TMK ClTiy.reN. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER ao, iya. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. XOTE—AII advertts rs Intending to make •ftang • In their u Is. *bt»uld notif? us ox belrlntention tr i* • tor than Mon -1a? morning. Sheriff's Sales for Dec. 5. Adm'rs Notice, estate of Jos. John ston. Jackson & Poole, brass casting. Jury List for Dec. Term. Dr Morrow. Dwelling for sale. A<tinlui9i.i*i*>r4 and KxeciiUir. of *s»f'e jvo secure their rtK'elpt book*? at tut* t I I I ,(CN ofbc**. and person* roaWi»|r . ttWIP •oMr note bookfr. LOCAL AND QtNEKAL. —The West End is rapidly filling tip the Hospital. —The Car Work* Bre now turning oat thirtx -five a day. —Jack-on and r'oole make brass cast ings of all kinds. See card —Earthquakes and a volcanic erupt ions are it-|<oried from southern Utah —An uuusual auionut of tuud and filih f.«s been alio we J to collect upon our paved s-trt r!». —The tin ut of the Pennsylva nia R. R Co. advanced the wages cf all iu emplo>ees ten per last Thurs day. —The span of the new Fort Wayne bridge aofas the Allegheny at Pitts burg, i- Mi l t• Iw ihd hea/iest in the world —Tue lin<- weather has enabled onr bnildeiij to d • vvou'lw*. One, S-rooin, bon-»e on N. HlutT. I«?gun three week's i»go is uwWr i oof. - Our Towii Council will issue $29,- S>HJ of 3| i«-r cent bonds, to pay for, pivinganl sewering; and will levy a t*i of H mills for their redemption. The ti>al.rtrike will cost state stunt » jtilliim. The pay of Co L, 'Crh, H/lfnifHtfd f'.llO IS and Capt. McKm rt-ivivml a check for that amount, last we k. A f iriu-r who took a load of pro da'-e into Lynd>>ra last week, was al lowed to sell it. bnt was told not to o.«m« back. This new town does not aeern to be a part of the United State*. The winter ached ale of the* Bessemer & Lake Erie B. R will go into effect te*t Sunday Nov. 28. there will be no change in the arrival and departnre of 1-nina a» Bntler except No. ft. (11 a ml whii-b will arrive V* minutes lafer than nn th«- pr>~«»"nt scbednle - CollinsOwnm-fl. Eclectic Assembly' wii hoM a l>asket so< - ial in the UV. L. hi'l Reiher bniHing. cf»B!Tnencing at « o'clock. Friday evening, An inter! in< mnsical and literar>- program will he render»>l tljew will he plenty of l> :sk"ts of pood estnWes to bid on and all are invited. - The freight Wocltsdc 5n and ahont T*iU«.hor* n»ay resnlt in th** .-losing of j aome of the great iron mills thwe nvl rfc- throwing of thooaand* rk raeri ont of e.oployuteot Extent v" improve ments an<l greater faciTfrte* *r»- pr >nn « ; s» a reenft of th»- conference it : Tn.-wl .\ i -Mi* an it ?' r» ■ h «pitai a«»v-i«»ior. wak belS T*n"» d•» sfi«t w li'lkiain|i n»"i* >ff-ffi, *•<•!* r«"f)Kt<Ml yraiißipp* wr% 4 pi j irr.wtffc« l> . rk"« C 4 ) '»fy#.«ivw Mr* jl • •"... . v;.-*. ti | i»i. t»* wMlp skrtiHP'n' wi* > T Ti. tr»n -s I f* jfo *p fe fftv ih»i w ti 'n ia nt'in H M °H M» rivi riifcft: ,l» .-ii.. n -i i «i 'i»i.Kititi T - h'<t» • l,> * %t V IV «#*i. \n«. ( ,iT , f>ui ri Hi.,! l».iinft»*,.jf* eventa fn'vnlti>ii b it< A 4 towilll ••• '• t* >'*r - (jit pH;lo,li-p |||4 liodii.# ai jriAf-niuj fciia-ai Urt II any tlion>i .inla af peo ple %iit« ynsr Kur the past three Situ. 4avi" puopte touii to grtt in line aeyeral mis from the entrance to the cu.n*nrva iwy ijut the show wan wortii it Tn tiw picture gallery there are sevural ptiutirigs by what are called the "old maulers' that are well worth oeeing and to ioverf of music the 4 o'clock organ recital in Uie hah it u treat. —A new bogu.s five dollar bill has been in circulation in surround lug towns for the last three weeks. The bill is a go >d counterfeit aud cau be detected only by a close examination. One de lect no.iceabie in a period after the wi-rds "Five Dollars," an spelled out on the note In the genuine bill there is no period The bill made its first ap pearance in Buffalo, and many of the merchants in that city are reported to have accepted a great many of them be fore the bogus currency was detected. —Politeness lias been defined us a tact agreement between two or more per aous that neither will appear to notice the miserable defects of the other, but will pretend to like tbem Po)itenet- h is poli»li«"d hypocmcy, bnt frankness in spenking your mind would appear rude, and make you a very disagreeable mem ber of society Good breeding is a sort of armed neutrality, an agreement that I will not say anything about your shirt comings if you will not mention mine.—Ex —Th» chief features of the athletic exhibition in the Park, Saturday even ing. were the sparring bouts between Chtiaay Mediation of Butler and a B "ton boxer, iri which McQnistion held his wilv oppoo«tit and a wrestling match Wtween "Kid" O'Brien of But ler and a Pittsburg wrestler, which was Won by the "Kid." During the even ing Rnbe Waddell knocked a pine box. ma le of inch boards, to pieces with a bis- ball The show was something B - v for Bntler. and was enjoyed by a larg • audience —The trespass laws of Pennsylvania prohibit hunting on cultivated land on which notices forbidding trespassing mxt posted subject to payment for dam mni to fences, crops, plants, trees, etc. An amendment approved June 18. 1892, retds "Trespassers who trample or in any wise injure any gr*tu, gra«s, vine ▼*Ketnblfi or wilfully take or carry away any grain, corn, rye, wheat or other field crop, frnit or vegetable, plaits, nuts, berries, or any tree, vine or shrubs, shall be subject to a penalty not exceeding SSO for each and every offense." We are ambitions to see the men of ihis t i»n the best dressed in the state, give ns the chance. RITTER & ROCK EN STEIN. WANTED -A good platform scale 50 to 100 ponnds Inquire at Jackson & Pool**, rear of Campbell's machine shop, E. Wayne St., Bntler. U»st of everything, investigate for yoan-elf. Ritter & Rockenstein. Yon never bad such a chance to get good clothes cheap. Try R. &R. PERSONAL. Allen McCall and family have moved to Prospect. J. H. Heiner and family of Bruin have moved to Butler. Chas. F. Smith of Buffalotwp. visited friends in Butler, yesterday. B. W. Garvin of Cranberry twp. visi ed friends in Butler, Friday. John and Margaret Waddell visited their parents at Piano, Sunday. Henry H. Hallstead Clinton twp visited friends in Butler, Yesterday. L. H. Pfeifer and wife of Forward twp. did some shopping in Butler, Fri duy. John C Goehrins? and wife of For ward twp. visited friends in Batler, Friday. W. H. Todd, son and daughter of Winfield twp. did some shopping in Batler. Thursday. Morgan and Keene, two of the big guns of Wall St.. fell out last week and there were strange doins ou change. Miss Minnie B. Wick of the P. & V\. railroad offices in New Castle, spent Sunday with her parents on W. Clay St. Dr. Clara E. Moirow, a Butler county girl has located in Butler. She is a graduate of the Boston College of Os teopathy. See card. Herbert M. Black of Marion twp. was in Butler. Monday, securing a marriage license. He carries mail Route No. 5-'5 and will live at Boyers. Lieutenant Governor Tillman of South Carolina headed a lynching party, last week, but the Sheriff got away with his prisoner. J. P. Davis! Register aud Recorder elect, intends moviug into part of the house at 813 New Castle St. row occu pied by his son-in-law, Harry Allen. Wm. Campbell Jr. of the Savings Bank and J. V. Ritts of the Butler County National have returned from New Orleans, where they took part in the Banker's Convention. Senators Quay and Penrose were in ludiunt Territory. Monday, seeing the annual dance of the Delaware fibe and hunting turkeys. They travelled in Senator Quay's private car. U"u Tin;; F*r.g made his farewell »d --drts« to America at a banquet in uis honor in Ne? \ork, last Thursday night, and promised ta do everything in his po.ver, in bis new and higher of fice. to promote trade between hid coun try and onrs. President Rfowre!t and party camp ed on Little Snnrt ower creek, in the western part of Mississippi, aboit 20 miles north of Vicksburg. last Friday, and began hunting bear, panther, and other wild beasts which lire in the vast wiMwo til-re*. On Sunday the party dined on bear. |»motbi and sweet potatoes. M irriait<' UMHM> Herbert M Black Marion twp Margaret HtnAman NV Banbuiy Sarnml Milton Fleming ®ar*>r Sa Anna \V:Jd« Eka« ... Wat M Holßdtv Boiler Mottle A tUrVsjn Maharg Uurmt »\ C<£Tau» Bntl'-r fioren e A Wright ChnrW J Br~ii.-r AlVehony Dor* Sntton Jobs W, %** Mifcnie Barr tlinToo twp ' S H Siriifht., Retil**i T. Wick ....... At St<j*wjbojv Pro#. B V Strati- t> Mht Mf* Krta Bancroft AX >rp lain h an<^ tVarl CiT&nati rtf Thii i»V • MPH|« V: ti itu's'fci M fin ba> liij, an»v W-.TWf. TT«£- '**e wfltat ftHUtR to nijtwy ft •&»««*% S>yvt*iL-« f. VV H. I lj jj itjli lij )£" AJ ' til* 1 ' . W'P • 'W, \»ia - vmNW I i*>, >l T. i -• th' .. »». v• ~ . .. i■ ¥■■ -i .. i \ ! !l;vi vi • . i 43wVMiir-■ W*» \ -fjN b*i » mm •*# * tt'tw '1 vNIK lift* I W: 11(11 A V-«t» '1 ill il' «l «r Ml, 1.4 'til MU ■«:*) ♦Ok" f Wall« Its IrK* IM iH »'«! lii'inr a.-# ( I* *«S. H 4 »l**« 4 rtnn bun * ib J>♦ *• f*>.u liw mtwn* hSw j Mai l ! i< i « h! .t*i|*cr im iml'l iu»* ilo«vnr»i <« *tsn* rim U ■ HI !»♦»•» »" » ilpfc ■'til ijaJw auU »nit y*. i*»lnM on< >mit% » itfcija *ml • (Utii4H uwm-uy 'w- |mv |i ";-• « 4 -W' 4| iWfl .Mill u t . /-lilt I it) U .'lnlWf f I*i. tul Hlj amiliy i > (jto |uuu} c.uiiuHutit Wltf 11< Itw illlK»4l:.U . ill iitt- i'ail J'ho'itru Moi.4ay. Jfov. J4 art' ivuli i. nowii ti. nio*i lib -are from iht AilmUi •tu tin? i'lciric j nii time iht>> uowu to lie with a new play, tlown Mid Up. having limn H|n OfM!) wiiltco for iheui »ith a vii-w of wliat the (leojilu llki It alioiindu j(l .-.jwrk ling uamii j.rniy d.iinvu nuil ricsp re parloe. and gowa witli a laugh from ntart to tiuiuli MARO.-'iUfctiUAV NOV. ib. bii<nlowgiu[>hy in ihu art of making life like shadow silhouetted with the bauds by projecting them ou a white screen with tne aid of a powerful light Mai-o, the Magician, is probably the greaicßt living exponent of this art. To see Maro's shadowgraphies is to see tigureH of r< al every day life Voir see the lover berenade his, ami the laughable interruption by the father. A hundred other mirth provok ing incidences are all at the finger tips of the wonderful Maro. GOOD WILL. BENFIT.—NOV. 28. The great sensational comedy drama, "Nell, The Fireman's Ward," 50 people in the great cast, will lie produced at the Park Theatre. Wednesday eveninir, November 20. as a benefit to their Hook and Ladder Company. The Good Will boys are well known as a fire company and are using every effort to make their production a grand success Mr, and Mrs DeLong will assume the leading roles and have ased tcreat care in selecting the great cast and specialty artists and the rehearsals are now run ning smoothly, elegant costumes and stage settings, startling climaxes, pathos and comedy, late songs, medleys and choruses, a real fire scene, with the Hose Truck and the entire Hook and Ladder company at work on the stage, a beautiful May Pole dance by twelve young ladies and gentlemeu, all com bine to make this production the strong est and best home talent play ever pro duced in Butler. Admission 85 and 50 cents. Reserved seats 50 cents to any part of the house. Tickets can be had of any member of the Good Will Co. A HOMESPUN HEART.— NOV. 27. Ilal Reid's latest and best pastoral comedy, "A Homespun Heart,'' will be the attraction at the Park Theatre, Thanksgiving afternoon and evening. The scene of the story is laid in a rnral community in central Ohio, telling of the love and life of a homespun conple. who, for a time, are the victims of an unscrupulous old money lender, who holds a mortgage on the home of the heroine. The miserlv villain is as sisted in his nefarious dealings by an adventuress; but, in the end, these two are overthrown tbrongh the efforts of a half-witted brother of the heroine. Grand Opera House, l'lttsburg. Miss Hob be, which was presented in Pittsburg a year ago by the Grand stock company, will be put on for a revival at the same theatre next week. The piece is a comedy by J. K. Jerome, the well known English humorist, and is written in his most delightful vein, showing in every line the quaint and genial way in which this writer wins his reader The acme of economy here, R. & R. clothiers and men's furnishers. Single and Double Ovens at WHITEHILL'S. ! Let us help to give you a smart ap | pearance. R. &R. ' Hand shaped garments that are war rented at Ritter A Rockensteln's. LEGAL NEWS. NEW SUITS. H J. Moser for use of J B. Crabtree vs A L Brown assumpsit for $265,43, claimed on a note. The Western Allegheny Ry. Co. has filed bond in SSOOO to indemnify J. H. Wick of Troutman against loss by preempting his land. TKIAL LIST. The case Thomas R. Jones vs P. J. Newton, was settled by the parties. The case of Mis. SuahCrowl, former ly Mrs '-arnij I'isor vn Mrs. Sarah B. Trnmble, formerly Pisor, and Calvert Hiiliard. ttrre brought to re cover dower, WHS settled after goiug to trial. The case of .'••r* Growl against Mrs. ClzadaJ. another daughter was ais > set-Jfd. Til** ca-e of .'.latii M. Dau't/e* sptrck vs E. H. Adam-. and ti. S. Danbensptck, ex rs of Jo!) u deed., of Pajkt-r tup, •< r-u-.ips t fur work and laour resulted in :» verdicl • SIO4O A motion for ;i ti.-w trial as uinde. A motion for u ne ,v irial was made in the case of Mary E. Dctmey vs Irwin '.Veidhos, et »i). In the casts id H. I iloser for use of J. 14- Crabtree vs A L Brown, on p!f s motion he win- allowed t'> amend, pav ing all costs to du'.e. A voluntary nonsuit was taken in the case of Butler /. i r cultural Society vs the Bessemer & L E. R R The case wa< withdrawn after a hearing and a st aled verdict had lieen returned by the jnrv. The case of John McQ Smith vs the IVssfiner &L. E. Ry. Co was settleil Tuesday morning for SIOSO. The suit was brought to secure damages for filling Smiths gardeu with mud and spoiling the Federal spring. The suit of Aminia and Milton Tebav vs Dai:iul O Counell resulted m a veiuict of $".26.25 for the pits Thev sued for damages because O'Ocnuell put a gate in a lane loading from their land through O'CoDtiell's to the public road neir Harmony. The ejectmeat sait of Grj j. aud C<n rad Angert. executors of Conrad Angert. decVL, vs Frank Angert, for 1- acr.-< in Oakland tovnslrp resulted in a verdict for tht- def-udant who claiinert the 1 'nd iu dispute as parol g»ft from his lather. t.-e >1 w<tl (Jolirad Al<g**rt. no i r, John MiKinna, owner of the B»ll Engine ou Lookout ave., i»et!ti«iued for viewers to aasess damage c*uscd by change of grade in that street and D. E Dale .lames F. McClung and D. H Sutton wer* apj«uin'ed The Davidscu case will be retried in Court here Edward Boiler, the millionaire St. Loni* politician, was convicted of an attemp't«>bnt<e l>r. t"h»[>man. of the St l>mi h -.lth imiM. to vole for a gari'sg** contract with t&e city in which BniU-r w*s int»-n -ted and was -enfenc ed tc three y«ar» in the |n*nuentiary Jndk<- Hivila.lay re*fn«ed him a new trisl and he »[n» to the Mis««'nn Supreme court and was released on tUi.OUrt bail. 1 Robert Bi\al ot Hill*ard was held for < V:rt. Sataiday, with asa»nlt sng t'uiiceman StiHwagrtn Kd. Mitniwr W*« to j*il f*<r dkvs !>> B :V' •> for beinir dtnn% and JK-orlerty. *U.-rtif. -.i*•» of rt»- ti-»n to br>; ii J. A l ■ i iMyn,. n A M tVinth> tt and Th i w*- B »v- »t-d tlw wAH' <n t(vr> nuve miM Ikw *! ndent. $ Vi A «-v» nteryfei KU \ -/t:h, .f wfr* ««r>^ Uni vtn— *►-'•*«• S i W i h*,'l iii A. * i| it. .rn, V\. t.if vu-M i> trt YH% 'ln WfM KWV |npiw»fli .■- UV ». TV i*.ii. thr If. v r«rf,i KMKvpbe V -»« m wVmmm ii wt'tt \ * A'lwWl »•'» j .'»■ i •-i • I HI » i *•* n» "w ,i , . . .1 ■*, Mrtwi f * wlt .! »{f i • a i tI. . | \> ~M [" fntwi t* bol I. •! . ' ■ lit 1 i llfw tg'l't tuni i. \ ft i si fin ii r i 'V li Mho i| uhiTl'.i villi gi(4iif«< i"' 1 bitrt 4frt > Kitj til (Wj»»rri i iW, illll |i »|t - |l> Iklluy l). DM lint l|, rci.niVt * I (Mill ' ijii'l4 I'll, inn inn ii 111 nnnihwii a m. {it a prill m(lm4d I >llllll. ll' I'll liioi SIIIQIU r anil 111 w|n ii ui.'ii.i< Miti ni<l{ wad ,MIIII.,ik fainn! to imihi n IM-vv 8I |KK») house iiunr Huiii|j| >1 Ji (urn appears fh«y liMve liiilmi to Dili a itdd i.mmiaiii sishiii 1 than in i Ut!.iiigeriiig tlm imvn nitip M' Jiwa "I fhe Hi,Ut- llPj.rouflotion TUt> puwHnneis an> Lyiie Arftiatrung Rib. ri Aiiiiriioi g, \y. Tii 'Kipuun aud otiiers ,lohli .il luvuil svuti uiijiujnti j,'ual uiun i>t flurry <> ami Flora ut Cranberry two 4 Mi leu W i=t liHa liauii lifhi (ot JuvL'uuy charged against Uim l»y Andy Cuumtti. PIiOI'EUTY TUA Nal'tHS J H Trout nihil to Peter F M«('ooJ Jot ui Main H ml Pearl htreet for $6500 V I) Milleiuun to Elizabeth Mel'all lot ill Prospect for s:Nlil 1,1 McCandiess to P Liebech 150 acres iu Centre for SSQOO. Catb Rcilly, adm'x of John Doleu lot in Millt-rstowu to Mary Grief for SUHS; alto lot to Elizabeth Rit-lly for $585; also to John Dolmi Jr. for $llOO. Mary Grief to Cutb. Kielly lot in Mil lerstoun for $785. Sarah A Kliugeusuiith to Thomas Burton Ynuuglot at Brady and First sta for SIO,OOO. Win Schuette to Safe D & T Co lot in Butler two for #5. SafeD&T'Co to Victor Hutchison game for s2b()o. J David Albert to W Hit-key 20 acres in Fratiklin for SOOO. Wendel Ilickey to J David Albert 20 rcres in Franklin for S6OO Philip Milleman to \Vendel Hickey lot in Prospect for S7OO. F Culberson to F J Forquer lot in Evans City for sl. F J Forquer to W C Culberson same for sl. T C Kennedy to Nancy B Davison lot in Mars for $l5O, Ada Armstrong to Frank J Slater lot in Butler for #SO. Samuel Walker to John A Walker 58 acres in Clay for #l. John A Walker to John Mali same for $2lB. J C Renfrew to Margaret J Bowser lot in Renfrew for #IOO. Jos B Bredm to Jos Crillo lot in But ler twp. for S2OO. W m Purdnm to Catb A Brown lot in Harmony for S7OO. L P Hazlett to P L King and Geo N Btirckhalter lot on N McKean for $l«00. Levi C Goehring to Geo Meeder lot in Zelienople for $2200. John Litieberger and Andrew and Tbeo Zimmerman to W B Davis 10 acres in Oakland for #175. Eliza R Timblin to B B Breaden lot in W. Snnbnry for s<>so. Samuel O Sterritt to Valencia School Board lot for #BOO. S H Byers to Jas L Campbell 30 acres in Venango for #121)5. Eliza Neely tolrvin Eppinger 40 acres in Lancaster for #I2OO. Jos B Bredin to Peter Crilto lot on Three Degree Road for #2IXI. F E Crawford to Geo C Dale lot iu Bntler for SIOSO. Sarah C Cbautler to E A Anderson 8 acres in Middlesex for SIOOO. Ellen McShane to W A Stover lot on Bluff st for #450. Lanra E Weitzel to B L Lytle lots in West Snnbnry for $750. Daniel Bnlford, trustee, to Nancy E Bulford int. in HI acres in Penn for $550. All ambitious dressers know Ritter & Roekenstein's clothing. FOR SALE A good fire stove, near ly new. Inquire at this oflice. Prosperous Tunes cannot last always. Prepare for a rainy day by depositing your spare cash with the Real Estate Trust Com pany, 811 Fourth avenue, Pittsburg, j Pa. Four per cent, paid on savings ' accounts. ' Capital and Surplus #8,700,000.00. Jury Exonerates McGrady. John Miller, an employe of the Car Works, a note of whose shooting by Policeman McGrady. at or near a board ing house in the 3rd Ward last Wednes day night, was made in last week s paper, died at the Hospital, Thursday night. During the day he dictated letters to his brother and mother in Cincinnati. He was 34 years of age, was a powerful man physically, was born and raised in Cincinnati and came to Butler from McKees Rocks. His body was removed to Berkimer's , undertaking rooms, Friday, when an autopsy was held and that evening Coroner At well assisted by District Attorney Henmnger conducted an in quest, with a j'try of five men, who. itfter hearing tiie evidence, decided that the officer acted in the line of his duty and exonerated him of all blame On Saturday his body was buried in thf North (Vuietcrv. The witnesses .let:, Sled the circum stances of the quarrel between Miller and Brady >vho *vre boarliug with Mr*. Angeit <>u the island; about the scnifi • lietween McGrady and Miller af'er Met i m«iy . hxd arrested him Miller's flight aod McOirady's shot. !siti". Livery I'ire. At 10 a. in Wednesday fire links out in the mow o: t'ie I livery stable on \V. Jefferson St.. owned b) C Dull) and occupied by Jhs. C. Stewart, and tor an hour ensuing Bntlt-r firemen covered themselves with glorv, burnt hav and wafer. The 'ioad Wills got first water. lot the other companies weie close behind and their united ef loiti I'l cfititd ihe fire to the mow in which were stored alxjut 20 tons of hay and straw Twenty-eiifi t bend of horses and til- rolling stock were .safely n moled. The total let's to the building and conteu's a n >nats.t t > ilji'U The Bremen w-re billy h .ml capp ■ 1 at hist by the lack of ladder*, none lie- in nse until the Rescues arrived ficni Dufiytawn. Attempted Itiibbcrj. While R N Campbell of Concord town-li'p WHS i-.vav from his home, on Tn.»dxy M.i l of last week. t:rl-W --me , writ, c om- to the house in tw • bn-irt« * i*,ni;.l wild his wife ::n i in their i ed< ard ther. mw.ii k"i the hoits- nothiu;; for tneir ' line atld crime Mr. Catllldrell c 11.. h >uie aisnit 11 ocl ck. anil fouud his fiitiily ti'dio their with nobrvl-. bnr r , exi*ptinu his wife, whose niouih uas tnatl s*>re !i. '.viru-oib nsesl a> • *4"K- Gate Ttairs, California and the Pacific Coa»t re- MO! have necoine so p.»pnlar in mr-nt ye.r- with the better c!:iss of winter "r«st aud p-.a-nr- »«-ekers that the Penn m Ivanla Hydros.l Oodiptay has decided to tnn t•• o tioUM <i it" tours thi w :.t«*r. one t<> iKcldde the f«m>a- Mardi G as »,»---tiu-|e at New Orlean -I>u the *<. l:.* tT:p t*»th t .r.n. will tnn»i t.\ t e'• I'l' n<« »te Kpe>txl. otic of ti>- tni«t ir<in> thai cro-tn-i ih» «>«nun< i»t On«- tonr w.ll return by thS iram. whil* p *wrii.-«-r« ht th- other l«tw «i||nw n-irnlat tr*tri« rernminir In »l<form« will bf fit i*rf!T <i*n plf»niv ia the mati-r «»f mnt**ry. Sf»r*nM « mffl. laro narnVr rrf j.i -*<-ngvr* to j-tft i* taking »n t:u;er»r> anppMfte<l f»> Ww- RuIIMA iVitripMiy. th> of * fount* *»<! .-• i> «r.:i Tie <t th- r 1 f!« fir»* t \r *.O V*v< NV* Y< A Wl* !• ijV* Hainan-re. Wn*b,Tii(t.»ti M.I < tJwr » ><fttn on YhnrMav. .Tati*i*ry 2* *nA n ill tr*v»t \ia «1K Kan**' Of *«11D to Snpb- tteil & n ffo, At latwr poirtit r.l.vnarv t AK> rtmth tn*> V |. v iirjl t« ywyMik l iii Wwrt» *Kf * t tffct*" sk.'%i ?*"tVCrfl* I Y W*V' %>»v h X *T. TH tlf; wk SKN, Ij»V- jj ,Wi . :V .r> *• v. \n% 41 i skm \W i tvt *i 'i' ES 4, r jifcj r w* ® it rjm T\, >m M m i.o* I-.. fwfiv*iife rtyk «V hiWi .hM t» itvsv. a. j ,< '.k tAnrT, T r - Xw.v»a» ■**■" ••* t uH mi Uu »,A • > ■ V'- «r mi 1 "• V ll it in t >i iuu. i pi ytuw.rtti »|i, fc-lh I | IMfi t. »)< U tffH .ft « v ,: (V «t«) 'Kiwi | ft .'*•«» •■MmcT ,|H (» imiit IH tinpf>i* iti»i i, u'lti a ij.r |4 mi- |.i »V h*ni w !•«*»»» n. II Mil £»shh »,(* 4Nput'<' ,(Vl ! WL. tniiti *v'li iH rs.lll I)hI ( ?II Veil IFY B i •(' d|n i it) ir.i(|i |frunK ,! n< ' ' nc: ,n mi lour ailM'h tKnnpi i< h Hi Hnt< 111. 'il j" , .l:,irflKft.% Ull«v w < I't Uiiu- mt" ,u t l nlU"n'i4 #«\j.m •<!« MI ->|nm|a u uitji-itjir jiniut-i-r <l> ir« to f i thu « Vrii. ttuontih iwlifrtfUfh rliti r»rvi<if» of .t Tunnat .\.mi( nnt\ ('tiHiwrmi wUI Ju (ijaiu'it i»t* tlifii r\ife- I-'t»l * " "** 'I lie i<Hi: tor HUB V«uf VM|t L<« 44H, i 'VcriiiK HU riuiroutl (tie t iitiru trip, innliviing aitln tri|»n in ('uliforuiit st:ui at thti Munti <}ias tenth-ill, uiul Piilltiiiiu In rth ai..t all niUHId ou ihu Uolc)en Qato Hpocial from New York until arrival at San Dingo l'nviite rotii|iartinenfH i e., drawing rootiia or state rooms, may be obtalneil by the payment of additional charge! on txitb tours Application should he made to Heo. W Uoyd, Assistant (General I'assemjer A«ent. Broad Htreet Station, Philadelphia Pa Ank tor ||l If you don't see what yon want at the 11. B. it P. Cafe ask for it. They will furnish yon with anything in the market,and cook it nicely for yon on short notice. The Cafe is open from early in the morning till late at night. B. B & P CAFE, Stein building, South Main St., Untler. Suppers furnished for Theatre partiett. Hell Telphone 147. CHAS. F. KINU. Prop'r. Insurance and Real Estate. If you wish to sell or buy property you will find it to your advantage to see Wm. H. Miller, Insurance and Beal Estate, next P. 0., Butler, Pa. You will find the largest and best as sortment of Plush and Fur Robes at Martinconrt &Co's,l2B E. Jefferson St.. Butler, Pa. Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, citv residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wtn. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P. O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519 Pennsylvania Railroad's Winter Excursion ICoute Hook. In pursuance of its anual custom, the Passenger Department of the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company has just issued an attractive and comprehensive book descriptive of the leaning Winter re sorts of the East and iSouth, and giving the rates and variooß routes and coinbi nations of routes of travel. Like all the publications of the Pennsylvania Rail road Company, this "Winter Excursion Book" is a model of typographical and clerical work. It is bound in a hand some and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable information for Winter tourists and travelers in general. It can be had free of charge at the principal ticket offices of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, or will be sent postpaid uyon application to Geo. W. Boyd. Assistant General Passenger Agent, Broad Street Station, Philadelphia FOR SALE EASY TERMS! A two story store room and large dwelling with one acre of ground, good stable and outbuildings, large chicken house, all in excellent repair. With or withont stock of goods, general store. I A good business, fine trade in a pros ! perons agricultural community. Will Ibe sold right. Inquire of J FLAVTUS DENNY, Leasureville Butler Co.. Pa. West Bad Hows. The colored cook of a West End boarding house became enraged at the boarders, Sunday evening, for hurrying him while getting supper, and began shooting into the crowd. He hit the proprietor, who in turn opened fire on the cook and hit him. Both are in the Hospital. Two men gave another, named Nor ton. a terrible beating at one of the West End hotels. Saturday eveniug They also stabbed him and hammered him with a beer glass, and Norton was taken to his home in a serious condition while his assailants are in jail. Died iti Jail. i A carpenter named Adam Scholl died iu the jail Tuesday morning of conges tion of the braiu. The man had been boarding with Win. Patterson on West D St until Saturday when he was t*ken to the Hospital, the' impression then be ing that v e had either become insane or hid delerium tremens. Later in the day he was removed to the jail where Dr. Hazlett attended him. Very little is known of the mau in Butler. He was about 35 years of dark, and or medium size. Our Own DolVated. The Standard A C. foot ball team and 50 roo'ets joiirne>»d to Franklin Tuesday and were defeated by the team of that place 11 to 0 The Franklin's hired five outsiders for the occasion, .mil Butler two The locals were out plaied bnt those up country dubs can't do it in Butler. Lineup, Frankliu—ll Butler—o Campbell L. E Weakley McConnell L. T ..Hamilton Murray... L G Miller Jartet Center Graff Smiley R. G . . . Waddel-Blair Kingslev. Breutiau H T Irwin Donahoe R. E Richey Forsythe B. Cain Rogers R U Gosboru Matthews F B . Feigle Burns L. H... .Camptiel! Touchdowns Matthews. Rogers. Goal McConnell Umpire and Referee Dunn and Nixon. Timekeejiers Printz and Re, d. Linemen Hall and Smith. Time of halves 30 and 1? Uiinn'es. I'uOlic Salca. Nov. 38. at 10 a. in., J. P. Davis in 1 rady twp., on Muddy creek. A Change. The services of Charles E. Borland iale of Schaul & Nast, and one of the nldent and most experienced clothing salesmen in Butler, have I*-en secu*ed by the new firm of Ritter & R«ok<*n s'ein. DWELLING FQ* *ALE Ore of the most desirable homes in tt.e growing town of Slipperynsck. P* •-•cht r<xinis and two (orchor« drilled water well, bam and other brhldiu»;s I i d pl.>t with g.svj fr«it. Neat N «nal S<-h<*>l and dinr<h Bailding iO.» large ft>r owner's nae Inoaire of JwksS WIUOR H. F.. «r JAMBR Kfx* Pa Mvk rt*. 'V»-h.sfes*fe ptice .....IWBS Rve. " ...... » W| " ........ w >, rn , " « 9o<4twfie*t l* fc y. ' t* Km* " ... ... "* ..... *1 >• 4 Vfc**, W • WidM l*t l'*i —... t jR [.tm w l.'sl 1 • • 1 ... . .......... .V'l Ftt0nn................ -*lll ST ,. ... ... .V CcJeVJ' .ft Vw* *s* ' ~ u . j, . - Var««r* W"T»o aV». twm' tH't TiVHS i - I*7 *yjX Jite i! i. I - i u frv« Y«nr' nr»fm fotiV n <w Wiaitfi n» iKnil ( ulßtii i.'i ..#Vfcfn iiot ~ii|r nti«r fta\ w * ' • A* ji iff miivmwtl Uti tiißna® m.tMirt Mfnl't of «iifii\ t >rii i'pr ah'iflt lift of nn. » af\> j tht |«.»l, t it. r» >uov#i( 1) litis a ,?i> u •limine t iili norti tfd'ilin., .if u»t«r|> -till pur t*i,ure it o«t (t I Kl tNTiI-Ktt .k. lio., ftntVl fa tm %\v%\ l^i'iibD on I'aUviow \w tt* tit Mi' (wo on .\|itl)in; one bohth 8t flOtO posßi'Ssioii at otue; two housnn tin B Quarry |'JCt6o and |i iitrt: two on .lye tkuilD, one ou Washington | - 3fi(Ht one on W Peail onu on Elm fJliuii, farms, etc l.oans, orphan's canrt work 14. d ICitlcb tu (Huoago. Dec. Ist, -11 and Hd the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad Company will sell ex cursion tickets from all local stations west of the Ohio river to Chicago. 11l , at rate of one fare pins fci.llo for the round trip, account Third International Live Stocti Exposition Tickets will be good for return until Dec. 7. For further information call on or address Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent or B. N. Austin, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, 111. Thanksgiving-day Excursions. On November 26 and 27 the Balti more & Ohio Railroad will sell low-rate excursion tickets between all stations on its line west of the Ohio River within radius of 150 milea from selling station Tickets will be good for return until November 28. 1002. For detailed information call on or address nearest Baltimore & Ohio Ticket Agent, or E. D. Smith, A. G. P. A., Pittsburg, Pa. 'riuuik.HKiviiitf Excursions. The Bessemer & Lake Erie R R. Co. will sell excursion tickets between all stations Nov. 26th and 27th, good re turning the 28th. at a fare and one-third for the rojnd trip. Inquire of agents for rates and time of trains. FOR SALE—House on Washington street, one on Elm St., one on Pearl, two on Quarry, one on Fairview, two on Morton. E. H. NKOLEY. Music scholprs urn t*<i at isß Wen i'KVlk St Six months night school at the Butler Business College for $25 Nov. Ist to May Ist. May enter at any time. NOTICE TO HUNTERS! All hunting is forbidden on the farms of the following named persons and all tresspassers will be prosecuted accord ing to law: MIDDLESEX AND ADAMS TWP. William Hays heirs. John Rifley, Alfred Nelson, J. W. Parks heirs, James Mainland heirß, T. A. Parks, R. A. Lee, H. M. Parks, Gilbert Forsythe, James Harbison, J. H. Parks, J. M. Fnlton. J J Moore. J. V. Watters, Campbell, (known as the Joseph Cowan farm) Jos. Mangel "Perfect" Ovens and Good Bakers, Get them at Whitebill's. ! BOY WANTED -Boy about 17 de . siring to learn a trade can secure infor j mation at the CITIZEN office. Yon are protected when you buy R. & R. clothing. Invest in some of Ritter & Rocken stein's wool stock, it will pay yon. / UP ON > \ THE CORNER :< \ OPPOSITE THE $ COURT HOUSE > V You will tind our store. / J Most people know where it is, \ \ but if you are one of the many / / new people that have just came v to town, this will enable you J ' to find us. All Main St. ear* \ V t stop theie. Ask the conductor \ f to let you off at ''Boyd's." A t j great many people go out of / / their way to come to our store. \ S If you have sickness ia your f S bume you want the best. We / v. aim to make our s'ore one in / y which you wUI have confi- j \ dence. If you have a prescrip- \ V tiou we will fill it as written \ r ' or not fill it at all. If we do / \ not have what jou call for > j\ (which is seldom) we will get I V it for you at the earliest I>"S- C ) »ible moment. Onr specialty / / is prescription J , but we sell \ \ all other things nsualiy kept C J in drug s tores. ? IIC. N. BOYD. | I DRUGGIST, i f Diamond Block. / ) Butler, Pa, ) NOTICE. *-*Twentv-one typevrriters now in use at the Butler Business College. 75 posi tions filled last year. Have tilled 1" more since Sept. Ist. Are ha\ing calls fir office help almost daily Have en rolled 125 students Sept. Ist' Separaie departuieiits for book-keetiini and shorthand students Students nia\ euter at any time Dec. Ist, an excel lent time. Send for catalogue and cir cular*. A F. RbuaL, Prin. Father* and Mothers te.ich your child to save !>\ a i«aiik aecouut for him »'tfi the Re-i Estate Ttnst Opoijatj. SlI Fourth axenue. Pitrsbnri. P« Foil' pet cent interest on savings ko-ouui* Capital and Surjdns s3.Too.of*l 00. t»aa llitnn*, We hare them M different stvle- They are in the latent finishes mad* to u.»tch the hardware of yoor boose Wmrrmm **hiu»he r Use lona Patent F»©«-, The hert Bread sod Pastry floor tt, market, ibN sack t bJ4 such, 86b. Everv afc-k sroaratiteed. W M.TKR * Savs M»rh»mefi T»h* Nottee! An Stexw.'s rtfh- a* i*rtre ih • Nov f<* N*»t ac«* on a * *b>i .*. i ?V a at «>afhrv, Ba-Moneot Thrtwi* N'ttiona PVT:V- F * V h*, <* t «•**** *Ti4 "ta bV oliiiV • • U iVM'a tVf: MM *»e WP-cowjh ta* Ifcki 4, iv L P Wri'T * .w" \ i\> dßfl f. .f W*H ♦(, >\n ita* H't 'iii s (iiMitn ttitw i't fw ftltWrWi ,0 11 U (, Liuii kit tbihi tt 1 . ~1 (Tt. th flMJfwiiy ™(iv,ii¥w *' t wF w ** i«%o TH % rwVVI HJIYY .(til t\.. V; m.iilnti f| (kM .i ft vctii» .1 ooul 'Uoitl i nV 1 ' ■tvti tWvf \'iitf"'fiH 0 tlttni it fid .<<e ii«' w» ,t»n luw v«.n * fta«tniEl biiutbv, i'Jl S Csiibto Ulauk .ill aS-uii tot/a at B litt. K»N ar^tM'M. tif Ihb ft'i'if'l'V (V wifl sell i(< ket between nil HtatMiiH Noy 26tV rifnrtung tht* iHtli af excursion rates op acoonnt ot Day A V'iN^ W values' WAHM SHOES ANP SLU'l'lißS CAN HK SUIiN IN OUR WINDOW TODAY ! AT BARGAIN PRICES. | GREAT VALUES S ARE OFFERED THIS WEEK IN ALL LINES J OF F FOOTWEAR. Ketterer Bros 224 S. Main St. BUTLER. PA. Shoe repairing a specialty. First class work guaranteed. EYTH BROS' Big New Line Wall + Paper 1903 Patterns. Eyth Bros., Formerly c. B. MCMILLAN, ! Next to P. o. REGISTER'S NOTICES. The Register hereby gives notice ttiat the following account* or executors, adminis trators ana guardians have been filed In tbts office according to law, and will be pre sented to Court for confirmation and allow ance on Saturday. thefithday of December. 1902. at 9 A. M.. of said day: 1. First and final account of John Blckel. guardian of Kdward hlmp, minor child of John Klmp. deceased. late of Summit town ship. Butler county. Pa. 2. Final account c.f S F Thompson, guar dian of Kale Bard, minor child of Austin T Bard, deceased, late of Sllpperyrock twp. 3. Final account of Joseph Barron, guar dian of J S Wimer. minor child of Atiner Wimer. deceased, late of Worth township. Butler county. 4. Final account of I' I> Oelbach. executor of Martin Boehm. late of Forward township, deceased. 5. Final account of H J Rose and H R Gll innre, executors of the last will of Hugh fliaw. deceased, late of Mercer township. Butler county. Pa. 6. Final account of Robert Krause. execu tor of Kllzabeth Tyson, deceased, late of Jef ferson township. 7. First and final account of F W Rentck and Caroline Renlck. administrators of the estate of W I> Renlck. deceased. laXe of Sllp peryrock township. H Final account of Peter R Day, executor of John Day. deceased, late of Clay two » Hrstand final account of Daniel Bul ford, executor of Sarah Bulford, deceased, late of Penn township. 10. First and final account of Eva Purvl ance, administratrix of J T Purviance. de ceased, late of Connouuenesslng borouah. 11. First, final and distribution account of Wilson W Graham, administrator of Clara J Graham, deceased, late of Butler borough. 12. Final and distribution account of James W Thompson, administrator of George K Tlii'tnusoii, deceased. late of Butler borough. 13. Hrst and final account of William F Hoist t in. executor of the estate of Barbara Koedel. deceased. 14. Final account of Margaret Black.widow of II II Hlai'k. suardlan of Sadie O Black, minor child of John Black, deceased, late of Cherry township. 15. I- Inal account of Jacob Schwartz, exec utor of \tidr w Krause. deceased, late of Summit township. 16. First and final account of W P Stickle, administrator of Emma Stickle, deceased, late of Eau Claire borough. 17. First and final account, of F W Prouty. administrator of Ida V Prouty. late of Slip pery rock township. is. Final account of Conrad Fuertsch and William/.oiler, executors of John Fuertsch. deceased, late of Jefferson towush-p 19. Filial account of W K Kiddle, executor of last will of Elizabeth Dodds. deceased, late of Prospect boro. JO. Final account of Dr. S D Bell, deceased, guardian of Etta M Monnle. minor child of Alfred Monnle, deceased, as stated by Geo F. Stewart of the Guaranty Safe Deposit and Trust Co.. administrator C. T. A and D. B. N. 21. Final account of Drlssllla Langbeln. alm'x. of Charles Langbeln. deceased, late of Butler borough. 22. First and final account of John T Ful ton. administrator of estate of James B Ful ton. deceased, late of Middlesex township. 23. Final account of John Dlndluger. ad min 1.-trator of Valentine Sbouse. late of Jackson township. 24. Final account of F M MrXally. adminis trator C. T. A. of Michael McNally.deceased, late of Donegal township. 25. Final account of Sadie Roxburry. surviving executor of ltosanna Kennedy, de ceased. late of Prospect thorough. -J> First and final account of D H Sutton, administrator of Jobn Goetx. deceased, late of Butler. Pa 27. .-i\tb and final account of James Wal lace, administrator of Francis Wallace, de ceased. late of Zelienople. Pa 3s. Final account of \Vm His bop, adminis trator of August F Bishop, deceased late of Evans CItTTPa. ». Final accnont of Mary Ann Jviielia, ad ministratrix of Andrew SckeUo, iate of But ler N .rough. Pa. 30. Final account of Dr 9 D Bell, deceased, guardian of Francis Monnle minor ~hUd of Alfred Monnle. deceased, late of (toiler Co.. P» . as stated by the Guaranty Safe Impost! and Trust IV». C. T. A.-O B \. of Dr. S D BeH. deceased. Xo. —. a. Fhml *.-<XKjrt of Vartrum TVnrt. kxi- Biinlrtntiril of Xuiry Ad>m« dts-ruM. iitU oT Adu» K.K Dsljlp S- Rn»l fcvonni of J F Sliudoh. nwik* of E!;r»hrit, tnwwul. >M« nl Adioas Uivmhlp *1 First partt»! accnoDt of S A (tells uc lsiuir Mm, Jr„ (iNtwn of ]«uc <' i*t< of H*rtnotiy. 3« Flm m C Irni n.- v>oci of D«fi K «>r». u'tmlljK!rktiir of Antrim KWlraln. I«tc o< < 'trurlflil imn«li||) don-MMI SR. First urtit; fc\Y<om of T R Huiw» <-vr**«i»or of Jliirj F l*»» of Rnth-r HOffWrh. <V<OPK<W<I ». V in*. «w»u«rt of t**t> t WftMh kitn.'r of JuwiWcMi. !M< )C. nrw imii Ink! »ooo«jm of ("Mlwrltx k- llijr. aMfn.'x of Joton ftnliui (Vs-'a.. lute of I Nwn 3 A'fIMMS. R<nrN-f»*T SHERIFFS SALES. I My vtrr«t of sundry Mrib of V**. **., V» Fh l> j-** A. , l*nu<v) oti! of rIK C'Min «f iNu:i|tKn V!<•«»■ Co.. fV tot V 1 iIW *iil t>» puW). »w)< I k; • )m .\>UT- Tiotaw tfc Tfi-TVfcWMlirl. !*W >th . VY»A*y, Viw Hf V*v., i 'j.' -HcilVMrtakj j ?S Nj*. . w»'. 1 r To.-**, 3 •» 1 K Hi-i;.: 'TV '- *» '. Y 1 X fIV v \ <t- J V >.>r-i», •.,'iit- N. »-V;w tt, M <4M 1. fiSSoira fern r 'Mirn *WI » if PfRW,: wt 1 mmk of to». (i'.i niuiit . ««« 4t. H* ►.'*»>», lb•» I* V#l WM ,K.\S '»h lV»o*|«HiMito.T< 1. h w W* «l*W* t'H.'l >•«. >«l lluriilni »«. -11«« »iiir it- f .»! l » I »!. •• «>. H> V*" «tn >ion*fh H MM 1 ht '4.,W< "-»• '"IN 41 mi ■lnt |ii iMv-tV'Wc* Ti"kV Hi -n 11»»4 h >.r iiiuii 1 iL* 1.1 ui ■v in .( -<• -t IK* »i-*mi» iii* ITT. F tll TIL \ IMI H »J».lilh »>?»♦«* >«» '!< I iV .If» i, it.'' 1 ' 'V' -. /(• N- a t- -pMfi,. jjMji faiHfeH Ui LUtt l l«Jgi till" lhi\v-t'M(l liUlh. ilia 1 h.1.1 in, 1 .-.(i. y li. ii 't. 11. inii .mi ih: i I .ffttH MtHliNtf »i* V TM »i»rt» HI»UIII||. UUIL«. M 'iHir . WOIU. Y • I 4» mIU>W«. tlßttftl Ml' l ilt! Ilu, It> 1.. imutk • I it.lVi.i. M> '<li! '<i. • lie i-l»f; UY iN'il lit I'M I'l Itil tTiiUlNti u. ul, -in V|ilt IMIb iiitivai. iho U I'iitu libit |..iu| da Urn b <1 try mints M .10 ' Jih k.ovuUi'»». k. lit,, |)l«i Mn VO I iu ILIF IIARTIVIFM IIRNIUIOIIIIIKU of FOLOI lluit V 1 tutil, 11 tJ Wii -I" Illiii* V«rui. 1 SMI hilil 'oiiiwiiitiiK itgun 'nil WITTT ul a. run .oiij u.i> lua . |I«I\M\II t>rt- .1 frame ltui»n> nut ■llllllllTl tllius Btl|ont 1111(1 tliucai IM U Vi:i-.uVlia\ aa kUu uruu rit* ot 0 J. tlau aiitl Nam y Uail al Ihu suit a| riilni NUUOII. IS li No II iMcitmlmr farm, imu byurgtl t'. (iaUtou, yitori'. y \ u Mm l UUt title. Interest anil clalui o( (liibit rii Ki-Uv r anu Kllnu A Keistor ul, 111 anil in all lliat rerlalti pit it or |>ar<-ei of hind, sltuatod lii bllpi)< ryrock luwnslitn. Uulhr county, ra.. iMiiiudra us t" 10- wtt: tin ilm uorlU by luaita of Thomas nuuki yet al, 011 ttt« by tatiiU of tloburl Kalkliin el at, on I lie south by l.iada of Itobcrl UaUlOn UD(I {itiorise Kbister and on itm wesi by laiula of VV M Munuilirey, cun -lat 11111 l; lint ucrus, more or Inks, and II.ivIIIK 1 lioreuu erenied a traiuu liouou. and out buttdiiius Selxt-il and taken In education as tbti pruu- I jty of tloiuiir II Ivi-lster and Ellen A. Ki-lkler ut the suit of Everett L. itulston (or use of Elizabeth Uilkey. TKItMS Of" SALE-Tho loltuwlug must tai strictly compltud wltta when property la strlckou down. 1. When the plaintiff or otlicr Ilea creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, Includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, tout ther with such lien creditor's receipt* (or the amount of the proceed* of the sale or such portion thereof us he may claim, must be furnished the Sheriff. 2. All bids must be paid in full. 3. All salos not settled immediately will be continued uutll one o'clock, P. M of the next day at which time all property not settled fur will again be put up and told at the expense and risk of the person to whom Brst sold. •See Vurdon's Digest, Bth edition, page HA. and Smith's Forms, page 3K4. THOMAS R. BOON. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler, t'a.. Nov. 12. MKKi. Mars Boiler Works. All sizes of STATIONARY, PORTABLE and UPRIGHT BOILERS al vays in stock for sale or exchange. Repair work promptly attended to, S. H. ROBERTS. Bell Phone No. 6. Mara, People's Phone No. 11. Pa Do You Buy Medicines? Certainly You Do. Then you want the best for the least money. That is our motto. Come and see us when in need of anything in the Drug Line and we are sure you will call again. We carry a full line of Drugs, Chemicals, Toilet Articles, etc. Purvis' Pharmacy 8. O. PURVIS. PH. O. Both Phones. I 218 S. Main Bt. Butler Pa. You Save Money! That's our one strong and only bid | for your patronage—whether you are | rich or poor. Our Fall Assortment grows larger each day. O © J I Dining Room Chairs. Solid oak—fall back poet embossed top panel—with tamed spindles bolow— ballt-np seat covered in Panteeote—strong and dnrabla—takes place of Leather seat—only 92. Roll Seat Rockers. Large veneer roll seat Rocker—with slat back—polished qwtarad oak—very comfortable—oar price only $4.50. Emboased back and ppindles below —same seat as above, $5.00. White Maple Bed Room Suits. Paneled bed—neatly carved -pattern top dresser and wash stand — with swell top drawers. Has a 24x30 French plate beveled minor —1 brss* trimmings —very neat—for only S2B 50. Combination Mattresses. I The Blystone—"Golden £d«e" is honestly made—lß to 20 lbs of pare white cotton aroand a hnsk center—pat np in sections in a satin flalshsl strong ticking—'it's a hammer" and sold only by us. Price $3. Adjustable Sofa. I Covered in gTeen Sgured veloar—adjnsts for sofa or coach—oak frsms snd deep tailing on back and seat Good enough for moat nation —Price S2O 00. ■j Parlor Tables. B Pattern top table—made of select quartered oak—polished. ▲ vary g choice table for 14.00. Extension Table. Solid quartered oak—polished— 42x42 tsp large carved lens —bolted on. One of onr best values—Price $11.50. § Cotton Felt Mattress. A Made of pure white cotton felt —fall size and weight. YOB caa open and examine before you bny—Price only SIO.OO. Come In and Compare. BROWN &• CO., Bell Phone 105. {mcrom from Duffr j store.» Batter. Pa. PERFECTION IN STYLE FIT AND SERVICE Out garments wili jest meet the demands of men WHO desire u> 4KSS in style and yet economically The suits caa "be had ia 4k latest four burton straight frrtm sittgle breasted and <he three brttoti double breastcri »•!», while die materials cowr a wide range shades and signs The owrcoats come h> Vicuna OOIH, KENEJ Helttm HUEFL VIA: Or without siffc MM* fiftl«|; 'NFHR as TO Vh/wnrtfutA- Hir Ati* *be* mm** wtot swrs m > r LEVINTONS' OvercwtUl If doesa't matter wW shape or s<*e. or kind of man yorx are, If %J» overcoat seeker you'll Und what you've looking for lure THE STXEES THAT 4*E JVST OUT. TME CO*Q*S THAT 4*E JUST ISSK. TUB UOLOJiS THAT 4UE JUST EIGHT. The short, the medium length and the loug coatsall are here. THIS WEEK We offer a genuine Frieze Overcoat, in Oxfords and Black- •legautly mad* and trimmed, raw edges, and all seams doable stitched, at the extreme low prion t>" ua. tome this week for these overcoats, as they are going fart. Schaul & Nast, LEADIN6 CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Mam St., Butler. .. " 1 n ea—«= / m i| THEN you want to get a new j j W nobby Suit or Overcoat, up* S S * to-datc stuff, go to the old / \ reliable One Price Store. r C We haye just received a full line of j ? new Fall Clothing in Suits and Over- S S coats. Please give us a call. c ) Yours tor Clothing, \ C Our store will positively close at 11 P. M. # r Saturday evening. j |DOUTHeTT & GRAHA^i subscribe for the CITIZEN .» /
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