\VU \\V*A | Money Makes Money! j / v aJluov ... . b.v ia •; > VAttfc. low- V \ItVV ;h vcMen -c4 lair-'. •, We itl ■•-■ l K'i »u Ich iee of *3l fie u . ; W li.. . •'<•• ' •> •••••»••■»- i v C perty :a |H» \ ity lli •» pi , ' ,s * !J '*" u •"»» o».' \ fCavanagh Planl Janl if \ >'l WkUt to double lonr lu.uiey put a few SIOO >u this p'uu It # | C vviU I ■ the aula Otf Duller witb'u the ue.\! tew year*. See \ CAN AN AO h (S CO.. V \ S. Main St.. Bullvr. oi Phones lVoples 107, Bell 14. \ ( THE PUBLIC TRUST CO.. 238 4il> Ave. P.ttsDyrg. S LE* ENTC* (K)OI>S! | Matchless Hen's Materials J The flodern Store S m is i 1 aathoritv on Men * w -tr. aua our snles of Men s Furni~li in,-<i .■f lUv bear ut out on tb n-t.it.-ineut. U,ir many silf- in other -v Ittn s inuke it iu>i>»-rative that we «ive oitr male frieuds also a (.henomenHt K S SPECIAL PRICE CUT SALE AS FOLLOWS: LOT OK #I.OO SHIRTS. 6tH-. U Lt>T WHITK MADRAS SHIRTS 3*C. 0 ™ Lt) I't'SHKHWKAR. ALL SI*KS. 1»C K KINKK I. >T IN Pi NIC \NI> BU K. B><e. ff - sl/.KS, .MK-. m Mkn h i nion St'its Vie. P| .Vk STtK K TIKS. 2V. 0 SIV:. lAI. VAl.t'l.S NHi 111 HHlitTs, OR MILITARY W LATEST NEW NECKWEAR JUST RECEIVED. Uk O ANOTHKIt LOT N ARROW MIIXiKT Ttl;S, IN STRINGS VN*l> IKIWS '•J-Vv U| L it NATTV Itt'Mi'Hl NIIA SILK 4 1N lIANIJS. NAVY HLUK AND WIIITK 0 0 ALL NKVY BHAI'HS E « L CMLt.ARS. IIKsT FITTINUB COLLARS MADK, 0 Co., S ;t SOUTH MAIH STUEET'I rfeOl ...... J S Ub mohes . fgriV« u - ZZI Mailorders Solicited 0 posrorrici »ox I™ ™ 1 0 0 OI'IXISITR HOTEL ARLINGTON, BUTLRR, PA. 4-SCSKSP* SKW »»!* IK<%XV We Anticipated I The ndvance in price of all kinds of Furniture and 1 Carpets and have, therefore filled our store to over ; fiowln* with a select itock. We Are Ready fo offer out ctlstomert a f\lll line at A saving; or 10 to 20 pet* cent lowolr pilce thun would be possible at preseht advAneed price or manufacturers All siinmtei* lloods i Are no* belni clc«d out Al reduced tetlcei | Oet u etirniin in a «eMiei-Atoi, f?o rait w rftrln noodi U\ OiWi lIRONVN ,V 6OIJ WW \ '\\\S\\\\\\ % til \ \\S\\ wb y « uuis \\m v\.u< v\ Ui\ \\m\ i I .\ •( 4\U\ l||l t rolj t'| \ %v\ if 1 v\lU' l\r»\ \fev \l\Gu, I A\\ i\\> \ lm \i>*H ( \\umu\AUi mi V\V* X V\v \\ U»" S H< \r \ll Iv'V' Hi \ \v V luru tt 5 iii . i Mrs. J. E. ZniiiiitTiiiaiij K K V K a SiwiusS Suuiiuw Weiglits \ [ /it i\ 1 1 T\ k *, \Uvtu n, ii> f \j\ I In. uittiV the weaivi. it wou't do tu / \ i"V l*-ll I W «cai the lukt vcai 's output. You ' n1« \ / vi 1 IA wou't wet the Utest things »»k lb«s > f, 3 ktock eiotbierk citbtsr. The up U» l\ X jll t . ante Uiloi ouly v»u supply lh«-u». . Al l \ 4 T7 )li I i./ y>'U «.iut uot ouly the late»t i . I J ill It I tk'Ugs iu cut «uU lit ami w<uV /If 'i I I ui.>uuiiu. tbe must iu durability, t I t lilt vvheiv wUe can you get couibiun- J \ j k NII I tious. you get them »T K K C K G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 142 North Main Street All Work Guaranteed Butler,Pa CARL H. LEIGHNER, Graduate Optician and Jeweler, aoq S. Main Street. BUTLER, I'A. mi, HIE BUT! I K CITIZEN. R ' Hica ! NtU) Axle t Groaso that makei your horses glad. Nasal XSy^< CATARRH /&B Ju ail iu »Us«*. M*>;. JUc/ Ely's Cream Balm(l X?// c\'»n »i-s. »«Ml»ea and he«l» m I.l# ill'«*»'U BMinhrane. 1 ItcaieaaatairkaaddriTM M away a cold in tbe head qiuckly, ( reuui lluliu it into thd no«trU« % spread* over t © aud U absorbed. K#lief It im n»t\l utf and a cure follows. It It not dry!ng—d<»«t n »t produce •nesting. Size, 50 cents st Prug g »tt or by mail; Trial Size, lo cents. |l Johnston's Pi Beef. Iron and Wine la the | 0 Best Tonic 1 \ mk i 0 Bloo! Pntifier. J PH«*e, 50c f>l«t I V VtepatT'l ftttil | lj wrtbl only At i lohnston s ; > Crystal r Pharmacy. 1 1 1 I \t M U>tf AX W rt . ► 1 w N M <|n ft. »)u»U■*■, V* I | U\ 1 ! I l wW' 1 (MWU V \(i \ 1 \ AV'I» \v\«\V \\W \V m, iW Hu m ®\ \i\\\v,\ 1 <»v m \v M\ Op\v*V 1 ( <4 <W\vvV ]\\ \ VuiK i;>» V%\ 1*• u.\i vi (i du yaSHl' rwP jll ysiu Im*\ \\\{ iVAMI'UtUS I'hrtnuavy, 5 h IHVVHIWC Vn X 4 tVtNW . .. tiujene Morrison GtNtHAt CONTRACTING PAINTEH anti OEOORATOR. Special alleuttou givvu to lINI. I'Al'lvK UANOINC. C.VC.yiNlNtl uul U VKHWtHUi I'JNIbIUNtI. tUUC« aud Shop, Rear of Kalstou'a Store, Residence No. tiyClUf St. t eupic a I'bonc .jsi- EYTH lißos' Big Wall Paper Store, Next to Postoffloe Special bargains in Wall l'ai>er, Window Hlimls anil Koom Muuld in^ r H. Farmers find good accom modation and satisfaction here. EYTH BROS., Formerly, C. It. MrMILLIAN, 'Phone 453. 251 S. Main St. fciV Vl.fcCK. frW.. THI HSAVXAW AK V.W H't : ♦ : JiM' * &> v» I ham X l.uuptoa ♦ % Il' k> ike + s. S. Mv V ..ire V. y,..yj»AU> • Jiui Lviy waa ihe stwu of Industrious ■ u» Unu't) poieuu, but be wan ue ex emplar of thv doctrine of heredity. Ak a bo.v be UaJ gone to school bvesuse If bv baJ uol gone there the truaut offi cer wvulvl have luuvJv existence elae vv here uncomfortable twr hiui, sua Jinr dearly loved to be comforlubl*. At school it was easier to at the foot of bis dus* tbau bibber up. so he philosophically chose the easy ihiug ana stuck to it. JUu was not a tula, chit w us boy or a baa oue iu any seu*«, because those attribute* require effort to ma lu tula tlieiu. As somebody h*C to be at the foot of the class, ana there were those who were aiacvnleulea there, the teacher aevepted Jim as a special providence aua rnaile tlie nioat of hltu. "It's beyond me about Jlmmle." his mother was wont to say. "He ain't u bad boy uor up to no mischief, ami you'll think when he went to school he'd leuru his lessons Just beeu use he didn't want to learn nothiu' else, but he wou't learu a single thing, gooil or bad. lie just seems to be everlasting do-leas settin' around and settin' around and settin' arouud. And I'm sure he dou't get It from the Anderson side of the bouse neither." Mrs. Doty was uti Anderson, and this conclusion of hers was an unsupported animadversion u|kiii Mr. Doty because that worthy man not ouly made a very comfortable living, but owned a small farm and had money laid away for s rainy tiny. When Jim waa old enough to go to work, ids father secured a place for him to learn the carpenter trade, which was rather a surprising selection, as success In that depended upon n skill which did not appear to be one of the characteristics of the young apprentice. "1 put him at that," Mr. Doty ex plained to an inquiring friend, "becsuse I've seen that boy set on a soapbox In the shade and whittle fer six hours hand runnln'. Of course he never wlilt Ilea nothing out of the wood he uses up, but 1 kind of thought maybe he Would learn to ir I put him at carpen lerin'." Time, and not a very long time either, proved the speclousiiess of Mr. Doty'a logic, and JllW was no longer seen about Ihe shop where he had essayed to huttdlc the dtnwknlfe and the saw. After this a Hemp t to make a skilled laborer of his son Mr. Doty thought possibly there might be an UiideVelob etl Inailhct for itgrlcullUte Itt the ybhih, and .11 in waa sent to a farm not fur rn>m the village. Ill* naefulncsa in tlmt llcld Oils nirttiiresled Wlthltl three nftvs bv lila telhttt to ihc batettlal iroof. hat s the nialtet nowt" Iminind )hl» rmiier wlien ,tlnl walked into the house at siipl-iet Uttie ibd calmly took lils ftii<uai'>nicd plst e At the table ia If he hnd hot htlefi'd a meal "Dtilino." itiJalea Ihn hheopi-etii'-oly "tllo mah s|>aiks ihid lie lv kotii d tiiv Hint tgalti on th«- i'lsc was a hunt ktl tho liiitij Vi - ohld > uri-y lit VtesenV, iviii 118 tula me l niukl tu" ,t t Mt, Doty nluilut, lie cpmdn t V>i \>'V) lunuli with hi* nbli Wi«|ike., while he duV liilllO'i te ittltt t> Pi a gleil «>>d bonin, itud intaVvh <ir. vbr u#m> <4 lads, ho <lii\ i'| VulltidO it it'S flint tin ot II tuu Vi\ioU It atv aliit.v t^ii'4lilft» l nl dint t biniilWe i - t«r*lSi l|bl Ivitt'T H chilli ytt ukt Vii iihiy \wn |lWtt If they V*\\ ■ mill iutyk i,„ r, .i I, ~ i i i \l(l ill' Mil ill I lt#thtll I hlk ijtVeo i ,' l lulk 1 n0 JnvVf it vii Ills -uvui' litis 1 , Hit I iv>nV,|,ty ,i.i n Hgn iviO | tit'i' y tall il(»t B» I in ht't si .ftot <l« hw V' I iti i> Ul pill P\W Mf, i|*e JDti* trill 1 P-vt j.DikiaybtH i(»yu|iW vin it \tli|Vii,.ttiib«\ li i IViaWo. l\l'l tit 4 lieVl*t« ■ititlt uu ~ . i,, u iiv 1 ~|V e li\ klftiiia; |i (tut, }• tho %**l > «<ik . HI 1 .li tuiv.,l » itt •ha tSI in <t\lc iltlk lifkittllli4l\k Hi-'** <ll Ihi iklutoyvlllb I,'ts ' tt>ftl*Thli t i hVltik' to Mliv tue ' h si.uHihl.l \*iti In k \vMt\tt,v piia awiliih iMni' OvAitili viUuitithiilVyiV Rh w utbi uu fttyviuiik unuiivh ttr «<m tin, I,u,<n s \b 0,11 itil rtnl ltt»l oiitik hi sikttiylh tki ww \\i\' ' I'tiii'tot»n i n i < ine i f n i„,i,i vhitt all\ t tikeift lhi\ vVihaitidtkl Mt Uiiily oi\ hH own vliMtiftit t>i futi 111 mn ii,. \> a.,\( it,y iiHt t'tiiitt i* t\u* fltt't VtttV„\i„h a*yi4\\ull In Krydttl it t\tiy HVp# foi' \ili Vitklitiii i lit tm \\liy li,\t<i\it (HUlti hift uoboity . sky" M 1„ tit,| IU-! ythtvv liltnseif, not «H M tktWl It W«\h itil* y fttß lu hOv f (l uft. y ftoitih tyit blut Htm \to \\ttk i| lrt\t*. ftttA ho Wuft kevlm« ft bony it tni kit aorhhik ttuhi'il lim i ho Wkuhd lv itoii'f.V \hf I bia i holto bn'ihyvilh MMfvW Al*\da*lun <t W in<ll.V tUtatt'Hiov'ty d ftu iiy rhU uldeil Mka Mary Cftwhx, \ho tttm kstiyliW* y\jnmhti r ftnd |Hu tho vll l««o kvltyKiUvftt'her aho an* pt'vllK and bt'lkH fttu\ kho liked itm tn iUttyse, ftlthoitkh itMuiiiuoyt tu buvtlltf (to wft* tod alow of wH mid ho could talk well v tVc isowtuo** sakivs, .Ituuulo, 1 ' kaid bl» utydhov «ho called htm iUuuile. us If he Wcio still ft bo.v "vvlmleyyi d" vuit wnut to umrr.v fur'' \uw vatt't sup tiat much lea* a wife ami nvutll.v, and umrriod wuuuti wru't kchuoltcuih lu support their hits baud*." "I duiuru, uiuther," replied Jiui. vhii Hlug a sib k ilow u lu ft ttuo point "Well, vou oughl to kuow." *hc sabl. licr leuipvt show Itself. ' \oU Just cau't ruarry, that's ftll. You're the useie**c*t thing ou earth uow, suit luarrieil you'd bo worse," "I guess there"* souie use for rue In Vie world, uiolher," Jim coutended "If there hadn't V been, w hat do you s'po*e the Lord put uie here for?" Khc looked him over u* he stooil iu the doorwuy the very picture of care less ludiffcreuee and shiftless good u* ture. ' Well," she replied, "he'a the only one that knows, and he ain't told yet." When Mary Csuby discovered that Jim was bcgluulng to "act foolish,' she proutptl.v but kindly told him of the utter useleesueHs of ills suit. "Why don't you want to marry me, Mary'}" ho asked in a dull, daxed way. as If not comprehending the full pur port of her decision. "We've ulwa.va been friends, and you know you like me." "I know, Jim,' she said gently, "but like Is not love, and one cannot marry without love." "Do you love unyltody else?" he ask »'d, quickening u little. "I've heard that you thought a good deal of Jack Murttn anil him of you." Mury Canby was not coquetting with Jiui Doty. f "Yes, Jim. I do," she answered frankly, "and Juck and I are to be married as soon as school closes for the summer," jtiu choked and the tears came to MoiW «<ua 1 wu4u ti 4U> tue vvoria, Aua 1 I ke «w:a bitlvtly. WpeK'.vs:> XVii, yea, .wu are, Jitu," ake eucvur kiui. ' Xovu chuuc* kaaa't vvu»e yel. but it *111." '*l Juii-uo, be aigbed ana, turuiira away, be alvwly boiuewsrd alone. 'lbe village knew wlrat waa tbe mat ter with Jiui for tbe next month or more, but it «aa ewirsiaerute of bia auf ferinjj, «ua he hcara no jeering wora nor tbe laugh that hurts. Two week.a before the acbool «MI JUu was down at tbe railroaa kbopa where Jack Murttn waa foreman. Hewaa there chiefly bev*use be aid uot hap peu t*> be elsewhere at the uiotneut. aud be waa aitting In the sbaae whittling I'osslbly be whs aomewhat more ac tive than uaual aud waa thinking, for he had Just aeeu Jack Murttn walking across tbe yat-aa towara a gap in the feuce, ana iie knew the date of Jack's wi-aaiug day. They were uot frieml* In tbe sense of associate*, but Jack did uot eare bow much Jim eujoyed him self about the place ao ton* as he did uot Interfere with buaineaa, aud Jlin had never been given to Interfering with busluees If It did uot Interfere with him. lutuut upon his thoughts. Jim con tinued whittling until presently he was recalled to hi* surroundings by a shout of alarm. It waa Jack's voice, ana. looking through the sap In the feuce. he saw Jack lying acroaa the rails, with his leg twisted under hltu and his foot fast In a frog. He had paaaed out to the main tracks, and Jim heard a train coming. Quicker than he had ever moved before In all his stagnant life he cleared the apace between them and stood In the track over lila rlvsl'a body. The heavy engine coming down had been reversed, but too late, and no pow er ou earth could stop It. Rut Jim uev er faltered Lifting the prostrate man to a sitting position, he wrenched his foot from the fatal clutch, and, with a giant's strength, he flung him outside the rails. When Jlm'a I tody was picked up a few minutes later, a little life remain ed Just a Buttering spark, but enough to give the light Hist never fades. "Jim. Jim!" cried Murttn, taking him In his arms. "It's all right now, Jack." whispered Jim. opening his eyes and smiling "Mary said I was aome use In the world and my chanec would come aome time Tell her"— Itlm words had come painfully and in ga-'ps. ami they stopped with the sen tence unfinished. But Jack knew what to teil Mary. T« l,lt» Los|. Most penile arc eager to hare a good, tried recipe for longevity. There are many auch tbont, but few are really practicable or really reliable, aa what has proved good In one case has hot done so in another, but the advice offered by Bit lleury Thompson to those who w-outd like to teach obi age, aa he has done, and remain vigorous and hfttdwotklug as well, is really l>os etble for all lo follow, He doe# not jortArha thai iongeilty can be attained quite easily. On the contrary his sya teiu Intojy e* much aelf deniftl; mil, at least. It la *ol. an ocvenhu <>ne His theory, baked on pvacllvai ftnd persoittl enWticnco. i» lh»t imcV t' jfm at well a* liilnk veii| pieb i»H lire Ul ently Ufa cue vivsy ' Ut. rrcel), bui «* inldtU* lire 1* ttdiVd one must 'klo* wWfciV fin little lift WvlftlblK »"T»ik As little m lioftslbht, ftnd Alns.N* rfkt ftltttVUa tvn<» w ill <»n th«i 4^ li b lie 1 i On-; ciio theivughll in lie My ftiirh n il'ietiirte 1 »ie* md Lu AiiJntld r\ode»*»o ftevu ftftyy»U long It'll an vlt' lt invilinut s\ \saH Vtiiy IhoVk Wo a\tptoclA\inn br wid. iu< wtiti t t«ii i t lis* w -M»k Vi ihUk. i a iu ittiTtifftllshswu tW lvilnll«il trwAh (libl gl lit!', a'hi'kitl 11 tntletUiV 1 >k\t) r ifttnii ViVltr ll t*ici\<pu (fito vi\| «.IH« «*. 'WU'.» I I t I liquet "Am I k »«." i\Mik\l Wuh i t t'k t'fhlWnlnii'i* "im roi uIIWV ltlil b%fiU »im of H. iiu uul i«u lit \n*i,lt i hikiiolttiligiti. ul W iai i,.wnli<'.t.k VVv «\inikiii v,« villi |iit t iht <• uAilwbi. t«i HilnthtJ l in fytfl tniaii \itisu feuni tAk oKfiUM 1 iiitvl\ti\\w#'\kuum, AHki li ■ 1 * '<■* ti\ nit nvitei iV't hiliioeu it. kiiun Uo\s ink »v hk thr ash vott hitM lit #nit ItikA ftt< tba.kl* "Wn iuKi<f.«i r*tihus ko-w ouitkiw* at oi'trtwi tviaitii t' iltikic Ad am hiV.\ l . I . I' .0 lUtvt I,'( It litM l\ik| ihi <f >f« blit\v i(,o i, da swwftm A yy'oot ° ro\ Vi tl |\\e |Wy»\H t|S Villk u liliii ml lAi'V hi iiobt tt\« ttn« k>tt*k 'be Mtftuti *ui »di kfte b»*tt iVi ttii tui sltini id Mttlyil (toil Vlt>yv IttU kilo" 4 Ihlw t s<t»r HW )■ tfViV iitivtlf 'nil sail Is i itytljr lufti v «mr >* tuttV ihtrv W kw ftiifttkitott ti« tki Wlftd thftt im|Vt iteroki hot Asi>« ¥i*loh vftVt W IwMk ydstvd sttlti hi thoas wh<* Mvv wvkttiktV Hut If vat tors 'tws*>« ImvM wh»u •he I* Avlu» Mviin Ul kviv'h <t'ftib\ *ifl« fftu Wv'Vtld k«ftf ft vtsskltn iwd Utoftu ibi with o\ot » mwtloft A sidv Of t ■ li- t.i.ti 'I*"" a wtt.l bullion t*l \'Ultklii» ftkd ft« th» Wft\«« alrlft \hstv pteaavtts thw *hip "wvrks" Vhts ivvai* out tki> cftikluti lu tha scathi lirtii. suit tfttw on thk fruaiv* tk«rw »slvv» Vsftu to wea\vu se*«ktsa tks Van* Mia Truutpeiu Uo yuur frlsud amttU ii ths proud father of tiipleta. i* ha? 'lluutpciu Nut that I kuow of Who •aid ko? ktra Trurupeiu Why. VOU were talk lug iu your alcep Isat uliiht aiul said; "Oot three uf s ktud. haw you, Biutth> Well, that beats rue. ohi umu" Truuipaur Did U Well. I WMirder whatever urarle uro drearu auch s fuel thiug a* thatV-Ohtesgo News U«n K|i»li«si l*« 4 l« lk*»». it U belts veil that thorw tveu waa a time wbeu svsry orthude* Kgyptlau rau the ahsvlng tool over his face, scalp aud eyebrowa at leaat ouce lu ev ery forty eight hours, t'ullke the Ho us us of s later sge. the Kgyptlaus aid not coudue the privilege of ahsvlug to free cittxeua. but obliged their slaves to shave both face sud head. \ r*«rl Crsviairt. "No. Mr Illagslun," the young worn sn said. "1 respect and eatseui you, but I cau uever marry you." ' M Waa aud la that your final verdict, Mlas HagglnaV" aaked the young law yer, |>sle, but self iK)saessed.— Chicago tribune. Htr Hraaoalaf. Baby Margaret was wstchlng a llttls bird hopping about on tbe lawn when She anw him auddenly pick up a tluy stick uud fly away wltb it "I 'pect he'a goln* to whip the baby bird," alie aald seriously.— Boaton Trsn script After Tklr«*«» Y»«ral Hanks—l wouldn't marry the best woman In the world. Bluks-You couldn't She married me thirteen yesra ago.—Bomervlllt (Mass.) Journal. TAMKS V>F FAQTS. T%«*« V* <•) lM«e u'lun Uvi>w»i W (VIIMUwv UkuU S*«\\l<Ua«. A great many p ople n. »iake iixfvr* ma uon (or knowkslgv. What a ma a meat ueeda I* uot tk.it he may be po* aeaavd of an acvumuiatvu of tuyta, ba% ibai he may know \v here lo Iwk fvr lite facts when he wauts thvrn. \Yv all kuow the unpleusuut iudixidual Who la cvnuuually seeking Uifv>r mutton. VoU ahow him about your wity and he ask*; "Uow muu.v mrlea of atrvet railway have you In your city V "VI hai la tbe price of ice here this aummer"How luauy churches are there here>" " Uo\v loug baa that building been standiug f" etc.. ad uauseain. \'ou dvn't kuow aua wonder why he wants to. VoU know where you can ttud out, and that te euough for you. And theu there la that equally dis agreeable persou who actually seems to be a tank of facts. Ue baa more iu furmatlon than anytblux else and de lights in usklng you most exiruorainury questions. When you confess your ig noruuee, he will look upou you with l>lty and exclaim, "What, don't you know?" aud theu tell you when you don't want to know at all. Kor exam ple, be la much aurprlsed because you dou't kuow how long the Amazon river la. Ue permits you—nay, he insists*- that you sheuld guess, only that he may the better humiliate you. Ilis brain Is so Inounibtred with facts that It la utmost useless. I.lfe Is too short for a man to try to constitute himself a library of uulversal knowledge when the reservoir* of such know bulge are ready to baud when It la needed.—Mun cheater Union. Rfftklic Halloa. A piece of parliamentary repartee quite aa good as the famous retorts In the house of commons and our con gress cornea from a New England uni versity. Two students ranged against each other In rlelmte grew very warm and took to commenting on each otli er'a oratorical nanftr. One of them spoke with much emphasis, letting the stress of his voice fall explosively on eertaln passages. Ills opponent opened his speech by saying, "My friend ou the negative thinks to win this debate by speaking exelamatlon marks ami Italics." The other could do nothing at the moment to turn the laugh which this speech raised, but when his tnrn eame he "got bark" at his opponent with tld» retort: "My rrlend on the affirmative says I speak Italics, t should say that he uses .Italics In the way they are used In the English Nlble-not to emphaslr.e. but to mark what Is not original and Inspired."—Vouth'a Companion. llntT Vletor lltian tt»rkf4. Vlctot ItVigo alwaya wrote standing at a high desk especially constructed Tor him, throwing off sheet arter sheet as r*st «* he Med it till he wbiild he quite anow-ed U|i In leaves of foolscap. Ue often lose In the inldiUe of Iho night to note down an hW or a Verse, lie Rot u|? rot the day «R«a\i.V at 0 O'cloelt and would devote from si* to eight hour* !>cr diem to his work. He made hut few bis iioems belli* thought out complete InhUhtaln before he put fcnt to |)*pef. it I* n W W kttdW" ract thill li« ludulird In the at dunh* Ink* «»f coni|K wMlp it-ay tt<*\li|t the Unset* nf of an omnibus. Whon working out tome Ri'|i\i. rwt'W'mh, he tv ottid apeun honrl In thli WAV. TV#- and *k« Kvu »n tt»t n>l*k»W.M\a ;u|d dnVn t V«tbl WWiH>«v| TO HUM rVoiit i»lf ctmH M, ». Mm Hid hit wftpdmeu* liutnil.niiinniW n. hilt ml«Viirt|t V\«i Uif\a t <[»•% t»*t it'll tit Uwvurt M'oi Hti'U b* Van Utvmvll* >ttl h\«W If <nt< u' l I' b rtißo ivho t.vvtw iHI" > l».» v'U«f »*»' « IH'mWi »v mnt.kUiiu, * atv v tiiiv *' >mu wi»' wV 1 "tin tofcvk "Mid \ fl 1 ikhut * 'll'V hvW Wof l|k'\l.ll|| M jW kmiiilcMn lirntt kfidHh.'lilfm. V ,n« w..w 'kV l>» 1 1t^v- •' rk* Hs<\t»v n«ar l La At i hv iAI la ft** 1 «'m uiiuiuut auMWIHI tm "UklUlf V w, « Mlhinn'lf lb* btinJP t e,MiU*Mli th« Aiv\uk>ld lUA Hudt«w' tusil' bi\« t\b> iiveaV thinb »\ *v\' %|»w%\ 111 vii* k »rt\\ 'I I# W»«tU i*P Wtutoaki yyit | >»• tbv M'wieivi K \ w«|it \» th*' ,*vvt, plav Miuu.i tt \k t\ *i\iA (bk I jon due I tiled V> k * lb>id tin MH I. -t HI • !-.• Mb .1 ItV U .» U tVit biih ai tlm *i.vmwioi« ktmultuvf rtpttu h*» \abi\ UVNVIH iicitiv twksvT ' i,, l * u kV t*t«tiki\cli'hU (b*\\ihvi. 1 tatlu m« Mat* Qu viuv vii'v walflo kl i| Pt(>\\dci\ MI (ofmuniHi at ttu' UKval Vw «iei h I \\ ft luimVer . t \iafk « a ut sailor• \V tu> tiuit been vlttuk inn wetrv ieatvA tu Ike |aihmf Ou» lost bis VhHuiv ftw\ fvh bit<' (111' alalia Vki> v'tkef imutcilUtiolr cvUd, "Maw u\erbvmrd!" IVit vUwvV Hflvr Iria com puulou \Vt\U tha j«to\wl«m huk id iVvtukeu wkUwra VUe ttiat eacapvd wdU | ft biokau Wf ftUd the aecoud WltUovd ft avrau U WMr* »k» ftkas Waake* V«wi- I'ovtui. dou't sou ftud tbat Waaler la flow tug terribly tktul \»octoi -No Ugrui lu that, fvleud tt* waa geUlug tw fat- Us will be tuucb better Iu health w beu be la thluucr- Valet Idlaappolutedl - Very likely, ouly I akuu't be übla to wear big clothes." U. ItaUul "You ahouldu't Judga a urftit by tka cigars be gives you." remarked the phlloaopber. "Home oue may have giv en them to kliu."—Clncluuatl Commer cial ATlbuue. ' A FORCED SALE. Ptltk'a PitrkaM #1 HI a Mwu trall ralulcil k) lllaiHtl. Here la tbe satouiahlug hlstoej of oue of I'rllh'a own porlrulta palnua by Ulmaelf. The celebruted It. A. ha a eu tlrely forgotteu Ita existence until s frleud eutered bis atudio oue uiorulug aud asasrtea that a capllul picture of blmaelf wua ou view lit a small alrop In Oreat l'orlland street. "It'a not a bit like what you are now," observed the friend, "but It may have resembled you aome yenra ugo. 110 aud look at 1L" Mr. Frith went and found bis own Image after an estrangement of forly- Qve yeara. lie determined to buy It, though he hud not the faintest recollec tion of huvlug paluted It. "Ah, a por traltl" aald Frith to the woman In charge of the abop ufter be hail pre tended to examine several other worka. "Whose likeness la thitt?" "That," aald the lady, "la a i>ortralt of the celebrat ed artist, Frith, paluted by himself." "Why, ho must be an elderly man," put lu the artlat. The woman remark ed that be was young once. "Humph!" quoth tho genial W. l\ F. "Not much of a picture." To this the woman demurred and %a«,ed u"v fvr I6v uuu.y U wua Fiitk'a lu'u W awe* 1 ' surpfrawi. Wvil,'* rvpovd Uk vuh oui us much. Wv shall urakc a very sruaU pi\«!it. Vvu ov. it ta very vuiuahlv b«- vau.se the artist is dvevaaed;' "LS> evMss-a:" v-vcht tied the astonished paiutvr. "ivaa, ao you uieauV "Yes, sir, J.ed of drink. Vi> husbsud ullvud ed the funerul." Frith bought the picture, but did uot revive for smuio time.- Chambers' Jour nal. A«*a ut MlrU*. Among birds the swau lives to ho tbe oldest, lu extreme cases reaching 200 years. The fsleon has beeu kuowu to live 102 years. Au eagle died in lNlil which had l>eeu caught HH years be fore sud was theu vjuite old. A white hcaOed vulture, which was caught lu 1700, died in the aviary at Seboubrun, near Vienna, lu l!£M. Parrots live more than a century. Water birds have s long life, exceeding that of several gen erations of men. itaveus also live over a huudred years. lu captivity magpies live from tweu ty to tweuty-Bve years, and still longer iu freedom. The common hen attains the age of from lift eon to twenty years. Doves live ten years and the little sing ing birds from eight to seventeen years. The utghtlngale'a life Is the shortest, ten years being the longest, and next comes the blackbird, which never livoa longer thun Ufteeu years. A Tough Steak. "On the other side of the Rio Grande," said n traveler, "meat Is cheap, but tbe beat cuts of Mexican beef are tougher than rhinoceros hide. When I tirst went to Mexico. I ordered a tenderloin at a hotel in Durango, but 1 couldn't cut It to save my neck. I told the waiter it wouldn't do, aud lie re moved It. "Presently, however, he returned, ac companied by the proprietor of the hotel, and laid the platter on the table. 'What's the matter with the steak V asked the hotel man 111 Spanish. 'Tough,' said 1. 'Why, I can hardly stick a fork Into It much less a knife.' "Mine host (lap|ted It over with the flat of the knife and eyed 11 dubiously. 'l'm sorry.' he said, 'but It's the best in the house. At any rate. I can't take It back. It's bent.'" tier Very Clenr I'hotlikta. "Well, Utility, what are your thnclits Rhoot lunrryln't" asked a young jvom as In Scotland the other day of her aniit. a decent body who had reached the shady side of life without having comniilled nialllmony. " 'Deed, lasFle," frankly replied the old lady, "I've had but throe tliochts aboot it a' tny days, an' the last is like to he the inngesl. First, theu, when t was JroUiig. tike yonrsei', 1 thocht, •Wha ll i tak'T' Then, as time began to wear by, \ thocht. 'Whrt'ii i gelV An' after t got tny leg broken \vi' lluil whiitnel oot o' Saunders Mcthuntiiie's carl thy ihoeids sytle ha\e bin, 'Wha'll tfth' hifef " Ills nt-ralril Objertlon. "VoU object lo MOHltdhiStti and othei rorms of polygamy oi. moral grounds. 1 niptKiirV . i ••vveii, vnHlv. VtrtHiy. tin m\ w\m "\V\iat rise ahonlti make Vt offeiislVs Vtt i'pil?" u » Vviirtt elsel Why, runt mackerel think of Vnlit't laic lltntt iitc cUiu nh.t lift\lns to malic tdteh IV nriceU WlVcftl" Chleafeo Post. Wr. »r l» i leolt Bifil tvDii -V'riV WiUVefts' *ake, Wh^t'l tSit valsv! 1,1 . .ta i i\oi„ POttAt e|| t f ItcO WWM* is MVlVlt 'Nfl *tibe,«uillvrtrrti„. lb Ilu tiPll'ii ntjlum Wnl\ art' they mint i-'nut-n IU i i , i k V \\ but iu« \i iW'V Vwl v thf of i\ is t I'tV*; W'X»< w «nl irtA M„ i i U;a lis, ti Miktmi miinit Mn V Jiit ,|hiMiA^i-'«tn,,o ,iii' , iHi:t».rVv»'H„a ' ! »"Vtui M Vt U i\i».»vtl * vita | lltiit I -ill! ' M'ttm ti u«v n 1 atii iifil \\nil 1 „ll| uII 'i ,1.11 mi V "i ill "lieuv ll*« ln«« tSiviuSt " lUllV'k UUurVti" rtlidHlhi H|a\ IbsVftH hM v it wit hiVpi M ♦ le\t el Oto |iii* itWhUl* PV> Wtu'UV ytUv u\iAVh\il| h\ b^tuuftttw wi V^ftiiv w ■ 1 V on tU i«(u«|tit> \o lUleu to ftyvrvU ous i*m\t»i\ iinUmiam t^wvw » IIISHMImh** Iteii*i4 On \l\ti 't .V'hti iioh. ami hiV.t.iau, All.! Mis ndnV\i> kud iwiit\>'iiit'tuif am t e.\ vttu t\e\ti V't* uyi't HutVi dVv ab.v t'tiv \\Vn \\ ro l.tttuWb k the ftUtv»H\\\i v> ' Itil > VI iMUtalitft ft w*'<idh t'f It*'* Vtui iV'Uol ,U..| ttiotvoyt I'. b» 11' lit ' 1 bo<l ftft Ihs uu>»t uiui div* • Vt Urn i|V> of idsM.V y«tu ho VV't* tJAVfh bv ,tftl\tia \ us ft inwuvd fift itiatiV itud viseltd books fttiA fhl'outil> • ft U* Celtic to Vv^i \\ e ba\e t'vcu plcaacd to ii-iut." Cliua (bo ihciiavs 'VVtr t otter* patent uudev our great fccut of tug laud there bv iiuibotulitg blm to collocl uuiong out lo\!u« fcvtbjoci* their volutdut \ oott ti tbulloiia and kind nuitulUe*■" W ben the llccuae bad been y\tended *o a* to ay nil for two jears, a .yielded froui a aiugle t.oiiyion pariah the uiaguHiccut kttttt of acvcu ftud Btxpi'ttie. Jobu Mow * luouuiucul I* a phiislug Work lu ten a cottft ou lire wall of St. Vitdievv 's uudei shaft, lbe the of lou vlou that destroyed so much spared iho ctllg.y of i.oudou'* chronicler, ao Ibftt the poster ili for w bich be labored mlghl phulogrsph It.— t-orulon New a. Olilru Titttw "ttaltuaat." lu early Uible ita.sa richly embroliler eil valuieut was enumerated with the gold, silver sud other vuluuble projterly of u rich mail. In that primitive ute l>aiue Fashion was not the tickle Kod desa she Is at present, und the "nil meld" so frequently mentioned In the Holy Scriptures dcaceuded from father to sou us u vuluuble purl of the Inher itance. Kaliueiit was often sent, with gold und gems, us u present to digni taries. It took not mouths, but yeara. to or iisiueiit some of these garments, aud the gold thread so lavishly used lu euibrolderlliK them was real goia. Moses describes lite proecaa of making the gold thread that waa used In ornn ineullng the taberi„icle. I lie habit of making presents of rare needlework Is atlil common among eastern nations who cbalined their clialoius so slowly. larrnt I* r**r n «*e «»f lllntl. She (attci tic In." proposed. In an aside) llti. Hits is «i> easy! He- What did you say? She-Oh. this Is so sudden!— Detroit Free I'reus The largest eoral reef In the world la the Australian Itarrler reef, which is 1,100 miles In length for HAMDUNQ fruit. v»< V'VetHl li |>r« I'ovuUc Ih Viiciwiu .V study of lhe markets iu any largo CH>. New \or* iu particular. shows % great variety of fruit package*. Th» uiost popular and satisfactory package for strawberries Is the thirty-two ijuart carrier, now quite universally used. KVult properly ripened, packed and ihipiied uudei favorable condi tion* usually arrived iu these package* In the moat distant markets lu Urat elasn couditlou. The area test Irregularity Is aeen la the peach basket. The bulk of fruit fvo:u the south la packed and shipped lu the six basket currier, one of the very beat uud moat convenient pack-, ages ever placed upon the uiarket, par ticularly where fruit uiuat be shipped long distances. Our Illustration shown a package of thla aort. The crate holds six baskets lu two rows, with a rest or partltlou between. The bas kets usually contain four quarts, the entire package containing about tlve eighta of ft bushel. The crates can be purchased "'knocked down" ready to be put together. The baskets are com plete and ready for use. The price for six basket carriers varies somewhat lu different sections of the country. The average per 100 for carrier and bas kets Is about sls. Iu Maryland uud Delaware the flve elghth bushel Delaware basket, shown IU! onon tyvkh of tßtitt pacraciis. 11. iKn popular six basket carrier; 1, bushel baakct with slatted cover; J, (tve-clfthtlw D< l.iwarr. t, onc-thlrJ tiushrl New Vork baxliet; 5. one-ilfth bushel Climax bus kri; «, Ave-eljthth» Wtgwftts splint cov er. Of theso the six l>a»kit carrier anil climax tvp"* atu 'he Woat universally Usml nail very popular In nil local mar kets, j In our llhisirntlon, U tiultn extensively URcd. it is coticeiieil by most grower* that for null of superior quality the nix brvsket carrier is above all whev tW NVtv lersry. Dtta wnre, Miyrvliltpl rtltu Nviwl yirirlnlit thr rt\c I IghlU jrthd offip-nAlk nVtMtel buskcts »re <initn c<»mnwtu.V tinnl. Wr loner grniW oV Uie »n\ eu eighth SuiM crUe or box » vm i «;\V WW hen Ot t»<\ Itbm I.U<Vjk« Mill AllniHu) ni'Alttlaliv mm Mb\ W P' l ' tip. Hv t and ;\m*o«tl tW fix *\nsk'V mrtlrv \w l|t) t>.clV \Wt KsV tlie be»\ *Hidcl bt \b ili> 't'V WtteVVti} \hr <v<n IWnl Wl«n«| >llv v VM )* .* W' m l t«'*\ lotftl V,?irt bl'AwW*, ntl .\1"» v*t«K«W ««> 'l\lbt\ VOU'Witi* l.\>l ! tViIA t>\VP iv.i n^AV'» Oil hH'IIJAI** u\vW*y\i\i Hvlfc r A# Awv Ail.t v< nV |i'M* ba we* Vf» U'imrAf l Vv' OHti JfVOi I 'itvbv vW i»K 'V»' lit «bi)kiWxH\ U 1 AlW> 'i utl.hu.r *\UIM \ '.« tV vl|£b\til' ' \m\Vi vVi \>^w- I'vitM" lltiUr \\ bin» U\U'Wrtffiuß U l»t UvtU'Ovl it U tl ,\Vl Ait lUrti(i. libiM t« l» x Vlll^lVv' l\« f.' M nMM'tab Tl>l» \\mii.lV\S' li il> <\, VctVni vbc UiV> iV Mi vfvabdV'd If IV- 'Mhlfel (* dfMmvVv\ bVf> IS* h bit* A) (^ VOTW** Of t I'O* dviccA ut'c uot «f tUvi beat quality I'Uls la tt\tv> >vUcilu-t' thii yUte* are deattoyed by tlu' Vtui". blight v»r fro»t V\c have received uiauv lunuliiea re ecttll,\ aa to the aUc u( Ihe <wcd plecea wUlcit ab»tild be i'lautcd. \\ u cau beat uuavviv lUeac tptcalUiua by aotuo out llwc druwlutM abowliii: Uuv\ we would Wit polaloca. lu the Ur»t .'«ac the pota to la cut lu t«u pieces; lu tho aecoutl and lUlnl, lu Ihtce and (our reapectlvo ly li.v cutting potaloca aa Indicated wo uae about leu bviahcl* of seed per acre. Much of Ibe nucceaa with tho crop de pcuda ou alarilttu right With a good ktroitg growth at the start the battle la half won The other half of the bat tie uia.v be wuu by proper apraytug *ud tilluge, aaya 1.. A tilutou lu t'ouutrjr tlvutlcuiau. \ Willi Hrturl. lluvitu: once loat a caae lu New York, Counselor Nolau aadly reiusrkt-d, "My pool client la little likely to get Justice done hero until tho Judgment day." "Well, counselor," said the court, "if 1 have an opportunity I'll plead for the poor wouian myself on that day." "Your honor." replied Nolan, "will have troubles of your owu upon that day." rrvcocloua Discernment. Little Gertrude—l'm going to b* a spinster, like you. Aunt Uertrude. Aunt Uertrude—^Why do you want to be u spinster, dearie? Little Gertrude — I 'Cause, Aunt Ger trude, a spinster doesn't have to try to look pretty, an' she can comb her hair any old way.—Brooklyn Life. Appalled. Doctor—l am slightly In doubt as to Whether yours Is a constitutional dis ease or not. Patient— I "or heaven's sake, doctor, have I got to g<> to the expense of sp pcallng to the United States supreme court to find out whether It Is or not?— ltlchmond Dispatch. Nvfc.sU < k CyRJNQ. 4(| t« ' <»A«* %MA ». <ui«4 Krytu iuuJ# waii care lu the cbee«e curiae room* o< tin* New York agricultural ittUUou t *&•, IK-ara very desirable taat cttaWM. uuUt« era and handlers should give curcful attcntlou to weral poluta. in ocdtiC C* secure advautege* due to a amount of utoistute iu toe curad tint it la better to make choiin modvi auiy moiai uud to bold tl»e naoifr fa *. ' <r, - i i * fe I Section of cheeae curing room and liort zontal multiple subearth Juct. A. tnlat to curing room; B. and of iub««rth duct In bricked entrance to factory. C. cross section ot the multiple ducts; 0. & brteked entranc« under funn*l at outer end ot subearth duct; P, funacl with mouth thirty-six Inches across; O, vaa* to hold funnel to the wind; M. v»mHat ing ilue with damper. ture In curing rather than to mak* a moist cheese and let It dry out rapidly; second, when uiarket conditions do not demand cheese of fixed Rise oc %hap*» it will be advantageous to make tuodwr ately large cheeses; third, pravlahm should lie made to keep the air In tie curing room well saturated with mois ture; fourth and most Important cheess should lie cured at a low teatperatwrei The first two points Just tuenttoned relate to the tnanufsoturv and cas bs contrvilKil by the maker. The third point, a moist atmosphere tn the cwrtac room, can Ih* aecurad In several w-ayw. In the station curing rooms yard plcecH of felt an' used to gtve ft large e vai>o rating surface. These *re sno pendiHl tn the rooms. <ll|»ping ftt the top Into troughs til KM with water and hanging o\er similar troughs ftt ths iHttlottt. The felt sucks up the waw* as a lamp wick doc* oil and thns kvevs ft large surface gl\it\g off me Mttre Any excess drip* Into the hotton* towWßh. The air Is kept •* tteartj ft» possible at 7T\ pet i-ent of ftfttnraWaih, the i>erce«tntte Vein* iVtermln<>l hjr ft hygrometer. t'entrnl ettrttt* tviom* *re e*tMhe*ttJ pHtctlctthle hM i*wV>at>ly *«V*d the best solutions or the problem *S-t* then' nti> many ntHoH*-* wtthth ft, emle distance rhwn attJ l ' cent**- factories cannot eo ft sprcte> curing roottt ahouhi be provbb>i each Ans such roe«\ w» AuMm venillnied or coobd. shonM rnr a* possible for shutting onl he*\ h? double walls, air sivaces, aftwdun &-*- toisgi. ' If possible, W en the of some other bulbbit|t and off # Vne oiheir abb s b\ wa>a, wit* \xh«n* « bi v v\,-r fterecu*. it snouhi Ve \n>>Vidw vv\\h ,< VelHllrttw \»1 the A| UWiyUS W fflTOl big D v*h ftiv wi\u;h i»4» \«t«w ittibie tVwouiV cobv waut wv yVst «m >V Awrt eiMMlnt We a« H Itvwhw Ta iw tnt niUlUlii ,M "V b* b \*\'w IfMW, v\ to biVum MWv * 'p.U 'ft li fHUVJ \\ V.m tth tiM >it r *if V\lAb r*\». U-ni ft*.* 'M eAi'iU W KS W W-'h.hll i , if' • , »<t iviryjttu ibwt Vii.iU bf thV> l +'"M 1 R u Jvrtl, it tI.V „\ttnV* \\V 'tk A' «Wl' vUtU if Ai.i thhvufV/ vtAhiitiWy**^^* IV v ttit» CM >• eUtilbi Wh iavg> Vtv>t yttlti' Wit% tVwttnVbol 1 K*l»f|' ilnff vt'lii-tV iWtHH'My' * «agt*ff 'a 4 dIH, H'li.u.'w u.. ia» Mndllitt % .tb th<' iViVvauaUm <>f Maau A vtll *ntAv lv\l\t \v» .miVe ft mue Atwh ucu ol (\„V i blu'd U > tut %I#U tu tldOt canton until H* \fct> fta Jufif \U*- ribbv the « Acly t<Ut\W eah b< Wp«4 Utu\ ft «tMt\ ill t>f tekVPa Will w»on -Hiiiii tk»< eai\ ftkind (itktt\ to be land tpliiftt h \i blcli Ut U«»t« ttlv tbft plant Mcotus to oretet \Uo V&t w i\iu\ tuiikea a Mirse utbouut vt tUlck VenVca uittl lender tipK to IU« utany btmtche* %blcb uuv.v be gaibewH* H tuUrvaU throughout tho «e*- «oi\ \|'ll« «Hl| Nut«l. \\HUUi ivc«ut .team u ra*cvkvu lu the dcinitud for Uovaei baa atiil tho aupply U now UuuUMuate. Vluring the busy acaaou ot haudluig and curing tlu\ almost t.OtV pet>ple are employed In thla new Industry lu Mich igmi The average condlUou of meadow mowing Utiula uud of pa at urea ou May I u reported the lowest May cwuditiou since lvvs with the exception of ISW. "Thlu the peaches Ucioically," suma vi|i the advice of moat of the horticui tut'iata. Attracted by the high prices of tho wiutcr, uiauy farmers have uewly un dertaken the grow Ug of ouloua. American Agriculturist reports au "uuevvtulu hu.v promise." Meadow s are rei«orted "alow, suiall aud thiu," ex cept ou the I'acUic coast, where ali grass growth is above the uwruutk i VltuuUctaUuO. An attendant lu a Loudou buaiucas houae was recently approached by s furtive looking stranger. This auspi cious pei iou, dreused iu ftomber black, came yulte close to the attendant aud then, ralslug his eyea from the ground, whispered tragically, •'Are you pro pared to die?" The atteudaut waan't, and he caught the susplcloua one by th# throat and half throttled hiui. Whea the invalid was recovering, it "transpired" that ha was an amateur mlaaionary inquiring after everybody'a spiritual needs, Tkrittiew. Poor Woman—Ah. your Iftdyahlp, tha very serious Illness of aiy husband boa consumed our little all, and ws ars pen niless! Lady-Dear, dear! How could you* husband be so thriftless aa to get 111 so much beyoud his means? —Loudon Tlt- Blta. Cos'literals. Age«l Criminal (who has Just got a life aentsnce) -Oh. me lud. I shall nao» er live to do It! Judge (sweetly*—Never mind. Do aa much of It as you can!-Punch.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers