department <-:o e Subacriptiona received by mail or iu person at liie oilers of JOHN R. CAVANAOH & CO. 710-711-712 KEYSTOSR BUILDING, C 24 FOURTH AV. PITTSBURG, PA. Try The CITIZ6N FOR JOS WORK JOHN R. CAVANAGH & CO. 7>s Keystone Bldg, 324 Fourth Avenue PITTSBURd, PA. Kindly send m« full Information in regard to Stock in the Loader Department Store of Pittsburg, Pa. Name Address L. C. WICK, DKAUtB 19 LUfIBER. DR. E. GREWER, No. 229 1 2 SOUTH MAIN ST NEXT DOOR TO GUARANTY SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO., BUTLER, FA. ROOMS 1, 2, AND 3. Dr. E. Grower is n graduate of the University of Pennsylvania, is now per manently located at the aboveaddress, where be treats all chronic diseases o' men, women and children. Diseases of the Nervous System, the symptoms of which are dizziness, lack of confidence, sexual weakness in men and women,ball rising in the throat.spots floating before the eyes, loss of memory unable to concentrate the mind on one subject easily startled when suddenly spoken to, and dull distressed mind which unfits them for performing the duties of life, making happiness impos sible,distressing the action of the heart, depression of the spirits, evil forebod ings, cowardice, tear, a reams, melan choly, tire easy of company, feeling as tired in the morning as when retiring, lack of energy, nervousness, trembling, confusion of the mind, depression, con stipation, weakness of the limbs, etc. Those so affected should consult us im mediately and be restored to perfect health. Lost Manhood Restored- Weakness of Young Men Cured and all private diseases. Dr. E. Grower's varicocele Ring cures Varicocele, Hydrocele and Rupture promptly cured without pain and no detention from business. He cures the worst cases of Nervous Prostration, Rheumatism. Scrofula, Old Sores, Blood Poison, and all Di seases of the Skin Ear, Nose, Throat, Heart, Lungs, Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder. Itching Piles, Fistula, Stricture, Tumors, Cancers, Goiters, cured with out cutting. Special attention paid to the treat ment of Nasal Catarrh. He will forfeit the sum of Five Thousand Dollars for any case of FITS OR EPILEPTIC CONVULSIONS that he cannot cure. Consultation free and strictly confi dential. Write if you cannot call. Office hours—From 9 a. m to 8:80 p. in. On Sunday from Ito3 p. m. only. Ic. F. T. Papejj i IJEWELERSI < ) / 121 E. Jefferson Street. / sis In order to pro? 8 to yon that Dr. A. Wf Chase's Vll O O Ointment is a certain and | I lljl absolute cure for any form of itching, bleeding, or protruding pUea, the manufacturers guaran tee a cure. You can use it and if not cured get your money back. Mr. Catpet Walton, laborer, Michigan City, Ind., says: "I work hard and lift a great deal. Thestrain brought on an attack of piles. They itched and they protruded and bled. Nothing helped them until I used Dr. A-W. Chase's Ointment That cured them." 50c. a box at all dealers, or Dr. AW. Chask Medicine Co., Buffalo, N.Y. Or. A. W. Chase's Ointment. HORSES-HOBS ES-HOKSES. Horses I have constintly on hand Horses Horses 100 to 125 head driving, draft Horses Horses and general purpose horses Horses Horses from Pennsylvania and Ohio: Horses Horses all these horses guaranted Horses Horses as represented: If not so will Horses Horses refund money; these horses Horses Horses are selected by the best Judges Horses Horses that ship In this market. Horses Horses OWEN FITZSIMMONS Horses Horses SALES STABLES. Horses Horses 410-412 DuqueSne Way, Hones Horses Pittsburg. Horses PAROID READY OOFINQ. T3AKOID. The Roofing with NO TAR. Won't dry out. Won't grow brittle. ANYONE can apply it. Tins, Nails and Cement in core ol each roll. C> EPRESENTS the results o " years of Experience and Ex perimenting. requires painting every fcwyears. Not when first laid I" S Cheaper than Gravel, Slate or Shingles. F\EMAND for PAROID is'world lJ wide MADE IN 1, 2 AND 3 PLY Other FacvS, Samples and Prices are yours if you will ask us. L. C. WICK, BUTLER, PA. A safe, pertain relit _,r Suppressed I Menstruation. Never kt„j«rn to <4/1. Hafe! ■ Sure! Hpeedy! Hatlnfartlon Guaranteed B or money liefondod. Bent prepaid for ■ SI.OO per box. Will send them on trlaJ, to I be paid for when relieved. Hamplea Free. H Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy See tbe Sljn directly .' opposite the 'ft Old Postolfice LTI Theodore Vogeley, M Real Estate aad M loinraore Agency, L" ZJS S. Mala St L 3 Batter, Pa. |H If you haTe property . to sell, trade, or r«n | or, want to buy or rent caii, write or uhene me. Ui List Mailed Upon Applicmtion \ DO YOU FBBL THIS WAV. Do you feel all tired oat 7 Do to« torn*. 1 time* think yon jatt can't work away at your profession or trade any longer ? Do you have a poor appetite, and lay awake »t eights unable to sleep ? Are your otrrti all gone, and your stomacn too ? Has ambition to forge ahead/g in the a stop to ysur V misery. You can do I " Haul * ■ Pierce's Golden ' -H Medical Discovery Jj&fatfl will make you a dif- HtuJjJi n ferent individual It Be&m] | ■> will set your slug- E&aa i A fish liver to work M It will get into every I { vein in your body I and purify your i blood. It will set things right in your stom ach, and your appetite will come back. If , there is any tendency in your family toward consumption, it will keep that dread de stroyer away. Even after consumption has almost gained a foothold in the form of a lingering cough, bronchitis, or bleeding at the lungs, it will bring about speedy cure in 08 per cent, of all cases. It is a remedv pre pared by Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., whose advice is given free to all who wish to write him. His great success has come from his wide experience and varied practice. O. S. Copenhaver, Esq . of Mount Union, Huntingdon Co., Ps. (Box m), writes. " About twelve years ago I was suddenly taken with a pain in the pit of the stomach which was so vio lent I could not walk straight. It would grow more severe until it caused waterbrash and vom iting of a slimy yellow water. A physician told me I had a form of dvspepsia and treated me for about six months with but little benefit. An other physician told me my liver was out of or der and that I had indigestion. He gave me a treatment and I got some better but only for a short time. I then tried another one. who said I had chronic indigestion, ulceration of the lining of the stomach, torpid liver and kidney affection. He treated me for more than a year and I felt much better, but it did not last. I then took to using several widely advertised patent medi cines but received no more than temporary re lief. I then tried Dr. Pierce's medicines, using his ' Golden Medical Discovenr,' and the Pleas ant Pellets,' and in two months' time I was feel ing better than I had for years before." Don't be wheedled by a penny-grabbing dealer into taking inferior substitutes for Dr. Pierce's medicines, recommended to be " i ust as good.'' HUMPHREYS' Veterinary Spec! Acs cure diseases of Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs and Poultry by acting directly on the sicx pa*t without loss of time. A. A. > PKVERS. Congestions, Inflamm* craiM tlona, Lunc Fe»er, Mtlk Fever. B. B. {SPRAISg. Lameness, Inlnrles. CCRXB | Rheumatism. C. C. (SORE THROAT, dalaiy, Episootic cuaxs j Distemper. WORMS, Bom. Grabs. cuass) E. E.ICOt'OHO. Colds, Influenza, Inßamed ccaas ( Langs, Pleuro-Pneumonla. F.F.J COLIC. Bellyache. Mind-Blown, ocan (Diarrhea. Dysentery. G.G. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. * BLADDER DISORDERS. 1.1. IBKII DISEASES. Mange. Eraptlons. crass s fleers. Grease, Farcy. J. R.) BAD CONDITIO*. Staring Coat, cuaxs (Indigestion. Stomach Staggers. SOc. each ; Stabfc Case. Ten Specifics, Book, Ac.. g7. At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price Humphreys' Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets, New York. tW BOOR MAILED FREE. r Nasal Catarrh quickly yield* to treats ment by Ely's Cream Balm, which is agree, ably aromatic. It is received through the nostrils, cleanses and heals the whole sur face over which it diffuses itself. Druggists sell the 50c. size; Trial size by mail, 10 cents. Te6t it and y©u are sure to continue the treatment Announcement. To accommodate those who are partial to the use of atomizers in applying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal trou ble t, the proprietors prepare Cream Balm in liquid form, which will be known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Prico including the spraying tube is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail" The liquid form embodies the med icinal properties of the solid preparation. woTioa SAMPLES FROM THE GRAIVD RAPIDS FURNITURE EXPOSITION The Finest Goods Exhibited on the Floor of the Ex position Will be Sold at One-hall Factory Prices Genuine Leather t piece Parlor Bolt cost flu now f6&. (100 Leather Suit now |SO. Some Suits as low as 112.60. The finest Genuine Leather Couch |7S,now|3S. SSO one. now (27. Exposition sample ot Bed Room Suits. (160 Suits now (7*. (100 Bults (54. Other* as low as (12. A fine lot of misfit Wilton and Velvet Carpets, all ready to fit large rooms; Wilton Velvet, room size carpet cost (75, now (27.(0. Velvet Carpet cost (41 now (22.50. Brussel Carpet f 10. (12 and (IS. Ingrain Carpets to fit large rooms (5, (7.10 and (10, worth double. In laid Linoleum, thick as a board, colors all the way through tells for (1.50, my price Tte and SSe per yard. Beal cork Linoleum worth Mc now 45c and 60c Look for the Big Window, next to Pickering'] *0, 954 i'ean Avenue, Pittsburg, Pa. I. GOLDSMITH. Visitors to the Exposition Will be cordially welcome at our store Leave your traps here—then shop com fortably. After you've extracted as much enjoyment from your trip as you care for, -«11 back for your belongings. No charge—glad to meet you. PURE LIQUORS ALWAYS IN STOCK FINCH, LaBUK, OVEKHULT. (Jl tKKMHtISKK, MT. VKUNON THOMPSON, GIBSON, DILLIHUEK. BKIDtiEPOBT, and offer tbem to you 6 year old at $1 per full quart, 6 quarts $5 00. GRABSrATHXK'S CEOICZ. whiskey guaranteed 3 years old, 12 00 per gal lon. 'We pay express charges on all mall orders of f6 00 or over. Goods shipped promptly. Robt Lcwin & Co-, j WHOLESALE DEALERS m WIHES AHS LIQUORS, Ho. 14 SmitWield St„ PITTSBURG. PA. 'Phones: Bell 317* F. ft A. 1458. IF you want|pure liquors for your money, send your orders to MAX KLEIN & SONS. Your order will be as carefully filled as if you made the selection personally, and delivered at your door in a plain box with out any marks denoting the contents. We have an excellent Penn'a Rye Whiskey at $3.00 per gallon called Cabinet Rye. Try it and see how surprised you will be with its high,quality. /WAX KfceiN & SONS, Wholesale kiquors, 1818 20 Penn Ave., Pittsburg, Pa. "Everything in Liquors." W S. & E. WICK, UKALEKSIN Hough and Worked Lumber of all Kinds Doors, Hash and Mouldings Oil Well Rigs a Specialty. Offlce and Yard E. Cunningham and Monroe SU •near West Penn Depot, inTT.tH "l Special Offer To those purchasing photos of groups or views, Bxlo, at 50c each, to the amount of $lO I will present free a fine 20x40, exact reproduction that will stand washing and not fade away. No bum work, but a fine permanent Bromide en-; largement, fully guaranteed. This offer is good till October I Ist, 1904 FISHER, The Outdoor Artist, The Butler Dye Works, WINTER WHEAT. The- Concern of the Grower la With the Wfceat Plant aa a Whole. It would not be safe to say of any variety of wheat as the result of spe cial experiments that so far a* yield of grain Is concerned It will prove the most satisfactory for all localities of all those tested or Indeed for any gl veu locality. Some varieties are better adapted to certain soils than others. A variety will give better comparative yield on a given soil In certain seasons than it will in others. Of the sixty or more varieties tested each year for the last thirteen years at the Ohio experiment station it Is an nounced that no one variety lias out yielded all others more than two years out of the thirteen and no variety has outylelded all others two years in suc cession. In the harvest of 1905 the Democrat wheat heads the list; in 1904, the Nigger wheat; in 1903. the Extra Early Windsor; In 1902, the Stanley; In 1901, the Gypsy; in 1900. the Early Ripe; In 1899. the Red Rus sian; In 1896, the Mediterranean; in MXALT nfFEBIGB. MEALT SUPERIOR. 1897, the Red Russian; in 189<>, the Gold Coin; In 1895, the Gypsy; in 1894, the Mealy; in 1893, the Rudy. Some of these varieties—the Stanley, the Gold Coin and the Rudy, for In stance—forged to the front one season, but for the most part have lagged well in the rear. The station also flnds that the selec tion of grains for seeding, whether by means of fanning mill or by hand, does not seem to promise anything in the way of permanent Improvement In wheat. In normal seasons there is lit tle If any temporary gain. In extreme ly unfavorable seasons the extra amount of food furnished the young plant by the large kernel places It In a position to withstand greater hardship and Is accordingly an advantage to It. The concern of the plant breeder who would improve the wheat crop, therefore, Is considered by the station to be with the plant as a whole. That there Is wide variation in the produc tivity of individual wheat plants Is very apparent Much of this variation Is due to environment, some of it to heredity. The problem Is to separate the transitory and accidental from the hereditary and permanent. The cut shows a selection of Inferior and supe rior Mealy plants. Seeding Wheat After Corn. Now, in corn sections where the corn ripens In time for the wheat sown aft er the corn to get a start before cold weather the summer fallow Is almost out of use except as a matter of neces sity. Where oats are a crop In rotation wheat is made to follow the oats, re quiring the plowing of the land. This going out of the summer fallow tends to the production of better corn crops. When the farmer expects to follow corn with wheat If he Is a good farmer he will cultivate the corn with that end In view. Another point that Is n strong factor In causing the system to go out of use Is Its costliness as compared with aeed ' lng after corn or other cultivated crop ' thut can be taken off the land In time for seeding without the land having to be plowed. The almost universal cus tom here Is to seed after corn. Much less summer fallowing would be done In some sections If the farmers under ' stood seeding after corn, how cheaply j and successfully It can be done and how satisfactory the results can be made, says John M. Jamison of Olilo j In Country Oeutlemau. Bright Wool Proipeeti. Recent English advices show that Bradford manufacturers will be obllg -1 ed to replenish their very low stocks at market prices that have held firm dur ing the summer. American buyers boqght heavily during the winter and spring and It Is believed will do the same another year. Higher prices for wool seem to be expected, and sheep farmers look for profit both In England and America from the development of • American wool manufactures. In the Beet Sofar Interest. One of the resolutions adopted by the Irrigation congress recently In session at I'ortlaud, Ore., reads, "We have such national legislation as will tend to preserve and extend the beet sugar Industry, the full development of which will enrich our farmers, laborers and manufacturers to the exteut of over $150,000,000 annually, which amount the American people yearly expend for sugar now produced In for eign countries." Frrnrli Orlcln of "Sort the King, 1 ' The British national anthem is of French origin. The l'etite Itepubllquo asserts that the words of "(iod Save the King" are a literal translation of a hymn In honor of Louis XIV., chanted by the young girls in residence at the convent of St. Cyr. The French words of this hymn were: Grand Dleu, sauvei le roll Grand Dleu, vengez le rol! Vive le rol! V Que, toujours glorieux, I i Louis vlctorleux, Vole ses eunemis. Toujours soumls. The music of this chant was copied during his visit to France by Handel, who on his return to England dedicated it to George I. Tom Iteed'a Wit. Congressman Morse of Massachu ivitts was a great admirer of Speaker ! Reed, to whom he said on one occa sion, "I»o you know, Mr. Reed, the people are talking a great deal about you for president, and I would not be diirpriscd if they elected you president some day'/'' ''Well, Morse," was the dry comment of the speaket, "they could do worse and I have no doubt they will." In Ua«. Mamma (at breakfast table)— You phould always use your napkin, Ocorgie, Georgie—l am using lt ( mamma. I've got the dog tied to leg of the table with It.—Golden Day*. Their Special Kavorltea. She—l am so fond of trees! The oak l» my favorite, It Is so strong, so noble! Which do you like the best? He , (promptly)—Yew.—Judge. i The |)«uftity are always the victim, i of their ftwli rain conclusions—Le i Sage. I 'Women who Force Themselves to Work i Women Who Suffer from All Manner of j Uterine and Ovarian Troubles, Weak. Nervous, Bloodless, Melancholy Women Find a Positive Cure in DR. k W. CHASb'S KERYK PULL. Every day sees an ariny of worn out . women dragging themselves to work or i forcing themselves to attend to their ! household duties—women whose t ion bit I lies in un overstrain or over-exertion at I some time in the past- women who stay in this condition and think themselves beyond repair, because they know noth ing of the wonderful power of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Fills to give them back their health, strength and vitality. , by their ability to re-supply the lost nerve energy, to build up the system, to : manufacture good, rich blood, and give increased weight by making the diges tion strong and vigorous Mrs. Ella Smith, of No. 4)* Miller St., j Newark. N. Y., writes: "Last summer 1 was so weak I stag- j gered when I walked. I was very nerv ous, easily excited could not rest nights, blood thin, appetite poor, and hands ■ trembly—l was in a low state of health About this time I got a box of Dr. A. W. Chases Nerve Pills and though , everything else had failed, these pills put me on my feet in good health, and that qnickly, too. It was not long be fore I was eating and sleeping well the nervousness and trembling gone the blood rich and my strength back. They are a grand medicine and I feel vigorous and strong in every way." it 50 cents a box at dealers or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffalo. N. Y. Por trait and signature o? A. W. Chase. M.D. on every package For eale by Redick and Qrohman, druggists, 109 N. Main St. Butler, Pa. Vlere to Dine When ioPittstort Udmmol'e GERMAN RESTAURANT. nmillllCl o Everything to eat and drink, served In German style. Imported light and dark beer on draught. 242 Diamond »t. Pittsburg Miller's Restaurant burgh, I'a. FIFTH AVEHUE Opp. Grand Opera Hew* I ißf * fiwiMm Bafh on each floor free to guests. Absolutely fireproof. Steam heat and telephone in ever/ i room. Fnropean plan. COMMERCIAL HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN A. E. KRAMER, PROPRIETOR ' Fhcnes: IU-11, 9852 J Grant. P. k A., 285« Mais, 141, m, I Z5 Sixth St. PITTSBURG, PA. INVESTMENTS—For people of moderate means pays from loto 30 per cent. Call or write for pro* pectus. UEXERKL BUILDING COMPANY. 604 Bea:emer Building, PUTS BURGH, FA. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Farm* Bought and Sold—Weoan tell jour busi ness or farm DO mattr r located, for quick sale cousult us. W. F. WEITEItSH AC9EN, 717 East Ohio street, Allegheny, I'a. IRON CITY DRAUGHTING CO.. offer* unusual facilities for first-class work. Designing Draughting. Tracing. Pittsburgh and Washing ton Talent Offli-e l>rawlugs Fre. .office of M. M. BTERLINC, Patrnt Attorney, SOS Wylle Aveuue, Pittsburg, Pa. P. A A. &191-M. Government Positions. Hundreds of openings; bookkeepers, 20 years or over; stenograners. 15 years or over, (1,000 to $1,500 annually; railway mall clerks, 18 to 35 years, 8900 annually; postofßce clerks and carriers. 1600 to Jxno annually; drafts men, SI,OOO to $1,H00; civil engineers, trained nurses; the positions offer steady employ ment and excellent chances of advancement; ambitious persons should Investigate. Par ticulars. Superintendent Derr. HO2 Empire building, Pittsburg, Pa. Write or call. Farm for S*le— la Una farm district, aroand Youngs town, Warren and Nile*. Ohio. Call or write for list. HARRINGTON * CO.. Wllet. 0. Wow Sale Coal lands; I'lttaburg coal Id Watxel coanty, W. Va. Address Bok 1, Kndlcott. W. Ta. Ar. Yoa Taking Maaaaee, Magnetic. Electrical treatments; Turkish, Oven, Vapor Spray or any form of Baths» Why not try the Forbes Sanitarium? Haa select patronage only; lady attendants. Open toy and all night, at 1015 Forbes St., Pittsburg, Pa The World University. QTa Shorthand und Typewriting; ™ S Ixiokkefplnt;;; ToAoh Art;; Advertisement iCaCll Writing; Proofreading. The best school in Western Pennsylvania to get a practical education. Call or write for In formation. 43.1 Wood street, Pittsburg, Pa. f9Hi AC J ou kre looking for • skillful and WUICa, honest speclaltlxt, who can positively cure all disuses peculiar to yoar sex, do not fall to consult ma at onae. For over a quarter of a century 1 bar. mad. my specialty Uie treating and curing of Irregular, suppressed, painfulor axoeeslv.periods, Inflamatlon of womb and ovaries, and all other fa. male diseases. Save time and disappointment by consulting me without delay. My charges sr. mod* ante. Call and be convinced. DR. BKIIX, 7Q» Penn are ,*nd floor, Flttsburgh, Pa. Office hours, • to 5, evenings 7 to 8:*0, Sundays 10 to I. GEO. S. LANGDON & CO. New York and Pittsburg Stocks Order* Solicited. Purchase or Sale. Cash or Margin. Correspondence Invited. Dell I'hoae, 186% Court. Keystone Building, P.'ttsburg, Pa. AGENTS WANTED LS IX Kverywhere to nil the WILSON Y f TOASTER; Vto »S per d^y J5 » i easily made; «end »»c for i»m -(f/SIfcsVWTN pie, express prepaid. 1 wll,on Toaster ManufacturtagCo rJdjm pafl'jj 401 Ferguson llulkUng, VIIILI-ITT3BURUH. PA. The Utility Seat and Cane. A A \ECKSSITV A SOVKLTY > Cane weighs I poun<l, gentleman on It weighs Is'J | ounds. Made of st.-el. You ran use It at the fair parade, games. In fact, every where. A useful present for La dies or gentlemen. Sample 40cts. 3 for fl.oi, express paid. Send at once for sample and Agents terms. UTILITY CO., Marthall and Irwin Avenue*. ALLEGHENY. PA VISITORS BEST DINING ACCOMODATIONS AT K. J. IHBTG'S LADIES' & GENT'S DINING LUNCH ROOMS. 9;&I81 Park Way, Allegheny City. Opposite Boggs & Buhl a John— Why do you look for a Job T Harry—When you attend KaMo)iafi Bulwi School, then the people will l>« looking for jot to work for them—Tery little expense—Send toi c»Ulogi>. not Fenn avenue. nttsourgh, P*. If you w>ni to buy or (ell any kind o( holiness w* C*VAH«OH CO.. «»' Fourth Are., rittsburgh. DOCTOR OIBTIVKR, 034 Ptnn Avtuifi Plttibargh, cures I*l le» and Fistulas to lUI cured; also cancer and all chronic dliiMM and blool complaint both (exes and all ages. C'onsultatlos strictly prlrato. Call and see the Doctor. • Ofllcs hours from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. EXPOSITION Sacrifice Sale of Vehicles 6—No. 165 Whip cord, carmine near, rubber tire runubout's, were f*s "0. now (60.00. I -No. 100 Tan leather canary gear, rubber tire runabout was SIOO.OO, now ITS.OO. s—No. 88 Whip cord, carmine gear, rubber tire runaljout's were fV>.OO. now fro 00. 3—No. 06 Whip, cord, carmine Rear, high wheel runabout's, were tw.oo, now 165.00 We also have a number of fine vehicles Brock way and Youimstown make that we will sell as low proportionately.' We respectfully in> it»« you to drop In and see our stock when you vtSit i ho You pass our door on way to Exposition. | DUQUESNE VEHICLE CO., Duquesne Way and Fourth Street, PITTISBURG, PA SCRAP IRON J B. JONES <L CO, 712-718 E. Lacock St, Allegheny, Pa. We pay highest prices for scrap iron, ' etc., buy and sell second hand machin ery, rails, beams, etc. Rails beams; angles, wire and manilla rope, galvanized corrugated roofing in stock. Let us quote you prices, J. B. JONES <fc CO BETTER THAN MAGIC A little, persistent work, order j / ed in the right way and joined to I frugality, thrift and common -- —s> MUM will carry a man farther T~ jnSkl \ th * n aIJ the 80rc **T Of the East _ rjm Work and save —there's a | sermon in a sentence. Men who w v 7 * ™ hare followed that rnle have suc ceeded in life. ■ Next time yon get yoar salary, H bring ns a tenth of it to save for 1 j yon- or deposit even a twentieth _X J I or a fortieth of your earnings. ® I Snrely, yon can spare so small a I snm—to bnild a future for yonr- I aelf or those dependent on yon. P"y 3 per cent interest Butler Savings & Trust Co. I I THE LARGEST'IN THE COUNTY. ] ; THE • j I Butler County National Bank, j | A good. STRONG HOME BANK FOR THE PEOPLE of j * Buler Couny to do business wih. ; | /Capital $ 300,000.00 Strength Surplus 365,000.00 I (Assets 2,840,000.00 1 Weflinvite YOUR business—assuring you PROMPT, \ i COURTEOUS and LIBERAL service. I "The big Bank on the corner by the Court House" j ESTABLISHED 1900- THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS <earn«tf> - 547.000.00 DIVIDENDS PAID - - - - - $6,000.00 None Stronger in the Cour\ty. AT LAST. Aq for the Farm +m. I CUT FEED, PUMI • flj ■ WATER, SAW WOOD gIU. CHURN, RUN THI WASHING MACHINE Y WITH AN Gas or Gasoline ffliSP<wflLß Engine. \QBi7J An Electric Light 1H| Plant Complcti With practically no after the cost of installing. Write for Catalogue and Prices. THE EVANS MFG. CO, LTD., BUTIJBB, FA, FROM 1 fl Forst's 7 year old 4 full quarts for $3.00 I I 15 Packed in plain, sealed cases, expressage I I fl prepaid to your nearest station. fl B 4; Our goods is aged in the wood, and U pare and mel- H ■ aii |Vu low. better than yon have had from other* for the H ■ ■IRMM price, or yoar money back. • ■ ■ Any Bank of Pittabnrg or the Editor of this paper M I IT.JI will tell you that our word is good, and that we are ■ B ■MM responsible. H B We do not hnmbug yoa like so many advertising so ■ B HHSB called "Distillers." B H By bnyiag from ns yoa get an honeet article, made H B from honest, select grain, by honest people. ■ -H Send for oar private price list ■ B If yon will send as the names of 10 'good families in ypnr B B vicinity who nse Whiskey for medicinal purposes, ana to whom we H B may send oar price list, we will send yon, with yonr ftnit order, M H one qaart of Pure Virginia Homemade Blackberry Wine, FREE. H I MORRIS FORST & CO., I B Cor. 2ad Ave. ft SaltbflcM St., MtUtarf, Pa. B [Eberle Bros.,] S PLU MBRRB S Estimates given on all kinds of work. ? } We make a specialty of A C NICKLE-PLATED, \ C SEAMLESS, / \ OPEN-WORK. / / 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? S Pgoplejs Phone. 630. C X*oooooooo<>oo><>ooooooooooo<l [ f HUGH L. CONNELLY | | < C SUCCESSOR TO JOHN LIMEGROVER, JR. < \ ■ i WHOLESALE DEALER IN < ' | ! Ale ar|d Porter. \ { > Fine Wines and Liquors lor x i > Family and Medicinal Purposes. * ii 107 West Ohio Street, (Opposite Post Offipe.) A ; ; BOTH PHONES. ALLEGHENY, PA. 9 Advertise in the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers