TMfcl CITIZEN. THURSDA V. JANUARY 74, 1901. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. tOTE—•AU advert i*>r» tatendtofr to make c ingr min tbeir -v •. 1 wt fj u> of tf'.r Intention 10 <* ' iltr than Moo lif moraine. Executor s Sale, estate of Michael Mc- Ginley Administratrix s Sale, testate of Perry J. Brown Notice in Bankruptcy, estate of M B Dittmer Boyd's live drugs Pape s Millinery. Patterson s Wall Paj>er. Douglass' Bargan-v Pape s Jewelry. Brown 6c Co's Locals. C. & T's Furniture. Farm for Sale. A4mlD!su * rs an<l Ex- .".r, of estates secure their receipt hooks at the CITI 'ESi office persons making public sai<s >l-1 r nore books LOCAL AND GENERAL. A Sail Week. This year ha 1 gloomily begun For Willie Weeks, a poor man's SUN. He was best! witli bill and lun And he had very lit'le MON. "This cash."sa d he. won't pay my dues. I've notuin? her>- bat on*-- and TCES A bright thought struck him and he said "The rich Ms Gold rock- I will WED Bat when he paid his oyirt to her Sh-s lisped,but firmly siid:"No, THCR "Alas,'' said he. "then I must die. Although hereifter I may FRI They found hi- t'loves.aad oat.and hat. Th'- Coroner uj»on them SAT. —lf you want your money to have wint;- tak-- a flyer" in the stock mark et. Th : Stre't Car Co. got across the Be--ie, yesterday but have not yet com pleted arrangement- with the P. <fc W. Subject for debate at the next meeting of the Literary Society: "Should a farmer invest his money in life insurance or in cabinet ortans? —There are coal miu<-- in oper ation in the Hilliard valley, <?stch of which turns oat about 10 > t ins a day or ►OO tons in ail an 1 the most of it goes to the lakes -Since the striking of the tremendous oil well in Texas, some of the oil men have developed a new theory regarding oil belts, which is that they follow the branches of the Mississippi river, con verge as they do. and have an ontlet in some great, underground lake or basin, t,e:ir the Gulf. , The local mail carri'-rs are mad because their bill to increase the salaries of farriers was set down on. A Penn sylvania member, named McMahon, made a speech against the bill. The oldest carriers, for office*- in Butler s class, get* fUSO, and they wanted it raised to at least *IOOO, the amount re ceived bv carriers in large cjt'es Theefli-acv of the American climate as a sterili/ rof the Anarchistic gerrn is instanced in the 'age of Klias Mann ran H (Jre<-fc who came 1 > thin conntry under contract ari'l promise to slay a j romi- HTjt public man, but who found life *o pleanant and prosperity so prevalent that, instead of killing anybody. be went to Yonker* and opened a peanut stand. A mill-darn case, or rather a dam cite ca«»*, where it iH apparent Ui the *ight that the railroad han damaged a ff'Mt't) property to the extent of eighteen th' usainl, some hundred dollars. and fifteen cent*; remind* ore of the toy who <v«i<l to anoth"r 'Do you we tho*<- two gir'i that red haired one was bom in Ireland and in an Irish girl, and the black-haired one wan born in Germany in a <i" • li.aft (jirl they are lx>tb Misters of mine, but no relation to each other." "Two Irttb- maid*. *ay* '"Die Omaha lice," "were playing Hnnday h :h'«»l and it had been agreed that (Had s -!i'i i°d -ilive and Mary recite. When the former finished the second innocent faithfully aro-e and bowing decorously to Iter one auditor, recited God lie nimble! God lie quick! 'tod jump over the candlestick' Then, noticing the somewhat dubiou* expr« ssiou on h< r playmates face. she hastened to explain, with pious scriou* Dtw "O' courne that'* not the way we learned it first, but when we play Hun day school, why, you nee, we must put God iri i'i-l everything, e]nc if. won't Is 'ceptable to Him!' Some ten or twelve yearn ago a wealthy butcher of llraddoi k, named F.inker bought the old Andrew Ziegler farm in Jackson twp across the creek froiu llatmony and Zelienople, and drilled tin- farm, which proved to- In valuable oil territory. Then he built a s'!<>,<HHt lions'; on the hill overlooking the town* and valley, and he and hi* wife lived iu it and were happy but an the children grew up, they became dissat tailed and induced theirparent* to move back to their old home in Braddoek Arid now Mr Fanker in Maid to have given a contract for the removal of the SBO,OOO bonne, aide walks, atone wall and all, to a lot in Hraddock The so] id, brick walla tire to he Hawed into blocka :ind limn i>en d and everything it to lie rebuilt in Hriddock, tia it now *tarid* on the hill. L tier lo i»;ivl<l I».*!<•. Mutter l»ii. H- i! Hii .I.mi • • Ankl'-v n hou III ' 'airo <C itiitill Mo'in'itin 'i Y a conspic uoti« one in th< midst of the village, wts piiiute ill yearn ago Devoe hart n , b -II piinte I n:ne< all I the punt i« In go 11 condition to-day He 1* going to pain I hot there'* really no ■icce*Mity of it. D.jvoe has be i i Ji !.i ' airo I* yearn. Our is 'i.intou Wynk'iop llonm owe in tli« re »v."it l»'-voe and painters there par it Ilev «• It would I* a hard job t > |>- i' utie a ('airo man to paint te id and oil >f course a p 'inter piuil.i wh it ever bin c i-tmier wan In even if its bur term illr Marian Van 110 -*en, a Cairo painter, painted U ivm- Tor !•> year There are two or thr-e others, all for Devoe, w ■ are told don't know their names. Its the name wherever Devoe g< Is into a town: it stay* there and owns the whole btisities . Vourn truly |H F. W. DJSVOK & Co. Advc-rtiners nometimeH tell the truth. When we nay that our line of Furniture in as well made as any the quality In right, our price* lower for the sane qu tlity than eluewbere. we are not ly iu/. We invite your inspection if you wish us to prove a. He.- lirown & Co. FAIIM FOKHALBOIt KXriIANOK A gooil farm ol 100 acres, iu Cherry towniihip; bri' k honne of nine rooms two barm and all necessary outbuild in«s. (rood orchard and well watered laud level', store. |smtotlicu and nchool adjoin property, 'i'erms to suit pur r haser, will be Hold for b-ss than cost of buildinun. Inijuire of W H. ('ratty. (loUIITH')! If you don't get. a bargin in n itne piece of Furniture dtirinj? January at Mrown & Co.'* its voir it fault. The ipte-tiyn of the hour Have you seen I>ulfy h marked down cloak*. Cannot bo lieat PEIISOXAL Taylor M'.rgan of Parker was a But ler visitor. Tuesday. James Robertson of Oakland town ship *»• in town Fridav. C. C Gray of Mars ha.- I*~n granted a pension of s<» per month Elizabeth .V. Brown, of Carr, has been granted an £"• pension. Seth Snyder and son of Brady town ship were in town Tuesday. Rawlins Dodds of Adsmsville visited friends in Butler. last week. Jona« Ziesler of Harmon T attended Court a? a witness, last week. Jos. M. Heches of Ohio ha.- rented the Con very fann in Summit twp. James Blake and wife of Franklin township drove to Batler. Thursday. Tho« Jamison. R. B. Conn and Adam Carrie were in Butler on business. Tues day. Ira Gallagher and family of New Ca«tle who were down with typhoid, are recovering. J. P. Graham, C B McFarland and Hamilton of Hilliards were here on business. FrMay. J. M. Pringle of Batler and M L. Lockwood of Zelienojde saw the Texas gusher last week Charles Mc-Elvain is home from New York Citv on a yi-:t to his mother. Mrs. Win. H "Walker J. A. Ehiner, the storekeeper of Insti tute Hill, is seriousty ill. with kidney and heart trouble. W. S. Cratty of Cherry township wishes to sell his farm or exchauge it. See notice in another column. Samuel Sherwin of Euclid was one of 13 out of a da-- of •ill to pass the mine b .-- s examination at Mercer, Friday. T. Z Caldwell is home from Montana, called here by Ihe serious illnes- ot his wife and two children He likes Mon tana, and intends: returning to it. Teddy ventured too far in the moun tains of Colorado a few evenings ago, and was treed by a pack of wolves, where he stayed for four hours until resetted.. Wm McGinniss of Buffalo township came up to Butler. last Friday. and took the B. li. & P tram for Mont gomery ville, Armstrong Co., where he is drilling a well. Mrs. A. J. Oil vert of Bradford, a daughter of Win. M. Mitchell, dec d. helped to nnr- her father during inf late illness, and is yet here with b' r mother and sisters. Electrical treatment is used on Judge McJunkin with such good ef fect that his phi -icians hope to have hirn able to make natural use of his arm and leg in a week or two. A Professor of dancing, well known in the northern part of the county, late ly danced around in Scott's store in Fairview, to the song relating to the bony parts of hi- horse "Napoleon and every now and then he would slap the good natured constable, who was sitting near. But by and by he ventured to kick the constable, and then the constable arose in his wrath and smote that Pro fessor. Wm. Beighley of Lyndon, Kansas, writ*-- us: "I have now just passed my seventy-fifth birthday, and have my usual good healfV and yet do ijuite a lot of chores, such as feeding a few pigs, some cattle and four head of horses. We have the mildest winter that I have seen since 1 am here. We had snow twice to whiten the ground and then sleet and snow, but we are having fine weather now." Mr. Driggs of the Congressional Committee, investigating the hazing at West Point characterized the abase of the fourth class men or plebes there as, atrocious, base, detestable, disgrace ful, dishonorable, disreputable, hein ous ignominious, ill famed, nefar ious, odious, outrageoils scandalous, shameful, shameless, villamons and wicked. This was pretty good, but either the dictionary of synonyms available at West Point is imperfect or Mr. Driggs memory was not equal to the occasion. As an alphabetical arrangement of ad jectives, the following is proposed as an amendment abominable, atrocious, base, degraded, detestable disgraceful, disgusting, dishonorable, disreputable, execrable, flagitious, flagrant, hateful, heinous, horrible, ignoble, ignominious, infa mons, iniquitous, ill famed, impious, loathsome, low minded, mean, mon strous nef'irious notorious, odious, outrageous, repulsive, scandalous, shameful, shameless, vile villainous, violent, wanton, wicked, worthless. While this is not an exhaustive list it conies nearer to covering the ground than Mr. Driggs effort l ire at Itcnfrcw. A bout 7 a. 111. Tuesday, the residence of l>r. John V. Cowden at Renfrew was distroyed by fire which originated from an overheated gas stove The Doctor s mother, 'widow of the lat.< lir. Wm. II Cowden, Sr.,; who made her home with John, was severly burued before she could in: taken out of the house. In the afternoon Mrs Cowden died, after suffering great agony from her burns Mrs. Cowden's maiden name was Matilda M Kline and her home was in Mercer, She leaves seven children, viz., l)r Wm. It Jr. and Dr. John V.. of Renfrew: Anna, wife of C F Wick, of We-t Suiibur.v Ida, wife of Geo. M Campbell, of Slipneryrock Margaret, wife of Elmer Elliot, of Evans City , Eva, wife of John Edmonson, of Pros neet and Miss Eleanor, a teacher in the Muddycreek twp schools. She was a lady most highly esteemed and respected,and her children have the sympathy of numberless friends in their affliction. The UMH in about II.VKi. Tli« furnitnre witH itmured with L H. M' Junkin of Untlt-r. Desitli <il \cul Ntrawick. Neal Htrawiek, a«ed '.;■*» yearn «immlt Hiiicide a> Charhroi Sunday nl|<ht by idiootiuir hlmaelf in the head with it ri-volv'T, Htrawft'k hud la-en dcHpond cut for some week,-, itml had r< |<«■»»I•-«!Iy threatened to take lii '. life. lie went to hia room at, thi' boarding houxe of Win. Springer after nopp«r. and HOOII tin* inmate* heard • h«- report of 11 piatol. fiouK to Htmwi' k M room they found him dead on the floor, a bullet having entered bin riuht temple and «one through hm head, canning mutant death.. Htrawi' k wan Hinglc anil lived at Hotter Plttabiirg Timi'H. Neal WII* a HOII of Hugh Strawick of Shore HI thin plan- mid wim Ixirri and ralwtd her- I|H wrvwl in I'D K. Kith I'a Vol In tin- Hpaniah war. Hefore that tinit- he had worked in Htauim'H hri' k yard and nince the war linn nionl |ly been away from houic. He had | many friend* who arc worry to hear of j hi* untimely end. Ilii remain* were brought to I'utler 'I'lM-mlHy noon and funeral *ervleeM were h<-ld in hiM father H home thin afternoon. (,'omraden of fo. K acted in palllicarern and a 'IJUHII from (Jo. L I'lili N'. <i I' , fired a I'a re wall Malute at the «rave in the South Cemetery. may «v ki:nni:i»v, 'l lie Id v<-r,>iiM'ii. Announce to our patron* ami all that our livery baru i* now equipped with ! [joi id hor*cn, elegant Hill table for any and all occaniona, having ,junt added two new earring' •• rublier tire-, elegant and complete in eyery re*pect, new liar ne»H, livery auiU and hat* Muitable fur we<ldin«H, funerals and private partie*. Have Kjiared no expeni-e to pleaae our patroriH on thin line. Special attention OV#H to Iran! i< ill tiaiie. fijlllw can I ntop here Without fear of hcili|{ limulted, an we allow no loafing nor obxene lan I «ua«e and employ only gentlemanly | liontler*. We pride ourHclveM on keep | ing a clean barn and flint -clan* in every j renjiect. Equalled by rioue in the town, I and doubt if excelled in the atate. We willingly anawer all calla, day or ni|<ht, ; without delay <• ive tin your patronage and be convinced of nil we My. MAY KKNNKHY, Itear I'apen' Store llutler, I'a. Hell phone, |B.'<. j People'* 'phone, 7*l j!t-41 LEGAL NEWS. TRIAL LIST. The trespass suit of Clrich Winter vs the P W. railroad went to trial last Thursday and was not finished until Tuesday* afternoon when the jury re turned a verdict giving Winter *7OO as damages to his mill buildings and house and 100 as damage to his water pow<-r. s4*oo in all. When the railroad made the Reibold Eideneau cut off and straightened their main tracks in that neighborhood in I*9*. they filled in the channel of the creek above Winter's dam in two places and changed the stream's coarse injuring Winters water power A till in the main channel below the mill backed the water up into the tail race and stopped the mill wheel and at the same time Winter's mill and house were injured by stones thrown from blasts. Winter sued for s2oooo damages A year ago he got a verdict for SIOOOO. The railroad moved for a new trial which was granted with Tuesdav's result The slander suit of Mrs. Maria Kirch ner vs Miss Olive Matthews was tried Tuesday. The plaintiff is the widow of Hieronymus Kirchner. who died a year ago and both parties live in the neigh borhood of McKean and Quarry streets. Butler. The jdaintiff asserted that the defandant circulated reports alleging immorality on the part of Mrs. Kirch ner. which caused trouble in her house hold and alienated her husband s af fections. Verdict for the plf. for H cts. damages and put hp.lf the costs on each party. The assumpsit suit of Mrs. Lulu Michael vs S. M. Seaton, adni r of Geo. Flowers was continued until March. The suit of Mrs. Annie E Hawk vs A. Guckenheimer Bros, for $20,000 damages for the death of her husband by falling from a narrow walk at the top of fermenting tanks to the cement floor in the distillery at Freeport is on trial before Judge White. Two important suits were those in ejectment of Wm ii. Martin. Esq. vs Findley B. Dodds and W M. Starr, and of Mrs. Emma J. Kiskaddon vs F. B. Dodds. Starr &Co anil T W Phil ips. They were tried before Judge Harrv White of Indiana county and in both by direction of the Court, the verdict was for the plaintiff for an undivided one sixth interest in the land described in the writ. Tin - land so described is the old John Martin farm in Penn twp . four miles south of Butler, and in each case the plaintiff was or.e of six children of John Martin. The latter being dead. Lis executors obtained leave of Court in l*si if, sell his real estate for payment of debts, the law at that time requiring such sal< s to Is- at public out cry. At the sale Mr Dwdds bid SI7OO and the executor asked to have Court continue the sale, regarding the bid as too low. Later Mr Dodds privately raised his bid to s~<too, the ex is thought this a good price and asked the Court to confirm the sale as though public which whs done. After Mr Dodds had oc cupied the farm nearly twenty years the two plaintiffs bring the ejectment suits, claiming the Court could not legally confirm the sale as thongh public. Judge White, according to the law, rnl ed that the sale was not public, and should not have been confirmed and di rected verdict for the plaintiffs Starr & V*>. and Phillips are lessees and have a number of oil wells on the farm. This morning the jury in the suit of Wm. Boundy vs P. <fe W. railroad for damages to his lease on the Kline farm in Forward twp., gave hirn a verdict for *llOO. NEW SUITS. John W. Covert vs Geo. Papftelton and Part. Stalker, contractors and the Forest Oil (Jo. owners, sci fa sur me chanics lien for $160.15. Rosa M. Yockel vs Geo Yockel, pe tition for divorce. The petition sets forth that the parties were married in Aug. 11!»H, and that because of cruel and barberons treatment, Mrs. Yockel was forced to leave her husband in Oct. IH'JH. NOTES Letters of administration on the es tate of Oreina Van Dyke of Marion twp. have been granted to Geo. C. Stewart Clara B. Brown, widow and adm'r of Perry J. Brown, has petitioned for leave to sell real estate to pay debts. Joseph Gilkey, C. B. Iryine and W. W. Iliil were appointed to inspect the new Amber son bridge in Forward twp Wm H. Campbell has resigned as tax collector of Concord twp. Ivlwin L I'mps'ead was appointed guardian of Alfred I'mpsteadof Middle sex township. 1" E McQuistion, Wm J. Voegtley and L- wis Goehrmg were appointed viewers on the petition of Adams twp. citizens for a new road. The plf asked for a new trial in the case of Wm. 11. Baker vs Evans City. Sitting at, Scranton, Tuesday, the Su perior Court reversed the decision of the < "onrt of this county in the case of Le I fevere vs Armstrong, and entered judg incut for defendant. This was an ejectment suit brought in !*!»!• by Lefever against J. T. Arm strong and John S < ampbell for an un divided one eighth interest in a W acre o'l lease on the Levi Porter farm in Marion twp. By agreement jury trial was waved and the case submitted to Judge (»reer who Hle<l an opinion for the plain tiff lor the land described in the writ and costs to be released upon payment of *..00, by plaintiff to defendant W A Park has been appointed con stable of Middlesex twp vice Thomas Donaldson, who lias moved away. The commission of Wm. il Campbell, the newly appointed <'lerk of Courts ar riv« d from Harrishurg. Wednesday morning and Mr. Campbell was sworn into office by Register Adams that after noon. Along with his many friends the ' iti/.kn extends congratulations to Mr Campbell. Letters testamentary on the will of Maria P< Brandon of Harrisville have l/i-en granted to Lizzie McCready and Blanch Lewis !,i Iter* of adm non th'-estate of An nie Hoffman ot Mars have been granted to Geo. L Hoffman Harvey II lioyil. John C. Barr and J D Mage.- were appointed viewers on the petition of P< un twp, citizens for a new ' road near Maharg. The Forest Oil Co filed 149 lease*, as signnients, etc. with Recorder Adams, Monday The considerations ranged from $1 to SIUOO. None of the instru ments represented new transactions Saturday Feb. 2 Is the last day for liling accounts it P Thompson has been granted a [.eddler's license as an old soldier. John Gardner, formerly of this county, is said to be in trouble in Youngstown, on occonnt of a "bucket shop" business. Tli'iiiiiim L Milliard ban been commit ted to jail on n charge of fifcb W It llopkinM who wa« Mcntenced to jail ItO day« for fact driving wan released !><■< ;i11«<-<! tin' commitment WIIH illegal Malinda liarhrou of Kiiriw City WIIH *i'ijii»l«• 'I innaiii! aii'l < ommitted to I'olk The i iiHn of It I ' I lana of New (Jaatle VM the I*. Ac, W It It. t'o nil account of the Itcfii'rew H' fl'l' lit IIHM been nettled. Amo - SteclMiiiith filed un atrnwer in i'ittHburg to the bill in equity of K W I ngham, who linked for anacroiintiliK of oil operation* on the Matilila M<■(»regor farm, in Ritchie county, W Vii Htecl mnlt'i xayH be in ready for an accounting and denies that be owed Ingham any tiling. Martin l» m-dict Oittmer, of Hummit townnhip, tiled a petition in bankruptcy, given hm liahillitieii at $7,27' i and bin aHActn OH $7,42(1. In a cane brought agaiimt a i'ittHburg dru«'/i«t for damage*, by reanon of death canned by a patent headache powder Hold by him, the Supreme Court liiin af firmed the lower court in holdinu that, "a druggiHt. not renjioiiHibli) for the nab-of a patent or proprietary medicine, though it rthould prove injurloUH." M<-('alliwler. Death and Campbell, charged with the murder of Jennie I'o-whicter, the Patterwin mill girl, by the adruiniHtration of knockout drop# ' for a villainouM purpose, were found guilty laflt Saturday In tho I'aHnaic i County Criminal Court of murder in the second degree, the maximum penalty for which is imprisonment for thiriy years. PROPERTY TRANSFERS. Harvey H. Boyd to Eliza J Hoffman lot 111 Wintield twp for syo J. P. Ripper to John Zwanziger lot in Evans City f.>r Nancy Caldwell to Jeunie R. Meeder ~>4 acres in Cranberry for (1. Jas D. Todd to August Sell lot in Centre for fl2oo. Cbas Hnselton to B. A McGinley lot in Butler for $220. Lora M Merrill to S. R Wier lot in Adams for £«•*>. Ferdinand Gilles to Elmer E. Bell lot in Butlrr for SIOSO. Adam H'-.finer to Lewis Haffner lot in Butler for £-'*». Mary A. Glenn to John Younkins lot on S, McKean St.. Bntler for #2400. Standard Plate Glass Co.. to Mrs. Lulu Foringer lot in Washington twp. for $lO. Evans City Cemetery Assn. to W. W. Cather, lot Jacob E. Friend to John Loubscher, lot in Bntler twp.. for S4OO. Jacob E. Friend lo Matthew Taylor lot in Butler twp. for $lO. S. F. Bowser to L. C. Wick lot in Butler for *625. Edith J. Shira to Mary A. Glenn lot in Butler for $l s oo. Mary C. VVaddell to Marg A. Gross man 75 acres in Marion for SIBOO. Marriage Licenses. P. M. Ramsey Parker Harriet Yockey Butler Franklin B McGill Cherry twp Ninetta I. Denniston .. Slipperyrock Wm. D. Morgan Six Points Etta M. Coe Eau Claire Harry Arters Pittsburg Flora Fleming Petrolia Wm. H. Hutchison Clarion Co Jennie Edmonds Armstrong Co At Pittsburg. August Baer and Ernes tine Yolk r of Butler county. At Pittsburg—L. H. Norris and Mary Crawford of Butler 00. PARK THEATRE. HOYT'S MASTERPIECE "A BUNCH OF KEYS."—JAN. 28. Some fifteen years ago farce co medy entered the amusement arena an <1 met arnorphically knocked ont the serious drama. It. wan not surprising, for it was pleasure pure and simple; inoaic, wit. dancing, dainty hose, pretty faces, and a breezy story, was a combination uo one coold resist even were he a good Sir Anthony. The first of the great farce comedies was the "Bunch of Keys" and it was the foundation stone of the structure which made Chas. Hoyt the most famous playwright of America, a millionaire and a Congressman. Strange to say it has outlived a dozen subsequent works Grand Opera House, I'ittslnirg Following this week's splendid play at the Grand Opera House comes au other Empire Theatre success, "Liberty Hall This is a comedy of exceptional merit. It is modem, high class, ami of a tone bat too rarely found on the stage. It lias all good qualities that a comedy conld hare. It will be a splendid ve hicle for the exploitation of the company at the Grand, now the strongest ever seen there. The new leading woman, Sarah Trnax, scored such an unqualified hit this we k in "Sowing the Wind" that shecan be considered au established favorite She will be seen next week in a splendid comedy role of the most re fined kind. "Liberty Hall" was one of the great successes which contributed so much to the upbuilding "f the great reputation possesed by Charles Froh uian's stock company. PITTHIHJIWJ OK' HKSTItA The Orchestra concerts this week Friday evening and Saturday afternoon present a number of comparatively brief selection! drawn from trie classic and modern masters, and also one of the greatest favorites among sinners who visit Pittsburg. Mr. Evan Williams, tenor. Mr Williams was not in good vocal condition when he was here last year, for his health was impaired, but a long summer's rest enabled him to be gin the present season at the Worcester Festival last season where his success was beyond anything he has yet achieved in this country. Seats for the concerts can lie bad at Mellor's, ill!) Fifth Ave. and at the Mali after I 80 on Saturday afternoon I'lihlic Sales. .Inn. !■'> II C. I leller in Clinton twp, t tock, grain, etc. John Federkell, Auc. You will make no mistake in buying a New Home or a New Itoyal Sewing Machine from ISrowu & Co. Price $10.70 up FOK SALE Brutus Jr., a I'ere heron stallion Inquire of J. G. Grossman, West Liberty, Pa Come around to Hrown & Co's. and see if you can find any of that "sure to full apart kind of furniture advertised elsewhere. WANTED One experienced coal miner, immediately, by O. O. Snod grass, at Lyon's Bank, Sunset Station, West I'cnn It It Dulfy's w ndow is filled with bargains it Cloaks. FOR SALE 'Jit acres at Sarver Station, barn 21x10, small house, k<«»1 water, 100 bearing fruit trees, land good, Mwpl 3 M3TM all tillable PrioeflOOU. Call on W WATHUN. Sarver Sta I'a. TO THE PUBLIC. I wish to inform the public ttia t the bout " I paid Adam Iferrit to build was wi insecure that I could not live in It, and hence my desire to remove It. Soi'ltlA SCIIIIJ.INI;. The Seaboard Air Line ICailway "I londa anil West India Short 1.1ne," ts I"os111 vely • lie Shortest iCoute to Savannah, Jackson ville, Tampa ami All Florida Points l>oublc daily service and through I'ulliii'in drawing room and buffet sleep ing cars from New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Richmond. Round trip winter tourist excursion tickets are now on sale at all principal points to Jacksville, Tampa and all Florida points Trains arrive and de part at Pennsylvania Railroad stations For further information call on or ad dress W (', Shoemaker, General East, ern PasM-ritrer Agent, 1200 Uroadway, i New York;C. L. Longsdorf. New Eng i land Passenger Agent, 80' l Washington I itrwt, Boston HIM W M ICOOOMMII, General Agent llt New York avenue, i Washington, D C., or the General i'as setiger Agent at Portsmouth, Va E S i JOHN L 8 ALLEN, V. P. & O M Gen. Pass Agt. Farm for Sale A nice level farm of BO acres, at Jef | ferson Centre, a small village with ! store, school and church, 2 miles from station and <1 from Butler, 2 producing oil wells, 2 orchards and buildings there on , all tillable except (1 acres of timber. For particulars inquire of M ItM. C'ATII AKINK GItKKNKKT, M Garfield Ave., Butler, Pa CHURCH NOTES. Communion was held in the I. IV i Chnrch Sunday morning. Ten new members were received. A church so- , ciai will be held next week Rev. W. H. McMastera will hold a a series of meetings, commencing Mon day morning, in the inteiest of moral reform, under the auspices of the Min isterial Association. The first meeting will be held in St. Pauls Reformed j Church Sunday morning, in the U. P. in the evening. Monday evening in the First Presbvterian and Tuesday in the M. E. The new St. Peters Episcopal church on E. Jefferson St. will be dedicated this evening and tomorrow. On Fri day a ineetiDg of the Southern Con vexa tion of the church will be held. Bishop Cortlandt Whitehead, Dr. Ward aiid Dr. Mcllvaine. all of Pittsburg and a larire number of other Episcopal pastors will be present, a program has btin pre pared. commencing f his evening at 8 o'clock, and continuing till to morrow evening. The Sliirt Factory. The shirt factory was shut down Sat urday to enable Messrs Breckinridge to catch up in their shipping orders, which had fallen behind through the manager's being laid up with the grip. The facto ry is amply heated these cold days by thiee big stoves on the first floor. Around each stove a casing of zinc is built which comes within half a foot of the floor. The heat of the stoves draws the air in at the floor. The air rises and is wanned between the stove and casing and is conveyed the second floor by means of draught pipes and registers. There are .11 employes and 46 machines running The manufacture of ladies' wrappers will be taken up in the near future and 24 new machines put in for this purpose. OIL NOTKS. The market this morning is $1.17. WEST SUNBURY— The Sunbury Gas Co. drilled a well for gas on the Ambrose Patterson farm south of W. Sunbury It showed some oil. Friday they put it to pumping and it is doing five barrels a day natural. BUTLER TWI*. -T.W.Phillips is drill ing on the McCalmont tract on Saw Mill run and Shaffner Bros spudded ou a new venture on the Conn farm. Amy, Campliell & Co. have a new 25 barrel third-sander on the Nickel farm on the Three Degree road. CLEARFIELD TWP.— Young and Co struck a big gasser in the Bald Hill district, last week The W<jodpecker Oil Co. lately struck a oil well on the P. Graff. TKXAS Jacob Liedecker who is at Beaumont Texas, wrote to Butler friends last week that the Guffy gusher is doing 5000 barrels a day instead of 25.000 aud that the oil is of a quality inferjorto the Lima product ami can only be used for fuel Mr Leidecker knows an oil well when he sees it and his reports lifts a load of forebodings from the minds of Pennsylvania producers. ; ~u. Zinc anil Grinding make Devoe Eead and Zinc Paint wear twice as long as lead and oil mixed by haud. Markets. Wheat, wholesale price 70-75 Rye, . " 50 Oats, " 29 Corn, " 48 Buckwheat " 55 Hay, " 15 00 Eggs, " 28 Butter, " 22-24 Potatoes, new " 50 Onions per bn 75 Beets, per bu 50 Apples, per bu 80-M0 Cabbage, per lb 01 Chickens, dressed 10 Turkey, 13 Parsnips, per bu 50 Turnips 85 Morula Fast .Mail. Seatjoard Air Line Railway. Florida and West India Short Line to the Win ter Resorts of the South. The Only Line- Operating Daily Trains to Florida. The "Florida Fast Mail," another of the Seaboard Air Line Railway's splen didly equipped trains, leaves New York daily at 12:10 A M., 28rd Street Station Pennsylvania Railroad, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car and Day Coaches to Raleigh, Southern Pines. Columbia, Savannah, Jacksville, where connections are made for St. Augustine Tampa and all Florida points This train connects at New York with train leaving Boston 7:00 P. M. Leaves Phi ladelphia 8:50 A. M . Baltimore <5:22 A. M., Washington 10 55 A. M.. Richmond 2.40 P. M , arriving Southern Pines 9:85 P. M., Columbia 1:45 A M, Sa vannah 5:00 A. M., Jacksonville 0 10 A. M., St. Augustine 11:10 A. M , Tampa 5:80 P. M. Through Pullman Drawing Room Sleeper New York to Jacksonville. Through Vestibuled Passenger Coaches and perfect service. For information call on or write to all Pennsylvania Railroad offices, or Sea board Air Line Railway representatives at HOW Washington St I Vis ton Mass ; I2W and 871 Broadway, New York. 30 South Third Street, Philadelphia; 207 East German Street. Baltimore; 1484 New York Ave , Washington, or to R | E. L. Hunch, General Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Mi«l-VVlnU*r I'WeiirMoiiH to Wunll liiKton HIKI Haltimorn. February 7th iiml April llth OU MIMIVO dutea, tile I'ittKhiirK (fe Weatern Ity will well Hound Trip ticket*, with return limit 10 dnyn, in cluding d»t<' of mile Hate ifll IKI Stop over permitted at WaMhiiigton on Haiti more ticket* ('AI.IIOKMA. Tlilrty-llvn IXiyn* Tour vlu I'nni- Nylvitnlii Itallroiul. The I'wnnaylvania Railroail Compnny haa arranged for a special personally conducted tour through California, to leave New York and l'hiladelpiia on February 14, by the "(Jolden OateSpec ial" minpoaed excluaively of I'ulllnau I'arlor aoiokiiiK, dining, drawing room aleeping, compttrtiiieiit, itn<l observation cars, returning by March 20. This special train will lie run over the entire rout The beat hotels will be uaed where extended atop* are made, but the train will tie at the constant command of the party Round-trip tickets, covering all neces sary expences, firit) from all points on I'ennsylvania Hail road except Pittsburg from which point the rate will lai ifl I.Y For further information apply to ticket agents; Tourist Agent 11 (HI llroad way. New Vork, Thos. F Watt, pan aeriger Agent, Western District, Pitts burgh, Pa. , or addresa (leo. W. lioyd. Aaalstant Oeneral Passenger Agent, Philadelphia. A Good Investment. We, the undersigned, will sell twenty three one hundred dollar coupon Itoiida, on January 25th, 1901, to the party furnishing the aaid money at the low en rate of Interest. The interest on the said lauids will be paid semi annually, and the said iHinda v/ill l>e paid aa follows, eight In one year from date of iasue, eight, ill two years, and seven in three years Parties wishing a good safe invent merit will leave l>idn with im, or our Attorney A. M Christley at Hutler, Pa on or before January 2ftth, 11(01. at 10 o'clock a. in. of nald ilay. K. M. MIM.IUAN, NKK HIII< Kim III.KK, Sujierviaors of Clearfield twp l'i»r Sale «»r ICxcluiiigc. In one of the Iwst towns in llutler <'o. a line house, II roomed dwelling, large barn, outbuildings, large lot, well locat ed, will exchange for store or other I property in county. I Address 11. CITIZKN Office, llutler, I'a ICxcurslon to A llc'ifliciiy. (jommenciug Sunday, May Uth. the Sunday excursion fare from Hutler to Allegheny will be one dollar for tickets good going on train lenviug Hutler at K of> a in , City time, returning on train eaving Allegheny at li.'lO p. m. city I line. 4 ACCIDENTS. Catherine Deiinling. a little daughter of Theodore Deiinling. of 332 W North St , while returning from Sunday school Sunday afternoon, was run down by a team of horses driven by Plumber Trimblin. The accident happened just in front of the German Lutheran church. Her large lionnet prevented the child from seeing the approaching team. The buggy wheels passed over her body and she was bruised and cut about the head, and her hand was crush ed by the wheels. Two boys broke through the ice on the North Hope dam. Tuesdey. and came near drowning. The water in that dam is twelve feet deep. One of the boys had no great trouble getting out. and Clyde Gravatt rescued the other with a pole, the ice breaking under him continually. Mrs. Airnen Crafty, of S. McKean St.. fell on a slippery pavement and broke a bone in one of her hands C. B. McFarland slipped and fell on the ice last Friday morning, had his hand dressed at Branchton, and came on to Butler. Speaking of Newspapers. With a news gathering service sweep ing the world down to the last second, and with an editorial page the product of judg* ment, ability, force, discrimina tion and real humor, The Pittsburg Times is conspicious as a daily news paper that is good reading always It is safe to assert that there are more clippings of news events worth preserv ing and of general information made from The Times than from any other paper published in Pittsburg Like a good home, it is tidy, clean, comfortable, and with everything of the best one finds within its pages information, in struction, comfort and pleasure as he may desire. That it conducts no type founders' vaudeville of freak headliness makes it the pride of the printers' craft. It is not above republishing from the humble country papers and with what ever it uses it invaribly gives full credit. •'The Wooden Indian", quaint in his philosophy, has tomahawked to death many a tired, unhappy feeling. The serial story, if the best, is told in install ments neither too close together nor too far apart. The editorials are written with sincerity, directness of expression, and reliability of information that make the page the daily text book of many a person in life's school of facts. Giving other people the right of individual opinion it is never a scold nor a nagger. The Times, first and above all, is reli able. Its telegraphic service covers civilization. Its local news is crisp and honest. Its financial and market re jK>rts are accurate. The sporting world is covered in an attractive way. The social field is carefully and intelligently cultivated. Six cents a week. FLORIDA T\v o Week's Tour via Pennsylva nia ltialroad. The first Pennsylvania Railroad tour of the season to Jacksyille, allowing two weeks in Florida, will leave New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington by special train on Febru ary 5. Excursion tickets, including railway transportation, Pullman accommoda tions (one berth), and meals en route in both directions while traveling on the special train, will be sold at the follow ing rates: Pittsburg, sJM. 00, and at pro portionate rates from other points. For tickets, itineraries, and other in formation Bpply to ticket agents, Tour ist Agent at 11!»»i Broadway, New York. Thcs E. Watt, Passenger Anent West ern District, Pittsburg, Pa., or to Geo, W. Boyd. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Broad Street Station, Philadel phia. Something That Will Interest You As there is a party waiting for our store room, we will close out our entire stock at prices that will surprise you. Best calico and gingham at 4c. dress goods millinery and notions at one-half price. Come in and examine gcsjds and prices at THE PEOPLE'S STORE, No. 323 South Main St. A nice selection of Iron Bods froun £3..10 up at Brown & Co.'s. Parties wishing to purchase or sell oil properties, farms, city residences or real estate of any kind, should call upon Wm. Walker,in Ketterer's b'd'g,opposite I', O. Ilutler Pa Peoples Phone No. 174. FOR SALE A centrally located lot HOxttO. Inquire at this office. FOR RENT—After April Ist The Wi< k House, Butler, Pa Music scholars^wanted at uH West Wayne St LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. Ity virtue of fin order ami decree the Orphan's Court of llutler county, IV, rum!** on the nth day of January, 11101, at No. 44. March Term. IDO I, of nald Court, the under- MIKIH'<I administrator will offer for mile at public outcry *on the premises, on February 2nd, 1901, At 2 o'clock p. m. of sulil <luy tin* following il. kcrltwd rial ewtate. ultuate In Hllppery rm'li township. liul Icr county, Htate of Penn sylvania, hounded north l>y land of II•• nry lllalr, i iiKl hy Hllppcry rock creek. south l>y land of (ieorxe llflgar, ami wont l>y lands of M Humphrey; containing aliout HW acres, with new frame dwelling house of eight rooms, hank burn, milk-house ami oilier outbuildings thereon located. gc»od orchard, HTML In fair eomillloii. atxiut I WO mlle« from rallrcad station, eonvenlent to school ami churelies, being the laml owmul ami occupied by I'aul Ktester, al ami before hln(li'ath. TKIIMH OK HAI.K One half « ash on con Urination of sale by the <'onrt ami the bal ance with Interest In one year. secured hy ho ml ami mortgage, In the usiiul form, on the pri inlwii. OHCAIt KIKHTKK, Adm'r , <>f l*44iil K tester, d«i '(l. t IV <i Klestcr, llutler <'o.. I'a M< JI'NKIN .V (JAMtKKATIf, Att'ys, llutler. Pa, Notice in Divorce. Mm. Haille llcplcr In the fourl of Coiiuiion i I'leuHof Ittif I•• r county, v * f IV, A II . No. ;m. Hept A. J. Ilepler. j term, ll«»ok '.'A, p U/W, To A .1 Ilepler, two subnoenus In aliove case having been returned N I I the said A .! Ilepler. above named defendant, arc hereby n-<|iilri <l, appear In said COII rt of Comrnon I'leas. lo be held al llutler. I'a . on the fourth day of Mar<h, JIMI, being first day of next iitrui of said court .t«» answer tin* naio « emplalnt. ami dhow cause If any you have why an absolute dlvorct?, from flu* bonds of matrimony should not Im* granted, to »ald Mrs Hadle fl« pier; you are also here by notified that testimony will lie taken In inn iibovi i.l .• In fon •»»»1«1 ( ourl on Miw • > the llfth, which time ami place you are notified to attend TIIOMAH IT IIOON. Hherllf. Notice in Divorce. Nancy M l.fwlN i In the Court of Common I* hi UN of llutler Co., I'a., v * f A It No 4.1, Hepi. term. K. A Lewh. I IWO, lx#ok 3SS, page 8. To K A I.ewin, two subpoenas lu aliove case havlfjft tieen returned N ft. I yon the said I*. A Lewis. alxive named defendant, are hereby required to appear In HII Id t'ourt of <'outmoil I'leas, to be held Jit llut ler. I'a , on tin* fourth clay of March. liml, Im-liik the llrst day of ne < t term of tain « ourt .to answer the nalo complaint, and show » ause If any fou have, wliy an absolute dlvor« from tin- Hinda of matriuion v. should not in- tcranted, !to said Nancy M Lew In, you are aUo hereby not lib d. that testimony will be taken to the aliove raie, l>efore nalcl court, on March 11• • • lift h. Il*U at which time ami place yon aie notllied to attend TIIOMAH It IMM IN Hherllf In the District Court ot the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, in Bankruptcy. I nt in* matter of 1 Martin It lilt tmer, rNo l.ttti. In Itankruptcy. Itankrupt. I To the creditor* of Martin It Dlttmer of Merman Nlatlon, lu the county of llutler ami dUtrlct aforesaid, a bankrupt Notice In hereby given that on the 17th day of January. A li. I'Mil, the nald Martin ll IMttiner wan duly adjudlcated bankrupt; and tliat the llrni. meeting of bin will be held at the office of J W llutchlttoti, referee in bankrupcy. No 111 N NV IHa mond,llutler.l'a on tfie lib day of I • hruury, A I> IWll. at In o'clock in the forenoon at which time the wald creditor* may attend, prove their • 1111 inn. apindut a tru%te«*, • * amine the bankrupt and trannaei HIICII cither bunlneMM an may properly come •n fon> nald meetlntf. January *'l»t. r."»l J W II C l'< 'lll HON, Keferei in y. M. A. BERKIMEK, Funeral Director. 246 S. Main St. Butler. PA f LIVE | | DRUGS. | / Drugs cannot hold their S 1 virtues forever; they ilry f \ up and die like everything J / else. ) You get only fresh, act- £ S ive dri'gs here. Our trade / ( is large, we furnish sup- v f plies to many physicians, / \ and so goods are kept / ( moving and have no S l chance to get old. 1 / We watch these things r f carefully, for we make a ( C specialty of prescription v j work and the interests of ' V our patrons demand the S f finest and freshest drugs r \ to be had. J \ Bring your prescription / / to us and then you can S f feel sure about it. S C. N. BOYO. j ? Pharmacist. \ Butler. Pa. i Clerk's Notice in Bankruptcy. In the District Court of the United States for the Western District of Pennsy lvanlu, Charles Thompson of Ivy wood, Kutler coun ty. Pennsylvania, a bankrupt under the Act of Congress of July 1. IH9K. having applb-d for a full discharge from all debts provable against his estate under said Act. notice is hereby given to all known creditors and other persons in interest, to appear before the said Court at Pittsburg, in said District, on the :!9th day of January. IMOI, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, toiboi came, if any they have, why the prayer of UM said peutlonei should not be granted, WILLIAM T. LINDSEY, Clerk. EXECUTORS' SALE. Hy virtue of tbe authority rested in t lie in by the provisions of the last will and testa ment of Michael McGinley. late of Concord township, Butler county, l'a . deceased, the undersigned Executors of the estate of said de -edent will offer for sale on the premises, on Saturday, February 16th, 1901, At 10 o'clock a. in., of said day. the undivided 4-tttlis of all that certain tract of land situ-' ated in Donegal township. Kutler county. Pa., bounded north by lands of Iluselton and Vcnsel, east by lands of Double, south by lands of Benson and ltansel, west by lands of John Rogers; containing KM) acres, more or lew; known M tin- "MdElroy farm*' 1 under lease for oil and gas purposes, and having :i producing oil wetls thereon, small orchard thereon, miles from B H. & P. K. IC. and aliouttlic same distance from Chlcora, 011 the P. Si W. Hy ALSO At 2:1*) p. m., of said day. that cer tain tractof laud situate In Oakland twp., Butler county. Pa., known as the "Held farm," liounded north by lands of Thos. Morris and public road, cast by lands of heirs of Ambrose O'Donnell, south by lauds of Peter and Mary O'Donnell, west by public road from Modoc to North Oakland, contain Ing 4H acres more or less; about 12 acres cleared, balance In tlml>er, aliout P4 miles from P. At W. Ky. ALSO On Monday, February 18th, 1901, On tlie premises at 10o'clock a. m., all that certain traet of land situate In Butler twp., Butler county. Pa., bounded north hy lands of <.«•«.rge Bather and Wm Wonderly, east by lands of Allegheny A. Western Railway Co., south by lands of Butler Brick & Tile Co., McLure heirs et al. and west by lands of Mrs. Bilsat eth Miller et al, containing ii" acres, more or less: lielng part of the same land conveyed by James Kearns. adm'r of Wm. Kearns, decreased, to Michael Mclilnley. reserving and excepting several lots and pieces of ground heretofore sold therefrom, said land being underlaid with coal, and havlnir an open coal mine thereon; about one mile from Butler ami convenient to railroads. TKKMS OF HALK 'n of the nurchase money In hand on execution of need ami balance, with Interest, in t*ro equal, annual nayments, secured by INIIUI and mortKage in the usual form on the premises li F. I\ KM.KICM AN. J. F. P. Mc lIINLKV, Executors of MIC IIAKI. Mctii.Ni.KY. dee'd. M. hNKI s & '-AI 1111 l Mil \I I V Administratrix's Sale. Ily virtue of .111 order and decree the Orphan's Court of Hutler county, I'a., made tin; MM h day of January, Itml, at No. 71, March Term, 1001, of said Court, the undersigned administratrix will offer for sale at public outcry on the premises, on Saturday, February 16th, 1901, At II o'clock a. in. of said day the following dcscrllied real estate, situate in Clay town ship, llutler county. Htate of I'ennsy Ivaula. Itoumled north by land of Hamuel <ire»*r; east hy land of Martin I . Webb; south bv laiulH of William M Webb, and west •»y lands of Alvln Allen ami Thomas Campbell heirs; rontatnliig forty acres, more or less, with a frame dwelling house thereon, several good springs, and aliout thirty acres of timber thereon, aliout one mile from Kuclld si at ion on I'. 11. A L. K. railroad being the land owned by I'erry J. Ilrown at and before his death ALHO On Saturday, February 16th. 1901, Af II o'clock p m.. the following descrlb««d real estate situate in t lie llnrougli of llutler, < ounty and Htate aforesaid, being lot num her II In tilocU No BU, In plot of lots surveyed hy James Uuulap, EIM|., bounded on the north hy lot number r j in nald nlot. on the cant liy rhlicl Street, on the south by lot N«» IT lu said plan, and on the west hy an aliey being tlfty feet more or less, fronting on Third street, and extending luu'k to »»i alley one hundred and sixty feel. wit h a two st<»i y frame dwelling house, frame barn and chicken house I hereon located, ami being the name lot and premises owned by I'erry J Ilrown at ami before his death. Ilotli of the ab ive mentioned ami d< scribed real estate to he'sold free, clear and dln • barged of all encumbrances TKIiMH OF HA l/K All of the nurchase money to IH* paid on confirmation or sale by t he i Jourt. MKH. i I.AItA II llltoWN. Acini'x , (if I'KIIIIV J lllcow M- dee'd , I t) llutler. I'a I IIANK II MVftPIIV. Att'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. test amen taiy on tile estate of John J. Keitjer, ilec'tl,, late of Butler, Hutler comity, I'a., having been Kranted to the iinilerHivneal. all jM-raon knowing theniself iilileltteil to «ai<l estate will pleaiie make iliilliediate |i*yinellt. an<l any haviux claim* aj'.airi't Hal<l entate will pre Kent them duly authenticated foi settlement to JOHN 11. KKIIIKK, K*'r., llutler, I'a. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. I.etter* of inliiilnitt'ratlon on the eittale of Mm M. J. KnauNC, "lec 'd., late of Summit tw|>., llutler Co., Pa., havinjf iH-en granted to the uinler»ij{iic>t, nil gx-rHon. knowing themsclvea in<lel>ted to bald estate will |»lf*ns»* iniiki' lilimcdiatr and any having iilainia it haul e*latr will present thrill <luly i»u theuticateil for hcttlcmcut to MRS. I'.MMA O IIONNICI.I.. I'.*'* . Curltoii Centre, I'a. (>ltu. K. WniTK. Attorney. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE 1/ttciH tc-staniciitnry on the estate of Mrs. Hli/alicth McCtmllcss, decM , late of Aclanid towiinlnji, Hut let county, I'a., having breu to the titider signed, all person knowing tbei»iscl\« » indebted to said estate will j>lea*.«- make • til tiled late payment, and itliv knowing themselves indetiied to said estate will on-sent them duly autlieiiticnted for sc.'ttlement to J. F. SHANNON, IU r., t'allery, I'a. ADMINISTRATRIX'S NOTICE K«tatc of I'erry J, Ilrown, late <.f Sum suit township, Butler county, I'a , dee'd. I.ctter» of admiiiintration having Ijcen to the under»i|{ued oil, mentioned entate, notice i» hereliy Klveii i'n all persona knowing theniaelvea iti iletjleil to «aid estate to make immetliite payment and thoac having claims against the aaine to present them duly aiithen ticated for aettlcment to CLARA II BROWN, Adm'niatralria, I HANK II MtiHl'liV, llutler, I'a. Attorney Grand Clean=up Sale. Wc have just ended a very busy season and in looking t!.. <»ur stock we find we have left too many heavy-weight goo<l>. Hroken lots in Overcoats. Men's. Boys' and Children's S~:t3 that wo will sell at a price that will make them go. We mean this, every vord of it Douthett & Graham have the reputation, you kr. . . of living strictly up to their advertisement, no diAerence what it costs. What's the use of paying big prices for goods when you can buy them from us during this sale, which \tili last for 30 days, for near.y one-half of what they are worth? PRICES THAT WILL WIN! 78 Men's Overcoats that Go at Two Prices: • - Mrli > < ivitimul- :tt 4" M. n • r it-u - $5.00 10.00 «50 »5 00 All the balance of our Overcoats will be sold at a reduced price. All the above goods have been taken from our regular stock and put on separate counters. We have put on a new ticket containing the sale price alongside the ticket containing the old price, both marked in plain figures. Remember, this sale lasts only 30 davs, so in order to please yourself with a choice at this remarkab'e sale, you had better take advantage of this opportunity at once Come in and see lor yourself. It is a pleasure for us to show these goods whether you buy or not. Yours, DOUTH6TT & GRAHA ( \\. A Cold Wave's a Coming. It will get here soon, and von ought O » O to be prepared for it with warm winter clothing. Bnv now, during the Great Clothing Sale Suits #5, Overcoats New Oxford Overcoats, all the rage, now #8 to #l2. This is to *5 less than they were sold for a month ago. c Pants all worsted for #2, #2.50 and #3 formerly sold for #3, 4.00 and 5.00. The glad hand these frosty days is found inside of our gloves. Your hands made glad for 50c, 75c, and 1.00. Schaul & Nast, LEADING CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS. 137 South Main St., Butler. 20thCentury Lll IOCS TfllU'Q 20th Cwtnrj Shoe Sale nUOLLIUIiO Sboe Sale Greatest of all Shoe Sales! Begins January 17, at 9:30 After stock taking we find broken sizes and odd lots all through this immense stock which must be sold. Great Price Concessions Caunteract January lull in trade and m«dc it one of our busy months, lust think of it. Strictly high grade Footwear marked to sell at a Fourth, a Third and a Half less than our regular prices, hor instance. Shoes hat we sell regularly for SI.OO and fi.25 now selling for 50c Those t $2.00 and $2.50, now $1.45 and $1.85. Others at $1 25 and $1.50 now 75c and 95c. Iriesistible Values Compel Prudent People to Purchase^ This price cutting reaches every line and these values are not equaled in any shoe house in Butler. DON'T DELAY. Come before the lots are broken. Sale begins Nil RSI)A\ , JANUARY 17, at 9:30 These goods sold only for cash. B. C. HUSELTONS, Itul l»r'» l.i*mllng Hlii>« llouhk. Omi>l*lU> liu«*l U»«rj. ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. Wherea* letter* of adminatration have tlun day been iluly grunted by "> c Regis ter of liutler Co., I'a, ti» (tat Keister on the estate of I'uul Kciater. lute of Slipperyroek town»hip, aaid county ami State, notice ia hereby given to all |ierHoiiH knowing llmntrlvca Indebted to said eatatc to make N|MT<IV payment, ami those having claim* against said estate will please preaeiit there pro|>erljr autlien ticateil for settlement t<» OSCAK KKISTKK, Aug. 3, iumi, Administrator, Kclstri I'. ()„ Butler Co., Pa K. MCJUNKIN, Atl'y for Ailm'r and estate ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. I.etter* of adminiatrat ion on the estate of Simon Harickiuan, dee'd , late of lint |<*i township, liutler county, I'a , having heen granted to the undersigned, all | a*isous knowing theiuselvea indebted to sal'l estate will please make Immediate piynwnt. ami any having claims against said estate will present them duly au thenticated for settlement to MM. HKI.I.K C. MAHHKMAN, Adm'* , liutler, I'a. MATKti«f YOI NI., Attorneva, ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE Letters of adminiatration on the estate of William J. Clelaud, dee'd . late of Mud'lycieek township, Itutlei county, I'a., having la-en granted to the undei aliened, all peraoua knowing themselves indebted to said entate will please make immediate payment, and an» having ciaima against aald ealat.- will present them duly authenticated for aeUlciiienl to IHA l„ CI.KI.ANI>, Ailm'r., Wiuiertoii, I'a I'imNKi.LUH & SON. Att'ya. OUR Bargain Counter ('out.tin Cabinet Pii:tur< alprues marked from j t« » less than J their rc l v prices. Our assortment, of China is complete with the- finest imported I>iamis and prices are way do vn II you need anything in our line, it can l>e had now at a bargain at DOUGLASS' 1\( n )K ST( )IVK 241 S. Main St., HTd * B. & B. prices doing it selling out the surplus and odd lots. Reductions that count. UoAd goods sacrificed Lot of 45c American llonur spuns 1 s< yard. All wool fifty cent Dtess Goods, 3'» inches wide, 25c. Dollar, sl. J S and $1.50 fine I'taids, mostly skirting styles. 50c. Odd lot 7sc and Dollar all wool I'laids 35c, Splendid styles lleeced Wrap per Goods or Flannelettes 1 >t of Icent, thro fc»urths wool Debeiges or Wrapj»er Goods -2K inches vide—<» Jc Silks IHIII lines— JOi —»ut.h value, styles and shows there never was such an earn est, determined selling out as this here now ()lher goods useful good* hundreds ol items. Write for what you want— and i;et th«- lienefit of all the vigorous price work that's going on. IJooirsct 81111 l Department X ALLEGHENY. PA W,\ VT»: l» ll<*n« • ' « ••»*» »> >'»•» t.* Ur«i .. .ri »MID | u4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers