THE BUTLER CITIZEN. Tttespat. January 38, !»>*• MBW ADVERTISEMENT*. MOTK—AII Mrertlsera Intending to make change* la their ad*. should notify as of tb*lrlot*ntion to do to not later than Moa dav ■ornlnf. Writ of Partition, estate of J. Byth. Batler County National Bank State ment Brown A Co'* furniture. Modern Store's Remnant Sale. Campbell's fnrniture. Farms for Sale. Douglass' Sal*. Peerlees Opticians. AdialalaUMor* and Kxeculors < : e4la '? cu aecnre their receipt book< fct ins CITI ZCN efflcc. xn<l yersoin mn' if) ibliCKil** their note book*. LOCAL AND GENERAL. —E. &N. Saeler have opeued a meat market at the corner of Brosd and Penn street*. —The Mercer and Lawrence county candidates for Judge are now getting their pictures printed. —Zelienople bad a mad-dog scare. Tuesday. Lock wood's big black dog took a spell of some kind and had to be killed —The Street Car Co. sends fire cars to Lyndora every evening to accommo date the people who go to the threatre there. —The town of Monndsville, Ala. was destroyed by a tornado, last Friday. Thirty-seven people were killed and a hundred injured. —The navy wants 8000 stalwart Americas). Here is a chance for young men who wish to get as far as possible (com the old fann. —There is no advertising medium like the home newspaper. People cast aside circular letters and pamphlets withont a glance, but the local paper is read clear through. —Ex. —Three weeks of leap-year have pass ad. )et the marriage license list is not alarmingly increased.. Probably the girls have not yet got into their cam paign clothea —Three hundred mors mea were laid off at ths Car Works last Thursday, and others received notice that their services would not be needed after the and of the month. —The led Cross Society of Butler continues its beneficent work, aad is furnishing substantial aid to some fif teen families. Its headquarters are in the Klrkpatrick block on N. Main St. with Mrs. Burgess Kennedy, in charge. —Arrangements are being made to send the big bull owned by Frank Lucy of Cramberry twp. to the St Louis Expo. Be (that is the bull) is 12 feet 8 inches leng and 18 feet around and weighs about three tons. —Tbe Builders Exchange, which is composed of seventy of the contractors and builders of Butler, has notified tbe Trades Alliance, which iacludee all the labor anions of the town, to pnt every contractor, builder and material nan in Batler on tbe "Fair" list by Feb. Ist, or tlae they will take no contraets. —The Pennsylvania Live 8 toe Bleeders' Association will hold its fifihk ,annual meeting at the Monongahels Boose, Pittsbnrg, Wednesday and Thursday. Feb. 10 snd 11, 1904 Ex cursion rates on all lines east of Pitts barg Apply for card orders and full information to E. S. Bayard, Secretary, 903 Shady Ave., Cast End, Pittsburg. Pa —The valuations of Batler properties a? returned by the assessor* aggregates $7,970,157; aud tbe county, by the new assessment will run between twenty one and twenty-two milliona These assessments bare yet to be equalized by the County Commissioners, snd tbe ap peals will begin after that, perhaps not before April Ist. —A candidate for a local office, while elect! oneeering. the other day, wss asked who bis opponent was; aad he mentioned the name, adding "he's an other good nan, but be onght to with draw"— which recalls tbe story of ths little boy who, sitting with his little •ister on a very short bench, compla cently remarked, "I think there would be more room on this bench for me, Mary, if ens of as would get off." —An apparatus in use in Germany for the pnrilcation of milk by ozoniza tlon ia so constructed that that tbe milk contained in a vessel flows thence in a thin stream into another vessel, placed below. An electric circuit is so ar ranged that sparking is caused through tbe stream or near it The ozone Which is thereby engendered from the oxygen of the air is said to be sufficient to kill all micro-organisms contained in the milk. —Tbe Yonngstown Vindicator says that tbe impression that smallpox is dy ing out in that city is erroneous,accord log to figarss given odt by tbe Board of Health. There has been ftt cases re ported since the beginning of the new year, but only a few have proven seri oas. The emergency hospital has been SO arowded that from time to time when there has been a surplus of victims it has been necessary to confine them in their homes. —A paragraphic oommentator re marks that "Mr. Carnegie's ideas about wealth hare not led any of his million aire friends to establish get-poor-quick concerns." Not for the purpose of get ting themselves poor, nor witb the avowed name of getting other people poor. But sufferers from some of the Schemes of the high financiers are ready to tMtify that they wonld be correctly described as "get-poor-quick" invest ments.—Ex. Christian and Miwdouary Al liance Convention. The annual mid-winter convention!, tinder the auspices of the Christian ami Missionary Alliance, will be held iu Ke Gospel Tabernacle. Meroer street. a. 30 until Feb. 8. Everybody wel pome to these meeting*. A Firm. 1+ S. Mcjopkiii, who baa long and successfully engaged in the insurance business at 190 East Jefferaon street, has sgaooiated with hiin in that business his brother, Ira McJankin, and his former clerk, George A. Mitchell, onder the firm name of L. 8. McJankin & Co. The basinees will be oontinned as us nal. and Mr. McJankin **ks the pub lie for their liberal patronage in the past and earnestly so'iclti a continuance of the aame for the new firm, assuring I fl) of fair apd conrteons treatment aqq I f*te» content wfth aftfe qnderwriting. j Get the habit—of baying K. A R's. Clothing—it U always sold right—visit oar store. PURE DRINKING WATER. Our most reliable faucet filters will give yoa a constant supply of pare, DMlthfnl water at small cost. Write for pricea. QEM FILTER CO.. MS Hubbard are , Detroit* Mich. PERSONAL. Z. W. Tinker of Cherry twp. was in Butler, Monday. Mrs. Sheriff Gibeon has been sworn in as a Deputy Sheriff. Gellert Gearing of Jackson twp. vis ited friend* in Batler, yesterday. Chaa. Warner and son. of Lancaster twp , drove to Butler, last Saturday. Herman Hntzley, of Forward town ship, was in town on business, Friday. E. H. Pyle, of Muddycreek twp.. at tended to some business in Butler, Fri day. Newton, the piano man, was around in a buggy, Tuesday. His first appear ance. William Dipner, of Clearfield town ship, did some shopping in Butler, yes terday. Geo. H. Rea and wife, of Marion township, visited friends in Butler, last Thursday. W. J. and Thos. Cooper, of Jefferson, attended to some business matters in Bntler, yesterday. John H. Reiber and wife of the West End visited friends in Evans City and Zelienople, last week. Major Kant, a deaf man of McKees port. made the discovery that he could hear when he held a piece of card-board between his t«eth. Ezra Liken, of Evans City, attended the Wahl hearing in the court room, last Saturday, with about twenty others from the same town. Jacob W. Long of Connoquenessing township; John P. Castor of Weet Liberty, and S. A. Leslie of Middlesex were amoung onr callers, Tuesday. E. E. Yarger of the South Side has a collection of gold coins consisting of 25- cent, 50-cent, one. two, two and a half and three dollar pieces for which be re ceive* good offers from ever/ coin col lector who sees them. John McCall. a well known young man of this place, and Misa Katheryn Snyder were married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snyder of Brady twp., on Dec. 24th Their frienda join in wishing them a happy life. * James Walker, of Jefferson, and Jno. Walker, of Clinton, attended the funer al of their nephew, Harry Grinder, at Franklin, last week. Harry was a son of Jonathan Grinder, formerly of Clin toD. and he was killed by the fall of a tree. He waa 83 years of age and mar ried. Empress Agusta, of Germany, was the subject of a foreign telegram, last week. Ths startling news came from Berlin that she has varicose veins in oue of her imperial legs, and is obliged to keep it extended on a cushion. Also thst many wosuen of distinction, who were sound on their pins, were distract ed because ths Empress' game leg had shut them out from her drawing-room presentation. Mrs. Redhsad, of England aged 29, married seven men in six years, and is now before the courts to have her tan gled matrimonial relationships straight ened out. She bears tbe name of Red bead and her mother is the wife of the father of her first husband. There Is no telling what she might have accomp lished in the way of a record if the law had not abruptly pnt a stop to her reck less career. Miss Eva Ricbter, of Harrisville, wil (according to a correspondent) journey alone to Manila, Philippino islands, where her affianced husband, James Williams, is an ofiSer in tbe United States anny. Miss Ricbter was a Red Cross nurse during the Spanish-Ameri can war. and Williams was brought to a hospital in tbe south, where she was employed He was wounded and she nursed him back to health. Tbe pair were to have been married some time ago, but before the date arrived his regi ment was ordered to the Philippines. Recently Miss Ricbter received a letter from Williams, asking her to join bim. MaraetM. Eggs, " 80 Butter, " '-43 Potatoesr ' 55 Onions, per bu 1 00 Cabbage, per lb 8 Chickens, dressed UH-15 Honey, per pound 20 Lettuce, lb 15 Beets, per bu 75 Apples, per bu 50-60 Walnnts 00 Hay, 12-14 Pittsburg Orchestra. An innovation in the history of the Pittsbnrg Orchestra will take place this week, Because of the acceptance by Victor Herbert of tbe invitation of the New York Philharmonic Society to con duct tbe rehearsals snd concerts of that Society in New York City this week, Mr Herbert, with tbe approval of the Orchestra Committee, has invited Mr. Wslter Dam rose h of New York to conduct the concerts here of the Pitts burg Orchestra of the present week, in Carnepie Music Hall, Schenly Park, on Friday evening. January 29th, and Saturday afternoon, January 80th. Mr. Dam roscb has accepted. Grand Opera House, Pittsburg. With tbe advent of February th<. Grand Opera House Stock Company enters upon tbe last half of tbe regular season, and it is the intention of the management to make this half the most brilliant of the entire term. During the past we have had much to ssy of the site and finish of our big produc tions and the prevailing presentation of Victorien Sardou's "Cleopatra," proves especially that the Grand's splendid facilities for extraordinary productions is fnlly np to the high standard for which this theatre <s noted. Why bay poorly made clothing when yon can get the best as cheap at Ritter & Rockenstein's. Mld-Wiuter Excursions to Wash ington. ID accordance with its usual custom the Baltimore and Ohio R. R. will, on January 21 and February 18, 1004. run Two Popular Mid-Winter Excursion* to Washington at very low rates for the round trip, good returning ten days, in cluding date of sale. Excellent train service, standard ooaches, Pullman parlor and sleeping cars. These delightful excursions afford splendid opportunities to visit the Na tional Capital during the session of con gress, For tickets, time of trains and full information call on or address W. R. Turner, Ticket Agent, Bntler, Pa A most complete and fully illustrated Guide to Washington may be purchas ed from Agents B. & O. R. R. at ten (10) cents per copy. Every business has sales—but Ritter <fc Rockenstein lead all in low prices. Attend the Bruin Bu«ines« School, Since October 5 the Bruin Business Hchool has enrolled 31 students in its various departments. Students may enter at any time. Complete scholarship in either short hand or the business course SBO.OO. The average time which students may complete either course is thirty to thirty flvi) weeks. Address the Principal, BRUIN BUSINESS SCHOOL. Brain, Pa. If low price is any inducement at tend Ritter & Rockenstein's sale. MISS UNA MANGIN, An experienced nurse in cases of con finement, can be found at her residence, 810 Crntre Ave., Bntler, Pa. Jnat a little money will fit you out oomplete at Ritter & Kockenstein's. Up to-date clothing and overcoits at greatly reduced prices at Bitter & Rockenstein's sale. Yon will bnd just what you want in a ' fall suit or overcoat at Ritter & Rockenstein's. LEGAL JTJEWB. VOTM At Allentown, Pa., a few days ago, a District Attorney asked the Court to instruct the jury that the defendat had established a complete alibi. On Thursday cf last week the State Pardon Board recommended the pardon of James McGrady, the ex-policeman, who has been serving a term in jail for shooting and killing a prisoner who knocked h'm down and then ran awav. McGrady had typhoid in jail, and *,h« general sentiment here JS that he has been sufficently punished for his rash act. Judge Gal breath on Saturday, made a decision annulling a divorce obtained by Oliver L. Badger, in 18«9. Badger obtained a divorce from his wife, Sarah Badger, and afterward remarried. Some time ago the divorced wife petitioned to have the old decree in divorce an nulled, alleging that it had been fraud ulently procured. Her case was estab lished and this decision sets aside the decree and leaves Badger with two wives and two families. Mrs Kate Soffel and her theatrical managers were arrested at Connelle ville, last Saturday night, on the charge that they "did commit a public act in violation of decency and by then and there putting one Mrs. Kate Soffel. of Pittsburg, on the stage of the Colonial theater, in Connellsville, in a play entitled, "A Daring Woman,' and allowing and permitting her to go as an actor in a public rendition of said play " The arrest created a commotion, (al most a riot) at both the theatre and and Justice's office, and the case will probably go court; but as there is some thing particularly abhorent to the people of this section in this effort to make money out of Mrs. Soffel's crim inal notoriety there can be no doubt of the result, if left to a jury. Wm. Siebert. Frank Mitchell and Thomas Hazlett were appointed bridge inspectors foi a new bri-lge in Clay township. Saturday, Feb. 6, will be the last day for filing accounts to March term. George Yanigk bag been held for court by Justice McAboy on a charge of agg. a&b, preferred by his wife. Saturday night Yanigk threw a dishful of hot soup over her and thtn stuck a fork in her. Alex Barwely is in jail on a charge of a&b. A new kink in New Jersey corpora tions is reported in connection with the Chicago Theatre Company, the corpora tion that is understood to own the ill fated Iroquois Theatre. Investigation is reported to show that it is one of the New Jersey brood, aud that while it has a large capital nominally the amount of capital actually subscribed and paid in is but SI,OOO, the presumption being that the theatre was built by the issue of bonds. This is supposed to interfere with tbe chance of collecting verdictJ against the corporation. There would be a natural presumption that share holders in such a company could be sued and assessed tor tbe nnpaid capital. But if it should turn ont that New Jersey has added to its other corporate idiosyncrasies the business of granting charters on which the corpora tors can beat their creditors it will tend to further decrease pu'jlic confidence in corporations holding New Jersey charters. John Brotchet, John Granock and Joe Kefinger are in jail for a&b and robbery. L. C. Fisher, administrator of tbe estate of Louisa Fisher, of Herman, was given leave to sell decedent's real estato. Wm Warnock (lead guilty to cheat ing his boarding house keeper and waa fined $lO and sent to jail for 10 days. A charge of assault and surety of the peace has been entered against John Cain. TRIAL LIST, List of cases to be tried at the Feb ruary term of court, commencing on Monday. February 15: Monday—Edward J. Quiirtey vs The Pennsylvania Railroad Co., trespass; H. J. Forquer et al vs Martha M. Forquer, ejectment. Tuesday—John Brennan & Co. vs J. V. Ritts. assumpsit; T. N. Keighner vs Lewis Albert, trespass; John Stoffer vs Butler Passenger Railway Co., tres pass; Wm, Robinson vs W. A. Goeh ring, assumpsit. Wednesday—Mrs. Ellen Kennedy, vs Webster Keasy, trespass; Worth Mutual Insurance Co. vs P. B. & L. E. R. R. Co., trespass, E. L. Seiter & Bro. vs Ralph Gregg, assumpsit; J. B. Pollard vs L C. Wick, assumpsit. Thursday—James R. Pitcain vs Kauffman & Fogel, assumpsit; R. P. Robinson vs George Schaffner, assump sit; A. Seaton & Son vs George Wimer, trespass; W. J. Hemphill vs Stephen P, Hemphill, trespass. Friday—Myrtle Feigel vs Elizabeth Feigel, assumpsit; U. S. Oil and Gas Well Supply Co. vs C. H. Parker, as sumpsit; Curtis C. Shira vs Butler Boro, trespass. Second week. Monday—W. S. Mc- Collough vs Western Allegheny Ry. Co., appeal from award of viewers; Standard Lumber Co. vs Butler Ice Co., assumpsit. Tuesday—D. L. Bowsber vs H. A. Rishe, trespass; John and H. A. Berg vs Standard Lumber Co., assumpsit; Eliza Best vs Butler Boro, appeal from award of viewers; J. L. Campbell vs Thomas McKelvey, trespass. Wednesday—Mary C. Krut vs Butler Boro, appeal from award of viewers; Jas Lawrence et al ys Buffalo Rochester & Pittsburg Railroad Co., trespass; Thaler Bros, vs Wilheim Greisser Con struction Co., contractors and The But ler Brewing Co., owuers, mechanic's lien. Thursday—B. F. Garmong vs Hugh McNamee, trespass; Rebecca J. Cald well vs Producers' & Refiners' Oil Co., assumpsit; Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co. vs Marie Garver, replevin; Maggie Christie vs W. G. Seaton, iasue award ed by the court. Friday—W. E, Brown vs Western Allegheny Railroad Co., appeal from award of viewers. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Jessie B Marshall to Mrs Dr Atwell lot on N Washington st for S6OOO. W B Fletcher to Mrs M H Caldwell lot in Brain for $l5O. Mary H Caldwell to Jennie Slagel lot in Brain for $750. Cottage Hill Land Co. to Mary K Muntz lots on Cottage Hill for 91. Jacob Brenner to Jacob Warner 62 acres in Lancaster for $2125. H C Pryor to David A McConnell 1 J in Clay for SBOO. A C Krag to Q A Troqtman. G N tiarckhalter.T H C Keck and P L King, lot on S. McKean street for SSOOO, H R Sheffield to Craig-Kennedy Hard ward Co., lease and well on staples farm, Adams twp., for $1775. John H Tebay to Bessie M Davis, lot in Eau Claire for SSOO. Henry P Knauff tc John Hartzell, lot in Jackson for $2400. 8 8 Atwell to P E Danbenspeck, lot in Butler for S2OO. E R Turner to P E Danbenspeck, lot in Butler for $235. John F Burk to Thomas A Burk, 117 acres in Venango for sllsO A P Burk to Thomas A Bnrk, same for S2SQ. Mary A Chambers to Mary Walters, lot on 8 Washington street for S2OOO. Marriage Licenses. William John Bray Donegal twp Margaret Reges " George Roessing Slentz Butler Annie May Gibson Butler At Voungstown, O.—B, L. Black and Sarah Saylor, of Bntler. Better Than a Physical Culture Club The Brawntawn Method of health and system building will fit you to with stand the pranks of King Winter. Brawntawns are stern natures help mate. Just pure vegetable food. Tonic that invigorates. Greatest of all nour ishes and bnildeo are Brawntawns tonic triangular taUets. Write today for a five days treitment Sent post paid on receipt of tea cents. VICTOR REMEDIES COMPANY, Frederick, Md. Have you noticedhow cheap Ritter & Rockenstein'a are idling clothing. Borough Primaries. ! But half a vote was out at the Re- I publican primaries, Tuesday. I The vote for Justice of the Peace i was: —J. M Maxwell 4u3; H. W. Chris ; tie 332; R. C. Mc*boy 262; G. W. I Shieyer22B and W. J. Adams 178. In the first and fifth wards there were lively contests for Council. The nominees are as follows: REPUBLICAN. Justice of the Peace —James M. Max well and Hess W. Christie. Auditor—James Campbell. First Ward. Council, James Green. School Director, John Findley. Assessor, D L Aiken. First Precinct Judge of Election, W S Brandon. Inspector, David Cupps. Assistant Assessor, William Dnster. Second Precinct. Judge, George Scbaffner. Inspector, M D Stewart. Assistant Assessor, Isaac Andrews. Second Ward. Council, F W Chattin. Director, I H Neyman. Assessor, O C Itedic. First Precinct. Judge, H L Grahaai. Inspector. E L Schuttz Assist tut Assessor, Philip Clnse. Second Precinct. Judge, C E Graham. Inspector, V. B. Walker. Assistant Asses-or. O C Redic. Third Ward. Council, Matt Yost. Director, N J Boy or. Assessor. O M Phillips. First Precinct. Judge, J C McNees. Inspector. Jacob Goldblum. Assistant Assessor, W C Craig. Second Precinct. Judge, George Thomas. Inspector, George McCundless Assistant Assessor, O M Phillips. Third Precinct. Judge, J II Reed. Inspector, Robert Liggens Assistant Assessor, John L Perkinson Fourth Waid. Council. C II Parker. Director, James L Garroway. Assessor. George C McJunkin Judge, F E Mitchell. Inspector, Ed S Riddle Fifth Ward. Council, H C Grencrt. Director, P E Daubenspeck. Assessor, James McClnng. Judge, S B Cross. Inspector, Walter Lowry. DEMOCRATIC. Justice of the Puace—B. and J. W. Brown. Auditor —E. H. Cronenwett. First Ward. Council, Biair Hooks, School Director. M. E. Headland Assessor, Jos. Snitzer First Precinct. Judge, Jos. Kerner. Inspector, A H Keck. Assistant Assessor, Dan Enright. Second Precinct. Judge, D H Sutton, Inspector, C E Graham. Assistant Assessor, Geo Schaffner. Second Ward. Council, F H Goettler Director, D M McCollough. Assessor, D O'Connor. First Piecinct. Judge. Gus Eagle. Inspector, Jos. Brt nnan. Second Precinct. Judge. Tbeo D Pape. Inspector, J J K ihler Third Ward. Council, Adam Schenc'f. Director. C E Smitb. Assessor. J McQ Smith. First Fjeeinct, Judge, Pb Maxwell Inspector, Geo C Biebl. Assistant Assessor, Ph Maxwell- Second Precinct. Judge, F M Pringle. Inspeclur, Ls H lloffuor. Assistant Assessor, C Btock Fourth Ward. Council, Jos Ball. Director, Geo Evans. Assessor, N J Shaffer, Jndge, J Walter 55iegler. Inspector, P A Rattigan. Fifth Ward. Council, J II Grohmin. Director, C E Cronenwett. Assessor, Henry Miller, Jr. Judge, M A McAnallen Inspector, Chas W Beiber. CHURCH KOTES. The men's Sunday afternoon meetings at the Y. M C. A will be resumed next Sunday when the first meeting of the year will be held at 4p. m. The meet ing will be a memorial service. It will bo conducted by Rev. Anderson. Gen eral Secretary Correy of the Y. M. C. A. is not able to be oat as yet, bnt he is now improving rapidly. The meetings through February will be addressed by out-of-town speakers. At an evangelical service at Glasgow recently the preacher, at the end of his address, cried, "Now, all you good people who want to go to heaven with me, stand up!" With a surge of en thusiasm the audience sprang to its feet—all but an old Scotchman in the front row, who sat still. The horrified evangelist wrung his hands, and, ad dressing him, said: "My good man, my good man, don't you want tp go to heaven V" Clear and deliberate came the answer: "Aye. Awm gangin" but no wi' a pairsonally conducted pairty!'' Public Sale*. Friday, Jan. 29,1 p.m. - -At residence of Mrs. L. J. Pfeiter in Forward twp., near Evans City, livestock, farming im plements, produce, etc. Jan. 29, 10 A. M. at F. M. Cooper's in Worth twp —stock, grain, hay, etc., at administrator's sale. Farmers! Farmers!! 200 tons Buckwheat Middlings for sale. Only twenty dollars per ton. They muft l»e sold now, as we need the room. Hence this cut in price, right when feed is advancing. KLINCJ MORS. If it is a suit or overcoat the cheapest, place to bay it iH Hitter & Rockenstein's. Music scholars wants 1 at 123 W St. I don't see how Ritter & Rockenstein can sell clothing so cheap—attend their sale. Suits and overcoats in newest styles and colorings at your price at Ritter # Rockenstein's. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property voa will find it to yonr advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Real Estate. Room r>OH, Butler County National Bank building. EYTH BROS. Near Court HOUHC. Just received a big line of New Wall Paper for 1904. We are giying big bargains in pict ures. Fall line of Blank books and diaries. EYTH BROS. Near Court Houte. ACCIDENTS. Three men were killed and six injur ed as the result of the breaking of a governor belt allowing an immense fly wheel to run aw«v and burst in the Cambria Steel Company's No 2 mil mill at Johnstown, List Thursday. A special from Youngstown. Ohio, yesterday, said that George Miller, of Butler. Pa , 48 years old, hingle, Wk.) killed iu a bead-on collision between Pennsylvania and Pitts. & Lake Erie freight trains The rest of the erer escaped by jumping. Both engines : were badly v\ recked. OIL NOTES. Tltw Market -Uoth agencies are jrt paying sl.Bo. Mars - The McDonald Bro-' well is rated t»ll the way from 4(1 to 70 b trrels The Risher on the McClelland (J to 7 bar rels. Penn twp. - Winger <fc G'. are drill ing o:i the farm adjoining the Nixon. Allegheny couuty—North of Under cliff the McCxfFerty Oil and Gas Co. has completed its second test weli on the Zimmerman farm and has n lu birrtl pumper. The Ameiicin N:t:nr al Gas Company is due in the aand on the M. A. Leight farm. Speveh'ey—L;;st Wednesday L. II Brown sr.d the S'.utbern Oil (Jo finish ed their No. 3. S -T. Mnrtland and have al2 barrel well. They have 5 wells drilling or located on the Perry Camp-1 Iwll. on which they alre:<ly hive six wells pumping. Nichols «ud McGill's No. 18 Enieiy is nearly due. The S .nth Penn last week got a 13 barrel well on the Wm. Martiand heirs' farm, their No 3, and have No. 4 started. They have a we!! down l'i'Kl feet on the J. S. Mnrtland and two dril!ir;g on the J. S. Campbell FARMS FOR SALE. The und-rsignod. acting under a pj.ver of attorney from the heirs of George M tiziand. dee'd.. l »te of Clinton twp.. Butler Co , Pa.; offers at private sale the farm lwtely occupied by the decedent, located two miles a>->iithwest of Saxor.bnrg and one mile from the Bessemer railr d st:;ti-»n of Bait'ey, containing 162 1-2 acree, with good buildings, and considered one of the best farms iu the township. Also another farm of 130 acres in same township, wilh good buildings and in a u"o<>d st <te of cultivation, anil •ndj i ing faims with au oil produ, ii {U fr«>iis the Third saud. Inquire ••f J.VMKri WALKEK. I;. F. D. No. 20, Saxonburg, Pa. . .Sale Is On. . Our Annual Clearance Ssle. We always Hot goods that jou need and not things that have proved un saleable. Heed thi". China sale at 20 por cent. off. Pic tures, framed and nnframed, one-third off. Sieiling silver one half price. 100 piece dinner sets, one-fonrth-jff. Toys, Games and Dulls at 25 por cent, off All Bric-a-brac, Bronzes, etc.. one-third off. Brush Sets, Shaving Sets and all fancy good-* at one-hi;lf price. Jewelr> one-third < ff. All book* in fancy bind ings at 20 per cent. off. Musical in struments of all kii.ds at 20 per cr;nt. off. Call at once at DOUGLASS' BOOK STORE, 341 S. Main St Butler, Pa. Peoples Phone 307. Rushed Are Mr and Mrs W. E Mahatfeyand Miss Miller, Experts Opticians of New York ard Pittsburg, at th« Hotel Lowry. Butler, Pa , almost 400 people correctly fitted with gi«»s«s in four month*- Ex aminations free. No one urged to buy. Prices from $2 to $8« They will behera Feb Ist and 2d. All lenses are guaranteed for two years, any necessary change will be made free of charge within that time. Judge Robert Storey, S2 years of age, 226 Pearl street, corner of Frank lin, says: I have only words of praise ■ for the opticians, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Mahaffey and Miss Miller, of Pittsburg and New York, who have been coming to the Hotel Lowry for the past five weeks. My eyes have fulled me so much I thought I was going to lose the sight or would have to have an operation on them, so after trying others I called on them. After a careful examination, I was told that no operation wonld be nseded. After removing the strain from the nerves of my eyes they fitted me with glasses. I have now used my glasses for several weeks and I can see as well as when a boy, both for distance and close, and read for hours without tiring. They are experts in this art and, courteous In their treatment. - Musical Interest will seek for sweetness of tone in a piano. .... The lIINTERMEISTER satisfies all demands (treat reduction in Organs, Pianos and all kinds of musical goods. KUM EARLY Pittsburg Organ & Piano Co., Butler Branch Old P- O Bldg., JOHN C. DICKSON. Mgr. WANTED ' Special ri-pm»iintiitlv« In this county und IKJJDIIIIIIK territories, to reprrnent and ad vertise an old established business house or solid financial standing. Salary S.'l weekly, with expenses, advanced each .Monday «»y cliis-U direct from headquarters. Horse and hugicy furnished when necessary; position permanent. Address, Blew Brothers, Morion tlidg., Chicago. 111. 1-2S*O3-Mt M. A BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. MAIN ST., BUTLER, PA. R-R-TIME-TABLES II K & P It II Time table in effect Nov. 23. IJKKJ. Passenger trains leave and arrive at I Bntler as follows: LEAVE FOR NORTH. j 7:30 a. in., mixed for Pnuisntawnry, Dn Bois and intermediate stations. 1 ;, :17 a. in. dailj\ vestibuled day ex press for Buffalo, connects at Ashford, week days, for Rochester. 6:80 p. m. local for Pnnx'y, Da Bois itr.d intermediate stations. 11» p. m. night express for Buffalo and Rochester. ARRIVE FROM NORTH. 6:08 a. m. daily, night express from Buffalo and Rochester. 1) :!•"> a.m. week days, accomodation from Dnßois. ">:3l p. ui. daily, vestibuled day express from [infTa] >. Has connection at Ash fi.rd week days from Rochester. 8:4."i p.m. week days, mixed train from Dn Bois and Pnnxsutawney. Trains leave the B. & O. Station, Allegheny, for Bnffalo and Rochester at 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p m . and for local points as far as Dnßois at 5:10 p.m. li & O It It 11BI« inl l«» rffrctive Nov 22, I9>rt. Time aSi>IT»'lUirXD AlN'-ln-ny Aiti'iuOKiUtiiiii +*j:3»)*a-in Allegheny «iitl rifVttUnU Kxpra»... ♦WO a-m All« Exprvw +9:10 mii Mlrioww niv.twWily Acc/»iiiim«lati«»n *l:4op-n» Chirazo, Xrw ('wtle an«l Allegheny Ex • I 4" p-m All«*phery Exprem i»-ni AUl'n! « r»J A co>inniodatiou •.V:Vj p.m Hii'l Ni w Caxtle Accommodation... p-ni g Kit* • ! 1 Rtf Mllhi KOUTHROryii Kane an<l Br*.l fun! Mail 49:*'2 a-m clarion A"-mni«*lation +4:.lsi»m Kt»xltiir>- Accoiumoilatioii $8:00 |> in ♦Daily. ♦ Sunday. * Sabday only. Trains lt*a»-e the Allegheny station for Cutler at 7:30, 8:15, 10:4.") a.m., and 1:15, 3:00. 5:30,6:15 and 11:30 p.m. Pittsburg statioL at 7:50 a.m. On Sunday at 7:30 a.m. and 0:15 and 11:30 p.m. For through tkket*, Pullman reservation* and in formation ai i-ly to W. R. TIT ESTER, A*t, Butler, Pa. K. I>. SITII, A. d. P. A., PitUburg, Pa I>ESSEMER & LAKE ERIE K.R. CO. I' Time table in effect Sept. 13. 1303. EASTERN STANDARD TIME oorthw-arii. Daily except Sunday. Southward li'jad jp) (Bead down) 2 10 H STATIONS. 1 9 lT P.M I' M I' M.| a m A M . ]>m 7 » 2 3' Krie 7 00 12 Ift 7 01 1 !M r«irvit«v. I 7 2« 12 41 C SI 142 «imrJ 7 Si li 57 7 0O 1 Ift ai..Conn.*nt 8 II 2 15 5 32 11 45 IT. . Oonnwtct. .IT 1 7 1511 45 i 33 1 2">j('l»ufxiv;l!" ; 7 55' 1 15 8 IF 1 20 AIMO'I 8 00 1 20 (ill 1 Oi sWeiaud I * U 111 . (i <*N 1 0.1 Spiinphfito ' 8 I*'- 1 37 u 02 12 57 Coauisautviile j H "23 1 4 4 , 5 40 12 35 M'advlliv Jnnct.. ! 8 li l 2 <6 , 630 10> ar.. M'-adville.. ar j9 23 243 4 43 11 52 Ir .IT 7 45 1 27 1 ti 06 12 43 ar. .Ouuu Uke. ar 8 58 2 15 ft li 12 it IT •• U « .ui 1 52 ft K] -r.. LiDa«\ ilie ar 10 25 12 02 lv •* IT 8 25 12 02 [ 5 2.1 12 10 HartHtowu | & 59 2 22 5 17 12 1» AdauuTille I 0 05 2 28 j 6 07 12 00 Osgood j 8 15 ' 2 4<; 7 lo 5 00 11 SiiOrMDTilla 8 3« 9 23 2 50 7 o.',| 4 5.J II 45 H 3s 9 29 3 00 6 45! t 35 11 23 Frcdonia 6 58' 947 3 17 0 27 j 4 20 11 Ofll.Mereor 7 1» 10 <Vi: 3 3> 'i 22 1 15 11 01 llouatou Junction 7 22 10 07 3 40 (i i-l! 3 50 10 41 Drove City 7 O |0 »"> 4 01 5 47) .10 2s llarri.villi- T 5» 4 14 5 4" 3 3»:t<» 20 Mi.L.tint. * 07 to 4'l 4 23 845 lUVII 14 ar.. . Hilliard ... ar 11 14 »45 •1 a»i 3 l> I 7 00 lv...Milliard. ..IT 7 00 7 Oil! 3 00 5 311 3 33110 17. Keister 8121046 427 a 1* 3 10110 o.i Kuclid 8 3" 11 00 4 43 4 45 2 50: 9 3> Butler 0 no 11 25 5 I > 3 0"| 1 15 8 15 Allfgher.* .... .l'l 25 100 6Hi I'm 1 pm am a.m. jmi p.ui Train 12, leaving Gr>ve City *.'*> a. ti:. Mercer G:£». Shiuaagt* 7:o-*l, linißnvillc 7:10, MeadviUt* Jet. 7,j5, OoQQeautvlllu n,lt>, arrives in Erie at 9: fc> a. rn. Train lit, leaving Erie 5:10 p. m. Con neautvllle U;3-i, Mwivtlle Jet, 7,00, OreeD yllle 7,10, Slionaugu ~54, Mercer B,'Jl, arrives at G-JTO City at 8,53 p ill, E D. COMSTOCK, E. H. UTLEY, Gen. Pass. Agt, Gen. Mgr. Pittsburg. Pa W. K. TUKNER. Tkt Agt, Bailer, Pa PENNSYLVANIA WESTERN PENNSYLVANIA DIVISION. BCH«DVLI 111 Errtcr NUT. 30.150C1. SOUTH. , WEEK DAYS , A M A.M. A M P. M.]P. M! BUTLKK Leave 6 35 7 U5 10 CO 2 3S ! ♦ 15 ftaxontmrg Arrive 6 6H 8 04 10 3-' i 3 00 5 .at Butler Junction " 1 T M n3dTO SB 3Js ft r.l tMiu«r Jnnrtlon. ..Lore TW ! 40' It 8S 3 29' 800 Natrona Arrive 7 36 8 52:11 4S 3 SH M 10 Tarentum 7 43 8 58 U 57 3 46 6 17 Springdale 7 65 9 13 12 07 3 57 j 627 Clareinout 9 35 12 27 4 11; 0 41 3t:nr}«t>urg 8 19l » 47 12 «8 4 18! 6 50 Allejrh-ny 8 30 jlO t« 12 51 4 30 7 00 A. M.jA.M. I'. M P. M. P. M. JUNDAY TIIAIN H. —Leave Outlet for AUeglum) Oily mill principal iutenwxllate lUUuiti at 7:20 a. m.. «nd 4:P5 p. m. NORTH. WEKX DATS lA.M.iA.M A.M. P. M.jP.M. P. M AllogbeuyClt3 .lv, 6 Soi 8 00 10 00 3 lOi 5 lal 850 Sharimturg j 1 42 « XI 10 11 3 lli i3| 9 ft; GUrumont. . . ... .... 10 18 S 25 1 5409 IS Spriiigdale I ! 9 31 10 85 S 41 5 571 tf 33 Tareutum i 7 II 9 45 10 4« 4 02 6 ll>i !l 44 Sationa 7 17 » 52 10 53 4 10 6 Id i) 51 Butlor June ari 7 25 10 00 11 03 4 24 6 27 10 00 Uutloi j 7 50 10 03 12 60 4 30 ; 6 3>'lo 05 ■iaxonburg 8 20■ 10 30 1 IS) 5 08! S 58 10 30 BL'TL£U i 8 4UIO 5V 1 47, 6 381 7 25 U 00 lA.M.iA.M, P. M. P. M.IP.M. l> M SI'NDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allagbany City for Bui >«r and principal Intermediate statioua at 7:03 a m. and 9 ?3 p. in. FOB THE IABT. Wook Day«. Sunday. A.M.|A.M. P. M A M P M BoTLta IT 685 . . .! 215 7 Butlor J'ct ar 721 326 8 10| Bntler J'ct IT 725 .. . 335 814 . . Keeport ir 728 j3 37 817 .... Kiikimluetaa J't.. .." 736 1 3 42 8«3 Leechburg " i 748 351 , 8 3« ... >W'«t Apollo " 811 413 I 8 57! .... Saltaburg " 840 ...... 442 923 .... BlajriTllle „ 918 i 5 21) 962 Blairarlllo Int.. .. " 921 ,| 53U 10 ooj Altoona " 11 36 860 , 1 40|] .. liarrlaburg " 310 I 100 8 351.... Philadelphia " 623 423 10 20| .... ip. M.IA M.;A.M.!IP.M.|P.M Through traina for the out leave Plttaburg (Union Station), en follows: \tlnntl< Expreaa, daily 3:00 A M Manhattan Ljm:t?<l " (No coach en).. .8:35 •* Peuuaylvania Limited M (Nocoacho*) , ,7:lft •' Now York u " ♦» f.jfj i 4 l)ey Kxprees, •• m Main Line Kxprena. M 8:00 w I'hil'd'e and Now Yoili ExpreM, " 12.01 Noon Uarrltfburg Mail, M 12:46PM (Urrieburg Kxpreee iaily 4:50 •« Philadelphia Kxprtiae, • ' 4:6 ft" Kaetern Kxpreee, •• * .7:10 M •■"aet Lino, • tt:00 1 New Y«n-k Si»OCIhI, dully for New York, oaiy. 10:00 44 Philadelphia S|HM i%l daily. Sloopintc c.'.n» to PhilNdtdphiu, Haltiiuore and Wa«h* No coiu'hrM 10:00 44 Phlled'a Mail, Bundat« ouiy 8:3') A. a Fflr Atlantic City (via ItoUware Kirer Bridtre rail route) 8:00 a.m.ami tt.OO p. m. daily, "Pettn •ylvanU LlmittMl," and New York liiuiteil. 7:15 i». m . woek dayii. Buffalo and Alleceheny Valley Dlvlalon. Tralna leave KiakimineUa Junction aa followa: for iinflalo, 9/»6 a. m and ll.fiO p. m. daily, with t>iroii|(h parlor and aleeping cam. For Oil City, 7.42 ».66 a. m., 2.i&, 6.16 and 11.&0 p. m. week-day a. Hundaya, 9.6<i a. m„ 6.16 and 11.5" p.m. For Red Hauk, 7.41 U.M, a.m., 2 6.lft, 10.15. aud 11,60 p. m. week-days. Hundaya, ».ft6,10.40 a. m., 6.lft mid 11.60 P- rn. For KlttamiiriK 7.42, 9.31, 9.56,11.14 a. 6.16,7.'i7, 10.15, *ud 11.60 p. m. week-daya. Hundaya, 'J.66, 10.40 a. m., 6.lft, 10.44, and 11.50 p. m. "P Htojai only on or notice to aKont or con- j <luct4»r to receive or diMi hurKo (»afM4<iiK«'ro. Foi detailed Information, apply to ticket agont or tddreaa Thoa. K. Watt, Piuw. Agt. Weetern lHntrict, Corner Fiflli Avenue and Hmlthfleld Htreet, Plttaburg, NV. W. ATTKUIUritY, J R WOOD (jou'l Manager. !'ae«'r Truffle Manager. ÜBO, W. lUIYD, Oeueral Paiti<'iig<-r Ag«iit. Wlnfleld It It Co Time TuOle Iu effect Nov. .'K)th, 1908. wkhtward. STATIONS. AM PM Leavea Weat Wlnfleld 7 30 2 46 44 it'iggnville 7to 3 0(> 44 Iron Bridge. 7 6ft SlO 44 Wlnfleld Junction 810 3 2ft 44 Lane 880 3&> " Iliiller Junction 8 2ft 3 40 Arrive Sutler 10 ftft ft 38 Arrive Allegheny 10 0/ ft 05 Dm Arrive Blaimville 12 4ft ft 30 EASTWARD. .STATIONS AM FM l eave HhUmvllle ! 7 ftO 2 2T» ** Allegheny 9 00 3 00 44 iiutlor : 7 '2 36 14 Itutler Junction 'lO lfl 440 « ** Wlnfleld Junction 10 W 45u " Iro.i llridge 10 40 5 oft " IloggMVllle 110 50 5 Ift Arrive Went Wlnfleld |IO 05 ft -fO Traina <a«.p at Lane and Iron llridge ouly on Flag to take on or h-ave i*tT piuwengera. Traina (Touuect at ButW-r Junction with: Traiim for Freepirt, Vandergrlft ani HUiravillr 'nteraection. Traiim Weatward for Natroua, Tarentum and A lie* gheny. Traina Northward lor tHaxonhurg, Marwood aud Uut ler. B. O. BKALOR, Manager. WANTED An enterprising farmer in this section to canvass dnring the late fall ami winter among the farmers in hif> vicini ty. Must be active, capable ami honest. Work will prove profitable to a go<xl man ami can be made a source of regular ami easily earned income each year. To it may be devoted as milch or as little time ss de»ired. If interested write at once to T. M. 0., Box 74, Albany, N. Y. I BEEF, S < IRON \ } AND $ 5 WINE, > \ j y When you bny a beef, iron J C and wine, why not pet a good C € one? Mnch that is sold nnder / f that name has but little to T j tx»mmend it as such except the ) \ name. We prepare a Beef, j f } Iron and Wine that is com- j 1 C posed «.f the purest extract of j J i beef, the most digestible form S |of iron, pnre sherry wine and I J a high grade of pnre pepsin. J C J This is a splendid tonic and S » i blood maker. Will agree with I j the most delicate stomach. ! C C Prompt resnlts will follow its / J use in impaired nutritiou, im- ! f povemhed condition of the 1 / blotid and in general debility, f s We have customers who j J V speak of it in the highest ; / / Be sure and ask for J i Boyd's Beef, Iron and Wine f £ peptonized. Full pint bottles V \C. N. BOYD, j / DRUGGIST, / i Near the Court Boufe, | £ \ Butler, Pa. \ S VAAA/SA< , A Do You Buy Medicines ? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy S. G. PURVIS, PH. G Both Phones. 213 S. Main St. Butler Pa. tweed's Wine of Cod feiver Oil will build you up and make you strong, will give you an appetite and new life. If you feel tired and worn out try our Wine of Cod Liver Oil and find relief. It is stronger and better than pure Cod Liver Oil. Pleasant to take and is inoffensive to delicate stomachs. Indorsed and recom mended by physicians every where. The best Spring tonic to give you Health and strength. For sale only at Reed's Pharmacy Transfer Corner Main ird .'tH •-1 • > f ti.. ntler. Pa FOR" Drugs R<?dicl< & Grohman, 109 N. /Wain Street, SUTb6K, PA. IJest Service. Prompt and Careful Attention. Four Registered Pharmacists* Prescription Worl< a Specialty. mmfsii, THE WISE OWL. He conldn't see by day, 'Till a skilled optician came that way; And fitted some glasses to hi* Night, And now he sees both day and night; And thanks his stars he flew the way Where Kirkpatrick's store in hi ß track did lay. Wu fkj UA ui• 1 1 Edison and Victor Phonographs. Eastman and Paco Cameras. Photo Supplies. Washburn Mandolins and Guitars. Optical goods. Field and Spy Glasses. R. L. KERKPATRICK, Jeweler end Greduete Optlelen Next to Court House v¥C ST* <T» «T* 'T* *T* § Sta rl<ey I : M Leading Photographer, ■??c Old Postoffice Building, ($) i Butler, Pa. ( GRAND YEARLY i ? Clearance Sale! \ i Business has been dnll. and every man, woman Bnd child in Bntler ? / county knows the reason why. AN e have entirely tea many .vinter \ \ goods in onr stor*. We have ma le np oor minds to sell shem with- % r ont respect to their real valne. O»r motto alwnvs ins be-11 never to > » carry ijoods from one season to another, and we beli«-v» this to ba a / / good l>usin»*ss principal—therefore, wo have decided to clean np our \ f heavv goods. / I OVERCOATS. } / Yon can now buy an overcoat in our store in Men's, Boss' or Chil- C \ dren's at 20 per cent, discount. We have 500 Men's overcoats, 200 / J Boys' and 100 Children s. v > MEN S SUITS. C <* We have 75 M*n's snifs in all sizes that we will s»-ll at half price. ( } We have this many more we will fell at one-tbird off. J ) MEN'S SHIRTS. ' \ V One lot 250 Men's shirts, odds and ends, which sold at $1.50 and S ( SI.OO. go at 50c. Another lot in regular sizes at 50c. Another lot, S C new goods, with no reduction at all. \ We are determined to turn cur (roods into money immediately, and S if you are needing anything in our line, we will save yon money. C J Yours for Clotbiny, J \ Douthett & Graham. ■Pure Water and Good Health! £■ USUALLY GO TOGETHER. [Sparkling Crystal Water| flis the one absolutely pure water. Free from all germ $1 ■ life —Free from all organic matter and mineral impuri- El ■ ties that so naturally enter into spring, well and river ■ water. .. gV Crystal water is not a luxury but a necessity —within ■ the reach of all. jy For sale by all druggists and first-class grocers. W Valuable booklet on pure water is worth reading. » ■ Sent free for the asking. ■CRYSTAL WATER COMPANY.! I of Pittsburg, Pa. | /p on all eriers—ferelisH 'ty K STOCKS AH BOMS— \ j Either for Cash upon delivery of ]J Certificates or on moderate mar- f ¥ gin You may execute orders by telegraph or Long Distance ? MESSAGES AT OUR EXPENSE -Ml , h pu — '"- - t -"f- "iqiifft I OUR DAILY MARKET FORECAST (( mailed upon request. ml M v NEVILLE BAYLEY, Wigi J\ Mtmktr Plttttarj9t*ek Ei*m|i, H niniill J) 417 WOOD ST., PITTBBUIMJ, PA. B. B. new 1904 dress goods Many lots of fine imported French and Scotch Wash Goods, White Goods. Novelty Linens, and Foulard Silks opened—and ready for inspection. Extraordinary large assortment thereof. Prices for prettiness and quality to pay you well to see about—-now's th* time to choose. Send for samples of anything you'll be wanting and we'll prove the store • claims to pre-eminent leadership of all the country—Price and Variety. It's well to give us a definite idea of the prices you want to pay—kind and styles of goods preferred -to help us understand mark your letter B. C. 2. Over 500 new styles 1904 Foulard Silk* in— mostly small and medium effects polka dots— detached, grouped in clusters, and highly pleasing figure ef fects formed with pin dots —also ujiui' ature floral patterns and other choice neat designs. Black, Navy. Brown, Porcelaine, Reseda and Tan grounds, fiOc to JjU.OO a yard. All are our exclusive patterns except the regulation polka dots. D and J Anderson's and other finest maKcs of Shirtings and Shirt Waist materials. Imported and American Dimitie®, Batistes, French Organdies, Crepes, etc. See the new fine white ground Cotton Taffetas, with dainty printing thereon. 20c. New satin finish Cotton—very neat designs in Gun Metal Grey, and Blues —makfr culls them Jasper bilks. 2W5c. New Champagne colored Cotton— with neat color printings —maker calls them Japan Silks, 3flc. —both the above were lines brought out expressly to make entire dresses of. Dressy Paris Novelties in Cottons, 50c to $1.50. Boggs & Buhl ALLEGHENY. PA. Farmers and Stock Growers- A RELEASE FKOM SLAVERY. Why pay rent on SWO. to SIOO. i>er acre land when you can raise the same cmps on sls. to JW. per acre land in North Dakota. Tho rent you are pay ing will buy you a home. If mortgaged or not, hell out; save what yon c*n out of the wreck, and make a new start. The demand for laud is greater than ever, and farmers who want good farms are flocking to this territory. Price# are increasing— you will reup the benefit. These rich lands are selling today for less than one-third their real valne. Colonies of all nationalities forming, leave early in th«> spring. An opportunity for farmer# sins We want a g«>od. live agent in this connty—get in narly. We can locate you anywhere in the Northwest Write to NORTH WKSTEHN EXCHANGE. 1-2>J-03-at McKeesport, Pa. ar— — | Men's Shirts i we can convince yon that we # have the strongest line of Men's \ shirts to be found in the city. We carry shirts of all grades, £ from the cheapest to the best. d If yon need new shirts, come r here. We can suit yon. Jno. S. Wick Sole Agent Knox Hat. Manhattan Shirt. People's 'Phone. 015 BUTLER, PA. TH6 BOTbeR CITIZ6N. 11.00 per year If piild In advance. otberwl*e n.50 will be cnarged. ADVKKTIHIKU IIATKK— One Inch. one tlni« II; each subsequent Insertion SO cent* each Auditors' and divorce noticesW each; exec utors' and administrator*' notice* each estray and dissolution notice* IS each. Head line notice* 10 cents a line for Hrst and 5 cent* for each subsequent Insertion. Notice* amonglocal news Items la cents a line for etch In sertlon. Obituaries, card* of thank* resolution* of respect, notice* of festival* and fairs, etc., Inserted at the rate of Scent* a line, money to accompany the order. Jeven word* of prose make a line, Hate* for standlnK card* and job work on application. All advertising 1* due after Br*t Insertion, and all transient advertising must be paid for In advance. All communications Intended for publica tion In this paper must l«e accompanied by the reul name of the writer, not for publica tion bu. a guarantee of good faith.ana should reach us not later than Tuesday evening. Death notice* must be accompanied with recponilbl* name
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers