Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, February 09, 1905, Image 1

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Great Muslin Underwear Sale Continues All I
Week till Saturday Night, Feb. 11th
Our Bargains Conceded to be the BEST
It aeems a little egotistical to claim so much for this store but when
patrons who have been around and have seen what is going on and then
honestly and candidly tell ns "Yon Sell Ever so Much Cheaper we are
simply standing up for our rights to pat it in print.
We are offering the biggest bargains in tinder- muslins ever spreca De
fore a discriminating public and are willing to leave the verdict to tne
many shoppers who will be on hand this week.
Corset Covers and Children's Drawers, 9c each.
Ladies' 25c Corset Covers and Drawers, 19c each-
Fine trimmed Cambric Corset Covers, Ladies' Drawers, Children s
Gowns, 25c each
Ladies' 50c Skirts. Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, 39c each-
Ladies' 75c Skirts, Gowns, Corset Covers and Drawers, handsomely
trimmed, 49c each. , , ,
Extra values at 69c, 98c, $1.25. Can tbe matched any where.
SSSJ&K I"I send in Your Mail Orders.
February Prices
An immense Btock of Seasonable Footwear to be closed
out in order to reduce our extremely large stock.
Ladies' Fine Shoes.
Ladies' $1.25 fur trimmed felt slippers # 75
Ladies' $1 50 line Dongola patent tip shoes 1
Ladies' 75c felt slippers
Ladies' SI.OO fine Jersey leggins V).
Ladies' 00c ten button fine Jersey over gaiters w
Children s 75c fine Jersey leggins '*'»
Children's 85c fine patent leather shoes
Children's 75c fine Dongola shoes, spring heels
Infants' 35c fine shoes, many styles to select from
One lot Misses' fine shoes L''
One lot Ladies'fine slippers
Ladies' Lamb-wool soles 10
Men's Fine Shoes.
Men's $l5O fine satin-calf shoes
Boy's $1.25 fine satin-calf shoes
Little Gents'sl.oo fine satin calf shoes ' «
Men's $2.50 fine Patent Leather shoes, latest styles 1 »»«»
Men's 90c fine felt slippers
Men's $1 50 heavy sole and tap working shoes J w
One lot Men's high-cat box-toe shoes 1
All Winter Goods to be closedfout regardless of cost
Big Bargains in Felt Boots and Rubber Goods of all Kinds.
SOLE LEATHER by the side or cut to any amount you
wish to purchase.
Repairing Promptly Done.
128 S. Main St., BUTLER. PA.
{Our discount sale still continues)
€ For the benefit of those who have been unable to attend our sale in the
] past few weeks. „ .. , „ . _ >
a Besides onr discounts on Men's, Boys' and Children s Suits and Over- /
f coats of 10, 20, 33i per cent and i off, we offer a few specials. \
i One lot of Ulster Overcoats, sizes 16 to 36. 7
\ Coats that sold from SIO.OO to $13.00 Sale price $5.00 )
J " " •• " 5.00 to 9.00 " " 3.00 S
C Fancy V<?sts- c
/ That sold at $3 00, $8.50, $4.00 and $5.00, sale price $2.50 7
"\ " " 2.00, 2.50, 2.75 " " 1-50 V
J '• •' " 1.35, 1.50, 1.75 " " 1-00 /
\ Smoking Jackets and IJath H°bes. J
C all go at J off regular prioe. /
J All Men's and Boys' SWEATERS at 25 per cent less than regular price. I
C 200 SHIRTS, were 50c. 75c, SI.OO, $1.25 and $1.50, sell at 85c, 3 for SI.OO. /
f Lot of 25c and 50c CAPS go at 15c. J
L SOCKS -the kind yon pay 10c for any other store, go at 5c a pair. /
J Don't fail to avail yonrself of this opportunity. /
{ Douthett & Graham. I
The Butler Business College
New Buildings. $2,000.00 worth of BRAND NEW typewriters just added,
other NEW equipment in proportion. Positions secured for our worthy
graduates. During the past two months we have had calls for seven or eight
more young men stenographers than we could supply. Spring term opens Mon<
day, April 8, 1905. INVESTIGATE! Catalogue and circulars free to those
A. F. REGAL, Principal, Butler, Pa.
Jg Merchant Tailor. Jh]
Winter Suitings
Ijg ■ I
11 Fall and Winter Millinery. |
i{} 4 31
; Arrival of a large line of Street Hats, Tailor-made 3;
j J and ready-to-wear Hats. All the new ideas and 3?
designs in Millinery Novelties. Trimmed and Un- 3;
t i trimmed Hats for Ladies, Misses and Children. All 31
i' f the new things in Wings, Pom-pons; Feathers, 3;
j • Ostrich Goods, etc, etc. J:
|| Rockensteln's i
I; Millinery Emporium,!
3a *2B Sonth Main Street, Butler, Pa. MM
J Hat Sale j
4 Commences Saturday, Jan. 14th, 4
A and lasts two weeks. We are a
5 not going to take np space tell- i
A ing about these hats. Just come \
€ in and see them. i
# J
j $1 50 to $3 |
J Soft and Stiff Hats at J
T in odd lots underwear, soft, and <
r stiff shirts and neckwear. v
jjno. S.Wick, |
0 P?oples Phone, 615. f
/ International )
v Stock Food. S
P 3 feeds for one cent, j
) In 25c, 50c, $ 1.00 and $3.50 .
v Packages 1
£ International I
? Poultry Food. /
/ A 25c package contains 100 \
, feeds for 12 fowls. (
C In 25c, 50c, sl. $3.50 Packages. /
S And all other International \
j Stock Food Co's remedies (
C Sold by 7
> Redick &Grohman ?
f 109 North Main St., 7
\ Butler, Pa. i
Do You Buy Medicines?
Certainly You Do.
Then you want the best for the
least money. That is our motto.
Come and see us when in need of
anything in the Drug Line and
we are sure you will call again.
We carry a full line of Drugs,
Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc.
Purvis' Pharmacy
Both Phoneg
218 S Main St. Butler Pa.
The Great Tonic
Flesh Builder.
The best remedy for
throat and lung trouble.
We have the exclusive
agency for this remedy.
Ask for a calendar.
Crystal Pharmacy
R. M. LOGAN, Ph. G.,
106 N. Main St., Butler, Pa.
h. S McJUNKIN & CO.,
Insurance & Real Estate
117 E- Jefferson St..
SOTbER, .... PA
Funeral Director,
Drying preparations simply devel
op dry catarrh; they dry up the secretions,
which adhere to tho membrane and decom
pose, cansingafarmcre serious troublethan
the ordinary form of catarrh. Avoid all dry
ing inhalant*, fumes, smokes and snuffs
and use that which cleanses, soothes and
heals. Ely's Cream Palm is such a remedy
and will cure catarrh or cold in the head
easily and pleasantly. A trial size will be
mailed for 10 cents. * All druggists sell the
50c. size. Ely Brother* 5G Warren St., N.Y.
The Balm cures without pain, does not
irritate or cause sneezing. It spreads itself
over an irritated and angry surface, reliev
ing immediately the painful inflammation.
With Ely's Cream Balm you aro armed
against Kasal Catarrh and Hay Fever.
121 East Cunningham Street.
Office Hoars 11 to 12 a. m., 3 to 5 and
7 to 9 p. in.
Consultation and examination free.
Office hours—9 to 12 A. M., 2 to ~
M., daily except Sunday Evening
Office —Stein Block, Rooms 9-10, But
ler, Pa. People's Phone 478.
Women's diseases a specialty. Con
sultatian and examination free.
Office Hours, 9 to 12 m., 2 to 3 p. m
People's Phone 573.
116 S. Main street, Er.tler, Pa
At 327 N. Main St.
• 106 West Diamond,
Dr. Graham's former offce.
Special attention give.- to Eye, v -ose
and Throat Peoole's Phone 274.
200 West St.
Graduate of Dental Department,
University of Pennsylvania
Office—2ls S. Main Street, Butler, Pa
Formerly of Bntler,
Has located opposite Lowry House,
Main St., Butler, Pa. The finest work
a specialty. Expert painless extractor
of teeth by his new method, no medi
cine used or jabbing a needle into the
gams; also gas and ether used. Com
mnnicatiobs by mail receive prompt at
Office over Leighner's Jewelry store,
Butler, Pa
Peoples Telephone 505.
A specialty made 01 gold fillings, gold
crown anu bridge work.
12 H South Main street, (ov Metzer's
shoe store.)
Office in Butler County National Bank
Building, 2nd floor.
Successor to Dr. Johnston.
Office at No 114 3. Jeflerson St., over
G. W. Miller's grocerv
Office in Bntler County National
Bank building.
Office at No. 8. West Diamond St. But
ler, Pa.
Office in Bntler County National
Bank bnilding.
f'ffice on Diamond, Butler, Pa.
Special attention given to collections
and business matte??.
Office in Reiber building, cornei Main
and E. Cunningham Sts, Entrance on
Main street.
Office on Main St. near Court Hous<
Office in Wise building.
Office in the Negley Building, West
Office on South side of Diamond,
Butler, Pa.
Office near Court House
Office with Berkmer, next door to P. O
Mines and Land County Surveyor.
R. F D. 49, West Sunbury, Pa.
You didn't get all you need
ed. We didn't sell all our
pretty things.
To help us both we are offer
ing our fancy goods at half price.
Pictures, games, dolls and
toys at 1-3 off.
China at 20 per cent. off.
Call now and get the bar
gains, This is our clearance
sale and your opportunity at
241 S. Main St.
The Simple Life
Translated From the FrencK by Mary Louise Hendee
Copyrisht. 1001. by McClure. Phillips f> Co.
THE simple life being above all
else the product of a direction
of mind. It Is natural that edu
cation should have much to do
with it. In general, but two methods
of rearing children are practiced. The
first is to bring them up for ourselves,
the second to bring them up for them
In the first case the child Is looked
upon as a complement of the parents;
ho is part of their property, occupies a
place among their possessions. Some
times this place Is the highest, espe
cially when the parents value the life
of the affections. Again, where ma
terial interests rule, the child holds
second, third or even the last place.
In any case he Is a nobody. While he
is young he gravitates round his par
ents, not only by obedience, which Is
right, but by the subordination of all
his originality, all hi 3 being. As he
grov,-3 older this subordination be
comes a veritable confiscation, extend
ing to his ideas, his feelings, every
thing. His minority becomes perpet
ual. Instead of slowly evolving Into
Independence the man advances into
slavery. He is what he is permitted
to be, what his father's business, re
ligious beliefs, political opinions or
aesthetic tastes require him to be. He
W'H think, speak, act and marry ac
cording to the understanding and lim
its of the paternal absolutism. This
family tyranny may be exercised by
people with no strength of character.
It is only necessary for them to be
eouvlnced that good order requires tho
child to be the property of the parents.
In default of mental force, they pos
sess themselves of him by other means
—by sighs, supplications or base se
ductions. If they cannot fetter
they snare his fcot iu maps. But that
he should live in them, through them,
for them, Is the only thing admissible.
Education of this sort is not the
practice of families only, but also of
great social organizations whose chief
educational function consists In putting
a strong hand on every newcomer, iu
order to fit him, in the most iron
bound fashion, into existing forms. It
is the attenuation, pulverization and
assimilation of the individual In a so
cial body, be it theocratic, communis
tic or simply bureaucratic and routi
nary. I.ooked at from without, a like
system seems me ideal of simplicity
in education. - Its processes, in fact,
are absolutely simplistic, and if a
man were not somebody, if he were
only a sample of the race, this would
be the perfect education. As all wild
peasts, all fish and bisects of the same
genus and species have the same mark
ings, so we should all be identical,
having the same tastes, the same lan
guage, the same beliefs, tiie same tend
encies. But man Is not simply a
specimen of the race, and for that rea
son this sort of education Is far from
J>elng simple in Its results. Men so
vary from one another that number
less methods have to be invented to
suppress, stupefy and extinguish In
dividual thought. And one never ar
rives at It then but in part, a fact which
Is continually deraiißlnK everything.
At each moment, by some fissure,
# :JO interior force of Initiative is
laaking a violent way to the light, pro
ducing explosions, upheavals, all sorts
of grave disorders. And where there
are no outward manifestations the evil
lies dormant; beneath apparent order
arc hidden dumb revolt, Haws made by
an abnormal existence, apathy, death.
The system Is evil which produces
such fruit, and, however simple it may
appear, iu reality It brings forth all
possible complications.
The other system is the extreme op
posite, that of bringing up children for
themselves. The roles are reversed; the
parents are there tb«t child. No
jtooner is he borii than he becomes the
center. White headed grandfather and
stalwart father bow before these curls.
His lisping is their law. A sign from
him suffices. If he cries in the night
no fatigue is of account; the whole
household must be roused, The new
comer Is not long In discovering his
omnipotence, and before he can walk
he Is drunken with it. As he grows
older all this deepens and broadens.
Parents, grandparents, servants, teach
ers, everybody Is at his command. 110
accepts the homage aud even the im
molation of his neighbor; he treats like
a rebellious subject any one who does
not step out of his path. There is only
himself. He Is the unique, the perfect,
the Infallible. Too late it Is perceived
that all this lias been evolving a mas
ter, and what a master! Forgetful of
sacrifices, without respect, even pity.
He no longer has any regard for those
to whom he owes everything, and he
goes through life without law or check.
This education, too, has Its social
counterpart. It flourishes wherever the
past does not count, where history be
gins with the living, where there Is no
tradition, no discipline, no reverence;
where those who know tho least make
the most noiso; where those who stand
for public order are alarmed by every
chance comer whose power lies lu his
making a great outcry and respecting
nothing. It insures the reign of transi
tory passion, the triumph of the Infe
rior will. I compare these two educa
tions—one the exaltation of the envi
ronment, the other the tyranny of tho
new—and I find them equally baneful.
But the most disastrous of all is the
combination of the two, which pro
duces human beings half automatons,
half despots, forever vacillating be
tween the spirit of a sheep and the
spirit of revolt or domination.
Children should be educated neither
for themselves nor for their parents,
for man Is no more designed to be a
personage than a specimen. They
should be educated for life. The aim
of their education Is to aid them to be
come active members of humanity,
brotherly forces, free servants of the
civil organization. To follow a method
Of education inspired by any other
principle Is to complicate life, deform
It, sow the seeds of all disorders.
When we would sum up In a phrase
the destiny of the child the word "fu
ture" springs to our lips. The child Is
the future. This word says all—the
Bufferings of the past, the stress of to
day, hope. But when the education of
the child begins he Is incapable of es
timating the reach of this word, for
he is held by Impressions of the pres
ent. Who, then, shall give him the
first enlightenment and put him In the
way he should go? The parents, the
teachers. Aug witii very little rellec-
tlon they perceive that their work does
not interest simply themselves and the
child, but that they represent and ad
minister impersonal powers and Inter
ests. The child should continually ap
pear to them as a future citizen. With
this ruling Idea they will take thought
for two things that complement each
other for the initial and personal
force which is germinating In the child
and for the social destination of this
force. At no moment of their direction
over him can they forget that this.l it
tie being confided to their care must
become himself and a brother. These
two conditions, far from excluding
each other, never exist apart. It Is im
possible to be brotherly, to love, to give
oneself, unless one Is master of him
self; and, reciprocally, none can possess
himself, comprehend his own individ
ual being, until he has first made his
way through the outward accidents of
his existence down to the profound
springs of life where man feels himself
one with other men In all that is most
intimately his own.
To aid a child to become himself
and a brother It is necessary to protect
him against the violent and destructive
action of the forces of disorder. These
forces are exterior and Interior. Every
child is menaced from without not
only by material dangers, but by the
meddlesomeness of alien wills, and
from within by an exaggerated idea
of his own personality and all the fan
cies it breeds. There is a great out
ward danger which may come from the
abuse of power in educators. The
right of might finds itself a place In ed
ucation with extreme facility. To ed
ucate another one must have renounced
this right—that is to say, made abne
gation of the inferior sentiment of peiv
sonal importance, which transforms us
into tho enemies of others, even of our
own children. Our authority Is benefi
cent only when it is inspired by one
higher than our own. In this case it
Is not only salutary, but also Indis
pensable, and becomes in Its turn the
best guarantee against the greater per
il which threatens the child from with
in—that of exaggerating his own Im
portance. At the beginning of life the
vividness of personal Impressions is so
great that to establish an equilibrium
they must be submitted to the gentle
influence of a calm and superior will.
The true quality of the office of edu
cator 1s to represent this will to the
child in a manner as continuous and
as disinterested as possible. Educators,
then, stand for all that Is to be re
spected in tho world. They give to the
child impressions of that which pre
cedes it, outruns It, envelops it, but
they do not crush it. On the contrary
flieir will and all the influence tbey
transmit become elements nutritive of
its native energy. Such use qf au
thority as this cultivates thai fruitful
obedience out of which free souls are
born. The purely personal authority
Of parents, masters and institutions is
to the child like the brushwood be
neath which the young plant withers
and dies. Impersonal authority, the
authority of a man whq has rtrst sub
mitted himself to the time honored
realities before which he wishes the
individual fancy of the child to bend,
resembles pure and luminous air. True,
it has an activity and influences in
Its manner, bat It nourlshwi our Indi
viduality and glvts it firmness and sta
bility. Without this authority there is
no education. To watch, to guide, to
keep a firm hand—such Is the function
of the educator. lie should appear to
the child not like a barrier of whims,
which, if need be, one may clear, pro
vided the leap be proportioned to the
height of the obstacle, but like a trans
parent wall through which may bo
seen unchanging realities, laws, limits
and truths against which no action is
possible. Thus arises respect, which Is
the faculty of conceiving something
greater than ourselves—respect, which
broadens us and frees us by making us
more modest. This Is the law of edu
cation for simplicity, It may be sum
med up In theso words: To make free
and reverential men, who shall be In
dividual and fraternal.
Let us draw from this principle souio
practical applications 1 .
From the very fact that tlie child is
tbe future he must be linked to the
past by piety. We owe it to him to
clothe tradition in the forms most prac
tical and most fit to create a doep Uu
pression; whence the exceptional place
that should bo given in education to the
ancients, to the cult of remembrance
of the past and by extension to the
history of the domestic rooftree. Above
all do we fulfill a duty toward our chil
dren when we give the place of honor
to the grandparents. Nothing speaks
to a child with so much force or so
well develops his modesty as to see his
father and mother on all occasions pre
serve toward an old grandfather, often
infirm, an attitude of respect. It is a
perpetual object lesson that is irresist
ible. That it may have its full force
It is necessary for a tacit understanding
to obtain among all the grownup mem
bers of the family. To the child's eyes
they must all bo in league, held to mu
tual respect and understanding, under
penalty of compromising their educa
tional authority, and in their number
must be counted the servants. Serv
ants are big people, and the same sen
timent of respect is injured in the
child's disregard of them as in his dis
regard Of hi# father or grandfather.
The moment he addresses an impolite
or arrogant word to a person older than
himself he strays from the i>aih that
a child ought never to quit, and if only
occasionally the parents neglect to
point this out they will soon perceive
by his conduct toward themselves that
the enemy has found entrance to Uls
We mistake if we think that a child
is naturally alien to respect, basing this
opinion 011 the very numerous examples
of Irreverence which lie offers us. Re
spect Is for the child a fundamental
need. Ills moral being feeds on it. The
child aspires confusedly to revere and
admire something, but when advan
tage is not taken of this aspiration It
gets corrupted or lost. By our lack of
cohesion and mutual deference we, the
grownups, discredit dally in the child's
eyes our own cause and that of every
thing worthy of respect. We Inoculate
In him a bad spirit whose effects then
turn against us.
This pitiful truth nowhere appears
with more force than In the relations
between musters and servants as we
have made them. Our social errors,
our want of simplicity and kindness,
all full back upon the heads of our chll
dren. There are certainly few people
of the middle classes who understand
that it is better to part with many
thousands of dollars than to lead their
children to lose respect for servants,
who represent In our households the
humble, yet nothing Is truer. Main
tain as strictly as you will conventions
and distances, that demarcation of so
cial frontiers which permits each one
to remain In his place and to observe
the law of differences—that Is a good
thing, I am persuaded—but on condi
tion of never forgetting that those who
serve us are men and women like our
selves. You require of your domestics
certain formulas of speech and certain
attitudes, outward evidence of the re
spect they owe you. Do you also teach
your children and use yourselves man
ners toward your servants which show
them that you respect their dignity as
Individuals as you desire them to re
spect you? Here we have continually
In our homes an excellent ground for
experiment In the practice of that mu
tual respect which Is one of the essen
tial conditions of social sanity. I fear
we profit by It too little. We do not
fail to exact respect, but we fail to give
It. So It is most frequently the ease
that we get only hypocrisy and this
supplementary result, all unexpected—
the cultivation of pride In our children.
These two factors combined heap up
great difficulties for that future which
we ought to be safeguarding. I am
right, then. In saying that the day when
by your own practices you have
brought about the lessening of respect
In your children you have suffered a
sensible loss.
Why should I not say it? It seems to
me that the greater part of us labor
for this loss. On all sides. In almost
every social rank, I notice that a pretty
bad spirit is fostered In children, a spir
it of reciprocal contempt. Here those
who have calloused hands and working
clothes are disdained; there It Is all
who do not wear blue Jeans. Children
educated In this spirit make sad fellow
citizens. There Is In all this the want
o? that simplicity which makes It pos-
I ale for nieu of good intentions, of
lowever diverse social standing, to col
laborate without any friction arising
from the conventional distance that
separates them.
If the spirit of caste causes the loss
of respect, partisanship, of whatever
sort, is quite as productive of It. In
certain quarters children are brought
Up in such fashion that they respect
but one country-their own; one sys
tem of government—that of their par
ents and masters; one religion—that
which they have been laught. Does
ony one suppose that in this way men
pan b<j shaped who shall respect coun
try, religion and law? Is this a proper
respect—this respect which does not
extend beyond what touches and be
longs to ourselves? Strange blindness
of cliques and coteries, which arro
gate to themselves with so much in
genuous complacence the title of
schools of respect, and which, out
side themselves, respect nothing. In
reality they teach, "Country, religion,
law—we are all these!" Such teaching
fosters fanaticism, and if fanaticism Is
not the sole antisocial ferment it is sure
ly one of the worst and most energetic.
If simplicity of heart is an essential
condition of respect, simplicity of life
is its best school. Whatever be the
state of your fortune, avoid everything
which could n>nke your children think
themselves more or better than others.
Though your wealth would permit you
to dress them richly, remember the evil
you might do in exciting their vanity.
Preserve them from the evil of be
lieving that to be olegantly dressed
suffices for distinction, and, above all,
<lo not carelessly increase by their
clothes and their habits of life the
distance which already separates them
from other children. Dresa them sim
ply. And If, on the contrary, it should
be necessary for you to economize to
give your children the pleasure of fine
clothes, I would that I might dispose
you to reserve your spirit of sacrifice
for a better cause. You risk seeing it
illy recompensed. You dissipate your
money when it would much better
avail to save It for serious needs, and
you prepare for yourself, later on, a
harvest of ingratitude. How danger
ous it is to accustom your sons and
daughters to a style of living beyond
your means and theirs! In the first
place, it is very bad for your purse. In
the second place, it develops a con
temptuous spirit In the very bosom of
the family. If you dress your children
like little lords and give them to under
stand that they are superior to you,
is It astonishing If they end by dis
daining you? You will have nourished
at your table the declassed—a product
■which costs dear and Is worthless.
Any fashion of instructing children
wlios* most evident result Is to lead
them to despise their parents and the
customs and activities among which
they have grown up Is a calamity. It
Is effective for nothing but to produce
a legion of malcontents, with hearts
totally estranged from their origin,
their race, their natural interests—ev
erything. In short, that makes the fun
damental fabric of a man. Once de
tached from the vigorous stock which
produced them, the wind of their restless
ambition drives them over the earth
like dead leaves that will in the end be
heaped up to ferment and rot together.
Nature does not proceed by leaps and
bounds, but by an evolution slow and
certain. In preparing a career for our
children let us Imitate her. Let us not
confound progress and advancement
with those violent exercises called
somersaults; let us not so bring up
our children that they will come to
despise work and the aspirations and
simple spirit of their fathers; let us not
expose them to the temptation of being
ashamed of our poverty If they them
selves come to fortune. A society is
indeed diseased when the sons of peas
ants begin to feel disgust for the fields,
when the sons of sailors desert the sea,
when the daughters of worklngmen, in
the hope of being taken for heiresses,
prefer to walk the streets alone rather
than beside their honest parents. A so
ciety is healthy, 011 the contrary, when
each of its members applies himself to
doing very nearly what his parents
have done before him, but doing it
better, and, looking to future elevation,
is content first to fulfill conscientious
ly more modest duties.
Education should make Independent
men. If you wish to train your chil
dren for liberty, bring them up simply
and do not for a moment fear that In
so doing you are putting obstacles in
the way of their happiness. It will be
quite the contrary. The more costly toys
a child has, the more feasts and curious
entertainments, the less is he amused.
In this there Is a sure sign. Let us
be temperate In our methods of enter
taining youth, and especially let us not
thoughtlessly create for them artificial
needs. Food, dress, nursery, amuse
ments—let all these be as natural and
simple ns possible. With the Idea of
making life pleasant for their children
some parents bring them up In habits
«f gormandizing and Idleness, accus
tom them to sensations not meant for
thelr age, multiply their parties and
entertainments. Sorry gifts these! In
place of u free man you are making a
slave. Gorged wltli luxury, he tires of
It in time, and yet when for oue rea-
*on or another his pleasures fall him
he will b€ miserable, and you with
him, and. what is worse, perhaps in
some capital encounter of life you will
be ready—you and he together—to sac
rifice manly dignity, truth and duty
from sheer sloth.
I Let us bring up our children simply—
I had almost said rudely. Let us en
tice them to exercise that gives them
endurance, even to privations. Let
them belong to those who are better
trained to fatigue and the earth for a
bed than to the comforts of the table
and couches of luxury. So we shall
make men of them. Independent and
stanch, who may be counted on, who
will not sell themselves for pottage
«nd who will have withal the faculty
of being happy.
A too easy life brings with It a sort
it lassitude in vital energy. One be
comes blase, disillusioned, an old young
man, past being diverted. How many
foung people are In this state! Upon
them have been deposited, like a sort
of mold, the traces of our decrepitude,
our skepticism, our vices and the bad
habits they have contracted in our
company. What reflections upon our
selves these youths weary of life force
us to make! What announcements are
graven on their brows!
These shadows say to us by contrast
that happiness lies in a life true, ac
tive, spontaneous, ungalled by the yoke
of the passions, of unnatural needs, of
unhealthy stimulus, keeping Intact the
physical faculty of enjoying the light
of day and the air we breathe and In
the heart the capacity to thrill with
the love of all that Is generous, simple
and fine.
The artificial life engenders artificial
thought and a speech little sure of It
self. Normal habits, deep impressions,
the ordinary contact with reality, bring
frankness with them. Falsehood Is the
vice of a slave, the refuge of the cow
ardly and weak. He who Is free and
strong Is unflinching in speech. We
should encourage In our children the
hardihood to speak frankly. What do
we ordinarily do? We trample on
natural disposition, level It down to
the uniformity which for the crowd is
synonymous with good form. To think
with one's own mind, feel with one's
own heart, express one's own person
ality—how unconventional, how rustic!
Oh, the atrocity of an education which
consists in the perpetual muzzling of
the only thing that gives any of us his
reason for being! Of how many soul
murders do we become guilty! Some
are struck down with bludgeons, others
gently smothered with pillows'. Every
thing conspires against independence of
character. When we are little, people
wish us to be dolls or graven images;
when we grow up they approve of us
on condition that we are like all the
rest of the world—automatons; when
you have seen one of them you've seen
them all. 80 the lack of originality
and initiative is upon us, and platitude
and monotony are the distinctions of
today. Truth can free us from this
bondage. Let our children be taught
to be themselves, to ring clear, with
out crack or muffle. Make loyalty a
need to them, and in their gravest fail
ures, If only they acknowledge them,
account It for merit that they have not
covered their sin.
To frankness let ua add Ingenuous
ness In our solicitude as educators. Let
us have for this comrade of childhood—
a trifle uncivilized. It Is true, but so
gracious and friendly—all possible re
gard. We must not frighten it away.
When It has once fled It so rarely
comes back! Ingenuousness Is not sim
ply the sister of truth, the guardian of
the individual qualities of each of us;
It Is besides a great Informing and edu
cating force. I see among us too many
practical people, so called, who go
about armed with terrifying spectacles
and huge shears to ferret out naive
things and clip their wings. They up
root Ingenuousness from life, from
thought, from education, and pursue it
even to the region of dreams. Under
pretext of making men of their chil
dren they prevent their being children
at all; as if before the ripe fruit of au
tumn, flowers did not have to be, and
perfumes, and songs of birds, and all
the fairy springtime.
I ask Indulgence for everything naive
and simple—not alone for the innocent
conceits that flutter round the curly
heads of children, but also for the leg
end, the folk song, the tales of the
world of marvel and mystery. Tho
sense of the marvelous Is In the child
the first form of that sense of the in
finite without which a man is like a
bird deprived of wings. Let us not
wean the child from It, but let us guard
In him the faculty of rising above
what is earthy, bo that he may appre
ciate later on those pure and moving
symbols of vanished ages wherein hu
man truth has found forms of expression
that our arid logic will never replace.
I THINK I have said enough of the
spirit and manifestations of the
simple life to make It evident that
there Is here a whole forgotten
world of strength and beauty. He can
make conquest of It who has sufficient
energy to detach himself from the fa
tal rubbish that trammels our days.
It will not take him long to perceive
that In renouncing some surface satis
factions and childish ambitions he In
creases his faculty of happiness and
his possibilities of right Judgment.
These results concern as much the
private as the public life. It Is Incon
testable that in striving against the fe
verish will to shine, In ceasing to make
the satisfaction of our desires the end
of our activity, In returning to modest
tastes, to the true life, we shall labor
for the unity of the family. Another
spirit will breathe In our homes, creat
ing new customs and an atmosphere
more favorable to the education of chil
dren. Little by little our boys and girls
will feel the enticement of Ideals at
once higher and more realizable, and
transformation of the home will In
time exercise Its Influence on public
As the solidity of a wall depends
upon the grain of the stones nnd the
consistence of the cement which binds
them together, so also the energy of
public life depends upon the Individual
value of men and their power of cohe
sion. The great desideratum of our
time Is the culture of the component
parts of society, of the Individual man.
Everything In the present social or
ganism leads us back to this element.
Iu neglecting It we expose ourselves
to the loss of the benefits of progress,
even to making our most persistent ef
forts turn to our own hurt. If in the
£ldst of means continually more and
ore perfected the workman dlmlnlsh
in vulue, of what use are these One
tools at his disposal? By their very
excellence to make more evident the
faults of him who uses them without
discernment or without conscience.
The wheelwork of the great modern
machine Is Infinitely delicate. Care
lessness, Incompetence or corruption
may produce here disturbances of far
greater gravity than would have
threatened the more or less rudimen
tary organism of the society of the
past. There is need, then, of looking to
the nuaUty of individual calijjd
No. 6.
upon to contribute In any measure to
tlie workings of this mechanism. This
Individual ahould be at once solid and
pliable, inspired with the central law
of life to be oneself and fraternal. Ev
erything within us and without us be
comes simplified aud unified under the
influence of this law, which is the
same for everybody and by which each
one should guide his actions, for our
essential interests are not opposing;
they are identical. In cultivating the
spirit of simplicity we should arrive,
then, at giving to public life a stronger
The phenomena of decomposition and
destruction that we see there may all
be attributed to the same cause—lack
of solidity and cohesion. It will never
be possible to say how contrary to so
cial good are the trifling interests of
caste, of coterie, of church, the bitter
strife for personal welfare, and, by a
fatal consequence, how destructive
these things are of individual happi
ness. A society in which each member
Is preoccupied with his own well being
is organized disorder. This is all that
we learn from the Irreconcilable con
flicts of otir uncompromising egoism.
We too much resemble those people
who claim the rights of f uuily only
to gain advantage from them, not to do
honor to the connection. On all rounds
of the social ladder we are forever put
ting forth claims. We all take the
ground that we are creditors; no one
recognises the fact that he is a debtor,
and our dealings with our fellows con
sist in inviting them, in tones some
times amiable, sometimes arrogant, to
discharge their indebtedness to us. No
good thing is attained in this spirit.
For, in fact, It Is the spirit of privilege,
that eternal enemy of universal law, that
obstacle to brotherly understanding,
which is ever presenting Itself anew.
In a lecture delivered in ISS2 M. Re
nan said that a nation is "a spiritual
family," and he added, "The essential
of a nation Is that all the individuals
should have many things In common,
and also that all should have forgotten
much." It is Important to know what
to forget and what to remember, not
only in the past, but also in our dally
life. Our memories are lumbered with
the things that divide us; the things
which unite us slip away. Each of us
keeps at the most luminous point of his
souvenirs a lively sense of his second
ary quality, his part of agriculturist,
day laborer, man of letters, public offi
cer, proletary, bourgeois, or political or
religious sectarian, but his essential
quality, which Is to be a son of his
country and a man, Is relegated to the
shade. Scarcely does he keep even a
theoretic notion of it So that what oc
cupies us and determines our actions Is
precisely the thing that separates us
from others, and there is hardly place
for that spirit of unity which Is as the
soul of a people.
So, too, do we foster bad feeling In
our brothers. Men animated by a
spirit of particularism, exclusiveness
and pride are continually clashing.
They cannot meet without rousing
afresh the Bentlment of division and
rivalry. And so there slowly heaps
up In their remembrance a stock of
reciprocal 111 will, of mistrust, of ran
cor. All this Is bad feeling with Its
It must be rooted out of our midst.
Remember, forget! This we should
say to ourselves every morning, in all
our relations and affairs. Remember
the essential, forg'»* the accessory!
How much better should we discharge
our duties as citizens if high and low
were nourished from this spirit! now
easy to cultivate pleasant remem
brances In the mind of one's neighbor
by sowing it with kind deeds and re
fraining from procedures of which In
spite of himself he is forced to say,
with hatred In his heart, "Never In the
world will I forget!"
The spirit of simplicity Is a great
magician. It softens asperities, bridges
chasms, draws together hands and
hearts. The forms which it takes in
the world are Infinite In number, but
never does It seem to us more admira
ble than when it shows itself across
the fatal barrier of position, Interest
or prejudice, overcoming the greatest
obstacles, permitting those whom ev
erything seems to separate to under
stand one another, esteem one another,
love one another. This Is the true so
cial cement that goes into the buildlDg
of a people.
That medicine bottles should be kept
out of sight.
That garrulous friends should be
treated in the same wise fashion.
That a rubber ice bag Is as useful as
a hot water bag.
That everything about the room
should be scrupulously clean.
That It Is sometimes safer to humor
»lck people than to argue with them.
That rapid recovery from Illness of
ten depends more upon nourishing food
than upon medicine.
That sweet smelling flowers should
never be permitted In a room where
there Is a very sick person.
That both light and ventilation can
be regulated by placing a tall screen
between the bed and window.
An Old, Old Story.
How ancient is the servant problem?
A correspondent of the New York Post,
referring to a letter from the Duchess
of Ormonde, written in IGOS, quotes
from an epistle dated North Yarmouth,
Me., March 28, 1785, as follows: "I
have been without any but Betsy
about a fortnight and am determined
to continue so rather than endeavor to
hire one of this country. The pride of
independence is so prevalent here that
the people had rather slave at home
than live In my kitchen In plenty.
Were I to take them to my table they
would have no objection to oblige me.
The want of good domestics is general;
therefore I have less reason to com
plain, but I wish a method could be
found to render us less dependent upon
Why He Walts.
"I went to the trial of that brain
testing mnchlne," he said.
"Yes?" she returned wearily.
"I let them try It on me," he contin
ued, feeling sure he would arouse her
Interest in due time.
"YesV* she responded with the same
evident weariness.
"It didn't work," ho persisted.
"Of course not," she said, with some
It took him some time to figure it all
out, but when he did he decided to
postpone his proposal for at least an
other week. —New York l'ress.
The Tlbrtnn lllble.
The Tibetan Bible consists of 108
volumes of 1,000 pages each, contain
ing 1,083 separate books. Each of the
volumes weighs ten pounds. In addi
tion to this there are 225 volumes of
commentaries, which nre necessary for
the understanding of the Scriptures.
The type from which the Bible (or
Kah-gyur) is printed requires rows of
houses like a city for storage.