Butler Sayings Bank Butler, Pa. Capi-al - |60,000.00 Surplus and Profits - - $215,000 co L PC RVIS President J. HENRY TROCTMAN Vwe-President WM. CAMPBELL, Jr fwfcier LOUIS B.STF'.S TeMer DIRKtTOR-S-.Joseph L Purvis. J. H«-aH Tronlionn, W. D. Braafion. W. A. St'in. J, 8. Cemti c-11. The»Butltr Savings Bank is the Oldest Bank-fig Institution: o Butler County. General banking business transacted. We solicit accounts of ..il producers, iner ch-mt 5. farmers and others. All ujsinfcss entrusted to tu> *lii receive pr,itii;)l attention. Interest paid on time deooslts. THE Butler County national Bank, Butler Penn, Capital paid in - 5200,000.00 Snrplns and Profits - $85,000.00 Job. Hartmas, President; J. V. Ritts, Vice Preadeat; John G. McMarlin, Cashier, A. C. Krng. Ass't Cashier. A general banking bosiness transacted. Interes' paid 00 time deposits. Money 1 janed ob approred security. We invite yon to open an account with this twisk- MKBCTDES —Hoc. Joseph Hartman. En. W. S. Waidron. Dr. >. M. Hoover. H. Me- Swtfeney. C. P. CWllig. I. G. Smith. Leslie P. Hax'ect. M. Fln«jj.ic. V. H. Larkin. T- P. i>r. W. C. McCaadiess. Be« W.J. Marks. J. V. Ritts. A. L. Keiber THE Farmers' National Bank, BUTLER. PENS'A CAPITAL PAID IN. Sioc.uoo.oo. F.-'-nr.im ev-hange bought and strfd. special UMCoa *iv*n tt» coilectjons. OfIKUS: JOBTi mnOB ! JUiE« HCMWJKBY ...Tit* iTes-d- at C. is. BAILEY CaoJi.er E.W. ... .... Assistant Casino* J. F. atTiLER. f-..er ; olS£i.T>j-R^. Mm Toantias. t>. L CHwjad. 5. 3. ; AiWwaa.C. 3L BoyA W. F. r. Utnry j Wi.er. ;<wa HantpoKcy Hajri. L ri JL Wim mm Fraot'is Warpuy. tiiknat ptud m tiaae <i«pusitaS. W« rwatiMttfau* suiiat « ur xi^uoc. "Peerless Wal + Paper WMbmi S^aiu. myf ' - U,J I ' 4M1 ... 4 . ? f h, NdMUANS ftevt door to Postoffi^. SI J TI.ER BUSINESS COLLEGE. P«it term Monday, Sept. 15,1900 COURSES r -PrueHenl Book keepers, a- Pxpert Awttntnnhs. 3 Amnnnensis Shorthand, 4 -Reporter's SJwrthnrxl s— Practical Short Course In Book-keeping, for tho«e who merely wish to miflerstnnd the simpler methods of keeping books. 6 EBRli^h. OrH Teachnt!J -We hsvr four «t rrpson always as many as we need. t»<> more. Positioss -We exp«H-t to bo able to place at least twice as many grndna(es lu positions the comlnff year as we have the pasi. We cotild place three where we place ono If we Only had more of the right kind of material to work on. Young man, yminc woman, If yon have a fair English education, and are Industrious and persistent it will bo to your Interest to take at least one of our courses, and let us assist you to remunerative em ployment. Tlie finest system of shorthand ever pub lished will be used in our school th» coming yenr. Call ami examine it. Send for a copy of our new catalogue and circulars. A. F. REGAL, Prin., 319-327 S. Main St.. Butler. Pa. i 1 j HAT S j SALEP jss. $4. $3.1 1 HATS H i| FOR 41.00 H JTake a Look at ThemLj | Underwear Reduced Lj Prices. M JJno. S WickH ►jHatter and Furnisher,rJ M 242 S. Main St., M r J Butler, Pa. ki Opposite P. O. . ii n THE "WRONG GLASS. If your present glasses fail to give you ease anil comfort there is something wrmi(/. Is it yotir glasses or your e) es? j Th it is lh<- xit-' 1 q»i<- tton with yU- I'is! "■ is ».jft c -,i>, h •' ■" ••rt >! ;f • ll;.. : I I y ■ -V- n. S» • • ■ t hi<h M. I ■ < - ; . v ' wi LI:K A C£ S. Main S>. i J . ' 1 A FOB SALE A i.tti'l:_\ !o ;.ied ~ t ®ox6o. inquire tit this office. iEtff \ y Cake. £\i . y j&s To the yolks of five eggs, well beaten, add ■ i t ■isil, o" (.up sugar. one-half cap butler, one-half t Jnf( i J™****.!cupsweet miik.one teaspobnful ground ein f ■'' nan: n, one grated nutmeg, then the whites I ©VII k /#1 o: two we.l ties ten. one and a half cups B*\\ PtTN TTMiJrcC? <KlrJy" & il< irhavin-- in it one measure "Banner" J» VI 1111 fl' li** Af 1 'ffii Bating Powder; hake in jelly-eake paa* / \j rak. JM 11 f - • ht-n <v." j each layer with the . 'ollow- FOR THE CREAM.—To four ocnce> of // /. NKmMf4TJr c \ .£s* plain eh< .&..ate. grated, add one cnp of white //yy k Xiill J -. su-.ir. two ta enpoonfuls of com stareh. one JrA SV -€ >| cnp- veet milk, one tablespoooftil extract of / ;, a y t.'.:••»<■.: -, stL-ring constantly: when cold, ' " " spread it the layers oi Uie cake. BANNER RECIPE BOOK Free ty Hail, Our now Famous Special i-2 oft* Sale In our Cloak Department Will be Continued for a short time onlv - at DUFFY'S STORE, Mrs, J, E, Zimmerman's Febrtiu n) Qearances 4 tfcw &WUS. %wtn Star Jfeow JWaliai ttr Spring IQOI. I «F » fthovior-Vftiwtuu. ant BTojuicioth, -Blouse and Ja*k«i ISflfaof*. ii. awl li&Um* SIC up **? &3G -Sfi.lv FLANVniwr.d MERCERIZED COTTONS—Too U ahead of wearing twrtc? Not at all for these who like first selecti -a ami getting their spring sewing <h: ot tiw way be >rc spring is hero Shirt Waists, Silk Flannels in plain and figured effects, at 90cJ SI.OO and $1.25. Mercerized Cottons 25c and 40c, all new *ty!ishj ■designs and colorings. New Embroideries, White Goods! Nothing like them shown elsewhere. New Spring Tafteta Silks, 75 c > value $ i .00. NEW SILK WAISTS and NECKWEAR-—Black, Old Rase,] Pink, Rluc and Red at $5.00, value sf>.oo. The new L'Aiglon Relt and Collars in velvet ribbon ends and gold spikes—collars 25c up t $1.25. Ilelts 25c up. LADIES' JACKETS—3S Ladies' Jackets left—black and colors —former price $5.00 to sls.oo—come at once and take your choice at si.qo. Mrs. i. E. ZIMMERMAN. C. E MILLER JSHOE^AN To Make Things Lively For Thirty Days. GREATEST SALE EVER HELD IN BUCLER. Our holiday trade was large—unusually lar^e —but we find wo j have too many Shoes anil Rubbers. In ord •<* to rcd ic * uir srock we are going to cut the prices on all wini-.:r goods, !-ucii «is hoes. Slippers and Rubbers. If you've not bought your winter shoes or übbers yet, come to us—we are in better shape to serve you than ver before. We mean just what we say. Butler's Progressive Shoe House Will sell shoes cheaper during the month of January than before. We haven't space nor time to quote prices. but come in and see us-- see how wc have grown in sewn years—and get a share of the bargains we are offering this month. We hope to make many new friends this vear. TRY AN UP TO BATE SHOE HOUSE. G. ED. MILLER. fsmokSng Meat \ J Without Fire, Fuel or Smoke Houk * House by using Wright's Condensed ' C Smoke, a Liquid Smoke, made from Hickory Wood, sTnd containing a s J valuable meat preservative. N J A New Discove y, whereby the smoke from hickory wood can be converted in- * C to a li<4ui<l and in that state applied to meat, smoking It thoroughly. In addition C j t© giving processes for smoking Hams, Bacon, Dried Beef, Hausages. Bologna and } C and Fish, this hook gives the. method for making the famous Hiuithfiuld Hams, and \ J the processes for salting and curing all kinds of meats, as used by the large pack- v C ing houses. For sale by } 5 RICDICK tjROH MAN, £ _lak e c k ® IJgfl ir | ,/// I Men don't bey clothiny for the •w j 1 vji l jmKn \lf i i purpose of spending money. They / H *I- /rt :Usire to £t-t tbe best possible re- A . \\y SJ A | suits icr the money expended. Not / - : dfitr Am j cheap goods but goods'as cheap as yC / J" • they can be sold for . nd made up •J-' properly. If you want the correct \ WOTIiMy «' I | { ( , . x:.m:i.v <.ur }arj;c : tick of PALL ( , \ W lljffir V I it AM) WINTER WKItiHTS— LAT''^T °^ VLI SIIADES Fit and Workmanship Guaranteed. G. F. KECK, Merchant Tailor, 142 North Main Street, *-* Butler, Pa FREE TO ANYBODY *"* Fit AN K LIN *C HEM I(\* i* «££.***** Bao l 'Ubert Street, I'liilaUeVula, V». TOMATO TESTS. Beat "All Around" Tomato* Notable Varieties, Carl IN OHM, Etc. Elaborate tests of many varieties of tomatoes Lave been made during the past few years by American Garden ing. The following items are taken from Its resume of these: Last year our results from seventy odd varieties were that a good type of Stone was the best all round tomato, and after anoth ir season's labor we have no reason to modify that opinion. Another tomato that has established a gold reputation with us after three years' test Is Trucker's Favorite. It is of good size, a g<xxl shipper and of fine flavor, but has a pink skin, which in some mar kets is a disadvantage. Royal Red makes a large, handsome fruit, but In no way equals Stone as a cropper. Earliana simply cropped itself to death. We were able to gather some very ear ly fruits of good quality, but in mid season and late the fruits were not properly colored and were poor in qual ity. The vine sets such an enormous number of fruits that it cannot finish them. Trophy is still an acceptable fruit, not so early as Stone. Early Michigan, grown this season for the first time, was well liked. Fruit medium in siz»-, of high qcality and the vine apparently a good yielder. A newcomer that has fonnd consid erable faror portly as aa exhibition variety is Enormous. The habit of the plant is miserable. It cannot be train ed to a stake, and it makes a very poor bosh. The yield of fruit Is exceedingly lisrSt. bat the few perfect specimens obtained are simply magnificent. Ia weight it averaged from 14 to 16 onac°s and when fmiy ripe Is a bril liant. deep toned red almost as though artificially polished. Quarter O-urary was dtsappointing :a •wrij yield ami size bur f*r perfection *a«i ■ 1 r of wiiat fruits we 'lid lucre we know of noriiiag to it. The skin is aim->et raby re«L In Hoatir Br giir we ha~e fonest able to <i:-~ rer more aao»i points tiian aur roiUSJK niBITT"—IT -ill -TTTiMr tpspvfiiMs Te«nxls -stHWreU. It 1- -sidkly tool; iai foi-ffro-wtli. bat Its yretil fifawe »HHl.. S4*«l rperfett FRUITS ROMFKRRWS «i ll v.-ltli way !fs also .aeeeptaMt' to many people. It 1 takes «a tremendous tim< to ripeii. wbicli faregeft? .irf'mmt? for Its marvei 008 shipping <nwlities. There is no donbt lint that the variety can be grown in this country and successfully shipped to Knropt. for If picked at the rijrlit stafre 1i will ripen on the voyape. Among yellow skin varieties Golden Jubilee was by far the best. For size, color and yield no other yellow ap proached It. Shah and Yellow Queen are so mucli alike that the fruits of the one? may be exhibited as the other. We have very little to say on the tine points of earliness of the varieties that are credited with that propensity. We have about come to the conclusion that these comparative distinctions in the time of ripening amount to but very little. In our experience, with the exception of Honor Bright and Trophy, which are late, this and last season there is very little difference in all the host. This season Stone was the first to ripen, and very large perfect fruits were gathered. In regard to method of cultivation and training we shall still hold to it that for the home garden and for ex hibition purposes the best system to follow is a single stem trained to a stake. The yield of perfect fruits ob tained in this way excels that of the ordinary style of flat or field culture, and, furthermore, the fruits are of finer flavor all through the season. The uext best method is to train a double row over an inverted V shaped trellis. \crWM and Xotett. Many German cities, but especially Leipsic and I'lauen, in Saxony, have set aside a plot of land not far from the schools where all sorts of vegeta bles and plants are grown. Most of the nitrogen found in the pea, bean and lentil is in a form very useful as food. It was called by Lie big "plant casein" on accoont of its general resemblance to the casein of milk. "The demand for good apples and small fruits in their season Is 011 thc iuerease. Eating apples should be put up as attractively as oranges, lemons or peaches," remarks American Culti vator. Australian Crimson Winter is a new forcing rhubarb which, according to Luther Burbnuk, is practically a per petual grower, taking only a reluctant rest (luring the dry California summer. It is also very hardy, and lie thinks it valuable for growing under glass in eold nortbei u regions. Good roads are the first and most important preliminary in securing a free rural delivery route. Indiana leads the other states in the numbei of such routes, having 257 at the be ginning of December, 1900. HOOD'S j f.ur''. Liver Ills, Bil iousness, 1-cii Tst; o. Headache. Easytota' f oj.sv to operate. 25c. RHHOMATISM CURKD IN A DAV. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism ind Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is retrarfcable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents So'rt by J. C. Redic, and J. F. Balpli Druggists Butler. Apr 06. invoicing Sale. We take "Stock" March Ist. From Feb. 9th to Ist will be a clearance sale as follows; Decorated China 1-5 offonr regular pr'ces. White China l / } off. Hric-a-flrac l A off. Pictures and Plioto Medallions ' , off. Plaster Busts and Panels ]/$ o£T. Sterling Silver Novelties \A, off. Photograph Albums % off. Cameras '/ s of. Kodaks 1-5 off. Pocket Books and Purses off. Games off. Bibles- a'l kinds—J4 off. 25c ljooks (a 18c. 35c books <" 25c. Take advantage to this. Regular prices pre\ail after Match Ist. " . o •' V '•■>« i '■ -«>■ . C OK I ' Eayh' j V 'T I*. O. 2; 1 ' ' Main Mrei 1 Music tchjiars^was ted al 128 West Wayne St. His Wile's [L weah \b neon. & It is a singular thing that in the popular view of disease the interde pendence of the several organs of the Dodv is lost sight of. The heart, for example, is diseased and it is treated a3 if it were entirely separated from, and independent of, every other organ. The fallacy of this opinion is shown by the cures of heart " trouble, r liver "trouble," kidney "trouble r and other so-called "troubles," effected by the use of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery. Primarily the " Discovery" is a medicine for the cure of diseases of the stomach and blood. But it cures dis eases of organs seemingly remote from the stomach, because these diseases have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and its Associated organs of digestion and nutrition. •I tioctcreri tliree "frSr-wit doctor® for | weak IrearL. but tfecy did asc no writes [ Mr?. Talia A. Wilcox" ofCyjruet. Wood Co.. Ohio I x -2. " I was so tired and iisccnrasjed if I had I had *ry choice to tree or die I wcttid Stare pre- J fr—ed to die. M 7 hoithand hear! of ' Golden j Medical Dtsc-rcery' and he bctxjjht a bottle. I | took that and the half seemed to help are. I I tacit six bottles befor- I stopped. I ara uer- j feet I j we!L and am csolcasj for *ajc boarxfers. i It '-seen a God-sead to axe. Dr. Fierce s Piensr.nt Pellets core can- : sfcrnatron. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil TELE POLE ODTT3IEST. One Appiiearion Gives 3eiief. it 3t! v IliiwiiiliiiMi —Earai. r T^nrr-" —-Uiriri OB" il^TT'."rK". fit ' ri! :i»i !■«■■ ":i=Eres axi -'irr = -mi-l'P ..3IC '.TTISi-. H ■r" 3tcia as- i jJ. --at isSEdUG*.. li.ui* rGsajeoL 3nsaß sszf u 2: .33ns Sss: 3fcc=-. ~ason. Staff : TLi uminiiii -Bt: Fftartl .r-rvr IXisirr. tiot lUas <ar Sigasrni. iw», -sec- jxz. • ~r.a:c. 5-cs. -izua™ c *«£ j J«esfna« Tfcse:;aat-'icE:'a=rs i . BUB Eat. Si, 3Xs- amilSTltl.l. 1 1 .in I—ii lipn" 11 1 1 r*" r 1 HUWPHWS-'T nEL ai.. rmm aaiiiz. !RII. ~i- A nxr l»piwlUMtt>. ' fiki-reccip: cf Us.i eer.tt. CSK!J <t EIEDCBE. m JteneTtm tdl. tot- anaiieiu of tae SHOE: iKjpi; .. ar. ltn~ lewrOnß CEly't" Crea:s Knfioiea: t> aemaj.- stntt tilt; pi .^.ii:sr: r o* LIM- lanoay. ELI BKrrrHEBS. 60 barren bi . Ke*v "iork City. Ttev John lieid. Jx.. of (irea.iTallE.Hani., -recommended. Hiy'e • rein. "Hatni to me. T oaii emphasis Mb statement. "It wE. posi tive cur-: for catarrii if aa«d as directed ' ltev. Prancir. V,'. Pooie, Pastor CentralPret. Ciusieh, Helena Moni. Eir's Cream Babr in tip acknowledged enrf for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any inijxious drug Price, 50 cents. Sj 0 X ,n If A Shower of Bargains. JOnr Christmas trade was very good, r.liank von. but we pnrchased more goods than was needed, and in order to reduce onr stock we will sell Watches, Rings, Chains. Charms. &c., af bargain prices. We were sold out of Edison Talking Machines before Xmas.but have a complete line now; also Cameras and Photo supplies. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Jeweler and Graduate Optician- Next to Court House MEDICINAL USE. Physicians recommend and will advise the use of LEVIN'S PURE RYE WHISKEY, for the weak ar.d run down system, and In many cases, if used properly, will prevent long and continued sicklies#. If you buy from us you are sure to get purest and best quality. A large stock of the below brands always ou hand. FINCH, MT. TKBJiOS, (JtXKKMICIHKK, IHI.M.NUKH, UIBKUK, JVKKIIOI/F, J,AU<Jfr, fHOMFKOK, 1. biUuKPOET, and offer them to you unadulterated 0 year old at SI.OO pel full quart. 6 quarts, $5.00 ti UAi* UKATii KU'S CHOitl., Whiskey guarantf 3 3 years old, $2.00 per eal. On all C. O. D. or mall orders of $.">.00 or over we box and ship prompt'y; express charges prepaid, ROBERT LbWIN & CO, 411 Water Stree I Telephone, 2170. Pittsbui . Pa. Opposite H A: O. Depot. I STUCK UP Is the way you will feel when you have had your Rooms Decorated with our Wall Paper. A wall well papered is a thiug of beauty, and something to be stuck up about, ! you know it, 100. Why not make your selection now, call and see ! the new fashionable patterns; they ; strike the eye as something out !of the common in colors and ! designs. Patterson Bros., <3O N. Main M. 1 ie - I 1• 1 1 4. 1 . V\ :i k 1 ending ' I -•I L.. vV AON ir.R, j/. ii'i'i 4? .1J l'O iEiL?H cjR i39lSouth.Maiu street. Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want good and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you cat! get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue -s*gjt,Weao fine work in out* door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture D! your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind 'Jo. —New York. R. FISHER <t SON Eyes Examined Free of Charge R. L. KIRKPATRICK. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. Next Door to Court House. Butler. P». TAILORS I ! Have aimettrtng aore rnrrmrfahie to can j tend -with -han the fancies of man. Thev ! must piease ins mother. Iris wtfe. iris -as-ers aifi Iris cousins. A woman's :a t*. xTinn ~dr a man » cf«»t btrr tuev he •zsmxsa. i hnt :t is Jinx- to he crtirai. Toe imnis tsDamie «r?e ibour TOT make erf •Icnhts A •TKT- "aserrs :Ueif son rwrvr -'sals to inn rsvor-»itb. the :3Kise -rrtieai. Whezistz- yrmrr rtrnxz :» parr cenr mailt y. ISET acriilirs :nr -jsnstt-rng yrm •are :b*r ; itsf'-O SkSM£ "-id Taatems -xsAy am eaf beai tnkzwpy aixiis». A LAXD RJIAAER- OR" lIESC>-IJ®B«BFC J €L si 7 Xfe V. V-fS^ • ,/ Brill - W iC. A ' Get ReadV for the eliilly days and even ingfi that are coming. Be Readv) with a Top Coat when the weather demands it. We're Ready to show yon the very swell est Overcoatings—all new at the HJOBt favorable figures. Come in soon. Wedding Suits a Specialty. (ooper &■ (0., Leading Practical Tailors., DIAMOND. BUTLER. PA. nofiD aij °" ai v rd to I 1B B or call U P No 41 fc# II\J I of the People's 122-3 and W. B. McGEARY'S new wagon, ruuning to ami from his Steam Carpet-Cleaning establishment, will call at your house take away your dirty carpets and return them in a day or two as clean as new. All on a summer morning—Carpets, rugs and curtains thoroughly cleaned on short notice. WE MAKE I ,lARS Of Our Competitors If they told the truth concerning the Chase Brothers, Hackley and Carlisle Pianos and our manner cf dealing with our customers, we would sell ill the pianos that are sold in Bu'.ler There are parties who peddle pianos (as they cannot be called dealers or merchants, having no legitimate place of business) who are telling people that I "do not keep my agreements with my customers," which statement when they make it is an abso'ute lie, and they tell this DELIBERATELY in order to try to hurt my business. * Beginning next week, I shall publish personal letters from my customers, stat ing HOW they like their pianos and my way of dealing. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St Butler Pa j L. S. McJUNKIN, Insurance and Real Eslate Agent. 117 E. JEFFERSON. BUTLER. PA A. M BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Mam St. Butler PA K.vetirsion to Allegheny. Commencing Sunday, May tith. the Sunday excursion fare from Untler to Allegheny will lie one dollar for tickets good going ou train ieiving Butler at H.u."> a m"., Citj time, returning on train eaviug Allegheny at H.'M p. ui. city j me. I RAILROAD TIME-TABLE | ]>ITTSBUKG & WESTERN *■ Railway. Schedule of Pas- Fenger Trains in effect May 28, 1899. BUTLER TIME. Depart. Arrive Allegheny Accommodation 6 25 a m 903 a.* AUrgheu; Exprm 806 " 9li •' Kern Cuttle Accommodation j8 06 44 912 Akroa Mail 8 06 A.M 7 ««3 r.* Allegheny Fast Exprew. 9 58 44 12 18 * Allegheny Expreo* 3 00 r.« 4 45 ]*m Chicago Exprrca 3 40 pm 12 1?* am Allegheny Mail 550 ** T45 pm Allegheny and New Castle Acam 550 44 703 44 Cbicagc Limited.. 550 44 912 a.m Kane and Bradiord Madl 955 AM 2 50 r.M Clarv n Accommodation 4 55 r.M 9 45 a.M Cleveland and Chicago Exprew... 6 25 am BCXDAY TRAINS. Allegheny Exprea 8 06 a.a 9 lx A.M Allegheny Accommodation 5 50 r.M 5 *fl P.JI New Castle Accommodation 8 06 A_M 7 00 * Chicago Exprcai 3 40 r.M 5 US am Allegheny Accommodation 7 (C pm On Satnidayi a train, known m the theatre train will leare Butler at 5.50 p. m.. arriving at Allegheny at 7JSfy, returning leave Allegh.-ny at 11-30 p. m Pullman sleeping car* on Chicago Expreas between Pitt»l-urg and Chicago. ¥'jr through tickets to all points in the west, north «reac or *.<uth*eat and in£srmatiun regarding raotee ume of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TFRNER, Ticket Agent, R. B. REYNOLDS, 3mp\ S BuUer, Pa. Butler, Pa. C. W. BASsETT, G. P. A.. Allegheny, Pa H 0 DCNBLLE, Sept. W.iL Div.. Allegheny Pa. THE PITTSBURG. BESSE -1 MER 8c LAKE ERIE R. R. COMPANY. Time table in effect Sept. 23, ISWO. CENTRAL TIME Southward, Daily except mislay V*ithwaid up) { Read down 2 14 Li 1 11 13 HM PM A.M. A st. P B P M 12 n Erie \l I«» 4 15 lz J— X) Fair»iew 12 4 40 IH VS i li# <rtzani. Ii 4* 4 53 I » a If ar Mr I K" « It •* TOS It < dDBMt .IT II eft 4 M II iS T 3» ''asMrJlr I iff 5 IT II SB ~ V. Ailrfon A IB 5 9! I! * T 5 I % w II J* ..anraim lie. I 3 5 Hi II li* T 'Kv Seednii#- Janet I * <*s U S» T .*»• n m i 3S. S IC « 3B IT JiMWniV ..IT 1 « >ls II ' isv«r .Vn. Uc m i. »B 3 I* If »» •• 3»lr .Om. Lui», !t I 3 S. 5 44- '»m Lot*niift ir 4 Jr. B J»iiT IT- 2 m IB ~M <5 IfOMMIWB . 2'** 1 9 tt t» n tx v.' an i lift ii. «3 ® a* *9 I *in» a < -a-uvmiiir . • JS _ » 4 » f .« it> j* « A *>..■■— mmz ;r « » s 4» » c 4 -a fvkmt». * -r . » r -m • -> * "« I +•» »«*«■ 7 n A 7 JS . jc; 4&: 745t111 ft II Jotln 7 !*• i IT* Ttt ! » >J- j£4jM«K-rskr - » vtt r « ♦*e» i£ shnijirMi .r» I *> m m\ mmm* *• < msw i m it am**, .i*i r« i« ;j 4»r» a. shw .. ... . * -«r 4. «; [j 4 » • 4» BkHM - J» 4 -r --: MM #l*4 nkttibr . * i <( -1» '•« . , 14 'jp . »LM. pyt. .iX ± 3. S XT-scar W ?». it imirtUr 3at SnaSMHK 1 WRSTBBtf .MV Jttt«M». JanftAi ijul Titifcii 'l»wm 4«»*. <»«».♦ \»«i ok , 4 4£tJk»«a<i. JMl'! own i uw •"kf»r I liwy .*4. jsyfc-s jmd -lirtlt > i u a«aa-Ma» r ftuuua* , tfii£ooK., Ol i «ii • t *>««' j ail'l IM|>^-» i»U»' , .... I OXiMMC LLAO I.«! f. ' JirtlttttUlu; , , fMDi %6ti, Utt? «-H ! i«, > <j.lu, l «uI«S p.iii. Fwi iktuused mlmutaiiu;, L. Ak- W«al«ffu UfTMrr Hftii Akauao a«d teHL fielO frti«et, i'a. J u.ninrciauwo>, Jmmmp >«u««r»l Msusarr M •-jm*' Aaau lA.if ?A.«-.A.-tl.iP. m.\P. M JWTUIP haaottbuxg .Arrive t> 54 8 go 11 15 300 5 JCB Untie: JuucUoi . * 4 ;1 27 53 11 4o A JBS 563 Butier JUUCUUL . "7 81 ft 63.11 6i£ 3 jda 663 Mairuua ..Arrive; *7 4<> i# 01.12 01 3 44 OV2 Tareutuiii jI44H 07 12 342« 07 bpnugdai' p 62 9 16 12 19 3 62 P> IZ> Ciareinuut j ff9 H0.12 Mb 406 fl. r7 bharpaburg 8 11 9 &<> 12 4* 4 12 0 Allejrhany ft 9 4* 1 IT2 4 25 ti 43 iA. M..A.M :P. M P. 1M». M. BUKDAY TRAINS—Laave Butler frr Qity aud principal inierusadiaie Mativiu* at a. Ui., Mid p. xii. NORTH WKJSK DAYS JA.M-IA.M. A.M P. M P. M Alleghtiuy Ci4y . .Wave 7 00 8 66 10 46 3 10 6 10 Sharpsburg 712 90710 57 .... .... Ciareui'jut .... 1104 .... Spriugdale ; .... 11 1« .... 637 Tareutuui f 7 39 934112* 3 46 646 Natiuna i 7 43 9 38 11 34 3 &tt 6 61 Butler Junction. ..arrive 7 50 9 47 11 43 3 6* 7 00 butler Junction leave 7 M> 9 47 12 IK 4 06 7 Oo Saxon burg » 17.10 09 12 41 4 36 7 24 BUTLKR arrive 8 42:10 32 1 10 6 06 7 60 |A.M.!A.M. P. M.jP. M l p. M SHNDAY TRAINS.—Leave Allegheny City for But ler and prmcijitl intermediate station« at 7:16 a m. and 9-30 p. ai. KOR THE EAST. Wwks Days. Sundays A. M.!A. M. P. M A. M. P M BoTLEk. lv 62510 60 235 730 500 Butler J'ct ar 72711 40 325 820 550 Butler J'ct lv 76011 4d 368 821 815 Fee port ar 753 11 46 402 825 817 Kski iuiuetad J't " 7 sft 11 50 407 829 821 LeechburK " 81012 02 4 19 841 833 Paul too (Ap0110)...." 831 li 22 440 868 860 Saltal:urg 44 8 3ft 12 49 506 923 916 Blairsville 928 120 541 962 945 , Blairaville Int " 9 Hi ... 560 10 00 Altoona 44 11 35 ... 8 bi) 160 . .. j Hanisburg * 4 310 100 645 Philadelphia 44 623 . 425 10 540 P. M A. M.|A. M. A. M. P. M Through trains lor the east leave Pitteburg (Union Station), as follows*— Atlantic Express, daily 3:00 A.M Pennsylvania Limited ** 7:15 ** Day Express, 44 7:30 44 Main Line Express, 44 8:00 44 llarrisburg Mail, 44 12 46 p.M Philadelphia Expreas, 4:50 44 Mail and Express daily For New York only. Through buffet sleep«r; uo coaches 7:00 44 Eastern Express, 4 7:10 44 Fast Line, 4 8 30 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through coaches to New York, and sleeping cars to New York, Baltimore aud Washington only. No extra tare on Oils train lO:00 44 Khilad'a Mail, Suodatf omy 8:40 A.M Fm- Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all rail route), 8:00 A.M, aud 8:30 P.M, daily. IJUFFALO, ROCHESTER & 13 PITTSBURG RY. TIME TABLE In effect Feb. 1, 1901. NORTH BOIND. EASTERN TIME. +l2 »6 | tiO +l4 i Pittsburg I leave a.lii u.m j p.m p.ln p.m Allegheny J P. i W. Sta S 00: 4 00 10 00 Butler 10 12 5 06 11 a* >*eaelton 5 31 11 51 CraigsvMe 10 4:1 5 42 12 01 Coviu)BVill« 5 53 M'JUtgoineryville 1 5 58; West Mongrove 6 0s Echo 11 25 6 2912 43 Dttytuii 11 3*» t> 41 12 53 North Point 6 58 Hamilton 1 05 Valicr ...... T 10 PunXßutawney ur 12 OK 7 23 1 28 lv 6 20 12 10 2 30 7 25 1 30 Big Run c 35 12 22 2 43 7 40 Carweacville ar 8 »)+4 20 4 20 Clearfield ar 8 32 +4 32 4 32 Dußoia 7 10 12 50 3 20 8 15 2 17 Falls Creek 7 17 12 57 3 30 I' m 2 24 llic« kwayrllle a.m 1 10 348 240 Itidgway 1 45 4 24 3 18 Johnaonburg 1 57 4 53 3 31 Mt. Jewett 2 41' 5 41 4 l'J Bradford ar ; 3 35 •! 30 5 05 Salamanca ar 4 0U l>.m Buffalo ar 6 25 j 7 20 IlocheHter ai +7 50. . H 45 p.m I i a.D> SOUTH BOUND. EASTERN TIME | +l3 j+9 3 +ll *7 leave a m a.ma.m p.m p.m Rochester | +7 45, 835 Buffalo It j*» 00 10 00 Salamanca lv jll 13j Bradford 1* 7 4.V 12 10 12 2" Mt. Jewett 8 42 12 59 1 Of. JohiiHouhurg 27 1 43 1 51 Itidgu ay . 9 58 2 "0 2 07 Bruckwayvilie 10 37 2 32 p.m ! 2 40 FalU Creek a.m 10 54 2 44 8 2" 2 57 DulkiU I <5 40 11 01 2 55 8 30 3 10 Clearfield lv] 11+38 7 08 CurweiMtviUe lv! 11+497 18 lug ItiTu 7 13 11 31 3 319 05 3 42 I*unx«utawney ar! 7 28 11 45 3 33 9 20 3 58 " Ivl 730 a.m 335 p.m 400 Valier 7 41 Hamilton I 7 40 North Point j 7 53 Dayton 8 11 4 0# 4 33 Echo 8 22 4 21' 4 43 West Slofgrove 8 45 Montgomeryvflle : 8 54 CouaiiHville M 00 ('ruisnville 9 11 4 57 & 31 Feuelton 9 22 5 33 Butler 9 45 5 34 « Ml Alleitlleuy | IV .t VV. Sta 11 "0 0 45 7 30 Pittsburg j arrive' a.ni p.m. I a.m * Daily, f Daily except Sunday. Trains 3 and 0 are solid ventibilled equipped with handsome day coaches and reclining chair cars, also cafe care daily except Sunday. Trains 2 and 7 have Pullman Sleepers between Buffalo and Pittsburg. EDWARD O. LAPEY. Gen'l Pas*. Agent, Rochester N. Y. '! [Closing Out y Qinr < Closing Outj ' IsaleJU. I. "ArE,^sALE]; < > The Leading Millinery House of Butler Co. \ » < sold our store property we are obliged to vacate. { » < >And in order to dispose of our stock and store ficturesC > ] jwe offer everything below FIRSL COST. ' > { , COME AND GET BARGAINS. 3 [ <(■ SHOW CASES, MIRRORS, ETC., FOR SALE. J > CLEARANCE SALE. Ever/ article in our stock has been marked down to insure quick sales. .■"ave 25 to 50 per cent by purchasing now. Special bargains in Ostrich Tips, Breasts.Fancy Feathers, Birds. Aigrettes. Flowers. Ribbons, etc., etc. All Trimmed and Unfrimmed Hats. Chil dren's Caps, and bonnets will go just at one-half price as we need the space for Spring goods, at Rockenstein's, ■2* Saatto 3fein - - - - - BmUr, Ik j Uaiidiiai Pony ietpp tear ftirfe TfaZMidHlf Urtitefme ."'i«?*•*. .*-•* ftesi* £tMi* tw '»•**• : #***" I<JS i-jiMue' *.?'■ •**<"•■ ' tsw • Urnv- • •-ty" ■ *a* teMjpp "**»» mSC oti*r' <*&&**■ -WW **■*»»*- #* ?«•«•• -tski <» «!«»>• «#• *flitt' *«ar~tltoir) r»l» in • ite#*# mu: UeftM*. »«<i 4t>H>4i i<llo.m»«W 1 4>i. i«#) jftMyi, /q(<» iiivuia .ftatiw UnM|**i>guM v *u<i KeuaDi' ut jjarkr rrjwrv thjjfiJir r.UUM-1 pf.HX\ jnwr. *e it wilii THK Cfi iZ-HN lwr S2.uo pe. y«»r. S«mJ all orders to TWC Sutler, j CURES \ 1 THE 5 COUGH. v A pleasant, never-failing < I remedy ior throut and lung r j diseases. € | Sellers' Imperial | } Cough Syrup / is absolutely free from spirituous J or other harmful _ iagredia:' ". r ( A prompt, positive cure ; :' v coughs, colds, hoars< iie . ..•—. • f < enzu, whooping ccu^)-. / Overamilllon botups : t. o - J Uaiuvr yoai»attuitiu:i-ci>i--;ij- t ( I w. J.CILMORE cr. i c pn rtuuni, > <■>■ \ S At all Druggists. ( /■ iL-niu^i^Sv/Vv*i' V— SSELIGMAN, < 416 W. Jefferson St., <MERCHANT*TAILOR Full bine of Foreign and Domestic Suitings. N& Good* Fit and Workmanship -> Guaranteed. 7 C. SELIGMAN ) BUTLEK, PA. f WANTED. The people to know that the Fiudley Studio i* making a specialty of copying and enlarging. Crayons and water colors for the Holliday trade will receive prompt attention. Don't give your pictures to agents and take chances of loosing them; have it done at hoine and if it isnotr iglit we are here to make it right. I.atest designs of frames in stock, j See our Cabinet Photos before ordering i elsewhere. Branches—Mars and Evans City. A. L. FINDLEY, Telephone 236 P. O. B'd'g' Butler, j - »I;** r»i 1 --T-i TAFT'S PHILADELPHIA A «1 --DENTAL ROOMS.|] ■< ' k,V 39 - sth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa 1] ;*l Wo , repBACTICA , , _Y''ol"l.'"'ei l H ?i' || CROWN "Oil BF.IHut work |l JfA «l of l'l«>l'urs-WHY NOT DO W fM YOURS? <1 old CROWNS ft s JvnkS M" ; BRIDGE wor ll reduced IcM "lull 11*5 PER TOOTH Also tli.-L* i Cure.-? Drunkenness. eeley?' M KEELEY WrKetor ■ |||lA INSTITUTE, Bwfclet MTTSBCM, M. ; I; CMVB4 A BREAD-WINNINU EDUCATION. \ < Hnabllaf young Men and women ta meet UM demands of tbl* prosperous commercial aft. For circular* addrcu r. WiV * aHHk «i m Utatr ate, PMMan, tew fcirtf Week!?? frfhvnr r^iWiubwl >iatrt w ev»#y- p*r» •*# >h* IcMtti #' # jKMMMif' : J *• teMf ■.•QlcgtMK- it' e*t*ttkMP afi'tfte 4 ' •rtta# 1 JB«#Vfcf» JW <Jff ."*4#*- JIW 0lh& "J»> Jf"w. j?# l fj&Mlft .#1 * • «••»».', -^yt-s -i*" i*e»wUv- r #>' ***«• dUiHibfi iW*' >w»«(!p ll&fHfaf l i&piWiV s -sifM' #*■ i WyV ll K'A'lt'l nt'i' I>S 'i+lftiMil UtAUJj" 1 itjf'M&ttlMMtkfii *t*l i&«k»u,~up &(}•■ STfirtifTfilUfiftiri wuWr.jjUvii jp&fn, ft'jgg>Mj r KMC- W* luioisii it vkitli tHi'. Ki J. l/J-.N j U/r $ I.£(J pur yxitr. *********###{■< li' 1 fit fir I'tfiit Wnf iiii rfHW itr PHILIP TACK, V' I CDSiTUAC Tul; IN S | Clevfiaad Bei* ! Grit I I SuitHbl-f r BuiWii.v, I O ....»(■• r !.. ~.: ;• | ' | This Stone is guaranteed I I noi to shei! off. nor | become rotten Prices reasunabic , J" Work doue ue!l i 3p and promptly. m J Stone yards 011 Kaat Xs«na street. ▼ Residence 00 Morton avenue. People's Telephone 3*o. Sunday Dinners A Specialty. Meals 25 cts. Rot ins ;o cu. Regular Rates si. Local and Distance Piioiu*., South McKeun Street Hotel Waveriy. J. W HAWORTH PronV. BUTLER, PA. Steam Heat and Electric Light The most commodious office : n city. Stabling in Connection. NEW HOIiSE. NEW FUItNITBIeE Central Hotel two# SIMEON NIXON, JR.,) ~ J. BROWN BUTLER. PV OpposltetCourt House. Next Door to Park Theatre Pearson B. Nace's Livery Feed anchSaleStable Rear of Wick House Butler Penn'a The best of horses and first class rigs m wavs on hand and for hire. Best accommodations In town for prrma nont boarding and transient trade. £pecl al cart; guaranteed. Stable Room For 65 Horses. A good class of horses, both drivers and draft horses always on hand and for sale under a full guarantee; and horses t>ought pon proper notification by PEARSON B. NAGE. eleu'i ins. < i. tl' w! S. & E. WICK, DEALERS IN Kougli and-Worked Lumber£of »!1J Kinds Doors, Sash and Mouldings. OH Well Rigs a Specialty. Office and Yard. E. Cunningham and Monroe Sts. uear West Penn Ik-pot, BUTLEB PA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers