REAL ENJOYMENT. The woman who reads this will under stand to the full what Mrs. Tipton meant ■when she says: "I am enjoying good who women, heals in flammatiou and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong, sick women well. "It is with pleasure I recommend Dr. Pierce's medicine.'' writes Mrs. Nora Tipton, of Cropper (Cropper Station), Shelby Co., Kentucky. "\oti remember ray case was one of female weakness and weak lungs. I had no appetite and would often spit blood ; was confined to my bed almost half of the time and could hardly stand on my feet at times for the pains through my whole body and system. Mv husband had to pay larf;c doctor bills' for rae. but since I have taken four bottles of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. four cf ' Favorite Prescription ' and three vials of ' Pleasant Pellets' we haven't paid any more doctor bills. It had been seven months since I stopped using Dr. Pierce's medicines aad 1 have been enjoying good health all the time. I can never praise these medicines too highly, for I have received so much benefit. I pray that manv who suffer as I did will take Dr. Pierce's medicines. lam sure they will never fail to cure when given a fair trial. Everybody tells me I look tletter than they ever saw me. I am sure I feel better than I ever did before. r "Favorite Prescription" has the testi mony of thousands of women to its com plete cure of womanly diseases. Do not accept an unknown and unproved sub stitute in its place. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets are a ladies' laxative. No other medicine equals them for gentleness and thorough ness. cr BOOK MAILED FREE. A. A.! FEVERS, Congestions. Inflamiua- CL~B£S> tiun«,. Luna Fever, Milk Fever. B. H. IHPRAWB. Lameness, Injuries, CTUES ( Rheumatism. C. C.jgORB THBOAT, Quinsy, Epixootlc. cents j Distemper. CU'HXS \ W°R.MB, Bots, Grubs. K. E. X'OI'UHS, Colds. Influenza, Inflamed cubes 51.unics, Pleuro-Pneuniunla. F. F. (COLIC, Bellyache. Wind-Blown, CURES j Diarrhea, Dysentery. 0.0. Prevents MISCARRIAGE. | KIDXEY Medical Co., Mr. Clemens says: ji * * Tersonal experience and obrer- j yaticn i.ave thoroughly satisfied me Ifcst ! Dr. M. :.c:-' Nervine contains true merit, an • wavs OD hand 'and for hire. Best accommodations in town for pern.i - nent boarding and transient tradf al care guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses QA good class of uorsus, !«'tt .it ver.- \ draft horses always .>u baa'! .*»■-' •'<- -■\ - under a full (fuar.tiite..-; .va.'» *'< r— .. i pon proper notifi<-at ! .on >.y PEARSON H. NAC!: Telephone. No. 213. W S. & E. WICK DBA LRUS' IN Bough and Worked Lumber of. Mil KLm ■ Doors, Sash and Moulding* Oil Well Kigs a Specialty. Office and Yard E Cunningham and Monro* ft? nf»' west I'mn Dexot. Bert McCandless, Livery, Feed and Sale Stable W. Jefferson St., Butler. Avoid Cars by Using Mifflin Street Entrance. ' x Waiting Parlor for Ladies. V"-Opll' , B P'wf L. C. WICK. • dealer t - LUnBER. About Kodaks! We have bolii Kodaks and Cameras of all description. Amateur photo, supplies of all kinds and of the best. Keep your eye open for the new folding pocket Kodak to be out soon. 20 per cent oft Kodak prices this week. Films, Plates, I'apers and Chemicals. Free dark room for customers AT DOUGLASS BOOK STOUE N • ar r. O. 241 South Main a ■ eet lyssgjaFrw"- ■■ ■ s£ao». TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA ft " iyjEt —DENTAL ROOMS.-- |f| 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa ■ W«*r#Pß ACTIC A'.i.Y*loi»6thr f HKLMCAOWN BRITUT WORK 11 ".'3m I'lu.-Ijurj-WHY NOT DO 'J JUYOURS? Oald CROWNS » w■ j tf Wma'C pfcents I T the C.*rl>ar!t Ovcriils, ti < ones so popul-tr wi l» Unioi* Men V. u i' ■ Clothing. DOUTHCTT Sc GF(AHA|VI A Man's Suit for FIVE DOLLARS. This suit has iiewr bene j M i !"r the ;;rije. *V«- bought them from a NJW York clothivg maki i ,%vh<> if'tirni fr< m l usiness May ist. Tne patterns of the- £i>ods are in chc< k. the new green and olive effects, and black and b' te cheviots. There is 110 suit amoj:g ihem w-ith !e;s th...• 58 aul some were made to sell for f 10. Call a:'d ask to bo sh »w;t rh se suit<. At this price they will go quick. Brotherhood Overalls The railroad b" ■: -ft- W_- h »,vo t ! i-*nr». Schaut & Nasi, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main Si. Bui!;'' - . FAILED! FAILED! N. W Gokey & Sons, big shoe manufacturers, of Jamestown, New York, have failed We bought their entire stock of Worth of Shoes at a Great Sacrifice These goods were bought in addition to our rtgui-.r spring stock, and must be so!d at onc-e. GREATEST SHOE SALE Ever he'd in Butler The ehoes are of the latest style. Patent Leather in button or lace, Vici-kid, Cordovan and Box-calf in light or extenpion 6olrs. Now on Sale at Less Than Half Price. Don't fail to attend this great Bargain Sale of Shoes. JOHN BICKEL, 128 South Main St., tUTLEbi, I'A. I IT S MONEY SAVED i TO BUY YOUR ? I FURNITURE and CARPETS ) OF US. ! Everything we sell yon is too well made to go to pieces even if it does go ont of style. We can't hold up Fashion to a stand still and make the modes of the present permanent, but everything we have is up-to-date, like a train on ti me. Like the train, we're 011 the track ahead ot competition. Furniture and Carpets for every room in the house —from the parlor to the kitchen. Get Our Prices 8 on goods aiwavs fairly marked—not marked 10 per cent or 20 jy-r cent al>ove our .-eiliu); price—but at true values. ■■ BROWN &• CO., Oell Phone 105, (across from Puffy'j store,) Bntler, Pa. ! JUST RECEIVED Another Large Shipment A great assortment of mid-summer \y style*, an endless variety of hats. A ■ can be selected 'from our larjje assort- I Z— ■-—I ment of trimmed hats from $1 00 up- Hi 4 /ST I ward. Our $3 9H hats exceed in quality It/ffti anything ever offered at the price j|r if .jttf Valueahd style are delightfully coin- 'Hi & binded in our latest Summer hats, the display is decidedly interesting; also our prices are HWHJ down beyond corn petition. Come and see them. Rockenstein's, MILLINERY EMPOKIUM. 328 South Main Stwtf, <- - BnUer, it | SHERIFFS SALES. J Friday, tlie 2.'ird day of May, A. I). 11*12. at 1 o'clock p. m.. the followinß ; described property. U>-nit: E. D. No. 32, May Term, 1902. W. 11. Lusk. j Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of Milton McDonald, of. in and to all oar tain piece or parcel of land, situated in Va { lencla Borough. Butler county. Pa., bounded ! as follows, to-wit: Ou the north by street. ; on the east by lauds of Mrs. Maria Miller, ou the south by street, and on the we*t by lot of Sidney Moietta. being fifty feet front on street and extending back oue hundred and , tifty feet, and having thereon erectei a frame d .veiling hou>e and store r«M>m. and , frame barn. i Seized and taken In execution as the prou- I erty of Milton McDonald at the suit of The I Citizens Hank of Evans City. E. D. No. M, May Term. 191 U. A. M. Christ ley. Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of j AA. Gold.of. in and to all that certain piece • or parcel of land. >iiuated in Buffalo town- j : ship. Butler county. Pa., bounded is follows. , j to-wit: On the north by lauds of John ! ! Black! urn, on the east by lands of Benjamin Way, ou the south by lands of Feter Kepule, • ' and on the west by Freeport and Coyles- j . ville public road, containg one hundred and ; I twenty (130) acres, more or less, and being ! ! part of a larger tract of land conveyed by > , E. Gold to A. A. Gold by deed dated July sth. \ j IKMS, and recorded in lc'j. Page iKi. Seized and taken in execution the prop * erty of A. A. Gold at the suit of John Berg & ' ; Co.. now for use of J. li. Cumberland. iE. D. No. 31, May Term, itJOfi. W. I». Brandor, \ I Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of I O. F. h'eister, of, in and to ail that certain piece or parcel of land, situated i lands of Jeremiah Keister, on the souta by lands o» j F. W, Gallagher, and ou tne west »>y lands of Thomas Gallagher, coutalniug eignteen (is) acres and ttfty-tive perches, more or less, mostly cleared and in a good state of culti vation, together Willi the buildings thereon. Seized and takeu in execution as the prop erty of O. i\ Keister at the suit of M iry J. liays. E. I). No. 36, May Term, 1903. W. D. Brandon Attorney. All the right, title, interest and claim of G. M. Hughes, of. in aid to all that certain piece or parcel of land, situated in Venango township. Butler couuty. I*a., bounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by Kinds of Leonard Mmiih, Ames Sea ion and widow Ad dieman, on the east by lands of Blair heirs and William Stalker, on the south by lands of K. C. Wilson, and tm the west by lands of William and Kobert Cochran, containing otii hundred and Thirtv (13-) acres, more or less, and having thereon erected a one and j story irame house, name barn and ou - buildings. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of G. M. Hughes the suit of P. I>. Gel bach. TERMS OF SALE i'».t following must U strictly complied wi*h wueL property iv stricken down. 1. When the plaintill or otner lieu creditor becomes the purchase!, the costs on the vvni must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property soid. together with such li-n creditor s receipt* for the amount of the J.I O» I * .» ot the sale or such portion thereof Uo he may claim, must be furnished tne sdierlil'. 2. Ail bids must be in luii. 3. Ail sales not settled immediately wiii i t continued until one o'clock, P. M., of liu next day at which lime .til property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense and risk of :hd person to whom first sold. •See Purdon's Digest, t»t£» edition, page -HTJ. and Smith's Forms, page 3M4. THOMAS K. IIOON, Sheriff. Sheriff'sOftice. Butler. Pa.. April 2S. I'.*-. ARE YOU GOING TO I BUILD OR REMODEL Let us give you a figure on the Plumbing and Gas Fitting of your home. WHITEHILL, Plumber, 818 S. Main St., Both Phones. Price is a Good Salesman Quality is a Better One Price and quality combined are winners. Our Line of pianos includes only the best instruments of reliable makers. (Quality the highest. Pricest the lowest. The Chase Brothers' Piano. Examine it critically without prejudice, compare it with the best instruments you know about, and you will say with us, "There is none better no matter what the uamo or price." The Hackley Piano. An ex ceedingly popular piano—tone, touch and finish of the finest. The Carlisle Piano. v The best medium price piano in the market. See them at my store and judge for yourself. Always on hand. Bargains in organs. Remember your credit is good At Newton's Th» Piano Man 817 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. f | Jeweler and Graduate Optician \V»* f curt Butler J** See the sign dlrect-ll \y A ' ly opposite the jj s ■£« Postoffice, li Uy Thecdore Yogeley, [C] Real Estate and jj i Insurance Agency, jj f-a3 238 S. Main St, J s Butler, Pa. Jj | aJ If you liave property)) I to sell, trade, or rcntltt hnl or, want to buy or' >jj rent cuii, write or phone me. List Mailed Upon Application. BLANK BOOKS MAGAZINES LAW BINDING and REPAIRING at the BUTLER BOOK BINDERY Cor. Main and Diamond, Above Kirkpatrick'B. A. M. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. / 4$ S. Main St. Butler PA TH K Boiler County National Bank. LSutler Penn, Capital pai-1 in - - $200,000.00' Surplus and Profits fus coxoo los. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts. Vice President; John O. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A Keneral baiiltlßH business transacted. Interest p&ld on time deposits. Money 1 janed on approved security. We invite you to 'ipen an account with this bank. DIRECTORS—Hen. Joseph Hartman. Hon. ! W. S. Waldron. Dr. .v M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sws-eney, U. P. Collins 1. G. Smith, Leslie P. ilazlett, M. Finejc-in, W. H. I.arkin, T. P. Mifflin, l)r. W. C. McCandless. Ben H't.h. W.J. Marks. J. V". I'ttts. A. L. Reiber j THE Farmers' National Bank,; BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00 J Surplus and Profits, $ 4,c92 64 Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. OFFICERS: i i. L. t'lreiand, E. F. | A hr'inis, C. N. Boyil. W. F. Meturer, Henry i Jn*M Humphrey. Tho« RHVS. LEV 4 ; j ' Wise. Is Vurt*f«>. S. Veager. D. 11 1.-* niptiell, A. H. Sarver I D .n'l Voutiklu. Interest paid on tli»>r :r h'litness. 1 Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Company, Armory Building, Butler, Pa. Capital Stock paid in $123,000.00. MONEY TO LOAN ON FIRST MORTGAGE OR COLLATERAL. Ai-ts as Executor, Administrator, Guardian. Committee, Receiver, Trustee anin all fiduciary capacities. Issues Court and Suretyship bonds. Acts as in 1 uyiug and selling city, tanning or oil and properties. Attends to the management of rtal «'>tate and 10 collection of rents. Negotiates the eale of mortarage, municipal or bonds of other character. DIRECTORS. A. E. Reiber. Pres : W. D. Brandon, \"ice-Pres :J. V. Ritts. A. L. Reiber. r'aniel Youiikins. Ueo. C. Stewart. Secy, and Treas. vVe solicit your patronage and invite cor rcspcndcncc or a rcrsonal interview. WE OWN AND OFFER $50,000 4 per cent., tax free. 'roroufcli of Bellevue School District Bonds. Denomination srooo. Interest payable semi-annually. Write or call for price au'l description C R WILLIAMS er box. Will send them on trial, to ■ ■ be paid for when relieved. Samples Kree. ■ I UNITED MCOIC«LCO . »O< 74. L»WC»»TI«. P« J Sold in Butler at the Centre Ave. Pharmacy. County Treasurer's Sale of Unseated Land! In compliance with the requirement of tha Aft of Assembly of Pkninsj lvavi ". , directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxfs, jnssed M«rrh IS A I; ; ISIS, and the several supplements thereto, notice is hereby given tLiit the folio a - ; ing pieces of land will I>> sold for taxes at the Conrt House, in Bntler, Pa . on , The 9th Day of June, 1902. atl o'clock P. M Name of Person 1 Years. Total Township. Assessed. Acres j Tu*. Int. T& I | ! | 1 Adams Dougherty JJ . ... H& L lsftfl' s 1 0;J f; 14$ 117 Pringle Geo A j 1 lot " 16 02 itf " [Goebring & 1 lot " ! 17 0;> Wallace Jonathan FT & L " 278 !>'J 31T Allegheny ..jßowser Abe 4 ISM) 1 • '• Kogle Maty -."j " 510 71; 6H Jamison Willis In " 1900 498 51 544 McConnell <£: Rel it 50n.... '• 12 12 97 13 09 Butler Slacel \ : •• 31 3? •_> 51 38 £.3 \ Brady Ti> 'or V. !"' '••••si ■ i ' 12 4s t 00' 13 4s Buffalo Painter tit-, W -etro) -•> " 1 2-1 !0 1 OOoooqaeoeaßing .:Oru|ieW .'Jr. tw 10 40 1 40 11 W5 .. Graham Win 14 " 347 49 8 !:G | Clinton Uackey Ai< x is it 1000 4 ;■!> :'i 443 | Concord Beiuhles Jncoli Ui»'J " ' i ■2HiSI 03 i Harper Mar:/1 ret U " 22 2! I f 99 ; " Kaniorer AD 51M)9 " 2IV v 244 Meehitn .las ' 5, v ;; 10 34 t-'i*or DO -• • it , 03 ' Clearfield t'o<. i- \VI: ■ ' 1 " 24 " Goldinirer M D.... ; 3 : ,i ro Kerr Mii-'ine! (lie 1, . . l • •: '• ;> , 0 .(! Cherry. .. I'nrnes .lohu ! • :*,» h Ki » jii <;<» " He! 1 net Nan-v.1... . . *57 1 . 70 " Gross AL. . 1 «;V 2 2 ".'0 Duuc Johu, Jr i •• ;53 1 i>-. 3*B Ferry James ;s> ' 2 <>> ii? ;1 to " Gros-uian J E 19' " H t>7 9-- 795 " Hall John Mrs 17<: '• 11 < s 2 21 (54 " McKinney K »ht. l&i " 17 3:. l«.i 7® " ineil Uauiel 15! " 2 4 1 - :'.."i 2 f-3 Docegal lijt-lin Jam»s. 121 1900 33 3' 2 30 05 ! Ffitrvi-*- Kumlurt O «; 1899 24 65 3 •" 28 10 i Franklin liruckney Anni. t',7 " 31 1 :: > 10 01 Forward Bi»bo|. Phe'and 1 lo: " 5 7.". sj r. ..0 Piersul • irrison I 81 *' 1800 27 50 2 M 30 39 Stiiict r*eti?r I 4"i '* 11 ."it I C' 12 U Jackson Ba> nt' !»• t 1 !.. * 4(> •>' 52 " Bennet A J j 1 lot " 40; ('•'> -2 Beam S.' . ' 1 lo! " 4H t-« 52 Overman Paul ; 1 lo' " 4ti 10 2 Peterson t 1 lo- " 40 52 Partridge Wei ; 1 lot '• 1 4(> tli 52 Partridee T 1 lot " 1 r .'2 Rticker John . 11. ' " 40 OS 52 " jStewait Willis 1 lot " 4(1 0 52 Stonghton.lC 1 lot " •<; 52 " Thompson 1 i—it 2 lot 1)3 t: 1(0 Wickrean J N 1 ioi " !ii (,C 52 Mercer Meß-ll V»'m 52- ' it* 1. 23" i' ! 71 Muddj creek.... Me'v ; 'i Tl*& ,190< 432 !07 Oakland '.Milliager JJ R 93; " 20 2> 2 M 28 :.l Parker k'onrtuej DG. 25 ; " 180 11 1!4 " Kelly Archie (heirs) 1 l>.'i ■' 90 (1 04 'Pugh Albert 23j;1809 " 100 43 4 -:9 " Risch .TP li! j " 3, 1 ; 25 3:9 '• >mith Nelson (heirs) 100 1899 " 59 0+ (5 3- (5 -2 Peuu Green Miles 11' j •• 23 4 187 25 '-7 " Walker D.ivid 1 lo' 1899 40 06 -2 Summit Snilive.n Valeiia 831 ' .1900 o-i 41 011 00 .'8 Slipperyrock Hamm ind L : 20i •' 14 81 35 H 48 42 " .... Keister Homer 9f.| •• , 29 61! 2 3, 32 (-3 Venango Porter 17 189'.: | 434 01 495 iDunkle I, Mrs 11 190 i ' 221 239 Sormlt y J IT. et al , 1 lot " i 257 21 278 " : Jamison J D | 8411899 : - j2203243 25 00 " Mcßride A I sC'i '• !in 88 87 11 75 " McLinghlin Geo ' 12v "jl9 8i 159 21 47 " McLanrt'ulin J B j 50j •- lo ; 4 t-7 11 71 " 'Norcross Andiew ! 20 1899 1900 973 ! 05 lo 78 jVanderliu S L \ 10*» " ":21 21 2 2'. " Vanderlin .1 - 50 " | 72" < 83 White Amcelnie s*l ' 7 50 3 '0 Wiishin-ton Campbell J TI F 75 •' 08 1 45 19 53 " ...... Hindman Cb»«s ■; ISfrS: 99 14 : 13 Win field Clymer Wm B j 129 1900 -14 57 3 , 4- it " Marshall Satonel I 4' l " 10 1: >-2 11 'l Butler Boro Wilson Windy 1 lo' 1899 03 ■ r.s ,18 Sunbury Boro Allen Jefferson j 1 lot " 435 Ci 4■ (5 Saxonburg Owens Fred (heirs) ! it of 5 1900 18 10 1 45 10 O'l I 1 . NOTE—TLe above totals do i»ot include Treasurer's fee or tidvertifcir i: j>e May 1, 1902. D L RANKIN, Couiitv Tr-:m :. ri ht total or' deprjnlts, capital, surplus and profits divided by tits sum total® t ? deposits i;tvcs tlss c*3'u security f j.- «» e.-y da? depositors. 3 j| OEPOSiTS, CAPITAL, SUR- DEPOSITS FOR EACH DOLLAR S UNDIVIDED PROFITS. j FEBRUARY, 1902. OF OEPOSITS. •' $6,032 000 $2,362,000 = $2.55 ; Real Estate Trust Co., IOF PITTSBURGH, = 311 FOURTH AVENUE. I Incorporated October Ist, 1900. I CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $3,650,000.00. I Fays 2 per cent. Interest on deposils subject lo check, and 4 per cent. Intor ■ cat on savings accounts. Dikjs not issue bonds. Write for booklet, How to open I an account by mail. CONSERVATTVT2 IN feTERYTri NO-BUT WORK. SP _ ij Richey'a || New Bakery, || S| !< \l AND lllce Cream t^arJoril \| j? /| Bread, Cakes, Ice Crearr, |j }% Delivered to all parts of town. Is \i t k 142 3 Main Street i) S* People's Phone ISO. {|l m \ rn si/ vt, su \lr \U si/ *lt -It >lt *l/ s!/ V'« «A» 'df 'if *A> 11/ Nfe «!< >l/ 'l' 'J Mrf ■» •! yf -i 'jf V w S J ft- •* *» 'T> '?» IT* *ii 'T- fIV -4* vf» 4* • R vf* VP ..•*!> - TRIBUNE FARMER Fo si *l> years the NEW-VOR K \Y FFK LV RI • I .■>. H has been a national weekly iiewspap.-., read almost e.".ie> >y farmers, and hps enjoyed the confidence and sup cit ovember 7th, 19 1 Every department of agricultural industry is c.'\-er*d ! y special contributorß who are leaders in their f<-s j-i:_-:i\c lisi s. and the TRIBUNE FARMER wil' be in every sense a class, up to date, live, enterprising agricultural }).;pe r . ly illustrated with pictures of live stock, uiodel farm build;:. and homes, agricultural machinery, etc. Farmers' wives, sons and daughters will find stjeiial :.1 for their entertainment. Regular price, $: <0 |>er \e>ir. but \ou ran buy i' with \.>m favorite home weekly news-wiper. The CITIZEN, one yen for $ 1 75 or OTIZCN and Ti 1-Weekly Tri nne f<>r $2 on Send your subscriptions a'd money to THE CITIZEN, Butler, Pa. Send your name and address to NE W-YOR : C TRIKUNB FARMF,R, Xew-York City, and a free sample copy will be mailed to ypi.;. A NEW OLD PAPER subscribe for the CITIZEN