j The Butler Goanty National Bank, j * BUTLER, PA I OFFERS GREATER SECURITY TO DEPOSITERSi THAN ANY | * OTHER BANK IN THE COUNTY. * \ Capital Paid in $200,000.00 | Shareholders' Liability. 200,000.00 I Surplus and Profits 200,000.00 — $600.000.00 | 1 Assets over $2,500,000.00 | I Combined wealth of Stockholders over $10,000,000.00. * INTEREST paid on time deposits, subject to withdrawal at any time * m without notice. ; Safe Deposit Boxes for Rent —THE VERY BEST. * VVe most cordially solicit your business either in person or by mail. x % LESLIE P. HAZLETT, President. JNC. G. MCMARLIN. Cashier. * * JOBS V. BITTS, Vice President. ALBERT C. KRCG, Asst. Cashier. # IT. P. MIFFLIN, Vice President W. S. BLAKSLEE, Asst. Cashier. | Let Your Money Work for You. It will earn 3 per cent, interest, compounded, if deposited with the i Butler Savings & Trust Co. No account is too small, SI.OO will start it. Capital, Surplus and Undivivded Profits $435,000.00. WA. CAMPBELL, JR., Pres. \ Locis B. STF.LV, Treas. r . C. E. CRO.VENWETT, Asst. Treas. THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PA. CAPITAL ----- $100,000.00 SURPLUS AND PROFITS - $32,000.00 (EARS ED) Accounts of the public solicited. A liberal rate of interest paid. JOHV YOCNKINS, President. JOHN HUMPHREY, Vice President. E. W. BINGHAM. Cashier. J. F. HCTZLER. Ass t Cashier. owni wliiil & Pays Per Cent | 1 On Saving* Accounts. ' Compounded Seml-Annnally. , I Ju*t as Sale and Easy to Bank by Mail as » 1 Coming in Person. Ask How. y ASSETS OVER a 7.000.000. WOOD AND DIAMOND STREETS, J PITTSBURGH, PA. { [EbeH<r Bros.,^ I PLUMBERS | p Estimates given cn all kinds of work. ? v We make a specialty of s J NICKLE-PLATED, C J SEAMLESS, / J OPEN-WORK. / ) 354 Centre Ave., Butler, Pa ? S People's Phone. 630. C The Davis Sewing Hachine tor Sale by "W. B. McCa r\clleH«, 45, Euclid, Pa. Also Pianos and Organs. | Artistic Decorating! $ € If you only knew how artiatioally lovely you can paper the «iwiplent € <' home for n little bit of money, you would not live another (lay in tbone J {' old room*. If yon are troinj? to fix up the home thiw iea*on —either paper- # # ins or painting—let ui lay out the whole echeine for you. We offer onr # J advice and experience in helping you to select wall paper and pain to that will make any room jnat what it ought to be. 4 4 Come in and nee all the new de«ignn and coloring* for 1901 ready for J | your innpection. Mouldings to match all paperc. > Patterson Bros. f I ZVi North Main Wtrfirt. I loth I'honm. Wick Hull'llng. REMOVAL. We have removed oar Marble and Granite abopa from corner of Main and Clay streets to No. 200 N. Main street, (oppotlte W. D. Brandon's residence), where we will be pleased to meet our customers with figures that are right on Monuments & Headstones of all kinds and are also prepared to give best figures on Iron Fence. Flower Vases etc.. a* we have secured the sole agency from the Stewart Iron Works of Cin cinnati, Ohio. for this town and vicinity. P. H. Sechler Spring Tonic Keep a bottle of Lewin's whiskey handy to drive away the chills and dampness of Spring. ALWAYS IN STOCK. riSCH. UB UK. OTKBIIOLT. Of< KKNHKIIKIi. JIT. TEUSH).*, J litPKOI, UIBKOX, Itll.LtaSKß. BKIDuVr-OKT, and offer them I*> you 6 year old at >1 per full quart, 6 quarts £> bo. GEAITE7ATHEE'S CHOICE. whUkrjy guaranteed 3 year* old, K 00per (fal lOD. Wo pay nxpri:*H charge* on ail in»ll order* of s■> X) or over. o<*.d* shipped promptly. ROBT. LEWIN <t CO. WHOLESALE DEALERS IK WIRES IMD LIQUORS, Ho 14 SinitbfltM St, formerly 411 Waler £». _ WTTSBURO, PA. 'Tbonct: Btll 217* p. & a. 145*. M. C. WAGNER AR'iTfc? PEOTOrrEAPHEB lu'J Sooth Main bit. Receipts and Expenditures of But ler County For the Year 1903. STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAX FOR 1903. I>I>! SG H C 3 E C CM ® I s JZ § 2 a ® s? §• I * DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. 5 £ 5 a 5- 5 •c 5 O St o 3 2 : £■ ? : 5. w oI• « • Adams Lewis Kanfman.... *2016 02*1298 63 *96 26#.... $ 6*20 93 1 Allegheny G S Glenn 1453 13 900 00 66 70 .. 4*6 43 I Butler John Hinchberger.. 2275 32 1136 42 84 22 .... 1054 68 JL Simmers 2038 65 1077 00 79 82 881 88 1 Brady J P Castor 984 00 549 59 50 83 383 58 Clinton*.".*.*. '. 'W J Flick 1837 57 1518 22 99 86 .... 219 49 Clay OR Thome 1626 87 1242 51 84 97 .... 299 39 Ontre " PE Heck 1500 69 1100 00 81 52 319 17 Clearfield .* J F Criley 1199 73 906 43 60 73 ... 232 57 Cherry... John Hutchison .. 1389 31 948 70 66 24 374 37 Connoquenesseng... Samuel Gilliland. 14 <0 -52 875 00 64 84 .... 530 48 Cranberry John Leise 1901 5* 1108 #1 82 1# .... 710 69 Concord .... Piatt R Sutton.... 1580 33 1438 09 99 33 12 93 29 98 Donegal W F Heil . 1418 28; 665 96 49 35 .... 702 97 Forward Henry Drusell 1825 11 1163 42 86 22 ... 575 47 Franklin Alonzo McCandlesa. 1459 18 950 00 70 4" .... 438 78 Fairyiew' ' ." J J Campbell 1427 98 1000 00 6><73 .... 359 25 Jefferson WJ Puff 1855 17 1224 63 88 67 .... 541 87 Jackson " Chas Zehner 2164 23 1810 00 127 70 .... 226 53 Lancaster C W Schnl 1498 74 9*o 59 72 67 .... 445 48 Marion . J N Bailev 1266 45 1000 00 74 11 .... 192 35 Mercer Henry Morrison 810 27 575 88 53 41 180 9* Mnddyereek Wmßupp 1279 06 831 84 61 64 ... 38.) 58 Middlesex Robert Ferguson... 2115 57 1742 84 1 28 24 ... -.4 49 Oakland FN Eyth 1450 49 710 00 52 62 .... 6*7 87 Parker W S Allen 1192 64 548 44 40 60 ... 603 60 Penn G S Huselton 1830 46 1650 0o 106 18 . . 74 28 Summit'..*.'.".' J W Baldauf 1570 82 850 00 62 96 .... 657 80 Slipperyrock A H Rennic 1822 4*> 1546 00 108 75 ... 16* 6y Vennngo WMStaker 1108 69! 75 00 555 .... 1028 14 Washington GC Wray 1643 76, 1111 00 75 89 456 87 Winfield. G W Galbreath.... 1530 19 1000 00 74 11 .... 456 08 Worth Win Gardner 1365 56; 1141 57 84 53 .... 409 46 Butler boro Dan Slater 17016 85 11610 47 860 49 4545 89 Bruin «.... WC Gordon 345 75] 2'Jl 66 21 52 ... 92 57 Connofiueneß&ing ... Wm Burr 325 56 ' 59 Evans City Geo McFarland 1037 97, 696 54 51 6-3 289 80 Eau Claire J A Wilson 196 40 65 00 604 .. . 125 36 Fairview Geo Graham 182 23 109 00 10 12 63 11 Harmony Fred Weigle C 52 00| 300 00 22 22 .. 329 78 Harrisfille Jas Pew 332 90 288 91 22 30.... 21 69 Karns City Hugh McLaughlin.. 139 38: 118 00 10 95 ... 10 43 Ktown Ph Callahan 8 634 19 468 26 42 70.... 123 23 Mars W D Boyd ,( 592 36 400 00 37 04 .... 155 32 Prospect '. EE Wehr 361 3-5 j 236 00 21 92 .... 103 43 Petrolia Karl Butzer 190 49, 156 20 13 86 516 15 2i Portersville W H Dann 255 51] 190 00 17 65 47 86 Slippervrock PH 80 wash 709 06, 493 00 36 53 .... 179 ;>3 Saxonbnrg WD Holliran 419 37 343 95 30 17 .... 45 25 Sunbury PP Brown 284 03 175 00 16 25 92 8< Valencia Amos Cooper 140 79 125 00 11 61 418 Zelienople Geo Householder... 1170 821 901 84 66 84 ... 202 14 Total 7777TT - TTTTT^TTTT! - T 77195 oilsisss 503809 6618 09 21782 36 STATEMENT OF COUNTY TAX FOR 1902 AND PREVIOUS. 1 ~ < > i > ~Z> \ 519 1? »oil\ 5 p 3 e -§§2s = I 2 § DISTRICTS. COLLECTOR*. - - % £ j. !jrl a. ? S : x f : I : Parker ks Wallv ''■ t > % j? i i i n.i K»rrnC,tj boro.. . Frank Hahblt _,■?*';! J,! i < tin 0n.... iJa* R KKldle * 9ii »l •'{ Clinton Ja»RRM<Ile M -• > M . ... " it' 1 Harmony boro H-l'e 1... .iOj II 'I J ,'j Ch.rry lIJB-rr. n '« )'• ■ ~, 1J •*' I>oi,.»_'hl C V Vcni I Si: i- *■ 1«» Varlon ICVamljk* "■ ' _ liarm >r.y )>oro .. Knd Wtrljlf :.l.i • ll> -T- . Mllliftovtii U>ro R X Emery j 1 ~ Alli-ftbeur I 3 Glenn j" 1 ' £M- \ £ Clin -.ri I N Harvey - ■? J '.2 Clearfield.. I' H Kennell •» ■ • 1 Cherry. B.) Barron Doopffai V V V*nub\ mV- 16j 04 HHI Marlon JC Vandyke HI i»- 311 a) tf > I t ( a. . i». k :.:: : l^ h liilt:::::::::: «• 3*; ««, Worth John liolchcrt | 31 fl!< £> K> 1 4 "■> Botkrboro i./ai Maxwell | ill ? %J Centrcrllle boro ... '.I A Aiken ,r5;"! ?!, l." ,o Harmony boro. .. Fr«'d 1 Ij7 £t>< Of) 2 ft. 1- •- Petrol I a Karl Butzer 28 fit' i> -I! 1•« Valencia W H Smith j 1 '• Eau Claire J A Wilson I_ 4a TT ; J7 »• ' if' ®*® Adams twp A F Werner tCK 27j *'■' *' Allegheny .1 L Glenn 2i« 74 2W » 11 <* 73 .» liutler U-so Bauer.. .m C< 851 A> J4 J4 '>z ■'* ... ~,l BufTalo !J L Hlmmers :<7h 47i I?®'® J4 ii- n ftriuiv I N Badeer 2T)7 fT I 'f' •* W 10 K. 11.> II Clinton.'.'.'.'..l X Harvey OB 61 I» «> 710 SVj 01 & r( : !jgtt":::::::::: M mti in «£ 2 »> cifearfleid P B FeSn" 575 »7 200 00 10 52 7« I!. »2B CUt-try. . ... ...... RJ Barron i... Ml 16 325 00 17 «7 14 51 305 > Mt;<'andless... s<o Hti 466 87 st< 1M »H4 1175 Cranberry Wm Graham 10 fi « i- •> Concord. P R Ratton 42 » .« 04 «J6 Donexal CEVenscl i •»'«4 O-jJ ■"> Forward A C Brown I »i »>• J»7 J4 JJ» •» Frank If n JaM A tJratty <Li 1'" l'» J Fairview.!...!! J J Jefferson WII Orabe 157 47 144 1H T» 5 .<> Jai.-kwjn John Behm *4l 6<- i 7 14 v. 41.^ Lancaster lon Gar man I 4WI Vi 4... 7.i -4 06 HO, Marlon JC Vandyke I 1J» «> 67 19 IJ. 4. Mer'-.-r JHJBroan ls'.ili. Wi 1« #4» Mnddyereek J C MtClvmonds i 30« »-, >4 >1 14 i; 7JO Middlesex George Htepp , liO 7i; IJ7 ® 721 .6 j. Oakland F M Eyth* | -*• >'■«*' 10 S~ I'enn O B Huvlton 4.', 47 !• 4.1 » A 5 3* Parker W A Bell .1011*1 4XI M ii H.I 4.) .C Hummit:::::.:.".'.::.: John Baidauf «i «> MM »«;?» Slippery Bock John Kelly 2 1 1 if .'S .15 ii" MA -,, VenariKO !Jo» Eakln ' IK> <Oi 3»H 71 »7 56" M Winfield Martin Cypher 212*- «< 717 ,1 ,h 221 Washinaton G C Wray ' 5» «j «« z » » »J® Worth ll> Relrfiert M 14. >1 7« j4l Butler lioro Jaa Maxwell SB «i «SI» ®«J l« » Connoi'x boro I M Rose II 10, <4 4J; '®o Evans City b0r0.... A B Pfelfer WJ s •%! L Eau Claire lxiro I A Wllaon ?' - IJ' jW - Fairview lK.ro II L Su.rv • r > „„ » . *7i Harmony boro Fred Welzle ZW Vi ? J ~ IlarrUvflle Iwro Him I) Morrison 108 il ,f» X 7 4. . K arris City b0r0.... Huvh McLaughlin.,. «1 W Mlller*Uiwn b0r0... J J Donahue acill I" 44 ■ 1-1 Mara rioro WI) Boyd Ihi 2. ISI «» #4: II *-• Prospect boro E E Wehr 11l 13 101 «« a* 4«l Petrolia boro K»rl Butnrr Xl 17 [j io i 1 •> .7 boro Finll Hchrotbe 177 O 1 ! lf».* .p h i.:> .u P P Ilrown r »- I* 49 51 - [>' j 4 h«;>•«/ J.'ork boro. .1 A Aiken l'l •'!« ' VaMi.f- i»,ro WII Smith 7!l 30 73 P. •hi £ll _ i /. 'letiopie »«oro, Wm Allen _4 CI M <f - Brunl toro WCJordon I j «> So| 7»»| 4l.'j mil l 4 .7Z, 7:; {;l If, I s'l of County trariKferre.d from Slate to show standing of 1 reasurer with < ounty. UNSEATED LAND TAX RECEIVED IN 1903. \ 9 8? I £ 121 9| g s| o I f II ' ! E I 1 S" I | M T i*! ? 2 Ii : DISTRICTS 1 : : i : 1 % •" M g : i : i : : : ! : 0 H : j I_J_ Fairview f 40,$ 4, | 14$16l's flakland 22 114 18 -i 44 . i 8 03 55 041 2 15 5i li' Donegal 16 17 22 22 M 5676718139 6* 52 Franklin 536 4 2') 7 00.. 187 18 51 .... 18 51 Winfield 42 16 67 46 67 45 .. 14 70 l!il .... 101 8« Venaniro 428 2 !)7 «41 .. 150 15 lOj !)S l»l 14 Jackson 154 !M IW .. 52, 433 02 435 Alleuheny 27 (K) 19 fW 15 15 .. 9 47 71 27 6 04 77 31 Summit 21 80 16 85 25 62 .. 764 71 41 392 75 \VA Penn 8 501 840 320 .. 299 523 09 2H 28 37 Clearfield 47 51 47 51 77 88 .. 1# 64 18# 54 61 190 15 Clay ! 4 44 1 177 620 .. 156 13 97 183 15 30 Bntler 175 140 35 ..I 61 411 ....j 411 Marion I 14 80 II HI J) B.'i ..I 5 17 4ii 66: I 86 4i 52 Sliptiervrock ' 410 4 20 ( 2 I*l 1 44 11 79, 1 06 12 85 Jeffernon 83: 20 14 .. 1 II 78 ... 78 Butler boro 4 76 13 78 10 93 48 1 66 31 «J 1 61 38 22 Parker 5 19| 8 !::i 788 ~| ISO 23 79 i;, 24 54 Washington | | 2 25.. ....' 435 36j Jsl Total 123.') 08 251 54 i 74 28 48 81 61 840 94 22 3i *O3 32 STAMGMENT OF HTATTAX FOR 1903. IJ I | I I 111 C 5 s o UIBTRIOTH. COLLECTORS. ' US ~ fm 7 c ? * s i r• i Adam* Lewis Kaufman 4 I*o 52 J 570 131 4-; z, I «■*! «« riy :» 1 s '- Kilt l*T John IJlriflilH-rx'sr . r >2 IlufTalo f L Hlmrnwrx i 177 MI 14M of> UO7 ») k-: Bradr. . I P Cantor 00 WW W # .'.7 C3MnU»n WJ Kllnk i SCI :a 47 1| wi 10 10 < i:iy OK Thorn I<* 04 .V» IH 41 <:• ntri* PE llwk iv; n* 100 nr> 741 4'; rr ClPttrfliM f LCrIU-y Zt !!« W* h»» 2^ 'h•r 1 / 'John I!ut''>il*ori 142 100 00 ?II 49 27 Coori</4|iief)CiiiilufC Samuel OUlUarid If'-.'i 00 2| ;ti 2f# C 4 ('ranln rry John XM &J *<•# 29 12 H5 Concord Plat U Hutton Ml .V,i 122 77 h nX Ilon« teal . W H Covin IX, 00 I II 00 ;i H7 13 «.'{ |-*orw:ird Ilofiry lirimhMl &7'J 3T» 4j «.'{ If.' I'rankllri Alon/o Falrvlnw J J Campbell 101 M t'£> Oft h \l\ WW\ Jeffenon WJ Piitf :in* :ih ;r:l im ;::J 4.j in J»M-k*ion Cha»/#*hner 4VJ 01 4J»> SC.' 210 .*r» I Lanranter O W Kcbtil 175 n., |&l o| 11 41 10 23 Marlon Jaa M lSall«*y r,7 *0 00 5 02 7 7.V Mr-n iT Il« nry Morrimm I-W hi 125 05 ll 70 1I '! Mnddyereek Wm llupp WM 00 «7 10 4 W» ho. Ml'ldlCM-x Hoist luitfPM/n .... 1011 Oil HO f»H H9 Oakland P N 22'J 7;» 2*Ci (Ml li 111 9 50 Parker W H Alien 2H flo 24 IK» I • I H'-f Penn OH lln«< iton 012 04 &Wi 00 41 .7 I 01 Hurnrnlt J W Baldauf 412 01 iW 00 2;, . . ll 4- Hllpp4*ry Hoek AII Rennic 210 70 I'At '£> 1121 H2l Venango Wrn M Btalkor Xt <Y.i\ Washington OC Wray hi) ItMCi ',14 40. 7 I.V Winfield G W Oalhralth W\ I.VI 00 II II H4* bij Worth Wrn Gardner 70 77 72 4* 5 il7 I 0-' fIuLU r iKirouttb O A HlaUsr 5&50 Oh 4;7J 10 illO 01 iW7 •'J7j llruin W O Gordon '*> 02 s'* ix 4W7 17 j Wm llurr 11l 11l ♦>; Kir an *« City Oeorpe |i McKarland... 4o:j oj .'iok 57 27 HI 761 Kan cUJr© J A Wilson II 7 00 »v, 7 27| Fairview Oeorjfe f«rahatn 40 M -Tl 411 .1 II 'A l»lj llarrnonjr I'red Welgel 104 5W s#i w» '4 70 150 HO IlarrUvflle Jan Pew 4*l' IJ 450 04 :?J H KarrmCUy flush MeLauffhlln 12 SO 10 00 w.{ 127 MlllerHtown.. Phfllp Callahan 7»<o 'M OMI 75 Kl 57 7 ft.' Mars IWJ) Boyd :i54 4H 200110 24 15 70 :« Prospect KB Wehr 07 290 00 20 70 021 Petrolia Karl Hutfte# 127 H;. J JI 11 »» 4 tW Portersville VV |f Uann «2 01 05 30 or. 10 59 Hllppery l(4>ek. P H 80wash yj7 75 .vc 49 42 1.107 Haxonhurg. . W I) llofTrrian •«'»•'» 20 01 95 Hunbury PP Ilrown 07 ?m »s ;j s<» 20 04 Valencia A L Cooper 70 I- 02 00 7'i 2 40] Zelienople Geo Householder OH 75 S<JI 517 41 f'/t 15 7hj Total ' r 7. 'Uwtto 'u »is«w 10 mio 77 lazw ohW 81 UNSEATED LAND ACCOUNT OF 1908. SCHOOL ROAD TWP. POOR jOo. POOR o 5? I ?c *3 cs Bis ts er ?c *e tr > > § 8. £ * £. £ 8 5. 2. S. X 6. E B B g. n> & * & ? a £ o. o. |(£ * o, r v DISTRICT. •< | b| g | »|J® i? 3 S f J : 55: < -i § : J 111 i < 2. : : ;P ; . 7 S Sip- •« ; Bnffalo $ .... $ 5 30? .... $ .... $ 5 30 f 2 79 * .... | ... *2 70# »... J#.... Clinton 2 45! 2 45 97 97 ! Lancaster i 2 11 2 11 ! 70.. 70 Middlesex I i 27 27 276 .. 2 76j West Sunbnry 1 90 1 90 1 10..1 120 Fairview 40 984 63 9 84' 63 84 30 47 24 30 47 521 521 14 14 Oakland 22 94 1 18 63 13 54 509 69* 544 7 o<> 342 10 61 .. 10 61 803 BOS Donegal 16 17 20 19 22 64 31 36 11 47 22 65 22 651 1 56'.. 1 .... i 56 567 567 Centre 1 220 ! j 2 2<> 4 18 i 418 4 85'.. 435 Adams : j3 16 j 3 lfi 88 • ■ 88 Franklin 536 233 428 661 20 94 700 27 94 10 69 •• 10 69 ii 87 187 Winfield 42 16 592 67 46 28 97 44 41 669 67 45 28 B<'. 45 28 371 - - 3711479 14 79 Venango 428 1 2ti 297 423 303 641 944 1 50 150 Concoquenessinff 19 4«> 19 40 629 629 389 .. 389 Jackson 154 lOj 23 j 23 04' I 04 . 08 08 Evans City 78: j 78 40 40 Clay 444 1 116 ; 116 57- .... 67 .111 .... Allegheny 27 00 119 65 19 65 15 15 240 12 75 947 »47 Bradv 4 60; 4 60' 5 75; 575 860 • 860 Snminit 21 80 i 16 35 | 16 85 25 62 25 62 7 64 7 64 Fairview 3 94 3 94 ! | 8 92 8 92 Penn 850 17 48 840 18 38j 750 | 320 820 290 290 Clearfield 47 51 17 97 47 51 60 70j 4 78; 29 84 77 B*loo 0* 765 10 91-10 91 ....16 64 16 64 Cherrv 36 22 1 '.7 36 53 146 19 7.". 620 25 95 174 - - 174 . 156 156 Concord 321 15 346 22 30 06 22 30 06 494 • • 494 05 05 Bntler twp 175 12 04; 14013 44 ; 410 85t 445 49 04 - • 49 04 61 61 Marion 14 80 ' 11 84 j 11 84 . ... 11 85] 11 &5 5 17 5 17 Slipperyrock 410 420 420 1 964 2 05; 11 69 748 • • ... 748 144 144 Jefferson 33 1 09; 20 109 20 73 14 87 46.. .. 46 11 11 Bntler boro 476 200 13 78 200 13 7* 10 93 10 93 48 48 1 (>« 1 66 Forward 1 76 76 5 00... 500 Milleratown j j 110 .. ... 110 Mnddycreek 286 286 158 158 515 .. 5 15' Parker 519 2 63j 892 11 55: 788 6 45: 143 912 .. 912 ... 180 180 Washington 4 20j j 4 20, 95 225 j3 20 Total 233 03180 22 250 91 250 00181 13 177 47 273 02 304 20',145 20 158 59 48 62 34 96 73 81 13 81 13 STATEMENT OF STATE TAX FOR 1902 AND PREVIOUS. I k > > i *s : K : a c 2 s 5 5 ■ g ! SL < r* ° 2 1 ss DISTRICT COLLECTOR : = g. = ? a 2- r 2 ' c- 13 : I 2 '• y » • B • 3 —• » O —. • I Clinton twp .Tap R Riddle 99$ 16 60$. .. $.... $....{516 605.. Harmony Fred Weigle 46 of* 30 o<>< 1 58; '3O 12 70 ... Cherry R J Barron 00 317 •• • ! 3 17.... Donegal C F Yenuel 166 158 08: Harmony Fred Weigle 11l 88 ...i 111 88 .... Clinton J M Harvey 01 27 82 26 36 1 46j Donegal CF Vensel 1 50 1 42 08 Marion J C Vandyke 15 47 46! 2.T .... 10 60 ... Washington G C Wray 24 68 i j 24 6* Bntler boro James Maxwell .... 3!) :»7' I .... .... 39 37 .... Harmony Fred Weigle 110 30 50 0«> 263 .... 57 67 Ean Claire J A Wilson 06 06 Adams twp A F Werner 02 49 17 46 71 2 46j Allegheny J S Glenn 122 39 116 28 6 111 Bntler twp Geo Bauer 14 05 13 35 70 i Buffalo J L Simmers 19 55 19 55 j Brady I S Badger 22 72 2 10 30 62 ... i Clinton J M Harvey 30s ! 308 .... ' (Hay OR Thorne 32 42 30 84 158 ....! Center J G Rennic i 595 147 08 4 41' . ! Clearfield P B Fennell 624 | 6 24 .... Cherry R J Barron 50 89 63 50 26 i Connoqnenessing . Greer McCandless . 49 86 37 02 205 842 237 .... Donegal ICF Venae) 53 30 50 64 266 Forward 'AC Brown 48 90 35 4<'.| 1 36 12 Of i FranVlin Jus A Crattv 20 44 19 42; 102 Fair view J J Campbell 39 23 30 74 152 687 Jf flVn on W H Grab* i 6« 09 58 2«| 306 480 Jacks>n Mohn Behro 22 23 20 83 1 Oft! 84! , Laucaatcr 'Joseph Gornm" 722 6 871 35j ... i .... j Mnrion J C Vandyke ; 43 32 .... j152 ol 80;... j Mnd.ly creek J C MoUlyinorwl*.. fin 41 57 40j 301 j Middlesex (Sen E Stej.p 50 3" • 40 26 2 12 8 00 Oakland F M Eyth 8- 9 s 85) 44 Penn G S Hnselton 10 39 4 21 22 5 96 Parker W A 8e11.... .... 7 94 7 54 4d Snmmit John W Baldanf... 109 72 90 27 47514 70 Slipperyrock John Kelly 583 227 12 344 Venango Joseph Aiken 41 20 41 20 .... Winfield Martin Cypher ... 40 87 38 83 204 Washington G C Wray 27 74 21 49 1 13 512 Worth. JL Beichert Bntler boro James Maxwell 94 12 17 03 89 .... 76 20,.... Connoqneneaaing .J M Rose 173 164 09 Evans City AS Pfeifer 94 94 Eau Claire 1 A Wilson 78* 560 2x .... 2 10.... Fairview H L Storey I 43 41 02 Harmony Fred Weigle 28 18 28 18 . ~ Millerstown J J Donaline 273 08 259 43 13 65 M;,rs WD Boyd 95 91 04 Saxonburg Ernil Schrolh 67 47 59 62 3 13 472 Slipper}' Rock.... J A Aiken 23 31 22 15 116 !•••• Valencia W H Smith 3 73 5 46 I 73 Zelienople Wm Allen 1 53 ... .. . 6 14 4 61 Total 1942 01 1218 92 63 65 98 45 568 27 7 28 DOO TAX FOB HN& ► l £ I » 51 Sit? 33g % 5 o C C C~ 'r* DISTRICT COLLECTOR c? ?- 3' 5g g £ "E® a. ? | S : g ~ 0,3 £ 3 5 s t ! «* 5 * « - 5 s. Alliirih Lewis Kaufman 'fl "■'> 00# Si x" f 4 1 I $ 00 "7 I so 00 I Allegheny '« l* (llenn 75 no SOOO :) To 21 :v> liiin .... Ilutler John Hlnch Werner 123 on :« Sh 242 115 30 .... liuffalo I. L Hlmrner* 120 oo 47 (x> 34* 75 52 Brady I I'Caster fl»00 30 41 3H2 36 77 Clinton W J Flick 130 <»' 97 Si 017 26 2x 77 SO .... C| !IV nit Thorn 11l <tn (SI 01 2 81. 40 00: 00 no .... Center.! I' E Heck lot 00 WUI3 7Hi 21 31 00 ... Clearfield .1 F Crlley 105 '*> 77 »• 5 0!» 22 41 5# 00 Cherry John llulehls.ni 02 NO 75 I*l tin 12 M «2 00 .... (Jonnoauenessine Samuel (;illllan<l 121 'it fjo .'(>• 447 Wl l-> 4j.... f'ranberry Jolin 1-eKe 120 00 SO n 452 M 73' 107 M ... Concord. I'lttlt Mutton 12* 00 105 50 741 20 001» 00 Onnecul WFCoyle I"l oo .W 72 420 1211 C7Si 00 .... Forward Henry l>ru.. hell 174 0" no 2» I ran! lin IAIOIIOT MeCiiiidless.. !« 00 42 00 :i II SO W AO 50 .... Fairview .1 4 Campbell 123 00 SO flo » M «.» -4 125 <»' .. Jfttrrmta " W 4 I'uff 1 00 0 tti (U Oc 1250 .... .r, t -!;s«n IClias /.ehner I'll"" 125 l*> 37 S» 15 00 ... La n< 1 liter . |C W Helm I 128 00 IW :i". 514 5151 4.1 V. .... Marlon ! H.MHalley I<« 00 Mlt 250 71 *2 II On .... Niereer .. llenrv Morrison ■'■o 00 30 00 27x 17 22 21 00 .... M.i.-My.Wek iWm Utiup I<"0 On 4M 15 351 4* 01 3s 00 .... Middlesex IJolierl r erftUHOn 105 00 Kl 30 5 B (V'> 71 23 Ml .... Oakland F X Kytlie 105 00 3* 00 2KS #ls I * 2!i no .... I'arUer WH Allen Hfl 00 25 K, IH7 :>M 4f 24 («' .... 1',.,.,, (J H IlutelOin 135 00 110 00 740 17 !>t Summit!!....' .! 4 W ItaldnufT i:w «> 100 00 633 WO7 3» 01. .... I >lliinervnx*k ........ AII lit'riril l 'k 1 12 'lO 00 .» 2h 2i» 72 I'M 20 .... Venaniro Win ."•lalk'-r 05 00 .j (1 Oil 17 o>> .... Washington. I* (' Wray lilt 00 ..'.l 2n 3Si 16 05 2tr2 011 .... Win Held O W Oalbralta 117 0" .VIOO 370 Kl 30 BS 00 .... Worth Wm Gardner 11000 4!i 4<l 30i 50 Kl 74 00 .... Ilut ler lioro Pan Hlater 20"> <»i .'II 0 li'i 171 ' llrulii .. WC Cordon 20 on II 40 105 13 ConnrMiaeneMKlDK Wm Hurr 1200 ... J:'J' F,vttn» City Oeo Mel arl: nd MOO It 01 27 Kl 00 Eau Claire! 4 Wilson J? SOO 47 OSI Fairview Coo liraharu I 00 OUI >'l 10 II Harmony Fred Welitle..... .H 0" 15 00 1 .?.t 17 01 Ilarrlsvllle . ...... 4as I'ew. Is oil IB 70 124 Kama City II McLaiißhlln 2* 00 15 30 152 10 00 Mll lirslow 11 I'hlllp (ill all an 01 00 2Hi .11 I«i Mars . WI) Hoyd 51 00 20 <»' I- 32 15 I'rosix-et !'.'.!.! F. F Wehr H "" II?. 1 I'etrolla Karl llutz'T 27 00 I" I < l< -00 Porteravllle WII llann HOO 540 :.J 200 Sllnueryroek TII Sowash 11l MI h 111 .1 <2O Haxon I>u TK .............. Wlt lloffuiM 47 00 34 00 IK 2101 M Sf. .... funbury I' I' llrown 13 00 l.t m> 23 00 Valencia A L (>*) per 12 00 moo 75 I 2.1 /.ellenople Om Householder 58 00 27 00 2 OOj 30 00 .... Total ~ IMSI 05*3864 1H M ao'2i:to 22 1742 40 17 Oo DOG TAX FOR 1902 AND PREVIOUS I ■ i > > 1 M 53 O g 35? a j 1 -• n v 'v 1 c a n % J HIHTUICT COLLECTOR 2 ~ " = E »2 u y» 111« if i 1 Kam*City boro frank itai>hlt I®—P r«S«r — Clinton 48 It Kiddle ■" IS 07 . 15 07 ... Cherry Iluith fnroul 100 ' •••• I Union 4 HJi t •» M 'J. £"" \ Parker loa II Walley 2 ...... .. ... - ••• lliirmony Ixiro I red Welule 44 10 33 -V. 17.. 00" ..... i herrv It 4 Harron. '»» il6 . ... .... 7lt ... lioncKal " F VeniM'i ' *■ Forward AC llrown , ■" Marlon 7, S Harmony boro Fred WelKlo 40 . ••• "• ■ CIIIIOm I N llarvey 4.127 II .>.l .t» 1 )'• : |, aril. Id. I' It Fennell 4 Its 4 It- ... lionefal.. ! >, F Vense! m 22 .12 013 31 | ... Marl,„l 11. \ andyke 41 41 ttl I'arker fII Waller »K . * •••■ e,',, r i|, lolin BejeFiert & W S6l •:••• •• Ilutler iKiro lames Maxwell {U !*' " Fan Claire horo I A WLkOB. ' ''' ' U . ... .J, "" Harmo.iylK.ro I; red \V. Idle •JJ •' ' ■» flliiiieryr.K'k l«<ro 4 A Aikep <J 04 1 1,1 •••• ••••j /elli-noiile lx.ro .... Wm Allen 001 Adam* A F Werner '« 113 2!. W «!< 470 law. Allegheny!.. i l ' o ,'.'"" Vc I' '' k- l'-! -' " it.ill. I Geo Itaupr '•» HuiTalo . ... las L Simmers II 1H . .... 42" otw i XSV" 11. ItadKcr 13 oi 441 83 a 4.. ... Cllnlo, I N llarvey 31 . .... 53526 0< .. I lay ' O U Thorn 611 oo si SO -<1 is 1.1 • < e,Mer JOHennlr 530 ~ v MM B!:; a r r ry rld !!!!!!!! :;.::!!'..: S% :::. .U' IS :::: |!:r3 , '" , " w " R " "liiv " in ::: a cp^nK 4 , Franklin »» A 'rally 10 54 370 l.j .» e. I'';ilrvl«*w I I i arfipljoll. 72 !<» •»» J/ Icllersou WII Ural,e 52 00 «47 S3l B ■£. ... .lackson. lol.n llelim M K 41 12 C A it M Lancaster ««'VandVke ... ... 15«. 31 S !!!!. I 4« Miidd'y creek .!!!!!!! 4<; Mc-Clyinonda 21 WtO S3 13 50 115 Middlesex (Jei. Btoiip. J» S.-I 47 » l« I » '>aUl;in(J ' N Kytlie I" *' )' '• i» .ril,i.J \V A Itflll 1- 11 M wlO iv.in ...;.'.'!!!!!!'!!!!!! oh iiiiseii...,, m »■; '>» '« J? Summit 4obn VV Italdauf 22 41 * f.' Hllpperyroek. •}"'•» K;»7 K ?li ' 2 u\S in Venanifo Joa Eakln J? i-| z! - VVii-,hlnKU)|i Ot' Wray A> 105 •« -4 t W'lfiiii•;#| Martin < ypli* r '• •»* '• '' "" Worth... .WW.'.".. 4ot.nL K.l.hert J" 4 ; « 4 5.. 34 14 70 llutlerlK.ro [.fa rug* Munwell 110 J. i 27 4.1 I Will* ronnnuuencMtiiß boro.. j4 N !t, ~, ~j {j Evans City 15,r0.... . A H Ffelfer 7-4 10 .» ■; n » Kau Claire Isiro 4H »Hson » I"" ,■ JM « Harmony txiro IW w«l|l« '!'J! . .. ' ;; Ilarrlh* (lie lx.ro HJni It Morrison •» t«> 171 W K arns City tx.ro Iluiili Mcl.au«lilln 14 >» •• j-ii Mill, rstown Ixiro . 4 4 Donahue *. » ■} «J 1 " 1 i Mars boro Wlt Hovd »£' "S ff ! Froapect boro EKW.I.r »« Jg " »g Petrol la boro Karl Hut/.ir > 1? 4llpi,eryr«*-l< ls.ro 4 A Fakir. » 4.', 4» ~ ' 4unburyla.ro 11* I llrown 4MI J rt. -I 'axonhuric iK.r., Emlle Sebrotl. 2210) I* J* ; ■' Valencia boro .. .... WII Hmlth. » 1 #"• ■»' - - telleoople boro Wm Allen ... ". ' [ • iJruln Intro. W C Jordan o, j 11 *' j Totir. ~Z Z ~ mm |S «M w 704 w'235 1« 30 8* Disbursemenis for 1903. Amount Paid for assessing $ 1764 25 For publishing Auditors' report— Kohlnson & Sblevcr SIOO 00 I.till.T Herald I0»> »■» C E llcrr 100 00— .K<l 00 For Allegheny Co Work liuaw 942 43 For brltlee repairs $ 2<U 58 For new bridges 3124 32 For brldire views. 530* ">0 For lirldce inspection 146 23 3113 #3 For lioiier house repairs, ir flit .VI For Common weal Hi (costs) 3i"10 40 For Court House expenses- County Commissioners K47 43 .1 I. Patterson, 300 days . . ilOftO 00 !{ol>ert McClung. 306 days... 1071 00 Greer McCandless, 30s dys.. 107S 00— 3189 00 Court Stenographers— F. S Kiddle Iti7s 00 Miss Ada Findley 497 7N .1 II Jackson S» » Mary McLaughlin 12 00 Miss Bessie G01den......... 9 00— 2£-3 3S County Commissioners' Attorney— E 1/ Balaton £.'oo 00 II If Gone her 10 00— 210 00 Vnr County detective <K I. Raraes).. MX' 00 I'ort'onrt Auditor(J II Jackson). IS 00 | County Auditors— II ('Haclett }ln9 00 I O H llusclton 167 61 I W C Detrlck 161 61 P II Sechler. (clerk) 10 OO- 46. .2X ' For Const allies' quarterly returns.. 719 86 For Clerk of Courts (G M Graham).. 769 55 For Coroner's Inquest 571 15 ! District Attorney— J R llennlnger (1060 SO . J M Painter 21 00- 1081 50 Couuiv Commissioners (clerk)- J V Kiskaddon hto on Court Crier - J S Campbell fc.75 00 Joseph Crlswell '.W 00 471 <>o For Election 5300 10 For freight ond dray age 2S 20 For gent ral or extra expense 101 70 For fuel account 1433 42 , For Improvement* to Co buildings r.nrt public grounds 312.S 01 i For indexing (E I lirugh) 1022 117 I'dr Insurance account l*:io s7 For injured coal miners 100 00 For Jurors, pay. Ac 7W7 7o For Jail repairs, supolles, &c 23i9 4.1 Janltress of Court House offices - (jrace McClafforty 127 50 Janitors- Hugh Morgan I ns 00 E A McPherson T:w 7T> Peter Wise 39 00 — MS 7i Jury Commissioners— A D Nlckias 121 HO J G Christy 191 *6— 245 46 Jury Commissioners' clerk—John E(chert ho M Jail Physician Dr Lll Hazlett 75 00 For Livery hire 130 .v For lunacy Inquest 580 90 For light expense 1277 47 For military enrollment 209 C 7 For printing 204 Ml For postage 25 00 For Prothonotary sundry fees 374 50 For Penna. Reformed School 2ai 33 For Pennsylvania Industrial Ile formatory 229 SO For road views 778 59 Register & Recorder VV J Adams $ 13 50 J P Davis 119 40 - 132 90 For refundings I w For registering voters 1593 00 For registering births and deaths... 01 For registering school children... 13.14 00 For Sheriff for Uiardlng prisoners and taking prisoners to work house and other Institutions 5977 3n State tax sent State Treasurer, tax of lwn 18860 HI Special detective service— The Perkins' Union Detective Agency $2*.C 99 William Shay M 50- V 0 40 Stationery ar.d dockets 2112 09 Soldiers' burial... 875 00 Tipstaves— J(1 Welsh I 10 00 UU Harbison MOO R <> Lewis 00 i' lllnchburger HOO F M Renno 196 00 II G Seaton 116 00 J (i Blupus lO oo John IlincMiurger 15(1 00 714 00 Traveling expense 115 911 Transcribing clerks— Laura H McClung 1322 75 Mary I'attersoii 296 31— 619 00 Temporary loan Hooo 00 Telephone service... srt 4H I'll seated land tax to tow nshlps and boroughs 617 ho Water service for county buildings. 490 tlx Western Penitentiary maintenance of prisoners K!3 00 Intereston loan 66 67 Damage account 130 16 J1200H5 91 W, S. DIXON. Treasurer. Balance in Treasury Jan 5. tut ctt IWKI $ SWIM 12 G'ouuty tax from 1002 and previous IZi-Ci S7 Countv tax from 1003 &I.VO .V State tax from imtt and previous .. 1218 02 State tax from 10061 IfiCKS Iti Rec'd from Co Commission ers 4M 12 From temporary loan NOOO ou From I'rotYionotary "7 00 From clerk of Courts tines. 3071 08 Justice of I'cace, lint's 274 U"» Frcm Sheriff £>l 41 From retail liquor 5M 75 Of '<L-4 state tax from st.ite} 14011.J 17 I'rom Automobile Herns** 06 On unseated land of ismrs and previous WW By state tax sent state for tax $ -1 Warrants paid on county funds 97000 31 Treasurer's per <TIII 7<> Cash set aside for llutler county sinking funds <175 7s Cash paid totwps and boroa mi unseated land . fllfl Oil To liar Association. 1-:.' of tines l'»ll I* lis anct due county .1 an 1, UN MM U Si:«SH37 W.WKt7 iW W. S. Dixon in account with Butler Co Sinking Fund. int cm To rush on hand Jan 5, IMI l'l Hec'd from taxes of IWM and previous :t 17i By bonds Ac eouiKjns redeemed 9 430 no Treasurer's per cent 11 tr» Hal on hand Jan 4. I'.** MOO 7tf g riHO UtVYHO Ut Assets of 13uticr County. Cash In treasury Jan >, IttrM.flSW.# lil I hue from County tax of 1 and prt vious... 4735 ol From collector eonnty tax of I WW.. 217K2 W From collector state tsx of I!jU2 and previous 068 27 From collector state tax of IfMi.'S '£?r7 OH Cash |n treasury of llutler Co sinking fund liflM Jury fees due from officers.. tt' rim** due from officers no iki 4K*M 44 Liabilities of iSutler County. Boudsoutstanding. ,fl2non <h» Sundry hills due and uunald 1 00 I>ue tj»s ann boros, scrnool tax from unseated land.... IS| i;j I'm- tps and boron.road and poor tax. Un sea tod land 241 O'i llutler < o poor dlst rlct from uuscateu hind .177 7!» Itue liar association 140 fin lit!7l 44 Assets In excessof llaMllth s £ rjn.Ki (x> W. S. Dixon i:i Account with Do# Tax for 1903. To dog reserv« fuud from 100.'!$ 00 i I)ok tax from r.#»SJ and pre vious ioir. <v4 Dog tax from 10tW SKU Is fly vonclirrs on sheep damage 175H <> Treasurer's |»<rr cent W Amount turned over to Co IM*s 14 Treasurer's percent on hal... 7s 'M rv> K tax reserve 900 00 f.670 s.r>7o H2 W. S. Dixon in Account with Surplus Dog Tax. To hal from Jan 5. I<.awi .f HI 07 f A rut of surplus ring iax of I0(tt. 1272 By amt paid tps and l>or »s 4n Hal due Ips and boms H4'! % $ | Hki .V> #1 MM aft We. the Auditors of Butler County. Htate '>f I't-nnsy 1 vaulu, havlntr rm t at the court house in nald county 011 the 4th day of Jan uary. i'"ui. tiling the llrst Momlav. according to the Art of Aasenibly. having examined th*' several &&• counts nt th« ouuty. do cer tify that t l»e f«»r*'icolng Is cor re t state ment of t lie above it--•■•flint-, according t<* t he best of our knowledge and belief, thin sth day of March. H. H HtTtfRLTON. W < DRTKICK. IIUWAUU C. HA/.LKTT. County Auditors. POOR DISTRICT. STATEMENT OF BUTLER CO. POOR DISTRICT FOR 1903. > | > 55 I B O 53% 2 c I £ = X DISTRICT. COLLECTORS §£ £ g* J 3§ . w 23 i _ I i r!! | £ : <» WD * Ulv LewlsKaufman « 706 811 479 sss 3556 »....$ 190 17 Bullf-r V K ».* nn S ®' * «»«> »6S .... 7* 9ft ,;"V\lo it E, r**r 7VB 43 WH 39 W .... 36s 99 S?SJ 0 JL simmers i 71353 378 00 27 w .... 309 67 Clinton vviVtfC 3« « «B C 517 91 .... 133 44 Clhv a 1 W"* «« is 531 SI 36 01 .... 7««a IVntr* i. t T M° r S t ' 51,940 4 "' 74 31 W • «S» lIMCO 7 50.... 413 M Cherr» l ? 41991 WOB 336 lB « i,"' rf y • John HntoWson ise so an ism .... 07*3 connoquenesslng San.l Gllland .M 4 78 :cs l« Zi 96 ... 188 fir) « ranlierry John L«iae mft 55 2C W CS :i> 254 S3 IMwtt U Sutton .MB 11 4h3 20 34 M 4 SJ 10 54 Donegal \\ T Coyle 406 40 233 69 17 31 .... 345 40 tnrward Henry l>ru>hc'l 6J> 7» 4« «6 :« n> ... 119 02 tranklln Alonlo McCandlese 510 71 290 00 2149 199 22 ► mlrvlew J J Campbell 4V.< *1 375 «>! 3617 .... I* 72 Jefferson \V .1 Puff 619 a 4> 53, 31 13' .... Iso 6ft jacit.son — Chas Zehnier 757 4* 620 00' 43 79 93 09 Lancaster C W Schul 534 50 300 68 36 73 ... 137 15 J! !lrlon J M Bailey 44.120 300 OOi 14 83 .... 23X 44 V ;T r ; Henry Morrison ski 59 3K> 00 Is 57 .... 65 03 \?1 n ycrt Wm ® U PP 447 07 390 06 21 54 ... 135 47 Middlesex Bobt Ferguson 730 95 fflß Bft 43 7tl 79 34 Oakland FN Eytlie 307 or 247 00 IS 30 42 37 1 arker W 8 Allen 417 4:1 1« 03 14 301.... 311 30 V MM SH>OO 35 39 ... 55 27 summit. J\\ Kauldauf 549 7» 300 00 2" 21 ... 337 58 Slippery Rock \ll Rennlc KI7 jC» 575 00 44) 99 31 80 \enango Wm Stalker :tw. 04 SI 00 1 85 301 19 jGCWrav 575 32 35s sft 24 91!... 191 50 ii. J: B* Galfireath 5; 15 59 300 (X Zl 33 313 36 1, °. r , ' Wm Gardner 572 44 389 4;! 29 57 .... 143 44 Butler Borough 1> A Slater stf» 90 4003 so 301 1* .... 1590 80 Brain W C Gordon 121 01 73 75 63s 40 88 Connoqneneasing Wm llurr 113 94 ; 113 94 kvans City Geo McFurland 363 29 243 s? IS OS 10134 Kau Claire .1 A Wilson 6- 71 20 00 IS4 ... 46 90 r alrvlew George Graliam 63 7» 2s 40 264 .. 32 74 Harmony Fred Welglc 338 30 50 00 370 ... 174 50 Harris vflle Jos Tew 118 51 102® 824 . . 592 Karns City Hugh McLaughlin 4S 7s 40 00 3 71 ... 507 Millerstown Philip Callahan 222 00 163 15 14 87 44 01 JJ ars w1) Boyd 2117 311 145 (0 13 47 .... 48 84 Prospect EF. Welir 126 47 80 00 743 .... 39 04 Petrolia Karl Butzer 68 67 59 75 5111 si Portersyllle \V H Dann sst 4t f.l in 4 52 23 81 ~ 'tonburg Wl> Hoffman 146 7s 12ti 37 10 S7 954 inhury Pl' Brown 99 41 00 00 557 .... 33 84 \ alencfa A L Cooper 49 27 40 00 372 . . ft 55 At-Uenople (ieorge Householder Wi> 7s 305 37 32 t>'4 ... 8178 s ippery Rock I'A Sowash 248 17 lhs 00 17 18 45 99 Total 1 $26798 73 $17748 30 SI3OO 02 $0 34 $7740 07 STATEMENT OF BUTLER CO. POOR DISTRICT FOR 1903 AND PREVIOUS ■< > > y n CO Mli | ! ? , niSTRiCTS COLLECTORS ° 5 | I g| ? i : § S. 8 I g 2 : | : : f- ':j T! S : Cherry twp R J Barron ."... [OO $1546 $ i »15 .... . I>onegal CF Vensel 61 6i> 58 60 3OS .... Marlon I C Vandyke lt«s 73 : I(V> j« Harmony boro Fxwl Welgle W 4ti 8 K1 137 6.1 ... Petrolia boro Karl Butzer 31 Allegheny I S Glenn 01 . !0 a* Clinton 1 N Harvey 70 24 66 54 370 j I 'lay It>' Patterson . .. ; 353 383 Clearfield I'B Fennell 3 S7| 2 27 Cherry 1£ J Barron 231 40 ' . 40 .... . Donegal C K Vensel 121 05 115 00 605 ~ . Marlon I(' Vandyke 238 02 100 00 536 647 i»4 a« . Pdrker 11l Walley 35 63 24 34 I2W . .. " .... Summit John W BauUlauf 23:> 19 32s 80 10 39 ..... Venango Joseph Kakln 231 94 140 (0 7 :I7 74 57 .. . Worth John L Kelcbert 17 85 15 58 83 145 Butler txiro las Maxwell i 131 96 38 71 203 W ii> .. ( C«ntrevllie boro A J Aiken II 3s io 81 57 , Harmony boro Fred Welgle 8121 sif 56 08 ? Petrolia lx>ro Karl Butzer I 12 49 11 86 63 ? Valencia boro VVH Smith 4a Fan Claire Iwrti J A Wilson 14 «o 10 93 57 341 """ ... Adams twp A F Werner 02 327 14 301 71 15 85 95s . Allegheny I L Glenn 172 51 139 :w " ;{i K4 "" Butter Geo Bauer 176 24 146 X 1 769 32 22 ... .... , Buffalo I«s I. Simmers 22S 6»! 2 C 225 91 .. Brady IN Badger 1 #8 87, 90 39 4.: 3si .... Clinton 1 N llarvey 69 17 55 (»• 275 lIK .. , Clay O K Thome I(*s 00 91 89 4sl 527 Centre I G Rennlc 15 942 49 559 . Clearfield I'll Fennell 123 ti; 26 ;» Mi 07 . Cherry KJ Barron 3s:! li 75 n 3 IN. 50< 1!I8 «*■ . .. . Conno<|ueaewlng Ornr McCnndless 17s 17 157 15 #7! 3si 84s .... ' Cranberry Win Graham 601 ft 71 30 1 Concord PB Sutton 39 Hj 1: tn, 121 14 94 - Donegal CF Vensel 348 51 2H 09. II 79 12 « ' .... - Forward AC Brown e".I 11 7t* 6.' 11 s 25 87 .... Franklin las A Cratty ; 67.' 47 Ml 2SO 3c. , Falrvlew J •' CampUll l.il 76 113 39 ft Ji ; 15 ik Ji'Her.-oti W 11 Grain) tH 02 5s 87 310 3 0-' Jackson John Bchm 254 3u .20 81 11 83; 15 5! » LatK'aster '■ s Gorman ; 152 s2 140 11 400 271 Marlon J C Vandyke 291 23 2:1 45 267 7s .... Muddycreek J C McClytnonrts 211 67 225 94 11 «.t 2IV 115 .... Middlesex George Stopp 55 61; 43 76 3 301 9 5.'. - Oakland F N Eytlie 88 16 72 4s 3nl ÜB7 ' I'enn G S lluselton IS 63 506 :*i 12 67 Parker W A Bell 1 lss 18 163 75 861 15 so ■ Slippery Itock John Kelly 206 72 192 5s 10 13 401 Venango . Jos t.akln,. £l9 SI 4»> 00 237 200 190 14 .... 1 Washington J C Wray 77 54 61 09 324 12 *ll ! Worth John Relchert lsj 17 53 00 279 19, 127 45 .... 1 Winfield Martin Cypher 123 95 91 31 496 2i lis 1 Butler Ixiro .'as Maxwell So.! till 230 10 11 5Si 821 02 - <'onnoquenesslng b0r0.... J M Bose 5® 473 25 —67 - Evans City boro A L Pfelfer i> 0k 42 no 221 nil 74 64 ... 1 Eau Claire boro I A Wilson 33 0 1 850 44 ! 277 23 33 5 Falrvlew boro II L Story. 195 39 02 1 M .... .... , Harmony l>oro Iretl Welgle .... BKJ iio C 6 .... , Harrisvflle boro Sim I> Morrison 4 «k»; 24# la 1 4;> Karns City boro Hugh MoLauglln 5 43 . 543 •••• Millerstown boro I J Donahue j fi'J w 278 4 11) , Mars boro WI) Uoyii 4'.' N5 43 24j 2 117 4 lk"» Prospect l)oro E K Welir ® 40, 344 167 Petrolia boro Karl Butzer Ul 3Bi 18 46 97 IHo ) Portersvllie boro A lienahaw .... ; . i ••.••• ••• , C® » Sunbury boro ' I Brown <3B 7 Ct. , Saxon burg boro Km 11 Jo broth 5111 *1- 7 !?, ISI . HHnpery Hock boro A•! A ikelii *?!;?. V\\ li' ~ i Valencia boro H Smith -4 4'. 12h Ki Xellenpie boro Wm Allen 6\C 5 6ii 130 ... ltruln boro .W C Jordan 40 4« j 36 IKTj 1 W 15H ' Total 1.. 7741 &g 4311 7U221 97 3SU 07 2822 52^27 Expenditures of Butler County Poor District for 1903- Amt paid fi>r burial expenses for in mates of home » •JJJJ }•! Amt paid for clothing -w « Ami paid for extraordinary expenses. 40 0# Amt paid for furniture, bedding and dry kimmls -g « Amt paid r<>r fuel and light Wj7 W Anil paid fur farm expenses tfc. ,w Amt paid for Insurance on County Home buildings •" Amt paid for Improvements 34t1.1l Atat paid for Justices, fees on orders of r lief ">? » Amt paid for livery hire I* Oil Amt paid for live stock -WW I Amt paid for medicine and medical supplies ij Amt paid for out door relief —M •- Amt paid for provisions and supplies. Zli'J 41 \mt paid for professional service on outdoor relief <O3 in \mt paid for i>rlntlng and stationery. :t !*< Vint paid for repairs 'I ' *'< \ nit paid for removal of paupers S.» SI \nit paid for refunding 41 lu Vml paid for salary, labor and wages wnt paid for traveling expense IS2 2s Vint paid for telephone service .... 1# Oi Vmt paid for Insane and hospital acct 7>ii HO Vint paid for extraordinary outdoor i'Xpen Sl* S.tlH 21* Unt paid for ex pressure • I* l imt paid for guarding prisoners 41-1 A> Unt paid for transportation for poor j> _ persons . ® •*' Imt paid for attorney account 15 <»> Total M V. S. Dixon in Account with Butler Co Poor District. "o amt In treasury Jan 17747 <l2 # .nil of tax rec'u from 11102 and previous £lll 71# lilt tax ree'd from 11108 l/i4(l 90 ml cash ree'd from t'o Com mlssioncrs 1237 111 y vouchers redeemed -IMS. .«• y treasurer's percent 4-0 I" rt aside for poor district sinking fund I-WJ"' nl on band .lan 4, IWM «£■'•» j *lllo.l <>i *41103 V. S. Dixon in Account witii Butler Co Poor District Sinking Fund. 'o nint In treasury .Inn r»,ltm.!B 'l7llO 30 i et aside from poor tux from 1'.m.l iaa» si nterest and redemption of Isuids «» 'reusurer's tier cent I— "» l.il on band Jan 4. iW4 12877 00 (11000 14 #11121*) 14 liabilities of Butler County Poor District foi 1904. binds outstanding fIISOGO (K) undry bills due * unpaid li'istlj IlliC'iS fti Assets of Butler County Poor District. 'asli In treasury January 4. l»H * '1273 32 Unt dii" from collectois lux of 1002 and previous.. 2>C! J2 lint due from collectors lax of 7740 (17 lint due from county (uu- seated land tax)... 377 7t) ush on hand In poor dist fund . I>w <.l 'lf- ',*) liabilities over assets IfsaiO-"' 7.1 We. t lie A llilllor, of tiller < 'illlty. st'lte if I'ennsylvunla, baring met at the court louse In said enmity 011 Ihe 4th d:iy of Jan.. ;«•!. being I 111 llrsl Monday. liecordlng to Ihe j let of Assembly, having examined the sev- [ ral accounts of the county, do certify that. be foregoing Is 11 correct statement of the ibove accounts, according to the best of our inowledge unit belief, this Mb day of March. (!. H. IHrsKI.ToN. W. 4.'. DKTHK'K. llttVV A Kit <5. MA/.LETT, County Auditors. Farm Products for 1903. IK! bu wheat: 21 bu rye: Kio hu oats; 1300 iu ear corn; 35 hu sweet corn: to tons hay; fit bu potatoes; I'*' head cabbage; 70 bu omatues; -P bu turnip-; 2" bu onions; 1<» bu [reen peas; ~'l bu green beans; 10 bu pickles; (*" head lettuce: I I bids elder; 111" gallons ipple butter 2.V1 bu winter upjiiesi .'ll4-1 lbs •ork: 3.H00 gills milk; I'* l lbs butter; 'M bu iceU. ( Wm. Foster, ( \ Architect, j J Plan of all kiml of buildings I furnisheil on short notice. £ C Office in Berg Bnlliling, f Heed's Wine of Cod biver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main and Jefferson Bts. Uutlor. Pa Do You Buy Medicines ? Certainly You Do. Then want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we arc sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toikt Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. G. PPKVIS, PH. U Both Phones. 213 H Main Ht. Butler Pn. gun II OWNER NtW DRUG, 1 have purchased J. Harvey Pharmacy, in the Stein building, at 345 S. Main St., am remodeling and restocking the store. I have twenty-two years experience as a pharmacist, anfi compounding of preacriptione will be under my personal at tention. Pure drugs and honest treat ment guaranteed. When in town shopping, stop and leave your packages. J. L McKee, Pharmacist, Stein Block. 8. Vain St.. Butler. Pa. Wm. Wuerthele, Billiard and Pool Tables, Par Fix tnre«, Offleee Dink*. Chairs. Tables, Partition*. Bookcases, etr Turning of Billiard and Pool Ball*. Bonling Alley Equipment*. 418 Diamond Above Suiithfleld St ) Pittsburg, Pa. 1144HD
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers