Butler citizen. (Butler, Pa.) 1877-1922, May 22, 1902, Image 4

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The woman who reads this will under
stand to the full what Mrs. Tipton meant
■when she says: "I am enjoying good
women, heals in
flammatiou and ulceration, and cures
female weakness. It makes weak women
strong, sick women well.
"It is with pleasure I recommend Dr. Pierce's
medicine.'' writes Mrs. Nora Tipton, of Cropper
(Cropper Station), Shelby Co., Kentucky. "\oti
remember ray case was one of female weakness
and weak lungs. I had no appetite and would
often spit blood ; was confined to my bed almost
half of the time and could hardly stand on my
feet at times for the pains through my whole
body and system. Mv husband had to pay larf;c
doctor bills' for rae. but since I have taken four
bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery. four cf ' Favorite Prescription ' and three
vials of ' Pleasant Pellets' we haven't paid any
more doctor bills. It had been seven months
since I stopped using Dr. Pierce's medicines aad
1 have been enjoying good health all the time.
I can never praise these medicines too highly,
for I have received so much benefit. I pray that
manv who suffer as I did will take Dr. Pierce's
medicines. lam sure they will never fail to
cure when given a fair trial. Everybody tells
me I look tletter than they ever saw me. I am
sure I feel better than I ever did before. r
"Favorite Prescription" has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not
accept an unknown and unproved sub
stitute in its place.
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a
ladies' laxative. No other medicine
equals them for gentleness and thorough
A. A.! FEVERS, Congestions. Inflamiua-
CL~B£S> tiun«,. Luna Fever, Milk Fever.
B. H. IHPRAWB. Lameness, Injuries,
CTUES ( Rheumatism.
C. C.jgORB THBOAT, Quinsy, Epixootlc.
cents j Distemper.
CU'HXS \ W°R.MB, Bots, Grubs.
K. E. X'OI'UHS, Colds. Influenza, Inflamed
cubes 51.unics, Pleuro-Pneuniunla.
F. F. (COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown,
CURES j Diarrhea, Dysentery.
0.0. Prevents MISCARRIAGE.
I. I. [SKI!* DISEASES, Manse, Eruptions,
CCRES S rieers. Grease, Farcy.
J. K.tBAD COXDITIO.V Starlnu Coat,
CUBES T Indigestion. Stomach Staggers.
Me. each: Stable Case, Ten Specifics, Book, <tc., $7.
At druggists, or sent prepaid on receipt of price.
Humphreys' Healclno Co., Cor. William 4t John
Streets, New York.
lc. F. T. Papej
j«jewelers j
s j
/ 121 E. Jefferson Street, J
for spring than Lewin's Pure Whis
key—take it in time and save doc
tors' and druggists' bills.
The goods we sell are gnarjnteed
fit'ltt KMlfcriEtl. Ml. VKHJIOJi, 11IIM t'Bt»N.
and oiTi'r them to you 0 year old at J1 per full
quart, 8 quarts #5 00.
whiskey guaranteed 2 years old, $! 00 per gal
lon. \Ve pay express charges on all mall
orders of 85 00 or over. Goods shipped
Bow 14 Smititfield Street, formerly
U Water Street. PITTSBURG, PA.
Thoaes: Bell 2179. p. & A. 1458
»:iu...aiars ENGLISH
fPf £s*
C° J \ -C* Hp °e.
finfe. \'• v - reliable. ask Druggist fot
Gold ttu t.Uilc boxes, sealed with blue ribbon
Take «•; tlUer. tie fuse
luUou<«asd itnilntionw. Bnyoi your liruggfot,
or fceri'i ■€*'. ii "tumps fo r I'ar:
inonhtU arv| lor l#ndlr*," in letter,
by refiirn .iiiii!. 10.000 Testimonials. bold by
alt J)rug»;i:4s.
2ioo Dladhuu .«i|uare, fi'iilLA. k PA.
Mr» (ton '&!• uAccr.
Will Sell you
Hayrakes and
Farm Implements;
Bradley's Fertilizer's.
Nursery Goods of All Kinds
Before purchasing wait till he calls or
find him at
641 Mifflin St.; Butler, Pa
If you want a sitting of eggs from
vigorous prize winning stock, send for
my big catuloguc and s- e what i offer
from 23 varieties of land and water fowls.
I guara tee fertility. Ejrgs hy the sit
ting cr by the hundred. I have also
choice at light prices
R"* R Jampsliiirif. N J
< Wm. Foster, j
| Architect.
< Plans of all kind of buildings *
furnished on short notice. /
Office in Berg Building, S
Bntler, PH. C
Ita Appririnrr Refore It la Split
Into Siirrts.
The mica as it comes from the miues
Is in blocks which are theoretically,
short rhombic prisms, but practically
are scarcely recognizable as such, hav
ing a very rough aud uneven contour.
They have a very perfect cleavage
parallel to the base and may be split
Into laminae thinner than the thinnest
tissue paper, and these lamina; form
the familiar transparent stove panes
rnd lamp chimneys. The interior por
tions of these blocks are opaque. brittle
and worthless, presumably from the
penetration of water, for mica soon
decomposes when exposed to any con
siderable weathering. A thick layer
of plates has therefore to be removed
from either face cf the blocks before
any mica of commercial size or value
is reached, and the sheets eplit froui
the remainder are surrounded by a
wide margin of worthless material.
But the difficulties and Besses of
mica mining are far from being all
enumerated. Even when occurring in
blocks of commerciaJ size it is ren
dered valueless, or comparatively so,
by one or more of a series of defects,
which may be classed as color, specks,
ruling, ribbing and wedge formation.
It sometimes occurs literally pied with
black dots, consisting in general of
black oxide of iron or garnet, and
when even a few of these are present
its commercial value is destroyed, be
cause such mica when used as an insu
lator is peculiarly liable to puncture,
the specks forming practically short
circuits for the electric current. The
same is true of streaks, which are
sometimes turned to red rust.
Some otherwise excellent mica Is
found to be ruled or cut, as It were,
with a series of perfectly straight
lines, parallel to one side of the crys
tal, so that on being Split the mica
falls immediately into strips; or, again,
instead of being striped or ruled, the
mica is often deeply ribbed or corru
gated parallel to the adjacent edges of
the crystal, 60 as to give the appear
ance of the letter A, or, rathwr, \.
whence it is termed "A mica." As the
ribbed portion has to be cut away in
the sheet, such mica is unprofitable
unless the blocks be large. Wedge
mica is that in which the block ts
thicker at one end than the other, the
laminae partaking iu the uuevenness.
Such blocks are wholly worthless ex
cept as scrap.—Engineering Magazine.
What has become of the old fashion
ed woman who said, "Oh, now you
What has become of the old fashion
ed man who had his picture taken In
lodge regalia?
What has become of the old fashion
ed woman who wore a' long gold chain
around her neck?
What has become of the old fashion
ed woman who did things in three
shakes of a lamb's tail?
What has become of the old fashion
ed woman who referred to the best
room in her house as "the room?"
What haß become of the old fashion
ed home where the children sat with
their noses at the window every night
watching for their father?
What has become of the old fashion
ed girl who, as soon as she became en
gaged, got out her crochet needle aud
began to make her own trimmings?—
Atchison Globe.
Took the Hint.
A story is told of a certain English
bishop well known for his verbosity
who rose to address the house of lords
on a very Important occasion. "I will
divide my speech under twelve heads,"
he said, to the discomfort of his audi
The Marquis of Salisbury begged to
be allowed to interpose with a little
anecdote. "A friend of mine was re
turning home late one night," he said,
"when opposite St. Paul's he saw an
intoxicated man trying to ascertain the
time on the big clock there. Just then
it began to strike and slowly tolled out
12. The man listened, looked hard at
the clock and said: 'Confound you, why
couldn't yon have said that all at
The bishop heartily joined in the
laughter which followed and took the
hint contained in the story.
The Growth of Seaweed.
Seaweeds vary surprisingly In their
habits of life. Some species grow al
together beneath the water, attaching
themselves below the lowest tide level,
other frequent heights where they are
left dry at every retreating tide, while
others yet are found in situations
where they are scarcely ever covered
by water. Whereas most of them at
tach themselves to rocks or solid bot
tom, keeping to the shallows, there are
exceptions to the rule, among which
the most remarkable is the sargasso
or gulf weed, which floats on the
surface of the ocean. Immense fields
of It are seen by the navigator, extend
Ing as far as the eye can reach. It Is
sometimes so abundant as seriously to
Interfere with the progress of ships,
and It was this which so alarmed the
crew of Columbus on his first voyage
of discovery.
Wrath Dlaarmed.
A little Cambridge girl was discover
ed whispering In school, and the teach
er asked:
"What were you saying to the girl
next to you when I caught you whis
The little culprit hung her head for n
moment and then replied:
"I was only telling her how nice you
looked In your new dress."
"Well, that—yes—l know—but we
must— The class in spelling will please
stand up."—Christian Register.
A SkiifrilnK Process.
"This," said the fond father to the
dermatologlcal expert, "seems to be a
pretty big bill for the treatment you
have given my daughter."
"It was a difficult treatment," ex
plained the skin doctor. "You see, we
had to remove all the cuticle from her
cheeks and graft a new epidermis upou
"Well," said the father, reaching for
his checkbook, "I don't know which
one of us you skinned the most."—Bal
timore American.
The Mace In England.
Every deliberative civil body in Eng
land, even down to the town Councils,
is provided with a mace, which is
brought forth with solemn ceremony
and placed on the table before the de
liberations begin. In one or two city
councils a candlestick of silver is add
ed to the mace, and acts passed in the
absence of these objects are supposed
to be illegal.
Joe—l saw you at the opera with
Miss Upperton last night. She's cer
tainly a beauty, but entirely too re
served for me.
Fred—You Just bet she Is. I saw her
father this morning and reserved her
especially for myself.—Chicago News.
Realism Most Attractive.
"Do you believe in realism in the
drama?" asked the friend.
"I do." answered Mr. Stormington
Barnes. "Many is the time I would j
have given a great deal to play Mac
beth with a real banquet."—Washing
ton Star.
One whose heart is filled with God's ,
love never refuses food to one whoso
stomach is filled with nothiug.—New j
York Herald.
Mark Twain's
G. C. Clemens, of Topeka,
Kan., the no
ted constitu
tional lawyer,
striking a re
semblance to HjHP^
Mark Twain,
Clemens) that T/Bb JSfS&&
he is frequent- Brn
ly taken for the
original Mark, G-C. Clemens,
is a man of deep intellect and
wide experience. He is con
sidered one of the foremost
lawyers in this country. In a re
cent letter to the Dr. Miles >
Medical Co., Mr. Clemens says: ji
* * Tersonal experience and obrer- j
yaticn i.ave thoroughly satisfied me Ifcst !
Dr. M. :.c:-' Nervine contains true merit,
an<i : ■ c sccllent for what it is recom- j
Mr. ?•' • n Waltrip, Sup. Pres. BanV
ers' h- j1 Society, Chicago, says:
rain Pills
are iav:l .-•ills for headache and all
pain. I i i<ecn a great sufferer from
Leadach.' L:.'.;l I learned of the efficacy
of Dr. ?. :;s" I'ain Piik. Now I always
carry th±m c.id prevent recusing at
tacks by taking a pill when the symp
toms first appear."
Sold hy all Drulllll*.
Pries, 25c. par Box.
Dr. Mllaa Madlaal Co., Elkhart, 1n«.
is the man who buys the cheap and
poorly made clothing simply because it
is cheap. There are just as good bar
gains to be had in good grades of goods,
si:ch for instance as our snits.
Running Chances is the man who
rushes from this "alteration sale" to
that "closing out bargains." The safe
way is ro patronize the firm that does
business on the same principles yon do
You know what you have to deal with
then. Yon get honest goods for honest
and don't save twenty-five cents
here to throw away seventy-five cento
Chances are Not Running away from
you, but yon are running away from
the chances for the best bargains of the
year in suits, when yon fail to look at
our suitings.
Wedding Suits a Specia'ty.
Leading Tailor.
333 P. Main St. BT7TLKT*
Pearson B. Nace's
Livery Feed and SaieStabie
Rear of
Wick House Butler Penn'a
The best of horses and tlrst class ris»> •
wavs OD hand 'and for hire.
Best accommodations in town for pern.i -
nent boarding and transient tradf
al care guaranteed.
Stable Room For 65 Horses
QA good class of uorsus, !«'tt .it ver.- \
draft horses always .>u baa'! .*»■-' •'<- -■\ -
under a full (fuar.tiite..-; .va.'» *'< r— .. i
pon proper notifi<-at ! .on >.y
Telephone. No. 213.
W S. & E. WICK
Bough and Worked Lumber of. Mil KLm ■
Doors, Sash and Moulding*
Oil Well Kigs a Specialty.
Office and Yard
E Cunningham and Monro* ft?
nf»' west I'mn Dexot.
Bert McCandless,
Livery, Feed and Sale Stable
W. Jefferson St., Butler.
Avoid Cars by Using
Mifflin Street Entrance.
' x Waiting Parlor for Ladies.
V"-Opll' , B P'wf
• dealer t -
About Kodaks!
We have bolii Kodaks and
Cameras of all description.
Amateur photo, supplies of all
kinds and of the best.
Keep your eye open for the new
folding pocket Kodak to be out
soon. 20 per cent oft Kodak
prices this week. Films, Plates,
I'apers and Chemicals.
Free dark room for customers
N • ar r. O.
241 South Main a ■ eet
lyssgjaFrw"- ■■
" iyjEt —DENTAL ROOMS.-- |f|
39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa ■
W«*r#Pß ACTIC A'.i.Y*loi»6thr f
".'3m I'lu.-Ijurj-WHY NOT DO 'J
w■ j tf Wma<le,ONLVSßjy
be cared in 45 minutes. Lump Jaw,
splints and ringbones just as quick. Not
painful and never has failed. Detailed
information about this new method sent
free to hocoe owners by T M. CLUfIH,
Kuoxdale, Jefferson Co,, Pa.
fY\r ajtjnowremodeling
our store and expert to
occupy it in about ten
days with the largest line
of Clothing ever shown in
Butler county.
We expect the demand
to he greater, and we are
fitting ourselves to meet it
with the most popular lii e
of new, i p-to-date Cloth
ing, I iats, «P s Gents
Furnishirg Giiods evei
sl'.own in Hutler county.
V\ e a-t H>'C pfcents I T
the C.*rl>ar!t Ovcriils, ti <
ones so popul-tr wi l»
Unioi* Men
V. u i' ■ Clothing.
A Man's Suit for
This suit has iiewr bene j M i !"r the ;;rije. *V«- bought them
from a NJW York clothivg maki i ,%vh<> if'tirni fr< m l usiness May ist.
Tne patterns of the- £i>ods are in chc< k. the new green
and olive effects, and black and b' te cheviots.
There is 110 suit amoj:g ihem w-ith !e;s th...• 58 aul some were
made to sell for f 10.
Call a:'d ask to bo sh »w;t rh se suit<. At this price they will
go quick.
Brotherhood Overalls
The railroad b" ■: -ft- W_- h »,vo t ! i-*nr».
Schaut & Nasi,
137 South Main Si. Bui!;'' - .
N. W Gokey & Sons, big shoe manufacturers,
of Jamestown, New York, have failed
We bought their entire stock of
Worth of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice
These goods were bought in addition to our
rtgui-.r spring stock, and must be so!d at onc-e.
Ever he'd in Butler
The ehoes are of the latest style.
Patent Leather in button or lace,
Vici-kid, Cordovan and Box-calf in
light or extenpion 6olrs.
Now on Sale at Less Than Half Price.
Don't fail to attend this great Bargain Sale of Shoes.
128 South Main St., tUTLEbi, I'A.
) OF US.
! Everything we sell yon is too well made to go to pieces even if it does
go ont of style.
We can't hold up Fashion to a stand still and make the modes of the
present permanent, but everything we have is up-to-date, like a train on
ti me. Like the train, we're 011 the track ahead ot competition.
Furniture and Carpets
for every room in the house —from the parlor to the kitchen.
Get Our Prices 8
on goods aiwavs fairly marked—not marked 10 per cent or 20 jy-r cent
al>ove our .-eiliu); price—but at true values. ■■
Oell Phone 105, (across from Puffy'j store,) Bntler, Pa. !
Another Large Shipment
A great assortment of mid-summer \y
style*, an endless variety of hats. A ■
can be selected 'from our larjje assort- I Z— ■-—I
ment of trimmed hats from $1 00 up- Hi 4 /ST I
ward. Our $3 9H hats exceed in quality It/ffti
anything ever offered at the price j|r if .jttf
Valueahd style are delightfully coin- 'Hi &
binded in our latest Summer hats, the
display is decidedly interesting; also
our prices are HWHJ down beyond corn
petition. Come and see them.
328 South Main Stwtf, <- - BnUer, it
Friday, tlie 2.'ird day of May,
A. I). 11*12. at 1 o'clock p. m.. the followinß ;
described property. U>-nit:
E. D. No. 32, May Term, 1902. W. 11. Lusk. j
All the right, title, interest and claim of
Milton McDonald, of. in and to all oar
tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Va
{ lencla Borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded
! as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by street.
; on the east by lauds of Mrs. Maria Miller, ou
the south by street, and on the we*t by lot of
Sidney Moietta. being fifty feet front on
street and extending back oue hundred and
, tifty feet, and having thereon erectei a
frame d .veiling hou>e and store r«M>m. and
, frame barn.
i Seized and taken In execution as the prou-
I erty of Milton McDonald at the suit of The
I Citizens Hank of Evans City.
E. D. No. M, May Term. 191 U. A. M. Christ
ley. Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of j
AA. Gold.of. in and to all that certain piece
• or parcel of land. >iiuated in Buffalo town- j
: ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded is follows. ,
j to-wit: On the north by lauds of John !
! Black! urn, on the east by lands of Benjamin
Way, ou the south by lands of Feter Kepule, •
' and on the west by Freeport and Coyles- j
. ville public road, containg one hundred and ;
I twenty (130) acres, more or less, and being !
! part of a larger tract of land conveyed by > ,
E. Gold to A. A. Gold by deed dated July sth. \
j IKMS, and recorded in lc'j. Page iKi.
Seized and taken in execution the prop
* erty of A. A. Gold at the suit of John Berg & '
; Co.. now for use of J. li. Cumberland.
iE. D. No. 31, May Term, itJOfi. W. I». Brandor, \
I Attorney.
All the right, title, interest and claim of
I O. F. h'eister, of, in and to ail that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated i<t .Muuuy- ,
' creek township. Butler couutj, Pa., irounded
' as follows, to-wit: imi ilie north l»y lands of
i Joshua Gallu.gber, on the east ♦-> lands of
Jeremiah Keister, on the souta by lands o» j
F. W, Gallagher, and ou tne west »>y lands of
Thomas Gallagher, coutalniug eignteen (is)
acres and ttfty-tive perches, more or less,
mostly cleared and in a good state of culti
vation, together Willi the buildings thereon.
Seized and takeu in execution as the prop
erty of O. i\ Keister at the suit of M iry J.
E. I). No. 36, May Term, 1903. W. D. Brandon
All the right, title, interest and claim of G.
M. Hughes, of. in aid to all that certain
piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango
township. Butler couuty. I*a., bounded as
follows, to-wit: On the north by Kinds of
Leonard Mmiih, Ames Sea ion and widow Ad
dieman, on the east by lands of Blair heirs
and William Stalker, on the south by lands
of K. C. Wilson, and tm the west by lands of
William and Kobert Cochran, containing otii
hundred and Thirtv (13-) acres, more or less,
and having thereon erected a one and j
story irame house, name barn and ou -
Seized and taken in execution as the prop
erty of G. M. Hughes the suit of P. I>. Gel
TERMS OF SALE i'».t following must U
strictly complied wi*h wueL property iv
stricken down.
1. When the plaintill or otner lieu creditor
becomes the purchase!, the costs on the vvni
must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ
ing mortgage searches on the property soid.
together with such li-n creditor s receipt*
for the amount of the J.I O» I * .» ot the sale or
such portion thereof Uo he may claim, must
be furnished tne sdierlil'.
2. Ail bids must be in luii.
3. Ail sales not settled immediately wiii i t
continued until one o'clock, P. M., of liu
next day at which lime .til property not
settled for will again be put up and sold at
the expense and risk of :hd person to whom
first sold.
•See Purdon's Digest, t»t£» edition, page -HTJ.
and Smith's Forms, page 3M4.
Sheriff'sOftice. Butler. Pa.. April 2S. I'.*-.
Let us give you a figure on
the Plumbing and Gas Fitting
of your home.
818 S. Main St., Both Phones.
Price is a Good Salesman
Quality is a Better One
Price and quality combined are winners.
Our Line of pianos includes only the
best instruments of reliable makers.
(Quality the highest. Pricest the lowest.
The Chase Brothers' Piano. Examine
it critically without prejudice, compare
it with the best instruments you know
about, and you will say with us, "There
is none better no matter what the uamo
or price." The Hackley Piano. An ex
ceedingly popular piano—tone, touch
and finish of the finest. The Carlisle
Piano. v The best medium price piano in
the market. See them at my store and
judge for yourself. Always on hand.
Bargains in organs. Remember your
credit is good
At Newton's Th» Piano Man
817 S. Main St., Butler, Pa
Eyes Examined Free of Charge
f |
Jeweler and Graduate Optician
\V»* f curt Butler J**
See the sign dlrect-ll
\y A ' ly opposite the jj
s ■£« Postoffice, li
Uy Thecdore Yogeley,
[C] Real Estate and jj
i Insurance Agency, jj
f-a3 238 S. Main St, J
s Butler, Pa. Jj
| aJ If you liave property))
I to sell, trade, or rcntltt
hnl or, want to buy or'
>jj rent cuii, write or
phone me.
List Mailed Upon Application.
at the
Cor. Main and Diamond,
Above Kirkpatrick'B.
Funeral Director.
4$ S. Main St. Butler PA
Boiler County National Bank.
LSutler Penn,
Capital pai-1 in - - $200,000.00'
Surplus and Profits fus coxoo
los. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts.
Vice President; John O. McMarlin,
Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier.
A Keneral baiiltlßH business transacted.
Interest p&ld on time deposits.
Money 1 janed on approved security.
We invite you to 'ipen an account with this
DIRECTORS—Hen. Joseph Hartman. Hon. !
W. S. Waldron. Dr. .v M. Hoover. H. Mc-
Sws-eney, U. P. Collins 1. G. Smith, Leslie P.
ilazlett, M. Finejc-in, W. H. I.arkin, T. P.
Mifflin, l)r. W. C. McCandless. Ben
H't.h. W.J. Marks. J. V". I'ttts. A. L. Reiber j
Farmers' National Bank,;
CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00 J
Surplus and Profits, $ 4,c92 64
Foreign exchange bought and sold.
Special attention given to collections.
i i<HIN VoI"XKINS President!
OHN HUMPHKEY Vice President |
i«\ "• HA I LEV Cashier
;. . BIXUUA.V Assistant Cashier j
I V HCTZLEK Teller ;
'■•' in Youuklns. T>. L. t'lreiand, E. F.
| A hr'inis, C. N. Boyil. W. F. Meturer, Henry
i Jn*M Humphrey. Tho« RHVS. LEV 4 ;
j ' Wise. Fr.in Is Vurt*f«>. S. Veager. D. 11
1.-* niptiell, A. H. Sarver I D .n'l Voutiklu.
Interest paid on tli»>r <i~|
V e resjectfiillv 1 vi> :r h'litness. 1
Guaranty Safe Deposit &
Trust Company,
Armory Building, Butler, Pa.
Capital Stock paid in $123,000.00.
Ai-ts as Executor, Administrator,
Guardian. Committee, Receiver, Trustee
anin all fiduciary capacities.
Issues Court and Suretyship bonds.
Acts as in 1 uyiug and selling
city, tanning or oil and properties.
Attends to the management of rtal
«'>tate and 10 collection of rents.
Negotiates the eale of mortarage,
municipal or bonds of other character.
A. E. Reiber. Pres : W. D. Brandon,
\"ice-Pres :J. V. Ritts. A. L. Reiber.
r'aniel Youiikins.
Ueo. C. Stewart. Secy, and Treas.
vVe solicit your patronage and invite cor
rcspcndcncc or a rcrsonal interview.
$50,000 4 per cent., tax free.
'roroufcli of Bellevue School District
Denomination srooo.
Interest payable semi-annually.
Write or call for price au'l description
Bark for Savings B!d'g ,
Pittsburg, Pa.
When I Say That
The Davis Sewing Machine leads all
others, it is not merely to fill a column
with an advertisement I mean that 110
other machine is so simple' I mean
that no other machine is so finely made!
And that no other machine is so easily
run! The "Davis" is polished like a
watch; it will not kill a woman to run
it: it will do more than double the
variety of work, without bastinn, than
any other machine can do. All other
sewing-machine men acknowledge this,
but says, "Our's is the cheapest." But
I say that to buy a cheap sewing ma
chine is not economy. The best is al
ways the cheapest. I also sell Behr
Bros' Matchless Pianos. For further
information address
McCandless, Pa.
- t
C. P. Johnson & Sons'
The Leading Tailors of
Butler County,
Are mak-ng c'othes in ihc
Suits from sl6 to S3O.
Overcoats from sl6 tu $75.
Everything done by skilled
abor in our t-un shop.
C. P. Johnson & Sons
? Summer Goods t
i AND t
* Medium Weights j
5 Just Received by t
d 416 W. Jefferson St., £
Butler, Pa. £
J Fit Guaranteed and S
s Prices Reasonable. #
I TRy us. I
Merrill Pianos
We ave two pianos
that have been used
at concerts we will
sell at a great bargain.
For Xmas presents
in musical goods
see us.
6. Otto Davis,
Armory Building
imaflain-v s i?h. Dean's I
II A safe, certain relief for ■
■ Menstruation. Never known to fall. Safe! ■
■ Bure! Spe«ly! Hatisfaction (luarantwed ■
■or monev Refunded. Sent prepaid for ■
I SI.OO t>er box. Will send them on trial, to ■
■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Kree. ■
Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave.
County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land!
In compliance with the requirement of tha Aft of Assembly of Pkninsj lvavi ".
, directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxfs, jnssed M«rrh IS A I;
; ISIS, and the several supplements thereto, notice is hereby given tLiit the folio a -
; ing pieces of land will I>> sold for taxes at the Conrt House, in Bntler, Pa . on
, The 9th Day of June, 1902. atl o'clock P. M
Name of Person 1 Years. Total
Township. Assessed. Acres j Tu*. Int. T& I
| ! | 1
Adams Dougherty JJ . ... H& L lsftfl' s 1 0;J f; 14$ 117
Pringle Geo A j 1 lot " 16 02 itf
" [Goebring & 1 lot " ! 17 0;>
Wallace Jonathan FT & L " 278 !>'J 31T
Allegheny ..jßowser Abe 4 ISM) 1
• '• Kogle Maty -."j " 510 71; 6H
Jamison Willis In " 1900 498 51 544
McConnell <£: Rel it 50n.... '• 12 12 97 13 09
Butler Slacel \ : •• 31 3? •_> 51 38 £.3
\ Brady Ti> 'or V. !"' '••••si ■ i ' 12 4s t 00' 13 4s
Buffalo Painter tit-, W -etro) -•> " 1 2-1 !0 1
OOoooqaeoeaßing .:Oru|ieW .'Jr. tw 10 40 1 40 11 W5
.. Graham Win 14 " 347 49 8 !:G
| Clinton Uackey Ai< x is it 1000 4 ;■!> :'i 443
| Concord Beiuhles Jncoli Ui»'J " ' i ■2HiSI 03
i Harper Mar:/1 ret U " 22 2! I f 99
; " Kaniorer AD 51M)9 " 2IV v 244
Meehitn .las ' 5, v ;; 10 34
t-'i*or DO -• • it , 03
' Clearfield t'o<. i- \VI: ■ ' 1 " 24
" Goldinirer M D.... ; 3 : ,i ro
Kerr Mii-'ine! (lie 1, . . l • •: '• ;> , 0 .(!
Cherry. .. I'nrnes .lohu ! • :*,» h Ki » jii <;<»
" He! 1 net Nan-v.1... . . *57 1 . 70
" Gross AL. . 1 «;V 2 2 ".'0
Duuc Johu, Jr i •• ;53 1 i>-. 3*B
Ferry James ;s> ' 2 <>> ii? ;1 to
" Gros-uian J E 19' " H t>7 9-- 795
" Hall John Mrs 17<: '• 11 < s 2 21 (54
" McKinney K »ht. l&i " 17 3:. l«.i 7®
" ineil Uauiel 15! " 2 4 1 - :'.."i 2 f-3
Docegal lijt-lin Jam»s. 121 1900 33 3' 2 30 05
! Ffitrvi-*- Kumlurt O «; 1899 24 65 3 •" 28 10
i Franklin liruckney Anni. t',7 " 31 1 :: > 10 01
Forward Bi»bo|. Phe'and 1 lo: " 5 7.". sj r. ..0
Piersul • irrison I 81 *' 1800 27 50 2 M 30 39
Stiiict r*eti?r I 4"i '* 11 ."it I C' 12 U
Jackson Ba> nt' !»• t 1 !.. * 4(> •>' 52
" Bennet A J j 1 lot " 40; ('•'> -2
Beam S.' . ' 1 lo! " 4H t-« 52
Overman Paul ; 1 lo' " 4ti 10 2
Peterson t 1 lo- " 40 52
Partridge Wei ; 1 lot '• 1 4(> tli 52
Partridee T 1 lot " 1 r .'2
Rticker John . 11. ' " 40 OS 52
" jStewait Willis 1 lot " 4(1 0 52
Stonghton.lC 1 lot " •<; 52
" Thompson 1 i—it 2 lot 1)3 t: 1(0
Wickrean J N 1 ioi " !ii (,C 52
Mercer Meß-ll V»'m 52- ' it* 1. 23" i' ! 71
Muddj creek.... Me'v ; 'i Tl*& <T U 5j " 7 !05 8 5
Marion jChntmau M-ir/aiet li. " 1900 35i 4; 392
Danxherty <& Ambrose.... 130 " 23 '•! 1«i 2« 50
Dngan Mary 4< " 57. 41; »i 17
" Gardner GJ . f l v i " 2. ' 2\. 292
Layton E lv lt-W 1 «•» ■ 1 18
'■ VleMurry Jas &J A (i- " 10 1 ' 2 2 35
VlcGiirk Dern's ii " 410 57 4 t;7
" McClaffeity Michael li 1900 212 17 229
Wanderly C 50 1899 307 51 418
" Vandyke Rebecca 3<> ,190< 432 !07
Oakland '.Milliager JJ R 93; " 20 2> 2 M 28 :.l
Parker k'onrtuej DG. 25 ; " 180 11 1!4
" Kelly Archie (heirs) 1 l>.'i ■' 90 (1 04
'Pugh Albert 23j;1809 " 100 43 4 -:9
" Risch .TP li! j " 3, 1 ; 25 3:9
'• >mith Nelson (heirs) 100 1899 " 59 0+ (5 3- (5 -2
Peuu Green Miles 11' j •• 23 4 187 25 '-7
" Walker D.ivid 1 lo' 1899 40 06 -2
Summit Snilive.n Valeiia 831 ' .1900 o-i 41 011 00 .'8
Slipperyrock Hamm ind L : 20i •' 14 81 35 H 48 42
" .... Keister Homer 9f.| •• , 29 61! 2 3, 32 (-3
Venango Porter 17 189'.: | 434 01 495
iDunkle I, Mrs 11 190 i ' 221 239
Sormlt y J IT. et al , 1 lot " i 257 21 278
" : Jamison J D | 8411899 : - j2203243 25 00
" Mcßride A I sC'i '• !in 88 87 11 75
" McLinghlin Geo ' 12v "jl9 8i 159 21 47
" McLanrt'ulin J B j 50j •- lo ; 4 t-7 11 71
" 'Norcross Andiew ! 20 1899 1900 973 ! 05 lo 78
jVanderliu S L \ 10*» " ":21 21 2 2'.
" Vanderlin .1 - 50 " | 72" < 83
White Amcelnie s*l ' 7 50 3 '0
Wiishin-ton Campbell J TI F 75 •' 08 1 45 19 53
" ...... Hindman Cb»«s ■; ISfrS: 99 14 : 13
Win field Clymer Wm B j 129 1900 -14 57 3 , 4- it
" Marshall Satonel I 4' l " 10 1: >-2 11 'l
Butler Boro Wilson Windy 1 lo' 1899 03 ■ r.s ,18
Sunbury Boro Allen Jefferson j 1 lot " 435 Ci 4■ (5
Saxonburg Owens Fred (heirs) ! it of 5 1900 18 10 1 45 10 O'l
I 1 .
NOTE—TLe above totals do i»ot include Treasurer's fee or tidvertifcir i: j>e
May 1, 1902. D L RANKIN, Couiitv Tr-:m :.
ri ht total or' deprjnlts, capital, surplus and profits divided by tits sum total®
t ? deposits i;tvcs tlss c*3'u security f j.- «» e.-y da? depositors. 3
•' $6,032 000 $2,362,000 = $2.55
; Real Estate Trust Co.,
I Incorporated October Ist, 1900.
I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00.
I Fays 2 per cent. Interest on deposils subject lo check, and 4 per cent. Intor
■ cat on savings accounts. Dikjs not issue bonds. Write for booklet, How to open
I an account by mail.
SP _
ij Richey'a
|| New Bakery, ||
S| !<
\l AND
lllce Cream t^arJoril
\| j?
/| Bread, Cakes, Ice Crearr, |j
}% Delivered to all parts of town. Is
\i t k
142 3 Main Street i)
S* People's Phone ISO.
{|l m \
rn si/ vt, su \lr \U si/ *lt -It >lt *l/ s!/ V'« «A» 'df 'if *A> 11/ Nfe «!< >l/ 'l' 'J Mrf ■» •! yf -i 'jf V w S J
ft- •* *» 'T> '?» IT* *ii 'T- fIV -4* vf» 4* • R vf* VP ..•*!> -
Fo si *l> years the NEW-VOR K \Y FFK LV RI • I .■>. H
has been a national weekly iiewspap.-., read almost e.".ie> >y
farmers, and hps enjoyed the confidence and sup cit <f i' e
American people to a degree never attained by «ny similar
is made absolutely for farmers and their fain lies. The first
number was issued > ovember 7th, 19 1
Every department of agricultural industry is c.'\-er*d ! y
special contributorß who are leaders in their f<-s j-i:_-:i\c lisi s.
and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a
class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural }).;pe r .
ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, uiodel farm build;:.
and homes, agricultural machinery, etc.
Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will find stjeiial :.1
for their entertainment.
Regular price, $: <0 |>er \e>ir. but \ou ran buy i' with \.>m
favorite home weekly news-wiper. The CITIZEN, one yen
for $ 1 75 or OTIZCN and Ti 1-Weekly Tri nne f<>r $2 on
Send your subscriptions a'd money to THE CITIZEN,
Butler, Pa.
Send your name and address to NE W-YOR : C TRIKUNB
FARMF,R, Xew-York City, and a free sample copy will be
mailed to ypi.;.
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