FALL OF 1900. We are now ready for the FALL TRADE and it surely ought to and will be the banner season for our store —if careful buying and exceptional choosing go for anything—you will certainly agree with us after looking over our immense stock with our small and insignificant price. The lollowing are "just a few" of the good things we have. Jacket Suits, RAINY DAY SKIRTS, The only skirt for the Fall, Ladies' and Children's Jackets, FURS, French Flannel Shirt Waists; Also the French and other Flannels by the yard, Blankets and Comforts, Dress Goods, Golfing Cloth, Venetians, Prunella, Cashmeres, Cheviots and Serges, in endless variety. Our Carpet Department Is still the "little bit the best" by which it is termed by people who know. DUFFY'S STORE, C. E. MILLER 9 SHOPMAN. Makes a Grand Offer to the Trade. A GREAT REMODELLING SALE. We Must Have Money, We Must Have Room. We are making a big change in our building. New basement new front, another story and a large addition on the rear. t ,Our large and increasing trade makes it necessary for us to make this change, and to make this change we need money and room. Our lall goods are all in and our building is packed from cellar to roof. While we don't prospose to lose any money on these fresh, seasonable goods, we intend cutting our profits so as to make this large stock move quickly. To our old trade we just have to say to them, we are going to close some goods cheap; they know what it means. TO OUR NEW FRIENDS. We wish to say that when we advertise a sale of goods it is genuine and the trade knows it and approves and profits by it. We wish to impress on your minds that just now we are having a Great Sale of Shoes, just such as you need at this time of the year. Better take advantage of this sale. C. E. MILLER. I New Furniture { For Every Room in the House# Jg The new stocks, like a continued story, have been >ssf arriving chapter by chaptervjusl enough each day to usg S keep ©ne hungry for more. But there's plenty of it here now, and such strikingly handsome furniture as most of it is! But why waste words? This is a yzz* Jfipl matter susceptible of proof or of contradiction, and the test of comparison is invited. You are welcome. S SIDE BOARDS, \ WOOL BLANKETS. Us No dining rs*>m is complete N Fresh fro in the mill; nil wool; JCtf without one. The new line will i not the skimpy kind, bot large jgg jSf interest yon. (>ne 48 inches long. Sand heavy; the kind that keep }§£ 3©i swell front, canopy top with lart'e j yon warm. Sst round Anted columns golden tiaif, S Price, S4 GO. jyg ni.fly poli.-hed. Price, 525. / GAS STOVt, j|g Jg PARLOR CHAIR ( F.>r i-'.-is and handsome I ps. To match the divan. Sent np- V for your pail >r A;. as savei and bolstered in green empire tap- f one that beats th»> room •gaf estry. Also rocker of same. J Price, $6 00. » . Price of Either, $6.50. \ HEATING STOVE, jSjj COMFORTERS, ( A nice Parlor Stove with open m Fresh and new. well made and / full size. J used for gag. rOS Price, sl. \ Price, $7 50. jgf I Campbell g Templeton 1 f ,-<& rc«w" srutM ALL. THE j FALL I BLOCKS IN STIFF AND SOFT HATS ARE NOW IN AN -> ARE BEAUTH CS. WK AI-SO HAVE A COMPLETE LINE iOF MEN'S FURNISHINGS FOR FALL AND WINTER. Jno. S. Wick, 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa 1 Opposite P. O. U/ \.\TKD—llonrsi man or wom iii i »tr.ive tor Urgi* house; salary monthly :iud expt nse», with «n<*r**ase: position perujan i ent:luclOM*e)f-H<Uires»e<i stumped envelope XANAGEU. sWO Cax ton Ul<iK..;<Jkiicago. PHILIP TA. r oK, it i ]; IN I! Cleveland BereaiGrit f < < f STONE j || Suitable for Building 3f Ornamental and j [ _ Paving purposes. H His Stone Will Not "Shell* Off." | i I Prices reasonable, j; X Work done well $ and promptly, Stone yards on East Etna street. I * Residence on I Morton avenue. People's Telephonej32o. a*********************** PIANOS A Word To Piano Owners. I wish to state to pianos own ers and the public in general that I have became a permanent fixtune in this city and am prepared to do all kinds of repairing on all kinds of instruments. Piano Tuning a Specialty. J. C CANER, at Newton's j Music Store, or 109 Water Street, Jiutler, Pa.; also instruction given on all instruments. w I=S! SUnp for CftUloga*. W 06 j Boxing 6lo«e(. Striking Bags, Camera*, Bicycles, Hunting Suits. Stlnes. Tenia. Flshln j Tackle. JOHNBTONB, Or««» Wwem Gun Works, fta» Btreet, I'ITTSBUHO. PA. hb Cures Drunkenness. l\eetey c £f ,s # KEELEY Wriie tor M ;■««• pk INSTITUTE, booklet. • VITTIgBt kfa, Vk. j Donl Marry Almost everybody remembers the cele- j brated advice of thfc London Punch, ''To ) those about to marry. Don't." There j is in that advice the expression of the feeling of many a mother who says, " I fhope my daughter will never marry , and suffer as I In ninety-eight cases in even.- hun dred there's no need for this suf fering. Doctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures the womanly dis eases which cause wifely misery. It dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. It in womanly organ ism, tranquilizes the nerves and gives the mother strength to give her children. Do not allow an unscrupulous dealer to sell you something in place of "Fa vorite Prescription," claimed to be "just as good.'' There is nothing just as good for women as "Favorite Prescription." "I am so pleased with your instructions, I hardlv know what thanks to give yon for your kind favors.'" writes Mrs. Milo Bryant, of Lota. St. Thomas Co.. Ga. "You can publish my few statements to the world, hoping all suffering women will know and be healed. I suffered so much with great pains in my back and the lower part of my stomach and palpitation of the heart, that at'times I could hardly lie down, and could hardlv get up in the morning, but after using three" tattles of ' Favorite Prescrip tion ' and two vialsjof Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pel lets, 1 feel like a new woman." Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure sick headache. HUMPHREYS' Witch Hazel Oil THE PILE OINTMENT. One Application Gives Relief, It cures Piles or Hemorrhoids —External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissures and Fistulas. Relief im mediate—cure certain. It cures Burns and Scalds. The -eliei instant. It cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts ana Sore Nipples. Invaluable. It cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy Eruptions, Chapped Hands, lever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils. Corn=, Bunions, Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of insects, Mosquito Bites and Sunburns. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and SI.OO Sold by Druggists, or sent pre-paid on receipt of pr.ci HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., Cor. William <lt John bt» . SEW YORK. Sleep is Nature's time for rest; i and the man who does not I take sufficient time to siee|> or who cannot sleep whejt he makes the eobrt, & wearing ois his nervous strength ana coxfluwfofl Me Ncwine brings j soothing, ttfa&Hihg Don't let another Afepfr pass* to*6fy. TO sleep at | mH. jACHioN, Bowleg GreeivMa. 1 Nervine soothes the nerves, nour ishes the brajn, and re freshes dies entire organism. Sold on tee. D* Meiical Co, Elfcfcart, , Thin IS Your Opportunity, On receipt of ten cents, cash or stamps, % generous sample will be mailed of the most popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure (Ely's jream Bnliu) sufficient to demon- I atrate tho great merits of the remedy. ELY BROTHERS, 56 "Warren St, New York City. Rev. John Reid, Jr., of Groat Falls, Mont., recommended Ely's Cream Balm to me. I can emphasize his statement, "It is a posi tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."— Rev. Francis W. Poole, Pastor Central Pres. Churob, Helena, Mont. Ely's Cream Balm is tho acknowledged cure for catarrh and contains no mercury nor any injurious druu Prico, 50 cents. • made with pyre SPANISH LICORiCt* Vnsi;rpav>ed far cure of C^UGHSt-C^LDS I 5-" u IO £ pACKACif S jjgJlabaMl&iifc: Highly recommended by Medical Prof?' >lOl In decorated Tir: Boxes - Pocke » r u *2 5 C per BOX bold by DrugqiM J. everywhere o - • t y prepaid on receipt of i#r, . w * -K . VISITORS to Pittsburg during the Exposition season are welcome at our store. We shall he Kind to have vou make it your he:td<| 11 sitter* while here. We have no display at. tin- Kx posit Inn Wi! lire also headquarter* for the dlstllh-rles of the l»est WIIISKKV on the market, Much iih KISCH, IT. HrhKMIKItIKK 01 1.1.1 Nt, KK. til IJsO.N, IVKIUIOI.T, I. A Utile, I'Himi'SUl, HhIIXIKPORI. and ofTer them to you H yejir old ut {l.l*l pet full quart, S quarts, ">.<*). uttANIIKATKKK H CllOh i., a nhlskey suarai'ited Syears old. -pl.fio per iral. On all O. I), or mall orders of £>.ooor over we hox and ship promptly; express charges prepaid, ROBERT Lb WIN & CO 411 Water Stree r Telephone, 217 c. Pittsbm \> .. } Opposite I! A O. Depot. L. S. McJUNKIN, J Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 1 1 (17 E.JJEFFKRSON. j BUTLER, - PA j i iiii-THE ELECTIOW-ii ill If You Think You Know How It's Going, Cut This Out, Fill It In and Preserve. i _________ map OF TH I^^XIT EDS' I TKS. SIMIW I \ii BRYAX STATES BLACK. SI'KIXLEV STATES WHITE. The Results In i 896. Estimate of Vote In 1900. States, ntkinley. bryan. m-kinley! j bryan. With Number of Elect, j Popular Elect. Popular .: al PciaarPlu- Electoral Popular Plu- Electoral Votes. votes. Plurality. Votes. Plurality. Votes. i..uty. Votes. ' rality. ALABAMA....II j H 75.570 ! ARKANSAS... 8, ■ 8 | , j CALIFORNIA.. », 8 2,797 1_ ! COLORADO .. . 4 4_ 134.882 j GONNECTIC'T. 6 6 53.545 1 1 DELAWARE.. 8| 3 3,030 FLORIDA 4| | 4_ 21.44s ; GEORGIA 13; | 13_ 34.141 i IDAHO 3 3 16-808 ILLINOIS 24 24 | 142,49b , INDIANA 151 15 | 18,181 IOWA 13! 13 ; 65.552 ! KANSAS 10, | j 10 12,209 I I ; I ! } KENTUCKY.. .13: 12 281_ 1_ j LOUISIANA... s\ 55 I ' MAINE 0 6 45.777 _____ MARYLAND.. 8 8 32.224 ! ; ! | MASSACHU'S. .15' 15_ 173.L'C5 : j MICHIGAN... 14 14; 56.508 i_ _ j MINNESOTA.. 9 9 53,875 _ i j | MISSISSIPPI .. 9 »_ r >B-* , ! MISSOURI 17 | 17 5« • j MONTANA.... 3 - j NEBRASKA... 8 | 8 J.. I j NEVADA 3 <8 , | NEW IIAMP. 4 4 85.794 _ j j NEW JERSEY. 10 10 I 87.092 ! , j j j NEW YORK .36 86 208.409 , j N. CAROLINA.U 19/ | N. DAKOTA 8 3 j 5.019 : 1 j OHIO 23 23 47.197 i i j j j _ [ OREGON 4 4 2.117 i j | j | PENNSYLV'A. 83 88 «"TJ i ; I RHODE ISI.'D. 4 4J 22.978 ____ _ : i S.CAROLINA.. 9 9_ 49 r ,!7 . | S.DAKOTA.. 4' , TENNESSEE . . 12, j j 12_ 17J" ; i TEXAS 1-V . l£j SO? !'i' j I UTAH 3* j 3j S' VERMONT. . r 4 40.-H.O j VIRGINIA 12! 12 19" | WASHINGTON. 4, 4 12. J , W. VIRGINIA «| 0 M.4H7 j | j j WISCONSIN.. ,13| 12 102.012 WYOMING.... 81 3 583 TOTAL 447' 271 1,568.348 ITH 00(1,946 L. ■ « ■ " GUESSING. As some people like to guess on election results, we publish a table of the result by states, of the with blanks for this year as between McKiuley and Brj'an, and we offer as prizes for the best gues9e y . I to the Citizkn for the— _ . . £3* Nearest guess to McKinley's popular plurality over Bryan m this state. djTNearest guess to the popular vote of tnis state. . , ITS?"Nearest guess to the popular pluraliiy of either candidate over the other in all tne state.. ICg?"Nearest guess to the electoral vote of the two candidates. O? Nearest guess to the popular yote of all the candidates in all the states. car All guesses to be mailed us not later than Nov. sth. HOOD'S PILLS cure Liver Ills, Bil iousness, Indigestion, Headache. Easy to take, easy to operate. 25c. CUBED IN A DAY. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in I to 3 days. Its action upon the system is retrarkable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents Sold by J. C. Redic, and J. V. Bnlph Druggists .Sutler. # -<r 96. $ CURES 1 i THE 5 ) COUGH. / ( A pleasant, never-failing v C rom cdy tor throat and. lung / % diseases. / | Sellers' Imperial j 1 Cough Syrup < I is absolutely free from spirituous S ) or other harmful ingredients, r v A prompt, positive euro / \ coughs, colds, lioarsencsLill-i- \ < enza, whooping cough. ? / Over a million bottles »ol<l In tho \ 1 last lew yearsattestltajopu'iurity. C < W. J. GILMORR CO. > S . , PITTSBURG, PA. V 5 At all Druggists. ( W. S. & E WiCK, TiKAI.EHS IN Ilnns(l> and Worked I,uml>« r >f, a'.l Kinds Doors, sirirl Mouldings. */il l\V|| Klsh :t -».»«'<-i:iify. Oilii e and. Yard. K. Cnnninieliuni and Mon ro« St.*. m-ar West I'emi Depot. HUTI.EK PA OWN AN | APOLLO With one you ':an play on the Piano at any time the music you desire. The Apollo is a wonder. Yon roll it to your piano in a moment, sit down before it, put in the mnsic, start it, and by means of small keys control the expression and tempo perfectly. The playing of the Apollo is so perfect, as not to be distin guished from that of a human being All effects possible on the piano can be I rendered with the Apollo. With an Apollo you are master of your own piano and are able to play perfectly all the most difficult works of Wagner. Liszt, Beethoven, etc., as well as the light and popular marches, coon songs, '' (; a '1 at my wareroom and hear one of the woi*'d-renowned Chase Bros. Pianos played by The Apollo. Pianos Oi r a" rt > small goods and their fittings, everything pertaining to music, sold for cash or cn payments to suit < >nr customers are o,~ir references. VV. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St- Butler Pa -<?<* *Tl,!r>.*«t/V« KaclUh Hral rCNNYROYAL PILLS ; oH(i»i Ur<l *"■' fUi wlih bin-, ribbon. T«ke \F iN nthrr. R'f»" ▼ L V .t.mpt for MrtlMlM". l>*tl>DOoUlJ »« i X In •• Keiic-r r.r lUdiw- uu t j »<■» _V fr Hull. *— r^rn. r«. Cb--lc.l c... *4«l> M.dU-" *» I'UILADi, »•> ] fi CROW N A S'sfilDGE 1 ft f! ft Jl«' IWrj-WHYNOT DO H ] * lift JOYOURS? Uuld CROWNS Lg ' ifIJH »'l B RIDGE work redn«s| t-,M «T»1I Djs PER TOOTH Also tl.eft fj ™ y rpatsMuf'reg^^'^ONLV^j^KJ Now is The Time to Have Your Clothing CLEANED OR DYED. If you want goou and reliable cleaning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 216 Center avenue- do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. Agent for the Jamestown Sliding Blind Co.—New York. R. FISHER <Sc SON VOU'LL KNOW HOW GOOD 1 WHEN YOU SEE THEM. Our '2sc box papers. Our 10c and 15c fine writing paper tablets. Blank books at the old price. Albums bought before the ad vance. Kodaks with a special discount in January. Photograph supplies always fresh. Sporting goods. Late fiction. Jliblcs cheaper than ever. Everyday needs at everyday prices. At DOUGLASS BOOK STOKK Eagle BTd 1 Advertise in the CITIZEN, RAILROAD TIME TABUS. pITTSBUKG & WESTERN Railway. Schedule of Pas senger Trains in effect May 28, 1899. BUTLER TIME. 1 Arrive. Allegheny Accommodation | 6 25 am. 9 03 A M I Allegheny Lxj>re«s j e 06 ** 1 9 12 ** j New « »w»t U« A. «omniodaUon 1 fc 05 ** j 9 12 * I Akron Mali j 8 06 AM? 7 (XJ *m I Allegheny Fwt Kxpres* | 95® m 12 18 ** Allegheny Kxpresa ! 3 i<o r.M 4 45 pm Chicago Ex]>reoi | 3 40 pm 12 1* am Allegheny Mail 5 .V) *• j 7 45 ; m Allegheny an>l New Castle Accom 5 50 44 ' 7 U3 ** Chicane Limited '5 50 " 912 AM Kane and Bradford Mail 9:55 AM 2 50 r.M Clarion Accommodation. 4 55 R.M 9 45 AM Cleveland and Chicago Express 6 25 am SUNDAY TRAINS. , Allegheny Express 8 06 AM 9 12 A.M Allegheny .Vcommudation. 5 50 r.M' 5 «3 r.M , New Castle Accomm«xlatiou .. . Bu6 A M 703 ** Chicago Express... . 340 r.* : S(U IUU Allegheny Accommodation | 7 03 pm on Sat m days a train, known an the llu-atre train, will leave Butler at 5J50 |>. m., arriving at Allegheny at 7.2i ►; returning leave Allegheny at 11.3*) p. m. Pullman sleeping car* on Chicago Expreas between Pittsburg and Chicago, For through ticket* to all points in the meet, north west or southwest and information regarding routes, lime of trains, etc. apply to W. R. TURNER, Ticket Agent, H. B. REYNOLDS, Sup't, N. D., Butler, Pa. Butler, PA C. W. BASSETT, G. P. A.. Allegberv, Pa 1! O DUNKLE, Sup't. W. \L. Div.. Allegheny PA rpHE PITTSBURG. BESSE -1 MER & LAKE ERIE R. R COMPANY. Time table in efl'ect Sept. 23, 1900. CENTRAL TIME. Northward. "iflj ••\.»-pt >unday. Sndnwi [ Head Up) * (Read down) - 14 12 BTATIOKB. 1 fi 13 I' M I' M A M A M I' M P M 12 ."<» 8 42 K-ie ! 12 10 4 1.1 12 ■ s 2«» Kairviev* 12 -V.V 4 441 12 13 b 10 Giranl 12 4.H 4 ii I 3S 8 18 ar..Couneaut . .ar 1 37 6 r«C 11 7 06 IT.. Conn taut, .lv 11 tJ 4 3*2 11 ,V> 7 so|c: anesTille I !107 517 11 50' 7 4 r » Albion 1 12- 5 23 II • 7 2l» Spriugboro 127 5 4<i 11 7 ConneantviUe 1 33 5 4«i 1! I 7 1 Mmiißh Smm I l "ri (V 5 11 50 7 50ar..|f«*dville.. ar 2 35 6 43 10 2«» 6 2<) lv. . Meadville. . .lv 1 u5 5 15 11 20 7 iiu ar.. Con. Lake..ar 2 05 t» l'i ■lO ;>» 6 50 lv..Con. Luke.. lT 1 35 5 44 • 7 2o ar. . Line ville ..ar ti u j 6 20 lv lv 5 45 10 54 6 4M;llarUtown ' j 2 (M*j 6 IS lo 4'» 6 43 Adamtville 2 13; 6 25 :10 40 0 34 Osgood 2 23 6 35 6 10 10 34 6 28 Greenville 6 35 2 30! ♦; 43 *> 06 10 26; 6 22 Shcnango 6 42 2 37! 6 5C 5 I- |0 "7 608 Fredonia *» .*.7 2 53 7 0* :u .» ;*> 5 4'.» Mercer 7 13 3 Hi 7 23 "• H 4' 4-i ll.>u-r.in .lunc.ioii 7 l'.» 3 17 7 3] "> 1 v 1» zs 5 25 Grov t « City 7 4o 3 37 7 £j 4 571 * 12 llarrirtville 753 34 • 4 51 9 08| Branchton 8 Oil 3 57 • • •- nr.. . Hilliard. .. ar 042 5 4<> 3 05 7 0-' lv. .. Hilliard. lv 7 05 3 05 447 03 Keister M (16 4 Oil 4 33 8 4s Euclid 8 20 4 17j 4 CO! 8 18 Butler 8 50 4 45 j 2 15, 7 ooj Allegheny 10 20' 6 20' U.M. I t • jP.M.' J. S. MATSON, E. H. UTLEY, Sup't Transp. Gen. Pass. Agt, Greenville. Pa. Pittsburg, Pa. DIVISION. SCBCDULB iNjCEFFKCT June 30, 1900. SOUTH. WEEK DAYS A. M A.M. A. M. P. M. P. M BUTLER Leave ft 25 8 06 10 50 2 35 5 06 Saxonburg Arrive 54 j83011153 00 528 Butler Junction.. " .7 27 d 53 11 44» 325 553 Butler Junction... Leave 1 7 31 8 53 11 62 3 25 5 53 Nutroua Arrive 7 4«» 901 12 01' 3 3\ 602 Tarentum 7 41 907 12 Ob 3 42 807 Spriugdale j 7 52 9 16 12 111 3 52 Claremont , 19 30 12 3i> 4 06 . .. Sharpsburg ! h 11 93612 48 4 12 612 Allegheny I 8 24 9 48 1 02 4 25 6 43 A. M. A.M. P. M. P. M P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Butler for Allegheny City and principal intermediate station! at 7:30 a. m. tnd 5:00 p. m. NORTH. WEEK DAYS A.M. A.M. A.M. P. M.IP. M Allegheny City. ..leav« 7 OO; 8 55 10 46j 3 10 « 1C Shanwtburg 7 12 9 07 10 671 .... Ciaiemout . ....i ....11 04 ..... .... Springdale .... .... 11 18; .... 637 Tarentum 7 371 9 3-1 II 28' 3 4<- G 4<i Natron* 7 41! 938 1 34 3 fioj 6 51 Butler Junction. . .arrive 7 48 9 47 il 43 3 68J 7 0(1 Outlet Junction.. . .leave 7 4* 9 47 12 lßi 4 Otij 7 (M Saxouburg 8 15 10 09 12 41; 4 35 7 24 BUTLER arrive 8 4o(i0 32 1 10" 5 06 7 5C A.M. A.M. IV M P. .il P. M SUNDAY TRAINS.— Leave Allegheny City for But ler and principal intermediate Mtatiuns at 7:15 a m. and p. iu. K*»R THE EAST. Weeks Days. Sunday* A. M. A. M »' M. A. M. ° M Bi TLCR lv 62510 50 235 730 5 OCJ Butler J'ct ar 727 11 -'0 325 820 5 5(1 Butler J'ct lv 7 48 11 4.; 3 6C 8 21 8 Ofi Free port ar 751 II 46 402 825 8 <»7 Kixkimiueta* J't " 755 II 5o 407 8 2 *J 811 i'anlt4>u (AHM....- 8 2ti 12 22 I 40 sSB 8 U S:Utst urx 44 861 12 49 5 9 2-1 9oi UlairNvtUe Int.. . " 9 to 1 Xi *> «i nt Alto* ma •' II 35 5 45 5 45 . - 3 10 |0 I io oo ..... PltiladelphiH " •» 23 425 I 26 425 P. M. A. M. A.M. AM P. M Through trains for the ua#t leave Pittsburg (Union Station), as follows*— Atlantic Express, daily 2:54 1 A.* Pennsylvania Limited " ........ 7:16 " Day Express, " . . 7:30 ** Main Line Ktpr.«sa, B:isi M Harrisburg Mail, *' 12*45 P.* Phllaidelphia Express, .. .4:60 u Mail and Exprerin daily. For New York only. Through bulfrt sleeper; DO owcLss 7:00 " Eastern Kxtn*s»-, * 710 " Fast Line, * 8 .10 44 Pittsburg Limited, daily, with through (oaches to New York, and sleeping cars t<» Nev* York, Baltimore and Washington only. No extra tare on tlii-> train 10:00 41 Fhllad .I Mail. Suuda>« on.» . 8:40 A.K F(ir Allantir I'lty (vit Dolnware River Bridge, all rail route), 8:00 A.M. and 8:30 P. W, daily. Foi tleiailed information, address Thos. E. Watt, Pass. Agt. Western District, Corner Fifth Avenue and Smith rteld Street, Pittsburg, Pa. J B. HUTCHISON, J. R. WOOD. •Jeneral Msnagai. Qen' 1 "Ms*-. Agent BUFFALO, ROCHESTER & PITTSBURG RY. TIME TABLE. In effect May 28, 1900. NOBTH IKJf.N'D. KAMKKN TIMK. +l2 I *ti I +io +l4 |•• l'lttnl.urjc ) lfiivt- a.ni I it.in p.Bi Ip.iu p.m AIH lI"' iv [ P. .V W. Ct» 0 OU 1 10 10 OC Butli'r... 10 Teni'ltoii 5 51| rnUg«vlll.- 10 « r. 02112 01 Ctiwtlisvillo **» l*i| MuntK'rtnerjrvHle <> 1"| Wet Miwgruve « 2T, Iktio 11 '► 4''|l2 43 lhtrUin U 311 No. th Point i 7 15' 1 1.1 111 ■ll oil | 1 22! Ilnratiii I 7 Ihiuxtnitawtkvy ir 12 03: 7 4( j 1 2^ * •• lv 6SO 12 or. 230 7 4<« 1 3U llln Hun 0 4fi 12 18 2 « 7 56j I'urwi'inville nr H 211+3 34* II 03j Cloarflcld »r H32 +4 00, 400 9 15j Hu11,,1- _ 7 20 12 4.-. ;i 20|8 30' 2 17 rail. I r. rk 7 2* 12 52, 3 30|p.ni | 2 24 llr.»k*iivvlllo 742 1 Or, 3 4»' | Z 441 kldgvuy H 1 4.i 4 2* I 3 1.1 .liitiiitniitl'urK H 4H 1 57 : 4 s*! ! 3 2* Mt. Jowi tt 9 34 2 4!»l 5 4'i [ 4 14 Bnvlfuril in 10 :«> 3 2f> 6 4."J ( 5 CXI SMlaniHiit'H iu h.iii +4 Oil p.ui [ I lluffnlu w 3 40 j 7 10 Hoclienter »r «30 | I 8 20 p.m 1 I it-Pi BOl'Tll BOUND. KA>TKK.N TIMK ~ +ls +9 *3 +fl~*7" leave 1 H.IU a.m ».tn lp.ni p.m Bochmter | tt OOj |s 45 Buflhlo I*! » 4.51 jIOOO SIIIIIIIIHIII'II lv 114251 Bradford lv 7 45 12 10 4 »> 12 V>> Mr. .Mwett » 42 12 5» ft 27, 1 05 JohiiKUilmrK "27 I 43 li 12 I 51 UMuwny » 5* 2 <» 6 41 2 07 llr.« k»m villi- !10 37 2 33,7 Zi 2 4<i KhIII «i".k 7 1310 54 2 41 7 4 1 2 54 iMillof. I 7 20 11 0" 2 55 7 fiO 3 05 Cbarfcld lv n on, 114 V C Nt (,'urwe nvlllr lv. (i I", 11+3H7 08 ttiK~K,in 7 50 II 31 3 20 * 2ft PuilxmltHVi uey . nr » (« II 4ft 3 33 8 40 3 48 lv « Oft ii. in 335 p.m 350 Horatio 8 12 lluiiii'iiMi ' 8 21! North Point . 1 * I Ihavton ; 8 47 4 Oil | 4 23 Kih„ 8 58 4 2ii 4 33 W»: M.«nnive ! » 18, MoutKuDH-ryvllle 4 J 28 tVivnuiiivlllc I 34. Cral-prvllle | 9 4ft| 457 j5 13 Ki ni llon sfi ||ui|„r 10 25 5 34: : 5 50 AII„kIIUII> I I'. A W. Mi" 11 .'Oj « 45 i 7 20 I*lltaliiir>; / urrivr' u.in ' I l .m ' I ».ni » Diiily. t Daily except Sunday. Trains ii and <i are solid vestlbuled, equipped with handsome day coaches, cafe and reclining chair cars. Trains 2 and 7 have Pullman Sleepers lietween Buffalo and Pittsburg EDWARD C. LAPEY. (ien'l Pan*. AKent, Rochester N. Y. UIVKS A BREAD-WINNING EDUCATION. Einithllfif vraif M«B aad women 1* meet the iannnda of thla pro*perou« cnmuaercisl aaa. forrtrculaaaddrcM p. DUPP « son, AarfUanrS*. ntttan. P*. | RAPE'S | Leading Millinery House: Clearance Sale I ! ; ALL SUMMER nILLINERY X 1 122 SOUTH MAIN ST., BUTLER J X>ooopooooooooooooooooooo<; 2 DRESS GOODS AGAIN. g iie suitin 8 8 an< * are S 5 varied to the taste, and enticing to J # the beholder. Some plain, some j JgggßTV fancy, other with plaid backs; all of Ufc Uk SSSpR A\ - 3 them better and cheaper than you & Three Specials in Homespuns. They arc all wool, heavy weight, stylish mixtures in greys, browns and biege. £0 inches wide—(rreat value SOc Ok C Here are the Heavy Skirtings. ja plaid tacks an' tin- ratt«>. Plain or mixed on one side and very handsome !■ ▼J plaids on the reverse side. Make up without lining. Wx (A 44 Inch heavy plaid backs *1.25 52 •• very handsome fi.so and »1.75 mf 7J M - " " elegant poods J2.no and C."9 ,J jm Heavy beaver cloth Is entirely new Venetians and Broadcloths. l ine Broadcloth Jl.oo and $1.25 fIP Very heavy and extra One twilled Broadc'3th. superb finish, worth $2.00 at $1.75 MP 'i Black Goods. JV Prunella Cloth, Melrose, Poplins, Chevlotts. Diagonals, Serges. Henrietta and fancy weaves. We carry a complete line of the famous Gold Medal black goods. Mr The low prices tell their own clevar story on these goods. Best French Flannels 75c per yd S ft STYLISH NEW JACKETS AT LOW PRICES $ |L. Stein & Son ,| £ 108 N. MAIN STREET, BUTLER, PA S TAILORS Have something more formidable to contend with than the fancies of man. They must please his mother, his wife, his sisters and his t cousins. A woman's inspection of a man's clothes may be casual but it is sure to be critical. The unmis takable style about our make of clothe* at once assic-rts itself ami never fails to fi id favor with the most critic u Whether your object is price or quality, our facilities for satisfying you are the best to be had. Fail Patterns Ready; Every one of Them Strikingly Handsome. ATO*-I MAKER0F MEN'S Clothes Announcement ° f ; Clearance Sa e Great reduction in every article pi rtair.inp t > MILLINER? A great variety of TRIMMED HATS •r L?tlies i\ii--.es and chil dren, all reduced to one half the former price. : ail«'is, rbb■ •n.*, cliiflons, flowers, ornaments, straw, braid... nettings; also all ui.tiim med hats, sacrificed at bargain sales, not regarding cost as we nr rd the space for fait goods. Sale will continue a 1 during month ol August at Rockenstein's, 328 South Main Stree'. ------ Butler, Pa L-«= ALL SIZES V— Quantity Our sale of corks increases each year until has become a feature at this season, don't hesitate to put up your owncatsup, picVles, fruit etc , if getting corks ba» been the trouble. We have them from a fourth to two and a half inches in diameter. Is that COUGH giving you trouble again? If so bear in mind that our Syr. White Pine Comp. with Encalyptol and Honey is the be.'t preparation on the market for bronchial and throat trouble. REDICK & GROHMAN, 100 N. Main St.. Pttscilption Drnggis s. Butler, Pa PITTSBURG ACADEMY Hnon? 1 Coorwt embrace Elocution. Clafwica. SclenUße, Normal, \ 711111 "I" 1 '" ; Commercial, Drawing. Stenography and Typewriting I *«••» n A j } Modarn LaiijruaKes. Military Training. Seventeen able and ( Vnar O6D T i 4-i experienced touchers. Call at office or send lor hand-book. f I Oflli _ " i I. WARREN LYTLE, PretMont, Cor. ROM and Diamond tti. ( The New-York Tribune The LEADING NATIONAL REPUBLICAN NEWSPAPER, thoroughly up to date, and always a stanch advocate and supporter of Republican principles, will ' contain the most reliable news of THE PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN including discussions, correspondence and speeches of tba ablest political leaders, brilliant editorials, reports from all sections of the land showing progress of the work, etc., etc., and will commend itself to the careful perusal of every thoughtful, intelligent voter who tas the true interests of his country «t heart. New York Tri»Weekly Tribune Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, every other-day Daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign war and other cable news which appears in THE DAILY TRI IU'NE of same date, also Domestic and Foreign Correspondence. Short Stories, Elegant Half-tone Illustrations, Humor ous Items, Industrial Information, Fash ion Notes, Agricultutal Matters and Comprehensive and Reliable Financial and Market reports. Regular sulwcription price, $1.50 per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for |.2.00 per year. Send all orders to THE CITIZEN, Butler, P»., subscribe for the CITIZEN New York Weekly Tribune Published on Thursday, and known for near'y si*ty years In every part of the United States as a National Family Newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of THE DAILY TRIBUNE up to hour of going to press, has entertaining readilg for every member of the family, old and young, Market Reports which are ac cented as authuritv by farmers and coun try merchants, and is clean, np to date, interesting and instructive. Regular subscription price, SI.OO per year. We furnish it with THE CITIZEN for $1.50 per year.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers