THE CITIZEN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 5. 19°!- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. iOTB— AII advertisers intending to make ;&utc • In their ads- should notify us ot t&elr Intention ■> ter than Mon- Uy mornlne. Bankruptcy notice, A. W. Reibold. Statement of Butler Sayings Bank. Brown & Co's Christmas Locals Patterson Bros Pictures, etc. Wick's Christmas Goods. Schaul & Nast's clothing. C. & T's Holiday Goods. Rockenstein's Millinery. Notice to Stockholders. Whitehill's locals. Reiber's Holiday Announcement. Redick & Grohman's Perfumes. Adinlnlsltotors and Executor* of estate ju» secure their receipt books at the CITI L.EN office, and persons making public sales note books. LOCAL AND GENERAL, —Teachers' Institute next. —lt was a white Thanksgiving. —Grippy weather is approaching. —Only sixteen shopping days left. —This is the sweet buy and buy time. —Holiday rates on all the railroads See locals —The next thing on the program is Christmas. —Lots of coal was started down the Ohio, last week —The school teachers will be here week after next. —Wny not give the horse a cold weather hat also. —CVngitss and 'he Charleston Expo, opened «. n the same day. —Last of naughty-one, though next year will be naughty two. —lu Put-burg diligence in ripping is now considered the first duty of man. —Don't tell \ our girl this winter her hat is not on straight, they're made lopsided. —Tne annual brain-racking over the / Chriftai-iS presents problem will soon be in progress —The new designs in wall paper for 1903 *re rather loud in colorings al though very tasty and neat. —Some slight changes have been made in the Wiufield R. R. time table, a* see card in another column. —Buffalo is afflicted with a defaulting city treasurer, a Pan-American deficit and the smallpox at the same time. —The Hickman Bros, put up a great ■how, Tuesday night, and will have a tremendous house, if booked for Xmaa. —The Pan-Ameiican buildings at Buffalo that cost about $4,000,000 have beeu sold to a wrecking company for fWO.OOO. Farmers' Institutes at Jefferson Centre, yesterday and today; at West Sunbury, tomorrow and Saturday, and S'ipperyrock, Mondny and Tuesday. —Bomtoiie has discovered that it ia dangerous to pick our teeth because lit tle stivers of wood get* down the wind pipe and tend to cause consumption. ? * —One l-oiidred and five marriage li cence* were printed in the*Pittsburg pa pers of last Thursday, and the names of ft Butler county couple headed the list —Christmas shoppers are now trying to make up their minds what to buy. Skillfnl advertisers will assist them ma ' terialiy. Look over the columns of the CITIZEN for lhe next few weeks. —A scaffolding in the 6tore room of the new Schultis building on which 12 men, painters and carpenters, were working, fell down, Monday, but none of the men were hurt although they fell nine or tea feet. Work on the new million dollar Court House for Westmoreland county began on Wednesday of last week. The County Commissioners, with pick and •borel. loaded tbe first wagon with ground from the excavation. I -Nearly all the shackle-work, oil wells are now being run by large gas engines, which start oft suddenly, and tbe man killed ut the well on tbe Bol ford fartr, last Frid*j, by hi* foot being caught in tbe wheel, while tramping it to start if, is the se"<>nd tbe Forest has lost in tL'at manner. Be sure to look carefully through tbe«e columns for Brown & CoV. useful Xinas offering. Don't buy withon* see ing them. Holiday Announcement— G'lirlst itius Good*. We have ottr holiday goods all in; did not haye time to tell yon about them this week, but watch for our advertise ment next week. We will try and give yon nn idea of the immense stock of Xmas Novelties and staple noyelties we have to select from—the greatest as well as tbe handsomest line we have ever shown. As t6 prices, they will pleaee you—so low. MRS. J. E. ZIMMERMAN. HOLIDAY GOODS. Oennine Rook wood Art Ware, Opal Wave Crest, Austrian, French and German China of the very latest designs and decorations Diamonds, Watches, Sterling Silver and an elegant assort ment of fine goods in every line kept in a Jewelry Store, now ready for all per sons looking for a good and useful present for Christmas, at G'LELEAND'B JEWELRY STORK 125 South Main St., Butler, Pa. There is no more useful piece of fur niture for the house than a Sewing Ma chine— could'nt do without it. Why don't you get your wife one for a Xmas present? Don't have her temper spoiled with that old worn out one. Why! Oreat Scott: Brown & Co. will sell you a high grade standard machine—war ranted for ten years for only $16.75 If you want a better one—we have it —up to s3o.oo—a genuine s<ss 00 (agents' price) for $30.00' See it and compare with any $65 machine on the market. While yon are looking over the stock of Furniture nt Brown & Co's, don't forget to see our selection of choice In gram Carpets; also Rugs—Rnggets— Mattings -Oil Cloths, etc, as well as our sample department in Tapestries— Brussels—Velvets, etc. A nice Chandelier makes a nice Xmas present at WHITEHILL'S, Plumber. Do you need a Bed Room Suite? Brown He Co. will sell you a solid oak suite as low as s2o—French bevel 22x24 plate —well made and fininhed. A good selection of medium priced suites also to cbooee from. Now is the season for Pictures and Picture Framing. Brown & Co. bave a good assortment in Framed Pictures and Mouldings. Work done neatly and a little lower in price than elsewhere. Dec. 1, a good time to enter the But ler Business College. Jan. 1, 1002, the best time to enter for work in the new ye.'«r. Send for a catalogue. If its an Extension Table you want see Brown & Co. Prices start at $5.00 for a fl-toot. Finely polished heavy ta bles at low prices. See the line of Diners at Brown & Co's. We start at 50c for a good Kitch en Chair, Solid oak—veneer seats— cane —leather- anything at low prices. For a guaranteed Crouch see Brown &Co Prices from SB.OO up for velours. See our Leather Couches for equality and price. PERSONAL. J. P. Klinger of Penn twp. was in town, Saturday. Tattie Speer of Murrinsville has been granted a sl2 pension. County Treasurer Rankin is ill with a bad cold" and indigestion. Henry Horn of Saxonbnrg did gome shopping in Butler, Tuesday. Charley Smith of Buffalo twp. yisited his Butler friends, Monday. Dr. Bippus has returned to Butler, greatly improved in health. Frank Badger has broken ground for a fine brick house on Mercer St. John W. Powell of Sarvere Station spent Monday with Butler friends. E. H. Crawford of Allegheny twp. was in town on business, Saturday. Elmer Moore made his return, Mon day, as constable of Washington twp. A. F. Cochran and wife of Concord township yisited relatives in Butler, Tuesday. Constable Nat McCandless of the Sec ond Ward is suffering from an ulcer on his left eye. P. C. Farnen and Peter Kinney of Chi cora attended to legal business in But ler, Wednesday. J. H. Pontious and Jchn Knoll of Donegal township were in town on business, yesterday Charley Hosford formerly of Butler, and his partner, lately sold a lease in West Virginia for SIOO,OOO. Herb Harper returned from Cam bridge a few days ago. He was much benefitted by his stay there. Supt. Paiuter attended the local in stitute held in the school house in Coop erstown, last Saturday night. Clyde Wadsworth of Keister did some shopping in Butler, Friday. He is working in the Speecbly field. Jacob Rice of Butler twp. has lost by death a good work horse and two fat hogs dming the past few weeks. Henry W. Bame of Harmony attend ed the meeting of the County Sabbath School Association. Monday, as secreta ry George Scheiring and wife of W. Wa>ne St. returned, Monday, from Fairmont, Ind , where they visited their son, George. Adam Milheim, formerly of Centre twp. and Miss Mary Titus were married at the bride's home in Sharon, Thanks giving day. Miss Blanch Wick and Minnie Mc- Candless spent the Thanksgiving vaca tion at the home of Dr. M. L. McCand less of Beaver county. Rev. Silbaugh of Butler was called upon to officiate at the wedding of Geo. A. Ross and Miss Mary A. Milligan at the bride's home in Clearfield twp James B. Donaldson, who was bor% and raised in Butler, has opened a gro cery store at the corner of Lincoln and tntre Aves Rev. Z. M. Silbach who has charge of the M. E. church at Craigsville, Arm strong county, has moved to Butler and is living in the Ricbey building otS Main St. Esq. Walker and his daughter, Mary, ate their Thanksgiving dinner and pass ed the day with his daughter Emma, who is Matron of the hospital at Washing ton, Pa. Absolom Monks and daughter of Middlesex twp. did souie shopping in Butler, Monday. Mr. Monks is one of the remarkable old men of the county. He is in his 85th year and yet active. Wm. Slater of McKeespurt married his step mother's sister, Nellie Bovle, theieby becoming his father's brother in-law and the husband of his step aunt, who becomes her Sister's step-daughter in-law. President Roosevelt and his Cabinet attended the West Point and Annapolis football game, on the grounds of U. of P in Philadelphia, last Saturday; and during one play became so excited that he jumped over the fence, and got in with the players. PAIEK THEATRE. ON THE STROKE OF TWELVE—FRIDAY DEC. 6. The scene at the climax of the Third act of On the Stroke of Twelve is one of the most exciting ever put into a drama. The hero and his friend, who have been unjustly convicted of a crime, make a sensational escape from prison. This piece will hare its first presentation in this city at the Park Theatre, Friday Dec. 6. It is full of strong situations and dramatic effects. THE BON TON STOCK —THREE NIGHTS. Charles Leybqrne and his biu Bon Ton Stock Co., supporting Emma Bunt ing, come well recommended, the fol lowing is from the Lancaster New Era of recent date. •'The Bon Ton Stock Company, a repertoire organization which is quite a favorite in this city, opened a week's engagement, last night, and the audience taxed the capacity of the Opera House. The piece presented was Mark E. Swan's "The Princess of Patches." The company in support of Miss Bunt ing and Mr. Leyburne is quite up to the standard and the play was given an ex cellent rendition in addition to being very nicely staged. Between the acts some of the cleverest specialties ever seen here with a popular priced com pany were introduced." This company will play Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday, Matinee Wednesday at the Park next week. Prices 10-20 and 30 cents. i'lttsburg Orclicstra. The program for this week's concerts Friday evening and Saturday afternoon is as follows: Symphony. Pathetic, Tschaikowsky Pianoforto Concerto. Schumann Suite, Woodland Fancies Op. 34, Morning in the Mountains. Forest Njmphs, Twilight, Autumn Frolics, Herbert. (New; First performance) Siegfried's Rhine Journey, Wagner. Grand Opera Hou»e, I'ittsburg. The first Shakespearian production of the season in Pittsburg and one of the most important productions since the inauguration of the stock company will be the magnificent scenic revival of Shakespear's subline tragedy, Romeo and Juliet, to be given at the Grand Opera House for one week, commencing Monday, Dec. !(th. The much discussed and long promised Christinas Pinto mine at the Grand Opera House in Pittsburg is fast approaching the date of its premier performance on Monday, Dec. 23rd. Keep your oye on Brown & Co's. glass front—we will show you a few things before Xmas that you'll want mighty bad! Why not buy a Sideboard now? See the ones Brown & Co. are showing. We have just received a nice line of Gas Fixtures. See them at WmrKuiLL's. Rocking Chairs make acceptable Xmas presents always. Brown &Co always have choice selections and plen ty of them. Onr prices range from 75c to s'2s 00. We have solid—cobbler— roll— upholstered leather seats —in abundance—in oak or mahogany finish. Buy one of those Adjustable Sofas at Brown <Sfc Co's. More convenient than a Davenport. Nothing more useful or beautiful for a present. I LEGAL NEWS. I NEW SUITS. • , A. Allen vs James V. Stewart, appeal by deft, from judgment by Reuben Mc- Ei vain, J P. Sarah J Crowe vs Matilda and Geo. W. Crowe, bill in equitv. The plaintiff states that she is the widow of Win. P. Crowe, who died in I*7-. seized of 6- acres in Forward twp . which became by purchase the property of her son George W. and his wife, the defendants, i and that she liss never received one third ol the rents, issues and profits, which includes ST2O oil bonus, to which she is entitled as dower. Relief is pray : ed for. GRAND JURY. Fred. Ebert of Clinton township was I appointed foreman. i Wedntsday afternoon the Grand ! Jury reported as follows: TRUE BILLS. ! Harry Bickel and Harry Pardee, felo i nious a&b: Alex Russell, embezzlement; i Fred Glace, adultery: Jesse C. Patter ! son, a&b, with irtent to rape; Joseph : Hockenberry, a&b with fire arms: Jos. I Bennett, breaking and entering a store house to commit a felony and larcenv: ! Jacob Fleeger. open lewdness. NOT TRUE BILLS. ! Jos. Wiles, malicious mischief, costs | on Peter Kihn: Harriett Williams, keep ; ing a disorderly house, costs on Abnei | Patton; Warren Campbell, a&b, costs on John McLain: W. H. Liebendorfer, malicious trespass, costs on O. T. Mur phy. Several other bills are to be reported. Bridges were recommended over Slip peryrock crejk in Venango twp.; over Branch creek in Donegal twp.; over Lit j tie Scrubgrass in Venango twp : and | over Muddjcreek in Franklin twp.^ Juryman W. E. Mahood of North ! Washington was excused on account of ! his father's illness. C'ONSTABLESS RETURNS. Clinton twp—Bridge over the P. B. & L. E. railroad at the Jas. Maizlatid faiin was reported unsafe and a rule was granted on railroad. >lars—Street at Es<|. Ed. Brown prop el ty in bad condition. Zeiieuople —Large stream reported to flo.v in Main St. gutter to the danger of the public. Penn twp—Corn crib and stumps ob structing road at B Powell's. Rule granted on him Slipperyrock boro—Bad crossing at Patterson Heights. Valencia—A gambling house was re ported und a rule granted on George tiipley. Clearfield twp—Bad culvert at T. Thompson place. Butler, sth wd—Sidewalk oa Falton street reported in dangerous condition from coasting. SHERIFF'S SALES. On Friday Sheriff Hoon sold prop erties as follows: House and lot of Mrs. J. Cross at Boyer to L J. Sisney for SW. House and lot of Susan E. Mobley in Mi Hers town to John H. Wilson for $ >O. oixty-one acres of John S. Myers in Mnddvcreek township to John R. Hen ninger for SIOO. Five acres of W. H. Gross in Jackson twp. to Samuel Walton for $225. The writs against Edward Dc-wyer of Peuu twp. and G. W. McCandless of Butler were returned. The claim agaiust Joseph and Eva O'Neii of Allegheny t'.vjj., was paid in full. Interest in eight acres iu Butler boro of Joseph and Eva Cowan to W. D. Brandon for $5'J The writ against a farm in Middlesex twp., was returned. Tbe writ against G. 'V. McCandless of Butler twp , was returned. NOTFS A charge of a&"> has been entered against Warren Campbell of Petrolia by John McClain. Bail in the case of Com. vs Fred Glace was reduced from SIOOO to SSOO. Samuel B Ziegler resigned as con stable of Zelienople and John Weigle was appointed. Sale oil the real estate of Samuel Mc- Connell, 85 a rts in Worth to James Dickson for SOl5 was confirmed. On his own request Neely McCool was sent to ( iail for ten days for drunk enness, to give him h chance to sober up. The Robert Carson property 45 acres in Clinton township was sold at admr's sale to John Negley of Tarentum for slo*o. Thomas Martin petitioned for a guar dian for Ellen Kiley, an alleged weak minded person, and hearing was fixed for Due. 14. John Long took the oath of allegiance as a citizen of ihe United States. Auctioneer James Doddswa? appoint ed Court Auditor for the present year, j W Z. Murrin, Esq , was appointed trustee to make sale of the Nancy Jane Kepler estate. Georee Pillow. Esq , Richard Fisher and Robert Patterson were re-appointed viewers on petition of Middlesex twp. citizens for a new road. Tbe O. C. sale of the Adam H. Qcdd esute to the Forest Oil Co. for s'-2Too was confirmed. Sales of the estate of Francis Acre of Buffalo twp. were confirmed HS follows: Six a'rres to John Powell for $750 and 152 acres to Wui. Ehrman for SIOO. An Arkansas Judge opens his Court with prayer. Latest developments indicate that the returns of the recent elections in Cam bria county will be contested. It will be remembered that according to the official returns Francis J. O'Connor was declared elected over A. V. Barker by a majority of 71. Ever since the election a quiet investigation lias been going on and tbe parties interested are said to have discovered a number of irregulari ties which will, they think, give Mr Barker the election. And so Cambria has some excitement in store, for it is a snre thing that the Democrats, who have not ceased to jubilate, will put up a stiff and aggressive fight In case the contest is actually made, the following judges will be on the bench: Judge Harry White, of Indiana county; Judge Bell, of Blair county; Judge Bailey, of i Huntingdon county. Judge Barker, who will be the contestant, it may be recalled, was one of tbe judges here during the Blair-White contest, and it is one of the peculiar workings of fate or destiny, tbat Judge White may soon have an opportunity to see how it feels himself.—lndiana, Pa., Messenger. The cases of Com. vs Ira Smith, Har ry Callahan, Will Keating and Charles Haiumel of Chicora were settled. Attorney J. A. Gleason of Clearfield county was admitted to practice in the Butler Courtß. Divorces were granted, Tuesday, on payment of costs, etc. to Arabella Craw ford from Robert J. Crawford of Alle gheny twp.; to Ida E. Dobson from Dory E. Dobson formerly of Callery and But ler, and to Maud Bernard of Butler from Walter Bernard. Mrs. Bernard stated that she and Mr. Bernard, before their marriage, went to a picnic togeth er, and on suddenly agreeing to hitch up were married at Greenville. They came home together, but Bernard left the next day and has not been seen since. The will of Conrad Pfeifer of Buffalo twp. has been probated, no letters. Lstters of administration on the estate of .John Farren of Millers town have been granted to P. C. Farren. The Glasgow property was not sold at the Court House, last Friday, and the sale was adjourned till March. On petition of Butler twp. citizens for a new road from a point on Carbon St. at the borongh line to E Jefferson St. extension at Mrs. E Blain's house, Silas J Taylor, surveyor. Win. Storey and Legrand Millinger were appointed view ers. The Butler Gas Co. and the People's Gas Co., both of Butler, incorporated in IHKSS, on their own petition, were dis solved. Last March Lottie P. McElhaney was grunted a divorce from James I. Mc- Elhaney, but as all the costs were not paid a decree was not issued, and when Mrs. McElhaney and Albert Sipes came to take out a marriage license. Wednes day. it could not be granted until the divorce costs were paid. After Col. Thompson is said to have told him that he would hold the clothes of the lynchers while they burned Abe Miller, Attorney Lev McQuistion, it is reported, raised a chair in Court to strikehisopponent. They were separated and. ordered to their seats by the Court. The episode occurred during the argu- , ment for a new trial in the Kreitzer- j Miller case. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. ' j Oliver Pinkerton to Samuel Crow lot in Mars for £9OO. Walter McCurdy to Laura McCurdy quit claim to 51 acres in Brady for S3OO. Abraham Zeigler to P. & W. Rv. re lease of damages on property in Jackson twp. for S4OO. Catb. Beck and Gertrude Scherer of Oakland twp. to P. & W. Rv release j for $250 Jacob J Gillruan to P. & W. Rv. lots in Butler for sl. P. & W. Ry. to J. J. Gillman lots in Butler for sl. . H R Thompson to Jas. Meeks as signment in Allegheny twp. for $625. John M. Krnmpe to Jas. W. Spender T acres in Buffalo for S7OO. Theodore Schenck to Annie L. Rals house lot in Butler for SISOO, Etta M. Rattigan to Hattie Gilbert lot in Chicora for SSOO. Annie E Stewart to Andrew Killian lot in Bntler for $475. J. C. Miller to Sarah M. Irwin lot on Lookout Ave., Butler for S2BOO J. W. Adams to John Johnston lot in Butler for $2280 Heirs of Jacob Snyder to Mary Hart- j 2"! 50 acies in Summit for SIBSO Jacob Ferry to Robert E. Chapin lot I iu Buffalo fo»$80. Martha .1 iliiii ird to Johnston W. lot in Washington twp. for $65. Martha Seehausen to John A. Oester liDg lot in Butler for SBOO. Kezia Allen to Leander S D>utt lot i:i Zeliei.ople for $llOO. Mary J. Boggs to Andrew L Boggs lot in Evans City for SIOO. Thompson, Kamerer, et al. leases in Concord tsvp, R. E. Barnhart, et al, 270 acres for $1 00 each. Marriage Licenses. Charles Wills Thorn Hill, P Viola Warren William H. Lenhart Pittsburg Lillian M. Keasey Winfield twp August Sell Leasureville Vallie Hesselgesser " Charles M. Carnahan McCandless Maude Weigle Prospect George M. Crisman Lawsonhatu Amanda Colwell Craigsville Samuel J. Graham Butler Amelia May Gallagher. .Muddycreek tp Tom Cnpples Butler Maggie Costello " Charles File Mars Mary Mechling Oneida George A. Ross Clearfield twp Mary A. Milligan William A Krumpe Saxonburg ldft M. Davison Valencia Findley M Hosack Six Points Emma Kohlmeyer De Sale A. Wm. Madge Mercer Frances M Grace Grove City Kny Moody Crawford Co Miller Albert Sipes Clearfield twp Lottie Pearl McElhaney.... At New Castle—A. C. Hooker of Princeton and Mary McGowan of Jacksville At Pitt.-burg—Chas. M. Anderson and Susan B; rahart of Butler' Co. "They differ as to religion." "Why, I didn't suppose that either of them cared a rap about religion!" "Well they didn't until they found out that triey differed in it!" Stockholders' Meeting Jan. 14, The annual meeting of the stock holders of The Butler County National Bank, of Batler, Pa., for the election of a Board of Directors to serve for the ensuing year will be held at their banking ri'otns on the second Tuesday of January. 1902, between the hours of three and four o'clock, p. m. J.vo. G. MCMAKLIN Cashier. Colds. To diminish excessive sensibility to Colds, st'.vsan English writer: FIRST — Free exj sure to the open air daily, enables the body to resist the invasion of Cold. SECOND— The morning cold sponging of the body, is an invaluable protection against changes of tempera ture. THlßD —Thiswise man did'not know that a few doses of "77'' will pre vent, or liken at the beginning will "break up" a Cold. At all druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, 25c. Doctor's Book Mailed Free. Humphrey's Ho moupathic Medicine Co., Corner Wil liam and John Sts., New York. Holiday Excursion ICates. In occordance with an old established custom the Buffalo, Rochester & Pitts burg Ry. will, this year, issue excursion tickets between all stations on its line between Buffalo and Pittsburg inclusive including Clearfiield Division, account Christmas and New Year Holiday, at a fare of one and one third for the round trip Tickets will be sold and good going on Dec 24, 25 and 31, and Jan. 1 1902, limited for return passage until Jan. 2, 1902. The Great Cate. The B. R. & P. Cafe, in the Stein building, fed five hundred people last week Its business is so steadily increas ing that Mrs Bellas of Butler has been adding to the force in the kitchen and Miss Ida Davis to that in the dining room. You get a good meal at the B. R & P. and the ladies find every convenience of a hotel there. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 68 70 Rye, " j5 Oats, " 50 Corn, " 70 Buckwheat. •' 60 Hay, " 12 00 Eggs, " 20 Butter, " ...20-22 Potatoes, " 80 Onions per bu 75 Beets, per bu 50 Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10-12 Turkey, dressed 13 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 40 Apples 70-1 00 Celery, doz bunches 25 Hickorynuts 1.25 Chestnuts 8.00 Walnuts 50 Honey, per pound 12 Real Estate Broker. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 519. Brown & Co. have never had a larger stock of Iron Beds than at present. We offer you a neat— strong white Iron Bed for A better one at $4.50, white or colors. Brown & Co's reputation for good Mattresses and Springs has never been disputed. A large stock of various grades always to be found here. Get a "Cotton Down" for comfort. Music scholars wanted at 128 Weat Wayne St. " A nice selection of three and five piece Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces just arrived at Brown & Co's. Ask to see them. Odd Dressers at sM,oo—s9.oo and up at Brown & Co's. Try Johnston's Beef, Iron and Wine, for your spring tonic. Library and Combination cases from SIO.OO upwards at Brown & Co's- a useful Xmas present. A variety—in Parlor Tables at Brown & Co's. Prices start at SI.OO Jardiner Stands at Brown <fc Co's — 50c to $4.00 Elks Annual Memorial. The Elks Annual Memorial services, held on the first Sunday of December annually, in honor of their deceased members was observed Sunday after noon in the Park Theatre, in the pres ence of 700 people. Supreme Exalted Ruler A. M. Campbell was in charge An eloquent enlogium was pronounced by Dr Laverne Wasson of Callery and the principal address was made by J. A. Gleaeon of Clearfield, a bright young attorney who is six feet five inches in height. Vocal solos were sung by Miss Mary Niggel, Mrs Alfred Klein. Mis 3 Keene and Prof. Stratton, and the Aeolian Chorus. Messrs Lawrence and Jesse Cornelius, George Cronenwett. Charles Miller. Prof. Stratton, Samuel Baxter and Will Jamison, sang several fine selections. The accompanists were Miss Bailey and Miss Crawford. Rev. Barlow made the opening and closing prayers. The members of B P. O. E. No. 170. the local lodge, who died during the past year are Frank Keneipp. a P. & W. conductor, and Victor K. Phillips More Octogenarians. As was expected there are several oc togenarians in town besides those men tioned last week Mrs. Susan Truxal of W North St.. widow of the late Win. P. Truxal. is in her 87th year. Mrs. Sarah Lee, widow of Samuel Lee, and mother of Mrs. Jennie E. Zim merman and W. H. Ritter. is in her 83d year Nathan Slator. the surveyor, is in his 80th year. Mrs Wm. Ramsey, who makes her home with her son-in-law. Wm. Short 3 near Renfrew, is in her 93d year She is the mother of Mrs. shorts. Mrs Geo Brunemer of Connoquenessing, Mrs David Borland of New Castle St., But ler, and Alfred R.imsey of Allegheny Foot Ball Game. Batler defeated the Kavanaugh Buf faloes of Zelienoples, Thanksgiving day, 11 to 0, eveniug up for the local boys defeat at Zelienople some time ago. Zelienople did not gain a foot on end runs, though they made gains by rushing in the first half. Reeder, Avers and Ritchey made good end runs for Butler, while Smith's quarterback kicks gained many yards Feigel made both Butler's touchdown by plowing through Zelienoples line like a freight engine, the whole team seeming unable to down the big blacksmith. Fine Stock. Jas. Cochran of Clay township has just returned from Mineral Ridge, 0., where he purchased a Scotch bred Dor ham bull. He has a very fine herd oz Durhams. THE BANKiNG. COMMISSIONER of the State of Pennsylvania has direct supervisiou over our business and regu larly examines our book and approves of our securities, consequently you can feel perfectly safe in depositing your money with us, and it will bring you 4 per cent interest. Send for our booklet, all about banking by mail or in person—free. PRUDENTIAL TRUST COMPANY' 6124 Penn Avenue, Pittsburg Pa. Good Advice to Our Friends If jcu liave any hides, pells, furs or tallow we would advise you to sell them to the Bntler Hide a-d Frr Co., wh > aie always iu the tjiaiksrt and pa_v s the high er price. Office and store room. 333 E. Jtffersi- St , Butler, Pa. H C. BRICKEB, Agt., 201 Mercer St. Butler, P3. Pennsylvania iiailroad's Winter Excursion Koute Book. In pursuance of its annual custom, the Passenger department of the Penn sylvania Railroad Company has just is sued an attractive and comprehensive book descriptive of the leading Winter resorts of the East and South, and giv ing the rates and various routes and combinations of routes o. travel. Like all the publications of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, this ""Winter Ex cursion Book" is a model of typographi cal and clerical work. It is bound in a handsome and artistic cover in colors, and contains much valuable informa tion for Winter tourists and travelers in general. It can be had free of charge at the principal ticket offices of the of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company or will be sent postpaid upon applica tion to Geo. W. Boyd, Assistant Gene ral Passenger Agent, Broad Street Sta tion, Philadelphia. To Whom it May Concern- Walter's Best Flour is the "best". Makes the finest bread we ever had. Signed, MRS. JOHN GRAY. NOTICE TO HUNTERS- The undersigned citizens of the following townships. hereby give notice that all persons are prohibiten from hunting or tresspassing on their premises and that they will shoot all dogs found on their premises. OAKLAND —W. J. Hutchison, W. M. Wick, H. C. McCollough, John Patton. Wm. B. Davis, Thomas E. Covert, J. W. Hervey, Jas P. Millinger, Abner Patton, J. F. Balph, Wm. P. Davis, L. A. Millinger, J. Walter Bartley, F. N. Eyth, S. W. Sopher, C. W. Hoon, and W. T. Hoon, CENTRE TWP. —Gill Thompson, An thony Thompson. CONCORD TWP. —Peter A. Barnhart, li. C. Stoughton, A. J. Stoughton, Mrs. R. F. Stoughton. SLIPPREYROCK—Everett Campbell. Writing Decks in Golden oak—ma hogany- or maple, at Brown & Co's. Prices will start at $1 75 for either kind —Desk has shelf below —well made and finished. WANTED Farmers to bring thei last year's pop-corn to John Richey's 142 South Main St , Butler, Pa. Music Cabinets—mahogany finish — closed—with brass trimmings at $5.50 —finer ones up to $20.00. See Brown & Co. Six months' right school nt the Butler Business College for $25.00 The term has just opened and will continue until May Ist. The complete line of Furniture found at Brown & Co's makes Christmas buy ing easy to those wishirg to make use ful presents especially. Fine ? Perfume ? { for the J Holidays. ) Package and c C Bulk goods. S S Have you \ \ tried our S (Carnation Pink? CRedick & Grohman, > ✓ 109 N. Main St., Butler, Pa. \ Thorough o'actlcal courto IP A PIV i l *" BY MAIL uicll > LLi/\l\l 1 taught In our clai* roi>m». 1 _. , , Write for cattlogu* FREE. Shorthand THE MARTIN SHORTHAND OIIUI IIIUIIU & commercial SCHOOL, AT HOME PITMBUIUJH, PA I IllWlWuit 18 Inn. Teachers' County Institute. The Teachers's Institute for Bntler county and Butler borough will be held December 16th to 20th. The following able instructors will be present to address the meeting: W. H. Mace.l'h D , State University, N. Y.; Lewis D. Bonebrake, Ph D , Com. of Education, Ohio: P. M. Pear son. A. M . Prof. Literature University, 111.; Leonan". Gfwii, D. D., New York; Prof. I. M. McClynionds, Slippery Normah Samuel Hamilton, Pn. D. Snpt. Allegheny Co. Dr E O. Exeell of Chicago will have charge of the music. Onr eveniug entertainments are all first class and will com*- a» follows: Monday evening. Dr. Thomas Mc Clary of Minneapolis, will deliver his lecture—'"The Mission of Mirth" iu which he will tell us why we laugh how we laugh, what we laugh at, etc On Tuesday evening. Hon T Sweeney, who at our last Teachers' In stitute gave one of the most pleasing lectures we have ever heard, will again address us and we expect hitu to do the same thing again Come and hear him. Wednesday evening's entertainment will be a concert, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, readings, etc . given by the Katharine Ridueway Con cert Company, whicn is said to be one of the best companies of todav. It will certainly be a rare treat to hear Kaih arine RiJgeway recite. Thursday evening, Hon J. P. Dolliyer, M. C . of lowa, will deliver his most famous lecture, "The Nation of Ameri ca.'' Mr. Dolliver stands as a peer among his fellow Congressmen and is acknowledged to be one of their best speakers. We count ourselves fortunate in being able to bring him to Butler. Don't you want to hear him lecture? I feel safe iu s-iyinu that this promises to be one of the best Institutes in th-j history of our county. We hops tint not one teacher will any p.irt of it We also here invite as many friends of our schools as can do so to attend at least part of the week Thursday, Dec. 19, will be ' Dir-ctors' Day." A full anil i:iier> s'insj proeranie has been arranged tor th it meeting and I here kindly urue every director in this county to attend if he can iw-sj-ibly do so. Friday, Dec. 13, has be-n appointed as "Visitors' Daj" for the schools of Butler county, teachers and patrons. See that your school is well visited that day. Yours truly, HOWARD I PAINTER Jury . List for December Term PETIT JURORS. List of names drawn from the proper jury wheel to serve as petit jurors at a regular term of court commencing on the second Monday of December, t-lie same lieing the 9ih day of s;iid month, Albert, Lewis. Franklin tp, farmer Brown. C B, Penn tp. farmer Blakely, Joseph, Marion tp, farmer Boehm. T H, Prospect boro, teamster Bish, Jacob, Donegal tp. tarmer Brackney, Loyal, Butler, sth ward, con tractor Campbell, Rob't. Millerstown borotigh. laborer Cooper, Philip. Jefferson tp, termer Cooper, Gilbert," Marion tp farmer Conway, Daniel, Oaklaud tp, farmer Cochran, A F, Concord tp. farmer Cypher, John T, Winfield tp. farmer Dobson, Geo. Cherr\ tp, farmer Eppeuger, Milton, Harmon > boro, clerk Fletcher, E M, Parker tp, farmer Gibson, Mark. Butler, 4th ward, driller Garrowav, James, Bntler, 4th ward, carpenter Gumpper. Alfred, Butler. 4'h Witrd.clerw llockenberry, Benj. Cherry tp. firmer Halstein, Charles, Bntler tp. farmer Hartung, Geo, Jackson tp, farmer Hoffner, Lewis, Butler, 3d ward, labo er Jamison, W C, Eau Claire boro, farmer Kelly, Wm, Parker tp, farmer Krouse, Philip, Butler. Ist wd, moulder Kelly, Samuel, Parker tp, farmer McNeal, Frank, Adams tp. farmer McNight, Win. Slippery Rock town ship, farmer McDermit, R R, Fair view tp, farmer McKinney, Rob't. C jnoq'g tp, farmer McDonald, Benton, iMuddycreek tovvn ship, farmer Miller, Jacob. Forward tp, farmer Parker, C H, Butler. 4th ward. producer Pierce, James M, Alleghem tp, operatoi Rasely, George, ('ottnoq'u tp, farmer Sanderson, Mike, Donegal tp, farmer Snjder. C A, Butler. 2d ward, laborer Shira, Elmer, Washington tp. tanner Shannon, Benj, Frxitklin tp, st memaxon Steen, Lamont. Harrtsville boro, tailor Sliakely, J A, Connoq'i: tp, farmer Snyder, Philip, Jefferson tp, fanner Thorn, A D, Conn' kj'k *p. farmer Vincent, W. M., Marion tp, farmer Westerman, Samuel, Buffalo tp. farmer Weyman, Ernest, Jackson tp. farmer Wahl. Henry, Forward tp. farmer Wick, Harry, Concord tp, farmer SHERIFF'S SALES. By virtue of sundry writs of Von. Ex.. I I. Fa., Lev. Fa.. &<■., Issued outof the Court of Common I'k-as of Uutler Co., Pa., and to me directed, there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In tlie borough of Uutler, Pa. on Friday, the 6th ilay of December, A. I). 1901, at 1 o'clock p m., tlie following described property, to-wit: E. D. No. OK, Decrrnlair Term, 1001. Williams & Mitchell, Attorneys All the right, title, interest and claim of Edward Dewyer and Susan Dewyer, in and to all that certain piece or parcel ofj land, situated lit Perm township. Uutler < <>.. Pa.. liounded as follows, to-wit: On the north by lands of W. - Dixon.on the east by public road, on the south by lands of Ahrarn Andrews, and on the west by lands of W s l)ixon;containing tw tv (lj) a res and sixt v two (It.') perches, and hiving thereon ere,-ted a two story frame swelling frame stable and outbulldbi an 1 00In.' si >1 land conveyed to E Iw ird Dewyer by Janes Rankin, et ux. by deed dated March .(nib, IMU3, and recorded 1m the Recorders offl :e In and for Butler county. Pa . Heed Book .No. 138, Page 114 Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Edward Dewyer and .Susan Dewyer at thesuit of John Forcht. E. D. No. 72, Deceniber Term. 1801. A. M. Chrlstley, Attorney All the right, title. Interest and claim of Joseph Carey, of. In and to all that cer aln piece or lot of land, situated >n Uutler town ship, Butler county. Pa.. liounded as follows, to-wit: Beginning at 'he southwest corner of lot herein described, at a point 1(10 feet, strict measure, north of Zlegler avenue, ex tension,thence In a northerly dlreetloti along lands of Standard Plate ulass < otnpany, Mi feet, more or less, to Coal run: thence In an easterly direction along Coal run, 4(1 feet; thence In a northerly direction along lot of M. (iallaglier. 100 feet, more or less, to a point 100 feet, strict measure, north of Zlegler av enue, extension; thence in a westerly direc tion, along lot of U. M Snow, 1(1 feet, to place of beginning, and having thereo erected a one and one-half story frame house, auil out buildings, together with an easement, grant, Or right, given by deed from K. M. Snow to Joseph Carey, of Ingress and egress, over said Snow's lot, from the south end of this lot, to Zlegler avenue, extension above mentioned. Seized and taken in execution as the prop erty of Joseph Carey at the suit of Joseph l'ti ester. TERMS OF SALE—TIie following must lie strictly compiled with when property is stricken down. 1. When tlie plaintiff or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, the costs on the writ must be paid, and a list of the liens, includ ing mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt* for the amount of the proceeds of the sale or such portion thereof as he may claim, must be furnished the Slierlt!'. 2. All bids must he paid in full. 3. All sales not nettled Immediately will be continued until one o'clock. P. M., of the next day at which time all property not settled for will again be put up and sold at the expense aud risk of the person to whom iirst sold. •See Purdon's Digest, oth edition, page 44ti. and Smith's Forms, page 3M4. TlloM vS R. llooN, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office. Butler. Pa.. Nov. 0. luul. gOne Picture! framed here will prove to well an I unexpensivelv weJA JRcan <lo tlie work, we ofTer'R jafcspecial values in jm PICTURE FRAMES (•made to order, or from o>> Jpt stock of those a Iread v made up 7? Jfp The variety and beauty fJV XJthe mouldings give every op q? ■rportunity for a pic--si ng sclcc flr also full line sheet up-to date. IWALL PAPER | Reduced Prices. 5 Patterson Bro's | Wick Building. [ Tooth > Truth. $ 1 v'» o/ •;» -y ■l' • > '!• 'j/ 'jr M* \ M .tv '?• *l* 1 I Tt arc bound to ho i f unsiglitly and arc sure to \ £ decay if you use no denli- t fricc. S y They may be kept f ( white, but will still decay V S if you use the wrong C 1 dentifrice. ( C They are sure to remain / r bojth beautiful and sound J ) if you rely on Boyd's Peer- 1 / less Tooth Powder. It r j sweetens the breath, hard- c ens the gums, polishes c * and whitens the teeth and / C destroys the germs that P f produce decay. f ) Price 25 cents. r | c. N. wm j Pharmacist. / } Butler. Pa, r V M EC Bailer Count} National Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paM in $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - $107,463.01 los. Hartman, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted. 1 uteres', paid on time deposits. Money laaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this bank. DIRECTORS—Iion. Joseph Hartman, Hon. W. S. Waldron, Dr. N. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweeney, C. I*. Collins. I. G. Smith, Leslie P. Huzlett, M. Flnegdn, \V. H. Larkin, T. P. Miftiin. Dr. W. C. McCandless. Ben Mas seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Hltts. A. L. Relber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. •OFFICERS: JOHN YOUNKINS President JOHN HUMPHREY Vice President (J h.. BAILEY Cashier E W.BINGHAM Assistant Cashier 1 K. HCTZLEK Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns. D. L. Cieeiand, E. E \ lirams. C. N. Boyd, W. F. Metzeer, Henry .iiller, John Humphrey. Thos. Hays, Lev*. <•1. Wise and Francis Murphy. I nterest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit vour business. Butler Savings Bank hi Li tier, Pa. . iipiial - sSo,ooo.(x> Surplus and Profits - - $225,000 co " »S. L PURVIS Presideut i BENRY TROUTMAN Vice-President v.M. CAMPBELL, Jr Cm L.ter OUIS B. STEIN le'li r DIRECTORS-Joseph L. Purvis, J. Ilenry I'ro'itraan, W. D. Brandon, W. A. Stein. J 8. 1 'nmnbell. The Butler Savings Bank Is the Oldest banking Instltutlonl n Butler County, lieneral banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of oil producers, mer chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt attention. Interest paid on time deposits. WE OWN AND OFFER $39,000 4 1-2 per cent. Borough of Irwin, Penn'a. Improvement bonds due at various dates, Denomination SSOO. Interest payable semi-annually Write or call for price and description. C R WILLIAMS & CO., Bank for Savings Bld'g., Pittsburg, Pa. C. K. WILLIAMS. GEORGE WELSH YOU should deposit your savings with the Real Estate Trust Co., of Pittsburg, Pa -311 FOURTH AVENUE Capital and Surplus,s3,6so,ooo Pays 4 per cent, interest on sav ings accounts: 2 per cent, on check accounts. Pick out your Christmas Presents for the men. We have a big assortment of hirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Um brellas, Underwear, Gloves, Fine Suspenders, Night-Robes, Collars and Cufls and Full Dress Pro tectors. We carry the largest stock of Men's Furnishings in the city and have everything that is new. Prices are very reasonable. We sell the Knox hat. Jno. S. Wick. MEN'S HATTER AND FURNISHER. Opposite P. 0. BUTLER, PA. The Clothing Talk of the County. Every body is talking about the big crowds (hat a o taking advantage of the BIG CUT SALE at SCHAUL & NAST'S,and of the GRAND BARGAINS that are being offered. Some of Our Offerings. Men's sls 00 Yoke Overcoats SIO.OCJ Men's $12.50 Yoke Overcoats $8.?o Men's $lO Suits and Overcoats Men's f8 Suits and Overcoats $5.00 Boy's $5 Reefers $3.75 Hoy's $4 Reefers $3.00 Boy's $2.50 Reefers sl-75 Men's $1.50 Wool Pants SI.OO Men's $5.00 All Wool Pants $1 40 Men's 75c Fleeced Underwear 50c Men's 50c Ribbed Undeiwear 35c Men's 35c Ribbed Underwear 25c Come to our store for further information. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, 137 South Main St., Butler. DO YOU WANT A SWELL OVERCOAT We are showing the newest styles in YOKE and LONG OV ERCOATS with the slash pocket, prices ranging from $lO to $25. Also showing the newest things in Men's and Boys' Sack Suits. All our good suits are made with padded shoulders and quilted breasts. It'll be worth 3 our while, before you buy your Suit or Overcoat, to look over our line. Our prices are less this year than they have ever been for the same quality. See our window display. Yours for Clothing, DOUTH6TT &r IFURNITURE FORI 1 CHRISTMAS 1 i PRESENTS! 1 Most any woman would appreciate a nice Rock ing Chair as a present. This season's stock is by far fcag the largest we have ever shown. The assortment at 8| $2 50, $3 50. $4 00, $4 50 and $5 00 H|J includes the best values we have ever shown at these s||j prices. US POCKING CHAIR H* Sia Golden oak, polish finish, cobbler seat Nice enough for the parlor. BcS Price $3 50 |8 PARLOR TABLES B Pattern top of qnarter-s twed oak, and nicely polished. IssS Price $3 50 *gj DINNER SETS }§| BM New ones this week in choice decorations with neat gold Wt trimmings. Extra values for the JSC Sj| Price sl2 00 Jg 1 Campbell ft Tcmplctoni iiliiliillllffilSilSl - A Charming Creition & The recovery of the painting of the Duchess of Devon- f I shire, has revived interested in the J Gainsborough. We are sh twing 0 this picturesque type of hat de- \(jf r. ML iff veloped in a variety ot materials. \ yfl The models are very beautiful and \ attractive and are distinctly styl- ish. Quality is up to our usually nigh standard. Rockenstein's, MILLIMERY EMPORIUM. 328 South Main Street. - - Bntler, Pa Greek-American Ft nit and Confectionery Co. JAMES NICKLES, Manager. £■■§§ l Preparations EMlllls For Xmas should include a generous supply of our fine confections. We have f a variet y sweets prepared especially for the holidays. Every thing is pure and wholesome and is attractively put up. Goods Delivered to All Parts of the City. SOUTH MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA / Try The CITIZEN FOR JOB WORK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers