AFradk The guests arc gone the raiie slips from the face of the hostess and she gives up to the pain which racks her body. Many a v.-onxan •ntertalna and wears a smile while her back aches and her nerve* quiver with pain. Surely any medicine which offers relief to women would I>e worth a trial under sneh conditions. But when the woman's medicine, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, is offered with the proof of efficacy iu thousands of well attested cures, what excuse can then lie offered for suffering longer ? Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong and sick women well. It dries enfeebling drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. "It Is wltfc tht greatest pleasure I write you the benefit my mother ha» received from yoar ■ Favorit* Prescription' and "Golden Medical Discovery,"» uyl Mi»« Carrie Johnson, of Lowe»- ville. Amherst Co., Va. "She suffered untold misery with uterine disease and nervousness, iu;l had a constant roaring and ringing noise in her head. After taking six bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription and 'Golden Med ical Discovery,' she was entirely cured." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets stimulate the liver. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief. It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids—External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. "It cures Burns and Scalds. The relief instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corns, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William 4c John til*.. SKIV YORK. Horsemen, Attention! We carry a full line of CHAMOIS SKINS, BUGGY SPONGES, HARNESS SOAPS, LINIMENTS and CONDITION POWDERS. Try us when you want your favorite recipe prepared. We use only the purest drugs —obtwinnblc: Reed's Pharmacy The Low Priced Drug Store, Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts., Butler, Pa. Pretty is as Pretty Sees. So with manv eyes, "My face is my fortune" said the pretty maid in th<- ol English Ballad. She had proper appre ciatton of the value of a fair face in the matrimonial market. Kyes make or tnarr many a face. A pair of weak red, in flamed or twitching eyes will spoil all beauty. Properly adjusted glar-sca will cure most of the troubles by removing the caurc, but don't get the idea that anybody and everybody can do the proper adjusting. I have made a study of tue eye and know its needs. Graduate of Spencer Optical College, N V. Citv, Phila. Ontical College, Phila. CAKb H. fceiGHNGR, JKWF.L.F.K AM> OPTICIAN, 209 S. Main St. BUTLER PA They Are Here The car load of Merril j Pianos arrived Saturday. What we mean by car load is 12 piano*. Come ih and let us show you that they are ((cm vffir the best that money can buy. Prof. Monk, th» Hanoi* at A'atneda Park, /Jth of July, aays; "In every re spect I consider the Merrill Piano the best made " 6. Otto Davis, Armory Building W. S. & E. WICK, UK\LKHH IN Hough and Worked Lumber of t!l Kind*, P<x>i'», and Moulding*. OH Well Kites :i tfpcclfULy. Ofltrii and Yard K Cuniilfjuliiim and Monroe.Hl* ueur Went Peuii Jteuot UliTLJitt PA AN OCEAN CEMETERY. THE MOST DEADLY TRAP FOR SHIPS IN ALL THE WORLD. Burr, Illrnk nud Treelf«« (Jamonnt, the \otorlouM Islam! (tf Territr, and the Anfil Fsreali That Supply It With Wood Iu n«-nt>. Far out In the Atlantic ocean, off the northern French coast, almost due west from Brest, lies a great rocky island that is one of the most deadly traps for -hips In all the world. It Is the island of Quessant, tbo notorious lie de l'Epouvante, the Inland of terror. Rare, without a tree to break its mo notonv, it lies in the path of the ships seeking the English channel. If they steer too far north, the hundred shoals and reefs of the British coast open their jaws for them. If they sail too far south, Quessant reaches for their l>ones. Bleak and far away from any other land as the Island of terror is, it still has its population. What mysterious thing is it which attracts that popula tion and makes it cling? The infre quent visitor sees funny flocks of little sheep, scarcely twice as large as hares. He sees small herds of rough coated ponies almost as tiny as the sheep. These are the only signs of productive Industry to be seen. Therp Is fisbinr, of course, but fishing can be prosecut ed better from the mainland, with less risk and a more convenient market. What Is the mysterious attraction, then? So asked Alexander Khuette, the traveler, when he made his way from the coast of Brittany to Quessant. The answer came, at least in part, one even ing when a great storm swept in from the Atlantic and beat at the shores with unexampled fury. He says: "The daughter of my host ess led me up the narrow staircase to rny room. As I ascended I noticed, without remarking the oddity of it at the time, that the staircase was of shining oak. I was ushered into my room, a large, low chamber, complete ly paneled from top to bottom, rut ting the lamp on a huge oak table that shone like a mirror, she said: " 'lf you should need more firewood, monsieur, you will find it In the next room. Do not spare It. It Is bitter cold, and there will be more than enough firewood in Quessant in two or three days. Good night.' "I sat down before the blazing Are and prepared for ft cozy evening. The storm raged In the narrow streets of ftje little village. The surges thunder ed against the granite breast of the coast like endless artillery fire, and sometimes I Imagined that the very Island trembled under the onslaught of the hundreds of millions of tons of water. "As I sat listening I gazed Into the flames. The wood struck rne as strange. And then I wondered. On the entire Island there Is not a single tree, and yet I had been told not to spare fire wood. 'There will be more than enough In two or three days.' "I arose and opened the door Into the next room. That room was possibly 20 feet high and was tilled almost to the top with timber. First with won der, then with growing awe, I gazed at the piles of wood. Truly she was right, the little maid, when she said that one need not be economical with firewood on the island of Qnessant. There were timbers of every shape splintered masts and spars, planks from decks and sides, remnants of a steering wheel, benches from the fore castle, yellow, black, brown, white and red woods, even two figureheads, some bright, as If they were new, some crust ed with shells and hung with seaweeds. In the entire room there was not a piece of wood that did not come from some wrecked ship. "When I returned to my room, I took the lamp and examined the place close ly. I noticed a strange, delicate, yet very insistent tragrance—sandalwood. Thick wooden pillars supported the ceiling. They were of a beautiful dull black—ebony, as I lived. The panels were rosewood, mahoguny and cedar. Even an unpractlced eye could see that all these precious woods once had orna mented the cabins of noble ships. The heavy carved chairs, the polished oaken table, even the bed in which 1 was to sleep, all came from shipwrecks. "Now I understood the meaning of the words 'stand rights.' In fav'or of this Island, far away from the world and murderous for the ships that tie the world together, with his bride of the winds. Is more fruitful than Is Ceres to the mainlands, with her harvest moon and her blessings of fruit. The blessings of Quessant come from the gale. "The forests of Quessant! Are there such others In the entire world, so unique, so terrible? This forest, Instead of trees, has the mighty masts of ships. In that tremendous forest are the oaks and pines of Canada and Maine, the cypress of Florida, the baobabs of Africa, the teak of Hindustan, the ebony and sandalwood of South Amer ica. The awful forests of Quessant form the visible apex of a vast ceme tery that stretches from New York to Cape I.a Hague." licfura Ihe FootllKhta. "I understand that young man who calls on you," said old Mr. Straltlace, "wants to become an actor." "Yes." replied his fnlr daughter, "he iloes think of appearing before the foot llklUK." "Humph! The next time he calls you'd better warn him to think of dis appearing before the foot lights."— Catholic Standard and Times. "TA«« tii Win u Woman." The first thing, a woman wants to be well treated; once In awhile she wants to be i>etted; the third thing, she wants to lie admired; the fourth, she never wants to be contradicted.—Or. Popper. The rooster makes two-thirds of the noise, but the hen does all the work.-* Chicago News. n<>»l»llllin Hrnwry. Mamma—Johnny, you've been In bath ing, and I tohl you not to. Johnny Tint If I went In to save life, mamma? Matntna Oh, in that cawe, you did right. Noble boy, whose life did you save? Johnny—l didn't save any life, main ma; he got away from me. It was a fish, you know, and I kucsh there wasn't any danger of hlx drowning aft er all.—ltostoii Transcript. A Word ol Caution. "Yes, doctor. I want to see you. It's about my wife. Kite's not something In her throat that hurts her Jimt as soon as she gcth to talking. She's coming over to nee you herself. And you'll bo very careful, won't you?" "About removing it?" "No. About not removing It."- Cleve land I'laln Dealer. Itniplcluuß, Caller—How are you feeling today? Invalid—Not so well. I think I'll try another doctor. - Caller—What's the matter with the one you have? Invalid—l'm afraid ho Is acting as advance agent for his brother, who In an undertaker.—Chicago News. [lliln't I.ovn llrr. She (petulantly)—l don't see why you should hesitate to get. married «>u $3,000 u year. Papa says rny gowns never cost more than that He - Hut, my darling, we must have something to eat. "Oh, William, always thinking of your stomach!" \ 1 V IN CONNLOTION WITH OUR < ] 3rd Annua! ohirt Waist Sale < < WHICH IS NOW ON. WE HAVE A \ i General Clearance Sale ? ( OF OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER GOODS. \ ( There are just a few left, so do not delay ? ( if you want a genuine bargain ? We have four tables, that have made < records for themselves the last few days i < sc. 10c. 25c and 50c Tables. ( The bargains to be found on these, have £ ( never been equaled and never will be \ { beaten in Entler county. Simiiiar bargains C «s all over the store. j Duffy's Store. liL sli J* The Victor" Talking Machine Beats the World! if *" •" Prices— s3oo, $12.00, $25.00, $40.00, . - _ You're all welcome at all times. A full slock of the deviated Chase Rros., Hack "ley and Carlisle PIANOS. Everything in the music line sold on terms to suit YOUR convenience. THE LEADING MUSIC HOUSE OF THE COUNTY. W. R. INEU/TOIN. 1 FURNITURE | I PRICES CUT! f IPj A reason for it, of coursc—a business reason, j||» Nothing the matter with the furniture, only wc have tgt newer goods and want the room--want it bad S3 enough to sacrifice the goods. JSS [I $35 BED ROOM SUITS " ighly polishod, solid quarter sawed golden oak pattern. French mirror, -.veil fumt /ir«u*«r and wHMh stand Workmanship first iSI ; '-lass. PRICE 529.C3 jgj 9f $!8 DINNER SETS" Closing out another of our F.nglish gSaf " sl" ( -k pattern Dinner Set* A pretty VSSt floral decoration with green border. PEDUCED TO HI $7 ROCKING CHAIRS Several patterns in oak and mabog _ any finish: perfeet goo<ls, new pat terns, but only one of each kind. PRICE $5.00 M $7,50 PARLOR TABLES Pattern t< >|» in golden oak or uiah«iganv finish, tinned legs and lower shelf. These are not .diop-worn. PRICE $2,50 gg - |sg( bii-r seat: not shop-worn; but only Kjj* g a few of them. PRICE $3.50 g 1 Campbell J 4Templetoni mmwmmmmwmmwmmmm SAi PROMPT RELIEF. CERTAIN CURE The Latest Internal Remedy. Easy to Take. FIFTY CESNTS per Bottle—A Treatment. SMend your ways 1 Instead of ll your clothes l u " i jj Walker's j I So sl ll I and |j cl^ h i cs H will last 9 II it contains no alkali. II No boiling, little ■ (rubbing. Read the £ wrapper—washing II . without working. U WA . TKD- Honest i: an or woman U> travj < lan<«i hotii* ; Hillary uninthly and exp .-»«»». with liM M-av; pohltioii pt-rrjiuri ••lit , .i, :»»<<l tlamoed envelope idAXAUk*. m Uaitoo bidg., Uhlcagu BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. Fall ti nil hrgiiiK, M' liday, Sept a, i<> >l COURSES. I Practical Hook keepers, i Kxpeit Accountants. 3 Amanuensis Shorthand, 4 Reporter's Shorthand 5- Practical Short Course in Ilook-kcepitig, for those who merely wish to understand the simpler methods of keeping books. 6 - English Our Teachers- We have four at present always as many as we need, no more. POSITIONS. We have filled 35 positions thus far (lie present term anil we expect to fill at least 15 or 20 more by the next term. We could place two or three tinus that many every term if we bad them. Wc need an abundance of first class material. All yotnij; men and young women having a good Knglish education should take advantage of one or both of our courses. Many new and imjw>rtant improve mi nts for next year. Call at the office and see us. If you are interested be sure to get a copy of our new catalogue, also circulii r«. 11l "i'LIiR ItI'SINKSS COM, KG It. A F. REGAL, Prln., % S Main St.. llutler. Pa. • TAFTB PHILADELPHIA ft A --DENTAL ROOMS." "• $1 " Bth AV< pltUburg, P< $ I PHACTICA ' .Y'l"K.j-i ■ t X rfi CROWN ""I Pf ii'.ji" »"• '» aft' ' 1 WHY i*OT D< , >;<? ft-Vo'ircv/ CROWNS,' • j \}li 1..1 3PIOGF work r»inr*l ' J" " r f 115.5 PER TOOTH <*>< O" ' fii > W y "."I *■ «'f i«'« Hi m "i''.CNI.Y J i? *f%? THERE IS A RIGHT WAY TO DRESS FOR EVERY OCCASION AND EVERY TEMPERATURE. OUR STOCK OF Hats and Men's Furnishings ENABLES A MAN TO WEAR CORRECT FIXINGS WITHOUT INJURING HIS POCKET. WE ARE SELLING STRAW HATS FOR ABOUT 1-2 PRICE. BUY ONE FOR NEXT YEAR. Jno. S. Wick, MEN'S HATTER AND FLRNISHER. Opposite P. 0. TH LC Bailor County National Bao>, Penn, Capital paid in - $200,000.00 Surplus and Profits - f 100,000.00 los. Ilartman, President; J. V. Ritts, President; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krug, Ass't Cashier. A general banking business transacted I uteres*, paid on lime deposits. Money leaned on approved security. We invite you to open an account with this DIKE* TOll8 — Hon. Joseph Ilartman, Hon. W. H. Waldron, Dr. .N. M. Hoover. H. Mc- Sweeney, <J. P. Collins, 1. U. Smith, Leslie P. Ilazleit, M., W. 11. I.arkln, T. P. Mifflin, Dr. W. C. McCandless. Ben Mas seth. W. J. Marks. J. V. Hi Us. A. L. Kelber I'l l K Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER, PENN'A. CAPITAL PAID IN, $100,000.00. Foreign exchange bought and sold. Special attention given to collections. •OFFICERS: JOHN YOl NKINS President JOHN HHMPIIKKY Vice President O. A. HAII.KY Cashier I". W. It I.\ till AM Assistant Cashier J. F. HIJT'/.LKR Teller DIRECTORS. John Younklns. I). L. Cleeland, K. E. A brains, C'. N. Hoyd, W. F. Metzger, Henry Miller, John Humphrey. Tlios. Hays, Levi M. Wise and Francis Murphy. Interest paid on time deposits. We respectfully solicit your business. Butler Savings Bank i-Sutler, 1 Capital - - - $60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $225,000 (xj JOS. L PUKVIa President J. IIKNRY TKOUTMAN Vlee-Presi.lnit \VM. CAMPBELL, U Cvkier LOUIS B. STEIN 'I filer DIKKCTOIth Joseph L. nirvls, J. lieury IT <>".tin*r> W. I). Ilraartou, W. A. Stelu. J. H. Ckuuibell. The lluller Savings Hank Is the Oldest Itanklng Institution', n Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit, accounts of nil producers, iner chants, farmers and others. All business entrusted to us will receive prompt at tention. liitiiresl imld on time deposit*. DEALERS in ready made clothing represent their wares ts "Tailor made' 'custom made" &c.. hut they ask the regular prices of ready made and the boaM. is understood. I'ut when they offer to take your measure, promise to have the clothes made for you and charge the tailors price, they impose upon your credulity Whether their misrepresentation in wilful or negligent the result to you is the same, Most men want what they pay for ami are willing to pay for 'he superior quality of made to measure clothes. «>ur garments are rut and made to your measure in our own workshop in Hut ltr, not hy fair-to-iniddllng work men, hut hy expert tailor*. Handsome Spring Goods At Business Bringing Prices. ALAND, Mak«r of Men's Clothes ). V. Stewart, (Succcssoi to H. Bickel) UVRRY. Sale and Boarding Stable VV . JiTlrrsoii St., Butler, I'a. Kirat class < quipment—eighteen drivcis— of all kinds cool, roomy and clean stables. People's l'hone 125. j. V. STEWART. New Livery Barn W. J. Black Is doing business in his new barn which Clarence Walker has erected for him. All boarders and team sters guarranteed good attention* Ham just across the street from Hotel Hutler. lie has room for fifty horses. People's l'hone. No. 250. Special Notice. "Bicycles at cost" to close them out, come early and get a bargain. All kinds of repair work given prompt attention at Geo. W. Mardorf's Bicycle Store and Repair Stop, 109 W. Cunningham St- IT'S PLAIN I ' to be seen, from every suit of ours you : see on the street, that "here isn t another place in the city where you are always I sure to get all the desirable combinations 1 of material, workmausliih, style, fit and ; price as you are of us. It is a goo.l time ' now to order your next suit. Posted—is the man as to where to get I the essentials of good dress who comes to us. He is likely to be an economical man, too, for he knows he will get more for his money here than at other places. Where else can you buy suits at SJo oo worth S3O. There is only one place to get such a combination as this is at a tailor's. You won t expect it at the ready-made stores —no sane man does. Of all the people on earth there aren't two of the same dimensions throughout. Yet that is the principle. When you come to us we make your clothes f.t you or no sale. Wedding Suits a Specialty. COOPER, Practical Tailor.. DIAMOND. BUTLER. J'A J YOUR | i Prescriptions ' C will be carefully, S \ accurately and Dromptly \ C filled at our pharmacies. % > Redick & Grohman, I FOLKS FROM THECOUNTRY ' when shopping In Pittsburg aro Invited to make tlielr headquarters at our store, leave your packages there, call for them later. Ask us for any Information you would like to have. Every courtesy will lie shown yon whether you buy of us or not. In our new quarters we will continue to handle the Same brands of Whiskeys, brandies, etc., as we did In our old store. Some of the brands are: FINCH, MT.YKKNOH. (iItKKNIIKIMKK IIII.I.INtJKK, liIBKON, .IVKHIIOI.T.4 I.AKIiP, I'HOMPKON. , . ...HUfci'OßT. 1 and we will offer them to you unadulterated « yenr old at tl.ooper full quart,oquarts,ss.oo. ..•kAaiiKATHKK'S CHOIC*., Whiskey Kuarant«il 3 years old. 12.00 per «al. We pay express charges on all mailorders of s>.oo or over. Goods shipped promptly. ROBERT Lb WIN & CO. Wholesale Dialres In Wines and Liquors, NOW 14 SM ITH FIELD ST.. Formerly 411 Water Street, Pittsburg, I'ii. Long Distance Telephone CIIIiiiJiYER'S ENGLISH PENNYROYAL PILLS |)*jl c»-' * Htxfv. < lw*Ye rellaltli-. I,»«Ilot*. a*k I>rti£Kl»t for < lliriJlf TI 11 -H In U««l ami •" 1(1 llH'tl'J! I«* IMMllffl Willi hill* Vlt>t>OU. 1 ultt' n«» KfTiuf iluiitfrruui lulluituii »fraltut!<»■•». liny «»f your liniKulat, «»r mmkl 4r. If utiiinpH f«»r I'mrfI«*«aI*«••. Miuniiir.. an it lli llrf for I»» UtlH , I'V rclwrii m«ll. 10.000 'IVM Irnnrilmii. Mnlrt l»f • 'I D.umrlnui. CIIIOIiWBTKH CfIKMICJAL CO. Ki«IO .Ifu'llioa M«|tanre, IMIIIjA., C *L . | MoiIUB Ikla paper. Eyes Examined Free of Charge) R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. | N«-*t »»-»or to Court Ho'i* RntW. I'«. L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 117 B. JEPFKRSON. RUTLRR, PA 1 Motel Nixoi\ 215 N McKean St., Butrdr I laving rent ed this hotel for nnot'ier years, I Again invite the patrol.age of niv old friend i and the public generally. R. O. RUBAMUGH. I'liii-Anicrleuii. Tho UeHHcmer ISc I.akc Erie Railroad Company luut placed on nnle ut nil ntn tioiiH, excursion ticketa to UiifTafo, on account of the I'un American Evponi tion. With tho improved panaeuger train aervioo now being arranged for, making connection* with three impor tant iinffalo linen; viz, the Erie It. 11., h. S. <Jfc M. H. and Nickel Plate. patrona of the road will be given every opportu nity to vi«it the Expoaition at the lowest available rated. A. M BERKIMER, Funeral Director 45 S. Main St. Butler. PA "Peerless" Wall + Paper Absolutely Without Equal. Tl If" GREATEST VARIETY B Hr BEST QUALITY I ■■ L. LOWEST PRICES New Goods Now In For Season 1901. MCMILLANS I Next Door to °ostoffice. DON'T PASS This** If yon suffer from failing sight for we can help you. The glare of the summer sun, the reflection from the water at sea shore or lake, the rarefied mountain air. each and all make weak sight worse. Before you start on your vacation call! and have yattr eyes tested. We can give you perfect fitting glasses for any defect of eye sight. We also sell Cameras. Photo Supplies—Victor, Ellison and Columbia talking machines. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court House A Kodak At a Pic-Nicor The Pan-American makes the former event more enjoyable and paeserves tbe sights and wonders of the latter just as you have seen them. A folding pocket Kodak fits in the pocket or is cai ried in the hand like a ixjok, out of the way when not in use but always ready. Take a picture of the baby and the picture will grow more valuable each day. Yju don't appreciate beauty until you have used a Kodak. We aczplain them, sell them and guarantee them at DOUGLASS' BOOK STORE Eagle B'l'd. Near P. O. 241 South Main street W* mm "11 BUTLER PEOPLE ARE INVITED TO [ PATRONIZE THE U 1: If jl Hotel Kelly j| i! " ]; j[ A. Kelly <fc Sons, Prop'ra., H Cambridge Springs, Pa. j| • j A first-class hotel, In u charm- 11 * lriK country location, tii con- i t | S nectlon with the famous j ;: Mitchell Iron and Magnesia Jf ii .Springs; everything new, mod- |t crn and up to-d»to; further In j E format ion with rates, etc., j f || cheerfully furnished on appll- jj " ration; free carriages to and if from all trains. H h ® U, X ,L Of <J/ -U Us -J' L. |L .1/ 'l/ ■!/ » | "1» Hi Li. *ii f <mii Ut Pan-American 1901 Exposition A' H. 1)1 KM, JK TIIOS. K. OUVKB. The Schenley Hotel Co., THOS. F. OLIVER, Manager. Main Office, 200 Niagara Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Constating ol Hotel Schenley, The Ureenhurst, The Three Vermont*. The Elmwood, The York, The Lasak Ami 25 other beautiful, furnished resi dences in the Elmwood District, which can he rented in whole or in part. Rates #I.OO per day and up. European and American Plan. Cure* DnmTrennwj. eefeylf £ KEELEY WrKtfor ■, «r| INSTITUTE, nn» knj Bssklst siT'iwßtas, rij ASK YOUR GROCER FOR ihc 5 Minute Breakfast Food. Purine Health Flour Makes "BRAIN BREAD." PURINA MILLS, ST. Lotus, Mo. H. MILLER. FIRE and LIFE INSURANCE and REAL ESTATE. OVHiCK Nest door to CiTZKiN oflics Rat Im-. Pa. M. C. WAGNER A RTIST PHOTOGRAPHER li 9 South Main street. > New Store. n 9 New Store,o < ► 121 East YJHIP 121 East 0 < j Jefferson St. 1 Jefferson St.ft < > Leading* Hillinery House c 1 [Millinery at I=2 Regular Price.X \ [ Great Clearance Sale of all ourX ] [Summer Millinery at one-half tliev < J 'regular price. v ( (• 121 East Jefferson St., Butler. A teXXXMSKXXXXXXXXXX f | WHEN YOU 2 | SEE A DOLLAR | You quite naturally pick it up. A dollar saved is just J grvj f'A as good as a dollar found. We can not tell you where M t/J A to go to pick up dollars, but we can assure you that fIP 5 ySsßsß.'r buying your Dry Goods from us will mean a dollar jV J saved to you. Compare our prices with thos» of any H (<—JL jft\J store in town and you will agree that this is true. J NjLjCT\ SHIRT WAIST BEAUTY 5 ■ Mj Ladies speak of our Shirt Waists with enthusiasm. M i lot of reliable waists, stylishly made from best ma jp H L/W terials. The range of styles is greatest we have ever Willi! W shown. The prices are low enongh to save you 35 to a Q l/jjjl y 50 cents on each waist. 0 f gwui ■"»« Colored Waists fi.oo to $1.75. White Waists $i to $3. ■ Thin Goods for Waists and Dresses- Uf \ We certainly have a grand assortment of these K V light, comfortable goods, especially for summer. P U JjlL wear. Cool colors, too--an<l the prices are such ts U U L / |AA HI money go a long way. U K rMmnttt Fine Dimities 10c. 12 OT Sheer Batiste V Mercerized Fibnes 18c, 25c, 35c. X W /ESG> \ jt> inch Jap. Wash Silk 50c. M I ff White Lawn 6# to 50c. 3 MP / IV One visit to our store will make you a pleased M |L. Stein & Son J 2 103 N. MAIN STREET. BUTLER, PA M The People's National Family Newspaper. New York Tri-Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fredi, every other-day Daily, kiving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in THE DAILY TRI BUNE of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultuial Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular subscription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for SJ.OO pei year. Send all orders to THI PHILIP TACK, *\ { I U CONTRACTOR IN i [ !! Cleveland Berea Grit jj I STONE II ii H Suitable for Building i i Ornamental and j \ Paving purposes. \\ This Stone is guaranteed it II not to shell off, nor II \l become rotten. n i i Prices reasonable. 3 t 11 j f Work done well j 1 j 1 and promptly, ! t Stone yards on * East Etna street. ji jl II Residence on 11 Morton avenue. ) I H 4 i People's Telephone 320. \ \ c 416 W. Jefferson St., <MERCHANTITAILOR Full bine of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. Good Fit and Guaranteed. 7 C. SELIGMAN > BUTLER, PA. } WANTED. The jieople to know tliat the Findley Studio in making « specialty of copying hikl enlarging. Crayons ami water colors for the Holliday trade will receive prompt attention. Don't give your pictures to ageuts and take chances of loosing them; have it done at home and if It isnotr ight we arc here to make it right, latest designs of frames in stock. See our Cabinet I'liotos before ordering elsewhere. Branches Mars and livans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236. I'. O. H'd'u' Hutlcr. wagaMBWW 1 js r ,irs"Sfr"iaM L. C. WICK, HKAI.KH IJ» LUHBER. 1 New York Weekly Tribune Published on Thursday, and known fo» near'y sixty years In every part of the United States as a National Familr Newspaper of the highest class for farm era and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of fH K I.JAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press, an Agricultural Pepart ment of the highest order, has entertaining reading for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reports which are ac cepted as authority by fanners and coon try merchants, and is c?ean, np to <lxre interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for $1.50 per year. E CITIZEN, Butler Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED If you want goou and iciiable cleaning or dyeing dene, t-.u* is just one place in town win-it < u can get it, and tliat is a! The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue QS»We do hnt- work in >oit door Photographs. This is tlu time of year to have a pictiii •! your house. Give us a trial Agent for tbe JaiiicetowD SlidiMf Blind Uo. —New York. R. FISHER <fc SON Pearson B. Nace's Livery Food and SaleStabl© Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a Th« best of horses ami first class rijf* HI WHVN 011 hand and for litre. Hest accommodations In town for pvrnm neut boarding and transient trade. Hpecl al rare guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. S|A Rood class of horses, t>oth drivers and raft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses bouyh t fpon proper notification by PEARSON B. NACE. elophone. No. Zt9 ummmz mm §Qmacmn mii U> ucr«il wltbOTl Um knife. Ilr. 4 . htiliiMTt ot M IsvMlh ivmim, I'ltuliurtf, I'l, m u«w remodj HUM waiM Ui« c muvmr MJU tumor. IU bM cur*l 910 wlUhmjl fall. Mid hM trraUd {uUmiU wb<Mi Iff. Ilurgitou'k l»«|iJl*l U •*wlrkUj MidluwplUJ at M Y. u<4 cur«d. kwt Dr. f BUli.erl tuu ■non««>flUljr kr*uO«4 WTtral of U»m»m It MkM it dl>«MI«« WtUM-9 Um CMjrer It to. Ml ml—t>« 11M rurvd UUTfU CUIIE *" Ui«> r-iiic+r qu.Kfc ilocliirm. Ml 4 .. 'boar »kfcia( • t hi* exit ms iLe wuu<l«rf«4 « .M»«/cMl'.« tfli* • |.« Uu» tor m/i keeping. lU* - -mfcer »: lh. 4 MHIIMTt It ll'* Mil/ OMICM" dkxv V«< la VM'tiO I'Mti.a* IVsnIUMiU liM Ft'llf »*«! » <IM». ••r litlol I'ailMilt cmi Iw irtslnl In tii»lr » «n Mum p»W Nw, 'tl li.ajr U|* »»rn> «itf) t* •* lh«-Un..»M» fMsillj OMwt, fc+ud U lot tuluammUf » Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125 W. Jefferson, Butler, Ta. Buahellng, Cleaning and Repairing a Soec a tv t Every Millionaire £ Uegan with a dollar. Kvery dol fv lar is the basis of a fortune. I, Kvery man is a capitalist. Ac *-• quire the saving habit. Open • bank account with us. WE PAY 4 PER CENT INTEREST. Real Estate Trust Co. $ Of Pittsburg, $ FOURTH AVENU^J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers