oiiday Goods Of all descriptions don't miss calling at J. R. GRIEB'S, CASH NOVELTY STORE, No 136 South Main St. In room formei ly occupied by ALLISON BEE HIVE NOVELTY STORE. Remember I promise, I you can inspect the largest and most varied lines \ ever brought to Butler Co We have everything | you could ask for. p ■ \ A brilliant array of New T ll our other departments I A Toys. Think of it! A we also handle Jewelry, I Anything to please the Silverware, Toilet Sets g children Toys from ict. Work, Glove, Handerch.ef, | up Sleds, Carts, Wagons, Necktie. Bon Bon and | Doll Push Carts and Car- other Fancy Boxes, Man- g riages, Hay Wagons. icure and Shaving Sets, | Hobby Horse?, Shoo-Fly Photograph and Auto- | Rocker,, &c. graph Albums. | beautiful Vases and All kinds of glassware A I Lamps, a fine line of A fine selection of Splint I Queensware of American, Baskets ,n different colors I English, German ,and made by the Indians of St ■ French makes. Full Din- Regis, such as Clothes ■ ner and Tea Sets of all H. am P crs ' I grades and prices. Hand Work Baskets, Toilet, 1 Painted and other fancy Hair and Fancy I pieces. Full Decorated Baskets, Cuff and Collar | Toilet Sets at $1.98 and Boxes, upward. A full line of Musical Goods. All kinds string, fittings Come in and look over our stock. Matters not if you wish to buy or not. You will be welcome a J. R. Criebs, » • Cash Novelty Store. No. 136 South Main Street. Butler. Pa. Mrs. J. E. Zimmerman. Grand Opening of Holiday Goods For Christmas Selling. Ed at the right prices-prices so LOW that they easly distance all competition. Only 18 secular days to do your Xmas buying. HOLIDAY GOODS. Cut Glass and Fancy Opal Ware, Toilet Sets, Perfumery, Picture Frames, Medallions, Glove Boxes, Necktie Boxes, Ink stands, Dolls dressed and undressed 25c up to #5, Dolls White Enameled Beds, Dolls Dressers in Oak, Collar and Cuff Boxes, Ladies' Handkerchiefs, ) / V 5c to sl/ Men's Handerchiefs, ) Dress Patterns \ Ladies' Fine Millinery 1 Ladies' Fine Kid Gloves and M iltsl Ladies' Fine Silk and Mercerized! Petticoats \ Fine Blankets, Bed Haps, White Spreads, Table and Napkins—all at old prices, notwithstanding a rising market. Mrs. J. E. ZIMMERMAN Beginning Dec. nth and continuing to Dec. 23d store open every evening. If You Are Thinking And possibly worrying about what to buy for your friends as a 1 loli day present, let us suggest that it be a package of Pure Perfume There can't be any disappointment in such a present. Better yet let it be a Perl ume Atomizer filled with one of our choice odors. We have the finest from the best makes. REDICK & GROHMAN. No. 109 N. Main St.. - PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST. - Butler, I'.. Patterson Bros., Headquarters for Mirror Framing. We just received a large shipment of mouldings We show the LARGEST line of PICTURE MOULDINGS in Butier, all the newest and up-to-date designs and coloring; alsr. large line of UNFRAMEI) PICTURES. Just what you want. Prices the Lowest. Workmanship Guaranteed. Patterson Bros., WALL PAPER AND PAINT STORE. 236 North Main Street. Butler. Pa Wick Building. Peoples' Phone 400 Subscribe for the CITIZB Mirrors, Pocket Books, Sterling Silverware, Jewelry, Belt Buckles and Belts Embroidery Mat-rials, Stanped Linen Goods, Cushion Covers, Cushions, Down Pillows, Furs, Scarfs, Muffs, Boas, Collaretts, Children's Fur sets, SI.OO up. The l>est of woni " \ en may be the w >rst 'of stiffen-r~ I >i !«-»■' -■ ease is no respecter iS 1/ of persons. The —ft regular periodic al suffering of r?7 JWi-y many wom p ' ,nJ v en is ca^"t; - /; i'li' v \^*K\ lalt '' 1 ///, |L<• V, fgregatin K // / 1 1 f* • . ten years 1 fl-ii?' i m ii IrJH sir / / \ t /Si MM iin<l / / XIAV/ /., \ fortv / W\k < 4 ' five. , ' Such a \\T' tax of 11 ; 'dr pain and I I I $5 dj, time is utter " I !<( "t, rr lv unneces- I V/A ® ary " I \ 1 " hll cases |' j the sulTer '' ings of wom en due to irregularity and like causes may be alleviated, and in most cases they may lie completely cured by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. This wonderful medicine is not a cure all. but a specific remedy for diseases affecting the delicate womanly organs. It cures, completely, irregularity, ulcer ation, inflammation and female weakness and gives the enfeebled organs liealt.i and vigor. Mrs. W. T Kidder, of Hill Dale Farm (Knos- Center!. Kiiosbur)?, Vt., writes " I c J?" r fully send vou the fallowing testimonial of the irre.it relief your kindly advice and medicines brought me. During Repast year J f °"" d \ was with child and in rapidly failing health. I suffered dreadfully from bloating and urinary difficulty I was growing preceptlbly wealcer each davand suffered much sharp pain at timi-s I felt that something must be done. I sought your advice and ree«ived a prompt reply. I t<>i. lowed your directions and took twelve bott.es oi Dr. Tierce - Favorit'- Prescription and also . . towed your instructions. I began to improve immediately, my health Mme excellent, ami I could do all my own work fwe live on H sized farm I walked and rode all I could and enjoyed it. I had a short, easy confinement and have a healthy baby boy ' Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure biliousness. SPECIFICS A. A. {FEVERS, Luns Fever. Milk Fever. CUBES J ' H. iSPII Yl\». Lameness. HUcuwulUm. CURES* 5 "" j EPIZOOTIC. Distemper. &»;} WORMS. Hots. <Jrul)3. EX | COI'GHS. <'olds, influenza. CVREH I roI ' ,C - Bellyache. Diarrhea. G.G. Prevent* MISCARItIAGE. HH. > KIDNEY AL BLADDER DISORDERS cutis! MA\GE, Skin Dlseiaaea. ? BAD COIVDITIOX. Marine OflfU, f* ic Paeh: Stable Case. Ten Ppeelfles, Book. &<•.. J7. At druggists or sent prepaid on receipt of price. NERVOUS DEBILITY, VITAL, WEAKNESS and Prostration from Over "work or other causes. Humphreys' Homeopathic Specific* fiS y in use over -40 years, the only successful remedy. $1 per vial,or 5 vials and large vial powder,for $5 Bold l.y or ml poit paid on receipt of price. BiaflUKVii'HEOi tl)., Cor. William Joli* 3b.> •>«» T«ri The Cure thai Cures j p Coughs, h \ ' Colds, / jt) Grippe, (■ V Whooping Cough, Asthma, J Bronchitis and Incipient A 31 Consumotion, Is K? '* w tag oTJo's] f A TUE GERMAN REMEDY" C; Vr C\»v« \Vvw\. -ax\& Vuwi I oels t i CATARRH LOCAL I DISEASE | and is the result ol co.'Jr atd |. jf"oT&a CUPCCCC'.I J sudden climatic chan j..:. ; "UttoJ For your I'rotcuti-iii tv A we positively suite that 1 1 B remedy dot- 1. t < IC<*' . mercury or auy oibcr .. . .r- S Bgjk iousdnig. ] Ely's Cream Bain is acknowledged to I »!:<? ir.oet tl'.ororirh cure f»r Nasal Catarrh, Cold in Head and Hay J -<r cf nil remedies. It opens ai msesthei al] c ~ j, allays pain and Inflai ' .pro tects the niembrai •• fr :? < . i : '9 t • 3 of taste and *rm tsorbym ELY UKOTIIJiiv , Wurr U. et.Kew York. CURES < THE ) } COUGH, I C A pleasant, never-falling £ remedy for throat and lung i diseases. I s Sellers'lc sperial I ) Cough Syrup < } is absolutely free from spirituous S J or otlier liarmful ingredient, c C A prompt, positive cure / v couglis, colds, lioarsone.. - ••• ' < enza, wliooping cough. / # Over a mil lion bottles foVi i. yi*.3 \ j last few yeaisattcstitsjc i 'a.ority. ( W. J, GILT-IORH CO. « C pITTSBUrtQi iA. * S At all Druggists. ( \ 25c and 50c. } til ih s jkf t;-. Pfe U o'^' u Vc'J: ■ /*. k 1a %.-* r ri ] ■ I jg j: i. . •, -i';.■ i 5S (fffif rrti-.ic- • : th J' : ' ' • SwsfS'v-" ■ S v • • ■ i-iaar.Vr'l.-. x»— BUTLER BUSINESS COLLEGE. COURSES. [—Amanuensis Shorthand, i—Reporter's Shorthand. s—Practical5 —Practical Book-l:eeper's. 1 Expert Accountant's. 5 —Music. s—English. TEACHERS. Three Professional, Two Assistants and Another Professional Coming. SCHOOL NOW IN SESSION. DAY AND NIGHT Semi for our New Illustrated Catalogue ind Circulars. They will open vour iyes. Note the large nurfiber of our -,ast graduates nml students who are illing lespoustible positions. Send for circular telling how to get a josition. WATCII THIS SPACE. A. F. REGAL, Prin., Butler Business College .jig 327 S. Main St. ; Butler, I'a. i. . .. ii>' ci.»li7ed Bread-winning Education. f. Dl'Fr a SONS. 244 Fifth Av«nu«, PITTSBURG. PA TT I EjffelTlZKN. | HIVES FOR WINTER. K Chr(|> I linii Irmiiurmeiil —liorr to Mow Hi-en. There is uo better arrangement for wintering; lioes than an ordinary dry j good* box uiade into a chaff hive, as shown in I'ig. 1, and the manner of fix iuj: it is -d fully explained In the pic ture that no further direction Is need ed. The shle of the large hox i.s taken off lo show how to arrange the hive of bees. The liive is tipped up Ht one side I to show the bottom arrauKement. The side is ]p|a< ed l-aek and the entire j between hives inside iilled with dry chaff, a good roof added and all paint ed r.p nicely, as shown In Fig. 2. This nrratCremeiit is illustrated in Farm. Fireside, in which A. 11. I »uff also tells about moving bees. He says tliqt junviiig them, either long or short distances, should be done be fore cold weather They should he lo cated on the spot where they are in tended during warm weather to be wintered, so as to be thoroughly ac quainted with their surroundings he fore cold weather sets i;i. this not only answers for long distances, but more especially so if they are to be moved about in the rpiary. If colonies are thu- cla.uged just at the beginning of winter, when they do not have a chance to mark their new location by frequent flights, it will re sult in irreparable nan..- and a heavy loss in Ikm s. Tie ■»nly safe plan to move coh iiies in tl e same apiary is to move the hive a few fe> t each day tl.at the Ih's are flying until the desired spot is rca< ht J. In this maimer the bees will follow the hive and iind their way home;- jtfr- 1 11 »i 2. f.C-.l' 1 CHEAP CHAFF HIVE TOR WtVTF.H. otherwise they would become lost or enter oilier hives, in which case they are liable to be stung to death by other bees. The; c iless loss in this respect during the autumn months than at any time during spring or summer, as the bees are lying idle the greater part of the time-it this season. Bees should not be moved during winter. 'I lu y should not be disturbed or molested in any manner while tak ing their winter doze, except on a fine day. when they are flying, to look after their wants. They may be moved in early spring in suftty, when they iwv beginning to fly daily. Commercial Fertilizer and Potatoes. The Virginia station draws the fol lowing conclusions from experiments with commercial fertilizers for pota toes : First.—That potatoes grown without fertilizers contain the greatest amount of dry matter. The addition of fer tilizers tends to diminish the dry mat ter, and also as the quantity of fer tilizer used is increased the amount of dry matter is diminished. Second.—Potatoes grown where sul phate of poiasli was used contain more dry matter than those where muriate was used. Third.—The ash is not affected to any very appreciable extent. Fertili zers tend slit' 11 y to increase it. Fourth.—Very little effect is produced on the starch by fertilizers, their tend ency being to increase rather than to diminish it. Fifth.—Potatoes grown with muriate of potash contain less dry matter but slightly mor starch than those grown with sulphate of potash. Sixth.—Neither the kind nor amount of fertilizer has any appreciable effect 011 the percentage of nitrogen, [rtios phoric acid and potash contained in potatoes. ' / Seventh. —The percentage of chlorine Is considershly increased when muriate of potash is used, and the more muri ate used the higher the percentage of chlorine. Ilov.- Mosquitoes Hibernate. "In what stage of their existence do mosquitoes and similar gnats pass the whiter?" is a query to which Miss Mary K. Murtfeldt replies in the St. I,ouis Republic: So far as has been as certained. the mosquito and its nearest allies hibernate in the perfect form, hidden away in hollow trees, in cor ners of buildings and among low bush es. That ther most severe cold does not impair their vitality is proved by the almost insupportable abundance and ferocity of these insects in arctic regions. They will also survive in heated rooms in a state of semiactivity, as the writer has proved by experi ment. New* tind Notes. Among vegetables which the depart ment of agriculture has imported and pronounces of great merit are two spe cies of asparagus new to America, one from Algeria, the other from Naples. The Brazilian duck, a recent deli cious addition to the menu of the epi cures, is said to be a "wood duck," dif fering much from the popularly raised Pekin. To be a success for market it must be fed and fattened, with the scrupulous care and nicety of the French poultry growers, on finely chop ped mixed feeds specially designed to give delicately flavored meat. Over 2<> important products are now made from corn. Under latest modern discoveries and methods not a particle of corn is wasted. There Is said to be absolutely 110 refuse. Our imports of wines, currants, rai sins and fresh grapes aggregate over $8,350,000 a year. "A liberal potato crop In sight" is The American Agriculturist's verdict, though the crop has proved disappoint lng in the northwest and in parts of New York and Ohio. What Tliey Do. "What do these park policemen do to enrn their salaries?" asked the visiting stranger. "What do they do?" responded the lounger lying on the grass. "Didn't you see tl«it one with the red nose make those women take down that hammock after he had watched tlicra for 15 minutes putting it up?"— Chic ago Tribune. 11 liulibcd tlfT. As they emerged from r dark corner of the piazza and entered the brilliantly lighted hotel, trying to look uncon cerned, her dearest friend beckoned her to ouo sitlo. "If I were you." said the dearest friend solicitously. "I would insist upon George using a better quality of dyo 011 his mustache."—Chicago I*-.st. Mot Timed In Billville. The most Intense heat prevails here, and tho mercury is trying to climb as high as the church steeples. The accounts of hot weather in the Philippines were too much for ns, and wo decided that we would remain at home and write obituaries for our sol dier boys there.—Atlanta Constitution HOOO 3 PI 1 I : i.Mro i.iver Ills, Bil iousness, Indir sti'n, Headache. Easy to take. f-r.sy to operate. 25c. Rhiiumatism Cl'RKd in a Day. "Mystic Cure" for Rheumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to 5 days. Its action upon the system is renrarlcable and mysterious. It removes at once the causes and the disease immediately dis appears. The first dose greatly benefits; 75 cents. Sold by J. C. Kedic, and J. F. Balph Druggists Butler 96. GENTS ! Furnishings! <^-7 iL Every luxury as well as every necessity for n en's furnishings you will find in our line. Our stock of lux uries is as large and as well selected as our stock of necessities. Many things that are suitable for Xmas gifts can be found here. Jno- S. Wick. I 242 S. Main St., Butler, Pa Opposite P. O. A Fair of Our Own. Admission free and a fair ex change of 'goods' for money. Yon'll get quality in buying these goods and any amount of satisfaction. A thought foi J'our comfort, accommodation for your cash. A stock of Holiday pres ents that crowd the capacity of our store but give an Autt.mn brightness that pleases. Call soon, the goods tell the story and there are goods for everybody. A superb line, never before equaled here never surpassed anywhere. The t prices please at- DOOGLSSS BOOK STORE. Near P O Peoples Phone 162 Butler, Pa. Whose ClollTcs arc you wearing"" The fashion plate displays the latest styles and how they appear on proportionate fig ures -this Is mechanical art. Ready made clothing is cut t>y machinery from patterns drafted 011 proportionate lines and finished In the factory one like the other this &ISO is 1 hanii~.il art. Hot ten men in Pennsylvania!! are of proportionate build and therefore the majority are not susceptable to the ready made lit. We want you to think alniat the advant ages of made to measure clothes, especially our make, and if you'll do what you'll ilijnk you will have individual style clothes and save money. Let us prove it. ■A. L,/\IN D f MAKER OF MEN'S CLOTHES. L C. WICK, Dk.ALERJIN Rough t Worked Lumber OF AXI, KINDS. Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mouldings. Shingles and Lath Always in Stock. LIME. HMR AND PLASTER Office opposite P. & W. Depot. ' BUTLER. PA. Now is The Time to Have Your ColHir\<3 CLEAN ED or DYED If you want good and reliable cl***».ning or dyeing done, there is just one place in town where you can get it, and that is at The Butler Dye Works 1 ( .'enter a venue. do fine work in out door Photographs. This is the time of year to have a picture ol your house. Give us a trial. A«f;nt for the Jaii.e6towD Sliding blind New Y< rk. E. USHER & SON. Practial Horse Shoers W .L ROBINSON, Formerly Ilorse Shoer at the Wick lioure has opened busi ness in a shop in the rear of the Arlington Hotel, where he will do Horse-Shoe:ng in the most approved style. TRACK AND ROAD HOSRES A SPECIALTY. I T.-w, iLIVERY. 1: 11. C. l'ryor, ot JW.- Siinhury, |lierel<y gives notice to the public that owing to the death of his father-in-law, John Mechliug, he will not 'cave his business as had been intended, but will continue to carry on the livery business at the old stand. Good furnished at moderate price. H. C PRYOR. ** X*£*3B!iX*£^V-: £^ ■1 dfipfE** TAFTS PHILADELPHIA --DENTAL ROOMS.-- [j ' 39-sttrAvc., Pittsburg. P». IS !I BPO V. -u pRACTICA- . 7 < nJmE nCRowN ii Ab of Pittsburg—WHY rtOT DO Atff #l|yours? t;»id crowns VlfoT W"" 1 BRIDGE work !( ' V j Sf* 5 PER TOOT« c^' I Advertise in tbe CITIZEN. ©-TEN TONS-# HOr\E HADE CANDY NOW IN STOCK AT Richey's. And more being made every day. Enough to supply every SUNDAY SCHOOL, HOME and Christmas Free in Butler Co Send all mail orders to JOHN A. RICHEY, BUTLFR, PA. MILLER'S SHOE STORE One of the Busy Stores in Butler. New Shoes. Old Prices. MAKING TRADE LIVELY. There has been a decided advance on all kinds of footwear in the eastern market. Anticipating an advance, we bought very heavy early; hence we are in shape to ofter our patrons good, seasonable footwear at old prices, and in some cases even less. Some of Our Leaders. Men's Fine Buff Shoes, all sty les 98c Men's buckel Bluchers 98c Men's Tap Sole Bals. 98c Men's Seamless Congress • • • Ladies' Kid Button and Lace Shoes 98c Ladies' Kid Bals, old ladies 98c Ladies' Warm Lined Shoes, Dongola 98c Boys' Good School Shoes 9^ c Misses' Good School Shoes 9^ c Once A Customer, Always A Customer, Our Goods and Prices Do the Work, Some Attractions for Dressy People. For the ladies we ofler the Delsarte and Cyrano, the best shoes in the market for $3.00 and $3.50 In men's shoes we are pushing the Walkover line at $3 50, and they arc fast becoming popular. We show this fall the largest line of fine shoes in Butler. A Word About Rubbers Our Rubber department in the basement is full of felt and rubber goods at old prices, and when you ate ready to buy those things come right to us and vve will take good care of you, selling you goods at a large saving to you. Butler's Progressive Shoe House. C. 6. /Wilier BUTLER. "V. DIRT GATHERS, WASTE RULES.' GREAT SAYING RES'JI/lS FKOBA THE USE OF Ch Op * THE DOUBLE AA ADMIRAL OLD RYE WHISKEY. One of the finest Rye Whiskies in this State, at the following low prices: I'ull quarts, one bottle. 85c: four bottles. $3.00; six bottles. $4 50; twelve bottles. $8.75: gallon. SJ.OO; three gallons. Not less than 1 gallon or 1 bottles shipped. No charge for packing. Express paid in the following States: Penn sylvania. Ohio, West Virginia. Maryland. Indiana, New York. Send your address anil money order to A. ANDRIESSKN Sole Owner, 016 Federal St , TEL. 549. ALLEGHENY, PA. I'rK e list of other goods. Wines, etc.. mail ed. References: First and Second National llanks and Hollar Savings Fund and Trust Company, Allegheny. I'a. (No marks onshippings.) New Drug Store. MacCartney's Pharmacy New Room. Fresh Drugs. Everything new and fresh. Prescriptions carefully com pounded by a Registered Pharmacist. Try Our Soda R A. MacCartney s|; E:vervw^^cS|| W AstWi# JJ IT- Cures Drunkenness. s ® m g KEELEY Write for M ' INSTITUTE. tree U K mm nrik *«•., Booklet. riTTSBIKO. r*. \NTKII >KVKi;AI, IIKIUIIT AM) honevt persona to repmntu m Man agers in tills and close by counties Salary s : en :i year and * xpenses. straight, botia iiile. no more, no less salary. Position per ni:t!ii*nt. our references, any bank in any town, li is mainly office work conducted at home. Reference. Enclose self-addressed I stuped t ii\-\lope. The rioMisrojt Company. Kept, a, Chleago HOLIDAY PRESENTS. j \V<» are showing a complete line, and great variety handkerchiefs.plain, hein | stiched. lace edged and Swiss embroid j ered, with inserting; fancy articles, per j fninery. jewelry, photo, medallions, ! glnyps, dolls, jwicket books, belt buckles and belts, ladies' and children's silk and wool fur top mittens, ladies' neckwear, chiffon boas, starred high collars, fine white and black lace anil silk neckties, stamped linens and material for em embroidery, fascinators, infants cloaks, sacques. silk baby bonnets. l>ooties and moccasins, zephyr hoods for school girls. *ll colors: ladies'pompadour, neck combs, plain and jeweled fancy colored silk garters, with bncklesand satin bows Great reduction in Millinery, aU, hats, trimmed and untri nmed, re duced to almost half price, at Rockenstein's 328 South Main St., Butler, Pa. People don't buy pianos for looks alone. If they did any one of tin- pretty piano cases ottered for sale, with tin* tin-nan attachment inside.would do very well ami not cost much. A few month's use serves to show the dif ference between a good and a bad piano. he t ween a piano carefully made of excellent material and a piano made of pine or any Cheap stuff, slapped together anyhow. The Chase Brothers is as goocT a piano as was ever made. You iDay see it any time you will come in. "Seeing's Free.' They are firmly warranted in every respect, lou run'no risk. Should a piano prove defective you are welcome to come and select another of the same styles and we will exchange it with you free of charge at any time. Every thing in the music line cash or credit. Terms to suit you convenience. We can save you and upwards in the price of a first "'lass piano. W. R. NEWTON, 317 South Main St Butler Pa. To Teachers! The Findley S'udio will offer special rates to teachers during institute on all classes of work- All the new tilings can be seen. Late designs of cards. Copying and enlarging. A. L. FINDLEY, Tel. 236. P. O. Building, Butler. Pa I "dolls" X DOLLSji and Toys*—* • I and Toys< > The Loading Millinery House of Butler County. * ) HOLIDAY OPENING J [ SANTA CLAUS HEADQUARTERS 1899. j | The largest line ii I> -l!s, Toys an! Fancy i kk* ?« fn Butler coanty. Are a || j I , We \Y 1'! S«re ran money II j 122 S. Main St D. T. Pape. BUTLER. PA. a Edison and Columbia Talking Machines from $5 up Records $5.00 per doz. The most wonderful invention of the nineteeth century. Nothing more suitable for a Christmas present. R. L. KIRKPATRICK, Next to Court House. JEWELER. DO YOU KNOW THAT WE WILL SHIP YOU All Charges Paid A Gallon of Pure Penna. Rys Whiskey for $.3 We don't blame j-on if you arc doubtful about ;t, but th irst way to convince yourself is to send Ui a trial order Send the amount either in currency by registered letter, P. O. order or express, and we will !x>x ship and prepay expressageon a gallon of Cabinet 4 year old aye for <> > You will be surprised at the quality of this whiskey. It i* ;uaranted absolutely pure, and is just fchat you need ia the house at this season of the year. What do you think of a \V.*st Virginia Bl.n-k Bran Iv it #2.00 per gallon? We have some of the very bes», made from selected berries and carefully distillcl -put up in gallons, half gallons and quarts—Don't forget that we pre pay expressage on all orders of #5 00 an ! over, e«v ,jt wheie a transfer is necessary from one K*pre<- Co . to another, when we pay expressage to point o' transfer You can make you own selection from the following: Anchor Rye. a good whiskey for the money 32.00 a ijal Cabinet Rye, can't be beat $3.00 a gal Bear Creek Rye, a very fine whiskey $4.00 a ?a Gin, Rum, Eummel, Brandy $2.00. $2.50 and $3.09 per gal MAX KLEIN. Wholesale Liquors, 82 FEDERAL ST., AL! EGHENY- PA Send for catalogue ami price list, nt. :led tree | tDCC OUP HOLIDAY j rKtt ..OFFEP... 3 To each and Whether jrou J I every purchaser f rC an I ;g J * r< M £ J*-® tomer of oars or ; ; 5 of goods from us, W\ not. this offer af : % between December V pfief, an 'is mad ; £ ~ . . simply to maki i ■s 16th and January A . you better a,- | "» wc will present a qnainted with ns : | Christmas *gift. Nad oarjoods. : IS consisting of a HP :£ handsome side « I Uflt board daeapter LIQUORS. I % (see cut) tilled BMCT a FEW Mict ?' with fine table ■mXYIM wine, also a beau- w 6RANDFATHE.. tiful calender for CHQ.CE. - AKtXWvk • *trti|ht J i9°°- J»". v year aid whisluy. 5 N p,r ® a " on \ \ FINCH OVERHOLT j \ OUR MOTTO JP* • l yv- >Uk LARGE GIBS4W | > |S FAIR ■T.VERMI. := GUCKENHE:3ER. E DEALING TO . $i 00 prr*»ilt«ar . * EVERY ONE. ««" 5 Sfc ; »9|,AV ' 5 5 '> 2 : 1 r.tJARAN M 2 ~ QUARAN . TEED PURE. always on hand 1 ?5 We prepay express charges on all rders a#ss or over t>rder- j 15 b\ tuail or telephone will lie MtM'lljl Nxed and slnpjml prompt'u J j| without extra charge. * * j ROBT LEWIN & CO., I IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALERS, ."j Telephone 217%. | 411 Water Street, opp. B. &0. Depot. PITTSBURG P* s f v. ww . Vmm• v ....... \ FOR $4.75 \ / nml .HI M ■ I \ I - ' r • !' . . i »> '-* i '•• r tim '-ui I .imply . i . -r« vi n I. tin' in. a f j n.**!-. Here's tin offer m p A $1.50 Bottle of Rye Whiskey * \ A 2.50 Bottle cf Brandy I SA 1 Bottle of Cooking Sherry r 0 ... - --- ' iA 1 Bottle of Cooking Brandy 6 B ° ttleS S4 75 > vA 1 Bottle of Claret \ # \A 2 Bottle of Champagne / V Tlii ~. I< in- • :.ir \: 1 f l«>tl 1.-- ri' rv i-.- »fiii fr< .f '• .v • I r.. ? >.. r I m Ihi' i.l.ir. r,( »•> M V <l.>tln:il |. 11-.11 t. ~f |.r -•! Ike fMlkfal I M n..,'.- • ?• ? <• ,hVt M 1 I ill-..' f ; Walther Robertson Drug Co . 406 & llh Ave.. Pj. subscribe for the CITIZEN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers