THE CITIZEN. I W ILLIAM C. NF.GLEY - • PublUber j THURSDAY, JUNE n, 190 a SI.N per year la Advaace, Otherwise $1 JO. REPUBLICAN TICKET. STATE. Governor —S. D. PENNYPACKER. Lieut. Gov. —WM. M. BROWN. Secretary Internal Affairs— ISAAC M BROWN. COUNTY. Judge— JAMES M. GALBREATH. Congress-—J. B. SHOW ALTER. Assembly—A, M. DOUTHETT, THOMAS HAYS. Sheriff-M L. GIBSON. Prothonotaty —JOHN C. CLARK Treasurer— WLNFLELD S. DIXON. Register and Recorder —J. P. DAVIS. Couuniisioners—ROßEßT MCCLUNG. JAMES L. PATTERSON. Coroner —DR. J. C. ATWELL. Auditor—HOWAßD C. HAZLETT, GEORGE S. HCSELTON. THE TICKET. Every third year the Republicans cf the county are called upon to select from the candidates offered a number of men to fill the county offices. These men compose the county ticket, and this ticket in this county is usually elected. As a rule, too, our nominees are capable and respectable men, who ad minister their offices faithfully, and to the entire satisfaction of all the people of the county. This year some thirty men offered themselves and of these ten of excep tional merit have been selected, and there shoald be no question as to the support they will receive at the polls in November. These Court House offices (with the exception of Commissioner and Auditor) are '"juicy plains' that should be passed around among the capable and deserv ing adherents of the party, and we call attention to the fact that not one of our nominees for these offices this year has ever before held county office. For Congress Dr. Showalter has yet to run the gnantlet of the Conference with Westmoreland county; and for As sembly, the people of the county can r<sst assured, from the character and qualification of Messrs Hays and Douth ett, that their best interests will be safe ly guarded at Harrisburg. THE NEW SPIRIT. After the storms of last week, Mon day came like a Summer's dream. There were some mutterings in the morning, but the Convention silenced them, and everybody felt the influence of the New Spirit that now prevails ovef the Republicans of Butler county. The Connty Convention met in Younkins' Hall. Chairman McFarland called the meeting to order, and had the roll called, and asked for nominations for Temporary Chairman. Carl Shanor of Prospect nominated. Dr. Leighner of Butler, and no other name being men tioned, the Doctor was elected, unain iously. On motion of C. M. Brown of Harrisville, four Secretaries—John Findley and G. C. Vorous of Bntler, Roy Burtner of Jefferson and John Womer of Allegheny—were elected;and on motion of Dr. Dennison of Bruin the temporary officers were made perman ent. Dr. Leighner made a few remarks, and then the delegates present were re corded, as follows; County Committee tor 1002. Adams N., John Kline. Adams 8., W. W. Hill. Allegheny, J. E. Womer. Butler, Joe. Criswell. Buffalo, J. W. Fleming. Brady, Henry Dilliman. Clinton, S. C. Moore. Clay, Milt Thompson. Centre, Geo. McCandless. Clearfield, E. J. Milligan. Cherry N., Andrew McMnrry. Cherry S., Lawrence C. Groves. Connoquenessing N., W. M. Stewart. Connoquenessing 8., C. E. Shannon. Cranberry, I. N. Wright. Concord, James Redick. Donegal, J. D. Rumberger. Forward, L. A Rex. Franklin, M. T. McCandless. Fairview, W. P. Day. Jefferson, Roy Burtner Jackson E., H. H. Goehring. Jackson W., E. H. Hutchison, Lancaster, A. B. Metz. Marion, R. O. Bailey. Mercer, J. M. Tagert. Mividycreek, D. R. Kennedy. Middlesex, J. A. Snyder. Oakland. John Badger. Parker, Kirk Shira. Penn N., W. H. Campbell. Penn 8., H. H. Bricker. Summit, Wm. 8. Scott. Slippery rock, O. D. Keister. Venango, Erskine Seaton. Washington N., Henry Hamilton. Washington 8., Frank Campbell. Winfield. Samuel W. Galbreath. Wcrrtb, U. Grant Studebaker. Butler Ist w., John Findley. Butler 2nd w.,G. C. Vorus. Butler 3rd w., J. M. Leighner. Butler 4th w., Sam Walker. Bntler sth w., 8. M. McClure. Bruin, B. E. Denniston. Connoquenessing, G. L. Christie. Evans City, J. 0. Waldron. Eau Claire, H. H. Campbell. Fairview, R. C. Scott. Harmony, L. A. Dindinger. Harrisville, C. M. Brown. Kftrn* City, J. W. Glossner. Millersttown, D. E. Dirken. Mars, J. A Criswell. Prospect, M. C. Shanor. Petersville, G. Morgan. Portersville, Ed. Beighley. Saxonburg, J. A. Muder. Slipperyrock, L. D. Keister. West Sunbury, James H. Bovard. Valencia, Harvey Smith. Zelienople, W. A. Geohriug. C. M. Brown moved for a Committee of five on Resolutions, and John Findley J. E. Womer, James H. Bovard, E. H. Hutchison and J. C. Waldron were appointed. Chairman Leighner appointed L. A. Dindinger, Cbas. Miller and G. C. Vornus to tabulate and count the vote. Joe. Criswell then offered a resolution reading as follows: Resolved—That a Committee of three be appointed by the Chair to amend and formulate rules to regulate the printing and distribution of ticket* to goyern the method of voting and qualifications of voters at the primaries; and to this an amendment was added, "that the primaries be held at the regular polling places." This resolution WBS adopted and Chairman Leighner appointed Joe. Criswell, C. M. Brown and Carl Shanor as the Committee. The Committee on Resolutions not yet having reported, a short recess was taken and Chairman Leighner seeing Col. Thompson in the audience called upon him for a speech and Thompson went forward and spoke in favor of peace and harmony. Then Daniel R. Kennedy, the old veteran of Muddy creek twp. spoke of the early days of Republican party in Butler County; of the death of Gto. Wallace, the first soldier front Butler county to die in ser vice during the Civil War, Mr. Kenne dy voted for Freemont, the first Repub lican candidate for President, has voted for every Republican candidate for President since, and has uever held a county oflice, though in hls'2ad year; and Mr. Galbreath, Dr. Showalter, A. M. Douthett, Thomas Hays, M. L Gibson, John C. Clark, Lewis Wolford, Official Returns of Republican Primary Election Held June 7, 1902. JUDGE, I CONG. ASSEMBLY. , SHERIFF. PROTH'Y. | TREASURER. B»;IRTER AND REC COUNTY CO.MMISSIONKI:S. GO. AUDITOR V r 1 > H I H HI?-" fC HI g Hr 1 H =' 2? T C ~ ~ •*' 2P~2X 2 £ 3 ® ~ ~ DISTRICTS. C?R#CS iSL'i S p. S S ;r p 2. £.2 ( 5J S ® 2. c £. 3; - s St a so " ™ JL ?S S^S-S^§2S3 I^WSSO2® 1:R ! T O£-?581. , <95-K^R<2.!?L^ ,£■=-§: 2E. 3 o ~ =: • 2 « I S " c c ~ : ~ 2 I : = ?! I r : 111 f r• : § § | r : 1 : : . : 3. f r * : ; f* : : : § : g 3 TT V Tx ~~49 IFT 71 i 57 20 til 3H 42 18 31 40 22 30 12 45! 33; 2 ' 52, 8 I S 23 7 14 45 24 7; 37 26 10 44 48 62 Adams >i 4 • • - . . { ., 4 j- 6 1 1 1 34. 1 25 13 2 3 11 26 30 9 • 23 4. 41 •>() .», Adams S ■■■> «, } : ■>' *» ]' . , ... 10(; , ~4 O- 64 ! 35 ! 2 1 77 5 9 30 7 29 1 82 .V 22 23 55 43 .5 88 80 Allegheny 108 DR»*ST%TW73 49 42 36 155 >4O 105 72 86! 91 26 * 11* "25 37 2* 2. 12 20 91 61 15 100 17 161 50 164 g N «er 144 «. 119 • < # 188? 118 13 112 70 F>o| 115 27 1 14 13 165 6 70 11 30 74... 16 13 2* <1 3- 37 17113.122 77 105 Buffalo <•> 124 41 I-,- 1 66 1« 11 . ; IU j ;JG „ 1T R , W ... ;; 19 I 2 « 2 22 42 s 23 38 .5 14 so « 4 BRADY 4.> 43 .A 39 34 57 63 | 4 55 5 34 JO 44 30 10 34 52 81 74 6!) S||BSF SSS « - * . J , « ..... ... . . G « , ,« - >G« GG » | « v • ' |s; S 'V2 SS II *! 5? ,t t», ■:< 11 5?! °J .. B S.. tt if S.. J : iE'S £ Sr d |i||«■«« g g-« lS a S SS g S i. £ 5"» .J SSS,S£ §£S 5 1 CO NCORD ff -- 4, 14 :U 20 4F i 14 <i 7, 37 19 3 2 35 4 2 24 .... 5 . IS 5 22 13 19 4-» 36 44 -.4 Connoqnenesmng N f » I', >■ -• " '} 4 00 O 7 5 X 17 27 1 1 :»» .... 5 9 1 10 2 27 0 4 24- 5 25 43 20 3H Copnoqaeneamng S 44 10 .M •" £ ~ - >2() ;{ . 10 H .. ~. 4 6.... 1" 14 23 4 24 25 45 30 44 07 05 Cranberry 45 4! 1.. £ 4. 30 -»4 4.» I» . ;J0 S 12 19 40 8 O S7 U 7 13 3 21 17 38 10 14 27 56. 44 37 DO NE « AL *2® Ai 00 S 106 103 102 50 127 29 123 10 54 21 s« 77 10 3 -7 1 01 4* 4 19.... 35 30 112 SO 47 76 1-5 123 114 Fairview >4 f }«;> '» 14 79 O 7 :w 9 52 57 24 -! 4 1 »• 13 07 6 21 53 22 41 84 32 30 50 *7 104 Forward 60 81 44 10 |» 6- ... : ;(I .> 7 >4 36 57 4 9 100 112 18 250 737 52 9254325 ;W 105 S3 Franklin £ «'J | ;■ - 'F G 4 81 •>,. N 23 36 20 21 50 12 10 23 20 29 - 1 11 20 30 14 7 42 .0 21 00 .4 01 I S ' 1? ! ■' ?•> 6 S 10 0 4 6 1 12 4 1 10 3 1 . 13.... i ::.... 5 8 3 4 4 10 4 1 16 7 5 Jackson E 4 16 . 11 1- L- {(J ( , , W ... .. ;M AS :} ;J , N J; 21 08 i 9>l ->1 08 .. Jefferson 41 ><• <0 F' «» $ - U ,V, 27 50 2 ~ 12 AL 16 7 ! ,« 1 14 31... •, 8 2 2 32 11 43 2, 25 54 43 Lancaster 3- 36 • '>•> •>> Z -> - J, M 1 10 1 2 12 31 3 3 2 18 3! : 50 14 .>3: 34 -»L -.2 .6 Marion 60 48 13 88 42 62 •», 41 ■■ M * 1 18 * 91 1- .. J ; S . . , 4 , 41 W Mercer M L.| '1 "J 1' 1J( . FA , ;S 50 12 18.152 I 2 19 121 10 r.r, II s 2: 12 15 92 3I 93 2»- 115 123 97 166 Middlesex j 109 1«4 40,1.;. L.»L 101 im >- 4 , V , 2 , H , 7A 5 ~ 15 5 ! 28 43 2: 13 61 3S. so 70 Muddycreek 66 46 4 ■ J- ?t?> 29 40 7 43 39 8 4 « 4 12 48.:. 9 2 S4 17 15 51 • 30 .4 71 0! Parker «* $ 'F ! IF. R , ~ 58 :W N ,;U 1! 20 5 14 70 2 2 7 19 60 14.... 20 30 20 23 22 2.) 10 28 32 80 Penn N %%£ « * JJ O ; G S 43 66 49 10 7 130 6 533 6 101 11 3 8F5847i575 23 75 103 73 126 PennS »« £ FJ U .Z '* 7.7 ,7 .... ~, 21 ;{8 S 79 2 8 :. 00 3 2 23 25 17 5 34 55 H 15 43 49 51 91 03 Slipperyrock 80 39 8, 81 O. 69 48 61 06 1J -.J -1 7 3 i(J 3... 2 17 5 3 24.... 21 23 18 29 Snmuilt 1« " "1 I" ' 7.; 4 :> 50 :;7 40 10 78!.... 7 1 29 3 3... 23 ... . 10 45 5 ! 7 35 39 3, 23 * 9 3B 14 3d Venango V '• I" 1 "J "<■ CJ 17 31 103 1 15 3 I<>7 5 4:; 3 9 5S 1 21 12 24 sr. 33 I, 1. 1 >9 60 3. Washington N 60 M 4. .3, 4-> -1 ■ • ;;; T(( ~4 jj , r>(> _ 7 4 5 0 71 35 43 23 2' 60 57 15 Washington 8 '4 •■3 3, .. .1 «1 ; 40 J,.; 2 1 2 20 31 104 1:. 61 U 44 50 0 29 ' M 19 16 60 SKM 95 40.V 124 Winfield .112 M£ »» X £. 5 9 ,4 2 N 79 1- 27 21 69 22 2... 94... I 16 > 4 41 82 12 H 25 20 .2 79 09 Worth F -■ ; • .- . J, K J; 7 |r,| 2I 16! 294 13 4S 1 5 lil.l 55 12 li ■ 3: 20 90 7S 2<. 22«. L.»L .3 IT. Bntler Ist W 80 14 I-. 4-. - 8 .< 16 11. • - 50 .14 24 .. 3s iw7 M 45 17s 711 1-7 2*' 70 224 Butler 2d W ,6S ; ; 2W, - 130 135 25 65 13 , 122 -3 31 55 13 I, 33 s; 5: -.0 119 52 , 1«2 92 ,4 7 Bntler 3d W 14.' '-J J»; «' ;• • J, 4 . R,7 75 21 144 123 34 51 24 5 37 25 -5 12 22 3. 62 4". 21 122 33 9> 1.0 9 13> Butler 4th W 9S 14. .- 1-4 IU 4 23 51 111 lis 29 57 109 01 43 188 8* m 302 ill is . Bntler sth W 1» I' 4 *"1 h !f. ~ \V 'Y? 4, 4 33 26 31 20 7 1 -9 2 II 3I ... 6 1 23 41 14 54 6 8 44 35 19 Brain f ' f;> ■>> £ T* 4 A 30 1 32 4 U 7 13 20 5.. 10 !• 6 16 3 5 . 16 12 10 22 5 17 40 15 29 Connoqnenessing 2; 1. U - • 14 57 28 25 37 23 7 3S 11 13 51 6 S 31 24 4- 13 33 I 35 70 SO 0. Evans ATY 4> .9 31 88 >■> « ?■> _ O ... 2 9 4 1 2 11 ... 15 2 6 12 2s I 10 15 4 30 29 Ban Claire 21 1- 8 .. 4 - J2 ~r > ;J5 J n 14 n u JO 4 14 2 3.... 24 13 31 22 2 4 32 23 35 Fairview 31 1. ■ 4- • 1? W 2! - 1;! 4 \> 22 2 9 12 20 •> 2 . 39 . 4s !•> . Harmony f fj ' » f' ~7 {;! ,* J K 15 3 .... 7 4 27 13 1.... 25 1 1 13 3 9 1 3 13 17 10 s 2C 18 32 25 Harris ville 31 H> 10 34 -8 28 ,3 - 3fi lf> , :{ 5 2 3 1.... 10 2 19 9 3 2 1 2 29 12 1 8 2S 37 30 8 Keams City * •'* ~ P ! ?4 -, n 29 79 17 54 2 03 25 15 63 13 8 21 3 II 82 2 9 33 42 41 14 33 20 19 03 00 08 Mars F «6 »\ ( ] T 42 32 76 10 47 14 15 95 10 0 52 17 19 3S 12 10 11 33 13 103 33 21 36 107 57 75 Milleretown I 4-' « 109 .- •; 4J O. ,J 5 32 21 1.... 20 II 7 13.... 4 1 18 4 29 23 2 19 35 11 41 Petrolia j J2 »J f 7 12 R, 1« 6 6 5 17 1 4 1 17 3 . . 1 .... 1 7 5 0 2: 9 7 30 is Portersville ( ® ~! 7 - . f 4H Vl 43 2 26 26 3 19 12 21 1 2. 47 . 2 1 4 16 19 s 40 13 27 4s 31 Prospect J 28 37| 11 43 . » 46 48 1* G G I S3 5 4 5 ... 5 21 * 1« 4 2 3o 1 30 29 Saxonburg.. # 7 1 " 71 -- 4, 43 « 3 17 N 45 24 20 14 33 37 4 3 42 5 9 17 12 S 3 1 49 13 9 41 41 58 74 22 Slipperyrock 44 ~0 14 ~ 4 J(J J2 , - , H 2 , { 2 1 2 3 34 8 4.... 10 9 27, 18 7 LX 19 38 22 W. bnnbnry 29 1.) -1 - £ '• 4 , 7 4 3 15 4 5 2 1 19.... 1 22 .. . 1 6 ... 6 •» 1, . 4 5| 19 19 Vriemeut. ~ 47 5 , ; <I(I 85 22 62 1552442 41 41C 81 13 4 « 1 5 6 20| 96 Total '3922 9 1 1«05;2497 4164 3816.4313 Chas. BOOK and J. W. Powell all thanked the delegates and through them the Republicans of the connty for the vote they had received. The Committee on Resolutions re ported the following which were adopt ed without comment or dissent. Resolutions. The Republican party of Butler county, in annual convention assembl ed, Resolved: First. That we heartily in dorse the wise and patriotic administra tion of President Roosevelt, carrying out as it does that progressive policy ho (jrandly inaugurated by his illustrious predecessor, our martyr President Mc kinley. Second. That the country expects and desires that our late acquisitions in the far East be retained and the various peoples found there be taken care of and educated up to a higher state of civilization so that in due time they may be permitted to enjoy the highest degree of self-government possible to attain. Third. That we take pleasure in in dorsing our representatives in the United Stater Senate, Senators Quay and Penrose; they are always found watchful of both their state and nation —they have well earned the confidence of the Republican party of the state. Fourth. That we renew our expres sion of confidence and our approval of the official conduct of our representative in Congress, Hon. J. B. Showalter, be lieving that no more faithful and vigi lant representative can be found in the delegation from this state, abounding as it does with faithful representatives. Fifth. That we heartily indorse the ticket this day put in nomination and bespeak for it the united and enthusias tic support of the whole party. Sixth. That we hereby anthorize and empower the person this day nominated for Congress in Butler countv to select three conferees to meet a like number from the other county in this con crew sional district to nominate a candidate for Congress in the 22d district. A resolution expressing sympathy for Porter Wilson, now lying sick in a hospital in Allegheny was adopted and the Convention adiourned. Total. For Judge. Galbreath 8922 Greer 3455 For Congress. Showalter 4500 McJnnkin 2641 Huff 42 For Assembly. Douthett 4085 Hays SW9a Mates 3289 Thompson 8912 For Sheriff. Campbell 2137 Gibson WW Kearns 2074 For Prothonottry. Clark '1447 Cruikshank 1311 Thompson 2445 For Treasurer Alexander 1599 Book 2233 Dixon 2370 Powell 745 Welsh 291 For Register and Recorder. Davis !JBiio Koonce 507 Rankin 1179 Wilson 2085 Wolford 490 For County Commissioner. Brown 7*7 Crowe 020 Henry 2040 Hil'.iard 1970 Kuhn 162H McClang 2709 Moore 1805 Pattereon 2497 For County Auditor. Huselton 4303 Heberling 3810 Hazlett 4104 Coronor. Atwell 592 5 Delegate to State Convention. Marks 5431 Riddle 5307 Wolford 5280 Chase for a Child. On Monday a family qnarrel separat ed G. B. Thompson and his wife and he took their infant girl to the house of his father, Oliver Thompson. In the even ing he drove with the child to the home of his sister, Mrs. Sankey, near Anan dale and left the little girl there. As a result of the qnarrel Mrs. Thompson made information for assanlt and Imt ; tery and petitioned for a writ of habeas corpvs for the child. The writ was se- I cured, and a couple of hours after | Thompson left town his wife and her ; mother, Mrs. Stehle, Sheriff Hoon and Constable Brown were in persuit. They arrived at the Sankey home a short time after Thompson had depart ed leaving the child. Having executed the writ they returned to Bntler after an all night drive, reaching Butler al most as soon as Thompson did. Tuesday the mutter was settled and the family reunited. IIA ItlilSliUlKi. Delegates and spectators began crowd ing into Harriaburg so rapidly Ii .-t Saturday, that accommodations run short, and a canvass ot tb<* town was > made for sleeping rooms. ! Elkin had the Lochie!, arid Quay th«- i Dunett residence, while Pennypacker r ' headquarters were in the Chamber ot Commerce building. Elkin said he would win on first bal- | - lott, while Quay said Penuypacker would have 225 votes on lir>? ballot 40 ' more than the 175 necessary to win. On Monday Gov. Stone visited Sena tors Quay and Penrose is reported to 1 have made some interesting threats. 1 Both sides were claiming gains and v.n --• instructed delegates The immtiis- j ' throng in the city cauged sleeping rooms j ' to bring fabulous prices. The arrival . of the Pittsburg delegation, which, it , was thonght, would control the con vention, was looked forward to with in terest. Tuesday Quay and Elkin both le id cacusi h, 202 delegates attending QnayV and 140 Elkin's. Quay claimed del egates and Elkin 18!). It is evident th it Quay is in full control. His program was to nominate .Tudg- Snn'iel W. Pennypacker for Governor, L -wis A Wat res for Lieutenant Gov.. Ponr ; j temporary chairman, Sibley permanent , chairman, and Quav Siate chairman to , manage the campngn. At the meeting of th.; State Commit- j tec State Chairman Frank Reeder and Quay called each other liars and Quay and Elkin shook their fingers under each other's no-es, Quay declaring that Elkin would "get u<> Domination" and Elkin that he would if the people had their way, and that the Senator would have to answer to the people in the near future. It was published yesterday th it when the Butler Delegates arrived they were surrounded by a crowd of Butler conn- | ty postmasters legging for Pennypacker. I Delegate Marks announced ho v.-as fur Elkin and the crowd kept him up all . night arguing for Pennypacker. at eight j o'clock in the morning Marks escaped j | from them and got to lte«l. Sai inel D. Pennypacker of Phila- \ delphia v. - n nominated for (Governor on the fir t ballot yesterday afternoon. j W filiam M. Brown of New CnsLlc V.-I.H ; j nominatfcd for Lieutenant Governor i and Maj. Isaac M. Brown of Erie for I Secretary of Internal affairs. Both Mr. Wattes of Scran ton and .Mr. ; McCiaiu wanted the nomination for Li'-nt. Gov and squabbled ab<;ut it, but had to be contented with promise*. Elkin wan cheered and Quay was hissed when they answered in the roll call of delegate:'. McCl iin, in a long arrignnient, de nounced Quay in terms BO bitter and icatbling that his followers-wt re dumb founded and the "Old Man" left the Convention hull to avoid it. After Many Years. Mrs. Mary PitLtefaon. wife of Wil i liatit Patterson, of Winlleld two., was united with her father Michael I<. Duun door keeper at the Grand Opera house, Pittsburg, Monday after a operation of SI years. When a five year old child, playing on the tr>-'t ne ir h» r home, a man picked her np and carried her away. lie gave her to another who brought her to Butler county where she she was given a home. No trace of her coti'd over be found by her parents, and hev mother died of a broken heat'. Mrs. Patterson remembered the first names of her latin j- mid mother and in serted an advert;-( in-at stating the case in a Pitt-burg i i per. This was . brought to her father's notice and the identification and reunion followed. INVEST YOUR MONEY where it will be safe! Buy when the price is light. * j The I euro U Manufacturing Co., recently incorporated by some of the leading citizens of Butler and Pittsburg, now offers a limited amount of stock for sale until June Ist below par. This stock will pay large dividends. Address, ! Care ii Mauiikluring Co., BUTLER, PA. Kari Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cuiter Suahs'linQ, Clcnlng and EPAIKING A SPECIALTY | - 1)1,A I US. HEBERLING —At his heme in Evans City, June 3, 1902, Adolf lleberling, aged TO years. MAXWELL At her home in Cutler, June 7, ISH)2, Mrs Barbara, widow of Jus. A Maxwell, aged 0* years. [ BLAKEV —At his home iu Grove City, June (5, 19U2, Re/. H. E. Blaney, aged I 454 years. j STRATTOK —At his home in Clinton | t»vp , May 2S, 1!>02, Horace Stiattun, I aged 50 years. | Death was caused by cancer of the stomach. He wa-. a veteran of fbe l!)">th N. V. Infantry in the Civil war, and was a membrr of J<ts Harvey Post. He is survived by his wife. McKIBBEN- At his home in Clinton tw[i. May 12. 1902, John McKibben, | aged (»2 years. STOKES At her home in Pittbburg, 1 JaiieH. 1002, Anna Stok<'«, formerly I of Butler, aged years ; MeCAKFERTY At the County Home June 7, 1002, Lynn McCafferty of 1 f'learfield twp. aged 15 years. The f.'iher and one child died at their . home a few weeks ago and the rest of tiie family were taken to the County Hom»\ The mother and other child •re Said to be <mr.roving , I Obituary. L C. ALKXANOKH. Linden Carrol Alexander, born May j 5 1 s ! was summoned to bis final re-; ! vard on May 0. 1 ')O2 He was a son of : i Cj and E J Alexander of Brady twp. I and leaves bit two sisters, one , broth -r and a hast of friends to mourn [ his dep irture. ' «'ariol WHS H young man of seemingly ! capabilities of a very jovid | i. tnre, w h a smile and a word for e. ery ore whom he met. He was ambitious for an edocili' ii •v ifct» ministry in view »nd for t!: :t n ! ent» red Slippery rock Normal this Spring on Mar. 25th and came hom« t.e-k with di-ibotis on sth and li i only one month an'l one day. In Forro v and affliction we wonder why it was thus, yet we know we hav • a Futher v. no-e very nature is love and he has promised that, "All things woik together for g'x»d to theui that love <t(kl " Mo let tis trust our Heavenly Father and when the summons of the Angel of L'eath comes to us we <an lr; able to say, "I have fought a good fig it, 1 have finished my course, I have kept faith." 1 We otten dread the frowning cloud. Which wraps onr day iu night; But rather should we trust in God, Who skirts that cloud'with light. ONE OF HIS TEACH RICH. .*>.• . 4 dOOOO*OQ( When you arc sick and J j yobr . .-rescript i->ns fill'* ! . y ) >*bri. ft tin ;i ..r s«.nd then: U> I &*"' 2 ' 3■ vvu ' ! " deliver tlicmX ! ) our door, i.o extra charge. JT jC'■ i " vc un,vv u " ' nie o, X ! Viliu - tie b' t money!* buy. Wo handle notliint*jr ©but tile b<-:.|. Good docti rsj/ O.'.nd pure :rms go hand in© "*ii;md. V,u can nutlet i—-%f t,-suits fiotn cheap medicine** ,')lf yuu bad the best doctor in •'/ 'Butler. S'> if you vvish putrj'-t arid -;ood IC;UITSJ% Abuy your medicine at N-\ / Je,2 i 3 South Main Sttcet. \ g CAMPBELL'S Pharmacy, > X Succcaaor to -j J. P. SUTTON L. C. WICK, F)KAJ ,H» "" i.urißHP. VV s. & 11 WICK, DKA I.KHH' IN itdiinh and Work* it I<unilior iit' % .'Kind* J>< or*. •»-!. unil MouUlli»Kh OH W«U KJITH a specialty. Off La* mid Yard I UiiiJiili>uba»n and Monroe Ms r.fir Wi'«t P«nn V>nprtt. V h. McQI'ISTION, \J. CIVIL HMW-NUKR AND SI *VKYOH. Oiiice utar Court UOUM*. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the Court of tin; raited States , for th«- West**r 11 District of iVrinsylvariia, Orville Ferguson Krister, of Prospect. Butler Co., i'a... a bankrupt under the Act of Con ;i«*v* of July 1. l w '- K . having applied for a full discharge from all (lcMs provable aj?alnst his estate under said Act. notice is hereby jtlven to ali known creditors ami other persons iu interest, to appear before tbe said Court at Pitt sburg, in said District, on the Jfttii day of.July. I!**', at 10 o'clock iu the forenoon, to show cause, if any they have, why the prayer of tfie said petitioner should not be granted, wiu.iAM t. MNZM sr. in i'. Application for Charter. Notice is hereby given that o.i the ; :50 th day of Jon**, IUO', J. 11. Thomas, Blair Hooks, Milton Staples Samuel StMploi!, Clar.-:,c- Irvine and A. il. ! Ch list ley will mske «Pl'lirutiori to the Governor of the Coin won wealth of ' I'enii ;ylvania, umier the Act of A* | : sembly of the Commonwealth of Petin- 1 . svlvania entitled "An Act to provide for the ineorporatiop and regulation of ctr- | ; tiiiii corp iratious" Approved April r'uth. I • 1 ■ V >T4, and ihe various supplements there to, for 'lie charter ..f I:I 11;' *-/i li 1 Corp . ' : ration to be culled, •"The Gallery Brick ! and Tile Com piny." with the principal ' ! office at Gallery Junction, Bntler coun ty. i'a., iiie character and object of [which is, ti:c manufacturing and marketing of fire bricUß, pivin/ foricl.s. 1 and bmlrtitig l»ri« k-i, as wed us tiie man- ' nf icturing of drain tiling «nd I.mining til iiik mid the marketing and s.d'- <f the sait,o v.'itii the right to sell and dispose ; of tli>.'Mtiue so mannfactun-i. :.ud the! right to Kll and ili-jkjs-' of. either in crude or co ed f rw. any coal or rniuei'dlu that may ite iiititl ntallv pro duced and us d in l: • said manufactur ing or raid brtcfc '>. i d tiling, and for these purpo.-< d to have, m and en joy all the rights,benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and- iip Sllpi'lf !llf]lt*. A. M. CtmiSTLKY, Solicitor. NOTJCE! Nol'icb i. hertoy ;.;i veil that fill appli cation will Ihj niudt to the Governor of PeripHvlvanja, on the day of June, l!t02. at 10 o'clock A. M., by George Herbert, .Lytic, Asa P. Davis, James I. Meli itfy,. 1$ J',. Wright and .1. S. M. Plrillip-,* uniTer tlie Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act to provide for the in corporation and regulation of certain corporations." approved April 20th, 1874. :>it! 1 the supplements thereto, for the charter of an intended corporation, to he called. "The Standard Trust | Company", the character and object of which is the insnranceof owners of real estate, mortgagees atid other interested in real estate, from loss by reason of de fective tilles. liens and encumbrances, and for these purpose* to have, possess and enjoy, ali the rights, benefits and privileges of said Ac! of Assembly and tie- supplements thereto. Wjr.MAM O MCXaky. Att'.v for Standard Trust Go. [ ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. 1 I.ett'-is of ldmiriistratiou cuui testa m< nto nnnexo, lia\ing heen granted to tbe lutderstgu-d ou the estateot Margaret M McCnw, late of tie: borough of Msrs, Butler county, Pa., decen -eil, all persons knowing themselves indpii ed to said estate will plea.u maio- immediate pav riient, and any p. i or pt-i».:i> l.aviug 11 lims against :"»id e.-.'.itc ate mpieattd topri-ciit the name (inly authenticated fur h< i'l ni'- .t to T. W. McCAW, Admin itiator, No. 1773 i'eiiy..ville Ave., I Alleglicn* City, Pa. H. 11 Got OHKK, Attornej EXECUTOR'S NOTIC 1. I.i iters li st mieni(try 011 the estate of Henry Hi Iler, dee'd , lateof Washington township, I'aitlei Co., Pa , having bien grantc'l t • the uudcisigucd. ull persons knowinj' lh< ne.elvc'j indebted to said estate please immediate pay ment an ! any having cl timsngainst said estati wtd (in ■ nt th. in duly attthenti- to CilAHus P. H hi, I.nn, IC*'r., I.ime'.tone, Cattaraugus Co , N. Y. Ia A .YcJonKIN, Att'y. ADM I! !STR ATOR'S NOTICE. I.ett-'S 0! ad in litis' ration 0:1 the • state ol II 1 n I' iyel, a s :pp:<M.<! dectdent, lateof Uittiei. Butler Co, I'a., having li-tii giauted to the undersigned, all prrsoe. know nig thctn i Ives indel trd to vaid e'.t. t" will ptense make imni' diate payt:a ut, i-.iid any having claims against hai.l ihtute will pre ent them duly HU ihi-ntii-nil J lor settlement to C.iiAk* l 1 DnrosiT it Tki'.st Co , liuttcr, l a J W. llutcuisoN, Att'y. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE In re estate of Fur.v t Morrow, late of Worth twp , duller Go., J'a , dee'd. U'hereas, of administration h»ve been i'Stied to me, the undersigned, on the estate of paid decedent. Notice is heretiy given to all p< tsf>n r indebted to said estate to call and settle and all persons having claims against the same will please present the same duly au thenticated for payment to IVOWAKII Morkow, Adminctrator, jaekt-vil.V, lmtl<*r Co., Pa. S, I'. He A. 1,. Itou , k, Attorncvs for AUuiiuisli.tor. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i J.evters of administration on the estate of Clpia J. Graham, dec'd., late of P.uiler tmrough, Butler county. Pa , having been granted to the under i all persons knowing themselves ; indebted to said estate v.ill please make j immediate payment, and any having I claim* against said estate will present ; theiri duly authenticated for settlement to Wilson W. Gu-.ham, Adm'r., Butler. Pa. j J. I). iICIUNKIN, Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Letters testamentary on the estate of Catharine A. Slinfftr, dec'd , late of I Franklin twp., Bntlrr Co., Pa., having I beer granted to the undersigned, ull I per sons knowing tlieiusdvcsto be indebt ed to said ■ estate will please mak»im j mediate payment and those having claims i againstjthe estate will presei.t them duly I authenticated for settlement to Iskaki. Shaffer,) , M. D. KAIR. 7 hxlß ' Isi.k IJ.1 J . (X, Mutler Co,, Pa. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. i Letters testamentary C. T. A D. H. N. having 1» en granted to the undersigned on tie i of Mrs. Ocilla S. John flop. ■ <lec'd.,lnte*rf ,ru,a7l llcr!;.)^:;,"kLiov^•- ; ing themselves indebted to said estate v.ill ,ilease make immediate payment, aud illy having claims again* t said estate : 'Ail! present th' i lu!y authenticated for settlement t > CHAKI.RS W J I N ton, *d:n'r., U»r er, Pa. E. L. K i.pTON, A'.l'y "a, j.M.'K'X. 4,-*, -v* v , FIXINGS THAT , MAKE FRIENDS * 5 for ii-.. Goods that wear 5 d lung and bring you buck for X f something simliar. # £ Our display is a.; fresh as J \ the new bud on the lice, a All the new styles in S STIFF, ? \ SOFT | * and j STRAW j HATS. J i Our prices are vuy ? j reasonable. j | f HATTER and i * MKN'S FUItNI.SHI?K. # * i ? Opposite P. 0 j $* HUTL' :\ va. J * -M M. C. WAGNER ARTIST IMO fOGRAPHFR »•* Potifh Mnlti vyM. H. MIU+KRS FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. Ol'l'li K liycrs" Buil«]ing—next to P. 0., IJntlcr Pa. R-R-TIM E-T ABLES | P & W K It Trains leave Butler for Allegheny. i ICK al time, at 6:00, 8:05, 9:15, and 11:10 a in. and 4:00. 4:30 and 5:50, p. in j The 9:15 and 11:10 a.m. trains make the ran in 1 honr and "20 minutes and the 4:30 train in an honr and a half. The , 8:05 a. m 4:00 and 5:50 p. in. trains ! connect at Callery for ixiints West, and the 1:40 as far weft as Ellwood. Trains leave Butler for Bradford at j 9:30 a.m., and for Clarion at 5:15 p.m. Trains arrive in Butler from Alle gheny 9:00. 9:15 a. m. and 12:13, 2:45, 1:55. *7:07 and 7:48 pm: and from the North at 9:05 a.m. and 3:50 p. m. The Theatre train now leaves Alle | gheny daily at 10:30 p. m. fast time and ! is due in Butler at 12:36. On Sundays trains leave Butler for Allegheny at 8:05 and 11:10 a m and 4.30 and 5:50 p.m., and for the west at 4:00 p.m.: and arrive at 9:15 a.m. and 4:55 and 7:07 p.m. li li & V it It 7 ,:!0 a m., local for Pnnxsutawney I and all intermediate stations. 10:12 a. iii. express for Buffalo and Rochester. 5:21 local for Punx'y and Du Bois and all stations. 11:22 p. IU. express for Buffalo and Rochester —with sleepers. Traus arrive at Butler, and so on to Allegheny at 6:15 aud 9:47 a. m. and 5:34 p. m. Train 21 from Punx y arrives at r a. m. and stops here. The 10:12 express will stop at Craigs ville. Echo and Dayton on signal. OESSEMER & LAKE ERIE K.R. CO. 1) Time table in effect May It*. 1601. CENTRAL TIME One hour slower th:in town time I iirothward. Ji-aily EXCEPT SUX*CL»T. Smthwur i Uoad up) (K f nd down) I 2 1" 1 STATIONS. 1 '« if i'M P.M P.M. a in. r ~ |Mil 0 35 1 ft". Kris I 5 40'12 02 r» 00 12 42 Fairview •' <»< \i 2~> 5 I? 12 30 Uirard 0 lull* 5 57 1 4'i ar. .Conneaut.. .a> K (•«» 1 40 422 11 15 lv. ConueaU. l\ GOS 11 15 5 :'4> VI lo Oaneevilin « 35 12 57 5 25 12 <V» Albion i\ 40 1 03 5 lo 11 47 Springlxjru »> 55 i 18 5 01 11 42 O-nneautvillc ' 7 01 1 25 11 25 Mead villa Jimt.. 7 35 1 4* 5 13 12 13 ar.Meadville.. ar ; 8 2-1 2 3'J ;j 00 10 4 ; » lv.. Moadvillf.. .lv 5 50; 18 53 4 1* 11 40 ar..«3uu. L:d& 7 55)0*2 0* 3 2* 11 (£ lv. <\ :i. fi 17 1 20 4 >ll 35 ar.Exp». Ptork..;ir 7 28. 1 ft* 4 3* U 15 lv " lv 7 28, 1 35 ur..Liuesville . ,ari 4 10 |lv •« lv 7 201 4 15 11 00 Hartat. wn ' i 7 5»» 2 (2 ; 4 10 11 U! Adannvllle | 7 55 :: 07 4 <K) 10 5! «h.-M.?d f, i• • <; r<> * n 2 :< 3 40 10 4o »i 12, 8 20 :i 3t> 6 441 32310 20 rredunia 6 29 f8 88 2 47 5 2'.*' 30> 10 </; Morcer 6 41 s !- 3 02 5 24j 3 03 10 01 H' artUm Junction S 53 3 » 7 5 (ft 247 913 0 ... v ( 910 326 4 54. , i* 32 llarrirtvil!* ... 7 I.j ,f> 37 4 >, 2 ;;r a 25 iiranciitoo • 7 2a y25 3 45 5 30! ll) 19 ar., JlilJianl.. «.r |«i 10 10 10 530 2 30 ii M l*. ..Hilli»nl.' 6 10 2 80 •1 43 2 28 » IT Ki'Uter 7 27 i) 27 3 48 4 2si 1 0 01 Euclid 7 4;s 4 0« 4 01)' 1 50, 8 25 llntlsr 8 1(1 10 05 4 35 2 20j12 15 7 0) AUeglitny 9 40 11 30| • 20 ' pm i aiu ! it.m. h in p.m Train 12. leaving Grove City 5.00 a. m.. Mi r« » r 5:23. Greenvlllo 0:05. Connoautvllle 7:17, Albion 7-30. arrives at Krle 8:35 a. m. Train 13, leaving Erie 4:05 p. m. Albion 5:09, Conneautvillt* ;31. GreenvlH© 0:40 Marri«r 7 20 arrives at Orove I'ity at 7:4?* i»m. E. D. C'OMSTOCK, W. R. TUKNKK. ftcn. Pass Agt. Tkt Agt, Bntler, Pa. Pittsbnrar. Pa Winlield It K Co Time Table In effect June 3d, 1902. ■Bum RUiOHi Ail I P M l.t-aveM Went Wlnftekl i 7 45 2 45 IloggnTiilD 8 Oil; SO! 44 Iron Brklie I82>! S9O " Wlsfield Jum Hon 8 BOj 885 " LHM 8 40{ t45 44 liutler Junction 8 4^! 350 Arrive EASTWARD >TATI I NB A M t U L ave ADcfbeay | 0 00] 8 00 Bnller Junction |lO 00 4 40 " (MM ilO 06| 145 W mti.-lil .liin. ti. n .. . I*. 4 V. Una Bridge 10 25 5 05 BapnUlo ;io 85 5 l") Attlto Wg Wingeld jio g 5 15 Train* vtop at LWM and Iron BrU|l onlj MI Rig to t »k<* on «-r l«.*ave ot! paK-«*nx»MH. Trains 1 •. t .. l'"'l •: .•t.u-li«.» t v. itli. Tituuw UUlW<l r. r Fretfptfrt, Vaiidergrtu nnu lliairKvtllo Intemection. i . twd fix Natrona, Ttnmtui iud A»ic glicny. Trains Bortliirard 1 i Sax nVu J•• Kan UEMI littler. 11. a. UK A LOU, (ifin-ml Manager. mmmm K^, WISTEKN PENNSYLVANIA DIVIStMN. Sfiicni'i E is Errc-i Miiy ~ r . l*rj SOUTH. , WKEK lIAYH A. M A. M. A. M. I\ M l». W BUTLKII Low >1 25 7 5j 10 ;r> 2 4 HHiunburK Arrive li 54 8 'ZI 11 o;i :i im 6 ty liutler Juiictlut.. •• 727 3 53,11 .CI II 829 Butl.rJuiiL-t1.7 32 8 M II 57, 3 2'. • 5 2'J Natrnmi \rrivc 7 41 » IPJ 12 08 8 3.", 53» •rnn.iitiiiu 7 47 11 OH 12 14| 342 5 4« •S|iiiiiK'lalu 7 57 to li 12 LT 3 6;t (,i s*» l.'luri'iii'iut : 9 .13 12 43 4 (IX li 10 Khnr|wburg 1 H l» U 41 U &, 4 11, ft 1C I 8 81 # »' 1 07j 4 ill « 29 (A. M.]A.M.|l\ MP. 11.1 P. M SUNHAT TIi.MNS. I.MTa B'Hli*r ft.r AU'-klu uv Oil\ iii'l |irlucii<al iuti rmodliitu etati<ms at 7:2n a. m", ■in 1 11. in. OKTU. WEEK I>AYH A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M. P. M All.-ehn i) City ,lo«T« 6 ;j" ft 20 10 30 300 610 .Slim ii 43 H 3.'! 10 43 r.l 13 1(123 .. 8 4i 10 fni ... ! .... SjirliiKilalo. 1100 11 07 ... •. 47 TaroutUlU 7 13 11 11 18 3 40 li sli Natrona 7 11' « 18 11 sal ;i 45 7 01 llutlnr .liiuctiou.. .arrivr 7 ?.» 9 27 11 :\r, 3 r,l 7 11 llutlur Juui-tioa... .loaru 7 94 1 12 3, 400 7 10 Saxoiilmrg S f'l. 10 li I no 4 41' 7:« BLTU'K. . . .arrival 8 31,10 35 1 2* 6 13] 801 A.M.IA.M.IP M. P. m ll*. M Sl-'NIIAY TRAINS.— Utvt Ailp.s'liony City f..r Out -1,-r koil [ rilie 1i ii lut,Tiuo<ii «i. ntMtl..uii at 7:0-1 um. r.r:' !i-30 p. in. •«>H Tl i ii EAST. Weolt. Ih»vn. li*'.* A. M.|A. M. P. M. A.M. P M 11, UI I> ll 25 10 :» 235 7 ill li.i-l.r JM til ' 7 'J7II 31 3 M 8 111 .... Hull.r.rvt lv 72911 35 351 811 .... Fm ji.irt "i 73211 38 354 8 17 .... Kiik Imliit'Uia J't " 73s I] 4'. 3in 821 .... I. I : " 7 62i1l 57; 413 ft :-il ... Paultiili (A(mi1.,)...." 815 12 Hi! 480 857 ... Sjillnl tirj( " 841 12 42| 503 923 ... Illnirwrllli- „ 920 1 111 54" 95j ... UlHirivilia Int. . .. " 927 1 31 547 lo 00 AlUmnn " 11 . 5 1., 850 | ftl.. ~ Hirrinlnirft " , 3 10 ll) 00 1 00 | 0 45].,... I'liilwWvhto . . •" «23 ....I 425 1" 17:.... i". M.|A. M.|A. M.lilV M.lp M tru'iJH f<-i 'ht>4«iu«t l»*skvr I'ittvburg (Union Btatiou), a» follow*: •.. 1 I K 1.. ••, 4KBj Bboo A.M »'.-mid.H ivania Limited 44 7:lft' Daj npiML •* .. 44 Mala I3iu» Kviikmm, '* . ... . ..B:'K) M Barriaburg Mall, •• 12 15 Fjf Hani >nrg Kapraai dally 44'.." PhlladalpMa lipwii, ...4:ft<»" . latan hpiMi • ... . ... .71«» 44 Past Una, * 000 " Pittftbnrx Limited, daily,fot New York, Balti ■ and WaaHln *• x: oslj UM9O * Pbfla d*a >i.» i, Bmdttf oa > 8:40 a.* Knr Atl'iutii nty (via iMdaware Ki%rr all rail k.u(« ) (Ml a. m. .m l '.' »• ) |».m. <lail>. I'< .in«> h mi.i Llmiivl, 7:15 a.m., we«'ktiaya. Buffalo and Allegheny Valley Division. Train* I> .v• Kinkhiilri«itH» .futirtlun R.I follow*: forßnflhlo, I • ■ m asd 11 p m. «i.niy, att tiiroiiKh paii«»r and car*. For Oil < nv , 7 .40, 9M a. n« f 180,045 and ILK p in. wo k .'• iii'iii-a ul,6.lftand 11J5p.8« ror B* i 8ank,740,9M, 11 17 a. m .238 6.1 . ». »1. «i"l ll 3'» | . in. w«M-k iluy*. {Suinluy*, ♦..'>«•, 10.4U a. m., 6.16 and I J. 3'» p. tu. Wot Kittanniug, 7.46,9.82,0*56,1L17 a Bk, 2 5.85, 0.15,7.3<». :».3i, IN 11.85 p. wook da/a. U..V>. 10.4U a. 111., C.IA. 10.45, and 11.35 p. «». 'i ' nt'.J.n n Hi|.'uul »«- tak«' "ii i-iiH-i.-iu'i TM l"i 'lan n t uin ani jMiiiit* Iwyund, ta I li forma n, lo (Mut* aK«-»t <>r ; t Para. Ail Imu i■ iN'ti.. t, i i t J iitli Avonii" aud Htitwt, l*itl*l nry, I'n h Ul VCHISON, J. K. WOOl), -i M%« ikgne. flun*' "*••»» t/«i . PROFESSIONAL CAHUS. L 11. NKG LEY. L. AVfORNHV AT LAW. Oliife tu tlir Ncglcy Hnilding, \Vt :il Diumouil |> P. SCOTT, 11. AnOKNKY-AT-I/AW, Office on second door of Arniorj fiuildiiig. Hutlcr, Pa. AT. SCOTI. . ArrouNKV AT LAW. Office at No. S. West Diamond St. Hut lcr. I'a. nil. oo&CBBa, . ATTOKNKY AT LAW. Office in Wise liuiltllnu, HW WICK, ■ DENTIST. Ha?> located in the new Stein building, with nil the latest devices for Dental work I AMIiS C. I'OWi'.LL, rf LICKKSUD AUCTIONEER. AddrcM me at P. 0., or leave oiders at the CiTiZltN Office in liutlir. ORDER YOUR SCHLITZ WiLWAUKEf BEES " The Deer that Made Milwaukee famous." I FROM Paul Wviestlioff Co. Sole Bottlers, 14th and Pike Sts. Pittsburg, Pa. Orders by mail promptly attended to. WRITE FOR CIRCULAR. The Heart Cry of the Motherless Maiden. « Mother, cotne bock from that eebolea* shore And take me again m your arrni asofyore.' When the mother is taken from the home, the loss falls heavily on each member of the family. But in time kindly Nature heals the wounds, dulls the memory, and comforts the heart. The little girl turns anew to her dolls and her plays and her mother becomes a memory. The real loss that she has sustained comes to her much later in iife, when "standing with reluctant feet where womanhood and girlhood meet," 6he feels the need of a mother's counsel. She is perplexed about conditions of which she cannot speak to any other. She thinks of the family physician. Rut her delicate nature shrinks from the questions she might be called upon to answer. And so without counsel or help she drifts along while every day time tightens the fetters of disease. Young women instinctively know that certain conditions are abnormal. They know that heads and backs were not made to ache. But they do not know where to turn for relief. ANY MOTHER WOULD SAY what almost every mother knows, that Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best medicine for the cure of womanly ills. It not only cures headache and backache but it cures the womanly ills which cause these pains. "I am so much better since I com menced taking your ' Favorite Prescrip tion,' " writes Mis 9 Jessie Simmons, of Thurston, Frederick Co., Md. "I am very much improved in health, and feel as though I hfl " new lease of life. It was iujt what I needed. Am more than thankful to you for the kindly interest you have taken, and hope that others will find the same benefit from your valu able books and medicines that I hare." Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is not offered as a cure-all. It is a woman's jnpdicine, and it accomplishes perfectly the cure of womanly diseases. It estab lishes regularity. It dries unhealthy and offensive drains. It heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weak ness. It is a purely vegetable prep aration, containing no alcohol, neither opium, cocaine nor any other narcotic, and cannot disagree with the most delicate constitution. I 11. ELLIOTT, I • AIICTIONItKR, 144 Kittanningßutler. Rii., • J.ICiiNSIvD AUCTIONHKR. Having taken out ,t license at auc tioneer,orclerß can be lcfi at this office or seal by mail to Box 351, Butler, ) a. All order# given prompt attention, ] 11. IJKEDIN, TF • ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Main St. r.ear Court 1I<.IM«- I? VERETT L. RALSTON, £1 ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, No. 257 South Street, Butli-j, Pa Fisher Building. First door on South Main street, wr\t my former office in Boyd Building. j lOULTBR .S: iiAKKK, V ATTOKKKYS <»'*' '.•■» v. . Room 8., Armory buildm*. M.ZIMMERMAN VI • PHYSICIAN AND SURGKO> Office No. 45, S. M.iin over Cltj Pharmacy. 1 \R. N. M. HOOVKR. 1 ' 137 K. Wayne St., office noors. JO ti> 12 a. in. 1 and to 3 p. tn. \R H. BROWN, V? . IIOMOKOPATHIC PHYSICIAN A.;P SCRGHOM Office 336 S. Main St., opi-. P. O Ni«ht calls at office OAMUELM. BIPPUS, 0 PHYSICIAN A.VU SURG no N | ioo West Cunningham , c t. |; 11. MERKLEY, 15. <V, IJ, OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN. Room 9 and 10 Stein Building. Monday, Wednesday and Eririay, con sultation and examination fret;. Ilk J. WILBERT McKEE, 1/ SUHGKON I 5 -. NTIST. Office over C. E. Miller' 3 Shoe Stoic, 215 S. Main street, Butler, PH. Peoples Telephone 505. A specialty made of gold filling-', gold crown and bridve w;>: k. hR. J. C. ABER, 1 ! DENTIST. I All work done by the latest ioiprovtd j IIK'UI'MIS <;. Id. Alui'iinum, Celluloid (ind Rubber j i • *»•«. <»old, S:lv<r and ( Cem-rit illing guaranteed to K' x " *''it:s fac'ion Cfi.wnand Riid>. • • <;k. Ex- j tiacti>>:| of tooth absolutely palnle by, m entirely new preparation which in perfectly s:if / and haiiulc>*. 134 S. Main St , liutler, Pa. 1 IR. M. 15. KOTTRABA, 1/ Successor to Dr. Johnston. DKNTIST . Office at No 114 E. Jtflcr ou St., ovci O. W. Miller's grocery, I J. DONALDSON, R) , DKNTIST. Artificial Teeth inserted on the latest improved plan. Gold Billings a spec ialty. Ortc-' next to postoffice JAMES DODDS • LICKNSKD AUCTION!'.* K Imjuirc at SherilT'aoffice or 426 Mifflin St. Butler. I'r* I\R, J. C. ATWICTXI 1' After Eeb. Ist Office in Martin court building and II > >r. llouis 7 to 9 a. m. and 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. m. Young women especially do not realize how intimately the general health is related to the health of the delicate womanly organs. Whea the local dis eases are curcu by "Favorite Prescrip tion" the general health at once im proves. The appetite is restored, sleep Is enjoyed, the form rounds out, the cheeks regain the hue of health. Miss Simmons says in the letter as a result of using Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription she feels as though she had "A NEW LEASE ON* 1.1FE." This is not only a feeling but a fact, as is shown by thousands of testimonials which say Favorite Prescription' has made a new woman of me." " I r.m still improving more and more every day. I am just as well now as I was when I came into the world," writes Mrs. P. A. Graham, of 6(7 Race Street, New Orleans, La. «I will put it at that, anyway, for I cannot remember ever seeing a n ell day since I became a women (twentv fivc years ngo), until six months ago when I began the use of Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Medical Discov ery ' and ' Pleasant rel icts.' They are the best medicines on earth made for women mid tlieir com plaints. No matter what the may be even if called iucurable by the doctor-.. If any suffering woman T.-ill -s.-rite Doctor Pierce be will write her a fatlitriy letter and give her good advice and if she will foilcr.T hia instructions 1111 ■="- ■ >• i - * luujii uu in^;rauuou9 will find out i:i a very short tune that 3he has been mistaken by putting her trust in home doctors. I had beeu sick for eight years until six months I commenced with Dr. It. V. Pierce's medicine and It brought :nc out to where I cm now, from ninety pounds to one hundred aud thirty-five. Any lady may write to rue, enclosing stamps, and I will answer." Women suffering from diseases of long standing ara invited to consult Dr. I'ierce by letter, free. All letters ere read in private ana answered in private, and the written confidences of women are {guard ed by the same strict professional pri vacy observed in personal consultations with Dr. Pierce, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Address correspon dence to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A great many women who have taken advantage of Dr. Pierce's offer of free consultation by letter, have expressed their gratification at being able to escape in this way the indelicate questionings, the offensive examinations Mid obnox ious local treatments, considered neces sary by some local practitioners. Dr. Pierce's wide experience and wonderful succcess in the treatment and cure of womanly diseases, enables him to obtain accurate knowledge of diseases by the written statement. In a little over thirty years, assisted by his staff of nearly a score of physicians, Dr. Pierce, chief consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., has treated and cured hundreds of thousands of weak and sickly women. The dealer who offers a substitute for "Favorite Prescription" as "iust as good" does bo to obtain the little more profit paid by the sale of less meritorious preparations. Accept no substitue for "Favorite Feescription," the medicine which makes weak women strong and •ick women well. WHAT MISS GRT.F.R THINKS. " I think that your ' Adviser 1 i 3 a fins book," writes I\liss Flora I. Greer, of 107 Howe Street, Akron, Ohio, "and a book that everyone should own. If more girls would read it instead of trashy novels there would be healthier women and children than there are to-day." The book referred to is Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser. It contains 1008 large pages and over 700 illustrations, and Is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Send 31 one-cent stamps for the cloth-lioiind volume, or only 21 stamps for the book in paper-covers. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. TOHN \\. COULTER, fj ATTORNKV-A'r-LAW. Wise building, N. Di 'inondSt.. But lei 1 Special attention t<' collections and business matter*. Reference: P.utlcr Saving:' Bus-k, * r Butler County NTi:t:i -al ltnrV j 1 1). McJUNKIN, t) • ATTOItJiKV .'.T-LaW. Oliice iu Kcibcr building, cornel Main and E. Cunningham Ste, Entrance on E. Cunningham. T R. IIAZLETT, V I»., I.i 106 West Diamond, Dr. Sraham's former office. Special attention given to iCye. V. s>e and Throat. People's Flv ne <>*. i ' 1 f* Everybody you cannot make a imsttike in yu*r selection. Lar eft, lineat and III> to date stock in Butler, nt prices that will surprise you liow low. Picture i'.nd Minor Fi'dming i*. Sp'-CiJ-y. Patterson Bros.. «6 N. Main Si. Wick Building, Phone 401 Pearson B. Nace ? s Livtry Feed a' ri SaliSu^t Rtur of Wick H' use Qutler Pcnn'a The lirst i f ln>i 1 ■ j 1:1 f 1 first c' :■ ■ r . . .. Wavs ou liainl frr hire. 11. ,1 iiccomumdatkin* In town for p< ru>. . nent IjoanlliiK and transient In-;' - t s . »1 CtLru (jnar.'oittfiil. Stable Room For 65 Horses. QA food cl&ftfl Of holt« s. both rtrlv<■;-A and draft horni' always tin hand ami for t»ale unoer a full RuaranU-n; and hordes Lough . po 11 proper notification-by PFARSON 3. NACE Telephone. No. 219. Bert McCandless, Livery, Feej ani Sae Stable 1 W. Jefferson St., Butler. Avoid Cars by I'Mng Mifllin Street li?:trance. Watting Pari ;r for ! allies, l'coplo's Phone
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers