1 H? x •v V\. W vv. v *" v \ •*■■.* "* -v - tw U VM* «< V V vis Mttrtiri *ttVi % *•** Xl . V v*• % W *K* s- V~* - ' lv ' ■a . s. ■ VI& \V, N " v V.v ♦■ ' * S> \\- ,k «... % .«uy * 1 N 4kk CW«T w* tA ' xx > w\^lrm' \, v \ \v v \ wiv \V %*' .Vu V* V\ ■-: 4 ,'. V\, » :\■'■•'* "»'\ \ - "A? .\ x A I 0 V*v V'»V\V (• v,-,\\ • w\y\ nr * \VI >A \W ' v \\\> • • II '( • M \\ *1 \ jijrt \Wo m>\V * vk\% sva* mi nn> -%i <* )w% \\ Kv\ w»av f*& t• •■ v * <i' $ v\ wAWIBMV U*\h ok*i V . >wt \t>* I ■■- \' » «k A i*tt>\\ "> > > i\>-. ■ \ '<■ vk v\,»v ;,\ >i\ . VnVVU A -dvuiV 1 Vv V\v Vv' . \l \\ IV-■ JWH** Vt »\k A» V» m U.V <1 I tMA-1 » • nil) &e>v»i * ev i |« mi V'O »> >v\'*> v Vn« ' ■ wi< \U h-\\ » \ UV > i \|ke\ -> \'» u UVV V V IV';,-W 1.1 itati i t, l» l »u » tw. «• it u vm it.r» 1I • \ s ' $ !• vH K'Hu>,V vw v \M \*S iVwetl * -\ » ' Vvov IV. t w«* UvM i M u», \ v o \ \S:,V.yv HV> I WW'U'T tu- >4 *V V'-'-'s »\ • (I»lilv UM) v\*V »V V- H> \S\vt »\\v* Ml* K \Mo lyv\i« VW v\uv«v \v> \ v*\v \uv. UVV v ' \ ' U\- >\ l\ I - l W »» '. 4U • *U i \i| H^v | W^X U4i \\M\V*\ IV> V4U • V WA- »V ' Kn\VS'4 v W V |\> -tvu»v .!'• HV \ % Ww fc?vWv V<AV W wmv W>'! **v Hs<s4 V»H'Uk HV,i us\> 'v> w* V>w«<\\ v >»«; v«>4- H a* k v^i Hi, *.» Vv.f ..'1 :*u ! -...V Uvi l:*f Kv hHlv \\U.« vU *v.u K• iV> IPvmm a thmt a* iw . m v!« tliVi- t>-\ «V Kv - u v*,v V vmmW* s4 tM.-.ivvlvvt W*KU"ci !iv K siS*i.\ukkV,,' tmwVvv wv \K\ k aos*Wvu, yviu. .;..iV, V.-,, , M'i 'V-A V. ii S<«V'l VfiVs'kl ««,, ! M. v.. V'uHtWli'UiJ .Vli A, v. ,\ "k\ sinvvv vvu, \>ui *i»w iu VV^'tvi vnj tk-'ii UKi vy.. \ i iu iun >IUO>:IH A yvuh«.mi <*vK'W- I K'l ',lu\. u.*<u»h.-i wahdiwv lM.tiuxiv«l.oJM V»I'U Wivi lU\.. . . pUtllV VvV ttiUU' Wii'a hivu Au i' the c.vi-aai. uku \,ao V-u-4 H" (uuu.i his bsM.iu.sji oh ihs- Jv vh'io U> >u< h hu v.\tvu| thvkt it ilHrim J hiui tttiU (vvU!<„' tho hi ikwbW u>> i,'H whns h>- cvvi' iu »a. wrviii' , t-vfwv ..uU vvjw -,-i the iijuuu-!! shut U« -:< ;u(vvtl iu W.I-. vvuivueo oi iui.\*u»i><futi-iny, au I is uot by Wis.,- :i!i I iU'tiw bu-iiucss UK'll. Ai au v«i t kl>'i>"ivu vulo tv> k-l iho puWio kuow wlwtv wv- ;vrv at ;hkl what \vv aro doing Ihorv* is i; > systom halt's > >».>kl as uevvs 1< iivlvt,'i aiul a busiuoAS miu who i:n i;i»M t'lo imblio .t->a't vxjKVt it. a l.i tracts Lunsi-lf whit* judicious ad wrtis is go ikh u\ on ttv- u»-tiu liiu t.« f un» auvi tcxrVUßo, The sal* of i>K>p?rty on Fourth av.- uuc, below SuiithticW >trtvt, Pittsburg. Itiiil wioV, is iuilicativo of the iucrea.-e in valiu-s on that thoroughfare. This sale. iucliuUn£ iniprovcinent. was at the rate «f $4.31-0 a foot, or easily double Ihe raii;;t> of priivs ten years The bayer K-insr cue of the I est iuformetl men in the city iu real estate matters, there is i. i chance that he has paid any more t-i .n'he projiertv is worth. No where in I'ittsbnrtr has the march of p:i ,i4less It-en an\ more rapid than on Fourth avenue, below Suiithfield. since the opeuiug of the new ixxstoflice ou that street. The avcuue has always been the Wall street of Pittsburg, ami its further development is along that line. Banks and broker's offices crowd each other there, and the appreciation of realty values indicates the prosper ity existing among them. 'V;-' 'V" ' V y, 4 \ .v-Vv V V v 'V« "V v • s ■ \ '■■ •- iJS 5 v - - v " r - 5'V- 2 •\x \ V • v °- V V v ; x : Vv. : v V \ v s\vK %-. v V y Vv > :o " si Vy \% v• \ Av\■• - v - • Y .. V . vV K s ,; V k * , , ' rSi 1-1% >i \v. >-Su \\ ,K vA, VV" ' • l -.:.»k V■ UU v! !.» k \\\V V \X ,h\v% \ \ *> * W Vi» vvv V*- W * U ** " A V ' (Hv > At (v \V \ • i 'i A \\ \U IW'V '• < V V* k -vVV> *vt \ . w\V * ». V' w > v> «>V K. V v . . xJ*.i «- , kVW>* » • V-V . . \ ' \1 V■> 1 1 *\ x • t V\S *j, \ v» » » \V \ H N Vx -»>\VV' u\ ' s „ ':*VH »K » $l * v - V* V\ h *\V *V' ■ ■•' i v ti. v lUs n l i- k \ IV iu*u v\ V vUm ' « \\y *>* ii.o uv\ V k >M VV V v U\ - t i\V V i ms): v\W IvA h l - V\ • U>.\ t \<V v - - r.v-n . t\V ' >V\ *»U*I Uv \ \ %U W*V^ v > VvK 1 W ss \\k\ \ ÜbWK * \\V * H* Av W«vH* vv| V\ \ it l\ t-AsV WW V H *^- W ' *U>»- -V * V N*»- S»»V>>4\ X»M V-V- . • A.-. >Wx VU-- Kx »•• :s. \ ui.*H sW\v;. V-* l \vwWW 4 <V Wsm; U'* Vmm i|<k *v k >w*?. av VW VWvV x 4 Ww to t»H¥4 V*N 1.-. V-u.> *nvl 'K- *vi» VWv" W-. 1 i iu.-»«VvVt vi -^X'. l Ux-.Huw* VV '•■» iu,.jj Vi\«4'x , .<iWx>M Jk- V Si*o-*x»:i »Ux> x'i \kU >« VM Huxk x'tt Un> Vvsvi XMi^ v W,vvMi 1 KVx»lli.\ V*VX-»i'J;i U»x VtU' - tKi K k Vv vu v\v'vJ :v u* x>iix> ;xuJ vxili utuWo bw t '.uk A *Ux>\V-Vk'h»K> Ul:»K >u»s vhc k'-1 th.vl tx'llxvw X-X.I M;n \ K> mil UKv .-I .\'ii:iu> hx-:i.<>- .» Xvw W-ili tUx- giWr xluv. 'rUo Wxtx'hov Uxl U tuid n ix'xt K> it lv> Vhv lUx'i xx hx .! U bv ..ui .1 :;. , »:x>U«-v! <hc Vx • Mix I tuxH'kxxl ;t K'K twia uUxUv thx- slow, which tVU :iu4 v.* thx- bmlxliu.-; x>u tiiv; t.cUci" tv» VhuuuN <K IK^Kfx Butk*r, iVar Sirs: \\>ur i- wht-u a dowu tx» lhx> x»wm r >x'lilX' UKIUX-V tx> builll H Utw X>UX'. It IS :i Uusiuxs-,. I luit thx- world x»J! Sx> loll;' wiUvut it. Wo i>;mu thx' oueth'it burnt dowuaud t)u> ih'xx* x>m> t'-o. W'hntis better, we |iiiuit the hx>u>: ■> «liit xiou t bliru xlx»vn Yon iuaurx) the hx>utv* that bum: we iuiUTV the houses th«t «lx>n l \\>u lukv« the aslitw auxt fiux>ke; all the houses are ours We paiut lead and uuc: LK vx*. We sell the (Kiiut to paiuttrs wexUm't \Kiiut. l.euxl and oil is the old-fashion paint. lVvoe is iiuo sj»uikl in with the lead itnd liusetnl oil sun, proportions : • usexl by U. S. Qoveriuent: the best paint in the world; and the cheapest, because the work U all doae by machtuery. NOIKHIV wants [>x>or paint: there's lots 11' it. tlioukjh, iu the world. Yours truly. 1» F. W. DF.VOK & Co. FOR SALE. A very desirable property at west end of Pearl street, which is pared, proposed street care line on two sides, containing nine anil one-quarter acres, with ten roouu'd house, slate roof, all modern improvements, drilled well of pure soft water, wind wheel and fifty barrel tank, barn with water and j?as pipes, good spring of water, improvements all new. Inquire of Samuel D. Purvis. Chiffoniers from £<; to >'!o at Brown & Co. 8 %>l*> V> *K. *■ * %«*. V..?**,* - - • ' ' V ■■ • - - ' ,*K: ifet 'X %* «•*•**> v« «***" r.«K it is * % '***-• tirini. :SVI \ NS** ' -FF V»V* +• »** HK WTE N -SX-FES WKA>VV <*»* XV>V »AK*< > HM>«» V« " vy *hs- mS «tfft Ml - *§» **s» V%V» *>-- Lsjur^t'^yKrtar ISN V -C- ■ *> ># -S -V • «. W >.* **« S. V " ~ Ks I C *. V\»\ v\ - -A. 1 SNTE| « >v vv ■ V^v^- IKCSFC > VN t w |ii mWj * V. .V ■*»» V ; • > - V V V»- V- WKV-W .V*. V ' 1, V**, 'V s. , - ..-.■ - X W V ■• - - \ . *w> ■ > v V *H % * V JLAK V* X 4 1 'A "V.\ \>V : -- -- V iv V ■ ... > s v mi\ \.v QNIM t ivu- v 4V 0 i \V, »\h\ ; ,a ii' 4 V » V ■ ' i\v »r iic t\n v tv Kt ■ ■:• s>{ KV v k!>> « VV- »iv !*\ i.'< " wilvloVV u • w i . . , i , . |NIH(,:\\ * V IHUVI \\!. '* .A t,« »••■•»* htn- >ud vVU iw* he VV Vi ;»»! .-.sted Kat'.twhv l ■ v le i-ivt*i ?.\di v VvK"< hk> «»v.t \v>»* mfr ' %ysf\\nvM\th- :»v ' •IITI'VV MHV U, « VVVSV»USL!"VVUU- ' • N \ ■ *'V»hsv> K \\ \\ »H»: ! W \\ > > \ > v.; v x ti\v v H V^o s, v ivVv N-.% .I> \ WU\ VV*»AV,\ ii, • -V'' \Va :\H' v v '! ..,' '.V I,V\. SAW- ->' M U W « VW TIMUI S.\VI 4{, UIT VV'UM -> V V--.V* ■' v»u»vv. KI V- P4F WI |TT V H VIV:V.«» VMAVM.,T X'*.N.V UI \IVKMVV'UV\VVVL>- 'V- >V"V. AUVM K \LA«I V K-. TVFR V,MX V-»« I-»%•<«'!. K* |>NM" * K KV \ VS\X LVI TUTFH.» T WU. TV,"* L \V«;\: |. - K MIUVI'M M UU:KI <VM- S. , V . »V .T W J S '. UV;IK\\ U K WUU 1! \ i» ;» V\v> viW Ifw W. IU V K> O 'IIU K> V« THTIU; UVJ MM v,V'tuivl!\ h* V. i! > \t I%,°W> VS I« TIUUVV U«* U«u-M'h trv> by.chvV.vi VWtlUk 1 »»*. SiuuuuU h»*' I «cfvv« ttl NUMlUilt St Ihouta* Kh,\ ■> W fc.ii-* -V SV :>\> itt V**j*vn. vf iv-i vi s '-». M K-VvV J b y . k'- Mv\iiulvv K Lcuwi* kivi lsnKt K>* iw Buiki tvv \>. t\>»- 'l'h«x>*k»i\> Vv ti» Ahw Mvw** M VNI Mitthu Si UtttUf tv>r --.IHHI. M<v*vii*iic Uwwfv. K. Iwwt ks\ iii*> XUrv (. i>vl-ji.iph VV\ath tvv^ b:. A Zmkh.tnu..... HHVUIOUV Jviuoti U kh;* W>tt„„ (u „ Ui*rtuouy KUw ui\l J. IVvkvf >...,.. kUitK-r iicitiut.lv S«. - hv hi VYm. J I*. Collins Butlvr MhuU Christie. v . „„„„„ " b\ H Pbillij* Kictaiiuiui; Miunio K. Kaut'ultl Ji'ftVrsou twi> J.uv'o Sw.irta l'iltsburjC KU;» M. Txiruor R.itii^ui VVm. i>. Shcrvviu M illie l>ilUutuiu i.'ijHlti>vv u L>avv;tou .1 VViui.sworth . .. Sliinicryr.K,k Kw Arblastor KdwturU K. r Evans City Lois C. Barkvv J. F. Ptlu.nh Mt Chestnut Ali'J« Kaisl*?v " Ciiv. A. Troutuiau liotler Aiuolia Shanffuer " At l'itifburf?- VVm. McCall ami IVart Critohlovv of But er. At Qt'onje Toy and of butler Juuotiou. At Pittsbury W. L. Shanuou of Mars auil Nanuie Silvers of Cambria. I )ur sutve>s in selling the New Royal Sewing Machine the past two years the entire satisfaction given the people —proves it to be the most popular Machine ou the market to-day. We soil you a genuine High (ix-iule Machine for only $10.75. warranted ten years See Drown iV Co. before sending to Chicago or New York for a machine. FOR -SALE 23 acres at Sarver Station, burn small house, good water, l'K) bearing fruit trees, landgood, except -i acres, all tillable Price £1(>»H». Callou w. WATSON. Sarver Sta. I'a. V x VxV - ■ \\«>V S> V v S v \ V V S»x .VAy v«y. * v v -- 1 ~\ | k ,v ?v v vf .x V X- - * Vv\ V\ '\ V " v - v 1 i \ WH. •V N vV - Vn v\ \ , > >V - ' W v v ■ 1 \"* - v • .». \»o , ~w v\ .-., ' u \ *, • t» t 1 ,v > Vi\ V k -ta •v ' '' % v sV v s v t \\v■ »o$ v> viA ai\V \» t '*vu\ VM»V! ' •. \ « I \>| rt»l *>> > '•• >1 Vlfc* t*•' ' > A ■;■■ l l * ' IA- »! A" W M ■ \\ Oi ■' ! t v IM ;I ■ V V 1 1 ' \ \ vC l * V >. . I V ' nK V* «■ \\ * ' > ymv %, tyHlfcfc b-k IVhN, t>- ( |«, ■», V t>v :•■ hi O ' v'tU l*v '•> IVVH!I>J . \vl Uu xx ( 't\m\iv* V x,,,,.,x VKNI v v •V K v V uOyv« \. ,\aVl i,t -:>> ».f > n-. Yh n\ , >W >!h; Vu A Vuv« v«» *» W* »Vv>:vt t w \ ;ut \it y owtVvV ~\>. ! >\K rd u* s \\V.l \\..'< -x 1 t.md K'\\' -*k v \\ w.u-'Hvv .%«vi wVv ■v. ■•;> |V ••■ v N W 'V\ K v m'al •'■'• \vx"> '. v \;*';k V\vt M.*! : • Wn« V'" VV < V\U<V k H\»<H*V*lx Vfco -Kv \xHU H;i\v V' '■ M\-!i U- 'V\ x Hkt! w d\V\\ \ ;\\*V\ l V ftivv»v 11, « «Ok *:x:»; <■ Uv* *N,\* 'v::, v Kv'A v'Vv"■' »K.' h>-' <\ , v\v v u'v lx.. - -■• V•- - ,; K»>i >,»«« «>A\ W * vl'"-x\ v Hm Uv>*s 1 >4 V\ x\ K»W* lt\Vt\S«VMv \%Uv>kVUvV V>W «MH4 ><«• VvvS.S AM w A v*>w ->\i VV..U v av4 wfcx xwiwWv K>* «Ut<i «itt V\v<v«jk'i»x jdMll ;<.KWvt .*v UsAV ItHiW-V* ViVvv-s cU . U«i SV»lU|'.\ -V X vx !\ !K .. •ix'cvx Uvv>v \Wk-l. v»Vkxi xu»fevbiv Jv* vvxx>«%u,~. |K*»; x M;*\V Ni'.iSVxl Ux> vvvyx uxv l» |>.\-..-x» !>.:• I :-«t i\«*»ox v'M »Nt>> _ Uuc. s »ycv'i«* iAtwat ;uvli U' W.n-.MVU* tu*(4v- I. i cx y \i': W«v vxUbsßtl tV-Mt x'i bciaji t-x j*lix>\y umjt- vWvw U»:. IjUMKV tUKt vH4)J Ux'jx'vlvix NV\ \m«.K «,'!Uxi'!vv.x >U kvvl> baru ;vixl 'i•%*«.-fctvi u wcr> KliUxitlvvt t\V iu thv K>vv u, ill- : . 'ilbt fl'-WiAvt !M thv \V«f awKW .*U O*UH. VW M .jlm withx'Ut Uvl»v viive UM vvw ,»uxk W cx>n\ <.*t ;*H \w Hjny. \lv\ xV KKW: 'V Kv.iv SK>iv UiuU r. klotl l>. * phx>u<*. Ttt. ji> it b\>K SALK Biutas Jr ~k IVivhorx>u stHltkus. kux^mw ot J. V« tiywsUMUk \\\>t Libt icv k'a. VAKIU ° Ut v\l • IK'UOVvI M) luitur, iuuut-duitvlv, l>y i\ i». Sutxl s{».-«ss. .n Lyou'* Ifcmk. \\\st VViui K. U Uutfv's w udow is ttlKxl with b.it(p»ius n l'k>aks. TO THE PUBLIC. 1 wish U> iufurm the yublii' that the housx' I i>uiil Avlaui Herrit to build was an iaswHUW that I could ux>t live iu it . and hi'iH-f say desirv to remove it. SOPHIA Semuia.w;. I n. Air i.nu' ltailway ♦*Fl«ri«lu iitul >\ India Short Line," is l*ositi\ol> tlio Shorto>i iCoiitf to Sa\ai»nali. .liiclxxm \ ilte, Tampa ami All rioridn i'tnnts. Doable daily service and through Pullman Jr .wuii; room and buffet sleep ing x' trs iroiu New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond. Kound trip winter tourist excursion tickets are now on sale at all principal points to Jacksville, Tampa and all Florida points Trains arrive and de part at Pennsylvania Railroad station-. For further information call on or ad dress \V. U. Shoemaker, General East ern Passemrer Agent. 1206 Broadway. New York; C. L. Longsdorf. New Eng land Passenger Agent, 30« Waslungt n street, Boston. Mass.; \V. M. McConnell. General Agent. 1434 New York avenue. Washington. D. C., or the General Pas senger Agent at Portsmouth, Ya. E. Sr. JOHN. L. S. ALLEN*. V. —P. He Or. M. Gen. Pass. Agt. V A ■ - * *• * v \ •v. V ' , -, " '' ■ V • V \ /' ~ V \v \ \ \ \ V 4 W V % V vv^ s v >K\\t. v 4v \ \ i\\ \ \\ ' w\- \V y \ ' .Vn-V,'B tTtolKHMl' %.v A >V > \>• .own m vttvV ov A \ \v\kt xvh. • ••• : v .« V \ w\\v tvvt *kt \ '\v y V V? '• i>\w s v J\V"".*w * 1 y. k v \ '' \ t XTV \ ' h \ V '• '.V \ V v\' \ V \ \1 ■; y ' , V \ X r 11 V V N \o V • . >»* V ">wtK aslK&r "**■• ' w^" v v fcW v*vU v*M oi wjdk u* Jill J <■>- > 1 v i • it K h • t '•" KH ' * Ht\\ \ x \ uv KvuKvny -r v . v* *> \ «x» \\ > tv v v r \v* •■• V V, ,«. V.I »>:.«.» Uv , \. XV V < •='• •oth IHk t.' st-". ►•* *V \Hj4i- »> " i,>r | %> V \v». IX.'lHti 'IX' It" \\\ V\ .W. V\V l > w •'J 1 lv I'. ftu\ V J\ v t\>»tV!.A»!>Uv, \^, *IHI-\\iuio*' i;Vhvm.HIS u» VV^K vV- *hov. U> - W> l\ti*S<t v \ <4 *«\ H«* _swy * V lv»u \t,* lYuu U^Uvud* TW bU?U\\<d , M* Wt<A&x\l tV* s* .v:-.Uu'tx\* V V* tU*\«Wsk o»Utv-y«K% to \..v \vvc VoT< V>M I rvlvf<wv I "AKCxtvU j wu)\wv4 v.v 'n»»\x v vV *4 iV lUKi'. oivjvrv .<ts\<4ki .vU's. *x-««wt!„ :■> V«tvH x>. t'fi . »vw tfW W«l iwKJs. Viitt U- Ws*4» W H-IW vlv»uU-l '<» V ««J»v Ht - 1 i :«!i* xxtU W «t tW viX V\|K'thX .\ S> '• t*VU» H ' Wx»il>;-v x»J» 1 |V!Ut.-.x KiVU» vWVJ ' hf.stHi'X j i ix'iu whivU j*v^u r ihx' f<*K~ xxUl W >* k k - j b\.i ftUtfccr utv*iK>H to i ,vXv! «jivuu.'liVuiiVxvwi UM» w\s»U - xx.i, 1 - N- a \ -:! i tb« b. W ;Ut JM-- A-iv-ui \V •••xtvfH UtsvJ-ru-5. i'ntv t mxh. b*H- . k>f Vivw \V iA»X J. ,\wWt.(,»»t V.icux-C»i .Vivu*. A Gwxa trtvesxm«fat. Win thf xviU twvutx »h»v«> v»m> btmUitU vk'ilar CX>«»K>U U>*».K v»a J»MU.vrx -.'.Mti. WUL U» t'W tK*H-y siiiU w<>n«?v at thi- Ivxv ts r;ite v>i iutxrvst. I'bo iutfivst wi thv' vti'l Ikhh!> wsU lv ' t i»iil st-iiii aimually. uu4 tk U>mK vUI Whs tulk'xvs, . iu dw yx'uf ttvuu diitv x>£ issiu'l ill txw» \ tars, utul st vt-u in thiw >ears. H»rtiv<s u satV itivwt uifiit will t>.'i.vv bills with lis. or our Atuuuoy A. M ChristWv at Bnkkr. Pa. v>u ur Wfww January .'"'th. IWI. at H> o'okK-k a. lit. of s;»ul iltiv. E. S. XtUJKUkX, Ibex BWCKWCBI.tt. Sapervisors of CtearfieUl twp. tor SiiU> or Kxi liuus*'. |u out* of the best towns in Butler Co. a line house. !» roomed dwelling, large baru, outbuildings, large lot. well loe.it ed. xvill exchange lor store or other property iu county. Address H. Cl'li/.KN Office, Butler. Pa. Incursion to AlU'glu'iiy. Counneueiug Sunday, May Oth. the Sunday exeursiou fare ftout Butler U» Allegheny xvill be one dollar for tickets good goiug on traiu leaving Butler at 8.05 a. hi.. City time, returning on train eaving Allegheny at a.liO p. in. city me. Something That Will Interest You As there is a party waiting for our store room, we will close out our entire stock at prices that xvill surprise you. Best calico and gingham at 4c, dress goods millinery and notions at one-half price. Come in and examine goods and prices at Tue Pkoplk's Stork, No. 323 South Main St. Parties xvishiug to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Win. Walker,iu Kctterer's b'd'g,opposite t P, O. Butler Pa. Peoples Phone No. 174. - v - " * - V v s V\x W V ,T_* n. ' IfcEV *§£ ISK2S ~ .*,. V -V V*V 's« -% %*-.-\« V .'S, '•• ••--••V XV- %sij> .... SJ.4- k %.„s. vv, w». v -v sSk f-|/tttt -% >V< :>J\v Sfe* <JNSV\-s> x ,-\J%\i \ s\VX-V VsvSdf v» x y v - > v xs^Axv *ft N v\\V\y . v > x V V V ;-,: ; Jjk{& \A>\\vv>;* VV \ lvK;< %\ '• \ ,: t., ' .'. ■ \x>, I \\> *•■> S ■ ■ :'i v 'o v »v* *• «k mv! A - ».v>vat. -V > Hki* \ .'«. nb »» ••»% » '« wo v «JI- :lO\ - \:\t ■..>> V ' \ ' K> ■ »»« (I Wv i t V VVi--< th W\ ••'» . . »; < ;* i> >! vUra-."• .■> v " i »» "V>» v \ v Hal*' hu»V (h\> *» • \ Tfcj \K«t4< (V*ol >,*h w\\ SAt ■ >< Xtl ,'!\ ~ •Ht U> \V 1 - '•,., ■>< •a•>*>••. tn'ion v»Y ilw ; MiK t*% vt • *c« vV >"«dt» - :*\ " ,•'« IVU ! v >V" •* ! IM »»h! • > c '--H *tu;tO ivjl . t «(«, ; >1:. v < . V\ ~t CM'H X ll»i# V»t'^"«' 1 sH> HI ">Vof* i ism ;{y. vH<v iK,\ Ift- livi'.A, v -! 0* *,v;ivv:i« Uv> ,<v>; ; l>j tKc l v .' - 'tux vvtH • ".*• ;l\vutills VtUtav v'vvn'v..; \v-'. N*'. \>v . •tnv>; \{i HVIWH I v Viu ; h> rVt \v \4rtk-tti" > A* v W*c!» -i i. - l*y *\. Ku^ ; '■ 't > 1 i ttU' -.l^' , !ii,WA' tt isjktlV' liN?'« I vMhoV SU>:(K ! 1 HV itttW vu*Y*uv«t.> sv>ul A *U(UiS'!U \<lK* »*v v WHkcUB \v;« S\ .\ \k\ , M\V> tv N tVKOvm v iUV V\t?h \VvV <W*t HClvm>X<<k lu«Cvsi VN*U lv tifet IW wMt »fWr 5Sm i. F«rm HK A **ivv Wvvi <»m v>| *< *'* > v»>s*»k V\ -I'■ xu;<*H vv nuK'H^itsvfe. va U x t<v>'u viuS «i UuiU; "J i v<ii \*vUv VttUvl*u^ ,»«. tiU.u«iv v.vvj's %«c-tv>s4 tm'vr. IJ-VM: jKWfttctihifH «munv v>l Vk-v v 1 v iv > \ . v. ~. .\-. ft Avw. liuilvr. I*» <■>*' v VViIU « uv\\> « o .a- nv*<*» - U«i mvti«l. uuJ w t6 w* I>I\KUU « ju4x*'UK'Ut. »bih*y. Iwtvw iU~.-riu»ma i; v >u suiU vvitl h utuvr, Tkw .; "liHutlfSi t.N'ilNiaCK'UiS -W i* Utuij avvv > (ia|W thai is. siifv » -»wr» iHi*t liur* *rv UKUV i.vf m vk* cv»;ut\ Avrth iUK .-i.Uvl v>t _;vu<!-nil ijaVrtuaSk>n m»v!v fti..iu Th< Turn* thiui t*v»w «« y*Wr {>ablistK**.l iu Uiko » Sk-uk\ it is Ui-ly, vlvau t'nl with fYt'O thiujj of th«? kvt<c i>u*> tmds wiihiu its intv>ruiiitiou, iu >iructiv>». i. - \MnJ:\>rt {>leH>urv as it'-' i iwav vk'isiJV. Tbat it >.\>u<iu>. ts uo ty^>*> lU>«u«.K'| v \au<-U villv' of t'wak hetulliiw-s uiakf.s it iht pri*.Wof tliv craft. It is uol aK'vo rv|>ublisliiuj{ t'i\>ui tlio huuiblt" vwnitrv auvl with what ever it u.>t'S it iuvaribiy s «ivfs fullow.Ut. "Xho WOCHK'U Itnlian . naaiut iu b:s Vhik-so|)hv. has touiahawivfU to A'atii rnanv a timl. serial story, if the best, is toldia iustaU uieuts ueitber too elose ti',c*'ther uor ten> far apart The editorials are writteu with sincerity, &urectue>s of expression, and reliabilitv of iu formation that make the va«e the daily text K<ok of mauy a person iu life's school of facts. Giving other people the ritcht of individual opinion it is never a scold uor a nagger. Tlie Times. tir>t aud above all, is reli able. Its telegraphic service covers civilization. Its local news is crisp and honest. Its financial and market re jH>rts are accurate. The sporting world is covered in au attractive way. The social field is carefully and intelligently cultivated. Six cents a week. Take advantage of the reductions on Sideboards. Conches and Exten-..0n Tables we are offering for only a sho-t time. See Brown & Co. FOR SALE A centrally located lot . UOxf>". Impure at this office. FOR RENT—After April Ist—The Wick House, Butler, Pa . Music scholars^wanted at 12S West Wayne St. M. C. WAGNER, ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER I , 139 Soutlr Main street- r UVE ] ; mm. { i •K * V V v . v - x tv ._ 1 s ; n < - S \ \ \ ** < \ •■ s "v v v " v V \ \ \ - - \ € " v ' N V y crtr t \ *iLin-n il v. y i ;. { : c * \ J thNNMNfefc* \ feliNfc. 'N* \ v\. v \ v \ V, vV vV A ■JtVVv V v \ X. \ 5^ : '. V S'#' /' a- vA \ %v Vi X \"' .' V .'» 4. * v,\ v \v, v. ,\ v»fc \ a x\: * V >vv v ■ vlfcw iOsfifc\* . A Vv, s > ,<-,y. ■>, V-\ , \- • .Vs ■', . vv->. V - 1 >* i Jj* " ,;, X v< »V \v \. •«' • \ V' • V v v \UM\V *■ , . , . ..,, N . . VNwilllh'WKSi [ \S \ : \\\w \ In ' *t i x ': n v l\ v V• \ rr --\ • \at V * tv\ v^K ,v s I > V < N A ■ - '• < >, .. S y. M* • .*. ■ --v.. , .V w'no «v\ «.-M V. •> 1 • 'A- *• t «..V 'o*<> ■ ti. ,« H. u\ 1 VS\H\X kh ( \i ' V. *itiv NMVU u» MIwUMIU l.»v> , .. !,- r w '.', • .. - nv VV ~ . \ v\ , »Ji ». v - :V V VVeU WJ.H'itoVUVi \'»l «(* > ': - J . wel.tllj'tt netl.-two !• VW» 4Wi' syrbwo. *\jJ ah >«i vK*rl > vt>-> >v« ki ilvr I oH'T .Vm riio -1 K' :i* . h-.v t ■ it 1 - v '. \ I. ' ~!>.' i \ \ v i, .iv«t> at t»il V fc*» Hi» livtkk ' I\TWOW?' 1 In WW Wwr W Vl.-tv' VH F*»jrwArx 'ilOi. , \. , , \ »Vv. > .'» ' t(M« V t VV! <"\ . »v( Si - \>4 MU\i . ■ ' - ■ . v< \V ■■ t x • • > V >•: t v > (m. Niiw VCvi , S ainHx* .y» ♦>*»• I>' v Kj4 "hi v.*HI « - "> i - " '< >»•« "* V' ,iv i\. us ■.-.*«<U>'wv*» *v\ vHvy , nfn v »i • v v>» v\> ?*v:»ii ; v»> . m t\i u !iu>\ ■, V 1 U' *Kvv »*» H» ;..•> ,• (,»»<* vK\y fv» \*)tH .« v\> ■ v»\\ry ;r,»t>u> SfcM* "♦»« , U\'V.M 'v.>.>% > iKvnv* Sv\U*>U »tt>t Kmws «>>■■• H, o v >i »»«i U*V!h «» "vo,i t<jr IVrr? ? "»k-" K v-f»W vyvvVciuuVovt «\\o <frxt AK »O Vs- N, O V*vw vHvwr V( < vlVs ckUV« ; V >u.k" 'v.'Vf «lm jwt«^jwg» >t s \o W IMI-.. <M VV»A*U..V**M VV V by U Vklv' v l. VKV K V»*»'V. v\ !\w ♦, vlKv\i. V. v\ Ku'.K-t, IV V*,V\ik U Hi i*v V.. v AOMIWSTKATO«S SAIE. Ky vlrtuv s;i v>«*K«f -v*vt WW »h>-' V, v *lMMU i 'vCV<*«V*.>< HttlivfWWtiklJiv IV 'Ui*v!v - IV. ~v - V K* . »•■ V-. »*• iv«n. *H» •vj, ~4 .in::. ;..x v i A'O* v'tK'* h»t »>- )» «f v'Ulv'«:> *b<- |l»v«i-.-»vx v>« Feftrvtdiry 2nd, »901, Vt S vVtwcfc. M. >•».«.«! '!*»■ v<i -V*l vtAtM. n Vti>iK.t> iwj K'U 1.-Ji Kv.t\ r ov»*:i> > - M.uv >. Ivti-i - uoKli '>> ttnni v>t Uvur» ti .•. >; v .v cnvi. x v'• •.» .. ■; MV:;V ii ',.ir. i:> .ma '■) : M Uu;iiyJnv>': ov>vljdun»i£ »bwut *ll!i uc« (tru'iiv U-%- ■ '!<-:• W»v ut HK.-iii.-v 'hmiW 'writ, ««ilw-lK>ii>v »u4 'Jltti c l Uli'iii iiuuxUkiwHl iux vUvl. -rv'U.k r\: . itt fiurov'Uviii i'i>- ui; *.■> ( . t> . . >. ' ■ I'. ••!■>*'. < 111 l> •v-UIS ■ tt«U cliU ' tii V 'K'tMX the lsu»»l '>■»»«> iuui oo»*ttl»ivU U. IVtt! !\ vxU i. .it :wi-i b*. ti>*V li ik'.vtli. "'t'KUVS Ok" S.VUK ».>«iv-hAlf C!4:a» i.v«k tii . i', ■ i ••: '>> i .•■ t > jrl Uio t>i*l viii.-- ■> th iuu'i\>s'iu **tii* yva*. >«'UKii l>.* i» nil ;mU Uiin„jik\ u law u>uu: (oru». on tin* itrvMls*'*- . . . kW VK K t K"- I KK. VJsi t. \M L'kUl iiv vl.. f. O. Kii>ti*r. Butk-r VXv. k*»- M U MvIN \ XLBKfcA I U Vtt ». lJutlvr. fu. Notice in Divorce. Xir-i. Hi ulvc tu Uv (,'uurt of Comtuou , »*k-ns ol B.itltr oouuiy. 4 ■ > l"u.. A. [>.. No. i.:. M A. J. llopk'r. U*ruj. IW Hook .'I, y. W.'. In <V. J. Ht*pli*r. two -ut>pt<i'iia,s iu vtiil A. J- Ikplt r, above natuvU iK'fcuaaul. an hereby re»iulre«l, to ui>piar iu >JiiU cour' i■:' VimiuH'u l*ii*iix to Ik* h '.il nt ttut.er, ra.. im tlii- l'o'irth ilnv of March, ltmi. beiuji the !i i—.i Jay of ue\t term of >aiU it>urt.to answer the >a|u oeiuplaktut. ;i£tii cause if any v.'u havi* why an absolutedlvon*e, from the k ..ills .>f matrimony, should not be i;ranti*d. tn »-u«l Mrs Sadie fli pler: you ar> also here 11v notitieil that testimony will be taken iu tfie above ease, l i fori >aid Court, oil March the lifth. IMV'I. at which time aud place you are uotlHed to attend. TUU.MAS K. 11UON. Sheriff Notice in Divorce. N:tiu-y M. Lewis In the Court of Common Pleas of Butler Co.. Pa.. A I>. No. 43, Sept. term. E. A. Li'wis. lUOO, lxK>k <*. To b\ A. Lewis, two subpoemis in abovt* easo having bei'ii retume<! N. K. I. you tin* said E. A. Lewis, aliove naiuetl defentiaut, art' hereby re«iuired to appear in said Court of Common Pleas, t«> be held at liutler, l a., on the fourth day of March, 1901, beintf the tir>t daj of next term of said court.to answer t lie >alu complaint, and show cause if any you have, why an absolute divorce, from the bond* of matrimony, should not be granted. • - . Nancy M. Lewis; you are also L. rebj notitied. that testimony will be taken to the ahove ease, before said court, on March the lifth. IWI. at which time and place yon are notified to attend. TliOM\S K. HOON SUeritT. M. A. BERKIMER, Funeral Director. 245 S. Main St. Butler. PA UrauHi v Cdthui? Sue. <. *** > . > >«<v«iksv Ihi n unl uift . xi 4 a******%***<•«> «*«* >Mter «Hft x .» v. • its islMSfc-i• v" »thc. «nmv«*w»><n, v«%, * w«v< «ML tv-.<Mk. v> » x*« vxt. "x«jp -- -.- n y*. PRICKS ITHTWIKW ~*V #>! *S N» SUIT FIN Aji likllfettK "Mk * XXX* - V • . V . V w v!s vwv*. 4MM& vw«*. Si'\ "XX -. x v\ X NMk '> V. vV« v TV >^x : Ht>XSv V«fc V \. V |)t _ \ V V ' V x#> H4,»\ >% Ik 0» vv >* . <ov. A..VI, " : -- v 4.nV*V- «R -S v v «. vm4i\ v N»<.. "*V*d x X -*> " S «X •* Vt V- NJ. V >v(V "X v x> 'Ox \s, »VV«. X %<Ax.XP*X* n*% K,v > M* \w^ ivortk-rr vV A Cold WARN ICWM| U *iU WHV *v vV M v il *^w v iW U*w« v v\ VNv^y^ S x o\tvH\( V^\^v\S^ xv V v * ; wKS VvHvt Ksf * III >\svA Kh 4vVH v CVvK^ VW V vM\n rvV I SCTUTUL \A$U V V<*V* ft****#* V* VJt* *Mk <M*n\ MUSfcITONt *tes tVartw* *UI Sfcw s*.- v I *W<NV\ xKWW^\ V*-. M n sMwftWM ,| v lu > U U,v S .. v . . A., .- . w..r^V uTUk'u" . a . "i«UA- • - ,>-v ! R ; ;( W- S k.\c v.,.\ v • i >J \; V *V "9V- w>s -. t- ; . . - i ;: - \i .«4su)4« lii.s PfivV t\t*aJvU !« "en nV v Kou.sc iu Hutlci i^\l l^vau' bn.;c;c tKc vts .uc btfv?Xcu« Su*v 1 A\l* VKV .>u g. jjx' T;K>s -*JOU» >OIU O;u> 'O« c.uvlu B. C. HUSELTON'SW x Uv »«v »««' Uimxj- In the District Court ot the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania. in Bankruptcy. Ixu liml WIIM «r ■ Nw. MNi'it ttettuyh'.t. I IX-UwvrvUiMm. *t XarU* «. UMM*t> of , itviu .it »u the vuuiv ot ttuttwr I ; N ' . > V i>r \». i&v »a:d Xari.u ft. Ullillt.et *a> du > abjudicated UaukfUVH uut that fchv arvt tuwttu< f h;\ owUuor. K- "l, . % ! thv H. V -f J. W tiulch.^tt. Imwwi ti iwia\r>rrT Xu. >u v w touu K aivt-.l'st-.m. tfio tU Oaj< ot K»twuar>-. V !>." !**;. at W o'cKkHs. iu Ik fWttcoMU j • I tohictl titUC tfcfcV vt'.ii CfVvtllOCtk I r» IfK.r w 1 V, -IpLK Uil a ipustvc. o\- I till >a ! v[uot .i:ut Iraasacl other 'uay property ootuo before -^iid t, Ki. At w HI TVHtSON. Uvlt rw iu Bankruptcy. [ EXECUTOR S NOTICE. Letters te?.tameutaiv ou tin; estate of, lohu J. Retber. deed,., late of Butler, Uutlet couuiv. Fa-, having been granted to the undersigned, ail persou kuowing I theiuselt iudebted to said estate will j ■>U\tse make immediate payment, and j .iuv having claims again>t said estate v*iil present them duly authenticated for II settlement to JOHN H. REIBER. Ex'r., Butler, Pa. | ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on the estate j of Mrs. >l. J. Knause. dee'd., late of ! Summit twp., Butler Co., Pa., having | I 'xwu granted to the undersigns l , all ; persons knowing themselves indebted to | said estate will please make immediate | payment, and any having claims against j said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MRS. EMMA ODONNKLL, Ex'x., Carbon Centre, Pa. j GEO. R. WHITE. Attorney. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE Estate of Perry J. Brown, late cf Sum mit township, Butler county. Pa., dee'd. I.etters of administration having beeu granted to the undersigned on the above, mentioned estate, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves in debted to said estate to make immediite payment and those having claims against the same to present them duly authen ticated for settlement to CLARA B. BROWN, Administratrix, FRANK H. MURPHY, Butler, Pa. Attorney. Karl Schluchter, Practical Tailor and Cutter 125-W. Jefferson, Butler, Pa. Busheling, Cleaning and 1 Repairing a Specialty ADMINISTRATORS NQTIQS. !«u«n o>t adMiiteUAUOii ikwv this day Veu duly panted bjr tbe Itc of Hi. tier Co.. Va.. tc .v^-^ter ua the estate of tSui Ketstsc, ate of Stppccv « oe'i Nj A osiip. lii-i vOOACi" int. State. notice is hereby j£i*eu to _ ail >iud estate to 'uake specviv pay meat. aa»i ' ■»iU pUa.se :-ie*at th»:m ptopexi? authea ncated for settlement to OSCAR KKiSIKK Auk. h Admiaistramc. iveistet P. Butler Ox, Pa. K. McjtNJSJX. Att'v for Ailm'r and estate. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Letters of administration on th* e&taie • ot Simoa Bartckiuan, declate ot Sut ler township. Butler county. Pa., lavin* x;en grunted to the undersigned, all persons knowing themselves indebted :o said estate will please make immouate . pavment. and any having claims agauait said estate will present them inly att '.hcnticaLcvl tor settlement to Mrs. Bells C. Ba*H**o«> Adm'v, Bntler, Pa. Mates St Yocso, Attorneys. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Letters of administration on the estate 'of William J. Cleland, dee d., late at Muddycreek township. Butler county. Pa., having beeu grante>i to the miier- all persons knowing themacive» | indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment, and having ■ claims against said estate will present ; them dulv authenticated for settlement to ' Ira L. CLJti.a-VD. Adm r., Wimerton, Pa. j Cornelius & Sow. Att'ys. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Letters testamentary on the estate of Mrs. licCaaiilass, dec i.. late of Adams township, Bntler county, Pa., having been granteti to the lntier signed, all person knowing themaeive» indebted to said estate will please make ■mmediate payment, and an* knowing themselves indebted to said estate will oresent them duly authenticated tor settlement to I. F. SHANNON, Ex'r., Cailery, Pa. W. S. & E. WICK. DEALER* IS Kourli and Worked Lumber, oft lilt Kind® I lKnirs, >:i>h an<l Mltuniinjs. Oil Well Kilts a Spefialtj. Ufflee and Yard, E.t"Cunnin{jiiara and Moan ait*. Q ,ar West I pA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers